ft \ Newspaper Devoted die Community Interest I nil Local Coverage CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1961 ULIAN )LLAK . i Minor lllXllIK till' ''0* h III ll.s- lidiiv (ill Ihr cliilh- Oil Ifll- list hour lo und Helen name* Pwwated Fairly, dearly And Impartially Each Week Complete News- Pictures To Confer On Road Projects •ntmd u Ittd Om MM At P. O, OuMNt, X. J. PRICK TEN CENTS Iv 'on noil to Seek Aid Of Woodbridge in (lounty Link Plan CARTERET Borough Council last night decided to confer with Woodbridge Town' ship in an effort to get the Board of Freeholders to take over and Improve important road links between the Borough and the Township Councilman Alexander Such, chairman of streets and roads, felt that Blair Road should be taken over by Churches Will Lead Holiday Observance; Services Scheduled tnc bunieM (or mo»t ,ui ut l e u t 100 i, rtmip btforr- ..-. But let not ay with no m l .if thr htppl- ,-. f.n- mirwlvi'd : , DI thf n*ppi ' r Umt came .i LS via Post- •Sitbo 'I only : ir myiclf and •.•! it you hivr a '. » happy too •1 Sully, 7 • ut bhopptnj -lertd tifnt 'our-rrar-old .• thr tutud •ii and you * i-n't * r t t w HAD I llltl> 1 M \- I'UOI.I Ulllll'l lilt llllri linn *>anrtrj \ll,uii> M u \ I rnu Uil "i-rll.i from the Christmas program presented by the choir of the Nathan Hale /inr. I'rni! mm |);irtlci|i;iiits. lcf| to right wm- : Charlotte De Bella, Irani PS Iliivitiirr and William Powell. (See program Inside pages) I):. 21 Service Pins 11 (fiven lonn-Time ISMREmplmes C AIMER Sunla Got the Word Set (flight iftp 11 P.M. Sunday at 1st Presbyterian l.rllcis from Children Directed to \nrth Vole '/Vo/M'f/y' Delivered Hi mmuu 1 Flrt ' Ti you ploVi'' 1 * rif I 'lie mon'li 'i Ttui-r iiri-,1 '.i'Sr utt'Hrrt". d»r Bamu T.tv»r; A Ift- li '"• :.Miwl Mi-iii'r 11, .-••rn" r > <> ,'. i, ., j ,r, , •I'lll' 1 111- is- n. Sati! a •:K! lu F'nitnlii.' ••itl;i\ i - .iif e> i- in the ad- clothing haw Lions Club. Mint Postmaster turned over to the Sabo said the !f, "i i .k " 1: ain: ,.d, CARTERET - At both the , „ , „„, „ . .. 8:30 and the 11 A. M. worship, h, I/'strr Post Office will be open until 6, Rpv H Addison Woestfn , eyer tonight and again until 6 P. M, wjll k on the jubject iinuii.<| and tomorrow. The Post Office wllll:,. G1 to Ood __ a n d0) . ,, H1 . th a(tull | ,„,.„ lx> closed Sunday and Monday.[ Ppace ., Th( , Scri p ture v _ the county, widened and improved. One side of the road is in Carterel and the other in the Tjpwnship He favored that Jackson Ave- nue also be taken over and im- proved, providing a direct link from this borough to Port Read inn. He cited the need foi these changes because of tin ! growth of the community [those areas. Abuffer zone jtween the heavy Industry xon .ing and the residential section, I of Shorecrest development also ;was suggested by him. Councilman Thomas Deverin ipoke of urban development In ,he Chrome section and widen- ing of the business area. Boro Council Resolution Pays Tribute to Gregory CARTERET^Mayor Stephen Skiba and members of the Borough Council last night paid 1 tribute- to the late Charles E. Gregory, editor and publisher of the Carteret Press in an unanimous resolution. The resolution cites the "per- servinR effort In behalf of the I borough, his wisdom and his unfailing dedication to the interests of others. The full text of the reso- lution follows; Whereas the Mayor and Council of the Berough of Carteret record with deep re- gret and profound sorrow the untimely death of Charles E. Gregory, editor and pub- lisher of the Carteret Press; And whereas Mi'. Gregory' I he minimal ion is .. , (I i| [)• : In .Hid At. civic M 1lolls •s cl;;i(li. Olrl.s s|l.|. but a skeleton crew working 'Luke" 1-26 56- 2'1 40 ( . har i: during the holiday willI m a k e ' ^ , , , Supp ^ ;.,„ ^ w j.- sprcial deliveries on both days. ;rt both services A tth( , All incoming mail will be de-. M _ serivce the Commim , liv.-r.-d by tomorrow, the post- class o{ mmiefn youn , , maMcr added. wjll he rec(livpd into Ul]{ P«i,tm lt ster 8abo also com- b( , rship l n t h p "" ! ' lkFtl " r (lnl!s -.on is The •rated IX • ant's 1 'ople ••uim- sac- ] Borough Attorney John Koli- bas was retained to prosecute a suit for damages in connec- lon -with damage done by a .ruck to the traffic lights at Washington Avenue, Cypress and Louis Street. Carteret Lions Club in a let-jorgan chimes Sunday morning i. ».-lf»rv. t(» San!;, berght ,„ th( chwih ^ sac i.UmenU-d the regular staff and rament of baptism ^ li( . ad . th t holiday crew or ani the extra holiday crew or an m , n|lrtered to thoge wh( , :!ul » broftanor . crickedor Thi ed 15 a*i>rd« T V y in- Jarrn-s Aflkf*, Orvjtn Prc Nm You _ m , n|lrtered to tho ••ewMlent job done" in clearing nnt been baptizecL th Christma mail delivery and the Christmas mail delivery. T Utri frw. Wi::< 341 Children's Yule Craftsmen's Club -»IVle Held bv K.C. Al Holiday Party I and i. flourUrwi tt '•it could be pack- be enough the r*»t M<-'.a: AvfJiUf Pt'cli Avenue rr/anrd. C!•<>• .IdVI (WM'. •.'"4 7! Y:••• i .• . V Oxv- Hr.v> .: On: fhi ••:ith n .it ti.rc T-.r 'i-. wit uur b«t ,'mppjr holiday f\ Grades Program Ttw WttMh Scliool rn- Wooribrirlit.- Haiidistw ?48 HiiiUf Ci',\ .l»m.' A Tr.»r:.«!' :•.!)••: '".!i« I In 1 At 2:30 P. M.. the Junior and Chapel Choir* will b r a ^ the church bus for Nc : will attend tho I and MTU -sony af (he Cathedral St. John 'the Divine. They will hear the boy's choir and the men sins "Mine Lessons in Mtuv than CARTERET - An entertain-: CftrolSi » T^ was wri ^, n m members of ment and distribution of gifts,inland o ver 50 years ago, and attend- to 9fi youngsters featured the ^ n s the Scriptural story from Id Sun- Christmas party held by thej creilt j on t 0 the incarnation. The tin C'liincll Cartrret Craftsmen's Club, a t bus will return by 7 P. M. Th. child- the Masonic Temple Sunday!. A t u P M a Christmas Hi,' ir.mir afternoon. Refreshments were Cftndle ii gntmK 'service from , .Mil; Hm- served. lLove t o J o y t o LiRnt entitled, ;,:„!.•, M ; - Solo.-, and Bi-oupdaiices^were ,, christmas Joy ,, bj , Maurlce : Ni, ifi«n \;. |ial\ he has won the earnest respect of this community for his dedicated d e v o t i o n , wise connsel. greath warmth and tireless efforts In behalf of the people of Carteret; And whereas th«^ Borough will miss his sympathetic un- derstanding, his manifold activities In, behalf of* civic and charitable organizations; Be It, and it is hereby re- solved that the > Mayor and Borough Council extend their deepest sympathy to his family: And be it further resolved that this resolution be spread on the minutes of the Coun- cil and that a copy thereof be forwarded to his wife, Mrs. Lucy Gregory. : Map Dedication Of Organ Chimes At Sunday Rites CARTERET — Dedication of ter commended Sgt. Edward Czajkowski, director of the Juvenile Bureau, and his in- vestigator Patrolman W a l t e r ;hamra, also Sgt. Stanley Szy- ba, bead of the Civilian De- fense. They appeared at a re- [outlined the work tif their spective departments. Building Inspector Edward T. Zanat reported he had issued building permits for work cost- at the 10 A. M. English service will be featured at the Hungar- ian Reformed Church. Rev. Dr. Harsanyl, pastor, al- so announced the order of wor- ship for the holiday season. They follow: To Issue Bicycle Licenses Next Week CARTERET—Sgt. Edward Czajkowski issued a remind- er today that bicycle registra- tion licenses will be given at the Juvenile Bureau in the Borough Hall next week from Tuesday through Friday be- tween 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Hadassah Pays Today, 7:30 P. M. service in rn-JHungarian; Saturday, 7:30 P. |M. service in English; Sunday, 10 A. M. service in English, dedication of organ chimes and homecoming service for college ing $92,959. The welfare de- students; 11 A. M. and 6:30 P. partment spent $4,423.57 last month, Mrs, Helen Chester, welfare director reported, ! S rt I'l't" M vrtrd Av»-:; Burkwr. T tttmh *!•• Tiu.k. I A'. US ,, ll.i-idl . !• A'.f- : .• W:"ilnm •f* Har- 'V !ih,i:d.' :<Th'.:-- i Oh:!, < , Orach ,• i :v. w • IllllV.i il Ml tin .IIOU IV,' the Kiven by pupils oi the Madeline!^ .sing- And! i- Dance Studio of Avenel'^ ft'il- and a"puppet show given by: =,, p hmips will ^ presented. SHOPLIFTER FINED CARTERETT Miss Sara Torres. 20, of Newark this week familiar Christains Carols ,was fined $105 by Magistrate be sung by the congrega-iMeyer Jaffee for shoplifting. .i ski >*|Hfir Cl.ius, !>•>: Al Mrs. Barbara Bums and Mrs, tion Scrlpture wi!1 be read " by There were la r t»p rPse ntative of the child- by George| ren , s department, of the youth Smith and piano selecttoiw bv department, and of the adult {shopping Center. arid Prankle Hayes. the band Wsi'lections' She was acoused of taking |clothing Valued at $23.24 from the W. T, Grant Co. store in the *u*mblief on lnw ("'•• by Mrs. Helen Ward. Robert MQi-» dl , p , irtment T)le minister WillJ •• ,\rd bv Ben- ns acted as Santa Claus. l giw a ^rief Christmas message, .,d by Nidi- Walter Schaffhauser was| after whicn the lights will bej ..I, Curnni. Jr. chairman. Hi> was assisted byjturned out. Twelve persons,, ,. MI x;is in Herbert Powell, Ingvard Sev- r pp reS enting various groups in •i,.iits assist- endsen. Walter Ward, Walter thp cnurc h r -win actfisthe 12 K and Henry Woodlmll. Irving Rader, Al iApostles and through them all p.TA Astll ,. j,, rrt the •>••« * * * York O'v. in.; ! -l:-l: still Tavarcs. Warren Luckie. Allen Yr-iir's Ross, Harry Rupp. I/)u Pox and i - ui r.irlv Thr :nt-mbi'rs arc R William G. Baldwin. H of the worshippers will light their candles. After silent pray- ers of commitment, the wor- shippers will go out of the sanc- ' '' •" H Huildtmilin] ry.pl ! ;.-,(- group »t U' 0,ur:. Kr in ,- sm folio*.: Kilthful III- r»U! MUl; V.I -'I •J: '•norm; O ; Joy lo We Three •"«> Robert Spoil- ^ u Ve Mirry Orn- l Olorl« in 'Jill/ fortv-'iv.- vnlr< PARTY TOMORKOW CAHTKltrr I''-' l'' : ' v C.iidin- r - 'tuarv nuns must ToiUCZllk (Hid Vfirga !World'' waiter Honored by Legion •••!"" lu ' CARTERET - Francis T. Tomczuk 107 Longfellow Street Miss iy/.lirillll a nifmbi-r of Carteret Post, 326 .. ii II; i Anli'i'icaii Leu ion has been [,ets uerueiey nut pmntod Distl . jct 3 i. nalrman O f Mmie the New Jersey American "Joy to the c-Ain-Knrr 'j/.iii'i'.;.! d.iu.'i \| ; . .IPIIII'IVZI: M»n«e;, Doiuw a KwtaUo*ikl, drrn HIM: 1 - M»' | P M in viil » n | tnd Roeji party for i l. Melvtn Leviu ftehth *w\-- ,i iiiiini V: ,ni(l IHIIIH' f ii!" Chrutm** I "mPtouMri, Bruce (Vine Upon a Mid- 1 »nd 0 UtUt Town '<». cijorui; Uiend* ••>*, WUUtm Aagely;' >' On tb« MouiiUin. u and Michel* Moc- H1 King VeiKel«». 'tit uidJohn8U>Jka; '. () U ThU, MarJorie Uui, John ChnitmM wiw.i. vttii. i Ml ' u ''.»:.ich; Silver BrlU.'calkd on tin 1 Berth» H»rrU widlwUt«,'k»< ^"' ([ ray; Joliy Old St.'requirement* ' ol i Jl) lui 8tojli: Mustlo » void n«» nclil1 ••nd d i r l t t m u Wl»ri- cninmuntty "• «Hent Nighl, Nt--, slwht- II ll - liicy Ortw. flan- whuever ••»• Milton Stet ai>d; a vold a tax rat. 'btyyid thf cupui * 'payer* to meet," I duii't want he «<iti All! u! \lt mid Lei;ion's national hltih school i UK Dnm- oratorical contest committee . i; ii.mK'd comprising Hunterdon, Middle- Hi-rkeley sex, Somerset, Sussex and War :, v ren counties. i si'iuur, Mr. Tomczuk also has been i-hairnian, elected vice president of the •:.. ("Tinan American Legion Press Club of ;., ai-n IN a New Jersey. •I, Mi cmimul 1 James L. Varga, also this Hebrew Men's Club FAects New Officers ' CARTERET — Sid .Roth was ;elected president of the Hebrew Men's Club at (.he last meeting. Other officers elected were: Harold Levitz and Phil Hoch- man, vice presidents, Si Weg- breit, treasurer; Mort Zarrett, recording secretary; Herb Sam- uels, corresponding secretary; Qeortje Resnick, financial sec- retary. ',.1,1 ;,. 11; Opt-Ul i pea i mi .sc !l,.| March ol |)nm-s. red borough, has been appointed i'ved Middlesex County representa- tive on the contest committee »t 130 P M S l ' " " 1962 Tax Piclurc is Bleak; PTA at Annual Yule Program CARTERET—The Washing- iton-Nathan Hale PTA members held their annual Christmas' program Wednesday night. During the business meeting gifts were presented to the school custodians. Special guests who greeted the members were Principal Joseph Comba School Superintendent Edwin S, Quin, School Board members Joseph Lamb and President John Kolibas and Principal Mary Czaya from the Columbus jSchool. The PTA M. services in Hungarian; 7:30 . M. service (n English. Christ- mas Eve Candlelight service; Christmas Day, 8:30 A. M. services in English, Christmas communion service; 10:30 A.M. Hungarian fchristmas commun- ion service; Tuesday, service at 11 A. M. in Hungarian. There will be no Suriday [School and confirmation classes tomorrow and Sunday. The Youth Fellowship will go caroling Saturday from 6 P. M to 7:30-'P. M. families who iwish to receive them should .call Nancy Nemish. held at the synagogue of Lov-[| n j with-roast turkey and tra- Provisions For Needy Are Made CARTERET — This borough will pay homage to the Prlru^t of Peace Monday in the cele- bration of the most joyous of the year's holidays. Attendance at church rites and ChrlstmM feasting and merry-making wlS mark the observance, To celebrate the birthday an- niversary of Christ the boi> ough's churches have service? scheduled for Sunday night and Monday. There will bf midnight masses in Roman Catholic churches. To Sin* Carol* t h e Joy of the occasion »J! be expressed ln colorful paj^ cantry and happy caroli Bright decorations -iij tl» churches, an well as in the homes, will add to .he season's cheefy air. For many of the borough residents, it will be. a three- day holiday. Children In the public schools begin their an- nual midyear holiday at noon today. They are not due back until Wednasday, January 3. Cheer For Needy The underprivileged and the i needy will nnt be forgotten. ; jiarious organizations, club« land Individuals have provided Shifts and food baskets to cheer the needy, while, 'firemen dla- ]tribute toy8'fffl r CARTERET- Tribute to tht late Charles E. Gregory, pub- isher of the Cartevet Press, was paid at the last meeting of ;he board of directors of the larteret Chapter. Hadassah, Firmer, 10:36 row to begin distribution of thi gifts. And throughout Christmas Day. the advent of the Saviour will be an occasion for family get-togethers over tables groan- St. Joseph's CY,O. Goes Caroling Tonight CARTERET Members of the Catholic Youth Organiza- tion of St. Joseph's Church will go caroling tomorrow evening. The carolers will meet at St. Joseph's School at 5:30 P.M. Last Saturday, the members made a trip to Lawrenceville where' they sang Christmasl Icarols and decorated a Christ- mas tree at the Home for the Aged. Despite the inclement weath- er last Sunday, a delegation of nominated their President Raymond Bonkowski for the Distinguished Service Award to be named by the Jun- ior Chamber of Commerce on January 20, |eifht attended two separate retreats in Perth Amboy. The Ellen, Brady, Edward Kitzes was appointed The membership Irom the girls group included Margaret and Patricia new trustee. Following the elec- tion, an informative talk on Washington Nathan Halei Schools nov .stands at 914. The! Mary Ann Corballis, Sharon Holder and Estelle Palmieri. The boys were Robert Height- 1 chew and William Llnderman. ing Justice. The group unanimously ap- proved a "Medical Center Cer- tificate" in honor of the latel publisher. Mrs! Theodore Chenkin dis- cussed with the group the re- cent African-Asian Seminar, as part of the education for Youth Aliyah month. Reports on Donor, member- ship, Book of Life, raffle, joint meeting with Sisterhood were presenter by the chairmen of these projects. Mesdameg S Drourr, J. Chodosh. A. Levitz, T. Nagler and E. Gruhin. The group will hold a rummage sale the first week In April. Co- 1 chairmen are Mrs. Ed Shapiro and Mr«. Al Kestenbaum. The chapter will sponsor the Oneg Shabbot on Friday eve- ning, January 5. Mrs. Samuel Roth is chairman. Mrs. Jack Safran, Judaean advisor, announced the daean groups will sponsor a bus trip on Thursday, Decem- ber 28, to the Modern Museum of Art, One of the displays ti be seen will be the ChajjaT Windows for the synagogue the medical center in Israe! Anyone desiring reservations is asked to contact Mrs. Safran Hostesses for the evenim {were Mrs. Elmer Brown am Mrs. Sql Price. tional goodies. Yule Atmosphere All this week the atmosphere every school room In Car* iret was charged with ent as children grew closi hristmas and their waiter iliday and the. teachers tried llantly to claim a portion of leir attention for such routine matters as reading, writing and •ithmetlc. stock market investments wasjschool was festively decorated j GOP DANCE TOMORROW made by Mark Binstein. Re- freshments were served. , for the program by, Joseph! CARTERET _ A final meet . Rlvers - jing was held ut the home of The musical program waSjBob Bird, for the preparation TO MEET TUESDAY CARTERET — The Congre- gation Brotherhood of Israel will hold its regular meeting Tuesday evening, December 19, at 8:30 P. M. at the Hill Syna- gogue on Pershlng Avenue, eighth grades under the direc- presented by the seventh and o f the Republican Christmas dance to be held Saturday, De- TO MEET TONIGHT CARTERET^The Odd lows Hall Association will meei at 7 o'clock tonight. A meeting iof the lodge will follow an hour >fter and a,socjal is scheduled for 8:30, Members of the B bekah have been invited. Ther l be entertainment and'a: exchange, of gifts. tion of Miss Loretta Algozane.J cem ber IB, at Flra House No. 1. A visit from Santa Ciaus, who j The public is invited. Tickets distributed candy canes to the children was greatly appreci- ated. may be purchased from mem- bers of the Republican organ- ization. NOVENA TONIGHT CARTERET—The Novena Our Sorrowful Mother will held at St. Joseph's Church at 1:30 tonight. ,-i- SIM'-: aitniiiii'-" 1 d'lllllll.V il I'll" null-! IL1.0 : our 1 1).-nut.ill >'" ,,11'iuijh ""' lli^llirliiillllV iiii,'lit l"'9^ .iiiniiiil He Mild ni' iimVLir >i>d/ ( I ui.r .i Ii; ii'- 1 ' 1 i"0 ruti' w|d, was to. cutbacks in certain , J'tniusiries lwre, which means & 1 "' setback in the financial picture uf every Caneret, tajipayer." all Sonui j obs ,„ not as secure j are us thfy have thai s he said, "and we don't fll .,iuiumtii>ii.s. ,.,.,is and tin- - Athief •' colored light bulbi ' n r i t t m u dUplay »t f Mn H>Un C Hal- DODW n u d e our t*»x must |in'i't| W aut our taxcollection to fall \ Diulxet ap-- behind." ,|, Vl MCIIOOI! He said his comments on the inuicl tor in-budget should not be construed II,' MniBt'slednas "criticism of ^he adminis- • iration." He felt that his sug s on "holding the Une ; accepted by the borough afflcials in good faith. •I'm sure. tDat the average here feels the same I do," Mr. Donovan not way as he added. Carqls and Sermons to Tell Story of Christmas CARTEttfcT - The birth of the Prince of Peace in a man- ger in Bethlehem will be de- scribed in sermons and scrip- ture readings Sunday night Day, Monday. and and in carols At the Holy Family Church singing of Christmas carols will begin at 11:30 P.M. Sunday i)ight, mass. followed kjy The manger midnight will be mass. T g placed in the grotto outside the church at midnight. ChrUtmas Day masses 9 and high mass and beuedici tion at 10 A.M. The final mass! will be at 11 A.M. . . * * * '.', There will be midnight jjmass St. Joseph's Church Sunday ulght. Christmas Day masses will be at 6, 7, B, 9, 10, 11 and 12 noon. » • * Sacred Heart Church will- have a midnight mass Sunday and Christmas Day masses will be,at 7,8,9, 10 and 1MA.M. * • » uu<»s T . — ..—.,, fit. Mari'B Church, holy com- will be at 7, 8, uidlmunion, Sunday night at 11:30 o'clock. Christmas Day, Holy communion at 9 A.M. Ember ipay services, A.M. Saturday at ••I- Si. Eliaabeths Qhurch will hold a midnight mass Sunday night and Christmas Day mass;| es will be at 7, 8, 9 and 10:30 A.M. be held at 7 o'clock Sunday the Calvary Baptist church. * * • St. Ellas Church will hold Christmas service-at 11 cfcloi Sunday night followed by nutsi at midnight. Christmas Di masses will be at 8 A.M. and There will be a candlelight service at the First Presbyteri- an Church at 11 o'clock Sun- day night. Christmas Eve services will A.M.; Tuesday, and 10 A.M. also 8 A.* St. Mary's Ukrainian Catho lie Church will have midnighl mass Sunday night and Cfyrist mas Day services in the morn ing. Hold Discussion On College Life CARTERET—.Thirteen menj« ers of the Class of 1961re- ,urned to Carteret High School ,t the invitation of the guid- ance department for a panel iiscussion of college and busl» iess life for the benefit of the enior*. Carolyn Albazia, Montclajr I itate; Barbara Ayres. Wln- hrop; Carol Breztt, Montclalr tate; Robert Beam, Mon» tiouth; Thomas Chodosh, Ten- nessee; Henry Dunster, Merck & Co,; Katherlne Fields, Wood Secretarial; Janell Francis, Tennessee; Joseph Goete, Mori* mouth, Nancy Grunden, Tren- ton State; Alex Makkal, Up. sala; Janet Markowitz and Elizabeth Saulo, Orange Me- morial, detailed their experi- ences. Yule Howe Display Jiufying to Start CARTERET^Judging in the, 'arteret Woman's Club resi- dential Christmas decorating :ontest will start tonlyht and continue until next'Friduy. Mrs. Edwin S. Quin, chair- man, 8,'ild the priaes will be subscription^ to a magazine. Contest Nomination Deadline is Today _ CARTERET'— Today is the last day for the nomination for The Voung Man of the Year" content being sponsored by the Carteret Junior Chamber of Commerce. The judges ur,e Mayur Steph- en Skiba, Police Chief Clmiles iMakwlnski, Postmaster Lester Sabo and School Superinten- dent Edwin S. Quin. SERVICES TODAY * CARTERET —i Services Fri- day evening at Confirmation of [Brotherhood of Israel will held today at the Hill Syna- gogue on Pershing Avenue at 4:16 P. U. *" 'M: :'l: ''%

Churches Will Lead Holiday Observance; )LLAK …...ship in an effort to get the Board of Freeholders to take over and Improve important road links between the Borough and the Township

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Page 1: Churches Will Lead Holiday Observance; )LLAK …...ship in an effort to get the Board of Freeholders to take over and Improve important road links between the Borough and the Township


\ Newspaper Devoted

die Community Interest

I nil Local Coverage



. i Minorl l lX l l IK t i l l '

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Pwwated Fairly, dearly

And Impartially Each Week

Complete News- Pictures

To ConferOn Road


•n tmd u Ittd Om MMAt P. O, OuMNt, X. J. PRICK TEN CENTS


'on noil to Seek Aid

Of Woodbridge in

(lounty Link PlanC A R T E R E T — Borough

Council last night decided toconfer with Woodbridge Town'ship in an effort to get theBoard of Freeholders to takeover and Improve importantroad links between the Boroughand the Township

Councilman Alexander Such,chairman of streets and roads,felt that Blair Road should betaken over by

Churches Will LeadHoliday Observance;Services Scheduled

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from the Christmas program presented by the choir of the Nathan Hale/inr. I'rni! mm |);irtlci|i;iiits. lcf| to right wm-: Charlotte De Bella,

Irani PS Iliivitiirr and William Powell. (See program Inside pages)

I):.21 Service Pins11

(fiven lonn-TimeISMREmplmes


Sunla Got the Word Set ( f l i g h tiftp 11 P.M. Sunday at

1st Presbyterianl.rllcis from Children Directed to

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CARTERET - At both the, „ , „„, „ . .. 8:30 and the 11 A. M. worship,

h, I/'strr Post Office will be open until 6 ,R p v H A d d i s o n W o e s t f n , e y e r

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the county,widened and improved. Oneside of the road is in Cartereland the other in the Tjpwnship

He favored that Jackson Ave-nue also be taken over and im-proved, providing a direct linkfrom this borough to Port Readinn. He cited the need foithese changes because of tin

! growth of the community[those areas. A buffer zonejtween the heavy Industry xon

. ing and the residential section,I of Shorecrest development also;was suggested by him.

Councilman Thomas Deverinipoke of urban development In,he Chrome section and widen-ing of the business area.

Boro Council ResolutionPays Tribute to Gregory

CARTERET^Mayor StephenSkiba and members of theBorough Council last night paid1

tribute- to the late Charles E.Gregory, editor and publisherof the Carteret Press in anunanimous resolution.

The resolution cites the "per-servinR effort In behalf of the Iborough, his wisdom and hisunfailing dedication to theinterests of others.

The full text of the reso-lution follows;

Whereas the Mayor andCouncil of the Berough ofCarteret record with deep re-gret and profound sorrowthe untimely death of CharlesE. Gregory, editor and pub-lisher of the Carteret Press;

And whereas Mi'. Gregory'

I he minimal ion is

.. , (I

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civic M1 lolls

•s cl;;i(li.



but a skeleton crew working 'Luke" 1-26 56- 2'1 40( . h a r i : during the holiday willI m a k e ' ^ , , , S u p p ^ ;.,„ ^ w j . -

sprcial deliveries on both days. ; r t b o t h s e r v i c e s A t th(,All incoming mail will be de-.M_ s e r i v c e t h e C o m m i m ,liv.-r.-d by tomorrow, the post- c l a s s o { mmiefn y o u n , ,maMcr added. w j l l h e r e c ( l i v p d i n t o Ul]{

P«i,tmltster 8abo also c o m - b ( , r s h i p l n t h p

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• ant's1 'ople••uim-


]Borough Attorney John Koli-

bas was retained to prosecutea suit for damages in connec-lon -with damage done by a.ruck to the traffic lights atWashington Avenue, Cypressand Louis Street.

Carteret Lions Club in a let-jorgan chimes Sunday morning

i. ».-lf»rv.t(» San!;,

berght ,„ th( chwih saci.UmenU-d the regular staff and rament o f b a p t i s m ^ li(. a d .th t holiday crew or anithe extra holiday crew or an

m , n | l r t e r e d t o t h o g e w h ( ,


» broftanor. cricked or

Thied 15 •

a*i>rd« TVy in- Jarrn-sAflkf*, Orvjtn P r c Nm You

_m,n|lrtered to tho••ewMlent job done" in clearing n n t b e e n b a p t i z e c L

th Christma mail deliveryand the Christmas mail delivery.





Children's Yule Craftsmen's Club-»IVle Held bv K.C. Al Holiday Party I

andi. flourUrwi t t'•it could be pack-

be enoughthe r*»t




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Wooribrirlit.-Haiidistw?48 HiiiUfCi',\ .l»m.'A Tr.»r:.«!'

: • . ! ) • • : ' " . ! i « I I n 1

At 2:30 P. M.. the Junior andChapel Choir* will b r a ^ thechurch bus for Nc

:will attend thoI and MTU -sony af (he Cathedral

St. John 'the Divine. Theywill hear the boy's choir andthe men sins "Mine Lessons in

Mtuv than CARTERET - An entertain-:CftrolSi» T ^ w a s w r i ^ , n m

members of ment and distribution of gif ts , inland over 50 years ago, andattend- to 9fi youngsters featured the ^ n s the Scriptural story fromId Sun- Christmas party held by the j c r e i l t j o n t0 the incarnation. The

tin C'liincll Cartrret Craftsmen's Club, a t bus will return by 7 P. M.Th. child- the Masonic Temple Sunday!. A t u P M a ChristmasHi,' ir.mir afternoon. Refreshments were C f t n d l e i i g n t m K 'service from

, .Mil; Hm- served. l L o v e t o J o y t o L i R n t entitled,;,:„!.•, M;- Solo.-, and Bi-oupdaiices^were , , c h r i s t m a s J o y , , bj, M a u r l c e

: Ni, ifi«n

\;. | i a l \ he

has won the earnest respectof this community for hisdedicated d e v o t i o n , wiseconnsel. greath warmth andtireless efforts In behalf ofthe people of Carteret;

And whereas th«^ Boroughwill miss his sympathetic un-derstanding, his manifoldactivities In, behalf of* civicand charitable organizations;

Be It, and it is hereby re-solved that the > Mayor andBorough Council extend theirdeepest sympathy to hisfamily:

And be it further resolvedthat this resolution be spreadon the minutes of the Coun-cil and that a copy thereof beforwarded to his wife, Mrs.Lucy Gregory. :

Map DedicationOf Organ ChimesAt Sunday Rites

CARTERET — Dedication of

ter commended Sgt. EdwardCzajkowski, director of theJuvenile Bureau, and his in-vestigator Patrolman W a l t e r;hamra, also Sgt. Stanley Szy-

ba, bead of the Civilian De-fense. They appeared at a re-

[outlined the work tif theirspective departments.

Building Inspector Edward T.Zanat reported he had issuedbuilding permits for work cost-

at the 10 A. M. English servicewill be featured at the Hungar-ian Reformed Church.

Rev. Dr. Harsanyl, pastor, al-so announced the order of wor-ship for the holiday season.They follow:

To Issue BicycleLicenses Next WeekCARTERET—Sgt. Edward

Czajkowski issued a remind-er today that bicycle registra-tion licenses will be given atthe Juvenile Bureau in theBorough Hall next week fromTuesday through Friday be-tween 9 A. M. and 5 P. M.

Hadassah PaysToday, 7:30 P. M. service in

rn-JHungarian; Saturday, 7:30 P.|M. service in English; Sunday,10 A. M. service in English,dedication of organ chimes andhomecoming service for college

ing $92,959. The welfare de- students; 11 A. M. and 6:30 P.partment spent $4,423.57 lastmonth, Mrs, Helen Chester,welfare director reported,

! S rt I'l't"


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the Kiven by pupils oi the Madeline!^.sing- And! i- Dance Studio of A v e n e l ' ^ft'il- and a"puppet show given by: =,,

p h m i p s w i l l ^ presented.


CARTERETT — Miss SaraTorres. 20, of Newark this week

familiar Christains Carols ,was fined $105 by Magistratebe sung by the congrega-iMeyer Jaffee for shoplifting.

.i s k i


C l . i u s , !>•>:

Al Mrs. Barbara Bums and M r s , t i o n S c r l p t u r e wi !1 b e r e a d " b y

There were la rt»prPsentative of the child-by George| ren,s department, of the youth

Smith and piano selecttoiw bv department, and of the adult {shopping Center.

arid Prankle Hayes.the band Wsi'lections'

She was acoused of taking|clothing Valued at $23.24 fromthe W. T, Grant Co. store in the

*u*mblief on l n w ("'••

by Mrs. Helen Ward. Robert MQi-»d l ,p , i r t m e n t T ) l e minister WillJ•• ,\rd bv Ben- ns acted as Santa Claus. l g i w a ^rief Christmas message,.,d by Nidi- Walter Schaffhauser was | a f t e r w h i c n t h e lights will bej

..I, Curnni. Jr. chairman. Hi> was assisted byjturned out. Twelve persons,,,. MI x;is in Herbert Powell, Ingvard Sev- rppreSenting various groups in•i,.iits assist- endsen. Walter Ward, Walter t h p c n u r c h r -win act fis the 12K and Henry Woodlmll. Irving Rader, A l i A p o s t l e s a n d through them all

p.TAA s t l l , . j , , r r t


•> • •« * * *

York O'v.in.; !


still Tavarcs. Warren Luckie. AllenYr-iir's Ross, Harry Rupp. I/)u Pox and

i- ui r.irlv Thr:nt-mbi'rs arc

RWilliam G. Baldwin.


of the worshippers will lighttheir candles. After silent pray-ers of commitment, the wor-shippers will go out of the sanc-

' '' •" H Huildtmilin] ry.pl! ;.-,(- group »t U'

0,ur:. Krin

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O; Joy lo

We Three

•"«> Robert Spoil-^ u Ve Mirry Orn-l Olorl« in


fortv-'iv.- vnlr<


C A H T K l t r r I''-' l ' ' : ' v

C.iidin- r - 'tuarvnuns must ToiUCZllk (Hid Vfirga !World''

waiter Honored by Legion

•••!"" l u ' CARTERET - Francis T.Tomczuk 107 Longfellow Street

Miss iy/.lirillll a nifmbi-r of Carteret Post, 326. . „ i i I I ; i Anli'i'icaii Leu ion has been[,ets uerueiey nut p m n t o d Distl.jct 3 i .na l rman Of

Mmie the New Jersey American

"Joy to the

c-Ain-Knrr' j / . i i i ' i ' . ; . ! d . i u . ' i

\ | ; . . I P I I I I ' I V Z I :

M»n«e;, Doiuw aKwtaUo*ikl, drrn



| P M inviil » n | tnd Roeji party for i

l. Melvtn Leviu ftehth *w\--

,i iiiiini


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Chrutm**I "m PtouMri, Bruce(Vine Upon a Mid-1 »nd 0 UtUt Town'<». cijorui; Uiend*

••>*, WUUtm Aagely;'>' On tb« MouiiUin.

u and Michel* Moc-H1 King VeiKel«».'tit uidJohn8U>Jka;'.() U ThU, MarJorie

U u i , John

ChnitmM wiw.i. vttii. i Ml'u

''.»:.ich; Silver BrlU.'calkd on tin1

• Berth» H»rrU widlwUt«,'k»< " '([ray; Joliy Old St.'requirement* 'ol

i Jl)lui 8tojli: Mustlo »void n«»nclil1

••nd dirlttmu Wl»ri- cninmuntty"• «Hent Nighl, Nt--, slwht-II ll- liicy Ortw. flan- whuever

••»• Milton Ste t ai>d;avold a tax rat.'btyyid thf cupui

* 'payer* to meet,"

I duii't wanthe «<iti


u! \lt mid Lei;ion's national hltih schooli UK Dnm- oratorical contest committee. i; ii.mK'd comprising Hunterdon, Middle-

Hi-rkeley sex, Somerset, Sussex and War:, vren counties.

• i si'iuur, Mr. Tomczuk also has beeni-hairnian, elected vice president of the

•:.. ("Tinan American Legion Press Club of;., ai-n IN a New Jersey.•I, Mi cmimul1 James L. Varga, also this

Hebrew Men's ClubFAects New Officers

' CARTERET — Sid .Roth was;elected president of the HebrewMen's Club at (.he last meeting.Other officers elected were:Harold Levitz and Phil Hoch-man, vice presidents, Si Weg-breit, treasurer; Mort Zarrett,recording secretary; Herb Sam-uels, corresponding secretary;Qeortje Resnick, financial sec-retary.

',.1,1 ;,. 11;Opt-Ul i pea

i mi .sc

!l,.| March ol |)nm-s.

red borough, has been appointedi'ved Middlesex County representa-

tive on the contest committee

» t 1 3 0 P M S • l • ' " "

1962 Tax Piclurc is Bleak;

PTA at AnnualYule Program

CARTERET—The Washing-iton-Nathan Hale PTA membersheld their annual Christmas'program Wednesday night.

During the business meetinggifts were presented to thes c h o o l custodians. Specialguests who greeted the memberswere Principal Joseph CombaSchool Superintendent Edwin S,Quin, School Board membersJoseph Lamb and PresidentJohn Kolibas and PrincipalMary Czaya from the ColumbusjSchool.


M. services in Hungarian; 7:30. M. service (n English. Christ-

mas Eve Candlelight service;Christmas Day, 8:30 A. M.services in English, Christmascommunion service; 10:30 A.M.Hungarian fchristmas commun-ion service; Tuesday, service at11 A. M. in Hungarian.

There will be no Suriday[School and confirmation classestomorrow and Sunday.

The Youth Fellowship will gocaroling Saturday from 6 P. Mto 7:30-'P. M. families whoiwish to receive them should.call Nancy Nemish.

held at the synagogue of Lov-[|nj with-roast turkey and tra-

ProvisionsFor NeedyAre Made

CARTERET — This boroughwill pay homage to the Prlru^tof Peace Monday in the cele-bration of the most joyous ofthe year's holidays. Attendanceat church rites and ChrlstmMfeasting and merry-making wlSmark the observance,

To celebrate the birthday an-niversary of Christ the boi>ough's churches have service?scheduled for Sunday nightand Monday. There will bfmidnight masses in RomanCatholic churches.

To Sin* Carol*t h e Joy of the occasion » J !

be expressed ln colorful p a j ^cantry and happy caroliBright decorations -iij t l»churches, an well as in thehomes, will add to .he season'scheefy air.

For many of the boroughresidents, it will be. a three-day holiday. Children In thepublic schools begin their an-nual midyear holiday at noontoday. They are not due backuntil Wednasday, January 3.

Cheer For NeedyThe underprivileged and the

i needy will nnt be forgotten.;jiarious organizations, club«land Individuals have providedShifts and food baskets to cheerthe needy, while, 'firemen dla-

]tribute toy8'ffflr

CARTERET- Tribute to thtlate Charles E. Gregory, pub-isher of the Cartevet Press,

was paid at the last meeting of;he board of directors of thelarteret Chapter. Hadassah,


row to begin distribution of thigifts.

And throughout ChristmasDay. the advent of the Saviourwill be an occasion for familyget-togethers over tables groan-

St. Joseph's CY,O.

Goes Caroling TonightCARTERET — Members of

the Catholic Youth Organiza-tion of St. Joseph's Church willgo caroling tomorrow evening.The carolers will meet at St.Joseph's School at 5:30 P.M.

Last Saturday, the membersmade a trip to Lawrencevillewhere' they sang ChristmaslIcarols and decorated a Christ-mas tree at the Home for theAged.

