Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 EURONS – Meeting of activity coordinators (31. March 2003 at GSI, Darmstadt) Management-Team: * A. C. Mueller/IN2P3- CNRS * C. Scheidenberger/GSI * K. D. Gross/GSI * I. Reinhard/GSI-PT * D. Müller/GSI-PT "Writing Committee": * R. Broda (Krakow, Poland) * G. Fortuna (Legnaro, Italy) * B. Fulton (York, UK) * D. Goutte (GANIL, France) * W. Henning (GSI, Germany) * J. Vervier (Louvain, Belgium) * M. Harakeh (KVI, NL, chairman

Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 EURONS.....is the approved proposal of

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Page 1: Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 EURONS.....is the approved proposal of

Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004

EURONS – Meeting of activity coordinators (31. March 2003 at GSI, Darmstadt)


* A. C. Mueller/IN2P3-CNRS* C. Scheidenberger/GSI* K. D. Gross/GSI* I. Reinhard/GSI-PT* D. Müller/GSI-PT

"Writing Committee":

* R. Broda (Krakow, Poland)* G. Fortuna (Legnaro, Italy)* B. Fulton (York, UK)* D. Goutte (GANIL, France)* W. Henning (GSI, Germany)* J. Vervier (Louvain, Belgium)* M. Harakeh (KVI, NL, chairman of NuPECC)

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Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004

• May/June 2002: Information to the European nuclear structure community by FINUPHY

(Frontiers in Nuclear Physics, EU funded project within FP5)

• FINUPHY Meeting at Trento (28 Oct.2002)First presentation of ideas for JRAs

• FINUPHY Meeting of the Writing Committee at Mainz (7 Dec.2002)Selection of JRAs, suggestion of fundings for JRAs, TNAs, and Networks

• FINUPHY Meeting of Writing Committee, Coordinator, and Managing Institution at the occasion of the NuPECC Town Meeting at Darmstadt (31 Jan.2003)

Status and follow-ups of former decisions

• FINUPHY Meeting at Catania (27/28 Feb.2003)Presentation of status, assignment of individual and overall budgets

• 11-14 April: submission to the EC, handing in „in person“„Concerted action“ by A. C. Mueller, C. Scheidenberger, and Jean Vervier (!)

• End of August 2003: Evaluation Summary Report

EURONS - Milestones

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Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004

....and finally the good news:

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Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004

Budgets for Access, Networks, and JRAs

• Networking and integrating activities: 1.456 k€

• Access to infrastructures: 6.590 k€

• Joint research activities: 6.010 k€

total:14.056 k€

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Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004

Facility Coordinator CountryCRL, LLN, Leuven Guido Ryckewart BE * High intensity isobarically pure radioactive beams, light and heavy ions, neutrons,…

* Forefront studies in nuclear astrophysics, exotic nuclei, radiobiology and radiation effects.

* Access to 900 hours of beam time for up to a maximum of 65 users per year

GANIL, Caen Dominique Goutte F * Nuclar physics and interdisciplinary research* Stable (from C to U) and radioactive heavy-ion beams from keV to about 100MeV/u

* Offering access to the international users community

GSI Darmstadt Klaus-Dieter Gross D * Stable and exotic beams of all ion species from H to U at energies up to 2 GeV/nucleon. * Nuclear structure and multidisciplinary research with heavy-ion beams

* Access to some 600-700 users spending about 5500 person-days at the GSI research infrastructure. ISOLDE, CERN, Geneva Peter Butler EU * Radioactive ion beams for studies in nuclear, atomic and solid-state physics, and life * High-intensity exotic nuclear beams up to 3.1 MeV/u and higher energies

* Consisting of 10 member states, access activity will offer access to 500 users

Univ. Jyväskylä, JYFL Rauno Julin FIN * Studies of exotic nuclei and related applications.* Stable and radioactive ion beams, special instruments (IGISOL, traps, lasers, RITU, GREAT)

* Offering access to Research Infrastructure "JYFL Accelerator Laboratory"

LNL, Legnaro Graziano Fortuna I * Studies with g-array GASP, spectrometers, material science, radiobiology, dosimetry* High-quality stable ion beams from few keV*A up to 20 MeV*A

* Infrastructure offering Access

KVI, Groningen M. Harakeh NL * Leading role in the study of Giant Resonances and charge-exchange modes* S-C cyclotron AGOR, polaris. p- and d-beams up to 200 MeV, heavy ions up to 95A MeV

* Infrastructure offering Access

ECT*, Trento R. Leonardi I * Forefront of developments in theoretical nuclear physics* Coordinate and perform research and training, foster interdisciplinary contacts

* Offers access, encourages talented young physicists to participate in ECT* research and training projects

Sum 6,59 M€

EURONS Access Activities

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Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004

Networks - Overview

Network name Goal Coordinator Institute

MANET Management of EURONS Alex C. MuellerIPN Orsay (CNRS/IN2P3) and GSI Darmstadt

CARINA Nuclear Astrophysics Carmen Angulo CRC, Louvain-la-NeuveGAMMAPOOL Gamma resources in Europe Silvia Lenzi INFN PadovaNEEN North-East European Network Rafal Broda Univ. Warsaw / KrakowMapping NuPECC mapping studies Sissy Körner NuPECCPANSI3 Public Awareness of Nucl.Sci. Helmut Leeb TU ViennaSEEN South-East-European Network Sotirios HarissopulosNCSR Demokritos / AthensSHE Superheavy elements Antonio Villari GANILTNET Theory Network Ian Thomson Univ. Surrey / Trento

Sum 1.456 M€

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Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004

EURONS Networking ActivitiesMANET A. C. Müller Management network of EURONS. Coordination and monitoring of all technical, scientific,

financial, administrative, contractual, and legal activities of the EURONS project.Knowledge and quality management within EURONS.

