Brit. J. industr. Med., 1969, 26, 126-134 Chronic exposure to zinc of furnace operators in a brass foundry EBTISSAM A. HAMDI Department of Industrial Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt, U.A.R. Hamdi, A. E. (1969). Brit. J. industr. Med., 26, 126-134. Chronic exposure to zinc of furnace operators in a brass foundry. Twelve furnace operators with chronic exposure to zinc oxide fumes in a brass foundry and 10 normal non-exposed control subjects were studied. Simul- taneous determinations of zinc concentrations in the plasma, blood corpuscles, whole blood, and urine were made for each worker and control subject, and in the basal fasting gastric juice and in the gastric secretion half an hour and one hour after gastric stimulation by alcohol in eight workers and seven control subjects. The workers showed a statistically significant increase of zinc concentration in the blood corpuscles, whole blood, and basal fasting gastric juice compared with the control subjects. Urinary zinc excretion was slightly increased in the exposed workers. The increase in the plasma zinc in the workers was not statistically significant. Stomach aspiration after alcohol showed a depression of the mean zinc concentration in the gastric secretion after half an hour with a subsequent increase to approximately the fasting level after one hour in both the normal subjects and the workers. Mean zinc concentrations in the gastric juice half an hour and one hour after stomach stimulation were higher in the workers, but the increase was not statistically significant. It is suggested that the zinc absorbed by these workers is rapidly eliminated from the plasma to be excreted through the gastro-intestinal and urinary tracts; excess zinc is stored in the blood corpuscles. The increased zinc concentration in the gastric secretion of these workers might account, in part, for the high incidence of gastric complaints among them. Acute zinc intoxication has long been recognized in industry. Drinker (1922) described the acute non- fatal illness, metal fume fever or 'brass founder's ague', which occurs on inhalation of zinc oxide fume evolved when zinc is heated to a temperature near its boiling point, as in brass founding. Zinc chloride fumes in high concentration have also been known to be highly toxic and may be fatal (Evans, 1945). Chronic zinc intoxication, on the other hand, is still a debatable condition in industry. McCord, Friedlander, Brown, and Minster (1926) reported 12 cases of chronic poisoning out of 15 workers in two galvanizing plants where sheet metal was coated with molten zinc. Gastro-intestinal symptoms dominated the clinical picture. Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, and loss of weight were the most common complaints. Zinc was found in increased amounts in the urine of some cases. However, zinc was not thought to be the only causative agent; other potentially harmful substances, such as hydrogen sulphide and arsenic, were also considered responsible for the poisoning. Batchelor, Fehnel, Thomson, and Drinker (1926) reported raised blood, urinary, and faecal zinc levels in men, engaged for periods of two to 25 years in various processes in the manufacture of zinc oxide and other zinc compounds, without evidence of chronic disease attributable to zinc. They concluded that 126 on September 7, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright. http://oem.bmj.com/ Br J Ind Med: first published as 10.1136/oem.26.2.126 on 1 April 1969. Downloaded from

Chronic to zinc of furnace operators a brass foundry · Chronic exposureto zinc of furnace operators in a brassfoundry EBTISSAM A. HAMDI Department of Industrial Medicine, Faculty

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Page 1: Chronic to zinc of furnace operators a brass foundry · Chronic exposureto zinc of furnace operators in a brassfoundry EBTISSAM A. HAMDI Department of Industrial Medicine, Faculty

Brit. J. industr. Med., 1969, 26, 126-134

Chronic exposure to zinc of furnace operatorsin a brass foundry

EBTISSAM A. HAMDIDepartment of Industrial Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University,Alexandria, Egypt, U.A.R.

Hamdi, A. E. (1969). Brit. J. industr. Med., 26, 126-134. Chronic exposure to zinc of furnaceoperators in a brass foundry. Twelve furnace operators with chronic exposure to zinc oxidefumes in a brass foundry and 10 normal non-exposed control subjects were studied. Simul-taneous determinations of zinc concentrations in the plasma, blood corpuscles, whole blood,and urine were made for each worker and control subject, and in the basal fasting gastricjuice and in the gastric secretion half an hour and one hour after gastric stimulation byalcohol in eight workers and seven control subjects.The workers showed a statistically significant increase of zinc concentration in the blood

corpuscles, whole blood, and basal fasting gastric juice compared with the control subjects.Urinary zinc excretion was slightly increased in the exposed workers. The increase in theplasma zinc in the workers was not statistically significant.Stomach aspiration after alcohol showed a depression of the mean zinc concentration in the

gastric secretion after half an hour with a subsequent increase to approximately the fastinglevel after one hour in both the normal subjects and the workers. Mean zinc concentrations inthe gastric juice half an hour and one hour after stomach stimulation were higher in theworkers, but the increase was not statistically significant.

