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Cigna TTK – Coverage report



1 10-Jul-18 The Economic Times Indians are a Stressed Lot, but Give Workplace Wellness a High Score

2 10-Jul-18 The Assam Tribune Stressed out!

3 10-Jul-18 The Political & Business Daily Indians most stressed globally on work

4 10-Jul-18 Financial Chronicle Work, finance issues keep Indians under heavy stress: Study

5 10-Jul-18 Echo Of India Indians most stressed globally on work, finance issues: Survey

6 11-Jul-18 Mint What ails Indias youth?

7 11-Jul-18 The Public Side India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues

8 12-Jul-18 Mint 89% Indians suffering from stress, but 75% not comfortable talking to professionals

9 14-Jul-18 The Hindu Business Line Indians are stressed out by work, finance situation

10 16-Jul-18 Financial Express Work & finances top reasons for stress

11 17-Jul-18 Yugmarg India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues, reveals 2018

12 18-Jul-18 The Hindu Thumbs-up to workplace wellness

13 18-Jul-18 The Asian Age Beat The Stress

15 31-Jul-18 Hindustan Times Insurance must come first

16 2-Aug-18 Business Today Caution: Stress Ahead


17 10-Jul-18 Aaj India sees high level of stress due to work and finance

18 11-Jul-18 Rahat Times India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues, reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-being Survey

19 10-Jul-18 Rashtriya Swaroop India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues, reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-being Survey

20 11-Jul-18 Adhikar Wellness indicators, according to the 2018 Cigna 3600 Well-Being Survey

21 11-Jul-18 Jaltedeep India sees high level of stress due to work and finance

22 11-Jul-18 Kanchan Kesari India sees high level of stress due to work and finance

23 14-Jul-18 Nispaksh Divya Sandesh India leads the Cigna 360 Well-being score at 72.8 while the region trails at 65.3


24 11-Jul-18 Maharashtra Times Indian ‘Tensions’ Increase

25 11-Jul-18 Prabhaat India sees high level of stress due to work and finance

26 14-Jul-18 Navarashtra India sees high level of stress


27 10-Jul-18 Ahemdabad Express India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues, reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-being Survey

28 10-Jul-18 Divya Gujarat India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues, reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-being Survey

29 10-Jul-18 Gujarat Pranam India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues, reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-being Survey

30 10-Jul-18 Lokmitra India sees high level of stress due to work and finance

31 10-Jul-18 Gujarat Niti India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues, reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-being Survey

32 16-Jul-18 Prabhat India sees high level of stress due to work and finance

33 21-Jul-18 Financial Express Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey: Work & finances top reasons for stress


34 11-Jul-18 Dina Thodar India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues, reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-being Survey


35 11-Jul-18 Future Kerala India sees high level of stress due to work and finance

36 10-Jul-18 Malayala Manorama Cigna TTK Health Insurance


37 24-Jul-18 Ei Samay Cigna TTKs 360 survey



1 9-Jul-18 Moneycontrol Indians stressed due to work and finances, says CignaTTK Health Insurance survey

2 9-Jul-18 Financial Express Indians most stressed globally on work, finance issues: Survey

3 10-Jul-18 The Economic Times 89 percent of India's population suffering from stress; most don’t feel comfortable talking to medical professionals

4 9-Jul-18 The Asian Age Indians most stressed globally on work and finance

issues: Survey

5 8-Jul-18 CNBC TV18 Indians most stressed due to work and finance compared to global peers, says report

6 9-Jul-18 Deccan Chronicle Indians most stressed globally on work and finance issues: Survey

7 9-Jul-18 Fortune India Indians positive about well-being, but stressed about work and finances: survey


9 9-Jul-18 India TV Indians most stressed globally due to work, financial issues, says survey

10 9-Jul-18 DNA You are not alone: 89% of Indians stressed at work

11 10-Jul-18 Daily Hunt Work, finance issues keep Indians under heavy stress: Study

12 9-Jul-18 Stocksmarket.in Indians stressed due to work and finances, says CignaTTK General Insurance survey

13 10-Jul-18 mydigitalfc.com Work, finance issues keep Indians under heavy stress: Study

14 9-Jul-18 TechTrail Stress high in India, due to work, financial issues

15 9-Jul-18 Outlook Indians most stressed globally on work, finance issues: Survey

16 10-Jul-18 The Arunachal Times Indians most stressed globally on work, finance issues: Survey

17 9-Jul-18 NewBoss Indians stressed due to work and finances, says CignaTTK Health Insurance survey

18 9-Jul-18 Serendeputy Indians most stressed globally on work, finance issues: Survey

19 9-Jul-18 Latest Khabar Indians stressed due to work and finances, says CignaTTK General Insurance survey

20 9-Jul-18 United News Of India India sees high level of stress due to work and fianace: Survey

21 9-Jul-18 TrendzHub Indians stressed due to work and finances, says CignaTTK General Insurance survey

22 9-Jul-18 wn.com Indians most stressed globally on work, finance issues: Survey


24 10-Jul-18 Kashmir Reader Indians most stressed globally on work, finance issues: Survey

25 10-Jul-18 Newshub Work stress driving Kiwis to breaking point

26 9-Jul-18 srediff.com Indians stressed due to work and finances, says CignaTTK Health Insurance survey

27 9-Jul-18 NRI News 24x7 India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues, reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-being Survey

28 9-Jul-18 Business Standard Indians most stressed globally on work and finance issues: Survey

29 10-Jul-18 Medi Bulliten High stress levels, yet 75% Indians not comfortable talking about it

30 9-Jul-18 The World News You are not alone: 89% of Indians stressed at work

31 9-Jul-18 Papper Dabba Indians most stressed globally due to work, financial issues, says survey

32 9-Jul-18 webindia 123 India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues: Survey

33 9-Jul-18 Core Sector Communique India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues, reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-being Survey

34 9-Jul-18 BioSpectrum Stress increases in Indians due to work and finance related issues: Survey

35 9-Jul-18 Tax Free Insider Indians Most Stressed Due To Work And Finance Compared To Global Peers, Says Report

36 10-Jul-18 Business Today 9 out of 10 Indians suffer from stress, says survey

37 10-Jul-18 Chennai Patrika India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues - Cigna 360° Survey

38 10-Jul-18 NDTV Indians Most Stressed Globally On Work, Financial Issues: Survey

39 10-Jul-18 News Expert India Sees High Level Of Stress Due to Work

40 10-Jul-18 Chennaiyil India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues, reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-being Survey

41 11-Jul-18 Live Chennai.com India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues, reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-being Survey

42 10-Jul-18 SME Futures India lead the pack of nations that suffer the worst from everyday stress: survey

43 11-Jul-18 Live Mint World Population Day: What ails the Youth of India

44 11-Jul-18 UCNews World Population Day: What ails the Youth of India

45 11-Jul-18 Online Vikalp Education Indians Most Stressed Globally On Work, Financial Issues: Survey

46 10-Jul-18 Wats Trending Now 9 out of 10 Indians suffer from stress, says survey

47 10-Jul-18 Harmukh News Indians most stressed globally on work, finance issues: Survey

48 11-Jul-18 Darpan Indians Most Stressed Globally On Work, Financial Issues: Survey

49 11-Jul-18 Press Reader What ails Indias youth?

50 12-Jul-18 Livemint 89% Indians suffering from stress, but 75% not comfortable talking to professionals

51 12-Jul-18 Asia Insurance Review 2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey highlights the increasing need to manage workplace stress

52 12-Jul-18 Civilsdaily World Population Day: What ails the Youth of India

53 11-Jul-18 LPT7.com World Inhabitants Day: What ails the Youth of India

54 10-Jul-18 Sakal Times ‘India’s 89 pc population under stress’

55 10-Jul-18 sify finance Inidnas most stressed people when it comes to work and finance issues

56 10-Jul-18 The Tech Panda Indians “Most Stressed Workers in the world”, According to New Cigna 360 Well-Being Survey

57 9-Jul-18 Asia One 2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey highlights the increasing need to manage workplace stress

58 13-Jul-18 The Hindu Business Line Indians are stressed out by work, finance situation

59 13-Jul-18 Tricitynewsonline India Sees High Level of Stress Due to Work and Finance Related Issues: Reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey

60 13-Jul-18 121 News Online India Sees High Level of Stress Due to Work and Finance Related Issues: Reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey

61 15-Jul-18 The Media Expression India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues, reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-being Survey

62 16-Jul-18 Financial Express Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey: Work & finances top reasons for stress

63 15-Jul-18 Gossipier Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey: Work & finances top reasons for stress

64 16-Jul-18 The Malaysian Insight Indonesia is world's least stressed out country, survey finds

65 10-Jul-18 BioVoice Indians suffer from high level stress due to work & finance related issues: survey

66 11-Jul-18 BusinessFortNight World Population Day: What ails the Youth of India

67 11-Jul-18 Intelligent India India is among the world’s most stressed countries when it comes to jobs and money

68 11-Jul-18 Vikalp Education Indians Most Stressed Globally On Work, Financial Issues: Survey

69 16-Jul-18 Biz Dailies Cigna 360 Well-Being Survey: Work & finances top reasons for stress

70 9-Jul-18 Dailyexcelsior Indians most stressed globally on work, finance issues: Survey

71 10-Jul-18 The Economic Times App 89 per cent of India's population suffering from stress; most don't feel comfortable talking to medical professionals

72 Chennai Live news Cigna 360° Well-being Survey

73 18-Jul-18 The Asian Age Beat the stress

74 18-Jul-18 Pressreader Beat the stress


75 9-Jul-18 News State भभभभ भभभ भभभभ भभ भभभभ भभभभ, 8 भभभ भभ 1 भभभभभभभ भभभभभ भभभ भभ कर भभभ भभ भभभभभभ भभ भभभभभ: भभभभभभ

76 11-Jul-18 Lokmat News भभभभभ भभभ भभभभभभ, भभभभ भभभ भभभभ भभ भभभ भभभ भभ भभभभ भभ भभभभ

77 11-Jul-18 News Dog भभभभभ भभभ भभभभभभ, भभभभ भभभ भभभभ भभ भभभ भभभ भभ भभभभ भभ भभभभ

78 10-Jul-18 ABP News भभभभ भभभ भभभभ भभ भभभभ भभभभ: भभभभभभ


79 11-Jul-18 Lokmat भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभ, भभभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभ

80 11-Jul-18 Amarvani News भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभ, भभभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभ


81 10-Jul-18 One India Kannada भभभभभभभ: भभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभ!




1 9-Jul-18

https://twitter.com/moneycontrolcom/status/1016302928905297921 Indians stressed due to work and finances, says CignaTTK Health Insurance survey


2 11-Jul-18


भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभ, भभभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभ


Indians are a Stressed Lot, but Give Workplace Wellness a High Score

Publication: The Economic Times Edition: Bangalore

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: 16

Stressed out!

Publication: The Assam Tribune Edition: Guwahati

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: 13

Indians most stressed globally on work

Publication: The Political & Business Daily Edition: All

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: 1

Work, finance issues keep Indians under heavy stress: Study

Publication: Financial Chronicle Edition: All

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: 1

Publication: Financial Chronicle Edition: All

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: 10

Indians most stressed globally on work, finance issues: Survey

Publication: Echo Of India Edition: All

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: 8

What ails Indias youth?

Publication: Mint Edition: All

Date: Jul 11, 2018 Page: 18

India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues

Publication: The Public Side Edition: All

Date: Jul 11, 2018 Page: 3

89% Indians suffering from stress, but 75% not comfortable talking to professionals

Publication: Mint Edition: All

Date: Jul 12, 2018 Page: 15

Indians are stressed out by work, finance situation

Publication: The Hindu Business Line Edition: All

Date: Jul 14, 2018 Page: 1

Work & finances top reasons for stress

Publication: The Financial Express Edition: All

Date: Jul 16, 2018 Page: 9

India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues, reveals 2018

Publication: Yugmarg Edition: Chandigarh

Date: Jul 17, 2018 Page: 9

Thumbs-up to workplace wellness

Publication:The Hindu Edition: Mumbai

Date: Jul 18, 2018 Page: 2

Beat The Stress

Publication: The Asian Age Edition: New Delhi

Date: Jul 18, 2018 Page: 1

Insurance must come first

Publication: Hindustan Times Edition: Gurgaon, Mumbai

Date: Jul 31, 2018 Page: 17

Caution: Stress Ahead

Publication: Business Today Edition: National

Date: Aug 2, 2018 Page: 110


India sees high level of stress due to work and finance

Publication: Aaj Edition: Lucknow

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: 7

India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues, reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-being


Publication: Rahat Times Edition: Lucknow

Date: Jul 11, 2018 Page: 7

India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues, reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-being


Publication: Rashtriya Swaroop Edition: Lucknow

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: 10

Wellness indicators, according to the 2018 Cigna 3600 Well-Being Survey

Publication: Adhikar Edition: Mumbai

Date: Jul 11, 2018 Page: 5

India sees high level of stress due to work and finance

Publication: Jaltedeep Edition: Mumbai

Date: Jul 11, 2018 Page: 7

India sees high level of stress due to work and finance

Publication: Kanchan Kesari Edition: Mumbai

Date: Jul 11, 2018 Page: 7

India leads the Cigna 360 Well-being score at 72.8 while the region trails at 65.3

Publication: Nispaksh Divya Sandesh Edition: Mumbai

Date: Jul 14, 2018 Page: 11


Indian ‘Tensions’ Increase

Publication: Maharashtra Times – Pune Plus Edition: Pune

Date: Jul 11, 2018 Page: 1

India sees high level of stress due to work and finance

Publication: Prabhaat Edition: Pune

Date: Jul 11, 2018 Page: 9

India sees high level of stress

Publication: Navarashtra Edition: Pune

Date: Jul 14, 2018 Page: 7


India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues, reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-being


Publication: Ahemdabad Express Edition: Ahemdabad

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: 5

India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues, reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-being


Publication: Divya Gujarat Edition: Ahemdabad

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: 3

India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues, reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-being


Publication: Gujarat Pranam Edition: Ahemdabad

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: 2

India sees high level of stress due to work and finance

Publication: Lokmitra Edition: Ahemdabad

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: 3

India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues, reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-being


Publication: Gujarat Niti Edition: Ahemdabad

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: 3

India sees high level of stress due to work and finance

Publication: Prabhat Edition: Ahemdabad

Date: Jul 16, 2018 Page: 2

Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey: Work & finances top reasons for stress

Publication: Financial Express Edition: Ahemdabad

Date: Jul 21, 2018 Page: 2


India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues, reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-being


Publication: Dina Thodar Edition: Chennai

Date: Jul 11, 2018 Page: 2


India sees high level of stress due to work and finance

Publication: Future Kerala Edition: Kochi

Date: Jul 11, 2018 Page: 12

Cigna TTK Health Insurance

Publication: Malayala Manorama Edition: Kochi

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: 3

Cigna TTKs 360 survey

Publication: Ei Samay Edition: Kolkata

Date: Jul 24, 2018 Page: 4


Indians stressed due to work and finances, says CignaTTK Health Insurance survey Jul 09, 2018 08:52 PM IST A high percentage of Indians suffer from stress due to work and financial issues. A survey by CignaTTK Health Insurance said about 89 percent of the population in India suffer from stress compared to the global average of 86 percent. The Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey-Future Assured showed stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the United States, the UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. In addition, one in eight people has serious trouble in dealing with stress, with millennials suffering more than other groups. Nearly, 75 percent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress, cost being one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help. The survey drew on 14,467 online interviews conducted between February to March 2018, across 23 countries and territories. “Employers can offer practical solutions such as flexi-hours or stress management programs that include mental wellness,” said Prasun Sikdar, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Cigna TTK Health Insurance. Work and finances are the key reasons people gave for their high level of stress. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness program. The majority, 87 percent, said workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. Financial preparedness is a major concern The findings show one in two respondents in India plans to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in ten people in India have purchased health insurance for themselves. The people who claim to be ready for older age are better at planning; they do regular health checks and own insurance. They are also more likely to be married with children, and a high proportion has full-time employment and are more affluent. Indians open to sharing health data In India, private healthcare is perceived to be superior to public care in every aspect, except cost, by a resounding majority. As a result, there is a huge preference for private healthcare in India, with the majority utilising this system across all medical conditions.

Publication: Moneycontrol Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

There is also a high willingness to share data in India. Almost 90 percent of those surveyed said they would be open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits of better treatment and lower costs. Being clear about how data will be used is crucial, with about half of the respondents saying they would want to know how their data is being utilised. https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/economy/indians-stressed-due-to-work-and-finances-says-cignattk-health-insurance-survey-2689011.html

Indians most stressed globally on work, finance issues: Survey PTI | Mumbai | Published: July 9, 2018 8:20 PM Stress levels are the highest in the country with 89 per cent of survey respondents claiming they suffer from stress on issues such as finances, work, among others, compared with the global average of 86 per cent. This makes India lead the pack of nations that suffer the worst from everyday stress. In comparison people from other developed and emerging countries including the US, Britain, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia feel much less stressed, said a survey by Cigna TTK Health Insurance. In addition, one in eight Indians have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with the millennials suffering more than other groups. What more, nearly, 75 per cent of the respondents in the country do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress, with consultation cost being one of the biggest barriers. The survey, involving nearly 14,500 people in 23 countries, explores people’s perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas -physical, family, social, financial and work. Workplace wellness has emerged as a key theme with 87 per cent of the respondents feeling that workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. The findings show that one in two respondents plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in 10 Indians have purchased health insurance for themselves. Almost 90 per cent of those surveyed are open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. https://www.financialexpress.com/india-news/indians-most-stressed-globally-on-work-finance-issues-survey/1237625/

Publication: The Financial Express Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

89 per cent of India's population suffering from stress; most don't feel comfortable talking to medical professionals ET Bureau|Jul 10, 2018, 09.56 AM IST Stress levels seem to be high in India compared to other countries, both developed and emerging, says a survey conducted by Cigna TTK Health Insurance. About 89% of the population in India say they are suffering from stress compared to the global average of 86%. Nearly 75% of respondents here do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress and cite cost as one of the barriers. Work and finances are the key reasons people attribute their stress to. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness programme. The workplace plays an important role in the health and well-being of an employee. Prasun Sikdar, CEO, Cigna TTK Health Insurance, said, "Managing workplace stress is important for corporations, as they can include health and wellness programmes in every employee’s benefits package. Employers can offer practical solutions such as flexi-hours or stress management programmes that include mental wellness. These benefits can boost employee confidence and make them feel that their role in the workplace is really #Future Assured. At the end of the day, good health equals good business". https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/magazines/panache/89-per-cent-of-indias-population-suffering-from-stress-most-dont-feel-comfortable-talking-to-medical-professionals/articleshow/64926633.cms

Publication: The Economic Times Edition: Online

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: NA

Indians most stressed globally on work and finance issues: Survey PTI / Jul 9, 2018, 7:59 pm IST Stress levels are the highest in the country with 89 per cent of survey respondents claiming they suffer from stress on issues such as finances, work, among others, compared with the global average of 86 per cent. This makes India lead the pack of nations that suffer the worst from everyday stress. In comparison people from other developed and emerging countries including the US, Britain, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia feel much less stressed, said a survey by Cigna TTK Health Insurance. In addition, one in eight Indians have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with the millennials suffering more than other groups. What more, nearly, 75 per cent of the respondents in the country do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress, with consultation cost being one of the biggest barriers. The survey, involving nearly 14,500 people in 23 countries, explores people's perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas - physical, family, social, financial and work. Workplace wellness has emerged as a key theme with 87 per cent of the respondents feeling that workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. The findings show that one in two respondents plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in 10 Indians have purchased health insurance for themselves. Almost 90 per cent of those surveyed are open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. http://www.asianage.com/business/in-other-news/090718/indians-most-stressed-globally-on-work-and-finance-issues-survey.html

Publication: The Asian Age Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

Indians most stressed due to work and finance compared to global peers, says report More Indians suffer from stress due to work and finance compared to its global peers, a survey said on Monday. According to the survey by Cigna TTK Health Insurance Company, about 89% Indians suffer from stress, compared to a global average of 86%, with millennials suffering the most. The report said that one in eight people have serious trouble in dealing with stress in India. “The workplace plays an important role in the health and well -being of an employee. Managing workplace stress is important for corporations, as they can include health and wellness programs in every employee’s benefits package," said Prasun Sikdar, managing director & chief executive officer, Cigna TTK Health Insurance. "Employers can offer practical solutions such as flexi-hours or stress management programs that include mental wellness. These benefits can boost employee confidence and make them feel that their role in the workplace is really #Future Assured. At the end of the day, good health equals good business," Sikdar said. The report further pointed out factors like taboo on getting medical help for stress, medical costs are being the barriers for seeking professional help, with 75% of respondents do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress. “One in two respondents in India plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in ten people in India have purchased health insurance for themselves,” the survey said. India, tops the list in the overall global well-being index for the fourth year, with only slight declines in physical, social and family wellness this year. The survey is focused on the sense of well-being across five key areas - physical, family, social, finances and work, with participation from developed and emerging countries including the United States, UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. https://www.cnbctv18.com/healthcare/indians-most-stressed-due-to-work-and-finance-compared-to-global-peers-says-report-277561.htm

Publication: CNBC TV18 Edition: Online

Date: Jul 8, 2018 Page: NA

Indians most stressed globally on work and finance issues: Survey PTI/Jul 9, 2018, 7:58 pm IST Stress levels are the highest in the country with 89 per cent of survey respondents claiming they suffer from stress

on issues such as finances, work, among others, compared with the global average of 86 per cent. This makes India

lead the pack of nations that suffer the worst from everyday stress.

In comparison people from other developed and emerging countries including the US, Britain, Germany, France,

China, Brazil and Indonesia feel much less stressed, said a survey by Cigna TTK Health Insurance. In addition,

one in eight Indians have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with the millennials suffering more than other


What more, nearly, 75 per cent of the respondents in the country do not feel comfortable talking to a medical

professional about their stress, with consultation cost being one of the biggest barriers.

The survey, involving nearly 14,500 people in 23 countries, explores people's perceptions and concerns on health

and their sense of well-being across five key areas - physical, family, social, financial and work.

Workplace wellness has emerged as a key theme with 87 per cent of the respondents feeling that workplace

wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers.

The findings show that one in two respondents plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old

age, followed by insurance.

Four in 10 Indians have purchased health insurance for themselves. Almost 90 per cent of those surveyed are open

to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs.


