" 0' , ' ... ". .. " - " . ' . ·t . " -. '. " ... f , .. '" 1" , , . . M ': ::"f:: '::.' :., .:. '.: . . . . . . , . " .. " " . , ". ,. . , , , . , '. " .'. . ,,' stc).ude \ ). , . Memb.r Canadla" WMId), ..... ' ... re A.loclatlon SUBSCRIPTIONS, S2,OO PER ..... R. J. RICHARDSON,\ PUBLISHER, TREHERNE, MANITOBA "-... VOL .. XXIII-NO. 48, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1922 . __ ._---_. --- / ALL .TART PAYING UPI \ D, ·THE WRISTLET WITH TJ:IE DISAPPEARING EYE P · ERHAPS you have never eeen just how e .. i1y the Waltham can be chal!lled from a wrist watch to an ordinary watch. and worn in a variety of pleasing ways. Then you mUlt come in and sec this exquisite model ·tCHlay. A,k I to see the little eye at the bottom of the ca&e and how it folds back out of sight when the wristlet i. not. desired. This is the watch that made t1 .:l wearins of wrist watches a mark of good taste. Let us show you the full rani_ of dainty WoItb_ mOde". DMAN, Jeweler TREHERNE, MAN 7. 1 S and -:.:o!:;'d 01' Bold-filled c .. ca at ,18 and up. P oUon' s Store News ........ '-IJ , , By Walt Ma." The first day of the month arrlves,l u scheduled by the almanac, and tllen' to lav. the m.rchantl' IIvel, I toddle' up the I reet and back. Elcorted by the vII lag. band I climb up MaIn Street's asphalt hlll_, and with my cheque book In m)' hand, I pay up all ; m' monthly bill.. It'. good .to Ie. the' grocer'l face wh.n I arrlv. wl,h (;heque on tap; It'l good to see the'1 glad amlin chase thems.lves across 'I) Is haggard map. And from the but,:: · cher's troubled brow the shadel of!'. trouble flee away, when I would pay him for the cow I bought I" fragments, day by day. The weary baker seems.) .qult• .' gay, and he!lvea no more his. heart·alck alghl, wh.n I Invade his: mart 'and say, "I'll pay you for those concrete plea." Oh, many worlds have told us how to make the world a bet· ter 'place, to Ipe.d the plow, and light up every mourning face. And doubtless all auch schemes are fine, and Pollyannaa cut much ... grass; but I contend this acheme 0, i mine will all the other schemes sur'. pasll. I might Invade the' merchant's': atore and aay a lot of sunny and he would ra'e me ,as a bore, throw a lot of bricks and things. · heart Is sick with grievous w.oes, · trade II alack, he's needing cash; lunshlne worda and spiels like i S · hiD A'· appear to him as tawdry trash. Buf': C 00 ays gaIn when I lay to him, "By heckl Produce .. your bill-I'll pay. It now," he prompt. R M ONDAY Iy falll upon my neck, and plants. a ,o, SPEC1ALS FO" ',', klsl upon my brow. :i: SEPTEMBER 4th, ." -"---...,..., f. ::, As'school opens on Tuesday, £ POL)CE .. COURT August 5th, we are t On So.turday morning 'at daylight, ina to a void the usual rush h William John Brooking. '1lnd "!Ii.artln 0 I Marks were arrested by Constable' .. by offering a few Special. on hinter, charged with loitering with . M d - 'Intent to commit an Indictable offence on ay: - h contrary to Sec. 652 of tho Crlmlna[ .. 5 Scribblers, any kind, reg. Code; and also with the theft of n 'I \ 25c, I ruler, reg. Sc. and 1 Qunntlty. or gasoline,. the. property oi i the Brltlsh·Amer[can all Co: On ap' lead pencil, reg. Sc., All for . pearlng bel ore . Maglstnlte Moore In· , 25 Ihe (orenoon, the accused pi ended £ c. guilty to both charges. , ,u u u ". I:==- I '-'L ..... ' Jat . ..L Building Plans' Free . \ (] To have the satisfaction of knowing that one is getting exactly that which is required in a home; to have the joy of planning to llu'\t 'end-does that not warrant BUILDING, in- stead of buying or renting?" (] Why buy a house which has already run fIfty. to seventy.flve per cent. of its alotted life, which mcans repairs-money thrown away- ,and not' have what one requires; or throw away a home every ten years in rcnt, when a home like that depicted 'above can be built, after )rur own interior arrangement at very reasonable cost. CJl Let us help you solve the problem of build or buy. (]I Our Plans arc free, and our building HOMES will help you. expenence III Cor.ona Lumber Company; Treherne {, ::"-ANOTHER SPECIAl'" The Magistrate.' ordered them to I y tl' :. "', 4'" .". ',-< . .. ., .'.' . r --"'-" -' '_.:':"-''':' .. ::"':1:'-::; "_,,,:-:...1... : ,. - .. .. ' :.:.: .. :,,'. ',' hard labor-the money amounllng In SAFETY ,FI RST I wood-covered Slate Pencil, Sc. CIs 'i' (ull to $153.00 being pu.ld without a,' . . : 5c.. J .!: 4 P N'b 5 "J lallon to the Investment 0 :1" e.n 1 s, reg. c. . . I' Oil nJ. lurcd man, George Eaton. The rich may afford to spoculate and H. e donated $10.00 and costs. 'i' ··W d b bl t I II S h I B k b th talle the risks attendant on high rates e are en eavormg to e a e 0 supp y a c 00 00 .S, 0 On Wednesday,. Kenneth Peters of of Interest. Tb03e whose means."aro h f P bl' d H' h S hi'" AIlnmont charged Thomas Gordon of moderuie must be careful to see that or u IC an Ig ,c 00. , I"'" Benle place with asso.111t ancl lhl·ellten· there [s absolute security In tholr In· Ing language. Gordon also cont1'[" vestment. For such peoplo there Is' buted $10.00 to the Goverpment, and no other form of Investment which THE TREHERNE FURNITURE AND Qn app\1cation of the cOljlplalmmt, takes such a high l'Il11lt, combining ab ;. HAR' DWAR"E STORE i to keep till! peace (or solute security WlUI \1beral Interest, as '" the bonds of the Dominion of Canada. I 'Holders of Dominion bonds bearing , I five and a hair per cenl., maturing De" •. Phon'e 32 ,.,JO.HN POLLON Treherne, Man.. CHAUTAUQUA DAYS cember 1, 1922, can re·IUI'est their , AND DOLLAR DAY money at tile Bame rate oC Interest by exchanging the old bonds for new ol1es .... <-: •• : •• : •• :--: •• : .. : .. : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• :..: .. : •• : .. : •• : •• : •• : .. :·.: .. : .. >)eX..:..:·.>: .. -Chautauqua dates' for thIs year are running for fivc or ten years, as tho ,• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ',o • • • f _. -- '- ..... ...... _.-A ..... j ·tA _: ••••••••• ' ••••••••••••••••• " ...................... .......... _ .......... t •• ' ................... ....... •••• T·' , :::. " .. . K ELL A R & S T A·L L . 'I' . OPTOM ETRISTS OPTIC ANS )' :1:' 204 ENDERTON BLDGS - WINNIPEG, MANITOBA :( A ,I 1 . , y ? of. "" y f 'I' '". ',' 'r . " ,? "0 'f.. ' . Visit TREHERNE and "R'ATHWELL Each Month. October 28, 29, 30 and 31. During bondliolder lIlay prefer. Arrangements these days 106nl mercilants wl)1 put on for carrying 'out th[s exchange can be many specials and a big Dollar Day. made througil all the chal'tered bunks. '. " " J You c , are to attend a series .. , , . " , .' p .' , , . - ,.. '.- ::::'NEXTTREHERNE VISIT-MONDAY at.TUESDAY, SEPT. 2S·2G . OFFICE Ar'DRUG STORE . t., :(NEXT RATHWELt VISIT-WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd. I h . 'i, .. '.y . 'OFFICE AT STAPLES &. HALL'S LAW OFFICES :s:\', -: 'i' . \ - 3".s.: •• ! •• : .• : •• : •• : •. : •• : .. :..: .• : •. : •• : .. >.: •• : .. : .: •• .. . .," : "by .. S.'N.COCHRAN .. ., ':- , , • 1 " ' .. ' ," . ,_ :. ' '. BE'IN TREHERNE' ", .•... " f : ,from ,,'. " " " .,' . MONDAY NOQN.TO TUESDAY NOON, SEPTEMBER n .. '12 .' '. . -tJle:' '. of .. E. Company L!mlted, ',". ,.. ,',. .. ,.; f' \(, .;,: '." ... , .,,'." aU41UIu •• actlllrelfs·0 .,-: ... ... :. '; " "., I .' ·,Good Values See These One' Week only ITalcum, reg. 25c, Sjlecial, ZOc. Talcum, reg. 35c Special, 25c. Face Poudr:: "Pr:ncess de Grasse" .................................... Special, 25c. Marwyn Hair T OIllC, reg;' $1.00 .......................................... Special, SOc. L. B Hair Tonic, $2.00 ............ " ..................... _ ... "Special, $1.25 L'quid Tar Shampoo ............................................... " ................. Special, 25c. Balance of our China ........................................................................ Half Price BJoks, regular $1.oo ......................... " ......................... Special, 3 for $1.00 Books, regular 35c ..................................................... "Speciul, 5 for $1.00 . Fly Oil ................................................................................................ Speciul, 25c. SMOKERS' SUPPLIES Half Price' Cigarette I-bIders, Half Price Margu:!rite Cigars ........... " .................................................................. 4 for 25c. T uckctt' s Cigar3 ................ "." .................................................. _ ........... 3 for 25c. " REMEDIES Warner's Rheumatic Cur', reg. $ (.25 .............................. Special, 95c. Cuticun Blood Purifier. Reg. $ \. 75 .............................. Special, $1 00 Miles' Blood Purifi r, Reg. $1.1 0 ................................... Special, 8Sc. I "M les' Tonic, $1.10 ............................... " .......... , ............. :Spedal, S5c les' HeNt Reg. $1 00 ................................... Special, SOc. Miles' Nrrve Tonic, reg. $1.10 ......................................... Special, SSe. Stearn's Tonic Wine, reg. $1.00 ......................................... SOc. 'Alvina Tonic, Reg. $1,00 ...................................................... Spccial, SOc. Tonic. Reg. $1.00 ....................... " ... " ........ " ................ .special. SOc. Gestol Indigestion Cure, Reg. $1.25 ..... ,' ....................... Special, 95c. , '. I , .. LLOYD FUMERTON,,, Proprietor DRUGGIST and STATIONER Treheme, Man. , " .. , ., . ' •• ; " " . " ," • •

CIs - Treherne · 2012. 12. 17. · 0' • .. ... ". , ' " -" . ' . ·t . " -. '. " ... f , .. '" 1" , • , . . ~ • M .·.:;::~~t:f.'~.h:-::·;·

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Page 1: CIs - Treherne · 2012. 12. 17. · 0' • .. ... ". , ' " -" . ' . ·t . " -. '. " ... f , .. '" 1" , • , . . ~ • M .·.:;::~~t:f.'~.h:-::·;·



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~ \

~----------------------------.--------- ------~~--------------~I~,,~--------------------------------------~----------.-.---------------~ ). , . Memb.r Canadla" WMId), ..... ' ... re A.loclatlon SUBSCRIPTIONS, S2,OO PER YEA~.


"-... :~: VOL .. XXIII-NO. 48, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1922

. __ ._---_. ---/

LEr~ ALL .TART PAYING UPI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'.'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \



P· ERHAPS you have never eeen just how e .. i1y the Waltham can be chal!lled from a wrist watch to an ordinary watch. and worn in a

variety of pleasing ways. Then you mUlt come in and sec this exquisite model ·tCHlay. A,k I to

see the little eye at the bottom of the ca&e and how it folds back out of sight when the wristlet i. not. desired. This is the watch that made t1 • .:l wearins of wrist watches a mark of

good taste. Let us show you the full rani_ of dainty WoItb_ mOde".


7. 1 S and ~7~i:w:;-m:·~v·.:m::-:.::n:-:I.i:i"n~oo:n:7d -:.:o!:;'d ~!4J~ 01' Bold-filled c .. ca at ,18 and up.

P oUon' s Store News ........ '-IJ

, ,

By Walt Ma." The first day of the month arrlves,l

u scheduled by the almanac, and tllen' to lav. the m.rchantl' IIvel, I toddle' up the I reet and back. Elcorted by the vII lag. band I climb up MaIn Street's asphalt hlll_, and with my cheque book In m)' hand, I pay up all ; m' monthly bill.. It'. good .to Ie. the' grocer'l face wh.n I arrlv. wl,h (;heque on tap; It'l good to see the'1 glad amlin chase thems.lves across ~

'I) Is haggard map. And from the but,:: · cher's troubled brow the shadel of!'.

trouble flee away, when I would pay him for the cow I bought I" fragments, day by day. The weary baker seems.)

