Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,

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Page 1: Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,


Page 2: Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,


Page 3: Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,




For three hours on that eventful day, anunnatural darkness covered the whole earth. Noone was to behold that unique scene whenJesus, forsaken by God Almighty bore thejudgment of our sins. He declared: “It isfinished”. God’s demands on righteousnesshave all been fully met. Salvation is granted.The believer is now at peace, in fellowship withthe Saviour. The risen Lord rejoices as He is inthe midst of the redeemed ones.

Even in the deepest sufferings the Lord Jesusremained fully in control. As the sinless One,He sensed the horror of God’s judgment in away that we shall never experience. Yet, He wasperfectly devoted to God, and in absoluteobedience accomplished the work of salvation.God’s plan in respect of the salvation of the sinfulwas thus fulfilled. The condemned sinnerattained God’s holiness. For the redemption ofmankind, the Son of God submitted Himselfvoluntarily to judgment and death, but triumphedon the third day as the risen One. “The emptytomb bears the historic testimony: “Christ isrisen from the dead” ( I Corinthians 15:20). “TheLord is risen indeed” (Luke 23:34).

Even today, millions of people across theglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christin their personal lives as a living reality. Listeningto prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedomfrom bondages, caring, comforting and healing,He guides and keeps us through the thorns oflife. The Saviour who declared: “I am alive forevermore” (Revelation 1:18) holds our handsand leads us into the realms of glory throughthe blessed Holy Spirit.

Christenson E. Sarasam Editor

11th year of publication

MARCH 2013


Chief EditorRev. C.R. Vincent

EditorChristenson E. Sarasam

Rev. Dr. L.E. SahanamRev. E. Sunin SpenzerDr. Samson NessiahT. Jayakumar Alfred

Address:The Editor

Church VoiceM.M. Church

L.M.S. CompoundTrivandrum - 695 033

Ph: 2311347

Articles / Feedbackmay be sent to :

[email protected] 15th of every month



Page 4: Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,


“Enable the congregation to bear witness.”

My dear ones in Christ,

Loving greetings to you in the sweet and wonderful counsellor’s name, theLord and Redeemer!

Golden verse of the month:“But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus

Christ by whom the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world.” (Galatians6:14)


""F\nt°m \ΩpsS I¿Øm-hmb tbip-In-kvXp-hns‚ Iqin¬ A√msX

]iw-kn-∏m≥ CS-h-c-cp-Xv; Ah-\m¬ temIw F\n°pw Rm≥ temI-Øn\pw

Iqin-°-s∏-´n-cn-°p-∂p.'' (Kem-X-y¿ 6:14)

“Our formost teacher is the Holy Spirit of God”. But ‘Hermeneutics’is the technical name given to the science of interpreting scripture. ApostleSt. Peter in his second letter says that the biblical authors spoke from Godnot on their own impulse but as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit(II Pet. 1:21). It is the Holy Spirit who can interpret what he caused them tospeak. The best interpreter of every book is its author, since he aloneknows what he intended to say. So God’s book can be interpreted by theGod’s spirit, the wonderful Counsellor alone (John 14:26). As the work ofthe Holy spirit is communicating the God’s truth to the humans, we cansee in two stages. The objective stage which is “revelation”- the disclosureof the truth of the scripture. The subjective stage may be called“illumination”- the enlightenment of our minds to comprehend the truthdisclosed in Scripture. These two stages are essential. Without revelationwe have no truth to perceive; without illumination no faculty with which topercevie the truth. Here St. Paul in his Epistle to Galatians says that - “ButGod forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ bywhom the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world.” This is a Biblicaltruth which can be grasped only with the help of Holy Spirit.

The Death of Jesus Christ on the cross was the result of the interplayof various factors.

The PrThe PrThe PrThe PrThe Presbesbesbesbesbyter Speaks....yter Speaks....yter Speaks....yter Speaks....yter Speaks....

Theme of the Year:(‘Pastoral Ministry in the Urban Context’)

Page 5: Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,


♦ It was the Heavenly Father’s plan of action for the redemption ofthe world from Sin.

♦ It was the intended ministry of the visionary Jesus Christ, whichwas fortold to his disciples.

♦ It was neither a suicide nor a well- planned murder but the sacrificeof the ‘Lamb of God’ towards the sin of the universe.

♦ It was the fulfilment of the prophesy (Isaiah 41,42, 49:1-6, 50:4-9,52:13 - 53:12)Because when the mob cried to pontius pilate, the Governor,

“Crucify him, Crucify him” pilate who represented the Roman law and truly,conveniently sentenced Jesus to be crucified even after confessing openlythrice. “I find no fault in Him”.

This statement of Apostle Paul is the reflection of the power of theCross. It is the power of close relationship with the saviour. The AlmightyGod chose the sign of suffering and shame-”the cross” as the symbol ofGlory. The cross has given new meaning and vision for life. It is aproclamation of a new relationship with confidence infaith. (Eph. 2:1,5).This cross is the symbol of the redemption of sinful world towards godspower of salvationand resurrection. St. Paul in Gelatins Chapter 6 Verse14 says that, he glorified most in the cross of our Lord and Saviour JesusChrist. An important point to highlight here is that St. Paul never said, I willglorify in Christ’s resurrection or His Ascension as he knew that the crosswas the symbol of suffering. (Colo. 1:24)

St. Paul’s letter to Gelatins in 57 A.D. is not addressed to any particularchurch, but as a “Circular letter” to a group of Churches “Unto the churchesof Galatia” On his missionary Journey that Paul’s intention was only topass through Galatia, when he was frustrated by illness, he was receivedand cared by Galations in a way he never could forget. During his absencethese people were led astray by judiaizing teachers, the enemies of Paul.So he wrote this letter when he was in Corinth with his commitment of faithin Christ. The content of the Epistle may be noted as follows:

(a) Paul and the Brother (1-2) In these chapters he establishes hisapostelic authority.

(b) Paul’s teachings to Galations in view of the misleading doctrinesof rituals in Judaism (3-4). It was not by justification of Abrahamictradition but by spiritual sonship in Christ.

(c) The life with the help of Holy Spirit (5-6). The spiritual liberty isnot a licence but the life of love. Those who live in the spirit are

Page 6: Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,


in conflict with the flesh.The World Day of prayer: March 1st Friday is being observed as theWorld Day of Prayer. This year we are called to pray for the people ofFrance; who are alienated from various parts of the world. As we pray forthe people around us, let us remember that they are the people in thisworld in our pilgrimage.Passion week: The last week of this month is the passion week. Rev. Dr.G.Robinson will lead our meditations in the church worships from 28th to31st and other worship services and programmes from 24th to 27th of theHoly week will be conducted with the leadership of various fellowshipsand organisations of our church. Let us prepare ourselves and participatein the meditations.Annual Examinations: As our children are getting ready for the forthcoming examinations, parents are responsible to prayerfully help them toappear for their exams. Dear children, our Lord Jesus Christ will help youto prepare well in this regard. May the Almighty bless you and keep you ingood health during these days. My prayers and best wishes for your greatsuccess.

May the grace of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ be with us all.With Easter greetings and prayers.

Yours in Christ, Vincent Achan

JUNIOR CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP 2013Secretary - Merlin S.Joint Secretary - Joseena Josh, Anubhava SuninAccountant - Jithiya G. AnsalamPrayer Secretary - Mega G.Committee Members - Prigitta, Tiniya, Aishwarya,

Ardra, Annie Bose.

5 hb- p-ap-X¬ 15 hb- p-h-sc-bp≈ s]¨Ip-´n-Iƒ°v kzm-KXw.F√m Rmb-dm-gvN-I-fnepw 11:15 am apX¬ 12 noon hsc TJM lmfn¬HØp IqSp∂p.

]kwKw, ]m´v, BIvj≥ tkmwKv, IY ]d-®n¬, ss__nƒhmb-\, hmIyw I≠p-]n-Sn-°¬, ss__nƒ Izn v F∂nh ]cn-io-en-∏n-°p-∂p. hnhn[ a’-c-ß-fn¬ ]s¶-Sp-°m≥ Ah-kcw e`n-°p∂p.

Fkv. sa¿en≥, skI- dn

Page 7: Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,


Greetings in the great name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

The last month of this financial year has blossomed with the dawnof March marking the beginning of summer season.

I am sorry to report the early and sudden demise of Mr.Shiju ofWins Arts, who executed meticulously the erection of the ‘display -board’ near the front compound wall of our church which is attractingappreciation from various corners.

The M.M. Church centenary Memorial Church building atKuravankonam is nearing completion and will, by God’s Grace, bededicated at an early date, thus completing the only unaccomplishedproject we took up along with the centenary celebrations of our church.

The congregation at Manikanteswarm mission field is growing veryfast, thanks to the initiatives taken up by Mr. Robert Singh and thelocal worker, Mr.Rajesh D.L., Mr. A.Christudas will be the new workerat Prasanth Nagar field and Mr.Allen is given full-time charge ofKothalam field.

The church committee has decided to reiterate that reservation ofvault by surviving spouse can be made by remitting the prescribedfee and the reservation will come into effect only after remittance ofthe fee.

An amount of Rs. 15,000 has been Sanctioned for electricalconnection in the Koilputhoor Church at Salem.

Permanent membership has been accorded to Mr. A. Christudas,TC 14/1229, Lenin Nagar.

The church committee has resolved to celebrate the 175thAnniversary of the first protestant worship service conducted by ourcongregation on 13th May 1838, near Pettah, the venue having beenshifted later to a building in the present University Library Campusand subsequently, on completion of the church building, to the

From the Secretary’s desk…...........…

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M.M.Church. It is also proposed to have a combined worship serviceat 8:30 a.m. on 12th May 2013 to commemorate the original worshipservice which was conducted in Tamil and in course of time service inMalayalam was also introduced.