Publication: Deccan Chronicle Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

Indians positive about well-being, but stressed about work and finances: survey Jul 9, 2018 Indians retained the top spot in terms of being positive about their overall well-being and health, but are highly stressed due to work and financial issues and are uncomfortable seeking medical help for it, says a new survey. The survey by Cigna TTK Health Insurance surveyed respondents in 23 countries, and tracked five key areas–physical health, family social, finance, and work. The survey was taken by 14,500 people. In its fourth year of the survey, India showed a slight decline in physical, social and family wellness. As far as physical well-being is concerned, India dropped in terms of weight, nutrition management, and sleep-related challenges. And over 50% of Indians surveyed said they were not spending enough time with friends or did not have enough time for hobbies. The survey also found that 89% of Indian respondents said they were suffering from stress compared to the global average of 86%, and a large number were not comfortable with seeking medical help. “Nearly, 75% of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress–cost is one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help,” it says. The stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the U.S., U.K., Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. The survey also says that one in eight people have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with millennials suffering more than other groups. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), work-related stress is the response people may have when presented with work demands and pressures that are not matched to their knowledge and abilities and which challenge their ability to cope. https://www.fortuneindia.com/macro/indians-positive-about-well-being-but-stressed-about-work-and-finances-survey/102112

Publication: Fortune India Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

INDIANS STRESSED DUE TO WORK AND FINANCES, SAYS CIGNATTK GENERAL INSURANCE SURVEY Jul 9, 2018 A high percentage of Indians suffer from stress due to work and financial issues. A survey by CignaTTK Health Insurance said about 89 percent of the population in India suffer from stress compared to the global average of 86 percent. The Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey-Future Assured showed stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the United States, the UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. In addition, one in eight people has serious trouble in dealing with stress, with millennials suffering more than other groups. Nearly, 75 percent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress, cost being one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help. The survey drew on 14,467 online interviews conducted between February to March 2018, across 23 countries and territories. “Employers can offer practical solutions such as flexi-hours or stress management programs that include mental wellness,” said Prasun Sikdar, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Cigna TTK Health Insurance. Work and finances are the key reasons people gave for their high level of stress. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness program. The majority, 87 percent, said workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. Financial preparedness is a major concern The findings show one in two respondents in India plans to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in ten people in India have purchased health insurance for themselves. The people who claim to be ready for older age are better at planning; they do regular health checks and own insurance. They are also more likely to be married with children, and a high proportion has full-time employment and are more affluent. Indians open to sharing health data In India, private healthcare is perceived to be superior to public care in every aspect, except cost, by a resounding majority. As a result, there is a huge preference for private healthcare in India, with the majority utilising this system across all medical conditions.

Publication: SmallNews.in Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

There is also a high willingness to share data in India. Almost 90 percent of those surveyed said they would be open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits of better treatment and lower costs. Being clear about how data will be used is crucial, with about half of the respondents saying they would want to know how their data is being utilised. http://smallnews.in/insurance/2018/07/09/indians-stressed-due-to-work-and-finances-says-cignattk-general-insurance-survey/

Indians most stressed globally due to work, financial issues, says survey Published on: July 09, 2018 22:09 IST A high percentage of Indians suffer from stress due to work and financial issues. A survey by CignaTTK Health Insurance said about 89 percent of the population in India suffer from stress compared to the global average of 86 percent. The Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey-Future Assured showed stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the United States, the UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. What more, nearly, 75 per cent of the respondents in the country do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress, with consultation cost being one of the biggest barriers. The survey, involving nearly 14,500 people in 23 countries, explores people’s perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas -physical, family, social, financial and work. Workplace wellness has emerged as a key theme with 87 per cent of the respondents feeling that workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. The findings show that one in two respondents plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in 10 Indians have purchased health insurance for themselves. Almost 90 per cent of those surveyed are open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. https://www.indiatvnews.com/news/india-indians-most-stressed-globally-due-to-work-financial-issues-says-survey-451883

Publication: India TV Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

You are not alone: 89% of Indians stressed at work PTI Stress levels are the highest in the country with 89 per cent of survey respondents claiming they suffer from stress on issues such as finances, work, among others, compared with the global average of 86 per cent. This makes India lead the pack of nations that suffer the worst from everyday stress. In comparison people from other developed and emerging countries including the US, Britain, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia feel much less stressed, said a survey by Cigna TTK Health Insurance. In addition, one in eight Indians have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with the millennials suffering more than other groups. What more, nearly, 75 per cent of the respondents in the country do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress, with consultation cost being one of the biggest barriers. The survey, involving nearly 14,500 people in 23 countries, explores people's perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas - physical, family, social, financial and work. Workplace wellness has emerged as a key theme with 87 per cent of the respondents feeling that workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. The findings show that one in two respondents plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in 10 Indians have purchased health insurance for themselves.Almost 90 per cent of those surveyed are open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. http://www.dnaindia.com/india/report-you-are-not-alone-89-of-indians-stressed-at-work-2635195

Publication: DNA Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

Work, finance issues keep Indians under heavy stress: Study As high as 89 per cent of the population in India say they are suffering from stress, compared to the global average of 86 per cent, revealed a study by Cigna TTK Health Insurance, a joint venture between US-based health services company Cigna Corporation and India's TTK Group. The findings of the study titled '2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey-Future Assured,' indicates that stress levels - mostly on work and finance related issues - are high in India compared to developed and emerging countries including the US, UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. Nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the globe were interviewed online for the fourth edition of this study, which focused respondents' perceptions and concerns on five core areas: physical health, family, social, finances and work environment. Sadly, it is found that, one in eight people have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with Millennials suffering more than other groups. Some 75 per cent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress. As per Cigna TTK Health Insurance report, India takes the top spot in the overall global well-being index for the fourth year running. The country only showed slight declines in physical, social and family wellness this year, while respondents remained optimistic about work and financial well-being. The largest percentage falls in the physical area were seen in weight and nutrition management, followed by sleep-related challenges. In the social pillar, over 50 per cent of the people from India said they are not spending sufficient time with friends, nor do they have enough time for hobbies. The dip in family well-being is mostly due to growing concerns about the ability to financially support parents and children. Work and finances are the key reasons people cited for their high level of stress. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness programme. The majority, 87 per cent, said that workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers, said the study. Nirmala Menon, corporate work culture expert and MD at Bangalore-based Interweave Consulting, said, "Knowledge economy companies are increasingly realising the importance of turning their workforce into a happy and stress-free community for better productivity. Earlier, the stress was on engagement; today clearly the focus is on the well-being of each employee. HR departments are going out of their way to help employees to manage stress.'' "The workplace plays an important role in the health and well-being of an employee. Managing workplace stress is important for corporations, as they can include health and wellness programmes in every employee's benefits package. Employers can offer practical solutions such as flexi-hours or stress management programmes that

Publication: Daily Hunt Edition: Online

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: NA

include mental wellness. These benefits can boost employees' confidence. At the end of the day, good health equals to good business," said Prasun Sikdar, MD and CEO, Cigna TTK Health Insurance. https://m.dailyhunt.in/news/india/english/financial+chronicle-epaper-finance/work+finance+issues+keep+indians+under+heavy+stress+study-newsid-91945663

Indians stressed due to work and finances, says CignaTTK General Insurance survey A high percentage of Indians suffer from stress due to work and financial issues. A survey by CignaTTK Health Insurance said about 89 percent of the population in India suffer from stress compared to the global average of 86 percent. The Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey-Future Assured showed stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the United States, the UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. In addition, one in eight people has serious trouble in dealing with stress, with millennials suffering more than other groups. Nearly, 75 percent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress, cost being one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help. The survey drew on 14,467 online interviews conducted between February to March 2018, across 23 countries and territories. “Employers can offer practical solutions such as flexi-hours or stress management programs that include mental wellness,” said Prasun Sikdar, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Cigna TTK Health Insurance. Work and finances are the key reasons people gave for their high level of stress. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness program. The majority, 87 percent, said workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. Financial preparedness is a major concern The findings show one in two respondents in India plans to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in ten people in India have purchased health insurance for themselves. The people who claim to be ready for older age are better at planning; they do regular health checks and own insurance. They are also more likely to be married with children, and a high proportion has full-time employment and are more affluent. Indians open to sharing health data In India, private healthcare is perceived to be superior to public care in every aspect, except cost, by a resounding majority. As a result, there is a huge preference for private healthcare in India, with the majority utilising this system across all medical conditions.

Publication: Stocksmarket.in Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

There is also a high willingness to share data in India. Almost 90 percent of those surveyed said they would be open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits of better treatment and lower costs. Being clear about how data will be used is crucial, with about half of the respondents saying they would want to know how their data is being utilised. https://stocksmarket.in/294511/2018/07/09/indians-stressed-due-to-work-and-finances-says-cignattk-general-insurance-survey/

Work, finance issues keep Indians under heavy stress: Study By FC Bureau , Tuesday, 10 July 2018 As high as 89 per cent of the population in India say they are suffering from stress, compared to the global average of 86 per cent, revealed a study by Cigna TTK Health Insurance, a joint venture between US-based health services company Cigna Corporation and India’s TTK Group. The findings of the study titled ‘2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey–Future Assured,’ indicates that stress levels — mostly on work and finance related issues — are high in India compared to developed and emerging countries including the US, UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. Nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the globe were interviewed online for the fourth edition of this study, which focused respondents’ perceptions and concerns on five core areas: physical health, family, social, finances and work environment. Sadly, it is found that, one in eight people have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with Millennials suffering more than other groups. Some 75 per cent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress. As per Cigna TTK Health Insurance report, India takes the top spot in the overall global well-being index for the fourth year running. The country only showed slight declines in physical, social and family wellness this year, while respondents remained optimistic about work and financial well-being. The largest percentage falls in the physical area were seen in weight and nutrition management, followed by sleep-related challenges. In the social pillar, over 50 per cent of the people from India said they are not spending sufficient time with friends, nor do they have enough time for hobbies. The dip in family well-being is mostly due to growing concerns about the ability to financially support parents and children. Work and finances are the key reasons people cited for their high level of stress. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness programme. The majority, 87 per cent, said that workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers, said the study. Nirmala Menon, corporate work culture expert and MD at Bangalore-based Interweave Consulting, said, “Knowledge economy companies are increasingly realising the importance of turning their workforce into a happy and stress-free community for better productivity. Earlier, the stress was on engagement; today clearly the focus is on the well-being of each employee. HR departments are going out of their way to help employees to manage stress.’’ “The workplace plays an important role in the health and well-being of an employee. Managing workplace stress is important for corporations, as they can include health and wellness programmes in every employee’s benefits

Publication: Mydigitalfc.com Edition: Online

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: NA

package. Employers can offer practical solutions such as flexi-hours or stress management programmes that include mental wellness. These benefits can boost employees’ confidence. At the end of the day, good health equals to good business,” said Prasun Sikdar, MD and CEO, Cigna TTK Health Insurance. http://www.mydigitalfc.com/plan-and-policy/work-finance-issues-keep-indians-under-heavy-stress-study

Stress high in India, due to work, financial issues July 9, 2018 /Shriram Shinde STRESS levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the United States, UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. This was revealed in the results of ‘2018 Cigna 360 Well-Being Survey – Future Assured’, recently released by Cigna’s India business, Cigna TTK Health Insurance, a joint venture between US-based global health services company, Cigna Corporation, and Indian conglomerate TTK Group. About 89 percent of the population in India say they are suffering from stress compared to the global average of 86 percent. In addition, one in eight people, have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with Millennials suffering more than other groups. Nearly, 75 percent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress – cost is one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help. Now in its fourth year, the 2018 Survey adopted a more forward-looking approach #Future Assured, exploring people’s perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas – physical, family, social, finances and work. This year’s survey is Cigna’s most global yet, talking to nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the world. India takes the top spot in the overall global well-being Index for the fourth year running. The country only showed slight declines in Physical, Social, and Family wellness this year, while respondents remain optimistic about Work and Financial well-being. The largest percentage falls are in the Physical area were seen in weight and nutrition management, followed by sleep-related challenges. In the Social pillar, over 50 percent of people from India said they are not spending sufficient time with friends or have enough time for hobbies. The dip in Family well-being is mostly due to growing concerns about the ability to financially support parents and children. WORKPLACE WELLNESS SCORES HIGH Work and finances are the key reasons people gave for their high level of stress. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness programme. The majority, 87 percent, said that workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. While current workplace wellness programmes are making stress marginally more manageable, it seems there is still plenty of room for improvement. “The workplace plays an important role in the health and well-being of an employee. Managing workplace stress is important for corporations, as they can include health and wellness programmes in every employee’s benefits package. Employers can offer practical solutions such as flexi-hours or stress management programmes that include mental wellness. These benefits can boost employee confidence and make them feel that their role in the

Publication: TechTrail Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

workplace is really #Future Assured. At the end of the day, good health equals good business,” said Prasun Sikdar, managing director & chief executive officer, Cigna TTK Health Insurance. FINANCIAL PREPAREDNESS IS A MAJOR CONCERN The findings show that one in two respondents in India plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in ten people in India have purchased health insurance for themselves. The people who claim to be ready for older age are better at planning; they do regular health checks and own insurance. They are also more likely to be married with children, and a high proportion, have full-time employment and are more affluent. HIGH WILLINGNESS TO SHARE HEALTHCARE DATA In India, private healthcare is perceived to be superior to public care in every aspect, except cost, by a resounding majority. As a result, there is a huge preference for private healthcare in India, with the majority utilizing this system across all medical conditions. There is also a high willingness to share data in India. Almost 90 percent of those surveyed said that they would be open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits of better treatment and lower costs. Being clear about how data will be used is crucial, with about half of the respondents saying they would want to know how their data is being utilised. “Serving the under-penetrated market with needs-based solutions will continue to play a pivotal role in this sector. We believe that innovation in health insurance is especially important in India, with an increased focus on condition management, blockchain technology, adoption of wearable and portable devices. There are clear advantages from the use of digital health data. As digital health devices evolve, more data will be available about lifestyle and disease management for insurance companies to use proactively”, said Sapna Desai, head of marketing and communications, Cigna TTK Health Insurance. http://techtrail.in/tech-tools/health-tech/stress-high-in-india-due-to-work-financial-issues/

Indians most stressed globally on work, finance issues: Survey Stress levels are the highest in the country with 89 per cent of survey respondents claiming they suffer from stress on issues such as finances, work, among others, compared with the global average of 86 per cent. This makes India lead the pack of nations that suffer the worst from everyday stress. In comparison people from other developed and emerging countries including the US, Britain, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia feel much less stressed, said a survey by Cigna TTK Health Insurance. In addition, one in eight Indians have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with the millennials suffering more than other groups. What more, nearly, 75 per cent of the respondents in the country do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress, with consultation cost being one of the biggest barriers. The survey, involving nearly 14,500 people in 23 countries, explores people's perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas - physical, family, social, financial and work. Workplace wellness has emerged as a key theme with 87 per cent of the respondents feeling that workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. The findings show that one in two respondents plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in 10 Indians have purchased health insurance for themselves. Almost 90 per cent of those surveyed are open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. https://www.outlookindia.com/newsscroll/indians-most-stressed-globally-on-work-finance-issues-survey/1346133

Publication: Outlook Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

Indians most stressed globally on work, finance issues: Survey Stress levels are the highest in the country with 89 per cent of survey respondents claiming they suffer from stress on issues such as finances, work, among others, compared with the global average of 86 per cent. This makes India lead the pack of nations that suffer the worst from everyday stress. In comparison people from other developed and emerging countries including the US, Britain, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia feel much less stressed, said a survey by Cigna TTK Health Insurance. In addition, one in eight Indians have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with the millennials suffering more than other groups. What more, nearly, 75 per cent of the respondents in the country do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress, with consultation cost being one of the biggest barriers. The survey, involving nearly 14,500 people in 23 countries, explores people’s perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas – physical, family, social, financial and work. Workplace wellness has emerged as a key theme with 87 per cent of the respondents feeling that workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. The findings show that one in two respondents plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in 10 Indians have purchased health insurance for themselves. Almost 90 per cent of those surveyed are open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. https://arunachaltimes.in/index.php/2018/07/10/indians-most-stressed-globally-on-work-finance-issues-survey/

Publication: The Arunachal Times Edition: Online

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: NA

Indians stressed due to work and finances, says CignaTTK General Insurance survey A high percentage of Indians suffer from stress due to work and financial issues. A survey by CignaTTK Health Insurance said about 89 percent of the population in India suffer from stress compared to the global average of 86 percent. The Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey-Future Assured showed stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the United States, the UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. In addition, one in eight people has serious trouble in dealing with stress, with millennials suffering more than other groups. Nearly, 75 percent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress, cost being one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help. The survey drew on 14,467 online interviews conducted between February to March 2018, across 23 countries and territories. “Employers can offer practical solutions such as flexi-hours or stress management programs that include mental wellness,” said Prasun Sikdar, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Cigna TTK Health Insurance. Work and finances are the key reasons people gave for their high level of stress. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness program. The majority, 87 percent, said workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. Financial preparedness is a major concern The findings show one in two respondents in India plans to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in ten people in India have purchased health insurance for themselves. The people who claim to be ready for older age are better at planning; they do regular health checks and own insurance. They are also more likely to be married with children, and a high proportion has full-time employment and are more affluent. Indians open to sharing health data In India, private healthcare is perceived to be superior to public care in every aspect, except cost, by a resounding majority. As a result, there is a huge preference for private healthcare in India, with the majority utilising this system across all medical conditions.

Publication: Latest Khabar Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

There is also a high willingness to share data in India. Almost 90 percent of those surveyed said they would be open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits of better treatment and lower costs. Being clear about how data will be used is crucial, with about half of the respondents saying they would want to know how their data is being utilised. http://latestkhabar.in/news-article/indians-stressed-due-to-work-and-finances--says-cignattk-general-insurance-survey/202492

India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues: Survey Cigna’s India business, Cigna TTK Health Insurance, a joint venture between U.S.-based global health services company, Cigna Corporation and Indian conglomerate TTK Group, today released the results of its 2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey – Future Assured. The findings reveal that stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the United States, UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. About 89 per cent of the population in India say they are suffering from stress compared to the global average of 86 per cent. In addition, one in eight people have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with Millennials suffering more than other groups. Nearly, 75 per cent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress - cost is one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help. Now in its fourth year, the 2018 Survey adopted a more forward-looking approach #Future Assured, exploring people’s perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas - physical, family, social, finances and work. This year’s survey is Cigna’s most global yet, talking to nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the world. India takes the top spot in the overall global well-being Index for the fourth year running. The country only showed slight declines in Physical, Social and Family wellness this year, while respondents remain optimistic about Work and Financial well-being. The largest percentage falls are in the Physical area were seen in weight and nutrition management, followed by sleep-related challenges. http://www.uniindia.com/~/india-sees-high-level-of-stress-due-to-work-and-finance-related-issues-survey/States/news/1283884.html

Publication: United News Of India Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

Indians stressed due to work and finances, says CignaTTK General Insurance survey A high percentage of Indians suffer from stress due to work and financial issues. A survey by CignaTTK Health Insurance said about 89 percent of the population in India suffer from stress compared to the global average of 86 percent. The Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey-Future Assured showed stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the United States, the UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. In addition, one in eight people has serious trouble in dealing with stress, with millennials suffering more than other groups. Nearly, 75 percent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress, cost being one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help. The survey drew on 14,467 online interviews conducted between February to March 2018, across 23 countries and territories. “Employers can offer practical solutions such as flexi-hours or stress management programs that include mental wellness,” said Prasun Sikdar, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Cigna TTK Health Insurance. Work and finances are the key reasons people gave for their high level of stress. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness program. The majority, 87 percent, said workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. Financial preparedness is a major concern The findings show one in two respondents in India plans to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in ten people in India have purchased health insurance for themselves. The people who claim to be ready for older age are better at planning; they do regular health checks and own insurance. They are also more likely to be married with children, and a high proportion has full-time employment and are more affluent. Indians open to sharing health data In India, private healthcare is perceived to be superior to public care in every aspect, except cost, by a resounding majority. As a result, there is a huge preference for private healthcare in India, with the majority utilising this system across all medical conditions.

Publication: TrendzHub Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

There is also a high willingness to share data in India. Almost 90 percent of those surveyed said they would be open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits of better treatment and lower costs. Being clear about how data will be used is crucial, with about half of the respondents saying they would want to know how their data is being utilised. http://trendzhub.org/health/741995-indians-stressed-due-to-work-and-finances-says-cignattk-general-insurance-survey.html

Indians most stressed globally on work, finance issues: Survey A high percentage of Indians suffer from stress due to work and financial issues. A survey by CignaTTK Health Insurance said about 89 percent of the population in India suffer from stress compared to the global average of 86 percent. The Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey-Future Assured showed stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the United States, the UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. In addition, one in eight people has serious trouble in dealing with stress, with millennials suffering more than other groups. Nearly, 75 percent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress, cost being one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help. The survey drew on 14,467 online interviews conducted between February to March 2018, across 23 countries and territories. “Employers can offer practical solutions such as flexi-hours or stress management programs that include mental wellness,” said Prasun Sikdar, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Cigna TTK Health Insurance. Work and finances are the key reasons people gave for their high level of stress. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness program. The majority, 87 percent, said workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. Financial preparedness is a major concern The findings show one in two respondents in India plans to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in ten people in India have purchased health insurance for themselves. The people who claim to be ready for older age are better at planning; they do regular health checks and own insurance. They are also more likely to be married with children, and a high proportion has full-time employment and are more affluent. Indians open to sharing health data In India, private healthcare is perceived to be superior to public care in every aspect, except cost, by a resounding majority. As a result, there is a huge preference for private healthcare in India, with the majority utilising this system across all medical conditions.