.qult • .' gay, and he!lvea no more his. ~ heart·alck alghl, wh.n I Invade his: mart 'and say, "I'll pay you for those concrete plea." Oh, many worlds have told us how to make the world a bet· ter 'place, to Ipe.d the optomlstlc~. plow, and light up every mourning face. And doubtless all auch schemes are fine, and Pollyannaa cut much ... grass; but I contend this acheme 0, i mine will all the other schemes sur'. ~ pasll. I might Invade the' merchant's': atore and aay a lot of sunny thlngs·;.~ and he would ra'e me ,as a bore, an~.~ throw a lot of bricks and things. Hls·'~

· heart Is sick with grievous w.oes, hls"'~ · trade II alack, he's needing cash; and'~ lunshlne worda and spiels like those~;

i S· hiD A'· appear to him as tawdry trash. Buf': C 00 ays gaIn when I lay to him, "By heckl Produce .. your bill-I'll pay. It now," he prompt.

R MONDAY Iy falll upon my neck, and plants. a

,o, SPEC1ALS FO" ',', klsl upon my brow.

:i: SEPTEMBER 4th, ~: ." -"---...,..., ~ f. ::, As'school opens on Tuesday, £ POL)CE .. COURT

~ August 5th, we are endeavor~ t On So.turday morning 'at daylight, ~,~. ina to a void the usual rush h William John Brooking. '1lnd "!Ii.artln ~ 0 I Marks were arrested by Constable' 'f.~ .. by offering a few Special. on • hinter, charged with loitering with .

M d - 'Intent to commit an Indictable offence ~ on ay: - h contrary to Sec. 652 of tho Crlmlna[ .. :~ 5 Scribblers, any kind, reg. Code; and also with the theft of n 'I \ 25c, I ruler, reg. Sc. and 1 Qunntlty. or gasoline,. the. property oi

i the Brltlsh·Amer[can all Co: On ap' lead pencil, reg. Sc., All for . pearlng bel ore . Maglstnlte Moore In·

, 25 Ihe (orenoon, the accused pi ended £ c. guilty to both charges.

, ,u u u ".

I:==- ~ I

'-'L ..... ' Jat

. ..L

Building Plans' Free . \

(] To have the satisfaction of knowing that one is getting exactly that which is required in a home; to have the joy of planning to llu'\t 'end-does that not warrant BUILDING, in­stead of buying or renting?"

(] Why buy a house which has already run fIfty. to seventy.flve per cent. of its alotted life, which mcans repairs-money thrown away­

,and not' have what one requires; or throw

away a home every ten years in rcnt, when a home like that depicted 'above can be built, after )rur own interior arrangement at very reasonable cost.

CJl Let us help you solve the problem of build or buy.

(]I Our Plans arc free, and our building HOMES will help you.

expenence III

Cor.ona Lumber Company; Treherne {, ::"-ANOTHER SPECIAl'" The Magistrate.' ordered them to I

y ~ ma~~BtlWtloo'~th~ ~wntor~;~::==!~====:===~=~~=~~~~~~:~~=~::::=:=~=~~:: tl' :. r::dilp~~il',r;:g' ?~:':'';--'~'' "', 4'" O~'" .". ',-< . '.:~g~gO;na:dco~I:a~ .. ~:C~~:~;;o~t~n!i~t':· ., .'.' ~' . r --"'-" -' '_.:':"-''':' .~ .. ::"':1:'-::; "_,,,:-:...1... : ,. - .. ,,--.~.~ .. ' :.:.: .. :,,'. '~,,-_. • ',' hard labor-the money amounllng In SAFETY ,FI RST

I wood-covered Slate Pencil, Sc. ~ CIs 'i' (ull to $153.00 being pu.ld without a,' . .

~ : ~:~sH~ld7r: ~e~. 5c.. J ganr~d·:pbl~e:a~dneddaYguittaymte: ~ec~a1'ga~p~~1'aes~ m~~t~~\~g~,r~t~t 1;[1l~IC~~~elymf8a~~IIn; .!: I~=~IU~~C~~~~;~;~~~~;;~7v~~I~~~~=~~~~l ~ 4 P N'b 5 "J lallon to the Investment 0 mOl~ey. "&:D:Ia:1I:n:lm:lI:1I:u:n:lI:!CmU:!I:lB:lJ3la:lI:lI3lI:II:lI:11:I1:113:lA:1I:1/:I1:!Ct~J:/J:a:l&:ICIUI:I~

:1" e.n 1 s, reg. c. . . I' ~ot"lL Oil nJ. lurcd man, George Eaton. The rich may afford to spoculate and H. e donated $10.00 and costs.

'i' ··W d • b bl t I II S h I B k b th talle the risks attendant on high rates :~ e are en eavormg to e a e 0 supp y a c 00 00 .S, 0 ~ On Wednesday,. Kenneth Peters of of Interest. Tb03e whose means."aro h f P bl' d H' h S hi'" AIlnmont charged Thomas Gordon of moderuie must be careful to see that ':~il' or u IC an Ig ,c 00. , I"'" Benle place with asso.111t ancl lhl·ellten· ~ there [s absolute security In tholr In·

Ing language. Gordon also cont1'[" vestment. For such peoplo there Is' :~ • buted $10.00 to the Goverpment, and no other form of Investment which ~ THE TREHERNE FURNITURE AND Qn app\1cation of the cOljlplalmmt, takes such a high l'Il11lt, combining ab ;. HAR' DWAR"E STORE i Wtwasel,~eoUmnOdn°thvtser. to keep till! peace (or solute security WlUI \1beral Interest, as '" the bonds of the Dominion of Canada.

I 'Holders of Dominion bonds bearing , I five and a hair per cenl., maturing De"

•. Phon'e 32 ,.,JO.HN POLLON Treherne, Man.. CHAUTAUQUA DAYS cember 1, 1922, can re·IUI'est their , AND DOLLAR DAY money at tile Bame rate oC Interest by

exchanging the old bonds for new ol1es .... <-: •• : •• : •• :--: •• : .. : .. : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• :..: .. : •• : .. : •• : •• : •• : .. :·.: .. : .. >)eX..:..:·.>: .. ~)-)+~~.,,·:.~ -Chautauqua dates' for thIs year are running for fivc or ten years, as tho

, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ',o • • • f • • • • • • • • • • • _. • -- • • '-..... ~aA-.t ...... _.-A ..... j ·tA _: ••••••••• ' ••••••••••••••••• " ...................... ~ .......... _ .......... t •• ' ................... ~". ....... ...,.~~_ •••• ~

T·' , :::. " .. . ~ K ELL A R & S T A·L L . ~: 'I' . OPTOM ETRISTS OPTIC ANS )' :1:' 204 ENDERTON BLDGS - WINNIPEG, MANITOBA :( A ,I ~ 1 . , y ? of. "" y f 'I' '". ',' 'r ~, . " ~.

,? "0 'f.. ' ,~

:~ . Visit TREHERNE and "R'ATHWELL Each Month. ~

October 28, 29, 30 and 31. During bondliolder lIlay prefer. Arrangements these days 106nl mercilants wl)1 put on for carrying 'out th[s exchange can be many specials and a big Dollar Day. made througil all the chal'tered bunks. '. " "

J You c ,

are cordially~~t~~< to attend a series ~f': ..

, , . " , .' p .' ,

, .

- ,.. '.-

::::'NEXTTREHERNE VISIT-MONDAY at.TUESDAY, SEPT. 2S·2G ~.-: ,~,." . OFFICE Ar'DRUG STORE . t., :(NEXT RATHWELt VISIT-WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd. Ih . 'i, .. '.y . 'OFFICE AT STAPLES &. HALL'S LAW OFFICES :s:\', -: 'i' . \ -3".s.: •• ! •• :.~·!,·:· : .• : •• : •• : •. : •• : .. :..: .• : •. : •• : .. >.: •• : .. : • .: •• ).:~.~ .. >.:--:-.:',>t:-~'+:..:-':tt)·>CtM"""")Y

Free,Demonstrati()n.,of:Ba~ing . .," ~. :

~ c:onduct~a: "by ':':p~8:c~ical ~d ..

S.'N.COCHRAN .. ., ':- , , • 1 "

'·Gr3duat~ Opto~etrist ' .. ' ," . ,_ Caiman"MaDitob~ :. ' '. ~WILL BE'IN TREHERNE' ", .•... " f • : ,from ,,'.

" " " .,'


.' exper~.~n.~ed Do~~~~~c '. ~cieri£e . exp~rt~, ',aDd'.m~~~~r~~;:;of. -tJle:' '. E:dtt¢~!i?~~l.:·. L,l~p\arl~e~t).· of .. E. G"l~tt Company L!mlted, ',".

,.. ,',. ~ .. ,.; f' \(, .;,: '." ~'" ,.~."" ... , .,,'."

aU41UIu •• actlllrelfs·0 '~'::"" .,-: ... :~.: ... :. '; " "., ;~ I


·,Good Values See These One' Week only

ITalcum, reg. 25c, Sjlecial, ZOc. Talcum, reg. 35c Special, 25c. Face Poudr:: "Pr:ncess de Grasse" .................................... Special, 25c. Marwyn Hair T OIllC, reg;' $1.00 .......................................... Special, SOc. L. B Hair Tonic, r~g. $2.00 ............ " ..................... _ ... "Special, $1.25 L'quid Tar Shampoo ............................................... " ................. Special, 25c. Balance of our China ........................................................................ Half Price BJoks, regular $1.oo ......................... " ......................... Special, 3 for $1.00 Books, regular 35c ..................................................... "Speciul, 5 for $1.00

. Fly Oil ................................................................................................ Speciul, 25c.

SMOKERS' SUPPLIES Pp~s, Half Price' Cigarette I-bIders, Half Price Margu:!rite Cigars ........... " .................................................................. 4 for 25c. T uckctt' s Cigar3 ................ "." .................................................. _ ........... 3 for 25c.

" REMEDIES Warner's Rheumatic Cur', reg. $ (.25 .............................. Special, 95c. Cuticun Blood Purifier. Reg. $ \. 75 .............................. Special, $1 00 Miles' Blood Purifi r, Reg. $1.1 0 ................................... Special, 8Sc.

I"M les' Tonic, R~g. $1.10 ............................... " .......... , ............. :Spedal, S5c ~ les' HeNt R~medy, Reg. $1 00 ................................... Special, SOc. Miles' Nrrve Tonic, reg. $1.10 ......................................... Special, SSe. Stearn's Tonic Wine, reg. $1.00 ......................................... ~Special, SOc.

'Alvina Tonic, Reg. $1,00 ...................................................... Spccial, SOc. Maltin~ Tonic. Reg. $1.00 ....................... " ... " ........ " ................ .special. SOc. Gestol Indigestion Cure, Reg. $1.25 ..... ,' ....................... Special, 95c.

, '.


, ..

LLOYD FUMERTON,,, Proprietor


Treheme, Man.

, " .. , ., . ' • • •

• ••


" • "

. " ,"

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Page 2: CIs - Treherne · 2012. 12. 17. · 0' • .. ... ". , ' " -" . ' . ·t . " -. '. " ... f , .. '" 1" , • , . . ~ • M .·.:;::~~t:f.'~.h:-::·;·

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1(, ________ ....;._.r....-____ ---.-;...,:;.. •. _.-;. ___ .-;. __ ~;, . - • '.. THE:TIMEI. TREHERNE. MAN.

• <'1. 'I ~." • ~ - ~ ~

• Iii <'. •• •

~";'~.' .tI!!l!!IIw.JI!IIItI!lIaI!~w.II( ........ Persian lamb, 1.600 Hudson seal/ iso' "THE TREHERNE TIMES' the-Commonwealth to do Its utmost to

., F:, i l'O

:f:: '. Let HENRY m Russian squirrel, 200 Manchurian'. Kol· .' Treh.rn •• Manitoba encourage Inter·lmperlal Immigration IDsky, ?OO Siberian kolinsky. ' • EBtabl1l1be4 18911 • and of the Australian support of the

• • • '. , . main aim of the ExhibitIOn. 'fhat ob· , " • • $2.00 per Y.ar. :

~ I I, [: '

l i f' "

\ " , . h f· , ' I f

Do it! i The lAtest news from France Is to , joet Is to enlighten the british people,

the effect that women's skirts are go. , and the. King's subjects througllouL Ing to be longer. They couldn't have _ADVERTISING ..RATEs!- the world with rega.rd to the im· changlld the styles any other way! (EUective January lit, 11122) mense ",otentlal wealUl o[ the Empire.

• • • ", Local, .62 IDsel·t1ol1ll per year. 18e. There Is no kind o[ rood, ami' lIardly ..... Re-dying of faded Garments.' ~ Draperies etc~. renews their .!

An old.faghloned 'but verY excellent per column inch. any kind o[ raw materIal which Ule wash for the skin Is an Infusion of Transient-Display. 300. per Incb. Empire cannot produce In abundance. horse,radlsh In milk. Elecllon and Show Advertising, -&Oc. Vallt natural wealth In Ule Dominions

usefulness. .