It is suggested that the zinc absorbed by these workers is rapidly eliminated from the plasmato be excreted through the gastro-intestinal and urinary tracts; excess zinc is stored in theblood corpuscles. The increased zinc concentration in the gastric secretion of these workersmight account, in part, for the high incidence of gastric complaints among them.

Acute zinc intoxication has long been recognized inindustry. Drinker (1922) described the acute non-fatal illness, metal fume fever or 'brass founder'sague', which occurs on inhalation of zinc oxide fumeevolved when zinc is heated to a temperature nearits boiling point, as in brass founding. Zinc chloridefumes in high concentration have also been known tobe highly toxic and may be fatal (Evans, 1945).

Chronic zinc intoxication, on the other hand, isstill a debatable condition in industry. McCord,Friedlander, Brown, and Minster (1926) reported12 cases of chronic poisoning out of 15 workers intwo galvanizing plants where sheet metal wascoated with molten zinc. Gastro-intestinal symptoms

dominated the clinical picture. Anorexia, nausea,vomiting, epigastric pain, and loss of weight werethe most common complaints. Zinc was found inincreased amounts in the urine of some cases.However, zinc was not thought to be the onlycausative agent; other potentially harmful substances,such as hydrogen sulphide and arsenic, were alsoconsidered responsible for the poisoning. Batchelor,Fehnel, Thomson, and Drinker (1926) reportedraised blood, urinary, and faecal zinc levels in men,engaged for periods of two to 25 years in variousprocesses in the manufacture of zinc oxide andother zinc compounds, without evidence of chronicdisease attributable to zinc. They concluded that


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Chronic exposure to zinc offurnace operators in a brassfoundry 127

zinc was absorbed and excreted in amounts greaterthan normal and that relatively large amountsmight pass for years through the kidneys and gastro-intestinal tract without causing any detectableclinical damage. du Bray (1937) described a case ofchronic zinc intoxication in a worker who preparedby hand a solution of zinc chloride used for stabiliz-ing feathers in a pillow factory. Gastro-intestinaldisturbances, loss of appetite, loss of weight, bonepains, hypochromic anaemia, and increased zincexcretion in the urine were present. Zinc was as-sumed to have been absorbed through the skin bydirect contact of the hands and forearms with thezinc solution. A fatal case of 'chronic pneumo-coniosis' was attributed to the inhalation of zincstearate dust (Noro and Uotila, 1954; Uotila andNoro, 1957).The present study was designed to investigate a

group of industrial workers exposed for some yearsto the inhalation of zinc oxide fumes in a brassfoundry, and to study some aspects of the behaviourof zinc in these workers compared with a group ofnormal non-exposed control subjects.

Industrial process

Brass alloys of different compositions were manu-factured in the foundry where the study was carriedout. The industrial process involved melting copperin a furnace at a temperature of about 1,100°C.;zinc was then added to the molten copper. Theamount of copper used varied from 58-85% byweight of the alloy. The amount of zinc varied from15-42%. One or more of the following metals -lead, tin, aluminium, manganese, arsenic, magnes-ium, iron, phosphorus, and silicon-were sometimesadded in small amounts ranging from 0 01-3%according to the required specifications of the alloy.After thorough mixing, the molten contents of thefurnace were poured into cylindrical moulds. Zinc-base alloys were also manufactured in which zincformed 80% of the alloy, the remainder being copper,magnesium, and aluminium. Two open furnaceswere in operation, each giving an output of four tosix pourings every shift. It took from one to twohours to process the alloy, the size of the pouringbeing 400, 500 or 700 kilograms.