Despite the inclement weath-er last Sunday, a delegation of

nominated theirPresident Raymond Bonkowskifor the Distinguished ServiceAward to be named by the Jun-ior Chamber of Commerce onJanuary 20,

|eifht attended two separateretreats in Perth Amboy. The


Edward Kitzes was appointed The membership Irom the

girls group includedMargaret and Patricia

new trustee. Following the elec-tion, an informative talk on

Washington • Nathan HaleiSchools nov .stands at 914. The!

Mary Ann Corballis, SharonHolder and Estelle Palmieri.The boys were Robert Height-1

chew and William Llnderman.

ing Justice.The group unanimously ap-

proved a "Medical Center Cer-tificate" in honor of the latelpublisher.

Mrs! Theodore Chenkin dis-cussed with the group the re-cent African-Asian Seminar, aspart of the education for YouthAliyah month.

Reports on Donor, member-ship, Book of Life, raffle, jointmeeting with Sisterhood werepresenter by the chairmen ofthese projects. Mesdameg SDrourr, J. Chodosh. A. Levitz,T. Nagler and E. Gruhin. Thegroup will hold a rummage salethe first week In April. Co-1

chairmen are Mrs. Ed Shapiroand Mr«. Al Kestenbaum.

The chapter will sponsor theOneg Shabbot on Friday eve-ning, January 5. Mrs. SamuelRoth is chairman.

Mrs. Jack Safran, Judaeanadvisor, announced thedaean groups will sponsor abus trip on Thursday, Decem-ber 28, to the Modern Museumof Art, One of the displays tibe seen will be the ChajjaTWindows for the synagoguethe medical center in Israe!Anyone desiring reservations isasked to contact Mrs. Safran

Hostesses for the evenim{were Mrs. Elmer Brown amMrs. Sql Price.

tional goodies.Yule Atmosphere

All this week the atmosphereevery school room In Car*

iret was charged withent as children grew closihristmas and their waiteriliday and the. teachers triedllantly to claim a portion ofleir attention for such routine

matters as reading, writing and•ithmetlc.

stock market investments wasjschool was festively decorated j GOP DANCE TOMORROWmade by Mark Binstein. Re-freshments were served. ,

for the program by, Joseph! C A R T E R E T _ A f i n a l m e e t .R l v e r s - jing was held ut the home of

The musical program waSjBob Bird, for the preparationTO MEET TUESDAY

CARTERET — The Congre-gation Brotherhood of Israelwill hold its regular meetingTuesday evening, December 19,at 8:30 P. M. at the Hill Syna-gogue on Pershlng Avenue,

eighth grades under the direc-presented by the seventh and of the Republican Christmas

dance to be held Saturday, De-


lows Hall Association will meeiat 7 o'clock tonight. A meeting

iof the lodge will follow an hour>fter and a,socjal is scheduledfor 8:30, Members of the Bbekah have been invited. Ther

l be entertainment and'a:exchange, of gifts.

tion of Miss Loretta Algozane.Jcember IB, at Flra House No. 1.A visit from Santa Ciaus, who j The public is invited. Tickets

distributed candy canes to thechildren was greatly appreci-ated.

may be purchased from mem-bers of the Republican organ-ization.


Our Sorrowful Mother willheld at St. Joseph's Church at1:30 tonight.

,-i- S I M ' - :

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He Mild ni'

iimVLir >i>d/ (

I ui.r .i

Ii; ii'-1'1

i"0 ruti' w|d, was to. cutbacks in certain, J'tniusiries lwre, which means &

1 "' setback in the financial pictureuf every Caneret, tajipayer."

all Sonui j o b s ,„not as secure

j areus thfy have


he said, "and we don'tf l l

.,iuiumtii>ii.s.,.,.,is and tin-

- A thief•' colored light bulbi'nri t tmu dUplay »tf Mn H>Un C Hal-


nude our t*»x

must |in'i't|Waut our tax collection to fall\ Diulxet ap-- behind.",|,Vl MCIIOOI! He said his comments on theinuicl tor in-budget should not be construedII,' MniBt'slednas "criticism of ^he adminis-

• iration." He felt that his sugs on "holding the Une;

accepted by the boroughafflcials in good faith.

•I'm sure. tDat the averagehere feels the same

I do," Mr. Donovannot way ashe added.

Carqls and Sermons to Tell Story of ChristmasCARTEttfcT - The birth of

the Prince of Peace in a man-ger in Bethlehem will be de-scribed in sermons and scrip-ture readingsSunday nightDay, Monday.


in carols

At the Holy Family Churchsinging of Christmas carols willbegin at 11:30 P.M. Sunday


followed kjyThe manger


will bemass. T gplaced in the grotto outside thechurch at midnight. ChrUtmasDay masses

9 and high mass and beuedicition at 10 A.M. The final mass!will be at 11 A.M.

. . * * * '.',There will be midnight jjmassSt. Joseph's Church Sunday

ulght. Christmas Day masseswill be at 6, 7, B, 9, 10, 11 and12 noon.

» • *Sacred Heart Church will-

have a midnight mass Sundayand Christmas Day masses willbe,at 7 ,8,9, 10 and 1MA.M.

* • »uu<»sT . — ..—.,, „ fit. Mari'B Church, holy com-will be at 7, 8, uidlmunion, Sunday night at 11:30

o'clock. Christmas Day, Holycommunion at 9 A.M. Emberipay services,A.M.

Saturday at

• • I -Si. Eliaabeths Qhurch will

hold a midnight mass Sundaynight and Christmas Day mass;|es will be at 7, 8, 9 and 10:30A.M.

be held at 7 o'clock Sundaythe Calvary Baptist church.

* * •

St. Ellas Church will holdChristmas service-at 11 cfcloiSunday night followed by nutsiat midnight. Christmas Dimasses will be at 8 A.M. and

There will be a candlelightservice at the First Presbyteri-an Church at 11 o'clock Sun-day night.

Christmas Eve services will

A.M.; Tuesday,and 10 A.M.

also 8 A.*

St. Mary's Ukrainian Catholie Church will have midnighlmass Sunday night and Cfyristmas Day services in the morning.

Hold DiscussionOn College Life

CARTERET—.Thirteen menj«ers of the Class of 1961 re-

,urned to Carteret High School,t the invitation of the guid-

ance department for a paneliiscussion of college and busl»iess life for the benefit of theenior*.

Carolyn Albazia, Montclajr Iitate; Barbara Ayres. Wln-hrop; Carol Breztt, Montclalrtate; Robert Beam, Mon»

tiouth; Thomas Chodosh, Ten-nessee; Henry Dunster, Merck& Co,; Katherlne Fields, WoodSecretarial; Janell Francis,Tennessee; Joseph Goete, Mori*mouth, Nancy Grunden, Tren-ton State; Alex Makkal, Up.sala; Janet Markowitz andElizabeth Saulo, Orange Me-morial, detailed their experi-ences.

Yule Howe DisplayJiufying to Start

CARTERET^Judging in the,'arteret Woman's Club resi-

dential Christmas decorating:ontest will start tonlyht and

continue until next'Friduy.Mrs. Edwin S. Quin, chair-

man, 8,'ild the priaes will besubscription^ to a magazine.

Contest NominationDeadline is Today

_ CARTERET'— Today is thelast day for the nomination forThe Voung Man of the Year"

content being sponsored by theCarteret Junior Chamber ofCommerce.

The judges ur,e Mayur Steph-en Skiba, Police Chief ClmilesiMakwlnski, Postmaster LesterSabo and School Superinten-dent Edwin S. Quin.


day evening at Confirmation of[Brotherhood of Israel will t»held today at the Hill Syna-gogue on Pershing Avenue at4:16 P. U.

*" 'M:



Page 2: Churches Will Lead Holiday Observance; )LLAK …...ship in an effort to get the Board of Freeholders to take over and Improve important road links between the Borough and the Township


Yule Program PresentedNathan Hate's ChoirBy

! CARTT3ET — A delightful|Holt, Donald Hovanec, FrancesChristmas program was pre-;Hovanec John Kerchefsky,vntrd tn n large gathering ofjRonaldparents ai

,„ v.thon Hoio P T I hv William iw»rnw»ii.. uiiElizabeth

undrr tn/d'lrectTbn oTMrs" Lo-jSlivka. Karen Bmlth, Elizabethletta AHwzlnc Ronald Koby,Sllvka. Elizabeth Torre, M&ry

Trnosky, Margaret Trurmn,Dorothy Wacker and Mark

Koby, Louise Lnzor,Lynn Dopez, Alexander Lovas,William Markwalt, Linda Nagy,Rose Marie Patrick,

narrated Hie program.The choir of 54 picked voices

the following selections:S

R gSpnnlsh Christmas Carol, St-

Watchers and Ye Holy Ones,

Weisman, altos; Sandra Al-fano, Denlse Ardlere, JncinUiBarney, Anne Campbell, Char-lotte De Bella, Karen DlOio-vannl and Veronica Slrockman

Christmas Hallelujah, 0 c h a - | D M f " n t *nukah. Ring Those Christmas"""-,, Country Christmas Time, r f l , i . .

CARTERET—Announcement 1ms been made of the engage-ment nf Miss Sandra Surowka to Robert Koch, son of Mrs.Sally Koch and the late Jfohn Koch of 5! Flmwood Avenue,Carteret, by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Surowka of60 Sharot Street, Carteret. *

Miss Surowka is presently attending Cartrret High School.She will be a "62" graduate.

Mr. Koch was graduated from Carteret High School, and isa graduate of Rider College. He in presently with the UnitedStates Treasury Department, Internal Revenue Service, a!) anInternal Revenue agent.

Drummer Boy, JingleJiBflls and Thirty-two Feet and;

EiRht Little Bells.Mary's Lullaby to the Infant

King, Theresa Bftlacz, DorothyWnckor, Anne Campbell andKnren De Giovanni; The Chtl-dien's Chilstmas Carol, Mi-chael MUZJ-ICB and Russell Holt;The Story of Christmas, Mi-chelle Menda: Christmas Lul-laby, Mary Trnowsky, PrancesHovanec, Sandra Alfano andVeronica Descants; originaleons, Linda Nagy, which wasmitten by her; Winter Won-

'derland, Fred Herbeck andiJoan Tomasulo; 0 Holy Night,

:t . • • » .

Reelect* Officer*CARTERET — The UdieB

Slovak Catholic Club has re-elected all officers for the newyear. They are: Mrs. Ann Orl-govski, president: Mrs. MaryStanichar, vice president; Mrs.Marie Ondrejcak. recordingsecretary; Mrs. Catherine Mud-rak, financial secretary; Mrs.Catherine Banlck, treasurerand Mrs. Mary Bober, managerof the children's branch.


Pershing Ave. and Randolph St


Extends Best Wishes for a

to All

iported and Domestic


• LIQUORSFor Prompt Free Deliver;

Dial KI 1-5975



Mary Trnosky, William Mark-walt, Sandra Alfano, WilliamPowell, Prances Hovanec andCharlottj De Bella: Christmas,William Markwalt; BeautifulField of the Angels, Denlse Ar-dlere; Baby's First Christmas.Elizabeth Slivka.

The choir comprised VictorAmmons. Kathlren Aymar, Ei-leen Brown, Linda Clement,Veronica Cymballsta. Fred Her-beck, Annamarle Herlla, Rose-marie Hertla, Thomas Howard.Nancy Knochel, Janis Lynch,

JMlchele Menda, Gloria Milni-csuk, Michael Muzyka, LonNewton, Alvln Rose, William

jPowelLJlobert Sheridan, MaryAnh Skrepenak, Robert Snow,Theresa Stash. Joanne Toma-sulo, Kathleen June Toth,Kathleen Marie Toth, DianeTschinkrl, Lorraine TJmansky,Donna Andres, Theresa Balasz,Gus Fabian, sopranos; Russell

StJ CUlocal women viewed the fashion ing the spiritual, educationaljhas been appointed

Son born to Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Magill, 172 EmersonStreet at Perth Amboy General'Hospital. December 15.

Daughter born to Mr andMrs. Ramon Medina. 51 Hud-son Street at Perth AmboyGeneral Hospital, December 17.

Daughter born to Mr. andMrs. Arthur Munis, 7 JohnStreet at Perth Amboy GeneralHospital, December 13.

show presented under the com-bined auspices of the CarteretUnited Hebrew Sisterhood andthe Carteret Chapter of Ha-dassah Monday evening in the M Nat.haniel Jacoby. TheUkralnlan Pavilion. The meet - l , h e m e f o r , h p e V e v l n R < "Hands!

President Kennedy appearsto have muted some Republicancriticism of his foreign-policy

! operations by his shake-up ofseveral top men in the StateDepartment.


A show called Safety Ma.gicwas shown to the students ofCarteret High School on Wed-nesday. It was narrated by anational safety council speaker.

The spirit of Christmas hasaffected two groups of students.The fourth period geographyclass, under the direction ofMiss Mary Eileen Kennedy,has collected monfey for severalCARE packages. Michael Bradysesj'«d as chairman. The FrenchClubs are collecting present?for the thirty-five orphans inthe Westfield Childrens Home.iTheir' advisor is Miss BessRichey.

The monthly meeting of theI Future Teachers of Americawas held on Tuesday. A trip toMontclair State College was

! planned for next month. Teach-ew-wonih will be observed inApril. During the month a


Hadassah and Sisterhood' Gauuli is NamedFashion Show Acclaimed y


t'alji and opadfler.v |M«bT'l plant InPreviously, Mr. (.launch ha<rcl«o, Calif. u<-

oren manager of tile general B 3. dfuree inmanufacturing department and littering lrom Iowa",was rrsponnlble for production liege, »nd Is a regi/tcnat thr company's chemicaljfeMloiml engineer C'allflplants at Carrollton. Ky., «nd|He U ft member of the

general.East Chicago, Ind., »nd cheml-jcan Institute of M

and guiding effects of Sister-Manager of M-tal A ThermitCorporations Ceramics Divi-

sion, according to J. L. Oberg,hood and Hadassah was pre-sented by Mrs. Morton Baum.Visual aids were prepared by

cal and ceramic m*nufacturlng;lurilcal and Petroleum!facilities at Carteret. nwn, the American

Mr OautKh Joined MAT In:Society and the Instl(j 0 E

group vice president for M&Ts m b R* jhi

AT n:uperlnttnd-j0"*"11*1

in Unity," was molded by Mrs.Jacoby. Program co-chairmen

Ing was conducted Jointly byMrs. Clift Greenberg, presidentof Sisterhood, and Mrs. ElmerBrown, president of HadassahCo-chairmen for the eveningwere Mrs. Max Qruhln andMrs: William Knlfel.

The 29 sowns and ensemblesin the "Fashions to a Queen'*Taste" were introduced by Mrs.Jack Stem. Mrs. Clark Green- i ;" ,^"-^^, ,"^ , , , . " , , ""^^, , . ,^ ' ]berg was commentator and

, nt at the East cFlcngo plant.l Mr. QauUch »nd hi t :Ceramics Minrr.ils and \Uld- B).,(>r(l b P C ( ) m l ng manager of'f«We «t 2029 DOR wood]Ing Divisions. His duties in-general manuficturlng. he WM'Wertfleld N Jchicle coordination of manu

v rroKrarn ruinttimMr, Joseph Weiss. Mn.jl.rur,.,, .nd»lrs of the

plant maiiaRcr of M&Ti Car-js. For a

Robert Seader and Mrs. Sandy pnny'sSamuels.

Refreshments were preparedand wrved undeT the supervi-1

sion of Mrs. Eunice ZnrettPrizes wpre conducted by Mr«

U\tti. PiantUi were


Common Markrt iilans newoffer to U. S.

Mrs. Sam Gevirtzman and S.Kaufman wardrobe misU-esses.j v g o t h p r I i a t i o n s mfeA l 0

The garments were made by: r e d u c e , Ua{1(, b a r r l P r ! l

teen-age students of the AliceL. SellgzbiTR V'vat.innal HighSchool for girls founded m Je-rusalrm by Hadassah in 1942Many of tiu' fabrics were hand-loomed by the students. Besidesmedical, research, social ser-vioi, youth rehabilitation andland reclamation programs inIsrael.

An" oris.nal


j H A N K I N r

written by Mrs |ht:<i »•. the



Tl'.f Annual M«:i i ig uf 8h»it-' ^ ' " 0 ( l h ' M t ' - S T NATIONALj H A N K I N r A B T f , K K r . N. j . win t*

WUllM, K:-.ifel and highlight-of the Bank. 25

JA M . for the r.'V-Uon or Dlrtctortjjfor the ensuing y(ar. ».so tor the

of ri:iy o'.lier businessI'.hat may proper.v ron.f bffo'p the'

•ipen a: »:•!:Tfnuln op^n for one

of ceramic cliemi-'nf yrar.t We Was manager of'l»Le CX-tober.

To Greet Youat Christmas ..

To our -host of good friends and neighbors we send our sin-ccrest Holiday Greetings, We are mindful that there is nor giftthat ran equal that of dose friendship—and the friendshipswe have made in the years that have passed remain our mostcherished possessions.

First National Bank in Carteret"A Good Bank in a Good Town"

25 f-ooke Avenufe, Carteret

Don't Be Caught |«Christmas Morning |WITHOUT FILM! I

skit will be given at an assem-bly by the members of the club.

MICHAEL DON'N-El.I YV!rp Presldpi.t and

leuon remain with you throuth

comlnr year.

Irtnt Synsvitcki, DirectorJ.A.. FUming, U i M ( M

r I


COLOR FILM - MOVIE FUM - Black & White ph




18nAttentionLast M inu te ! l

Gift Shoppers!







Hold It!While We Wleh

Yon All a Very


Mike" Toth and Family





We Still Have , 2 8

A Good Selection of 18Gifts of All types! 2

id ToolsPower ToolsHousewaresFamHy Gifts


: 'I

* J


TOTH Photo Shop"Serving Residents of Carteret Since 1946'" . •*"




"And whpn they were come into the

house, they saw the youu" (h\\A with

Mary His mother, and fell down, and .

worshipped Him and when they had

opened their treaaures, they presented

unto Him gift*, gold, and frankim-en*?,

and myrrh." As on the night when the

Wise Men found the place where.lie j

was, may the story of the firs! Christ*

mas bring to UH wonder and joy ever

new. And may Hit* menage, heard

again in song and story, give to all of us

the great gifts of spiritual joy, etenjial

hope and promise.

64 Cooke Avenue, Carteret Phone KI 1-5,219


[PEN SUNDAY, DEC. 24th(Christmas Eve)"

Aaron RabinowitzHardware - l i i istr lal Sapplles - Palm

553 Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret Tel KI 1-5111

A Ljreetlncu

Our 3ri.nl

The Management and Employee* ofFMC Corporation extend io you our.beH piihet for a Happy Chrittmtu and

a Happy New Year.


(Formerly Wertvaw)


Page 3: Churches Will Lead Holiday Observance; )LLAK …...ship in an effort to get the Board of Freeholders to take over and Improve important road links between the Borough and the Township




KI 1-2306

By FLORENCE KILBY CFRIR, 10 Willow Street, will be

A d f 1 o m n y and Richardi24 on December 24th. Michaelb

y dWench. 63 Willow Street, spent Hairmlng, 75 Leber Avenue, Isth d 1 i U b t

, i ; x l l ) .|UV OF CHRISTMAS: | | f r f Mr ,MfnU n f

hi'ol and ftitfi at the wwilnn


The studentwarmly applauded

Ciilnmlms School who presented choral proRrams at t h r « assemblies*»ho wrrr accompanied on the piano hy Miss Winnrfred Hundemartn

Thnmns ciiniiinslinm. •Czechoslovakia, Mrs. Poll re-1 Interment was In HolytCrott

pthe weekend In New York with1 Koi'iR to ceUbrate his sixth

itlirlr Rrandmother. They were birthday on December 26th attnkon on a tour of Rockefeller his grandparent*' In Little

: Center and were greatly lm-1 Perry.pressed with the splendor ofthe Yuletide decorations.

Fifteen month old DonnaI Hepworth, 109 Hagaman Streetwas just released from PerthAmboy General Hospital. Shewon her battle against pneu-

imonia,William Hepworth, 109 Hag-

mrnan Street, celebrated his10th birthday by havln« a fam-ily dinner, Among the guestswere his aunt, Mrs. DorothyM C t e her son Thomas, hismaternal grandparents, Miand Mrs. Theodore Knizeck, allof.Fayson Lakes, and his pa-ternal grandmother, Mrs. Qon-evleve H e p w o r t h of EastOrange.

Anniversary greeting are In

CarteretJewish Community News

• r • VT • - • t



s I,eVTlt.

Aii ArmyWin II, Mr

| 1 (1 | \S SKRYPOC8KI ' P«r»stfts services weni K K E T ••- Nicholas * I U | R^v J«lm Hundiak <.i 147 Lomell Street, 8 t l M«

Ilnir«day. Hf wan 73

., ukrtlne. he was a t l lARMis TKISTKI M,,f CiirterPt 50 years. CARTKRET rimil

, iivmbcr of the flt, De- Trustrum. .Ml. of 1417 Roc, hurfh and wa* retir- Aveimr. died l.^t•!;.• t!nlt«l SUtM Met- at Rahwav Menioiml Hosptiiil.nil plant here. A lifelong resident of Carteret

. ••.pocM to survived by he has been emi>li>ved by theI'.innle Bodnw 8kry- American Oil Co here 'u a

• - . •r |On». Jo«*ph. foreman for the \a I 37 yours

,:d Anthony, all of A communicant of St Joseph'sv :l sinter. M n . Irene Roman Catholic Church, he

l:,.,v Society

,.:,:»1 w u heW Turn-: He is survived tn hi* wife,:ig from the Bteub Mnry. >niv Mi-saro" two sis-

;; !n>-, 54 Wn#*liT Avf- ters, Mrs Jennie sivon. and

Mr* Maninrct Brni!v both of c' ,'I ' . i r iy wa» held at C»rtnet and Uu bi-ithi-rs Wi|. ? ' ' '

JV church with Rev |mm and Frank, boili or Rah- K,: ak a» crlrtrant and way • |"J|

• : Mrlrch M M i W a n t T h e [unnul was (,i Id Tilts- ^ .• A,U in RM*hU! Ccm- day mortunir from •>.:,- Syiio- T'.

Mi CommltUl Krv- wK-ckl. FuiuTal Hon:>- 56 Car- , | ( * j, >;. Id with R»». John ( T H Avmir '"'

• * or sy: in*Un| . A wil'rnn high rri|.,n-ni m t e _,,' ,, i .rc W u y l D u m a n - * u s (if!rr.Ti in fit J.ivjihs Ro- „.: K.irvnuky, Michael m»n Ci'h.iiir Churcl %\l], Rev ,,'.

H- Conrttntyn My- V|rt<n M (irabutn. O H M , u< 1 (V'. WnliiUky «nd John celebraiit Rn |>i::::nir M ^'^

. . Manrn OHM dr.i'"ii and ' '''SNA I'OU

'"' w»s lii St.. Gertrude Cem-1 iv, Colonla.IJi'iircrs were;

Timih, Harryf'lauss, Frank

1 H M P , d''"Wi'iini'11, and Harold Relnauer.

Inter- sided In this borough 60 years.

An organizer of Sacred HeartRoman Catholic Church, Mrs.m * a 8 * ^ m u n l c a n t of the

^ c h u r c h and a member of Its


Society. She alsohad membership In the FirstCatholic Ladies' Jednota and in

, . . , T t , t ™ t h l ' M c n ' s Catholic Jednota.i.AKTERET - Donald New- Her late husband, Joseph Poll,

42, of 37 Charlotte Street, died In June 1940cii.-i Saturday following a heart; SmMng a r e flye ,."'.•• k at o2 Jeanctte St iTet , ! s e p h i J r ^ ^ . ^»tii'te he was working. Born on1

Sia'pi. Iiland. Mr. Newman re- Mm> w y ^ ftnd m n k p m

Cemetery, North Arlington.Bearers were: Mitchell Bed-

narz, Stanley Bednarz, JohnBednarz, Joseph Jozak, VictorPolkalesky and George Braden.


di, 82, 60 l inden Street diedWednesday, December 20, athis home. Born In Italy, he hadresided in Carteret for the past

order for Barbara and JackHalnlng of 76 Leber Street.They were wed 10 years Decem-ber 21st.

Mrs. Rose Tldrosky, 79 AshStreet was awarded her firstbowling trophy the other day.She bowled 208. Her three game

rCandle lighting time Friday,itendnncK Michael' ChenklO,

December 22, 4:03 P. M. 3ab-jLowell Chodosh. Howard FoX, 'jbntli ends 4:53 P. M. Regular!Debby Lrlbowltz. Bradley Wiir-Fridny eveiilng services, ;?*1, Joyce Bauchntr, Jutilyft -

Unim Justice and Brother- Eelnfsky David Chenkln, Ron-hood of Israel, 4:15 P. M. |ald QiUer Stephen Harrli,

Friday evening, "Oneg Sab-1 Ronald Hochman, Jeffrey KaU,batli smicps—LOVIHK Justice SiBruce Maddow. Shirley 8hllRn,P. M. _ [Mark Spelnel, Richard Bider-

Subbatli morninR services' — man, Hugh Chodosh.

score was over theMr. and Mrs. J.

lOO mark.fvltch, 76

Poplar Street are planning tospend their Christmas holidayswith her parents, Mr. and Mrs

50 years. He was retired 10 J e f f a s o { B a y ° n n e -

,, . . ^uwn, li, «a.t anu rlatin, rui

r = h ; ? = ; » ' Woodbridee; 19 grandchild-


• T l i


veteran of WorldNewman was em-

a n das electrician by the

'•nil American Tan*;i« Company,urvlvlnn are his wifefsa Karasicwicz; & dauRh-Dnreen. and son, Donald,

ren and 14 great-grandchildren;and a sister, Mrs. Pauline Kls-lak, In Czechoslovakia.

The funeral was held Wed-

M jnesday morninR from the Biz-

i'iBh-iut) Fu^™1 H o m e . 5* Wheeler\venue.

A requiem high mass was of-lefed in the Sacred Heart Ro-man Catholic Church with Rev.

years ago from Armour and Co.He was a communicant of St.Joseph's Church.

le is survived by his wife,Jennie (Ceccera), two daugh-ters, Mrs. Esther Turco, of Car-teret'and Mrs. Anna Kushlyk ofBronx, N, Y.; two sons, JosephNardi of Carteret, and PatrickNardl of Bronx, N. Y,; 10

Congratulations are Infor: Little Chris Jude

loving Justice, 8:45 A. MJunior Congregation services,•:45 A. M

Evening services, 8 A, M.Sunday morning services, 8M.

Daily services, 7:15 A. M.

The Jewish War Veteranstorterct Memorial Post No.45 will sponsor the Fridayvening Oneg Sabbath services

Mvrtel Omda of Carleret.,'. . . „ , , _ . . .i-ral serwees were h H d

Andl-pW A-Okal, offlciatmg, .

morninR It his late ' p r m f » t W 8 f l n » • Gertrude's37 Charlotte Street. jCmientwy, Colonia. Committal

services were held with FatherOkal officiating.

Honorary bearers were: Mrs

,i military funeral withing Squad (loin Govern-,and, New York. Inter-

grandchildren and 15 greatgrandchildren.

Funeral services will be heldSaturday 9 A. M. from the Sy-nowieckl Funeral Home and at9:30 A. M. at St. Joseph'sChurch. Interment will be in St.James Cemetery, Woodbrldge.Visiting hours are from 2 to 5and 7 to 10 P. M.

There are a lot of Brithdaygreetings due In Parkview thisweek,orderSaunders who will be one yearold on December 20th. Chriswas so named because he wasexpected to be more of a Val-entine's Day baby, but he madehis appearance Christmas week.Billy Dargon, 53 Marion Street,who will share his birthdaydate with his younger brotherJohnny. They will 15 and 8 re-spectively on Christmas Day.

Judith Ann Gurevitch, 76Poplar Street, will be six years

this week. Mrs. Gertrude

ENGAGED TO WED: Mr.and Mrs. Harry W. Perry-man, 1S01 Roosevelt Avenue,Carteret, announce the en-gagement of their daughter,Karen Eve, to Fred Sulovskl,son of Mr, and Mrs. JohnSulovski, 151 19th Street,Irvintton. Miss Ferryman at-tended Carteret High Schooland Union Junior College, SheIs presently employed by TheLummni Company, Newark.Mr. Sulovskl attended Wee-quahlc High School and It ajeweler associated with Bayerand Company also In Newark.No date has been set for the


tiwn $ i

I a -I Minute i\IMI(U> Wrmpprt


IMIvrrr4 AnrwhrrrIn Th« World:

( hiitlmM Klowrn

Hfiuliful I mr


KmjrirtSUIUrtInUnl ntHood ( if \n.If IW.irxH i u n i i "

Milk I

MfdilvI'ruur -n<\ - M u-


WAIT I GENE'SKlowrr AGiflSln.|i

('^5 P e n h i n u A>ni i i f . ( arU-rcl

rhanr Kl 1 M ! (t L u w t k i tKi.ri.«»rm.n \ S S » » » K »

*ns in the family plot. Joseph Hasek, Mrs. Anthony,••:•• were Richard Con- N a s c » . Sr., Mrs. Stephen O n -Al Suto, Frntenc O'Don- drejeak, 8 r , Mrs. Mary Willus,Joseph Mrdwuk, ftiitik M r s ' Lconore Van Dusky andand Frank Mmu'e. Mrs. Rose Stanichar.

— - j Active bearers were: PaulChumm, Anthony Nascak, Sr.,

Mr> Anna John Rhaner, Andrew Sivon,

>:i or M) i'd SatMiday

•r >»\. .mil

i and Mis

K ' K i • • • • • f l L

at theA'.ciiue, J r . John and Stephen Medvetz,

homi- of

bovine Justice Congregaion this Friday evening, De:ember 22, at 8 P. M.

George Geller, past, EssexCounty Commander will be the

uest speaker. He will discuss;he role of Jewish War Vet-rans In promoting religious

and raciau understandingthe American scene.

Irving N. Isaacs, commandeiof Memorial Post No. 745Carteret will present RellgiouiActivity awards to studentsCarteret Hebrew School wltloutstanding attendance recordat Junior Congregation services.

The following itudents wlreceive awards for perfect a

Also, Charles Eyst. n, Ron-Id Resnlck, Donald Schneler, •'llchard Greenberg. Rdhaldsaacs, Allen Lelbowitz, David 'Minn, Joel Spiegel, Mark

elssman, Hadassah Baum, ,ichael Baum, Gtlda Balme,braham Balme and Hugh 'Iruhln.

Regular awards will be pre-ented to all Sunday School '

children and those who attend-ed the current term.

A KIddush reception *fllfollow the services.

No Hebrew School and Sun-day School classes will be heldfrom Sunday, December 14,through Monday, January LRegular classes will resume aftTuesday, January 2,1962.

Junior Congregation servlowwill be held Saturday, Decem-ber 33. No services on Situr*day, December 30.


U. N. Trusteeship CoittuittMcensures Portugal.

Senate panelrights of G. I.'s,

check m


den, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Fred Grunden of 46 Pennsyl-vania Avenue, was recentlyelected manager of Club Talk,the freshman news at TrentonState College.


Including-Sunday (Christmas Eve)

Open Christmas Day 9 A. M. to 1 P. M.


CARTERET - The funeralJoseph Poll, Jr.,Avenue. Born in lot John J. Bednarz was held

Saturday from the SynowieckuliinTal Home, 56 Carteret Ave-

Headquarters for


LUMIHALL PAINTS.Wallpaper andPainters Supplies


2S«-2;u Wiihiniton Avenur

Cartml Tel. KI I-J441

A solemn hiRh requiem massuii.s nffiTi d in Holy Family Ro-man Catholic, Church with Rev.M. A Konopka celebrant, Rev.Aiidirw Okal, deacon, and Rev.Martin Komosinski sub-deacon.

Mrs. Marek New HeadOf St. Joseph RosaryCARTERET — A Christmas

party marked the annual meet-1ing of the Altar Rosary Societyof St. Joseph's Church at whichthe following officers were]|elected;

jresldent; |Mrs. '"•dent; •'cordii*'Czajkow(*lr

Agnes Sobieski, secretary,meeting ended with a Christ-mas party at which time the| |members sang carols.

Japanese to shift site of rock-et launcbings.

, 1 1

• ( ! • * .iv and >ur-

.i!l l!n' KWd



'istirtAimaS ,ut<r

»|{IDI i) JOY•!lil Mull ui VM'iiur

I ' r i i l l t i i i l ' i "

\ V ,i-'I I

HIRIAK'S Flower ShopUwell Street, Corner of Blanchwd, Carteret.

(I Blocks Wnt <rf Boroifh Hall)Phone



311 Pershing Avenue

CARTERETSee Our Exciting Collection of

• Holiday Dresses• Lingeriet Sweaters• Blouses• Skirts• Hosiery

• Gloves• Sleepwear

• Slacks• Hats• Bags

If in Doubt . .GIFT



• Handkerchiefs PhoneKI 1-6800

Flowtn »nd Decorative GmmFot The Holiday Seuon.

Wishing All Our

Friends and Customer!









HILL PHARMACY587 Roosevelt Avenue Carteret

L(Corner Pershlnf Avenue)

Convenient Parkini at Our Door Phone KI 1-5M5


» i




"Peace on Earth, Good

to All Mf»," the anfich

and Wise Wfn « "

woraMp a Holt Hiibe. .««)'

the infinite joy ofthefrstChristmas abide inheartt.




joy-fllltil I

and yi'iu-

toKVf Ol

uMi-i- our

wishes for

holiday U)

.. tJeniy of bsf minute gifls!

at GOLfi JEWELERSOpen Late Friday

and Saturday Nights}

eaion'l (jbeeiiHyA

To Our Patrons v

This is the time of year for counting bless*

ings. Among ours, none is more dearly

treasured than the friendship of those

wholn we are privileged to serve. Not to be

measured in dollars and cents, this is by

far our most precious possession, .lo con-

tinue to deserve it is our constant aim.






It's not too late to come in and

i • >

HajVf ii *"l HlflfUl


i our SDEKN'S \


H Pharmacy j* 468 Buhway Awnue I

A happy holiday to all! Thank you for your

valued paUonane. We hope to serve you even

better during the coming year.

GOLD JEWELERS"For Gifts That Last a Lifetime"

87 Roosevelt Avenue Carteret

For your convenience we have two offices to serve you.

You May Join the Christmas Club at either.Our i8lh Year of Uninterrupted Service to the tootfe of Carteret «»>l 1"»-hvly

Carteret Bank and Trust n «HIITEKT, M .

20 Cooke Avenif


Daily 8 A. M, (o 3 P. M.Friday 8 A. M. to 6 P. M.

Member of, Federal Resene Syrt

Federal Depotlt Insurance Corporation

BRANCH OFFICECarteret Shopping Center

BANKING. HOURS:Dllly 10 A, M. to 4 P- M.Friday 10 A. 11. to 4 P. M.

and 6 P. M- to 8 P. M.

Page 4: Churches Will Lead Holiday Observance; )LLAK …...ship in an effort to get the Board of Freeholders to take over and Improve important road links between the Borough and the Township

OBITUARIESboj, officiating. Burial wa« In

Park Cemetery.Clover LeafWoodbridge

The deceased was the widowof the late Benjamin W. Trel-

Mrs. Barbara Anna Pease; hUfather, C h a r l e s Capacoly,Fords, and several nieces andnephews.

MRS. M*RT J. FERGUSON Nicholas: two daughter*, Mrs.FORDS — Funeral services Anna Franko, Metuchen and

der and was born In Hacketts-iDOREEN ANN SEYLERtown and lived In 8ewareti 43J ^ 0RDS — Funeral services

Sh member of1 A 8 l r flveyean.. . . . . . . . . She was a member oflforT Dmm Ann 8eyler, Jive-(ir Mr? Mar?'J Ferguson, 62. Mrs. Mary Balog, Perth Am- j the Simpson Methodist Church,im(jnth-old daughter of Mr. and76 Harmon Road, who died last boy: two sons, James Serenko.lPerth Amboy. j M r s . Edward W. Soyler, 35 Pop-Fridav m Perth Amboy O*n-,Hel8htst«*-n a n d 8tephen,| Surviving are four daughters,'lar g l r c ( , t w n o ^ ( j Monday atcral Hospital, were held Mon- Woodbridge; a sister. Mrs.] Miss Alice P. Treider, Sewaren; p e r l h A m b o y oeneral Hospital,("iy afternoon at the Armlta«f Mary Buchko, Perth Amboy;|Mrs. Harwood Schull, Hamp-L e r e n e l d Tuesday afternoon atFuneral Horn*. 596 Belirrove 19 Rrandchlldren and 14 great-ton. Va.; and Mrs. Carlln Krogh t h e p l y n n a n d 8 o n Funeral

and Mrs Joseph T. Kublcka, H o m e 23 Ford Avenue. Burialboth of Avenel; two sons, Ben-|w a g ,n g t Stephen's Cemetery,Jamln J., Woodbridge, andWilliam E.. Port Reading; twosisters, Mrs Betty Faulthaim,Newark, and Mrs. Grace Jep-som, Perth Amboy; a brother,! c n f t r l M richer, Chester,-Pa.;O R d B d d Lake; 17i dt

p Keinr. Bur.ai was In erandchfldrenArlington Cemftery, ~ —

Bifn.tr Belfast. Ireland, Mrs WILMER GILMANF-TTOJon lived in Kearny be-' FORDS — Funeral service*fore movinB to F^ds sewn'for Wllmer Oilman, 81, 12 Lib-months aen She was a mem-ertv Street, formerly of Wood-ier of Arlington Chapter 66. bridge, who died last Wednes-Order of Eastern Star. day at Perth Amboy General

Surviving are her husband. Hospital were held Saturday atPavld D : a son, William DJthe Oreiner Funeral Home, 441 grandchildren.Avenrl; two daughters, Mrs. Q r e e n Street, Woodbridge.i 3/™»i»Norms Fodor. Fords and Mrs [Burial was in the Presbyterian MRS. MARY CHINCHARD o r i s Ruckman. Burbank. Church Cemetery, Woodbridge. H O P E L A W N — FuneralCalif.: five grandchildren, and A native of Woodbridge, thesmiees for Mrs. Mary Chin-u sister Mrs. Elizabeth Walk-deceased was a retired carpen-'char, 45 Pennsylvania Avenue,!er, Kearny. |ter and was a member qf the!who died Sunday night at her.*forenc*

Keasbpy, ,Besides her parents, the in-

fant is survived by her matern-al grandparents, Mr. and Mrs,

som, c n f t r l M richer, C h e s t e r , P ;Oeorge Read, Budd Lake; 17ia m l t h P p ^ m a l grandparents,grandchildren and. 13 great- M r an(J M r s Edward Seyler,




p,,neral servicesMini«hrila 67


services for Mrs. Julia Oslelew-ski, 296 St. James Avenue, whodied last Friday at RooseveltHospital, were held Mondaymorning at the Flynn and SonFuneral Home, 424 East Ave-nue, Perth Amboy,. with a req-

IF1 r s t PresbyterianWoodbridge.

Surviving is a niece,, Mrs..

Church,Ihome, were heldthe Flynn and


Sanford,he made

vctprrtav at h's > lome Monday night, will1**^1' be held at the Petit FuneralFuneral

the last year: a stepson, Char-les W. Harned, Miami Beach,Florida; a brother, Sumner

Home, 23 Ford Avenue,Fords, with with a r"equiem Mass at St.

his home for Nicholas' Church, Fords. Burial I*™ a

was In 8t. Gertrude Cemetery,l?:3° °

Avenue,this morning at 9:00,


nieces and nephews.ulem high Mass at St. Nlcho-las Greek Rite Catholic M R S -Church.. Burial was In St.James Cemetery.

The deceased was a nativeof Czechoslovak And a resi-dent of Woodbridge for oneyear. She had been « residentof Perth Amboy and Metuchen,and was a communicant of St.Nicholas Greek Rite CatholicChurch, Perth Amboy.

A- TREIDERSEWAREN—Funeral services Catholic Church, Fords.

for Mrs. Abble A. Trelder, 74,'530 West Avenue, who diedSaturday morning at Perth Anv

Colonla.A resident of Hopelawn for t n i * Cemetery Colon!.