.. Articles cleaned by our Dry­.. -Cleaning Process have the

• • • .. Legal, per Ilne; 12<:.·8<:.·8c. and the colonies walts cor develop· !' . Persons surrerllg from nerves, or Liners, Ii Unes or less, 600: for ChI ment-walts In [act, for the appUca· ;. nervous headaches should try steep' insertlon, 250. tor each lubseQuent In·. lion o[ capital. Valuable as our for· ,. Ing on a hop pillow. Now that the \!erLlon. . elgn markets Itlwe been In the past,

fresh crispness of new goods. Ii . ~ We pay return charges on all ~ , j out-of-tewn orders.

I W­i!!

wild hops are getting ripe Is the time : BUH,nesB and Proresslonal ca~s. per the market of the British Empire Is to gather them. Then dry them' In year, $7.50. Cards of Fraternal Orden, stili ll)'lre valuable. Instead of anx· tho sun and fill a case with them as ",er year, $5.00. Auctioneers. $12.0U. lously contemplating the InexpllcaLtc one would 1111 It with feathers .. The FOREIGN ADVERTISING:-All platts, fluctuations or tho foreign exchanges, hops havo great soothing properties. 20 1um11lnch set matter aoc sUl'oly It Is the more sensible policy to , c. per co . • turn to the vast potentiallUes of our

m . HEN R Y B R 0 S., LTD. ;Ii


D~y-Cleaners and Dyers m ; 277 Smith St. - Winnipeg m : .

" .... lIt .. :*i4IlIamffimOO:w.i!;i!ii!l:.;;lF.il ....... ~


In the choice of hoI' bridal tollelte, Prlnccss Mm'Y did not set a new faslt· lun·-sho 1110roly revived un old ono.

. A glance through sundl'y old volumos and prints descriptive of the royal "eddlngs of bygone yenrs shows us huw faithfully Princess Mary adhered tu \loyal traditions.

We I'cad Ulnt nt her wedding with Chnrills the Dold, Prlncc)ls ~largaret or York worc "nuptial apparel"­cloth of sllvcr furred wlht ermine and heavily jewelled. .

A gown of wltlte damaslt, flowerod In gold and sll vcr was C110sen oy tile daughter of Henry VII, and on h loosely falling ball' (a bridal custom which prevailed until well Into the 18Ul contury) she wore a veil of silver net· studded WlUl pearls.

Mary the First of England was mar· rled In a robe of brocade cut so as to dl:Jplny an undergown o[ white satin, LUl'del'ed wllh diamonds and pearls; JWzabeth of Dobomla wore silver cloth and so did Mary, Ule daughter 01 Charles 1st when she married William of Orllnge.

Both Queen Victoria and our OW1l Queen 1I1ary wore wedding dresses 01 .-,,·hlle flounced silk trimmed with llearls. "

• • • A few days ago Ule Winnipeg FUI

Auction Sales Companies held theh first fall auction sales In tlui Royal Alexandra Hotol. There was a large al tendance of buyers from New York lind Montreal-also leading local men Mr. H. Yewdall, manager, conducted tho snle, prices going much In advance of the previous sale. Amongst Ule blr,gest offerings were the followlng:-4,300 beaver, 400 bear, 400 otter, 46 fishel', 975 white Cox, 950, red fox, 125 cross fox, 350 lynx, 2,600 martin, 3,600 mllc, 94,000 muskrats, 6,500 weasel, 500 skunk, 350 wolf, 70 ~yolverlne, 50


Appetite Good, Gained 20 Iba.

Could Not Feel Better

from a nervous wreck this man was restored to health. strength and happiness. •

.... ~ tells his own lIory' in this letter:

Mr. Ralph A. Roberts. Loverna. Sask., writes: ,

."In 1917 I had 10.1 an- appetite. ' failed 25 pound. in weiaht. become very nenou. and .halty and i.. fact given ~p an hope of recovery • For; .ome hme I had .uffered from con.ti· pation, which kept aelting wone, until I w.. faat becoming a tot.1 wreck. Docton and their drug. Were .endina me to my grave at the .ge of 39.

"Then I read about people Lei"l ... tored by Dr. Ch ..... Medicine. and after three monlh,' use of Dr. Ch .. o'. Nerve F ODd and Kidney·Liver Pill. I found ",.1 my bowel. were re.tored to norm~1 .movement each day .nd the con.tlpat,on w .. no more. I h.d • Rood appetile. had Rained 20 pound. and could nol feel belter. I than alway. be grateful for ",e.e benefib."

Dr. Chas!"s Nerve Food; 50c a.box; Dr. Cha~e's Kidney-Liver Pills, 25c a box, all dealers or Edmanson, bdtes & Co., Ltd .•

\Toronto. .

,per Inch. own possessions. All the Domlllions R. J. Rlchard.on • Editor together with India, are moat heartily

con trlbutlng towards tile success· of AI.o publl.he,.. of the the B,tlsh Empire Exhibition. At pre, ELM CREEK TiM ES sent Australla leads, and In this coun.


u\,. "'~~~. t'\.~"''i~\ 'f '1~, ~ .. ~~~ mWl., 8\4001'-ff 'M, WDt \" t1\ ~~ ~£, MQ. «-oo.V£~ .. 'IN~~ a. ~~""

-0. ",u. ~ ",,~R ~M~ "\ls. ....... \,\'1'1\.£ &\'1' ~~o o(\IoM~~ ~~ GO'( """"\I...~~ .)~<Wt .. \!\ ~ e«"'


try bel' action is hearUly appreCiated. It Is noL only a business enlerpriso, but an association of goodwill.

• • • A communion table has been given

by Baroness StraUlcona and Mount Royal, to St. Columba's Church of Scotland, Pont Street, London, In memory of bel' father, Lord Strath-cona. • e •

Dr. Joseph S. Halstead, who com· pleted his 104th year last March, and who II ves with his wife aged 93 at Uie "lIlage of Brackenridge, Mo., nas_, proved his Inltlatlol). In the Lexington Lodg~ No.1, In 1842, of which 'he Is still a subscribing mom bel'. Dr. Hal· Btead graduated In 1840, and practised medicine until 1860 when he retired. For several years he was family physI.' cla1l of Tenry Clay .. The farm which

_. ~ \~ '1OCJI.

fl'rzOF JTS "QE 6L.,~P.N~ "f'T&'" <,u. I"ON-'I<IU' IIW ~

. he occupies has had but foul' owners -the King of Spaln.- Napoleon' Bona· parte, the U.S.A. government lind him· selt. Dr. Halstead has eighty living descendents and his bIrthday Is ob· served annually I as a general holiday In Brekenrldge.

_ ii-7,

~" ~


Australia has decided to Increase Its proposed appropriation for the British Empire Exhibition' at Wembly Park, London ,Eng., In 1924 rrom $500,000 to $1,000,000. The Prince or Wales, who has associated himself with the groat enterprise of the exhlbltton, has ex· pressed ~Is satlsfacllon.

The Australian conrlbutlon-the Jar· r:ost ovel'"glven by any Dominion for 11

similar purpose-Is another proof or


Farmers and townspeople having sundry articles ror which tltey have no Immediate use overlook a good op· portunlty of turning the same Into cash by. not making use of Times Want Ads. The wide circulation of tile local paper ensures somebody, somewhere, who wants what you have to dispose of, seeing your ad"erUsement. Look ar· ound, see what you have tllat Is of timely use, and advertise It In this column. It is the cheapest and surest method of cashing In on a lot of ml~· cellaneous articles that you are not using. Many have tried tills, and have been convinced-why not you 7 _PRINTED STATIONERY: - The Times specializes on letterheads and envelopes, printed on Hammermlll bond, In plain, ripple or linen finish. No. 8 envelopes only are ·stocked.

This grade II jUlt about the finest bond on the market and It Is not ex, pen.lve. Cheaper' and higher priced bftnd. are alao carried.

To Holders of Five Year . ;

5~ per cent" Canada's . '

Victo~i· Bonds . . I~sued in 1?17 and Matu$& 1st 'D~'Cember, 1922 • '.



, -., ' '

. "THE~ MINISTER 'OF FINANCE ~If'e~ to·.hOlders 'i . Holders of the matu~~~ ~~nds ~h~ -~ish to avail of thele bonds who de.ire· to continu'e their 'themaelves' of thi., : conversion privilege' should .' ta~e

in~eetme'nt in Dominion of Canada .ecuritie. ',the their bond. 'AS :EARLY· AS.,\P,OSSIBLE, BUT::NOT,' , " LATER THAN-SEPTEMBER '"30th;' to's I Brancii 01"·:

pri~i1e"el of 'exchanlin, the' maturinl, bonds for new' ,any Chartered Bank in Canada and receive in exchange bonds bearin" st per' cent interest. payable half' yearly~, an official'fec:eiptJor the:bond. surrendered~ containing of either 'of the followin, classe!,:-: , ~ ',c '. undertalrinl·to deliver' the':co~sixmdinl" bbrfds' 'of.; .. ·

(a) Five year' bondl. dated lit' N~ve~ber;' the new i~~~~. ,.» }\' . " , 1922 •. to mature lit· November, 1927. ,11~i~~iJ~ma~tu~n~.ni'~f'f{~~'·~~b~ere:1dlll~j~:t:i~~~.

(b) Ten' yeru;' bond~;' d}~~~~~!:~~j;;;~~~,~;' , .. 1922, to' mature It ~::Wl~~.~~;~iet~~~~~

. ," o


'. ~ ... _.,.0 . .'

. , o

c, •

• o

• • • .' . Children' Cry for Fletcher'.

~Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for InfantS and Childrea. .; Foods are specially prepared fer babies. A baby'll medicine

is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepue4 for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need If a remedy for the common ailments of Infants', and ChDdna that brought Castoria before the public after years of reMUda, and no claim has been made for it that its use for over • . years has not proven.

What is CASTORIA'l _ Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Parea-Ic,

Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant: It contata. neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. ... age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it 11M been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverlehness' arilliDC therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aJdI the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and 'natural 11 .... The Children's Comfort-The Mother's Friend.

GENUINE CASTORIA ~LWAYS Bears the Signature of:

In Use For Over 30 Years THI: CIINTAU' .. COMPANY. NEW YO .. K CITY

UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all

" \\, ,

Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for

Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia' Neutitis Earache Lumbago Paint Pain

IIandy "Duyer" hoxes of 12 tllbletR-Also bottles of 24 llnil 100-Drug-giRts. A"plrln If' tho 1"11(14" mnrl( (r(>J(I"lI'rPI' In Cnnntln.) ot P tUfe of Mono .. oCdi'cnchlcHler ot ~nl1c ... llcn("lll. "'hlle It til wel1 len . menO. 1~1l}'I'r manufacture, to 08818t the puhllc n~llln8t Imltntlon.. yer Comi,any will btl Blnmpud with tholr gom.'ru.1 trado mark, tho "E,.v", "~ .. ,,,

' .

'A Business', Training obtained at the I '


i~ a ,Thorough Training: • ~ • 10

THE, SUCCESS Is the Leading Business College In Western Canada. Its'pre·emlnance Is due to: excellent location, Ideal premlsos, splendid orFanlzation; complete equipment, modern comprohonslve courses, expel·t ~ starr and active ElIlployment DelJartroont. No other Bu~lneBs School wedt .of the Great J.akes can compare with TH E SUCCESS In these Important particulars. \ . " . .

" ,,',. ~~. - '. .. .' , ·.COURSES

SPECIAL ELEMENTARY"COURSE: - Writing, Reading, Spelllng, Arithmetic, G nllIl lilaI', English, Leller Writing, Oeo~rll(lhy etc.­for those whp~have. ~ad. little chance to go to :80hool.

, ' ."' I

. FARMERS BUSINESS COURSE:-Speclally designed to help young . ,,' .rnrmers. to apply business methods. It Includes Business Law •. , ... ~r'/f •• ' -' . Corresp'ondenco, Penmanship, Bookkeeping, 'Office Practice,

. "Business torms, etc. '. T, :

SECRETARIAL. DICTA· ,'1'h080 equip young 11001'le ,

• • 0


• • '.. . •


• • 0)

..... .,. .

. ,


" •


.- ••• :. • ••• .A

• • . .. • • •

Ii'. • -. " . • • • • •

Page 3: CIs - Treherne · 2012. 12. 17. · 0' • .. ... ". , ' " -" . ' . ·t . " -. '. " ... f , .. '" 1" , • , . . ~ • M .·.:;::~~t:f.'~.h:-::·;·

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' ..


• ,


.~ @ a. .; ...... . ' . '" . '. . ... • ." .... , ',: ..., '\' ..... ~ .t!'~~~\: ,",,, 'i!{·.'T

., . ' , .' "

• · . • •

® ,"- -, . " • '.

