2SXtL THE M Q R RJ S T O W N GAZET T E, A P It I X 12, ,1876. . . " J i 4 I t .J -4 j i f, Tlie March of Reason. child under five vears. one under ten. New Jl d ve r t i s e m e nt s . . ,t Tlie J,ulg-esliii- . la looking over the columns of one or wirrawTf New Advertisements. Wi ' 'T' wTWe t h, MAIN STREET, MOEEISTOWN, TENN. Has now on hand a complete stock of vFPJS.IIEIUPP. FelMMthn ft iUnJjLn Con n ty . y gf y m mfJ j f Hf ffftf Ww it B'fl-S-- 6 gesiehbv- -i tke this rae.hod to inform you that I am, and will be a candidate before you tin- - til the enduing August elaction" Is closed, for the olft'jo of HhM-itf- . Permit me ay tojeour iht I anticipate elosirig out my pr4 ; tit Icjkijsu.s ia which I am engagel, tneretere l a" it' tor tmmnppnn - oii "the ottiee from tlie fact that I feel that I need it. T deem it useless for me to sriv tou a fan synop- - Bis of my past life and political principle, as I am Keneraliy known throughout your couutry ; solflce to say, that I shall make the rare as an honest can- didate : as I have ever, and still entertain honest principles, Imt I think it unneceary to say any- - . luiiitf more ui'aj m l'-- v "-- J ai.,...-- t i. - . Mfc al... ....1.1.. W vit.i hv mm wk IfWMIlJi Ui i oiievt: w if "v. i whatever yo;f fnayfSmk to be rfhtrt-Buff- er tutoJ l 1 li-B- . WW both GRADES AND STYLES. Septs, 7Sn37--lr & -- WEMAKE- And keep always on band large and varied assortment l. .Xvlr A Tan UIVV a onpm i t wt ; ; . - v SMOKIN&VAND. . CHEWING TOBACCO OF ALL ELD SEEDS! A . I Clover, Timothy.Orchard i e i i i : i i : 11 j iu ui our Mciwuges, puuusueuu ! first judicial circuit, our Ifqptirva.j attracted to an article therein severely .... ! CYltlClSin:; una condemning the action OI - f r, OT- - "PhrtcV Id thw ABtinintmpnt of a j .TUage to HIT merVacancf Occasioned DY , , . T inu hchiu ui iuul'b urmea waters, xu the article referred to, the action of Gov, Porter id characterized as hasty ana pre-rnatu- re. He is charged with acting with too maeVpfecipitarWrfr-i- n m:mft the appoluient. Yet Caiv-esai- d against the appointee, Col. 3IcKinney, but on the contrary he is admitted tp.be a gentleman of personal worjJU and high. legal attainrnen"ts, ,and" ;ftt, every Way competent for the position to which he hfcs'hcen appointed. fft$i -- substantially rfamlited thaftrre Governor nrwte-- a good appointrnenL Clpsely scanning the ar- - Pticlfc, v can see no other object therein than to assail the action of the Governor as Tuiaty. Now, we think our exchanges referred to, are jiisljiitlfe situatMife" Oi seek to place Governor "Porter that is, they are hasty and premature in their denunciations of his action, and we can not stand still and see Gov. Porter so ruthlessly and needlessly assailed; there- fore; id hig dafense.jtind, fox'tlje jboaeft of our readers, we will look Into" the premises and see whether or not his ac-- L tioirjvvyis f remature. Now, about the space of twelve months ago, ,U was generally understood, throughout the circuit, ."that Judge Gillenwaters would resign his truston accoimtof phj'sical 'debility.' In 'anticipation of such resignation various petitions were "forwarded tollie "GoveTrior in the ihler-csfo- f isp!ransr.Vitl"thes0" petitiona ,'waa one endorsed hy rndre'thafi fwenty--fiv- e lawyers, "many" of them the head-UsM- s of the profession, and some, who hafo.heiatlgh leal pgsitldfia's in Oig; trict and State, and all of whom are reg-d-- practitioners in this circuit. This petition nrged the apgointrnent of Col. John'A. 'Slelvioney, i tn& 4 .tciectney. oc curred; and, as pur; readers 'know, a va-can- did occWnd -- 1.4 petition was still at-th- e Executive office, when 4lie death of Judge GUlenwitcri:vja.''a-- ' nounced. But In the meanwhile two or thrfu of the petitions referred to, were winidrawn, and trov. l'orter notincn tliat the. aspirants tpfefeTn Were no long- er asking tlie appointment; "andih Tale ineamhenl having died, while' upon the Grass, Herds Grass, Blue Grass at Lowest Market Rates. TIM -- AND- -- in GBOO BBS v Comer Gray and Church Streets, ft'- OTJJR- - OF F or 30 Ia full and complete, embracing everything in our linel' 016 cntry aliipd to ns wih be sola at the highest market prices, and Wa charfire oar customers NO COMMISSION on sales, and will mat a hastt ATiVAvrp f nriua ta Ji. L' , rounds of Ids circuit, consequently the ones are. must never be.usea--- it .is. , . . . ? n.j i . - whnlpsAmii Tlven vnnr roifp.fi tastps Days Only! S. C. JARNAGIN Will sell, for the next 30 Days, everything in the chandise line Family Gr oceri es, To which he has recently added a full line of BOOTS AND SHOES, Which he offers cheap for Cash. He will pay the highest market price for all kinds of country produce. m Provisions and Eatables of every description kept " at u nines. IjelS-l- y, C. S. FLESKIAN. Fashionable Tailor, Morristown, Tenn., o Eespectf ully informs tha public that his Shop Is in the same place, and that he is aiwavs prepared - - " ii" uuk, iu uie most lowest posaible prices. ri Cixttiii ana Repairing tons Promptly, and ,!'T'il't Ct tba.New Yk fashions quarter- ly, customers a fashionable as weU as. good tit, in any kind of Karment thi' may want. sr lie RCiWMt m (da - j the public. reD251yC. S. FLESH MAN. A (tT NT Si F? bCT,t oh In world to Sivp'rvVi-n.- , v"'" ar. Aaaress U. S. tH.'w J.l ... ui i. JJ I Ian. C.K.Viiur.Wi.. WAKTED AGENTS WTf----- --- m m FOB THE CHEAT UilN I HjlN IN 1AL CNIVEBSi HISTORY to the close of the first inn Independence, including au account or the cfmiait Grand Centennial Kxhibition, 7t0 pages, fine en- gravings, low yrice, quick sales, Estra terms, Send for Circulars. J. MofirjRnn 'n ica w iti. St. Cin., O. " t. AGENTS WANTED ! Medals & Diplomas Awarded np.w rii; i ii k i n I kiki v 1300 ILLUSTRATIONS. AddrVirfTr new' cTrcuia" A.J. JfOLMAN & Co.. 930 Areb R . Thil a. Wvfl4 I . Holder, Pencil, Patent Yard Measure, and Vi&ce rfjwelry. Single ieckaga wita pair of rioRant Oold Stone Sleeve Button, poet-pai- d, 25c. 5 for $1 of tiie Oazettk and found rej n td wo r t h ..r. Knfn away io au AgetitA. Circnlar free. KBIDS k n.. 769 Broad wav i v FOR COUGHS, COLDS, II04KSEXESS. AXD AIL TnROAT DISEASES, USE WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. Put up Only hi MJSUte Boxes. A TREED AND SUT1K KE31EDY. For sale by Drngrsts generally, and JOHNSON HOLLO WAV b CO., Phila. Pa. Oold fields I For Guide Book, Maps, Rites, Itovtet, dc. SENT FHEE to any address, Apply to W. P. JOHNSON. GcnT Pass Art T C R. K. Chicago, or to I. F. RANDOLPH, Trav, Agt. I, C. li. It., Indianapolis, Ind. WATER'S PIAIJOS, Sr&ss; Are the best made; the Tone, Touch, Workman- ship, and Durability Unsurpassed. WATERS' ORGANS, Concerto, New Orchestral vesper Chanel. Vialeste. and Cvm- - bella, cannot be excelled in tone or beauty. The uoncerto stop is a aue imitation of the human Voice. Warranted for six vears. Price extremely low for cash durine this Month. Month ly lnrtailments received. A liberal Discount to readier. Ministers. Church es, Bahools, Lodges, etc. AGENTS WANTED. Special inducements to the tritds, illustrated Catalogue Sent. Horace Waters & Sons. 481 Broadway, NeW York. Box, 33G7. w ROGERSTTLLE FEMALE COLLEGE. THIS INSTITUTION OF be AUGOST 23, 1875. It is the determination of the Principal to make the College meet the wants :f the couutry. lot loca- tion, the buildings, the thoroughness in the mode of instruction, aud the cftre taken of the students, will make it one of tha most diudrable seats of learning in the count) y. For circular) or particu- lars address, A. W. WILSON, June30nl7tl Principal. IPb.otogx'apli AND FINE. ART GALLEEY Over McCrary's Store. RARE CHANCE TO GET your Picture. "Secure the shadow ere tha substance fade . " Being convinced that the peo- ple of this section of country are desirous of ob- taining Pictures, and feeling assured that I will re- ceive a liberal supiirt I take this method of in- forming the citizens of Morristown aud country at large, that I am prepared to make Pictures of dif- ferent styles and size of potraiture. I am prepar- ed to make Photographs and other Pictures of life size, copied from old ones. Daguerrotypes or other kinds of Pictures. Photographs made and colored in iudia ink, crayon or water colors . Aui brotypes, Ferotypes and Gem Pictures. Now is the time to secure your likeness ; dou't put it otT, The old folks won't get any younger, and may not get much older ; the young folks get no prettisr by ae ; the "sweet-heart- s" need no suggestions from me. No one knows but that this is their only opportunity ever to sit for a picture afiain ; then don't pat it oif . The quality is good, and no one is expected to pay for their picture, unless it is good. Particular attention given to copying old pictures. Instructions ijiveu in the art, and au apparatus furnished at model ate charges. I would be pleased to have all call and examine whethar wanting pictures or not THOMAS B. BAYXESS. February 23, 1818. Large BriMore House in Roprsrille For Rent or Sale ! CONTAINING TWO LARGE and cellar. Apply to JAS. T. SIII12L1XS, ' JJeiny$ Station, Tenn., Fab. T. 1876. "ERRORS t OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and direction for making the simpio remedy by which he was mired. ii fferers winning to prcSt by the advertiser's experience can do so by addressing in perfect confidence, - JOHN G. