¡Governor Smith Given Dinner ut Lotoa l'lui» í;m»*"I I**«#li In Cood Wliliet?, Cbarlei E. IIukIm»» Saya in Compliment More than three hundred member« of tna Lotos Club honored Qovomor Al ired E. Smith ut a dinni r at the rooms .f thu club, no West Fifty-seventh gtreet, last night. Chester S. Lord, preiident of the club, presided. Among the speakers were Abram I. JSIkus, chairman of the Stato Recon¬ struction Commission ; former Cover nor Charles S, "Whitman, Charles E. Hughe«, the Rev. Edward P. Tivnn, Frank Cobb, editor of "The World," Supreme Court Justice Robert F. Wag¬ ner, Martin Saxe, nnd, of course, the Governor. Governor Smith emphasized the op¬ portunities the office offers for service to the state and said he could think of no more honorable employment than being Governor of New York. Former Governor Hughes declared he was glad to join in the tributes to Governor Smith anil referred humor- ously to "the slight difficulties" which he, when Governor, experienced at Al- b»n.v' ., ... "I am sure we are all united in af¬ fection and respect for the Governor of New York," said Mr. Hughes. "He han served the slate with conspicuous fidelity. He has been true to his trust and he has the happiest of all records that in his long political jour¬ ney he has never lost a friend nor be¬ trayed one. There never has been a man who attained this high office with more friends nor with more good wishes." To Investigate Fair Board Governor Acts on Complaint of Onondajíí. Prosecutor An investigation has been ordered by Governor Smith into the affairs of Ute Mtitlt< Fair Commission, following the reoelpl by the Governor of u let« tei from .lohn il, Walrath, District At« torne*/ of onondnuH coiitiij), charging tii» eommiiiion with "h<<gulariih..« amounting to crimen in many in Ntaneee," Aiiiuiig Him Irregularities, im ohargei, me that "there are apparent cuses of forging of payroll« and payments of al¬ leged employee for service»" not ren¬ dered." Governor Smith iin« named Clinrles E. Norris, of Carthage, N. Y., nu a spe¬ cial investigator in tho case. France ami Spain Are Linked by New Tunnel Along with pcac* news nnd war new:., tales of revolution in Europe and of industrial trouble in South America, comes a live-lino dispatch from Madrid announcing that a new Pyrenccan tunnel has been finished between France and Spain. This new physical link in the league of nations has quietly gone on to its finish, while millions of men in arms were forget¬ ting tho arts of peace. Here is an un¬ dertaking that men talked about for years before it was begun, and it is completed at a ignificant moment. Tho Pyrenees form one of tho most for¬ midable natural walls reared between any two nations of the world, and with this tunnel finished and threaded by a railway the phrase otice of high political significance in France, "There- are no moro Pyrenees," becomes for tho Midi, for Central France arid East¬ ern Central Spain a physical fact. Take your map of Spain and you will find a few miles southeast of the little free republic of Andorra, lying in the Pyrenees, between France and Spain, ¡i pass running at ft high elevation across the mountains between peaks that ri?e to a height of more than 9,500 fe et. Federal Reserve Banks WASHINGTON, March 29..Government deposits in Federal Reoervo banks continued to increase this week, while the ratio of reserves to net deposits and Federal Reserve noto liabilities went up three-tenths of 1 per Cent. The condition of the twelve Reserve banks at the close of business Friday night was as follows: RESOURCES Gold coin nnd certificates. Gold settlement fund (F. R. Board). Gold with foreign agencies. March 28. $326,791,(XX) 563,577.000 5.829,000 March 21. $329,741,000 566,864,000 5,829,000 Total gold held by banks. 1,113,070,000 1.112,938,000 Gold with Federal Reserve agents. $896.197,000 $902,434,000 Gold redemption fund. 133,038,000 125,470,000 Total gold reserves. $2,142,305,000 $2,140,842,000 Legal tender notes, silver, etc. 68,219,000 67,736,000 Total reserves . $2,210,524,000 $2,208,578,000 Hill» di!-rr>unteds Secured by U. S. war ob¬ ligations .,_ $1,691,010,000 $1,691,678,000 Ail other. 195,230,000 189,861,000 Sills .ought in open market. 248,107,000 261,924,000 Total bills or. hnhd. $2,134,347,000 $2,143,463,000 UflUnl tîntes «ovprnmpnt long term epotirltiea. 27.138.000 27,222,000 OlUedMtatee pnvpriim'tphort term securities 173,797,000 172,471,000 All oihef rarnlriK nesets. 3,000 4.000 Totti purnit,!« anéete.,.,,,..«*.«... Bmi> im- mint i ,. fOntoUeoted Uemg ,, >..,,...»... .......... j riv" !'«¦. ¦.¦¦m. r«--t"ini)U»ni fund »gainst Fed i erst Reserve Dank m.u».,, f AU other resource*. $2,33&,2r.L,,0OO 9,/12,000 I'lCO.WO.WK) 7,067,000 7,274,000 $2.343.160,000 9,711,000 707,303,000 0,901.000 7,772.000 Total m .,,.»¦¦ ,.,,.,,,,,,.,,. $6,220,^28,000 $5,3/3,426,000 UABIUTItl Capital paid in. $81,641,000 Burplu* . 49,466,000 Government depoaits . 168,147,000 Due to member banks.Res ¡rvo account. 1,631,167,000 Deferred availability items. 484,906,000 Other deposits, including for'n gov't credits. 117,271,000 Total gross deposits. $2,401,491,000 Federal Reserve notes in actual circulation... 2,521,776,000 Federal Reserve Bank notes in circulation, net liability. 145,540,000 All other liabilities. 30,014,000 $81,612,000 49,466,000 286,785,000 1,604,719,000 555,019,000 120,426,000 $2,565,494,000 2,510,687,000 142,442,000 23,269,000 Total liabilities . $5,229,928,000 $5,373,425,000 Ratio of total reserves to net deposit and Federal Reserve note liabil¬ ities combined, 51.9 per cent, against 51.6 per cent the week before. Ratio of gold reserves to Federal Reserve notes in actual circulation after setting aside 35 per cent against net deposit liabilities, 63 per cent against 63.5 per cent the week before. important Developments in BOONE OIL \> Mean Higher Price» Write for fjarticul'iri STOCK BOUGHT, SOLD AND QUOTED Frank E. Herma & Co. SPECIALISTS *ti»bei". New York Curb Market A.soclatlon 52 Broadway New York Phon* Brjcd 6741 REAL ESTATE LONG ISLAND RESORTS EAST OKANGE.NEW JERSEY NEW HOTEL CLINTON Kait OKANGK, « N. J. A r.-.rri;,;.,. ).,,rn,. hotel; charming .wMloii; rooms «ln»çly arm en »ulti-, pri¬ man but'.», telephone«; n.-i.r Brick ¡.web BUUon, »5 minutes to Broad« «y; «i«.,. Diamond goring Inn, Den- tUuttrateá bocktet. EDWARD M. SiMVlMIS LONG ISLAND CITY" FOR IMMEDIATE OCCL'I'ANCV. 5,000 to 125,000 Square Feet. I Ireprnof liullrtlnKH, \\H\i er «fitItOUt rail sidiiic Will build for future «eeupaney t<> suit ifiiiilrfinrritN. R0MAN-CALLMAN COMPANY, itriilce l'Inxii, LONG ISLAND htv WATER FRONT Art »-«tat« of 7 acres, beautifully laid out; larç» residence, stable?, parase, gardener's cottage, lodgo house and other buildings: all practically new; eu- pi-rb location, commanding unusual marine, views. »^<S i'.irrounded by larrje estate«. Prices.a sacri¬ fice.yïj.oco. Particulars In full of HARRIE A. BAXTER. 489 6th Ave.. New Yark. GREAT NECK Cholea »eloction ALONO the Sound HARRIE A. BAXTER Cr.'at Neck, h. 1 ami 489 Vh Avo., N, Y. BOKOÜOII OF QUEENS A DAROAW.. Astoria, pnar ron-rprilonrc»., 2-story, cemanted cellar. 18 rooms. 2 Intim, '¿-family, new brick house; all lrnproremeriU: ficparato en¬ trance; ÍS.U0U; J1.OO0 «ttsi». ltuvcn. Cij ltomacn ATLANTIC < ITY, NFAV Jr.HKKY JOTEL B0SC0BEL jl' :' kI,ATf "'" manhm iir.iKrr<<. Vor OüOMT to KNOW ,'«KMiM/rov INS r/>H'IKIO>. M AHM. "bei. May U VHU r-»w.xi. Moat MiAna ti,n ('ornplrtf. MMtMaV tint,,] j. gas» Boftaild O**«, JI-.(rie!iV» At)»'- pitar« !"*-/« I,.«», .1^,1,1,. l)S|,ll,,g, «¦¡*»«i.»r, i/rita*» t.atba Murta . «... _ Aiumn» mi, t, wontUrtvi (Wwr. May ». M | .... ,, ,,,.., **~w«i ^tWTRy BOARDER* WANTED ¦^irT'^Ä Käst i «w.A/ARTMKNTH TO LET WEflTCIl ESTER COPNTV AN OITdliri'.NITV Til ITIICHAHK A IlKAI'TI ful coumnr pía« at Rjr», Ne-w York- i,., .,T.h NKW JKUNKY rilOMVON. (»«.rÍHuii,,,. (.,,' i,? V wajr. WootWlfl N J ti,,,,,,.4", Vnon rv,¡l 4¿d Htr.-et Kerrloa l'.IUtd,. ,-ar (o ;;j»t M i HACKK.SMAfK, 7 room hOUaa, »le»rn flreoii,, p«i"jt..-t floow .11.. balh; a y.-ar« old'HîSS' TO LOT FOU BUSINESS PUlÎPOSËS NÍW KIX rlTOKY JlI'H,l.;l,\() ON KIKTII IVí m v.. WMrWKKN im avi/ 4/1» Vní' M.i! iii.r ON LONG TKUM ;««»''. VVAKf;,IKI,|. INC. M KANT «¡if. KTK,RT * 0ARAQE WANTED /""« AIJAar*ir 'Miíiti'i in «'uni locution. VJ**"l «*.-."»Via-«- r'n»h nniurlty r*"«<ly or A'l.lriH!« U. O 61, TrllmtH fi;knihiie» houses to let ur.Moor.ijeD Ï01 mk, iircAt. /^»a autTst on ttiiwi'-lan, 12 n«,in«. fl hatha; »'liDlaea .lutrl.