Church at The Centre Tonge Moor United Reformed Church Starkie Road, Tonge Moor, Bolton BL2 2ED A member of the Vision Pastorate (with Rose Hill URC and St Andrew & St George URC) and Churches Together in Tonge Moor Church Life – DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 Sunday 10:45am Family Service - All welcome (Communion - 1st Sunday of Month) Saturday 9.45 –10.00am Informal Prayer time All welcome 10:30 - 12:00 noon Saturday Morning Café All welcome

Church Life – DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015btckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site2489/Newsletter...Church Life – DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 Sunday 10:45am Family Service - All welcome (Communion

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Church at The Centre Tonge Moor United Reformed Church Starkie Road, Tonge Moor, Bolton BL2 2ED

A member of the Vision Pastorate

(with Rose Hill URC and St Andrew & St George URC)

and Churches Together in Tonge Moor

Church Life – DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015

Sunday 10:45am Family Service - All welcome (Communion - 1st Sunday of


Saturday 9.45 –10.00am Informal Prayer time – All welcome

10:30 - 12:00 noon Saturday Morning Café – All welcome

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Contact details

Minister: Revd Mark Bates Home: 01204 653477 (Friday is Mark’s day off) Mobile: 07712 440362 Email: [email protected]

Church Secretary John Evans 01204 592300

Children’s Centre Reception 01204 336745 Church Life Editor Maureen Harrison 01204 698873


Our Week:

Sunday Family Service 10:45am (Communion 1st Sunday of month)