It has been resolved to have Rev. Ramesh Raj as part timemissionary under the city-missions committee. The February sessionof the church committee has sanctioned the following charitable aid:-

Medical aid:

1. Radhkrishnan, Kuttichal - Rs. 5,0002. Biju T., Kuttichal - Rs. 3,0003. Dhakshayini, Lenin Nagar - Rs. 1,0004. Mariyakutty, Lenin Nagar - Rs. 5,0005. Lilly Bai, Manali - Rs. 1,0006. Liji, Erithavoor - Rs. 3,000 (Only after Surgery)

Educational aid:

Soumya, Amaravila - Rs.10,000

Housing aid:

Thankamma, Kuravankonam- Rs. 5,000(in instalments, through Mrs.Grisilda Wills)

Marriage aid:

1. Jasmine T., Mankuzhy - Rs. 2,0002. Sandhya, Kozhivila - Rs. 2,0003. Remya, Poovachal - Rs. 2,000

Let us pray to God to console the bereaved surviving familymembers of M/s.M.Joseph, P.Wilson and Mrs. Helen Paul who werecalled to eternal rest!

Dr. Samson Nessiah Church Secretary

*Obedience is another word for love and loyalty.''

Page 9: Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,


Many facts and expectations asgiven in scripture make me think alot. Many a times, they make methink about my actions of yesteryears. The Bible verse ‘he whoendures to the end shall be saved’(Mathew 24:12) reveals the truththat I cannot live by my past gloryand find favour from God.

May be we have done la lot forGod’s ministry, sacrificially, with fullcommitment and zeal, in the past.Still we are called to think andexplore the present status and whatwe do now for God in the ministry.The above cited verse stresses theimportance of enduring till the end,in God’s ministry!

We all know that if we have todo God’s work in His way, then weneed to come out of our ‘Comfortzone’ and involve in ministry. If westay inside our ‘Comfort zone’ we willnot be able to do ministry effectivelyand please God.

King’s place and the associatedbenefits and the status that heenjoyed were the ‘Comfort zone’ ofNahemiah. Only when he came outof that ‘comfort zone’, God used himfor His glory (Neh 2:5).

Naaman, the army commanderof the king Syria was enjoying thepower authority and the associatedstatus and pride in his territory. Thatwas his ‘comfort zone’ (II Kings5:11,12). But God worked out amiracle only when Naaman waswilling to come out of his ‘comfort

zone’. Then he was healed!In (Mathew 19:27) Peter affirms

that all the appostles have come outof their ‘comfort zone’. They lefteverything and followed Christ.What Christ said and what Christwanted them to do was foremost forthem; and not what they wanted todo. For Hobab ‘comfort zone’ washis own land and family (Numbers10:30). But he was called to comeout of his ‘comfort zone’ He wentwith Moses to the promised land tohelp them on the way.

Doing all that they want,spending time unnecessarily withfriends succumbing to youthfullusts, like wanting to amass wealth,are the ‘comfort zone’ entities formany of our youth. But scriptureinstructs and emphasises the needfor coming out of ‘comfort zone’ toinvolve effectively in God’s ministry(II Tim.2:22-24).Where am I? Where are you? Insidethe comfort zone? Or outside theComfort zone? let us examineourselves. If God reveals that we areinside our ‘comfort zone’ we shouldwork towards coming out of our‘comfort zone’ to be effective inwhatever we do for God.

If we reexamine ourselvesdeeply and fully, one more fact maycome to our notice! Many of us, inthe past, during early days of ourministry, would have gone out of our‘comfort zone’ and done work for theLord. We might have exhibited

Where am I?Dr. Anand Samuel

Page 10: Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,


One of the outstanding Great Men,who changed the course of our genbrrationKXvska-\-bnse ]Xn-I-cWw


IÆ-©n-°p∂ ImgvN -Ifpwe£yw sX‰n-°p∂ hgn-Ifpw [mcm-

f-ap≈ B[p-\nI temI-Øn¬ a\p-j-y-]p-X≥ \ap°p amXr-I-bm-Wv˛KXvska-\-bnse Pohn-X-]m-T-Øn-

eqsS, e£-y-Øn¬\n∂p \sΩ AI-‰n-°-f-bm≥ km[-y-X-bp-≈-hsb Xnc-®-dn™v h¿÷n-°p-hm\pw in£W

Øns‚ Im¬hcn hgnsb kt¥m-tØmsS ]p¬Ip-hm\pw \mw Xøm-dm-Ip-tºmƒ AXp a‰p-≈-h-cpsS

lrZ-b-ß-fnepw Ne\w krjvSn-°pw.

\nim-]p-jv]-߃ \dp-aWw ]c-Ønb \nem-hp-s≈mcp cmXn-bn¬a\p-j-y-]p-X≥ KXvska-\-bn-se-Øn.

GI-\mbn ]m¿∞-\bv°v ap´p-a-S-°nb B thf-bn¬ Ahs‚ lrZ-b-Xmfw ZpX-K -Xn -bn -em -bn -cp -∂n -

cn°Ww. Gs‰-Sp-°m≥ t]mIp∂Iqins‚ `mchpw t\cn -Sm≥t]mIp∂ IjvS-X-bpsS I\-e-\p-`-

hhpw Ah-K-W-\-bpsS ap∂-dn-hp-tam¿Øv Ah≥ sXs√m∂p ]I®p\n∂n-´p-≠m-h-Ww. Ah-bn¬\n∂v

Hgn™p amdm≥ FXtbm Ah-k-c-߃ e`n-®-Xm-Wv! temI-Xm-Xv]-c-y-߃°p hnt[-b-s∏´p \n∂n-cp-s∂-

¶n¬, A¤p-X-kn-≤nsb hn¬∏\-®-

c-°m-°n-bn-cp-s∂-¶n¬ FØn-t®-cm-

am-bn-cp∂ Db-c-ßfpw Ac-a-\-kp-J-ßfpw \nan-j-t\-c-tØ-s°-¶n-epwAhs‚ a\-- n-eqsS an∂n-a-d-™n-´p-

≠m-h-Ww. F∂m¬ Ah-sbm∂pwAhs\ Iog-S-°n-bn-√. ap∂n¬Hmtc -sbmcp e£yw amXw.

Im¬hcn ac-W-Øn-eqsS a\p-j-y-h¿§-Øn\p c£. ]n∂n´ ]mX-I-fnse Zri-y-hn-kva-b-߃s°m∂pw

e£y-Øn¬\n∂v Ahs\ hy-Xn-N-en∏n-°m-\m-bn-√. B kpZrV \ne-]m-Sns‚ A\n-hm-cy e-am-bn-cp∂p

Iqiv. KXvska-\-bnse tbip-hns‚ ]Xn-I-cWw hfsc ]k-‡-am-Wv˛ "\ns‚ CjvSw Xt∂

BI-s´' (eqs°mkv 22:42).e£-y-Øn-te-°p≈ bmX-bn¬

]Xn-k-‘n-I-fp-≠m-hmw. Ah-bpsSa[y-Ønse \ne-]m-SmWv Hcp ssZh-

ss]-X-ens\ hy-X-y-kvX-\m-°p-∂-Xv.ssZh-ln-X-Øn¬ kt¥mjw Is≠-Øm-\m-h-W-sa-¶n¬, kmX-zn-I- mhw

\Ωn¬ hnS-c-W-sa-¶n¬ KXvska-\-bnse ]m¿∞-\m-\p- -hhpw ssZh-]p-Xs‚ emfn-X-yhpw \ΩpsS Pohn-X-

Øns‚ `mK-am-I-Ww. t\mºp-ImeNn¥-Iƒ AXn\p \sΩ Hcp-°-s´.

the expected hard work, sacrificeand the commitment. But as timepassed by we might have becometired and may be that some aretrying to run into the ‘comfort zone’from outside.

When we try to come in to ourcomfort zone, with or without ourknowledge, we may give many

reasons to justify our actions. Butthat will only be similar to the personwho puts his hands to the ploughand looks back (Luke 9:62). Undersuch situations (Mathew 24:13)serves as a cautionary note for us.

India needs JESUS CHRIST And Jesus Christ needs YOU

Page 11: Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,


Jesus Christ our Saviour andRedeemer had a gruesome deathon the Cross to save us frometernal damnation. What Jesuswent through at the Cross isunthinkable, unimaginable andbeyond human comprehension.The Cross was the most horrifyinginstrument of torture the world hadever known.

Before crucifixion Jesus withHis disciples went to a placecalled Gethsemane. He waswithdrawn from them about astones cast and kneeled downand prayed. Being in an agony Heprayed more earnestly and Hissweat was as it were great dropsof blood falling down to theground. Then cometh He to Hisdisciples and found them asleep.Jesus said, rise behold he is athand who does betray me. WhileHe yet spake Judas came andwith him a great multitude withswords and clubs from the chiefpriest, and elders of the peopleand laid hold of Jesus and led Himaway to Caiaphas, the HighPriest. They sought falsewitnesses against Jesus to putHim to death. But Jesus held Hispeace. The High Priest askedHim, Are you the Christ, the Sonof the Blessed? Jesus said I am

The Crucifixion of Christ

and ye shall see the son of Mansitting on the right hand of Powerand coming in the clouds ofHeaven. Then the High Priest renthis clothes and said, have youheard the blasphemy? And theyall condemned Him to be guilty ofdeath. And some began to spit onHim and some stroke Him with thepalm of their hands. And Peterfollowed Him afar off. A certainmaid looked upon him and said:“This man was also with him.Peter denied and said: I know Himnot. And about the space of onehour two men said the same thing.And immediately the roostercrowed.Then Peter rememberedthe word of the Lord; “Before therooster crows, you shall deny methree times.” Then Peter went outand wept bitterly.

And straight away in themorning they bound Jesus anddelivered Him to Pilate. And Pilateasked Him: Are you the king of theJews? Jesus answering said untohim, you say it. The Chief Priestaccused Him of many things. ButJesus answered nothing andPilate marveled and said: “I havefound no cause of death in him.”Now at the feast of PassoverPilate released unto them oneprisoner, whomsoever they

Dr. Florance Isaac

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desired. Pilate willing to contentthe people released Barabbas, amurderer unto them and deliveredJesus when he has scourged Himto be crucified. And the solidersled Him away into the hall calledPretorium and they clothed Himwith purple and platted a crownof thorns and put it on His head.And they smote Him on the headwith a rod and spat on Him andmocked Him. And they took off thepurple robe from Him and put Hisown clothes and led Him away tocrucify Him. The horrifying trip tothe place of crucifixion, Calvarywith Jesus carrying the cross- Andit was the third hour and theycrucified Him and two thieves, oneon the right and the other on theleft. And a superscription ofaccusation was written over thecross: “This is the king of theJews”. Then said Jesus “Fatherforgive them, for they know notwhat they do.”