-i ¡«A»« 1? rr.fioUi«; 1300 (run luMAmr, ¡iriiAemlim» until llutD. 'I'Hi.iHiKn rainant ,¦'.:,!>/. «M«* 'i< «éa. I IIOAKO WANTED (mmI /awlah Iimm. n«ri»m, forkvlll«. '¦r tuburhan Iwalltlaa, in wiii.h to iiic* illililrrn ll'ilii 5 t.i / /(i«(s .t /»te ut ili Apply I., I'll, Miii.i ol 11.« iluar.i- IH«ibi, IHI.H.W Ulflia» Aajiuru, 15Í0 Aw- ,<*fl*iu a». M »HT, POUND A NI» H KW A MM »ff'Hi lUeWAJU) for ii.r.i.!fiiin.,H ut ramm "f it ni »y Si m nnFi Iftlll modi I, t<t>.< i. wir» wln-M« (îoiih, IliienHi*! «tillan npnoitlu Itlppodroinij TlntiM***, lu l'bi m, Mood»*) nifhi, Mim h ¡m, hatwvi n h ami mi p, m, a. h in,.,! Ltoul« luuliaol, New Uriuiii, -Jonni UlHT l'IlAYKfl IIIMIK AMI IIVMNAI, Ml Till* Pi impal htm ii. n i-i,i,.i.i, iiinrniiig. iii-fwnii l'Hii mi,) ¡istli ht» in oinnilm« nr Un, hir. et; n ward Mr., ra>\VAIt|is HI'KMlll, Il Wut 1Mb lt. Tolephone !ian:i 'I» LOBT..LAIUJB BJflWAItD FOR llhTt KN OV l*l<¡ ailla ullt-lnruiu! ,*rd oaao, li»it Mareh 14. Army HOtMltal, I77tli ht. Iloturn Valu Club. Liberal re¬ ward contents of case. WIM, l'A UT V wlu> fi.iinri ),|i., |i, a<l"il l'f<K on KitubiiHh or Fifth uve. car Friday. ». m. (pin h, bnit bolringed to a «on killed in Branoo), return t.-. Mr«, r.'orneit, 7J4 '"'"'¦ «t.. Brooklyn, Liberal reward. COMMERCIAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES v'í'í'JiV-' jjpàtoïmïm exchÂNgïT 00 .NA.^AI ST. iiooM 800. ..,... NO IIKOIKTHATION* 1T.K M'n.NilCItAI'UKlîS, ripert 12-, to 110 HTKs;<».¡itAi'iii:.is tiaunnca- I*...?.. Í25 trtî »'-*»Ai*iiKits. Commorotal .$18 to STONoaiiAl'HUiis, bcglnnorï, excellent opportunity . tu TYI'/ht. Dookkenn« ....... '". .iii 'tri i'i TVl'IrîT, jmUCIer^ * j.' [ \ \ \ \ \ \ [ J|g {u' & HELP WANTED MALE I.NSTHI (TIO.N. I.KAIt.V ¦SXKCTJTIVW rUBLIC (C I' A.) lNDUSaillAI, .ExriBTH inanM fÍiCdCOÜNTANCT ni« readjustment of commerce ana industry te * peace basis, tho reconstruction and reorganisation er Aüift.i u.i t-nalnies »lo:,« mor» efficient litios th« moro g entitle una.ij-,la nf co»ta to meet domeatl.i »tul ivorld competition anil the iirvosMiy for »ecu- fat« li orna and meess proflls tat report» to the UOvcrnwer.i in-.»;i c reato-! thousaud-i of new and attractlto opportunities for v/stüia..«,' position* t'j the V.irbrr B'i-ounllng fluid ni:; wobuvs grííatkrt .lr. KXTI5N8ION ÜNITEKSITY -.¦id puni ambitious nun and woman, either with or «-,:heut !;...jt,l coping experience. uiiiW !!.,-. n'iet-'t .-»..- .:r,i| supervision or ono of Itu staff of -'"'i''- i!.'!lé. Accountant«, and teach thern I',' :::'.T" ' "I HOURS OK TnEIlt flPAfll* il.Mi: lURorjqii LvmviRUAL hum:*. rsArNiNO, to muter th» gpctddl Innnrledxe uiid prar.Ueal pro- if tu»« nocessary to oua'.lfy tl.om for important at- counting -.vi iv. LOW TUiriOlC. LtNiTENIENT TFUMS A'ld.-fsn for lutmiew, (t!T)f.g i.^f, poeltloo, oöu- rat.ori ae--l ttltiiVioea :n¡ril;t>r. 11,-Rtctriir, l-ootctlli:« L.ixjt.t. r:,;.."i Squaie IIri>nch, New ïcrlt. ItO YOU WANT A BIOOEA .'Ollt You Neeil Moro Mont'jp ,.... . . Xout Family Xtn-il» .Mom TOU AltH TUB ONK WHO TIUINFOIl HAS TO GOT IT,, KXKCUTTVB PUBLIC (C. P. A.) INDUSTRIAL ACCOUNTANfJT I run "(-.y biforn you a Tory ileflnl'o urtl i.Orr.etlVB ciipoTtuMlty to employ a pRrt of your LKI8U1U3 TIME In u ivay that «III lirlng to you H)vr-rnl llmrs touch aa tlio eompenr.atlon you Kro noy/ receiving. I would !)!<« to talk with you ahnut this matter SOLELY I-'HO.M THE STANDPOINT OF YOl.Il OWN INTBIUOBTS. If It clovcioi« tiiat I rnnnot Borto you in any way I hate hi mind, 1 vlll tell you so frankly. Both Individually, and through my business associates, I have helped many men and women tn doubla 'fr trehlo their Income«. I'HOBAIILY I CAN DO AS MUCH I Oil YOU A leu or fifteen minute Interview will decido tho n alter one way or tho other. Address fer Interview, kIvIiik age, posi¬ tion aid telephone number. I*. A. M., i'ost Offloo iio.t, I'll, Times Kininro liraneh. an orrnonn jon von ftED-BLOODED MEN. Traetor miuiufii'li.'ierf. are eallliiR for trained men to handle their output! «alarles paid arn higher than you can earn for llko work In any Plmllar Irnn.h of Industry, Thev need YOU. 'lids Is YOl'H 'ipimrtunlly to tie up with a new splendid Industry with a gieat future. On our bulletin board aro "ills fur SALlîPMÉN npKUATortP iiLMnNf-TfiAToitíi i--.;,Mip;i-:rn's ^'^.e ran train yoti In a few weeks fot on» of these Jobs.waiting for TOO. Write, fall or 'phono In day fur frotj pass I" our BllOpS and Bed traelors In opefatloh. Y M C, A. TIlACTOIt PfimoL. 109 E. Stlth Pt., N. Y. Tel, l^enoi (KlDl. LAIHIOM* IHtlVINU AV|i \||-('MA-f'li'AI. f't'ltWI-,, AMCItli A'-. A' TO Ml I I'M It,. 7 ''I LfiöP INOTl N AVKi (M'THl, rl.A/,.', 4111'J. LliAtlN 'I'O **h A »'lUIflM-Oil =IM«UIfll «Ml pH'ttlllblf W'lki »1»< Mini «»«Hill« flu-"»"» Henil ti,l i,... |i.i,i|,|»i lili vilo,»'« pass. Went Midi Í M (' A HIT W«l '.ÍH. «l TNi'lti'jAMl'i Yi.iii IMeOMW l.i. nl pnntll llilHllio t.M -, Uli Mllltil- II,, n (¡. mil ..f in, 111 I' on.I I, ,n ,i id. ililliilllolillo I.,mil. .11 II;, |(|l*l IT 1411. PHa i. in,,,i lu .*; y v.,» v m i,.f woiiii mi,m in your employer if r*nn ar« an «». iiert maoiianlo. Mi-i-iiiinii »I i'Iubh CJnur»» |4fi, witli lirlvln« |0fi MallMfaotjnn gusran- toad, wilt. for Cat, T. Tl. ''in li '" i" Tllld HTI'U'AIIT A T< i.M MM,M l-KTIOOU 2ü/s West 67th St., »t Broadway, HELP WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT- -Corporation building thron largo retine) lea wants to pocuru tho »nrvlei-H of a thor¬ oughly experienced cost accountant to Install and tako eluirgo of the malntonanco of iho neeeNsary aystenm. One with oil rnllnery and construction ox- ¡inrleiieo prefened. Thla Is a pormoncnt punit ion with t.ho best chances of advancement for a con¬ scientious and ambitious oocountant. A loiowlodgo of Spanish will also help, but Is not essential. In order to secure a personal Intorvlow give n com¬ plote record of paît oxperlenco, salary dcslrod, etc, Box A. H. ni, Tribuno, ACCOUNTANT.Ono who ciui take charlo of con¬ trolling accounts, make up detailed depart¬ mental. Ilnajn-lal and miscellaneous reports, and have general supervision "f all aneuntlng of a cor¬ poration ai.il li« subsldtanes. Ututo uge, oxperl¬ enco, reforonco and salary. Ilox II 42. Tribune. AQENT8 AM» CANVA8SBBS Hill money: soil miv Oriental novelty; going llko hot caite«; every woman buys; big stock on hand, immediate, shipment eall and look over this proito- Hlllfin. Oriental flower Head "Jowolry Co., llooin 609, Marbrldge liulldliiB, 1328 llroadway. corner 84th at.. New Y'ork. AGENTS WANTED to sell the only No-Carbon Korowno Oaa-Maklng Burner: fita any ordinary sized COOkBtOVO or heater; consumos one gallon In li to 8 hours: child eau Install; blue flame; no odor; retail $"> to $S; agent's prleo. $2 each; guaranteed three year«. 'Die Consolidated <Ihs Having Cooker. lOO Worn 83d Street and 141U Hroadway. Assistant PURCHASING AGENT, Young man, 24. employed at present with a largo :>eof corporation, would llko to connect with some Dther eonceni; ha« liad 5H years of purchaslne »x- perlenen; am capablo of taking charge of depart- TK«nt: has knowledge of stenography and typewriting; lalary »''O. Write G. II.. Box 148, Tribuno Oflleo. 80OKKEHÎPEB..Young man, Christian, under- hi amis typewriting: stato reference, experlrneo and salary. Apply by letter. U. 1). lt., 121,9 flushing av.. Brooklyn. _ HOY' WANTED for button house, to nin errands; good chanco for advancement. Drucker ¿L Ilern- !,;,,. I!", West Slit st. BOY wanted to work In hardware store; must have' good reference« and live In neighborhood If poa- llblc. !.. Olldson, 31T.3 llroadway. HOY for delivering packages and generally uscrul, wlUi reference»; salary to start. $9. Drug store, list st. and llroadway. BOY wanted: linn opportunity to learn trade. Call In person. Chromatic Process Engraving Co., J60 West *i4th at. BOY to learn high grado jewelry trade; references required. Oilb & Oom. 7 West 4Mh st. 'AHIUACH PAINTER wanted to bring up work. Kd Jahraus. 4(¡9 Division s: Perth Amboy. i. J.' 'OMPOSITOIV Slono hand, Christian, with snmn executlro ability, to assist foreman; good op lortunlty l" harn: slate salary and experience, ».ddress Ho« B. 200, Tribune Offleo. EXPERIENCED TYPIST. i INK WHO «'AN COMIMiHI- A OOOD l,K'ITI,lt, Knowledge of Dictaphone Desirable, EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY. AlillllKHH A. |u HOX II, Til I III NK iWlfK BOWWrmanitnt position. r*p»tltrri uppiit Uiuliy. beat*.iWwiui.