Iselln. jjOilman, Newark and Other 20 years, the deceased formerly j The deceased was bom in

lived In Edison. She *as a tia- Italy and resided in Colonla 25tlve of Austria Hungary. She years; prior to that he lived in

Iselin and Newark. An Armyveteran of World War I, Mr.'

was a member of St. Nicholas

Surviving are aMrs,son,

daughter, I Minchella, ,waS employed as a

boy General Hospital after a resided; nine grandchildren

John Dudics. Edison; aicivlllan guard at the RarltanMichael, with whom she 'Arsenal for 20 years, retiring In

brief Illness, were held Tues-day morning at the GrelnerFuneral Home, 44 Green StreetWoodbridge. with Rev. S. H.Henson, pastor of Simpson

Surviving Is her husband, Methodist Church. Perth Am-


Season's Greetings j

and 14 great-grandchildren.


January of this year. He was acommunicant of St. John Vlan-ncy Roman Catholic Church,Colonla, and a member of 1U

gato sung by Beverly Ahlerlng,Judl Cohen, Barbara ElaineGibson. Barbara Gneltlng, Dlane Hagan, Helen Llsclnski,Hope Miller, Donna Novak,Jean Schwenzer, Jo Ann Bwal-Uck, and Theresa Zolnlerowlcz.

They will also sing "JingleBells," "Winter Wonderland,"'In Ezcelsis Deo," and "The

Birthday of a King" with so-prano solos by Barbara Gibson,Barbara Gneltlng, and DonnaNovak, and the tenor solos byRichard Base, Nicholas Sar-

FORDS — Funeral services 1 Holy Name Societyfor Joseph Capacoly, 55 Drum-mond Avenue, who died SundayIn Perth Amboy General Hospi-

Surviving are his widow,Anne (Carroll); a son, Prank,Westportal; a daughter, Caro-

tal, were held yesterday at theiiine at home and seven grand-



119 Main Street

We Will CloseSunday at 2 P. M.

and reopen

Tuesday at 8 A. M.

Flynn and Son Funeral Home, children.23 Ford Avenue, with a hlch *Mass of requiem nt Our Lady M R S M A R Y H . FISHER

l T S 1 ELS HOPEXAWN-F.neral Tjices for Mrs. Mary 1J. Fisher,

1 A native of Keasbey, the de- J23 Clyde Avenge who died Bat-ty ceased resided in Perth Amboy! urday, were held Tuesday after-Si before moving to Fords five! noon at the Flynn and Son Pu-glyears ago. A communicant of neral Home, 424 East Avenue.

„ , „ , KiOur Lady of Peace Church, h e a r t h Amboy, with. Rev. CharlesW o o d b l i d e e | was employed by the New Jer-1W. Kraag officiating. Burial was

Hi sey State Highway Department | In Alpine Cemetery.S! Surviving are his widow. El j She Is survlvled by her hus-Reanor (Benny); a daughter, band, Oscar.

Our good wishes aremany, our hopes for yourhappiness are warm anddeep, our thanks for yourpatronage are hearty. Wesay It all with, "MerryChrlitmas!"


| Merry ChristmasPlease accept our best wlshei

for the happiest of holiday sea-

ions . . . and our sincere appre-

ciation of your good win and

the opportunity of serving you.


93 Main Street, Woodbridge

Christmas Booksfor Every Age!






Yule AssemblyPlanned at WHSWOODBRIDGB — The an-

nual Christmas assembly program will be presented tomorrow at Woodbridge High Schoolby the vocal music classes andthe Olrta1 Olee Club under thedirection ol Mrs. Eliiabeth Har-rington Musacchla.

The Olrls' Glee Club com-posed of morning and afternoon students will sing, "Christ-mas Candles;" "Holy Night!Peaceful Might I" and "O HolyNight."

Under the direction oJ Char-1M TJrbanskl, the concert or-chestra will play, "The FrenchMilitary March," "The LittleTin Soldier," "Christmas TideOverture," and a medley ofother Christmas carols.

The mixed chorus coneflllngof morning and afternoon vocalmusic students will sing,"Christmas story" with obll-

rriFRRATFS 90TH BIRTHIHY— Ferdinand Kath w»t rnnt of honor »t m birthday party hrld Saturday niEhtLwtonPost Home. "Smrtej." ». hi, son, »nd Intimate, ran him, U . « n ibov, with four of hi, fk , ,()I l,From Itft to rlcht- William »nd Frfd, South Amboy; Mr*. Dinlfl Tlrrwy, fcnfllshtowti, thr iuest of I

Anthony, Avtnd and Thoro»i, Woodbridff.

oft, and Lawrence Wilson. | Miss Barbara DombroaW. a ^} j } * ? ^The entire ensemble of 240'music teacher In the W

members will end vhe program .bridge Townhlp schools.

accomiJanlment sen. Stephen Ola.wr, and)Chorus" for Mappan, stage tochnlclaa

the afternoon program. ,(* u, charge of the:William Dawson, vice presl-JChorus" provide the planO accompanl-,

for the program. Miss dent of the Senior Class, will be j N A T 0by singing '

Messiah" by George F. Handel. Bonnie Mazurek, a sophomore, the announcer. Oary Hendrlck- divisions by 1962trow


Al adnriiiW fUm •fftdin


Including Sit., Dec. 23rd

100 Stamp Coupon Lwicatt«f Cinrwd-Redtem 100 Sl»mp Couponj

DZt 5.94

Reduced!Engagement, Autograph and TripBooks • Diaries • Photographand Scrap Albums • Doll Clothes

• Games for All Agest Christmas Cards

79 SMITH STREET, PERTH AMBOY,Oppodte Mayfalt Super Muket


Planning on playing Santa?Look forward to a merrier Christmas,and bring holiday joy to others, too,by fitting our services into your plans.Some of the most successful Santasvisit us for help in playing'their role.

Join our ,


CJ.UBMake sure you have the tztracash for a carefree holiday nextyear! Begin saving tarn of« « h paycheck In a thrift?Christmas Club aceount.TUsre'ia -club plan that's tailored to (Uyour pocketbook and purpose.

Tliui«4»; I A.M. • J f.M. Fr1di| } A.M. -1 tM.

Safety for Savings since I8f«

The PERTH AMBOYSavings Institution

mm MOOT, Ntw j



Non* Prk*d


C*FWW.IAlpha llh, Wf«r Cikft

ovw20 h%.

29Rowd Roast

nuns i vfWTABiisPascal CeleryTangerines u-Empwor Gropes




WhHeOiioMYellow TnnipsDates '«rtMi.»

Imported Figs'FROZEN f 0 0 0

Ideal PeasFrencli Fries — 4Orange Juice ^BeansCon

ion tun I%B VKBAIIIYour chotc*

ei flavors

Cream dwese

AST 59 HAMSPost Cereals

Tomato Juice

Prone Juke

Ntblets Com

Princess Tissues

Ideal Grapefruit Sections 6 1 ^ 1 . 0 0

Ideal Com °—»

Veryfine Applesiuce

Green Beans

Cranberry Sauce *-

Welch Jellied Sauce

HawaHan Punch

Strawbenry Preserves *-

6 IT $1 &rt6i Giant PeasSweet Potatoes M-»-W«»'W

Ideal SlMrteningReynolds Wrap *~Maxwell House Cofht


ALFRED PLl'SKOTARoute No, I and Grtcn

Woodbrldte, Jrrsrj

FREE I 3 0 S&H GREW STAMPSwMi funkom tl \ fc. mu*m <.


Ua> tn* mfm ft

30 S4HGRE» STAMPSw * pvrdMH t< bo. I p»io W w . i


DM. >].1 Li kft a^u

1 "Ikiilo UH!I5NTT»\MPS




"~FREE !*30 U H G R K N T T A M P S


3 1 6 9 c- 5 9 <

DK »1



Cbeesi Spread ST

29c81c Tomato Soup69c fide Dttorgent

- 5 9 c

Stuffing Bread«—2-39< R f


»> _• • • • • «Mto m^^ mmtm mm* xmmm mmm mmv




550__ ^ wlth f«clemplion of th«s« coupons "REE1 100 ilH fisny CTAUW •""" *~ X«,iZ.JTi.ZI.rrJ~" w


U^iiH Sal. DM }}LMI M* M.pM p.,


, >r IUU run.nA» t l ) 01 MOU TOU A«liiNimio 10 loo mi UH O«UN IIAMPS— '

I FREE! 1 0 0 S&H GREEN STAMPS• IB BijAvT Mcludlng tlukl milk ood il|ar«lt» -


Page 5: Churches Will Lead Holiday Observance; )LLAK …...ship in an effort to get the Board of Freeholders to take over and Improve important road links between the Borough and the Township

(,>). 7% of Goal is ReachedI,, United Fund Campaign

— Hermanfhnlrmnn of the Wood-lownship Division, has

,i to date businesses,


. i i f l t V,,1,-r Township have,-M! $;>,510 to the 1D62.I, of the UnitedFund—

, H:iy Area. The cam-,il for the area, which

IS local health andIs 8216,196.

division, under

boyResidential, VIM.

Punin PUmt Forum


atic official. Ck at a 1)W11

yKdwnrd B. Trio, co-

...nn, u « . j.Mm Jtoup.. ind


Jewish WomenPresent

COLONIA - National Coun-'ir.ll of Jewish Women, Central1

Parkway 8ection presented"the,••(•'rvttiR Princess and the Gold-,

en dnose"

««SttY4tfB? Alice Cuthbertion1606 Oak Tre« Road


The CYO of St. Cecelia"!Hanjili will hold n ChrlstmtiS-'dance tomorrow from 8 to 11P. M. in Oin Lifiv i

for the benefit of Serv-ire and Education projects,


Ralph Callendo Si NewarkM d

l h e

!, i ship of E. Michaelreports $938,00 raised

ivnwwh Bmong profes-,1 rommerclhi groups

stern and Mr, Don-,-c urged all Of thdlr

to complete asslgn-inimedlately, and toj:i returns to them or'

office •1 to an announce-!

by theThe

held at the YMCA hereLallas. an Edison

Jemo'Tnts InMr.

|Mr. and Mrs. Walter KronertCouncil Plflyers," w a s a n d children, Carol and Wal-

mized to present free plays!ter' Woodbridge Oaks, and Mr,the enjoyment of 'children-nn(l M l s Theodore Caliendo.nines and orphanages. Theyjan(| children, Carol and Charles1 ""!>" two performances ° '

A c o m - 'Christmas

With ITfllExecutive Board ol •.

• fnr Hi, enjoyment of 'childrenI"™" •** Theodore Call ndo a i " t h e ' h 2 ? o r ' V A " ^ ' ' ? ^ . ' ^... l . ™ and orphanages, Theyj^ ch dren, Caro. and Charles " X K , t h fi. Cob-f '... 1 •• eiven two pevformancesj01 »«™ ,„„, Thursday A si,ort hwuinl?

this vynr at the Enenolf Day - O n rPrlday afternoon Mrs. meeting was held after which -.Nurscrv. Elisabeth and the Robert C. Scank: Lincoln High- g Chrwunos party was enjoyed,-—--rhilrliifli's Home, MoimtAinslde.i*ay; Mrs. Harry Evans, Ken- - T h e Iselln ' Assembly of'

I'D it inpatinit In the. play were ; ' > e d 5 L P 1 * c ( ' R n d Ml'*1- Alexim-God. Copper Avenue and B e r - Vthe Mrs ,). Daniel. Mrs. Gera ld 1 "" C l l t n b ( 1 ' ' t50n of Woodbrldnc fcrloy Boulevard will hold »;• '"•sfiiidnk, Mrs. Jerry Schoenbart . !? ," 5 ' *OT(1 luncheon guests of Christmas momiitk service a t ' "Mis. Oerald Fendlfr, Mrs Ar-:™ s . ° - R Dougherty, Menlo in A. M Christmas D'ay. Thfl C ,thin Kinitbiiry, Mrs. E. Beck. weekly ••hoic rehearsal will ba ' '

IMi1*. K Zawadaski, Mrs. 8, —George Maxwell and r h i l - W d at 7:15 tpmorrnw a t the <;

I.ind. Mrs. Morton Masser. dren. Ruth Ann, Faith. Hope "lunch.Those in charge of a r t were!R m l George. Jr., Charles Street, - Thr , . . .,Airs Arthur Lubln and Mrs. attended the Ofis Elevator-Church of isclin. Oak Tree •Lawrence Preldland. In charge Companj Christmas party at Road, will have a candlelight

r.,™ .„..„ t h . »«•-. »«Uh»«i!the Afosmic TliBntpv Npnniii service Christmas Eve..._. . . . , —The Sons and Daughters ol

ness. Mrs. Irving Rolband, Mrs.)[Phillip Lowy. Mrs. Hal

(•duration project,. The c*at !• jchalrman wa* Mrs. N&thanParness and co-chairman Mrs

, . . . . . , . , ., Tlie First . ,.,,„,, « . . - . .the Otis Elevator-Church of isclin. Oak Tree

ire rreiamiia. m cnargei—••••»•" Christmas party at Road, will have a caiof props were the Mrs. Michael\lhe M o > c l u e Thoater, Newark, service Christmas Eve. „f,emmerman, Mrs. Nathan Par- l S u n d a y - • - T l l c SoMS *nA Daughters ol •

•Mrs John Anderson of L lbc l ' t" h e l ( i i t s r e « u l a r m e e t jiTrento Street was honored on ln* Tuesday, with Mrs. Spencef •her birthday Sunday, at a fnm--Gleen ' ^ ^

Sarah Ann's CookingRolband, Ruth

.. -rrrt. l»3«;<7 992^In<lu»trUl Em-$4it,354: Initial Olfti,

Profewlonal, $2.155:


' s u r fP , $ : | Homr cooking in Ne* York

,sl, I1.41S; Commer-:would be speeded up 50 yearsi.iifivees, M.1M; SnwH'by tfie »*• <if zip;.-r< on canned

»1,»73; Public and,Rootl.v - New Y< rk Evenineicr. S3JT13: Out odPost .,#



. XfDRRIDOE. N J' Fnciosed please ftnd J4 00 (or one .'•ar



*ill enuy making tinues to boil. Cook .stirring of-popular candy oefore or;ten, to hard-crack ,tage (300durinR a get-t(>Kether. jdegrees) or until when (pstcd as

I!TI Apples Fresh Popcorniabove, mixture sepjrates intoH.-ii Chocolate Peanut Brittle!hard brittle threads. Remove

PEAVIT BRITTLE — """ ' " "1 cup siwar

;« i^aspoon salt1 'UP dark corn snip

' i nip water2 'iibU'.spoons bud. i or

margarine.- nips peatuts> 'i^aspoons hot wuer1 t-'osnoon h.iknw sodaI:: A larce heavv saur'-pan

•;: toother the sugar salt1 Christmas seanson Is often< -in syrup, water ind butter, ' ^ incentive for candy mak-("nok to soft crack -taKi; 1280 inR

d'-^i-'s on candy tromometer'nr until 1 teaspoon ol the mix-ture tested In 1 cur) very coldwater separates Into hard butnot nrittle threads Gradually

.e\r ^ — . 4H.-UIUVL-;

I from heat Stir hot water IntoI soda; beat thoroughly into brit-j tie. Turn onto heavily butteredifargc cookie sheet, spread asthin as possible with spatula.•Cool about S minutes; turnwarm brittle upside down on

']shnct. When cold, break IntoMnwilai pieces. MaUcs aboutU'-.i pounds

ily party at the home of her1 . ~ — ~ — "son and daughter-in-law, Mr T E S T ™W>TS KONdREDand Mrs. Paul Anderson of President Kennedy awardedWoodbridge. Guests were her the Harmon Internationalhusband, Mr. and Mrs. Bram- Trophy for Aviators to threewell Anderson, Westfleld, and test pilots "of the X.-15 rocketRobert, Nelson and Linda An- plane recently.

. — *"<- a.™ u m LI.C; derson, Woodbridge. • The trophy, presented Jointlyn , I J lu 1 , s i z e o f a c h e r r y ' m«>lstened with! Why are you standing therej _There will be no meetinglor the first time, went to Ma].Put through the food chop-syrup from canned fruit if mix-j throwing stones at that poorof ^tar boy candidates Satur- [Robert M. White of the Air

ier I,, pound each of layer figs, ture is too stiff. Thicken wlthjllttto boy?" |d a y , A ( t e r J g n u a r y t o n iy 'po r c e m i t 0 J o s e p h A, wjtftot.seeaca raisim, pitted dates and rolled and sifted macaroons if "Because I daren't go anj|those boys who have passed.and A, Scott Crossfleld for "outpecans or almonds; also two t n n cnf t n i t l '" moit-^ »^r,*~ . i . » . ~.i.. u.<. .»<. - , K » « - I » . H , » I . T_H_ «... ..m u. -vi. . . : . ; » . , J I « . ^. .J . . L . . . . J W . _ounces of candied orange peel.

time, taking out on thr pointing the finest of blades untilof fork and laying on oiledjthe mixture is as smooth as' p a p e r ' possible. Form Into ball* th y*t

i»"iu mm auvzu uinutiuuiis'ii uccHuse i unieni wo iwiy|uio8e ooys wno nave passediana «, J3com,rossitoo soft. Dip In melted choco- closer mlas. He's got whooplngithelr Latin test will be able Upstanding and elate. |cough." , 'continue studies, feats of Individual


Olazed Nuts and Fruits]-i cup white corn syrupy> cup sugar2 tablespoons hot water

Boil all Itmredients until

m mm

stir ;n peanuts so nr.xtun: con- .syrup brlttles in cold water.



J . 1 ARTHUR APPLE6ATE, INC.,W.\ Division Sirtot P«Tth Amboy



: ••-'•*•'••''$'•''''•'''••••'•'fy'i'f'"•''•£'•'"••••• •••>'•



May Your H^prt Be IAnd Your Ho«if B-- Bright

. / . „ we wish fory.m all the joys of a Happy Holiday

Season.-There » »»meth.ntt about the seron J of the season

s *he full splendor of having fnendst

has to cjffer


tho'u"h ever new. Yet, it

^.sjKIIWBiii Christmas.

A. Ronson Beauty Trio, the only hair dryjr that brush-driea, comlwiries, hood-dries your hairj B. RonsonCFL Mark II electric shaver with new! replaceableMiiade cutters, o . Lady Ronson Superbe,the ladies'lh»vw. D'.Roosoo Vaidame table lighter (ova a

• • • • 1 • • . . • :

year's lights per fueling), t. Ronson Vatatlitme Bu-taneFuel. r,RonsonCFL 300, the "Big Daddy" of allelectric shaverj.,IB. Ronson Roto-Shine, shines shoeselectricslly, Kbiioibbing, rags, mess. H. Ron&on's

H ^ e flhs braad new ] & * i i )I tP I ' i fWHMI IMLNtJ i

. I



Page 6: Churches Will Lead Holiday Observance; )LLAK …...ship in an effort to get the Board of Freeholders to take over and Improve important road links between the Borough and the Township


AlexanderLow Interest Rate

WOODBRIDOE - The low-est interest rflte the Townshiphn.s fvrr secured on any of ItsimnowiiiR.s was reported to the

Town Committee by TowmhtpTreMurer Ch»rle» J. Alexander

. Prank10, IS**'

The only other bidder wasthe Woodbrldf e National B|nkThe rate of 1.69% wai sectir- ,„ „ „ _

ed from the First Bank and'at l.«7%-Trust Company on the face a-mount of $160,000 ol Bond An- u- "• - . . , , „ . , - , .Mdpatlon Note* dated Decem- foreigner* held inadequate^

U. S. college training of

Itlno, president, ha« announcedSchool 25 PTV will P r e « n t •live production of "The Wizardof O C ^ t u r l n ^ O r e U

School, All tl<;K*t8 must be re-i Kennedy spurs nserved In advance and may bejmental reUrd»t|nn

h h th hildren» Dlrlcseti mrtjKrrfserved In advance and may bejmenta eUrd»|nn

obUlned through the children». Dlrlcseti mrtjKrrff, tivteacher, or by c o n t a c t ^ ^ m ^ r .

at the

teachers or by contactingOerald Jllck. LI 9-3918.

- impnts for more «•Funds for Cuban rcfunee aid Neutron bomb clnuht

jinswrr io Govlot.Junior High-running out.


• . I

THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS: I it IK- "Annlf looks with wonderment U Santa tlausX H.nsoni who i, about to give nor "Rags". . s l u m "dog", as Robert White, chair-n lookj on The BiM-KivInt »"ok plarf at a party for 50 youngsters Riven by Woofl-3 f e TowThip Junior Chamber of Commerce Satnrday at Colonta Clvle Improvement

Dab. TOT, donated by the membership were presented to the children along with nanvr-ou, mailer fill*. Refreshment, were served with the .sststanoe of the Jayree-ettes. Assist-ing Mr. White were Eugene Oda, Fred Stebbins. Donald Eberhardt, Donald Murphy and

Henry Schussler.

Woman's ClubHas Yule Plavy

WOODBRIDGE — Highlights »of the December meeting and iChristmas supper of the Wood- B

, bridge Woman's Club were an goriginal poem read by Mrs. Neil gStoddard and an original play, *"Star Light, Star Bright," en- £acted by Mrs. Herbert Nielsen, fiMrs. Stoddard, Mrs. Joseph uSchein, Mrs. Melvin Melanson ifMrs. M. J. Schubert. Mrs. J. JjKeating, and Mrs. Harold Mil- Sler. I

Mrs. Miller was chairman of Kthe affair, Mrs. Vincent Vogue Botttred a toast, and Mrs. Mabel »Naylor gave the blessing. «

At a short business meeting g'held after the supper, Mrs. Rob- Kert Fltzpatrick annojneed a £cake sale will be held January B18 under the direction of Mrs. JjErnest Carstensen. Mrs. F. As- wcough will conduct a blanket '*club. I

Mrs. Steven Almasi, chair- (5man of the drama department, Sappealed for help to aid Mrs. 8Henry Belalsky with the Sum- 5mer Drama Festival. These Swould be voluntary workers to Sassist with scenery, makeup, Rprops, and wardrobe. ^

Mrs. Stoddard conducted the jmembers in a series of Christ-)

mas games. The prize winnerswere Mrs. HughMrs. Louis Plisko, and Mrs.

seph Caso. Christmas carols,were sung to conclude the eve-j

i- ning.



Make sure you haveone for 1962. It's so

easy to join the First Saving! ChristmasClub—set your goal, and achieve it little

by little . . . you'll never mil* the small weeklypayments. You'll pride yourself In that great bigcheck!




In WOODBRIDGE: Hi Amboy Avepue

In PERTH AMBOY: II* State Street*

In EDISON: Amboy Avenue at 5th StreetiCtirt Btrton


Where FIRST In The Name Means You!"



Happy New Year

We wish we could send a special Holi- a

day Greeting to each friend we've made' jf

•this year. Instead, we take this maens |

to wish you all • Happy Holiday rod a |

Fruitful New Year. |


DANNY'S SPA \68 Main Street Woodbridqe »

»M R . a n d M R S . D A N N Y O ' B R I E N a n d f a m i l y . . . »

$Bill a n d S h i e l a . H o b and R o w m a i r e 9

OPEN LATEWednesday, Thursday, Friday

and Saturday EveningsClosid All Day Christmas, Decambar 25th


' A

% EGG NOG63For lh* quirt

Holidiyi tarion

0 J

All the seasons bestin foods... thriftily price<

...plus wonderfulGold Bond Stamps!

Jujt A Feu Christmas Candy Buyi

Hard Mixed i r 'S 29< Christmas Stocking ';; 47«Filled 'n Hard UTZ 49c Chocolate Santa "< kr 22cCandy Canes .:2.25c Family Surprise ;;A;:;i79


fSho/> Early . . . Shop Happy . . . Savings throughout the store plus (jold Bond Stamps, too/

GREEN GIANT PEAS Great BigTendtr Sweet 2 37el


STUFFED OLIVES FINAST Jumble PacThey're Always Welcome


4 1.00

Heavy Duty Foil



regular25 ft. roll


29A ca'ns M J

59reg. 69c 12 oz.Save 10c pkg.


225 EXTRAGold Bond Stamps

Buy Alt You WantOffer effective thru Saturday, Dec. 23rd.


"Ftnajt Holiday ftakery Treuls'





I 25f 25

with purchase of a half gallon

ICE CREAM (Any Brand)

EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPSwith pyre has* of a 12 ounc* bottlt


EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPSwith purchase of a 3 paund cart


EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPSwith purchasa of a 6 ounct can



Raisin Bread fW

Rolls c::;

20 or

HNAST20 oi p<«

or Uatu

l ib .c.k«


Angel CakeCoffee Cake




Pecon Crunch

39c33c Poppy S^d O 1

on* doicn w >

Kraft Tasty Vhee$e Spreads

EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPSwith purchai* of art 8 ounct bottl*


Hostess Pl*in Ci9W. Chlvt.P.ntjpplt Pipunloof Oliv


EXTRA GOLD BONDwith puixhaM of a 17 ounft con


U GOLD BOND STAMPSi purchpt* of a 16 ounct bottlt


EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPSwith purchata of one pound




29 Party SnackSpecial Bu\s At /ro;eii Food S«rrcion~

5 o i

I " On«n 2:39-




6 02,cant

Personal Ivory ^ 5 "'29c

PalmoliveJSoapS2-31'PIUWUIY MIXW



ruooi tUNDAf uoriNO MIX ' ••

Page 7: Churches Will Lead Holiday Observance; )LLAK …...ship in an effort to get the Board of Freeholders to take over and Improve important road links between the Borough and the Township

: "nr, * ***.»,.A Brooklyn mannt Perth Amboy

|)i't(il Tuesday a*n two car

oM« 8

'Tom Route 27 » h P n n

« » struck m ,h( l

OTT'trri hi.

Jr., Brooklyn.

Thieves Loot Home


Mctuchen, driving"bny

was t ! l k p n l 0 p

flnd Lreatrd far

i Among the articles reported FMDEllC

On North Park *)••;,„>taken *ere Mmplete movle WOODBRIDOE - , Richard

COLONTA « «,n " " f P equipment valued at 1500; an Ebert. 19, Birch Street, Carter-

- {Z^*«z- j s rs i -j^ssssssss^st. ™ tr: s i rDO11CC -8undfty that z ; ; ? t h e artto *L: s j - i a r ^ a & S . - £ j s ^ cr i T , , ««°me °f M r a n d M r s ' M'°- t w o "-nnsistor The wallet was found later at

t- «





USDA Inspected and Covernmenl Graded AFrom the first tender forkful to the last . .,

You'll enjoy your First National Turkey!

Every slice tells you a First National turkey was bredfor wondefful eating. Selected from the finest flocks. . . plump, broad-breasted and heavy with juicy, ten-der meat. You'll find the size you need — carefullycleaned and oven-ready,

YOUNG TOMS YOUNG HENS18 to 22 LBS. 10 to 17 LBS.




S u i j t P r e m i u m H u t i n (>,<

piutd .ilijfrwlv

Also 'avuilablt Ducks, (,.<•*«-,

( iifH>fu,Ffln«~y Foul orCnrnnH Idix


J-V Chow Beef

oof ar6 Flavorful

Bte Perfect Ealmg

Rib SteaksTasty DelTcious Pure Pork

Ideal Breakfast Treat or

Perfect for Turkey Stuffing


Large Size Stalk

Florida's Finest



CANNED HAMSReady-to-eat;.. Here's an

ideal gift suggestion!UNOX3 Ib. size


6 Ib. size


9-12 Ib.


FERRIS3 Ib. sue



STUFFED TURKEYSArmour...8 to 10 lbs.

...with Pepperidge Ib.

Farms Dressing. 9

Firm Solid ,bYellow TurnipsBoKorAnjou 2 lb»' 3 9







Potato Chips59coff pock. 12 oi

20th Fox Million Seller Hit Recordsi l d

8 popular »tbum f»l«cNn» including

"MerryLittle Drummer Bey"

Duz Regular SSftl l f , ; 7 9 c Dotskin Toilet Tissue , 2 -»• 27c •

PilUbury Biscuits . 3 29c Nesc.fi ISXfiS WJ1.39 ^

BtHird Hacults 3 ^ 29c Kraft Manhmallow Crime 7 ^ 2 3 c\ ••-• *

Good Luck Margarine V«<? ^ 29c Keebler Club Cradten

FUischmann'i Mar jarine ^ t ^ 7« Nabiico Veri-Thin

Jj 37c

'" '• ' •»•"»• •• ol1 N t w '•"•'• ' * " ' " i w


DOING THEIR SHARE — To make the hnlirtays hrkhlrr w membrrs of (he Hewd'JSquare Syndicate, who placed a Chrirtmas trer and dproi-ntrd it with lights at the Heard'iSquare Intersection. Members of the organization standing by the sljn In front o( the treeare left to right: Michael Havrilla, Louis Llstort, Patrick Robinson, Herbert I-udwl|«on,

John Mesar and Mayor Frederick M. Adams.

r>j i» D J i f U Ci,«,,i^ like to find pen pala In foreign

LdUCatlOn DOard iVrlFl OCOUlS Icountries The older Girl Sctfuta

(Continued from Pag« 1)ary of $4,700 and a maximumof $7,700. At present the mini-mum is $4,400 and the maxi-mum $7,450,

Janitors in their original de-mands have been asking for anacross the board Increase of$500. Principals and vice prin-cipals are asking an Increase Inratio of .1 and 10% additionalcompensation for 11 months ofduty. Department heads ask tobe put on a ratio of 1,15Clerks want an across the boardIncrease of $500 and abolitionof the job study evaluation.Supervisors ask for an increaseIL ratio of .1. -Nurses want amary schedule starting at $4,-00 with a maximum of $7,500.

All groups are demanding paidhospltalization, medical andsurgical Insurance for employes

countries. The older Girl Sctfutajwll] earn the world gifts, world

T n v p e t T A Q f l p r c n e l B h b ° r . m v "orld, hospitality,l I l V X o l J J C U U C I 3 my country, and pen pal badges

i m n m , , . t^—v, by Participating In these ac-OLONIA - Mrs. <"»«Ph: t iv)tle5| ^ t h e y o u n g e r m e n H

Parkhurst, Mrs. John DohertyJbers will meet their lntema-and Mrs. E Thomas Van Deck-jtional friendship reflulrementer were invested as leaders byMrs, Arthur Mlltmrn, neighbor-hood chairman of Girl Scouts, __during an Investiture ceremony!speaker, and my'trefolTbad|e»;held at the Colonia Public LI- provided a Thanksgiving Dta-jbrary last week. Mrs. Parkhurst|ner I o r fi n e e d y f a m l l y ; a n d i

of the second-class rank.In addition, Troop 130 1*

working on the landscapes

brary last week. Mrs. Parkhurstleader ot Troop 130, Investedher daughter, Christine, as aQlrl Scout and she was ac-cepted by Troop 130, GirlScouts of Troop 153 were in-vited as guests, and bothtroops participated ln the open-ing flag ceremony and Joinedin singing "Girl Scouts To-gether" for the parents. Theaudience was reminded "Thisis the Season for Holidays" ina song by Lori Van Decker, a!

and their families. 'six-year-old Brownie-to-beThe teachers' appropriation: M,.s 3 j T l l r a b u l l

n the tentative budget Is set at$4,658,485 as against $4,094,715this year.

Irving Elan, of the Commit-tee for Classrooms told theBoard that "suddenly there is anew demension in this com-munity. All the candidate dur-ing the campaign urged greater liaison between the TownCommittee and the Board of

together' with the 14 troops inColonla will ting ChristmasCarols at Roosevelt Hospitaltomorrow, During January,sewing bazaar Items will enablethe glrh to work on the needle-craft and seamstress badges.The troop also plans to re-member the Children's Wardat Perth Amboy Hospital on &'bleak day in January" bymaking play kits for the sickyoungsters.

J Mrs. Merle Santor, troop or-I r • ganlzer, will be glad to discus*

who became a Girl Scout leader j l n e troop program in more de-while she and her family livedIn Japan, showed some of herfilms of Japan, and the au-dience found her narrationvery informative and interest-ing. A variety of Japanesedances #,'as presented by Joan'Turnbull, aBrownie Scout, who learned tha

tail with anyone who Is inter-ested in starting a similar pro-gram with a new Girl Scouttroop (10 to 13 year old girls)in the New Dover Road-ColoniaBoulevard-Library sections ofColonia. Her telephone number

ear old,is F U 1-6879.

Committee and trie Boara o i i a r t of jRp a l leE e dancing when'jf n t f \r>iu W / 1 | JEducation, Suddenly the liaison s h e U v e d l n J a p a n - A t a latn.*> of <-. » M Hold ,has begun and the result is .in-!date, the Girl Scouts hope to JSew Year's Dfl/TCeterminable delay ln class-j see a n aetual Japanese per-rooms."

Lloyd McChesney maderecommendation t h a t

p pformance, and they would like

a j t o i e a r n m o r e a b o u t the coun-

WOODBRIDGE — The Mid--dlesex Council 867 Knights of,Columbus will hold its annual'

recomBoard consider portable build-ings, a recornmendation madeby the late Charles E. Gregorysix years ago.

t r y a n d Its people. A visit to a j N e w Y e a r s e v e dance at Co-J a p a n e s e newcomer to ouri

Record Stays

Japanese newcomer to ourcountry, to gain first-handknowledge about the fascinat-ng customs and hand crafts ofhis far-away country, is in the:roop plans

Each of

(Continued from Page 1)of >any Board member to dis-agree with me and to submitwhatever evidence they mayhave to refute my claims", theBoard member said, "but I donot subscribe to any official:ondemnatlon consisting of a

resolution of this nature. Sinceafter due deliberation I mayfind It necessary to take ap-propriate action to remedythis matter, I request that thisstatement be made part of the

to a pen pal ln different statesto learn more about people inour country, and they would

minutes of this meeting if themotion on the floor is passed."Mr. Mundy then asked thatjhis statement be made part ofthe official minutes.

When the matter came to avote, all but Mr. Edrlngton andMr. Mundy voted to keep theresolution in the minutes ofthe November 29 session.

JosephFedpr as chairman. A buffetwill be served by Donald Millerand Robert Jardot. Reserva-!tlons must be made by Wednes- •day. The decorations commit-1

tee will meet December 29; 8P.M.

John Egan and Alex Marci,co-chairmen, will resume teen-age dances, January 12, 7 P.M.

The next paper drive will beJanuary 7 beginning at 1:30P.M.' according to an an-nouncement by George Pease,chairman.

Former Yankee southpaw aceEd Lopat has signed a one yearcontract to act as Hank Bauer'spitching coach with the Kan-sas City Athletics for 1962.


\ In Perth Amboy


Last MinuteChristmas Gifts

forThe Entire Family!

RINGS for MEN and WOMENBridal Sets • Signet - Birth Stone - Cocktail







• ReligiousJewelry

• Silverwaret Compacts

• ' Jewel Boxes

Gift Boxed!

f Ronion ZippoLighters

• Baby GiftsGold, Silver and Gold-Filled Cbarnu

And Charm Bracelet!

Famous Make


• Hamilton• Buinva• Lenglne• VVittnauer

• Timex• Westfield

Newett Stylesfor

Men and Women

Still » !°od Mlectlon Instock to choose- from,

8e« Our Window for Other Gift Idea's





Available in Sell or Separate Boxes• Handsome Personalized Belt Bueklts• Pocket and T»bU Lighten• Wallet) and Key Cases




K»tibli»hed Jeweler



Page 8: Churches Will Lead Holiday Observance; )LLAK …...ship in an effort to get the Board of Freeholders to take over and Improve important road links between the Borough and the Township



Colonia AAUWHears Artists

COLONIA - Mrs. MM S.Mann, violinist, and Char!'?Sokler. planis/wfir truest ar'-lsts at A meeting < ColoniaBranch of the American A.wi-elation of University Womrn.at, the home of Mr? C H Chris-tlftnsen, Meturhrn

Mrs. Mann* and Mr Sok>rplayed a Gavotte by Barh. »

• Sonatina by Schubert Love?Joys, Nocturne by Chopin-jcclHnnparian Chodosh.

Mrs. John Yakubik. p r e f e rof Cnlonia Branch nnnmincdhrr appointment to the O r -mlUoe for National LibraryWeek in Nra Jcrwy. Sh* &>Announced the Library- ,=*ii"v

Group of CCimiia Branch «-.'.;meet ajher home January ?;under fche direction of Mr?George Marks. Colonia. av.aMrs. Ham1 F. Burfce, Wroc-brldgc.

Mrs. A b r a h a m !chairman of the Art* StudyGroup announced that the 111!:annual Creative Arts Festivewill be held April 14 at Pater-son State CoUege. She ursedmembers to make plan* forparticipation.

Mrs. Charles Crump, chair-man of the annuBl fashion


, „ ,„„ -- ISEUN — Meal Veso*. foster ISELIN -•- »*r.-s I

„ „ „ , 7W,/i<>r" Held by Reaverettes Kn of Mr. and Mr,, ftank^^^-* nmlttee for I S E L I N . The 4-H Beaver-jVesce. Bloomfield Avenue was, p u b u c l u b wl,,

of Iselin will hold iu! feted at a party on his flr.it reRulnr — » - • •. . thi»mllfl , Oue«ts were LouiB The n-xt m tin? will'Arthur Erb, Tal-Vence and son, Qary, Metuch-^ary 26 8 P MtonluM at 7:30. en; Patrloi* Cort««, Ne*ark;iHall. ChrlMmns

Connie find Oinny MoPila. Mr. belnii preparrri

,.rmi.s. and to know the Joy oftine «utielhin« ot own

show reported this year's show pj£ £}irigtma» Bazaar** * "* Proves Successful

| What If There Had Be*n ThreejRoln'"Rastu6, 1 understand that Encore."

- Mrs. Donald Cril

be rjfid Mareh » »t KoosBrothew, Rahway.

Mrs. Norman Schneidtr.i ^membership chairman, tatro- ]y w a y , an^ mPans chairman.]duced two new members, D e reported that $3«,39 was real-:Granholra, graduate of Doug-!ize<j o n the annual Christmaslass College and Sally Wolfson,!bftZaar> at ft meeting of School•raduate of Brooklyn College.']5 PTA Monday.Mrs. Schneider also introduced! M r s charlen Cerbone, librarya prospective member. Ele»riori<,nB[rm<ini rw,Uegted help for!Connors, Hunt«r College. ; the-school library. 8he«*eported

Hostesses were Mrs. M Y:|the purchase of 13 additional

you have become the father ofd thm

e/^HatBarj« Main StreetWoodbridge

Layton, and Mrs. Ali Obeld.Welcomer was Mre. Qeral,Kreger.

The next meeting will be heldJanuary 25, 8:00 P-M. withMrs. John easterns, 14 WaterStreet, Colonia. The programwill feature Dr. Prank Fachau,assistant professor of PoliticalScience, Rutgers University,who will speak on "What's Nextin Th* Middle East."

Taking the Joy Out Of WeThere would be fewer half-

blind gents if glassesii fitted to the lips.


Shop everywhere!and you'll buy a t . . .


dresses $5-00-$7-50-$1O-M90 Main Street, Woodbridge t Open Till 9

I The BEST GIFT ot All: Is a GIFT for the HOME

books at the Christmas Bazaar.Mrs. W. Lauer, presented a

Christmas program with chil-dren of the 4th, 5th, and 6thgrades participating. Therewere accordion and piano solosand Christmas carols sung bythe Glee Club

The attendance award wsswon by Mrs. Arthur Clough.Mrs. W. Lauer won the doorprize.

Hostesses were the mothersof the First Grade children.


granddaughter, J a c q u e l i n ePranclne De Sena, who was,christened Sunday, Mr. and!Mrs. Robert Fitzsimmons en-tertained at a buffet partyJacqueline, who is the daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Joseph De-Sena, of Nixon, was christenedm St. Matthew's Church, Nix-on, with Miss Prances Ryan,West New York and Louis Coz-!!

za, Smithstown, Long Island, assponsors. Other guests wereMr. and Mrs. Henry Happeland children, Henry, Richard,Allan, Gary. Bruce, and Wayne!and Mrs Helen Rohlfs, all of |Iselin: Miss Nancy Kwiat,Closter; James Rhode, JerseyCity; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeSena and children, Charles andJeffrey, and Robert and Thom-as Fitzsimmons, Iselin.