Twelve workers were in charge of operating thefurnaces. There were three shifts per day; fourworkers were on duty every shift, two at eachfurnace. They worked eight hours per day, six daysper week, in close proximity to the furnaces, meltingand mixing the metals. They were heavily exposedto the zinc oxide fumes evolved when zinc was addedto the molten copper in the furnace. Neither anefficient exhaust ventilation system over the furnacesnor proper personal protective equipment for theworkers was available in the foundry. These 12

furnace operators made up the group of workersinvestigated in the present study.

Material and methods

A detailed occupational history was taken and a com-plete clinical examination was carried out. Records ofeach worker's exposure to the zinc oxide fumes duringthe whole of his employment would have been in-valuable, but such information could not be obtainedbecause of inadequate air sampling in the foundry andbecause of frequent changes in the composition of thebrass alloys manufactured.Ten normal male control subjects of the same age

group and the same social and economic status as theexposed workers were also studied. They had never beenemployed in any industry with exposure to zinc or toother metals.The workers were investigated on the last day of the

working week. Each worker and control subject wasinstructed in the collection of 24-hour urine samples in anacid-cleaned polyethylene bottle into which urine waspassed directly; toluene was used as the preservative.Following a light supper the day before and an overnightfast, the subject came in the morning with a 24-hoururine specimen and was weighed. For zinc determination,a venous blood sample (about 15 ml.) was withdrawninto a test tube with dried heparin, using a stainless steelneedle and an all-glass syringe. The first portion ofblood was allowed to run off into another tube before thesample was taken.

In eight workers and seven control subjects, a poly-ethylene gastric tube was introduced into the stomach.The fasting gastric juice was aspirated using an all-glasssyringe. An alcohol meal (100 ml. of7% alcohol in metal-free water) was then introduced into the tube and 10 ml.gastric juice vwas removed every 15 minutes for two hours.The subject was instructed to expectorate rather thanswallow any saliva accumulating in the mouth. The 'free'and 'total' acidity of all the gastric juice samples weremeasured by titrating against freshly prepared N/10NaOH, using Topfer's reagent and phenolphthalein asindicators.The 24-hour urine sample was shaken, its volume

measured, and complete urine analysis made. Thecreatinine content of the urine was determined byWootton's method (Wootton, 1964) and the 24-hoururinary creatinine excretion was calculated.

Routine liver function tests were performed on all thesubjects. Chest radiographs of the workers were availableand radiographs of the stomach and duodenum weremade on four workers.

Simultaneous determinations of the zinc content of theplasma, blood corpuscles, whole blood, and urine werecarried out for each subject. In the subjects given thealcohol meal, the zinc content of fasting gastric juice andof gastric juice collected half an hour and one hour afteralcohol intake was also determined at the same time asthat of the plasma, blood corpuscles, whole blood, andurine.

Zinc analysisA modified zinc analysis technique, based essentially onthe methods of Helwig, Hoffer, Thielen, Alcocer,

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Hotelling, and Rogers (1966) and Malmstrom (1956),was used. Precautions to avoid contamination were takenas outlined by Malmstrom. 'Polyethylene bottles wereused to store the solutions. Twice distilled water in all-borosilicate glass was used for preparation of the re-agents and in the analytical procedure. For cleaning thepolyethylene containers and glassware 2 N nitric acid wasused. The nitric-perchloric-sulphuric acid digestionmixture was prepared by the method of Helwig and hiscolleagues (1966) and the tartrate solution by the methodof Kagi and Vallee (1958). Bromocresol green (0 04% in96% alcohol) was used as the indicator solution. Acetatebuffer atpH 5X5 was prepared, as outlined by MalInstrom(1956). Zinc was extracted by shaking with dithizonesolution (07 mg. % dithizone in reagent-grade CC14)prepared fresh every week and stored in a dark borosili-cate glass bottle at 4°C. The standard zinc solution (con-taining 1 pg. zinc per ml.) was also prepared fresh everyweek from a standard stock solution (containing 1,000 ,ug.zinc per ml.) prepared according to the description ofKagi and Vallee (1958).