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St., New Tkor. Dee 8 6m VICK'W FOR' 181 i. V 209 PAGES ; 500 ENGKAVINGS. at 23 cents a leap, Flrt number for IS" jua issued. A German edition at sarin- - prise . Address, JAMES VIC. BocliMler, . T. Mo3i!EaLest,Ho'i7Eestorei! Jnnt published, a new edition of D. Ct'LVEKwi5i.L'n Celebrated Essay on the baPical. n-B- (without medicine) f S:erniatjrrhot or Heniinal Weak- - ft wm In, two over ten and "uddf fifteen, one over filtppn nnri nnnr twe'ritv-- , tnil 4kia wife. ... . J . ""Zlover thirty and under forty years ol asre These; facts cam be verified by refeince to a copy of tue census schedule ior the ypar 1840, page 78, .which i? in posses- sion of the census taker for 1840. ; ' iKo'w,' had Mr.' Tliomaa Mercer been altogether 0 yeara old. he , would only be vt some time thia year, and, from the ages of Mrs. Mereer and the chilcren, none of whom were over twenty except the wife, and she being under forty, it ia not reasonable to suppose that MrL3f. was much over 50, aa the census taker thinks is the fact. As there are eo many cases .of persons who do not know their ageg'and when they get old represent themselves as being- - of jrreat age, most of whom saw Washington and tho , sol diers of 1770, it is to be regretted that the law of the United States was not more particular in regard to the ages of the persons; bnt it then only required the number ol ruAies and females first, those under five yijars old; second, those over five and under tn; third, those over ten and under fif teen; fourth, those over fifteen and un der tweHty, and then on up by decades. ' The' same schedule, above referred to,. gives tne white and. colored persons fiep- - arateiy, anq also gives the names of Sue old pensioners of the Revolutionary war, wren tneir exact ages; also the names and ages of the widows of such soldiers as were entitled to pensions i . ; ; ,. . We do not say that Mr. Mercer is not an ol4 man, northat he is not an object of charity, but do not think that he ; is as old , by several years, say. fifteeo. 'as he represents himself to be. . Very few people who know anything of the ,war of American Independence, from actual observation, are now alive. Yet, every now and then, you find some article iita newspaper which gives a history of some old mau or woman who knows all about it, and saw Washington, &c , or of, an old body servant of the ''father of lLis country. Yours, ' ; ; ' Observer. t. ,f .. . Dyspepsia, ; The following rocipe for;.dispepsia is furnished us by. one of .the oldest and most successful practitioners in Knox county: - i. i. - ; i To the Editor of tha Morristowu Gazette: - ;i Is-i-t on the increase? At least I see of late more remedies, springs and such recommended, t It is apt to-hol- ven with hot biscuits. I have a very simple but efficacious rpmedy to recommend it is good fresh water water out. of :a good tsprlng if possible, spring-war- m ; freslr ' water out; of a good well, and water of a good cistern the " purest yet it lacks the life and sparkle-o- f the spring. These are recommended, Old water, particularly, if it stands inaroow where many people 4l6p, r where sick better with freshwater.' Let, therefore, everj'one, that loves-"goo- digestion, drink a glass of freh water before breakt fast. It will be to his advantage; but for uyspepiic li win prove a vaiuaoits rumu- - dv. Let therefore, everv dvsnentic: take from a tablesDoonf ul of cood fresh wa- - 1 ter, ihcreasing to a glassful before break- - rasi. XjGI nwn mea ai wuai. eipi' rieut-- hast taught hurts Win hvast.j aqd ih&a let Uim take no water for atleait two bourg, ' then ad libitum, but let him be sure to drink as much fresh water as he can, from eleven to hts dinner 'time. Let him observe the same rules after dinner and supper. I will insure it he . will be greatly benefitted., A dyspeptic of con- - tinueil sedentary habits will looK ia Yam for relief witU the best of renedba. ' A $200,000 HOTEL. - What Tr. Pierce is roin Au Important Enterprise. .,; We learn that Dr. B. V. Pierce, pro-- , prietpr of the "- - Wavld'i Dispeuijary, ' in this cltvl has nerfected the purchase of a large lot of land, on which he propo- - posea to erect a large hotel for the' ac commodation of his numerous : patients, coming hither from , all goints of Iho compass. The land purchased by the enterprising Doctor is 234 feet front on Prospect avenue,-runnin- g through to r apgo avenue, o&l feet; also an adiom ins lot extendinsr from the above to Cou necticut street. It i in the midst of our extensive system of Dublic narks, fronts the old and beautiful Prospect Park, is but a short distance from the " Circle" in one direction, and the ".Lake Front in the other. : The site selected is a. fin onq, being both beautiful and healthful ; is one oi uie nignesi pornons oi our city. easily nccessible, yet sufficiently retired io secure quiet, ana commanas a picas- - I ant Tiew of the lake and river, -- as- well us of the surroundinir city and country. We understand tht it U tho intention I of D'rVPierce to erect a hotel at the cost of at'Ieast two hundred thousand- - dol- lars, , where those who come to enjoy the benefit of his treatment may find all de- sired accommodations under one . roof, instead of being scattered oVer the city, as at present. . We are further given to' understand that 6ur arclritecta will he invited to submit plans: for. the , propo- sed structure without delay. JJuJIUo. JT. Y. Exprets. . ". ; Andrew Jplm&on Avensred. ' Few York Sun. , When Andrew. Johuson was im- peached for mere political .differences u betweeu himself, anil a majorityof the of leaders of the KepupUcan party, the . . . i : . - m0st Ditter and. determined or., all N. his prosecutors was Benjamin F. But ler,;then;a. Representative in Con gross froi,MassJachusetts. Mr. John-so- n; met biff i accusers,, face to face, boldly like a man, stood iup do his ha, trial, aud was acquitted; and,hfha ;to since carried with, him to his grave tUGsincere respect of the natiou. . u it. I,-- , jen. Butlerr .was blessed with fa pea.utiful daagh.terr the object of uni-v- er sal - id miration. , j lie r married Adelbert Amcs,,a luiUtary man, with a, euphonious; aud aUiterattye name. and But that n ae, pretty, as; it is, does not look well at the end of a docur merit tp which it has vrecently.',peen signed.- - The dpcument jis a- - letter of jesignatlon of tlie " office; of .Gov- ernor of Mississippi, addressed to of the peQpie0o( tt StateJ It f was andl written by Mr, Auxes, after itnpeachf ment, to, avoid, the-- danger of , coo? Tictioruf It is a, most . humiliating Sfate paper, for a Governor; to sign. So? the poisoned chalice, intended and for, Johnsou, returns JLo . the Butler family, to. be drained to its? dregs. . r oth Pmples, Eruptions, Rough Skin, iThe? system Tbeirig put "under the. influ ence of 1r,, fierce s;( UpKlea ;JUelcai Djscoyery.for aew; weeka the skia .be- - j comes smooth, fclear soft," and" velvety, and beins illuminated with the4 fffowof -- perfect health from within; true beauty etaiMls jorta in&u ts glory, The effects Sofl of all "medicines, which operate upon the systein through the medium of the blood are necessarily 'sbrnewhaf slow, no ' inat- - lr"' how good' tho- - remedy employed. While one. to three .bottlesjclcar the skin Of pimples, blotches, . eruptions, fellow ed, spots, omedenes, f or "grubs," a , do2eft may. possibly' be red ui red to cure .some cases where thef system' is ' rotten with RrbfuIous ublood tpo&ani, The care of all these dineases, however. from the common pimple to the? worst In scrofula ist with the me of thu most po tent agent, ontya matter or time.," bora by dealers iu medicines,' r v- - j ; ... is - ',mm,- r' " ' . Iisscdutiorf of Copartnersliip. lent From'the 1st of April last the copart nership heretofore existing between Jehu Morris and, John Smith fo .dis solved by mutt&d consent f Jequ Morkis.1 ": There are certain pretended, pHfloophr8.nd wiseacres who, when you speak to them of the progress of mankind, shake their heads and talk of tlie good- - old days before steam was applied and the Morse telegraph invented. ,iJ with, such humbug! Tha greatdisooveriea which have en- riched mankind; united by awire" link "great na tions separated by mighty , dwarf&d Spac with Speed, and reduced disease to its miuirauin. canijof py any f xcpeise djTngenuity be demons tra td to be aught but blessings, Araong the sanatory discoveries of the nineteenth century is one, that in view of the Balutary Influ ence it lias exerted, deserves a foremost place We allude to Hoeter"s Stomach Bitten, which is one of the most deservedly celebrated tonic and al teratives of , the present day. The most naira- - peacha'jle testimony establishes the fact that thia popular medicated stimulant and corrective anni hilates indigestion, constipation, urinary com plaints, malarht) disorders, and many affections of the sensitive organs. In the mining regions and new clearings of the West, it is regarded by the inhabitants as means of proven ting, as well ag curing chills and feve.s, and there is scarcely a city or town In the TJnionj some of whose denizens have not borne witness to its effi cacy in remedying the first named class of maladies. As an inxjgorantappetifcer and carminative, Ho tetter's Bitters are incomparably the most effective and the purest . Their basis of fine old rye, the most healthful alchoholic .spirit obtainable, ia of itself no mean tonic, bnt its strengthening prop erties 'fcre increased fifty Yold'by the veira S We ex. tract,. which it holds in solution, and to which the surpassing quauty 01 tne Hitters are aue. ; Morristown Produce Market. ' Wholesale Prices. i Mokristowk, April 11, .1876. SVe quote : WHEAT S01 00 COIiN. 4045 oats ,r.r. 40 FLOUR. .. ..i ....t..;: 3 003 50 rn.rjA.Li 55 PRIED PEACHES L . APPLES FEATHERS. .......... 2540 BUTTER. i..;;., EGGS 8J BEESWAX 25 FLAXSEED . . 1 00 LARD 15 BACON..... 124al5 Can any cne tell me where JaneEyre is! PJestj,hrin her hornet S" Chaiiley Reap. c. S, J, Jorton fcolla book rich with pure gospel truth; such as the "Saint's ResC Cdme fe Jeans," "Dew Drops," "Tract Primer" and Advice to Young Christians." March 21 llw "Madam," said a . trance-mediu- " youf lmsbandTsspirirwishes t6 commu- - oicate with; you." f'No matter," said the widow; " if he's got no maro spirit in the other world than h lad Jul-thi- s, irs not wortn botnering about. For ale;at a Bargain. I offer for sale one of the mostdeslr-abl- y located residences iu Morristown, at a very low flgure.