• .. ,

• . . .. . . .' . , , ,

.. . '. • • , . " ~ -"':"-.--.-.-.,-~-. -------- THE TIMEI, TREH'r.RNE, MAN

(":":":";":":":":":":":":":"H-}':":":":":":":": •• : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. :,.:.:: .. : .. : .. : .. : •• : .. ;..: .. : .. : .. : .. : .. :,.: .. ;..: .. : .. : .. :-.;. RA THWELL LOCALS' H EA l T H M E S SAG C _AUCTIONEER_ •

.. PROFESSIONA:L' CARDS : . :. . ':' \. ..: t

~.~ S MIT H 'S ST 0 R E N· EW S,. ~~~. -Arthur C. Stewart has been ad~ltted to. Winnipeg General Hospital.' 'HlS TO THE WORlD

~l~ the Hous~ of Qgality ~l~ trouble Is not ye; ~1~gnOsed. ., .

,', .;, -Excellent weather ror all concerned.

As your Auctlone.r· I can make you monoy. As agent for three gullranteed car devices, I clln save you money. 'They are Pomeroy'. Gasafter. Van Kerr's Transformers for any car; also Perrin's Speederator for your roi'd-;­prevents engine stalling. racing, buck· ing and saves Gas and Repllir BIllII.


DR. J. LAURIE LAMONT., B.A., M.D. t..:h. B •• Edinburgh Physlciun Ilud Surgeon

Provlncllli Coroner


ufilce Boyne Sl. Phone' ·4 ~: ':' The pop· pop or tile elevators' Is kept

:!: DON'T ACCUSE US OF HIGH P~ICES! :i: ~~;~t.lro: I:~;~y q~~~~it~g o~II~~:'l~a~~ Take "Fruit-a-tives" And Make Yourself Well

See Me. I can eaulp Your Car for ----___ -'-__ --,-..:._~_

':' 'I' has been shlpped-!lnd stili It comes! :!: Our Special Price on Work Boots is $4.50. If the Public doesn't' :1: ~ t :i: take advantage of this BIG SNAP, then they should never find 'I' I Y ::: fault with the M:mhant's high prices. ::: i A :!: -IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT WE HAVE- :l: ~ A :1: Cornfi,lkes. 10c. per pkg. Molasses in 15c.: 25c. and 45c tins :l: :!: Cornstarch. 2 pkgs. for 25c. Tea at 60c per to. :l: ::: S.:eded and Seedless Raisins in II-oz. pkgs ............................. 25c. :l:

• • • -Threshers are cleaning up pretty well on the nearby fieids, - but even · . from live to ten mlle.~ out fllrmers are drawing it! sulllclent to slllisfy their tmriy 'financlai needs.

• • • -Hayward Bros.. with their Ford truck drew in, In one day ILbout two hundred lind seventy. five bushels of wheat from a. distance' of ten mHes.

• • • :1: Jelly Powders, 10c. each Palm Olive Soap, 10c. a cake :l: :11': Large Clark's Pork and Beans .............................................................. 35c. "'III,,, -Geo. Pritchard has also'purchased a

G Id S d d B k· P d I Ib . 25 Ford truck and 'Is making 1'egulal' :;: 0 tan ar a mg ower, - . tms ............................. ...... c. :l: trillS with whellt. .1. These arc only a few of our prices. We can ,I, • • • t A ::: equal any merchant or Mail Order House in the :l: • :. G h Y ,I, ':. country. ive us a c ance. ou want our ,I, ~ A

-Mr. J. A. Boyd, general manager for tile imperial 011 Com pliny, pllII! II visit last week to our local Ilgent, ~V. L. Dawkins.

• • • • 1, goods, we, want your money. ,I, A A ,I. $2 5 d"'2 25 . .1, -Miss Stevens left for Elm Creelt :l: Best Overa~ls .......................................... 4.... • 0 an ~. per pair, :l: 'ruesday momlng. ... .'. . . . :1: THRESHERS' SUPPLIES-SHIRTS. SOX and GLOVES :i: -Mrs. Wm. 'rurnbull and fllmlly mo. .:. ,II', tored to Winnipeg last week. Misses ~ , ,I, :1, Pearl lind Elsie I'emalning for II short

,!, SIDle th Brothers .;. hohday. Mrs. Ewin retumed with ':' 'I' Mrs. 'rurnbull and is her guest for II

; I'" short holiday. • • • ; -JIlS. Gibson of Brandon clime dC'i.vn : R th II' M Phone 39 last Saturday, and Is lookIng Ilcter tile q. a we, an. interests of his farm. • ••• .: .. = .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : . ..: .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. :-.: .. : .. : .. : .. : .. :.

-Miss Grime Ief'. Ull Suturday even· Ing for her school. ..

• • • •

"Frui t·n· I i "cs" ,the mllrvel lous mcdi­cine made fro:n fruit juices lind tonics, is the most Leneficinlmediciunl ngent thllt hILS m'er Leen giveu to mlUlkilul.

Just us Ol'angcs, t,pples, figs nud prunes arc nature's own medicine, so "Fl'l!it.a·lives"-mnde from theso' fruit Juices-bl!t. conueutl'lltcd uncI intensi(\ell-ls Ihe grealcsl Stolll(JC;' alld Lh'er Medicine. the erelllesl Kid"cy and Bladder Medicine-Ihe lVcrz/esllJlnocl Purifier-the srealr .• t rellle,ly for UrI/d. aches, Con.'ltipatioll., Inrli.J4·.'ition~ J"I!n:oru,· ness and BOll COlllpiexioIL·-in thc \\'orltL

To be well, illite "Fruil·ll·I,!I·eS" " Wc a box, 6 for $!!.50, trial size !!iie.

At delliers 01' sell t postplliti by lCruil:li..tivos Lilllileu, OUuw"

A Good THING Rub it IN.

Th., R~med~ ,,"ur r."an~-not~ .. r u • ..,d 't) l.ut lura re"~f. ()D ~lS..D E"erJ'where. Hi




I ,,"uamntce satlsructlon. Sal'~s con· ducled anywhere. ellil on reverHe ~Iclwl. i"urm lunds for sllie. W. E. STAPLES Treherne

Licensed Auctioneer

LICENSED AUCTIONEER 1>ates lllllY be arrllnged lit the 'rImes

Olilce. 'rrehe1'1le, 01' by lcit:llllone 011

rel'erHe tll"ket. I guaralllee slltlslllC' tlou. W.'TURNER Holland Man .

LICENSED AUCTIONEER gUlll'llntee slltlsfllction. Sales t''Jn·

ducll'd unywhere. DlllCd can be ar· l'Ilnged lit my shop.

Phone 16

Jas. Sha~pe Rathwell

AUCTIONEER If you are conHlcle1'ln~ haYing a sllle,

or desire to sell your farm, Ree me. I will mrer you to any number of satls· fled palrons. >

Phone on Reverse Ticket, 40, Rathwell. Auctioneer Real Estate


-IMPERIAL POLARINE -Miss Robe rtson also I ert on ; S at u 1" ........ -----...... ...;,,.;,.,.,..,.,.;,,..,""""==,,.;,,=


All Oils and Gre,!ses sold for Cash Only. Barrels charged extra.

NOTE-"Cash" means "Cash on Delivery"-not "Tomorrow!" "'-_ ... IMPERIAL OIL, LTD.,

W. L. DAWKINS, Agent

......... _- -...

RathweJI, Man,

day to tllke chllrge of II school lit Vir· den.

' ... -Miss Hinchcl1fre of Cllrmlln school stn.ff came up on Friday for a short visit 'wIth fr;ends. She autoed over to

I Portllge III Prairie on Sun!lay, en route to Swan Hiver. .

• • • -Mrs. Bell of Winnipeg is the guest of .her mother, Mrs. D. B. Briggs.

• • • -Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Draper daughter motored to clearwllter Wednesday, returning Sunday.

• • •

and IlLst

--A very commendllble act was notice. able WednesdllY morning. Some

.: .. : •• : •• : .. : •• : •• : •• : .. : •• : .. : •• : •• : •• : .. : .. : •• : .. : .. : •• : •• :··:··:··:··:"i· ~ y o y

:!: BLACKSMITHING :1: o y ~ y

:1: l' have opened up the hlack- ::: ~ 'Y I • :11: smith shop next Smith's Liv- :l: .. ', . :111: ery, wh~re I am. now ready::: r Y :;: for busi~efS. Give me a trial ::: o Y

•••••••••••••••••••••••••• \


Poor Equipment is False Ec­onomy. Let us keep your Equipment in Perfect Order. Our Motto is: "SERVICE!"


Phone 2 Treherne ~ Y ,', 'I' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••

:i: A. F. BOWLES :l: ==-=. _c::-. -::-.-:: ... -=---=== {. ',' ._-----------•• ·s· A . y

DR. J. A. CHRISTILAW Physician and Surgeon.

~!allitobll Medlclll College Grlldullte. OJllce Smith St. Phone 101 ---------- 7


Grllduate North,western University, Chlcngo.

Office: Myles Block.

DR. G. A. BOWMAN V.S., B.V. Sc. Honor Gradullte Toronto Unlverslt,

Ollice In Smith's Livery Stable, Drolld WilY, '1'reherne, Man.

Residence Phone No. 33 --- ---------------


R. C. PARSONS, B.A • illlnister, etc.

omces: RIlllwllY Ave., 'l'reherue, Mlln. ~"'Ilcilor 101' th", Cllnlldlun Dauk 'or CUlUmerce, Dllllk of Hllmilton, anll lhe Munlclpllllty of South Nllrfolk

F. H. MITCHELL. B.A. Barrister, etc.

D1~ANCH Ol"lcICEl at Alfred Martin's Agency

Broadway Trehernll

PAUL KANE, B.A. Barrister, Sohcltor, No.ary PubliC, etc..

Phone A7701 34 C. P. R. Building Winnipeg, Man. Rathwell Agent for Ontario Loan &.

Debenture Company Money to 10lln at 8 pOI' cent. on 1m. proved Farlll Property. At Rllthwell lin Wednesday of every week.

STAPLES &. HALL Solicitors-Notaries Public

Head Office: Elm Creek Branch Offices: Rathwell, Oakville ..

MELVILLE E. STAPLES, Ll.B. ' Barrister, Special EXllminer In theK.B.


MORR,fSON &. POPP Barristers, Solicitors, eh ..

403405 Huron &. Erie Bldg. WINNIPEG, MAN.

J. W. Morrison, LL. B. W. V. Ingll.

, ~ .......... ~.......................................... thoughtful souls have nicely decorated

i the monument to our soldier boys with

: H 0 WA R D PAT C H ELL fiowers. We might add that there is

.......................... John Popp, LL. B.

LIVE STOCK SHIPPER ========== ;\0 need every now and then to destroy • Manufacturer of Rome. ugly weeds Ilni! sow thistle : growing qut(e~cios'e' to same. We hope : HIGH GRADE MONUMENTS that others will take a thoughtful turn • I .. C" of mind and. help to keep such II peace Co nscnptlOns cut at emetenes,' as we know the fallen heroes would ! Office and Works: _ appreciate. • • • • : CARMAN : . MANITOBA -O~r sldewaHt to Ule station needs : _1_ some rep~lr, and our. town clln be • beautified In many ways by small

•• A. H. POLLON _. Agent deeds. Let us not oyerloOk the small • htlngs. • Undertaking and. Embalming • ; TREHERNE .~ .................................................. ~

· .... -The outfit who put In me pIping rne for the C.P.R.' have completed their 'part or the work and have left for other fields of labor .. The connec. tlng of the line and the tunnel\lng un del' the railroad. hus been left to lin·

*:mmmiUmimtmmHmammmmmmmmmimmmmmr,:mHmmmmmmmnmmmtmmmmmi1UitHUmiliHiiIHii other gang. 'Ve ~expect the wnter will if; GEORGE'S CAFE HI be coming In' the regular course In a

llii iii tew days:

J f • e .•



Just Arrived -a fresh order of •

ANZORA HAIR DRESSING' Great to make the Hair lay,

How about a bottle of SUNSHINE BOQUET

-Something New

G, E, STORRY _ Prop. lIiIIlIIiIIlIIOO4ElliIIillil!illiiimmm",i!iil!il!iIIi!iilliIOO:t!

ltetHmUw.!UmaHt*mtii;::U:mmU:.mmUUi!H!HiH!!:!:m II'! ~,it! and NEW ICE CREAM PARLOR -'-JIlS. Shllrpe Is displaying a beautlrul iii BABY GRAND V u, . · ",'! 'I' S I F I d carcnse of beef In his shop Wednesduy l!l CH E ROLET ii: in l' Ii! oc a 'ountain, ce Cream, Sun aes. Soft Drinks. etc. Illornlng. A few questions brought the iii FOR SALE iii ill iii.: iii., ' FINE BOXED CHOCOLATES 'rollowlng Information: - the second iii iji

Watch this paper for dates or phone 1 1 0

T C.Stinson Treherne ..

TREHERNE HIGH SCHooL Sludents pro\1lu'ed for '1'hlrO lind Second Clllss Teachers' Certificates, lind University Mlltrlcultltlon EXllmlnations.