Monday – Friday Community Café open in the Children’s Centre 9am – 3pm

Saturday Informal Prayer time 9:45 am Morning Café 10:30am to 12.00 noon

~~~~~ ALL ARE WELCOME ~~~~~

Church at The Centre…… ……….sharing the love of God and the gospel of

Jesus Christ with the people of Tonge Moor

through fellowship, worship and action…..

• a partner in Tonge Children’s Centre

• leading the Building Bridges Community project

• supporting Tonge Lunch and LeisureTonge Lunch and LeisureTonge Lunch and LeisureTonge Lunch and Leisure Club Club Club Club - every Friday lunchtime (with Age UK

and Tonge Children’s Centre).

• For details of Tonge Lunch and Leisure Club, please ask at the Centre Reception

or call Gill Marshall (Age UK) on 01204 336471

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Dear friends

Christmas is coming !!

Yes, you don’t need me to tell you that. The first Christmas trees are up, decorations are beginning to

appear, Christmas music is played in shops and the adverts aiming to encourage us to buy presents or

attend some festive event are very much to the fore. The Christmas lights in Manchester were

switched on the 7th

November!! By the time you read this we will be into December and the pace of

people rushing to achieve all the elements for the perfect Christmas, if not the temperatures, will be

hotting up.

In one sense we don’t really need to remind one another that Christmas is coming – the evidence is all

around. But what kind of Christmas will it be? What is at the heart of Christmas? You and I may be in

no doubt that amidst all the other festive celebrations, family gatherings, sales, parties, theatre

outings, pantos, and TV specials, Jesus remains at the heart of Christmas but the fact is that to an

increasing proportion of the community Santa is more likely to be at the centre of Christmas than


In a survey carried out by the Theos think tank, over 50% said “The birth of Christ is irrelevant to my

Christmas”. 54% of those who responded said that “Christmas was overrated”. 36% of children

interviewed (1000 sample) did not know the significance of Christmas Day, with 22% thinking that it

was to celebrate Simon Cowells birthday!!

We could simply bemoan this as deplorable and be very negative about this displacement of the Christ-

child from our society. While being realistic about the context in which we live surely we shouldn’t

allow the real meaning of Christmas to be thwarted either by indifference or negativity?

Like the shepherds we are called to take the good news of the presence of God’s Son, the Saviour of

the world to all those around us. After they had visited the Christ child they shared the news with

those who would listen and I feel sure with those who didn’t want to listen; we are called to do the

same – including those whose definition of Christmas is vastly different from ours.

Yes, Christmas is coming but surely we could do our bit to let people know that Jesus Christ, the Son of

God, is the real reason we celebrate Christmas?

Immanuel, God with us!

A very Happy and Peaceful Christmas to you and your families, wherever they may be and every

blessing for the New Year!

Mark and Gill

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Toy service

The toy service will be held on Sunday 14th December. The toys will once again

go to the Bolton Lions for distribution, and a member of the Lions will attend

the service to collect the toys. Please leave any toys unwrapped as this makes it

easier for them to decide who they are to be given to. Only new toys can be

accepted, thank you.



If you would like to order a copy of Fresh from the Word 2015 – a booklet of

daily Bible readings from the International Bible Reading Association, please

see Christine Cooke.

The price is £9-00 for a paperback copy. An E book is available price £7-20.


Dorothy Anderton and Joan Tonge are collecting used stamps for charity.

Please save any stamps you get (leaving approximately a 1" border). Dorothy

has chosen a donkey sanctuary and Joan has chosen Leukaemia Care.


The flower list for 2015 is now on the wall outside the Ministers Office. If you

would like to give flowers in memory of someone or perhaps a special occasion

then please put your name by the Sunday of your choice.

Margaret McGreavy would like to say a very big thank you to everyone who

gave flowers last year.

Each week after the Service the flowers are given out to any of our Church

family and friends who are poorly, housebound or celebrating a special

occasion. If you know or are visiting anyone who would like to receive some

flowers please see Margaret or Joan Bradbury.

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Christmas Reflection

About 500 years ago the German theologian Martin Luther was walking

through some woods near his home. It was the week before Christmas. He

was thinking about the Coming of the Christ-Child Jesus and wondering how he

could celebrate the Saviour’s birth at Bethlehem.

Looking up at the beautiful fir trees laden with sparkling snow, Martin had a

wonderful idea! He would chop down a little fir tree, take it indoors and

decorate it with candles, in honour of JESUS the LIGHT of the WORLD. An so

originated the first decorated Christmas tree.

Church candles remind us of the Light of Christ. We see them shining on the

alter each Sunday. At Baptism services a lighted candle is given and we say

“Shine as a light in the World, to the Glory of God the Father.”

A prayer used at Sandringham Church: “The CANDLE is a SIGN of our prayers

and the offering of our lives in the service of Christ; of our prayers for others

that they too might be strengthened in their faith and love of our Lord;

The CANDLE is a SYMBOL of all those who, through the ages, have SHONE AS

LIGHTS in the darkness of the world, and of their prayers for us;

The CANDLE is a WITNESS that this is a place of prayer, a place where people

have knelt in worship through the centuries – to acknowledge that the CHILD

of MARY is the SON of GOD.

O God, our Father, source of Eternal Life, FILL THE HEARTS OF ALL BELIEVERS


