Maintenance Work Orders Detail Report Report Description Report Introduction A Work Order is a community common property repair, maintenance, replacement, or construction job that will entail contracting a vendor to perform the services. Such jobs are managed through Maintenance Work Orders so that additional details can be tracked including the work details, work location, approved amount, proposal (RFP) process, vendor selection, estimated costs, and job status. A management company employee can create a Maintenance Work Order and establish the linkage to a project/task where applicable. All requested, pending, and in progress jobs should be documented in Maintenance Work Orders to clearly track and manage the open jobs through to completion. Maintenance Work Orders can be linked to Projects/Tasks as an underlying requirement to complete the project/task. A management company employee can create a Work Order and establish the linkage to a project/task where applicable. Vendor Requir ed? Yes No Create and Link Work Order Create Task Complete Project/Task Complete Work Order

CiraConnect Services Work Orders Summary Report · Maintenance Work Orders Detail Report Report Description Report Introduction A Work Order is a community common property repair,

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Maintenance Work Orders Detail Report Report Description

Report Introduction

A Work Order is a community common property repair, maintenance, replacement, or construction job that will entail contracting a vendor to perform the services. Such jobs are managed through Maintenance Work Orders so that additional details can be tracked including the work details, work location, approved amount, proposal (RFP) process, vendor selection, estimated costs, and job status. A management company employee can create a Maintenance Work Order and establish the linkage to a project/task where applicable. All requested, pending, and in progress jobs should be documented in Maintenance Work Orders to clearly track and manage the open jobs through to completion.

Maintenance Work Orders can be linked to Projects/Tasks as an underlying requirement to complete the project/task. A management company employee can create a Work Order and establish the linkage to a project/task where applicable.

Vendor Requir

ed? Yes


Create and Link Work

Order Create Task

Complete Project/Task

Complete Work Order

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All open community business action items should be detailed in either a Project/Task or a Work Order to ensure that expectations are clearly communicated between the board and management company. The management company can also use the lists as an internal management tool to ensure that the management company employees are providing the service expected by the board.

The Maintenance Work Orders Summary report is divided into three sections:

1. Work Orders Dashboard - provides a quick view of metrics and analysis of the work orders information for a defined set of conditions

2. Open Work Orders - provides a simple list of each open work order as of the date of the report.

3. Completed/Canceled Work Orders - provides a simple list of each completed or canceled work order from the beginning of the report date range through the date of the report.

Board Members and Community Management Staff Members can track, communicate and monitor Maintenance Work Orders in “real-time” by accessing the CiraNet Portal at www.ciranet.com Both Open and Closed Work Orders are detailed in the Community Management section as follows:

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Using Maintenance Work Orders

A Maintenance Work Order can be created and updated (or modified) by a management company employee. A Board member, committee member, or Board constituent can view open and completed/canceled work orders if CiraNet Portal access has been granted. The key data elements of a work order are detailed in the table below:

Data Element Description

Work Order # A unique identification number used to differentiate work orders. This number is automatically assigned by the system.

Created By The person that created or entered the work order (also referred to as “Entered By”). The creator is set automatically be the CiraNet application using the login credentials of the user and cannot be edited.

Date Created The date the work order was created or entered (also referred to as “Entered On.” The date is set automatically by the CiraNet application and cannot be edited.

Last Modified The date the task was last modified by an action such as updating the notes, changing the status, updating the due date, changing the responsible party, etc…. This date is recorded automatically by the CiraNet application and cannot be edited.

Status Date or Status Changed Date

The date the “Status” was originally set, or the date of the most recent “Status” change. This date is recorded automatically by the CiraNet application and cannot be edited.

Status Changed By The user that made the most recent “Status” change. This date is recorded automatically by the CiraNet application and cannot be edited.

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Work Order - Job Info

Data Element Description

Status The current status assigned to the work order. The status can be set to:

Initial Request – initial request or documentation of a work order project Approved – approval to proceed with the solicitation process subsequent to the

initial request Out to Bid – request(s) for proposals have been submitted to prospective

vendors; waiting on proposals for evaluation, negotiation and selection On Hold – the proposed work is on hold pending an action, issue, or time frame In Progress – the vendor has been selected with an accepted proposal and the

work is ready to progress, or the work is in progress Completed – the work has been completed Canceled – the work order was canceled; no work was completed

Work Orders are defaulted to a status of “Request” when first created or entered.