-k Couiiiany. lij ifUUU aft. MSM» WANTED MALE III !. 1,11 AM. UANAOKIl II W«.ltd IHM.M Abraham A Rtraua i ulion iiumi itr.x.t. y i. ;«<|iilro II,., lerrtnaa ¦>! an .-i|,. 11.in.. ,| designer an<| manager lor Unir In. Workroom, Only tl»»,» i-uiialilu of estimating ami uklng .«den for tin, hlghcl. la.s of WOT* neat] apply by mall only, addressing Hiiporlhlrnileiii KIIRAM) riUY WAITED I). VELTRY, 426 FIFTH AVENUE. packer, experienced, photo aupplio», Wllloughby, 110 West ¡ßd rt. ri'.IM'KH WANTED..Pennayltanla tosw In proa- Pïrous mining dlatrii-t, no danger of iny. rr a competent man to take 'barge of «mail iirlritln« plant; knowledge of general priming only raqulrad; ¡iron not h, an export; willing to advance and loyalty will ko » umg way toward advancement; union or non-union; must ho iirlctly »ober, Apply, »tatlng .minimum traita In Brat letter Wohin print Shop, 41 East Market «t., Wllkw-Itarre. Penn. SALESMAN AND SALES MANAGERS ! tSTEN Tlie men occupying the I?!'; POSITIONS to-day In any national sales organisation uro tho men who connected with Huí organbcti-ii at ihe right time. T'ils ig the RIOBT TIM)! In mallo a connection with this Corporation.destined to l-n one of tho largest office appliance corxorrttlons In thu United product«, which am fully protected by patents, am manufactured lot -i under contract by tho Colt's Paient Kirn Ajnii Co., of Hartford, Conn. Tho Colt'a contract for deliveries during ¡.919 ai'd 1920 aggrogato nearly $8.000,000 of roer- ¦ii :...¦;¦.-. In order to finance thla merchandise tve are ¿elllni» a. limited amount of our Preferred Stock, arvorapoulcd by u substantial bonus of Comn -n Stock. We believe 5011 ran iraké moro money (his year no!!lr:< this stock than you ever mndn before, and next year. If your work lias been natinfai lory, you lean ntcp Into a permanent [million n 1)1 trict Manager in our Merchandising Iioparlmei t. which wlil pay you from $10.Ofil; to $30,000 annually the remainder of your ncllro business life. Ktoi-k Rclllng experience helpful, but unnecessary. We Instruct you. Mmiv d our represcutatltes, ivorklng tí.rough cards of Introduction which wo furnish, ¡.re earning over $500 l week In commis- ;e.o.. SALESMEN Limited number of high grade specialty men with successful records osn make per¬ manent connection with firm handling en¬ tire (mi rid. "f « number of specialties »old .only In high class jobbers «lid dealers CALL Ti'in.M 810, r.ii stii Avn. P/liiKip.vii'ini AN S't-RrAt, tii'l'iilin Mi'r if". 01 in " T'i lll'if LJVS ^AII^MI". THAT fJAVH MAIH, A Ml'l,i IAITV "I '11 |l,Vy USlAI I. ITIKH * 1. -u.V. ¦¦. Hi, « V-T mi N PjJA'f AM.B |,llll|(| Ú Kill A I'l IIMA! I'OHI ION Ml M M" A 111' 111 '.'.1 o-- AI.Ill II II TU Ml I II Mt'l < A'.I II A I tl I "HIS HI" Ml HIT II I'M H*'- I. ml ¡M ,,l Al,Il H A lu.-.ii U III lt. Uli I AI.I, l'i I'l-.M A i.TII l-T AMERICA.'-.. I Alin.l' nvMiHA 11.. H A I, MS M AN Live, energetic man, capable of handling ¡i high-class propo¬ sition whore income will justi* fy his efforts. Call after '.), Room 1785, Grand Central Ter¬ minal Building, SALESMEN'.Two men of unquestioned nharae'ar and Integrity who hate cnnflilcnco In tholr ability to ti'ccsed In a hlg way and who are wll'lng to follmv Instruction* can connect with olio jf tho largest salea organizations lu the country, where. prosent earnings «ill ho very attractive ami prompt promotion the assured result of earnest c(T"rt. if employed II would bo well worth giving ui> any ordinary position to undertake. Room 1707, S2 Yaiidorblll av.. corner E. i'olii »U SALESMAN.Export piece gooda for waist trade; giro details of experience In confidence, llox ¦09, Tribuno Office. 8(11.11 IK.lt H AMI SAILORS CAN EARN OOOti MONEY DELIVERING: TELEGRAMS. AI'i'I.V WESTBrtN I'NION TELEUKAl'Il COMPANY, S3 PaUK PLACE. STENOiiltAl'HKIl TYI'KUItlTEIt; Christian; prl- vale office; must ho neat In appearance, arid about himself; Hiato ago, oxjwirlnnoe eJid salary ex¬ pected, Pox A. B., 8n, Thlbune. STOCK SALESMAN OF AIllI,ITY CAN' 8ECUBB SMALL liLOCK OP STOCK OF (It)IN(l MAN- t'KACTI'RIN'O CONCERN FOR DISTIll III TlnN. KMAI.I. LOTS To SELECTED LIST OF CLIENTS WILL UKAU THF. STRICTEST INVESTIGATION, LIBERAL COMMISSION. ])OX C. P. SX TRIBUNE. SUPERINTENDENT AND FOREMAN. Ton have reached your i>resciit posllion by proving your ability to those higher up; but you havo not reached tho top notch of your earning capacity. Tou can still add to your Income at no cost to you. Do not mlas thin opportunity; It has nothing to do with your present employment. To arrange for interview addross 512 FIFTTI AVE.. T. II. CORKY. BOOM 001. WANTED.SALESMEN Advertising and Specialty Sales Rand, McNally & Co., out New York, will send details of a new. high class, $12ri-a-weok proposl- tlon to a selected portion of those from whom «p- plications in detail are received. Reply In writing only. ¡ ' WANTED..To hear from responsible party or in- ' stltiilion having bright boy. 10 to IS years of aire, who Is in need of a good country home; boy who shows Inclination for firm work and study. f Orphan preferred. L. P. «RANT, rtloomtllle. N. T. ^ WANTED Young man, with nomo knowledge of J huokkm-plnir. In ailvertlslng dep't of a newspaper; . give ago. exporlcnco arid salary erpected, Address (;., Hox 202, Tribune office. WANTED .Man to work on »uln ten«, slip cover «ml trimming. Apply Karl Zepp, Waterbury. Conn. j ' WB WII.Ij siart yoii in the cleaning and dyeing " liuilm«s. lltlln rapltAl needed; big profits, Write for booklet. JJen-Voudo System. Dopt. f,tu, Char- lotto. N. C, j YOUNG MAN to assist book-h keeper in office of a mercan- i tile concern; must be good at'f figures; state age, experience and salary expected. Address Box S-48, Tribune. Vul Ml MAN I/lnotyp« otwratora receive $1,700 yearly. Established twelve years Telephone 217S Ktuyresanl. Empire Hchool. I.'lil East I(Itu »t. YOl'Ntl MAN with mechanical experience, to re> pair carburetor. Call James C Nichols. 1871 V'Ot'NO MAN to make lilnwelf uaeful good sd- »aucemenl. Marko. H7< Hth »v. HEM* WANTED FEMALE iNrrnu'crnoN TYPIflTrV- RTIlNoOltAPlimtn.-« *KCIIKTAIIIKH Do you know that you can Increase your earning capacity and efflrlency, also make yrwrself note raiuabu your aoipleytr. br learning The Di.-u- phoii'i Meihod of dliliillon. The course la fre« ¦ ml can it H.inol in a In» hours. Operator« are In 1"1 "' dcinand I-or turHier liifoimsllou tiiqulira at 'All» Dicta phone Hutiuul. 2H0 Utuailway. IIKI.I' WANTKI) FEMALE ARIíAIIAW A hTRAf'S, I USOS r-.'1'lil.l.T, luiooui.*, BAMS'lWOJn '.' liai,, i.i a,.;,, in the following department* mi Millinery Millinery Trimmings M ,' Bulls Hblrtwalgta Ribbons si, Games Apply st Office of Superintendent, Mezxa- ihia b"loor, 1 sat Uulldlng, m person or hy muí. ALSO Require women In various departments u ale women to serve several dun u week, or, f mor.i venli nt, 'rum 12 0 until B:30 ' M. Hxporlenco not necessary, Hcglnnors Oil Im bisttiicted Salary will be* paid while earning This presents an excellent oppor- unlty io iiuailfy fur a permanont position on ur regular Ma/Y. Apply Superintendent, AIlT BTUDENTS SEVERAL YOUNG LADIES, WITH nnusii experience. rroflltahlo employment: high elaes surroundings. Apply Boom 003, 501 Fifth eve. BILLING MACHINE operator I Moon-Hopkins) ; will consider beginner, I-;., 2:t, Tribune office. COAT MAKER on tailored suits and gowns; half day Saturday; Rohn A lllenzo, 74 East 55th st. DRAPERS AND FINISHKHH on dresses; settled union shop. IT. ic L. Mfg. Co., 154 West ^ 1th st 3d floor. COOK-WAITRESS CHAMBKRMAID fo family of two; ili.v references required. Call Monday 10- 12 a. m. or 3:30-5:30 p. m., 320 Webt 37th st. Apt. 2W. DHAPETtS on s'.lk dresses, colorea or whito Charming Dress t'n., 55 West loth st. DRESSMAKERS. THURN 15 E. 52d St. Require WAIST FINISHERS, SKIRT FINISHERS, SLEEVE LINING HANDS. Half day on Saturday. PINISHEnS, TRIMMERS AND RIBBON- ERS. EXPERIENCED ON SILK UN¬ DERWEAR. WH ARK WILDING TO i'AY GOOD MONEY, BUT WANT QUICK HANDS ONLY; Al.si» a raw DEARNERS. JACKSON STYLE CO., 38 EAST 21ST ST. KINISriBRB.OOOn PAYl LIGHT, Atnr WORK RH'iM M llOrilS. M SCHNITZER CO.. 113 UNIVERSITY PLACE, CORNER I3TH HT. FINISHERS nv EVENING WRAPS AND COATS- I! Ml P\V SATURDAY. ROU.N & III EN KO ;{ KAST III ST GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS WISHING TO EARN flOflll DIVINO HY f,*-"ARV. INO ¡HI. HAND ami AIR HRl'sll COLORING TRAUE; PAID WHILE LEARNING: STEADY wmii, GI,*ARANT|-KD: ii'.i: woiiki.m; con- MITIONS: MODERN Wor.KRooM APPLY tt *i A* 'iAK I'llll, ISMIM1 '('MPAN'Y, 1.10 WEST Í2I1 ST (IMtlif- KOll ORNERAI, WORK IN l,AP.oH.AToMY us WI1J5T fJOOD*, IIAIiitll.T IM 11 M A It I » AVKIt, II AST urn st iilillii, IfAN'T) WITH -i HIII1J «100D I m.m on VUHl o.iii-i [4 in,1 n -i I'lti It n m flVBM .II 1.AI up 1 n tu 1,mi.o Aluni. ,i,,i(H,| pida m, fivsrlodN nid ulssil« II no lIlM ¦. Ifl >'''¦ nil »,,1111-ii'j ),,M.r 1,1.,1« 1.1 »Md .'"»'II' »s*..