--Th- e house is a large two-stor- y frame with L, on a three quarter acre lot, on which there are two good cisterns, and other conveniences. Applyto, ; y ; ,r L. P SPECK. March 15, tf! - r . . - -r 4 - notice. . a Al surviving partnet of the firm of W: F. Wright, Mooresburg, Tenn., I will call the attention of all persons indebt ed to the firm, either by note, opcn .ac . count or lien, to at once eoiua4 forward and make settlement. All persons hav- ing Cilaiuia against the firm will present uiem, properly autnenticated, to the undersigned for payment . ,JAS. WRIGHT, April 5 lm Surviving Partner. j i The following'lestiuionial from a mem ber qf the wed known wholesale grocery Irm of Carpenter, Ross & Co., is worth reading and remembering; . - Karoxvij.tE, TBKsr.,i y , t w March 28th, 1870. f - Messrs. Sanford,' Chamberlain & Alberw; Gentlomeu: The bottle of Dr. Hart's Antibilious Discovery ?I got at your house has proven, to be.to me .all you claim for it. It entirely relieved me" of severe symptoms of Dyspepsia, consist- ing of dull, heavy headache, constipa- tion and general debility. Icananddo, cheerfully recommend it to any one suf- fering from like complaints. . All Mrxha W4&hington College. " i ; Ajjikgdos, Va-- V Jan. 24, 1876. MeJisrs. Landrum & Litchfield, Abiiigdont Virginia: . . 'GEKTiiBMEK, For severnl vcars -- past have been much troubled by Iudises- - lion, and havef used -- various remedies.. liave not found any preparation that affords as ready relief as the "Seven Springs Mass." ; - - It has been used by ladies of this Col- lege family, With the .most - satisfactory rtisults, in cases of Sick-headach- e, Ner- vous me Debility and Sore Throat. I cheer- fully recommend tlie Mass as a valuable medicine, j Yours very truly,; v-- i R. 17. JONES? President. For sale by Dr.. M- - Carriger-- & Co. t ana ur. ij. 1. iagete, uruggists, Mor? rhtown, Tenn. j j,J A i. N i Wonderful. Success, i , fdt is reported that . Boschce's German 1 ujj una, Biutc its iiiiruuucilOIl JU Ilie United States, reached the immense sale 40,000 dozen per year.' Over 6,000 Druggists have ordered this medicine 4 direct from the Factory; at, Woodbury, J., and Jiot one liaye.reported a sin trie .failure, but every letter speaks of its as- tonishing success in : curing, severe Coughs, Colds settled on the Breast, Consumption, or any disease of Throat anlLiings. - We advise any person that any predisposition Jto weak Lungs, JL go to their Druggist, Dr. M. Carriger," and get this Medic Werorlaqulta.lboat Regular size, 75 cents; sample bot-tl- ? say cents." iTwa doses will rel ieveanjf cai" Don'lneglectOur cough.is 1 (ibineMakerr I wish ta inforir my old. customers the public that I will cemtimie the Furniture,CQnin and picture Frame busi- ness at my-house- , "oposite Brown & Son's. Oyriage slioO, iu the, east end "of .town, tiUJcaa.gaUmy-iNc.w'.Slio- p readyLto work in, and after I get my former en- gagement done,. I will reduce the price Furniture from -- 10- to -- 30 per cent. ; will further, that I will not be jzndere.ikl, but all work except vCofflhs, mt3tv)e.-paidf- c for'when taken'away. Satisfaction ,'guaranteea. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for work at market prices, Remember I always give prompt attention to all orders for Collins, try to give every person a neat and satisfactory job in that line as well as in r work-.- - - M. A. WIIITT. , March 29, 1870 If , .. . u V , T HE L A H A B7H 0 U S E j . KNQXVILLB, TENN.- - - :mm. SGlliiiiprietbr.? th-we- st Cbruer Gay and -- Cum berland StsM in the business centre ofihft-cUTtiif- J 1 e Myim wilf be to keep in the fu-- an ttifvatnpxvirjfls long need; he tof a FIRST-CLAS- S IIOTELr for Jit has the ad vantage oyer till other hotels in the city in regard to loca Dec tion, VTe'ing situated' :fl ,?'. s k tiie Busfnesi Centre of the City. a The interior of the iLaaiar ;House being refurnished and refitted thrmgbjoat,Good..B8n--ex- c Table and attentive "Servants, await the traveler. Terms will be reasonable, and the Public lOtivitedJiO giiteOhe ; house; :C yndBr iho new atrial. 8 Jolri ScriErPrbprfctk K Q TO MAKE ROOM NEW STOCK. express my feelings in a few woraa uiu me eoo-je- jt of party Conventions; as it has liecomerom-mo- u to hold suoh Conventions for the purpose of in. MiKrT-rfne caiiMtt for your oonnty aii'fr ttiet'tltce f yaf emtirtry. I fe-s- l that Tery roan or shonhJ ff man, ' anil eJ y tb liberties grantei him in this respect by the Consti- tution so wisely made by our forefathers, there- fore I do not parixponiinatious ; in short ray motto is; "let am oaarry aspirants for offic com before the pa6til -- rsay it rs to wall the and let the judgement of the citizens and their vote at the ballot box say who is entitled to the honor of said offices to which they may aspire.. In conclusion I will say that I think I ttr iJt the tffi ie as well as any other man who may be before yoo and if you should think me worthy of your Kinoort, I am fure you could not coufer that sup- port pb nww wl would f4 mate, Uiauklul to voa Cifc s'j'ir Uuri ! V- - r:int- - aud.il elected, I prAiUe you thatlhe'r shaft be n honestly and to the best of rny skill and ability. I am, gentlemen, very respectfully, Tour humble servant, W. AV. HOLT. Jf.rrwtown, April i, 1878 We are authorized to announce Jolm ll.KJwies )VwdUUtfei fon- - Shcrifl of J ttnn.leftVoutrty-ht.t- h ienfeHtng August elections. tde. We are authorized to announce the 'nafme of I. .1. .KipTJf' M a -- canididot f.)r Sheriff of JIamblen county at the en- suing August election. r , ,Wc are requested to announce the name of ghiitfi 1L Mooned as a candidate for SbfertiT-o- f Hawkins county at the en- suing August election. tde. TRUSTEE. ---TV- fTfe wre requested to , annoancp' the naai1 ol Oeorjrcr W: AVelb9s ciindidate for Trustee and Jicvenue Collector for Hawkins county, at the en suing August election. s. ... , tde.: Tfiuc TuWe E.T., & Gm.ll. rMongor Train No. 1 . . 9:37 a. m. - 9:30 a. m. 4 .- -i aA..i iliSi P.w, 'll(l m. Freight Train XoK,r . 3:47 p. w. 3n3 pi w. " -- r 4.1l:3iip. m. ll34vin. ; 1 f. M a. ui, 3:04. m. 8 .11:39 a. m. 11:19 a.m. , " 17.....4:33r. U8p.m. (i, c. afc: k. k. Uaily Froight and Pas8jnef Traii Sundays " ' ""eicevtod. A4?. 'a4 ilifistoVh S:17 a. ru. Depart p. m. A Wti.t Cfti, . Ji 3:30 a. n. HAwKINS COUNTY DEPARTMENT IX) ATS, Editok. ,1 Pnnhw' 6ourt-letl- ed a' tax ofotf itnill oir"th dollar ,fi public FnfvoK This asssniat vtvill rd UQfc' something near .six thousand dollars. Of hitp Veirs tlife . V school 'lax bus ' been doing little good and our people are bit- - will haven more- - energetic. 'adaninistra- - tftt'eft school jiStTofftcr Tsviil& ,i t JCotnTy"IItni'iTceswcre thoTOnghly veatilhitcd in the Court-hous- e at Pogers-vill- e last week, and the develapiuejUs were satisfactory and gratifying to the people. Old Hawkins is all right. Her ofiieers .re honest men and tlie. proud old c ounty if 8civeBt 'ytt ablelto pay licr dbts,' and 'build several - bridges in theireanlihieT t . . .mi e ft 1.1 ray i nai poniou oi liaiuuicn tuuutv t:iKeii from Hawkins, is owing to the 1 titer county several years railroad tax, and i bound to Ilawkiua.for its propor tuxfc ivaHiif jhat fax for the future. Our neighbors dWn there will please make their preparations to meet the de- mand. We have found the "hole" in which that Sinking Fund is kept. It is a .safe place and we want our Hamblen county part ofjhe money to put in it. Wc want abont five years back-nation- s, and regular yea1ly!1u3talmen4J for the next year- - , Wt-- take green-back- s ! . . at 'par. - IW The letter of James II, Walker, Eq., which is published groday shows up the rail-roa- d debt of tlie county in to finite a different liirht from what we have heretofore understood. Xo one, so far as wc have heard, has ever accus cd'FKfeiYfeupcctM, tilni or the other 1a ....... . . . . . V .1.1.1 v. v i j - '.- - J L tion of the public money. All we ever wanted was iust what we have in Es quire Walker's letter, a plain Statement of the facts in the case. We felt that such a publication was due them,jind with his plain, good-tcmpcrc- d statement we are sure all will be entirely satisfied. IS" There are 230.000 acres of land in Hawkins county. " If we had good roads running in all directions it As fair to suit or pose those lands would inceae rnyalue upon an average of one dollarijpne litmdred thousand dollars would make so the roads. Thus it is plain to see we can make us a number of first-clas- s roads far .nothing ami ,hc, .03,. a j)eogly he one miriTTfM -- flmrTigfaty-sM Hrosanl liU dollars better off than we now are. Old Hawkins is going to have the good roads. Iler people arc waking up, and they are wtlio.4.hciUitq3- - tUfceirVfcycs open. With good roads, good schoplsA ?opd towns, good bridges anfTlots6f coliutr paper in our pockets we'll be a happy it set of fellows A Live Court. The County Court of Hawkins, 'at its He April term, appropriated three thousand! five hundred dollars for the purpose building bridges over three streams in it the county. Most emphatically wc say hurrah for that court. The vote was a unanimous one one magistrate not he agreeing, but" withdrawing- - his vote last Hawkins is naturaW a county We have ipvery natural auvan- - tage for making our people exceedingly prosperous. But to do this, we must T have good roads and safe bridges. We verflv bclieTe the real estate f ' the cpun-- tyt!yM(M-t- tmuch.uhbjy;, than thirty-fiv- e hundred dollars"as it was by worth before that patriotic vote was boi ao nAdvf gl)Jd 1 r9rtf and brilgcs Xte? tffc MilhsAn&xiH&iou i sober peU pie will begin lo.buy up. our idle hinds and the county wfll start on'ifs career of prosperity. Our magistrates met the is- sue bravely a-o- d did their duty manfully and well. On behalf of the people, we to thank, tlie'ra and j&y ?4wfcll done' good and faithful servants." Do so again, age. Mr. and keep on doing s') until whavUrst-rat- e road,! T:t nil jmrts m, .thfe iCnmty.