Briefly, the sample (containing between 0-2 and 2 pg.zinc) was wet-ashed (Helwig et al., 1966). The tartratesolution was added to the acid-digested sample, whichwas then titrated with ammonia to a blue colour, a dropof bromocresol solution acting as indicator. Extractionof zinc with dithizone in the presence of the buffersolution followed the same lines as in Malmstrom'stechnique. The optical density of the sample (D) wasread, with respect to a CCI4 blank, at 620 m,u usinga Unicam SP 500 spectrophotometer. The optical densityof a reagent blank (Do) and that of a standard (Ds)were determined. The reagent blank and the standardwere carried through the entire procedure at the same timeas the sample. The results were calculated from the

formula m = S x Do - D where m and S were the

amounts of zinc in the sample and standard respectively(Malmstrom, 1956).The technique of zinc determination was found to be

satisfactory. Recovery experiments in the absence andpresence of the different biological materials examinedwere carried out to assess the precision of the method.Duplicate determinations were performed on each sample.A standard plasma was assayed and 1 ,tg. zinc recoverywas run on this standard with each subject's zinc deter-mination.

Samples for zinc determination were obtained asfollows: 5 ml. blood was centrifuged in a 10-ml. grad-uated conical test tube at 3,000 r.p.m. for 30 minutes.The volume of packed blood corpuscles was noted.Packed cell volume (P.C.V.) or haematocrit value was

height of red cell column (mm.)total height of column (mm.)

The plasma was separated and 1-0 ml. was analysed forits zinc content. Plasma zinc was calculated in pg. Znper 100 ml. plasma. The blood corpuscles remainingafter separation of the plasma were washed twice withzinc-free isotonic saline and centrifuged at 3,000 r.p.m.for 30 minutes each time. They were then haemolysedwith twice distilled water and transferred to a 25-ml.volumetric flask and the volume was made up to the

mark with water. One millilitre of the resulting homo-geneous solution was analysed for its zinc content.Blood corpuscle zinc was calculated in pg.Zn per ml.blood corpuscles. Whole blood zinc was measured infive subjects. One millilitre of whole blood was haemo-lysed with 3 ml. of twice distilled water and 1I0 ml.of the resulting solution was analysed. Whole bloodzinc was calculated in ,ug.Zn per 100 ml. whole blood.Two millilitres of urine, obtained after thorough shak-

ing of the 24-hour urine specimen, were analysed for zinccontent. Urinary zinc was calculated in ,tg.Zn per 24hours; in ,ug.Zn per g. creatinine; in pg.Zn per litre;and in ,ug.Znper litre corrected to specific gravity 1-024.Two millilitres of the gastric juice, aspirated through

the polyethylene gastric tube, were analysed for theirzinc content. The zinc content of the gastric juice wascalculated in pg.Zn per 100 ml. gastric juice.The t test was applied to determine the statistical sig-

nificance of the difference in the mean values between theexposed workers and the non-exposed control subjects.

ResultsThere was no statistically significant differencebetween the mean age of the exposed workers andthat of the 10 non-exposed control subjects (Table 1).The mean duration of exposure to zinc oxide fumesof the workers was 11 ± 5 years.

Clinical examination showed that none of theworkers had a bilharzial liver or spleen. None hadany liver disease either clinically or revealed byroutine laboratory tests. None had post-alcoholiccirrhosis, in which marked abnormalities of zincmetabolism have been reported (Vallee, Wacker,Bartholomay, and Hoch, 1959). No worker showedsigns or symptoms of the syndrome of iron deficiencyanaemia, hepatosplenomegaly, dwarfism and hypo-gonadism, described among Egyptians by Prasad,Miale, Farid, Sandstead, and Schulert (1963a),and Prasad, Sandstead, Schulert, and El Rooby(1963b), in which they found reduced plasma andred cell zinc levels and raised urinary zinc excretionper gram creatinine.

Urine analysis revealed no abnormality except formild glucosuria in worker no. 5, who was an oldhypertensive diabetic patient under medical control.No pathological changes in the stomach or duo-denum were detected in any of the four workers (nos.4, 6, 11, and 12) radiographed. Chest radiographs ofthe workers revealed no nodulation or tuberculouslesion. Worker no. 4 had bronchial asthma andworker no. 9 had mitral stenosis.

