CIA Annual Meeting CIA Annual Meeting Session 2302 Session 2302 LOOKING BACK…focused on the future

CIA Annual Meeting Session 2302 LOOKING BACK…focused on the future

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CIA Annual MeetingCIA Annual MeetingSession 2302Session 2302

LOOKING BACK…focused on the futureLOOKING BACK…focused on the future

Page 2: CIA Annual Meeting Session 2302 LOOKING BACK…focused on the future

A Regulator Actuary’s View OnA Regulator Actuary’s View On

Pension Funding Valuation

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LOOKING BACK…focused on the futureLOOKING BACK…focused on the future


• Experience as a regulator actuary• Do not represent views of Ontario

government or FSCO• George Ma, Chief Actuary, FSCO

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CIA Annual MeetingCIA Annual MeetingSession 2302Session 2302

LOOKING BACK…focused on the futureLOOKING BACK…focused on the future

Topics of Discussion

• Issues related to funding valuation reports filed with FSCO

• Suggestions to improve regulatory and actuarial compliance

• Comments on current pension actuarial practice

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LOOKING BACK…focused on the futureLOOKING BACK…focused on the future

• 1,600 to 1,800 reports annually• Risk-based review• Compliance concerns found in 30% of the

cases reviewed

Filings With FSCO

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LOOKING BACK…focused on the futureLOOKING BACK…focused on the future

Regulatory Concerns

• Contributions

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CIA Annual MeetingCIA Annual MeetingSession 2302Session 2302

LOOKING BACK…focused on the futureLOOKING BACK…focused on the future

Regulatory Concerns

• Contributions• Filings

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CIA Annual MeetingCIA Annual MeetingSession 2302Session 2302

LOOKING BACK…focused on the futureLOOKING BACK…focused on the future

Regulatory Concerns

• Contributions• Filings• Solvency

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CIA Annual MeetingCIA Annual MeetingSession 2302Session 2302

LOOKING BACK…focused on the futureLOOKING BACK…focused on the future

Regulatory Concerns

• Contributions• Filings• Solvency• Transfer ratio

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CIA Annual MeetingCIA Annual MeetingSession 2302Session 2302

LOOKING BACK…focused on the futureLOOKING BACK…focused on the future

Actuarial Concerns

• Assumptions and methods

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CIA Annual MeetingCIA Annual MeetingSession 2302Session 2302

LOOKING BACK…focused on the futureLOOKING BACK…focused on the future

Actuarial Concerns

• Assumptions and methods• Expenses

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CIA Annual MeetingCIA Annual MeetingSession 2302Session 2302

LOOKING BACK…focused on the futureLOOKING BACK…focused on the future

Actuarial Concerns

• Assumptions and methods• Expenses• Asset valuation

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CIA Annual MeetingCIA Annual MeetingSession 2302Session 2302

LOOKING BACK…focused on the futureLOOKING BACK…focused on the future

Actuarial Concerns

• Assumptions and methods• Expenses• Asset valuation• Compliance

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CIA Annual MeetingCIA Annual MeetingSession 2302Session 2302

LOOKING BACK…focused on the futureLOOKING BACK…focused on the future

Actuarial Concerns

• Assumptions and methods• Expenses• Asset valuation• Compliance• Disclosure

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LOOKING BACK…focused on the futureLOOKING BACK…focused on the future

Tips for Valuation Filings

• Regulatory filings up to date?

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CIA Annual MeetingCIA Annual MeetingSession 2302Session 2302

LOOKING BACK…focused on the futureLOOKING BACK…focused on the future

Tips for Valuation Filings

• Regulatory filings up to date?• Consistency and compliance

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CIA Annual MeetingCIA Annual MeetingSession 2302Session 2302

LOOKING BACK…focused on the futureLOOKING BACK…focused on the future

Tips for Valuation Filings

• Regulatory filings up to date?• Consistency and compliance• Appropriate assumptions and methods

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CIA Annual MeetingCIA Annual MeetingSession 2302Session 2302

LOOKING BACK…focused on the futureLOOKING BACK…focused on the future

Tips for Valuation Filings

• Regulatory filings up to date?• Consistency and compliance• Appropriate assumptions and methods• Adequate disclosure

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CIA Annual MeetingCIA Annual MeetingSession 2302Session 2302

LOOKING BACK…focused on the futureLOOKING BACK…focused on the future

Tips for Valuation Filings

• Regulatory filings up to date?• Consistency and compliance• Appropriate assumptions and methods• Adequate disclosure• Funding up to date?

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LOOKING BACK…focused on the futureLOOKING BACK…focused on the future

Comments on Going Concern Funding

• “Best estimate” investment return assumption

• Full Funding on going-concern basis• Asset smoothing and assumptions• Flat benefit & CAE plans

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CIA Annual MeetingCIA Annual MeetingSession 2302Session 2302

LOOKING BACK…focused on the futureLOOKING BACK…focused on the future

Closing Remarks

• Current pension environment• More focus on risks• Update of actuarial standards• Harmonization of funding rules