And when the 6th hour camethere was darkeness over thewhole land until the 9th hour andat the 9th hour Jesus cried with aloud voice and said: “It is finished”and gave up the ghost. And theweil of the temple was rent intwain from top to bottom. This

signified that the price had beenpaid with all sin atoned.

Jesus was nailed to the crossfor six full hours with the crown ofthorns on the head and His handsand feet pierced through withnails. Can you imagine the agonyJesus suffered on the cross on ourbehalf? With the word, “It isfinished” He announced thatHeaven’s door was open.

There was a man Joseph ofArimathaea, who also himselfwaited for the kingdom of God.This man went to Pilate andbegged the body of Jesus. And hetook the body of Jesus andwrapped in linen and laid the bodyof Jesus in a sepulchre that washewn in stone, where in neverman before was laid. And veryearly the first day of the week(Sunday) Mary Magdalene andMary the mother of Jamesbrought sweet spices and cameinto the sepulcher that they mightanoint Him. To their surprise theysaw the stone was rolled awayand entering inside the sepulchrethey saw an Angel and he saidunto them, you seek Jesus ofNazareth who was crucified.He isrisen, He is not here. But go yourway, tell His disciples and Peter.



Page 13: Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,


`‡nKm\߃°p ]n∂nse IYIƒ B¬_¿´v enhnMvè

""krjvSn-bn¬ cmP≥ btlm-hsb''(Hymnal 20)sPm B°nw \nbm≥U¿

Praise Ye the Lord the Almighty- Joa Achim Neander 1650-1680

krjvSn-bn≥ cmP≥ btlm-h-sb-h∂p kvXpXn-∏n≥

\¬c-£-i-‡n-X-t∂m≥ F∂pw hmgvØs∏Ss´

tIƒ°p-t∂mtc, tkmZ-c-tc- h-cp-hn≥

kvXpXn-∏n≥ hn\-b-tØm-sS.

kvXpXn° \ns‚ A≤-zm\w \∑-bm-°p-t∂ms\

X≥ Zb-Im-cp-Wyw k¥Xw \ns∂mSp ]m¿°pw

t\m°o-Sp-I, Ah≥ sNøp-∂--sX√mw

\ns∂ Ah≥ kzo-I-cn-°pw.

amtLmc Im‰-Sn®p `b-s∏-SpØptºmgpw

Bgn- \ns∂ hngp-ßm≥ HmSn ASp-°p-tºmgpw

imkn-®oSpw, \¬IoSpw Znh-y-im¥n

Imdpw tImfpw au\n-bm-Ipw.

ssZh-Øn\p kvXpXn-Iƒ ]mSpw F≥ A[-c-߃

`qhm-kn-Iƒ Ghcpw ssZhsØ kvXpXn-∏n≥

Bta≥, Bta≥, PmXn-Iƒ B¿∏n-Sps∂

kmjvSmwKw hoWp kvXpXn-∏n≥.

P¿Ω-\n -bnse s_a≥

(Bremen) F∂ ]´-W-Øn¬ 1650

tabv 31 \mbn-cp∂p kwKo-Xm-⁄-

\mb sPm B°nw \nb≥U¿ P\n-

®-Xv. \thm-∞m\ k -bnse AwK-

ß-fm-bn-cp∂ \nb≥U¿ IpSpw-_-

Øn¬ sPm B-°o-ans‚ ]nXmhpw

]nXm-a-l\pw k`m-ip-iq-j-I-cm-bn-

cp -∂p. F¶nepw sPm B°nw

NoØ-Iq-´p-sI-´n¬ \ncoizchmZn

bmbn Pohn®p. 1670˛¬ Hcp henb

kphntijtbmKØn¬ kw_‘n-

°p-∂-Xn-\mbn t]mIm≥ Xocp-am-\n-®p.

A∂v hb v 20. ]kwKw tIƒ°p-

∂-Xn-\√ adn®v ]mkw-Kn-Is\ Ifn-

bm-°p-I-bm-bn -cp∂p Dt±iyw.

F∂m¬ A∂sØ i‡-amb

Bflob ZqXv Ahs‚ a\- ns\

De-®p. am\-km-¥c A\p-`-h-Øn-

te°p h∂v Xs∂Øs∂ I¿Øm-

hn-\mbn ka¿∏n-®p. c£-bpsS

A\p-`-h-Øn-emb sPm B°nw

kphn-ti-j-th-e-bn¬ hym-]r-X-

\mbn 1674˛¬ Hcp kv°qƒ

Page 14: Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,


slUvam-Ã-dmb At±lw tPmen

tbmsSm∏w kphn-tijw Adn-bn-

°m\pw InkvXob ho£-W-߃

]d-bm\pw XpS-ßn. CXv A[n-Im-

cn-Isf sNmSn-∏n®v At±-lsØ

tPmen-bn¬ \n∂pw ]d-™-b-®p.

P¿Ω≥ `mj-bn¬ At±lw

Hcp \√ ]mkw-Kn-I\pw Km\-c-N-

bn-Xm-hp-ambn Adn-b-s∏-´p. Adp-]-

Xn-tesd Km\-߃ cNn-®n-´p≠v

an°Xpw kvXpXn-Ko-X-ß-fm-Wv.

Ah-bn¬ G‰hpw ]kn-≤-hpw

]iw-kn°-s∏- -Xp-amb Km\-am-Wn-

X v . sPm B°nw \nbm -≥U¿

1680˛¬ Xs‚ ap∏-Xmw hb- n¬

ssZh-k∂n-[n-bn¬ tN¿°-s∏-´p.

At±-l-Øns‚ Km\-߃ C∂pw

A\-i-z-c-ß-fmbn k`-bpsS CjvS-

Km-\-ß-fmbn ]mS-s∏-Sp-∂p. Cw•o-

jn-te°v ankv. ImX-dn≥ hn¶v

h¿Øv F∂ h\n-Xbpw ae-bm-f-

Øn-te°v an.Pn.-]n. sk¬h-cmPv

F∂ k`m -kw -Ko -Xm -⁄\pw

hnh¿Ø\w sNbvXn-cn-°p-∂p.

ImXdn≥ hn¶v h¿Øv 1827˛¬

e≠-\n¬ P\n® A°m-esØ

D∂-X-hn-Z-ym-`-ymkw t\Sn-b-h-cn¬

]ap-J-bm-bn-cp-∂p. hnh¿Ø-\-

Øn¬ ka¿∞-bmb Ch¿

At\Iw P¿Ω≥ Km\-߃ Cw•o-

jn¬ e`-y-am-°n.

"krjvSn-bn≥ cmP≥ btlm-hsb

h∂p kvXpXn-∏n≥' F∂n-ßs\

ae-bm-fØnte°p Cu ]kn-≤-

Km\w hnh¿Ø\w sNbvX Pn.]n.

sk¬h-cmPv ]md-im-e-bv°-SpØv

Bd-bq¿ kz-tZ-in-bm-Wv. k`m

kwKo-X-tØmSv AanXXm¬]cyhpw

Adnhpw D≈ Hcp k`m-kw-Ko-X-

⁄-\mb sk¬h-cmPv amXr-k-`-

bnse Kmb-I-kw-L-Øn\p ]pdta

a‰-t\Iw k -I-fn¬ t]mbn KmbI

kwL cq]o-I-c-W-Ønepw kwKo

Xm-`-ym-k-\Ønepw kvXpXy¿l-

amb tkh\w \S-Øn-h-cp -∂p.

Z£nW tIcf alm-bn-S-h-I-bn¬

D]-tbm-Kn-°p∂ ]m´p-]pkvXI

Ønse Km\-߃ apgp-h≥ kwKo-

X-en-]n-I-fn-em°n ]kn≤o-I-cn-°p-

∂-Xn¬ apJy- ]¶phln-®n-´p-≠v.

Bb-Xn-te°v _nj∏v tUm. kmap-

h¬ AarXw Xncp-ta\nbpsS

t]m’m-l-\-hpw A\p-K-lhpw

D≠m-bn-cp -∂p. Utbm- n-kn¬

kwKo-X-hn-`mKw Bcw-`n -°p-∂-

Xnepw t\Xr-Xzw \¬Ip-∂-Xnepw

][m\ ]¶phln -®n -´p -≠v .

Kh¨sa‚ v Hm^v C≥U-y-bnse

Hcp-b¿∂ DtZ-ym-K-ÿ-\mWv. Xncp-

h-\-¥-]pcsØ an. F-kv.-]n. tXmakv

]cn-io-en-∏n-°p∂ Snhm≥Uw

sabn¬thm-bn-kkv AwK-amb

Ct±lw C∂pw ]e k`-I-fnepw

kwKoX ]cn-io-e\w \S-Øn kvXpX-y

¿l-amb tkh\w \S-Øp-∂p.

