Cinderella Scene 1 Narrator 1 : Once upon a time there was a nice girl. Her name was Cinderella. She lived with her two horrible sisters and her stepmother. Narrator 2 : Her sisters were lazy and evil, too. They were jealous of Cinderella because she was very beautiful. Anastasia : Cinderella, bring me some cake! Cinderella : Yes, Anastasia. Drizella : Cinderella, clean my bedroom! Cinderella : Yes, Drizella. Stepmother : Cinderella, bring me wool! Cinderella : Yes, mother. Oh, this is terrible. All I do is clean, clean, clean! Narrator 3 : Poor Cinderella! From morning to night she cleaned and cooked and washed. She was very sad… Narrator 4 : One morning, at 10 o’clock, a letter arrived. The Prince invited all the young ladies of his kingdom to a ball.

Cinderella -Presentation 2008

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The famous fairy tale adapted in a skript for pre-junior and elementary students

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Page 1: Cinderella -Presentation 2008


Scene 1

Narrator 1 : Once upon a time there was a nice girl.

Her name was Cinderella. She lived with her two

horrible sisters and her stepmother.

Narrator 2 : Her sisters were lazy and evil, too.

They were jealous of Cinderella because she was very beautiful.

Anastasia : Cinderella, bring me some cake!

Cinderella : Yes, Anastasia.

Drizella : Cinderella, clean my bedroom!

Cinderella : Yes, Drizella.

Stepmother : Cinderella, bring me wool!

Cinderella : Yes, mother.

Oh, this is terrible. All I do is clean, clean, clean!

Narrator 3 : Poor Cinderella! From morning to night she cleaned

and cooked and washed. She was very sad…

Narrator 4 : One morning, at 10 o’clock, a letter arrived. The Prince

invited all the young ladies of his kingdom to a ball.

Stepmother : Girls, girls! Come here quickly!

Anastasia, Drizella, Cinderella : Yes, mother. We are coming…

Stepmother : Not you Cinderella.

Go back to the kitchen, now!

Anastasia, Drizella : What is it, mum?

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Anastasia : I’m tired!

Drizella : And I’m hungry!

Stepmother : You silly girls!

The Prince sent an invitation for you!

He is looking for a bride!

Anastasia : When is the ball, mum?

Stepmother : On Saturday evening!

Drizella : And what time?

Stepmother : At 8 o’clock.

Anastasia, Drizella : Excellent!

Anastasia : Let’s go!!!

Drizella : …and buy new clothes!!!

Cinderella : I want to go to the ball, too…. But I have no dress

or shoes to wear…

Narrator 5 : Cinderella was very, very sad…. She cried and


Scene 2

Stepmother : Come on girls! Are you ready? The Prince is waiting

for us. Hurry !!!

Anastasia, Drizella : Ok, mum!

Cinderella : May I come with

you, too?

Stepmother, Anastasia, Drizella : Ha, ha!!!

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Stepmother : In that dress?

Anastasia : You are funny!

Drizella : And ugly!

Stepmother, Anastasia, Drizella : Bye-bye Cinderella!

Cinderella : Goodnight mother… Goodnight girls…

Narrator 6 : Cinderella, fell asleep by the fireplace. Suddenly,

her fairy godmother appeared.

Cinderella : Wow! Who are you?

Fairy Godmother : I’m your fairy Godmother. I’m here to help you.

You will go to the ball, too!

Cinderella : But how?

In that dress?

Fairy Godmother : Come on my dear! We don’t have much time!

We have a lot of work to do!!! Hurry, my dear!!!


I wave my wand

I say the magic word

Come on Cinderella

You are going

to the ball!

Cinderella : What a dress and shoes!!!

Thank you!!! I’m really happy now!!!

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Fairy Godmother : Now, go to the ball… but at 12 o’clock,

no later, come home!

Narrator 7 : Cinderella had a beautiful dress and shoes.

She got ready and left for the castle.

Scene 3

King : Look at him! He is sad…

Queen : he hasn’t found the One yet!

William, come here my dear!

Prince William : Yes, Mother.

King : Look at those beautiful girls…

Queen : Don’t you like them?

Prince William : Yes, they are nice but not so…

SPECIAL (looking at Cinderella)!

Mother, Father! That girl is really beautiful!!!

(he’s going to Cinderella) Would you like to dance with me?

Cinderella : Yes, of course!

Princess Amelia : Oh! Look at her!

Princess Angelica : What a nice dress!

Princess Barbara : She looks fantastic!

Prince Henri : I wish she had two more sisters for us!

Anastasia : Who is she?

Drizella : She looks like Cinderella!

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Stepmother : Of course not! Cinderella is at home!

Narrator 8 : Then Cinderella heard the clock.

Cinderella : Oh, no! It’s 12


It’s time to go!

Prince William : Come back!

What’s your name?

Please don’t go!

Narrator 9 : She ran quickly from the castle. Prince William

was very sad.

Prince William : Oh no! Where is she?... but, what is this?

A! Her little shoe! Now, I will find her!

Narrator 10 : Cinderella went back home in her old dirty clothes.

Scene 4

Narrator 11 : The Prince tried every foot in every house… but

the shoe didn’t

fit any foot. It was too big or too small.

Narrator 12 : Finally, he went to Cinderella’s house.

Stepmother : Good morning my Prince! Welcome to our house.

Guard 1 Good morning my lady. It’s time for your daughters to try

the shoe.

Stepmother : Of course! Girls, girls…

Anastasia, Drizella : Yes, mum!

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Cinderella : Yes, mother!

Stepmother : Cinderella, go back to the kitchen now!

Prince William : No! Let her try the

shoe, too.

Stepmother : As you wish my Prince.

Anastasia : Me first!

Guard 2 : Sorry my lady… It’s too big for you…

Anastasia : Oh no! It’s ok, look!

Drizella : It’s my turn now!

Guard 1 : Sorry my lady … it’s too small for you…

Drizella : Oh no! It’s ok, look!

Cinderella : May I try it now?

Prince William : Yes, my beautiful lady! … yes I knew it!

The shoe is yours!

You are the girl I met at the ball…. Do you want to marry


Cinderella : Yes, I do!!!

Narrator 12 : They were all invited to their wedding party.

Narrator 13 : And the evil sisters?

Narrator 12 : What do you think?

Anastasia : Cinderella was very

king to us.

Drizella : Due to her we met these

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handsome princes.

Prince William : I love you, Cinderella!

Cinderella : I love you too, my Prince!