By Ann Railton, - Lay Preacher

Taken from the ‘Grace’ Publication

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Enid Smallshaw passed to distant shores 10th

March 2014

Enid was born at Coppull and was the first daughter of Jane and Henry Smallshaw. Enid attended Castle

Hill School where she was involved in all manner of things, representing the school at Netball and

rounders. She was also head girl of Castle Hill and her love of all things school and learning would be

brought out in her later life. As both mum and dad were strong Methodists and she attended St Andrews

Methodist church on Tonge Moor Road. On 1978 Enid started to attend Tonge URC on Starkie Road

where her love of hymns and music meant that she was in the choir. She was also a member of the

women’s guild. She had 5 trips to Australia to spend time with Lois who emigrated out to Oz in 1990, and

on one occasion spent 11 months out there helping out during school holidays. But she was also able to

go for a visit to New Zealand to visit a mine at West point which is where her dad had spent some time as

a young man before returning to the UK in order to marry Jinny.

You are all aware that in her later life she struggled with ill health and had surgery when she was 75 to

remove Bowel cancer; she suffered a stroke in 2009 and moved in Connaught Square where she was

looked after and the family had peace of mind because it was warden controlled.

3 years ago she was again admitted to hospital but when the time came for her to be allowed home it

was felt that she wouldn’t be able to manage on her own at home so a decision was taken to allow her to

move into Hazelbrook where she spent the remaining part of her life cared for and happily listening to the

musicals that stirred her memories.

Les Worthington departed this world 28th

May 2014

Les a loving husband of 65 years to Dorothy, grandpa to Sarah, Steven and Matthew, father in law and

g'pa in law to Janet and Fran, brother to Allan and Denise, brother in law to Allan’s wife Myra and all of

Mum’s sisters and brother. He was also Uncle, cousin and to many of you including family - a friend.

But one thing is for sure whatever he was to each and every one of you he was always regarded as one of

the world’s true gentlemen in the most literal sense of the word.

His army discharge sheet which stated his military conduct was “very good" and the testimonial read:-

A clean smart man who has given good service . He is honest, sober, conscientious and trustworthy.

Recommended for any position of trust and responsibility.

As most of you know Les suffered most of his life from Epilepsy but his determination did not stop him

cycling, an activity he loved in his younger days, and attempting to live a full and normal life. In later

years he joined Bolton Male Voice Choir and travelled many miles with the group, enjoying the

companionship and the sense of achievement in bringing pleasure to the many audiences they performed

for. As we know how he suffered during later years but with help and support he was able to continue to

live at home.

He was a season ticket holder at his beloved Wanderers for many, many years until it got too difficult for

him to attend matches. This love of the wanderers was passed on to the rest of the family.

Les was a true gentle man in every sense of the word and greatly missed by family and friends.

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The Central District of the North West Synod has created a Prayer Diary to help all the Churches think about one another by praying for particular Fellowships each Sunday throughout the year. We will be

including these Churches in or “Prayers for the Church Family” during our Sunday morning worship.

During this month, please pray for:

Everyone in our Fellowship, young and old, especially those leading worship and those who cannot

attend; Everyone involved in the work of the Children's Centre and the Building Bridges project; The Pupils, Parents and Staff of Tonge Moor Community Primary School and Moorgate Primary School;

Friends at other local Churches: St Aidan’s, St Andrew’s, St Augustine’s, St Columba’s. Friends at our

sister Churches: Rose Hill and St. Andrew and St George.

Other Fellowships in the United Reformed Church :

1Dec: World Aids Day Dec 7 Hurst Nook URC 10 Dec: Human Rights Day 14 Cheetham Trinity URC/CofE 21 New Chapel URC, Horwich 28 Hallfold URC

2015 Jan 4 Trinity URC/Methodist, Audenshaw

11 Dundee URC 18 Christian Unity (18 – 25 Jan) Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 25 Hope URC, Denton




Dec Mark Chpt1 v1-8 The voice of the messenger


Dec John Chpt1 v6-8 & 19-28 What do you say about yourself?




Dec Luke Chpt2 v22-40 Waiting, watching,welcoming


Jan Matthew Chpt2 v1-12 A shining light


Jan Mark Chpt1 v4-11 A voice from heaven


Jan John Chpt1 v43-51 A conversation


Jan Mark Chpt1 v14-20 A quiet beginning

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CHRISTMAS CAKE Fancy baking a Christmas Cake, this recipe is the one Christine Cooke uses and it is the one she was given when at secondary school 52 years ago! 4ozs margarine

4ozs granulated sigar

2 lge eggs

6ozs plain flour

6ozs currants

6ozs sultanas

3ozs raisins

2ozs ground almonds

2ozs candied peel 2ozs glace cherries

1teaspoon black treacle

1 level teaspoon mixed spice


Night before making the cake, if wanted soak the dried fruit in a little brandy and leave overnight. Cream the margarine and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat the treacle and eggs together, add to the creamed mixture gradually. Cut the cherries in half and coat with the flour. Add all the ingredients into the creamed mixture and mix well. Put the mixture into a greaseproof lined 6 inch cake tin and make a small hollow in the middle. Tie brown paper round the outside of the tin. Bake in a preheated oven for 1 hour on 150 then turn the oven down to 140 and bake for another 1 and quarter hours approx when the cake should be firm to touch. If the cake seems to be overbrowning cover with a piece of kitchen foil. You can also test if the cake is done by inserting a skewer into the centre, it should come out clean. Cool in the tin, remove, if required prick the cake all over with a skewer and spoon over a little brandy, store the cake wrapped in fresh greasproof paper and foil. Marzipan and ice as required.