Responsible The person responsible for championing the task (the “assignee”). A task can be assigned to:

Primary Community Association Manager Primary Assistant Community Association Manager Director of Community Association Management Secondary Community Association Manager (back-up) Secondary Assistant Community Association Manager (back-up) Board Member Committee Member (if Board Portal accesses is enabled) Board Constituent (if Board Portal accesses is enabled)

Priority The priority of the work defined as:

Emergency – urgent (e.g. water leak from common area pipes into a residential unit)

High – high priority work to progress ahead of normal and low priority jobs Normal – work to be contracted and completed in the normal course of duty

within a reasonable time frame Low – low priority with no time sensitive nature to the work

Due Date The target due date for completion of the Work Order.

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Work Order - Job Info, cont’d  

Data Element Description

Job Type The type of work to be completed:

New Installation Provide Estimate Remove Repair Replace Scheduled Visit Bid Job Time and Materials Other

Authorization Amount Amount authorized for the work by either the Annual Budget or Board approval.

Reference Type The description of the location of the work as follows:

Property – a lot / unit in the community (e.g. a resident’s condominium unit) Common Area – a community common area (e.g. a park) Commercial Lot – a commercially designated lot in the community (e.g. a retail

establishment in the community) Amenity – a common community amenity (e.g. pool or clubhouse) Other

Reference The specific lot / unit, common area / lot or amenity within the community (e.g. Building #3, Unit #228).

Location and Contact Special Instructions

This allows for additional communication of the exact location and/or space to communicate a contact person name and number.


Work Order - Job Details

Data Element Description

Overall Job Description

Overview description of the work to be performed.

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Work Order – Job Details - Line Items

Data Element Description

Item Description Line item detail description for the work associated with the service code.

Service Code Line item detail general code for the work. There may be multiple underlying service / work items within an overall job. There are numerous codes (e.g. Landscape, Roofing, etc…).

Charge Amount Line item detail cost estimate for associated with each service code.


Work Order – Manage Work Authorizations / Manage Proposals

Data Element Description

Vendor The name of the vendor selected to perform the work.

Vendor Estimate Amount of the overall work proposal (i.e. total) provided by the selected vendor.

Report Sections

Section 1 – Work Orders Dashboard

The Work Orders Dashboard provides a quick view of metrics and analysis of the Work Orders information for a defined set of measured conditions. A status symbol is included to indicate the performance or to draw attention to certain condition metrics. A comment and/or recommended action is detailed for each condition based upon the resulting metric status.

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The Work Orders Dashboard table consists of the columns detailed in the table below along with the description.

Dashboard Column Description

Condition The condition is the measured criteria. The measured conditions are detailed in the second table below.

Metric The metric represents the applicable measurement of the condition such as a count (e.g. number of work orders), dollar amount or a percentage.

Status The status is a visual performance indicator of the resulting condition metric. The status symbols are detailed in the first table below.

Comment / Recommended Action

A comment and / or recommended action regarding the measured condition and resulting metric.

Status symbols are used in the Dashboard to provide a visual representation of the condition metric performance or analysis as detailed in the table below.

Status Symbol Description

Blue information symbol representing that the metric provided is informational only. Informational metrics provide no performance or analysis assessment.

The green checkmark represents positive performance/analysis.

The caution symbol represents a performance/analysis measurement that warrants attention.

The red flag symbol represents a negative performance/analysis measurement that warrants attention and/or action.

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The conditions measured and analyzed in the Work Orders Dashboard are detailed in the table below. Note that some of the conditions are displayed in the dashboard only if the resulting metric is greater than zero and results in a caution symbol or red flag status symbol.

Condition Description

Open Work Orders Count of the number of open work orders as of the date of the report.

Emergency Work Orders

Count of the number of open work orders where the priority is equal to “Emergency.”

Vendor Estimate Exceeds Authorization Amount

Count of the number of open work orders where the entered “Vendor Estimate” exceeds the set “Authorization Amount.”

No Authorization Amount

Count of the number of open work orders where no “Authorization Amount” has been entered for tracking purposes.

In Progress and No Vendor Estimate

Count of the number of open work orders where the “Status” is equal to “In Progress,” but no “Authorization Amount” has been entered for tracking purposes.

Authorization Exceeds $[parameter]

Count of the number of open work orders where the entered “Authorization Amount” exceeds a specified dollar threshold for tracking major capital projects.

No Status Update in [parameter 1] Days

Count of the number of open work orders where the “Status” has not been updated in the specified number of days.

No Status Update in [parameter 2] Days

Count of the number of open work orders where the “Status” has not been updated in the specified number of days.

On Hold Count of the number of open work orders with a Status equal to “On Hold.”

Work Orders Completed or Canceled Since [report period begin date]

Count of the number of work orders completed or canceled from the specified date through the date of the report. The report begin date is defined at the time the user runs the report and is defaulted to the first day of the month preceding the report month in order to capture all activity between reports.

