By Angeline Barclay

Chrstina perri

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Page 1: Chrstina perri

By Angeline Barclay

Page 2: Chrstina perri

Camera- Shots & Angles

This particular shot that I intend to use in my music video. This shot is a slightly high angled with a tilt.

Before the music video goes into this shot, the editing done – which is overlapping makes links the wide ocean and the candle together because it shows how the themes relate to each other.

In this shot, the a candle represents loneliness and gives connotations of freedom. Therefore using intertexuality by taking this shot portrays the amplification I am trying to use in my video.

Page 3: Chrstina perri

Camera- Shots & Angles

This is another shot that I intend to use in my music video. The silhouette of the artist and the wide long shot goes very well with our theme of space and being lonely. The lighting is very good and the way the camera zooms in shows that she is the main focus, and the purpose of the music video is to promote the artist.

Page 4: Chrstina perri

Camera- Shots & Angles

Yes again; another shot that we intend to use in music video.

This shot can be really effective as it is in Christina Perri’s video because the low angled, tilted, medium shot links the fact that she is holding a candle and is lighted by only candle light instead of artificial lighting shows the fact that the song is a slow tempo song and the audience should be focusing on the lyrics rather than just the music video.

Page 5: Chrstina perri

Editing & Mise en Scene

The editing done in this music video is quite slow pace just like the song. This show is a cut away and it had a fade in edited to it.

The dark colours associated to this song is seen through the various shots (mostly black). Just as the music video I am making out theme colours are blue, white and grey symbolising space and loneliness.

Page 6: Chrstina perri

Editing & Mise en Scene

Throughout the music video; lots of overlapping is done in time of the beat to show how the two locations link.

The location chosen here is good to really amplfy the themes that are connotated. Just as in my music video, an empty room really highlights the theme of space because she is alone and is thinking because she is sitting down.

Yet again; the candles are seen there with her as a symbol to represent her theme.