FROM THE ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL (BOARDING) Well… it has been a long, long term. The second half of the Autumn Term is always a busy and exciting one, but it can be tough as well, as the work begins to build up, people become busier, and, particularly in November, everyone is starting to get a bit tired. Nonetheless, so many fabulous things are in this newsletter, and this is testament to the efforts and dedication of our boarders and the staff I am lucky to have supporting them and living alongside them. The Christmas celebrations help to lighten people’s spirits, and it was fantastic to see so many boarders involved in our Christmas Tree decorating evening, where the Christmas tunes were blaring, and the atmosphere and sense of community was just fabulous, friendly, and relaxed. This term has seen a great number of trips, from going to the famous Science Museum, various shows (The Lion King, A Christmas Carol and the Nutcracker) to physical activities such as ice-skating. Every weekend there has been something happening, and on top of this, we have enjoyed a great Christmas Party, some fabulous movie nights and quiz nights, as well as enduring Kyle’s karaoke skills! The most exciting development this term, though, has to have been the increased involvement of our boarders in great charitable initiatives. From the second visit to AAA, to litterpicking at the weekend, to helping the Oasis Trust set up for their Christmas Fair or to stock their all-important food bank for the weekend, our boarders are learning about how they can make a difference, as well as learning about teamwork, and their own sense of responsibility and initiative. As well as friendship, boarders are developing values in themselves such as kindness, respect, and a sense of personal independence. Well done to all involved in these important occasions. Assistant Principal (Boarding) CHRISTMAS ‘18 Boarding Newsletter 1 Boarding Newsletter Christŵas Tree DeĐoraiŶg Night!

CHRISTMAS ‘18 Boarding Newsletter · 2019-10-07 · Christmas Carol and the Nutcracker) to physical activities such as ice-skating. Every weekend there has been something happening,

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Page 1: CHRISTMAS ‘18 Boarding Newsletter · 2019-10-07 · Christmas Carol and the Nutcracker) to physical activities such as ice-skating. Every weekend there has been something happening,

FROM THE ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL (BOARDING) Well… it has been a long, long term. The second half of the Autumn Term is always a busy and exciting one, but it can be tough as well, as the work begins to build up, people become busier, and, particularly in November, everyone is starting to get a bit tired. Nonetheless, so many fabulous things are in this newsletter, and this is testament to the efforts and dedication of our boarders and the staff I am lucky to have supporting them and living alongside them.

The Christmas celebrations help to lighten people’s spirits, and it was fantastic to see so many boarders involved in our Christmas Tree decorating evening, where the Christmas tunes were blaring, and the atmosphere and sense of community was just fabulous, friendly, and relaxed.

This term has seen a great number of trips, from going to the famous Science Museum, various shows (The Lion King, A Christmas Carol and the Nutcracker) to physical activities such as ice-skating. Every weekend there has been something happening, and on top of this, we have enjoyed a great Christmas Party, some fabulous movie nights and quiz nights,

as well as enduring Kyle’s karaoke skills!

The most exciting development this term, though, has to have been the increased involvement of our boarders in great charitable initiatives. From the second visit to AAA, to litterpicking at the weekend, to helping the Oasis Trust set up for their Christmas Fair or to stock their all-important food bank for the weekend, our boarders are learning about how they can make a difference, as well as learning about teamwork, and their own sense of responsibility and initiative.

As well as friendship, boarders are developing values in themselves such as kindness, respect, and a sense of personal independence. Well done to all involved in these important occasions.

Assistant Principal (Boarding)


Boarding Newsletter 1

Boarding Newsletter

Christ as Tree De orai g Night!