Publication: wn.com Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

There is also a high willingness to share data in India. Almost 90 percent of those surveyed said they would be open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits of better treatment and lower costs. Being clear about how data will be used is crucial, with about half of the respondents saying they would want to know how their data is being utilised. https://article.wn.com/view/2018/07/09/Indians_most_stressed_globally_on_work_finance_issues_Survey/

India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues, reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-being Survey Cigna’s (NYSE:CI) India business, Cigna TTK Health Insurance, a joint venture between U.S.-based global health services company, Cigna Corporation and Indian conglomerate TTK Group, today released the results of its 2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey – Future Assured. The findings reveal that stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the United States, UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. About 89 percent of the population in India say they are suffering from stress compared to the global average of 86 percent. In addition, one in eight people have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with Millennials suffering more than other groups. Nearly, 75 percent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress – cost is one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help. Now in its fourth year, the 2018 Survey adopted a more forward-looking approach #Future Assured, exploring people’s perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas – physical, family, social, finances and work. This year’s survey is Cigna’s most global yet, talking to nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the world. India takes the top spot in the overall global well-being Index for the fourth year running. The country only showed slight declines in Physical, Social and Family wellness this year, while respondents remain optimistic about Work and Financial well-being. The largest percentage falls are in the Physical area were seen in weight and nutrition management, followed by sleep-related challenges. In the Social pillar, over 50 percent of people from India said they are not spending sufficient time with friends or have enough time for hobbies. The dip in Family well-being is mostly due to growing concerns about the ability to financially support parents and children. WORKPLACE WELLNESS SCORES HIGH Work and finances are the key reasons people gave for their high level of stress. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness program. The majority, 87 percent, said that workplace wellness programs are important in choosing between two potential employers. While current workplace wellness programs are making stress marginally more manageable, it seems there is still plenty of room for improvement. “The workplace plays an important role in the health and well-being of an employee. Managing workplace stress is important for corporations, as they can include health and wellness programs in every employee’s benefits package. Employers can offer practical solutions such as flexi-hours or stress management programs that include mental wellness. These benefits can boost employee confidence and make them feel that their role in the

Publication: Pitch Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

workplace is really #Future Assured. At the end of the day, good health equals good business,” said Prasun Sikdar, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Cigna TTK Health Insurance. FINANCIAL PREPAREDNESS IS A MAJOR CONCERN The findings show that one in two respondents in India plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in ten people in India have purchased health insurance for themselves. The people who claim to be ready for older age are better at planning; they do regular health checks and own insurance. They are also more likely to be married with children, and a high proportion have full time employment and are more affluent. HIGH WILLINGNESS TO SHARE HEALTHCARE DATA In India, private healthcare is perceived to be superior to public care on every aspect, except cost, by a resounding majority. As a result, there is a huge preference for private healthcare in India, with the majority utilizing this system across all medical conditions. There is also a high willingness to share data in India. Almost 90 percent of those surveyed said that they would be open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. Being clear about how data will be used is crucial, with about half of the respondents saying they would want to know how their data is being utilized. “Serving the under penetrated market with needs based solutions will continue to play a pivotal role in this sector. We believe that innovation in health insurance is especially important in India, with an increased focus on condition management, blockchain technology, adoption of wearable and portable devices. There are clear advantages from the use of digital health data. As digital health devices evolve, more data will be available about lifestyle and disease management for insurance companies to use proactively”, said Sapna Desai, Head of Marketing and Communications, Cigna TTK Health Insurance. http://www.pitchonnet.com/blog/2018/07/09/india-sees-high-level-of-stress-due-to-work-and-finance-related-issues-reveals-2018-cigna-360-well-being-survey/

Indians most stressed globally on work, finance issues: Survey Stress levels are the highest in India country with 89 per cent of survey respondents claiming they suffer from stress on issues such as finances, work, among others, compared with the global average of 86 per cent. This makes India lead the pack of nations that suffer the worst from everyday stress. In comparison people from other developed and emerging countries including the US, Britain, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia feel much less stressed, said a survey by Cigna TTK Health Insurance. In addition, one in eight Indians have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with the millennials suffering more than other groups. What more, nearly, 75 per cent of the respondents in the country do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress, with consultation cost being one of the biggest barriers. The survey, involving nearly 14,500 people in 23 countries, explores people’s perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas -physical, family, social, financial and work. Workplace wellness has emerged as a key theme with 87 per cent of the respondents feeling that workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. The findings show that one in two respondents plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in 10 Indians have purchased health insurance for themselves. Almost 90 per cent of those surveyed are open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. https://kashmirreader.com/2018/07/10/indians-most-stressed-globally-on-work-finance-issues-survey/

Publication: Kashmir Reader Edition: Online

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: NA

Work stress driving Kiwis to breaking point Kiwis are known for their strong work ethic, but it could very well be the thing driving many to breaking point. It's been revealed New Zealand is the fourth worst in the world for unmanageable stress and the workplace is one of the main drivers. Beverley Main is one worker who was pushed to breaking point. She spent the last 15 years of her career as a CEO, and loved her work, but it was the very thing that caused her to burn out. "I found I was having to work longer and longer hours, right into the night, the weekend, and it wasn't until I left that I realised I was doing 80 hours a week," she told Newshub. She says things reached boiling point in the last five years of her role. "I'd be crying at my desk at home. If somebody talked to me or looked at me the wrong way I'd just be a flood of tears." She was running on just a few hours' sleep a night, had recurring shingles, adrenal fatigue, and ended up with a heart problem. "My heart was operating at 40 percent of its normal function, which was not good, and I was told if I didn't do something about it that I'd die at my desk - and probably quite soon." Ms Main decided she wanted to live and resigned. "Everyone knew I wasn't well but nobody really knew how to deal with it," she says. New figures from Cigna's 360 Wellbeing survey reveal New Zealand is fourth equal in the world with the UK for unmanageable stress. Eighty-three percent of Kiwis says they suffer from stress and a third say work is the cause. Half of people say their employers don’t offer support. Mental Health Foundation chief executive Shaun Robinson says the figures prove some businesses need to do better.

Publication: Newshub Edition: Online

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: NA

"I think you're actually undermining your own business as well as not doing the right thing by your people," he told Newshub. "You're going to have higher turnover, higher absenteeism. It's just not a good business model to exploit people through stress." Ms Main says her former employer offered her little support before and after her resignation. "I didn’t hear from my organisation once I left apart from them enquiring if I had the company's laptop which I didn't." But Ms Main does admit her employer isn't solely to blame. She says she also allowed herself to work too hard and hopes others won't make the same mistake. https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/lifestyle/2018/07/work-stress-driving-kiwis-to-breaking-point.html

Indians stressed due to work and finances, says CignaTTK Health Insurance survey A high percentage of Indians suffer from stress due to work and financial issues. A survey by CignaTTK Health Insurance said about 89 percent of the population in India suffer from stress compared to the global average of 86 percent. The Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey-Future Assured showed stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the United States, the UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. In addition, one in eight people has serious trouble in dealing with stress, with millennials suffering more than other groups. Nearly, 75 percent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress, cost being one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help. The survey drew on 14,467 online interviews conducted between February to March 2018, across 23 countries and territories. “Employers can offer practical solutions such as flexi-hours or stress management programs that include mental wellness,” said Prasun Sikdar, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Cigna TTK Health Insurance. Work and finances are the key reasons people gave for their high level of stress. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness program. The majority, 87 percent, said workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. Financial preparedness is a major concern The findings show one in two respondents in India plans to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in ten people in India have purchased health insurance for themselves. The people who claim to be ready for older age are better at planning; they do regular health checks and own insurance. They are also more likely to be married with children, and a high proportion has full-time employment and are more affluent. Indians open to sharing health data In India, private healthcare is perceived to be superior to public care in every aspect, except cost, by a resounding majority. As a result, there is a huge preference for private healthcare in India, with the majority utilising this system across all medical conditions.

Publication: rediff.com Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

There is also a high willingness to share data in India. Almost 90 percent of those surveyed said they would be open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits of better treatment and lower costs. Being clear about how data will be used is crucial, with about half of the respondents saying they would want to know how their data is being utilised. https://realtime.rediff.com/news/business/Why-haircuts-matter-in-dealing-with-bad-loans/db152312fbdbcaa2?src=interim_alsoreadimage#!cigna

India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues, reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-being Survey Cigna’s (NYSE:CI) India business, Cigna TTK Health Insurance, a joint venture between U.S.-based global health services company, Cigna Corporation and Indian conglomerate TTK Group, today released the results of its 2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey – Future Assured. The findings reveal that stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the United States, UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. About 89 percent of the population in India say they are suffering from stress compared to the global average of 86 percent. In addition, one in eight people have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with Millennials suffering more than other groups. Nearly, 75 percent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress – cost is one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help. Now in its fourth year, the 2018 Survey adopted a more forward-looking approach #Future Assured, exploring people’s perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas – physical, family, social, finances and work. This year’s survey is Cigna’s most global yet, talking to nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the world. India takes the top spot in the overall global well-being Index for the fourth year running. The country only showed slight declines in Physical, Social and Family wellness this year, while respondents remain optimistic about Work and Financial well-being. The largest percentage falls are in the Physical area were seen in weight and nutrition management, followed by sleep-related challenges. In the Social pillar, over 50 percent of people from India said they are not spending sufficient time with friends or have enough time for hobbies. The dip in Family well-being is mostly due to growing concerns about the ability to financially support parents and children. WORKPLACE WELLNESS SCORES HIGH Work and finances are the key reasons people gave for their high level of stress. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness program. The majority, 87 percent, said that workplace wellness programs are important in choosing between two potential employers. While current workplace wellness programs are making stress marginally more manageable, it seems there is still plenty of room for improvement. “The workplace plays an important role in the health and well-being of an employee. Managing workplace stress is important for corporations, as they can include health and wellness programs in every employee’s benefits package. Employers can offer practical solutions such as flexi-hours or stress management programs that include mental wellness. These benefits can boost employee confidence and make them feel that their role in the

Publication: NRI News 24x7 Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

workplace is really #Future Assured. At the end of the day, good health equals good business,” said Prasun Sikdar, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Cigna TTK Health Insurance. FINANCIAL PREPAREDNESS IS A MAJOR CONCERN The findings show that one in two respondents in India plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in ten people in India have purchased health insurance for themselves. The people who claim to be ready for older age are better at planning; they do regular health checks and own insurance. They are also more likely to be married with children, and a high proportion have full time employment and are more affluent. HIGH WILLINGNESS TO SHARE HEALTHCARE DATA In India, private healthcare is perceived to be superior to public care on every aspect, except cost, by a resounding majority. As a result, there is a huge preference for private healthcare in India, with the majority utilizing this system across all medical conditions. There is also a high willingness to share data in India. Almost 90 percent of those surveyed said that they would be open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. Being clear about how data will be used is crucial, with about half of the respondents saying they would want to know how their data is being utilized. “Serving the under penetrated market with needs based solutions will continue to play a pivotal role in this sector. We believe that innovation in health insurance is especially important in India, with an increased focus on condition management, blockchain technology, adoption of wearable and portable devices. There are clear advantages from the use of digital health data. As digital health devices evolve, more data will be available about lifestyle and disease management for insurance companies to use proactively”, said Sapna Desai, Head of Marketing and Communications, Cigna TTK Health Insurance http://nrinews24x7.com/india-sees-high-level-stress-due-work-finance-related-issues-reveals-2018-cigna-360-well-survey/

Indians most stressed globally on work, finance issues: Survey Press Trust of India/July 9, 2018 18:25 IST Stress levels are the highest in the country with 89 per cent of survey respondents claiming they suffer from stress on

issues such as finances, work, among others, compared with the global average of 86 per cent.

This makes India lead the pack of nations that suffer the worst from everyday stress. In comparison people from other

developed and emerging countries including the US, Britain, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia feel much

less stressed, said a survey by Cigna TTK Health Insurance.

In addition, one in eight Indians have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with the millennials suffering more than

other groups.

What more, nearly, 75 per cent of the respondents in the country do not feel comfortable talking to a medical

professional about their stress, with consultation cost being one of the biggest barriers.

The survey, involving nearly 14,500 people in 23 countries, explores people's perceptions and concerns on health and

their sense of well-being across five key areas - physical, family, social, financial and work.

Workplace wellness has emerged as a key theme with 87 per cent of the respondents feeling that workplace wellness

programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers.

The findings show that one in two respondents plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age,

followed by insurance. Four in 10 Indians have purchased health insurance for themselves.

Almost 90 per cent of those surveyed are open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better

treatment and lower costs.


Publication: Business Standard Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

Survey by Cigna TTK in 23 markets around the world finds high stress levels in India Stress levels in India are high compared to countries like United States, UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. Cigna TTK health insurance on Monday released the results of its 2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey – Future Assured. The survey found that about 89 percent of the population in India say they are suffering from stress compared to the global average of 86 percent. In addition, one in eight people in India have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with millennials suffering more than other groups. Nearly, 75 percent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress – cost is one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help. Now in its fourth year, the 2018 Survey adopted a more forward-looking approach, exploring people’s perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being. It covered five key areas – physical, family, social, finances and work. This year’s survey is Cigna’s most global yet, talking to nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the world. India takes the top spot in the overall global well-being Index for the fourth year running. The country only showed slight declines in Physical, Social and Family wellness this year, while respondents remain optimistic about Work and Financial well-being. The largest percentage falls are in the Physical area seen in weight and nutrition management, followed by sleep-related challenges. In the Social pillar, over 50 percent of people from India said they are not spending sufficient time with friends or have enough time for hobbies. The dip in Family well-being is mostly due to growing concerns about the ability to financially support parents and children. Work and finances are the key reasons people gave for their high level of stress. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness program. The majority, 87 percent, said that workplace wellness programs are important in choosing between two potential employers. “The workplace plays an important role in the health and well-being of an employee. Managing workplace stress is important for corporations, as they can include health and wellness programs in every employee’s benefits package. Employers can offer practical solutions such as flexi-hours or stress management programs that include mental wellness. These benefits can boost employee confidence and make them feel that their role in the workplace is really #Future Assured. At the end of the day, good health equals good business,” said Prasun Sikdar, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Cigna TTK Health Insurance. https://medibulletin.com/2018/07/09/high-stress-levels-yet-75-indians-not-comfortable-talking-about-it/

Publication: Medi Bulliten Edition: Online

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: NA

You are not alone: 89% of Indians stressed at work Stress levels are the highest in the country with 89 per cent of survey respondents claiming they suffer from stress on issues such as finances, work, among others, compared with the global average of 86 per cent. This makes India lead the pack of nations that suffer the worst from everyday stress. In comparison people from other developed and emerging countries including the US, Britain, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia feel much less stressed, said a survey by Cigna TTK Health Insurance. In addition, one in eight Indians have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with the millennials suffering more than other groups. What more, nearly, 75 per cent of the respondents in the country do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress, with consultation cost being one of the biggest barriers. The survey, involving nearly 14,500 people in 23 countries, explores people's perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas - physical, family, social, financial and work. Workplace wellness has emerged as a key theme with 87 per cent of the respondents feeling that workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. The findings show that one in two respondents plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in 10 Indians have purchased health insurance for themselves.Almost 90 per cent of those surveyed are open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. https://theworldnews.net/in-news/you-are-not-alone-89-of-indians-stressed-at-work

Publication: The World News Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

Supreme Court orders Delhi private hospitals to provide free treatment to economically weaker sections The Supreme Court made it clear that if these private hospitals try to resist then it can lead to cancellation of their lease. The Supreme Court on Monday said all private hospitals in the national capital, which were given land on concessional rate, must provide free treatment to certain percentage of poor patients. The apex court said that all private hospitals operating or functioning in Delhi which have got land at cheaper rates shall give free treatment to 25 per cent Out Patient Departments (OPD) patients. It also ordered that 10 per cent of the In Patient Departments (IPD) poor patients should be given free treatment. A bench headed by Justice Arun Mishra said any resistance by the hospitals would lead to cancellation of the lease and sought periodical report on compliance of its order from the Delhi government. The bench said it will monitor functioning of private hospitals to ensure that the poor patients are treated free of cost. The Supreme Court made it clear that if these private hospitals try to resist then it can lead to cancellation of their lease. The top court also sought periodical reports from the Delhi government on the issue. https://paperdabba.com/2018/07/09/supreme-court-orders-delhi-private-hospitals-to-provide-free-treatment-to-economically-weaker-sections/

Publication: Papper Dabba Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues: Survey Jul 9 2018 IST Cigna's India business, Cigna TTK Health Insurance, a joint venture between U.S.-based global health services company, Cigna Corporation and Indian conglomerate TTK Group, today released the results of its 2018 Cigna 360 Well-Being Survey Future Assured. The findings reveal that stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the United States, UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. About 89 per cent of the population in India say they are suffering from stress compared to the global average of 86 per cent. In addition, one in eight people have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with Millennials suffering more than other groups. Nearly, 75 per cent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress - cost is one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help. Now in its fourth year, the 2018 Survey adopted a more forward-looking approach #Future Assured, exploring people's perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas - physical, family, social, finances and work. This year's survey is Cigna's most global yet, talking to nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the world. India takes the top spot in the overall global well-being Index for the fourth year running. The country only showed slight declines in Physical, Social and Family wellness this year, while respondents remain optimistic about Work and Financial well-being. The largest percentage falls are in the Physical area were seen in weight and nutrition management, followed by sleep-related challenges. https://news.webindia123.com/news/articles/India/20180709/3385493.html

Publication: webindia 123 Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues, reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-being


By Chawm Ganguly On July 9, 2018

Cigna’s (NYSE:CI) India business, Cigna TTK Health Insurance, a joint venture between U.S.-based global health services company, Cigna Corporation and Indian conglomerate TTK Group, today released the results of its 2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey – Future Assured. The findings reveal that stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the United States, UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. About 89 percent of the population in India say they are suffering from stress compared to the global average of 86 percent. In addition, one in eight people have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with Millennials suffering more than other groups. Nearly, 75 percent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress – cost is one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help.

Now in its fourth year, the 2018 Survey adopted a more forward-looking approach #Future Assured, exploring people’s perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas – physical, family, social, finances and work. This year’s survey is Cigna’s most global yet, talking to nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the world. India takes the top spot in the overall global well-being Index for the fourth year running. The country only showed slight declines in Physical, Social and Family wellness this year, while respondents remain optimistic about Work and Financial well-being. The largest percentage falls are in the Physical area were seen in weight and nutrition management, followed by sleep-related challenges. In the Social pillar, over 50 percent of people from India said they are not spending sufficient time with friends or have enough time for hobbies. The dip in Family well-being is mostly due to growing concerns about the ability to financially support parents and children. WORKPLACE WELLNESS SCORES HIGH Work and finances are the key reasons people gave for their high level of stress. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness program. The majority, 87 percent, said that workplace wellness programs are important in choosing between two potential employers. While current workplace wellness programs are making stress marginally more manageable, it seems there is still plenty of room for improvement. “The workplace plays an important role in the health and well-being of an employee. Managing workplace stress is important for corporations, as they can include health and wellness programs in every employee’s benefits package. Employers can offer practical solutions such as flexi-hours or stress management programs that include

Publication: Core Sector Communique Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

mental wellness. These benefits can boost employee confidence and make them feel that their role in the workplace is really #Future Assured. At the end of the day, good health equals good business,” said Prasun Sikdar, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Cigna TTK Health Insurance. FINANCIAL PREPAREDNESS IS A MAJOR CONCERN The findings show that one in two respondents in India plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in ten people in India have purchased health insurance for themselves. The people who claim to be ready for older age are better at planning; they do regular health checks and own insurance. They are also more likely to be married with children, and a high proportion have full time employment and are more affluent. HIGH WILLINGNESS TO SHARE HEALTHCARE DATA In India, private healthcare is perceived to be superior to public care on every aspect, except cost, by a resounding majority. As a result, there is a huge preference for private healthcare in India, with the majority utilizing this system across all medical conditions. There is also a high willingness to share data in India. Almost 90 percent of those surveyed said that they would be open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. Being clear about how data will be used is crucial, with about half of the respondents saying they would want to know how their data is being utilized. “Serving the under penetrated market with needs based solutions will continue to play a pivotal role in this sector. We believe that innovation in health insurance is especially important in India, with an increased focus on condition management, blockchain technology, adoption of wearable and portable devices. There are clear advantages from the use of digital health data. As digital health devices evolve, more data will be available about lifestyle and disease management for insurance companies to use proactively”, said Sapna Desai, Head of Marketing and Communications, Cigna TTK Health Insurance http://corecommunique.com/india-sees-high-level-of-stress-due-to-work-and-finance-related-issues-reveals-


Stress increases in Indians due to work and finance related issues: Survey 09 July 2018 Cigna’s India business, Cigna TTK Health Insurance, a joint venture between U.S.based global health Services Company, Cigna Corporation and Indian conglomerate TTK Group, released the results of its 2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey, Future Assured. The findings reveal that stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the United States, UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. About 89 percent of the population in India says they are suffering from stress compared to the global average of 86 percent. In addition, one in eight people has serious trouble in dealing with stress, with Millennials suffering more than other groups. Nearly, 75 percent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress, cost is one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help. Now in its fourth year, the 2018 Survey adopted more forward-looking approach #Future Assured, exploring people’s perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas like physical, family, social, finances and work. This year’s survey is Cigna’s most global yet, talking to nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the world. India takes the top spot in the overall global well-being Index for the fourth year running. The country only showed slight declines in Physical, Social and Family wellness this year, while respondents remain optimistic about Work and Financial well-being. The largest percentages fall are in the Physical area were seen in weight and nutrition management, followed by sleep-related challenges. In the Social pillar, over 50 percent of people from India said they are not spending sufficient time with friends nor have enough time for hobbies. The dip in Family well-being is mostly due to growing concerns about the ability to financially support parents and children. https://www.biospectrumindia.com/news/79/11267/stress-increases-in-indians-due-to-work-and-finance-related-issues-survey.html

Publication: BioSpectrum Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

Indians most stressed due to work and finance compared to global peers, says report Jul 9, 2018 About 89% Indians suffer from stress, compared to a global average of 86%, the survey conducted by the health service company said, adding that one in eight people have serious trouble in dealing with stress in India. Factors like taboo on getting medical help for stress, medical costs, are being the barriers for seeking professional help, with 75% of respondents do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress. India, tops the list in the overall global well-being index for the fourth year, with only slight declines in physical, social and family wellness this year. https://www.taxfreeinsider.com/2018/07/09/indians-most-stressed-due-to-work-and-finance-compared-to-global-peers-says-report/

Publication: Tax Free Insider Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

9 out of 10 Indians suffer from stress, says survey July 10, 2018 | 15:26 IST Nearly 9 in 10 Indians suffer from stress. In fact, the recently-released findings of the 2018 Cigna 360 Well-Being Survey - Future Assured, conducted by Cigna TTK Health Insurance, show that stress levels are higher in Indian compared with other developed and emerging countries, including the United States, the UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. According to Moneycontrol, the survey further revealed that 95 per cent of Indian millennials between the age group of 18-34 are stressed compared to the global average of 86 per cent. Making matters worse, one in eight Indians have serious trouble in dealing with stress but nearly 75 per cent of the Indian respondents said they don't feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress. Consultation cost was cited as one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help. This survey was launched in 2014 with the goal of exploring well-being perceptions and concerns across five key areas of well-being - physical, family, social, financial and work. This year's survey is Cigna's most global yet, talking to nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the world, and the interviews were conducted between February and March this year. With work being cited as one of the key triggers for stress in the country - the other oft-mentioned culprit being finances - it's not surprising that workplace wellness is taking centrestage. A whopping 87 per cent of the respondents said that workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. And India is doing well in this front. About half the respondents reportedly said that they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness programme. "Employers can offer practical solutions such as flexi-hours or stress management programs that include mental wellness," said Prasun Sikdar, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Cigna TTK Health Insurance. India, however, needs to buck up when it comes to financial readiness for old age. The survey findings show that one in two respondents plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Only four in 10 Indians have purchased health insurance for themselves. According to the portal, the people who claim to be ready for older age are better at planning and are diligent about regular health checks and their own insurance. They are also more likely to be married with children, and a high proportion has full-time employment and is more affluent. Another interesting takeaway from the survey is India's high willingness to share data. Almost 90 per cent of those surveyed claimed to be open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs.