Do you know someone who will be struggling this Christmas?

Church at The Centre will be helping Urban Outreach

to provide

“Christmas Dinner on Jesus” to individuals and families who may miss out.

If you know someone who would appreciate a bit of help

to celebrate Christmas, please tell Revd Mark Bates.

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Church at The Centre December 2014

All are welcome!

Tues 2 2:00pm Elders meeting

Fri 5 5:00pm Advent Tea

Bring a friend or neighbour to share in food, fun and festivities.

Sat 6 9:15am Saturday prayers 10:00am Saturday café

Sun 7 10:45am Family Worship with Holy Communion and Emergency Church Mtg

led by Gill Bates

Thur 11 6:30pm Advent Service at St Augustine’s Church with other churches in Tonge Moor

Fri 12 7:15pm Come and Sing at Rose Hill with other churches from Vision Pastorate

Sat 13 9:45am Saturday prayers 10:30am Saturday café

Sun 14 10:45am Cradle Roll / Toy Service

led by Kath Lonsdale

Fri 19 6:00pm Christingle Service

at The Centre

Sat 20 9:45am Saturday prayers 10:30am Saturday café

Sun 21 10:45am Carol Service

led by Revd Mark Bates

Thur 25 10:30am Family Worship for

Christmas Day

Sat 27 Centre closed

Sun 28 10:45am Family Worship

led by Joan Nicholls

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Church at The Centre January 2015

Sat 3 9:15am Saturday prayers 10:00am Saturday café

Sun 4 10:45am Family Worship with Holy Communion

led by Revd Mark Bates

Tues 6 2:00pm Elders meeting

Fri 9 7:15pm Come and Sing at The Centre

Sat 10 9:15am Saturday prayers 10:00am Saturday café

Sun 11 10:45am Family Worship

led by Worship Group

Sat 17 9:45am Saturday prayers 10:30am Saturday café

Sun 18 10:45am Family Worship

6:30pm Ecumenical Service

led by Laurie Shaw

at St Andrew’s Methodist Church

Thur 22 2:00pm Building Bridges Management Group

Sat 24 9:45am Saturday prayers 10:30am Saturday café

Sun 25 10:45am Family Worship

led by Barry Bradshaw

Tues 27 7:30pm Worship Group mtg

All are welcome!

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‘Church-in-Community’ - Building Bridges - Update – December 2014

November saw communities united in remembrance of those who have lost their lives in

armed conflict – especially, but not solely, in two world wars last century. Church at The

Centre held its act of remembrance on Sunday 9th November, during which the Roll of Honour

from Tonge Moor Congregational Schools was read out and two minutes silence observed.

The memorial which was originally erected in the old church building on Starkie Road now

hangs in Tonge Moor Community Primary School, since most, if not all, of the men whose

names appear attended Tonge Moor School as well as Tonge Moor Sunday School.

Mark, along with other School Governors, shared in the school’s act of remembrance on the

11th November; and the following day some of our members accepted an invitation to join

pupils in paying their respects to those named and to share memories and family experiences

with the pupils. They were joined by Connie Cooper, a friend of this church, whose uncle,

William Bunyan, is one of those who are commemorated in the roll of honour.

Two brothers, Walter Brooks and Herbert Brooks ‘lifelong members of the Sunday School’,

who were killed in 1917 are commemorated in a plaque which also hung in the old building.

When the building was demolished, Egerton URC agreed to accept the plaque in the memorial

garden at the rear of their church. There are also memorials to Revd Bill Evans and Revd Bob

Good - both of whom served Egerton and Tonge Moor United Reformed Churches in the past.

Each year, the wreath used in our Act of Remembrance is subsequently placed on the Brooks

memorial as a sign both of our respect and of our commitment to work for justice and peace.

John Evans

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A time for giving……………….

Bolton Young Person’s Housing Scheme – Castle House

Castle House is running low on cereals – so if you could bring a box (or two) of cereals

oonn SSaattuurrddaayy // SSuunnddaayy 66tthh // 77tthh DDeecceemmbbeerr

that would really help.

Supermarket ‘own brands’ welcome.. Chocolate flavour always a favourite!


If you can provide a family size Christmas pudding please bring it to The Centre by Sunday 7th December for

Jayne Clarke (and have your name entered into a free raffle for a bottle of Prosecco)

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The Gift

He brought me a gift that Christmas

As I knelt in the Church in prayer,

I had come to find the Christ Child

But the manger was cold and bare.

“Don’t look for me in the cradle”

I heard Him gently say

“but seek me on the cross

And you’ll have my gift today”.

He brought to me the gift of love

Cupped in his broken hands,

The love He longs to share

With this cold, indifferent land.

I wept, I had no gift to bring

And then I heard him say,

“Just give me your heart my child,

On this my special day”.

Emanuel (God with us)

Some people say they can’t see God

Well I think they are blind

For he is everywhere I look,

I need not search to find.

The mountains and the hills speak forth

My eyes cannot escape…..

…. to see the deeper majesty

of Him who formed their shape.

And when I look upon a tree

In forest, wood or dell,

With branches swaying gracefully

His praises in me swell.

The perfume of a lovely flower

Does something for my day,

It is a gift from Him to me

To help me on my way.

And when you are so loving

And your friendship is so true,

That’s when God is very near

For I see Him in you.

For all the around me,

In earth and sky and sea,

All show me that God above

Is walking here with me.

From Village Poems (Church Urban Fund)