"\oXn-am-∑m-tc, btlm-h-bn¬ tLmjn®p√kn-∏n≥ kvXpXn-

°p-∂Xv t\cp-≈-h¿°p DNn-X-at√m'' (k¶o. 33:1)

Page 15: Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,


Ipcn-inse tbiptamkkv

Iqin-°-s∏´ tbip-hns‚ au\-amWv \sΩ `b-s∏-Sp-tØ-≠-Xv.Iqin¬ amX-a-√, ]oUm-\p- -h-th-f-bnepw Cu au\w hfsc i‡-ambkwth-Z\w \S-Øp-∂p. "CXbpwIp‰m-tcm-]-W-ap-≠m-bn´pw \o H∂pw]d-bp-∂n-√t√m' F∂mWv ]oem-tØmkv tbip-hn-t\mSv ]d-bp-∂Xv(a¿s°mkv 15:4,5).

tbip Iqin-°-s∏-Sp-hm≥ a‰p-≈-h-cpsS ]I Imc-W-am-bn. Ip‰m-tcm-]-W-tam ˛ hni-zm-k-ew-L\w, cmP-y-tZmlw F∂n-ßs\ tbip a\- n¬\ncq-]n-°mØ ]e-Xpw. F∂m¬Iqinse tbip Btc-bpw Ip‰w ]d-bp-∂n-√. \ΩpsS Pohn-Xm-\p- -h߃i≤n-°p-I c≠p Ip™p-߃ ho´n-\p-≈n¬ HmSn Ifn-®-t∏mƒ ayq-knIvknÃw Xmsg hogp-∂p. Bcv Ip‰-ta¬°pw? Hcp-h≥ a‰-hs\ Ip‰w]dbpw. ho´n¬ hg-°m-Wv, IYm-]m-X -߃ `mc -ybpw `¿Øm-hpw;hnjbw aI\v am¿°v Ipd-™-Xv.""Rm≥ th≠-Xp-t]mse Ahs\i≤n-°m-Ø-XmWv ImcW''-sa∂vBcp kΩXn°pw? kz¥w mKw \ym-bo-I-cn-°p-hm≥ C√mØ Ncn-Xhpwhym-J-ym-\-hpw \¬Ip-∂p; a‰-h≥sNøp-∂-Xn-s‚ _Z¬ sNbvXv kzbwÿm]n-°p-hm≥ ian-°p-∂p.

Iqin -°-s∏´ tbip-hmWvG‰hpw hmNm-e≥, hncn-°-s∏´ BIc-߃ t\m°q. Xpd∂ B Ic-߃Iqin¬ hncn®v AXn¬ ]´m-f-°m¿BWn ASn-®ncn°p∂p. thZw hmbn-°p-hm≥ FXtbm ]mh-iyw Xpd∂B Ic-߃; sshZyw ]tbm-Kn-°p-

hm\pw tcmKn-Isf kuJ-y-am-°p-hm\pw FXtbm ]mh-iyw tcmK-K-kvX-amb ico-c-ßsf kv]¿in-® BIcw; Aßs\ A¥-cm-flm-hn¬Ipfn¿a GInb B hnc-ep-Iƒ;⁄m\w Nmcw aqSn°nS∂ a\- p-I-fn¬ hn⁄m\Øns‚ Pzm-e-IƒBfn-°-Øn-°p-hm≥ hnhn-[-ap-Z-Iƒ]tbm-Kn-®-h≥; ssIhiw D≈-sX√mw Ah-km-\w-hsc sImSp-Øp-sIm-≠n-cp-∂-h-\m-Wv; I¿Øm-hv.B¿°pw th≠m-Ø Imen-sØm-gpØvAh≥ sXc-s™-SpØp (eqs°mkv2:7). C∂v F\n-°pw \n߃°pw InS-°p-hm≥ Hcn-Shpw Xpd-°p-hm≥ Hcpapdn-bp-ap-≠v. t]cn¬ Iq´nb ÿe-hp-ap-≠v. F∂m¬ temI-k-jvSmhv]d-bp-∂p. ""Ipdp-\-cn-Iƒ°v Ipgnbpw]d-h-Pm-Xn°v IqSpw D≠v; a\p-j-y-]p-Xt\m Xe Nmbn-°p-hm≥ CS-an-√.''\cn-Iƒ°v ÿm\-ap-≠v, bYm¿∞\c\v "Ft‚Xv' F∂p ]d-bp-hm≥HcSn aÆp-t]m-ep-an√. tbip acn-®Xv`qan-bn-e-√, "BImi-'Øn-emWv(Ipcn-in¬). ""BImiw'' F∂m¬"Bbn-Øo-tc-≠Xv' F∂¿∞w. P\n-®-t∏mgpw Pohn-®-t∏mgpw Hcev]wt]mepw ÿew Ah-Im-is∏SmØ-h≥ Xmev°m-en-Iambn AS-°-s∏-´Xpw a‰p-≈-hs‚ I√dbn¬; AhnsSIjvSn®v aq∂p Znh-kw. tbip-hns‚Iøn¬ _m°n H∂p-an-s√∂v Dd-∏p-h-cp-Øp-hm-\mbn ssI∏-Øn-Isf hncn®vIqc-\mb a\p-j-y≥ AXn¬ BWn-b-Sn-°p-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p.

B Np≠p-Iƒ i≤n-°p-I;Ft¥m a¥n-°p-∂p-≠v; A]-hmZw ]d-

(tijw t]Pv 15˛¬)

Page 16: Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,



F¥mWp t\mºv? A\p-Zn-\-Po-

hn-X-Øn¬ Nne-sXms° h¿÷n-°p-

I, Nne-sXm -s°, apºv A\p -

jvTn®ncp-∂-h-sbØs∂ ]pXnb

A¿∞-t_m-[-tØmsS a\- n-em-

°m≥ ian-°p-I henbt\mºns‚

Imew Aß-s\-sbm -s°-bp≈

I¿Ω-߃sIm≠v khn-ti-j-am-Ip-

∂p. InkvXp-hns‚ kl-\-h-gn-Isf

[ym-\m-fl-I-ambn A\p-k-‘m\w

sNøm-\p≈ Ah-k-cw.

aXm-fl-I-Po-hn-X-Øn¬ BN-c-

W߃°pw A\p-jvTm-\-߃°pw

]m[m-\-y-ta-sd-bp-≠v. A¿∞-\n-th-

Z-\-Øn\v Ah DX-I-W-sa∂p amXw.

]t£, Imem-¥-c-Øn¬ Ah shdpw

Bh¿Ø\w amX-ambn ]cn-W-an-°p-

∂Xv aXm-fl-I-X-bpsS Zp¿hn-[n-bm-

Wv. t\mºv BN-c-W-Ønepw Cu

Zp¿hn[o h∂p-`-hn-®n-´p-≠v.

Ipcn -ins‚ kl-\-h-gn -Iƒ,

InkvXp-hn-i-zm-kn-bpsS Pohn-X-

Øns‚ Xs∂ ]c-ym-b-ambn amdn-bn-

´nt√? InkvXp-hns‚ A\p-im-k-

\hpw as‰m-∂m-bn-cp-∂n-√t√m: "Hcp-

h≥ Fs∂ A\p-K-an-∏m≥ C—n-®m¬

Xs∂Øm≥ Xy-Pn®v Ipcniv FSpØv

Fs∂ A\pKan-°-s´ ˛ Bfl-s\m-

º-c-ß-fpsS Ipcnipw t]dn ]n∂mse

hcn-I. At∏mƒ tIhew A\p-jvTm-

\-߃°∏pdØv InkvXp Z¿i-\--

Øns‚ s]mcpƒ Is≠-Øm-\p≈

in£Ww A -y-kn-°p∂ thf-bmbn

t\mºv ]cn-W-an-°p-∂p.

i∫Øv A\p-jvTm-\sØ-°p-dn-

®p≈ X¿°w InkvXp-hn\p ap∂n¬

Ah-X-cn-∏n-°-s∏- -t∏mƒ Ahn-Sp∂p

]J-ym-]n-®Xv Hm¿Ωn-°p-I. "a\p-

jy≥ i∫-Øn -\p -th -≠n -b -√,

i∫Øv a\p-jy-\p-th-≠n-bmWv

(a¿s°mkv2:27). CXv apsº-∂-tØ-

°m-tfsd Fs∂ \S-°p-∂p-≠v.

ssZh-ta, A\p-jvTm -\ -߃°p-

th≠n amXw A\p-jvTm-\-߃

\n¿∆-ln -°p -I-bm-bn -cp -∂pthm?

AtXm, ssZhn-I-amb Hc-\p-`-h-

Øns‚ ]Xn-^-e-\-ambn A\p-jvTm-

\-ß-fn¬ ]¶p-sIm-≈p-I-bm-bn-cp-

∂pthm? D]-hm -k-sØ-°p-dn®v

]t_m-[n-∏n-°ptºmƒ InkvXp CXv

shfn-hm-°p-∂p-≠v: \n߃ D]-h-kn-

°p-tºmƒ I]-S-\m-Sy-°m-sc-t∏mse

hnjmZw `mhn-°-cp -Xv. A\-ysc

ImWn-°m≥ th≠n Ah¿ apJw

hnIr-Xam°p∂p; \o D]-h-kn-°p-

∂Xv AZr-i-y-\mb ]nXm-h-√msX

a‰mcpw ImWm-Xn-cn-°p-∂-Xn\v inc-

n¬ ssXew ]pc- p-Ibpw apJw Igp-

Ip-Ibpw sNøp-I (aØmbn 6:16˛18).

Zm\-[¿Ω-ß-sf-°p-dn®v ]t_m-[n-

∏n-°p-tºmgpw InkvXp Bh¿Øn-®v

Hm¿Ωn -∏n -°p -∂p; a‰p -≈-h-sc

ImWn°m≥ th≠n Ah-cpsS apºn¬

h®v \nß-fpsS kXvI¿Ω-ßsf A\p-

jvTn-°m-Xn-cn -°p-hm≥ kq£n®p

sImƒhn≥. a‰p≈h-cn¬ \n∂v

]iwk e`n-∏m≥ I]-S-\m-S-y-°m¿

kn\-tKm-Kp-I-fn-epw sXcp-ho-Yn-I-fnepw

sNøp∂Xpt]mse `n£ sImSp-°p-

tºmƒ \ns‚ apºn¬ Imlfw apg-°-

cp-Xv. \o Zm\-[¿Ωw \n¿∆ln-°p-

tºmƒ \ns‚ he-Xp-Icw sNøp-∂Xv

Page 17: Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,


CS-Xp -Icw Adn-bm-Xn -cn -°-s´

(aØmbn 6:2˛4).

]m¿∞-\-Iƒ hmNm-e-X-bn¬

apßn-t∏m-I-cp -sX∂pw InkvXp

A\p-im-kn-°p-∂p. ]m¿∞n-°p-

tºmƒ I]-S-\m-S-y-°m-sc-t∏mse

BI-cp-Xv. hnPm-Xn-b-sc-t∏mse AXn-

`m-jWw sNøp-I-bp-a-cp-Xv. \n߃

tNmZn-°p-∂-Xn\p aptº \nß-fpsS

Bh-iyw \nß-fpsS ]nXmhv Adn-

bp∂p (aØm-bn 6:5˛8). Xncp-k-∂n-

[n-bn¬ CØn-cn-t\cw au\-ambn

\n¬-°m≥ Ign-™n-cp-∂p-sh-¶n¬!