Publication: Business Today Edition: Online

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: NA

All in all, despite the issues flagged off above, India ranked highest in overall well-being in the survey at 70.4 compared to a global average of 61.2. However, the pulse index reveals the second largest year-on-year drop among nations surveyed - India was at 73 in the 2017 survey. https://www.businesstoday.in/lifestyle/off-track/indians-suffer-from-stress-depression/story/280119.html

India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues - Cigna 360° Survey Cigna’s (NYSE:CI) India business, Cigna TTK Health Insurance, a joint venture between U.S.-based global health services company, Cigna Corporation and Indian conglomerate TTK Group, today released the results of its 2018 Cigna 360°Well-Being Survey – Future Assured. The findings reveal that stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the United States, UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. About 89 percent of the population in India say they are suffering from stress compared to the global average of 86 percent. In addition, one in eight people have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with Millennials suffering more than other groups. Nearly, 75 percent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress - cost is one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help. Now in its fourth year, the 2018 Survey adopted a more forward-looking approach #Future Assured, exploring people’s perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas - physical, family, social, finances and work. This year’s survey is Cigna’s most global yet, talking to nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the world. India takes the top spot in the overall global well-being Index for the fourth year running. The country only showed slight declines in Physical, Social and Family wellness this year, while respondents remain optimistic about Work and Financial well-being. The largest percentage falls are in the Physical area were seen in weight and nutrition management, followed by sleep-related challenges. In the Social pillar, over 50 percent of people from India said they are not spending sufficient time with friends or have enough time for hobbies. The dip in Family well-being is mostly due to growing concerns about the ability to financially support parents and children. WORKPLACE WELLNESS SCORES HIGH Work and finances are the key reasons people gave for their high level of stress. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness program. The majority, 87 percent, said that workplace wellness programs are important in choosing between two potential employers. While current workplace wellness programs are making stress marginally more manageable, it seems there is still plenty of room for improvement. “The workplace plays an important role in the health and well-being of an employee. Managing workplace stress is important for corporations, as they can include health and wellness programs in every employee’s benefits package. Employers can offer practical solutions such as flexi-hours or stress management programs that include mental wellness. These benefits can boost employee confidence and make them feel that their role in the

Publication: Chennai Patrika Edition: Online

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: NA

workplace is really #Future Assured. At the end of the day, good health equals good business,” said Prasun Sikdar, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Cigna TTK Health Insurance. FINANCIAL PREPAREDNESS IS A MAJOR CONCERN The findings show that one in two respondents in India plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in ten people in India have purchased health insurance for themselves. The people who claim to be ready for older age are better at planning; they do regular health checks and own insurance. They are also more likely to be married with children, and a high proportion have full time employment and are more affluent. HIGH WILLINGNESS TO SHARE HEALTHCARE DATA In India, private healthcare is perceived to be superior to public care on every aspect, except cost, by a resounding majority. As a result, there is a huge preference for private healthcare in India, with the majority utilizing this system across all medical conditions. There is also a high willingness to share data in India. Almost 90 percent of those surveyed said that they would be open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. Being clear about how data will be used is crucial, with about half of the respondents saying they would want to know how their data is being utilized. “Serving the under penetrated market with needs based solutions will continue to play a pivotal role in this sector. We believe that innovation in health insurance is especially important in India, with an increased focus on condition management, blockchain technology, adoption of wearable and portable devices. There are clear advantages from the use of digital health data. As digital health devices evolve, more data will be available about lifestyle and disease management for insurance companies to use proactively”, said Sapna Desai, Head of Marketing and Communications, Cigna TTK Health Insurance http://news.chennaipatrika.com/post/2018/07/10/India-sees-high-level-of-stress-due-to-work-and-finance-related-issues.aspx’

Indians Most Stressed Globally On Work, Financial Issues: Survey Press Trust of India | Updated: July 10, 2018 15:41 IST Stress levels are the highest in the country with 89 per cent of survey respondents claiming they suffer from stress on issues such as finances, work, among others, compared with the global average of 86 per cent. This makes India lead the pack of nations that suffer the worst from everyday stress. In comparison people from other developed and emerging countries including the US, Britain, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia feel much less stressed, said a survey by Cigna TTK Health Insurance. In addition, one in eight Indians have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with the millennials suffering more than other groups. What more, nearly, 75 per cent of the respondents in the country do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress, with consultation cost being one of the biggest barriers. The survey, involving nearly 14,500 people in 23 countries, explores people's perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas - physical, family, social, financial and work. Workplace wellness has emerged as a key theme with 87 per cent of the respondents feeling that workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. The findings show that one in two respondents plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in 10 Indians have purchased health insurance for themselves. Almost 90 per cent of those surveyed are open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/indians-most-stressed-globally-on-work-financial-issues-survey-1880867

Publication: NDTV Edition: Online

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: NA

India Sees High Level of Stress Due to Work and Finance Related Issues Cigna’s (NYSE:CI) India business, Cigna TTK Health Insurance, a joint venture between U.S.-based global health services company, Cigna Corporation and Indian conglomerate TTK Group, today released the results of its 2018

Cigna 360 Well-Being Survey – Future Assured. The findings reveal that stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the United States, UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. About 89 percent of the population in India say they are suffering from stress compared to the global average of 86 percent. In addition, one in eight people have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with Millennials suffering more than other groups. Nearly, 75 percent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress – cost is one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help. Now in its fourth year, the 2018 Survey adopted a more forward-looking approach #Future Assured, exploring people’s perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas – physical, family, social, finances and work. This year’s survey is Cigna’s most global yet, talking to nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the world. India takes the top spot in the overall global well-being Index for the fourth year running. The country only showed slight declines in Physical, Social and Family wellness this year, while respondents remain optimistic about Work and Financial well-being. The largest percentage falls are in the Physical area were seen in weight and nutrition management, followed by sleep-related challenges. In the Social pillar, over 50 percent of people from India said they are not spending sufficient time with friends or have enough time for hobbies. The dip in Family well-being is mostly due to growing concerns about the ability to financially support parents and children. WORKPLACE WELLNESS SCORES HIGH Work and finances are the key reasons people gave for their high level of stress. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness program. The majority, 87 percent, said that workplace wellness programs are important in choosing between two potential employers. While current workplace wellness programs are making stress marginally more manageable, it seems there is still plenty of room for improvement. “The workplace plays an important role in the health and well-being of an employee. Managing workplace stress is important for corporations, as they can include health and wellness programs in every employee’s benefits package. Employers can offer practical solutions such as flexi-hours or stressmanagement programs that include mental wellness. These benefits can boost employee confidence and make them feel that their role in the workplace is really #Future Assured. At the end of the day, good health equals good business,” said Prasun Sikdar, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Cigna TTK Health Insurance.

Publication: News Expert Edition: Online

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: NA

FINANCIAL PREPAREDNESS IS A MAJOR CONCERN The findings show that one in two respondents in India plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in ten people in India have purchased health insurance for themselves. The people who claim to be ready for older age are better at planning; they do regular health checks and own insurance. They are also more likely to be married with children, and a high proportion have full time employment and are more affluent. HIGH WILLINGNESS TO SHARE HEALTHCARE DATA In India, private healthcare is perceived to be superior to public care on every aspect, except cost, by a resounding majority. As a result, there is a huge preference for private healthcare in India, with the majority utilizing this system across all medical conditions. There is also a high willingness to share data in India. Almost 90 percent of those surveyed said that they would be open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. Being clear about how data will be used is crucial, with about half of the respondents saying they would want to know how their data is being utilized. “Serving the under penetrated market with needs based solutions will continue to play a pivotal role in this sector. We believe that innovation in health insurance is especially important in India, with an increased focus on condition management, blockchain technology, adoption of wearable and portable devices. There are clear advantages from the use of digital health data. As digital health devices evolve, more data will be available about lifestyle and disease management for insurance companies to use proactively”, said Sapna Desai, Head of Marketing and Communications, Cigna TTK Health Insurance http://www.newsexperts.in/india-sees-high-level-stress-due-work-finance-related-issues/

India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues, reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-being Survey POSTED ON 10 JULY, 2018 BY GAYATHRI A Cigna’s (NYSE:CI) India business, Cigna TTK Health Insurance, a joint venture between U.S.-based global health services company, Cigna Corporation and Indian conglomerate TTK Group, today released the results of its 2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey – Future Assured. The findings reveal that stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the United States, UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. About 89 percent of the population in India say they are suffering from stress compared to the global average of 86 percent. In addition, one in eight people have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with Millennials suffering more than other groups. Nearly, 75 percent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress – cost is one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help. Now in its fourth year, the 2018 Survey adopted a more forward-looking approach #Future Assured, exploring people’s perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas – physical, family, social, finances and work. This year’s survey is Cigna’s most global yet, talking to nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the world. India takes the top spot in the overall global well-being Index for the fourth year running. The country only showed slight declines in Physical, Social and Family wellness this year, while respondents remain optimistic about Work and Financial well-being. The largest percentage falls are in the Physical area were seen in weight and nutrition management, followed by sleep-related challenges. In the Social pillar, over 50 percent of people from India said they are not spending sufficient time with friends or have enough time for hobbies. The dip in Family well-being is mostly due to growing concerns about the ability to financially support parents and children. WORKPLACE WELLNESS SCORES HIGH Work and finances are the key reasons people gave for their high level of stress. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness program. The majority, 87 percent, said that workplace wellness programs are important in choosing between two potential employers. While current workplace wellness programs are making stress marginally more manageable, it seems there is still plenty of room for improvement. “The workplace plays an important role in the health and well-being of an employee. Managing workplace stress is important for corporations, as they can include health and wellness programs in every employee’s benefits package. Employers can offer practical solutions such as flexi-hours or stress management programs that include

Publication: Chennaiyil Edition: Online

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: NA

mental wellness. These benefits can boost employee confidence and make them feel that their role in the workplace is really #Future Assured. At the end of the day, good health equals good business,” said Prasun Sikdar, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Cigna TTK Health Insurance. FINANCIAL PREPAREDNESS IS A MAJOR CONCERN The findings show that one in two respondents in India plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in ten people in India have purchased health insurance for themselves. The people who claim to be ready for older age are better at planning; they do regular health checks and own insurance. They are also more likely to be married with children, and a high proportion have full time employment and are more affluent. HIGH WILLINGNESS TO SHARE HEALTHCARE DATA In India, private healthcare is perceived to be superior to public care on every aspect, except cost, by a resounding majority. As a result, there is a huge preference for private healthcare in India, with the majority utilizing this system across all medical conditions. There is also a high willingness to share data in India. Almost 90 percent of those surveyed said that they would be open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. Being clear about how data will be used is crucial, with about half of the respondents saying they would want to know how their data is being utilized. “Serving the under penetrated market with needs based solutions will continue to play a pivotal role in this sector. We believe that innovation in health insurance is especially important in India, with an increased focus on condition management, blockchain technology, adoption of wearable and portable devices. There are clear advantages from the use of digital health data. As digital health devices evolve, more data will be available about lifestyle and disease management for insurance companies to use proactively”, said Sapna Desai, Head of Marketing and Communications, Cigna TTK Health Insurance http://chennaiyil.com/india-sees-high-level-stress-due-work-finance-related-issues-reveals-2018-cigna-360-well-survey/

India sees high level of stress due to work and finance related issues, reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-being Survey Cigna’s (NYSE:CI) India business, Cigna TTK Health Insurance, a joint venture between U.S.-based global health services company, Cigna Corporation and Indian conglomerate TTK Group, today released the results of its 2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey – Future Assured. The findings reveal that stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the United States, UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. About 89 percent of the population in India say they are suffering from stress compared to the global average of 86 percent. In addition, one in eight people have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with Millennials suffering more than other groups. Nearly, 75 percent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress - cost is one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help. Now in its fourth year, the 2018 Survey adopted a more forward-looking approach #Future Assured, exploring people’s perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas - physical, family, social, finances and work. This year’s survey is Cigna’s most global yet, talking to nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the world. India takes the top spot in the overall global well-being Index for the fourth year running. The country only showed slight declines in Physical, Social and Family wellness this year, while respondents remain optimistic about Work and Financial well-being. The largest percentage falls are in the Physical area were seen in weight and nutrition management, followed by sleep-related challenges. In the Social pillar, over 50 percent of people from India said they are not spending sufficient time with friends or have enough time for hobbies. The dip in Family well-being is mostly due to growing concerns about the ability to financially support parents and children. WORKPLACE WELLNESS SCORES HIGH Work and finances are the key reasons people gave for their high level of stress. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness program. The majority, 87 percent, said that workplace wellness programs are important in choosing between two potential employers. While current workplace wellness programs are making stress marginally more manageable, it seems there is still plenty of room for improvement. “The workplace plays an important role in the health and well-being of an employee. Managing workplace stress is important for corporations, as they can include health and wellness programs in every employee’s benefits package. Employers can offer practical solutions such as flexi-hours or stress management programs that include mental wellness. These benefits can boost employee confidence and make them feel that their role in the

Publication: Live Chennai.com Edition: Online

Date: Jul 11, 2018 Page: NA

workplace is really #Future Assured. At the end of the day, good health equals good business,” said Prasun Sikdar, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Cigna TTK Health Insurance. FINANCIAL PREPAREDNESS IS A MAJOR CONCERN The findings show that one in two respondents in India plan to o finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in ten people in India have purchased health insurance for themselves. The people who claim to be ready for older age are better at planning; they do regular health checks and own insurance. They are also more likely to be married with children, and a high proportion have full time employment and are more affluent. HIGH WILLINGNESS TO SHARE HEALTHCARE DATA In India, private healthcare is perceived to be superior to public care on every aspect, except cost, by a resounding majority. As a result, there is a huge preference for private healthcare in India, with the majority utilizing this system across all medical conditions. There is also a high willingness to share data in India. Almost 90 percent of those surveyed said that they would be open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. Being clear about how data will be used is crucial, with about half of the respondents saying they would want to know how their data is being utilized. “Serving the under penetrated market with needs based solutions will continue to play a pivotal role in this sector. We believe that innovation in health insurance is especially important in India, with an increased focus on condition management, blockchain technology, adoption of wearable and portable devices. There are clear advantages from the use of digital health data. As digital health devices evolve, more data will be available about lifestyle and disease management for insurance companies to use proactively”, said Sapna Desai, Head of Marketing and Communications, Cigna TTK Health Insurance https://www.livechennai.com/detailnews.asp?newsid=42702

India lead the pack of nations that suffer the worst from everyday stress: survey PTI/ 10 July 2018 Stress levels are the highest in the country with 89 per cent of survey respondents claiming they suffer from stress on issues such as finances, work, among others, compared with the global average of 86 per cent. This makes India lead the pack of nations that suffer the worst from everyday stress. In comparison people from other developed and emerging countries including the US, Britain, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia feel much less stressed, said a survey by Cigna TTK Health Insurance. In addition, one in eight Indians have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with the millennials suffering more than other groups. What more, nearly, 75 per cent of the respondents in the country do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress, with consultation cost being one of the biggest barriers. The survey, involving nearly 14,500 people in 23 countries, explores people’s perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas – physical, family, social, financial and work. Workplace wellness has emerged as a key theme with 87 per cent of the respondents feeling that workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. The findings show that one in two respondents plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in 10 Indians have purchased health insurance for themselves. Almost 90 per cent of those surveyed are open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. https://smefutures.com/news/indians-stressed-globally-work-finance-issues-survey/

Publication: SME Futures Edition: Online

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: NA

World Population Day: What ails the Youth of India Jul 11 2018. 12 32 PM IST Plagued with problems ranging from stress, unmet family planning needs, unbalanced diets and gender disparities in labour, the Indian youth seems far from turning into an aggressive workforce in future. India is facing a major challenge in nurturing its youth to make it a productive labour force. Population dynamics, marital statistics, fertility and contraception, mortality and neonatal health care, literacy and employment play important roles in the lives of young men and women. Interestingly, around half of India’s population in its reproductive age (15-49 years) still does not use a modern method of contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancies or space births. “The aspirations of today’s youth are different. An unmet need for family planning not only affects the abilities of men and women to plan families, but it also decreases overall well-being, limits opportunities to increase earnings, participate in the workforce, access health services, and pursue their own education and that of their children,” said Poonam Muttreja, executive director of Population Foundation of India. For youth already in the workforce, stress remains a major factor. The Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey 2018 done by Cigna TTK Health Insurance covering nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the world reveals that stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries. About 89% of the population in India said they are suffering from stress compared with the global average of 86%. The statistics are also disturbing for women in workforce. A report by the ministry of statistics and programme implementation—Youth in India-2017—stated that during 2011-12, about 55% of males and about 18 % of females in rural areas were in the labour force, whereas the corresponding percentages in urban areas were about 56% for males and about 13% for females. “The lack of infrastructure, unavailability of basic amenities at work places, rigid and inflexible work hours, absence of care facilities at or near the work places have not motivated women to participate in the labour market significantly,” said Arup Mitra, professor, health policy research unit at the Institute of Economic Growth. https://www.livemint.com/Politics/NPvOYLP5VI6GkBRbAfZiZP/World-Population-Day-What-ails-the-Youth-of-India.html

Publication: Live Mint Edition: Online

Date: Jul 11, 2018 Page: NA

World Population Day: What ails the Youth of India Plagued with problems ranging from stress, unmet family planning needs, unbalanced diets and gender disparities in labour, the Indian youth seems far from turning into an aggressive workforce in future. India is facing a major challenge in nurturing its youth to make it a productive labour force. Population dynamics, marital statistics, fertility and contraception, mortality and neonatal health care, literacy and employment play important roles in the lives of young men and women. Interestingly, around half of India’s population in its reproductive age (15-49 years) still does not use a modern method of contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancies or space births. “The aspirations of today’s youth are different. An unmet need for family planning not only affects the abilities of men and women to plan families, but it also decreases overall well-being, limits opportunities to increase earnings, participate in the workforce, access health services, and pursue their own education and that of their children,” said Poonam Muttreja, executive director of Population Foundation of India. For youth already in the workforce, stress remains a major factor. The Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey 2018 done by Cigna TTK Health Insurance covering nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the world reveals that stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries. About 89% of the population in India said they are suffering from stress compared with the global average of 86%. The statistics are also disturbing for women in workforce. A report by the ministry of statistics and programme implementation—Youth in India-2017—stated that during 2011-12, about 55% of males and about 18 % of females in rural areas were in the labour force, whereas the corresponding percentages in urban areas were about 56% for males and about 13% for females. “The lack of infrastructure, unavailability of basic amenities at work places, rigid and inflexible work hours, absence of care facilities at or near the work places have not motivated women to participate in the labour market significantly,” said Arup Mitra, professor, health policy research unit at the Institute of Economic Growth. https://www.ucnews.in/news/World-Population-Day-What-ails-the-Youth-of-India/2599307467101368.html

Publication: UCNews Edition: Online

Date: Jul 11, 2018 Page: NA

Indians Most Stressed Globally On Work, Financial Issues: Survey Stress levels are the highest in the country with 89 per cent of survey respondents claiming they suffer from stress on issues such as finances, work, among others, compared with the global average of 86 per cent. This makes India lead the pack of nations that suffer the worst from everyday stress. In comparison people from other developed and emerging countries including the US, Britain, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia feel much less stressed, said a survey by Cigna TTK Health Insurance. In addition, one in eight Indians have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with the millennials suffering more than other groups. What more, nearly, 75 per cent of the respondents in the country do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress, with consultation cost being one of the biggest barriers. The survey, involving nearly 14,500 people in 23 countries, explores people's perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas - physical, family, social, financial and work. Workplace wellness has emerged as a key theme with 87 per cent of the respondents feeling that workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. The findings show that one in two respondents plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in 10 Indians have purchased health insurance for themselves. Almost 90 per cent of those surveyed are open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. https://onlinevikalp.blogspot.com/2018/07/current-affairs-11-july-2018.html?m=1

Publication: Online Vikalp Education Edition: Online

Date: Jul 11, 2018 Page: NA

Indians most stressed globally on work, finance issues: Survey Stress levels are the highest in the country with 89 per cent of survey respondents claiming they suffer from stress on issues such as finances, work, among others, compared with the global average of 86 per cent. This makes India lead the pack of nations that suffer the worst from everyday stress. In comparison people from other developed and emerging countries including the US, Britain, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia feel much less stressed, said a survey by Cigna TTK Health Insurance. In addition, one in eight Indians have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with the millennials suffering more than other groups. What more, nearly, 75 per cent of the respondents in the country do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress, with consultation cost being one of the biggest barriers. The survey, involving nearly 14,500 people in 23 countries, explores people’s perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas – physical, family, social, financial and work. Workplace wellness has emerged as a key theme with 87 per cent of the respondents feeling that workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. The findings show that one in two respondents plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in 10 Indians have purchased health insurance for themselves. Almost 90 per cent of those surveyed are open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. http://www.harmukhnews.in/national/indians-most-stressed-globally-on-work-finance-issues-survey/

Publication: Harmukh News Edition: Online

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: NA

Indians Most Stressed Globally On Work, Financial Issues: Survey Stress levels are the highest in the country with 89 per cent of survey respondents claiming they suffer from stress on issues such as finances, work, among others, compared with the global average of 86 per cent. This makes India lead the pack of nations that suffer the worst from everyday stress. In comparison people from other developed and emerging countries including the US, Britain, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia feel much less stressed, said a survey by Cigna TTK Health Insurance. In addition, one in eight Indians have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with the millennials suffering more than other groups. What more, nearly, 75 per cent of the respondents in the country do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress, with consultation cost being one of the biggest barriers. The survey, involving nearly 14,500 people in 23 countries, explores people's perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas - physical, family, social, financial and work. Workplace wellness has emerged as a key theme with 87 per cent of the respondents feeling that workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. The findings show that one in two respondents plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in 10 Indians have purchased health insurance for themselves. Almost 90 per cent of those surveyed are open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. https://www.darpanmagazine.com/news/india/indians-most-stressed-globally-on-work-financial-issues-survey/

Publication: Darpan Edition: Online

Date: Jul 11, 2018 Page: NA

Indians Most Stressed Globally On Work, Financial Issues: Survey Stress levels are the highest in the country with 89 per cent of survey respondents claiming they suffer from stress on issues such as finances, work, among others, compared with the global average of 86 per cent. This makes India lead the pack of nations that suffer the worst from everyday stress. In comparison people from other developed and emerging countries including the US, Britain, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia feel much less stressed, said a survey by Cigna TTK Health Insurance. In addition, one in eight Indians have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with the millennials suffering more than other groups. What more, nearly, 75 per cent of the respondents in the country do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress, with consultation cost being one of the biggest barriers. The survey, involving nearly 14,500 people in 23 countries, explores people's perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas - physical, family, social, financial and work. Workplace wellness has emerged as a key theme with 87 per cent of the respondents feeling that workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. The findings show that one in two respondents plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in 10 Indians have purchased health insurance for themselves. Almost 90 per cent of those surveyed are open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. http://www.pressreader.com/oldbrowser?redirectUrl=/pressdisplay/viewer.aspx?issue=92782018071100000000001001&page=20&article=1874749988

Publication: Press Reader Edition: Online

Date: Jul 11, 2018 Page: NA

89% Indians suffering from stress, but 75% not comfortable talking to professionals Thu, Jul 12 2018. 11 06 AM IST Stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries, including the US, the UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia, according to the 2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey – Future Assured released earlier this week. The survey, carried out by Cigna TTK Health Insurance, a joint venture between US-based Cigna Corp. and Indian conglomerate TTK Group, said about 89% of the population in India said they were suffering from stress compared to the global average of 86%. In addition, one in eight people have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with millennials suffering more than other groups. Nearly, 75% of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress, with cost being one of the biggest barriers. The survey explored people’s perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas—physical, family, social, finances and work. The survey covered 14,500 people in 23 markets around the world. India takes the top spot in the overall global well-being index for the fourth year running. The country only showed slight declines in physical, social and family wellness this year, while respondents remained optimistic about work and financial well-being. The largest percentage falls are in the physical area and were seen in weight and nutrition management, followed by sleep-related challenges. In the social pillar, over 50% of people from India said they are not spending sufficient time with friends or have enough time for hobbies. The dip in family well-being is mostly due to growing concerns about the ability to financially support parents and children. Work and finances are the key reasons people gave for high level of stress. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness program. The majority, 87%, said that workplace wellness programs are important in choosing between two potential employers. The findings show that one in two respondents in India plans to finance medical expenses from savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in 10 people in India have bought health insurance for themselves. The people who claim to be ready for older age are better at planning; they do regular health checks and own insurance. They are also more likely to be married with children, and a high proportion have full-time employment and are more affluent.

