BOBCAT BITS HEMINGFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS DECEMBER 2009 Please plan to attend the Hemingford Elementary and High School Christmas concert on December 15, 2009 in the High School gym, with K-6th concert beginning at 6:00 p.m. and the 7th-12th Concert beginning at 7:30 p.m.. The 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th graders will be performing a special show (with some help from the 5 th and 6 th graders). This is a story about a winter pajama party! Pre-School-6th will also sing a variety of Christmas songs. The 5th and 6th grade band will also per- form during the Elementary concert. After a short intermis- sion the High School Choir and 7th—12th grade band will per- form for the public. What a great way to spend an evening to get you in that Holiday Spirit!! Christmas Concert Special points of interest: Christmas Concert-Dec. 15th Blood Drive-Dec. 2nd Cheerleading Camp-Dec. 5th World Stride-Soup Supper- Dec. 12th Christmas Break-Dec.23rd— Jan. 3rd Computers to Give Away Lunch Account Email Holiday Greetings Holiday Homecoming-Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Hem- ingford-Dec. 2nd Blood Drive The Hemingford Fire Department will be holding a Blood Drive on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 at the Hemingford Fire Hall. Hours will be from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. Please call Lisa Haas at 487- 5512 or 760-6082 if no answer, please leave a message. Western Nebraska Blood Center does the blood draw. All blood drawn is used at Regional West and other panhandle hospitals.

Christmas Concert 09.pdfour country, with countless shades of color and countless cultures blended together, all because we are free. Our special thanks need to continue to be extended

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Page 1: Christmas Concert 09.pdfour country, with countless shades of color and countless cultures blended together, all because we are free. Our special thanks need to continue to be extended



Please plan to attend the Hemingford Elementary and High School Christmas concert on December 15, 2009 in the High School gym, with K-6th concert beginning at 6:00 p.m. and the 7th-12th Concert beginning at 7:30 p.m.. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders will be performing a special show (with some help from the 5th and 6th graders). This is a story about a winter pajama party! Pre-School-6th will also sing a variety of Christmas songs. The 5th and 6th grade band will also per-form during the Elementary concert. After a short intermis-sion the High School Choir and 7th—12th grade band will per-form for the public. What a great way to spend an evening to get you in that Holiday Spirit!!

Christmas Concert

Special points of interest:

Christmas Concert-Dec. 15th

Blood Drive-Dec. 2nd

Cheerleading Camp-Dec. 5th

World Stride-Soup Supper-Dec. 12th

Christmas Break-Dec.23rd—Jan. 3rd

Computers to Give Away

Lunch Account Email

Holiday Greetings

Holiday Homecoming-Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Hem-ingford-Dec. 2nd

Blood Drive

The Hemingford Fire Department will be holding a Blood Drive on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 at the Hemingford Fire Hall. Hours will be from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. Please call Lisa Haas at 487-5512 or 760-6082 if no answer, please leave a message. Western Nebraska Blood Center does the blood draw. All blood drawn is used at Regional West and other panhandle hospitals.

Page 2: Christmas Concert 09.pdfour country, with countless shades of color and countless cultures blended together, all because we are free. Our special thanks need to continue to be extended

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The Holidays Approach

By Mr. Ningen, Superintendent, Dec. 2009 As November draws to an end and December approaches, it is important to take a moment and dwell on much that we are thankful for. In each of our lives, even if life has dealt us a cruel turn, much of what we all experience is something to treasure and hold close. All of us can be thankful for our parents, our first teachers, the folks that kept us fed and clothed, and the ones who watch over us, caring for us and fretting over us all the days of our lives. Those of us that have been blessed with children can easily remember plenty of colorful episodes in our time on earth that involve our sons and daughters. Even with some difficult, challenging ones, every day we have with our kids are very special. Good or bad, our short time together is what matters. Make the best of it. School is something that students (and staff) sometimes wonder about, but generally speaking are