]Z¿i-\ -] -c -X -bn¬ \n∂v

FXtbm ImXw AIew ]men-t°-

≠-Xp-s≠∂v tbip-\m-Y≥ Hm¿Ωn-∏n-

°p-I-bm-Wv. AXp-sIm≠v tIhew

A\p-jvTm-\-߃°-∏p-dØv \∑bpw

\oXnbpw kvt\l-hpw Xym-Khpw Icp-

W-bpw hn\-bhpw hnf-ßp∂ A\p-

Zn\ Pohn-X-Øn-\mbn a\ v ]hn-Xo-

I -cn -°p -I -bmWv Bh-i-yw .

t\mºns‚ Zn\-ß-fnse h¿÷-\hpw

Bcm-[-\-Ifpw AXn\v DX-I-Ww.

ssZhta Aß-bpsS apºn¬

ae¿s° Xpd-°-s∏-´-XmWv Fs‚

a\- v. \∑ BK-ln-°p-∂-Xn-eqsS,

\∑ ]h¿Øn-°p -∂-Xn -eqsS

t\mºns‚ Zn\-߃ ]hn-Xm-\p-`-h-

ß-fm°n am‰m≥ Ir]-b-cp-fn-bm-epw.

F¶n-et√ Aß-bpsS kl\hgn-

Isf [ym-\n-°m≥ Fs‚ a\ pw

ico-c-hpw Hcp-°-s∏-Sp-I-bp-≈q. F¶n-

et√ Aßsb kzo-I-cn-°m≥ a\-

ns‚ hmXn¬ ae¿s° Xpd-∂n-Sm-

\m-hp-I. At∏m-gt√ AXn-cp-I-fn-

√mØ kvt\l-Im-cp-W-y-ßsf [ym-

\n-°m≥ a\- v hna-eo-I-cn-°-s∏-Sp-I.

bp-I-tbm, Ah-Im-i-hmZw apg-°p-I-tbm-A-\m-h-iyw ]pe-ºp-Itbm A√.a‰p≈h¿°pth≠n ]m¿∞n-°p-I-bmWv (eqs°mkv 23:34). \aps°ms°kz-¥-Im-c-y-hpw Bh-i-y-ßfpw Xs∂ssZh-k-∂n-[n-bn¬ ]d™p Xo¿°p-hm≥ ka-b-an-√. ]n∂t√ a‰p-≈-h-cpsSImc-yw. B Np≠p-Iƒ ]X-ym-i-bn-√mØ Hcphs\-bpw c£n-®p. Ah-t\mSv ]d-™Xv i≤n-°p-I ˛ ""\oC∂v Ft∂mSp IqsS ]dp-Zo-km-bn¬Ccn°pw'' (eqs°mkv 23:43). ]nXm-hmbssZh-tØmSv ]d-bp-∂p "Rm≥ Fs‚Bflm-hns\ Xr°-øn¬ Gev]n-°p-∂p(eqs°mkv 23:46). Gev]n-t°-≠XvGev]n-t°-≠-hs\ amXw Gev]n®v

aS-ßp∂ lrk-z-amb ka-bsØ a\p-j-y-Po-hn-X-sa∂v hnfn-°mw. B¿÷n-t°-≠Xv amXw kºm-Zn®v aS-ßp-∂-h-\mWv bYm¿∞ a\p-j-y≥; ]d-tb-≠Xp amXw X°-k-a-bØv ]d-bp-∂-XmWv kwkm-cw. Cu "kwkmc' temI-Øn¬ kI-e-tcbpw kwl-cn-°p∂\map-ambn Ipcn-inse tbip-hn\v ]pe-_‘w t]mep-an-√.

XSpØpIq´n, XS-bp∂ kI-ehpw kz-¥-am° F∂p sX‰n-≤-cn-°p∂ \tΩmSpw GXnepw A≈n-∏n-Sn®v AXn¬ Xqßp-∂-h-cmb amtem-I-tcmSpw Ipcn-in¬ InS∂ tbipFX hmNm-e-ambn kwkm-cn-°p-∂p!CXn\v Ipcn-inse tbip A√msXBcmWv tbmK-y≥!

(t]Pv 13˛s‚ XpS¿®)

*We are not saved by good works but for good works''

Page 18: Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,


Htc Hcp sh√p-hnfntXmakv

im¥-amsbmgpIp∂ ]pg-t]m¬

kzÿambn Pohn®p t]mIp-hm-\mWv

F√m -hcpw BK-ln -°p -∂Xv .

GsXmcp a\p-j-y\pw kpJ-ambn Pohn-

°p-hm-\p≈ Ahÿ ChnsS `qan-

bn¬ \ap-°p-≠v. F∂m¬ ]e¿°pw

B\µw Is≠-Øp-hm≥ Ign-bp-∂n-√.

hmkvX-h-Øn¬, a\p-j-y\v Pohn-

X-Øn¬ Htc Hcp sh√p-hnfn amX-am-

Wv t\cn-tS-≠-Xm-bn- p-≈-Xv. GsXmcp

a\p-j-y\pw hfsc _p≤n-ap-´p-≈,

Zpjv°-c-amb kµ¿ -ßsf A`n-ap-Jo-

I-cn-t°-≠n-hcpw. CØcw ISºIƒ

henb £X-sam∂pw G¬°msX

XcWw sNøpI F∂p-≈-XmWv B

sh√p-hn-fn. PohnXØn¬ ITn-\-amb

kml-N-c-y-߃ GXp cq]-Ønepw IS-

∂p-h-cmw. a\p-j-y-cm¬ krjvSn-°-s∏-

´tXm As√-¶n¬ Pohn-°p∂ Np‰p-]m-

Sp -I-fn¬ \n∂p-cp-Øn-cn -bp-∂tXm

Bb ]iv\-߃˛ ssIIm-cyw sNøp-

hm≥ _p≤n-ap-´p≈ CØcw kµ¿`-

߃ kwb-a-\-tØmsS t\cn-Sm≥ Ign-

b-Ww. Cu hnZ-y-bmWv, Iem-e-b-ß-

fn-eq-sStbm AX-s√-¶n¬ kz¥w

A\p -` -h -ß-fn -eq -sStbm \Ωƒ


]iv\-߃ Ft∏mƒ thW-sa-

¶nepw D≠m-Imw. \n m-c-amb hm°p-

I-fpsS cq]-Øntem AXn-Zm-cp-W-amb

Zpc-¥-ß-fpsS cq]-Øntem a\- ns\

Ak-z -ÿ-am -°p∂ kw`-h-߃

Ft∏mƒ thW-sa-¶nepw \S-°m-hp-∂-

Xm-Wv. icm-icnsbSp-Øm¬, Hcmƒ

Hcp Znhkw \qdn-tesd ]mh-iyw


Imc-W-߃ sNdp-Xm-bmepw hep-

Xm-bmepw a\- ns\ ]£p-_v[-am-

Im≥ A\p-h-Zn-®m¬ AXv a\- ns‚

amX-a√ ico-c-Øns‚bpw Btcm-

KysØ Im¿∂p Xn∂p-hm≥ XpS-ßpw.

shdp-t∏msS tIm]-s∏-Sp-tºm-tgm, ITn-

\-amb kΩ¿±-Øn\v ASn-a-s∏-Sp -

tºmtgm \Ωƒ Adn-bmsX Xs∂,

\ΩpsS ico-cØn¬ Dev]m-Zn-∏n-°-s∏-

Sp∂ Xcw-K-ß-fpw cmk-]-Zm¿∞-ßfpw

\io-I-cW i‡n-bp-≈-h-bm-bn-Øo-cpw.

kvt\lhpw kZvNn-¥-Ifpw a\- n¬

\nd-bp-tºmƒ Ah-bm¬ Dev]m-Zn-∏n-°-

s∏Sp∂ Zh-߃ ico-c-Øns\ G‰hpw

kpJ-I-c-amb Ah-ÿ-bn-te°v XncnsI


kmam-\-y-a-c-ym-Z-Iƒ ]men-°p∂

\√ Bfp-Iƒ°n-S-bn¬ Pohn-®p-t]m-

hpI Ffp-∏-am-Wv. ]c-kv]c kl-I-c-

Whpw kln-jvWp-Xbpw Ccp mK-Øp-

\n-∂p-ap≠m-Ip-tºmƒ AXv F√m-

h¿°pw \√-Xm-bn-cn-°pw. F∂m¬ \n¿-

`m-K-y-h-im¬ GsXmcp kaq-l-sa-Sp-

Ømepw Ah-bn¬ \s√m-cp `mKw

Bfp-Ifpw ISp -I-´n -°mtcm AX-

s√¶n¬ Xosc kln-°m≥ ]‰mØ kz-

`m-h-°mtcm Bbn-cn-°pw. a\p-j-y-k-z-

`mhw Ft∏mgpw Htc amXncn Ccn-°-

W-sa-∂n-√. amX-a√ Htc Bfn¬

Xs∂ \√ hi-ßfpw NoØ hi-

ßfpw D≠m-Ipw. Hcmƒ \∑-sb∂v

hnNm-cn®v sNøp-∂-sX√mw \∑-bmbn

a‰p-≈-h¿°v A\p-`-h-s∏-S-W-sa-∂p-an-

√. Npcp-°-Øn¬, ]iv\-°m-cmb Bfp-

Iƒ Ft∏mgpw Fhn-tSbpw D≠m-Imw.

Hcp Xc-Ønepw tbmPn®p t]mIm-\m-

hm-Ø, AX-s√-¶n¬ Ft∏mgpw kz¥w

t\´w amXw I≠p-sIm≠v ]h¿Øn-

°p∂ Bfp-Ifpw Ipd-s®-¶nepw D≠m-

Ipw . icn -bmbn \nco -£n -®m¬

Page 19: Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,


ImWm≥ Ignbpw \ΩpsS Xs∂ ioe-

ßfpw ]hr-Øn-Ifpw a‰p-≈-h¿°v

Ffp∏w Zln-°m-hp-∂h Bbncn°-W-

sa-∂n -√. AXm-bXv, ssIIm-cyw

sNøm≥ _p≤n-ap-´p≈ kµ¿`-ßfpw

AXv hgn a\ v Ak-z-ÿ-am-Ip-∂Xpw

hfsc kz-`m-hnIw amX-am-Wv.