Zinc levels in plasma, blood corpuscles, whole blood,and urineTable 1 shows the zinc levels in the group of workersexposed to zinc and in the non-exposed controlgroup. The zinc content of whole blood was cal-culated from the plasma and corpuscle zinc valuesusing the haematocrit. Analysis of whole blood for its

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Age Expo- Plasma Zn Blood Haematocrit Whole blood Urinary(yrs) sure (yrs) (pg./100 ml.) corpuscles value Zn (pig./ Zn

Zn (pg./ml.) 100 ml.) (/lg./24 hrs)

Worker 1 37 4 96 12 4 48 645 4682 41 18 167 16-6 50 913 3183 33 9 115 10*8 48 578 3634 40 12 90 18 8 44 878 4035 51 21 165 18 5 46 940 5606 30 9 82 19 6 43 889 4087 33 6 76 12-4 46 611 6008 34 5 84 14 3 47 717 4259 27 10 87 7-2 46 378 38210 47 11 83 8-2 48 437 4111 1 36 17 138 16 9 50 914 33812 41 13 72 8-9 42 416 385

Range 27-51 4-21 72-167 7-2-19 6 42-50 378-940 318-600Mean 37-5±7 11+ 5 105± 34 14± 4-4 46-5±2-5 693±212 422+ 84S.D.

Subject 1 49 65 9.1 51 496 3952 40 110 10 2 46 529 3403 28 129 10 0 37 451 4454 24 80 7-8 47 409 3955 39 96 9 7 43 472 3386 41 70 8-0 44 391 4027 30 80 11-4 44 546 3548 41 76 10-8 46 538 3879 27 83 9 5 44 464 34310 35 67 8-6 50 463 314

Range 24-49 65-129 7-8-11-4 37-51 391-546 314-445Mean ± 35± 8 86±20 9 5± 1 2 45± 4 476± 52 371± 40S.D.

Comparison of means P<0 10 P<0001 - P<0001 P<005

zinc content in five subjects in the present studyshowed close agreement between the measured andcalculated values of whole blood zinc, as previouslyreported by Berfenstam (1952). The haematocritvalues in the workers were within the normal rangeand were not statistically different from those of thecontrol group.

The difference in mean plasma zinc for the twogroups was not statistically significant (P < 010),whereas the zinc concentration in the blood corpus-cles and in whole blood was raised to a statisticallysignificant level in the workers.

Table 2 presents a comparison of the mean valuesof urinary zinc, expressed in different ways in thegroup of exposed workers and in the control group.Division of the 24-hour urinary zinc values by thecreatinine content of the 24-hour urine sample gavethe urinary zinc concentration per gram creatinine.



Zinc (pg.)Comparison

Workers Control of means(n= 12) subjects


Quantity excre- 422± 84 371± 40 P<005ted in 24 hrsConc. per g. 403±199 411±103 Notcreatinine significantConc. per litre 528 ±172 436 5±103 P<0 10Conc. per litre 5935± 137 496± 121 P< 0O05corrected todensity 1-024

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Zn conc. in Fasting gastric Zn conc. in gastric juicePlasma Zn fasting juice Zn to

(lpg-. gastric juice plasma Zn i hr. after I hr. after100 ml.) (jsg./100 ml.) % alcohol alcohol

(psg./100 ml.) (pg./100 ml.)

Worker 1 96 49 51 11 622 167 32 19 46 1253 115 54 47 18 384 90 58 63 23 296 82 79 96 47 569 87 52 60 28 38

11 138 65 47 46 3112 72 36 50 36 25

Range 32-79 19-96 11-47 25-125Mean ± 53± 15 54+21-5 31-8±14 50 5±33S.D.

Subject 1 65 25 38 12 182 110 35 32 36 423 129 50 39 22 454 80 38 47-5 38 245 96 46 48 28 206 70 37 53 27 3810 67 16 24 22 18

Range 16-50 24-53 12-38 18-45Mean i 35±11-7 40+10 26-4+ 8 9 29-2+11-9S.D.



Zn concentration in gastric juice

Fasting I hr. after alcohol I hr. after alcohol(pg./J00 ml.) (J,g./100 ml.) (J,g./100 ml.)

Mean ± S.D. S.E.M. Mean ± S.D. S.E.M. Mean ± S.D. S.E.M.