all thankful for. It is at school that we push forward,learning all sorts of academic knowledge, andexperiencing all sorts of ways to cope and get themost out of the rest of our years. Teachers aretouched by the efforts and the success of theirstudents, while students eventually understand mostof what their teachers were trying to get across tothem. How can any of us not be thankful for theopportunity to attend church, to travel across thecountry, to choose the jobs we have, to experiencethe variety of sights and sounds that we asAmericans do? America offers variety! There is averitable plethora of people that live here together inour country, with countless shades of color andcountless cultures blended together, all because weare free. Our special thanks need to continue to be extendedto all of those men and women who have given theirtime - and their lives in many cases - trying to helpothers and working to keep our great country free. Itis Veteran’s Day just once a year, but there are 364other days to mail a veteran a note of thanks or totell a Veteran in person how much you appreciatetheir sacrifices. All of the objects of our thanks mentioned in thisshort article have a common thread; they involveeach of us, and they involve someone else. All of uscan be thankful for much, and we owe that thanks tosomeone else. So whether you are in your church, at a meal, orkneeling at your bedside, try to mention specificallya few more things that you might be thankful for.For myself, it is a blessing to work with such a greatstaff here in Hemingford, and a blessing to havesuch caring parents. Most of all, it is a blessing to be a small part of thelives of our children, for whom I am most thankfulfor.

Page 3: Christmas Concert 09.pdfour country, with countless shades of color and countless cultures blended together, all because we are free. Our special thanks need to continue to be extended

HEADING TOWARDS DECEMBER We are over half way into the second quarter of school already. Progress reports have come home again for a second time; I hope you are pleased with them. Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher with any concerns. Please ask your child about their day at school when you see them. I know that they will be excited to share with you. We hope your child is as excited about learning as we are about teaching them. I

believe that we are making wonderful progress each day, but can always strive for more. Our goal is to help each student reach and pass their potential. 6th GRADE DIME CARNIVAL The 6th grade students will be holding a dime carnival on December 4th to raise money for their spring field trip. Please ask a 6th grade student for more details about this exciting upcoming event.


Please make sure your child has the appropriate clothing for the weather. We miss them when they are absent from school. Even though we try to make up their work, they have missed that interaction with their peers and teachers. Please label their jackets,

hats, and gloves with their name. We don’t want anyone to lose their winter clothing items.

BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION Please remember to save the box tops that are found on many different food items. They allow us to earn money for our school. This is another great way to help our school.

UPCOMING DATES OF INTEREST **December 15th -- K - 12 Christmas program starting at 6:00 p.m. ** PLEASE NOTICE: The program will start at 6:00 p.m. with the elementary, have a short break, and conclude with the high school program. December 4th ----- 6th Grade Dime Carnival December 22nd ---- 1:00 p.m. Dismissal December 23th – Jan. 3rd --- (Christmas Break) Jan. 4th ---- School Resumes COMMUNICATION Together we can make a difference Call us with any questions at 487-3330.

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Fostering Education

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We all know how difficult the past weeks have been for students, staff, and families. We still be in the process of grieving for some time; but what we have been trained is that the school tries to get back into the normal routine. There will be happy and sad days for your son/daughter. I am so very proud of the way they have supported each other during this tragedy. The staff will continue to be watchful and Mrs. Hucke and staff as always will be available for students. Please take time during the break to visit with your children about what is happening in their lives whether it be friends, work, grades, aspirations, or stressors. They do have a lot to deal with on a daily basis.

Academic Information Americanism Essay

December 3rd at 1:30pm, students will hear a short presentation by Jeff Harris that ties into topic of the American essay. This is an opportunity for students to show-case their talents and earn extra credit in English.

