CHURCH SERVICES – All welcome! Brompton Deighton Welbury W. Rounton E. Rounton 6 th 8 & 9am 6.00pm 10.30am 13 th 8am & 6pm 10.30am Remembrance 20 th 9.00am 10.15am 11.00am 10.30am 27 th 10.30am 6.00pm 9.00am 4 th Dec 8 & 9am 6.00pm 10.30am FLOWERS East Rounton West Rounton Welbury 6 th November Mrs D Bell Mrs C Grainge Mrs M Bennett 13 th November 20 th November Mrs H Bell Linda Bandy Mrs V Pattison 27 th November NO FLOWERS IN ADVENT 4 th December

CHURCH SERVICES All welcome! - Welbury · Christians in Iraq As I write the offensive against Isis in Northern Iraq has just begun to attempt to retake Mosul. ... There are still

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Page 1: CHURCH SERVICES All welcome! - Welbury · Christians in Iraq As I write the offensive against Isis in Northern Iraq has just begun to attempt to retake Mosul. ... There are still

CHURCH SERVICES – All welcome!

Brompton Deighton Welbury W. Rounton E. Rounton

6th 8 & 9am 6.00pm 10.30am

13th 8am & 6pm



20th 9.00am 10.15am 11.00am


27th 10.30am 6.00pm 9.00am

4th Dec 8 & 9am 6.00pm 10.30am

FLOWERS East Rounton West Rounton Welbury 6th November Mrs D Bell Mrs C Grainge Mrs M Bennett

13th November

“ “ “


November Mrs H Bell Linda Bandy Mrs V Pattison

27th November


Page 2: CHURCH SERVICES All welcome! - Welbury · Christians in Iraq As I write the offensive against Isis in Northern Iraq has just begun to attempt to retake Mosul. ... There are still

Rountons & Welbury

Gazette November 2016

Page 3: CHURCH SERVICES All welcome! - Welbury · Christians in Iraq As I write the offensive against Isis in Northern Iraq has just begun to attempt to retake Mosul. ... There are still

Christians in Iraq

As I write the offensive against Isis in Northern Iraq has just begun

to attempt to retake Mosul. Qaraqosh is being stormed by the

Kurdish Peshmerga who fled the town two years ago. Hopefully by

the time this is printed the operation will be over and civilian

casualties will have been an absolute minimum.

Iraq is home to one of the world's most ancient Christian

communities, but numbers have dwindled amid growing sectarian

violence since the US-led invasion in 2003. In August 2014

hundreds of Christian families fled Mosul and Qaraqosh and other

Christian towns in the area after ISIS invaded, gave them an

ultimatum to convert to Islam, pay a special tax or be executed -

many were killed.

In the aftermath of this operation it is essential that Christians and

other minorities in Iraq are given the protection that they need in

order to continue to live in their ancient homeland. The sectarian

problems that Iraq has faced recently are a tragedy and have created

divisions between communities that have peaceably with one

another for centuries. Christians, Yazidis and other really need our

prayers in a post-ISIS Iraq, so that they can once again live in peace

in their where their ancestors have also lived.

Best wishes, Jonathan Cooper

The Vicarage, Brompton, Northallerton DL6 2QA 01609 772436

The churchwardens for the benefice are:

Michael Nightingale, West Rounton 882435; Michael Dale, East

Rounton 882517; Peter Walker, Welbury 882947; Joanne Hughes,

Welbury 882268

Page 4: CHURCH SERVICES All welcome! - Welbury · Christians in Iraq As I write the offensive against Isis in Northern Iraq has just begun to attempt to retake Mosul. ... There are still

Mothers' Union - Will members please meet on Thursday 3rd November at 7:30pm for a meeting at Carrbridge Farm West Rounton when we will be following the CD ‘living in the light’ Visitors welcome more details call Liz 882315.

Welbury WI Thursday 17th November 7.30pm Welbury village hall Speaker: AGM with a Spanish Theme Competition - Results

WI Press Report for October 2016 - Our members are not foxes but we are just as crafty. Following the instruction of Treen Gaudie we spent a happy evening creating rag wreaths from wire frames and remnants which resulted in a gaudy display of many colours. The competition was for the best but no one could agree which one it was so all members were declared to be winners. Next month our AGM night will have a Spanish theme with a supper of tapas.

Thanks Thanks to all those who help look after St Leonard’s throughout the year and on the indoor and outdoor cleaning & tidying days last month.

If you have anything for the next gazette, please email by the 15th November to [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] The latest gazette can now be viewed on welbury.com

Welbury Church Cleaning November –

Roger Bennett

Welbury 150 Club winners -


1st N Barnard 2nd D & A Stainthorpe

Rountons Ladies Book Club The next meeting will be held on November 7th at 7:30pm in the Horseshoe Inn. The book we will discuss is “Ice” by James Follett

Appleton Wiske After School Club has been running for more than a year and are still collecting toys and games for the children to play with. They have a collection of toy cars but would love a toy garage to keep them in and would also like a Subbuteo or similar football game. If anyone has either of these items and no longer needs them please ring Sue on 882730.