- the The penile-wil-l stand by-yo-a-nd -- tkus-,-1 E of at tain your actiou. The Kentuckians are trying to break der f h ilea K.n4 ;igto wintLmU. to ?e nothing put the calm moonlight I on the grass. MAIN April 15 6 tf' D. O. M. :&3 O -- I o H . O J. J ((. -- s O 4 CX3 sr - March 1, "76 ly. Mer- - STREET. (At the Old Stand.) LYLE, ss o3 i l & a AX Q o ? YOUR H 00 0) 2k'-X- - Io? Everybody courts were urougut to a standstill, there tein g ho mode jia euch cases to proviae-- juoge, otnerwi.?e'ntan y 'ap pointment of the Governor. And Gov. Porter apprehending the situation, and it being hifl dntr to twkn -- immediate. appointmcti,"iid tiviri. theaaaai of i gentleman admitted on all sides to be .competent fo fill tho pofcUioa, jendprsed by numerous mombersof the profession, made the appeintpeutXwhlchjs ow, as sailed as hasty. ' In view of these facts iipont which.' ther Qornor actel, we fail to see where the argument. comes ia .that he acted' hastily. And having hell upjhe case in its true light, we ask should our high-tone- d Governor be assailed for his action? We think not, and we believe the-gre- majority of the people-- - net 'onjy endorse, the soHcalled haste, but heartily accept thei apppint- - ment made oy him,, aa Jtre nave, iiearu rnany of them express satisfaction there- at. And we conclude with the" reflec- tion that all such assaults upon the ac- tions of our State Executive, will be re- pudiated by an enlightened public. Leo Valley Solves; Edit HawVinsCnniy, ejrtamt - tj - ; Speaking of the improvement made m the last few years, in tobacco: culture, old Uncle Mart P., of Possum ridge, says he intends to try grafting plug to bacco on a small patch of the home-mad- e article just to see how It will do. i'at- - .cat.applieljfor. ' ', One of our honest farmers was ud on Copper' ridge the other day, JooKing for j some axe-hand- le timber, when'hc sprer wlmt he thouirht was a laree deer in the bruh; he throw down his axe j and. ran 'about ainlte tothe hotise after'his j'uii' shoot it; but behold when he got back, and took a cloabr look at the aai-tanl- e, it turned out to be Big Johu's mare-iac- k ( iennet .) As nart of his experience, told at Shi- - .iTccj.incptinir thm nt.lipr KliruJflV. old brother IJftoferJsaid.that wjienihe pfo--J fesseu religion a row years ago, mere was forty-fiv- e professed at the same time; and he himself, made forty-seve- n. How is that for algebra? A deputy county clerk of an adjoining county, recently stole a gal, and wrote hiA owa license on a sheet of fools-cap- , and taking his gal along hunted up a preacher and got spliced mounted on their horses. Exetlxior, Calloway. One day, during last roasting-ea- r time, old uncle Jeff P. came to Bill (Greene's . .ii 1 1 1 j. I a. I stni uousc, ana saia ne wanieu quaiu WUiskv out, as money was so scarce, and, whisky so high, he haidly knew how he was to get it. Jeff owned a fine el(fot corn adjacent to the distillery,. tlie storekeener. Lawrence, onerea io get Jeff a quart provided Jeff would al- low him to get as many roasting-ear- s as wanted. wThis, Jeff agreed Xpbef ore witrtes3c's, tlgtljtfwrepco'w'aavio have the rfhmtTi-'Tr"s"i'- "' icaHred aitlong a tloere teas oite in ffiejtdd. Now comes the joke. Lawrence to&k two stout darkeys with sacks, and walked into the field and-fille- d them with green corn, ad brbiiglM Ath the atHIAoistrutrapaed the faqks. j JefFffiyes began to stick put alittlcVDrrt Nsiieu- - 'Lawrence k'tl darkey and began to gather another load was too much for him. Old aunt Nancy, in the meantime, came out and wanted to know what Mr. Lawrence was doing there, pulling all her corn. replied that all the corn in the field wnshis, if he wanted it, and that he did want It. and was going to gather it while was in roasting-ear- , according to con- tract. Aunt Nancy raved, and uncle Jeff plead, and even cried; but Lawreuce was determined to carry the joke until got the worth of his quart, which he estimated at six sacksful.. . That was the whisky tmde' Jeff made with Law-renc- e, jand itHroe" him from sucking More About the Centennarian. the Editor of Hawkins County Department : , Wc have noticed severall communica tions, not very long since, in the Morris-to- w rt OxzuTina regard 9 aaoQ man ffienafe- - of btfalrcf&r? who lives in this county, and whichcommu- - nications, we take it for granted, was Ovr th; Bjgntr?tf.VulVna.8irik. and; resecdSScatltm, tiii.whowfife imposed upon, as we believe, in refer- ence tu w 1 to the old tnantfSge.' He was represented as being consider- ably over one hundred years old, if we mistake not. We have takenjeome pains ascertain sce facts,1 Mndr'-ar- in the nature jof testimony, as to the old man's The result is, in our opinion, that Mercer is nQt, by several years, a hundred yet .Jn.tM) Mr. M. lived iu 4tlifOr Lower Beech Creek district dLiwiinsUuuty, a neighbor to sever. 1 persons still living in the same vicin- ity. Thomas Mercer's family, at that time, consisted of the following descrip- tion of persons, viz: One male child un. five years old; one male under tea and-ov- cr live vcars old. and himself, whn represented himself hs bfina- - 'between fifty and sixty years of age. One female Kansas CeutM ki Apcy. SiUMi. MaJ. JOHJJ W. BERKS, Genl Manager. Bl Estate Business generally ; a Iho hare for sale all tha land ot the Kansas Pacific Knihrmy Company, amounting to over 5, 000,000 acres of the most desirable in Central and Western Kansas ? al- so, Mill-sit- es Coal lands, Farms, Cattle Ranches, aud City Property In Salina and the neighboring townB, for sale at all times. v- - tST" Hend for the "Kanftaa CentraLLand Journal" larpe monthly paper, -- sea a hat they hare for sale and read all abont the great Keystone State of tha West. L. C. S HE P A R Di ' " UNDERTAKER, j Knoxville, Tenn-- i TH V WR Y DESCRIPTION OF "Metalic Caskets and Cases, Wood Caskets and Coffins of every, Orade and price ready for use. Orderaby Telegraph vail receive personal and prompt attention. Terms- - satisfactory. n40 persona desirous of having Photograph Copied arid-Enlarg- ed, should apply at once to the undersigned for 1 ana prepared to enlarge and beautify any Picture, ho-w- - ever faaed, ana give it a fresh, appearance. Amhrotypes and Dagxierreotypes, touched ap with Crayon or India Ink, and naada Natural and Lifelike. Pictures enlarged t any size desired. ' I wab- - iast all work,' aa to quality and prices.' Call ' on at my Studio! on Main street, or address me at this place. AMBROSE 0. SmUlT, . ; ': ; . " Mhristown,':Teiiimsee. Jan 12, Tfr 12n. THE CENTMt HOUeE. , ; (A new JIotd just opened.) 3 Gay. Street, - - .Knoxville, Teniii J. C; FLANDERS, .T'TlIE- CENTRAIi HOUSE, TS SITUATED A FEW STEPS, either way. from the Custom Honse, Post Oflice, Banks, Wholesale and Betail Stores, and Market. Beautiful front yard, .with luxuriant shado trees. Rooms and Table, equal to the bestiii llie city, to the least . rune 8, T3. THE .Thoroughbred ; Stal li o ii , g ll.L-',.,- ". if' JJ WILL STAND THE ENSUING V sf.8aeon near LEAD VAtE, Jefferson Co., Thn., at J10 the Season, $15 to hisure. tSf For further' particulars address, A. J. IVIII.I.EK, . declff tf I ' ?edvale, Jefferson Co- - Tenn. .TO CONSUMPTiVES. Tha advartiser. having boen permanently cured that dread di.sease,'-- . C'onsiunption, by a simple reiueuy, u uuiuua lu maice iuowh 10 nis xeiiow fferers the neans of cure. . To all who desire it, will send copy ui the preserrption. need, (free charge with the 'directions for preparing and nsing the same, which they will and a sens Cue Consumption, Asthma, Bboxchittm, so. Parties wishing the prscription will please ad-dre- , . .. , Bev. E. A. WILSON, W ' ISiPtnn St ., WUliamsbargh, Npw York 8 6m 'ft6!:; PITTiyiATJ,1 Shoemaker, Located oppocite Post-offic- e, MORRISTOWNTENN., Ay S. ALh TU E PEOPLE Worao aa won to hare him make their Boots and Bhcra, aud do their repairing. Xov 17 ly JOi BUY 10 do GEORGE H. SMITH, . ..i iCorner, Gay and Church Sts., Who has just received the Largest Stock of everything inhisJin6(Sverlfrough(jddst Tennessee: . S. P. Evaks, Prs't; W, A. IIoitXE, V; P. J ; SAM. H0PSE, ;Cahier. MECHANICS' Savings Bank '. Knoxville, Tenn. Transacts a General BanHiit Business. iMala in Foreign and Iomestie Eiehange. Se!! Drafts on all tha principal cities in Europe. ;Iiny8 and sells Ciicurreut Money, Oold and silrar, "War- rants and city Scrip.. .. IiitereRt paid on Depoaits of $1 ANB UPWARDS. May KilWy , 5 PC tft COA Perdayat home Karop'es worif wtr IU y v t iree. Kn.ssos & t'o , Fortiaud, NON-RESIDE- NOTICE. Circuit Court Grainger county, Tenn. , v - Mary SI. Hopson ra. Bnssell Hopson . IN THIS CAUSE IT APPEAR from the MIL which is sworn to, that tha defendant is a non-reside- nt of the Htate of Tennes- see. It is ordered that publication Ue made for four successive wenks in the Morristown Oazettk, notifying said defendant to apiear at the next term of the Circuit Court for Grainger cuuuty at ItuiltdfTU, on the iiii Monday in April next, to pie., ansvrer or demur to laid bill, ut the same will be taken for confessed and proceeded with This March 17, 1876. THOMAS LATHIM, . Clerk aud Mastt.?. mar22 iw pra fee $5 X oimiiiinn Mc 1 5i'o., Importers and Wholesale DbaWra in Foreign and Domestic Ko, 10 North Howard St., BAL T T MO It K , JI D . April 5 3iu. eM, Invi'limtary Xow, I n potency, Vteutal and 1'hyaical Incapacity, Impediment Ut .Uarriafie, eto ; a!) Consumption. Epilepsy and Fits, induced by or texual extraa-- ifauce,' ite. ' f I.. i ,.!! .ii :. 8" Price, in a sea'.od envelope, 'Cly sii rent. The 'ebratel author, in this ailmii ub'tp Estay, clearly dmuoiinlrates, from a thii'tj jears' practice, tl.at the aianning of elf-abu- may be radi-ai.- :Ui.-.-.- t tha daneroiis cf imerttal medici.ii or tl-.- a:;.lK'u-tio- n of the knife; jjoiuting out a nmln of i .,:e at iuce simple, wri am, and by unti of which every snilerer, no iijait. r l.nt his eoiuliiiou may be, may cure hiuifat-i- f ciseapl, aud radically . ' Tliii l 1 e in tl.e l it..: ef evss-- youth and every man in the lrud. Kent under w!, in a piiu if, to tvj ad' Ire, post-pai- d, uu rrceii i t f ix t nts or two pt rfUiiipn. Addrcs tiie Publibhxra, F. IJIUKHLVN & SOX, HAbU bt. aSvw York J Vott CiiU liuX-t- J Wm. II. LiLLAitD, Clerk. 2w John M. Smitu. Maine. l 10 no 1 Jy