Africans determined to runown affairs



I MIRRORS!For EveryPurpose


• Living Boom • Bath Room • Door MirrorsStop in and let us show you our fine selectionof quality mirrors. . . . They make, a most wel-

Christmas Gift.We Also Carry

Shower Doors • Storm Windows t JalousiesOPEN DAILY 9 A. M, TO 6 P. M.


VISIT OUR SHOWROOM . . .It's Just Vi Block from lUhway

Pennsylvania Railroad Station


"Everything in Glass and Aluminum"79 p. Mlltou Avenue, Rahway


What would happen if youlott your earning powerfor • month, a year, orlonger? You might haveto tell your Mined poi-leiiioni to meet expenies.A man with foreiight willhelp protect hii talar.yagainst lott earned by anaccident or tickneu withan Incomt Protection pol-icy.

Vincent J. Pavese & CoBed IlUU k luiuranrt

U Smith St., Perth AmboyTelephone HI 2-47M



WuL to Jff

twins. Have you named themi. vet?"

Ah done call thei

Allagra, and Ah'mi program

C.nm»U«aH.ts h P ; • • W h M o . u call"I see you are musical, Rastus - - - • ,.

but why do you call the second boy friend » smaii-wi*

I never « n t. n d , have

nothing to

t all."




Phone VA «-JJ«l

Travel BureaiMMMI Ml Maple Htreft




May good health, good friendsand good cheer be with youduring the Holiday Season

end throughout the Netv Year*

For Your Holiday Cheer —»

Puritan EGG NOG'Ready to Serve-Non-Alcoholic

Deliveredto yourd o o r . . .


. . . and remember Christmas calls for

\H)RE of everythinn tlittt'i good so be I

ture to order extra


CallVA 6-1200muMmimmmmmmm

Thert's a difference in PURITANS EGG NOG. . . Juit as in al| PURITAN UAfKY PRODUCTS!EXTRA PLAVOp . , . EXTRA RICHNESS! Sfrveit hot or cold . . . GET IT TODAY, wherelyoubuy PURITAN DAIRY PRODUCTS, or call fordelivery with your regular milk order.

SUPER CREAMY: Full of the neceunryvitamins arid mineral! for fiowiof health.

JJaini Cr



COl'NTRY FRESH: 'Maktf codec U^U bet-ter, and u a dessert topping can't be •«•< I



Page 9: Churches Will Lead Holiday Observance; )LLAK …...ship in an effort to get the Board of Freeholders to take over and Improve important road links between the Borough and the Township

I School NamedOf Charles Um Gre H

0) HospiMBoard of GoW r n m


s/, owedDeepInlorest

School- Th« Board

ol Perth.Amboy1,1 .pital announced to

11 hat named Its;iiiiMMK T h e C h a r l w ,

•, .School pf 'Nursing! Patients, of the hoapttftl'iAbo died December

, l.jiK Illness. j resolutionname, which Is et- QovmiorjiIHC, commemorate! " W H K R F » «

1 . . lnnglntefe»t4nd W H K R E A S

' ':n' nursing Khoo)vnboy Oeneral Hos-

nors hereby name our NursingSchool, The Charles E. GregorySchool of Nurslrig, Perth Am-boy General Hospital."

lauded by EckertIn announcing- the change

Anthony W. Eckert, chairmann ofthe board of governors, said:- Even before he became hos-

pital prwident ln »4« Mr;- Gregory was deeply corferned

"Whenever funds were need-ed Mr. Gregory personally con-tributed scholarships and per-luaded civic groups throughoutthe area to assist too," MrsChannlng declared.

Nursing students recall his'participation In every cappingand graduation exercise sincehe joined the hospital boardAccording to MrtvHelen Rader,

with expert nursingcare and with providing Esound professional educationtor young women In this area,He felt a great responsibility

BE IT RE-1 for our school for It Is the onlj

called «,,pnn t()l l Imprint

: l io

.. „„, ULT;|; .V1ISC Ot lOSS,it Mr. Gregory's passing. 60that those who come after usmat I""— - ' —

iae Association, and Misslean Szot, president of the Stu-lent Nurses Organization, manymew him personally as a

: source of encouragement and| counsel.

Robert S; Hoyt, hospital di-rector, summed up hospltal-

" l ( 1 ( 1 | >! » f t i l l ' I K u - H I,

his admlnls-rrriori of th,. P,, .hr assumed of- 'arnrn, Hospital, r',



FREE BUFFETDancing From 9 Till n a w n Featuring

Hallway's NrwrHtaml Finest KoMaura.


and HOTKL- featuring -


LUNCHEON SKHVKI) DAILY from 11:.'{()('atrring on Premises nr to Take Out

w\\ : n \ ^ NTNIMV HIOM 1 v. >t

.'J7W.1 li.rrvStmt. |{ali*;iv, Y J.Wrf IT 1-57'i'J — Air-t'onditiimrd

Wi (Itlltipi it H r t h d | y Parties -k Olluc I'.irtits +*f- S«fVlC« Otoupt and All ( tu-l>v Wrlrnmc

Notice to AHCarteret Residents

There will be

GARBAGE COLLECTIONMonday, December 25th

iior-inall\ .r

on Mondav v ill l>r collected


Garbage normally cJlIw-on Tuesday will IM' collectedon WEDNESDAY.

Your nMiprnliun »iH •

k vi»».

1). M/ZK


The Department of Sani• wishes yi»u

A Ytry. Merry .Chritt***.

— curriculumenriched with collcge-teve

Instruction. Beginning ln 1951college courses ln the blologlcaand social sciences were pro.vlded each entering class. Thispast September the programwas expanded to Include twifull semesters at Union JuntoCollege for all first-year students.,"

"He was also much concerne.with providing modern resldence and teaching facilities,1Mr. Eckert continued. '/PromIts beginning with one studenIn 1903, the school grew stead.ly. outgrowing Its 1912 buildln,and 1922 extension. Mr. Gregory led the Board of Governor:ln plan;> to replace the ol'school. The opening of thpresent seven-story building ..1956 was marked by ceremonleattended by representativesInterested groups throughoutthe state, Including GovernorRobert B. Meyner. Todschool has an115 students."

Mrs. Katharine

tt™PPr°?!, Of the b o a r H C l u b at Poster Wheeler Corp.;" Employees of Receiving and

Director of Nursing, commented on Mr, Gregory's Intenseinterest In Improving the qual

iffcred by the school, *"His support was the movln

(orce In obtaining nationalcreditatlon for our school,"said. "He encouraged us In ou:search fcr an expert faculty, _spite of a nation-wide shortag'if nursing Instructors, anstimulated the necessary re(inanimation of personnel an•unlculum. When approval!dent of the class of 1964.

le from the National LeagueNursing ln June, 1958. he

'Islted the «chool and personal-" announced this achievement• the student body."That his Interest extended

>yond the program and fa-Illtles tp the welfare of thetudents was pointed out byIrs. Rose M. Charming, asso-•late director of nursing educa-lon.


We wish to express our sin-cere thanks to our4 relatives,friends arid neighbors for theirkind expressions of sympathy,(heir many acts of kindness,the spiritual bouquets and thebeautiful tributes extendedduring our bereavement lnthe death ot our dearly be-loved mother, grandmother andgreat-grandmother and de-voted sister, Mrs. Anna Poll,

i to

CARD OF THANKSNICHOEAS SKftYPOCSKIWe wish to express our tin-

cere thanks to our relatives,friends and neighbors for theirkind expressions Of sympathy,their many acts of kindness,the spiritual boufluets and thebeautiful floral tributes ex-tended during out bereavementin the death of our dearly be-loved husband, father, grand-ftther. anfl devoted brother,Nicholas Skrypocskf.

We especially wish to thankev Jhf l H d l k


[ £ • ^ L a r ^ b l M l 1 5£"-:lln«DePt'Bw»:Bulck.oidsmc-abian, OB.M.;Rev. Dominic Manzo, O.S.M.;Rev. T h o r n * s CunninghamOJB.M.; Altar Boys; Miss Elea-





v i n / I . . . i ™ , rtmown, me nitar Doys, rroies-

v. Andrew A. Okal, pastor; sor Dlmltrl Ztzwortky. Klriloaltar boys, Nuns of the Domini- Kotllerewlch, Jaoko WIislowlczcan Order, the Slovak Altar

land Rosary _Soc!«te...and. theTtosarfths of the Sacred HeartRoman Catholic Church; the

I First Catholic Slovak LadlesJednota No. 184, Carteret; theFirst Catholic Slovak Men'sJednota No. 325, Carteret; Dr.C, H. Rothfuss; the CarteretFirst Aid Squad; Poster Wheel-er Corp., Carteret: 25-Year

decision as. follows;"Mr Gregory spoke of his

Interest ln the school the firsttime I met him. In the fewmonths I've been here I myselfhave seen his devotion andsomeone mentions It almostevery day

CARTERET—]_.fleers marked the

of of-ieetlng

of the Holy Name Society of,St. Joseph's Church. Chosenwere Thomas Mooney, presi-dent; Jack Ringwood, first vicepresident; Joseph Vernlllo, sec-ond vice president; John Mc-Nulty, treasurer; Joseph Casey,secretary, and Joseph Connolly,

I marshal.

Shipping Depts. of FosterWheeler Corp,; I.U.E., A.F.L.-C.I.O., Local 440; Foster Wheel-er Bowling League, Carteret;Employees at General Ainerl-clm and Storage Co., O.CA.W.Local 13-397, Carteret; Poodand Machinery Corp., Charles-ton, W. Va.; Food "and Ma-chinery Corp., Carteret; GultonIndustries, Metuchen; Loca'Union 487, Metuchen; friend!at Gem's Inn, Carteret; friend!at Rockman's Inn, Carteretthose who donated their carsthe honorary and active bear'ers; the Carteret and Rahwas

g p , Boys; BulckOldsmo-blle-Pontlac Assembly Division;Radio Communication Assem-blers Union m e ; City 5 and 10

°F g a n l r t : Tte Cen* Store; Bearers; Those whoNeighbors; American OU Co.;New York Bulk Sales, AmericanOil Co,; Ocean Tank Dept.,American Oil. N. Y. C; F.Schmelser Stapleton MunchService; Br|dge Club; Super-visors, Carteret Terminal; Of-fice Girls, Carterat Terminal;Relrrtmer Transportation Co,;The Bearers; The Carteret andRahwa"y Police Escorts and the

donated th?lr cars; The Car* y;teret Police Escort and the 8jm« fowieckl Funeral Home for sat-isfactory sirvlces rendered.

Family of the late,John J. Bcdnan.


We wish to express our sln-

and the St.'Ann Guild or St.Demetrius' Ukrainian Ortho-dMOhwcht Personnel "Dspt. ofMetro Glass Corp., Carteret;Gt B. B. A. Local 111 of MetroOlass Corp; Employees at theLaboratory of U. B. Metals Re-fining Co., Carteret; CarteretCommercial League at Ac«Uemy Alleys, Carterat; BowlingLeagueof U. S. Metals RefiningCo., Carteret; the neighbors ofLowell Street; Hlrlak's FlowerShup, Carteret; those who do-naftd their cars; the bearers;the Carteret and Linden policeescorts, and the Bizub FuneralHome for satisfactory services

Synowleckl Funeral Home forj«re thanks to our relatives,satisfactory services rendered.

FamUy of the late,Charles L. Trustrum

" i , moil v u CAflCOS UUI Bill- r r

cere thanks to our relatives,|beloved husband, father andfriends and neighbors for thejr "-—••• *


We wish to express our sin-

friends and neighbors for their'kind expressions of sympathy,their many acts of kindnessand the beautiful floral tributes

I extended during ' onrberBawi'ment ln the death of

rendered.Family of the JateNicholas Skrypocskl

CARD OF THANKSCHARLES L. TRU8TRUMWe,wish to express our sin-

cere thanks to our relatives,friends, and neighbors for theirmany acts of kindness, the spir-itual bouquets and the beautifulfloral tributes extended during

kind expressions of sympathy,their many acts of kindness,the spiritual bouquets and thebeautiful floral tributes extend-ed during our bereavement in!the death of our dearly be-loved husband, son, and broth-er, John J. Bednarz.

We especially wish to thankthe Rev. M. A. Konopka; Rev.Martin Komoslnskt: Rev. An-drew Okal; Altar boys; HolyName Society; Carey CouncilK, of C, .1280, Carteret; G, M.Anchor dub branch 67; PolishAmerican Club; 20 year dub;UA.W.CJ.O. Local 595; ProcessEngineering Dept.; Night ShiftBody Layout; Day Shift Tool-

son, Donnld Newman.We especially wish to thank

the Neighbors of CharlotteStreet; Rombler Athletic Club;M i t Dt Ft

Police Escorts and the Bizub our bereavement ln the deathFuneral H f ti


iliary will have their regularmonthly meeting in the Bor-ough Hall on Thursday Decem-ber 21, to complete plans forHoliday Teenage dance. Which

,- -j will be held at the St. Deme-enrollnrtnt ol t>tjus community Center on De-

cember 27, from 1 to 11 P.M.Admission free, dress properly,music by the Thundfttilrds.


Funeral Home for satlsfactorsservices rendered.

Family of the lateMrs. Anna Poll

of our dearly beloved husband,and brother Charles L. Trus-trum.

We especially wish to thank

Headquarters for

Fanny Farmer" ""HI'JIIIIB uic quail- noracu aiVUIMl urriUUVS i

ty nf the education program NEWARK — Two Carteret Iresidents have been elected tostudent offices at Rutgers Uni-versity College of Nursing.

Miss Loretta Anne Rogowsklof 18 Laurel Street, Carteretwill serve as 8tate Universitynursing college Student Coun-cil treasurer for 1961-62. MissMargaret Ruth Fedlam of 47Lowell Street, Carteret Is presl-



SANTA CLAUS IN A BATHING SUIT?It sounds ridiculous, BUT A SWIMMING POOLFOR CHRISTMAS MAKES SENSE, \ $2» de-posit will hold your pool, and WE'LL pay for theexcavation when you want it installed. Get abeautiful Gift Certificate to put under the tree.Thrill your family this year.

SANDMAR POOL CO.49 Tennysbn Street Carteret

* KI i-tito

? 'ft-^jeaSonS Kjreetina



Headquarters in Woodbridge


We will also be. OPEN CHRISTMAS DAY!

PUBLIC NOTICEPublic notice t» taerebj given that I, Maunder CatnDt, Oollwtw

of TMPJ or the Borough o( Carteret, Middlesex County, N. J. will Milat public auction In the Collector'! Office, ln th» Borough Hill OB th*37th da; of December 1961 at 10 o'clock In tni forenoon thi fallowingdescribed landi.

The tale will be made at the time and plut aforesaid tnd will \»adjourned from (lsy to da; u may be necessary until tht a l t Ucomplete.

The amount set forth below represent* a complete itttement ot allmunicipal charges agilnit tht property existing on December 31, IM0,together with Interest and coats on all Items computed to July 1, 1M1,to which turn there shall be added additional Interest eomputtd tothe date of u l e and cost of mile

The sate will be made ln fie to such person u will purchaM thtproperty subject to redemption at the lowest r»t* of interest, bat lnno case ln e i c u s of 8% per annum. If at the sale a perjon shall offerto purchase subject to redemption tit the rate of Interest leu than 1%,he may, In lieu of any rate of Interest to redeem, offer a premiumover and above the amount of taxes or other charges, at ln thl lawspecified, due to municipality, and the property shall be struck Offiinti sold to the bidder who offered to pay the amount ot U I M orother charges, plus the highest wnount of nremlum.

Payment for the sale shall he made btflre the conclusion of thlule, or the property Khali be resold.

Any parcel of real property, for which there shall be no other pur-chaser, win be struck off and sold to the Borough ol Carteret In fee. torredemption at 8%, and the borough shall have the same remedlM-andrights as other purchasers, including the right to bar or forecloet th*right of redemption.

The sole Is made under the provision of the Revised Statute! ofNew Jersey 1937, entitled "Sale of Real Property to Enforce Liens."Section S4-S-19 to 54-5-111. et seq.

At any time before the sale the owner ma; make payment of th*amount due, together with Interest and cost Incurred to date of pay-ment nnd which payment shall be made at the office of the Collectorof Taxes, Borough Hall. Cnrteret, N. J.

AUCXAKDSB COMBA.Collector of Taiea

Owner BlockSidney Brown . 12UElsie & James Carrlco 153Walter & Ethel Sltar & John J. Gordon .177Hlrnn Corp -„ 222Bronls!- va Dortlbroskl 251Btanlslnu Dombrowskl 269John Henry Brooks . „___ 272John H. Brboks 272John H. & Hattle M. BrooksZolton & Florence YuhisaO. P. 12/1-8-15-22/61



550-55427 Pt. 3221 Pt. 19




533 4519149822.50

mn743, SO410.11)79S.7J3S5.44348.21


PUBLIX PHARMACY91 Main Street Woodbridge

Open Christmas Eve Till 10 — Open Christmas Day


Beautiful Gift Decanters!Famous Imported and American


Seagram's 7 Crown...4.79 %(Decanter)

Schenley Decanter.... 4.79 %Seagram's V.0 6.40 %Four Roses Decanter 6.00 Qt.Hennessey Cognac .... 7.50 %Taylor Wines .! 1.6.Q *kChristian Bros. Wines 1.55 %

AlH Selection at Imported Wlnu






ORDER EARLY! JLay In a stock of holiday spiritsand be let (or a festive seasonof gradoiu hospitality, Winesand liquors m^ke happy lifts.

We Will Be ClosedSunday, December 24th

andMunday, December 25th

(Christmas Day)


FREE DELIVERY(9 A.M. to 5 F.M. Only)





ME 4Q809


Convenient Free Parking In R«ar



DIAMOND D I U M "A"Exquisitely carved end-placet hold two iMmrner-Ing diamond*. 17 |ew«l>.In yellow or white, *

_ DIAMOND DRUM "E"VCK y HltD fashion «ndplic«!f/\)4 twirl aroum the 2 spark-VJ/ ling dlamondi and blend

hito the expansion braca>

lot. 17 jewels, -

facsf-cut diamonds,

17 jewel precision accuracy.

High fashion jewelry styling.

DIAMOND DDEAM 'The luxury ol 4 qualitydiamonds and a t t y l l t lmesh bracelet. 17 j i w i l i .In yellow or white.

little as 1


Maintenance Dspt., P o t t e r **Wheeler Corp.; bellow Mechan-ics .Building No. 50-M InMercks; O.CA.W. Local 13-397;Employees of,Q. A. T. X.; Tor-ah Electric. Co.; Labor»tory[Service Inc.; John's TexacoService; Hlrlaks Flower* Shop;Co-Workers of Natvw; Wrlnj

[BquBd; The Bearers; The Cnr-teret and Rahway Police Es-corts and the Synowleckl Fu-neral Home for satisfactoryservice* rendered.

Family ot the lite,Donald Newman.




Only Bulova could bring you luchoutstanding styling and unmatched

precision quality for so low aprice. Each Diamond Dreim

watch is a masterpiece ofjewelry styling and watch-

maker skill.


See our complete Bulova DiamondWatch collection.

[pasasHss:All Service Work DoneOn Our Own Premises


\ j dinai'reeunac


94 Main Street ME 4-iose Woodbridge



Page 10: Churches Will Lead Holiday Observance; )LLAK …...ship in an effort to get the Board of Freeholders to take over and Improve important road links between the Borough and the Township

Bunny Levitt to PresentBasketball Exhibition

WOODBRIDGE - B u n n y |Levitt, called the "deadeye Dickof the basketball flourt" by,,|Sport Magazine and undisputedchampion of free throw basket-ball, arrives in Woodbridge to-(

morrow to stage one of his na-tionally famous basketball ex-liihitions at ":30 P. M. at theWoodbridfje Senior High GymtnidT the auspices of theWeodbrldge Recreation Depart-ni' nt and Leisure Unlimited.Bunny's appearance here prom-ise* to bring out a top-flightplnyrrs and fans, There Is no Iadmission elwrgft to «ee th i r lwizard of the hardwood caurtpive his demonstration of bet-,Iter basketball techniques.

Bunny Is the little mari whotossed the phenomenal total passing, dr ibtag. pivoting,of 499 consecutive free throws fence a r d d?ffnSf. He will


AAO record. In a later exhibi- get across his demonstrationstlon, he went on to shoot free of fundamental handling andthrows for 7ft hours straight, p lay

missing only two in 871 shote. Q n e of h i £ h l i e b t a ot j ^ .

•** ^ J ^ ae l n . r ' t f » exhibition wffl be the sho*.country with the "MJttoMl myi(i 0, ^

^ " • " M ^ S ^ h ^ V championship contest* ofMs specialty between halves ' " bringing theBlnce 1930, aUowtng *« J ^ g ^ ^ S S

2 L ^ L T L i n i n ^ M ^ h u s i a s t s . Shown In the*Mrjice as physical training <B- t h e m ^ NCAArector. Bunny has traveled the tf s£

^ ^ ^ ; tlOe contests, the East-All-Star battle, among

r s - I n c l u d e d ta " " * * f U m s

be those funny, fabulousXISX k Phenomenal Harlem dobe-

In hU appearance in Wood-j1™"*"-bridge, teYltt will feature the1

details of basketball shooting,Freeman foresees new gains

for farmers to '62.


Zenith Radio Corporation hasannounced its smallest andlightest hearing aid—weighingonly one-third of an ounctwith bnttery.

The transistorized unit, th."Signet" is s4 small that micro-scopes a r t required in themanufacture and assembly ofparts. This bebind-the-ear typeaid is available at your Authorbed Zenith Hearing Aid Dealer


CENTER175 Smith St., Perth Amboy

VA 6-4888(Nut to Rom Vbeatra)V* Bandit Batterlei and

Acceuorie* for Most Hearing Aid)

only ONEThere is

only oneWELCOME


30 years of experience fos-tering good will In businessand community life.

For Information onWelcome Wagon in



ME 4.8355If you reside in






ME 4-9340

Now 'til ChristmasAll our rebuflt

machines will be

reduced in price.

"Also on Sale-PORTABLES

We Can



ry Full Line of



Authorized Remington Rand Agency



> I









(vinf food itefn purchoMa on WMMMOT« I Iworth DOUMLf THE BWULAR NUMBS OF "2Cuyi" FOOD STAMPS. With ov«r a hun**dthoutood oint to choow frotn^ why not f t t theWidntidoy inoppinQ