Progress Reports Progress Reports are an indication of what changes may need to be made for your student for the re-maining of the quarter. Some are meeting the academics standards while some students may need to push to maintain a passing grade. Teachers are available during SST but also they are still available in the morning if that works better for the student. Also feel free to contact the teacher via phone or email. Semester Testing December 18th and 19th will be reserved for final testing. Periods 1, 2, and 3 will be tested on Decem-ber 18th and Periods 4, 5, 6 and 7 will be tested on December 19th. Students will be taking semester test during their regularly scheduled periods. School will be dismissed for Christmas break at 1:00 pm on Tuesday, December 22. Lunch will be served that day. Schedule Changes All 7-12 schedule changes must be completed prior to leaving for Christmas break. If a student is thinking about re-arranging their schedule, they will need to stop in the guidance office and pick up the add or drop form to be signed by a parent. Report Cards Report Cards for the 2nd quarter/1st semester will be mailed out sometime during Christmas break.

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Thayer’s Thoughts

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School Activities

One-Act Competition——The Capricious Pearls District Competition--December 1 (North Platte) Prior to leaving for District competition which is in North Platte on Tues-day, December 1 will be a public performance of the One-Act Play (date--time yet to be determined). The play is under the direction of Tabi Bryner and Kelly Thompson.

Music—Christmas Concert Since the feedback was positive and patrons seemed to enjoy having the Christ-mas Concert as an one evening joint venture; Hemingford is again planning to combine the events to be held on Tuesday, December 15th. There will be a short break to reset needed areas. Elementary Christmas Concert –at 6:00 pm High School Christmas Concert—estimated: 7:30 pm

Winter Activities December starts the 9th, JV and Varsity schedules for speech, wrestling, and basketball. Please check the school calendar found on the website for dates, location and times. Some have changed since the Booster Calendar was printed.

No Activities NSAA has placed a 5-day moratorium on students in school activities starting Wednesday, December 23rd running through Sunday, December 27th. No practicing or coaching is allowed in the facility during this time.

Cell Phones As the school tries to control the use of cell phones during the school day by al-lowing student use before school, lunch and after school; please be aware that when you text your child, it is natural for them pull their phone out and read to see who it is from. If you need to get a message to your child, please call the school and we will gladly pass it on. Even with the best intentions of texting your child during lunch, the service may not come in until they are back in class.

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Thayer’s Thoughts Cont.

Page 6: Christmas Concert 09.pdfour country, with countless shades of color and countless cultures blended together, all because we are free. Our special thanks need to continue to be extended

IORGI’S GYM 2009 STACK UP! On your marks. Get set. STACK UP! From coast to coast, continent to continent, hundreds of thousands of kids and adults came together on November 12th in the name of - sport stacking! The 4th annual event took place in nearly 1,500 schools and is sanctioned by the Guinness Book of World Records. Last year, 222,560 stackers representing 1,343 schools/organizations from 13 countries and all 50 US states stacked together to set a new world record. Hemingford Schools was part of the record making process for the last 3 years and joined in again this year during elementary physical education classes. SKIP’N CAT START Level 1 Skip’n Cats starts Wednesday, January 13, 2010, at 7:45 am in the Elementary Gym. The Skip’n Cats Rope Skipping Team is open to any 2nd – 12th grade student. Handbooks and medical release forms can be picked up from Mrs. Giorgi after Christmas break and must be signed and returned on the first day of practice. CHRISTMAS FITNESS

The Average American gains 7 - 12 pounds between Halloween and New Year’s. How to Keep Yourself From Starting The New Year As Round As Santa

1. Don't try to "diet" during the holidays. Instead set a goal of trying to maintain your present weight.

2. Pay attention to how quickly you eat and exactly what you eat and drink. Chew your food slowly and focus on your companions and the social aspects of each event .

3. Make the effort to continue a regular exercise program

4. Never go to a party or event on an empty stomach.

5. Keep an eye on your portion sizes.

6. Don't let a hectic holiday schedule force you to eat fast food.

7. Avoid Tasting While Cooking.

MERRY FITNESS! Bobcat Bits Page 6

Page 7: Christmas Concert 09.pdfour country, with countless shades of color and countless cultures blended together, all because we are free. Our special thanks need to continue to be extended


by: Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894)