Publication: Livemint Edition: Online

Date: Jul 12, 2018 Page: NA

In India, private healthcare is perceived to be superior to public care on every aspect, except cost, by a resounding majority. As a result, there is a huge preference for private healthcare in India. https://www.livemint.com/Money/S7ybxJOAvsP5PJO2FxBhLO/89-Indians-suffering-from-stress-but-75-not-comfortable-t.html

2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey highlights the increasing need to manage workplace stress By Ahmad Zaki | 12 Jul 2018 Cigna released the results of its 2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey -- Future Assured, which were tracked over a four year period, show rising awareness of the need to prepare for old age, which includes being continually active and financially independent. As a result, people are working harder today, and increasingly calling on employers to help in managing workplace stress. The survey was launched in 2014 with the goal of exploring well-being perceptions and concerns across five key areas of well-being - physical, family, social, financial and work. This year's survey is Cigna's most global yet, talking to nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the world. The Index -- the combined scores of the five areas -- dropped 1.1 points overall compared to last year's survey, from 62.3 to 61.2 points. With the exception of Singapore, all markets surveyed recorded a drop of 1.1 to 3.9 points since last year, with Thailand reporting the largest fall. Despite recording the second largest fall, India maintained its place at the head of the index. Financial well-being, previously a declining trend, finally stabilized in all markets as respondents are beginning to feel more positive about their current situation. However, there are increased concerns over social well-being -- people are working harder at the cost of quality time for friends and hobbies; and physical well-being -- quality of sleep, weight and a balanced diet. Cigna International Markets' president, Jason Sadler said: "More people are feeling positive about their current financial situation and understand the need to prepare for the future. However, the survey also showed that there is a trade-off as we face higher workplace stress today. For Cigna, this means we must continue to help individuals and organizations gain a better state of well-being. Collectively, if we can help employees deal better with stress, their well-being will improve." Stress is a Key Factor in Workplace Wellness The workplace plays a critical role in health, wellness and planning for a secure future. The Workplace Well-being Index increased from 67.5 to 69.1 points over last year. People have an increasingly positive outlook towards their workplace wellness and recognize the value of work-life balance. However, stress remains the biggest workplace issue. Some 15 percent of workers said they are unable to manage stress, with Millennials in the workplace viewing themselves as least able to cope. Those who say they are unable to manage stress are less physically fit, less sociable and more likely to seek professional help and be prescribed medication. Stress management presents a challenge to employers and way for them to improve staff retention and motivation. Over 50 percent of employees in the survey claim they do not receive company support in dealing with stress or have a formal workplace wellness program in place. When asked about workplace wellness

Publication: Asia Insurance Review Edition: Online

Date: Jul 12, 2018 Page: NA

programs, 73 percent of working Millennials agree they are important in choosing between two potential employers. More are Geared Up for Old Age One positive development revealed by the survey was that 50 percent of respondents claim to be prepared for old age through active aging and financial readiness. However, they also believe that insurance alone may not cover all their needs, and plan to dip into their savings to help during retirement. In most developed economies and where public health systems are well regarded, such as China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, people expect to rely on government help for healthcare costs. About one-third of respondents have a fear of not being visible in old age, with social circles shrinking and mobility becoming an issue. Most respondents, especially in Asia, expect to receive support from their family in old age rather than help from professional caregivers. Respondents in Indonesia and Thailand have the largest expectation that children will take care of the elderly. The Need for Affordable and Accessible Healthcare Respondents outside the U.S. showed a preference for private healthcare over public services, but cost is a sobering factor. People choose public healthcare for the most critical medical procedures. Private healthcare is used at a higher rate than the public system in the areas of dental services and eye-care. Data Sharing can Create Better Health Individuals are also highly open to health data sharing with third parties (8 out of 10) if it lowers healthcare costs, provides better access to healthcare and enables early detection. Next to doctors and government-run health databases, people are open to sharing their health data with insurance companies and communities with similar medical conditions. "The findings show there is an opportunity for the health services and insurance industry to create solutions that are customized and affordable for each individual. Data sharing is also an area where we can work together to assure the accessibility and affordability of healthcare in the future," said Mr Sadler. "Three of the key pillars of research we focus on in our Survey -- Aging, Workplace Wellness, and Affordability and Accessibility of Healthcare -- give us better insights and guide us as we deal with macro-economic developments such as an aging and growing middle-class population. Our aim is to partner with our customers throughout their well-being journey and contribute towards a #Future Assured," he said. http://www3.asiainsurancereview.com/News/View-NewsLetter-Article?id=43472&Type=ARM

World Population Day: What ails the Youth of India Liabilities to Indian Youth

1. Plagued with problems ranging from stress, unmet family planning needs, unbalanced diets and gender disparities in labour, the Indian youth seems far from turning into an aggressive workforce in future.

2. Population dynamics, marital statistics, fertility and contraception, mortality and neonatal health care, literacy and employment play important roles in the lives of young men and women.

Family Planning- the multifaceted problem

1. An unmet need for family planning not only affects the abilities of men and women to plan families, but it also decreases overall well-being.

2. It limits opportunities to increase earnings, participate in the workforce, access health services, and pursue their own education and that of their children.

Stress remains a major factor

1. The Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey 2018 done by Cigna TTK Health Insurance covering nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the world reveals that stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries.

2. About 89% of the population in India said they are suffering from stress compared with the global average of 86%.

Women are worst hit

1. The statistics are also disturbing for women in the workforce. A report by the ministry of statistics and programme implementation—Youth in India-2017—stated that during 2011-12, about 55% of males and about 18 % of females in rural areas were in the labour force.

2. Whereas the corresponding percentages in urban areas were about 56% for males and about 13% for females.

Publication: Civilsdaily Edition: Online

Date: Jul 12, 2018 Page: NA

3. The lack of infrastructure, unavailability of basic amenities at workplaces, rigid and inflexible work hours, the absence of care facilities at or near the workplaces have not motivated women to participate in the labour market significantly.


World Inhabitants Day: What ails the Youth of India Plagued with issues starting from stress, unmet household planning wants, unbalanced diets and gender disparities in labour, the Indian youth appears removed from turning into an aggressive workforce in future. India is going through a serious problem in nurturing its youth to make it a productive labour power. Inhabitants dynamics, marital statistics, fertility and contraception, mortality and neonatal well being care, literacy and employment play vital roles within the lives of younger women and men. Curiously, round half of India’s inhabitants in its reproductive age (15-49 years) nonetheless doesn’t use a contemporary methodology of contraception to stop undesirable pregnancies or area births. “The aspirations of in the present day’s youth are completely different. An unmet want for household planning not solely impacts the skills of women and men to plan households, however it additionally decreases general well-being, limits alternatives to extend earnings, take part within the workforce, entry well being companies, and pursue their very own training and that of their youngsters,” stated Poonam Muttreja, government director of Inhabitants Basis of India. For youth already within the workforce, stress stays a significant component. The Cigna 360° Properly-Being Survey 2018 finished by Cigna TTK Well being Insurance coverage masking practically 14,500 individuals in 23 markets all over the world reveals that stress ranges are excessive in India in contrast with different developed and rising international locations. About 89% of the inhabitants in India stated they’re affected by stress in contrast with the worldwide common of 86%. The statistics are additionally disturbing for girls in workforce. A report by the ministry of statistics and programme implementation—Youth in India-2017—acknowledged that in 2011-12, about 55% of males and about 18 % of females in rural areas have been within the labour power, whereas the corresponding percentages in city areas have been about 56% for males and about 13% for females. “The dearth of infrastructure, unavailability of fundamental facilities at work locations, inflexible and rigid work hours, absence of care services at or close to the work locations haven’t motivated ladies to take part within the labour market considerably,” stated Arup Mitra, professor, well being coverage analysis unit on the Institute of Financial Progress. https://www.lpt7.com/news/world-inhabitants-day-what-ails-the-youth-of-india/

Publication: LPT7.com Edition: Online

Date: Jul 11, 2018 Page: NA

‘India’s 89 pc population under stress’ A recent survey revealed that about 89 per cent of the population in India say they are suffering from stress as compared to the global average of 86 per cent. In addition, one in eight people have serious trouble in dealing with stress. Also, nearly 75 per cent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress and cost is one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help. The findings reveal that stress levels are high in India as compared with other developed and emerging countries including the United States, UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. The survey was conducted by Cigna 360o Well-being Survey 2018 which drew on 14,467 online interviews and was conducted between February and March 2018, across 23 countries and territories. India showed slight declines in physical, social and family wellness this year, while respondents remain optimistic about work and financial well-being. The survey revealed that the largest percentage of stress is related to physical wellness, seen in weight and nutrition management, followed by sleep-related challenges. In the social pillar, over 50 per cent of people from India said they are not spending sufficient time with friends or have enough time for hobbies. The dip in family well-being is mostly due to growing concerns about the ability to financially support parents and children. WORKPLACE WELLNESS SCORES Work and finances are the key reasons for their high level of stress, people said. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness programmes. Also, around 87 per cent said that workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. While current workplace wellness programmes are making stress marginally more manageable, it seems there is still plenty of room for improvement. FINANCIAL PREPAREDNESS The findings of the survey show that one in two respondents in India plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings for old age, followed by insurance. Also, four in ten people in India have purchased health insurance for themselves. The people who claim to be ready for older age are better at planning, they do regular health checks and own insurance.

Publication: Sakal Times Edition: Online

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: NA

They are also more likely to be married with children, and a high proportion has full-time employment and are more affluent. WORKPLACE WELLNESS PROGRAMME NEEDED - Stress levels are high in India as compared with other countries including the United States, UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. - Work and finances are the key reasons for their high level of stress, people said. While current workplace wellness programmes are making stress marginally more manageable, it seems there is still plenty of room for improvement. http://www.sakaltimes.com/pune/%E2%80%98india%E2%80%99s-89-pc-population-under-stress%E2%80%99-21153

Indians most stressed people when it comes to work and finance issues Last Updated: Tue, Jul 10, 2018 This is a country often known for its values. A country that has more rural villages than urban metropolitan centres. A country with the second largest population and an ever-accelerating use of smartphones. A country that has been the origin and source of various technologies, and scientific breakthroughs. But, Indians, also remain the most stressed, according to a survey. The findings compiled by Cigna Insurance survey says the country has the highest number of respondents claiming they remained stressed- nearly 89%. India, however is not too far from the global average of 86%. Elementary physics may suggest that stress in moderate levels can help achieve, but symptoms of chronic stress and frequent bouts of job overload and clumsy environment may take a huge toll on a person's life. Stressed people are more likely to turn to vices, impacting various physiological processes and ultimately life. The study evaluated stress levels among 14,500 individuals from 23 countries- majorly China, Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan, India. The study explores people’s perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas -physical, family, social, financial and work. "With the exception of Singapore, all markets surveyed recorded a drop of 1.1 to 3.9 points since last year, with Thailand reporting the largest fall. Despite recording the second largest fall, India maintained its place at the head of the index," reads a release from Cigna. The study, a sequel to a previous one, found that respondents were feeling positive about their current situation. But, this positivism was at the cost of quality time spent with families, friends, hobbies, and even physical well-being. Some even gave away the quality of sleep, weight and balanced diet in order to attain financial well being. "Financial well-being, previously a declining trend, finally stabilized in all markets as respondents are beginning to feel more positive about their current situation. However, there are increased concerns over social well-being -- people are working harder at the cost of quality time for friends and hobbies; and physical well-being - quality of sleep, weight and a balanced diet," reads the report. Social well as a challenge is unlikely to meet an immediate resolution, considering 75% Indians do not feel comfortable sharing their concerns on stress with a medical professional. Workplace wellness emerged as a key theme with 87% respondents feeling that workplace wellness programs were important in choosing between potential employers.

Publication: sify finance Edition: Online

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: NA

The findings show that one in two respondents plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Only four in 10 Indians purchased health insurance for themselves. Almost 90% of those surveyed are open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. Jason Sadler, President, Cigna International Markets, said: "More people are feeling positive about their current financial situation and understand the need to prepare for the future. However, the survey also showed that there is a trade-off as we face higher workplace stress today. For Cigna, this means we must continue to help individuals and organizations gain a better state of well-being. Collectively, if we can help employees deal better with stress, their well-being will improve." http://www.sify.com/finance/indians-most-stressed-people-when-it-comes-to-work-and-finance-issues-news-finance-shklM0ihfeedh.html

Indians “Most Stressed Workers in the world”, According to New Cigna 360 Well-Being Survey Navanwita Bora Sachdev POSTED ON JULY 10, 2018

India has topped work and finance-related stress levels once more according to the 2018 survey by Cigna 360 Well-Being Survey. Conducted by the Cigna Corporation, the survey tracked the well-being areas of physical, family, social, finance, and work. While globally, the score has dropped by 1.1 point since last year, from 62.3 to 61.2, India is at the top at 70.4 in spite of recording the second-largest drop after Thailand. India was followed by Nigeria and Saudi Arabia tying at 65.1, while Mexico, US, and China came in at around 63. The world average was recorded to be 61.2. Compared to countries like Brazil, Germany, UAE, Thailand, and China, India seems poorly prepared in well-being areas like preparedness for old age, financial independence in old age, as well as, social, physical, and workplace indexes. Also, women in India in the 18-34 age group are less optimistic about their health than their male counterparts. Calling the 35-49 age group ‘the Sandwich Generation’, the score revealed that they have lesser time for hobbies and socializing. Dr. Roy Sugarman, PhD., neuropsychologist, said, “Social media and the 24/7 lifestyle means less time available for hobbies and socializing, for the Sandwich generation especially. I see in clinical practice that multiple, but online-focused relationships through social media cannot replace the need for real, face-to-face relationship time and socializing for a feeling of well-being.” While matrices like maintaining a balanced diet, a healthy weight, and sound sleep also declined, Indian respondents said they felt less positive than other countries about their finances in their current position. This included the financial ability to pay for mortgages and loans and maintaining the current standard of living. According to the survey, workplace stress has increased, one in six respondents revealing that they felt unable to manage work-related stress. Most respondents felt the need for a better wellness programme on the part of their employer. The survey opines, “For employers, stress management is a huge opportunity to address productivity and attract and retain talent. Demonstrating the impact of modern life, stress management has become the number one employee insurance benefit request, over traditional basics like dental and vision care benefits.” Presenteeism, which is the obligation an employee feels to report in for work no matter the circumstance, was revealed as a particular source of stress. In fact, 73% of millennials felt affected by presenteeism. Somehow, Indians are among the more trustworthy with sharing health-related data with insurance companies, as are Thais and Indonesians. The global average for perception of the beginning of old age was recorded at 63.8

Publication: The Tech Panda Edition: Online

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: NA

years, while Indians perceived it at 69 years. This is dismal compared to the old age onset perception of US at 80 years, UK at 81 years, China at 76 years, and Australia at 82 years. In fact, India has only beat Nigeria at 54 years and South Africa at 64 years. https://thetechpanda.com/2018/07/10/indians-most-stressed-workers-in-the-world-according-to-new-cigna-360-well-being-survey/

2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey highlights the increasing need to manage workplace stress Media OutReach - July 9, 2018 - Cigna Corporation (NYSE:CI) today released the results of its 2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey -- Future Assured . The findings, which were tracked over a four year period, show rising awareness of the need to prepare for old age, which includes being continually active and financially independent. As a result, people are working harder today, and increasingly calling on employers to help in managing workplace stress. The Cigna 360 ° Well-Being Survey was launched in 2014 with the goal of exploring well-being perceptions and concerns across five key areas of well-being - physical, family, social, financial and work. This year's survey is Cigna's most global yet, talking to nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the world. The Index -- the combined scores of the five areas -- dropped 1.1 points overall compared to last year's survey, from 62.3 to 61.2 points. With the exception of Singapore, all markets surveyed recorded a drop of 1.1 to 3.9 points since last year, with Thailand reporting the largest fall. Despite recording the second largest fall, India maintained its place at the head of the index. Financial well-being, previously a declining trend, finally stabilized in all markets as respondents are beginning to feel more positive about their current situation. However, there are increased concerns over social well-being -- people are working harder at the cost of quality time for friends and hobbies; and physical well-being -- quality of sleep, weight and a balanced diet. Jason Sadler, President, Cigna International Markets, said: "More people are feeling positive about their current financial situation and understand the need to prepare for the future. However, the survey also showed that there is a trade-off as we face higher workplace stress today. For Cigna, this means we must continue to help individuals and organizations gain a better state of well-being. Collectively, if we can help employees deal better with stress, their well-being will improve." Stress is a Key Factor in Workplace Wellness The workplace plays a critical role in health, wellness and planning for a secure future. The Workplace Well-being Index increased from 67.5 to 69.1 points over last year. People have an increasingly positive outlook towards their workplace wellness and recognize the value of work-life balance. However, stress remains the biggest workplace issue. Some 15 percent of workers said they are unable to manage stress, with Millennials in the workplace viewing themselves as least able to cope. Those who say they are unable to manage stress are less physically fit, less sociable and more likely to seek professional help and be prescribed medication.

Publication: Asia One Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

Stress management presents a challenge to employers and way for them to improve staff retention and motivation. Over 50 percent of employees in the survey claim they do not receive company support in dealing with stress or have a formal workplace wellness program in place. When asked about workplace wellness programs, 73 percent of working Millennials agree they are important in choosing between two potential employers. More are Geared Up for Old Age One positive development revealed by the survey was that 50 percent of respondents claim to be prepared for old age through active aging and financial readiness. However, they also believe that insurance alone may not cover all their needs, and plan to dip into their savings to help during retirement. In most developed economies and where public health systems are well regarded, such as China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, people expect to rely on government help for healthcare costs. About one-third of respondents have a fear of not being visible in old age, with social circles shrinking and mobility becoming an issue. Most respondents, especially in Asia, expect to receive support from their family in old age rather than help from professional caregivers. Respondents in Indonesia and Thailand have the largest expectation that children will take care of the elderly. The Need for Affordable and Accessible Healthcare Respondents outside the U.S. showed a preference for private healthcare over public services, but cost is a sobering factor. People choose public healthcare for the most critical medical procedures. Private healthcare is used at a higher rate than the public system in the areas of dental services and eye-care. Data Sharing can Create Better Health Individuals are also highly open to health data sharing with third parties (8 out of 10) if it lowers healthcare costs, provides better access to healthcare and enables early detection. Next to doctors and government-run health databases, people are open to sharing their health data with insurance companies and communities with similar medical conditions. "The findings show there is an opportunity for the health services and insurance industry to create solutions that are customized and affordable for each individual. Data sharing is also an area where we can work together to assure the accessibility and affordability of healthcare in the future," said Sadler. "Three of the key pillars of research we focus on in our Survey -- Aging, Workplace Wellness, and Affordability and Accessibility of Healthcare -- give us better insights and guide us as we deal with macro-economic developments such as an aging and growing middle-class population. Our aim is to partner with our customers throughout their well-being journey and contribute towards a #Future Assured," continued Sadler. http://www.asiaone.com/corporate-news-media-outreach/2018-cigna-360%C2%B0-wellbeing-survey-highlights-the-increasing-need-to

Indians are stressed out by work, finance situation Stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the US, the UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia, a new survey by insurance major Cigna has revealed. About 89 per cent of those surveyed in India said they suffer from stress, compared to the global average of 86 per cent, showed the 2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey – Future Assured. The key reasons for the high stress levels are work and finance. However, the proportion in India who found stress unmanageable was lower than the global average. The 2018 Survey adopted a more forward-looking approach, #Future Assured, exploring people’s perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas: physical, family, social, finances and work. For the survey, now in its fourth year, Cigna conducted 14,467 online interviews from February to March 2018 in 23 countries. In India, a sample size of 1,000 respondents in the age group of 25 years and above was surveyed across 20 cities. Work and finances are the key reasons for stress, with millennials (18-34 years) suffering more than other groups: 95 per cent millennialls reported feeling most stressed and least able to cope. Nearly, 75 per cent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress; cost is a barrier to seeking professional help. Prasun Sikdar, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Cigna TTK Health Insurance, said the workplace plays an important role in the health and well-being of an employee. Corporations can include health and wellness programs in every employee’s benefits package, he added. In India, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they are participating in a workplace wellness program. India scores on well-being The pain points of stress notwithstanding, India takes the top spot in the overall global well-being Index for the fourth year running. The country only showed slight declines in Physical, Social and Family wellness this year, while respondents remain optimistic about Work and Financial well-being. The largest percentage falls are in the Physical area were seen in weight and nutrition management, followed by sleep-related challenges.