y p p g and,bookt fatttr Inon tvtr btfort. Edchworth

I M r itamHMboek-


|831! BUTTER

In Trade In AnyDeportment


French Apple Pie

SWIFTS 1 7 1 *GOLDCKST t u p



10 to






GRAPEFRUIT TOMATOES 2 2 Q CRtd,Ript,finn Carton E f l 1 ^ ! ,




~~~^M^—^^^W^^^^^^^^*-^^" ^^-^










Bee*Blackberry Flavored














Fifth DRY 1.14I WHITE CAL 1.79







. I. •nmwkli.

^ Thn. W.



OiMM-it Ckmkm lO-oi. Pntid Mi I W .•VVWOM ^ratifb 7 ' A ^ L

ofebyCookiw,Thin k Minti

.•»16-oi.Pwon Sonditt IS-ot.



Page 11: Churches Will Lead Holiday Observance; )LLAK …...ship in an effort to get the Board of Freeholders to take over and Improve important road links between the Borough and the Township


\iiK.N - The New Jer-iI irlrphone Co. today

.„ ,i the award ol ai-itfttlon to John M.

.,„ m«t4illation foreman. at 10 Morris Street,

viiiwy. MI». Kiwsl wan,, „ Ministering first aid

.inrons lniured lasti in an automobile ic-

to Injured

r«i has been with their> yenrs and Li RI-

• „ Now Jcrsej' BPII'I.mrimmt force In Elui-

on West Ave-,IMI. Mr. Klerst wan„ the vicinity at tlir, \\vn he saw the eol-

i).-iiked his car and, tl» aceiid. After re-„ by«t*n<Wr to sum-,. mid au ambulance,! treated both Injured k.

'ni tliock and appliedand Dtndajfs to

,(T ted by both In th«

K ••••••< was commended, 'inn ln a letter to the

'mil Patioltoan Qeo-vry, I

" • r r 1

% School Dent.WOODBRIDOE - The Fi*.mm

0rt.hrsrhonlR MondRV 1«

7 U I

7" ; i ' ; r r o r «•'" Br...inan. M

'."V!"' M«rlon


'••"•'••II m u l M i , ,

M. K1IUST '"'

. . , , , , tainmr-ut siSl, | , , .','"" « vw>us eommtmitv

•'•''• i " l i d M r . M n r t o n N " «

" •"«<>* were M,-,, FriedaMM. Millar, Aarq» Mrs

" I-i«Ht7ei,. M,-s. nindv*"•!•. Miss Ni.ney r , w n , M r s

; •", S"clirlst. Mrs Hilda

eommlttmMrs. Onevlevr

Mi's- Christine Crrko'


Armv U _ . . ' - _ |when on* conslderi them__n C Q U u C S »' the soldier which I* to flg|r

I inywhert and unde any con

f mmnnivat int i d l t l o n " o n terrBln rltliln8 lml n U n U n l Z d l l O I l the frozen tundras to th»

soldier, work, eat and' II*1**"1* and "f1*"-1 ,„,. • . . . . i H u not wily the Army thai

.nwthrr and rire hlnnly »"»-,worrl(<s aboat Us personnel. Totn contaKlous diseasesK e a s e s , ^

To combat the nu.rd of In- p r C™U*" *W*i "'<"»"«•foci Ion In large PIOUW thelworWwldf whkh tre mdlienoni

> r t ^ l d hin

> l » r t ^ landf; thwe t8

" a i t o n l

• foci Ion In large PIOUW t h e l

Army is forced to give Its m e > , l » r t ^ landf; t h

nnd women in uniform ,m.;taternittonil. aanlUrjlimml/ntion BRBlnst specially! l 0 ? ' " t r e a I am,?n'1 "•••ontaglonsdlwaaes. y Including the Uptt,-d a t ^ S ,

... , under the world Health Or-Hie Army Medual Corps.gantfatlon which requires t

.arn-s rwry precaution to ral.v> immuni7.aU, jn o f lmelm „ , .Ilic dc»ree of etch uidlvldual-s:tWffn t l e Mgnaton na. »i.r«i^tam-. to disease By dolng lThls i t a t r r q u l r r s „„ 1IDll .,o it protects mllita-y person-|Mtlon oI U n l t e d s . , „ , ir i, • ,,»rl as well as iurrain.11118 com-lperronnf, bnf«4e th . c"* • •mum les from mass enemies !

s t a t l o n r d ,„ t h c s e c , , l l l U , ,

«n(|;hrtm*.rtalton.ifdlM!Mcs it launder this •• a:'"""''•'" t(1 tlK> u' l l t 0 ( l s t R ' « ' any American applv-n? tor a

To achieve' this end the passport to visit a to,cl»n I;, d•Amiys compulsory 'inmunizn- must first have a ream smaU-tion ivBirtniion r«iu;rpR that'pox vaccination ana then, meach recruit be Immediately particular, cases, shoi* for dri-vnccinatrd ngnlnst smallpox eases common to th.-i countryand thru be given i scrlas oflstich as yellow feve> ^nou lorshots nsninst, tjpr.i.id fever.1 those-going to Pa^ma andtftanus, polio and tnHucnza. Ishots against cho^ra, for

TV neod for it ;s, obvkous'travelcrs to Korea.

\ short whl)« Ufcr. , R i U l f y | l f t | )

•I • , o n < l l ( > » • „ . .-.mn-

r*n tb«-ard« WiinuK and hn-,.-

.. —-.— — - " ' < •"'" crHdP teachi-i.- .••vCy<yCvcycyC|*Po11* on the attlt-ide of rhild-—s . nr\ ri>ti t h i i n r H . ! „ , . . . . .

1 I Wfashion I low

;:^»e» for U* holiday,U Drliiisiiti, • simple but m a r t o f v h a l l1'r'i"l"

;:-,ser set. J i m y U a MIM Ruth ate!:. 5 lxlh r.l(1,.

'»rf rlir<''<i


Joanna Mazurek.

"*-ou\sa\s JieHcri

part In the senior curriculum at the university.

T V -

arr sch,iteach forrljtn latm'in

TODAY AND TOMORROWIhllli HintsChristmas Prescription

MILTON BERLE'S UPCOM- while lagging behind CBS lnING STINT as a siiest star on t he ratings, It Is the most prof-

to College doublp*iltable s l n g S e p r o g r a m a t N B C 'a test film for


i ri ! u ? l i ltofkd•.c»n do t«ibl* and at.> duty Vlth panU,

fc d l

t n n o u n c ' < 1

ln*-! be

The DKBrullj

tod long Our politicians *:<- perfectlyfamiliar »!:li »;i \i, qu^;)l)!15

.0/ the day The i !Vulty :s•g« modmtton ln thtt the? do«it r . v th< an-

'. '-ifltiOT. < m n . - Dublin 0;i:-

••(I i'-- 11 niimixT of other thlntjs'• - : .id to pay for, nnd more";•!•: *t bv not meetlr.t; one of• III1 ^ivmfii's th" amount Is<n ':'.: :<• that we will never Ret:h: : ;,-h pnvinit them. Thei:;.' ;'.t at present Is three1:m*--- ivhat an borrowed Don't'••'•: Mink there should he aIn v i.:alr,s: ^irh <-hl'eii-r.O

Worried WlJe-S CM.

! <•' t,k>. ly d o h i t a s liv.i/ fti

Berlc family , . . Speaking o(test films, producer Tony jOwen hopes that at least fourupcoming episodes of The Don-na Rwd Show will ''spin off"and become full-fledged serieson the.ir own. Stars Involved in-1

elude Mivoshl Umekl. RobertaSherwood, Gale Gordon, PatDre.ilin and Bill Windam . . .'.John .Bachelor Father'' For-<ythe aim the show's producer.

• Kveretie Freeman, have formed

Movies oelng such a hit, ABCmay reserve Sunday nighUnext season for a movie doublefeature. MOM, which hopes tosell ABC all the movies for* theseason, has suggested the net-work schedule one film from 7to 9 P.M., inset a 15-mlnute.newscast, follow .with a secondfeature from 9:15 to 11:15 . . .Warner Brothers has changedthe title of Its Timber Hill seriesto Sierra, plans to star MerryAnders and 18jyear-old new-

It would be presumptuous toofTer a run-ot-the-mill healthhint at a time when the spiritof Christmas—the spirit of theGiver of both life and health-is all around us. Surely it isiiifllcient to point out the great1

therapeutic advantages thatwould follow from putting intopractice the lessons thatChristmas teaches. Many illsthat assail us are traceable tophysical causes, which caneither b« avoided or overcomeOthers, as modern medicine sowell knows, are largely attribu-table to the states of our mindssnd the attitudes of our hearts.

Health Is a lorm of peace,

and 11., such It demands thoorderly disposition of all the,factors, somatic and psychic,which determine the characterof our living, touch physicaldistress -from ulcers to hivesand hypertension—is bound upwith fretful minds and rebel-

illous and untrunquil spirits.For all of these, Christmas sup-,plies an anodyne compounded

unselfishness, love, and will-ing service. It would be goodfor us all were we to put into,practice every day of our lives,the lessons which Christmas'oilers. . . . It would be Roodfor our health, and good for thehealth of the world.

Michael S. Newjohn, M.D.

Dominicans fall to reach ac:ord on new regime.

To you and yours, we «Wnd our bestwishes for a joyous Holiday Season and& Happy New Year.

For ourselves, we make thU pledge:We will do til we can to merit yourrontinupd confidence—for your confi-dence Is th» m>a«ure of our luocew


I ('Ml

LI 8-2141


A J W Trentt.aty (0 Serve

FUl tht "luiiu bow,with our appetizingftP<>f- Pfrfr! forptftlM, or IJU time

drr»p !n

Ckmtmt §*i a

hyw Nf* Year to all!


firm., from which1 m r » - *"""* ^"> three|>* mow- A rwn > l > i m g m a r r l e d couP!e5 in col-"is i^'best piaci'if '^e ForsytheMvIll not appear,

note .,r If YOU Have ; J J a vB i c h e l o r * a t l i e r - W

U y t 0 p V l J'1' JAN MURRAY HAS BEENll-'lt CAST IN A Hennesey episode

.-, by Jackie Cooper, wi:o hopes to

',<i!:i-ly widow .md ' l i r n liw s t o r y l n t 0 a Murray-.dad to ?.•'. In tiuirh starred dramatic series . . .

'.(.•.••:••• '.''.do-.u-r w 'n'Sat'irda.'.•• N'ljtht flt the MoviesIff Will •. ou help rr.'

I.. H -Cor.n


I Four Star for a TV version oi;the 1951 film 'The AfricanQueen." Miss Johns will playthe original Kathertae Hepburnrole. The test film rolls next IImontli . . The Powell-Nlven -Boyer Company aUo has Dean

! Jones set for an Ensign 0'iToole series and Jeff Davis for,'ofte called Patrick Stone.

I1;::t.n". a'.


t:ih cuhmn ..•find rr.a!i'5 for

1 ••••fir t « U c r t o

;:!(. ' I ! ; : :«! S t .• V a s h U ^ t o r , D . C

I::I A;•''•;..1 I'mart

K M : , . - : *•.:•".:•> J ' . S


Merry Christmas!




REM. LIQUORS#1 «n4K«Uy Street (Neit to Merit


ll,'t: Wili Iv-num Open1'iitii !» P. M Toniglit.I'D morn .'.'• ^ml Saturday

your last • Minute

IVY LEAGUE SHOP119 Main St. Woodbridp

Season's Greetings

To Our Many PATRONS,



ME 4-744.c


455 Avenel Street(In the Professional Bulldlnj)


vi;- -i

The l*l*-«l


I i l l . , i • H u t l i r r

> , , l ( . l I t i i i l l . r l

(,Ml ll .Hll.Irt <>1


Up Vouri I""1'! * '




To Our Many Patrons:In sincere appreciation of our pleasant 3

relationship through the past year . . . we j

extend a wish to you, our patrons, for a

.Merry (Ihrislmas arid a Happy New Year!

!14- %,

JUST jURRIVED!!A fresh supph of



! DIKO'SCities Service



The spirit of the holiday season brihjjs to1 us 1 •

<t fuller appreciation of the

true value of old acquaintances and loyal friendships. So

it iff only natural at (.liristinastiine for us to feel grateful for the fine

Relationships that we have enjoyed over the past yearp .

^ with so many of our friends and associate's At the same1 time! that .we cxpr,?*s our gratitudci

we woul«| like to extend our sijicerest Wishes,

for a joyful, healthful an<l bountiful Yuletide l<| all. '•






Phone MErcury 49776


/ , • • .

i '•

Page 12: Churches Will Lead Holiday Observance; )LLAK …...ship in an effort to get the Board of Freeholders to take over and Improve important road links between the Borough and the Township


The CrOW'S NcSt Timber JockeysAre Necessary

: Whfn a large hotrff l.« ready :o hittrail, only ths ma£l.*.<&"KJ, '•***-bpr jockeys sho-ilt! beto take it dc1*".

At the Typewriter I The woody r.ar/.Richard J. Rowlnski, 7 Iris removal in c;;r "

Place, Woodbridge, will - be ?iar.t heaaacr.eamon* Union Junior College than no: :; to *•••>» *«• •itudents who will entertain 40 P'««, °? ?•«« -_•"= *•" ' ° ^ ~cerebral palsy children at a» -cs.^fi . . . »«Christmas party this morning. c;;iav.or. ,«r. jatiThe students will provide small nea.-ov r.jtctf ».-.toys, games and refreshments ta:--for the young cerebral palsy™!**-. i ~ v « " ^ •»-Victims. Rowinskl, a sophomore a : d - L J ' - of'-<-U a Science major trr UJC Dsr ft k--Snuiar J**.session. . . Louis J; Munkacsy. :;<:-? o.' :hf Dt^T '-*:•«airman, USN, son of Mr, and C:- warrj KJVIL-H. l ie areaMrs. L. Munkacsy, 28 Mitchell :f>?rrj:i> 7#>?n vPlace. Avenel, wa.s graduated--he : e i : ^ a i a w in*recently from the basic Avla- r.:rr.?:>-rr.f: BCf.Tf «tlon Fire Control Technician ar." zlz~*c^ 2* siaaloSchool at the Naval Air Tech-or. :*o JiT'-ns.rnlcal Trainlni? Center, Mem- ; r.-.e firi s h x *phis, Tenn. . . Airman Second ei .<;*=« c? prcpf,- mmr-anc*Class Oeorge R. Collins. »n c:.-, i:k^ •JX'V&AS niU respm-of Mr. and Mrs. Michael M sii£i;r to: :u eajpioyce* »ncCollins, Mlehael Street. Isels. »d*;-aw r^1^ :^iiatr andIs being assigned to Lincoln'jropfrr tusivtAFB. Nebraska, after b e ^ : - j ^ eoctrtn tiwuid in-graduated from the Unittd j ; , . ^ «£££>•* re*States Air Force t*chc:ci: . , , l f (^.-j.^-;,.training course for rn^-ti* _,^_^.facilities specialist! at Step- i r X *

• pard AFB, Texas. Ainnar. Ccl- fL .: .Urw learned to operaw ti*Th6r and Atlas mlseile silo irrf Tf .*-hb0-aupport systemi, ;j * . ^ T f . ; ^ ^ ^ . ^

Jottings: :%0 ':ir- ^ 'ii"'e otrner ^

•WHAT'S FOR ME?" "Prince," pet dfpr friend ofJirk Wilkin«in in Northern Alknnquin Park, Ontario,liont tbr tranM-ontinental line of thi' Canadian National,ponders the meaning for him of the Christmas tfee theruide decorated for "Prince" and his other animal friends.Could be nn Christmas morning "Prince" may find somechoice hay and a supply of tasty apples awaiting him at

the base of the tree.

Mrs. Thomas C Branwg&r.. ocr. \ countHearthstone Avenue. Fords, your iree into lumber. Saw-

been assigned to OJf'JU rnillf won't cut city timber intoB, Nebraska, for training as lumber for tear of ruining ex-air policeman. He is a pensive equipment on nails.

•jaduate of Woodbridge High.. cables. «mem filling or otherMiss Joni Oberlies, Ridgedale imbedded foreign material*.Avenue, Woodbridge. is practice Some trees are worth sarvag-teachtag at School 11. Missing for firewood. Among theOberlies, a senior elementary best are oak. sugar maple, ap-education major at Fairleigh'ple and beach, but elm, silverDickinson University, Is teach- maple, cottonwood and manymg grade 1 under the supervi- others are acceptable if proper-slon of Mrs. Theresa Kraw- ly dried The arboriit probablycheck. . . Miss Catherine Anniean be prevailed upon to cutTnunbatore, daughter of Mr. the tree into small pieces with

ABOUT YOUR HOMEDuring the coming Cristmasj

iron by in the

thin slices of homemadeor the best bought fruit cakeyou can get. To get very thinpretty slices of fruit cake, putthe coke in the freezer until Itis very cold, then use a knifethat has bren dipped in hotwater. Re-dip your knife aftercuttlng

each slice.

D». —jether. You will want tobe prepared to offer your friendsomething unusual and delici-ous in the way of food anddrink.

Why not take up the custom!

Well!—Well!Marriage begins when you

sink In his arms and ends witharms in the sink. — AugustaGazette.

U.S. aides in Congo wanti

day. . . Among those listed on c r- ' rthe current honor roll at Rut- oewaren UVIC irWUpgers Preparatory School areCarol Hutner, Grove Avenue,Barbara Deutsch, High Street,

on handiteas.

The rarest teas that money |

FI t x ntf can buy can be yours *01 no ItilectS :\CIC UJfleers mon than a few pennies a pot. i

Exquisitely fragrant Jasmine .the bios-:'

and Steve Liroff, Devon Road,Colonia. . Valerie DeCasas, 262Main Street, Woodbridge, hasbeen awarded a music scholar-ship at Douglass College,will study voice. . .

Vital Statistics:


SEWAREN - The election ofofficers for the coming yeartook place at the meeting of


Rogers and



j m p a r t flavorj m p a r t flavorthe Sewaren Civic Association j w i l l m a k e a n i t wit l l y o u rlast week in the auditorium of:f!UestSi T h e t e a ln t n l s m i x t u r e

and fragrance,!hit with your 11

the Sewaren School. is Formosa Oolong.

Born at Perth Amboy Gen-era! Hospital: From Wood-bridgr, a daughter to Mr. andMrs. Alfonso Pagno, 454 School

a son to Mr.' and Mrs.Reutsch, 205 Green

Street; a son to Mr. and Mrs.Jamps Redlich, 141 High Street:a son to Mr. and Mrs. AndrewGabor, 58 Albert Street; a sonto Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Decker,271 St. James Avenue; a daugh-

The new officers are J o s e p h ; ' " ^ drinkers of" long standingThomson, president; Joseph tell u s t 0 r e s i s t t a k i n g l e m o nJohnson, vice president; Mrs,(Albert F. Matlack, recording!secretary; Joseph Segreto, cor-!grance


Jasmine as itfrom enjoying

will keepthe fra-

responding secretary andlioity chairman;Quackenbush, treasurer.

Plans were made fortree at the park with

' Another outstanding tea i*packaged under the name of.Bouquet of Spice tee. This is ai!very special tea with a fra-:"grance you associate with the I

Mr. Quackenbush as cha i rman .^hen on a feast day. It con-:|





SUN., MON., TUBS.Paul Newman

"PARIS BLUES"Audie Murphj


,A donation was voted to theI Sewaren Free Public Library.

AlmostIt's almost as difficult to live

tains Ceylon Black Tea and &'*combination of sweet spicesand a bit of orange peel.

Bouquet of mint is as deli-i1

cious cold as hot. Serve with ajter to Mr. and Mrs. .Robert'within an income today as itibit of lemon and the usual'Jenkins, 408 School Street;. . , 'was t o l ive without one in the ""from Fords, a son to Mr. andMrs. Andrew8treet; . . .daughter to

Olah, 2 Oliveearly 'Thirties, — MinneapolisStar.

sugar.Whatever your choice of teas

you will need nothing morefromMr.

Avenel, aand Mrs.

Norman Shockley, 6 East Street;

U.S. stockpiles hospitals foran emergency.

a daughter to Mr. and Mrs.John Thomas, 10 K Street; adaughter to Mr. and Mrs.p h a r l e s Veres, 10 BurnettStreet; . . . from Iselin, a sonto Mr. and Mfs. Ralph Carbone,1315 Qak Tree Road; a daugh-1ter to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baker, i91 W. Warren Street; • • . ajdaughter to Mr. and Mrs. Mi-chael Prslak, 129 Pleasant Ave-IHie; . . . from Colonia, a sonto Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ken-nedy, 1277 St. Georges Avenue;a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Al-bert Kabana, 154 Jeffry Road;. . . from Sewaren, a son to Mr.and Mrs. Edward Kobis, 28Sherman Street.

last But IVot Leatt:And now another Chifttmas

Is about upon us. It is a Seasonof good cheer. . . . Christrrlaslights are seen all around theTownship. . '. . Motherls busybaking fruit cake and cookies.. . . Jackie and little sister arewondering if they dftre peekInto those packages itiat havebeen stored in the hjtfl closet., . . Groups are rehearsing to gocarojjfig. . . . The shops arecrowded with last minute shop-pets. . . . The spare room isfilled with tissW paperi g a yCjjristmatf1 wrappings, ribbonsand scissors. . . ; Yes anotherChrlstma^ Is near. . . . I wantto take this opportunity ofwishing each and every one ofyou and your loved ones a veryMerry Christmas. . . R.W.


TODAY THRU SATURDAYUnique !YIovl(-Goins Adventund

"THE MASK"Experience thrills, clillis as you

view the screen throughKEEE MAGIC MASK


"PARIS BLUES"With Paul Newnun,

Joanne WoodwardPlus "THE GREAT WAR"

Starts Wednesday"LADIES' 'MAN"

Hoi Ofllce Open 6:30—Show Tilde 7:15

Sunday—Box Office 5:15—Shnw Time 6:311

~FREE IrTcar Heateqs


Woodbrldge, N. J.


"SUSAN SLADE"Shown »t T aqd 9


GROUPSEvery NightExcept Monday K 1 C7:30 to 11 P. M. 85<

50Matinee, Saturday,Sundays & HolidaysIM P.M. to 5 P.M.

SOUTH AMBOY ARENAStevens & 6th, South Amboy

RITZ TheatreCirtertt, W. ;, HI 1-W0


David l.add - Arthur O'ConneU

" M I S T Y "— and —

Stuart Whitman - Juliet Prowie


KlddiTMatlnee Sat. & SuuTlPMMatinee Man.. Christmas, 1 PM


Richard Boom - Vtaas Pit tcn

•'A Thunder of Drums"- Plus -

Strphen Boyd • Julletu Greco


KhTdle Matinee Sat. ii Sun. 1 PMMatinee New Year's Day 1 PM


Troy Donahue • Connie Stevens

In Technicolor


Maureen O'Hara, Brian KelUl,

S u n Cochran In





ROuTt 9 Junction ,



HI 2-0341

Paul NewmanJoanne Woodward





"THE MASK"Free "MASK" Viewer* to AU!



"PARIS BLUES"With Paul Newman,Joanne Woodward

Special Holiday KiddieShown Sat., Sun. and Mon.



Free "MASK" Vief e n to AU!

Closed Christmas Eve




"THE MASK"With Paul Steven*,

Claudette Neviiu"WORLD BY NIGHT"




^Hungarian Shaw"ChrutmM Eve—CLOSED







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4/5 qt. 3.S94








qt. 3q t :





Vj gal

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•A gal

Vt gal




Jiii'-<*. . -«, .


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Ml qt. 7I< % gpl. 1.48 full 0*1 2.4V

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M q l . «99 Kgal. 1.M fvflgal 1.15

MM • RtytJ DfMMw _• c_-_—_ai fb«_^




BOMfcwPreafja^ hea

N N M IHeafeall

Page 13: Churches Will Lead Holiday Observance; )LLAK …...ship in an effort to get the Board of Freeholders to take over and Improve important road links between the Borough and the Township



F'riii!d«ity to CommunityIndependent-Leader Carleret Press

Edison Township and Fords BeaconA Newtpap«t Dedicated to the BestInteresta of the Residents of the

Communities We Serve


iIHiK The or-,,,ini! the numberliquor licenses In


CommitteeMourns LossOfPublislwr


to <trir*John ;p r ,R t ( , r ( , s o l m l o i l s

In u » m«n j o r m feM.Chalrm*M HaitiI I !


Clough FailsTo Get Post

B. of E. Pays TributeTo Publisher's Memory

the,havf agreed »ni,i .*u«nlp UquorilniPR, but lie

,<um. said the fnlthfull> and nut,M-t1tn«iwf. Juit complexity .if n,,•(•mt(i

: 'lie uovrrnlnj community tuid'ai„,-,.mtivr o( bad krw* h'lm. lovt'd

nwn Evinko T ^ ^

ru-v to "Pk*»«i resolution*.••,COliflM_hl;;wmi i m H Pay,.

nf UW

itcd out th»t lollows:

Buddy Harr ' V r-u'h-'M'-r-d uid nr » .i ? , K \ . . " " 'T a i r w i n l l e r s o f t h f Woodbridife Elks'annual Leadership Contest, were

»,,h ,.h.Tk, hy Malted Ui.ler Franrlt Van Dalen at Woodbrldcr High School earlier this week,n Lo i i l Mi C l k E V

y er ranrlt Van Dalen at Woodbrldcr High School earlier this week.«"..„, .m-lndf, |>r. John Loio. principal, Miss Clark, Exalted Ruler Van Dalen, Mr. Fair and Miss Mary

Connolly, vice principal.

Of C l m i l i ^ ci-iKHhough there December 10. i9tii *

. .^ 'utorrt In v* penonal ground* 'i,i-. »rr 70 Uyern« ! i w r r o w t 0 ,hl, h , . ( r , ( |,

::.'Td to »fll W-jtltudc Of friend* is to th' ' ' brtdgr Rt'<|pvf|i)pm>nt

Robert I i n InentimRblc iu.i» xhi: iiri-rnfully to brW(ff

t»bl*d, urflnt irmtflulh. >, dv to kppOlntvtK. ikiilful nnd v... 'Miriy Uu> mat-jduct of IU ihU-I <-i

r l , •• hr Mid. "tolconferrrd di/itm., tl it would bejAif-ncy »nd Us dm:

. 't.r study evvnttUiblt\h ni it* f.! th* <Wbton: public. • to wmt y**r "itgm thr r»^.i,t o< <

• -Aid would be of u l r •Ri'dcvcloynii-.i!to the Towiuhip i>[Mr Orwory h»j

;fkHl within

">• ( I I ,


Ac( onl Seen Town Files Civil Action

In Free Lands Against Tuscan Oil Co.An iui-w- WOODBRIDGE—A civil ac-of on his part.Hie Town tion complaint against the' "3. The defendant has failed

quick revealed today.

ri|>a! practices which revealed

•.•mountmid end of delivery.

The complaint reads as fol-ilinn: i

1 fin the 22nd day of Jun-1

uary. 1959. at Woodbrtdge, N. J.,|

|into an aweement and|

jMiddlesex a n i ,,i|.i,i!d sell and deliver to,

vr Pipe Line Cmil- Oiu-ai;!'. Main Street, Wood-pi!.', 't;e Tu*-,uunt I'.pe hridm1, N. J,, within a reason-!I.U..- ('--impar.v and tlu-. blt" time, quantities of fuel OilTd'-Wiiter l*lpe Line and that the plaintiff should

- |)(iv the defendant therefor,tin- c.ii.diiiijiuiy upon the delivery of said fuelher- .i..if!cr m-'ii- oil at the rate of .1145 per gal-

f Kducntlon Tuscan

I n riln ptuw.uuIhr Ht«tr ofCotintr of Vtlddti'v.

M • n y tnirinii »ndWooriOrld

•W " hr C»ll"'d h.,m.-M

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lutur and UnJr LooU > u ' u h l r

Jn IU nWri'.ri>!ld Df It fith*( » copy «

m At-ni*:i of the AT->r Huihe* Com-

rfeent niber-

ciiartr;of in .

n* Bonn;lMt(ir\ '

,iU" uftherelnim,a ill likelytjeinii now IPORTREADlMi

,uid it oe-ipimon o


when nil c»r1 but at th#«w-Ho«d »nd fifth

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clwr»lflnt rcnduwii-s nf i.nnUmr

A ChrusiuM.?*•» held


niit ol the

it is oin

wish tlmt you

Amodio Gives\ ear's Report


W(X)DBRIDaE - Efforts ofRoy Mundy to secure the ap-pointment, of Arthur CloughA d a m s Street, WoodbildReOaks section of Iselin to theBoard of Education for onejmonth, proved fruitless last!night.

Mr. Mundy's action came af-ter tlie Board officially acceptedthe resignations of the Board'spresident, Francis Wukovetsand Robert M. Vogel, with re-grets. Mr. Wukovets' resigna-tion came from • Venezuelawhore he was transferred by hiscompany. Mr. Vogel will be-!0mc the First Ward, represent-ative on the Town CommitteeJanuary 1.

Mr. Vogel wrote:"It is with mixed emotions

Hint I tender my resignation asa member of the WoodbrldgeTownship Board of Education.

"I enjoyed my work on theBoard for the past two yearsand I hope, that ln some smallmeasure, I helped provide bet-ter educational facilities for thechildren of the Township.

"On the first of the year, asyou know, I will take over mynew duties as First Ward rep-resentative on the TownshipCommittee. The TOW admin-

developmcnt code ln the iown-l'

, WOODBRIDGE--The Boardiof Education last nisht, passed • ••ja resolution on the death ofI Charles E. Gregory.

It reads as follows: ,"Whereas. Charles E. Gregory •

editor and publisher of The••--Independent - Leader departed

WOODBRIDGK - In an ef-(tnls llfe> o n December 10, f.961.-!ort to tighten the building;and *

Building CodeIs Amended

>hlp. the governing body at Its' "Whereas, Charles' E, Gregory

regular meeting Tuesdayintroduced an amendment tothe subdivision code.

This amendment wouldqulre that developers in thefuture p r o v i d e all improve-ments or post enough cash totake care of Installing streets,sewers, curbs, gutters and side-walks before residence con-struction has begun.

The final vote on the meas-

duriiiR his lifetime served theBoard of Education In an of-ficial capacity as an advisor tothe Board on many occasion!

r e" I and unofficially advised theBoard and championed thecause of the Improvement ofpublic education In this Town-ship and School District, and

"Whereas, Charles E. Gregoryln one of his last editorial ef-forts suaported and to a greatdegree assisted ln

ure has been set for a public,pub]lc approval of

Oil Co, Inc., Wood-;and refused to deliver the saidSchool bridiic has been filed by thtjfuel oil, or any part thereof, but

pifN'iited to Su- Township in County District I nevertheless has tendered aliid/f Frank Kini; Court, Lewis S. Jac.Voson, spe- statement of charges in the

in rial counsel for the Township, amount of $70.17, which amounthas bepn. paid by plaintiff on

his annual report to the Town1

The suit is for recovery of'the 23rd day of January, 1959,

fire alarm boxes, where deemedpractical An advisory opinionon the impact of a requestedsubdivision of schools would berequired from the PlanningBoard after it had discussed

istration has pledged closer co-operation with the Board ofEducation and because I know,first hand, the myriad of prob-lems facing* the Board I expectto be of assistance.

Amodio, Purchasing Agent, inj "i want to express my sincereappreciation to the other mem-

Committee Tuesday noted that berS of the Board of Educationhis department this year issued5,153 purchase orders for ma-terials for the various operatingdepartment* of the Township.

"Based on a ftve-day week,- -, . Based on a ftveday week,17 for fuel oil which the;whereby plaintiff has suffered|this averages approximately 20

WMIS Township alleges was never de-,damages to the amount of individual purchases per day,"livci't-d. The action arises

csult of the Town Com-jtional amounts as may be$10 ODi! DC m l t t | i | ' investigation into muni- closed.'1

as $70.17, and such other addi- Mr. Amodio noted,He also stated that of

,« d-iiverv slip which it is ^Mttyor Adams Numedlr.:crl ri'gisit'red the same I . ,

of oil at the beginning To Housing AuthorityWOODBRIDGE — Mayor

Frederick M. Adams, whiseterm of office expires on Jan-ary l, was named a iof h ^o t e ^HuMhtfA

thf plaintiff and defendant en-| thority for a period'of fived t d effective as of October

it was mutually agreed j 4 | l a s t a n d terminating onthem that the defend-! October 4, 19611.

Mayor Adams will take thepkintiff at the Township, p i a c e of Renald Bertolami,

Port Reading,has expired.

whose term

the;otal amount of $1,040,200 al-located in the budget for otherixpenses "only $923,849.85 hasbeen ommitted, leaving anunexpected balance of $116,-350.15."

"In addition to the line itemappropriations," the reportconcluded, "there was an addi-tional appropriation of $208,984for Capital improvements, ofw h i c h approximately only

the school administrators anddepartment heads, teachers, theBoard's secretary, Mrs. HelenAnderson; school secretaries,Janitors and other personnefor their cooperation and assis-tance during my tenure on theBoard."No man ever worked with afiner group of people."

In making his motion to appoint Mr. Clough— which waseconded by Clyde Edrington—Mr. Mundy said he did not feelIt was good policy to conductBoard business without a fullcompliment of members. Mr.Mundy then read Mr. Clough'squalifications and educationafter which John Felz said:

"I sincerely think this should

$202,048.60 has been expended,leaving a balance in this ac-count of $6,935.40. The total a-mount of monies unexpended inboth accounts will therefore a-mount to $123,285.55."

obtaining.r r r the Bond

learing on January 2. , I s s u e appr0Ved on December 8,The amendment would also 1961' which will result in re«

over street lights, utilities, and moving double session* In ourhigh schools, and

"Whereas, the Board and theSchool District are indebted toCharles E. Gregory for hi» un-selfish and dedicated devotionto the advancement of educa*

the matter with the Board of t l o n l n W o o d b r tdge,Education, according to theordinance.

In other matters the Com-mittee adopted a resolution ask-ing the Planning Board to ex-umine the ordinances effectinggas stations in view of recom-mendinR changes. 'It was sug-gested that 4,000 feet betweenstations on the same side ofthe street and 2,000 feet be-tween stations on the oppositeside of the street be considered.

This request came after anumber of persons have askedfor permits to erect gas sta-tions. Three have been receivedin the last three months for theintersection at Lake and Sky-line Avenues.

Residents of the area have

t h e i "Now, Therefore, Be It Ife-solved 1. That tribute is herebypaid to the memory of CharlesE. Gregory for his untiring ef-forts on behalf of the Board ofEducation: 2. That a copy ofthis resolution be incorporatedin the minutes of the Board:3. That an appropriately em-bossed and permanently pre-served copy of this resolutionbe forwarded to'Mrs. CharlesE. Gregory."

[mitteeman David T. Miller de-clared "we don't want gas sta-tions on all four corners ofevery intersection,"

be given serious thought beforeanyone is embarrassed by beingturned down."

Voting against Mr. Cloughwere Messrs. Bihler, Felz, Hah-derhan, Mullen and Mullin.


thony's Holy Name Societysponsors teenage dances in theshurch basement each Fridayfrom 7:30 until 10:30 P.M. Allteenagers from the Woodbridgearea are welcome to attend. Inaddition to the usual refresh-ments, special Christmas ac-tivities are planned for tomor-row night.

Charter Study Commission Plans BudgetWO 0 DB R I D G E — The of the Political Science De-

ll. On the J'ind day of Jan- [charter Study Commission- has partment of Rutgers Universityuary, 1953. and at various timesjdecided upon a tentative budget a n d discussed methods of pro-

" ' " "" cedure and the problem of hir-, , . ing a professional consultant inthe fuel oil and pay'TowUj Committee for approval, t b e f i e W o f municipal charter

for the same according to the'it was announced today. revision." u ' r

<rwmenl.of which the defend-1 David Pavlovsky, FortU at-

mission will be officially swornin by Township Cleric B. JDunigan next week.

'•'" ant has had due notice, and the torney, chairman of the com-"yDlamtlff has otherwise per-1 mission, reported his committee

vntillrd to J m c d l l l l t h l . conditions there-imet with Dr. Benjamin Baker

Plans were made to meet


Santa Claus, valued at $10, wasstolen from the lawn of Mrs.

with charter groups hi Qther prank Lattanzio, Grove Avenuemunicipalities. The local com- Tuesday.

Zoning Variance GrantedCommitteeman David T Ni-j

cola was granted a zoning vari-ance which would allow him toierect two stores on .Green!Street, Iselin, in a residential!urea. The Raritan Oil Companyof Nixon was the low bidderand was awarded the contractto supply 75,000 gallons of fueloil at 10.8 cents a gallon. Sin-clair Refining Company was a-warded the contract to furnish125,000 gallons of gasoline formunicipal vehicles next year.

Sanitary sewer contracts forBrown and Montgomery Ave-nues were given to the KattCompany of Eatontown on itslow bid of $38,046. A CestoneCompany of Glen Ridgethe lowest bidder of the threesubmitted for the constructionof a sanitary relief sewer onWoodruff Avenue, Iselin.

Tout lotHit meant wmuch to the l»dr In ToUrUlt. . . 8 howi her TOOeire! W« htu til hwl»ToriMi. . . . fresh ni

•utllull Anjone t umal» • nlrht out t real"OCCHIOB"!



Ml AmboT *n- HE «-!«•»


Buy in Colonial

Novelty Gifts ^TinselGarlandTree BulbsFilm & CamerasFlash BulbsBatteries "'Glitter iGift Wrappingand Ribbon


&FTSAll the Stamps Yoi| Need For Your ChrisUinaB Mailing uyin Colonial

VERY SPECIAL!Men's & Ladies1


A Once in a Lifetime Buy!

OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY, DEC. 24thfrpm 9 A.M. to 10 P.M.


"The Pharmacy With the Drive-In Prescription Window"

Fines t Per fumes in Area• Gift Sets> WalletsI ClocksI Games% ToysI CigarsI Cigarettes

Fanny Farmer




Kiddie Watches


COLONIA DRUGS' Come Visit U. In Our Beautiful Spacious New Pharmacy

5 « , ,N MAN AVENUE « - — - ™WNU


Page 14: Churches Will Lead Holiday Observance; )LLAK …...ship in an effort to get the Board of Freeholders to take over and Improve important road links between the Borough and the Township


f l|t CO trterct | l r e s sCHARLES EDWYN GREGORY

November 27, 1904 — December 10, 1961

The Independent-Leader and Edison TowntblpFords Beacon published weeklj on T h n n d i j

18-20 Green Street ME 4-111]Woodbrldse, New Jernej

The Carteret Preii published weekly on Frldnj651 Rnnsevelt Avenue R| l-idOO

Carteret. New J e m ;


Vice President and Treasurer

By Carrier, 10 Centi Per CopyHnbMHptlon rates by mall, Indpdhjj postage,

one year, $4.00; Hi m<mthj. tUi; three month*» . » ; MnUe copies by mall, 15 centi. All payableIn advance.

h There a Santa Clam?(Herewith is one of the most illustrious

editorials in the history of journalism. It waswritten by Francla P. Church, and was firstprinted on September 21,»1897, in the NewYork San.)

We take pleasure in answering at

once anB thus prominently the com-

munication below, expressing at the

same time our great gratification that

Its 'faithful author is numbered among

the friends of The Sun:

Dear Editor: I am eight years old.Some of my little friends say there Is no

Santa Clans.Papa says, "If you see it in The Siin, it's

to."Please tell me the truth; is there a Santa

Clans?"VIRGINIA O'HANLON115 West Ninety-flfth Street

Virginia, your little friends are allwrong. They have been affected by theskepticism of a skeptical age. They donot believe except they see. They thinkthat nothing can be which is not com-prehensive by their little minds. Allminds, Virginia, whether they bemen's or children's, are little. In thisgreat universe of ours, man is a mereinsect, an ant, in his intellect, as com-pared with the boundless world abouthim, as measured by the intelligencecapable of grasping the whole truthand knowledge.

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus/He exists as certainly as love and gen-erosity and devotion exist and youknow that they abound and give toyour life its highest beauty and joy.Alas! how dreary would be the worldif there were no Santa Claus. It wouldbe as dreary as if there were no Vir-ginias. There would be no child-likefaith then, no poetry, no romanceto make tolerable this existence. Weshould have no enjoyment, except insense "and sight. The eternal light withwhich childhood fills the world wouldbe extinguished.

Not believe in Santa Claus? You

might as well not believe in fairies.

You might get your papa to hire men

to watch in all the chimneys on Christ-

mas to catch Santa Claus, but even if

they did not see Santa Claus coming

down what would lthat prove? Nobody

sees Santa Claus but that is no sign

there is no Santi Claus. The most real

things in the world are those that

rienHef children, nor man can see. Did

you ever see the fairies on the lawn?

Of course not, but that's no proof that

thej| are not there. Nobody can con-

ceiv^ or imagine all the wonders that

are unseen and unseeable in the world.

You tear apart the baby's rattle tod

see what makes the noise inside, but

, there is a veil covering the unseen

^opd which mot ^he strongest man,

nor even the jjinited strength of all the

strongest men that ever lived, could

tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry,

love, romance can push aside that cur-

tain and view and picture the supernal

beauty and glory beyond. Is that all

real? Ah, Virginia, in all this world

(there is nothing else real and abiding.

No Santa Claus? Thank God—he

lives and he lives forever. A thousand

years from now, Virginia, nay ten

thousand years from now, he will con-

tinue to make g|ad the hearts of child-


Enthusiasm of taxpayers in the 16"paying" states may be tempered,however, by that "after-Christmas"feeling that rolls In with the bills thatfollow Yuletide spending splurges. For,collectively, it costs them from $2.14to $1.04 to make up the disparities inthe Federal aid distribution. The pay-ing states and the cost of a Federal"aid" dollar in each are: New Jersey,whose taxpayers paid $2,14, the high-est, for each Federal aid dollar re-ceived; Delaware, where the cost was$2.01; Connecticut, $1.83; Maryland,$1.53; Pennsylvania, $1.41; New York,$1.40; Michigan* $136; California,$1.34; Indiana, $1.34; Ohio, $1.24; Wis-consin, $1.19; Illinois, $1.18; Massa-chusetts, $1.16; Virginia, $1.05; Flor-ida, 51.04.

Ironically, these states find them-selves financing some states whichoffer tax inducements to lure theirtaxpaying industries away.

• The chief beneficiaries of a near $7billion-a-year program of Federalprogram of Federal grants-in-aid tostate and local governments are theremaining 35 states. In 1960 they re-ceived "bargain" grants from the Fed-eral Santa Claus that cost thjir tax-payers from 16c to 99c for each Fed-eral aid dollar received.

The state-by-state estimates arebased upon calculations by the NewJersey Taxpayers Association relatinggrants received to the Federal aid taxcost falling within each state. Theseshow that the taxpayers of the 15 "aid-ing" states paid an estimated $4,364,-400,000 in Federal income and othertaxes as their share of the nationalcost of the total $6.8 billion Federalaid programs (in fiscal year 1960).They received $3,268,300,000 in suchaid. In the 35 other states taxpayerscontributed $2,454,700,000 toward the:


This writer has received theollowlng important medlca In-formation from the Committeeon the Control of InfectiousDiseases of the American Academy of Pediatrics - this Infor-mation will ctarlfF the generalconfusion now existing In thebubllc's mind regarding the use

or the oral

Report from Washington