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THE M Q R RJ S T O W N GAZET T E, A P It I X 12, ,1876.. ." J i 4 I t .J -4 j i f,

Tlie March of Reason.child under five vears. one under ten. New Jl d v e r t i s e m e n t s .. ,t Tlie J,ulg-esliii- .

la looking over the columns of one or


New Advertisements.

Wi' 'T' wTWe t h ,

MAIN STREET, MOEEISTOWN, TENN.Has now on hand a complete stock of

vFPJS.IIEIUPP.FelMMthn ft iUnJjLn Con n ty . y gf y m mfJ j f Hf ffftf

Ww it B'fl-S-- 6

gesiehbv--i tke this rae.hod to inform youthat I am, and will be a candidate before you tin--til the enduing August elaction" Is closed, for theolft'jo of HhM-itf- . Permit me ay tojeour iht Ianticipate elosirig out my pr4 ; tit Icjkijsu.s ia whichI am engagel, tneretere l a" it' tor tmmnppnn - oii

"the ottiee from tlie fact that I feel that I need it.T deem it useless for me to sriv tou a fan synop--Bis of my past life and political principle, as I amKeneraliy known throughout your couutry ; solflceto say, that I shall make the rare as an honest can-didate : as I have ever, and still entertain honestprinciples, Imt I think it unneceary to say any- -

.luiiitf more ui'aj m l'-- v "-- J ai.,...--t i. - . Mfc al... ....1.1.. W vit.i hv


Ui i oiievt: w if "v. i

whatever yo;f fnayfSmk to be rfhtrt-Buff- er tutoJ

l 1 li-B-.




Septs, 7Sn37--lr



And keep always on band large and varied assortment

l. .Xvlr A Tan UIVV a onpm i t wt; ; .

- v




IClover, Timothy.Orchard

i e i i i : i i : 11j iu ui our Mciwuges, puuusueuu! first judicial circuit, our Ifqptirva.jattracted to an article therein severely....

! CYltlClSin:; una condemning the action OI-

f r, OT-- "PhrtcV Id thw ABtinintmpnt of aj.TUage to HIT merVacancf Occasioned DY

, , . Tinu hchiu ui iuul'b urmea waters, xuthe article referred to, the action of Gov,Porter id characterized as hasty ana pre-rnatu- re.

He is charged with acting withtoo maeVpfecipitarWrfr-i- n m:mft theappoluient. Yet Caiv-esai- d

against the appointee, Col. 3IcKinney,but on the contrary he is admitted tp.bea gentleman of personal worjJU and high.legal attainrnen"ts, ,and" ;ftt, every Waycompetent for the position to which hehfcs'hcen appointed. fft$i -- substantiallyrfamlited thaftrre Governor nrwte-- a goodappointrnenL Clpsely scanning the ar--

Pticlfc, v can see no other object thereinthan to assail the action of the Governoras Tuiaty. Now, we think our exchangesreferred to, are jiisljiitlfe situatMife" Oiseek to place Governor "Porter that is,they are hasty and premature in theirdenunciations of his action, and we cannot stand still and see Gov. Porter soruthlessly and needlessly assailed; there-fore; id hig dafense.jtind, fox'tlje jboaeftof our readers, we will look Into" thepremises and see whether or not his ac--

L tioirjvvyis fremature. Now,about the space of twelve months ago,

,U was generally understood, throughoutthe circuit, ."that Judge Gillenwaterswould resign his truston accoimtofphj'sical 'debility.' In 'anticipation ofsuch resignation various petitions were

"forwarded tollie "GoveTrior in the ihler-csfo- f

isp!ransr.Vitl"thes0" petitiona,'waa one endorsed hy rndre'thafi fwenty--fiv- e

lawyers, "many" of them the head-UsM- s

of the profession, and some, whohafo.heiatlgh leal pgsitldfia's in Oig;trict and State, and all of whom are reg-d--

practitioners in this circuit. Thispetition nrged the apgointrnent of Col.John'A. 'Slelvioney, i tn& 4 .tciectney. oc

curred; and, as pur; readers 'know, a va-can-

did occWnd -- 1.4 petition wasstill at-th- e Executive office, when 4liedeath of Judge GUlenwitcri:vja.''a-- 'nounced. But In the meanwhile two orthrfu of the petitions referred to, werewinidrawn, and trov. l'orter notincntliat the. aspirants tpfefeTnWere no long-er asking tlie appointment; "andih Tale

ineamhenl having died, while' upon the

Grass, Herds Grass, Blue Grass at Lowest Market Rates.


--AND--- in


v Comer Gray and Church Streets,



For 30

Ia full and complete, embracing everything in our linel' 016 cntry aliipd to ns wih be sola at the highest market prices, and

Wa charfire oar customers NO COMMISSION on sales, and will mat a hastt ATiVAvrp f nriua ta Ji. L' ,rounds of Ids circuit, consequently the ones are. must never be.usea--- it .is., . . .? n.j i . - whnlpsAmii Tlven vnnr roifp.fi tastps

Days Only!

S. C. JARNAGINWill sell, for the next 30 Days, everything in thechandise line

Family Gr oceri es,To which he has recently added a full line of

BOOTS AND SHOES,Which he offers cheap for Cash.

He will pay the highest market price for all kinds ofcountry produce. mProvisions and Eatables of every description kept

" at u nines. IjelS-l- y,


Fashionable Tailor,Morristown, Tenn.,

oEespectf ully informs tha public that his ShopIs in the same place, and that he is aiwavs prepared- - " ii" uuk, iu uie most

lowest posaible prices. ri

Cixttiii ana Repairing tons Promptly,

and ,!'T'il't Ct tba.New Yk fashions quarter-ly, customers a fashionableas weU as. good tit, in any kind of Karment thi'may want.sr lie RCiWMt m (da - j

the public.reD251yC. S. FLESH MAN.

A (tT NT Si F? bCT,t oh In world toSivp'rvVi-n.- , v"'" ar. Aaaress U. S.

tH.'w J.l ... ui i. JJ I Ian. C.K.Viiur.Wi..


CNIVEBSi HISTORYto the close of the first innIndependence, including au account or the cfmiaitGrand Centennial Kxhibition, 7t0 pages, fine en-gravings, low yrice, quick sales, Estra terms, Sendfor Circulars. J. MofirjRnn 'n ica w iti.St. Cin., O. " t.AGENTS WANTED ! Medals & Diplomas Awarded

np.w rii; i ii k i n I kiki v1300 ILLUSTRATIONS. AddrVirfTr new' cTrcuia"A.J. JfOLMAN & Co.. 930 Areb R . Thil a.

Wvfl4 I .

Holder, Pencil, Patent Yard Measure, and Vi&cerfjwelry. Single ieckaga wita pair of rioRantOold Stone Sleeve Button, poet-pai- d, 25c. 5 for $1

of tiie Oazettk and found rej n td wort h..r. Knfn away io au AgetitA.Circnlar free. KBIDS k n.. 769 Broad wav i v




Put up Only hi MJSUte Boxes.A TREED AND SUT1K KE31EDY.

For sale by Drngrsts generally, andJOHNSON HOLLO WAV b CO., Phila. Pa.

Oold fields IFor Guide Book, Maps, Rites, Itovtet, dc.

SENT FHEE to any address,Apply to W. P. JOHNSON. GcnT Pass Art T CR. K. Chicago, or to I. F. RANDOLPH, Trav, Agt.I, C. li. It., Indianapolis, Ind.

WATER'S PIAIJOS, Sr&ss;Are the best made; the Tone, Touch, Workman-ship, and Durability Unsurpassed.WATERS' ORGANS, Concerto,New Orchestral vesper Chanel. Vialeste. and Cvm- -bella, cannot be excelled in tone or beauty. Theuoncerto stop is a aue imitation of the humanVoice. Warranted for six vears.

Price extremely low for cash durine this Month.Month ly lnrtailments received.

A liberal Discount to readier. Ministers. Churches, Bahools, Lodges, etc. AGENTS WANTED.

Special inducements to the tritds, illustratedCatalogue Sent. Horace Waters & Sons.481 Broadway, NeW York. Box, 33G7. w




the determination of the Principal to make theCollege meet the wants :f the couutry. lot loca-tion, the buildings, the thoroughness in the modeof instruction, aud the cftre taken of the students,will make it one of tha most diudrable seats oflearning in the count) y. For circular) or particu-lars address, A. W. WILSON,

June30nl7tl Principal.



your Picture. "Secure the shadow ere thasubstance fade . " Being convinced that the peo-ple of this section of country are desirous of ob-taining Pictures, and feeling assured that I will re-ceive a liberal supiirt I take this method of in-forming the citizens of Morristown aud country atlarge, that I am prepared to make Pictures of dif-ferent styles and size of potraiture. I am prepar-ed to make Photographs and other Pictures of lifesize, copied from old ones. Daguerrotypes orother kinds of Pictures. Photographs made andcolored in iudia ink, crayon or water colors . Auibrotypes, Ferotypes and Gem Pictures. Now isthe time to secure your likeness ; dou't put it otT,The old folks won't get any younger, and may notget much older ; the young folks get no prettisrby ae ; the "sweet-heart- s" need no suggestionsfrom me. No one knows but that this is theironly opportunity ever to sit for a picture afiain ;then don't pat it oif . The quality is good, and noone is expected to pay for their picture, unless it isgood. Particular attention given to copying oldpictures. Instructions ijiveu in the art, and auapparatus furnished at model ate charges. I wouldbe pleased to have all call and examine whetharwanting pictures or not

THOMAS B. BAYXESS.February 23, 1818.

Large BriMore House in Roprsrille

For Rent or Sale !

CONTAINING TWO LARGEand cellar. Apply to

JAS. T. SIII12L1XS,' JJeiny$ Station, Tenn.,

Fab. T. 1876.

"ERRORS t OF YOUTH.A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from

Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and allthe effects of youthful indiscretion will, for the sakeof suffering humanity, send free to all who need it,the receipt and direction for making the simpioremedy by which he was mired. ii fferers winningto prcSt by the advertiser's experience can do soby addressing in perfect confidence, -

JOHN G. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St., New Tkor.Dee 8 6m


FOR' 181 i. V

209 PAGES ; 500 ENGKAVINGS.at 23 cents a leap, Flrt number for IS" juaissued. A German edition at sarin- - prise .

Address, JAMES VIC. BocliMler, . T.

Mo3i!EaLest,Ho'i7Eestorei!Jnnt published, a new edition of D.

Ct'LVEKwi5i.L'n Celebrated Essay onthe baPical. n-B- (without medicine)f S:erniatjrrhot or Heniinal Weak- -

ft wmIn,

two over ten and "uddf fifteen, one overfiltppn nnri nnnr twe'ritv-- , tnil 4kia wife.... . J .

