CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 2647 CHILI AVENUE ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14624 585.247.2494 April 18, 2021

CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ)

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CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ)


2647 CHILI AVENUE ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14624 585.247.2494

April 18, 2021

Page 2: CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ)


COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ and United Church of Christ)

April 18, 2021 10:30 AM

The Reverend Steven Price Pastor Mr. Edward Schell Guest Organist Mr. Ron Strong Choir Director Mr. Ryan Hubbell Technical Support

GATHERING Words of Welcome

As we begin our service, just some notes of preparation: 1. For Communion: get a cracker/bread/juice/beverage. 2. Prayer requests – type into the chat function/AAA Elizabeth Fulkerson – Our thanks to Beth for

reading them. 3. After the Benediction we’ll have Announcements followed by our Virtual Coffee Hour. 4. Now take this time to center yourself as we listen to this morning’s Prelude.

Prelude “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” Dale Wood

Call to Worship

One: The Psalmist invites us to sing to the Lord, to make a joyful noise, to praise God with a sounding trumpet, with timbrel, strings and pipe! Many: We gather to make music and pray, to lift our voices in praise of God whose love endures forever. One: Let us sing to the Lord a new song this morning with drums and trombone, piano and saxophone, bass and voices of our own. Many: And let the sea and everything in it and all of creation join in the joyful chorus as we offer our praises to God. One: And whether muted or not - all the church said: ALL: AMEN

Opening Hymn When the Saints Go Marching In lyrics within video Performed by The Weavers

I dare you to keep your toes from tapping as you listen to and sing along to this jazzy version of When the Saints Go Marching In! We will be the “joyful chorus” singing with drums, trombone, saxophone and bass as we virtually march into worship. J

Sharing with Children “St. John Coltrane” A video story John Coltrane is the second of four Saints dancing on the walls of a church in San Francisco that I’ll visit during my sabbatical someday.

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Today’s video will tell us a great deal about John as a child and what his ears heard in the world around him; those sounds shaped him into a famous jazz musician.

Just so we all know, jazz is a type of music bent into being in the United States. Jazz music’s rhythm is unique from other rhythms AND jazz is largely improvisational – which is just a big word for “it’s music that’s made up on the spot!”

Let’s look at and listen to this short story about John Coltrane…

Prayer: God thank you for musicians like John Coltrane. Thanks too for our ears that hear birds singing at sunrise, hear trains chugging down the tracks, and hear parents’ voices as horns playing out loud! We are grateful for music and the sounds playing in the air everyday – it reminds us that you are singing to us in the music. Amen.

Anthem “King All Glorious” The CCC Choir

ENGAGING Introduction to Scripture

Psalm 150 is the last of the five “Hallelujah” (Praise the Lord!) Psalms that close out the entire book. Notice that Psalm 150 begins and ends with “Praise the Lord,” but also that within Psalm 150 the word “praise” occurs thirteen times! What’s going on that everyone and every instrument is praising YHWH God?!

Ancient Scripture Psalm 150 Lector: Jen Kann

1Praise the LORD! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty firmament! 2Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his surpassing greatness! 3Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! 4Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! 5Praise him with clanging cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals! 6Let everything that breathes praise the LORD! Praise the LORD!

Sermon The Reverend Steven Price

RESPONDING Offertory Sentence

God invites us to bring the fullness of who we are into worship and to share the fullness of who we are with the world. So at God’s holy invitation we pause and wonder what can we offer of ourselves to the world? Time? Kindness? Financial support? Prayers? As we listen to our offertory, let us reflect on what it is that we have to offer to bring about God’s peace on Earth.

While no plates are passed during the offering, your gifts are still needed and appreciated for the continuation of our ministries. You are welcome to use the Tithe.ly app on our webpage, send a gift via U.S. mail, or through your bank.

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Offertory “Jesus Loves Me” from Swing Hymns!

Dedication of our Offering

Yes, thank you God and Jesus for loving me – and better yet for loving you and you and you AND so many people who are not at all like you or me! May our gifts serve those who Jesus and God and Holy Spirit love – and may we be creative and find ways to love and serve them too. Amen.

Feel free to grab a cracker or slice of bread and small cup of juice

before the reading of these words of preparation and institution of the Lord’s Supper.

Blessing the Bread, the Cup

Elder 1: Bill KellyCreator and Source of all Life we praise you for Jesus Christ, who reminds us that even in fear-filled days and cloaked with the powers of death, your eternal love arises, and never leaves us. We rejoice with all your people and with the angels, because life is stronger than death! Elder 2: Pam Bakst In this meal, we remember Jesus, his promises, the price he paid for who he was, what he said, and what he did; for our benefit. On the night before Jesus died, He took a loaf of bread, Gave thanks, broke it, and said, “Take and eat, this is my body, given for you. Do this, in remembrance of me.”