Workers 53 ±15 5*3 31-8±14 4*9 50 5±33 11-3

Control subjects 35+11 7 4-4 26 4+ 8 9 3 35 29 2±11-9 4.5

Comparison of means P< 002 Not significant P< 010

Multiplication of the zinc values per litre by

(D0 0)' where D was the urine density at room

temperature, yielded density-corrected zinc values(Levine and Fahy, 1945).

Zinc concentration in gastric secretionTable 3 shows the results of zinc determination in the

fasting gastric juice and in gastric juice collected halfan hour and one hour after alcohol intake in eightfurnace operators and seven control subjects. Per-centages of fasting gastric juice zinc to plasma zincare also given. In Table 4 and in Fig. 1 are comparedthe mean zinc concentrations in the gastric juice ofboth groups.The mean zinc concentration in fasting gastricjuice

was statistically higher (P < 0 02) in the workers

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e 60-

u 50*

°%40 -


C 20.N



O Workers

ControlVL subjects

30 60minutes post-alcohol

FIG. 1. Mean zinc concentration in gastric secretionfrom eight workers with chronic exposure to zinc andfrom seven control subjects. Vertical line at top of eachbar represents + 1 standard error.

than in the normal control subjects. The differencein mean percentage of the fasting gastric juice zinc toplasma zinc for the workers and the control subjectswas not significant (P < 0 10); but there was a muchwider individual spread of these percentages in theworkers than in the normal subjects. In workerno. 6, the zinc concentration in the fasting gastricjuice was almost the same as in the plasma (Table 3).

Half an hour and one hour after alcohol intake,there was a relatively higher mean zinc concentrationin the gastric juice of the workers -than of thecontrol subjects, more so at one hour, but thedifference in mean zinc concentrations for the twogroups was not statistically significant at eitherinterval.

After stimulation of the stomach by alcohol, thezinc concentration in the gastric juice was found tofollow, in general, the same pattern in both thecontrol subjects and the workers. In both groups,the mean levels ofzinc in the gastric secretion showed


a tendency to diminish half an hour after stomachstimulation and to increase again one hour afterstimulation. The magnitude of depression from thefasting level to the half-hour post-stimulation levelin the workers was statistically significant (P < 0-01)whereas the depression in the control group wasnot significant (P < 0-10). One hour after stimula-tion, there was no statistically significant differencebetween the mean zinc concentration in the gastricsecretion and that in the fasting gastric juice ineither group.

Table 5 shows the average degrees of free HCl andtotal acidity in the fasting gastric juice of theworkers and of the control subjects and in thegastric secretion collected every 15 minutes afterstomach stimulation by alcohol for two hours in theworkers and for one and a half hours in the normalcontrol subjects. Curves of the average free HC1


> 30._




0 l

Fasting Hours post-alcohol

FIG. 2. Average gastric juice acidity (free HCI) ineight workers (furnace operators in a brass foundry) andseven normal control subjects.

Average volume of fasting gastric juice:workers, 41 ml.; control subjects, 37 ml.



Hours post-alcoholFasting .___

Workers (8)Free HCI 10-8 15 2 23-7 29-0 30 3 29-7 24-6 20-7 14 3Total acidity 26-6 23-0 33-5 39-7 41-5 39-2 35-5 31-8 31 8

Control subjects (7)Free HCI 17-8 10-1 20-7 22-4 13-2 9-0 10-0Total acidity 35-8 214 35-1 36-5 27-7 23 0 23-0


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values in both groups are presented in Figure 2.The maximum degrees of acidity reached in theworkers were within the normal acidity range, but theacidity curves showed that the decline in aciditystarted about half an hour later in the workers thanin the normal subjects and took a longer time to becomplete.


The mean plasma zinc concentration for the normalcontrol subjects in the present study (86 ± 20 ,tg.Zn/100 ml.) was significantly less than the meanplasma or serum zinc concentration for normalsubjects found by other investigators (Berfenstam,1952; Helwig et al., 1966). Plasma and serum zinclevels have been found to be the same for the samesubject (Berfenstam, 1952). The mean normal plasmazinc level in the present series was also lower thanthat of 102 ± 13 ,ug./100 ml. and 108 ± 8 lAg./100 ml.reported by Prasad and his colleagues (1963a, b)in 19 and nine normal Egyptians respectively.Our lower plasma zinc levels may be ascribed to adifference in the method of zinc determination. Inthe present study, acid digestion of samples wasperformed but Prasad and his colleagues extractedzinc with hydrochloric acid and precipitated theprotein with trichloroacetic acid. Berfenstam (1952)obtained higher zinc values by extraction with acidthan by ashing. But our mean normal plasma zincvalue was statistically in accord with the meannormal serum zinc value of 91 ± 16-7 ,ug./100 ml.reported by Helwig and his colleagues (1966) among64 control subjects; it was the wet ashing techniqueof Helwig that was used in our study.Although the mean plasma zinc concentration in