*. I A M Mlllhma. filj III <l.l.f V* V Ollll.rt Uíhl »"ih, phissanl. f-urrnundlrig«| good npiHiriiiiill 1 1.iFgni ' Ufo,1 1 nid Co f,tl pearl .-1 CURLS wanted; slegdï work ind «owl Induce- 11111,11 lamia Meyer .*¦ Urns 844 Hi,mdwav (IIRI, wanted, wholesala confectionery; clean, ateady position. 1H7 Lincoln av , near ISHth »t. OIHI.H to pasto newspaper ellpplngs; $H jar week. Pi--m l'Uni.n,* Huit,m. 71 Murray St. HAND SEWERS ON MARAHOD CU'ICS; OOOO PAY; LIGHT, AIRY WORK ROOM 44 HOURS. M. HCIINlTZKIl CO., II.) UNIVERSITY I'LACIi, CORNER iliTII. IS THERE A PERSON linder :10 years, of any nationality, who will do somo plain rooking and u little light housework uudur an up-to-dato an,i sympathetic hou.owifo? itox 4or, Cediirhuist. !.. 1., N. Y. MESSENGERS for dressmaking establishment; half day Saturday; $8, Rohn & Rlenzo, 74 East 55th st. MRS MASON'S AGENCY, 131 West 42d at.. Cooks, chambermaids, waitresses, laundresses, nurses. maids, housoworhors, couples. OFFICE! ASSISTANT WITH KNOWLEDGE OF STENOGRArilY. APPLY IN OWN HAND¬ WRITING, STATING ACJE, EXPERIENCE AND WAGES, ALFRED L. SIMON, "1T0 BROADWAY. "ipEHATORS ON CHILDREN'S WASn DRESSES; WEEK WORK; niGIIEST PIHQF-S I*AID. THOMPSON COMPANY, Í24 WEHT 23D ST. SALESLADIES.Experienced ladles on men's fur¬ nishings; steady; references reuulrod. Klngors, IÜ3 Intervalo Avenue, SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Wanted.A capable woman to take eharge of a !ilgh class boarding and czay school for girls in New Y'ork City; ono who has tho qualifications locessary to care for 20U pupils; good salary and ¡teady position to one with first class references. Uux 1)., (iUU. Tribune Office, SKIRT FINISHERS ixpertonced; also helpers; half day on Saturdays. Rohn & Rlunzo, 74 East 50th st. STENOGRAPHER AND TYPEWRITER. Christian, by a manufacturing concern. State experience and salary expected. Address Box 3-47, Tribune. STENOGRAPHERS (beginners aiu. experienced);; high class positions, excellent salaries; typists, lli'taphone operators. Olivrv machine. If you are lot an Oliver operator a demonstration will enable .mi to becomo one. Substitute« neoded for spring uni summer work at good salarles. No fco. Call 10 llroadway. New York. Ask for Mrs. Mackey. WAIST FINISHERS .xporleneed; also helpers; half day Saturday, lolin tt Rlenzo. 74 Last 55th st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE IQOKS kept rsrt timo; bonks .rpoticd, closed; sys¬ tems Installed by npert auditor; $15 monthly up. toi 5B0 T. Tribune orfli«. »OOKKKKPER Auditor, can t»ko full cliarge of an office, uve hern with large textile concern or stout seven years; highest credentials. J. A. K.. 50 St. NICbÖU* Ar., New York City. lOoKKEEPl'lt. ilouile entry; Christian; «0; mar¬ ried; 11 yesr«' experience; competent to take barge; salsry, $80. Competent, Box 311, Tribune H'Tl'HKH. young, neat spr'arance, good, all around experience, wishes position. 03 o 2d av., «loria 'ARPENTER, cabinetmaker, experienced, cstatn. ml,!" r. apartment!, Office building, good, steaily Willing »hop H. SUine. O.'iO Warren at Itrooklyn. 'HAi'lTDl'll. Retglan; mechanlo; Ilftern years' eiperletn-n; all yean In «10 ulaen; ciiiuitry pre- .iml willing lu In M rare "f «mall garden; fur- Itiied room« fot ihr»* 1). R., 2411 Went muh «t. .Upturn« lirreley Mil IHADKFKPR,- Mechanic; light colored: married, fio children; 7 years' evpwrleiiee; careful driver, 'flvatfi, eiiiiimsn-lal; «Itr or country. Martin, 173 V.sH 140th Hi. IHAUFVm'R, JAPANK-BII. hs?« long «travrlnncmi v,,.| lililí grado i'«m; own r«t>«lrli,g. (in II,cl- Wont I- o. ..lii-l r, fi I'-tiio, go »nywhi.e 1,141 But »oth St. j 11AI KPKIR lluiionihlv illachargril, ífth ÜlTlslon nui n wUhea pmlllnn: ere wsr mimttene», .Itmifili «.JinUdi-i. luit Joawauu An... lirovklyu. ' B.TUAT.UNB WANTED MALE illsilil.tll .hired -, years' eit. |iei,.-«, wish.» positions itv, -'.nu, h*rU« UlPsori. oar« Poyei -m ". [4f.U1 Api, M CIIAI 'IfIfEl II, eip.rieo.el on high grada car», n-n.., pooitlon win, prltata family lUrdlntau, LI. I, Ulli CLERK Intelllgeiit young lady deair«* poulilon a* irl iporl al figure», typing, nllng. '£., Iii.x Jl, Trlbgm Omei ELECTRICIAN (ail around i desire« permanent fac¬ tory oormectlon. M Hoi .17. Tribune office. ELECTRICIAN wishes position at maintenance or jobbing. Judie. 161 Esst lîSth Ht. ELEVATOR Hl NNKIt wlahei lofl or freight; year'g experience. Lewis, 1727 Second ave. ENGINEER, machinist, first . lass license, refer- take charge of Ice machines, Corliss en¬ gines, dynamos, factory, erecting, repairing, «tearo- tlttlng. a Idresa It. 0 Uox 86, Tribuno Office. FOREMAN Honorably discharged sol,Her wishes Job as foreman on gentleman's place or farm; ago 22; tinglo. Crawford V. overlon, ft. .'nines, L. I.. N Ï FIREMAN, age BO, light firing. Barlea, ISO llrand at., Ilrooklyn. FOREMAN, INSTRUMENT WORK OR ASSEM¬ BLING: EXPERIENCED EXECl'TIVB. HEUT- BCUL'R, 373 To.Ml'KINS AVE., BROOKLYN, GROCERY MANAGER dealrea position; 20 years' experience; chain or department atoro, Cramer, 823 4Mb St.. Ilrooklyn. M A NAHER. Young executive, Christian, marner). *>S years old, twelve years with present connections, would consider offer as manager, assistant or office man¬ ager; am a fvino man at..i would not consider anything not In this class; good reason for desir¬ ing change; will treat with principals only. Manager, Box M-t'.i, Tribune Office. MANAGER POSITION or assistant for hotel or business concern, any city; Italian, with knowl¬ edge of English, French, Spanish (speaking and writing); bookkeeping and control system temperate, active, authoritative, social. Address Moderate, -00 East. 23d »t. POSITION by married farmer and dairyman; un¬ derstands good cattle feeding and testing; good butter maker; steady and reliable; references. I'atrlck Douegan, Continontalville, l'eekskill, N V to feed. M. Wol- PRESSMAN on cylinders, willing sensi o, 127 Noll St., Brooklyn. REAL ESTATE MANAGER, experienced In apart¬ ments, business properties and tenements, suc- cessful collector and economical repairs, wants po- Blllon, or ulii work on commission. Henry Ecd- dem. Room D03, 37 West. 39th St. TEACHER (P. S.) desires position arter :t o'clock; all day Saturday. II.. Rex 36, Tribune Office. YOUNG MAN, 28, well educated, capable organizer and administrator, exceptional experience, at prcs- nt with shipbuilding firm a.s assistant to general lanagor and treasurer, desires post as assistant or pcrotary to executive. Address M., Box ;(0, Trib¬ une Office. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED MALE BUTLER-VALET, very neat, nice appearing young Filipino, thoroughly experienced; exceptionally well recommended; f.10. Mason's Agency, 131 West 42d at. Bryant 5633. BUTLER-WAITRESS, first, class, wants position vhcre parlormaid Is kept; excellent references; gos $.15. Colonial Agon, y, 25 West 42d St. BUTLER Capable, well rocom mended; 75; four years last place; city or suburbs. Miss Shea's Agency, ii East list st. Murray lllll 0774. CHEF- First elass colored chef In all branches f'.r club, hotel, road house, steamship, yacht; best reference. Joseph BUlups, 853 Morris av., Bronx. CHEF First class most rook, with wife, superior bread and pastry maker) country, Inn or Institu¬ tion. Wrlto C, 203 West Í26ÜI si. diluir City, country, private family; references the best; Amerlran. II. O. Brown, 82 Camden St.. Hackcnsack, N. ,1. COUPLE (colored) desires position In private fain ily In country; very linn references! butler and ok; wag.-j $luo. Colonial Agenicy, 25 West 4 2d st. 1 AllMIIANH. yotlilH, neat. American had aerl cultural training mid bom" experience; excel) (tonally bright, ambitious. Vefv desirable, 141 Maaoti's Agein h ;l West 42d st. GARDENER «Ul'j itr.'TIN'lil:'.T oil gentlemnn's enlata, whore lasle and ¡eHfiettipid «r» tieglredi ¡it.. expérience In greonliuusp«. lends, apo, farming, « ,.i. Khgllahlliail inbblle nged, sr-'rii.irI¦ raanlrer or Iclji, pJIilpefittft IftialwOfUiJfi A, Dot st. Tribuna uni.... l)AUli(i';l II WIIIII.C O I (.I'l MA', ,!l. .«le, fiel »mo e.