11/30/10 1 Giuseppe Tornatore, 1988 Collect Homework View & Discuss Cinema Paradiso Discuss Final Exam Grand Prize, Cannes Film Fes5val Best Foreign Film, Golden Globes 5 Bri5sh Academy Film Awards, including best film, actor, screenplay & music On numerous Top 100 lists Generally an audience favorite “The Past-time of Past Time” “Let Go, Toto”

Cinema Paradiso - Western Oregon Universitywou.edu/~keulksg/Documents/Cinema_Paradiso-6slides.pdf · –The Cinema Paradiso! • How can it be “good” "that Toto & Elena "couldn’t

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Page 1: Cinema Paradiso - Western Oregon Universitywou.edu/~keulksg/Documents/Cinema_Paradiso-6slides.pdf · –The Cinema Paradiso! • How can it be “good” "that Toto & Elena "couldn’t



Giuseppe Tornatore, 1988

•  Collect Homework

•  View & Discuss Cinema ���Paradiso

•  Discuss Final Exam

•  Grand  Prize,  Cannes  Film  Fes5val  •  Best  Foreign  Film,  Golden  Globes  

•  5  Bri5sh  Academy  Film  Awards,  including  best  film,  actor,  screenplay  &  music  

•  On  numerous  Top  100  lists  

•  Generally  an  audience  favorite  

“The Past-time of Past Time” “Let Go, Toto”

Page 2: Cinema Paradiso - Western Oregon Universitywou.edu/~keulksg/Documents/Cinema_Paradiso-6slides.pdf · –The Cinema Paradiso! • How can it be “good” "that Toto & Elena "couldn’t



Or  seJling  …  

Is passion related to death?

•  Passionless-ness as a form of death – Elena

– Alfredo – The Cinema Paradiso

•  How can it be “good” ���that Toto & Elena ���couldn’t be together? Self-discovery, Memories, and Ghosts

Page 3: Cinema Paradiso - Western Oregon Universitywou.edu/~keulksg/Documents/Cinema_Paradiso-6slides.pdf · –The Cinema Paradiso! • How can it be “good” "that Toto & Elena "couldn’t



•  What crucial symbolic differences exist between being a “projectionist” and a “director”?

What do they represent to us?

– Places of discovery and transgression

–  Inner journeys

– Landscapes of the imagination

–  Illusion of magic

•  Bildungsroman: Coming of age story – Künstlerroman: Artist coming of age

•  Journey of discovery & remembrance •  Love story: thwarted, tragic, or mature? •  Melodrama

Any notable formal elements?

Page 4: Cinema Paradiso - Western Oregon Universitywou.edu/~keulksg/Documents/Cinema_Paradiso-6slides.pdf · –The Cinema Paradiso! • How can it be “good” "that Toto & Elena "couldn’t



•  Flashbacks / Frame Narratives (reinforcing the theme of Salvatore’s disconnected nature)

•  Lots of self-reflexivity

•  Jump cuts (in edited films & between past/present)

•  Famous Kiss Montage

•  High-angle perspectives

•  International release •  Salvatore woos but loses ���

Elena when her father ���disapproves and they move

•  Letters are undelivered

•  Director’s Cut: original domestic/Italian release plus some earlier deleted scenes

•  Domestic Italian Release •  Late in film, the older Salvatore notices a young girl

who resembles Elena & follows her home •  She is Elena’s daughter … •  Salvatore tries to persuade Elena to give up

everything for him. She won’t. •  She tells him Alfredo told ���

her to stay away from him���— for his own good … and���because he would have ���given up everything for her

Monday,  December  6th,  4:30-­‐6:20,  CH  101  

•  Know-­‐it-­‐or-­‐you-­‐don’ts  – Defini5ons  –  Iden5fica5ons  – Screencaps  – Short  Answers  

•  One  theme-­‐and-­‐meaning  essay  (no  clip)  

•  One  form-­‐and-­‐meaning  essay  (clip)  

•  One  mystery  clip  essay  

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•  30%  of  final  grade    •  …  invaluable  to  your    emo5onal,  intellectual,  and  spiritual  growth  

•  110  minutes  (4:30-­‐6:20  p.m.,  December  6)  

•  …  will  linger  much  longer,  perhaps  forever,  in  your  memory  and  soul—like  a  scar  

•  Con5nuity  Edi5ng  •  Discon5nuity/Disjunc5ve  

Edi5ng  •  Sta5onary  Shot  •  Establishing  Shot  •  Frame  Narra5ve  •  Iris  Edit  •  Mise  en  scene  •  Framing  •  Blocking  •  Shot/Reverse  Shot  •  Eyeline  Match  •  Nega5ve  vs.  Posi5ve  Space  

•  Tracking  Shot/Travelling  Shot  •  Long  take  •  Diege5c  sound    •  Non-­‐diege5c  sound  •  Low  angle  shot  (worm  view)  •  High  angle  shot    •  Pan  •  Dutch  or  “canted”  angles  •  Deep  Focus  •  Dissolve  •  Low-­‐key  ligh5ng  •  Backligh5ng  •  Montage  

 Analyze  the  mise  en  scene    of  the  following  clip.    Watch    the  clip  twice,  taking  notes    on  the  ways  its  visual    techniques  relate  to  its  themes  and  meaning.    Then,  using  appropriate  terminology,  discuss  these  technical  elements  as  specifically  as  possible.    Remember,  your  focus  should  be  on  the  ways  the  film’s  form  relates  to  (and  creates)  meaning.  

•  The  Transforma5ve  Powers  of  Film  •  Love  and  its  Humilia5ons  

•  Reality  and  Realism(s)  

•  Iden5ty  &  Self-­‐discovery  •  Family  

•  Time,  Memory,  and    Transforma5on  

Monday,  December  6th,  2:30-­‐4:15,  APS  210