Publication: The Hindu Business Line Edition: Online

Date: Jul 13, 2018 Page: NA

In the Social pillar, over 50 per cent of those surveyed from India said they do not spend sufficient time with friends or have enough time for hobbies. The dip in Family well-being is mostly due to growing concerns about the ability to financially support parents and children. https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/variety/indians-are-stressed-out-by-work-finance-situation/article24413955.ece

India Sees High Level of Stress Due to Work and Finance Related Issues: Reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey Cigna’s (NYSE:CI) India business, Cigna TTK Health Insurance, a joint venture between U.S.-based global health services company, Cigna Corporation and Indian conglomerate TTK Group, today released the results of its 2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey–Future Assured. The findings reveal that stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the United States, UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. About 89 percent of the population in India say they are suffering from stress compared to the global average of 86 percent. In addition, one in eight people have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with Millennials suffering more than other groups. Nearly, 75 percent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress-cost is one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help. Now in its fourth year, the 2018 Survey adopted a more forward-looking approach #Future Assured, exploring people’s perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas physical, family, social, finances and work. This year’s survey is Cigna’s most global yet, talking to nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the world. India takes the top spot in the overall global well-being Index for the fourth year running. The country only showed slight declines in Physical, Social and Family wellness this year, while respondents remain optimistic about Work and Financial well-being. The largest percentage falls are in the Physical area were seen in weight and nutrition management, followed by sleep-related challenges. In the Social pillar, over 50 percent of people from India said they are not spending sufficient time with friends or have enough time for hobbies. The dip in Family well-being is mostly due to growing concerns about the ability to financially support parents and children. https://tricitynewsonline.blogspot.com/2018/07/india-sees-high-level-of-stress-due-to.html

Publication: Tricitynewsonline Edition: Online

Date: Jul 13, 2018 Page: NA

India Sees High Level of Stress Due to Work and Finance Related Issues: Reveals 2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey Cigna's (NYSE:CI) India business, Cigna TTK Health Insurance, a joint venture between U.S.-based global health services company, Cigna Corporation and Indian conglomerate TTK Group, today released the results of its 2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey–Future Assured. The findings reveal that stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the United States, UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. About 89 percent of the population in India say they are suffering from stress compared to the global average of 86 percent. In addition, one in eight people have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with Millennials suffering more than other groups. Nearly, 75 percent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress-cost is one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help. Now in its fourth year, the 2018 Survey adopted a more forward-looking approach #Future Assured, exploring people's perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas physical, family, social, finances and work. This year's survey is Cigna's most global yet, talking to nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the world. India takes the top spot in the overall global well-being Index for the fourth year running. The country only showed slight declines in Physical, Social and Family wellness this year, while respondents remain optimistic about Work and Financial well-being. The largest percentage falls are in the Physical area were seen in weight and nutrition management, followed by sleep-related challenges. In the Social pillar, over 50 percent of people from India said they are not spending sufficient time with friends or have enough time for hobbies. The dip in Family well-being is mostly due to growing concerns about the ability to financially support parents and children. http://121newsonlines.blogspot.com/2018/07/india-sees-high-level-of-stress-due-to.html

Publication: 121 News Online Edition: Online

Date: Jul 13, 2018 Page: NA

-being Survey By the media_admin - July 15, 2018 Cigna’s (NYSE:CI) India business, Cigna TTK Health Insurance, a joint venture between U.S.-based global health services company, Cigna Corporation and Indian conglomerate TTK Group, today released the results of its 2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey – Future Assured. The findings reveal that stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the United States, UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. About 89 percent of the population in India say they are suffering from stress compared to the global average of 86 percent. In addition, one in eight people have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with Millennials suffering more than other groups. Nearly, 75 percent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress – cost is one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help. Now in its fourth year, the 2018 Survey adopted a more forward-looking approach #Future Assured, exploring people’s perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas – physical, family, social, finances and work. This year’s survey is Cigna’s most global yet, talking to nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the world. India takes the top spot in the overall global well-being Index for the fourth year running. The country only showed slight declines in Physical, Social and Family wellness this year, while respondents remain optimistic about Work and Financial well-being. The largest percentage falls are in the Physical area were seen in weight and nutrition management, followed by sleep-related challenges. In the Social pillar, over 50 percent of people from India said they are not spending sufficient time with friends or have enough time for hobbies. The dip in Family well-being is mostly due to growing concerns about the ability to financially support parents and children. WORKPLACE WELLNESS SCORES HIGH Work and finances are the key reasons people gave for their high level of stress. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness program. The majority, 87 percent, said that workplace wellness programs are important in choosing between two potential employers. While current workplace wellness programs are making stress marginally more manageable, it seems there is still plenty of room for improvement. “The workplace plays an important role in the health and well-being of an employee. Managing workplace stress is important for corporations, as they can include health and wellness programs in every employee’s benefits package. Employers can offer practical solutions such as flexi-hours or stress management programs that include

Publication: The Media Expression Edition: Online

Date: Jul 15, 2018 Page: NA

mental wellness. These benefits can boost employee confidence and make them feel that their role in the workplace is really #Future Assured. At the end of the day, good health equals good business,” said Prasun Sikdar, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Cigna TTK Health Insurance. FINANCIAL PREPAREDNESS IS A MAJOR CONCERN The findings show that one in two respondents in India plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in ten people in India have purchased health insurance for themselves. The people who claim to be ready for older age are better at planning; they do regular health checks and own insurance. They are also more likely to be married with children, and a high proportion have full time employment and are more affluent. HIGH WILLINGNESS TO SHARE HEALTHCARE DATA In India, private healthcare is perceived to be superior to public care on every aspect, except cost, by a resounding majority. As a result, there is a huge preference for private healthcare in India, with the majority utilizing this system across all medical conditions. There is also a high willingness to share data in India. Almost 90 percent of those surveyed said that they would be open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. Being clear about how data will be used is crucial, with about half of the respondents saying they would want to know how their data is being utilized. “Serving the under penetrated market with needs based solutions will continue to play a pivotal role in this sector. We believe that innovation in health insurance is especially important in India, with an increased focus on condition management, blockchain technology, adoption of wearable and portable devices. There are clear advantages from the use of digital health data. As digital health devices evolve, more data will be available about lifestyle and disease management for insurance companies to use proactively”, said Sapna Desai, Head of Marketing and Communications, Cigna TTK Health Insurance http://themediaexpression.com/india-sees-high-level-of-stress-due-to-work-and-finance-related-issues-reveals-2018-cigna-360%EF%82%B0-well-being-survey/

Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey: Work & finances top reasons for stress By: Saikat Neogi | Published: July 16, 2018 2:15 AM For most Indians, work and finances are the reasons for stress and one in two respondents in India plan to finance their medical expenses in old age from their savings, followed by insurance. These are the findings of Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey. The findings reveal that stress levels are high in India compared with developed countries such as United States, UK, Germany and France and emerging economies including China, Brazil and Indonesia. This year’s Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey underlines that India is on the top spot showing only slight decline in physical, social and family wellness while work and financial optimism shine. Millennials (18-34 years) in general are more upbeat about their health and wellness compared to older demographic groups.

Financially, the report says, women see themselves as performing better compared to other demographic groups. The dip in financial well-being is mostly about financial security if unable to work, and due to growing concerns about their ability to financially support parents and children. The Cigna research reveal that while being socially isolated is a concern for some, a majority of people in India still believe in the strong family structure and are counting on being taken care of by either their spouse or children in old age. Cigna TTK Health Insurance Company Limited, a stand-alone health insurance company, is a joint venture between the US-based Cigna Corporation and Indian conglomerate TTK Group. Health cover The survey, covering 1,000 respondents in the age group of 25 years and above in 20 cities, found that four in 10 people in India have purchased health insurance for themselves. “The people who claim to be ready for older age are better at planning; they do regular health checks and own insurance. They are also more likely to be married with children, and a high proportion have full-time employment and are more affluent,” notes the report. Most respondents in the survey said private healthcare is superior to public care on every aspect, except cost. As a result, there is a huge preference for private healthcare in India, with the majority utilising this system across all medical conditions. Most respondents are willing to share their healthcare data as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. However, about half of the respondents say they would want to know how their data is being utilised. Being transparent is crucial, though, with about half of the respondents saying they would want to know how their data is being used. “Private healthcare is used more for primary care, dental and eye-care. Potential tradeoff on cost represents an opportunity for an insurer to bridge this healthcare gap,” the report says.

Publication: The Financial Express Edition: Online

Date: Jul 16, 2018 Page: NA

Overall wellness Even as work and finances are the key reasons for the high level of stress, respondents gave a high score to workplace wellness. About half the respondents in the survey say they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness programme. The majority, 87%, said that workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. The survey shows that India takes the top spot in the overall global well-being index for the fourth year running. The country only showed slight declines in physical, social and family wellness this year, while survey respondents remain optimistic about work and financial well-being. However, the largest percentage falls are in the physical such as weight and nutrition management, followed by sleep-related challenges. In the social pillar, over 50% of people from India said they are not spending sufficient time with friends or have enough time for hobbies. The dip in family well-being is mostly due to growing concerns about the ability to financially support parents and children. The report says a person’s retirement savings plan should include future healthcare expenses and insurance coverage. Workplace wellness plans, regular health checks and investing time in social relationships will help avoid feelings of isolation in retirement. https://www.financialexpress.com/india-news/cigna-360-well-being-survey-work-finances-top-reasons-for-stress/1245909/

Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey: Work & finances top reasons for stress This year’s Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey underlines that India is on the top spot showing only slight decline in physical, social and family wellness while work and financial optimism shine. Millennials (18-34 years) in general are more upbeat about their health and wellness compared to older demographic groups. Financially, the report says, women see themselves as performing better compared to other demographic groups. The dip in financial well-being is mostly about financial security if unable to work, and due to growing concerns about their ability to financially support parents and children. The Cigna research reveal that while being socially isolated is a concern for some, a majority of people in India still believe in the strong family structure and are counting on being taken care of by either their spouse or children in old age. Cigna TTK Health Insurance Company Limited, a stand-alone health insurance company, is a joint venture between the US-based Cigna Corporation and Indian conglomerate TTK Group. Health cover The survey, covering 1,000 respondents in the age group of 25 years and above in 20 cities, found that four in 10 people in India have purchased health insurance for themselves. “The people who claim to be ready for older age are better at planning; they do regular health checks and own insurance. They are also more likely to be married with children, and a high proportion have full-time employment and are more affluent,” notes the report. Most respondents in the survey said private healthcare is superior to public care on every aspect, except cost. As a result, there is a huge preference for private healthcare in India, with the majority utilising this system across all medical conditions. Most respondents are willing to share their healthcare data as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. However, about half of the respondents say they would want to know how their data is being utilised. Being transparent is crucial, though, with about half of the respondents saying they would want to know how their data is being used. “Private healthcare is used more for primary care, dental and eye-care. Potential tradeoff on cost represents an opportunity for an insurer to bridge this healthcare gap,” the report says. Overall wellness Even as work and finances are the key reasons for the high level of stress, respondents gave a high score to workplace wellness. About half the respondents in the survey say they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness programme. The majority, 87%, said that workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers.

Publication: Gossipier Edition: Online

Date: Jul 15, 2018 Page: NA

The survey shows that India takes the top spot in the overall global well-being index for the fourth year running.

The country only showed slight declines in physical, social and family wellness this year, while survey respondents remain optimistic about work and financial well-being. However, the largest percentage falls are in the physical such as weight and nutrition management, followed by sleep-related challenges. In the social pillar, over 50% of people from India said they are not spending sufficient time with friends or have enough time for hobbies. The dip in family well-being is mostly due to growing concerns about the ability to financially support parents and children. The report says a person’s retirement savings plan should include future healthcare expenses and insurance coverage. Workplace wellness plans, regular health checks and investing time in social relationships will help avoid feelings of isolation in retirement. https://gossipier.com/cigna-360-well-being-survey-work-finances-top-reasons-for-stress/

Indonesia is world's least stressed out country, survey finds INDONESIA is among the world’s least stressed countries, according to a recent survey released by insurance company Cigna, The Jakarta Post reported. First launched in 2014, the Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey – Future Assured list explores people’s perceptions and concerns on well-being in five key areas – physical, family, social, financial and work. This year, the survey was conducted in 23 countries and involved 14,500 respondents. The survey found that the stress levels of respondents in Indonesia were only 61 points, compared with the global average of 61.2 points. India was found to be the most stressed country with 70.4 points. Cigna Indonesia said in a statement that Indonesia’s stress level was low as only 75% of respondents said they suffered from stress, compared with a global average of 86%. In comparison, more than 91% of respondents in Singapore and Thailand said they suffered from stress. Half of the respondents who suffered from stress said they controlled it by sharing with family or friends. – Bernama, July 16, 2018. https://www.themalaysianinsight.com/s/77879

Publication: The Malaysian Insight Edition: Online

Date: Jul 16, 2018 Page: NA

Indians suffer from high level stress due to work & finance related issues: survey The Cigna TTK Health Insurance, a joint venture between U.S.-based global health services company, Cigna Corporation and Indian conglomerate TTK Group, on 9th July released the results of its 2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey – Future Assured. The findings reveal that stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the United States, UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. About 89 percent of the population in India say they are suffering from stress compared to the global average of 86 percent. In addition, one in eight people have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with Millennials suffering more than other groups. Nearly, 75 percent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress – cost is one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help. Now in its fourth year, the 2018 Survey adopted a more forward-looking approach #Future Assured, exploring people’s perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas – physical, family, social, finances and work. This year’s survey is Cigna’s most global yet, talking to nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the world. India takes the top spot in the overall global well-being Index for the fourth year running. The country only showed slight declines in Physical, Social and Family wellness this year, while respondents remain optimistic about Work and Financial well-being. The largest percentage falls are in the Physical area were seen in weight and nutrition management, followed by sleep-related challenges. In the Social pillar, over 50 percent of people from India said they are not spending sufficient time with friends or have enough time for hobbies. The dip in Family well-being is mostly due to growing concerns about the ability to financially support parents and children. Workplace wellness scores high Work and finances are the key reasons people gave for their high level of stress. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness program. The majority, 87 percent, said that workplace wellness programs are important in choosing between two potential employers. While current workplace wellness programs are making stress marginally more manageable, it seems there is still plenty of room for improvement. “The workplace plays an important role in the health and well-being of an employee. Managing workplace stress is important for corporations, as they can include health and wellness programs in every employee’s benefits package. Employers can offer practical solutions such as flexi-hours or stress management programs that include mental wellness. These benefits can boost employee confidence and make them feel that their role in the workplace is really #Future Assured. At the end of the day, good health equals good business,” said Prasun Sikdar, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Cigna TTK Health Insurance.

Publication: BioVoice Edition: Online

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: NA

Financial preparedness is a major concern The findings show that one in two respondents in India plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in ten people in India have purchased health insurance for themselves. The people who claim to be ready for older age are better at planning; they do regular health checks and own insurance. They are also more likely to be married with children, and a high proportion have full time employment and are more affluent. High willingness to share health data by people In India, private healthcare is perceived to be superior to public care on every aspect, except cost, by a resounding majority. As a result, there is a huge preference for private healthcare in India, with the majority utilizing this system across all medical conditions. There is also a high willingness to share data in India. Almost 90 percent of those surveyed said that they would be open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. Being clear about how data will be used is crucial, with about half of the respondents saying they would want to know how their data is being utilized. “Serving the under penetrated market with needs based solutions will continue to play a pivotal role in this sector. We believe that innovation in health insurance is especially important in India, with an increased focus on condition management, blockchain technology, adoption of wearable and portable devices. There are clear advantages from the use of digital health data. As digital health devices evolve, more data will be available about lifestyle and disease management for insurance companies to use proactively”, said Sapna Desai, Head of Marketing and Communications, Cigna TTK Health Insurance The 2018 Cigna 360o Well-being Survey 2018 drew on 14,467 online interviews conducted between February to March 2018, across 23 countries and territories, and can be downloaded here. https://www.biovoicenews.com/indians-suffer-from-high-level-stress-due-to-work-finance-related-issues-survey/

World Population Day: What ails the Youth of India Plagued with problems ranging from stress, unmet family planning needs, unbalanced diets and gender disparities in labour, the Indian youth seems far from turning into an aggressive workforce in future. India is facing a major challenge in nurturing its youth to make it a productive labour force. Population dynamics, marital statistics, fertility and contraception, mortality and neonatal health care, literacy and employment play important roles in the lives of young men and women. Interestingly, around half of India’s population in its reproductive age (15-49 years) still does not use a modern method of contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancies or space births. “The aspirations of today’s youth are different. An unmet need for family planning not only affects the abilities of men and women to plan families, but it also decreases overall well-being, limits opportunities to increase earnings, participate in the workforce, access health services, and pursue their own education and that of their children,” said Poonam Muttreja, executive director of Population Foundation of India. For youth already in the workforce, stress remains a major factor. The Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey 2018 done by Cigna TTK Health Insurance covering nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the world reveals that stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries. About 89% of the population in India said they are suffering from stress compared with the global average of 86%. The statistics are also disturbing for women in workforce. A report by the ministry of statistics and programme implementation—Youth in India-2017—stated that during 2011-12, about 55% of males and about 18 % of females in rural areas were in the labour force, whereas the corresponding percentages in urban areas were about 56% for males and about 13% for females. “The lack of infrastructure, unavailability of basic amenities at work places, rigid and inflexible work hours, absence of care facilities at or near the work places have not motivated women to participate in the labour market significantly,” said Arup Mitra, professor, health policy research unit at the Institute of Economic Growth. http://businessfortnight.com/world-population-day-what-ails-the-youth-of-india/

Publication: BusinessFortNight Edition: Online

Date: Jul 11, 2018 Page: NA

India is among the world’s most stressed countries when it comes to jobs and money India is among the world’s most stressed countries when it comes to jobs and money. A 23-country survey of 14,500 respondents by Cigna TTK Health Insurance shows nine in 10 Indians suffer from everyday stress against the global average of 86%. Besides, one in eight Indians suffer from serious stress and millennials are the most affected, the survey shows. As many as 75% respondents were not comfortable seeking professional help, with most citing high consultation costs as a deterrent. https://www.intelligentindia.in/2018/07/india-is-among-worlds-most-stressed.html

Publication: Intelligent India Edition: Online

Date: Jul 11, 2018 Page: NA

Cigna 360 Well-Being Survey: Work & finances top reasons for stress For most Indians, work and finances are the reasons for stress and one in two respondents in India plan to finance their medical expenses in old age from their savings, followed by insurance. These are the findings of Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey. The findings reveal that stress levels are high in India compared with developed countries such as United States, UK, Germany and France and emerging economies including China, Brazil and Indonesia. This year’s Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey underlines that India is on the top spot showing only slight decline in physical, social and family wellness while work and financial optimism shine. Millennials (18-34 years) in general are more upbeat about their health and wellness compared to older demographic groups. Financially, the report says, women see themselves as performing better compared to other demographic groups. The dip in financial well-being is mostly about financial security if unable to work, and due to growing concerns about their ability to financially support parents and children. The Cigna research reveal that while being socially isolated is a concern for some, a majority of people in India still believe in the strong family structure and are counting on being taken care of by either their spouse or children in old age. Cigna TTK Health Insurance Company Limited, a stand-alone health insurance company, is a joint venture between the US-based Cigna Corporation and Indian conglomerate TTK Group. Health cover The survey, covering 1,000 respondents in the age group of 25 years and above in 20 cities, found that four in 10 people in India have purchased health insurance for themselves. “The people who claim to be ready for older age are better at planning; they do regular health checks and own insurance. They are also more likely to be married with children, and a high proportion have full-time employment and are more affluent,” notes the report. Most respondents in the survey said private healthcare is superior to public care on every aspect, except cost. As a result, there is a huge preference for private healthcare in India, with the majority utilising this system across all medical conditions. Most respondents are willing to share their healthcare data as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. However, about half of the respondents say they would want to know how their data is being utilised. Being transparent is crucial, though, with about half of the respondents saying they would want to know how their data is being used. “Private healthcare is used more for primary care, dental and eye-care. Potential tradeoff on cost represents an opportunity for an insurer to bridge this healthcare gap,” the report says. Overall wellness

Publication: Biz Dailies Edition: Online

Date: Jul 16, 2018 Page: NA

Even as work and finances are the key reasons for the high level of stress, respondents gave a high score to workplace wellness. About half the respondents in the survey say they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness programme. The majority, 87%, said that workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. The survey shows that India takes the top spot in the overall global well-being index for the fourth year running. The country only showed slight declines in physical, social and family wellness this year, while survey respondents remain optimistic about work and financial well-being. However, the largest percentage falls are in the physical such as weight and nutrition management, followed by sleep-related challenges. In the social pillar, over 50% of people from India said they are not spending sufficient time with friends or have enough time for hobbies. The dip in family well-being is mostly due to growing concerns about the ability to financially support parents and children. The report says a person’s retirement savings plan should include future healthcare expenses and insurance coverage. Workplace wellness plans, regular health checks and investing time in social relationships will help avoid feelings of isolation in retirement. http://www.bizdailies.com/News/BusinessFinancial/Cigna-360-WellBeing-Survey-Work--finances-top-reasons-for-stress-6161633

Indians most stressed globally on work, finance issues: Survey Stress levels are the highest in the country with 89 per cent of survey respondents claiming they suffer from stress on issues such as finances, work, among others, compared with the global average of 86 per cent. This makes India lead the pack of nations that suffer the worst from everyday stress. In comparison people from other developed and emerging countries including the US, Britain, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia feel much less stressed, said a survey by Cigna TTK Health Insurance. In addition, one in eight Indians have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with the millennials suffering more than other groups. What more, nearly, 75 per cent of the respondents in the country do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress, with consultation cost being one of the biggest barriers. The survey, involving nearly 14,500 people in 23 countries, explores people’s perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas – physical, family, social, financial and work. Workplace wellness has emerged as a key theme with 87 per cent of the respondents feeling that workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. The findings show that one in two respondents plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in 10 Indians have purchased health insurance for themselves. Almost 90 per cent of those surveyed are open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. http://www.dailyexcelsior.com/indians-most-stressed-globally-on-work-finance-issues-survey/

Publication: Dailyexcelsior Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

89 per cent of India's population suffering from stress; most don't feel comfortable talking to medical professionals Stress levels seem to be high in India compared to other countries, both developed and emerging, says a survey conducted by Cigna TTK Health Insurance. About 89% of the population in India say they are suffering from stress compared to the global average of 86%. Nearly 75% of respondents here do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress and cite cost as one of the barriers. Work and finances are the key reasons people attribute their stress to. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness programme. The workplace plays an important role in the health and well-being of an employee. Prasun Sikdar, CEO, Cigna TTK Health Insurance, said, "Managing workplace stress is important for corporations, as they can include health and wellness programmes in every employee’s benefits package. Employers can offer practical solutions such as flexi-hours or stress management programmes that include mental wellness. These benefits can boost employee confidence and make them feel that their role in the workplace is really #Future Assured. At the end of the day, good health equals good business". https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/magazines/panache/89-per-cent-of-indias-population-suffering-from-stress-most-dont-feel-comfortable-talking-to-medical-professionals/articleshow/64926633.cms

Publication: The Economic Times App Edition: Online

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: NA

Cigna 360° Well-being Survey Cigna’s (NYSE:CI) India business, Cigna TTK Health Insurance, a joint venture between U.S.-based global health services company, Cigna Corporation and Indian conglomerate TTK Group, today released the results of its 2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey – Future Assured. The findings reveal that stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the United States, UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. About 89 percent of the population in India say they are suffering from stress compared to the global average of 86 percent. In addition, one in eight people have serious trouble in dealing with stress, with Millennials suffering more than other groups. Nearly, 75 percent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress - cost is one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help. Now in its fourth year, the 2018 Survey adopted a more forward-looking approach #Future Assured, exploring people’s perceptions and concerns on health and their sense of well-being across five key areas - physical, family, social, finances and work. This year’s survey is Cigna’s most global yet, talking to nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the world. India takes the top spot in the overall global well-being Index for the fourth year running. The country only showed slight declines in Physical, Social and Family wellness this year, while respondents remain optimistic about Work and Financial well-being. The largest percentage falls are in the Physical area were seen in weight and nutrition management, followed by sleep-related challenges. In the Social pillar, over 50 percent of people from India said they are not spending sufficient time with friends or have enough time for hobbies. The dip in Family well-being is mostly due to growing concerns about the ability to financially support parents and children. WORKPLACE WELLNESS SCORES HIGH Work and finances are the key reasons people gave for their high level of stress. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness program. The majority, 87 percent, said that workplace wellness programs are important in choosing between two potential employers. While current workplace wellness programs are making stress marginally more manageable, it seems there is still plenty of room for improvement. “The workplace plays an important role in the health and well-being of an employee. Managing workplace stress is important for corporations, as they can include health and wellness programs in every employee’s benefits package. Employers can offer practical solutions such as flexi-hours or stress management programs that include mental wellness. These benefits can boost employee confidence and make them feel that their role in the