F∂m¬ \ΩpsS a\- ns‚ kam-

[m-\hpw AXp-hgn ico-cØns‚bpw

a\- ns‚bpw Btcm -Kyw

\ne\n¿Øphm\pw \ap°v amXta


A\-ym-b-߃ ]h¿Øn-°p-∂-h-

tcmSv s]mdp-°p-hm\pw £an-°p-hm\pw

Ah¿°p-th≠n ]m¿∞n°phm\pw

\ap°v IgnbWw. CsXßs\

AwKoIcn°m≥ Ignbpw F∂v ]ecpw

tNmZn-t®-°mw. Iqc--Ir-X-y-߃ sNøp-

∂-h-tcmSv ]XnIcn°mXn-cp-∂m¬

AXv \ΩpsS _e-lo-\ -X-bmbn

amdnt√? \∑ sNøp-∂-h-t\mSpw Xn∑

sNøp-∂-h-t\mSpw Hcp t]mse ]Xn-

I-cn-°p-I-sb∂v ]d-™m¬ Fßs\

\ym-bo-I-cn-°m-\mIpw? CØcw tNmZy-

߃ hfsc kzm-`m-hn-Iw.

sX‰p -Iƒ Nq≠n-°m-Wn-t°-

s≠t∂m A\-ym-b-°m-tcmSv ]Xn-I-cn-

t°s≠Xns√t∂m ChnsS ]d-bp-∂n-

√. ]XnIcWw Ft∏mgpw Bh-i-y-

am-Wv. sX‰p-Iƒ a\- n-em°n sImSp-

t°-≠-Xp-am-Wv. `b-t∂m-tS-≠-Xn-√.

£a-tbmsS tI´v \n¬°m≥ Ign-b-

Ww. kwb-a-\-tØmsS Bh-i-y-sa-

∂pI-≠m¬ amXw kwkm-cn -°p-

Ibpw thWw. AXv Ahsc ]tIm-

]n-∏n-°p-∂-X-c-Øn-em-I-cp-Xv; Ahsc

A]-I-S-s∏-Sp-Øp∂Xc-Ønepw Ah-

cpsS a\- ns\ apdn-th¬∏n-°p∂

Xc-Øn-ep-am-I-cp-Xv. AXn-epap-]-cn-bm-

bn, \ΩpsS ]Xn-I-cWw kzbw

\ΩpsS a\- ns\ Ak-zÿam-°n,

apdn-th¬∏n-®v sIm≠v Bbn-cn-°-cp-

Xv. CXv AX Ffp-∏-a-√. ]t£,

CXmWv \ap°v Pohn-X-Øn¬ t\cn-

tS-≠-Xm-bn-´p≈ GI sh√p-hn-fn.

\√ Bfp-I-tfmSv \∂mbn s]cp-

am-dp-I-sb-∂Xv Ffp-∏-am-Wv. "NoØ'

Bfp-I-tfmSpw \∂mbn s]cp-am-dp-I-

sb-∂-XmWv ia-I-cw.

Nncn-°q, Nn¥n-°q....

Intkm w Xncp-ta\n hnhn[ k`-I-fnse _nj-∏p-am¿°pth≠nss__nƒ ¢m v FSp-°p∂ kµ¿`-amWv. tbip P\-ßsf ]Tn-∏n® coXn-sb-°p-dn-®mWv ¢m v.

I¿Ømhv F¥mWv ]Tn-∏n-®Xv? Fs‚ hN-\-ß-f-\p-k-cn®v \S-°p-∂-h≥ kz¿§-cm-P-y-Øn¬ t]mIpw. Fs‚ km£n-I-fmbn ]h¿Øn-°p-∂-h¿ kz¿§ cmP-y-Øn\v Ah-Im-in-I-fm-Ipw. ]t£, InkvXp BtcbpwsIm≠p-t]m-bn-√. CXp icn-b√ F∂p tXm∂n-b-Xp-sIm-≠mImw Ah-km\\nan-j-Øn¬ Hcmsf IqsS sIm≠p-t]m-Im≥ Xocp-am-\n-®-Xv. AXv HcpI≈s\ Bbn-cp-∂p. IqsS Iqin-°-s∏´ I≈≥. Cu IY a\ n¬ ]Xn-™-Xp-sIm-≠mImw kz¿§-cm-PyØv Ib-dn-∏-‰p-hm≥ ]e _nj-∏p-amcpw I≈-∑m-cm-Im≥ ian-°p-∂-Xv. amX-a√ G‰hpw \√ I≈-\m-Ip-hm≥ XΩn¬Ø-Ωn¬ a’cn-°p-I-bp-am-Wv. Xncp- -en-X-߃

Page 20: Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,




]me-Ão-\nepw CuPn-]vXnepw

ko\mbv ]¿∆-X-\n-c-I-fnse ]md-

°q-´-ß-fpsS CS-bnepw I≠p-h-

cp∂ _e-ap-≈-Xpw t\sc \n¬°p-

∂Xpw \dp-aWw ]c-Øp-∂-Xp-amb

h≈ns®-Sn -bmWv Cutkm-∏ v .

bnkm-tb¬ a°ƒ ank-bo-an¬

h®v BZysØ s]klm AN-

cn®t∏mƒ kwlm-c-Zq-X-\n¬ \n∂v

c£ ]m]n-°p-hm≥ bnkm-tbe

a°-fpsS hoSp-I-fpsS Ipdp-ºSn

taepw I´n-f-°m-ep-I-fn≥ taepw

c‡w ]pc-´n-bXv Cutkm-∏p-sIm-

≠m-bn-cp∂p (]pd-∏mSv 12:22).

F_m-b-cpsS ip≤o-I-c-W-

I¿Ω-ß-fn¬ Cutkm-∏n\ v

it≤bamb ÿm\-amWv D≠m-bn-

cp-∂-Xv. CXp D]-tbm-Kn-®m-bn-cp-∂p

IpjvT-tcm-Kn-I-fp-sSbpw Ah¿ Xma-

kn-®n-cp∂ h-\-ß-fp-sSbpw ip≤o-

I -cWw \S -Øn -bn -cp -∂Xv

(tehy.14). ip≤o-I-c-W-Pew Hcp-

°p-hm≥ th≠n- \-S-Øn-bn-cp∂

Nph∂ Imf-°n-Sm-hns‚ bmKm¿∏-

W-Øn¬ Cutkm-∏v D]-tbm-Kn-®n-

cp∂p (kwJym.19:6). C]-Imcw

Cutkm∏v ip≤o-I-c-W-Øns‚

]Xo--I-ambn amdn-bXp sIm≠m-bn-

cn-°mw, hy- n-Nm-c-Øns‚bpw h©-

\-bp -sSbpw sIme-]m -X -I -

Øns‚bpw sISpw-]m-]-°-d-I-

fn¬\n∂v Xs∂ shSn-∏m-°p-hm≥

Zmho-Zv, Rm≥ \n¿Ω-e-\m-tI-≠-

Xn\v Cutkm-∏p-sIm≠v Fs∂

ip≤o-I-cn-t°-Wta F∂v ssZh-

tØmSv \ne hn-fn-®Xv (k¶o¿-Ø\w


I¿Ømhv Iqin-t∑¬ InS-°p-

tºmƒ Zml-i-a-\-Øn-\mbn ]pfn®

ho™n¬ Hcp kvt]mßv ap°n

Cutkm∏v X≠n-t∑¬ I¿Øm-hn\v

\evIn-b-tXmsS (tbml-∂m≥ 19:29)

Cutkm∏v ]pXnb \nb-a-Ønepw

ÿm\w t\Sn.

*The power of god’s Spirit gives power to our witness.''

Page 21: Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,


We welcome this new family joined by Marriage

Sl.No. Family No. Members Date of Marriage1 2042 Er.Ebin Sam S & Mrs.Geethu 31-01-2013

We welcome the families joined by TC

Sl.No. Family No. Members Date of Joining1 2040 Mr.Shaji Martin B, Mrs.Anaculate

Fernandas, Shilpa Bright &Sandeep Bright 11-02-2013

2 2041 Mr. Benjamin Suresh Jesudas,Mrs. Shammi Marina Jesudas,Mr. Vijay Jesudas &Mr. Satish Jesudas 25-02-2013

Those who have crossed Jordan to be with the LordSl.No. Family No. Members

1 1937 Mr. JosephPadipura, PRA #A18,Ambancode, Peyad,Trivandrum

Died on 01-02-2013

2 341 Mrs. Helen PaulTC 19/1157-2, Kevin Villa,Near Grandhashala,Thamalam, Poojappura

Died on 08-02-2013

3 757 Mr. WilsonPlavila Puthen Bunglow,JRA 626, Jai Nagar,Plavila, Thirumala, Tvm - 6

Died on 11-02-2013

4 1557 Mrs.Clara SumanamSumanam, TC 50/2557,Thottadivila Road,Punnakamugal, TVM - 32

Died on 26-02-2013

Page 22: Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,


]cn-]m-I-X-bp≈ bph-XzwtPm¿Pv _l-\m≥ (Iu¨ske¿ & sXdm-∏n-Ãv)

Cu temI-Øns‚ `mhn

C∂sØ bph-X-e-ap-d-bpsS ssII-

fn -emWv F∂ Imc -y -Øn¬

kwibw th≠. F∂m¬ bph-X-

e-ap-dbv°v F∂pw ]Xn-k-‘n-I-fp-

≠m-bn-cp-∂p. hnhn[ Ime-ß-fn-

embn Ah¿°v ]ehn[ \jvS-ß-

fp-≠m-bn-´p-s≠∂v kmaq-l-y-im-

kvX-⁄¿ hy-‡-am-°p-∂p.