Page 5: CHURCH SERVICES All welcome! - Welbury · Christians in Iraq As I write the offensive against Isis in Northern Iraq has just begun to attempt to retake Mosul. ... There are still

Diary Dates - All events in village hall unless stated ROUNTONS November 2016

3rd Mother’s Union at Carrbridge Farm

7th Rountons Ladies Book Club at Horseshoe Inn

18th Linda’s bingo

25th Rountons & Welbury Christmas Fair

WELBURY November 2016

6th Welbury Village bonfire at Lyndale (Race’s back field)

17th Women’s Institute

25th Rountons & Welbury Christmas Fair at East Rounton village hall

Date for your diary

4th December - Welbury & Rountons PCCs Children’s Christmas Party

The fourth Macmillan Coffee Morning held in Welbury was on Saturday 1st

October in the Village Hall. Every year so far we have managed to surpass the previous year’s total and this year we raised a massive £685 for Macmillan which I am thrilled to bits with. I would like to thank everyone who supported the coffee morning in any way. It was very well attended and I received lots of cash donations, raffle prizes and items for the Bring and Buy stall. The Bring and Buy stall alone made almost £100. Sweets in the Jar (321 smarties) was won by Val Barker and Tina Race won a walnut fudge cake and £5 for the nearest guess to the number of spots on the cake. Not forgetting thanks to my helpers in setting up the hall, putting up notices and assisting on the day, without them it could not have happened. Also thanks to Welbury Village Hall Committee for not charging rent for the hall use. I wanted to do this in memory of my husband Phil, whom many of you knew, who died 2 years ago, and for Macmillan as they helped us so much and hope they will continue to help many others. This may have been the last coffee morning I have organised in Welbury but I will continue to do it in Newbury as long as I am fit enough. If anyone missed the day and would still like to donate I have a Just Giving website for it and the link to it is below:- https://www.justgiving.com/Susan-McDonnell1 There are still some unclaimed raffle prizes and the numbers are below. Please ring me on 01609 882730 to arrange collection/delivery. 360 Green ticket 461 Pink ticket 465 Pink ticket 472 Peach ticket Thanks again everyone! Sue McDonnell

Page 6: CHURCH SERVICES All welcome! - Welbury · Christians in Iraq As I write the offensive against Isis in Northern Iraq has just begun to attempt to retake Mosul. ... There are still

Welbury Village Bonfire

For local residents, family & friends

Sunday 6th November 2016

At Lyndale (Race’s back field)

Light up 6pm - Fireworks approximately at 6.30pm Admission FREE - Refreshments available to purchase - mulled wine, soup, hot dogs, etc. Only sparklers allowed - No individual



We are appealing to village generosity to fund the fireworks by donations. Please give to Joanne Hughes, Tina Race or put in the collection box at The Duke of Wellington. Further information from Tina Race 882615. All Welcome

Christmas Bingo - Friday 18th November 6.30pm -

fun for all the family - great prizes -great fun - all

proceeds to Church Funds - for more details speak to

Linda Bandy

Welbury Church floodlights Welbury PCC would greatly appreciate donations to fund the floodlights during the dark winter months. Donations can be given to any member of the PCC; Pat Wade, Peter Walker, Roger Bennett, Kate Lindo, Joanne Hughes or Liz Moore. Alternatively cheques can be posted to Roger Bennett (treasurer) at Field House, Welbury DL6 2SG, and made payable to Welbury PCC. Suggested donation to sponsor the lights for a month £20.

Page 7: CHURCH SERVICES All welcome! - Welbury · Christians in Iraq As I write the offensive against Isis in Northern Iraq has just begun to attempt to retake Mosul. ... There are still
Page 8: CHURCH SERVICES All welcome! - Welbury · Christians in Iraq As I write the offensive against Isis in Northern Iraq has just begun to attempt to retake Mosul. ... There are still

Rountons & Welbury Christmas Fair

Friday 25th November

East Rounton Village Hall

6.30pm – 8.30pm

Raffle - (Prizes from The Duke of Wellington, Roots Farm Shop, Whitegates Nursery, Liz & Dave Moore and many more). Tickets available from any PCC member.

Tombola, Produce and Cake Stall, Craft Stalls. Entrance (including seasonal refreshments) - Adults £2.50, Children free - All proceeds to Rountons & Welbury church funds

Welbury & Rountons PCC Children’s Christmas Party Sunday 4th December 2-4pm Welbury Village Hall

Traditional party tea with lots of games and a

small gift from Santa - £2 per child - Children

must be accompanied by an adult. -

(Refreshments available for adults) Please telephone or e-mail

Joanne (882268 [email protected]), with the

names of any children wishing to come before Friday 25th

November as Santa wouldn’t like to disappoint.

Don’t forget to complete as many Mouse

Makes competitions as possible. All those

entering will receive a certificate and

prizes will be given at the Children’s

Christmas Party to those with the most complete entries and the most colourful

entries. Hand to any member of Welbury

PCC before 25th November please.