Publication: Chennai Live news Edition: Online

Date: Page: NA

workplace is really #Future Assured. At the end of the day, good health equals good business,” said Prasun Sikdar, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Cigna TTK Health Insurance. FINANCIAL PREPAREDNESS IS A MAJOR CONCERN The findings show that one in two respondents in India plan to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in ten people in India have purchased health insurance for themselves. The people who claim to be ready for older age are better at planning; they do regular health checks and own insurance. They are also more likely to be married with children, and a high proportion have full time employment and are more affluent. HIGH WILLINGNESS TO SHARE HEALTHCARE DATA In India, private healthcare is perceived to be superior to public care on every aspect, except cost, by a resounding majority. As a result, there is a huge preference for private healthcare in India, with the majority utilizing this system across all medical conditions. There is also a high willingness to share data in India. Almost 90 percent of those surveyed said that they would be open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits for better treatment and lower costs. Being clear about how data will be used is crucial, with about half of the respondents saying they would want to know how their data is being utilized. “Serving the under penetrated market with needs based solutions will continue to play a pivotal role in this sector. We believe that innovation in health insurance is especially important in India, with an increased focus on condition management, blockchain technology, adoption of wearable and portable devices. There are clear advantages from the use of digital health data. As digital health devices evolve, more data will be available about lifestyle and disease management for insurance companies to use proactively”, said Sapna Desai, Head of Marketing and Communications, Cigna TTK Health Insurance 2018 CIGNA 360° WELL-BEING SURVEY – FUTURE ASSURED The 2018 Cigna 360o Well-being Survey 2018 drew on 14,467 online interviews conducted between February to March 2018, across 23 countries and territories, and can be downloaded https://bit.ly/2u2revW About Cigna TTK Health Insurance Company Limited Cigna TTK Health Insurance Company Limited is a joint venture between the U.S. based global health services leader, Cigna Corporation and Indian conglomerate TTK Group. Cigna Corporation (NYSE:CI) maintains sales capability in 30 countries and jurisdictions and has more than 95 million customer relationships worldwide. TTK is widely recognized across India for its reputation for quality consumer products and services that spans across eight decades. http://www.chennailivenews.com/Health/News/20183717033712/Cigna-360-Well-being-Survey.aspx

Beat the stress A recent survey concluded that Indians are the most stressed about work and financial issues globally. The survey by Cigna TTK Health Insurance involved nearly 14,500 people in 23 countries, exploring people’s perceptions and concerns related to several factors like physical health, family life, social life, financial status and work situations. Where are Indian millennials headed in terms of their life quality and what measures can be taken to turn the situation around? “It is extremely important to have a work-life balance. Most countries in the West are trying to implement a work-life balance by offering a vast support system at work. Work-life balance is an individual’s ability to maintain an equilibrium between work, home and self. It aims to achieve the perfect amount of time in each of the areas without spilling over to the other,” says Mamta Shah, consultant clinical psychologist and psychotherapist. She further adds, “Indians hold work in the highest esteem leading to a compromise in other areas. This in turn tips the work-life balance to one side leading to high pressure and stress situations. Support systems at work, home and individually are of utmost importance for things to turn around. Having a work environment which caters to flexible working hours or working from home can be helpful for individuals who don’t live in joint families or don’t have support at home. Taking care of one’s emotional health and going to a therapist, although a taboo in India, is extremely important to help one deal with stress. Investing in a hobby can also release a lot of stress.” On the other hand, life coach Suneel Vatsyayan feels that most people do not even realise they are under stress. He says, “A profession gives us an identity but it comes with certain expectations. What we are missing is empowering workplaces because of negative/envious/cut throat competitiveness. People are often trying to hide their problems from their family members due to stigma or lack of trust. Talking about finance and work pressure in the family is a taboo. Even parents find it hard to discuss openly about financial difficulties one is facing at work.” While there is much stigma attached to admitting that one is under stress, psychiatrist and psychotherapist Samir Parikh is against comparisons with other nations. “Work creates stress all over the world for people. Only saying India has a lot of stress in terms of work won’t be fair. Yes, India is stressed out but there is a remedy. The solution to this is people shouldn’t be ready to work from home all the time. Organisations keep checking on the physical well being of their employees through various tests but there is nothing done for mental health. This is critical as stress levels can fall if the company takes care of their employees and ensures mental health relief,” says Samir. De-stressing can also include yoga, meditation, adequate sleep, a restful annual vacation and pursuing hobbies etc. “Yes, it’s true that Indians are the most stressed people in the world. According to the WHO statistics, every one out of three Indians is under stress. Also according to the WHO statistics, Delhi and NCR has the highest

Publication: The Asian Age Edition: Online

Date: Jul 18, 2018 Page: NA

number of depressed and anxious people in the world. This could also be because India has such a huge population. The advent of social media also creates a variety of psychological illnesses. Pollution is also known to cause hormonal imbalance leading to depression and anxiety,” says senior psychologist Akshay Kumar. He adds that research by Robert Emmons and Michael McCullough, at University of California, stated that people who wrote about five things they were grateful for during the day, every night before they slept, were happier and more successful than people who did not write them. “There can be a number of things which can be done: don’t hesitate to ask for help. Go to a professional counsellor or psychologist and things will get fine. It is also important to be satisfied with what you have achieved. Enjoy your present moment to the fullest and be grateful for what you have.” http://www.asianage.com/life/more-features/180718/beat-the-stress.html

Beat the stress A recent survey concluded that Indians are the most stressed about work and financial issues globally. The survey by Cigna TTK Health Insurance involved nearly 14,500 people in 23 countries, exploring people’s perceptions and concerns related to several factors like physical health, family life, social life, financial status and work situations. Where are Indian millennials headed in terms of their life quality and what measures can be taken to turn the situation around? “It is extremely important to have a work-life balance. Most countries in the West are trying to implement a work-life balance by offering a vast support system at work. Work-life balance is an individual’s ability to maintain an equilibrium between work, home and self. It aims to achieve the perfect amount of time in each of the areas without spilling over to the other,” says Mamta Shah, consultant clinical psychologist and psychotherapist. She further adds, “Indians hold work in the highest esteem leading to a compromise in other areas. This in turn tips the work-life balance to one side leading to high pressure and stress situations. Support systems at work, home and individually are of utmost importance for things to turn around. Having a work environment which caters to flexible working hours or working from home can be helpful for individuals who don’t live in joint families or don’t have support at home. Taking care of one’s emotional health and going to a therapist, although a taboo in India, is extremely important to help one deal with stress. Investing in a hobby can also release a lot of stress.” On the other hand, life coach Suneel Vatsyayan feels that most people do not even realise they are under stress. He says, “A profession gives us an identity but it comes with certain expectations. What we are missing is empowering workplaces because of negative/envious/cut throat competitiveness. People are often trying to hide their problems from their family members due to stigma or lack of trust. Talking about finance and work pressure in the family is a taboo. Even parents find it hard to discuss openly about financial difficulties one is facing at work.” While there is much stigma attached to admitting that one is under stress, psychiatrist and psychotherapist Samir Parikh is against comparisons with other nations. “Work creates stress all over the world for people. Only saying India has a lot of stress in terms of work won’t be fair. Yes, India is stressed out but there is a remedy. The solution to this is people shouldn’t be ready to work from home all the time. Organisations keep checking on the physical well being of their employees through various tests but there is nothing done for mental health. This is critical as stress levels can fall if the company takes care of their employees and ensures mental health relief,” says Samir. De-stressing can also include yoga, meditation, adequate sleep, a restful annual vacation and pursuing hobbies etc. “Yes, it’s true that Indians are the most stressed people in the world. According to the WHO statistics, every one out of three Indians is under stress. Also according to the WHO statistics, Delhi and NCR has the highest

Publication: Pressreader Edition: Online

Date: Jul 18, 2018 Page: NA

number of depressed and anxious people in the world. This could also be because India has such a huge population. The advent of social media also creates a variety of psychological illnesses. Pollution is also known to cause hormonal imbalance leading to depression and anxiety,” says senior psychologist Akshay Kumar. He adds that research by Robert Emmons and Michael McCullough, at University of California, stated that people who wrote about five things they were grateful for during the day, every night before they slept, were happier and more successful than people who did not write them. “There can be a number of things which can be done: don’t hesitate to ask for help. Go to a professional counsellor or psychologist and things will get fine. It is also important to be satisfied with what you have achieved. Enjoy your present moment to the fullest and be grateful for what you have.” https://www.pressreader.com/oldbrowser?redirectUrl=/pressdisplay/viewer.aspx?issue=13922018071800000000001001&page=21&article=1882002290


भभभभ भभभ भभभभ भभ भभभभ भभभभ, 8 भभभ भभ 1 भभभभभभभ भभभभभ भभभ भभ कर भभभ भभ

भभभभभभ भभ भभभभभ: भभभभभभ

July 09, 2018 भभभभभभ और कई भभभभभ भभभभभ भभ भभभभभ भभभ भभभभ भभभ भभभभ भभ भभभभ भभभभ भभभ भभभभ भभ लगभग 89 भभभभभभभ भभभभभ भभ भभभभ भभ भभ भभ 86 भभभभभभभ भभ भभभभभभभ भभभभ भभ भभभभभ भभभ भभभभ भभ भभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभ भभभभ भभभभभ आठ भभभ भभ एक भभभभभभभ भभ भभभभ भभ भभभभभभ भभभ भभभभभ भभभ भभ भभभभभभ भभ भभभभभ भभभभ भभभभभ भभभ

भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभ भभभभभभभभभभ भभ भभभभभभ भभ भभभभ भभभभभभ '360भभभभभभ भभभ-भभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ-भभभभभभ भभभभभभभभ' भभ भभभभभभ भभभभ भभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभ भभभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ भभभभ भभभभभ, भभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभभ और भभभभभभ भभभभ, भभभभभभ भभभभभ भभ भभभभभभभ भभभभभ भभभ

भभभभ भभभभ एक भभभभ भभ भभभभभभ, यह भभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभभ, भभभभभभभ, भभभभभभ,

भभभभभभ, भभभ, भभभभभभभ और भभभभभभभभभभ भभभभ 23 भभभभभ भभभ भभभभ भभभभ भभभभभ 14,467 भभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभभभ भभभ गए। भभभभ भभ भभभभभभ, भभभभभभभभभ भभभ भभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ - भभभभभभभ, भभभभभभभभभ, भभभभभभभ, भभभभभभभ भभभ भभभभभ- भभभ भभभभभभभभभ भभ भभभभ भभभ भभभभ समझ पर भभभभभ भभ भभभ भभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभभ भभभभ

भभभभभभभभभ भभ भभभभभभभभभ भभ भभभभभभ, भभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभ भभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभ भभभभ ऊपर भभभभ इस भभभभ भभभभ भभभ भभभभभभभ, भभभभभभभ भभभ भभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ भभभ भभभभभ-भभ भभभभभभ भभभभभ भभ भभभभ, भभभभ भभभभभ भभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ भभ भभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ भभ भभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभ भभभभ भभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभ भभभभभ भभ भभभभ, भभ वजन भभभ भभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभ भभभभभभभभभ भभभ, भभभभ भभभ भभभभ-भभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभभ भभ भभभभभ भभभभ

भभभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभ, भभभभ भभ 50 भभभभभभभ भभ भभभभ भभभभभ भभ भभभ भभ भभ भभभभभभभ भभ भभभ भभभभभभभभ समय भभभभ भभभभ भभभभ भभभ भभ भभभभ भभभ भभभभ भभभ भभ भभभभभ भभ भभभभ भभ भभभ भभभभभभभभ समय भभभभ भभभ भभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ

भभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभ आई भभ भभ भभभभ-भभभभ और भभभभभभ भभ भभभभभभ भभभ भभ भभभभभभ भभभभ भभ भभभभभभ भभ भभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभ भभभभ

भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभ भभभभभभभभभभ भभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभ भभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभ भभ भभभ, 'भभभभभभभभभ भभभभ भभभभभभभभ भभ

Publication: News State Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

भभभभभभभभभ भभभ भभभभभभ भभभ भभभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभ भभभभभभभभभभभ भभभभ भभ भभभ भभभभ भभभभभभभभ भभ भभभ भभभभभभभभभभ भभभ' http://www.newsstate.com/health-news/india-sees-high-level-of-stress-dut-to-work-and-finance-related-issues-survey-latest-news-article-57708.html

सरव म खलासा, भारत म तजी स बढ रहा ह तनारव का सतर

वरवकवसत और कई उभरत दशो की तलना म भारत म तनारव का सतर बड रप म ह। भारत क करीब 89 फीसदी लोग म स 86 फीसदी

रवविक सतर की तलना म तनारव स अविक पीवडत ह। मबई समत बड शहरो म इस रप स तजी स बढ रहा ह। हर आठ स म स एक

वयवि अपन तनारव स वनकलन क वलए परशावनयो का सामना कर रहा ह। वसगना टीटीक हलथ इशयोरस न अपन वसगना '360विगरी रवल-

बीइग सरवकषण-फयचर एशयोिड' की एक ररपोटड जारी की ह।

दरअसल वसगना टीटीक हलथ इशयोरस अमररका वसथत रवविक सरवासय सरवा क पनी, वसगना कॉपोरशन और भारतीय समह, टीटीक गरप

का सयि रवचर ह। इसन बताया ह कक ककस तरह स भारत म रवविक सतर क कारण लोग तनारव का सामना कर रह ह। रवस यह सरव

अमररका, विटन, जमडनी, फास, चीन, िाजील और इिोनवशया सवहत 23 दशो म ककया गया। रवविक सतर क कारण भारत म लोग

सबस जयादा तनारव का सामना क रह ह।

इस सरव क दौरान 14,467 ऑनलाइन इटरवय वलए गए। वजसक बाद य सामन आया कक भारत लगातार चौथी साल इस सतर म सबस

ऊपर ह। लककन इस साल भारत म शारीररक, सामावजक और पारररवाररक सरवासय म हलकी-सी वगरारवट दखन को वमली, जबकक

कायड और वरवततीय सरवासय क परवत भागीदारो की पररववतत आशारवादी रही। शरीररक कषतर म य वगरारवट दखन को वमली ह।

सामन आया ह कक रवजन घटान और सरवासय क परवत लोगो अगरसर हो रह ह। सबस लासट म नीद-सबिी परररवतडनो का सथान रहा।

इस ररसचड क पररणामो क मतावबक, भारत लगातार चौथ साल सपणड रवविक सरवासय सचकाक म सबस ऊपर रहा। रवही, इस साल

भारत म शारीररक, सामावजक और पारररवाररक सरवासय म हलकी-सी वगरारवट दखन को वमली, जबकक कायड और वरवततीय सरवासय क

परवत भागीदारो की पररववतत आशारवादी रही।


Publication: Lokmat News Edition: Online

Date: Jul 11, 2018 Page: NA

भभभभभ भभभ भभभभभभ, भभभभ भभभ भभभभ भभ भभभ भभभ भभ भभभभ भभ भभभभ

भभभभभभ और कई भभभभभ भभभभभ भभ भभभभभ भभभ भभभभ भभभ भभभभ भभ भभभभ भभभभ भभभ भभ भभभ भभभभ भभ भभभभ 89 भभभभभ भभभ भभभ भभ 86 भभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभ भभ भभभभभ भभभ भभभभ भभ भभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभ भभभभभ भभभभ भभभभ भभभभभ भभभ इस भभभ भभ भभभभ भभ भभभ भभभ भभभ हर आठ भभ भभभ भभ एक भभभभभभभ भभभभ भभभभ भभ भभभभभभ भभ भभभ भभभभभभभभभभ भभ भभभभभ कर भभभ भभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभ भभभभभभभभभभ भभ भभभभ भभभभभभ '360भभभभभभ भभभ-भभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ-भभभभभभ भभभभभभभभ' भभ एक भभभभभभभ भभभभ भभ भभभ

दरअसल भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभ भभभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ भभभभ भभभभभ, भभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभभ और भभभभभभ भभभभ, भभभभभभ भभभभभ भभ भभभभभभभ भभभभभ भभभ भभभभ भभभभभ भभ भभ भभभ तरह भभ भभभभ भभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभ भभ भभभभ भभभ भभभभ भभ भभभभभ कर भभभ भभभभ भभभभ यह भभभभभ भभभभभभभ, भभभभभभभ, भभभभभभ, भभभभभभ, भभभ, भभभभभभभ और भभभभभभभभभभ भभभभ 23 भभभभभ भभभ भभभभ भभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभ भभ भभभभ भभभभ भभभ भभभ भभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभ भभ भभभभभ क भभभ भभभभ

इस भभभभभ भभ भभभभभ 14,467 भभभभभभ भभभभभभभभ भभभ गए। भभभभभ भभभ भभ भभभभभ भभभ भभ भभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभ भभभ इस भभभभ भभभ भभभभ ऊपर भभभ भभभभभ इस भभभ भभभभ भभभ

भभभभभभभ, भभभभभभभ और भभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ भभभ भभभभभ-भभ भभभभभभ भभभभभ भभ भभभभ, भभभभ भभभभभ और भभभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ भभ भभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ भभ भभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभ भभ भभभभभभ भभभभभ भभ भभभभ भभभ

भभभभभ भभभ भभ भभ वजन भभभभभ और भभभभभभभभभ भभ भभभभभ भभभभभ भभभभभभ भभ भभभ भभभभ भभभभ भभभभभ भभभ भभभभ-भभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभभ भभ भभभभभ भभभभ इस भभभभभभ भभ भभभभभभभभ भभ भभभभभभभ, भभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभ भभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभ भभभभ ऊपर भभभभ भभभ, इस भभभ भभभभ भभभ भभभभभभभ, भभभभभभभ और भभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ भभभ भभभभभ-भभ भभभभभभ भभभभभ भभ भभभभ, भभभभ भभभभभ और भभभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ भभ भभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ भभ भभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभ


Publication: News Dog Edition: Online

Date: Jul 11, 2018 Page: NA

भभभभ भभभ भभभभ भभ भभभभ भभभभ: भभभभभभ

वरवकवसत और कई उभरत दशो की तलना म भारत म तनारव का सतर अविक ह. भारत की लगभग 89 फीसदी आबादी का कहना ह

कक रव 86 फीसदी क रवविक सतर की तलना म तनारव स अविक पीवडत ह. इसक अलारवा आठ म स एक वयवि को तनारव स वनपटन

म गभीर रप स कदककत का सामना करना पडता ह. (तसरवीर: गगल फी इमज)

वसगना टीटीक हलथ इशयोरस न सोमरवार को अपन वसगना '360विगरी रवल-बीइग सरवकषण-फयचर एशयोिड' की एक ररपोटड जारी की ह.