|,.ll,..i. |.,o. nli'iiiw. Mi.»eia, t..»"lsbl«i, ftlll lf»i lâWlli ".-"i- ... M NI il i.Ilrti I.M, #.11 hfsl n '. h .<..» ».-. ni.h rtk/ii.i .I U I'M. I. II I.'.1- .1 ill -.vail-. t.AHIU. IM I" YfM»' e.,,,,1.,,,,. ;.rt l'..lLll o,»n obiui.,, |l«aojV ..iti,.,. ,,, i.j = i..¦.I,a mil » |..i.ii.i.s ..i- ils« i +..II- i..f. 1.1., «d. niiropa "ici An.hii.a frranx lirikawskl,.rl Mlnaola. '. i, A lllll.', p II, I..I..I-. a pu ar.l.lii.i ¦liryeym nan niHIiagU I.Hue ielal.1, .npe;|, I,. »r.i ..f flowai« Iiiilholla.n eptlunal ruferen. <<¡ Mia |i'll/.llarg|d'a Hoc-hii, Stiff -.Hi »m T.I g.044 llreelny (¡AllHI-'A'l It, fanner, working foreman. Swedish, Amanean oltlwn; married, one liny; experlancod In all branohesi higbi> reoommondöd. Gardener. aro O, jaunbaon, ¡12o <7prc«s Ave., Ilmnx. GARDENER, Thoroughly compolenl In all branches; laying nut of lawns; excellent, refer¬ ences; understands, canin and piejltry; «ages |o() up. Coloida.1 Agency, 25 West 42d t>t. GARDENER, married, understands nntlre earn gon- tliimiin's placo; requires collage, f70: six years last plaie Miss Sheas AgoUcy, i! East list at, Murray lllll 0774. HORSEMAN.Trainer and breaker: Trenchman, M'caklug Kreuch, Portuguese, Spanish and Italian fluently, desire, position on an estate where the servies of a Ural class roan would bo appreciated! referí I1CC8. Kits Ilusto. 500 West 178tll St. IIOUSEMAN, Vouna man. 10, Clirlstian, reliable, neat, nlco appearing, seeks position In private family; ilrst. elass footman; go anywhere, 'i'hone, 310 West 103d st. HOUSEMAN (colored), flnt class, neat, Intelligent, good appearliu:; well trained; oxoellent rofor- encos; Í50. Mason's Agency, 131 West -IlM St. Bry¬ ant 5033. JAVANESE, reliable; eight cooks-butiers; all first class experienced; 'references. At Japanese Kagl» Employment Agency. 101 West 42d at. Bryant !7»7 POLISH couple, gardener and rook: 3 years' ref- orencea, Mrs. Jones's Agency, 082 Slxtli avo. Van.lerbllt 3171. SOUTHERN colored couple, first class butler and cook; city or country, excellent references. Mrs. Jones's Agency, 082 Sixth ave, Vanderbllt 3171. SWISS (married) gardener, farmer; cottage; five years' references. Mrs. Jonus'a Agency, 082 Oth av., Vanderbllt 3171. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE CLERICAL--Young lady, IS. wishes) position. olerT- cal work; understands typewriting; two years' ex¬ perience; uptown preferred; J13-$ll. Box 103, 802 Columbus avo. DRESSMAKER.Seamstress wishes private day ox home. K. R., 164 West 144th st., Apt. 42. .sSWITCHBOARD OPERATOR, colored, with knowledge of stenography and typewriting, wishes position. Davis, 274 Wist 141st St. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR-Young lady wishes position; 2 years' central office experience. M. Oolden, 290 W. 137th si. SWITCHBOARD.- Light colored girl, in factory. office building or apartment; clerical work; three years' experience. Marten. 173 West 110th St. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR.Light colored girl wishes position. Anna Smith. 7 West 133d st. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE A..A..CHAMBERMAID AND WAITRESS, two young Irish girls, together; excellent; i years' référencée; $45-150; ready for work April 1. IJ.. .Miss llofmayer'B Agency, 10 East 43d st. 3d floor. Tel. .1317 Murray Hill. CARETAKER -Neat. young, capable; husband em¬ ployed; excellent cook; most reliable, d. pendable pair; very highly recommended. Mrs. Mason's Agency, 131 West 42d St. chambermaid Excellent references; assist walling; city to country. Mlsi Fitzgerald's Bureau, 3t!0 fifth ave. CHAMBERMAID Colored girl, in furnished room house. Johnson. 115 «'eat 138th »t. CHAMBERMAID "r kitchen maid, colored; Bleep In Brown, 140 West H2d at. Audubon. »340. COLORED COUPLE; butler, useful, cook, entire work of country house; 100 first class servants, well recommended. Miss Shea's Agency, 0 Esst 41st St.; Murray Hill 0771. COLORED Wo.man wishes half time, mornings, evenings. Oreen. I7n Lenox av. COLORED CIIIL wishes half time roomings. Jome. 139 West 133d at. COl/illED tilRL. It!, wishes nveriliig work after «chuol. Mltchul. It,3 Weat 133d al. COLORED aiRL wish,« half time woffc Tail-, 101 Wait Moth at COOK (Ins) would like poeUiou In «mall private family »her., tluen maid« »re l.eol. neat, eco¬ nomical and utilising: wagea 145-150. Colonial Agency, 25 Weat 4ïd at. coon Excellent; ail branche»! lIOtpUOTialli neat economical, obliging; login-»! reference». Martha Collier's Agency. 4.17 in. av.. .n. at. COOK Thoroughly MfsariMwadi I teara' rafaranoa last employer, Miss Ml morn id's Bureau, ROA Elfih ate chou Capable young Irish woman, |50| dry pre ... tour year» last place Ml»» Hhra'a Agency, .id list HI Mums» lllll «774. !OOIC.< ..I..I-.I abort ordarij «Ulna night work, iuiiwio. -m-i Watt 1 m tu au. Ai*. H. DOMKSTK MICATIOM? WANTED FEMALE .,.'tli sfljh a, ,.,; i,:, i ,-. .- |fi , eonk or Isunuruss' referencm. Addnns IS liunc.sn ¡ja (id ¡it l!i..,lilin .'- 1 i ..i pu: as n »lu» grid nlf« ,;.,,k. rsmntry inn, »Juli or IngLUutfbn, m It« B r, MS w.-st lííüi st DA\ WoKM.ll House ..¦n.ti'T or lain dress. H,00-18.10 per ilw; reliable. ieau willing worker. H., Miss llofius.vei'« Agency, 10 i'sst 43d St., 3d floor. Tel. S847 Murray illll DAY'S «ork. colored, wishes rlgys « week Singleton, l-'l west math st. DAY'S WORK Colored «ornan wishes day's work cleaning. Mcrrlek. 112 W. 144*.h at. DAYS' WORK -Competent colored girl wishes days* work. Joseph. 161 West 140th st. DAY'S WORK.Colored girl. Mattio Johnson. 89 W. 133d at. _ (¡III!., colored, wishes work small apartment; no cooking, c. Moore, 117 W. i;i7th si. GIRL colored, half timo mornings or afternoons, Taylor. 201 West 131th st. GIRL, colored, wishes position In doctor's office. Joncs. 170 Lenox av. aoVERNESS American, educated abroad; teaches Ereni-ii and music: will cam two growing children; $00: Hue references; countrj preferred M -- Shea's Agency, 0 East 41st St.; Murray Hill. »1774. HOUSEKEEPER- English Protestant, rellned. In¬ telligent, exceptional b competent; bachelor's, doctor,'s, apartment: splendid references veo de slrable; $50. Mrs. Masou'a Agency, 13] Wi 12d HOl'SEWOHKKR Colored: young, rery neat, nice S|ipcarl!u: i-xceptioiially competent; morning hali time; splendid references; }tf. Mrs. Mason's Agency, 131 Wist CM St. ?OuSEWOItKER.Experienced ixwk and waitress; very neat and reliable, $50. B.. Ml~s Hof- mayer'a Agency, 10 East 43d st., 3d floor. Tel. 8947 Murray Hill. HOUSEWOHKER..Competent «bite woman; good cook: apartment; 2 adults. Telephone for ap¬ pointment before II, Madison Square 1-94. HOUSEWORKERS- Two colored trirl?, one cJvom- bermaId. other, housework: city, country. 3j W. 131st st., Apt. 3; Harlem 7919. HOUSEWORK. Colored girl, In private family; plain ees ¡i. 208 West 140Ü1 Apt. IS. HOUSEWORK-.Colored woman; no Sunday; ref¬ erences. Clark, 242 Wrst 144th st.. Apt. 34. INFANT'S NURSE Young Irish woman; one in- Infant only; understands formulas, etc., $50-$5fi P., Miss llofmavcr's Agency, 10 East 43d St., 3d loor, Tel. 8917 Murray Hill. INFANT'S NURSE First class, thoroughly experi¬ enced, exceptionally capable, conscientious, neat lice, most desirable; highly recommended; $50. Mason's Agency, 131 West -Did St. INFANT'S NURSE Capable, young, wants bain- under one year; $50; excellent references Mi-s Shea'* Agency, G East 41»t St.; Murray Hill, 0774 IANITRESS wishes care of house, hot water sup¬ ply; tin basement; references. Mrs. Ualre, 80S East 124th st. LADY'S MAID.I'nderstands halrdresslng: good seamstress, packer, traveller; excellent refór¬ meos; city, country'. MIbs Fitzgerald's Bureau, co Fifth ave. LiAUNDRESS.Thoroughly experienced fino liners. children's clothes; excellent references. Miss .'li/goi aid's Bureau. 300 Fifth ave. Tul. 0344 LAUNDRESS.Spanish girl, speaking English, wants position, hand lanndrv preferred. Mélico, fare Mltchcl, 101 West lust st. LAUNDRESS, IRISH (excellent laundress, $45, ])., .Miss Uofmayer's Agency. 10 East 43d st. 3d loor, Tel. 8947 Mutiny Illll. «AI'NDRESS Colored Woman wishes Wednesdays, Thursdays; reference Box IS, 504 Eenox nv lAUNDMESS wishes to go out by day. Daniels, 201 West Filth st. »AUNDRÈ9H colored, wishes Washing hem*. liar ley. car» janitor, mi Wesl Nlst st, Audubon 9110 ,.\t -, i iRISS, experienced, rnmlly washing home. Write Bell, 08 Wesl ¦. lAt'VI'RFSS, colored. « Isle-si wash li'iin" liy do.