HIS is the ship of pearl, which, poets feign, Sails the unshadowed main, -- The venturous bark that flings On the sweet summer wind its purpled wings In gulfs enchanted, where the Siren sings, And coral reefs lie bare, Where the cold sea-maids rise to sun their streaming hair. Its webs of living gauze no more unfurl; Wrecked is the ship of pearl! And every chambered cell, Where its dim dreaming life was wont to dwell, As the frail tenant shaped his growing shell, Before thee lies revealed, -- Its irised ceiling rent, its sunless crypt unsealed! Year after year beheld the silent toil That spread his lustrous coil; Still, as the spiral grew, He left the past year's dwelling for the new, Stole with soft step its shining archway through, Built up its idle door, Stretched in his last-found home, and knew the old no more. Thanks for the heavenly message brought by thee, Child of the wandering sea, Cast from her lap, forlorn! From thy dead lips a clearer note is born Than ever Triton blew from wreathèd horn! While on mine ear it rings, Through the deep caves of thought I hear a voice that sings: -- Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul, As the swift seasons roll! Leave thy low-vaulted past! Let each new temple, nobler than the last, Shut thee from heaven with a dome more vast, Till thou at length art free, Leaving thine outgrown shell by life's unresting sea!

"The Chambered Nautilus" is reprinted from The Complete Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1895.

Oliver Wendell Holmes was an American poet who had a love for science. Use a dictionary or the internet to see if you can answer the following questions.

1. What is a chambered nautilus?

2. What is a logarithmic spiral?

3. Where could one find a chambered nautilus?


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December Science Corner Provided by the English DepartmentDecember Science Corner Provided by the English Department

Page 8: Christmas Concert 09.pdfour country, with countless shades of color and countless cultures blended together, all because we are free. Our special thanks need to continue to be extended

G r ea t T r u t h s a n d M isc on ce p t io n s o f S c ie n c e

A n s w er s fr o m las t m o nth 1 . T h e yo un g r a tt l es n ak e c an b e ju st a s po is o no us , b u t o n ly b ec a us e h e ha sn ’ t

l ea rn e d to sto p th e f low o f p o is on on ce h e h as b i tt en d ow n o n h is p r ey . 2 . N o s cien t if i c jo u r n als do cu m en t a sp ec im en c al led the c h ick en h aw k 3 . M a n a nd the m a m m o th w er e de fin ite ly in c oe x is ten ce . T he p ow e r fu l bu t

s lo w b ea s t w as n o m atch f o r a p re h is to r ic hu n tin g p ar ty e qu ipp ed w i th a t la t ls4 . N o c on ne ct ion ha s ev er b ee n m ad e b e tw ee n th e th ic kn e ss o f an im a l f u r an d

the p re d ic tion o f w in ter w e a th er Q u es t io n s f o r th is m o nth 1 . W h at i s a h og s he ad ?

2 . T h e W rig h t b ro th e rs d id n ’ t f ly the f ir s t a i rp lan e. W h o d id? 3 . A r e st r aw b e rr ies r ea l ly be r rie s?

T h e ab ov e sta te m e n ts m igh t be tr u e o r co m m o n m is c on ce p t ion s. F o r a c ha n ge o f p ac e s i t do w n w i th y ou r yo un g p e rs on a nd s o r t ou t th e tr u th f ro m the f ic t io n . A n s w er s w i ll b e re v ea le d in the n ex t ne w s le t te r .

Thanks to Nancy and Kim Yardley in the cafeteria, WorldStrides will be hosting a soup supper on Saturday, December 12, in conjunction with the Mitchell basketball games. Serving time will be from 4:00 to 7:30 p.m. Chili, chicken noodle and po-tato soup will be served with those famous homemade cinna-mon rolls (compliments of Dorothy Rowe). Cost is $6 for adults and $4 for children under 12.

Bobcat Bits Page 8

Science Corner-Mr. Olson

Marla Wade—WorldStrides 2009

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Health Professions Club travels to Rapid City On Thursday November 12, 2009 eleven HHS students traveled to a Health Professions Career Day at the Civic Center in Rapid City. There were numerous exhibits that the students could visit and many of them had hands on experiences. The surgical exhibit had the students gown, glove and mask for surgery and then they tried their hand at suturing a teaching model. Our future health professionals!!