Cuba Receives Weather E q u i uFor Valuable Meterological Data


t«r or deep™ t0 tl'l*


i f 1

poliomyelitisUse of Salk-

oral polio vaccine hasrecommended by the AmericanAcademy of Pediatrics' C6fn-mittee on the Control of In-fectious Diseases.

The Academy does not recom-mend that oral vaccines "be

WASHINGTON. D. C - De-"n*)ftry

spite what amounts In almost T™ "xplanntia full embanto on normal trade w.?rry s 8lmP'e. Thebetween this country and C u b a , m M * [f*d> P'ovlrinthere Is one type of material ' f l , " , . " 0 1 1 . f n i

still being srnt to Premier Fidel I,n.tAu\ nf Castro's Island bwtlnn with theT S I foil knowlediw and oliwln*.. ofbeen!'1!" knowledge and DIMWIT-IRA of:,

the State and Commerce De-jCShv

leaf inare reportedlyductlon



That consist* of helium ftnd^om1

m!^_M*r^t, *•)„,.,, ,,related material needed for;? ttntJ * <lMnomir.v.i.,|weather data collecting stations!?'"!7 ° member mn.:in Havana and Camauuay. ?!Havana and Camauuay. I 1,

Such shipments were started RCWplini!

used for routine" immunization}^ |n 1 9 4 4 , M p t f t o f t h euntil all three of the oral yaccjWorlrt jjeteorqlogicnl orgtni-l t become available • - . . - • . • „ . . =available.

sources, the V.pie fear the dfpose -a


cine types become •™"»°«- ffltloh sponsored by the UnltedT . . ,the pediatricians' statement an- Qm fflr Jn l ( l rnat loru l m t e r - i " ^ 1 £ o n t i Aboutnounced *t the Academy i n - , ,fhgng(1 6 f w p a t h f r information.!01 l.he l! , a «"P is n< vternatlonal headquarters. U n - ^ U n | t M 8 u t M andproduced for shlpim-itil thl» time, the. continued use1

of the polyvalent Salk-type vaccine Is recommended."

Cuba are among the 110 mem-bers of WMO., Tlie declMon to continue rop-

At present the oral vaccine plj.|,m Cuba with the materialii manufactured for protection iWM reached by 8Ute andagainst two types of polio, but;commerce after a review ofType 3 attenuated oral poliomyelitis vaccine l» not yeavailable. 'country and Cuba The depart-


.con(|ition8 dictated by deterlor-relations between this


customers t l .and Ocrm.iiiy

mbntantUI loss "„Ul lnS

market , to otherwoud have a seriousthe tobacco trartr \vrfeel.

8CHOOI.H AND SUM T| RsCivil defense pih

lOOklni to the use nadapted schools HIcenters In the pvnv

•It used on Individual patient m(,nU concluded that the heli-osis," the child specialists u m i n j o t i , f r iruppllea coulditatedi the live polio vaccine have n o possible military alg-loaes aomr. of IU advantage over,niflo»nce—thus represented no.the Balk-type vaccine. The on- ganger to this country—and]'11**11 •n0U1(i come «•ly present recommendation for w m t ^ important In the; oehooli ofun sr'cthe use of the Type ipwlfk oral. Wfather data pictures to be dl»- iuluW<1 nnictun <,vaccine for mass Immunization continued. jpurpose In raid's/Is during periods of epidemic The helium Is used tori1*1* offI<-l»U tntd

I poliomyelitis where the pre-iWCftther balloons holated dallyi The Pentagon1., ,-,,Ivalent vims type Is Type 1 or fronl the Cuban itntiona to'offlc« u consider;:::Type?" 'pick up meteorotoRlcal infor-lbllu'' that the K«l.;;j The Infectious Diseases Com mntlon which is trantmitW to m e n t * m W H*-'- 'Imlttrr explained Its reasons Miami and rebrcioVast from!0' •d*P t ln« "•')">"'•• 'behind the statement on mass lr,rre t0 various weather at»-! 'immunization: tlons throughout 'the country

Under the Capitol DomeBy J . Josepft GrlbbliJ

1. Most paralytic polio now nI,d t n e rest of the world.occurs In persons wh6 did not cubii is regarded as being In


U^M r .... ^ _ ^ . ^ m _ fenae Secretaryreceive the Balk vaccine, and g (strategic location to pick" upj l l I v e dfcld(><l tu a^intensive efforts are needed to s u ch lnformatlbn earlier than!ior mo'lfjr t0 ««••saturate a community, a pro-jtatlons In the United States,oedure, necessary in using oral pgrtlcularly during the hurri-types. I cane season. That value was

community experl-!amp|y demonstrated recently

total program, while these states re-

ceived $3,550,800,000 in Federal aid.

TRENTON - Hundreds ofChristmas gifts In the form ofimportant State Jobs with lu-crative salaries will soon bedistributed by Governor-elect!Richard J,

Hanging on the Christmastree of the new Governor thUyear will be eleven of the fourteen cabinet posts and numer-ous positions to be filled eitherby reappolnting Incumbents, orselecting new officials to pro-mote the new regime. Includedalso are Judgeships, prosecutor*ships, directors of various Statedivisions, and membership on

agencies,!•alar led,some of which are

and some honorary.

Mail Those Christmas PackagesIt is already late to mail Christmas

packages to some servicemen ^"vari-

ous parts of the world, It is close to

the deadline, even though Christmas

is ten days away, to mail Christmas

packages to distant points in this


There is always a glut in the mails,various board* and

beginning about two weeks before

Christmas, and inevitably, some pack-

ages which are mailed in the last two

weeks pri6r to the year's principal holi-

day are not delivered for enjoyment

during the Christmas holiday.

The same advice pertaining to

Christmas packages is true concerning!

Christmas cards. Therefore, if you

have not mailed your cards or your

presents going to distant cities, or

overseas, get them off now

March fifteen lucrative Jobslteenwill be handed •-•-» ir, *j«-ti atthisdoxen appointments may be!with the

by the new Governor,'individualMay the number will ln-jare distn'uuiru

tventy-two, including!to keep top

members will comprise

In ami

for production ofanti-missile mly;;.

The Kennedy Artn;:: •and the Elsenhrm-r: A.!tratlon before it •, :

meet monthlyand submit


other,up to dale'

coutv tax board appoint- on all matters of State lmpor-inanyments on the first day of themonth.

Fifteen more appointments nor

and to prevent overlap-,of Aoik. Many of Guver-

Meyncr's cabinet members

epidemic of polio.'^hen an early warning came,imultaneous saturation".pn Hurricane Carla, believed to l t o a l low ("V('n • "il"

offers the best op-,have reduced to a slgnlncantjPrwluctlon of tl;r "lo control the s p r e a d . , | m the low of life, and'-"itl.mlisile m^ii ,

of the wild virus. !property from that storm. |m o r e tost^ >problems of packag-, Consequently-at leant u n t l l j ^ ^ ^ j J i I J n . 1 N

*fJenMve! would forces cftanfie of official1 P«KldPm Ker..^ .to vaccinate one cjrflfl ut a time, thinking hero—Cuba will con-! w l l l l * m E d w» : t'' s "with live vini'./and this ap- (yn u e to get the weather equip-iPr™flent °} °"proach loses the value of the

"1"1 sh('" lifp muk'v

seven In August and one lniSeptembrr when the patronagebag will be closed for the year.:However, the Governor willhave sixty-three other appoint-

to various boards and

terns after the"**


ment from Uncle Sam even if-Ohlo. M the i.'i:the island doesn't get1 much 1 1 0"* P h ^ P J

T!ie Pediatrics committee re-ieis, » long as Castro holds1 Th* M'lect!":i

Iterated1 "The child should re- !s v a y , , ,continues thr Ad

eeive Salic- - type vaccine 1n-

ernor-elect Richard J.

day of the year. Theposts, are strictly

Twenty-five major appoint-ments to cabinet posts and di-vision directorships will be,,made by the new Governor Injcarry no salaryJanuary All require Senate less are In great demand.confirmation. In February, the O th p i t m e n t

Huishes c'u<1in" booster doses, until Possible admission ofsuch a time as all three typos ada t\nd Rliodesla to the Euro.

!trend of U4i,4 •Can-;diplomatic p<>iu ;:. A

He will repl»' r j , : :of live attenuated vaccine be-, i*an Common Market la a mat-lerson, who Is :«•

fEfatlon and wh;ch will keep


The committee also emplia-sized action by Academy mem-

'Untll the time comescommunity - wide pro-


Ho-Ho-Ho, TaxpayersIf taxpayers of 15 kates, Including

New Jersey, believe it better to give

than to/receive, they may find seasonal

joy in realization that they are financ-

ing a huge Federal Government "Op-

eration Santa/Claus" (hat showers

bargain Federal aid dollars upon 35

other states.

Commies and YouthHarry Winston, vice chairman of

the American Communist Party, said

in Moscow recently that the party

hopes to work through progressive';

youth clubs now studying Marxism-

Leninism,at many universities.

His statement came at a time when

many college students in public de-

bates, open forums, etc. were either

defending the activities of students

at the San Francisco riots or con-1

demning them.

It comes as a shock to, sober, mature

Americans to hear any college student

today defend fhe conduct of students

who took part in the mob and com-

munist tactics used by communist agi-

tators to disrupt the congressional

hearings in San Francisco. J

But in Moscow Winston told the

Soviets that "new trends among Ameri-j

can youth . . . have roused special!

hopes among us." This is sorry com-'

ment on the youth who are arousing

these hopes.

In considering these statements and

the trend'among some college students

in recent months, concerning nuclear

tests and many other things, it is well

tb keep in mind that students, tradi-

tionally, go in for extremes and ex-

cesses, which latef in life they growj

beVond and which they themselves

later view as amateur or idealist, but

impractical, nonsense.Thus we can discount some of the

misdirected energy and enthusiasm.But there is another segment of thecurrent youth trend that cannot bedismissed so lightly. The Communistsare using some hard-boiled and thofoughly indoctrinated agents and sym-pathizers to convert college studentsto the Marxlat-Lenin line.

Colleges and universities which findsuch students in their student bodyshould not hesitate to expell therrt

Governor bu, un«Q " [ - J ^ ^ ^

^ f f i , r . o ^ X ^ n f ™ «» * undertaken with-of Uw and Pub,,, Safety, a i u ^ * £ ™ « J ^ ^

connrmauon. in rearu«>, «« | On the appointment calen- "* ,rii p n u l ( ° e ld",bers are encouraged to u.w andGovernor will have only two dar.JJughes will first tackle t h e / " -U l l y jpromote tlie use of the poly-appointments to make, while information of his camnet. Four- Tlie proposed new State v t t ] e n t Salk-type vaccine"

' agency would be the Depart-; However, If their communl-ment of Urban and Suburban;Ue8 should undertake mass lm-Aflairs, fifteenth in the State l m u n l z a l l o n programs with liveGovernment. In his inauguraljpono virus, the Academy urwedmcs.we to the people of t h e ^ members to take an activeState on January 16. the Gov-]pftrt l n l h e protection programernor-elwt "will elaborate on|COOperate with Public Healththis proposal. (Authorities, and even to take

The plan to integrate county.the lead ln conductinu such-ourts with the Superior Court^fcty measures If local auneeds more public support, and thorltles are not available'hl.s fart Is realized by Hughes

Know Your RepresentativesTn« i>est cimen U an active citizen, one wno is alert

ana goes to Ihe source to secure the Desi possloie in-formation The nest repreaentaUve la one who coopetate*with Ms constituents and U- ready and eager to receivetheir »te*s

! Herewith are the namei of your representatives Keepin touch with them

U. S. CongressSENATE

Senator Harrison A. Williams. Jr.. <D>. Senate OfficeBuilding, Washington, D. C Home—Westfleld

Senator Clifford P Case <R> Senate Office BuildingWashington 35. D C Home—345 Elm Avenue. Rahwa?

BOOSE OF REPRESENTATIVESRepresentative Peter Frellngnuysen. Jr., iR> Fifth Con-

gressional District. House Office Building. Wasning-toD 25. D. C. Home—Morrtstou-n

State Legislature8TATE BENATOB

« John A , Lynch. New BrunswickMEMBERS OP ASSEMBLY

Norman Tankman. WoodbrtdgeJ Edward Crablel. Mllltown

Joseph Doren, Dunellen

Board of Chosen FreeholdersKarl E. Metzger, President. Rutgeri Dniverslty, Nep

Brunswtck j jGeorge L Burton, Jr., 19 igaie Road. Lawrence ;Brooi

Village, New Brunswick. ' \Edythe 8 McAndrews, New Brunswick,Joaepb R Costa. 123 Hlllcrut Avenue, Edtion.Thomas H. Lee. 140 Pront Street. South Plalnfleld.George Otlowskl 541 Kennedy Street Perth, Amboj.William J. Warren. 878 Main Street j

Woodbrldge Township CoimltteeMAYOR—Frederick id. Adama, Colonla

FIRST WARD-Ch&rles Uolnar, WoodondgiMaynard Wlnfton. Woodbrldgi

SECOND WAHD-Joseph Nemyo, HopelawnLeon Blanchard, Pordi

THIRD WAJUWftebert JacU%vtnelJohn Hughes. Woodbrldge

FOURTH WAJUWrhomu J. Qoatello. UellnD»TM NlcoU, i«elln

PIFTB WAJU>-John Evanko, ColonlaDavid T. Millet. Colonla.

Boreogh at CarteretMAYOR-etepben BUba

President of Borough CouneU—Walter SullivanCOUMCTXMEN ,

Tbofflu Deverln Walter BuUlvanJohn Butnkk John lyzurtllialmnderSooh Adam •ymbonkl

fovnthlp of UlsiiUAYOR-Anthonj M Yelenoics

Pml&tai of Council-Nell A. McDonaldCOlTMCXLallN

WUllajp F. Album Prank J. TakaciBernard J. Dwytr Dr. WlUlam ToihWUUUB K MargoUi Wtltir B. Wool

County bar associations, and' They Do.-wine legislators are reported! No matter ho* carelessipposed to the idea and this neighbors are uoout oilierpride i:i local judgeships may! things, Uiey send yuur childrenhe a stumbling block to the new home at the hour vm mentionGovernor If iot a little belnre.—Kansas.

The proposed transfer of civil City Timei.r:Rhts regulation from edUca-!tional supervision to law en-forcement would reflect thene«f emphasis that has beenplaced on such problems to/ re-cent years, Hughes believes.

Voting rights for all personscould only be accomplished bya constitutional amendmentTo this end, Hughes promisesto launch ^ study in the earlymonths of his administration

CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION-Christmas will be celebratedat the State House todayThursday;, Dumber 21. with

Governor Robert B. Meynerofficially lighting gaily deco-rated Christmas trees ln frontof the capital and ln the execu-tive office.

Accompanied by New Jersey'sflat lady, Mrs. Helen Meyner,the Oovemor will join In sing-ing Christmas carols with agroup of State employees In theState; House rotunda shortlyafter the noon hour. The High-way Department's Ramblers,1under the leadership of AlbertQttz, will provide the musk: forthe special Christmas'program

I Following a reception ln theexecutive suite, Governor andMM. Meyner will don whitecaps and aprom and carve thefirst Christmas turkey ln theState House cafeteria. Coralsinging will contlnua dally atthe State House during thenoon hour until Christ

Jf CLitmai WiiltHere's a wUh that's u old

as Christmas, yetever-ntw,

ever-true: may you and

yours partake fully of all

of the joys of the happiest

season of the year.




Mcnbtr Ttrfc

CHBISTHAH ADOPTIONS:—This Is the time of year whengood folk In th#lr middle for-ties, or fifties, without childrenor with married children far,»way, respond to the Christmasspirit with what to them Is ablfldeA.

"Let's call an adoption agen-cy, or an orphan home. We'llofler to take a child in for theholidays. It ihould be fun. Be-sides, we will be giving tomeyoungster a specially goodtime." Bo goei the big Idea.



WoodbridgeNational Bank

MAIN OIVICECor. Moon Ave. »nd Berr;


tstuN orncK1412 Oak Tret


Page 15: Churches Will Lead Holiday Observance; )LLAK …...ship in an effort to get the Board of Freeholders to take over and Improve important road links between the Borough and the Township


School 22Schedules; Programs

HiNIA Mrs. Florrnce H.,/'V". principal, has ai\-,•.-<! four separate holid.iv. i(Ins will bf held at School;.virrow Special Rssrmbllrs

bcfti planned for both,M «nd afternoon In or-o Bccommodate fhe large

, i enrollment. Programsinclude group stnulne. reci-

- and plays:, schedule to as follow? ^ » » . > H ) TO

• VM session WnderjMrtfn Airman I U M , <;fmu R

. : irst and second trades at d o f . ir » h m , p»rrni«v M : fifth and sixth grades at 19: o,foriJ R M ( J { .o | '

A U, afternoon kinder- '> beln« *"itnri tn

ScholarshipFund to GetPTO2lGift

COLONIA - The annualv.v.auticn of Hi ha* to<"ni1.-:1 to the Victor C N;--.<la.»•h?;.ir«alp Fund b? PTO 21\I:.«, Arnold Lada ore-<;dent.psr^d at tlv last m<?°r,iru

the WoodbrWie TT*ruhip jiulteducation prcwriai bwiru :nFebruary Parer.r-Teaoh^r srroF e b r u a r y Pdr«nt-i-rou?s will distr;ou"« orw interested person.?

./•jinirn with SchooluTj

and first trade flaswi. Inltrd Mat*, A i r F o r c , , . ':;e T.ember;h«M ; and third and fourth n l « ' trainin, courv for n" <rr a B o a r d ° r E'iva-'-.r'-,'••

• — " ""- and ' " AA - ' •-y class parties will be held *PW*»IHI, „ Kee,i f r ^ B

MI.M..<-.< Amnatine appointed Airman

rV members to plan ar- ^"'pletrd hi< ....ments aa follow*. Mrs <r»>nlri< at LarkUnd Vf

, . icve Netry. Mrs, Miriam Trx *»« vlet-i«i ( „ th* i...ion, and Mn. Alice Good- ™ncf<l roars* on the ba<h

decorations; Mrs. Freda h l s '"twerta and aptitude*•man. Mln Cwnffle Mihal- T** •"rman i« • ,•nurhlni seesion and second • ' "°°<lbrtdif High

1(y pnxrram: Mte Dorothy p

,-;son. Mrsflally Yaftee.,.<n session profrtm: Miss

•v nallather, Mrs. Pearl Vr-thlrd and fourth trade

. ,- ,m Hf« Beverly DennisI Mi» O»fl Rosenberg, fifth COLONIA' t.xth trade program

antlclpatlnt added hot

an effort i 0

,V Synagogue Men1158 9 Li.

Elect 1st SlatefOLONIA - The Men s C'.uo M:« Dominie* Giordano, here-

of TeniDlc Beth Am elected :".< "*'•:' ohairmat'.'. *;11 iive a fin-first group of officers ar.t) board ^ ."''jo:' on '*>• w^--»-g - ' •-

„ ofSx'.d-welfare. u *G-:,'xv.^it a

n for addi',.or.i: c'.aw-3uch a petition, with

•''.rr 400 signatures hi* wen'srtarded to the Board o{Education

'School 21 (j operating SoP«T I'pr.t above planned capaci-".;•• Bull: for WO studT.t.?. .'he,;'V". < has an enrollment of6''0 declared Mrs. Bewor.f "in January 3. "State Vd tnEducation"' will


THEIR EFFOR T S MD H O S r i T * : lolonhi O,fc, twix m^mben * b p b , W r»ml« M M « the eoffe. •hof «f tke Kikway HMyital. lUadrven t» ehiUren in the pedutric ward. Left to richi. Mrv Edwird Partenope, Hn. Rkhard S*l,»tta, Mn. Matthew Petti, Mn. DanJtl

Arthnr Basso and Mn. John Plearo.


on thf prcpos»d plan,.i«on Joys. Mr». Auttwtlne memiwr* to direr the or;ar..7-.,(' the children of the atl<"> for the balance of the• have been planning pro- "***' Tear

•> desitnliw seasonal mur- Elected were Murray Steir.,-d vtewlnt school exhibiti 'pld. presidir.;. M.rray Heller-.« from forettn lands " « ' vice presid-n: Berr.a-'d. snioVntJi of Mrs. Olorla W'tnstfin. w e n d vice pre.ii-

•M)["S thfrd irade arrang-.'**111. Sidney Shu: t.*ei5urer. rtisplav of dolls and tovs Edward Greonbla1- financial

r;inada. Kntlahd. China, wemary. Dav.d Chm. r^ord- ?.-M:.-. WI,;,Ormany, Japan. Panar ^ secretary Sol Smith ror- -he c ;d war

<?n!land Denmark, Scot- «*Pond;njt se.-:etary Traveling T 000 xile< ber-rd• M-xlco. Italv. 8wrdi'n.' Committee chairxen named -he i.-on Curtain, pVc' s-• »•• Prancr Switzerland ,*r* S i w'l?>}r,. pron-ram. Lcua ser-. ' •: and Hawajl. Worman publwity J o s e p h C c n.',* Stems »ere brought to Sherman Sreaeoga^ activities 'n

,.• tn conjunction with A1 °™oOther

:.d»j a paid trained sliper-':r Members will aliovoteon". us constitution revuions3.r)n D Stuart, professor of•i.'at.'jn at Upsala Col'.• ' ' and told

is thefac or


ways ar.d means. ' >•.t m..-; de Jerry "Gro-man. Gi! r-x

>1:- »^d Ste-.e io*•

withof activities of for*ten

!'• •; bt James Mwino A l b f r t -F"Ut. Diane CtpperlT.

• r-i-.i Deborah C o w a n .> ,rd EbbeU. ftlcky Ouarinn T h f n " ! fu:>d rau«u^ pro-

;>' hard MaroW. Japanew "* l wl11 ^ "'P*^'™ bus"r.madtan currfficy WM al- P*I1JI a r r ^ ' ^ completed for

:.-hf tn bt Rlctr Ouar- » T h f» t - ' r A d J w - a l to helprats* fund* for the purchase of ft1

•• '>urth trade stuoVnU of * b U s n K ^ d l 0 '"Miwrt1 '=-'•"'.am Peterson have pre- children to and1 from Hebrew i-i

• rt "a dUpUy of paper tov, ""d Sundayjchool. of.• JipaW«e oticamt paper _ Kr

. t^hnkjue* BACK FROM HOUAND. r ""ftion of Iffft *h!ch<':.•!« Chrtotaus cuitonw

countries 1* di*-

Educatior. S,ryty of School? :r. theUnion.* no fear IT. '.he

he declared Ir, thetrades, the Rii

:or places great emphasis onf p;.iy and fur. motives,.T..4 -.re children learn:d .'•i:,*;n more." he add.eeTh- Soviets adm:: ;ovrr.:- dehr.que -.-y proc

School24PTA Announces Deborah Slates100% Member Enrollment Holiday Party

l e U i n «

5EUN - School 24 PTA I Oresoriussen. C. Haytko, L r , < T O U ) ! * I A ~ M™i :-.( irsMi\ Ctratma* pro- Hoover. LCermode, A. Koto. E " h e n - chairman of the dinner

; r i - M:r.diy a: :t» Kennedy Kirtzer.berger, N. Lasur. J ( U n c * c(«n™ttee, announced?-i:< Scorn: a-. 3 PM Maye. D Ofletree, R. Ptacido. « * « "V1"*1 CMstmas party

f -.he prowam a J. RU. J Rittenhouse. S. Sul- o f t h e ^^^ ch*P«*r «« »«*--?'.;:-.* •»« held *r.h Uvan. J ToweU a*nd O. Watson:vr 3tilinjs. presid- Dancers. M Andoldi. D. Bred-

. M-- J Alvin Jo«phson. benner. D. Blllik. B. Buss, O-.-.•.:-TJ". of -.he membership Palkenstern, J. Pyke, D. I i iu-• T.r.-.v- a::r.-linced the PTA key. D Medler. D. Papnockl, D.:•'.• ::o": meE'oersiiip of par- Pegos, and R. R. Rap>. I '••"•; i~i -.eachers Kennedy B. Egan and J. D"Appolito °\?•<.:'-'. Scr.oci is the first school made the scenery; MUs Con-i

• .i •.-..-•.•* this honor m Mid- nors the Pinata: Mrs. Spaldo.<!'. --ex C•:•;:::y this year director of the 4th grade: and

p:oi:5m. Christmas Miss Rosenbaum taught theA: ;ur.1 The World.' T I S pre- dance. j

by the students. A sje-'

I nit MakesGifts SoldAt Hospital

COt,ii\IA _. The public IS:rvi;ed y; c^'cnia O«ks Twlff Rat-xiv H'wpr.a! Auxibary

:.i buy C-.ristnsas iiftg at th»o-ffee shop of trie hospital. r

Y-ar-i-vuid the shop is OpCB |(JJII'T from 1 til! • P M. a n iNf-rdav through Pri«Uij T tSB9 P M

Colorful ceramic' bMfcett.chotr toys, pixie mugs, cream .and sugar or water pltdwnar.d tea pots, made by the Co*'.on is Oaks twif of the RahwmyHoj>pl«l auxiliary, art waitingro be sold Profits from theadventure purchase hospitalequipment.

Two yean ago the Colonim•twigs headed by Mrs. EdwardA Partenope. »ife of a Cotoniadoctor, benn making ceramics.A kiln, paints and molds werepurchased. M e m b e r s meettwice a month, first to pour themolds, later to clean the ob-jects, and add the paint Wltttbetp from other workers, Stra.Partenopc dot* the tiring.

For thi* Christmas mrnh»rmhave taught children tn tfa*pediatrtc ward to sew flannelhand puppeti. Each little pa-tient recetm a personalbMlChristina* Meeting and takaa

'home his own puppet. Srenta-

Atto other wards.

the December meettncwas re-eiected

held February J4. ^ ^^gg^ J J ^ Riei^rtR w U u r M t * n * j S o l o i n a a , recording seoetaiT

U n d * n -g T

and Mr*. Daniel Plearo. « r -UrespowUn«

In additko i» the « m e e aother memben are Mrs. An-

- l . J S . ? ? Ithony Oraml. Mrs. DanotoCV-™«rtainment tnctaded »; au tteUo. Mrs. m n e i * FWey.

smg, a piano soto.;Mj8- J o h n p t a k r o > j , ^ ^ ^ ^ y»PP*«»nee o^Santa

who distributedch:"U was under the di-

Listsjgifts. Mrs. Jame* Henderson{was in charge of the program.

by Miss Ruth, Ann

The program *as as follows:Theatre

Paraskerms, M n .Matthew Petti and Mrs. Vta-cent Ta&zL

Next meeting on January 4will be held at the Both Kellerceramic studio.

ACCOUNTANTS1 CHOICK: Harold F.Strtft. Iselin.

Christmas Has Come Again. COLONIA — Tickets are still;Multin. Madison Sweden: Coventry Carol, Enj- s,vallable to Cecelia's

Jerwy Shore Chapter of the National Association of Ac-r.t

Prof Stuar; be!:ev-* sr.a- ve br^ht. youn<. edu<av'd

?s ^ encountered *::; rs-tneir wverrjr.en: s ar;;- —

- Word r.as been American prop^andi Tnard^ Mr, --Paul :.... **. h, « « , « « . a , : 0 l d .

c o a n t s . H? is s h o w n be ing c o n g r a t u l a t e d b y M e r w i n P. for L o d g x . s - O , R u , R u . R u . M yCass t r e a s u r e r f th N t i n l A i t i f A t t

Community Playtn\ Plan Benefit Show

Czechoslovakia: Carol of the emburg' In'"i3ew" Yo-it* Cite l p a n 3 r i o a ^ • A D r i e f business ISHJN — The IselmtownPiper. Italy; The Search March Ji, Mrs, Herman H a b e r - ^ " ^ s tarts* promptly at Community Players, a local

ji M U . nerman naoOTm a n reported at a meeting of 8 : 3 ° p M- w f f l

th l l h f ' 'v ' t ' e s Refre

:he f*»- iroup of entertai^en, spotuoredb h

Buvi-.aunn S4 Inm.iii Avenue.•"'I'ST ih* second «Tade stu- h»V f :-;ume<J after a t*o and • '

.v« .(Mr. dchuuntan. a ^;; rno-'--- t:;P ^ H o ! ^ d ^ U ^ . l F a , , , , ! . . .Mr, Augusts adrtaed wine a r d Oermany ^ ( n O O l T a C l l I U

Of particular in-

4 n A' 1

48 I life

Cass. treasurer of the National Association of Accountants. Little Jesu—and the Pinata. thV'locaTchapter of lladassah" ''v't'es- Refreshments will be by the Uons Cl Jb. nare an-Mr. Mullin is an accountant for Hoffman-La Roche, -Mexico: Silent Night. Germa- Tickets may be reserved by w r T e d " ^ lrmk W'J1 •* pro-nonnced a "Winter Minstter

Inc., Nutley. ny: Pat-A-Pan, France: O. caihng pu 1-7318 ivtded by Bill Mattaei and his for the benefit of the VFWwiOChanuiah, Israel: Hava Nagila^ Tn . „ , „ , „ , , , „ ' , „ . i n f m A •Notesmen". ,be presented January 11 and 13

. Hora Dance; Silver Bells. Go *n 8 ^ ^ / ^ ^ Mothers of 7th and 8th gnuie I P. M. at Woodbridge Hi*hrt/ Tell It On The Mountain. A ™fn

nte wj? e m°*2o '° * e £ h a ^ "children will be hostesses. AH School. St. Georse Avenue.

U * |Ch r 1st m a s Spiritual - U W e ^ I L l - ^ v , ^ i S f - i " * M k e d * reP°rt to the Woodbridge- Theodore Stoepel!Drummei Boy. with Drummer ^ , m L r z ! J! to

MP ! " k i t c h < n B ^ ^ ^ H l U •* T : 3 ° w m te d i r * c t Q r »S 5 1 ! t w l b T

;Boy. J. King and Cj-mbal play- ™ » ^ " ^ • * £ • °T,U l l!P-M. and to remain after the John Barbyier.J.Matullo and White C h r i s t - K m m i m* M * l v l n ScWe"iparty for the clean-up. The group- will go carolintmas America 8 m g e r -

I5ELIN - C u b Pick 48 held project and at a future date a -•""««* The.y annual Christmas party'contest will be held to pick the' T h e <"hl!dren participating,

— co3b::-.t'd with m monthly best model. It was announced were:. Special Chorus—CBaran ,0,^ chairman of American;'cor.';r,,;» ,t; ixf).T.- ax.OMA - M:.v< iXruthy Pac.< meetir.g, Thursday at that Gregory Grows sold the L B a r ° a r o - H Barone. G. Ben- zioniac affairs. A report wasj

S'.«•';-:.••:.:• ::l..-,!'c: i::h pur.o Pe.-sr.:p.6- Avenue School. Den most candy. • : l i e t tj . B l a n a ' j ^ - Boyle, H. ^^ ^.^ o n genator Kefau-I— — — sr>-c:x-:_» a1. •..-.• d:::-.-.al ChrLst- Chiefs were in charge of the Refreshments were served by BreQb<nner. G. Capizzano, C.,

•*as borrowed from mu-rest among the ehlldirr. m ; i , pi i.,.. ,,, .,.tl ,ac.,;tJ. rf Q p e n , ^ ceremony. ithe fathen. •Curran. J Detrick, S.t 34useum Undia«.MM. AuiusUne announced, ar.d sc h J U : :: n ^ ac Horr.-fs Ad R c-0 , r t AcSerman. Cubmas-1 *"» « Leader's Meeting!P;. ^ ™ e l l « r ' °"

some personal Items were adfr-d L ; b w yjdbiid:, m - v - w.< . - " ' - / o n c ^ r a U o n and *iH be Jan"*^ 9 wtth Mr. and B1 1 0™0^: DD

F £ *. on cooperauon a n a . , _ . . . . . T r^™.w » n-u- K. „ „ „ ; „ „ . h n l l W m n f . r t „ „ ™, •• . . .^ father noncommlt-i COLONIA - Due to the fact

-r.vt to 'he children are wood-• hii»' from Holland a don-

. A-,4 C*M from Orrmai'.yI'a!,: d-K-i from R^ivU' «:'.d'..v rahmt from Japan TT.U

the fal1.-

fclMr1, wpaci-


:;>' faculty ofal Horr.-rs Ad

children learned Dutch to the collection by Laurie K&.- fn;uyi.d ^"d'^f'.s erch^'jed*^•n put their wooden «ftoe* off " " " ""' J "••••••• • > • • • •

the door to recriv* Oiiinu.i.'.u instead of hangmx Elhot.

a Christmas itockinK a« Wall. Ch-orm- Milne, Joar.rA:nrrican children do cili-nto. Sci^t

dtiplay ereatrtl much PK.'kton. and Laura

Itodian: An:. Sampere ar.d Mrs

There wilt be no Parent- Wednesday beginning at thec o n f e r e n c e s thlsVFW Post, thea to the Iselln

'; Shopping Center, along OakjTree Road to Green Street and

\ « t Much lending at Menlo Park Terrace.Stops will be made at vinous

"Pa." said Willie, "a man's m e mbers Homesdinner in Etaibetn. j wife is his better half, isn't;

Anyone interested in jointog'she?" i _„ ^.^.^^ ^ .held Thursday "Well, we are told so, m,! DIETING FOSWOMB

W i talk at the IsraeUBond'


as theSIXTH

WATER SOFTENER, in Middlcwx County

J^=f HOLIDAY SPECIAL g<\\ Chrlstrnas Sfason Only<H WITH| THIS COVPON

•p Six Months Supply of Sailf Wltfa the Purrhiw or a



Committeeman Carl Luna; T^ELIN - The Murray Ac- C. Parkhurst, M. Platted. L. w™ £ f . „ „ l n f n m . r f Kpresented awards to the Mow- U o n Q^Q^ of t h e Christian Plummer. S. Prete, J. Rtkow-, MemDers « r e . .m»»™ed byEg cubs: Robert Boehm, Uon F a m l ]y Movement of St. Ce-sky, D. Rasche. A. Rodgaard,

January 1 is a holiday, thecontinued WU-j regular- meeUng ot the Board ,

Via'-iim P,"- s F'orer'Cf' Auiru<;::'.e, prm- ater for membership unlea his fnmilv p n r f v «-#. T ; JL :;pal: Mrs. richer, school sec-mother agrees to be i D e n f O m " > r f l " V M t

t \ 1 l—^'w: Norm.m Bur«Lyer. cus-Mother. ! By Catholic Gx

of Fire Commissioners, District12. will be held January I, tP.M.


*fre MrsMrs Neary

, ^ .„ ' e a r P1": E U i a t t De &***• ^^:with""Mr", "and Mrs.~William Wykes, E. Yakowenko", and a n " S . S l i i a S « S f c M H " l .the committee'Badge. 1 gold and 1 silver •r-Burkhart. Madison Avenue. Yesoloma. 1! w £ * ^ , ^ S S S ^ Z

Hampton. r0T and . , year pin; Ben U; A n ^ Party wffl ta held Mrs ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J J J ^ g * ^ «' : • r, R. Bianchi.

r 0 y p ; ; A Rumiy P a r t y wffl be heldMrs Barbara : j a r c a ; i yeAI p i n : James Ack- ta Our Udy of Lourdes Hall on j

i D Stripe: Robertierman. Denner Stripe; R o o m , S e of the Holy ; L. BobUkf R. Miracle

Little Leumie Team

Honored at PartyISS'^^fffi J^""""'-™' f" S l ' l S l T STi*^"1*^ ""*-«COLONIA Players, parents1

T o w l l , runner S t r i p e , a n d ^ ^ a e l a ^ ^ ^ K- Kutoycki, J . K K - ! M l s f i A 1 U l g m l t h > a ^ ^

,r.d Little L M - ^ official* par-ioerald Luna, 1 year pin.•.vipated ir. .vp);;:t.-c;a:ion night' Robert Argalas,

I/eaiue teurp.**, 6061 itin- sinior

t h e t i t t l e ' I U J U C 1 1

J bv \-FW'of T r o o p 4

IFPTE rkAHs OLDISELIN — Olympi* Euney-'Lynch, T.

Kulczycki,zenberger, J. Lemiska. L Leon-;ard, D. Lewlca, D. Luna, W.

ilaloney, N Mc-Poflr Dad

When son takes out the funi-

winners of ' s l n g l n g

>p u y y,l e d t n e ' « r o u P ta cutt, daughter of Mr. and MrsJAloose, H. Maxwell. C. Moun- ly car, father Isn't worried so

carols^ ac-jo«orge ^ u n e y c u 11 , Worth cey, D. Staskiewicz, L. Yejo-:niuch about the upkeep . . . It's""" c"ampiSo^-:Compa!ue<1 b y M r s ' Boehm- ! s t r e e t ^ f e t e d o n ^ Wth Ionia, A. Yunckes; Ithe turnover that's bothering

I Santa Claus appeared arid birfhday at a party given by Mrs. Spaldo's 4th grade eUsfhjm!'"waiter p T c commande' g a v e e a c h C u b a ° ° a t m o < t e l l n 8 h e r P*rents. Guests were Rich-;D. Almedia. D,• 1 ' i e d V ''" •• ''o'lht—'••'• *]> (nr " w t ^ i n ' f n f in the ard Ulis. Jar.«t Fryer. Patty'sa, C. Basri. R.



COSTELLOfunerd Homes

Green St. & Cooper AvtLselln, N J.

TeL U 84641

iState it Center Sta.Perth Amboy. N. J.

HI 2-0075


; past year.team lor the

:K'xt season ASS'also gnaran-


> » * °* »John Conochan andliks. J. Carroll, M. Doberty, D

sister, Andrea and Uura. Falke, M. Finks, P. ft^ndza I

To an our trtand* everywhere. «• our beMwtshM tor a |re*l old-h»hioned Yuletide,toejt-wtnp with love and friendship, star-brttht » t $ the sparkle of children's eye*

iWe * i | e daw* an ChrUlma.w t a r II, U enaUe ••"• *U(I

C l t t e wttk their famllleti


BODTE V. 8. *>


Extending Best Wishes Fojr



The Discount Jewelry StoreColonia Shopping Plaza Route 27, Colonla

Open Lite Thursday, Friday and Saturday for Ust-Ninitte Gtfto!

for those


\ (CHRISTMAS BE)XatieuJlrMirertiscd





WRAPPINGSToiletriesCOLONIA SHOPPING PLAZA, Lincoln Highway, Route 27, Colouia

. Season's GreetingsTo Our Many Friend* and Patron*

Page 16: Churches Will Lead Holiday Observance; )LLAK …...ship in an effort to get the Board of Freeholders to take over and Improve important road links between the Borough and the Township


^ - " ^ ^ ^ ^ * - * ^ -*-J^ T^- -~mr - * • " - ^ - — — — —

Health and Beauty•Doctor pleaae come to see|Ior the child ta develop sinus or

the baby, lie had a dreadful nilrldle ear infection*, which,-old for several days, and hasimay cause serious and farhteh (ever now," said a:reaching effects. Even pneu-iildtres»ed \olce over the.phone, monla, meningitis and other

"Where did the little one ac-'»» t"«« uP°n « « heels ofquire hli told?" queried the c o l d 'physician when he saw that Remember, the small childRix-year-dirt Maryjs nose wasicaU'hes cold very r e a d i l y

j running and she was hovering| through being kissed, fondledover the helpless Infant kissing or otherwise exposed at clos«

range" to one who is suffering

"Oh, I don't know, the rest ofthe children had them first,

Hi'KF.1) TURKKV TIPS: Did you knew that you need nevertrusa a turkey asaln1 That's right, the very finest plump,juicy frozen turkeys are marketed with the drumsticks tuckedInto a slit of skin at the base of the body cavity. The drum-sticks can be slipped quickly out and Into the tudc to acoom-imodate the stuffing. '•

If the stuffing Is to be made from your own favorite recipeyou will buy a turkey that is ready-to-stuft. After thawing theturkey, slip the drumsticks out of the tuck. Remove the neewhich is packed inside the body cavity and nil the turkeyloosely with stuffing. Place the drumsticks Into the tuck oncemore and the bird Is ready for the oven.

Dl< you know that you need not bother with making stufftai w»en preparing the turkey? How nandy it Is to buy thfrozen turkey that is already stuffed with a tasty old-fashionedbread stuffing.

The frozen turkey may go Into the oven without pre-thawIng. Or many homemakers store the bird in the refrigeratorovernight before roasting to cut the roasting time. Completedirections for storing and roasting are given on the wrapper oButterball Swift's Premium Frozen Already-stuffed Turkeys.

When buying a turkey allow 1!4 pounds per person olre*dy-to-stufl turkey and l'/2 to 2 pounds per person of thealready-stuffed turkey. This allows for generous extra serv-ings later,


1 cup diced roasted turkey !i cup mayonnaise1 hard-cooked egg, chopped 1 tablespoon lemon juice

Vt cup ohopped roasted un- V\ teaspoon prepared horse-blanched almonds radishCombine Ingredients with fork, mixing until well blended

Serve as a sandwich filling, salad or appetizer spread.

but they were not so sick asthe baby The servant let thecold wind blow on baby, and hecaught an awful cold."

from a cold.If your child wakes up In the

morning with a cold, do notbundle him off to the kinder-garten, or to school, where hewill infect other children, Keep

A cold Is always an Infection h l m a t ^ m ™* « l v e h l m

acaulred no im- P1'0^1' treatment; his recoverylftve adults When!*111 b e ^«tened ftnd h e W|U

children are born, they are en- avoid complications.



T Ginger Ale

jr Club Soda

* All Mixesand Flavors

$ 25CM*riot?,



366 St. George Avenue, RailwayFU 8-5224


tlrely free from bacteria, whichare found in the noses and

The Eskimos of the Arcticswere stronc, healthy people,who did not know wfiat coldswere until the white man evad-ed their territory, and carriedthem various infections, in-

Judlng the cold germs. Theirlyslcal resistance was lowered

many of them died from thefleets of colds, and other dis-

eases carried by the traders.The cold organism is so small

that It will pass through the

See that your child spendsthe requisite number of hoursIn sleep. Give him a well-pro-portioned and - body-buildingdiet. Do not keep the rooms hotand close. Give him a properamount of sunshine and freshair. Then, first and last, guardagainst Infection.




iTh* Cat

trip to

A V EN EL _Brnwn [Christmas rhilrln

album of authentic aonatrd• " Bobby Ham- Santnii i:


oriwi accompanied by his "Hu-la-lUivihm" band. Tills LP al-, , .hum, Uvfly lluU Hand*, con-!™"ch* ™ B n withsl.il* of twi-lvf Hawaiian songs ch'! l e' Ol1 the ,„„„Mptrinlly designed , for d a n c - l * e l ? M r S l Thomas R,mn.hiH some are familiar a n d ' £ n n ° n y Cat rone n,,(1

others ore orlBlnala from this " a n k Mll""phy.

theft bonus with this album

cover rontalns authentichuln lessons. The music willinspire to try th* hula andwith the pictures Indicating the

of hunch io suggest thewords who knows, you might

AN HONEST U DMeadrllle. ft. _ A n ,

old«l |er $2,50 for

youth handed^,'.t

vimthat that « M too much

P x p l t l . .

"No," the youth

AT MOLNAR'S WIT. PARTY — Amoni th? hundreds <if proplr who attondft) Ihf annualChristmas party jlvm by .lohn Molnar «t the Moln.ir KliYlrir Cnmpnliv Friday, wrre those

t M l l h B QaU

PHYSICAL-FITNESS TESTSThe first results of the phy-

sical-fitness tests of the na-tion's young people have beenreleased.

finest filter. Once the cold Isj About half of more thanestablished, many dangerous, 200,000 school children takinggerms of bacteria can be dem-jpart in the project failed tomstrated by the microscope In meet minimum fitness stand

the secretions. Often the ap-parently Innocent cold develops

aids developed by the Presi-dent's Council on Youth Pit-

dangerous symptoms, due tomess. After six weeks of dally;he presence of pus and poisonforming germs, such aspneumoccl and streptoccl.


It is a common occurrence improvement."

activities and exercles underthe Council's recommendedplan they showed a "marked

C s t m a s pary j v m y .loh arIn the above photo, left to rliht; Knill Strrmlau, Cartcrrt »ttornry; Mrs. llu«h B.ley, widow of the former mayor of Woodbrldrr, Miss Mnrjarrt Suits, Mr. StretnUu'i i « r t .

ttry and Mr. Moln»r.

A SLIGHT ERROR'Pittsburgh — Bank auditors

worked all night trying to finda $700,000 "shortage." Theshortage turned out to be amistake.

Sam Stein, who rum a mes-senger service, sent a secretaryfor a $39 80 money order. No-body noticed that she returned

Hn expert and, be thelife of the next party. Givethis one a try.

Different In every way IsDacca's album Hollywood Sound . .s u i t . Thli LP Stereo features ttk*w under thethe drums of Bob Eosengardenand Phil Krauu. The start-ling percuitlon *nd tound ofthli album reflect some of themost memorable motion pic-ture themei,

Rosengarden and Kreuie are


with one made out for $"00,- Then a dog began licking his l w o 0 ( t h e naUon'a top per-

The next day Mr.noticed the error and returned the home of Lawrencethe money order to the bank.

hand. Ward caught the dog'ijcusstonl^U and you lire In forStclnooDar and the anlmat led him to] a n melting and thrilling ex-

perience with thli one.Havlni picked tome of the