-en Thomas, ÏS7 Wesl JI .I si \< NDltESSi color"1!, wants Imindrv Hörne Steídmail, Il vVtwl lailfl at. till. IHf), ",iffi. wMi-s pfisllloll uimM hnir Hun- uerui'iiis small fniolly or (me limn. -,'.- rVl il 140111 si Ajd II A 1 Iriltlilg '¦.I ' tflttll«! |e,»l'l"tl ill i,i,i,,i,..=i,,« HMlui i mili,., mi Wesl Mini, .',,"¦' M Atil.Bli Í)lí9 IIAI.lltftKl, (M sei n.I. | t|.'.". all oi iiiii» Ig'l . ">¦. A ,,.;.,,I girl l.elf [Ulis *"tk III «paifliieM in ... .in /Hi Sf ,i U.--I li, lim r| ymiHH Itfítli Dut Ullis, nil III III, , Ml'i /jllg l.lllollitf, tHol.na in !i. |,,ik us i.mu.i and ,,,n,|,ai,i i,i a m inl Invalid Ain: ll,.i View »» Jnuey Illy. llial of i, m , s'HIIHE Middle sged'; will tak« one or l*o phi] ilicn, «mint light chamba' ""rt» . »¦ i-Ik.hI. rcf- roncesi bRi or Pountrj sflss loirgurald's Hu eau, 31,11 Fifth ai", I'd, BÍÍ4 Oieel, v ,i usi: win tako entire charge child one mm Up c«,client retí relees; illy or country Mr«. 'R/llorald'a UuresU, 300 r,lh «vu. Tel 5344 Oreeley ¦nisi; English; take entire oare of child from three years up; excellent référencée. Miss Kiu- lerald's Hun nu, 300 5th «v. VAITRES8 Neat, nice appearing, exceptionally well tralnod: rery best references; apartment prc- erred; $50. Mrs. Mason's Aguucy, 131 West 43J it.; Bryant, B03S, VAITRESS, parlor maid, equal to butler, $50, city preferred; house or apartment. first class rcfor- n,-cm Miss ShcC» Agency 0 East 41»t St.; Murray 1111. 0774. VAITRESS (S.-otch), three years in present j«,<d- tloi. m,old like position In privat« family going ¦> country; wage« $4,1. Colonial Agency. 35 West 3d st, VAITRESS; $4.': 3 years" references: apsrtment In city. Mrs. Jones Agency, 0S2 0th at., Van- erbllt 3171. VAITRESS Competent, neat, refined; good refer¬ ences. Martha Collier's Agency, 4.',7 4th av. /AITRESS. colored, wishes half tl/no in restaurant. 35 W. 131st St., Apt. 2. COMAN, colored, half time mornings; no Sundays. Du Porto. 50 West 140th St. VOMAN. colored, wants half time mornings; $10 week. Llghtburne. 239 West 141st St. 'Ot'NO LADY, colored, wishes half timo morn¬ ings. Joseph, 157 West 142d st OUNQ WOMAN, light colored, wishes half time evenings. Yaughan, 200 West 140th St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE MONEY RAISING HOGS Bennett Hunter In the March issue of tho Breeders' Gazette; sail ho Bold $1,048.30 worth of hog» from one sow In one yenr by breeding her offspring. It ta a known fact that a scientifically conducted hog farm will make big profits for shareholders selling hogs cm tho hoof. However, I am looking Into the future, and propose lo turn hogs Into pork products having an Individuality. My live point VAI.I.KV BLOSSOM SAUSAGB will have an identity because It will he made from tho carcasses of pure-bred pigs, rained under Ideal, sani¬ tary conditions, and inoculated against disease. Knowing that "YOU" would prefer a sausage, with nn Individuality, shipped direct from "YOl.'K" farm to your breakfast table, It tu m-- Intention to market my VALLEY BLOSSOM SAU¬ SAGE! through tho medium of share¬ holders' co-operation. My farm Is sixty-three miles from the heart of New York, solving the all-Im¬ portant question of transportât I on. If you ar« Interested In the big profits to bo made In the hog-ralsing business 1 can assure you of îf'-t, of principal, because there will he 100,000.00 worth Of farm property behind your invest¬ ment. I deilfe to Interest n llm!t?>il number of shareholders to obtain the iicm-nt of their lo-uperHthm fur advertising pur- 1.i Write, stating when ami where you can be seen, und my N.-w York repre¬ sentative will call On y*u ml explain In detail. No Obligation "involved Defer¬ ences of the highest character will be submitted nt the Interview, Address D. Hox 8S, Tribuno Ofllce, H iiPPiiUTt MTV 14 Now orKVIIlD '|"o IN. vent In an h'h dividend Having preferred ulch of I'llahlMinl eiil,i|.||i.. near N«* Imk 11 i i iv Uoïl, Tribüne oil!,, AOBNCtlS WANT***-**) lining cunerfli In Hesltln, with sales i>r«aiil««tlrm ici in» Ureguu and Waahlngtuii. U 401, T. iioiuu. IM,Ml II« I MCI US Mi \| V.I.NflEH Removal 0944 i.m » 11 ¦ MISS FITZGERALD'S EMPLOYMENT BUREAU S I,,-i Governrs? and Nurses Agency 366 FIFTH AVENUE OPPOSITE A I. T MAN'S Superior help for profeaatonal and doiucstlo servloe Telephone« 1054-1058 riaaa Office Heure V to .'. H.tiurdnj-8 0 toi. A. Oster&erg's Employment Bureau StvrdM. Abi'ihv for Bade«. Domeatlc Help .Mule nuil Fenuua 716 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK Bet. 57th & 58th Sta. Careful and prompt attention given to each anal «very order Miss Hofmayers Agency East «3d si.. S<1 floor. {Entrance also nt 7 Kuat 42d St. RKLIAB1 i: SERVANTS. Alao Matrona, Governeaaea, Maida, Sham« ¦treaaoa. etc.. and all claaaea of Oay Work» era and ISmergency Hrlp.r.-.. Telephone Murray Hin 3947-3941. MISS SHAUGHNESSY'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY HAS REMOVED TO 360 SIXTH AVE., gj, I St21,2 TELEPHONE ItKYANT 851». FOR HIGH-CLASS SERVICE COLONIAL AGENCY TELEPHONE »or»6 VANliF.RIULT. 85 IV. 42ND ST., N. V. BEST SERVANTS. MALE and FKMALaV MISS ISABEL SHEA Employment Agency Removed to 0 East 41st St., bet. Mad. &. 3tn Avea. Seiet! help, mal» and female, for city uni ry, Telephon»» 07rI Murray Hill. Miss McLoughlin %;»% 321 Madison Ave. mu^.uW MISS M .1 Me] «,; .¡in.1V t.i-d.i.1 r rxri'f.nVMKvr AOENCT S-l Madls.ei Ave (42) Minmï 1(111 3971 Competent mule and fomslo lielp for private families only. AÎVO SEtIDERLING ^A* Finnish ami hwkiuhii hflp 2019 FIFTH AVE. fit ¿TJk die Select employment Slgeiup Il ;-fll«. Efficient ferraota AU Nationalities J Mil J. M. ItdlNIl,, (141 Slxtll ave. «r-eley 1 46W MR8- DICKINSON'S ^TBAîTau 5SS3, M M'osl "ii tl Efficient ferrants (Male and Fe- malo) Mr«. Emily Mn.-on Bf ../iTC. Yirtu EFFICIENT ÏEflVANTfl MAI.r FKMAI.B. 1*1 UIKÏ (and W, TfflL MUTANT SSII. ÎAPANl-ÇF EMPLOYMENT «OFNnY. Mus! jr. w-M l'.i ri tri VANiirnnfLT 1030 jus si lai,::;" ;! '.« Ü5B LEXINttíflN fi*P.. ni î'Isrs 44ñÍ, t wiin «»?»,w(àji irritlifNf »FftvANia. mai.f »ml rraiAifc Im>«aaa î\.,/l» '""'' MOST Rfl »*'"¦»» lui W>Al 4-.i r.., imall llirüiii 11*1 SAMf'SiSN«; t1-"""'' A«.».*. Met »«va«!., I pilTI Aul" . <i. Am«ilo«n líala f.I.Illl ,, j | ,.. ,,, hml If.rleiii Sill. C VIJllA/ IIVÍ '.«¦¦>.' I""- *. Hmi O'CONNOH Ilf Wlnl Ô*r»ir4 IlasIHiSUm Ttl MH8. ftOSfc M. WIHNEH'H l.'mploymsiil Ageno». ii. Dtii al i- ». hein, M S. BUSINESS (A[U)S PATENTS PATENTS Over 7" y um' pr&otlce; nil com« munlcatlona atrlctly confidential; handbook on puti-ntR ire.- on ra¬ ques! api rial fucllitles fur olllc» consultations, MUNN & CO. PATKNT ATTORNEYS. 607 Woolworth Hiilldlng, New York. TYPEWRITERS N0N-VÍSÍBLES, 3 MONTHS, $6.00 VISIBLES, 3 MONTHS, $7.50 UP Initial fajanecl AppLieiî ai Purckttti Factory Rebuilt Typewriters All Makes $25 to $85 Trademark«! and ruaran r*d for ... raaa Call, telephone or writs. American Writing Machin« Co. 181 Broadway, at Worttj 8». I xele*hona MM M S. i3ú di., «pp. Uadiaon A?. / JTrauUla. CABPET CLEANIWQ rARKFTTU CABPBTT fXEAXTNO COssTAITt.'-a (.'leans try oompresaad air. steam, band at a*, loor. 419 Cast 4Sth st. COX J. BBASDT. tatM tboü» 182 Uurray H)ti, .-1- ¦>. DIAMpyPg DIAMONTJ» ANT» JEWZLRT BOÜOHT POU CABfL estates apprslse.1. purchaaed. UKSSSTt, 1T$ .roadway, "upstairs.' MTXTLTIGBAPHERfl.STENOGRAPaEKa MuItlgraphUiR, stetiogrsphjr. typewrltlnr; all hoars; .eaaonablc Coyne. 116 Nassau at Beekmao 47X OLII GOLD AM) SILVER VORN* OTT COW) AND SILVER BOIOBT BT B. I.ONGMAN'3 SONS. Gold aud SUter Retinara. 4 John et 10RO Buys Diamonds, Old Gold. SU»rr. riatlnura. Antiques and l'a«n Ticket*. 146 West ¿2d st POLISH DILLARD'S HItîH GHAnp; POLISH "or furniture, pianos, PO W. IS4that Moraine «52.'. MISt'ELLANKOOS 'OT-pnrtaTIONH oitnANin»: rTKW rOR«. 1(3.f.o. im-ludee outft end »«err or,parut, Aa- oun's m!l|..-i~l eterrwhere. WtciAMHT. SICH- VKH 154S HmidvfST Hulte SOt Rrrsu» U49 BUSINESS OIVOKTl'NIT.ES ¦ATITAI, WANTKD To form CORPORATION 'mina a naeaulty eheauVal and other Other half on hand in msrhlnrrv m It it niatmai-r. V. A., 6T, Uùi Myrtle are. Ira uiyn. -4 9ATIJWTÇ Trndrmstln, dedans; lieet worH ! ni CI". la .«Il or s'-iid i¦.-; free; :in yr«r«' ni*rlence.j '. 18 lt.-oaduey, N, Y, i irnNIHllHD ROOMS rn r It» RAIT.< -nu sod after Avril '..iiKf 'i .',t room in nrlrste himaa, hah* and aifj u. aubwst .-»|in«aa atattoaj om> ih»»» »ii i h ii. Oi-e i,n'il «|i|'!>. I!. C. i .rilMHIII l> IHKiMK I (Ht BKARON Mar 1 M minutes' walk to eta«! . at -il.il, ¿JXINOTON **M "'" t'et. ni^l sud «:d «ta < I.ms» front roma, witii o»u oatu. tu piliaia