Low rlltes lind sl1eclal Induw· menr.~ tOl' non·resldent stu· dents

Wplte for 11lustated hooklet. , Miss A. Mcintosh, Principal R. J. M Ills, Sec. School Board ." ill ' im: Good running order; new tfres iti

. iH ii! ilii.: Meals at all hours !II Iparr,ehst calrfcase Rto hang In his ·shop. i: and battery, 1920 model. Price i~

'1' Ii."..' urc use! rom uSRel Adair, lind not . I I ht E I TI Offl' I" .. ,,;: C' C' T b iii r g. nqu re at mes ceo iii,: , . RI \ l~ m Igars IgareUes 0 acco three yelll's old. It dressed 840 pounds. ill lIi ~-..:..------------= /. II, j'l! F 't b Ik C d b t H die ! Mr .. Shllrpe has been dOing a rushing , .. (';iI!ii!iiill.illmi;;;IHl,iiiii;niil!liiiimmmm",.UHl,w.,,,

, , ----...;.--' " '.'

'il! ill til rill s, u an y, es ome-ma e ce ream . business a,nd 'we mlgh't say if he con. _ lim m Everything Good . Prices Right, Here. tlnues to, hllndle ,beef or ,this qUllllty • .="""'==""""""'===,;"","""i== .... li GEORGE S[IING P' t \ TREHr.RNE· he can hope for Increased. trade. It I. AUCTION SALE HI 1', ropne or . l!. 'surely looked go'od, and should slltlsfy iI!!IHlliIIi1!l!I!1!IIll!:ll£iml!il!il!i!I!lHlmim!l!iI!mil!ilm!mmimm!!iI!il!i!mm!iI!il:l!iiliiliillilliKiI!lI!lllilHl!iI!ilOOil!ill Bore th an the hun gry t h reH her. Under Instructions from Moss CIIS'

well, Rathwell, I will sell by publlc The :~,' ~ I' , Iluctlon at his premises 1 mile nOI·th beh.; .. accomodatl~n alo~g the

..... ~ ................... .


J. COULTER Fire Insumnce Agent

Issuer of l\lllrrillgo Llconsee TltEHI!:HNE MAN.

ALFRED MARTIN Relll I!l~tllte, Mortgllge nnd Insurance

Ageut. Hellresentlng sevoml of the best Loan lind !uHumnce Compllnies. Commls. alonor. Oicv'ICEl Broadway.

W. J. WALDON Agent for 1\1 UlUIlI !.Ife Assurnnce Co.,

of \Valerloo, Ont., lind British America Insurance Co.

Merchllnts' Casualty Cu,. WinnipeG

n.e Farmers' Mutual Fire Insuranc. Company of Portage la Prairie

for tI\e VlIIllge of 'rreherne and north. Illso for the Village of Hlltbwell and sUI'1'oundlng district. Enquire ot

JAMES HIRD Line 71, Ring 5 Agent Treherll.

._-_._--J. J. FAUCH ERE

Phone 13 Treh",," • The Great \Vest Lift:. Assurance eo. Porlllge Mutulli Fire AsslJrance Co.

See Me for Photectlon. -Money to loan on farm property_

No delay, Loweat Rate. IF YOUR WATCH NEEDS, REPA·R· of Rllthwell on Line. Just the place to get a Good, ---::-::-:-=::-::--:-_-,-_____ _

ing, send It to me by mall and I;wlll Tuesday, September 12 .Square Meal and a Comfortable Bed FRATERNAL SOCIETIES -:' ,', . :: .~. . :. ,', .:. ,', . :. .:. I .:. ,', ,:, ,I, .:. ,', .!. ,', ,I, ,I, ,I, ,I, ,I, .1, ,I, ,I, ,I, ,I, ,I, ,I, ,I, ,I, ,I, ,I, ,I, ,I, .1, • !.

Sound Advertising is' ' .

Printed Sale.sma~ship Many business men as a rule do not ~pp~~~iat~ ;he fact

that advertising is, in effect, printed salesmanship, . This term "advertising", stands 'for somethmg-. th~y hardly ·know what. They have lacked a standard'or measure with. which to judge' advertising.

A beautiful 'advertisement has been thou~ht a.g~od ad~ vertisen:ent. A clever advertisement has. been thought· ~ good advertisement. A costly advertisement! and a witty 'advertise. ment have been tho~ght good advertisement~: . . '.

Y ~u canju'dge ~d~e~tisements by ~ne' standard' only-and that is the ·single standard of SALES FORCE." , .. :: ; ;

, , , ' '; .

repair It an. d .• end It back to you .by the following live stock, Implements , otc'.- at a Moderate Rate. TRIOH ERNE LODGE NO 51 return post .whenever . it I. po.slble, •

D. GOODMAN' HORSES-Matche!! tellm mures, wt. -PHONE y.oUR RESERVAT.ION- A.F. &. A.M . 2700. 81lnd 9 years; mlltched'tellm of Meels FI'ldIlY on 'or bofore the full

Jeweller , "

" . Treherne "lares. 2700, 7 lind 10 Yl's.; gelding, All Kinds of 111uon ut the Masonic Hall, 'rl·eherne. 1250 Ihs. gelding, 2 yrs.; filly; Buck· Visiting ilrethren cordially welcome .

. ,ling colt. . , CIGARS CIGARETTES n. W. Bro. John Coultel', Socretal'Y ." . . '. CATTLE:- Cow, mllk!ng, 8 yrs. H. A. Adair, W. M. · C' ·ASTO R 'I A·' cow, 2 yrs. with calf at root. TOBACCOS

\'" ,.~. .,', ,. ".'; {',: ! " ~MPI .. EMENTS :-:'1.'1 tan tractor, 10· H. C. DAY Proprietor For .. Infants' and .. Chlldrea . ,\ 20, plow for Slime, Cockshutt gang,

. ' " • . ",' I 'wlllking plow. binder, cUlllvntor,. !l0\1' In U •• ·ForOv.r.30Y ...... bll' disc drill, 10 sections harrows. hilI'- .'

Phone 119

, Ihe ' ~ ..,.: triple and double box, truck with raclt, ......................... . Alwa}'ll bear~ ~' ,. ;" , ,""" .. '1\ " row. cart, hay rake, 2 wagons. with

Slgnalure of ~ I:'~~ wagon, box, set' sleighs, cutter, com· ' \ • "'." .. ".;.' .~ c~', ::;;{J;.i ,.~:.> . plete blllcksmith outfit, power clipper. ===============

~ s: : . 1 % 'h.p.· gas engine, fllnnlng mill, 0)'

',-.1:-..• "." . tension ladder, 2 10·lnch crushe'rs, 2 '"

BE.·LL,'OIST. RI,CT :." grindstones, 1200·n),' & 240·lb. sCllles, atnk pump, 011 pump, 40'gallon gaso· line, tan k. water lank, barrel of green ". .~, ,".' I I , .,' "1' ,

1': -·School.opened on .Tuesday .last: Mrs. of, :,has been;'engaged

the . ...... . . '.'

paint., etc. ,e·tc. " ,·,HARNESS-2. sets .. breechlng work harness, set: ,double, driving harness,

, ;,and,a .large number,.o! blankets.llnd Tr,ehelinll.' parts.

< ,

Livery Stable

A first'clllss Livery and Feed DusineBs; good Ilnr! relll,lble Horses; . atyllsh RI~s; everv· thing up·to·date. ,"

Prompt amI obllglr.g bervlce. . SpeCIul attention to Commer· , , ", ... cla18~, .~ r, 1 "

.Phone 117


'I.'rehOlne Lodge No. H meets In Ihe Mllwnin Hllll every 'l'hurHdllY o .. onln;c lit ~ p. Ill. All Oddfellows In IIOQd 8lllndlnl!' are welcome. .

S. Brooking, N. G. H. A. Adair, Sec.


Meets In Mllsonic Hall Mon~ay on or berlm.' full 1D()0n, at 8 p. Ill. VlslUnl l.trethren always welcome. . Chief Ranger •

\ J,' Corbett

DOVE REbEKAH LODGE, NO. 82' Meets the' 2nd and 4th Tuesday Dr,

eacil month in the MaBonlc Hall,'. at 8 p. m. Visiting brethren and IIlatere always welcome.


. J. A. Richardson, N. G. Mrs.·A. E. ',Smlth, Secretary:.

• ,

, ','

, '

" ~ , I, ,


, .

. , )



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t i J Central ,Store News f £ J I ' ~


j TREHERNE LOCAU -'Mrs. J. S. Palmer II recoverIng Crom , a so\'oro Illness at the home on Droad-, ,----

-Threshing time - l\(anltoba at Its way., best! H's here once more In all Its -,,)wlng to the acarclty oC honses In glory.' "Not turn InC' out too bad." s'av 'r.dHllllU, H. K :.lcNellund fumil), ul'e the farmers. Hy. seE'ms a lIttle (lis. removing to Winnipeg. whllo the Bani, appohitlng, though, as weil as the pre· Is sondlng a single lUan to 11II Ule JlOS' sent ruling prIces. ItlOn here, 'l'rohel'llo needs at least

ten 1U0re houses.


:!~. -. ~--~-'- ----.-~ -.. "'-~

. . --T ET=·--------~z.--· 2 ... - - - .... ~ ...... ~ -----.... ~, •. -- ':zm



f School Opening I I 5<hool op.n, •• xt T •• ,day, .. h. "". to bav. th. CIUIdreo.. ;

i prepared on this date. t • We have made special preparations fQr this event. and

you will find all the necessaries for Boys and Girls at our Store. I

-So N. Cochran, OptometrIst. of Cnr­mnn ~Ill be In Treherne from Monday noon tIll Tuesday noon, September 11 nnd 12. Phone G. T. Curry and make an appoIntment. .

-1'he oh:ldren are goIng around wIth long Citces these days. School com mence~ shortly and the thoughs oC It doesn't bring very bright faces nround In the. mornIngs. Cheer UP. boys and gIrls!' Look Ilt the brIght Cuture In store after, school days are over.

-Treherne's "lIstening post," the Cen· trnI Garage, has been a povular llluce lately, whon concerts gIven In Denv!)r.· Great Falls, :Monl. Whlchlta, Kalls., Hollywood Cal., and DU\'enllOI'l, Ia., ns \\ ell as WInnipeg, Hegina ll.1ld Edmoll­ton, have been heard quIte dlslinc',!l over tho Hadlo.

The Beginning of the New School Term is Close at Hand


A new stock of Boys' and Girls' Boots and Shoes. espe­cially bought to take care of the demand at this season of the year. If your boy or girl is in need of a new pair of shoes before school opens. send to Harvie·s. We have the Quality Goods. and our prices are always the lowest.


that would, make lovely School Dresses for the Ji~tle girls. This Week's Price, 20c. per yard.


I , .... There wlIl be morning and evenlng

-Haryesiars are stIlI passIng. throllgh \\ Ol'ah,p next Sabbalb. on theIr way west where they expec. jlJOl'hlllg Subject:-"!n the Days oC to get hIgher wages than offered hore, Ills l"Iesh." ~ ..-Maybe' In the coul'se of a few weeks ··E. enlng Subject:-"J Servo," some of Ulese fellows wIll be glad to Special lI!us,c at both sen'Ices, come back thIs way and work for the 'll1e regular sen'Ice wIll be held' at wages oCfered. 1'he western provinces 01, ve at 3 o'clock In Ule afternoon. have all the men they need and a great , :nany Ulat they don't need. SHO:NER IN HONOR

-Dr. J. L, Lamoot, accompanied by his brother A~UlUr, of Willlllpeg, come home on 'l'uesday, nCler a vacation of a couple o( weeks at the Beach.


;; I ~ A FEW SUGGESTIONS: - ... "" ,', -Vel'ner Carroll had the misfortune ,I. Lest you should overlook some of the following·articles.: "i" to falV and brenk two boues In his log

On Thursday evening, August 23rd, a social evening was beld at the hOllle of !III's. \Vlechman for the choir Ol Ule l'resbyter.an Church, pabt unu present members numbering about % being In attendance. The event WIlS'­

In reality. a shower [01' !lIIss Dorll Duncan, a brlde·elecL of Ihe uear fu lure, 'l'he members gathered early, and awaIted Ule comIng of Miss Dun­can In the parlor. As she was usher­ed In, the lights were turned on !lnd Uie song, "1"01' She's a Jolly Good leel· low" voIced by all, altur wh ieh I\ll's, \Vlechman placed a table loaded with gIfts, In froot of the bride-elect., Miss vUllcall reeeh'ed Illany beautiful I;Irts, COl' which she expressod her heartIest thanks.

.f, k d "" J,. Boys' Caps, Stoc ings for Boys and Girls, Boys' Saapen en, .:. nellir ihe ankle, whIle ,vorKlng 101' l' • . t GeOl'ge VIncent, Wednesday. The UII ~. Belts, Shirts, etc., ' i fortunnte lad was brought to town by ... Dr. Lamont, who set Ule fracture w,t" {. Buy your Scribblers, Exerci~e Books, Pencils, Erasers etc. at Ule assI.stance of Dr. Moll. ... • :. Harvie's. . ~I 't' 4 .'. ',' -Grnndmn Par~er has been quIte III :l: -PHON~ YOUR FRUIT ORDER TO US- ::: Cor the vast two WllehS, but I.; IlJJpro, ,1, 'I' ving.