""Zlover thirty and under forty years ol asreThese; facts cam be verified by refeinceto a copy of tue census schedule ior theypar 1840, page 78, .which i? in posses-sion of the census taker for 1840. ; '

iKo'w,' had Mr.' Tliomaa Mercer beenaltogether 0 yeara old. he , would onlybe vt some time thia year, and, from theages of Mrs. Mereer and the chilcren,none of whom were over twenty exceptthe wife, and she being under forty, itia not reasonable to suppose that MrL3f.was much over 50, aa the census takerthinks is the fact. As there are eo manycases .of persons who do not know theirageg'and when they get old representthemselves as being- - of jrreat age, mostof whom saw Washington and tho , soldiers of 1770, it is to be regretted thatthe law of the United States was notmore particular in regard to the ages ofthe persons; bnt it then only requiredthe number ol ruAies and females

first, those under five yijarsold; second, those over five and undertn; third, those over ten and under fifteen; fourth, those over fifteen and under tweHty, and then on up by decades.

' The' same schedule, above referred to,.gives tne white and. colored persons fiep--

arateiy, anq also gives the names of Sueold pensioners of the Revolutionary war,wren tneir exact ages; also the namesand ages of the widows of such soldiersas were entitled to pensions i . ; ; ,. .

We do not say that Mr. Mercer is notan ol4 man, northat he is not an objectof charity, but do not think that he ; isas old , by several years, say. fifteeo. 'ashe represents himself to be. . Very fewpeople who know anything of the ,warof American Independence, from actualobservation, are now alive. Yet, everynow and then, you find some article iitanewspaper which gives a history of someold mau or woman who knows all aboutit, and saw Washington, &c , or of, anold body servant of the ''father of lLiscountry. Yours, ' ; ; '


t. ,f .. . Dyspepsia, ;

The following rocipe for;.dispepsia isfurnished us by. one of .the oldest andmost successful practitioners in Knoxcounty: - i. i. - ; iTo the Editor of tha Morristowu Gazette: - ;i

Is-i-t on the increase? At least I see oflate more remedies, springs and suchrecommended, t It is apt to-hol- venwith hot biscuits. I have a very simplebut efficacious rpmedy to recommendit is good fresh water water out. of :agood tsprlng if possible, spring-war- m ;

freslr ' water out; of a good well, andwater of a good cistern the " purestyet it lacks the life and sparkle-o- f thespring. These are recommended, Oldwater, particularly, if it stands inaroowwhere many people 4l6p, r where sick

better with freshwater.' Let, therefore,everj'one, that loves-"goo- digestion,drink a glass of freh water before breaktfast. It will be to his advantage; but foruyspepiic li win prove a vaiuaoits rumu- -dv. Let therefore, everv dvsnentic: takefrom a tablesDoonf ul of cood fresh wa- -

1 ter, ihcreasing to a glassful before break- -

rasi. XjGI nwn mea ai wuai. eipi' rieut--hasttaught hurts Win hvast.j aqd ih&a letUim take no water for atleait two bourg, 'then ad libitum, but let him be sure todrink as much fresh water as he can,from eleven to hts dinner 'time. Lethim observe the same rules after dinnerand supper. I will insure it he . will begreatly benefitted., A dyspeptic of con- -

tinueil sedentary habits will looK ia Yamfor relief witU the best of renedba. '

A $200,000 HOTEL. -

What Tr. Pierce is roin AuImportant Enterprise. .,;

We learn that Dr. B. V. Pierce, pro-- ,

prietpr of the "-- Wavld'i Dispeuijary, ' inthis cltvl has nerfected the purchase ofa large lot of land, on which he propo--posea to erect a large hotel for the' accommodation of his numerous : patients,coming hither from ,all goints of Ihocompass. The land purchased by theenterprising Doctor is 234 feet front onProspect avenue,-runnin- g through tor apgo avenue, o&l feet; also an adiomins lot extendinsr from the above to Counecticut street. It i in the midst of ourextensive system of Dublic narks, frontsthe old and beautiful Prospect Park, isbut a short distance from the " Circle"in one direction, and the ".Lake Frontin the other. : The site selected is a. finonq, being both beautiful and healthful ;

is one oi uie nignesi pornons oi our city.easily nccessible, yet sufficiently retiredio secure quiet, ana commanas a picas- -

Iant Tiew of the lake and river, --as- wellus of the surroundinir city and country.We understand tht it U tho intention Iof D'rVPierce to erect a hotel at the costof at'Ieast two hundred thousand- - dol-lars, ,where those who come to enjoy thebenefit of his treatment may find all de-sired accommodations under one . roof,instead of being scattered oVer the city,as at present. . We are further given to'understand that 6ur arclritecta will heinvited to submit plans: for. the , propo-sed structure without delay. JJuJIUo. JT.Y. Exprets. . ". ;

Andrew Jplm&on Avensred.' Few York Sun. ,

When Andrew. Johuson was im-peached for mere political .differences u

betweeu himself, anil a majorityof the ofleaders of the KepupUcan party, the

. . . i : . -

m0st Ditter and. determined or., all N.his prosecutors was Benjamin F. Butler,;then;a. Representative in Congross froi,MassJachusetts. Mr. John-so- n;

met biff i accusers,, face to face,boldly like a man, stood iup do his ha,trial, aud was acquitted; and,hfha ;tosince carried with, him to his gravetUGsincere respect of the natiou. . u it.I,-- , jen. Butlerr .was blessed with fapea.utiful daagh.terr the object of uni-v- er

sal - id miration. , j lie r marriedAdelbert Amcs,,a luiUtary man, witha, euphonious; aud aUiterattye name. andBut that nae, pretty, as; it is, doesnot look well at the end of a docurmerit tp which it has vrecently.',peensigned.- - The dpcument jis a- - letterof jesignatlon of tlie

"office; of .Gov-

ernor of Mississippi, addressed to ofthe peQpie0o( tt StateJ It f was andl

written by Mr, Auxes, after itnpeachfment, to, avoid, the-- danger of , coo?Tictioruf It is a, most . humiliatingSfate paper, for a Governor; to sign.So? the poisoned chalice, intended andfor, Johnsou, returns JLo .the Butlerfamily, to. be drained to its? dregs. . r oth

Pmples, Eruptions, Rough Skin,iThe? system Tbeirig put "under the. influ

ence of 1r,, fierce s;( UpKlea ;JUelcaiDjscoyery.for aew; weeka the skia .be-- j

comes smooth, fclear soft," and" velvety,and beins illuminated with the4 fffowof

--perfect health from within; true beautyetaiMls jorta in&u ts glory, The effects Soflof all "medicines, which operate upon thesystein through the medium of the bloodare necessarily 'sbrnewhaf slow, no ' inat- -lr"' how good' tho- - remedy employed.While one. to three .bottlesjclcar the skinOf pimples, blotches, . eruptions, fellow ed,spots, omedenes, f or "grubs," a , do2eftmay. possibly' be red ui red to cure .somecases where thef system' is ' rotten with

RrbfuIous ublood tpo&ani,The care of all these dineases, however.from the common pimple to the? worst Inscrofula ist with the me of thu most potent agent, ontya matter or time.," boraby dealers iu medicines,' r v- - j ; ... is

- ',mm,- r' " '.

Iisscdutiorf of Copartnersliip. lentFrom'the 1st of April last the copart

nership heretofore existing betweenJehu Morris and, John Smith fo .dissolved by mutt&d consent f

Jequ Morkis.1 ":

There are certain pretended, pHfloophr8.ndwiseacres who, when you speak to them of theprogress of mankind, shake their heads and talkof tlie good- - old days before steam was applied andthe Morse telegraph invented. ,iJ with, suchhumbug! Tha greatdisooveriea which have en-

riched mankind; united by awire" link "great nations separated by mighty , dwarf&d Spacwith Speed, and reduced disease to its miuirauin.canijof py any fxcpeise djTngenuity be demons tratd to be aught but blessings,

Araong the sanatory discoveries of the nineteenthcentury is one, that in view of the Balutary Influence it lias exerted, deserves a foremost place Weallude to Hoeter"s Stomach Bitten, which is oneof the most deservedly celebrated tonic and alteratives of , the present day. The most naira--peacha'jle testimony establishes the fact that thiapopular medicated stimulant and corrective annihilates indigestion, constipation, urinary complaints, malarht) disorders, and many affections ofthe sensitive organs. In the mining regions andnew clearings of the West, it is regarded by theinhabitants as means of proventing, as well ag curing chills and feve.s, and thereis scarcely a city or town In the TJnionj some ofwhose denizens have not borne witness to its efficacy in remedying the first named class of maladies.

As an inxjgorantappetifcer and carminative, Hotetter's Bitters are incomparably the most effectiveand the purest . Their basis of fine old rye, themost healthful alchoholic .spirit obtainable, ia ofitself no mean tonic, bnt its strengthening properties 'fcre increased fifty Yold'by the veira S We ex.tract,. which it holds in solution, and to which thesurpassing quauty 01 tne Hitters are aue.

; Morristown Produce Market.' Wholesale Prices.

i Mokristowk, April 11, .1876.SVe quote :

WHEAT S01 00COIiN. 4045oats ,r.r. 40FLOUR. . . ..i ....t..;: 3 003 50rn.rjA.Li 55PRIED PEACHES

L . APPLESFEATHERS. .......... 2540BUTTER. i..;;.,EGGS 8JBEESWAX 25FLAXSEED . . 1 00LARD 15BACON..... 124al5

Can any cne tell me where JaneEyreis! PJestj,hrin her hornet S"

Chaiiley Reap. c.

S, J, Jorton fcolla book rich withpure gospel truth; such as the "Saint'sResC Cdme fe Jeans," "Dew Drops,""Tract Primer" and Advice to YoungChristians." March 21 llw

"Madam," said a .trance-mediu-

" youf lmsbandTsspirirwishes t6 commu- -

oicate with; you." f'No matter," saidthe widow; " if he's got no maro spiritin the other world than h lad Jul-thi-s,

irs not wortn botnering about.

For ale;at a Bargain.I offer for sale one of the mostdeslr-abl- y

located residences iu Morristown,at a very low flgure.--Th- e house is alarge two-stor- y frame with L, on a threequarter acre lot, on which there are twogood cisterns, and other conveniences.

Applyto, ; y ; ,r L. P SPECK.

March 15, tf! - r . . - -r 4

- notice.. aAl surviving partnet of the firm of W:

F. Wright, Mooresburg, Tenn., I willcall the attention of all persons indebted to the firm, either by note, opcn .ac .count or lien, to at once eoiua4 forwardand make settlement. All persons hav-ing Cilaiuia against the firm will presentuiem, properly autnenticated, to theundersigned for payment .

,JAS. WRIGHT,April 5 lm Surviving Partner.

j i

The following'lestiuionial from a member qf the wed known wholesale groceryIrm of Carpenter, Ross & Co., is worthreading and remembering;

. - Karoxvij.tE, TBKsr.,i y, t w March 28th, 1870. f -

Messrs. Sanford,' Chamberlain & Alberw;Gentlomeu: The bottle of Dr. Hart's

Antibilious Discovery ?I got at yourhouse has proven, to be.to me .all youclaim for it. It entirely relieved me" ofsevere symptoms of Dyspepsia, consist-ing of dull, heavy headache, constipa-tion and general debility. Icananddo,cheerfully recommend it to any one suf-fering from like complaints. .


