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CIMI URI’s. Digital Resources. Digital resources URI for the resource itself ( dURI ) Resolves to metadata about the resource Link to latest version Link to newer revisions URI for each version of the resource ( vdURI ) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Digital Resources

Digital resources– URI for the resource itself (dURI)• Resolves to metadata about the resource• Link to latest version• Link to newer revisions

– URI for each version of the resource (vdURI)• Renderings and languages may be negotiated or

variations on the resource itself.

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Metadata – Related Resource

Resource Metadata

Resource Version URI

Version Metadata

Resource URI – does not change

Digital Resource

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Real World Resource

Real World Resource• Individuals, kinds, categories, attributes (tropes), …• Have zero or more “signifiers”

– Goal of this presentation is to argue that, in OMG context, at least one should be a URI. (eURI)

• Described by digital resources, but description is NOT the resource

• Description may undergo revisions, but the resource does not (!)

• Need a catalog: f(eURI) dURI*

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URI Needs

The source of confusion is that, when it comes to URI’s, we have:• The URI of the resource “r” – the thing being

described• The URI of a description of “r” according to version

“v” of model/ontology/document/… “d”• The URI of version “v” • The URI of document “d”• Formats / translations / … of all of the above

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Identifier Questions

Questions about any identifier can include:• What does identifier I reference?• Where can I go to find more information

about the reference of I?• Is identifier I sanctioned/used by my

community?• What is the identifier for X?• How do I get a identifier registered for X?

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Identifier Management System• What does identifier I reference?– f1(I,[language],[format/[schema]]) description(language,

format/schema)• Where can I go to find more information about reference I?– f2(I,[language],[format/[schema]]) identifier_list(language,

format/schema)• Is identifier I sanctioned by my community?– f3(I) publisher_identifier …

• What is the identifier for X?– f4(X, …) Iopt

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URI Identifier Management System

URI scheme, like many “universal” schemes includes a mechanism for absorbing other schemes…

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Internet URI Scheme consists of:urn:<scheme>:<identifier>• urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.1• urn:lsid:example.com:paper:132187• urn:guid:748C595C-A1D2-4323-B006-

971B04981672• …

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http: URI’s

http://<host name>:port/<path>?<query>#<fragment>• Host name comes from existing domain name

system: [subdomain.]*domain.domain• www.informatics.mayo.edu

Domain – controlled by ICANN

Subdomain – controlled by Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research

Subdomain – controlled by Mayo Department of Biomedical Statistics and Informatics

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Identifier Management Systemusing HTTP

• What does identifier I reference?– GET URI [Accept-language, Accept, ..] description(language, format/schema)

• Where can I go to find more information about reference I?– GET URI [Accept-language, Accept, ..] hrefs embedded in description

• Is identifier I sanctioned by my community?– http GET http://www.networksolutions.com/whois/index.jsp (or equiv) owner of URI. Is this the

primary publisher / owner of the target resource? • What is the identifier for X?

– http GET http://www.google.com/search?q=appendicitis• For generic

– http GET http://informatics.mayo.edu/cts2/rest/entities?matchvalue=appendicitis• For specialized

– If I know ‘code’ for X, I can find (or figure out) what the identifier would be:• http://snomed.info/id/74400008• http://id.who.int/icd/release/10/A00

• How do I get an identifier registered for X?– Identify the owner– Identifier (if published) will be using URI scheme as published by owner

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HTTP URI’sThe combination of the HTTP protocol the DNS system and the internet infrastructure already solves many of the registry/repository/classification issues we face today…… as long as1) We separate the URI thing being described from the URI of the

description itself2) Convince the creators to mint the URI’s (and keep them

permanent!)3) Settle on a community accepted standardized metadata scheme– Content – (structured) HTML / CTS2 / ADL1.5 / 11179 / …– Links – RDFA / hrefs and other links. Need to settle on tags (e.g. “a” in


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HTTP Identifiers

Mechanisms are well accepted for the namespace/name mix:http://snomed.info/id/74400008Header: sctid == http://snomed.info/id/<sctid:74400008><element a=“&sctid;74400008”>

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URI’s (http) are the basis of the Semantic Web