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Section 2 – Work Order Status

The Work Order Status is presented in a horizontal bar chart to display the progressive status of up to 20 of the most recently updated work order as evidenced by status updates during the transactional date range of the report. The “x” axis labels (vertical list) include details of the individual work orders as follows:

Work Order Number Chosen Reference (in parenthesis)

The “y” axis labels represent the progressive status of the work order as depicted below:

Work orders that have been “Canceled,” or placed “On Hold,” are depicted with no progressive activity and a Status Level equal to the zero (0) increment on the chart axis (i.e. there will be no progress bar represented for these work orders). An example of the status chart is shown below:

The bars in the chart are color coded based upon the “Priority” of the work order as follows:

Red – Emergency Yellow – High Priority Green – Normal Priority Blue – Low Priority

In the chart above, there are 4 open work orders. One is a “High” priority (yellow bar) and is “In Progress.” One is “Normal” priority (green bar) and is “Out to Bid.” Two are “Normal” priority and are in the “Initial Request” status level.

Status Level 1

Initial Request

Status Level 2


Status Level 3

Out to Bid

Status Level 4

In Progress

Status Level 5


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Section 3 – Work Order Activity: Trailing 12 - Months

The Work Order Activity chart details the number of work orders opened, completed and/or canceled, and the net activity (work orders opened minus work orders completed and/or canceled) for each of the full trailing twelve months from the date of the report.

For example, in the chart shown above in the month of January 2011, there were:

14 work orders opened (blue bar) 17 work orders completed and/or canceled (red bar) 3 more work orders opened than completed and/or canceled (14 opened minus 17 completed and/or canceled) for net

activity of -3 work orders (green bar)

The activity chart can be used to measure the following:

Work load / volume of repair and maintenance issues Seasonality to the work load, if any Timeliness of completion or rate of completion

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Section 4 - Open Work Orders

The Open Work Orders section of the Work Orders Summary Report provides a simple list of each open work order as of the date of the report. An open work order will have a status of either Initial Request, “Approved,” “Out to Bid, “In Progress,” or “On Hold.” The Overall Job Description and the detail line item work are included in the Open Work Orders Detail report.

The columns of data reflected in the Open Work Orders section of the Work Orders Summary Report are detailed in the chart below.

Data Element Description

# A number representing the ascending numerical count of open work orders in the list.

Work Order # A unique identification number used to differentiate work orders. This number is automatically assigned by the system.

Status The current status assigned to the work order. The status can be set to:

Initial Request – initial request or documentation of a work order project Approved – approval to proceed with the solicitation process after the initial request Out to Bid – request(s) for proposals have been submitted to prospective vendors; waiting

on proposals for evaluation, negotiation and selection On Hold – the proposed work is on hold pending an action, issue, or time frame In Progress – the vendor has been selected with an accepted proposal and the work is

ready to progress, or the work is in progress Completed – the work has been completed Canceled – the work order was canceled; no work was completed Work Orders are defaulted to a status of “Request” when first created or entered.

Status Date The date the “Status” was originally set, or the date of the most recent “Status” change. This date is recorded automatically by the system and cannot be edited.

Priority The priority of the work defined as:

Emergency – urgent (e.g. water leak from common area pipes into a unit) High – high priority work to progress ahead of normal and low priority jobs Normal – work to be contracted and completed in the normal course of duty

within a reasonable time frame Low – low priority with no time sensitive nature to the work

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Section 5 - Completed / Canceled Work Orders

The Completed / Canceled Work Orders section of the Work Orders Summary Report provides a simple list of each completed or canceled work order from the beginning of the report date range through the date of the report. A completed work order will have a status of “Completed.” A canceled work order will have a status of “Canceled.”

The Overall Job Description and the detail line item work are included in the Completed / Canceled Work Orders report.

The columns of data reflected in the Completed / Canceled Work Orders section of the Work Orders Summary Report are the same for the Open Work Orders and are detailed in Section 4 above.

Data Element Description

Vendor The name of the vendor selected to perform the work.

Reference Type The description of the location of the work as follows:

Property – a lot / unit in the community (e.g. a resident’s condominium unit) Common Area – a community common area (e.g. a park) Commercial Lot – a commercially designated lot in the community (e.g. a retail

establishment in the community) Amenity – a common community amenity (e.g. pool or clubhouse) Other

Reference The specific lot / unit, common area / lot or amenity within the community

(e.g. Building #3, Unit #228).

Date Created The date the work order was created or entered (also referred to as “Entered On.” The date is set automatically by the system and cannot be edited.

Vendor Estimate Amount of the overall work proposal (i.e. total) provided by the selected vendor.

Authorization Amount authorized for the work by either the Annual Budget or Board approval.