Chronicling America › lccn › sn83030214 › ...¡Governor Smith Given Dinner ut Lotoa l'lui» í;m»*"I !¦ I**«#li In Cood Wliliet?, Cbarlei E. IIukIm»» Saya in Compliment

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  • ¡Governor Smith GivenDinner ut Lotoa l'lui»

    í;m»*"I !¦ I**«#li In Cood Wliliet?,Cbarlei E. IIukIm»» Saya

    in ComplimentMore than three hundred member« of

    tna Lotos Club honored Qovomor Alired E. Smith ut a dinni r at the rooms.f thu club, no West Fifty-seventhgtreet, last night. Chester S. Lord,preiident of the club, presided.Among the speakers were Abram I.

    JSIkus, chairman of the Stato Recon¬struction Commission ; former Covernor Charles S, "Whitman, Charles E.Hughe«, the Rev. Edward P. Tivnn,Frank Cobb, editor of "The World,"Supreme Court Justice Robert F. Wag¬ner, Martin Saxe, nnd, of course, theGovernor.Governor Smith emphasized the op¬

    portunities the office offers for serviceto the state and said he could think ofno more honorable employment thanbeing Governor of New York.Former Governor Hughes declared

    he was glad to join in the tributes toGovernor Smith anil referred humor-ously to "the slight difficulties" whichhe, when Governor, experienced at Al-b»n.v' ., ...

    "I am sure we are all united in af¬fection and respect for the Governorof New York," said Mr. Hughes. "Hehan served the slate with conspicuousfidelity. He has been true to histrust and he has the happiest of allrecords that in his long political jour¬ney he has never lost a friend nor be¬trayed one. There never has been aman who attained this high officewith more friends nor with more goodwishes."

    To Investigate Fair BoardGovernor Acts on Complaint of

    Onondajíí. ProsecutorAn investigation has been ordered

    by Governor Smith into the affairs of

    Ute Mtitlt< Fair Commission, followingthe reoelpl by the Governor of u let«tei from .lohn il, Walrath, District At«torne*/ of onondnuH coiitiij), chargingtii» eommiiiion with "hunteds Secured by U. S. war ob¬ligations .,_ $1,691,010,000 $1,691,678,000

    Ail other. 195,230,000 189,861,000Sills .ought in open market. 248,107,000 261,924,000

    Total bills or. hnhd. $2,134,347,000 $2,143,463,000UflUnl tîntes «ovprnmpnt long term epotirltiea. 27.138.000 27,222,000OlUedMtatee pnvpriim'tphort term securities 173,797,000 172,471,000All oihef rarnlriK nesets. 3,0004.000

    Totti purnit,!« anéete.,.,,,..«*.«...Bmi> im- mint i ,.

    fOntoUeoted Uemg ,, >..,,...»... ..........j riv" !'«¦. ¦.¦¦m. r«--t"ini)U»ni fund »gainst Fedi erst Reserve Dank m.u».,,f AU other resource*.






    Total m .,,.»¦¦ ,.,,.,,,,,,.,,. $6,220,^28,000 $5,3/3,426,000UABIUTItl

    Capital paidin. $81,641,000Burplu* . 49,466,000Government depoaits . 168,147,000Due to member banks.Res ¡rvo account. 1,631,167,000Deferred availability items. 484,906,000Other deposits, including for'n gov't credits. 117,271,000

    Total gross deposits. $2,401,491,000Federal Reserve notes in actual circulation... 2,521,776,000Federal Reserve Bank notes in circulation,

    net liability. 145,540,000All other liabilities. 30,014,000





    Total liabilities . $5,229,928,000 $5,373,425,000Ratio of total reserves to net deposit and Federal Reserve note liabil¬

    ities combined, 51.9 per cent, against 51.6 per cent the week before.Ratio of gold reserves to Federal Reserve notes in actual circulation

    after setting aside 35 per cent against net deposit liabilities, 63 per centagainst 63.5 per cent the week before.

    important Developments inBOONE OIL\> Mean Higher Price»

    Write for fjarticul'iriSTOCK BOUGHT, SOLD AND

    QUOTEDFrank E. Herma & Co.

    SPECIALISTS*ti»bei". New York Curb Market A.soclatlon

    52 Broadway New YorkPhon* Brjcd 6741





    KaitOKANGK,« N. J.

    A r.-.rri;,;.,. ).,,rn,. hotel; charming.wMloii; rooms «ln»çly arm en »ulti-, pri¬man but'.», telephone«; n.-i.r Brick¡.web BUUon, »5 minutes to Broad««y; «i«.,. Diamond goring Inn, Den-tUuttrateá bocktet.


    LONG ISLAND CITY"FOR IMMEDIATE OCCL'I'ANCV.5,000 to 125,000 Square Feet.

    I Ireprnof liullrtlnKH,\\H\i er «fitItOUt rail sidiiicWill build for future «eeupaneyt suit ifiiiilrfinrritN.

    R0MAN-CALLMAN COMPANY,itriilce l'Inxii,


    WATER FRONTArt »-«tat« of 7 acres, beautifully laid out; larç»residence, stable?, parase, gardener's cottage, lodgohouse and other buildings: all practically new; eu-pi-rb location, commanding unusual marine, views.»^ anyordinary position to undertake. Room 1707, S2Yaiidorblll av.. corner E. i'olii »U

    SALESMAN.Export piece gooda for waist trade;giro details of experience In confidence, llox¦09, Tribuno Office.8(11.11 IK.lt H AMI SAILORS CAN EARN OOOtiMONEY DELIVERING: TELEGRAMS. AI'i'I.VWESTBrtN I'NION TELEUKAl'Il COMPANY, S3PaUK PLACE.STENOiiltAl'HKIl TYI'KUItlTEIt; Christian; prl-vale office; must ho neat In appearance, aridabout himself; Hiato ago, oxjwirlnnoe eJid salary ex¬pected, Pox A. B., 8n, Thlbune.STOCK SALESMAN OF AIllI,ITY CAN' 8ECUBBSMALL liLOCK OP STOCK OF (It)IN(l MAN-t'KACTI'RIN'O CONCERN FOR DISTIll III TlnN.KMAI.I. LOTS To SELECTED LIST OF CLIENTSWILL UKAU THF. STRICTEST INVESTIGATION,


    SUPERINTENDENT AND FOREMAN.Ton have reached your i>resciit posllion by proving

    your ability to those higher up; but you havo notreached tho top notch of your earning capacity. Toucan still add to your Income at no cost to you.Do not mlas thin opportunity; It has nothing to dowith your present employment. To arrange forinterview addross

    512 FIFTTI AVE..T. II. CORKY. BOOM 001.

    WANTED.SALESMENAdvertising and Specialty SalesRand, McNally & Co., out New York, will senddetails of a new. high class, $12ri-a-weok proposl-tlon to a selected portion of those from whom «p-plications in detail are received. Reply In writingonly. ¡ '

    WANTED..To hear from responsible party or in- 'stltiilion having bright boy. 10 to IS years ofaire, who Is in need of a good country home; boywho shows Inclination for firm work and study. fOrphan preferred.

    L. P. «RANT, rtloomtllle. N. T. ^

    WANTED Young man, with nomo knowledge of Jhuokkm-plnir. In ailvertlslng dep't of a newspaper; .give ago. exporlcnco arid salary erpected, Address(;., Hox 202, Tribune office.