Page 2: CHRISTMAS ‘18 Boarding Newsletter · 2019-10-07 · Christmas Carol and the Nutcracker) to physical activities such as ice-skating. Every weekend there has been something happening,


FROM THE VICE-PRINCIPAL (PASTORAL) This has been a hugely successful term for all the boarders, the Christmas holiday may be the first time that some of the boarders have returned home and I hope that you enjoy a wonderful break with your sons and daughters. I hope that they return full of stories about their time here in DLD and London. There have been so many activities over the term which has allowed them to form their inde-pendence in both study and living. We truly believe that education is not only in the classroom and the lessons that are learnt whilst in their DLD home provide a unique context in which they can develop as individuals. We are proud of the different support structures that we have around your sons and daughters and hope that this support reflects in your conversations with them. I wish you a wonderful break and a great 2019.

Tom Hadcroft Vice Principal


Boarding Newsletter 2

Boarders helpi g set up for a Christ as Fair ith lo al harity, Oasis

Page 3: CHRISTMAS ‘18 Boarding Newsletter · 2019-10-07 · Christmas Carol and the Nutcracker) to physical activities such as ice-skating. Every weekend there has been something happening,


Boarding Newsletter 3

We were delighted to see the start of students volunteering this term at Waterloo Food Bank. More people than is proper rely on our local Food Bank to feed themselves, and the service has seen a sharp rise in usage in the last year. It is great to see our boarders actively involved in supporting the work of the foodbank to serve their local community, and we hope this is the start of many more volunteering opportunities to come

This term we have seen four Huddles completing AS Tracking, a pastoral tool that allows us add another branch of pastoral care to our tree. This tracking continues while the students are with us and allows us to guide students onto better paths and equip them with the skills they need once they leave DLD. This term it has been really successful and I look forward to seeing the project progress over the coming months and years.

Nicola Borland Senior Houseparent



Page 4: CHRISTMAS ‘18 Boarding Newsletter · 2019-10-07 · Christmas Carol and the Nutcracker) to physical activities such as ice-skating. Every weekend there has been something happening,


It has been great to get to know the different individuals in my Huddle this term, they have been very welcoming and have helped me to enjoy my first term in DLD. I have enjoyed interesting conversation, board games and many belly laughs with the students and look forward to welcoming them back in the New Year for more of the same.

It has been good to work with a focus group of students in developing the rewards provision in boarding. While still in its infancy, we look forward to continuing the development and implementation of a fair, encouraging and visible rewards system that supports and celebrates our boarders as they strive to achieve their goals.

Myles Blair



Boarding Newsletter 4

Boarders i di g i e to relax i the Fesi e Seaso

Page 5: CHRISTMAS ‘18 Boarding Newsletter · 2019-10-07 · Christmas Carol and the Nutcracker) to physical activities such as ice-skating. Every weekend there has been something happening,

PLANNING FOR PARIS! The planning for the trip to Paris in March for Emma and Nicola's Huddle is beginning to take shape! Students will be taking the Eurostar from St Pancras International to Gare Du Nord. From there students will be taking a tour bus to see the sights of Paris to the Eiffel Tower were they will disembark for lunch at the food market which offers a variety of different French and International cuisines. Once all are full we will travel back to the city centre on the tour bus to view the Notre-Dame, visit one of the oldest book shops in Europe, Shakespeare and Company and admire the famous Waterlilies by Monet in the Musée de l'Orangerie.

After a brief stop for Coffee and desert in the Tuileries Garden there will be shopping on The Avenue des Champs-Élysées followed by a three course meal in a traditional French Restaurant before travelling back on the Eurostar back to London. Hopefully the weather will be pleasant for our jam packed day!

Emma Finnerty Houseparent


Boarding Newsletter 5

E a s Huddle Christ as Party & Se ret Sa ta!

Huddle Ci e a Trip

Huddle Trip to A Christ as Carol

Page 6: CHRISTMAS ‘18 Boarding Newsletter · 2019-10-07 · Christmas Carol and the Nutcracker) to physical activities such as ice-skating. Every weekend there has been something happening,

FOOTBALL, FOOTBALL, FOOTBALL! The Staf s Stude t i tu e is al a s a highlight e e t fo e, I eall e jo seei g so e of ou oa de s out o the foot all pit h a d seei g all thei e thusias a d skills. No dou t that ou stude ts ould e tea hi g us a fe thi gs o the ield ith stude ts eai g us 5- , although its the fa tasi at osphe e of the e e t that

akes it so spe ial.