A≥]-Xp-I-fn¬ Hcp ]pXnb

kzm -X - ¥-y -Øn -\p -th-≠n -bp≈

Xnc®n-en¬ Ah¿°p \jvS--s∏-´Xv

Ah-cpsS \njvI-f-¶-X-bm-Wv. Adp-

]-Xp-I-fn¬ amXm-]n-Xm-°-sfbpw

aX-ß-sfbpw Kh¨sa‚p-I-sfbpw

tNmZyw sNbvXv \jvS-s∏-Sp-Øn-bXv

A[n-Im-c-Øns‚ AI-Ø-f-ß-sf-

bm-Wv. Fgp-]-Xp-I-fn¬ Ah¿°p

\jvS-am-bXv Ah-cpsS kvt\l-am-

Wv. F¨]-Xp-I-fn¬ mhnsb°pdn-

®p-ff ]Xo£ Ah¿°p \jvS-s∏-

´p . sXÆq -dp -I -fn¬ PohnX

aqey߃ \jvS-s∏-Sp-Ibpw Xn∑-

tbm-Sp≈ Ah-cpsS ]Xn-tcm-[-

tijn \in-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp.

C∂sØ Xe-ap-d-bpsS G‰hpw

henb ]Xn -k‘n s]mXpth

]IzX A\yw \n∂p t]mIp∂p

F∂-Xm-Wv. AXp-sIm≠p Xs∂

Ah¿ At\Iw ]Xn-k-‘n-I-fn-

eqsS IS∂p t]mIp -∂p. ]e

Xeapd-I-fnepw ]Xn-k-‘n-Iƒ

D≠m-bn-cp∂p F¶nepw Ahsb

t\cn-Sm-\p≈ ]I-zX Hcp ]cn[n

hsc bph-X-e-ap-d-bv°p≠m-bn-cp-∂p.

]s£ C∂v AsX√mw Xmfw sX‰n-


Hcp a\p-j-ys‚ hy-‡n-X-z-Øn\v

\mep Xcw _u≤nI taJ-e-I-fm-


1. Physical Quotient(imco-cnI am\w)

2. Intelligence Quotient (IQ)(_u≤nI am\w)

3. Emotional Quotient (EQ)(sshIm-cnI am\w)

4. Spiritual Quotient (SQ)(BfloI am\w)

Cu \mep taJ-e-I-fnse ka-K-

amb hf¿®bmWv a\p-j-ys\ ]cn-

]-I-z-X-bn¬ FØn-°p-∂-Xv. ]cn-]-

I-zX Hcp ka-\n-e-bm-Wv. ico-chpw

_p≤nbpw hnIm-c-ß-fpw BflnI-

X-bp-sa√mw kaRvPk-ambn ktΩ-

fn®v a\p-j-y-Po-hn-X-ßsf Hcp CXn-

lm-k-am-°p∂ ]In-b-bmWv ]I-z-

X-bn-te-°p≈ FØn-t®-c¬. CXv

]mb-am-Ip-∂-tXmsS In´-W-sa-∂n-

√. ]mb-am-bn´pw ]I-z-X-bn-√mØ

FXtbm t]cmWv \ΩpsS a≤-y-

Øn-ep-≈-Xv. CXv kmh-[m\w

h∂p-tN-cp -∂-X-√. hnebv°p

hmßp-hm≥ In´p-∂-Xp-a-√. adn®v

Hmtcm-cp-Øcpw hf¿Øn-sb-Sp-t°-


Page 23: Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,


Hcn-°¬ kvs]bn≥ `cn-®n-cp∂

Hcp cmPmhv Hcp bphm-hns\ Ab¬

cmPysØ cmPm-hn -\ -Sp -tØ°v

Xs‚ ]Xn-\n-[n-bmbn Ab-®p. Cu

bphm-hns\ I≠-t∏mƒ Ahn -

SpsØ cmPm -hn\p ]nSn -®n -√.

At±lw tNmZn-®p: "kvs]bn-\n¬

hnZ-ym-`-ym-k-ap-≈-h¿ C√m-Ø-Xp-

sIm -≠mtWm XmSn -aoi

Infn¿°mØ Cu sIm®p ]øs\

Fs‚bSp-tØ°v ZqXp-ambn Ab-

®Xv? Cu h¿Ø-am\w ZqX-\mbn

t]mb bphm-hn\v Xosc CjvS-s∏-

´n-√. Ah≥ ]d™p: "]I-zX XmSn

aoi-bn-em-sW∂v Fs‚ cmPm-hn\v

Adnbm-am-bn-cp-s∂-¶n¬ At±lw

F\n°p ]Icw Hcp ap´\m-Sns\

Ctßm´p hnSp-am-bn-cp-∂p.' icocw

hf¿∂-Xp-sIm≠v ]I-zX D≠m-I-

W-sa-∂n-√. _p≤n-bpw hnZ-ym-`-ym-k-

hp-ap-s≠-¶n¬ ]I-z-X-bp-≠mIpw

F∂v hni-z-kn-°p-∂Xv hnUvVn-Ø-

am-Wv. U¬ln-bnse Xnlm¿ Pbn-

en¬ [mcmfw hnZ-ym-k-º-∂-cmb

a¥n-amcpw sF.F.-F- p-Icpw Ign-

bp-∂p-≠v. hnZym-k-º-∂¿ _n\m-an-

I-fmbpw ssI°q-en-°m-cmbpw amdp-

∂Xv \mw ImWp-∂p.

sshIm-cnI am\hp (Emotionalquotient)ambn hfsc _‘--s∏-´-

XmWv ]I-z-X. sshIm-cnI ka-\ne

C∂p a\x-im-kvX-⁄-cp-sS-bn-S-

bn¬ ]cs° N¿® sNø-s∏-Sp∂

Hcp hnj-b-am-Wv. `bw, \jvS-t_m-

[w, tIm]w, Ip‰-t_m[w F∂o

\mep hnIm-c-ß-fmWv hy-‡n-I-

fpsS am\-kn-I-tcm-K-߃°p Imc-

W-am-Ip∂Xv. F∂m¬ Ch \sΩ

kwc-£n-°p∂ hnIm-c-ß-fmWv

F∂Xv ]tX-yIw Hm¿t°-≠-Xp-≠v.

50% bhpw 50% ss[c-y-hp-amWv ka-

\n-e. AXn-\m¬ Cu hnIm-c-߃

50% ¬ IqSp-∂Xv am\-knI sshI-

e-y-߃°p Imc-W-am-Imw. hnIm-c-

ß-fpsS ka-\n-e-bmWv \sΩ ]I-z-

X-bn-te°v \bn-°p-∂-Xv. sshIm-

cnI Ak-¥p-en-Xm-hÿ IpSpw-_-

ß-fnepw kaq-l-Ønepw [mcmfw

]iv\-ß-fp-≠m-°pw. IpSpw-_-I-e-

l-ßfpw hnhm-l-tam-N-\-ß-fpw

sshIm-cnI _p≤n-bpsS A`m-h-

amWv ImWn-°p-∂-Xv. \ΩpsS

ÿm]-\-ß-fnse a\p-j-y-_-‘-ß-

fn-ep-≠m-Ip∂ ]iv\-߃ sshIm-

cnI Ak¥p-en-Xm-hÿ krjvSn-

°p -∂p. ]I- z -X -bn -√mbvabn¬

\n∂mWv F√m ]iv\-ßfpw DS-se-

Sp-°p-∂-Xv. \ΩpsS k`m-hn-`m-K-ß-

fn-se-bpw cmjvSo-b-Øn-sebpw

t\Xm-°-∑m-cpsS A]-Iz-amb s]cp-

am‰w krjvSn-°p∂ ]iv\߃


hf¿∂p hcp∂ bph-X-e-ap-d-

bn¬ ]I-zX Ipd™p hcp-∂Xv

\ap°v hfsc hy‡-ambn A\p-`-

h-s∏-´p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p-∂p. AXn\p

][m-\-Im-cWw amXm-]n-Xm-°-fm-

sW∂p ]d-bmsX hø. Hcp Ip´n-

bpsS ka-K-amb hf¿® XpS-tß-

≠Xv IpSpw-_-Øn-em-Wv. Ip´n-I-

fpsS c£-I¿Ør-X-z-Øn¬ amXm-

]n-Xm-°-fpsS sshI-e-y-amWv Ip´n-

Isf A]-I-z-X-bn-te°v \bn-°p-


Page 24: Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,


H∂p apX¬ Ggp hb- p -

hscbpw F´p hb p apX¬ ]Xn-

\mep hb p hsc-bpw Ip´n-Iƒ°p

e`n-°p∂ ka-K-amb in£-W-

amWv Ahsc ]I-z-X-bn-te°p \bn-

°p∂Xv. ]s£, `qcn-]£w AΩ-

amcpw Xß-fpsS Ip´n-Iƒ°v ]Xn-

\mep hb- m -Ip -tºm -gmWv

in£Ww Bcw-`n-°p-∂-Xv. AXm-

bXv GXm≠v H≥]Xmw ¢m n¬

Ib-dp-tºmƒ ]Tn-°p∂ hnjbßfn¬

am¿°v Ipd-bp-tºm-gmWv Ip´n-Iƒ°p

]iv\-߃ Ds≠∂v amXm-]n-Xm-°ƒ

Xncn-®-dn-bp-∂-Xv. ]t£ Hm¿°p-I ˛

hfsc Xma -kn -®p -t]m -bn. ]o˛ -

ss]-adn ¢m v apX¬ Xs∂ Ip´n-

Iƒ°v \¬Ip∂ in£WamWv

G‰hpw ][m-\w. amXm-]n-Xm-°ƒ

Ip´n-Isf emfn®v \in-∏n-°p∂

A\p-`-h-ß-fmWv Iu¨sk-enwKv

thf-I-fnse ]¶p-sh-bv∏p-I-fn-eqsS

hy-‡-am-Ip∂Xv. in£-W-an-√mØ

kvt\l-amWv emf\. CXv Bfl-


Ip´n-Iƒ°v [mcmfw DØ-c-hm-Zn-

Ø-߃ \¬Ip-I. Ah¿ AXp

sNøp-tºmƒ Ah-cpsS Ign-hp-Iƒ

h¿≤n-°pw. AX-h¿°v Bfl-hn-

izmkw ]I-cpw. am¿°pw dm¶pw

amXw Nn¥n-°p∂ amXm-]n-Xm-°ƒ

Ip´n-Isfs°m≠v a‰p tPmen-I-

sfm∂pw sNøn-°n-√. CXv Ip´n-I-

fpsS hy-‡n-X-zsØ \in-∏n-°pw.