    WANTED .Man to work on »uln ten«, slip cover«ml trimming. Apply Karl Zepp, Waterbury.Conn. j 'WB WII.Ij siart yoii in the cleaning and dyeing


    liuilm«s. lltlln rapltAl needed; big profits, Writefor booklet. JJen-Voudo System. Dopt. f,tu, Char-lotto. N. C, jYOUNG MAN to assist book-h

    keeper in office of a mercan- itile concern; must be good at'ffigures; state age, experienceand salary expected. AddressBox S-48, Tribune.VulMl MAN I/lnotyp« otwratora receive $1,700yearly. Established twelve years Telephone 217SKtuyresanl. Empire Hchool. I.'lil East I(Itu »t.YOl'Ntl MAN with mechanical experience, to re>

    pair carburetor. Call James C Nichols. 1871

    V'Ot'NO MAN to make lilnwelf uaeful good sd-»aucemenl. Marko. H7< Hth »v.

    HEM* WANTED FEMALEiNrrnu'crnoN


    Do you know that you can Increase your earningcapacity and efflrlency, also make yrwrself noteraiuabu t» your aoipleytr. br learning The Di.-u-phoii'i Meihod of dliliillon. The course la fre«¦ ml can it H.inol in a In» hours. Operator«are In 1"1 "' dcinand

    I-or turHier liifoimsllou tiiqulira at 'All» Dictaphone Hutiuul. 2H0 Utuailway.


    ARIíAIIAW A hTRAf'S,I USOS r-.'1'lil.l.T, luiooui.*,

    BAMS'lWOJn '.'liai,, i.i a,.;,, in the following department*mi

    MillineryMillinery TrimmingsM ,' BullsHblrtwalgtaRibbons


    Apply st Office of Superintendent, Mezxa-ihia b"loor, 1 sat Uulldlng, m person or hymuí.ALSORequire women In various departments uale women to serve several dun u week, or,f mor.i venli nt, 'rum 12 0 until B:30' M. Hxporlenco not necessary, HcglnnorsOil Im bisttiicted Salary will be* paid whileearning This presents an excellent oppor-unlty io iiuailfy fur a permanont position on

    ur regular Ma/Y. Apply Superintendent,


    nnusii experience.rroflltahlo employment: high elaes surroundings.Apply Boom 003, 501 Fifth eve.

    BILLING MACHINE operator I Moon-Hopkins) ;will consider beginner, I-;., 2:t, Tribune office.COAT MAKER

    on tailored suits and gowns; half day Saturday;Rohn A lllenzo, 74 East 55th st.DRAPERS AND FINISHKHH on dresses; settledunion shop. IT. ic L. Mfg. Co., 154 West ^ 1thst 3d floor.COOK-WAITRESS CHAMBKRMAID fo family oftwo; ili.v references required. Call Monday 10-12 a. m. or 3:30-5:30 p. m., 320 Webt 37th st.Apt. 2W.DHAPETtS on s'.lk dresses, colorea or whitoCharming Dress t'n., 55 West loth st.


    15 E. 52d St.



    Half day on Saturday.





    (IMtlif- KOll ORNERAI, WORKIN l,AP.oH.AToMY us WI1J5T fJOOD*,IIAIiitll.T IM 11 MA It I » AVKIt,

    II AST urn st

    iilillii, IfAN'T) WITH -i HIII1J «100DI m.m on VUHl o.iii-i [4in,1 n -i I'lti It n m flVBM.II 1.AI up 1 n tu1,mi.o Aluni. ,i,,i(H,| pida m, fivsrlodN nid ulssil«II no lIlM ¦. Ifl >'''¦ nil »,,1111-ii'j ),,M.r 1,1.,1«1.1 »Md .'"»'II' »s*..*. I A M Mlllhma. filjIII S yearsold, twelve years with present connections, wouldconsider offer as manager, assistant or office man¬ager; am a fvino man at..i would not consideranything not In this class; good reason for desir¬ing change; will treat with principals only. Manager,Box M-t'.i, Tribune Office.MANAGER POSITION or assistant for hotel orbusiness concern, any city; Italian, with knowl¬edge of English, French, Spanish (speaking andwriting); bookkeeping and control system temperate,active, authoritative, social. Address Moderate, -00East. 23d »t.POSITION by married farmer and dairyman; un¬derstands good cattle feeding and testing; goodbutter maker; steady and reliable; references.I'atrlck Douegan, Continontalville, l'eekskill,N V

    to feed. M. Wol-PRESSMAN on cylinders, willingsensi o, 127 Noll St., Brooklyn.

    REAL ESTATE MANAGER, experienced In apart¬ments, business properties and tenements, suc-cessful collector and economical repairs, wants po-Blllon, or ulii work on commission. Henry Ecd-dem. Room D03, 37 West. 39th St.TEACHER (P. S.) desires position arter :t o'clock;all day Saturday. II.. Rex 36, Tribune Office.YOUNG MAN, 28, well educated, capable organizerand administrator, exceptional experience, at prcs-nt with shipbuilding firm a.s assistant to generallanagor and treasurer, desires post as assistant orpcrotary to executive. Address M., Box ;(0, Trib¬une Office.


    BUTLER-VALET, very neat, nice appearing youngFilipino, thoroughly experienced; exceptionallywell recommended; f.10. Mason's Agency, 131 West42d at. Bryant 5633.BUTLER-WAITRESS, first, class, wants positionvhcre parlormaid Is kept; excellent references;

    gos $.15. Colonial Agon, y, 25 West 42d St.BUTLER Capable, well rocommended; 75; four

    years last place; city or suburbs. Miss Shea'sAgency, ii East list st. Murray lllll 0774.CHEF- First elass colored chef In all branchesf'.r club, hotel, road house, steamship, yacht;best reference. Joseph BUlups, 853 Morris av.,Bronx.

    CHEF First class most rook, with wife, superiorbread and pastry maker) country, Inn or Institu¬tion. Wrlto C, 203 West Í26ÜI si.diluir City, country, private family; references thebest; Amerlran. II. O. Brown, 82 Camden St..Hackcnsack, N. ,1.COUPLE (colored) desires position In private fainily In country; very linn references! butler andok; wag.-j $luo. Colonial Agenicy, 25 West4 2d st.

    1 AllMIIANH. yotlilH, neat. American had aerlcultural training mid bom" experience; excel)(tonally bright, ambitious. Vefv desirable, 141Maaoti's Agein h ;l West 42d st.GARDENER «Ul'j itr.'TIN'lil:'.T oil gentlemnn'senlata, whore lasle and ¡eHfiettipid «r» tieglredi¡it.. expérience In greonliuusp«. lends, apo, farming,« ,.i. Khgllahlliail inbblle nged, sr-'rii.irI¦raanlrer or Iclji, pJIilpefittft IftialwOfUiJfi A, Dotst. Tribuna uni....l)AUli(i';l II WIIIII.C O I (.I'l MA', ,!l. .«le, fiel»mo e.|,.ll,..i. |.,o. nli'iiiw. Mi.»eia, t..»"lsbl«i,ftlll lf»i lâWlli ".-"i- ... M NI il i.Ilrti I.M,#.11 hfsl n '. h .il numberof shareholders to obtain the iicm-nt oftheir lo-uperHthm fur advertising pur-1.i

    Write, stating when ami where youcan be seen, und my N.-w York repre¬sentative will call On y*u ml explain Indetail. No Obligation "involved Defer¬ences of the highest character will besubmitted nt the Interview,

    Address D. Hox 8S, Tribuno Ofllce,

    H iiPPiiUTt MTV 14 Now orKVIIlD '|"o IN.vent In an h'h dividend Having preferred ulch ofI'llahlMinl eiil,i|.||i.. near N«* Imk 11 i iiv Uoïl, Tribüne oil!,,

    AOBNCtlS WANT***-**)lining cunerfli In Hesltln, with sales i>r«aiil««tlrmici in» Ureguu and Waahlngtuii. U 401, T. iioiuu.

    IM,Ml II«I MCI US Mi \| V.I.NflEH


    S I,,-i

    Governrs? and Nurses Agency366 FIFTH AVENUEOPPOSITE A I.T MAN'S

    Superior help for profeaatonal and doiucstlo servloe

    Telephone« 1054-1058 riaaaOffice Heure V to .'. H.tiurdnj-8 0 toi.

    A. Oster&erg's Employment BureauStvrdM. Abi'ihv for Bade«. Domeatlc Help

    .Mule nuil Fenuua716 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK

    Bet. 57th & 58th Sta.Careful and prompt attention given to

    each anal «very order

    Miss Hofmayers Agency1» East «3d si.. S«aaa î\.,/l» '""'' MOST Rfl »*'"¦»»lui W>Al 4-.i r.., imall llirüiii 11*1SAMf'SiSN«; t1-"""'' A«.».*. Met »«va«!.,

    I pilTI Aul" . .DIAMpyPg

    DIAMONTJ» ANT» JEWZLRT BOÜOHT POU CABfLestates apprslse.1. purchaaed. UKSSSTt, 1T$.roadway, "upstairs.'

    MTXTLTIGBAPHERfl.STENOGRAPaEKaMuItlgraphUiR, stetiogrsphjr. typewrltlnr; all hoars;.eaaonablc Coyne. 116 Nassau at Beekmao 47X


    10RO Buys Diamonds, Old Gold. SU»rr. riatlnura.Antiques and l'a«n Ticket*. 146 West ¿2d stPOLISH

    DILLARD'S HItîH GHAnp; POLISH"or furniture, pianos, PO W. IS4that Moraine «52.'.MISt'ELLANKOOS

    'OT-pnrtaTIONH oitnANin»: rTKW rOR«.1(3.f.o. im-ludee outft end »«err or,parut, Aa-oun's m!l|..-i~l eterrwhere. WtciAMHT. SICH-VKH 154S HmidvfST Hulte SOt Rrrsu» U49

    BUSINESS OIVOKTl'NIT.ES¦ATITAI, WANTKD To form CORPORATION'mina a naeaulty t» eheauVal and otherOther half on hand in msrhlnrrv m It itniatmai-r. V. A., 6T, Uùi Myrtle are.Ira uiyn.

    -49ATIJWTÇ Trndrmstln, dedans; lieet worH!ni CI". la .«Il or s'-iid i¦.-;free; :in yr«r«' ni*rlence.j'. 18 lt.-oaduey, N, Y,i

    irnNIHllHD ROOMSrn r It» RAIT.< -nu sod after Avril'..iiKf 'i .',t room in nrlrste himaa, hah* and aifju. aubwst .-»|in«aa atattoaj om> ih»»» »iii h ii. Oi-e i,n'il «|i|'!>. I!. C. i

    .rilMHIII l> IHKiMK I (Ht BKARON Mar 1 Mminutes' walk to eta«!

    . at-il.il,

    ¿JXINOTON **M "'" t'et. ni^l sud «:d «ta