Mrxha W4&hington College. "

i ; Ajjikgdos, Va-- V Jan. 24, 1876.MeJisrs. Landrum & Litchfield, Abiiigdont

Virginia: . .

'GEKTiiBMEK, For severnl vcars -- pasthave been much troubled by Iudises- -

lion, and havef used -- various remedies..liave not found any preparation that

affords as ready relief as the "SevenSprings Mass." ; - -

It has been used by ladies of this Col-lege family, With the .most - satisfactoryrtisults, in cases of Sick-headach- e, Ner-vous


Debility and Sore Throat. I cheer-fully recommend tlie Mass as a valuablemedicine, j Yours very truly,; v-- i

R. 17. JONES? President.For sale by Dr.. M- - Carriger-- & Co. tana ur. ij. 1. iagete, uruggists, Mor?

rhtown, Tenn. j j,J A i.N i Wonderful. Success, i ,

fdt is reported that . Boschce's German1 ujj una, Biutc its iiiiruuucilOIl JU Ilie

United States, reached the immense sale40,000 dozen per year.' Over 6,000

Druggists have ordered this medicine 4

direct from the Factory; at, Woodbury,J., and Jiot one liaye.reported a sin trie

.failure, but every letter speaks of its as-tonishing success in : curing, severeCoughs, Colds settled on the Breast,Consumption, or any disease of ThroatanlLiings. - We advise any person that

any predisposition Jto weak Lungs, JLgo to their Druggist, Dr. M. Carriger,"

and get this Medic Werorlaqulta.lboatRegular size, 75 cents; sample bot-tl- ? say

cents." iTwa doses will rel ieveanjfcai" Don'lneglectOur cough.is 1

(ibineMakerrI wish ta inforir my old. customers

the public that I will cemtimie theFurniture,CQnin and picture Frame busi-ness at my-house-

, "oposite Brown & Son's.Oyriage slioO, iu the, east end "of .town,tiUJcaa.gaUmy-iNc.w'.Slio- p readyLtowork in, and after I get my former en-gagement done,. I will reduce the price

Furniture from --10- to -- 30 per cent. ;will further, that I will not be

jzndere.ikl, but all work except vCofflhs,mt3tv)e.-paidf- c for'when taken'away.Satisfaction ,'guaranteea. All kinds ofproduce taken in exchange for work atmarket prices, Remember I always giveprompt attention to all orders for Collins,

try to give every person a neat andsatisfactory job in that line as well as in

r work-.-- - M. A. WIIITT. ,March 29, 1870 If , .. . uV ,


:mm. SGlliiiiprietbr.?th-we- st Cbruer Gay and --Cum

berland StsM in the business centreofihft-cUTtiif-


1 eMyim wilf be to keep in the fu-- anttifvatnpxvirjfls long need; he


Jit has the ad vantage oyer till otherhotels in the city in regard to loca Dection, VTe'ing situated' :fl ,?'. s k

tiie Busfnesi Centre of the City. aThe interior of the iLaaiar ;Housebeing refurnished and refitted

thrmgbjoat,Good..B8n--ex- c

Table and attentive "Servants,await the traveler.

Terms will be reasonable, and thePublic lOtivitedJiO giiteOhe ; house; :CyndBr iho new atrial.

8 Jolri ScriErPrbprfctkKQ


express my feelings in a few woraa uiu me eoo-je- jt

of party Conventions; as it has liecomerom-mo- u

to hold suoh Conventions for the purpose ofin. MiKrT-rfne caiiMtt for your oonntyaii'fr ttiet'tltce f yaf emtirtry. I fe-s- l that Teryroan or shonhJ ff man, ' anil eJ y tbliberties grantei him in this respect by the Consti-tution so wisely made by our forefathers, there-fore I do not parixponiinatious ; in shortray motto is; "let am oaarry aspirants for offic combefore the pa6til --rsay it rs to wall theand let the judgement of the citizens and theirvote at the ballot box say who is entitled to thehonor of said offices to which they may aspire.. Inconclusion I will say that I think I ttr iJt thetffi ie as well as any other man who may be beforeyoo and if you should think me worthy of yourKinoort, I am fure you could not coufer that sup-

port pb nww wl would f4 mate, Uiauklul tovoa Cifc s'j'ir Uuri ! V- - r:int-- aud.il elected, IprAiUe you thatlhe'r shaft be n honestlyand to the best of rny skill and ability.

I am, gentlemen, very respectfully,Tour humble servant,

W. AV. HOLT.Jf.rrwtown, April i, 1878

We are authorized to announce Jolmll.KJwies )VwdUUtfei fon- - Shcrifl ofJ ttnn.leftVoutrty-ht.t- h ienfeHtng Augustelections. tde.

We are authorized to announce the'nafme of I. .1. .KipTJf' M a --canididotf.)r Sheriff of JIamblen county at the en-

suing August election. r ,

,Wc are requested to announce the nameof ghiitfi 1L Mooned as a candidatefor SbfertiT-o-f Hawkins county at the en-

suing August election. tde.


fTfe wre requested to , annoancp' thenaai1 ol Oeorjrcr W: AVelb9sciindidate for Trustee and JicvenueCollector for Hawkins county, at the ensuing August election. s. ... , tde.:

Tfiuc TuWe E.T., & Gm.ll.rMongor Train No. 1 . . 9:37 a. m. - 9:30 a. m.


.- -i aA..i iliSi P.w, 'll(l m.

Freight Train XoK,r . 3:47 p. w. 3n3 pi w." -- r 4.1l:3iip. m. ll34vin.

; 1 f. M a. ui, 3:04. m.8 .11:39 a. m. 11:19 a.m.

, " 17.....4:33r. U8p.m.

(i, c. afc: k. k.Uaily Froight and Pas8jnef Traii Sundays

" '""eicevtod.A4?. 'a4 ilifistoVh S:17 a. ru. Depart p. m.A Wti.t Cfti, . Ji 3:30 a. n .


IX) ATS, Editok.,1

Pnnhw' 6ourt-letl-ed

a' taxofotf itnill oir"th dollar ,fi publicFnfvoK This asssniat vtvill rd UQfc'

something near .six thousand dollars.Of hitp Veirs tlife

. Vschool 'lax bus ' been

doing little good and our people are bit- -

will haven more-- energetic. 'adaninistra- -

tftt'eft school jiStTofftcr Tsviil& ,i t

JCotnTy"IItni'iTceswcre thoTOnghlyveatilhitcd in the Court-hous- e at Pogers-vill-e

last week, and the develapiuejUswere satisfactory and gratifying to thepeople. Old Hawkins is all right. Herofiieers .re honest men and tlie. proudold c ounty if 8civeBt 'ytt ablelto paylicr dbts,' and 'build several - bridgesin theireanlihieT t

. ..mi e ft 1.1ray i nai poniou oi liaiuuicn tuuutvt:iKeii from Hawkins, is owing to the1 titer county several years railroad tax,and i bound to Ilawkiua.for its proportuxfc ivaHiif jhat fax for the future.Our neighbors dWn there will pleasemake their preparations to meet the de-

mand. We have found the "hole" inwhich that Sinking Fund is kept. It isa .safe place and we want our Hamblencounty part ofjhe money to put in it.Wc want abont five years back-nation- s,

and regular yea1ly!1u3talmen4J for thenext year- - , Wt-- take green-back- s

! . .at 'par. -

IW The letter of James II, Walker,Eq., which is published groday showsup the rail-roa- d debt of tlie county in tofinite a different liirht from what we

have heretofore understood. Xo one,so far as wc have heard, has ever accuscd'FKfeiYfeupcctM, tilni or the other 1a

....... . . . . .V .1.1.1 v. v i j - '.-- J L

tion of the public money. All we everwanted was iust what we have in Esquire Walker's letter, a plain Statementof the facts in the case. We felt thatsuch a publication was due them,jindwith his plain, good-tcmpcrc- d statementwe are sure all will be entirely satisfied.

IS" There are 230.000 acres of land inHawkins county. " If we had good roadsrunning in all directions it As fair to suit orpose those lands would inceae rnyalueupon an average of one dollarijpnelitmdred thousand dollars would make sothe roads. Thus it is plain to see wecan make us a number of first-clas- s

roads far .nothing ami ,hc, .03,. a j)eogly heone miriTTfM --flmrTigfaty-sM Hrosanl liUdollars better off than we now are. OldHawkins is going to have the good roads.

Iler people arc waking up, and they arewtlio.4.hciUitq3- - tUfceirVfcycs open.With good roads, good schoplsA ?opd

towns, good bridges anfTlots6f coliutrpaper in our pockets we'll be a happy

itset of fellows

A Live Court.The County Court of Hawkins, 'at its He

April term, appropriated three thousand!five hundred dollars for the purposebuilding bridges over three streams in itthe county. Most emphatically wc sayhurrah for that court. The vote was aunanimous one one magistrate not heagreeing, but" withdrawing- - his vote

lastHawkins is naturaW a

county We have ipvery natural auvan- -

tage for making our people exceedinglyprosperous. But to do this, we must T

have good roads and safe bridges. Weverflv bclieTe the real estate f' the cpun--tyt!yM(M-t- tmuch.uhbjy;,than thirty-fiv-e hundred dollars"as it was byworth before that patriotic vote was

boi ao nAdvfgl)Jd 1

r9rtf and brilgcsXte? tffc MilhsAn&xiH&ioui sober peUpie will begin lo.buy up. our idle hindsand the county wfll start on'ifs career ofprosperity. Our magistrates met the is-

sue bravely a-o-d did their duty manfully

and well. On behalf of the people, we tothank, tlie'ra and j&y ?4wfcll done' goodand faithful servants." Do so again, age.

Mr.and keep on doing s') until whavUrst-rat- e

road,! T:t nil jmrts m, .thfe iCnmty.- theThe penile-wil-l stand by-yo-a-nd --tkus-,-1

E ofattain your actiou.

The Kentuckians are trying to breakder

fh ilea K.n4 ;igto wintLmU.to ?e nothing put the calm moonlight I

on the grass.

MAINApril 15 6 tf'

D. O. M.:&3

O -- IoH .O J. J ((.-- s

O 4 CX3sr -

March 1, "76 ly.

Mer- -

STREET.(At the Old Stand.)