IS IT A COLD OR THE FLU? SYMPTOM COLD FLU Sore Throat Cough Stuffy or Runny nose Headache Muscle Aches Fever over 100 degrees/ chills Sudden Onset

Please help us to stay healthy by keeping your student at home if they have a fever over 100 degrees until they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications like Tylenol or Ibuprofen.

Bobcat Bits Page 9

Nurse Judy

Page 10: Christmas Concert 09.pdfour country, with countless shades of color and countless cultures blended together, all because we are free. Our special thanks need to continue to be extended

Hemingford High School Speech Team is GROWING!! We are off to a terrific start of the speech season with 15 students getting ready for competition. Please come and watch our talented students! 2009-2010 HHS Speech Schedule November 21 Novice speech @ Gordon-Rushville January 16 Scottsbluff Invitational January 23 Gering Invitational January 30 Alliance Invitational/ Panhandle Conf February 6 Chadron Invitational February 10 Western Trails Conference @Bridgeport March 8 District Speech @ Perkins County HS March 18-19 State Speech @ Kearney

The technology department has recently replaced some of the student computers in the elementary. These computers are 9-12 years old; and all the school programs have been deleted. We want to give away the com-puters that are still working. They will all need to be reformatted for your personal use.

Hemingford Schools personnel will not be responsible to help with the reformatting, repair-ing or installing new programs. If interested please email [email protected] or [email protected].

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2009-Speech Team


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Graduation Robes

December 5th for 2nd-6th grade from 1-5 pm with a performance during the half-time of the girls basketball game (around 6 pm)! For more infor-mation, contact Suzanne Neefe at [email protected] or call the High School or call Shelly McConville at 487-3883.

Graduation Robes Needed! We have a record number of preschoolers this year! We do a graduation program every spring and the children enjoy using real graduation robes as part of the program. As the class size has grown, I’ve had a hard time find-ing enough gowns. If you have any old graduation gowns you would like to donate, I am in need of several. Size and color do not matter! Please bring any robes you have to Brianne Moudry at the preschool so we can continue this fun preschool graduation. Thanks!

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STAR: Check for Due dates on STAR calendar. Need to be working on STAR projects. Only 27 more school days until STAR competition on January 18th!!!

Secret Santa: Secret Santa will be Decem-ber 7-11. If you are interested in being a secret santa for a staff member, sign up!

Secret Santa breakfast with the staff: Decem-ber 11 at 7:30. Holiday Christmas Party at 6 pm: (potluck)

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C O U N S E L O R ‘ S O R N E R

Juniors and Seniors need to listen to announcements and sign up on my door if they want to attend the college representatives coming to school.

Seniors – Education Quest is conducting statewide financial aid programs that explain the types of financial aid, how to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), how colleges award financial aid, and the student loan process. The programs are free and open to the public. The financial aid program for Hemingford will be held on Wednesday January 13th at 5:30 p.m. More information will be forthcoming. Juniors – I will be conducting 15 minute individual academic conferences with all the juniors concerning next year. These conferences will be held during the month of December. We will be discussing many different topics. These topics include transcripts, drop/add, academic requirements, plans for life after graduation, and many other topics as well. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call me at (308)487-3328. The next registration date for the ACT is January 5. The test date is February 6. The third through fifth grade will again be working on social and academic responsibility. The sixth grade is continuing with leaning social responsibility.