the workers tended to be higher than normal it wasnot raised to a statistically significant level (Table 1).However, the workers had a significantly highermean concentration of zinc in the blood corpusclesthan did the normal non-exposed subjects. The meanzinc concentration in whole blood was also signifi-cantly higher in the workers, which is under-standable since erythrocytes account for about85% of whole blood zinc, leucocytes for 3 %, andserum for about 12% (Vallee, 1962).

Chronic exposure to zinc therefore resulted in theaccumulation of zinc in the blood corpuscles whilethe plasma zinc was not significantly increased. Itshould be noted that the exposure to zinc of thegroup of furnace operators investigated was not atypically chronic exposure over the eight-hourshift; it was a chronic exposure to zinc oxide fumeswith repeated acute exposures every day to very highconcentrations. It is possible to explain why theplasma zinc level was not significantly increased inthese workers on the assumption that, on chronicexposure to zinc of the nature described, there occurs

an increase of zinc in the plasma which is rapidlyexcreted via various channels. Blood corpuscles, onthe other hand, act as a storage depot for the in-creased body burden of zinc, and hence their zinccontent is significantly increased. The findings ofzinc metabolism studies in animals (Montgomery,Sheline, and Chaikoff, 1943; Sheline, Chaikoff,Jones, and Montgomery, 1943a, b; Berfenstam,1952) as well as in man (Graig and Siegel, 1960)lend support to our findings of rapid elimination ofzinc from the plasma and its accumulation in theblood corpuscles of exposed workers. This raises thequestion whether the increased corpuscular zincin these workers might influence the activity of theircarbonic anhydrase, zinc being an essential com-ponent of the enzyme present in red blood cells.The mean 24-hour urinary excretion of zinc in the

normal subjects in the present study was comparablewith the findings of Sullivan and Lankford (1962),who reported an excretion of 402 ± 150 ,ug.Zn perday in 22 normal individuals. It was a little higherthan the average normal daily urinary zincexcretion of 0 3 mg.Zn per day found by McCanceand Widdowson (1942), and lower than the meannormal values given by other investigators (Helwiget al., 1966). It was also lower than the mean valuereported by Prasad et al. (1963b) in normalEgyptians. Vallee, Wacker, Bartholomay, and Hoch(1957) found a mean normal excretion of 440 ug. ofzinc per litre of urine with a standard deviation of210 ug. This value compares with our presentfinding (Table 2).Complete collection of urine was checked by

creatinine determination in the 24-hour samples.The variations in creatinine excretion in the workersinvestigated were within the range of expected normalvariation given by Bleiler and Schedl (1962). The useof creatinine excretion as a reference in interpretingthe excretion of other metabolites may, however, beinvalid when based on single urinary creatinines,which was the case in the present study in whichcreatinine was calculated in single 24-hour specimens.Moreover, the concentration of a substance per litreof urine adjusted to specific gravity of 1-024 has beensuggested as a better index of exposure than timedsamples (Elkins and Pagnotto, 1965). In the presentstudy, the urinary zinc concentration per gram ofcreatinine was not statistically different in the workersand the control subjects, whereas both the mean24-hour urinary zinc excretion and the mean urinaryzinc concentration per litre corrected to a densityof 1-024 were found to be higher in the workersexposed to zinc than in the control group, the differ-ence between the two groups having a low order ofsignificance (P < 0-05, Table 2). It can, therefore,safely be stated that urinary zinc excretion wasslightly higher in the exposed workers than in normalnon-exposed subjects.