I addiio to g eat goals e also g e fa tasi ousta hes a d aised o e to a ds e 's health. This i tu e does so u h o e tha just eate a g eat at osphe e, it p o otes a d e ou ages ou ou g e to take

oi e of e 's health a d u de sta d that it is al ight to ot e al ight a d to u de sta d that ou a e ot alo e. Sui ide is all too p e ale t i ou g ales a d its g eat to see the ollege suppo i g a d edu ai g ou o s a out these p o le s. The ollege aised a i p essi e a ou t of o e . Make su e ou do t iss out o this headli e i tu e e t ea !

K le Mi ali Houseparent


This term has been so busy, with so many snacks, I can barely remember everything that has happened. There have been so many trips and activities, the boarders have hardly had time to feed me the usual tasty treats, You will understand how aggrieved I feel about this.

That said, this photo does go to prove that cats and dogs can get along. Merry Christmas! Save me some turkey please.

Sasha Taylor

The “DLD Dog”


Boarding Newsletter 6

E gla d V Croaia at We ley i No e er

Page 7: CHRISTMAS ‘18 Boarding Newsletter · 2019-10-07 · Christmas Carol and the Nutcracker) to physical activities such as ice-skating. Every weekend there has been something happening,


As the e d of the i st te loo s, the Housepa e ts a e us pla i g t ips a d a i iies fo e t te . Ou autu t ips e e a huge su ess, a d e a d etu i g stude ts e jo ed a a ied p og a e of e ii g e e ts su h as theat e sho s

a d i te aio al foot all at We le , o i e ight i e o ks a d i e skai g at The To e of Lo do , plus desig e shoppi g at Bi este Village a d a Go Ka i g tou a e t. Ma tha ks to all of the Boa di g tea , College staf a d olu tee s ho suppo ted these t ips.

Ea h Huddle Housepa e t has ee us pla i g a Ch ist as t ip fo thei o Huddle a d as a esult e ha e had: o li g jagua s, si gi g Lla as, theat e goi g la i gos, suppe pa t stallio s, o ie at hi g Ol pia s a d ta ta O tou e s…!

The feed a k f o ou stude ts ake all of the pla i g a d p epa aio fo ou t ips o th hile. Boa di g staf see the e eits of p o idi g a ide a d a ied p og a e th oughout the ea as e stude t f ie dships a e fo ged, ultu al

e pe ie es a d ua es a e e ha ged, laughte a d happi ess is sha ed a d a lasi g e o ies a e ade.

Ou Sp i g 9 t ip p og a e is o ei g ad e ised a d stude ts a e i ited to sig up fo a a ied p og a e a gi g f o a th ee da editaio ou se to a hole da of pai t alli g o pe haps the ight e jo a lassi al o e t at the ‘o al Al e t Hall o a t ip to Lo do )oo.

Pla es fo so e of ou t ips a e li ited a d the get ooked e ea l , so please stude ts, sig up as soo as possi le to gua a tee ou ate da e.

Sheila Price Houseparent Sheila’s

Bowling Huddle Trip !


Boarding Newsletter 7

I e Skai g at the To er of Lo do

Page 8: CHRISTMAS ‘18 Boarding Newsletter · 2019-10-07 · Christmas Carol and the Nutcracker) to physical activities such as ice-skating. Every weekend there has been something happening,


Ou ou gest gi ls Huddle ha e eall gote i to the Ch ist as spi it this o th. We ha e a Se et Sa ta g oup, ad e t ale da s a d Ch ist as t ees i ou o o oo s, a d a t ip pla ed to the i o i O a e a i the i al eek of te .

These gi ls al ead feel like a g oup ho ha e k o ea h othe fo u h lo ge tha a te so it ill e a lo el a to ele ate togethe efo e e e o e heads of ho e fo so e ell dese ed fa il i e.