LYLE,ss o 3 i

l & a

AX Q o





2k'-X- -

Io? Everybody

courts were urougut to a standstill,there teing ho mode jia euch cases toproviae-- juoge, otnerwi.?e'ntan y 'appointment of the Governor. And Gov.Porter apprehending the situation, andit being hifl dntr to twkn -- immediate.appointmcti,"iid tiviri. theaaaai of igentleman admitted on all sides to be

.competent fo fill tho pofcUioa, jendprsedby numerous mombersof the profession,made the appeintpeutXwhlchjs ow, assailed as hasty. ' In view of these factsiipont which.' ther Qornor actel, wefail to see where the argument. comesia .that he acted' hastily. And havinghell upjhe case in its true light, weask should our high-tone- d Governor beassailed for his action? We think not,and we believe the-gre- majority of thepeople-- - net 'onjy endorse, the soHcalledhaste, but heartily accept thei apppint- -

ment made oy him,, aa Jtre nave, iiearurnany of them express satisfaction there-at. And we conclude with the" reflec-

tion that all such assaults upon the ac-

tions of our State Executive, will be re-

pudiated by an enlightened public.

Leo Valley Solves;Edit HawVinsCnniy, ejrtamt -tj - ;

Speaking of the improvement made mthe last few years, in tobacco: culture,old Uncle Mart P., of Possum ridge,says he intends to try grafting plug tobacco on a small patch of the home-mad- e

article just to see how It will do. i'at- -

.cat.applieljfor. ' ',

One of our honest farmers was ud onCopper' ridge the other day, JooKing for j

some axe-hand- le timber, when'hc sprerwlmt he thouirht was a laree deer in thebruh; he throw down his axe j and. ran'about ainlte tothe hotise after'his j'uii'

shoot it; but behold when he gotback, and took a cloabr look at the aai-tanl- e,

it turned out to be Big Johu'smare-iac- k ( iennet .)

As nart of his experience, told at Shi- -.iTccj.incptinir thm nt.lipr KliruJflV. old

brother IJftoferJsaid.that wjienihe pfo--J

fesseu religion a row years ago, merewas forty-fiv- e professed at the sametime; and he himself, made forty-seve- n.

How is that for algebra?A deputy county clerk of an adjoining

county, recently stole a gal, and wrotehiA owa license on a sheet of fools-cap- ,

and taking his gal along hunted up apreacher and got spliced mounted ontheir horses. Exetlxior, Calloway.

One day, during last roasting-ea- r time,old uncle Jeff P. came to Bill (Greene's

..ii 1 1 1 j. I a. I

stni uousc, ana saia ne wanieu quaiuWUiskv out, as money was so scarce,

and, whisky so high, he haidly knewhow he was to get it. Jeff owned a fine

el(fot corn adjacent to the distillery,.tlie storekeener. Lawrence, onerea io

get Jeff a quart provided Jeff would al-

low him to get as many roasting-ear- s aswanted. wThis, Jeff agreed Xpbefore

witrtes3c's, tlgtljtfwrepco'w'aavio havethe rfhmtTi-'Tr"s"i'- "' icaHred aitlong a

tloere teas oite in ffiejtdd. Now comes thejoke. Lawrence to&k two stout darkeyswith sacks, and walked into the fieldand-fille- d them with green corn, adbrbiiglM Ath the atHIAoistrutrapaedthe faqks. j JefFffiyes began to stick putalittlcVDrrt Nsiieu- - 'Lawrence k'tldarkey and began to gather another load

was too much for him. Old auntNancy, in the meantime, came out andwanted to know what Mr. Lawrencewas doing there, pulling all her corn.

replied that all the corn in the fieldwnshis, if he wanted it, and that he didwant It. and was going to gather it while

was in roasting-ear- , according to con-tract. Aunt Nancy raved, and uncleJeff plead, and even cried; but Lawreucewas determined to carry the joke until

got the worth of his quart, which heestimated at six sacksful.. . That was the

whisky tmde' Jeff made with Law-renc-e,

jand itHroe" him from sucking

More About the Centennarian.the Editor of Hawkins County Department : ,

Wc have noticed severall communications, not very long since, in the Morris-to- w

rt OxzuTina regard 9 aaoQ manffienafe-- of btfalrcf&r? who

lives in this county, and whichcommu- -

nications, we take it for granted, wasOvr th; Bjgntr?tf.VulVna.8irik. and;resecdSScatltm, tiii.whowfifeimposed upon, as we believe, in refer-ence tu w 1

to the old tnantfSge.'He was represented as being consider-

ably over one hundred years old, if wemistake not. We have takenjeome pains

ascertain sce facts,1 Mndr'-ar- in thenature jof testimony, as to the old man's

The result is, in our opinion, thatMercer is nQt, by several years, a

hundred yet .Jn.tM) Mr. M. lived iu4tlifOr Lower Beech Creek district

dLiwiinsUuuty, a neighbor to sever. 1

persons still living in the same vicin-ity. Thomas Mercer's family, at thattime, consisted of the following descrip-tion of persons, viz: One male child un.

five years old; one male under teaand-ov- cr live vcars old. and himself, whnrepresented himself hs bfina- - 'betweenfifty and sixty years of age. One female

Kansas CeutM ki Apcy.SiUMi. MaJ. JOHJJ W. BERKS, Genl Manager.Bl Estate Business generally ; a Iho hare for

sale all tha land ot the Kansas Pacific KnihrmyCompany, amounting to over 5, 000,000 acres of themost desirable in Central and Western Kansas ? al-so, Mill-sit- es Coal lands, Farms, Cattle Ranches,aud City Property In Salina and the neighboringtownB, for sale at all times.v- - tST" Hend for the "Kanftaa CentraLLand Journal"

larpe monthly paper, --sea a hat theyhare for sale and read all abont the great KeystoneState of tha West.

L. C. S H E P A R Di


Knoxville, Tenn-- iTH V WR Y DESCRIPTION OF

"Metalic Caskets and Cases, Wood Caskets andCoffins of every, Orade and price ready for use.

Orderaby Telegraph vail receive personal andprompt attention. Terms- - satisfactory. n40

persona desirous of having Photograph

Copied arid-Enlarg- ed,

should apply at once to the undersigned for 1 anaprepared to enlarge and beautify any Picture, ho-w- -

ever faaed, ana give it a fresh, appearance.

Amhrotypes and Dagxierreotypes,touched ap with Crayon or India Ink, and naada

Natural and Lifelike.Pictures enlarged t any size desired. ' I wab--

iast all work,' aa to quality and prices.' Call ' onat my Studio! on Main street, or address me at

this place.

AMBROSE 0. SmUlT,. ; ': ; .

" Mhristown,':Teiiimsee.Jan 12, Tfr 12n.

THE CENTMt HOUeE., ; (A new JIotd just opened.) 3

Gay. Street, - - .Knoxville, Teniii



either way. from the Custom Honse, Post Oflice,Banks, Wholesale and Betail Stores, and Market.Beautiful front yard, .with luxuriant shado trees.Rooms and Table, equal to the bestiii llie city, to

the least . rune 8, T3.

THE.Thoroughbred ; Stal li o ii ,

g ll.L-',.,-". if'


V sf.8aeon near LEAD VAtE, Jefferson Co.,Thn., at J10 the Season, $15 to hisure.

tSf For further' particulars address,A. J. IVIII.I.EK, .

declff tf I ' ?edvale, Jefferson Co- - Tenn.

.TO CONSUMPTiVES.Tha advartiser. having boen permanently curedthat dread di.sease,'-- . C'onsiunption, by a simple

reiueuy, u uuiuua lu maice iuowh 10 nis xeiiowfferers the neans of cure. . To all who desire it,will send copy ui the preserrption. need, (freecharge with the 'directions for preparing and

nsing the same, which they will and a sens CueConsumption, Asthma, Bboxchittm, so.

Parties wishing the prscription will please ad-dre-

, . .. , Bev. E. A. WILSON,W ' ISiPtnn St ., WUliamsbargh, Npw York

8 6m

'ft6!:; PITTiyiATJ,1

Shoemaker,Located oppocite Post-offic- e,

MORRISTOWNTENN.,Ay S. ALh TU E PEOPLE Woraoaa won to hare him make their Boots and

Bhcra, aud do their repairing. Xov 17 ly





GEORGE H. SMITH,. ..i iCorner, Gay and Church Sts.,

Who has just received the Largest Stock of everythinginhisJin6(Sverlfrough(jddst Tennessee: .

S. P. Evaks, Prs't; W, A. IIoitXE, V; P.J ; SAM. H0PSE, ;Cahier.


Savings Bank'. Knoxville, Tenn.

Transacts a General BanHiit Business.

iMala in Foreign and Iomestie Eiehange. Se!!Drafts on all tha principal cities in Europe. ;Iiny8and sells Ciicurreut Money, Oold and silrar, "War-rants and city Scrip.. ..

IiitereRt paid on Depoaits of

$1 ANB UPWARDS.May KilWy ,

5 PC tft COA Perdayat home Karop'es worifwtr IU y v t iree. Kn.ssos & t'o , Fortiaud,

NON-RESIDE- NOTICE.Circuit Court Grainger county, Tenn., v - Mary SI. Hopson ra. Bnssell Hopson .

IN THIS CAUSE IT APPEARfrom the MIL which is sworn to, that tha

defendant is a non-reside- nt of the Htate of Tennes-see. It is ordered that publication Ue made forfour successive wenks in the Morristown Oazettk,notifying said defendant to apiear at the nextterm of the Circuit Court for Grainger cuuuty atItuiltdfTU, on the iiii Monday in April next, topie., ansvrer or demur to laid bill, ut the samewill be taken for confessed and proceeded with

This March 17, 1876.THOMAS LATHIM, .

Clerk aud Mastt.?.mar22 iw pra fee $5

X oimiiiinn Mc 1 5i'o.,Importers and Wholesale DbaWra in

Foreign and Domestic

Ko, 10 North Howard St.,

B A L T T M O It K , JI D .April 5 3iu.

eM, Invi'limtary Xow, I n potency,Vteutal and 1'hyaical Incapacity, Impediment Ut.Uarriafie, eto ; a!) Consumption. Epilepsy andFits, induced by or texual extraa--ifauce,' ite. '

fI.. i ,.!! .ii :.

8" Price, in a sea'.od envelope, 'Cly sii rent.The 'ebratel author, in this ailmii ub'tp Estay,

clearly dmuoiinlrates, from a thii'tj jears'practice, tl.at the aianning of

elf-abu- may be radi-ai.- :Ui.-.-.- t thadaneroiis cf imerttal medici.ii or tl-.- a:;.lK'u-tio- n

of the knife; jjoiuting out a nmln of i .,:e atiuce simple, wri am, and by unti ofwhich every snilerer, no iijait. r l.nt his eoiuliiioumay be, may cure hiuifat-i- f ciseapl, audradically .

' Tliii l 1 e in tl.e l it..: ef evss--

youth and every man in the lrud.Kent under w!, in a piiu if, to tvj ad'

Ire, post-pai- d, uu rrceii i t f ix t nts or two ptrfUiiipn. Addrcs tiie Publibhxra,

F. IJIUKHLVN & SOX,HAbU bt. aSvw York J Vott CiiU liuX-t- JWm. II. LiLLAitD, Clerk.2w John M. Smitu. Maine. l 10 no 1 Jy