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Chronic exposure to zinc offurnace operators in a brassfoundry 133

Zinc excretion in the gastro-intestinal tract wasinvestigated, in the present study, only in terms ofzinc concentration in the gastric secretion. Despiteextensive studies on zinc metabolism, informationon the role of the stomach as a possible organ ofzinc excretion is not available either in animals orin man. Zinc excretion through other gastro-intestinalorgans has been studied by many investigators(Montgomery et al., 1943; Sheline et al., 1943a;Mager, McNary, and Lionetti, 1953; Bimstingl,Stone, and Richards, 1956; Rubini, Montalvo,Lockhart, and Johnson, 1961; Sullivan, O'Grady,and Lankford, 1965). Our findings do not allowdefinite conclusions concerning gastric zinc secretioneither in normal subjects or in industrial workers withchronic exposure to zinc. However, they show thatzinc was present in the secretions obtained bygastric aspiration in the normal subjects. They alsodemonstrate that it was present in a significantlyhigher concentration in the fasting gastric juice of theexposed workers than in that of the normal controlsubjects.

There is no information in the literature on thezinc content of gastric secretion after stimulation ofthe stomach to provide a statistically meaningfulrange of zinc in the human gastric secretion. In thepresent study, stimulation of the stomach by alcoholresulted in predictable changes in zinc concentrationduring the post-stimulation period in both thenormal subjects and the exposed workers. Gastricstimulation is known to increase the volume ofgastric secretion and this could account for thediminished zinc concentration in the gastric secretionhalf an hour after stimulation. The increase ingastric juice zinc concentration half an hour afterstimulation in worker no. 2 and in control subjectno. 10 (Table 3) could presumably be explained byincreased excretion of zinc in the gastric juice atthis interval in the presence of an expected increasein the volume of gastric secretion. Individual zincconcentrations in the gastric secretion one hourafter stimulation were either diminished or increasedcompared with the half-hour levels both in the nor-mal subjects and in the workers. This was probablydue to the rate of gastric secretion after stomachstimulation which is expected to show individualvariation. One hour after gastric stimulation,worker no. 2 still showed an abnormally highgastric juice zinc concentration which implies anabnormally high zinc excretion after stomachstimulation in this worker rather than a reducedvolume of gastric secretion.Compared with normal control subjects, the

workers with chronic exposure to zinc were foundto have a significantly higher mean zinc concentra-tion in the fasting gastric juice and a relatively highermean zinc concentration in the half-hour and one-hour post-stimulation gastric secretion. This finding

could be due to turnover of zinc by the stomachfrom an increased load in the worker's plasma, themetal being eliminated partially via the gastricsecretion, or to active secretion of zinc from thegastric mucosa, gastric tissue having acquired ahigher zinc uptake in the exposed workers than inthe non-exposed control subjects, or it may be duepartly to increased ingestion of zinc from the con-taminated hands of workers; or it could be due tomore than one of these factors.

Gastric juice could have been contaminated bysaliva despite the precautions taken to avoid suchcontamination. Although regurgitating bile orduodenal juice might have contaminated the gastricjuice samples bile was not detected in any of them.

Because the total volume of gastric secretion wasnot measured in the post-alcohol stimulation period,and the zinc output or total zinc content of gastricsecretion after stomach stimulation was not esti-mated our present findings cannot elucidate the mag-nitude of difference in zinc excretion through thestomach between the workers with chronic exposureto zinc and the normal non-exposed individuals. Butthe difference in mean gastric juice zinc concentra-tions beKtween the two groups could suggest that, onchronic exposure to zinc oxide fumes in industry, thezinc concentration in gastric secretion is increased,gastric secretion having been found in the presentstudy to be a normal excretory pathway of zinc inman. This increase in zinc concentration couldaccount, at least in part, for the gastric complaintspresent in 10 out of the 12 workers investigated,zinc chloride being known to be highly irritant to thestomach mucosa. The gastric complaints, mani-fested mainly as epigastric pain after food intake,could also be due to the presence of other atmos-pheric contaminants such as the other metals usedin the manufacture of the alloys, or to the type ofgastric acidity curve of the workers (Fig. 2). Thelatter would probably potentiate the effect of in-creased zinc concentration in the gastric secretionof the workers.

Thanks are due to Dr. S. Soliman, Department ofAnalytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, AlexandriaUniversity, for his help in the development of the zincanalysis technique.

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Received for publication July 2, 1968.

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