CARINA C. Angulo CARINA = “Challenges and Advanced Research In Nuclear Astrophysics”. Identify keyforefront studies and a coordinate an interdisciplinary effort in nuclear physics theory,stellar modelling and experimental techniques.

GAMMAPOOL S. Lenzi Coordinate the use of the resources and for experimental campaigns in various countriesowing state-of-the-art equipment for high-resolution g-ray spectroscopy (Euroball detectorsand ancillary equipment).


S. Harrissopulos The activities of the East-West Nuclear Physics Network aim at the further integration ofthe nuclear physics community in the north and south eastern part of Europe.The networkwill explore and enhance the perspectives for these regions.

NuPECC Mapping Studies

S. Körner The mapping studies aim at the survey and presentation of the nuclear physics activity inEurope. Quantify present scale of collaborative efforts, identify the potential of Europeanfacilities to contribute in other areas of science, examine training and career progressionrelevant to the European nuclear skills shortage. Provide the community and the fundingagencies with a coherent picture and advice on the field.

PANSI3 H. Leeb Enhance dissemination of information on nuclear research within EURONS and transfer theachievements of EURONS to the scientific communities, including also those EC-countrieswithout specific large infrastructure facilities and to the public. Training of scientists toimprove their capabilities to communicate with nearby scientific communities, decisionmakers and the general public.

SHE A. Villari Coordinate and improve collaboration of the European laboratories involved in the synthesisof Super-Heavy Elements by exploiting the research capabilities, by sharing equipment andextending collaborations, define common research goals. New R&D

TNET I. Thomson Coordinate the nuclear structure and reactions theory work within EURONS. Bring together theoretists and experimentalists. Training and visits in the development of modern computational techniques, use of European computational infrastructures.

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Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004

JRAs - Overview

ACTAR H.Savajols GANILACtive TARget detectors for the study of extremely exotic nuclei using direct reactions AGATA W.Korten CEA SaclayAdvanced GAmma Tracking ArrayCharge Breeding O.Kester LMU Munic Advanced charge breeding of radioactive ionsDLEP O. Tengblad CISC MadridDetection of Low-Energy Particles from exotic b-decaysEXL N.Kalantar KVIEXotic nuclei studied with Light hadronic probes INTAG P.Butler Univ. LiverpoolINstrumentation for TAGing ISIBHI G. Ciavola LNS CataniaIon Sources for Intense Beams of Heavy IonsLASER P.Van Duppen Univ. LeuvenLASer techniques for Exotic nuclei ResearchRHIB T.Aumann GSIReactions with High-Intensity Beams of exotic nucleiSAFERIB P.Thirolf LMU MunicRadiation protection issues related to radioactive ion-beam facilitiesTRAPSPEC N.Severijns Univ. LeuvenImprovements and developments of ion traps, spectrometers, and detectors for low-e. nucl. physics experimentsEU contribution: 6.010 M€

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Management structure

Activity coordinator

Steering Com. (SC1)

Activity coordinator

Steering Com. (SC13)

Activity coordinator

Steering Com. (SC2-N)

Activity coordinator

Steering Com. (SC9-N)

Activity coordinator

Activity coordinator

... ... ...




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Administrative Project Controlling

General Assembly (GA)

of all participants

European Commission (EU)

Executive Board Project Coordination Committee (PCC)

Project Coordinator: Alex C. Mueller / IPN Orsay

Managing Institution: GSI Darmstadt

General AssemblyOne representative of each laboratory Feedback from and to community, monitor progress

Project Coordination CommitteeAll project leaders and the managing teamSupport of Coordinator in all management issues, surveys the overall coherence of the activities-> elects an executive board (6 members) for rapid interaction with the Coordinator on pressing issues

Administrative Project ControllingAdministrative personsKeep track of financial situation, control „cash flow“

Project CoordinatorThe sole contact person for the EC, responsible for all scientific and administrative coordination of the project

Activity CoordinatorOne person of each activityManages the activity and represents it in the PCC

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DK, A, CH,













EURONS – Financial share of countries

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Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004


Summary: • EURONS is an I3 (Access + Networking + JRAs)

(successor of FINUPHY)

• The "heart" of EURONS are its worldclass facilities

• Goals are:– focus on activities that are in general relevant to more than one facility – reach coherence in ongoing developments, pooling and efficient use of resources, – improve existing infrastructures– increase access to infrastructures– foster networking activities– ensure that the European Nuclear Structure Community concentrates on the most

prominent Joint Research Activities– preserve and even extend the leading role of Europe in nuclear structure physics