:1: Peaches, Pear~, Crab Apples, Prune Plums etc. This Week. :~ -ConsIderable sntlsfacllon has been •••• ',' .. I tU S d • expresseu a Ie resu,t of 'atur ay's • y .'. I "f' court case, when two local tellOlll< -:- " 'f' 'were heavIly fined for theft. It i.

"1' JJ A HARVRE ,: hoped that thIs wIll 6erve as a leddoll :1: .;. to others who are Incllneu LO. hell' .:. 0 I 0 '.' .', 'j' themselves to Ill'opel·ty belonging to

• 1. Th CIS Ph 137 T h '.' olher citIzens of thIs d,strlct. :1: e entra tore- one .' re erne ~: -Mra. Peter Lees of Millneapolls, ane. ( •• : •• : .. : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : .. : • .:..: •• : .. : .. : .. : •• : •• : •• : .. : .. : •• : •• : .. : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• :--: .. :-.)(M. ... ).).).).)IQt(e.).: .. ).).:.-: .. ).).) M rd. batu uel .Ai nold of '1'orull lO, who

have Deen VISltlllg Ulell', IJb ~e,. flUb

A vel'y dalnt)' 'lunch was served aC· tel' whIch tho evonlng WILS spent In muqlc . I The evenIng was much enjoyed by all pl'e~enL, Illld voted as Olio of the successful events of the season.

·"·""'· .. "·"""~'··'·I' ... ·I' .. '·"'I" .. 'I::"'I'II"·' .... · ... ·I'''''' .. '' .. "" .. , .. 'I', ...... '·' ... ""w.iIi.IliIliIllIllIliMlIII ...... III ... 1II1II 'r.'nw.";;n~mmw.1I.' ,l,d .li.U.' ,HOl ...... .na,;''': ,otmt:f.mitoNolt. .. W01tOll,mw. • •• • • • """'" )If'; •

W. J. Chambers, lell for liwir homes 00 Monday.


: '

Millinery Opening FRIDAY IUld SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th-9th

We take pleasure in extending to you a cordial invitation to be present at our



Millinery and F anq Goods

-\Ve ought to get up a cOlJlpelltIon, the subject to be Lhe best excuse " PUt up tu' our baoller why we shouldn't pay hun any money Lhls yellr. \\" might give a prize o[ $J,UU lor Lhe best excuse-Uwn we cou,d all uso the

Next Sunday the regular sen'lce wIll be held Ilt 11 o'clock. The Pa.stor. Rev. 1'. B, \VIlRon, will preach. Sub ject:-"\Vol'ldng Out Your Sah·aUon."

The Sundlty School will lllllOt imme· dlately at the close of the puhl:c ser-

same one and Mr. Banl,er would be Vice. sure to Call lor It. At the same time, ServIce In the evenIng at 7 o'clock. in ol'der to keep his temper dwoet, Subjecl:,-"!-low to Find thePath," we could each promise to give him a Tho Junior. and Son 101' Leagues will turlley or some oUler fowl thIng, aL res~me theIr regular meetings next Christmas tIlUe. Nothing succoeds I week. lIke success. Let us be forehanded, and pI'epare for eventualItIes.

-Everybody Is busy these days. 1f TIMES -AD LETS

they are not threshIng their own they FARM FOR SALE W Phone 94 -- Treheme

O""!I"I' ·w·""illOl'lt""·II'I .... ·I·lt!!"':t!!·1I' 1""lI''''''''/i''''u", ",,.. "',., '" ... ··".,,..!IIilllII !II~4IlII!IIlII.!II1tI ... ,.."", "'.'KN ... , .1 .. !HW;1 .. ~u .... : .. :.t:v.: t. ,;v. • • : •• :t~:", ~',m: :'ntn';'n~:K:Kmamr.tl:r~. ~rFrr;m:;RMO'; are helpIng theh' neighbor. 'rhat Is One of the best half·seetlons In Lhe th'/, ~ay to get along. , ' 'Rathwell dIstrict. Good buildings and -Speaking of threshIng remInds uB of plenty of good water. Farm perCectly the chap who cOllllllallled 'ubout tho clean; 3 mIles fI'om town. For llrlce

CHOICE Roasts of Beef ................................ .1 Oc. n,. Steaks, 12c. to Mc. per tb.

Boiling Meat, 6~. & Sc. n,. Pork, 18c. n,. Lamb, Veal and Fish Every Week.


and we are prepared to give you the same SERVICE and QUALITY we always have done in the past. ,


Real Estate is Agaih on the, M9ve r

C] Come in and see my [st of FARM LANDS at re­duced P'TiC-S. I have some very attractive bar­gains In IMPROVED FARMS.

, If you ,have any CITY PROPERTY to exchange

,on land, call 00 me.

,Several of the best Loan Companies represe,oted. I would advise placi:1g your applications NOW t when the crops are' at their best. After harvest may b too late as it was last year; mon~y'could not be had because of the rush ot applications. Now is the time to place y:our'HAILINSURANCE , , . .


. , '

I represent the M~NITOBA MUTUAL;

Also the G. G. G. ' " .

" "



towel he was trying to dry his face 00 . and terms see being' wet and dIrty. '1'l1e lady of tile Chas. H. Gould,

Hathwell house was very ludIgnant. She told 37lCc him he was a discontented chal'ncter, as ftfteen men bad already dried them at", e~ un ulat salil" LOwel aUll he \I U~ Ule only one to complain.


--CharlIe Lee of Portage In PraIrIe re­turned home on Saturday atter a week's visIt at the home of John\. Lee. -Mrs: L. 'Fumerton returned home on Saturday aftel' a weeI,'s visit at Hes, ton.

" ·-Mrs. Jas, Colter and Miss McKlek­rIck of Crystal CIty, and j.lisses Mar­

, garet land Anne Plnkertoll of \\'InnI­peg motored over' from Crystal Clly to spend Sunday wIth Mrs. Lees.

For Sale or Rent House and tl1I'ec IOlS ill Treh(.rnc, 9

'room:; good celhu', 80 band cislerll, g"l'ud ~vdl ill Idlchcll; elec.tric. lights ami (clcpIH,HIC. Apply .

, J, S. Palmer, . Trchcl"l1C

PICKLES FOR SALE Onlons-20·Ib. palls ror $1.00; greeu,

tomatoos, 75c, pel' pall; cucumbers, 50c. pel' pall, Call '

Mrs. Robert Marshall, Phone 93 1·3

, GOOD INTEREST ANti -The'Rev. J. Clark StewarL and fam· ABSOLUTE SECU RITY ily 'returne{1 from their camp at Hoel,' Lake on l>"t.?ay e,'enlllg, where they A lIberal rate or hiterest with ahAo, had n fine tIme. I te security Is the attractIve oCCer

nUla(le by the MlniGLOI' of !,'Inanco to --MIss Adela Stewart lert· Cor MonL-real on 1\10uday, \I hore she will talle holdera of the' Canadlan\ GoVel'nmOl;t up her duue, as a teacllel', Her 1110. war loan bonds matllrlng December ' ther accompanIed he~ as far as WIllnl. lU22. The orfer Is not mude to Inves· peg. : torB generally, but only to the hol~?rs

" ... of the tonds soon to mature. ,L he -Frank Bodldn oC Wlnn'IpeS' spent bondJ to be retired, ~Qarlng Interest at the, week ellt! wIUI his sIster, lIus. H. 'five 'and one half per cent., will be ex-C. Plll·~ons. changed Ifor new bonds bearIng the

" , same rate or luterect. ,See Ihe. mlver--lI!lss Heta Ronaghan of Neepawa Usem\lnl :?C the .. l\1:,n}ster of F.Il!Ulce. was It ~veel" uutI gu~~t at the U. C. l'al'-SOil home. ' . ,\ , -BORN:-At Sl. Claude to Mr. and lI!rs. Cook ou August 21t1I, a son. ' "

; , '-Mr. ;A, H. Haney of WInnIpeg spent " the week-ond with hiS 'sIllLer, , .. I'~. Chrlstllaw. " ,

, ,

-GraIn of all kinds Is comIng Into the local elovators in large qUalltItIes.' 'fhe great, dIfficulty Is to get II on the track fast enough.

, "

-V. Wlnlder Is enjoyIng nnother fine. crop oft hIs ev'or·bear,llg strawbel'ry iii, ii!I;_~."'IF';od~,"-_-.J l18tch., ,The berrIes are bIg; luscIous; ,~ ~:IMPOSSIBL.I1l' UNDER'l'AKING.

{fellows. The' TIlDes force, can '. ':1 'h~~r thJ1t YO~ havo been laid lOBlLUY,tO that. " up with nervous 'p'rostrntlon. "':'Whllt'. '.:.-.~rhA "maIn 'thlit'g 'in -the the cause,: overwork or worry?"

at present'1s the' , '''Bolh. <' . J Lrled ',10 :ha\'e a photo-:!::~;~ •. Each one would, ,,'lIrll.ph taken thai! Hulled, my" wlte."~,

, -- . Ule 'wind :80" , " , , ' blOW' the.,way . B~t' Out.

It 'that "hlnt":"~::~'lil"; -have iw th'e ~"

With it comes the thought of preparin~ your

your Boys and Girls with School Footwear,

We have just received a shipment of the famous "Classic" Shoes, -including Misses'. Girls' and

You:hs' High·Grade Shoes and Slippers. at prIces that sp 'II Economy, especially when you remem­ber that they are of the highest quality.


',See our line of HEAVY HARNESS before buy­

ing elsewhere. We know we can give you satisfaction.

Phone 60 Treherne t •

~ •••••••••••••••..•............ +.~ ...• " ..•.•••••..•••. • i Are You Going t~ Buy i aT ractor-or Thresher? i • I have the agency of the Waterloo Manufacturing Co ••

of Portage la Prairie. manufacturers of the Eagle Trac­tor, Heider Tractor and Champion Threshing Outfits. Don't buy a Thresher or Tractor until you have seen me. I will save you money and give you satisfaction.

I • : I : A. H. POLLON Dealer TREHERNE :

i • • ~ .................................................... .

NOW that the grain is moving, you need the assistance of the Bank of Hamilton to take care of aJlthe de­tails of your transactions, in a thor­oughly efficient manner. Consult our Local Manager and let us Jook after these important business de­

tails for you.





Flour We are again making 2 grades of Flour. Our first gr'ude, or Purity Patent. -IS ~cond to none.

in ad.lition to the abovt:, we hll ve another grade -our Straight grade. Both varieties are of pre-war quality. .

We are' always 11\ the market for ,wheat.

We are gri~ting every day •. Bring in your wh~CI,t In quantities and take your Rour as you require-i,~

, ~ TR .. :HERNE


. i .. IU!f.lI!llilI!l!ilIilI!iI>:llliliilffiiil!!t:llalliVoililllil!!lm;;;;Wo!ti!liiimHlillmillll!<ilil!!;l:ll!il!iI!;!!ilHllili;!111m!ifij!ill!i!!jl!!


. ' . . Trehem.e "

. . '. . . ' , .

• •

, -.- .. ,


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_THE TnEHERNE TIMEI ----.... --...---------------------------­well·deserved V. C.


The steadily increasing percentage of sat­isfied Imperial Pot'arine users is convinc­ing proof that the right grade of Imperial Pol~.rine is giving the greatest degree of lubricating service and satisfaction to Canadian automobile and tru"ck owners.

Check up your car on the Imperial Chart of Recommendations. Use the grade of Imperial Polarine Motor Oils recommen­ced exclusively.

IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Manufacturer. and Marketer. o( Imperial

Polarine !rfotor 00'1. and ~Tarketer. in Cunada of Gargoyle Mobiloi/.


SCOTT & ENGLISH East End Garage Treherne, Man.



.' \ ,

Harking back to the. . foreign ele· ment, the followlni Incident we can

'vouch for as being' perfectly true, be· Ing present at the ,tlme:-

It was In Minto St. Barracks In Win· nlpeg, In tho winter of '14, where 'our battalion was stationed, also tile 431'11 Batl., a branch of till) 79th Hlghlan· ders of Canada. In tile canteen, that soldler's hiwim of reCuge, where he can, If be has the necessary coin o[

" the realm, guzzle to his. heart's can· ten at two per cent. beer--tllat awful concoction that reluctantly forces a man to the concuslon that tile Kent who Invented noar·boer wus a mighty poor ju.dgo of distance-were a group of members of both' reglments(Oh, yes, we'mlxed Ilne!) and tho Coli owing dl· I\loguo occurred botween two klllleH. One of them was a regular, ,thorough· bred. all wool and a yard wide Scot; the other beini of Polish or RuthenJaIl dCtil;ellt, who, by reason oC his lengtll of reSidence III L!l\Dudu,; and being u nuturuhzed BrlUsh subjoct. was 1\1· , 1m, eti to enliul. 'l'bo biller spoke ra· thor broltOu Englibh, and speaKing tu the i::)cot asked:-

"How 'long you be In theas coontry, Jock?"