The bread of Life, let us take and eat together.

Elder 1 After supper, Jesus took the cup saying, “This is the cup of the new covenant, poured out for you and for all people for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in remembrance of me.” Let us take and drink this cup together.

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Elder 2 O Gracious God, You have blessed this bread and this cup, the wheat and the grape, the farmer and the harvest. These simple elements have been shared in community, so that we would taste and see your goodness and become one body in Christ. Amen

Prayers for Our Community and the World

Continued Prayers during this pandemic: For the way this pandemic has impacted all of creation: God we continue to pray for all of those we love, as well as strangers, who are on the front lines and potentially in harm’s way during this global pandemic. For health and human service providers, for educators and all school personnel, for emergency responders, for law enforcement personnel and for essential workers everywhere.

Hear now our community prayers read by Beth Fulkerson of the requests noted in our chat function. After request… God in your goodness, grace or mercy… People: Hear our Prayer.

Let us say together the prayer Jesus taught those he loved . . .

The Lord’s Prayer Our Father (or Creator) which art in heaven hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

GOING FORTH Closing Hymn Great Is Thy Faithfulness lyrics within video It is just about impossible to find a jazz infused hymn that ALSO provides lyrics… so here is my best effort. Note the challenge of singing the melody when the accompaniment is playing something unique - that’s jazz!


We’ve praised with word and song and instruments galore! Let no one and nothing be left out; let every man, woman and child, every mammal, reptile, bird and bug— let everything that has life— praise our Creator God! Amen

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Virtual Fellowship Time and Break-Out Rooms

Elders for the month of April – Pam Bakst and Bill Kelly

An Addition to Our Easter Blessings for Loved Ones

Presented By In Appreciation of Dave and Carolyn Inglis Ron and Jeannie Strong and all the creative ways they have kept our Music and Christian Education Programs vibrantly alive during COVID.


READY TO SERVE: The Reverend Steven Price, Pastor Pastor Steven can be reached at 733-7121 or [email protected].

Sandy Hubbell, Office Administrator Sandy can be reached at [email protected] or if you need immediate assistance, call her at 617-4009 and leave a message.


2647 Chili Avenue † Rochester, NY 14624 † (585) 247-2494 e-mail address: [email protected] web page: www.cccopentoall.org

The Reverend Steven Price, Pastor (585) 733-7121

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News You Can Use at Community Christian Church

Today’s ZOOM service was recorded. To access the recording, visit our website at Cccopentoall.org.

It will be posted early this week.

1. HOPES and PRAYERS – Tuesdays at 10:00 AM.

Join Pastor Steven via ZOOM for a time of sharing those things heavy on your heart as well as lifting up the ways God has already blessed your life or answered your prayers. A ZOOM invita-tion will be sent Monday evening.

2. Red Cross Blood Drives – CCC has now become a regular collection site for much needed blood in the Rochester area. Judi Tellier has volunteered to be the coordinator for these blood drives and will be looking for folks to help at these events as they come up. Dates have been set once a month, all Fridays, from May through November: 5/14, 6/18, 7/30, 8/20, 9/17, 10/29 and 11/19. Stay tuned for more information.

3. Book Club Reminder – Our next gathering will be on Tuesday, May 4th at 7:00 PM (via ZOOM). We will discuss the book “Leave the World Behind” by Rumaan Alam. Candy will facilitate our discussion. This group is open to everyone. If you’d like to join them, email Kathy Schaefer at [email protected] and she’ll send you the link.

6. Best Wishes to those Celebrating Birthdays This Week April 18 Kathleen Giesen April 20 Dan Robillard, Jeff Zimmer, Madeline Zimmer, Lisa Downing-Forget April 24 Mandy Turk, Makenna Zimmer


Today, April 18th 11:30 AM Virtual Coffee Hour

Tuesday, April 20th 10:00 AM Hopes and Prayers (ZOOM) 12:00 PM Deadline for bulletin announcements

Wednesday, April 21st 5:30 PM Bell Choir 1 Rehearsal – FH 6:30 PM Bell Choir 2 Rehearsal – FH

Sunday, April 25th 10:30 AM Worship via ZOOM 11:30 AM Virtual Coffee Hour 12:30 PM RGMC Rehearsal/Recording – FH (‘til 7:30 PM)

Garage Sale Dates - May 6, 7 and 8 Pre-Sale Organizing Monday, April 26th 7-9 PM Garage Sale Setup Thursday, April 29th 6-9 PM Pricing Items Friday, April 30th 10 AM – noon Pricing Items