Jan Haines Houseparent


Boarding Newsletter 8

Boarders prese i g at the Christ as Busi ess Fair

Ja ’s Christ as Huddle Trip as to the World-fa ous

O , for food a d a o ie

Page 9: CHRISTMAS ‘18 Boarding Newsletter · 2019-10-07 · Christmas Carol and the Nutcracker) to physical activities such as ice-skating. Every weekend there has been something happening,


Boarding Newsletter 9

MY ROLE AS A HOUSE TUTOR! Bei g a House Tuto fo the i st i e has ee a a azi g oppo tu it to i te a t ith the stude ts i a o pletel dife e t a tha du i g the ollege da . It ea s st addli g the li e et ee ei g at s hool a d ei g at ho e-a a -

f o -ho e . Stud i e is ot a lesso a d ofe s the Boa de s a ha e to p a i e o ki g i depe de tl ut ith the added suppo t of a adult ho a help, if the eed it, a d to keep the o t a k if the that too. It s also g eat fo a heated de ate o t o.

O e stud is i ished, that s he the fu sta ts! DLD stude ts a e al a s i te esi g a d i te ested a d it is a p i ilege to o e t ith the o e so ethi g that the a e passio ate a out, a d to get s hooled the o thei spe ialist su je t hethe that s hai g a out e usi o gei g th ashed at Pi g Po g. It a e eas to o l see o e di e sio of a

stude t, a d he e a e pushi g the to atai i lesso s e do t al a s eet the eal the . Huddle egist aio also lets e see these ild a i als i thei atu al ha itat the Huddle I pa t of a e the Jagua s! a d ofe s a othe e i o e t he e e a eet, talk, pla a d hopefull , fo the setle do a d get ead fo the e t da ahead.

Bei g a House Tuto has i t odu ed e to a hole e set of stude ts a of ho I ight o l see i passi g a ou d the ollege a d is a g eat a d f e ue t e i de fo e that e a e p epa i g these ou g people fo thei hole li es, a d

ot just fo a e a .

Mark Johnson

House Tutor (Sheila’s Huddle)

& Head of Wellbeing

Mark joi ed Sheila s Huddle Trip o li g at Elepha t a d Castle last eek, do i g this fet hi g Jaguar ostu e

Housepare ts: +

housepare [email protected]


Page 10: CHRISTMAS ‘18 Boarding Newsletter · 2019-10-07 · Christmas Carol and the Nutcracker) to physical activities such as ice-skating. Every weekend there has been something happening,


Boarding Newsletter 10

Singalong Movie Trips!

Nicola’s Huddle— Frozen Singalong

Boarders’ Committee—Greatest Showman

Page 11: CHRISTMAS ‘18 Boarding Newsletter · 2019-10-07 · Christmas Carol and the Nutcracker) to physical activities such as ice-skating. Every weekend there has been something happening,



Boarding Newsletter 11

Page 12: CHRISTMAS ‘18 Boarding Newsletter · 2019-10-07 · Christmas Carol and the Nutcracker) to physical activities such as ice-skating. Every weekend there has been something happening,


Boarding Newsletter 12

CHRISTMAS DINNER AND DISCO! Fo a of ou i te aio al oa de s this as the i st i e the ha e e pe ie ed a

fesi e e e i g i dulgi g i a t adiio al B iish Ch ist as. A hole ‘oast Tu ke ith

all the t i i gs, f eshl ade a i e pies, up akes ith a ou tai of

f osi g... Pa t poppe s e e e jo ed the adults o e tha the kids...

Follo ed a dis o i the theat e hi h as DJ d the stude ts, da i g i to the

e e i g to Ch ist as So gs a d u i g of those suga akes...

A ig tha k ou to all the ate i g staf ho ha e o ked so

ha d th oughout the ea a d p epa i g a lo el Ch ist as

eal. Me Ch ist as!

Amina Sidat

Assistant Houseparent

(Nicola’s Huddle)