Identified the dog beit known thrmet. you willton.



DOG RESCUES DRIVER l t , Hex. the family pet. The!hear Firing Pawn to Rio. Ne*erSarnla, Ontario, Canada —jdoctor «ald that If It had noljon Sunday, Written On the

Seriously Injured,Thoma*Wardibeen for the> dog Ward mlght|Wlnd and The High and tbflay by his wrecked automobile, 'have bled to death. I M U M . •

Season sGreetings


D. PINELLICutom HattingA* a Profnmloti

658 Florid* Cirovr K(i;i,|PERTH AMIJOY

VA 61»!I7

To everyone—we wish all the joys of theChristmas season—its warm and gay. spirit,

a rich and beautiful fellowship, the spiritualgoodness of its festive flavor. And may the

New Year be one of continued happinessand good health

E & L TIRE CO. Inc.124 Amboy Ave. Woodbridge

ME 4-0893



Attention Shoppers:

CHRISTENSEN'S"Tfce Friendly Store"

Still has a

Wonderful Selection

Christmas Gifts



for the

Entire Family!

For him ttt SUIF KIM . . . Ifin* 17 Jewel witirpiool* withlimoui brion quality indcriltsiwithip. ShockfititUnt,wbrwkiblt l l

F«r ktr tM H l l t i m , . .Ihim VowtMul ttylinf —tric l l lM Bulovi Jllt

l 17 t

Open Tonight, Tomorrowand Saturday NightUNTIL 9 O'CLOCK!

Sulova is truly thegift quality watch. . ,fhe watch you cangive with pride, wearwith pride . . . beuus*it's made with pride.

th. IM CLimi. V ( m i l ,•ell'Hindlni, wiUrproof*tliock-rtilitint, lumlnouihindi ind dill, n p i m l o ibiictlel

Stylish DrKHit witch. Hit*tiihlon oval molil It ttfiitithrough lo t ptrtet blind ofc>» ind bdctlit , . . ntWMUtO, It |«Mli.


Free Parking Lot At Rear Entrance

CJw istensen'sI)(>!><irtinn11 Storv



"Season's Greetings"

Opeu Every Night .'Til 9


"Rahway'i Oldett Establish^ Jeweler"


The Officers, Directors and Employees ol

United Roosevelt Savings and Loan AssociationExtend Best Wishes To All For A . . .


PER ANNUM• AnUelpftte* , j






8avln«i lniared op to |1I,M« byFederal Satini* and U>u> Inmru>e« Corp,

UNITED ROOSEVELTSavings and Loan Association

11-15 COOKE AVENUE, CARTERET Phone Kl 1-5445HOURS, Daily 9 I t ,„ 4 P.M. Alw, F.,., ThBnd,, 0 , M Mmtk<;, p, M. „ , P. „.——

Page 17: Churches Will Lead Holiday Observance; )LLAK …...ship in an effort to get the Board of Freeholders to take over and Improve important road links between the Borough and the Township

Principal AnnouncesHonor Roll at Fords

pORDS-^James (Jonlff, prln-n,,i,l of Fords Junior

students Borleellid k

announced 177',,,. listed on the seoond mark-,,, period honor roll as follows;

sKVENTH GRADE:\iinm, Diane Andreadls, JohnMi-hdeacon, Donna Baldwin,prirtrc Becker, Lflrie Binder,K ,n npth Booth, Charles,,,,is. Diane Carragino,

Robert PinPlll „ , .Therm s h w L 1' Rcls'

rtHigh Thermd

Fords Clubiwmen to Sins; Installation ^erhood KitchenPAGE SEVENTEEN

Borleelli • AdriennoCharlotte Sunk? M

3 t"n k ( l w l™,Joan V B I P S * 0 ' " ' * Trssl(1r.


Carols at Amboy Hospital

u r u . . . , v l a 04 u tutdance January 13 at School 14with Mrs. Robert Ohlson as books.

( | OSS. m i u w i i w jLreniv

, ,,-,,)|i, Suzanne Flsco, Elaine Norms Flu»r«rf "i£Ji',' i ; o v i n o -,,„„•. Robert Gelling, Carolyn ber«, £ "i™ ? ? ° l ( | - !

,-..nrtte, Joan OlaMman,BeteyHe 1 n ? L h « ' C : ' r o l y n

f-.nplM, Robert Qotomb. Jhmcytwayne ' Hwkn ~ - Hf»v«th,t,;,,uil. Janice Hansen, JoAnnlCarol Jannwsk'i',, „ nspn. Scott Hanlen. Wllliim j Rrnson charlr,

Thomas Hofherr. Dorlne'Kn™!.' ! „ » . . *


chairman. The proceeds will beused for the Fords Public LI-bi'ary.

. . P«»l Fischlr(Pnael Fratterolo, John

1,11111. »»••••"- • ™ ™ . I I , vuninilVHrn ,nnnucM n. ,. ', „ . Scott Hin*n, Wimim!Renson ChR ; v,n ' ,Jor-., , ,«. Thomas Hofherr. DorlnejKocsis , 1 , * lIolln

!,,,rvath. William Hrenocslk Kondas t l L TT' Karf tn

,,,,,tcla Johnston. Linda Klebe, lacker" N, 1 Lb^l ' SiR'''d

; „,„«. Kolb. Joyce Kovau. ; Thomas

, ,. ••!. LindaJoseph Oopifis. Dawn• PPRRV Grant

'• B»rry Hart, ,jnhn'

Woodbridge Township. Circula-tion for November was 1,403

PORT READING - The re*-,ular meeting of the Ladles Aux-i

Trie Club endorsed the nom-ination of Mrs. Qeorge P. Weln-helmer, Jr., Rahway, for state

Shower u TonightDinner P l a n n e d i ^ s - «» si -hood «*

fTempIe Emanu-El will meet to-*Hnlght, 8:30 at thp Temple, It;-|Pleasa\it Avenue. A fcitcMen

Avenue »here" ' ^ n 6 W thmRny ""•" fF«^T5»rasM»p

tion dinner Hallnail,

Jordan-Farry NuptiahHeld in Fords Church

« Vivian Jordan,ibridc. attcnMed the ifouple.

Mrs 8opJila,C. After « trip to New York CityItrcet, and and Florida, thr couple will r e .. and Rnb- sidr m Noptunr

of Mrs. Violet The bride graduated fromlert L. Farry,

A group of members will visit chairman of education of New! Rcisoi vstions for firemen'sthe Perth Amboy General Hos-Jersey State ™-• • ' nremcnspital tonight to sing Christmas Women's Clubs.enrols and take Rifts to the«dult ward patients. This has

Mrs. Milton WUpon, LI 9-0538.This will be the group's first

;,,,,*KolJr. Joyce Kovau. ! : Thomas \ S J f «svlvta Kuchma, Diane Lopei/Mayorrt: nnrm, u ' v M

,-,,nk Lukacs, Donna I o f f i K & 1 m Minn"'...•d Mandelbetn, Linda Mat-'Movie Sandv w« -

BonnlWean Meyerald M S ^ " ' '• I, AS. BonnleJean „iMtrjcan Ohlaon, Linda


from the Girls...Ann • Barbara • Arlrne

Beverly • Sharon

And . . . ME TOO! "Uncle Miltv



Opfn Chrintmas Dav Till I v M.

Platt Stationery100 Main Strfft, WoodbridKe

Kathleen Kerry.Oeraldlne king, Phyllis

Inr. Nancy Kowalezykmarie Umparsky, Sima',hnrdl, Barbara Lovnsz ^Mastrovlch, Paula Metro

M r » . . M i w . A1II5 UBSbeen a Christmas proiect of theclub fpr ten years. Members-who wish to partlclPRtr will

^.Jmect at the library at 7 P. M.Invmo, Phyllis f°r transportation.

ricluded in the Club'sprojects will be a pre-

sentation of a Christmas basketI- to a needy famllv In Fords. Mrs


m who not «,„C u s . imembers are L ta ™

Members who wish to enter M™ M cha 1 Solecki

i, dish towels. For M- Ferry. Farmingdale, and the Woodbrtdgp HIRII School and Islate Leon Farry, were united employed as a secretary atin marriage Saturday afternoon Minerals anrl Chemicals Philippg S u d a y afternoon MincrRls anri ChrIn Our Redeemer -Evangelical Corp., Monlo ParkLutheran Church with Rev.

to enter M MCShtet mav'School

(contact Mrs. Bernard Seibienski for Information and rules.

Few FreshmenWill Betaken


American homethis will

, t , —• outdoor- Christmas home decorations

Federation"'of'wivpVwhn".;™ 'Z, " ' v l " ' " " T n l " *"! be the group's firsts1"""™1 u n u r r n W l l n w v K' Tm% bridegroom attendeda e r a t i o n of wivos who „,P no,, auxillarj m e e u n B under the leadership!11' S t o h s ot™^™- Farmingdale ^hnota and is aU

imemoeis n,P tn t» morfo ,,,m1o[ t h c ^ p c t e d o f f l c e r g g j i d ^ ^ Q i v e n (n mini^f b y h e r tendlnB Rutum Onlverslty. He••—...ifirst in the newly purchssfd u n c l e . Frederick Anderson of•** a land surveyor far UM — "

Blnir R H Temple Emanu-EI bulldinR. All Woodbridge. the bride was at- snll Co, Brlmar.. 0 R n • women of the community are tired in a street length white

A donation was voted to the welcome to Join and attend thls!*atm s l w a t n d r f s s covered with.D Mfli BVlf/i Pl«n$March of Dimes Fund, Tlie moctiiiR whether or not they'chantllly lice with a flared i •> .dark horse winner was Mrs. are members of the Temple. lftC(1 Peplum extending three InstallationJohn Estok and Mrs. 'Soleckl:^'^ ^ „ _ ^ -^— (quarter way to the hemltw A Pt>RDS - Thp msWItetioa-•was the social winner.

A Christmas social was enjoyed and gifts wereKenneth with Mrs. John Kallna

Kathleen Parona J K . I r t N ^ ^ ^ ^ u * l l ^ l r 8 w n ^ d " i i ^ besemester

:C. MacKay, president of Union charge. Prize for the prettiestiJunior College, announced to- J " ' • • - - --day that a limited number ofincoming freshman students

. KurtProcopio. Raymond

• club.

.Prosirs, James Racin Josenh membership votrd toRAKUCCI. Richard Randarao,|COntrlbut'> *5 t n t h ( 1 Indepen-

, Richard Sunder, Jacob Schlavo,Theodore Schwartz, L " l d R

dent-Lender Christmas Fund.Mrs. Chester Baxinskl. dec-

' '"• ""'.""" l Z lt u n f l a orations chairman, and her

SwfS > , ? ° n a 2 d f h r r r y - i ™ n ? n ! 1 | c o m n i l t t r e h i w p l a c e d as ftanlk, 8 y 1 v . a 8Iropkal. r h r l s t m 8 , , r P 0 Rnr t ' ( ,P n o ra,,o n s

" " r R ; t " r r " nl k ^ ' T l n the Fords Public Library for

•s, Patricia Tellhiw Marl-j t h e p n J o y n i P n t o f b o r r o W P r Brravlsuno, Jacqueline d u r l n t n p n n l | r I a y SPaS(ini

.Urban Arlene VanDa en, Bar- M ^ f | | ,p d ^,m] b o M S

bara Vargo Arlene Vargonwk. w i t n h o m e m a r i f . r o n k l p R l n M .'fK-i-dldlnt. Wall, Robert WPR- t l n n w i t h t h P P ( , d r r ( l t i o n

Carol Westlake, Unda|of Wotnen.<,Whitman, Gerald WUHBIM.',, t l n n c o o k l p . . T n ( 1 b n x P S

D'lnnn Yaiomczak, Barbara •-• -TWirskovlcs.


j will be distributed by the AirJDefenso Command to service-

Westbury Park Newsmm In vntnotf areas

Mrs. Nichola<; music

Mrs. ClarnWorth Street, wasror dinner of M

chairman, was In charw of ,.musical prcifrram at Hie Club'sChristmas party meftln? Relec-|tlons wprr offered bv the Jun-

Faster New-!ior C h n j r nf R( J n t i n . s R p | s c o .reet, was a j p l c h h f

R J t i n s R p

•A 3. R. MrT.mrhlin, polnist of therge Newman, \m son R o n i n , . r h , M r s F l k o M .

linudUri-in-lnw at thc | r f l ,,lf,House for her birthday '

Newman was also a guesl ,1 r diuiiihter, Mrs. Joseph;'i1. nt n theater m Newark

tsfor the spring


TO BKRI.IN'of'state Rusk has

Molnar.- ., to the

live honrd at a Christmas party.

"We will be able to acceptonly a small number of new[students for our spring se-mester this year Because oflimited facilities in our newNomahegan Building," Dr. Mac-Kay said.

Spring semester classes be-gin Monday, February 5. Regis-tration for all students will beFebruary 1 and 2.

Union Junior College ac-commodates young men andwomen who have recently re-turned from service as well asyoung people who have changedtheir minds about gomg to col-lege by accepting new studentsfor the spring semester, Dr.MacKay said. He added thatyoung people who are forcedto go to work to earn funds forpart of their tuition before be-ginning -their college careersalso ate assisted by the springsemester. ,

Dr. MacKay said a studentbeginning classes in February

!may begin some sophomorework in the fall by attending' " ' ' College's

; went to Mrs. Mi-chael Simeone.

An executive board meeting— • . . » « • .will be held January 15 with Street,1 Saturday.Mrs. John Kalina, Tappen — Mr< a n d M r s

Street. Both the outgoing and s idv »"d son Thomas, Wood:newly Installed members are Avenue, were guests on Sunday;Invited. The next regular meet- J>f M rS; Kurt Klein, Middle-ing will be January 19. '" '"" " v

Two kittens weretennis match. One said to the reen and Richard, Oak Tree, FORDS — Rabbi Theodorcother, proudly: "My mother is!Road, were guests WednesdayjSanders addressed members of

InWoodbridge Oaks

% i a flaredlftC(1 peplum extending three

jquarter way to the hemitnc A S The insUMtetJoaj scalloped neckline rising at the co"1 1 1 1"^ . ° ' B 'n«i B'rlthI throat'and short sleeves wre!Women, Raniot Chapter, met

d p .Easton, Pa visited Mr. and Mrs. may be mads

glove! ;with Mrs. Sanford Oreensteln,Mr and Mrs. Louis R. Klei-iu M 0 5 0 ; M r s I r v i n « Qnm'

- - Iwald, LI 9-2368: or Mrs. Law. *Irence Lcrner, VA 6-7836.I Members of the committee in

I I n i i ' (attendance were Mrs. DavidHears liabbl Bregman. Mrs. Oreensteln,

„„.,.. nnu- — ., , , n i l - " lattenaance were Mrs. David19. t o w n N Y Uroiip Hears liubbl Bregman. Mrs Oreensteln,

_ I —Mr. find Mrs, Alexander . . . • • . » :Mvs rsrpcnwoid n/r™ MASwBtchiw .|Cuthbert««i and children, Mau-, M Membership r w ; * ^ " ™ ; ' ! ™ , ™Said tn the rppn onrf Rif>hoi-rt nob f .« o UnBrw DoM,i Thnr,j«».'land Mrs. Bert Wolf,

ln that racket,"—The Tribune,'of Mr. and Mrs.Chicago, 111. IScank, Iselin.

f o r " l f l s thep a p p ] y i l i g ^ ^

mission to Union Junior College in both the Day and Evet

8 S e s s i o n s » « required to,K! t a l c e a n entrance examination!|

.-. ^,i.,u i n n IIOJ " "I'V'U inaI'ir^d the idea of shifting'' ) r r l t lps t worP awarded to Mrs.'•rni Unitrd Nations offices Baginskl and Air?. HeW, : Berlin Christensen.:n an interview Ru.sk said Christmas parlies were also

M I : l-.e tliout'ht It would be a hf'lc1 b v t t l n Americiin home do-:k-i)od idea to I'stabhsii some ac- I'artmmt and the art depart- |COOTIKTTE CLliB MEETSI;V!'.I-< Ir. West Berlin where It m°nt- T'1"sf' departments willi FORDS — Announcement,would ir.-Lst thc people in earn- n n t mf"'1 l l t l t i ' a f t r r t f lP Holl-was made of a donation tomi? \ hum and in playinn a:davs ' iLyon^ Hospital for canrulf in the present situation, , T n c President reported the [books at a meeting of the

At the same'time Rusk saidi c l u b ' s "PP"1*' for • exemnt ion1 Atoms Cootiette, Club FridayfiIT' tho'^ht hindquarters for f r o m t a x r t ! 0TI t l l P fol'ds LI-:with Lillian Milfoid presidlnR, j |the I'ni'i'd Nnt'ons sl"'-ald re- hrnry btiildinK Imd he; n denied Officers on the sick list were Sin'ii- in'.NV1*' Yrtrlt" " h v ''"" County Tax Board. TheiJran Antuncs, Joan Casa. and K

_' ...'.. ._ / _ . . flub owns and maintains the JAlice D<;mejka. The next meet-ftbuiSdinu and operates a frre'ing will be the first Friday in Spublic library through funds January.

Joyful bells ring outthe holiday season is

here. We greet you withgood wishes.

Robert C. the Sisterhood of the ParkwaylvfrLE PARTY TONIGHTJewish center at a membership! HOPELAWN — The annualtea last week In the home oflChristmas party of the Hope-Mrs. Leon Linefsky, | lawn Home JBd School Asso-

Mrs. Norman DeLit, presi-jciation of school 10 win bedent, reported on the past ac-complishments and futuregoal'; of the organization. Host-

held tonight at 8:00 in th«school auditorium, with Mra,Edward Tylor and Mrs. Steve

jesses were Mrs. Linefsky, Mrs.lCserr in charge. The affair laLionel Wolpert, and Mrs. Gor-jopcn to members and charterdon Dorsch. i members.


!Miss Koscmarie and Miss Sally

1$5 Roosevelt Avenue, (larteret

Phone 541-884 J

Season's Greetingsfrom

Mauro Motors, Inc.Authorized


» Chrysler— Plyinoulli-fliiipwal—Valiaiil

Salfs and S«-r\ iff

"May Your Tomlest

Christmas Dreams Come True"

Please Drive Carefully and

Have a IIapp.% Hf> l iday !

Mauro Motors, Inc.611 Amboy A

INSUREDAxia Federal Savings



1001ways lo glow

How will you have'your nightlighting? In apure golden blaze? Deep luster color? Orboth (rich metal brocade tinted any shadewithout charge at Kinney's)? Glow your ownway. But, before you do, see all our glow-by-nights. Tintable satin, peau de soie, brocades.

Sizes 4-10".

Gold c r u s h e d kid

Per AnnumAnticipated

EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1 , 1 9 6 2Compounded or Paid Quarterly


Sold ind silvtr on BlackBold tnd Silver on Whit*

WM» '

"Founded 1927 1591 IRVING ST. RAHWAY FUlton 1 -4242

OPBK 1« 4. M. TO 9 P.M.

Woodbridge • at Green Street CircleJunction Routes 1 and 9 ISELIN

Page 18: Churches Will Lead Holiday Observance; )LLAK …...ship in an effort to get the Board of Freeholders to take over and Improve important road links between the Borough and the Township



' »



from fire, add butter and cool!PAri ik ft • ' « A * a « L s « » l u n l U lukew*rm' Acld " u t m w l « i

\ 2 r 3 n F t\% LnflKmlf !*nd VRnlUa- B*at until " M m y.buttered platter


on a

Baked Flah ti\M%1 pound fish fillets1 cup milk1 tablespoon salt

Pino, dry bread crumtts1 tablespoon oil or melted

butterCut fillets Into serving piece*.

Combine milk and suit. Dip fishInto milk, then into crumbs,

and cocoa thor- Mnf sur(V , l s h ls completelymilk and Karo.;cnVf,rcd v l t h cmm^ p , g w ,„

Fudif4 lips sugar1 :,tiok of buttei5 tflblrspuonh cocoa4 tahli'<pnons white Kflio

pint milk1 cups nut mfals1 small can of Hlpollte or

marshmallow creme1 teaspoon'vanillaMix sugar

Addv. Add milk and Kaiccvercd with crun .tove, add outtfr Cook a grfRW( | baking dlsii. spnn* fsoft ball In formed w h e n w l t h butter, and brown quickly

dropped into cold water Tftke; ln,Brl oven 500 decrees about,.from teat aiidudd martlimsl-to to 20 minutes n« not^addlow rn-me. Beat well and add wRtrr. serve with lemon buTWTvanllln and nuts. Pour Into well MUCf.

In analyzing la?tChristmas Bird CbiiMSsoon' obvious that there hadbeen an unusual concentrationof buteo hawks across most ofsouthern Ontario and the up-per half of New York Stale.Such a widespread concentra-tion of hawks could not be ac-cidental. There must havebeen some underlying biologl-cal reason for this phetiome-:Moplenal concentration. A further *; .. . T _ n , , ,nr i i ]study of the reports sent in byP«daUon . Y O U R G A R D E Nwmpllers indicated that this; Of cour.se, when one has a »hawk concentration'was linked very special Interest in the^with an unusual abundance ofib l r d s coming to his feeding!"-" •-'-• " J - " — mice! • l

vA pan 1 Inch thicksqu-tren when firm.

IVcan PrsllnM:i (ups sugar2 ublcspoonJ butter', cup milkI cap pecan*1 teaspoon vanilla

Ml* 2 cups wear and


Washington, Kan. -- Resi-dents of this Northwest Kansasvlllane were surprised to learnthat a retlrPd school teacherwas worth 16,000,00(1.

t The townsfolk.1) knew »he had

SANTA WAS nr.nr, . , „ , — .,.Birch Men's Club at the White Birch Inn Sunday

now have towards

But the editor of the Chrlst-|m { a v o r i U s - i n 8)l fairness, he1 E v e r v season seems to bring

mas Bird Counts Immediately! r p m e m b e r t h a t j u s t u ' i t , o w n u u i e dilemma.mas Bird Counts immediatelyknew that such an unusual

tafavorit*s- m all f a i r n , E v e r y s e a s o l l

^ ^ r e m e m b e r t h a t just as i ts o w n u u i e dilemma.surely as his artificial concen- N e x t spi. ing |

f f d I ttractingdaylight

'1' Kcrp a ra di;nft. cithrr of colo air or ofworm from a hot air outlet.

3> Keep it cool. A plant ona sunporch will live a long timeas lung as the temperaturedoes not go below M degrees at

you water yourenough to reach

. _ot system, all thethe pot. But don't

41 Whenapply

bundance of smal t u f f o o d l s attracting • tj s t a r t s a lot of usrodents could not be accidental £ d s h l s ,eeders , t n i 5 u n . : ^ u V ™ a hi», our headseither. There must be somei'"'*". m n i . ( ,n t . r . t io n of song- *_"' .

let the plant stand mfilled with water.

either. There must be some, explanation — some biological

reason. Further d

[songbirds to his feeders, this un:w l ) 1 b e scratching our headsnatural concentration of song- i t r y , n g t 0 decide whether to setbirds Is Inviting predators to . • k b a c i j o r aii,.ad.

WATtBHow can you tell If a poin-

ance 01 voies ana oiner mice — , , «.i»i,*••»•>".- >» — , .. .was undoubtedly due to a rabies1"' l l f e P r c d a t l o n ,1! e s s e n t t a l ! t c try to remember whether toepidemic that had almost wiped a° d « « « a,s,a che£k. °" "'[keep the polnsettla "wrm andout the fox population, as well l c e6s lve Populations. The C°°P- j d i y , warm and mols'. cool and

killing off most of t h e | Brown Thrasher from the feed- d r y or w o l a n d m o , t or coo. . Z. . . . . !«»•« Howie thnt. sna tehes t h e i j . .,__ t h e d a y a n ( ) w a r m atThe LeTtnd iunkim e ioxes ana EKUIUS

er isHawk that snatches

following its

. » . . . . u heavy, he decides It haslenough water? Light weight lshis signal to apply water. It'sbest to let a plant »et ratherdry between waterings.

Malcolm R. Harrison,at

[ly'population of small , ^ . , , , 0 ,Immediately skyrocketed. But!1""1"118

almost Immediately other pred- b l I \ , a n

ators such as hawks and owls Etching a mouse. 'beyond:concentrated to take advantage! In fact, if you wish to a d d | M I T H L I G H T

• of this easy abundant Jood interest to your nature studies;-"^'

rnbln e r a b - c a n c a r e f o r y 0 U r •robin g r a D ^ ^ n t tQ k e e p j( , l a p p y a l l

through the holiday^ and even


. . ._ SINCE APRILso you'll apprecUt« your

New JerseyI getting readylast April. Theybundles of what sjemeddry sticks that thrv received1

from growers ln Calitornia,Alwayt kept under tropical

conditions in the greenhouse,these pltnts grew, and florist*took cuttings to begin new ones

, saucer] T h e e M l l f r {^t c u t t l n | mu

rooted, (he taller lhe plantgrew.

But tail or short, all planUcame Into flower a', thetime. This is so becauselength of day decldn bloom.

Too much light cm delaypoinsettla "crop" as whsomeone letves light* burningln a greenhouse at night "mistake <

So a plant that's been stfch aI long Ume growing deservescare that will help it starcolorful a few more Ci;: <*even weeks.

tlme:pour sWwly Into the first mlx-!»chool 34 years beforeIture, itlrring constantly. Cool 25 years ago^iuntint forms a soft ball when Her will lists 166 rela t m

float* ofwnidropped l n c 0 |d t M e r . Remowand 40 farm irmnls as hrtnfor Lnruwnas _ _ t _ - _ ^ ^ m m r ^ _ „ _ _


u. S colleges to form technology center In India.

Soviet hits failureiChlr* rift.

Macmflllan says market talk*plant a little more, he remlnds 'mi wieeeed.

Here again was an interest-Here again was an interesting example of nature's com-

ibegin to list the examples" ofpredation you see in your owngarden. If you do this, and

11 Give your plant all the.light possible. Keei) it in thelightest room by diy and Iithe living room in tl»K evening


;;;ieTth7;Vo*u\^K<«» *KA«. «predators play ln presenting! ^ 'populations of any one sroup of l|animals from getting out ofcontrol.

Until a few decades ago mostpeople, thought of hawks andowls and other predators as be-iIng terrible beasts filled with a1

lust to kill, Many peoplethought they were doing thecommunity a good service bykilling off raptorial birds. Thenbiological research began to re-veal how useful these predatorsreally are ln nature's overalldesign. State after state, prov-ince after province, passed lawsprotecting most or all hawksand owls. Even hunting clubsbegan issuing bulletins explain-ing to their members the use-fulness of hawks and owls, andasking members not to shoothese Important mem&ers 0the biotlc community.

Some of the Interrelationships In nature are so complexthat it ls often not easy to convey the essential facts clearl.to the public at Jarge. The National Audubon Society caiwell be proud of the lmportanrole it has played ln creatingthis enlightened attitude mos

nature's'a dark corner will soon'and fall.

FRESH SHRIMPFor Your Christmas'Dinner!

Fr iday and Satu rdayHOME-MADE CLAM CHOWDER


Eels - Squid - Dry CodSmelts and SperingFree Deliver) - Call ME 4-0743

HANDERHANS SEA FOOD96 Main Street Woodbridge

"Season's Greetings To All"

New Year's



K ReservationsNow Being Taken!



' DancingCONTINUOl'S

ENTERTAINMENTLimit KeienriUoni to M Cuuplei


Reserve \on.'Route No. One, Woodbridge

Atiutnt to SUnltT'f



May We'Suggest...






AL«)EA 40 Deluxe






OPEN DAILY 9 A. M. TO 10 P. M.

For Your Convenience ALBEA Will Be Open Christmas Day Ti l 2 P.M.

The light of * candle flickers faintly behind the princely purpU of

a stained flail window; \ht loft now is hushtd u the final full-throiUd

noUof the organ becomes lost in a distantech$; In every belfry him*

men are ittlled under a winter heaven—and Christmas Eve drawi upon

all Christendom.

It waj such aj night crr.turlei ago lhat another light shone, that

trumpets broke the stillness over the hills, that a Child was born tn

Bethlehem's manger. It was such a night whose joy has filled the hetrlji

. mnd Ufted the spirit of men through, ages (of time forjn Him who lay

there was bom, too, the faith to guide the lives of all who embraced I}.

Thk filth has remained firm, expressing Itself in understanding, In

charity, In love Mid ln every good deed. '

Ai another Ghriatria* dawns, these are its hopes and th*»e are Itl

promises to mankind from those to whom it ls a precious heritage. W to

OB Christmas that these rededicate themselves to to live their livetiln'

• the image of the Saviour that they may bring peaci and contentmjnt

and comfort to all civilization who are their brothers! It is on ChriltittU

that they draw, upon their faith to give them the will and the itreogth

" through the year ahead to obey the words and clothe themaeWe* tn the

wisdom bfUlm who was Christ Jesus. ,

80 as we ponder the Christmas season, it Ii the boot of the Jirrt1 Bank and Trust Company that It may bring the happlneii which ooton

from Itl deepest meaning-e. happiness which cannot be lurpaaitU



\«1 / .


Fordt and Perth Amboy, New Jertey $



Page 19: Churches Will Lead Holiday Observance; )LLAK …...ship in an effort to get the Board of Freeholders to take over and Improve important road links between the Borough and the Township

I f l Pejoice In the Wonder of the First Christmas.• 1

Hark in your heart to the joyous message of the First Christmas,

which brought to all mankind the Divine Pi'Omise of Peace on Earth,

Good Will Toward Men. In observing the Birthday of the Babe of Beth-

lehem, find aiiewthat deep and abiding source of faith, hope, courage

and sustaining spiritual inspiration that is the bright and shining wonder

of Christmas

Management'and Staff of the

The Independent


Publishers of

Capteret Press* ' ( ' • • • ' ' • • • " •

Edison Township aid fords Beacpn



M K U W M U K W t t ! ! ^ ^

Page 20: Churches Will Lead Holiday Observance; )LLAK …...ship in an effort to get the Board of Freeholders to take over and Improve important road links between the Borough and the Township


Comment on SportsCapitol Dome(Continued from Edit Page)It seems logical. But when tors. All mobile

the Children's Home Society of such as t l» child canNew1 Jersey U given this oo- »nd effectively controlviously generous offer, the sn-

remoer" 0 * A V E M PERSONALS

ciety closed down It* receivinghome in 1939. Prom that


GeneralSiStS: .


in the interest of each child'swfll-being, "moves" to a new

.. ^environment were reduced toan Rbsolute minimum.

weather was generally good for

smallcrops and fallgrains s'/i cover crops In the

CHRISTMAS HEALTH: - Garden State, the New JerseyChristmas 'health hint* have Crop Reporting Service reports,been Issued fcy the Medical So-!/Jr. Discourages by &nate op-ciety of New Jersey to keep the;—it"™ """>""" " f l l w r t B

1 1 rss- ura'swrsposition Governor Robert B.

.Meyner has dropped tentative" c [plans to call a $pe«lal sessionCare should be exercised lnjof the Senate to consider con-


merry by keeping It

- the selection of gifts for chil-dren, the society advises to besure that they are not poten-

of injury or Ul-

fljmation-of executive appoint-l f

tlal sourcesness.

"We should remember thattoys with sharp points or edges

, may produce penetrating orslashing wounds," said the so-ciety. "Lead-based paint ontoys and children's furnituremay, if gnawed by toddlers,produce lead poisoning: andemail objects may be swallowedwith serious, even tragic « •wits.

days left in 1961, traffic deathsL™ countriesin New Jersey total 734 as1

compared with 741 for all oft G l t

ments. With only

1M0. Both Governor-electS

1M| Hughes and Dnited States Sec-retary of Agriculture Orvllle L.Freeman have accepted invi-

S t ttations address StateAgriculture Convention in Tren-ton next month. . . . ColonelJerome J, McCabe, Sea Girt,has been named acting chiefof the State Bureau of Aero-nautics to succeed Colonel

D.The New Jersey

in eo-

and Mrs. Abe Kramer,


WASB3NOTON. D C - F o o t -ball fan* will be arguing for alor* time u to which was thebait college Mam in 1961- Ala

AttomeylDerflore*1 Avenue, recently re-- . . ( « . turned home from a week's va-turned home from

cation in Nassau. Mr. Kramerwon the trip through his bus-l

btma got the final nod of both Tech and arch rival Autournthe OPI couches' poll and the Tech U P aylng in a bowl »ndAP writers and broadcasters'poll.


shelters.Su«man. D.V.M..

. ebnJte the first birthday ofof ithelr sop, Mark David, Wednes-

r of ZMarch in the United Arab Be-S 62 d l l

m r ^ to January 3-Golden Circle will hold

h tod. The 862 ndmlnls-|thelr Christmas luncheon todayirnwii. and f«culty members oflat 12:30 P. M. at theTirst P—--New Jersey's six State colleges'byterlan Church hall. Anhave a total of 2,094 degrees change of gifts will be featuredreceived from 318 different col-i —Sisterhood of Congregationr cleges In 45 states and

'rent1 18

ShB'nal Jacob will hold a boardof directors meeting Tuesday at9 P. M at the Avenel-Colonla

CAPITOL CAPERS: — New community Center.Jersey's boose

irevenues,$244301whkh have Increased $244,301

since July 1. are expected tospurt upward during the Christ-mas holidays. . . . GovernorRobert B. Meyner favorsproposal to lower the voting

Teacher, patieftly: "If oneand one makes two, and twoand two makes four, how muchdoes four and four make?"

Old-enough-to-vote hillbilly

age from 21 to 18 years, but be-!pupil: "That ain't fair, teacher,lleves there Is not enough sen-1 You answer the easy ones your-tlment for Its adoption amongklf and leave the hard one forteen-agers. . . . Governor-elect

and Oregon and MississippiSlat* whipped Texas TechHouston. Arkansas State, tndAuburn. State also held LOTto a 14-« victory).

Alabama ended with Georgia

But there were some whothink that Ohio State deservedthe top ranking because of atougher schedule, And muchhas been written about 'Bama'ssoft ichedule. But the CrimsonTide hasn't played a softschedule in many decadesEven when Alabama was field-ing a miserable team, theschedule remained tough.

Amid all the ta.lk of "Bama'isoft schedule, a glance at th<actual opponents played will bein order. The first five gameswere with Georgia, Tulane

eas\ly wSouthern

whipped such t«am»d IXSouthern Cal. Rice and IXjk

and 21-0). Tech



A Gift for the HostessN « t time you go s-vislting,

take a jar of honwmsds tneweuread as a special treat for your

KMtess. ' .


. „ . («myoft«»niooihtniltbg<*•»«>

the; itayeeaaeToporaWimllk *\lost 10-0 to L8U and by ... , .same score to Alabama. LSU I N 4 PerriM WOTCMWIMNmay have been the strongest; Q, , , , , C B M M OI cui II in 4mallteam In the nation at the end p l l m p,,) ehMH and milk In topof the season and ranked in the1 & double buiUr mi eook o mof thetop five In both polls. So Ala-bama had to bet pretty good,for Tech wa« up for the Tide!

thIn this one, which wasf

thethenext-to-the-last game of

season for the Engineers. jOhio State played a tougher

schedule. Saturday after Sat-urday, perhaps, but they didn't!

k d I

„ « „ , fining cot*anUy uniU^ m i u . HMDOT* bom th*

d M a t O T wiih Uo t Pwrhu^0 T O r t t r thi [ , . four tote awoctiv*^ eoolaia«n< lit H cool md th»nfieit In ih« wti^miot.

O t | u r M l l 6 n i n g i such as

t l w p p ^ oijves, prepiwJ mus-^ w pxMt r f | |ih can also b«


|1.M fer 15 words Deadline for ads:<« «ach additional wortfay able In advinct

TMsda,10 A. M for th* urn*publication


TelefhoM MEreary 4-1 111


•WENCH POODLE PUPPY.1B-T TRUCKINGAKC registered. Ideal Christ-' Thrre-ton maximum i*.

nas gift. Call TW B-7830 or truck. Moving, packing, geniim-ltc Box 191. c/o this news- hauling. Basement clean]>iper. iFU 1-8308.

12/21; 12/21-1


play > team all year ranked In ^ ^ m^r interesting ehttttVanderbUt North Carolina;the top fifteen nationally at d O r y o u f a n divide thi

' t h e end of the season,!They ^ n t i t m t h r M p ( , r u a n d m i k *, . .* . . . - . . „ Michigan State.. o , r M ,ji(fffM,t flavon. to suit in-

State and Tennessee. None ofthese are pushovers and, fromyear to year, any one of themmight be a national team.

The weak part of the "Bamaschedule was the next threegames, Houston, MississippiState and Richmond. The lat-ter team was the only push-over. Houston and MississippiState fielded teams which wona few respectable games.(Houston beat Boston College,Cincinnati, Tulsa, Florida State

Apply KI 1-7530.12 14-12/21 Pully Insured. Winter

FU 1-9308.

SHORT OF CASH?Who Isn't? How about earning j

12 21-1 JHow about e a r n i n g ! _ , „ , _ , _ .

week?. Merchandise KITCHEN CHAIRS RECo1 ED E t

$40 pevshipped PREPAID v and on

ll Al Ml 2



didn'tPurdue or Minnesota, the topteams in the Big Ten this year!So the Buckeyes really can't


Of course, no one knowswhich team was the best col-lege team.' It's all a matter ofguesswork And that's what]makes it all interesting.

CREDIT Call Mrs. Aim. Ml a-.ordurtbfc leatherette . . . .5148 for home Interview. \V™** U 9-2185 sffcr 5:Oo]

Foreign music for U.S.shows decried.

Absent Treatment

"Too bad about Mary and'Harry I thought they weregoing to be so happy on breadand cheese and kisses."

"So they were until Hatrygot inW the habit of getting allof them downtown."



O.E. ELBCTRK; STOVE. J4-Inch. Oood condition. Bert

offer Call FU 1-8861.



IF TOUR DRWKIXacome t problem, Al

Anonymous can help youiBl 1-1611 or writ* p o

# 251. Woodbrldge

AUSTIN - heat*r Ooodcondition. Reasonable. Call

,ME 4-7711.

12 7-12

HAVDfO TROUBU with TOi m f ? X l k

• 12



nished studio apartment.Three rooms and bath. Imme-diate occupancy for couple. MI4-1923. 12-7 tf

sewerage? Xlectrk St*erojl«!er removes roott, filth.— and Moppagt from'eioi

* pipes, drain and stwtridigging, no damage* - railand efficient. Call

Phnhfctaf And Heating UI

AVENB< — Four large rooms,modem bath and kitchen

Nice location. 78 Lrhtgh Ave-nue.


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Tel. ME 6-0010


NOW!Guaranteed Lehigb


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1 8 .50



and SON


88 Main Street

Woodbridge, N. J.

Telephone HEreory 4-OSM

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We Will FRAME ATTIC(for 1 rooms and bath)

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Mnlc listnctlN


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Over 25 Years ofFriendly Service

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Beftanrn and AdTance4Btadrnta Accepted.

Call ME 4 - 5 4 4 6Aathorlud

Sales & ServiceCONN ORGANS



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DA1LT H I - lAf. M-4

ft TV ServlciSet NeedUFAOI



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IW ATcnel Street,

Repair btlmatet Freel

nUt ttftW riMUOu f tonCw KtdlM Unkti fromptlj


857 Roosevelt AvenueCARTERET, N. J.


CAMK) 8HOP, M0Street. Woodbrldie Fin

lection t4 oid furniture,ning wheels, desks, cradle,turn, lamps, china andf Wt buy and iel)and browse U I 4-10):



ire nave many protpecU andyour property may be )uit whtt O N EISUVISTS- EIGHTHthey are looklm for. We will; A niuon-wlde campaigngladly look o m your born* mdjth. Defense Deputmnu it

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Service to OurCuitomen


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•: bfaf At M M , ipMd «nd teofmf ft" (tactile hplia iV Urn toil of t mtnnit1 nichlM, King Slit 12" Cirrtigi. Full• Sh> Ktybwrd, Full Width Ktybutd Tib.'i aUtlon. Choice et tncutlv« typ« itrltk

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Complete 8toek of DomMtte

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Sheet Metal Work

Roofing, HeUI Ceiling

and Furnace Work

588 Alden Street

Woodbridge, N. J.

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Skii Dlviig


SKIN DIVERDae Oar Uj-Aw»r Plan

Call ME 4-0071


OlveawayIf you can remember the time

I when a man's Importance w ojudged by the size of his keyring you're older than you'llwant to admit.—Dothan (Alt.)Eagle.

Nixon denounoessecond-ratere"


The prompt action W to wioff any sudden spiral of pwwhich occurred during thtWorld War and the 1W«r.

The Pentagon hu betntouch with the Ubor I>p*rjment and other agendf* te :termlne what protectionbe developed

Parm issue kef to MidiO O P . Plan*.


T. R. STEVENSaooftnc ini IhMt M«U1 W«rk


Sire a Owen or Snpplk* fwChtUtmu

Bur now i l n t l m l »rte*t, uii(•in onr Uy-Aw«» PUa. ItaeP4TTB1-HU.

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Phone: MErcury 6-0010

Directory AdsBring Results

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lit Kahway Avenue, Avoul

Hem Improvement

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L » f

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ME 4-SI&0




Partial or CompleteBath Rooms, KitchensCeramic Tile, Vanities,

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r. BEBENC8I (Cekftla)


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Special Christmas Offer

30% Off Our Regularlow Prices On All New

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Whether tt's » formexpedlta your offlc* op-erations or » w k l t witlmulat* your »i«-we'll design tnd print itto your best advantage.Our deU?erles 111 °*right on th« dotour prices willsense, tool

MIDDLESEXK r 0 • Miimaiat

oo anyttuna UH

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Page 21: Churches Will Lead Holiday Observance; )LLAK …...ship in an effort to get the Board of Freeholders to take over and Improve important road links between the Borough and the Township


via vor KFM.I.Y s w t vI, iv K r l n c l r t a l k s (a ( h e l.ul In

Id(lKi- I M ' . O . I

> ( S M A M I1 £ l l ™ . r * • : ' • " " '" " " ' l l M l l r P'""1 ' » ' " > - -'ni.u.,1 r T , p p | f d KKXII,., p a r t y

( . M M . h r W o o d b r l d i t K l k . . 1 W > M , , . . . , i . . r II..M. - . . , .« ! . .» . f t , , , , , , , , , , | n ( h f „ « „ ,, T r tU.lk • t n r m b r r e l t | w c o m m l l l f r . , ,nd ,>n I I , , „ ! , , . „ „ . r i j ! , l t j , . h , . „ ,

I adies Society Christum CenterpiecesInstalls Slate ^ p r i z o s from Grmp

New SlateOf OfficersInstalled

AVENEL - Mrs. Oeorp. Ku"»K WHS Installed as president«T the Udles Auxiliary of Ave-'K'l Pile Company at a dinner«' the flrehouse. Mrs. Godfreyiiiompson was chairman, with;« I Dust presidents serving on:

'•'ii' committee.

Other officers Installed were-Mrs. Alex Tracz, first vice pres-'dent: Mrs. William Pernn sec-

« .>ViCC p r e s l d e m < Mm. JamesMulhmn. ree,ordlnR secretnrvMrs. Michael Tetesco. corres-iwiidimt secretary;'Mrs. GeorgeAllen, treasurer and Mrs. Wal-t'T Sohleskl serReant-aUrms.

The newly-installed president»s mven a navel and a floral |

(bouquet. The other officers wereDi-wnted with corsages.

; All retiring officers »nd"tandlnK committee chairmensubmitted•' annual reports and| were presented with gifts of ap-preciation by the retiring presi-dent, Mrs. Howard Hudgens. AHold past president's pin wasawarded Mrs. Hudgens by Mrs.Harold Hansen, senior pastpresident.

Standing committee chairmenfor the new year were an-nounced by Mrs. Kunak as fol-lows:

Mrs. Elmer Dragos, Mrs.'Oeo-w Shaffer and Mrs. John Ko-Mk, good cheer; Mrs. MichaelHrabar, hospitality; Mrs. Han-sen, program; Mrs .Stanley De-rewsky, publicity; Mrs. Frank

jWanca. membership; Mrs. Wll-jliam Dwyer, custodian; Mrs|St<!ve Cohorsky, kitchen bri-iiade; Mrs. George Kovack, by-laws and Mrs. William Kuzmi-ak, chaplain.

A donation was made to theMarch of Dimes. The presidentand first vice president wilrepresent the group at the Mid-dlesex County installation din-ner In South River In January.

The custodian, Mrs. Dwyer,[will arrange for a ChristmasMass in the St. Andrew's

Jaycee-ettes B'nai Jacob SisterhoodOffers 'Lamp for Sammy'

, Church and flowers to be plac-ed in the First Presbyterian

iDBRIDOE - Revrniili Installed the new

'. the"Udlr» Aid So-i In- First Pi »byt«rUn ^at t rawung and

»» party al the home ot


Church In honor of deceasedmembers. Shut-Ins will receivecards from the good cheer de-partment.

A ballet, "The Nut CrackersSuite." was presented by Mrs.Wanca, as prlmadona; MrsPeter Greco and Mrs. EveretJohnson, ballet masters; MrsRubin dreco, Mrs. Andrew Gal

LockA v t n u . - • uir;,-:h,i. UMI limcc McKwn and Mrs, Owirgeisln. Mrs. Derewsky Mrswrpuri's mud.' oy lumber, of Oumty, advisor served at chap- le. Mrs. Perrm Mrs KUie Junior V,,.mat.i C'.-ir> of ,•;„„„. W M r s , K u z m i a k un^ CTit

11 W t l *" u lV.Jf . i V t'fl : i t Tilt* \tm ! V\ i* t* _ n . . ....>._ _• .. \. J _ ..._ •__ i . _ • . . i > ' *dlv.il.iKd at 'lie Mrs, J..hn Eg.-in reported she dancers. Introduction and story Patrick Agug'llaro, Mrs. Josephut were read by Mrs. Hansen and

the music was provided by Mrs

noon. the,i. « ., " f t 0 th°S<" S<1"Pl1 h y ""' Vnri^ P»l»y '''"lie Muscular Dlstrophy Awopiatlon andthe National Foundntion. The auditorium, as usual, was packrd. association and

Aid Yule FundWOODBRIDOE-At a meet-

ing of the Woodbrldge Town-ship Jaycee-ettes last week, thethird Tuesday of each monthwas set as a meeting date be-

lnning the first of the newyear.

Mrs. Donald Klslan was nam-ed chairman of the sunshinecommittee and Bhould be noti-fied If anyone Is 111, In need ofa sympathy card or birth con-gratulations.

Mrs. Alan Rockoff, publicitychairman, advised a recent tourof a Rahway Btore was attend-ed by 33 women and the pro-ceeds, of $15, was donated tothe Independent-Leader Christ-mas Fund for the needy famil-ies of the Township.

Mrs. Lorraine Hansen, 163Pulton Street, announced thefund raising candy sale wasvery successful and requestedall who have not done so tourn money over to her at the

above mentioned address.Members serving on the com-

mittee for the children's Christmas party which was sponsoredbjf the Woodbrldge JayceesSunday at the Colonla Civic

'Good Citizen1

AVENEL - "A Lamp forSammy," a play directed byMrs. Arthur Freeman, was fea-tured at the meeting of Sister-hood Congregation B'nai Jacobat the AveruM-Colonla JewishCommunity Cen>r.

In the cast weie Mrs. Free-man, Mrs. David Hoffman, Mrs.P h i l i p Greenspan, Mrs. JackFarka? and Mrs. Hunter Wil-son. A cantorlal rendition wasgiven by Meyer Trachtenberg.

Guests welcomed by Mrs.Martin Litlnger, vice presidentof programming, were Mrs. LeoAlster, administration secre-retary of the Central NewJersey Branch of the NationalWomen's League and Mrs.Adele Pressman, Central NewJersey Branch Braille chair-man. Mrs. Pressman is also apast sisterhood president of theBeth Torah, Rahway.

A report was given by Mrs.Jack*Schneider on the child-ren's party scheduled for Jan-uary 21. Mrs. Abe Lapidusstated a successful bingo partywas held at the Colonia School22.

Improvement Club are; Mrs.Eugene Oda, chairman; Mrs.

•,Ma'.>d »rre Mri. Andrew entered Ut u;c at'. dVww5-::::WI;M'!:. pretldttit; Mrt.'conlejt and Mrs Al Au:i.;»:i ivinarett, v l « preal- chairman. aimuiiUYd ti

•w ili£~ John Knfitr. iffr*. nwt M ilTJL ilubcil t'xj»t:d Mn. FuUerion. prtu; Mrs. AUiiit, s>'cii

1 •••"'•: Mrs. KOWTI Miliit, ihin"•••- Kt t |er r»*d the »tory A Chrutma* JH

' .•• Birthday". Member* htW (ur mt.'inbf.'i1

• . : ,;;.'u u> bt dUtribuUd nwrto* »t 3 JO 1'

The dark horse prize was won Thompson,y MM Barrett. Co-hostesses An exchange

Dl Marslco, Mrs. Klslan, Mrs.Gordon Neary, Mrs. Fred Steb-bins, Mrs. Robert Truhe, and

>. art Mrv.u>

M r s . . , , „ , , , K ( , m a and held with Mrs Peter Greco asof gifts was Mrs Robert Whitet

.PrVr nink-wliz

*>''Cl>!'.(l ttl.l!

!V V, 111 ;,hlldrrll Lu-M. at Hi'-

Hi-lvtdere and H i d d o n - ' ^ ' t AW build:i-., with Mi• 'rcsiyterian Homn at Mllo* and Mrs Hcb fUim.i::.i-, gun, cti^cfsklruit:.

F. O Baldwin, retiring A dunation of I5 0o s mad--on the r e - t 0

Santa Claus.The board of directors will

iiwct January 4. The next reg-ular meeting of the club Will beJanuary 9 at the firehouse.

A dress club began this week,announced Mrs. Harry Carlta,vice chairman. Area captains

re Mrs. Carlin and Mrs. PhilipGreenspan, Shorecrest; MrsMitchell Dezube and Mrs. Bar-

ma »qr« made to tht[>ir current expenses

t miproremtnt build-

C.'irntmas fundMrs

aave tllirectlnu cujd.s fo ,

Aid Squad HeadAVF.'NEL — Vf-mon Johnson

.vas fleeted president of theAvenrl-Cojntua First Aid Squada! u special nieeiuic Sunday.

To serve ns officers with Mr.JnhiiMm arc Stephen Meszuros,vice president: Frauk Cenegy,'t!vu>uicr; H.iynwnd Ollliam, were appointed to direct thefi:i[inclal secr-t.try: Lawrence 1 9 6 2 New March of Dimes cam-

Mrs. Molly Mappen, beautyconsultant, spoke on, "Makingthe Most of Ones Self."

Mrs. DlMaTStco appeared "asSanta Claus and gifts were ex-changed by members.

March of Dimes LeaderNamed by County Head


the Deetmbtr 37 meetrown cancelled. The,

••t'tlni wUI be J t n u t r y ;• : io«nip Hilt with Mrt'•• u id Mri. pxvnV

t i . l d

l"" M;iy. record:...•''_ i-rt Snowfiekl

l l ' ; I.ukucs, first"'' "s Uosst. sccor.d

• i l ' ( r r t a r > ' : n o b -

.a ttain: Wi liamin their respective areas

by M. Joseph Duffy, chairman'•utenant; Louis;Bf The National Foundation In

the New Liibou liojii-


*tr/ n r v i s v ' *Ille M1I? ° ' Ch:»tma? tard> Mr Gilllamn a o T n ! , . J 'ta COJUlJleU". aclurdli.u :.. M:-!. The capta:::-X 3 B . R I D ( ? ' 1 - . A n - . A t t U i . w»y» and M rh.iif- u mbrr wu-

haa bctn n u d e of• :ument of C h a r l e i• r I I Mentor? of the

: ' 'o of Woodbridfe toi!'Tii4rd Oretibd• 'rawferred » 1

'iitenant andlieutenant.

Delegates in thf state FirstAid Council ;ive KobiTt Donato;iiid Mrs. I.uk.i.^, Altenwte dei-r^ates are Mi1 Ciilliiun and Mr.Mi'sau'os. Tr'.iMei's elected are

I Wllllfim Selby.report for No-

i'.rii By Steve

: County.The MOD leader* will be:

Harry O'Connor,Street, and Mrs.

man. She askfd ui! M.Imade (is saou m IXJSSU,;'

Candor dri-saintf, m.i1

Kathryn Coggins, 318 ProspectAvenue; Iselln: Mrs. WilliamDangell, 70 Pershing Avenue.

Following their appointments,the chairmen said:

parable to triumphs of thetriumphs of the past."

This will be the second yearMr. O'Connor will be Sewarenleader of the drive. He is married and is the father of adaughter He is employed b;Woodbrldge Township^ His co-chairman, Mrs Arway, will als<be Mothers', March chairmanShe is married and has twesons.

Mrs. Coggins is a mother offive children, one of whom was BBTOGECLUB MEETSa polio patient. She served In

..«•• dressing, nu.le t>y tor calls: fi mtsrcllaiifous and As the Rational FoundaUon[n ,L ,„. u r i r , f | 1 i . , , ( ) ! l i im i ! 74 The pushes forward in the fields of

» ; d ; , M i W mbuUnh travelled 9431birth defects and arthritis the. ; , tt,cu:dl;

ftirrVii n,ll.-s and

travelled 943! birth defects and arthritis, thenumbers-picture Is somewhat like that

of polio 20 years ago. March ofDimes support of a proven pro-gram of research, professional

Mrs 'dinner and d;uiiv to be held


For Cifts

and |)<in>ralioiis

Wr'll Udlwr

Aromatic Gver^rns andOther Holiday Greenery



and for those departed,Attractive Grave Covers



FLORISTS'klou* Monitor•"•* »., lM«m IJ, MM*.

The Living Gifts

care promises victory In thebattle ahead com-

ney Rockoff, Lynn Oaks; Mrs.Abe Siegfried, Oak Ridge andAvenel and Colonla, Mrs, AbeKramer.

Mrs. Sol Slotnlck, treasurer,reported a donation of $500 wasgiven to the congregation. Thiscompleted the Sisterhood's $2,-000 pledge for this year.

The significance of Chanu-kah was explained by Mrs.Philip Brand, wife of the localspiritual leader. !

Mrs. Sidney Nochlmson, waysand means chairman, announc-ed food vouchers are now avail-able at the following area sta-tions: Shorecrest, Mrs. MortonWeil, Mrs. Max Kelson and Mrs.Greenspan: Oak Ridge, Mrs.David Gruber; Lynn Oaks, Mrs.Ernie Lelberman; Avenel and

lolonia, Mrs. Leonard Green-field. For further information,members may contact Mrs.Weil, FU 8-7753 or Mrs. No-:himson, FU 1-1822.

A board of directors meetingscheduled for Dneember 26

,t 9 P. M. a), the local center.Mrs. Ed.^tern, Torah fund

'ice chairman, announced aipeaker on the Toroh fund will

Polish Folk TunesFeature for Party

WOODBRIDGE—The child-ren's dance group of the Alli-ance of Poles in America wllparticipate In the program aithe annual Christmas Party aSt. Joseph's Convent, Decem-ber 31, 2:30 P. M. under thesponsorship of the St. Joseph'sCharity Association of St.Stephen's Church, Perth Amboy. Mrs. Stephen Veres ischairman and Mrs. Joseph Dor-lo, co-chairman. The public isinvited to attend.

The children will sing amdance Polish folk tunes unde;(he direction of Mrs. UrsulGryglewski, Joseph Polcyn, anMaryann HermanowsW,

The entire proceeds will ben•'fit the Little Servants of Mar;Slsteers who are visiting nursei

be present at the Januarymeeting.

Hospitality was arranged byMrs. Meltz. Mrs. Lapidus, Mrs.Martin Litlnger, Mrs. Jules Is-ler, and Mrs. Ben Baron andMrs. Helmut Marum.

the 1059 Avenel Dimes cam-paign.

The Iselln MOD leader. Mrs.Dangell, who has served as mu-nicipal chairman for 12 yearsla married and is the^iotherof fjve children.'

bur popular young singerseducation ajid total patient Frankie Avalon, Fabian, Paul

Anka and Tommy Sands havetop roles In "The Longest Day."

Guest of DARWOODBRrUQE-Miss Ruth

Ann Jachlmtak, "good citizen,"who was selected from the sen-ior class of Woodbrldge HighSchool by members of the fac-ulty and student body for de-pendability, cooperation, patri-otism, and leadership, wasguest of honor Monday at ameeting of the Janet GageChapter, Daughters of theAmerican Revolution, whichsponsors the award. The affairwas held at the home of Mrs.Herbert Rankin, Sewaren.

Miss Jachlmlalt will attendthe DAR. state conference InTrenton in March where shewill be presented to the Gov-ernor and taken on a tour ofthe state capital.

Miss Jachimiak is a cheerleader and a member of the Fu-ture Business Leaders of Amer-ica and was chosen Miss F S .LA. at a recent convention InMontclair. She plans to studyand teach business methods.

Penny SaleIs SlatedJanuary 16

Wi lODniuixjR— Final plantr.u « penny sale January 16in 'he ]i;nisli hull w r c made at.1 iiKfiinir nf Our Lady of Mt.<'i:nvl I T A Monday night.rir Akx Molnsr was named'•''v.'irnian of the affair and as.iiinv (! all cliiss mothers to take0:11 • of th," prlz"s and asked all

'ii! rs to brinj homemade

n IIITS on the committee are;Mrs John Arva, Mrs. Michaelllusv.nnk, Mrs. Francis Nemeth,kitchen; Mrs. Julius Takacs,sperlii table; Mrs, Molnar. darkhorse; Mrs. Alex Mehes1, Mrs.Robert Flshinger, Mrs. Alfredatpniicsky, tables; Mrs. Molnar,tickets.

A Christmas party yv'.M beheld for the school childrentoday with class mothers i shostesses.

A new merchandise club winbe started In January in chargeof Mrs. Steve Chips?.

Mrs. Francis Nemeth, Christ-mas candy chairman, requestedall to turn In the money for thecandy sold so the books ma; beclosed for the year,

M e m b e r s presented BisterMary Rita with a Christmascheck to be used for all thelisters. Sister Mary RiU laihairman of the Gold BondJtamp project and explainedpow much the stamps are need-

ed and urged all to contributeas many as possible.

Mrs. John Arva, hospitalityihairman, announced mothersf the third grade students

were hostesses, and mothers ofhe fourth grade studente wille hostesses for the January

meeting.John Szalontary, organist,

ed all in tha singing of Hun-gdrlan carols.

SEWAREN —,The Sewaren

Race Gar KitsGift to Cubs

WOODBRIDGE—At the an-nual Christmas party of Cub

ack 34 of Trinity Episcopal^Church gifts were exchangedby the boys and Santa Clauswas present and distributedgifts. Each Cub received apinewood derby racing car kitwhich he will complete withthe help of his father to be usedIn a contest in the near future.

Awards were made as fol-lows: Wolf badge to Paul Bere-my, Gerald Martin, Randy Vey;bear badge to Alan Markowlcz;lion badge to John Bergacs;gold arrow to Michael Finn andJohn Bergacs; and sliver arrowto Michael Finn, Gerald Sllazyl,John Bergacs, and William Fre-lish.

A one year service star was

Congregation MeetingScheduled for January

AVENEL — The scheduleDecember meeting of Congregatlon B'nai Jacob has beeicancelled, according to MartiLitlnger, president. A regulaimeeting will be held in January

Rejlgious services will be heltomorrow at the localgogue at 8:30 P. M. The Sister.hood will sponsor the dneiShabbot.

Woodbridge KadettVnjoy Christmas Party

AVENEL — Woodbrldge Ka-dets of America held a Christ-mas party Sunday at the Amer-ican Legion Hall, with Mrs,William Bernath and Mrs.Robert Miller In charge.

The K a d e t s' Instructors,James Anderson and CharlesHawkins, were presented withgifts from the Kadets1 mothers.

On the committee were Mrs.Michael Hrabar, Mrs. Anderson,Mrs. Hawkins, Mrs. JamesHuRhrs, Mrs. Edward Malone,Mrs. William Dwyer, Mrs. Jo-seph Hollo, Mrs. Victor Chrl-stofferson, Mrs. Arthur Mattos,Mrs. Richard Lorde. Mrs. Ed-ward Rightmlre and Mrs, OtisVan Hoosler.

Games were played, enter-tainment provided by some nfthe Kadets, gifts distributedand refreshments enjoyed.

iMerry Christmas

To you and yours, glad greet-

ings and hearty wishes for

great happiness at holiday

time. We're proud and pleased

to serve you, and thank you for

your patronage.

Bridge Club met last week at awarded to Randy Vey and tothe Ramble Inn, Metuchen,with Mrs. Samuel Henry host-•ss. Prize winners were Mrs.R. G. Crane, Miss Marie Rob-bins, Mrs. Joseph Thomson

ifeetlng will be at the home oftars. Thomson on Cliff Road.

Mrs. G. Reeves, den mother,Assistant denner award went

to Michael Fedock and a den-ner strip to Alfred Baker.

A turkey and ChristmasMrs John Ryan. The next basket prepared by the Pack

will be delivered to t local n«edyfamily on Saturday.

_A Ckrlitmai


No matter bow often it's said, it always |has a wonderful meaning — "A Merry, MerryChristmas." This we wish for you, with air goodthings the season holds.


Woodbridgo33 Mik Slreel

Shoppe76 Main Street, Woodbridge


to all our^sPatrons

Gathered on this day are happy peoplecefebrating Christmas among family andfriends. . . enjoying the good fellowshipthat is so imporfant a part of the season.We're happy too! We tyave enjoyed theopportunity of serving you, and we thankyou for the privilege.

354 Amboy Avenue

WOODBRIDGE"Convenient prive-up Service" •itor


Thursday, Friday & Saturday7 for your :



STATE JEWELERS23 Main Street, Woodbridge - Tel. ME 4-1671



Page 22: Churches Will Lead Holiday Observance; )LLAK …...ship in an effort to get the Board of Freeholders to take over and Improve important road links between the Borough and the Township


Freshmen Rout, Metuchen. 4ff-27.

CARTERET-Cnacti Bob O -DnnneH's Carteret hlah schoolfreshmen won their first same'of the sniifon by scoring h?nvi-]y fiver thr Mrt.ur lirn frnsh atMetuchm. 4(5 to 27.

Carlerrt lrd at hnlftimr by Abis 27-10 marein and merelycoasted the rest nf the way.

Ralph AntonoJIo led thescoring for the Carteret club by

• rollliiR un foijr baskets nndelfJht fouls for a total of 16points. Heffernn and DiPauloeach chlpprd in with sevrnpoints,

.The box score:Carteret

DiPaulo .' 3Burton 1Musco 0Sico 0Slivka *... 0Ferenchlk 0Anonello ...*. 4Hefferan 3Heightchew


17 12 46Metvchen

t Black —PerryHawkins .„-Isblt -Humphres ...Bopklng'Adams _.Errickson ...

0__ _... o

0_ 1

1„ 0



A CHANCE MEET ,NG: M.cHae, « h .«*k.nd in Phlhddphto M

uutm him to Ernie Davis and the trio had a very15 to 14. Photo shows Mr. Toth and Mr. Davis.


HartrMcMahonLead Victory

CARTERET - The A A O,.sweet Shop defeated the All-jStars in a Junior Recreation;Hiifketbnll Leastir Hnme, 53 U>:

:i.i. recently nt the hlch school;

The winners scored heavily.. irhiK the first three auartors,mitplnyinu their opponents in

•i of these periods. The mar-i were 10-6. 15-8 and 16-10

Pal Hart and Mike Me-Mnhon led the winners In scor-iiu' with Hart rollinR up 24points and McMahon'.'O. Hart seined ten fieldmid four fouls while McMahonhnd nine dou^e-deckers andwo free throws.

Davidsort and Slddons werei he leadiTlg point getters for thelosers.


Spoganetz 0Hart 10Lehotsky 1Ternllya 1McMahon 9Gregory 0Hefferan 2Llsnyczl - 0Feldhelm 0

Carteret Beaten Letso Rolls 717;In Last Period New Record Sei

CARTERET - A nine-point' CARTEP.ET—Andy Letso hispliirfte- by Phil Demian. Mar ofin new record not only for hln

ROWIFH OK TIIK MONTH: .losic lunar, »llh a total of5 , «." Reeled as f«n.lr h,,w.rr of H,c -m.n.h. Shr

nf Ififl and h mpliiln nf H"1 l •Novelty tram.

s p l t .i lie Met lichen team, in the fln-ril period, was too much forCarteret as the Blues droppeda closely foutffit contest to the•nulldoRs last Friday night atthe local court.

Decnnn, held to only eightpoints during the first, threeperiods, exploded for a total ofnliir points In the final utanWto turn defeat Into victory forthe visitors.

The Dame was close all theway. Cnrteret took an 8-4 lead

Im the opening quarter. Me-Ituchen tied the count at thelinldwav mark by rallying In thesecond quarter. In the thirdperiod Vtptuchen had a «llRht


han an average ledge, 10-9. u< Bulldogs'tr# -Blue* In the

rotmd, with Degnan In


SENIOR BASKETBALLStandings as »' Decemhrr

Frank it Joans 2

9 9 27Carteret 15 12 8 11—46

£ Metuchen 6 4 10 7—27



I Baumgartners! Stffl in Lead** CARTERET — The one-'s game lead which the Baum-Ir gartners held over Hiriak's« Flower Shop remained intact1

*- as both clubs came through>' with two -game victories inP this week's matches in the Car-* teret K of C Bowling League*• at the Academy Alleys,£• Baumgartners won two over1

•, Vitcavage-Lesko, while the sec-^ ond place Hiriaks Flower ShopV\ defeated Scheno's Cities Serv-g ice in two games.J] There were only two sweepi<• recorded. One was turned In>. by Harry P. Burke over Ko-

• i'i check Pharmacy and the sec-ond was by Carey Council overjBowen


Jayvees BeatenIn Close Game

CARTJRET — The CarteretJayvees, after leading by 17-11at half-time, were completelyoutscored In the final half anddropped a close 32-31 decisionto Metuchen Jayvees recently.

Carteret led by 9 to 4 at theend of the first period. TheBlues were still in command athalftime, 17-11, but in thethird period everything wentwrong, insofar as Carteret wasconcerned, and Metuchen took

one-point lead, 22-21,

A&O Tossers jGrohman TeamWin Easily 45-21|Gains on Leaders

Both teams were even at tenquarterJ l apiece in th. final pe-l Pat Hart see,,d 17 port..and

CARTERET - The A & 0Sweet Shop easily defeated theRamblers, 45-21. in the JunioriRecreation Basketball League.It was the second straight tri-umph for the A & 0 tossers.

The winners got off to

CARTERET — The secondplace Grohmann Insurance)pinners gained a game on theleading Walt and Gene's bywinning a 2-1 match In the

23All Stars


J. Comba 2Davidson 5Slddotu 5Wolansky 0

Cart Commercial Leagueover Uie league leaders. John

Zuback 1





Lou's TavernA & O S A CDarab's Tavern

15 4 35Score by periods:

A&OAll Stars

10 15 16 11—536 8 10 11—35

b i g lead at the halftime, 24-!Bil»nin's 601 was high with Joe


ffSS-arr^Si^" ™n* -age leader

SlonUvo RollsBi

Roger Bakos scored 13 pointsand Lou Muchi eleven for Car-

Mike McMahon had 16 for thewinners.

The box score:A & O


Seaman 0Muchl 4Barney _ 3BakosWyskowski ....StuartDotegowski ....


KaliontisRubaski 0Izengerb 3

Sahulcik Builders.The weekly honor roll' in-

cluded the following bowlers:Teleposky Jr. 231, 217, Kalupa230 Silagyl 226, D. Ryan 223,Mar.kos 223, Balewicz 213, W.Kondzierski 209, Hila 207, Na-dolski 205, Holenscak 204, 201,Colton 204, Lucas 203, Vit- Score bycavage 203, Kalita 201 and CarteretSpano 201. Metuchen




4.. 2



T McMahonOjspoganetz

H;Lehotsky ..^Gregory ....

jH0 Lisnyczys .01 Hefferan

G. 4. 1

0. 0. 6. 0. 3. 2


with a mark of 182. was highfor Walt and Gene's by hitting226.

Babies Furniture with JoeMalek Jr. hitting 627 set with ascore of 245, < swept TroastBuilders. Frank Malkus 312-578 was high for the losers.

Louis Tavern swept Sabo's

MUte Versusky rolled a 600f jSport Shop by 3-0 to hold third Slfiko & Fedor club.Q'place. George Sloan led the ""*" "-—->-•. ..•

17,winners with a 213-569 set.Ml Matt "Pop" Sloan had a 202

for the losers.

Carteret Rec. DopLMIDDMCSKX (Ol STY B.P.A.

TRAVELING LKAOl'F.Standings as of Drcrmhtr II

the driver* «eat.Tin Carteret, the two M'»—

McMahon and Mftntle— ledthe scoring with fight and «lxpoints respectively.

The box «corr: ,Cartftft U«)

5elf but for the Carteret La,,,Friday Nhht ^f - ,1 t^ , ,when he valluped the -vmdicores of 237, 213 and 267 I,Jg fat 717 snips. Andy b nivith the Qrcenwalei Insurm,,pinners, current lea •.•UPby R margin of eight full v

As a result of Andysnomenal bowling, o w n .took three Rame« from oilMat. The only other sweep »ner was Team No. 7 which >rthree over Walt and Ocne\"

Two-game winners wer,. iBur Fuel Company CHIII ]

Unes. Amerlon .Plumbcisand Pttlilp Cretet Inc' t h e honor roll for *<„

Included Rose Tidroski 200wrlen. and.Marge Pn,,ifl|

series. In the men's iirouphonor roll Included Jim Ki ,1224-220-617. \ m Slpos >,Bob Urban 209, Boh Us/..,218, 209, Richard Harrow iBob Pazur 203, Jim Pin//., <\•nd Paul Tldronki 2ns

.... l

.... 1

.... 0Falcons °

Schedule for December !First game, 6:30 P. M.. Da-

rab's Tavern vs. A * O S.ACSecond game. 7:30 P. M ,

0 Fords RecreationlBrooksldc Lanes1;Majestic Lanes ..2JH1I1 Lnnra "A" ..

IMid-State BowlHill Bowl LanesEdison LanesHill Laws "B"

W•2V-i Wi28 1724 2122 23

McMnhon, Mantle;KopinjKoby

Frank & Joan's Ptzzarla vs.Lou's Tavern.



15 30 12Mriurhen (351

OHonor Roll i200 or Belt*rGamr* 600 or Brtter SrUtL Butkocy 200-259-607. i v i | i i i i i i ,

Kleban 212.,D. Sadowski 223, H ( i r o | d 4

™ jC Sozaiwkl 204. H. W h l t m o r e - j ^ , , ^ ' ,Standings M of D*ffmb»r 21 J225, J. Schlavone 212. E. Brow-,K n l j ( l s ,

W L>r 200. J Zafaraim 201. M Za- r V v i r M , r 2

A & O Sweet ShopHoly FamilyRamblersAll Stars

C A R T E R E T - Ciszak's,k

Schedule for December t%First game, 6:00 P. M . Ram ;

biers vs. All Stars,

0 farana 202-213. E Jesperson1 213, A Pankn 214. A, YOUDR1236-616. O Cywar 210. O Pot- g ^ b y ?nM$.1 M h 20° Carteret 8 i

Blues Lose CtoselGame by ill t(

201 CARTERET Can. injjtH second same In n :„«•0 week. bow|nK to Hl-hb-.d \\'t

_ tn another close ronirs:]o!day night st Highland p.,;' |The game with Mctuchi-p Friday was *1M17



Rr»ull*Threesame winners: Brook

'side Lanes over Hill Lanes "A.",

9 8-10

all the way Tin.* tirm- ti,,. .i«Jrlslon was HUhlnnd

3 Carterft 35jl Cartfret hnd u4i thr openliu

_ , Highland Park *.i.' ,i,3j|wlth a 17-13 rally u, ;,-,,d

22-19 al the n^idvn :;.,!• KBoth elubs fou :),• -,

Metuchen 4 9 10 12—35

Second same. 7:00 P. M.'Edison Lanes over Mid-StateHoly Family vs. A A O SweetBowl.

Referee: Calumbl.Umpire Clcirell

Plumbing with Frank Slomkoj3*10!*rolling a tremendous 668 set ongames of 214. 223 and 231. wontwo games from Clark ElectricIn the Carteret Lanes ClassicLeague. Cis/ak's team is cur-rently in second place — fivegame* In back of the leading

Volley Ball andTwo-same winners: Fords

iRecreation over Majestic Lanes.!iHill Bowl Lanes over Hill Lanes!;..B.. I

xaders Cain in9 O'clock

.ttandstll) In thr i:i:rd9-8. with HUhland } • . , - , .leading by 31 -28 xmnvfinal period Tlv i>sawed several times ir,quarter but the Ulur-by two points at the :

'< Mantle and W K U ;ihlgh for Carkret « .n

• |Ui i .

!•• i .

Case dines Carteret Javvees CARTERET - The leaders;in the Nine O'clock Bowling1

set game for Clark

CARTERET - Thr Pocroat ion Department has announ

CARTERET-The Recreation!

I k *J7 • *)C t l l e i r maroin as Lou MolnarL O S C DV «)* 1 0 J J led his team to a sweep victory

gained another name toHusketboll ClinicFor Ctuulv Sduui

CARTERET - 1:.. -over the third place Jones Five

—iFeldheim 031!

16 13 45Ramblers


8 4 10—317 11.10—32

Homick 2Sivon 3Porzio 0Dolojzycki _. 3Vargannic 0Sabo '. 0

8 5A & O 11 13 18Ramblers 9 7 3


Pete's DinerLeads League

CARTERET — Pete's Dinerwon two games over Breza Bus,!while the second place Syno-wiecki bowlers dropped threegames to the Slovak. Club. Aila result of all this, Pete's Diner'is now leading the race la theFirst Slovak Citizens Leagueiy2 games.

set frtfElectric. Sisko and FedorTrucking won two from J andO Television Both teams hitlow scores. J

Sal Dahi.se rolling a sensa-tional pet of 654 on games of255. 1(2 and 237 for Sayboltenabled his team to win two

Department has announced it CARTERET - The Carteret:M o l n a r n a d g W ( ! h g a m e o f 244'ball clinic for gi.uiwill hold Clinics for basketballiJayvees lost another close ' - -

Igames from Kopolito Furriers than Hale School. ColumbusNunlzo Nardone rolled 571 setjSchool. Holy Family School and

ill b

and volley ball for the girlsfrom the 5th to the 8th gradesand all high school students.

Volley ball clinics will takeplace on Tuesday, December 26,at the Nathan Hale School gym

I at 7 P.M. Teams from the Na-

for Mjf'Furriers.j y

St. Joseph'* School will beIndustrial X-Ray Engineers represenud to form a Volley

won three games from Sitars ball league. Girls in the high

pame, this time by two points,37 to 35. to tile Highland ParkJayvees Tuesday night at High-land Park.

The home team wot off to abig lead and enjoyed a big 26-14 margin at halftime. TheHighlanders were ahead by14-4 at the end of the first pe>riod. It was not until late in!the second half that the localswere able to solve the Highland

and a high set of 629. EmeryLuckacinsky rolled 217 andDave Vickers 214 to set a newhigh team mark.

Len Talalat got a 611 ongames of 179-232-200 to en-able Bill's Oulf pinners to take

\ .held tomorrow m<iihigh school Kytniiager* and coaches •*::: •><•to be present as u-nw- '.,•midget and cub 1<H.U> »picked. League uanvk * .1shortly after the holiday-

ttmc c m s uuu puuicrs 10 uut i—•— ~— ,, ,the odd game from the Be- M l d « e t l e8KUPS * lU vh

menza Five. Hank Bramowlci » a m e s o n 8 ? t u r r t

with 200 and Joe Mate with 210were high for the losers,

were recorded by

Auto Service with a high 620 school will have their own;Park press,set going to Wes Kollmer on league, Girls will be Uught the! John Barney scored eight

^ t . l ? 0 , 200... and^ 200ujujeg ftnd fundamenlals of theame.Basketball clinics for the

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • m i l ly2Other two - game winners

were Joe's Market over Sahul-'icik's and Muller's Insurance,over Gi;eenwald's.

The weekly honor roll in-cluded F. Manhart 200, Al Bu-zas 202, S. Piazza 215, and J.

^ B ...

Derawlec rolled 562 forthe K«r*.

Walters Mens Shop with BenDavid rolling 615 ts*t 237 game,won two games from Tony'sShell JBalion. Marty Cuslorhit Sff-lS9 and Ed Marks 605-214 tor Tony's Shell.Clark Lanes won tuo games in the rules and how to play.from Znback Builders.

Carteretrade Khoo'l students and high:fouls for a total of 14 PoiiUsJ^"!n *"[""' r ! ' / ^ / " " " 'chool girls will be held on1 - i M a s o n team O l h e r <** « a I M

'hursday. December 28, at theIrthan Hale School. Teams|Seaman

will be formed for the 1962" "season. Girls will be Instructed


May you have the gladness

of Christmas

which is HOPE . . .

The Spirit of Christinas

which is P E A C E . . .

The Heart of Christinas

which is LOVE

t :

May God Bless Ojur Country

In All of 1962

CARTERET POST NUMBER 263The America! L e g l o i

Department of New Jerseyand

The Auxiliary Unit of the Post

Wilbur Camara Gabriel Neiwhlnikjr President

|The'clinic wiS'be held'at'th'eJBarney[athan H&le School gym at 7 "'"'"''"

baskets and one foul for a totalof 17 points. Roger Bakos fol-lowed with four baskets and six

the h i g h Khixil i;y:n andg a m i « Will a,\,,: :• ;>i.iy^the N a t h a n Hslr s.>.-,ol

Legion team over Industrial X- °" S»turdayRay Team No. 2 and by Ohlott-ljKenely Agency over the Center)!Bar team. Joe Eosal'A 588 « t ; |led the Valiant team In an 6dd![game victory over the Miller



. 0Muchl oBakos









.victories went to the Roosevelt;! Garage over the Savel Paint J

JFive, the Industrial Team No!; i over Agrico and Surfwood

the Sterling pinners.


Q-rtelintj J

'aglet Beat Pent$In Handicap Loop

CARTERET - The Eagles Uilhlandrolled a two-game victory over Henderson

he Pents, while the BombersO6t a pair to Research. gtvingSYork

the Eagles first place In thejKaplanUS.M.R. Handicap BowlingJLlstfteld <League by a close half-game|Lauiums 1margin last Thursday night atlKrleger 1the Carteret Lanes. JTenbrook 0

Sweep winners were Raiders Zamost 4over Skl-Boyi, Main Office overScrap Flant and Rockets over 15Erection Shop. A two-game vie- Score by period-,tory was scored by Tank House jCarteret


over the Giants.4 10 11 10-

Highland, Park X* 12 13 7-48 Parka* 202

Hill Bowl BarWidens Big Lead

CARTERET—The Hill Bowl;~~!won two games pver EmUV121, Shell to increase its lead to '0 games in the Hill Bowl Friday4 Night League at the Hill Bowl0 'Alleys..

11 The second place Hill Bowl3 split 1 I 1 ; fame declaim withitW»U 4 dene's Two game wln-2 ners ~**re HU1 Pharmacy oWr,

10 Lee Coiutructlon and Rook*»~ over Hiunadyki j35 Tlit honor roll coruuted ol,

O Bacon 215. T Kleban 207.'~3S M Holowatch 204 and L.

OprnChrl»lnii« f ir

andChrUlm^ "*'



B E O U C U ) H A » » l " K l

CH1LORKN s A 1 1 "".'

J" MOrl

J4( Main Klr*rt. *<»•*(»t(OU I " " " " "

Td. «« •'•:u



, What's so different about this gas station?* • fhebig difference is SAVINGS. HCSJbrings in New Jersey, have our own oil wells, pipe-'

/> you gasolines of certified top brand quality/ lines, terminals, truct-tankcr fleets, and lots

- tho best money can buy! Yet charges of busy, clean, white Hess stations going up

V lea than other leading brands! ^ M ^ M W ^ ^ M wherever you drive. You'll like

*' That's because we eliminate hid- ^ ^ ^ ^ Hess Certified Regular and Hess

'den costs all along the line. We're I M P P P I Certified 100+Octane.. . both

- We of the East's largest lode- I H t J « 3 I • p e ^ y nfined to protect and

pendents... own and operate a I J to power... priced to stretch

brand new, pushbutton refinery M t t M M M H t f f l M your mileage and your dollars.


You Will Get..VThe Finest Fuels AvailableV 'Complete Parts Service ProgramVLife Insured Budget Plan\/The Finest Servicemen—(Our

Men are Trained & Experienced^

If You Switch to..'GEO. CHAMRA

& SONSk Div. ol Cbodosb Brot * Wwtoi



24 Lefferte Street, (^arttret, N. J.

I E N E R 0 9 STrade-li Alliwaiee

For Tour Old SkatesOn Purchase of New






tatnim• I

Once again we wantto take this opportu-nity during this galaholiday season tothank our many cus-tomers and to wishfor every one ol ourfriends the fullestm e a s u r e of goodcheer and happinessat Christmas.. .andalways! ,f

SPORTING GOODSHenry Jaflowiki. Pro*.

322 State StreetPerth Amboy, N. J.

GODENY CHEVROLET30 Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret

Phone KI 1-5123

Page 23: Churches Will Lead Holiday Observance; )LLAK …...ship in an effort to get the Board of Freeholders to take over and Improve important road links between the Borough and the Township

Mne-Game LeadBy Pete's Diiver

, MITERET — Pet«'i Dtaer,blf ninefame l d

Varga 232. 8.

i;,,K n bl | nine-fame lead,!:r Carteret Lanes Womensim tiPS^id. scored » sweep.,,y over the wcond place,:,ic Brown'* Department,,. pinners last week at the. rret Lanes,i e Nn-Way Cleaners, who• deadlocked for second;'Ir-. z ' '

f took all three games overCrirteret Lane*. « * .

• vo xame winners Included H o l v!.is Beauty Nook over Lll- 's prciw Shop and Ehrhart-





21 ROB-849. Rambl

Holy Family FiveTops All Star


a 2B« 204, C.

r, i !.•• Inc. over

Family Tii n d E h r h a r t - C . I 1 e *the Kahway t . JQC S l O f

Top Holy FamilyCARTERET — Tho Kondrk

Ramblers defeated th« defend-ln« champion Holy Familyteam In the opening game oJthe Junior Recreation Basket-ball League, 48 to 42.

Ouarclc with 200-548 and! T l l f ' l n « l Holy Pamllv ca-,,,ntrtvy with BIO made thc!be,hlnrI Rich "" ' "Iv honor ro]l.

|l"°"f a 23"'5 lead at half-

" " o l y

Patrick LeadsTeam to Victory

h's CYO by R 47 36 L to trail by only two

B l n t n t h c f l n a l

CARTERET — The HolyPamily basketball team won Its

I first game In the Junior Rec-1 rentton BasketbaC League bydefeating the All Btars, 53 to 37at the" high school gym, TheHoly Family cagers scored 22point* in the first half to Inndby sbc points, but In the secondhalf the winners rolled up abig 31-21 margin to win easily.

Joe Melech was hlnh scorerfor the winners with a total of12 points and his.teammates,Nagy and Kalltan, scored elev-en and ten points respectively.

1 Don Davidson rolledpoints for the losers.

The box score:Holy Family

up 17

, . . . . . . . . . . . O I K

heavy scoring for St.Holy F i

» the finaltriumphant

y ^ ^; Vs 649 and Bill Vttrt'ilRlulfr, N^y and K w i S

,; suto-s Luncheonette took »nd wore never behind tlrouch. . . names t.om Bert andiout the game. The sco'r,- »V

. , hi> the Slovak Club virhRlftlmr * « • knotted im t t.: in thref g»n»» by Urd.polnts, but qUMc ba<k.-u hv

.,, , , ,11 As . result of these^.litan and sirto p.t Ho;,,1;lngs both clubi ended,Family In ti,r. i,a(i t m , , ' . , ,

box scorp; lEczesny




iFforflntptaetlnthfthoflnaiwhutieCl(y Bowllni Lwgue rjloly Family „ a 2-1


. 3. 6

4. 3. 0



1813 8





Melech ": 6

,'MarekRlgler .3



'? Zuback' Slddons"'Kelledy


!NF.\Y I:SE FOR SALTBerlin , rhr Coinmunlsts

jure blnmlng an American radio[station for the recent shortageof salt in East Germany.

The official Communist dallyN"ii(\5 D-utsnliland. accused the;-!\rlin station RIA3 In theAmei-Iran sertor of quoting "BO-•allr-fl srlmtl'ts as saying that"» should batiie In salt and

it mi onrs head In, ordert.) ::et in-otectinn BgahiPt atom-;'• i : i t lh i t ion."

it 1* reported that the people:i:i' hnyins! nnd laving supplies

f M

I ' i k i s i ; u i if

ulr I he WP.Maid out-

House held-a. Truman'

D E D I C A T E H ( ) l : S | N ( i I ' R O . I K C V : P h o t o s h o w s J ' r o s r o u t o r K c l w i U i l .1. D o L i n , t i i r n i n IIDHMI::II i . i . i>nr n i M i l i m ; d o c u m e n t : .i n a b o x , O t h e r s w a t c h i n g h i m , l e f t t o r i e l i t a r e : M i n o r S t e p h e n S k i l i a , U ' i l l h n n I l c l ' i l i n . n-:;i(i i i: i l r c p r e s r i i t ^ t i v r of p u b l i ch o u s i n g a u t h o r i t y ; S e n a t o r H a r r i s o n A . W i l l i a m s , . t n h n ,1. S u d l , i , e x c c u l i v c d i r e c t o r nf Hie ( i r t r r r t n i t h u r i t v , a n d J o h n

W f l l s k l c h a i r m a n , M a n y a t t e n d e d t h e d e d i c a t i o n of t h e 7 ( 1 - u n i t l i o u s i n e p r n j r c t d e p i i c t in - in< l i n i r n t w e a t h e r ,

All Stars

AVolapsk*" Davidson



5 Holy 'Familyjj All Stars



games over the Gold Jewelers one game by 18 pins, For thp'pamr^and thereby move into a tic'winners, Steve Ondrepack was m o v p d

- . f o r f l r s t P'ace- high man with a 616 set, while24 5 53 At the same time Tony Da- Matty Udzielak rolled a bis 609 om~

lla's big 651 round gave thejsertes—his third successive bet-1 Cl

p Economy Aluminum Corp a t c r than 600,mark—In throej two-game win. ' j weeks.4,8JLou's Tavern In two games of|f lrs'

1*ja_ close match, with the


o. 0. 2

3. 2

7. 0, 1


over Stan's Tavern, I! 8. exports declined 2 por-inlo third pliKv. only i-cnt. in September.

nlf gamt! from the top A u U ) u ^ 7 t in~October fell1 Marclniak hnd a big 80 !. from 1960 level.

The American Bar defeated Almasl Trucking, tied for

Igins being 13 and 33 pins re-spectively. Lou's Tavern took

place by the Carterct, dropped two games to

the Caruso Five,as a result of

Ideal Liquors,winning two

15 7 378 14 20 11—538 9 8 13-37

Family ,io 5 14 13

6 4217-48

DeBella & DaliaRoll 651 Series

4 2 CARTERET — Iggy DeBella—, , and Tony Dalla both cameCoincidental through with sizzling sets ofa Is building bigger C51 In the Carteret Major

aiul f.iMer cars and Is also £fin- Bowling League last Thursday<•''•• -irw.u wv and more mod-jnleht.

: !:u«pltals Davenport > I a. >' Isgy's big set enabled the•imi Tat. Carteret Lanes to win two

to all our customcri who [wlnmi/nus during thp past year

Kut n-KurlBeauty Shop

529 Rahway Avenue


.ME i

b Dtrf

H.TI'.S a spivlal wH, h


AVENEL PLUMBING SUPPLIESKoute r 1, Avenel, N. J. Tel. ME 4-0080

f i nd Up Your Eveningat The


- featuring -

Fresh SeafoodDinners

Thick, JuicySteaks

Good Coffee

(imps and Roasts




108 Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret

With Many Thanhs for Your Loyalty

and Good Will.

We are vety happy indeed to take thisopportunity to tell you how much we ap-preciate the privilege' and pleasure ofserving you. It's our sincere wish thatSanta brings you just what you're hopingfor and that life holds many joyous oc-casions in store for you and all those whoarc dearest to you.

Frank and Sam Quattrochi

Let the joyous holi-day music ring outour bright and happyChristinas greeting toall our wonderfulfriends and patrons.May this season ofcheer find you enjoy-

jJS'-K ing all the healthg; | and happiness in thea1 | world. May your Mer-S F ry Christmas be richI \ in all the best in life

VICTOR MOTORS, Inc. Roberts115 Kuhway Avenue , Woodbridge

Phone ME 4-5055

Quality Jewelers88 Smith StreetPerth Amboy



To AU-..and h all a Good Night As the sarifmail sends tousle-headed

tikis off to dreamland, Santa takes over! Softly and

swiftly he moves through Ihe night, working

kis mgic in every home, in every heart...bringing

joy and laughter... the pleasure of receiving,

the happiness of giving...all wrapped

ap in the W^der of Christmas!



.. *

United ^tate3 iftletau Kefining C ompany

i ifeui

Page 24: Churches Will Lead Holiday Observance; )LLAK …...ship in an effort to get the Board of Freeholders to take over and Improve important road links between the Borough and the Township


Wishes ,

for a



and a

New Year


fuel OilsPerth Ambloy, N. j

RefiningPort Reading, N.