Ip´n-Iƒ°v [mcmfw Ign-hp-Ifpw

Xme-¥p-I-fp -ap -≠v. Ch-sb√mw

Is≠Øn t]m’m-ln -∏n® v

hf¿Øn-sb-Sp-Øm¬ Ah¿°v hy-

‡n-X-z-hn-I-k-\-ap-≠m-Ipw. Ip´n-I-

fpsS A`n-cp-Nn-Iƒ Is≠-Øp-Ibpw

AXn -\ -\p -k-cn® v e£-y -߃

Ah¿°p ImWn®p sImSp-°p-I-bpw

sNøp-I. Ah¿ B e£-y-Øn-

te°v kmh-[m\w FØn-t®-cpw.

Ah-cn¬ Bfl-hn-i-zm-khpw kzm-`n-

am-\hpw h¿≤n-°pw. Hcp hy‡n

]Iz -X -bn¬ FØn-t® -cp -∂Xv

sNdp∏w apX¬ D≠m-Ip∂ [mcmfw

A \ p - ` - h - ß - f n - e q - s S b p w

kw`hßfneqsSbpamWv. kw`-h-

ßfpw A\p-` -h-ßfpw hy-‡n-

Iƒ°p-≠m-bn-s√-¶n¬ Ah-\n¬


ASn-a-Ø-Øn-s\-Xnsc t]mcm-

Snb Hcp \ntKm t\Xm-hm-bn-cp-∂p

tPmkn-bm- sl≥k¨ ASn-a-bmbn

P\n-®-Xp-sIm≠v At±-l-Øn\p

kv°qfn¬ t]mIm≥ Ah-kcw

e`n®n-√. ]t£ At\Iw A\p-`-

h-ß-fn-eq-sS -A-t±lw [mcmfw

]Tn®v Hcp ]K¤ ]kw-Kn-I-\mbn.

sl≥ks‚ ]I-z-amb s]cp-am-‰-

ssi-en -bn¬ BIr -jvS -\mb

Im‚¿_dn B¿®v _nj∏v At±-l-

tØmS v GXp bqWn -th -

gvkn‰nbnemWv ]Tn -®Xv F∂p

tNmZn-®p. Rm≥ ]Tn-®Xv ]Xn-k-

‘n-I-fpsS bqWn-thgvkn‰nbn-emWv

F∂m-bn-cp∂p sl≥ks‚ DØ-cw.

AXm-bXv ]Xn-k-‘n-Ifpw ]iv\-

ß-fp-amWv sl≥ks\ anSp-°-\m-


C∂v bph-P-\-ß-fn¬ At\-

I¿°pw CS-s]-Sp-hm\pw kwkm-cn-

°p-hm\pw Adn-bn-√. Hcp tNmZyw

Page 25: Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,


tNmZn-®m¬ apJØp t\m°p-Itbm

DØcw ]d-bp-Itbm sNøn-√. A]-

cn-Nn-X-tcmSv kwkm-cn-°p-hm≥ Adn-

bn-√. ho´n¬ AXn-Yn-Iƒ h∂m¬

Hgn™p amdpw. ac-ym-Z-tbmsS s]cp-

am-dm-\-dn-bn-√. Ah¿ kz¥w Ign-hp-

Iƒ Xncn-®-dn-bn-√. A]-I¿j-Xm-

t_m[w _m[n® Ah¿ Fß-s\-

bmWv Pohn-X-Øn¬ hnP-bn-°p-

∂Xv? \∑-Xn-∑-Isf Xncn-®-dn-bm≥

Ign-hn-√m-Xn-cn-°p-∂Xv A]-Iz-X-

bpsS e£-W-am-Wv.

amXm-]n-Xm-°-fpsS hnth-I-]q¿∆-

amb CS-s]-S-emWv CXn\p ]cn-lm-

cw. kv°qfnse ¢m p-Iƒ°pw ]pd-

Øp≈ Syq-j\pw A∏p-dØv H∂p-

an√ F∂p [cn-°p∂ amXm-]n-Xm-

°ƒ aqV-k-z¿§-Øn-em-Wv. k`

kwL-Sn -∏n -°p∂ k¨tU

kv°qƒ, hn._n.-F-kv., Sot\-Pv˛

bqØv dnSo-‰p -Iƒ, Iym-ºp-Iƒ

F∂n-h-sb√mw hfsc ]m[m-\-y-ap-

≈-h-bm-sW∂v amXm-]n-Xm-°ƒ

Adn-b-Ww. CØcw Iym-ºp-I-fn¬

Ip´n-Isf \n¿_-‘-ambpw ]s¶-Sp-

∏n -°p -hm≥ amXm -]n -Xm -°ƒ

ap≥ssI-sb-Sp -°-Ww. CØcw

¢m p-I-fn¬ Ah¿°p In´p∂

Adnhpw A\p-`-hhpw as‰m-cn-S-Øp-

\n∂pw In´n-√. kzbw Is≠-Øp-hm-

\pw kz¥ Ign-hp-Isf∏‰n t_m[-

hm-∑m-cm-Im-\p-ap≈ [mcmfw kml-

N-c-y-߃ CØcw Iym-ºp-I-fn-ep-

≠v. ]I-z-X-bn-te-°p≈ Nhn´p ]Sn-


ho´n-se-Øp∂ Ip´n-Iƒ Iº-yq-

´-dns‚bpw Snhn-bp-sS-bpw ap∂n¬

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t]mKm-ap-Ifpw Hcp Ip´n°pw hnth-

Ihpw ]I-z-X-bpw t\Sn-s°m-Sp-°n-√.

CXv Ah-cpsS hmb-\m-ioew \in-

∏n-°pw. Nn¥m-i-‡nbpw mh-\bpw


kzbw Is≠-Ø-emWv ]IzX-bn-

te-°p-ff henb hgn. kzbw Adn-

b-Ww. a‰p-≈-hsc Adn-b-Ww.

]s£ kz¥ kjvSm-hns\ Adn-

™n -s√ -¶n¬ Fßs\ kzbw

Adnbpw? AXp-sIm≠v ssZhsØ

Adn-bp∂XneqsS amXta \ΩpsS

]IzX ]q¿ÆXbn-se-Øq. Bflo-

b-X-bn-√m-Ø _p≤n-bpw hnIm-chpw

Hcn-SØpw FØn-t®-cn-√.

Page 26: Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,


Tentative List for Circle Prayers in March & April 2013

If you want circle prayers to be arranged in your house, kindly let one ofthe presbyters preferably Rev. Dr. L. E. Sahanam know that well in advance.On 17th March (Sunday) a circle prayer is arranged in the House of Er.Rajwanth Ben in Ernakulam. Kindly give the contact number of your familymembers living in that area to Rev. L. E. Sahanam (9400370085).1/3/2013 Muttada Circle 1628 Mr. Raveen Sydney KesavadasapuramFriday Nanthancode Circle 74 Mr. E H Sam Raj Nanthancode5/3/2013 Pattom Circle 678 Mr. Theophelus Rasalam GowreesapattomTuesday Statue Circle 84 Mrs. Rosaline Gainneos Kunnukuzhy

Thycaud Circle 1460 Er. Thangagunam8/3/2013 Vazhuthacaud Circle 1760 Mr. Biju Jones ThirumalaFriday Ambalamukku Circle 1191 Mr. Santhosh Wilson Kuravankonam12/3/2013 Kowdiar Circle 1150 Mr. Martin Daniel Kanaka NagarTuesday LMS- Palayam 1396 Mrs. Elizabeth M. George Nandavanam15/3/2013 Muttada Circle 1708 Elavattom Justus NalanchiraFriday Nanthancode Circle 1072 Dr. Anil kumar Nalanda17/3/2013 1833 Er. Rajwanth Ben Ernakulum19/3/2013 Pattom Circle 679 Mrs. Nirmala Balsalam ThekkummooduTuesday Statue Circle 1918 Prof. S. Titus Uppalam road

Thycaud Circle 1029 Mr. Rajeev N. Godwin Chempaka Nagar22/3/2013 Ulloor Circle 1789 Mr. Chenthur Pandian PongummooduFriday Vazhuthacaud Circle 804 Dr. Bimal Johnson M P Appan Road26/3/2013 Passion Week Meditations29/3/2013 Good Friday 2/4/2013 Ambalamukku Circle 1652 Mr. L Sajaya Soman PanacodeTuesday Charachira Circle 1350 Er. Padma Santhi Watts Lane

Edappazhanji Circle 1753 Dr. Ponraj G. Vettamukku5/4/2013 LMS Palayam Circle 2007 Mr. Roji Lal Lenin NagarFriday Muttada Circle 1580 Er. Navakumar T K D Road9/4/2013 Nanthancode Circle 861 Daniel J Jones N'code Bains CompoundTuesday Pattom Circle 1282 Mrs. Irene Bernard Plamoodu12/4/2013 Statue circle 1437 Er. Selvaraj I. Mathrubhoomi RoadFriday Thycaud Circle 1763 Mr. Sekhar Daniel Oottukuzhi16/4/2013 Ulloor Circle 991 Mr. Alexander Williams KaryavattomTuesday Vazhuthacaud Circle 1893 Dr. Jones Thomas Thirumala19/4/2013 Charachira Circle 1197 Dr. Arther Jacob CharachiraFriday Edappazhanji Circle 1287 Er. Yesodharan Edappazhanji23/4/13 Kowdiyar Circle 1581 Mrs. Jaya Prameela J. L. Pandit's colonyTuesday LMS-Palayam Circle 887 Mr. Sam Nathaniel Wellington Avenue26/4/13 Muttada Circle 813 Er. V S Winfred ChoozhampalaFriday Ambalamukku Circle 801 Mr.. Christudas Ambala nagar

1521 Dr. Anil Kumar T.V.


Page 27: Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,


Page 28: Church voice March 2013 newglobe experience the resurrected Jusus Christ in their personal lives as a living reality. Listening to prayers, forgiving sins, releasing freedom from bondages,