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Coded_Text“Data Type”

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Data Type – “A data type is a type whose instances are identified only by their value.”<Meaning xsi:type = “CODED_TEXT” value = “Has indication” code = “230165009” terminology_id = “2.16.840.1.113883.6.96” terminology_version = “http://snomed.info/sct/version/20130131”/> is NOT the same as<Meaning xsi:type = “CODED_TEXT” value = “Has indication” code = “230165009” terminology_id = “2.16.840.1.113883.6.96” terminology_version = “http://snomed.info/sct/version/20120731”/> or<Meaning xsi:type = “CODED_TEXT” code = “230165009” terminology_id = “2.16.840.1.113883.6.96”/>

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Issues<Meaning xsi:type = “CODED_TEXT” value = “Has indication” code = “578961551000160109” terminology_id = “2.16.840.1.113883.6.96” terminology_version = “http://snomed.info/sct/version/20130131”/>

• Not always known• Should not matter

– If it does, compute it from the context<Meaning xsi:type = “CODED_TEXT” value = “Has indication” code = “578961551000160109” terminology_id = “2.16.840.1.113883.6.96” terminology_version = “http://snomed.info/sct/version/20130131”/>

Requires external machinery to look up (URI’s anyone)

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Issues<Meaning xsi:type = “CODED_TEXT” value = “Indication of” code = “230165009” terminology_id = “2.16.840.1.113883.6.96” terminology_version = “http://snomed.info/sct/version/20130131”/>

• Values are language specific and mutable. They cannot be part of the identity

<Language xsi:type = “CODED_TEXT” value = “English” code = “900000000000507009” terminology_id = “2.16.840.1.113883.6.96” terminology_version = “http://snomed.info/sct/version/20130131”/>vs“text@en”• Something is wrong here (!).

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CODED_TEXT data typeCTS2 model

Required – can be used to acquire allOf the other information. Identity of item

Result of context-specific interpretationOf URI.

Where to go to get more informationWould not be stored.

Human readable textData Type

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List of value set members

Could be <member uri=“&sctid:74400008”/>

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Completely filled out

<core:namespace>sctfsn</core:namespace><core:name>Appendicitis (Finding) </core:name>

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Equivalent<Entry xmlns:xsi=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance xmlns=http://opencimi.org archetype_node_id = “at0000.1.1” name = “Blood_pressure_observation” uid = “123456”>

<ArchetypeDetails archetype_id = “CIMI-ENTRY.blood pressure.v1” rm_version = “1.0.0-dstu.1” /><Link>

<Meaning xsi:type = “CODED_TEXT” uri= http://snomed.info/id/ 230165009><namespace>sctid</namespace>

<name>230165009</name> <designation>Indication of</designation></Meaning><Details> . . . </Details><Target> 654321 </Target>


<Party> 456789 </Party><Function xsi:type = “CODED_TEXT” uri=http://snomed.info/ id/116154003>

<namespace>sctid</namespace> <name>116154003</name> <designation>patient</designation> </Function><Details> ... </Details>


<Item> . . .<Item> . . . </Item>



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Unitsxmlns:sctid=“http://snomed.info/id/”xmlns:rm=“http://opencimi.org/rm/”<rm:result> <rm:value>17</rm:value> <rm:units about=“http://snomed.info/id/123456”>mAcre/deciMold</rm:units> (or) <rm:units about=“&sctid;12345>mAcre/deciMold</rm:units></rm:result>

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http URI’s:Already have validation / lookup / routing / metadata schemeHave ns:name shorthandWork with xml / rdf / owl and forseeable technologies

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The “data type” should be URI. No more, no lessNamespace/code – optional, (e.g. sctid : 74400008)Text – optional (“Appendicitis”)Term-id, terminology-version and other stuff… Optional if needed or perhaps even a subclass

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1) Things minted in SNOMED namespace (or WHO namespace) need negotiation…

2) Transformation to and from HL7 needed• MIF to OWL has already addressed portions of

this• http://hl7.org/ontology/vocab/uv/cs/

ActClass#ACCM• (actually they have a “CURRENT” in there but…)