"),'our months," was the reply. "\\fell, 1 UOl can teli bow to make of

It," exclaimed ourforelgn Crlend. ,. Here J be in theea coon try elgh t years. 1

get ali me papers, you SlllK belter Een· 'glibh dlln me. How you account 101'

thut'I" However, Scotty, In conclusion, we

·are glad to uotlce that III your news column you don't consider the Eng· lIuhlllan quito as blucle as you are uo' ually In the habit of painting him. We nlll'er seriously thougb t you did, allY' way.

'We see that our mutual Crlend tile editor, In his edltol"lul last wllele, con· cernlng sOlUe of the IUlonymous lel· tel's, says "Nix on Ule rough stuCr," He mllntions all Ule different districts, b:;t omits to spoclfy WlnghalU. Prob· a.bly he thinies the time Is not rlpo 101' an Anglo,Scottish armistice. However, as you SU;·. It's UI' to us all to keel)

'Easily a Winner . First Honors Again for Massey - Harris Plows


Gang Plows, open-1st Prile . Massey-Harris Great West .

Tractor Plows, 3-furrew, open-. - lst Prize-Massey-Harris Tractor Plow

Tractor Plows, 3-furrow, amateur-lst Prize-Massey-Harris Tractor Plow

W alking Plow~ lst Prize-Massey-Harris, 14-inch

Special for Feering and Finish-1st Prize-Mass'ey Harris

Special for Best Plowed Land-1st Prize-Massey-Harris

No longer need t~e buyer "Beware"-confidence is the key-note of the success of the Massey-Harris Plows

LONG L1FE-'EFFICIENT SERVICE-is what every farmer re­ceives who buys a

Massey -Harris w. E. Staples, Agent~ Treherne

Our friend Scally cortalnly seems to take exception to UlC fact that we had the, audacity to dispute his state· ments In a prevlou~ lrisue of our puper. Indulging a little In personulltles, he malces such startling and d I'Ilma tic disclosures oC our pedigree, he knocles us down, steps on and rolls us over In sucll a humiliating IDauner tlmt It makes us squirm like a tiny worm.

smiling, and It will all come out In the .J wash. ;. ____________________________ _

Electro Gasoline, bbl. lots, 4S cts. Cheaper grades ia proportion

Best grade Tractor Oil, $1.21' per gallon

Tires have Taken a Drop Plain Tread, $12.00 Chain Tread, $13.50 Groved, $13.50

Nobby Tread. $15.00 30x3Yz tubes. $2.00 Two 33x4 Nobby Tread Dominion Tires at SNAP PRICES.

A8 I'egards his charge oC "butting In," on Ills IItUe argument with Sam, wlllcil so rar bas been can'led on through the privacy oC our local news columns. Wily, if Scotty had only put In a toot·note to the effect that Ills Ills caustic remarks In regard to tile unfortunate Engllsllmen, were copy· right, and comments and criticisms on the same were h(llther encouraged nor tolerated-why, we would lIave just sat back like a little lamb and never said a word. WIly, certainly I Mas' ______________________________ A decidedly! WIly not?

Now, Scotty, as a correspondent you are wonderful; you are a shining lIgh l,

-SEMPER FIDEI,IS .- -Sempor's last pamgraph, In which he doals WlUI the editor, needs a bit 01' explaining. Scally Is classilled along with tile other country correspondents as a correspondont from his post·ocr, Ice address - In tills Instanco Elm Creek. The districts oC Matchellvllle and Boyne Creelt, and three or four others, come under 'I'rehel'lle; Indian· Cord under Rathwell, Dakota under Elm Creele, etc. Only post·olfices were men lIoned, Cor tho Hat would be I'll' ther long, otherwise. At any rate, cor· respondonce which clearly and cer· talnly Is written for amusement, and not Cor news, does not come under the lndlctment. It's only news matter without names that the rulo Is In· tended Cor. For Instance: "'Vecldlng

• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

I Tho m" Wh!~~' ~~~~~!~~'mm'"'" " i seiling' his services or his merchandise to the people ! oC that community, and sends his money away to a t mall order house, Is a parasite. He Is a blood sucker • that takes everything arid gives nothing. t That Is a very straightforward statement of the case, • but It expresses a plaIn facl. Our neighbors who help : support our churches and schools, are entitled to our • patronage In anything like equal terms, and a perusal i of the advertlsng columns of this paper will prove conclusively that It Is not necessary to send else. i where for any staple commodity. !

..................................................... and a credit to our enterprising paper which you represent, but as a critic

.: •• :t':":t.: •• : •• :":,,: .• :~.:,.:,,: •• : •• ).: •• : •• :.,: •• :,,: •• : .. : .. :": .. : .. : •• : •• : •• :..: .. : .. : .. : .. :..: ...... :..:.(l-:..:..,.~~ you'd make a good plumber. Your ar

.:. . .'. 0·1 f T '- C guments hold about as much water as • !. I ,or you. r ractor (lr - ar Granny's selve.

bells next weele," won't pass; but, i~;;;;::::::::::::::::::;::;::;; "John Jones Is gelling 111m a wIre next week" Is O. 1(. See?-Ed .

:1: For Instance, you say your remarks .:. I II' I b f AUTO TRACfO 0 LS and arguments with Sam were refer· =;:i=========== :i: am now se mg t le est 0 and R I • ring, to . the ',Engllsh and Scotcb, of .. • '. by the barrel for 88c. per gallon; and ,the the cheaper some hundred years ago, yet the ar·· um;1I! ••• lI!lt:it:W.lf.;C!!I!!I!lI!lI!lliil!ll!iI!mil!ll?l!w.~ f grades as low as' 60c. tlcle In 'question seems to come down .1. to more modern limes ,when you' say .!. Drums can now be purchased at $8.00. tho English wpuld have bad their lltUe ~: Island Ldangllng from the Kaiser's

~. Only CASH at time of Purchase' will be cODsidered. watch 'chain If It badn't been fOI' the

~ ;;' '. I' SC;~~!~ ~t:~o~:~ we' "but In" cin your A TIMES ADLET ·f cattle #JontrovOJ·cy. If you read our ::: 'R.' D. BOOTH '. letter igaln, you w1ll find that. It deals * sol .. '}' lvllh your military, argument In 5 Linea or less at 50c. Three ',' . _ i' fact, w,e even go. so far as to say we' Times for $1.00, Cash .,' PHONE 118 Res. Phone 4 ,:'" TREHERNE I know nothing at all of the'cattle alll\lr. , with Copy. =!: ,.' .; ." 050 As re~rds your accusauon or .. throw· ~ •• :...-..:-( .. :.-:-.>-:.(H:--: •• : .. ).: .. : •• : .. : .. :..: ... ,.X.-:..: .. :--: .. : •• ~~~~.:+:..).:. Ing Ute bull" 'Probably that is purely a wIll sell your surplus Jjvo~stock:

, _' :.: ' mat~e~ of personal opinion. If It was, , , . .' some ~f It apparently.'stuck! or tI,Dd a required anImal, local~

""'" I'm 'glad you had such a fine auto estray llve·stock, or the owner

SEEKING' "HIS' - . . LOST . ,

. tour Illong Tweedslde, but, oh, man! I thereof, sell your extra Cal'm 1111 ,you don't know what you missed by I' plements o.r household goods, not viSiting the south side of Eskdale. fin!1 y.0u a Carm hand or house Then you would' eee what bonnie lassies; and __ ftne lads there are In that :: maid, dispose of your seed grllin locality. " or vegetables, or any number 01

SpeLiklng of your verllion of "Loch· iii ouier things-it' you give: It 0

Invar",t I.t Is always Intore~lIng tei learn it! chance., . "somet Ing new" and although wo don't •• . , dciubt four word In the least, the "Bar. i!iHiUElIIil!illlIIiiElI!!tI:II:¥.!tIit!itlil!illil!i!EiI!lt!illi!!. - I' •

der Pride" business Is something new. .,~ i ' ,.We ,w~ren't aware .that .. young Loch

.. ' got: aWIlY with' tile' "bonnie eoo" too ".However, seeing It was his mother's DISTRICT MANAGER .

. alleged' prope'rty, no dOllbt he figured ", __ and L9CAL AGENTS , posses/lion was nine points of 'tho IH' ," ..' ,: .' 'and ki1led two blrd~ W,ltll, one stone. 'WANT!"D: ';/By tile oldest Life Insur'· " ,The: famous poeni says he 'galloped nnce COmpany, In~'Nortb ,Amerlca-OIII" .:oe~r Canoble Lea with bls bride. Now oC the largost and Rtrollgest In thl.' ; 'weolUiow' Canoble,qulte well, arid musl-World, now.has to, 01101' a " -, . ILIt.ls"as .. rare, s, plec.I!,.oC New ,Perfect, LIf.e ,Insurance Policy,

you wm, . In': ' .. ' :-Spe,clal. f,eatur.es-' , ::~~~~\:~'~:rl:~~~i:~ D~uble ~lndemnltY-1f killed bY,any or. ' > ','" -",eldent Ilt-an'y age, ,dOUble ,the regula ,

saine' pi-et~, . Insurance 'ylll be puld III a JUnll\" sum'

o~;:~:~:~~;:;~::':~(~r~~l~,~~h,l::ill.·,' Disability I n,come 1 per' cel!'t a month ,. ,and W~lver of. Premlum-;-H pel'man .' could ,totally dlrmbled' by. accIdent .hlgh,", or before 60. Income'

"jilth'"UiEn:'Bloplnlg "coupl\> continues' a: ~~'~.~lf,c.~~~,r,.IB IIIYBte;.y" to . at your death

l~~~~~j~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~il~n~s~u~rallce'.'wlIl br'


,15 New 1923 Models

McLAUGHLIN - BUICK Canada's Standard Car

'. Establishing a new standard -of value~. Handsomer and . -Better th ~n ever 15 'Distinctive Models


23.41-Tourlng Se,\all, 5·p'a 'cen~el' •. _ ...... _ ....... _ ............. _ ................... $2725 23 44-S peclal Roadster, 2 pussenger ... : ..... : .......................................... $1695 23 .• 15.:..cSp 'cla' TOllr ng, 5 pasuenger ....................... :: .......................... $1725 ,23 47-,Sodan, .. 5 pa 'sengel' . __ ......... .:.., .. _ ............... : .................................. $2795

, '23::) S'-';'C. u ,e, . 4_passonger ...................... : ....................... _ .......... ; .............. $2J75 ~23:49-Snecllll ';'ollling, 7 passenger _._ ............................ _ .. _ ...... _ ....... $2095

, '23.60--'S; dan '7·pa"'senger .... : ....... : .. _ .............. :.: ....................... _ ............... $3095 i2:1:5'I';"";Sp'eclnl'S',ort J!ondst3r, 3 pa!sengor ........................................ $2295

J'5:5o:-'SIlet)lal Sp.~rt Touring, 4' passenger ........... _ ...... _.,.." ............... $2375

6 MASTER.FOUR MODELS 2 pallsenger ·:. .................................................. $1275

g, 5: pa ~senger ... _ .................. _ .......................... $1::9G 'I'ri",r,';,,, , 5, pa:nenger, ....................................... : ............ $1235

" 645'

'·~~:~~~~~'~iri~·i~irul:.ri;~i 5' ... ; ...... :~ .... ~ .......... , .. : ... : ................................. : .. :. $1950 .~ passenger. '.;._:.: ... _'.: .... _ ........... ; .... ; .............. : .. $1855

Government' Tax Extra.

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1, l' ," ! .... _________ ~---------.... ri ~> .' . IT WILL PAY YOU TO READ THIS del''' to convince you, and then some

Inore long profit 11ne5, Rl.d. so on. ~th-To try and convince you that UlB quality of their lines Is !luperlor to slandard lines by s'uch siliy tests as burning extracts and pu\vel'islng cof· fee beans In a mortar and lelting you smell lhe "dellghtlut arollla." All pure extracts will burn, ami coffee wurUI 35c. per lb. or ovei' has a delightful odor when freshly crushed.

n,,·· I S "'0'" that wI'll 1"< orne' on ts c . I THERE SHOULD BE NO SENTI·

MENT IN BUSINESS. " 1r your local merchant cannot supply you with Gro· cerles at as low a price as you can se· cure them elsewhere, Including freight charges, he Is not enlitled to the busl· ness.

~, ' . -

t ~' Save you Money f ' . { " ....

j: , ~. .'

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" . ,,' '.


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. DON'T bu'y Groc.;ries, especially in large quantities, that you are not sure or the value, because you are offered some lines that you know to be cheap--you lose in the end.

DON'l buy groce!ies With the private brand of the firm you buy them from. In almost every instance the goods are packed u'ndtr these brands for the purpose of preventing you from comparing prices, and thus securing a higher price. Stan­dard bran~ls In Groceries is your protection. '

DON'T forget that freight charges add considerable to the cost sometim~s more than you expect: '

DON'T let a saksman pcrsuade you into giving an order without comparing values. Get his prices .9.n the lines you require. Ask him If you can buy any quantity 'you want of any of the Imcs you require w,thout buying the others. If he is playing the game straight. he will sell you any line at his quotation without it b_ing necessary to take the g04ds you don't want. Tell him to-come back in a few days. And th:!n, after a fair comparison, if his prices and methods are right, give him the order. .