The mind is a bit like a garden. If it isn’t fed and cultivated, weeds will take it

over. Erwin G. Hall

Page 14: Christmas Concert 09.pdfour country, with countless shades of color and countless cultures blended together, all because we are free. Our special thanks need to continue to be extended

Page 1 December 2009


EMPOWERING individuals to become RESOURCEFUL, RESPECTFUL , AND RESPOSIBLE… partners in education

Casper Ningen, Superintendent Mrs. Peggy Thayer, High School Principal Mr. Ron Foster, Elementary Principal Mrs. Mandy Plog, Special Education Director PO Box 217 911 Niobrara Avenue Hemingford NE 69348 Phone: 308-487-3328 High School Phone: 308-487-3330 Elementary Phone: 308-487-Distance Learning Fax: 308-487-5215

Check out our




Hemingford Public School District #10 will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disabil-ity, or marital status in admission or ac-cess to, or treatment or employment in its programs and activities


The Superintendent of schools is authorized by the Board of Education to close public schools in case of severe weather. The Superintendent’s will notify local news media when inclement weather warrants such action. The information is broadcast regularly by radio stations, (KCOW AM 1400, KQ 106 & 97.5 FM, KMOR 92.9 FM), our web site (www.hemingfordschools.org), and Mobius web site (www.bbc.net ).



In an effort to maintain all possible communication links, Hemingford Public Schools will offer numerous ways for parents, students, commu-nity members and all other interested citizens to stay abreast of hap-penings at the schools. Some ways to communicate are: Hemingford Public Schools Website http://www.heminqfordschools.org Hemingford Ledger - Important information is posted in the Briefs. Sports info and other needed school info can be found here as well. Monthly newsletter - Mailed to every patron in the district each month. Also can be found on the webpage. Notices sent home with students Information sent home with reports cards. Phone calls to students’ homes when necessary. PowerSchool for attendance, grades and other notes to students and par-ents found on the Hemingford Schools webpage.

If you have not been contacted by “School Messenger” our web based calling system to alert parents of school cancellations, late starts or any other events, please contact the school. You may have changed phone numbers, or disconnected numbers the school is unaware of. Also, if you don’t want to be contacted please notify us so we can take you off of the calling list. Please call the school of any changes at 487-3330.


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Casper Ningen Peggy Thayer

Ron Foster Mandy Plog Cindy Ahrens Reyna Ansley Gina Benda Sue Benzel

Kendra Bixby Kassy Broadway

Tabi Bryner Tobie Buchheit Deb Campbell

Amanda Chancellor Jeanette Chasek David Chatelain

Ann Chesley Joseph Collins

Joei Cullan Brenda Davies

Sally Engelhaupt Cathy Fingar

Linda Folkerts Jennifer Gasseling

Nancy Giorgi Kim Haas Lisa Haas

Sandy Haas Dee Hannaford Angie Harvey

Randy Hiemstra Matt Honstein Kay Horstman Jeannette Hucke Ramona Hucke Pamela Huddle

Lisa Janssen Phyllis Jesse

Gordon Karney Joyce Klemke Cindy Lanik Tim Lanik

Karla Mapes Kerri Morrison

Brianne Moudry Suzanee Neefe Barb Nikont

Christy Ningen Brad Olson

Michael Olson Michelle Osmotherly

Shawn Phillips Robyn Prochazka

Brenda Robb Patrick Robinson

Dorothy Rowe Sue Shaver

Marv Spath Brandy Stark Judy Stewart Tre Surbeck

Kelly Thompson Pat Vogel

Marla Wade Rozie Wax Chris Weber

Lynn Weldon Kim Wills

Kim Yardley Nancy Yardley

Dennis Zajic Nancy Zajic


Page 16: Christmas Concert 09.pdfour country, with countless shades of color and countless cultures blended together, all because we are free. Our special thanks need to continue to be extended
Page 17: Christmas Concert 09.pdfour country, with countless shades of color and countless cultures blended together, all because we are free. Our special thanks need to continue to be extended
Page 18: Christmas Concert 09.pdfour country, with countless shades of color and countless cultures blended together, all because we are free. Our special thanks need to continue to be extended
Page 19: Christmas Concert 09.pdfour country, with countless shades of color and countless cultures blended together, all because we are free. Our special thanks need to continue to be extended
Page 20: Christmas Concert 09.pdfour country, with countless shades of color and countless cultures blended together, all because we are free. Our special thanks need to continue to be extended
Page 21: Christmas Concert 09.pdfour country, with countless shades of color and countless cultures blended together, all because we are free. Our special thanks need to continue to be extended