वसगना टीटीक हलथ इशयोरस अमररका वसथत रवविक सरवासय सरवा क पनी, वसगना कॉपोरशन और भारतीय समह, टीटीक गरप का

सयि रवचर ह. (तसरवीर: गगल फी इमज)

यह सरव अमररका, विटन, जमडनी, फास, चीन, िाजील और इिोनवशया सवहत 23 दशो म ककया गया और इसम 14,467

ऑनलाइन इटरवय वलए गए. (तसरवीर: गगल फी इमज)

ररसचड क पररणामो क मतावबक, भारत लगातार चौथ साल सपणड रवविक सरवासय सचकाक म सबस ऊपर रहा. इस साल भारत म

शारीररक, सामावजक और पारररवाररक सरवासय म हलकी-सी वगरारवट दखन को वमली, जबकक कायड और वरवततीय सरवासय क परवत

भागीदारो की पररववतत आशारवादी रही. (तसरवीर: गगल फी इमज)

सबस अविक वगरारवट शारीररक कषतर म दखन को वमली, जो रवजन और पोषण परबिन म पररलवकषत हई. कफर उसक बाद नीद-

सबिी परररवतडनो का सथान रहा. (तसरवीर: गगल फी इमज)

ररसचड क पररणामो क मतावबक, भारत लगातार चौथ साल सपणड रवविक सरवासय सचकाक म सबस ऊपर रहा. इस साल भारत म

शारीररक, सामावजक और पारररवाररक सरवासय म हलकी-सी वगरारवट दखन को वमली, जबकक कायड और वरवततीय सरवासय क परवत

भागीदारो की पररववतत आशारवादी रही. (तसरवीर: गगल फी इमज)

सबस अविक वगरारवट शारीररक कषतर म दखन को वमली, जो रवजन और पोषण परबिन म पररलवकषत हई. कफर उसक बाद नीद-

सबिी परररवतडनो का सथान रहा. (तसरवीर: गगल फी इमज)

य ररसचड क दारव पर ह. ABP नयज इसकी पवि नही करता. आप ककसी भी सझारव पर अमल या इलाज शर करन स पहल अपन

एकसपटड की सलाह जरर ल ल. https://abpnews.abplive.in/photo-gallery/research-increase-the-level-of-stress-in-india-908720

Publication: ABP News Edition: Online

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: NA


भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभ, भभभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभ

भभभभभभ भभभ भभभभ भभभभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभ भभभभ भभभ. भभभभभभभभ भभभभभभ ८९ भभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ ८६ भभभभभ भभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभ भभभभभ भभभभभ भभभभ. भभभभभभभ भभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभ भभभ. भभभभभभभभ ८ भभभभ एक भभभभभभभ भभभभभभभभ भभभभभ भभभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभभभ

भभभभभ करत भभभ. भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभ भभभभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभ भभभभभभभभभभभभ भभ भभभभ भभभभ भभभ. भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ भभ भभभभभभभभभभ एक भभभभभभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभ भभभभभभ भभभ. भभ भभभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभभ, भभभभभभभ,

भभभभभभ, भभभभभभभ, भभभभभ २३ भभभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभ. भभभ भभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभ. भभ भभभभभभभभभभभभभभ, १४, ४६७ भभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभभभभभ. भभभभभ भभभर भभभ भभ, भभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभ भभ भभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभ वर भभभ. पण भभभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभभ, भभभभभभभ भभभ भभभभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभभभ भभभभ भभभभभभ भभभ भभभ. भभ भभभभभभभभभभ भभभभ भभभ भभ, वजन भभभ भभभभभभभभभभ भभभ भभभभभभभभभभभभभ भभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभ. भभभभभभ भभभभभ भभभभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभभभ भभभभभ भभभभभभ. http://www.lokmat.com/health/health-survey-indians-most-stressed-globally-work-financial-issues-says-survey/

Publication: Lokmat Edition: Online

Date: Jul 11, 2018 Page: NA

भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभ, भभभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभ

भभभभभभ भभभ भभभभ भभभभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभ भभभभ भभभ. भभभभभभभभ भभभभभभ ८९ भभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ ८६ भभभभभ भभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभ भभभभभ भभभभभ भभभभ. भभभभभभभ भभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभ भभभ. भभभभभभभभ ८ भभभभ एक भभभभभभभ भभभभभभभभ भभभभभ भभभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभभभ

भभभभभ करत भभभ. भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभ भभभभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभ भभभभभभभभभभभभ भभ भभभभ भभभभ भभभ. भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ भभ भभभभभभभभभभ एक भभभभभभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभ भभभभभभ भभभ. भभ भभभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभभ, भभभभभभभ,

भभभभभभ, भभभभभभभ, भभभभभ २३ भभभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभ. भभभ भभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभ. भभ भभभभभभभभभभभभभभ, १४, ४६७ भभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभभभभभ. भभभभभ भभभभ भभभ भभ, भभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभ भभ भभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभ वर भभभ. पण भभभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभभ, भभभभभभभ भभभ भभभभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभभभ भभभभ भभभभभभ भभभ भभभ. भभ भभभभभभभभभभ भभभभ भभभ भभ, वजन भभभ भभभभभभभभभभ भभभ भभभभभभभभभभभभभ भभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभ. भभभभभभ भभभभभ भभभभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभभभ भभभभभ भभभभभभ. https://amarvani.news/%E0%A4%AD%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%B0%E0%A4%A4%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%A4-%E0%A4%B5%E0%A5%87%E0%A4%97%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%A8%E0%A5%87-%E0%A4%B5%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%A2%E0%A4%A4%E0%A5%8B%E0%A4%AF-%E0%A4%A4%E0%A4%A3%E0%A4%BE/43649

Publication: Amarvani News Edition: Online

Date: Jul 11, 2018 Page: NA


भभभभभभभ: भभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभ! Posted By: Mahesh Updated: Tuesday, July 10, 2018

ಬಂಗಳೂರು, ಜುಲೈ 10 : ಸಗನಾ ಟಟಕ ಇನೂೂರನಸ , ಅಮರಕ ಮೂಲದ ಆರೂೋಗಯ ಸೋವನ ಕಂಪನಯನದ ಸಗನಾ

ಕನರಪೊರೋಷನಸ ಹನಗೂ ಭನರತೋಯ ಉದಯಮ ಸಮೂಹವನದ ಟಟಕ ಗೂೂಪ‍ನ ಜಂಟ ಸಹಭನಗತವದ ಕಂಪನಯನಗದುು, ಇಂದು

2018 ಸಗನಾ 360 ಸಗೂ ಕಷೋಮ ಸಮೋಕಷ- ಭವಷಯದ ಖನತೂಯ 2018 ಸಗನಾ 360 ಡಗೂ ವಲ‍ಬೋಯಂಗ ಸವೊ- ಫಪಯಚರ

ಅಶೂೂರಡೊ ಫಲತನಂಶವನುಾ ಬಡುಗಡ ಮನಡದ. ಈ ಫಲತನಂಶಗಳಂದ ತಳದುಬಂದಂತ, ಇತರ ಅಭವೃದಧಶೋಲ ದೋಶಗಳು ಮತುು

ಅಮರಕ, ಇಂಗಲಂರಡ, ಜಮೊನ, ಫನೂನಸ , ಚೋನನ, ಬೂಜಲ ಮತುು ಇಂಡೂೋನೋಷನಯಗಳಗ ಹೂೋಲಸದರ ಅಭವೃದಧ ಹೂಂದಧದ

ದೋಶಗಳಗ ಹೂೋಲಸದರ ಭನರತದಲಲ ಒತುಡದ ಪೂಮನಣ ಅತಯಧಕ. ಭನರತವು ಮಹಳಯರಗ ಅಪನಯಕನರ ದೋಶವಲಲ: ಮಹಳನ


ಇದಧೋಗ ನನಲಕನೋ ವಷೊದ ಸಮೋಕಷಯಲಲ ಭವಷಯದ ಚಂತನಯ ದೃಷಟಕೂೋನವನುಾ ಹಚನಾಗ ಅಳವಡಸಕೂಳಳಲನಗದುು, ಫಪಯಚರ

ಅಶೂೂರಡೊ ಸಮೋಕಷಯಲಲ ಜನರ ಆರೋಗಯ ಬಗಗನ ತಳವಳಕ ಮತುು ಕಳಕಳಯನುಾ ತಳದುಕೂಳುಳವ ಪೂಯತಾ ಮನಡಲನಗದ. ಜತಗ

ದೈಹಕ, ಕುಟುಂಬ, ಸನಮನಜಕ, ಹಣಕನಸು ಮತುು ವೃತು ಹೋಗ ಐದು ಪೂಮುಖ ಕಷೋತೂಗಳಲಲನ ಕಷೋಮ ಬಗಗನ ಭನವನಯನುಾ

ತಳದುಕೂಳುಳವ ಪೂಯತಾ ಮನಡದ. ಈ ವಷೊದ ಸಮೋಕಷಯು ಸಗನಾದ ಅತಯಂತ ವಸುøತ ಸನವೊತೂಕ ಸಮೋಕಷಯನಗದುು,

14500ಕೂಕ ಅಧಕ ಜನರನುಾ ವಶವದ 23ಕೂಕ ಹಚುಾ ಮನರುಕಟಟಗಳಲಲ ಸಂಪರಕೊಸಲನಗದ.

ಕಷೋಮ ಸೂಚಯಂಕದಲಲ ಅಗೂಸನಾನ ಸತತ ನನಲಕನೋ ವಷೊ ಕೂಡನ ಭನರತ ಜನಗತಕ ಮಟದಲಲ ಒಟನರ ಕಷೋಮ ಸೂಚಯಂಕದಲಲ

ಅಗೂಸನಾನವನುಾ ಮುಂದುವರಸಕೂಂಡು ಹೂೋಗದ. ಭನರತ ದೈಹಕ, ಸನಮನಜಕ ಹನಗೂ ಕುಟುಂಬ ಕಷೋಮದಲಲ ಅಲಪ ಇಳಕಯನುಾ

ದನಖಲಸದ. ಆದರ, ಉದೂಯೋಗ ಮತುು ಹಣಕನಸು ಕಷೋತೂದ ಕಲನಯಣದ ಬಗ ಸಮೋಕಷಯಲಲ ಪನಲೂಂಡ ವಯರಕುಗಳು ಆಶನಭನವನ

ವಯಕುಪಡಸದನುರ. ದೈಹಕ ಕಷೋತೂದಲಲ ಗರಷಠ ಶೋಕಡನವನರು ಇಳಕ ಕಂಡುಬಂದಧದುು, ತೂಕ ಹನಗೂ ಪಷಟಕನಂಶ ನವೊಹಣ

ಮತುು ನದುಗ ಸಂಬಂಧಸದ ಸವನಲುಗಳು ಇದಕಕ ಕನರಣ. ಸನಮನಜಕ ಸುಂಭ ಕಷೋತೂದಲಲ, ಭನರತದ ಶೋಕಡ 50ರಕಕಂತಲೂ ಅಧಕ

ಮಂದಧ, ತನವು ಸಾೋಹತರ ಜತ ಸನಕಷು ಸಮಯ ಕಳಯುತುೋವ ಅಥವನ ಹವನಯಸಗಳಗ ಸನಕಷು ಸಮಯನವಕನಶ ಸಗುತುದ ಎಂದು

ಪೂತರಕೂಯಸದನುರ. ಕುಟುಂಬ ಕಷೋಮ ಕಷೋತೂದ ಇಳಕಗ ಪೂಮುಖ ಕನರಣ, ರಪೋಷಕರು ಹನಗೂ ಮಕಕಳಗ ಹಣಕನಸು ಬಂಬಲ ನೋಡುವ

ಸನಮಥೂಯಕಕ ಸಂಬಂಧಸದ ಆತಂಕಗಳು. ವೃದರ ಶೂೋಷಣ: ಮಂಗಳೂರು ನಂ.1: ಸಮೋಕಷ ವರದಧ

ಉದೂಯೋಗಸಾಳದ ಕಷೋಮಕಕ ಅತಯಧಕ ಅಂಕ ಜನತ ವಯಕುಡಸದ ಅಭಪನೂಯದಂತ ಕಲಸ ಮತುು ಹಣಕನಸು ವಷಯಗಳು ಅತಯಧಕ

ಪೂಮನಣದ ಒತುಡಕಕ ಕನರಣ. ಆದನಗೂಯ ಉದೂಯೋಗ ಸಾಳದ ಕಷೋಮವು ಒಟನರ ಅತಯಧಕ ಅಂಕಗಳನುಾ ದನಖಲಸದ. ಸಮೋಕಷಗ

ಒಳಪಡಸದ ಶೋಕಡ 50ರಕಕಂತ ಅಧಕ ಮಂದಧ ಉದೂಯೋಗಕಷೋತೂದ ಕಲನಯಣ ಕನಯೊಕೂಮಗಳಗ ತಮಗ ಬಂಬಲ ದೂರರಕದ ಹನಗೂ ತನವು

ಅದರಲಲ ಪನಲೂಂಡದುೋವ ಎಂಬ ಅಭಪನೂಯ ವಯಕುಪಡಸದನುರ. ಬಹುಪನಲು ಅಂದರ ಶೋಕಡ 87ರಷು ಮಂದಧ,

ಉದೂಯೋಗಸಾಳದ ಕಲನಯಣ ಕನಯೊಕೂಮಗಳು ಎರಡು ಸಂಭನವಯ ಉದೂಯೋಗದನತರನುಾ ಆಯಕಕ ಮನಡುವಲಲ ಮಹತವದ ಅಂಶ ಎಂಬ

ಅಂಶವನುಾ ಬಹರಂಗಪಡಸದನುರ. ಪೂಸುುತ ಉದೂಯೋಗ ಸಾಳದ ಕಲನಯಣ ಕನಯೊಕೂಮಗಳು ಅಲಪಮಟದ ಒತುಡಕಕ ಕನರಣವನದರೂ

ಇದು ಬಹುತೋಕ ನವೊಹಸಬಹುದನದ ಅಂಶ. ಇದರಲಲ ಇನಾಷು ಸುಧನರಣಗ ಅವಕನಶವದ ಎಂದು ಬಹುತೋಕ ಮಂದಧ

ಅಭಪನೂಯಪಟದನುರ. ಭನರತದ 570 ಜಲಲಗಳಲಲ ಆರಥೊಕ ಅಭವೃದಧ ಕುಂಠತ: ಅಧಯಯನ

ಒಳಳಯ ಆರೂೋಗಯವೋ ಒಳಳಯ ವಯವಹನರ "ಉದೂಯೋಗಸಾಳವು ಪೂತಯಬಬ ಉದೂಯೋಗಯ ಆರೂೋಗಯ ಮತುು ಕಲನಯಣದಲಲ

ಮಹತವದ ಪನತೂ ವಹಸುತುದ. ಉದೂಯೋಗಕಷೋತೂದ ಒತುಡವನುಾ ನವೊಹಸುವುದು ಕನರಪೊರೋಟ ವಲಯದಲಲ ಮಹತವದುು;

ಏಕಂದರ ಉದೂಯೋಗಗಳ ಲನಭದ ಪನಯಕೋಜ‍ನಲಲ ಕನರಪೊರೋಟ ಕಂಪನಗಳು ಆರೂೋಗಯ ಮತುು ಕಲನಯಣ ವಷಯವನೂಾ

Publication: One India Kannada Edition: Online

Date: Jul 10, 2018 Page: NA

ಸೋರಸರುತನುರ. ಉದೂಯೋಗದನತರು ಕಲಸದ ಅವಧಯನುಾ ಸಡಲಸುವುದು ಅಥವನ ಮನನಸಕ ಕಲನಯಣ ಸೋರದಂತ ಒತುಡ ನವನರಣ

ಯೋಜನಗಳಗ ಪನೂಯೋಗಕ ಪರಹನರವನುಾ ನೋಡಬಹುದು. ಇಂಥ ಸಲಭಯಗಳು ಉದೂಯೋಗಗಳ ವಶನವಸವನುಾ ಹಚಾಸಲದುು,

ಉದೂಯೋಗಸಾಳದಲಲ ತಮಮ ಪನತೂ ಮಹತವದುು ಎಂಬ ಭನವನ ಅವರಲಲ ಬಳಯುತುದ ಹನಗೂ ಭವಷಯದ ಬಗ ಖನತೂ

ಇರುತುದ. ದಧನದ ಕೂನಗ ಒಳಳಯ ಆರೂೋಗಯವೋ ಒಳಳಯ ವಯವಹನರ" ಎಂದು ಸಗನಾ ಟಟಕ ಹಲು ಇನೂೂರನಸಸ‍ನ ಆಡಳತ

ನದೋೊಶಕ & ಮುಖಯ ಕನಯೊನವೊಹಣನಧಕನರ ಪೂಸೂನಸ ಸಕುರ ಹೋಳುತನುರ.

ಹಣಕನಸು ಸನಾದತಯಕೋ ಪೂಮುಖ ಆತಂಕ ಸಮೋಕಷಯಂದ ತಳದುಬಂದಂತ, ಭನರತದಲಲ ಸಮೋಕಷಗ ಒಳಪಟ ಪೂತ ಇಬಬರ ರೈರಕ

ಒಬಬರು, ತಮಮ ಉಳತನಯದಧಂದ ವೈದಯರಕೋಯ ವಚಾವನುಾ ವೃದನಪಯದಲಲ ಭರಸಲು ಯೋಜನ ಹನರಕಕೂಂಡದನುರ. ವೈದಯರಕೋಯ

ವಚಾಕನಕಗ ವಮಯನುಾ ಆಯಕಕ ಮನಡಕೂಂಡರುವವರು ನಂತರದ ಸನಾನದಲಲದನುರ. ಭನರತದ ಪೂತ 10 ಮಂದಧಯ ರೈರಕ

ನನಲವರು, ಸವತಃ ತನವೋ ಆರೂೋಗಯ ವಮಯನುಾ ಖರೋದಧಸದನುರ. ವೃದನಪಯಕಕ ತನವು ಸದ ಎಂದು ಪೂತಪನದಧಸುವ ವಯರಕುಗಳು

ಉತುಮ ಯೋಜನಗಳನುಾ ರೂಪಸುವಲಲ ಮುಂಚೂಣಯಲಲದನುರ. ಇವರು ನಯತವನಗ ಆರೂಗಯ ತಪನಸಣ ಮನಡಸುತನುರ

ಹನಗೂ ವಮ ಮನಡಸುತನುರ. ಇವರು ಸನಮನನಯವನಗ ಮಕಕಳ ಮದುವ ಮನಡರುತನುರ. ಈ ರೈರಕ ಬಹುತೋಕ ಮಂದಧ ಪಪಣೊಕನಲಕ

ಉದೂಯೋಗಗಳು ಹನಗೂ ಶೂೋಮಂತವಗೊದವರು.

ಆರೂೋಗಯಮನಹತ ಹಂಚಕೂಳಳಲು ಉತುಕ ಭನರತದಲಲ ಖನಸಗ ಆರೂೋಗಯ ಸೋವನ ಕಷೋತೂವು ಸನವೊಜನಕರಗ ಪೂತ ಆಯನಮಗಳಲಲ

ಶೂೋಷಠ ಸೋವಯನುಾ ಒದಗಸುತುದ. ವಚಾವನುಾ ಹೂರತುಪಡಸದರ, ಖನಸಗ ಆರೂೋಗಯಸೋವ ಅತುಯತುಮ ಎನುಾವುದು ಬಹುತೋಕ

ಮಂದಧಯ ಅಭಮತ. ಇದರ ಪರಣನಮವನಗ ಭನರತದಲಲ ಖನಸಗ ವಲಯದ ಆರೂೋಗಯ ಸೋವಗ ಹಚಾನ ಆದಯತ ನೋಡಲನಗುತುದ.

ಎಲಲ ವೈದಯರಕೋಯ ಸಾತಯಲಲ ಜನ ಇದನಾೋ ಬಹುತೋಕ ಬಳಕ ಮನಡಕೂಳುಳತನುರ. ಭನರತದಲಲ ಇನೂಾಂದು ವೈಶಷಯವಂದರ

ತಮಮ ಆರೂೋಗಯ ಮನಹತಗಳನುಾ ಹಂಚಕೂಳುಳವಲಲ ಜನರಗ ಅತೋವ ಆಸರಕು. ಸಮೋಕಷಗ ಒಳಪಡಸದ ವಯರಕುಗಳ ರೈರಕ ಶೋಕಡ

90ರಷು ಮಂದಧ, ತಮಮ ಆರೂೋಗಯ ಮನಹತಗಳನುಾ ಹಂಚಕೂಳಳಲು ಮುಕು ಮನಸನಂದ ಇರುವುದನಗ ಹೋಳದನುರ. ಇದು ವಚಾ

ಕಡಮಯನಗಲು ಮತುು ಉತುಮ ಚರಕತಗ ನರವನಗುತುದ ಎನುಾವುದು ಅವರ ಸಪಷ ಅಭಪನೂಯ. ಈ ಆರೂೋಗಯ ಮನಹತಯನುಾ

ಹೋಗ ಬಳಕ ಮನಡಕೂಳುಳತನಾರ ಎನುಾವುದು ಮುಖಯವನಗದುು, ಶೋಕಡ 50ರಷು ಮಂದಧ ತಮಮ ಆರೂೋಗಯ ಮನಹತಗಳನುಾ ಹೋಗ

ಬಳಸಕೂಳಳಲನಗುತುದ ಎನುಾವುದನುಾ ತನವು ತಳಯಬಸುತುೋವ ಎಂದು ಸಪಷಪಡಸದನುರ.

2018 ಸಗನಾ 360 ಡಗೂ ವಲ‍ಬೋಯಂಗ ಸವೊ 2018 ಸಗನಾ 360 ಡಗೂ ವಲ‍ಬೋಯಂಗ ಸವೊ- ಫಪಯಚರ ಅಶೂೂರಡ‍ೊನಲಲ

ಒಟು 14467 ಮಂದಧಯನುಾ ಆನಸ‍ಲೈನಸ ಮೂಲಕ ಸಂದಶೊಸಲನಗದುು, 2018ರ ಫಬೂವರ- ಮನರಚೊ ತಂಗಳಲಲ 23

ದೋಶಗಳು ಹನಗೂ ಪೂದೋಶಗಳಲಲ ನಡಸಲನಗದ. ಇದರ ಮನಹತಯನುಾ ಇಲಲ ಡನಸ‍ಲೂೋರಡ ಮನಡಕೂಳಳಬಹುದು. ಸಗನಾ ಟಟಕ

ಹಲತ‍ಕೋರ ಇನೂೂರನಸ ಕಂಪನ ಲಮಟಟರಡ ಬಗ ಸಗನಾ ಟಟಕ ಹಲತ‍ಕೋರ ಇನೂೂರನಸ ಕಂಪನ ಲಮಟಟರಡ, ಅಮರಕ

ಮೂಲದ ಜನಗತಕ ಆರೂೋಗಯಸೋವನ ಅಗೂಗಣಯ ಕಂಪನಯನದ ಸಗನಾ ಕನರಪೊರೋಷನಸ ಮತುು ಭನರತದ ಉದಯಮಸಮೂಹವನದ ಟಟಕ

ಗೂೂಪ‍ನ ಜಂಟ ಸಹಭನಗತವದ ಕಂಪನಯನಗದ. ಸಗನಾ ಕನರಪೊರೋಷನಸ (ಎನಸ‍ವೈಎಸ‍ಇ:ಸಐ), 30 ದೋಶಗಳ ವನಯಪುಯಲಲ

ತನಾ ಉತಪನಾಗಳ ಮನರನಟ ಮನಡುತುದ ಹನಗೂ 95 ದಶಲಕಷಕೂಕ ಅಧಕ ಗನೂಹಕ ಸಂಪಕೊವನುಾ ವಶನವದಯಂತ ಹೂಂದಧದ. ಟಟಕ

ಭನರತದಲಲ ವಸುøತವನಗ ಖನಯತ ಇರುವ ಕಂಪನಯನಗದುು, ಗುಣಮಟದ ಗನೂಹಕ ಉತಪನಾಗಳು ಮತುು ಸೋವಗಳಗನಗ ಕಳದ

ಎಂಟು ದಶಕಗಳಂದ ಜನಜನತವನಗದ.



Indians stressed due to work and finances, says CignaTTK Health Insurance survey A high percentage of Indians suffer from stress due to work and financial issues. A survey by CignaTTK Health Insurance said about 89 percent of the population in India suffer from stress compared to the global average of 86 percent. The Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey-Future Assured showed stress levels are high in India compared with other developed and emerging countries including the United States, the UK, Germany, France, China, Brazil and Indonesia. In addition, one in eight people has serious trouble in dealing with stress, with millennials suffering more than other groups. Nearly, 75 percent of respondents in India do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress, cost being one of the biggest barriers to seeking professional help. The survey drew on 14,467 online interviews conducted between February to March 2018, across 23 countries and territories. “Employers can offer practical solutions such as flexi-hours or stress management programs that include mental wellness,” said Prasun Sikdar, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Cigna TTK Health Insurance. Work and finances are the key reasons people gave for their high level of stress. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness program. The majority, 87 percent, said workplace wellness programmes are important in choosing between two potential employers. Financial preparedness is a major concern The findings show one in two respondents in India plans to finance their medical expenses from their savings in old age, followed by insurance. Four in ten people in India have purchased health insurance for themselves. The people who claim to be ready for older age are better at planning; they do regular health checks and own insurance. They are also more likely to be married with children, and a high proportion has full-time employment and are more affluent. Indians open to sharing health data In India, private healthcare is perceived to be superior to public care in every aspect, except cost, by a resounding majority. As a result, there is a huge preference for private healthcare in India, with the majority utilising this system across all medical conditions.

Publication: Twitter Edition: Online

Date: Jul 9, 2018 Page: NA

There is also a high willingness to share data in India. Almost 90 percent of those surveyed said they would be open to sharing their healthcare data, as they see the benefits of better treatment and lower costs. Being clear about how data will be used is crucial, with about half of the respondents saying they would want to know how their data is being utilised. https://twitter.com/moneycontrolcom/status/1016302928905297921

भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभभ भभभभ, भभभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभ


Publication: Youtube Edition: Online

Date: Jul 11, 2018 Page: NA