Special Demonstration and Demonstrator. ,

. MilS M. K. 'Leslie - a domestic science expert and practical baker, will be in the store 'at the Grocery Section from Tuesday, September 5th to Saturday, September 9th, inclusive, and will expund the merits of Magic Baking Powder. We venture to say this will be one of the most interesting and instructive demonstrations. Miss Leslie will be pleased to answer all and any questions put to her r~lative to domestic science or household problems in general.' Plan to come

I and hear all about this commodity of every-day use. Bring a friend or so with you. It will be worth while.


12-oz. tins, 35c. l.~.tb tins, 45c. 5- tb. tins, $1.85 ,

Tlf~lh<elrJnlce W. J. RUSTON,

Phone 52, General Merchant


.... BUT you should be sure that you are maklng.a real saving· before plac'

1.lng your order outside your locality, If you save a dollar on a bag of sugar. nnd pay 10c.' per lb. too much for 25 Ibs. of tea, you are out $1.50-and you ase liable to pay more than 10c. per lb. too lIluch. If you get 5 Ibs. of bak· Ing ~oda for noth,ng, and paid 60c. too much for a 5·lb. tin of baking powder, you have lost· money on 'the deal. It' you saved 50c. on a bag of rolled oats and paid 60c. too much (or a 16·ounce bottle of extract of vanilla. your loss Is 10c. and the rrelght; and when you buy extracts Ilnd baking powder under private brands, you don't know how much YOIl have lost.

The [0110wlng "clippings" are taken [rom the book of Instructions Issued to their agents by a \Vlnnlpeg firm claim· Ing to be wholesale grocre, and lit this connection you may be assured that there Is no Winnipeg wholesale gro· cerf firm selling direct to the consu mer. The 'Iarge department stores, as well as a number of the larger retail grocers, also our local merchants, buy qulte'a number of lines direct from the manufacturer or packer.

'1'he following will give ybu some idea of the methods suggested. It Is copied from their printed "Manual for Salesmen":-"The Necessity of Showing Your Cus

9th-TO hi fer, or openly claim timt a large portion of the lines of grocel'les soid In lhe local store are adulterated; that the so, called pure extracts are 1m· pure; that the spices are adulterated; that the coffee usually sold In stores lu adulterated with all sorts of rubbish -that their baking powder Is superior to standard brands; thlll jams sold In stores are Impure, etc. They evident· Iy talle It [or granted that the buyer Is I'.ot aware of the fact that Ule Go"mn' ment has provided a heavy Pllnalty for marking any goods "PURE," Ulat are not pure. As this class of "wholesale" tir:n does not deal with the merchants here, we are unable to say whether (h£'H' tactics and arguments are beh'lg u~ .. ,1 il. thls'locality to get buslne~ ... \\'e CIIdy know that these are Ule me· thllll,; f.l~gested tn their agents' by ~OIlV~ nf tl'£' firms. If they are usod, you will know tile reason, and will, no dOubt, be guided accordingly ..

If you are In doubt, and granulated sugar Is quoted to you at 'one or tWO dollars under the marltat price (we understand that If It Is hard to get a customer started tills Is sometimes done) o[Cer to buy 100 or ZOO saCKS­your local merchant will handle them for you If they come across-and see If they will fill the order.

tomera a Saving" ....",============= "Naturally the first and most essen. -= E

tlal element Is to show your customers a saving-to demonstrate In a convln· clng manner that In buying of us tiley are sure of better goods for leRs money than they can possibly obtain else· where.

'''1'he quickest and most satisfactory method of accomplishing this Is by the use of 'leaders.'

"'1'0 carry out this Idea efTectlve'y, . you should sell on a vel'y close margin, If any, certain advertised staples, prices on which are well known to cua· tomers generally.

"For th Is purpose we strongly re­commend our salesmen to sell the ar· tlcles mentioned elsewhere In thl9 book as the mOla effective leac\"rs,' at cost or even at a small loss, depending for y'oul relllu" .. ration on other goods, especially those manual as the 'Cream of the Trade.'''

"Why:-'You Should Refuse Small Orders" • I

"Such sales Will not permit: of your lI~jng "Leaders," hence the customer will be unable to see any Inducement

. In our quotations. With. this lacking, one of the greatest Incentives to trade with us Is lost." .

These al'e the "leaders," but they are apparently not anxious to sell them unless they can sell enough teas, cof, fees, etc. to cover up the loss of the


TRADE WITH US .You will find our good. and prices entirely • atisfactory.

DON'T PASS OUR DOOR-Drop in and aee ua-J uat make a f r i end I y call to get acquainted. ' l BERT BARKWELL

Confectioner Treheme

' .. ;'.'''''''''''''''' "''', ......... ", ...... ~.' ~" .. ·.i""" .,""'.;,,, 11''''*''''''''' .. ,"''''.,. .. , ":lI:~"I"""''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1If.HOlfOmit~n;;lh'fnl~1n.,r.n .. :1'.1Rii."i;;IUi'OnU'';1Hit.'i;:m .n .... Hi .. t ..... n .. l.ltin.n ...... n •••• r..,.it, . ., . ., .... r. .. y.lI;;r.mn;n'·itiHt

. m" T. ' C. " Delgety M~rchant tailer T reherne I "leaders." ..

"The Most Effective Leaders.-~." AdvCI·tip.ed brands of tobaccos; yeast cakes, baking soda, lye, paclmge cereals, rolled oats, matches, corn meal, navy beans, laundry starch, lin· seed 011, clothes pins, fruit jars, lard and sugar."

. '.

m ~ .,. n.

m . Well, 'the price of 'Yhea~ has gone down-so has the m Hi pnce of Clothes. A splendid SUIt, made to your measure for III m $i5.00-made by the best tailors in Canada, the "Art Clothes." i: ill Your measure also taken by an expert Tailor of long experience. '; lil : .

ill Agent for" ART CLOTHES" ~d several other firms. :; m ..

. ,,' '. ' Hi Cleaning, Pres3ing and Repairing done Promptly_ :; ,.': f :

"You should exercise every et'(ort, however, to l(8op your salas of the goods (ospoclal1y the Ihree laller· named articles) do\\ n t'J .ha loweHt possible point, utherwlse your I!USW' mers may not have sumclent, If any fundR left to buy teas, cofTees and oth· (lr groceries on .whlch you dan average up .for any I."ss you may sustain on the Leaders. ,. :'

"." , ,."'. I

I,'" "Wt(ere the Profit Lies"

':~ lij Agent for THE PARISIAN DRY CLEANERS. ~ . .. ," ...

'. "Teas, cofTees, spices, extracts, bait· Ing powder, cocoanut, toilet articles,

"" / syrups, molasses, jams, tOilet soaps, ':2-;;,,===-==================="'-::=======- . machine oils, pain; axle greaso, may

;'i. "\'''''''i!' ""Il'" ,., ""II'''''''''''' .,",. '1"" ''''tt~,,,,~,~ '"'U''' ."' .... ,. iI' "'., ..... "iI' ..... "'''' .. ''''''''''''''''''''',..,., ... ,,' 1''''Olin .. aooYo. ':m1td;n5r.iU~.n •• ~i.h·;:j'O •• t: ~:i-'O: ...... ;'n''': •• :''':Oi: ..... '':'~ ':; .. ~'::..1 ..... i ....... ~H'H""nifi.'.;y;n;1 ... mH'HK

\ •

Piano Genius is Embodied in the

~JiaJUl-Good matorlnls nnd careful workmanlhlp aro withIn the reach of every plano manufact.urer.

But In tho Gourlay Plano you'U Ond more-tho "ory toucb of Kunlua .. ' . I . Boo tho m&!ltor-hnnd In tho'artlstlo beauty,o( 1M 4 .. lgn-<loU-e&tO, tufinud. y:rlicoful1n ovory 11no. , r

Al1d tho ja.cln&llilK rlohn.,.. of tho Gourlay'. tone Is an achlove­mont. br gcllhls ....... lcarncu through many yean of uxporluDco aud -tuo (oUowlng of hIgh Idool. In plano oraft. . '. Ounlu9 I. thore-Oonlusl. mnnltost In uvury Gourlay. . ' !


P. T. JOHNSON -- ~. '- . TREHERNE· "'-- '~. . .


• • •

• ••

• . .' · . ", • • . . . .. :

be truly called the "Cream of tho Trade." '

"'1'he salesman who doos not sell a large porcentnge of these, and In liD' eral quantl.les, 'too, Is sure to meet falluro. . If he follows tllelr Instructions,' he

will use these methods to got oraers: 1 st-To quote "Leaders" such as' SI',

gnr and otller staple lines that most I.eople are with Uw values, at 'Cost or' oven at a loss, In order to create tile Impression that other lines aro 'eqUally good value. .

· . Z2nd-'l'0 endllavor to keep your order for i'Leaders" as small 8S possible. For Instance, It you wish two or three

., bags of sugar, they tell you that the' price of sugar may go down and you.

· should not. buy. too much; or If rice, ; beans or' other' cereals, are used a'

and "leaders," here Is a danger of you · buying. too much. they are' to advise yilu not' to do so as they may beco'me

· mouldy •. " " , - -. 3rd-To Induce: you to' order very , large qUIUlUties of tea, 'coftee, extracts, · baking. powder/ spices etc.. at prices " " that show a big p'roflt, for the agent, " hi order to'even up for 'the 10s8 on' the

"leaders.".';" l _ ,,- ,'~ , ; 4th..:."to ,sell, you black pepper' at'. a,

· low. price, '!lecause " the',usual .Ied .to .'. bellelr.



Job Printing . ......






;; ,CALL!NG,.CARO' '. IRTH' NOT " 'L :..:~~= .. ,

. " .. '

, .

. ~~' ,

A Slaughter in Mens' and. Boys' Suits


1 Dark Brown Tweed, size 42, priced ........... _ ............................ $19.01 2 Navy Blue Serge', size 42, priced at ........................................ $23.95 2 Na vy B\.;e S~rge, size 39, priced ............................. _ ................. $19.00 2 Navy Blue S .rge, size 39 .............................................. ~ .................. $23.95 1 Navy Blue Serge, size 40, priced ................................................ $23.00 1 Navy Blue Serge, size 39, price ............................................. $23.50 1 Navy Blue Su:t, size 38, pr;ced .............................................. $23.50 1 Dark Grey T\veecl. size 37. priced ........... _ ........... _ .... __ ......... $23.00 1 Grey Check Tweed, size 40, priced ........................................ $23.00 1 Dark Brown Tweed, size 36, priced ............................ -1 ............ $15.00

A FULL LINE OF BOYS' SUITS FROM $5.00 TO $14.50. All Colors and Sizes.

r~:~F~:~:~::~::~.::·:::~:~~~~:::::~~·i : But before making your purchase, consider first the price I • : you pa.d last year when cattle were cheaper than they are • :. today. It will pay you to place your orders with me, as :

you will be sure to get a piece of meat that you can eat. : : Don't be mislead by the so-called drop in the price of • t meat (cheap meat doesn't cost much in the first place. i j ........ -... Ours is choice.) but come to the store where you get the : •. ':. quality and value for your money. : :' .... _., I

: Sausages a Specialty .. • We Deliver Meat to any place in lown. For Service, Phone 102.

I Phon'10z' JOE HAIRE Cuny Blo,k : ' .................................................... ,

Ogilvie's Current Prices at Treherne ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUIl ........................................... _ ......... _ .. $4.25

SHORTS ....................... _ ........... _ ................................ _ ........... _._._- $26.00 CORN (OLD) PER CWT .... _ ............... _ ..... _ .......................... _ ... - $1.50

Prices subject to Change.



~~I+G>' oH~·~"'·l+to<· H~·~·:t<I~><.!:..Ko~~oH><·.66 6666 6 0 606 G 66 0 6 0 6 M

Pi'oneer' Hardware '

In HarvestlJpillies Our S~ock Is . Most Complete

We Carry Everything in the Hardware Line, in all its Branches. . .

-THRESHERS' SUPPLlf.S..:;..-r •

We always keep in ·touch with theneed~ of the thresher, 10 that our stock is always complete in sucli lines as:-

" : I" • < ~ • •

Rubber or Leather Belting,',PuUey Lagging of leather, canvai or rope; Tank Injector and Discharge Hose"

.Ta~k, Pumps; Packings., Lace Leather,' Pipe, and Brus ._ . -Fittings, Steain Gauges, Lubricators, Ejectors, Grease

\ Cups; 'e,tc. , . : .!

A ··Iarge . assortment of Wrenches, Chilels, Punches, . . Pliers and Hammers. \

Loti of Hay and Straw Forks and Handiel •

. . ,,::, If you require a Drive Belt, let us quote you a:price-o-n~"'::-' '" 'one"either 'Canvas or Rubber. '.;

, .' . / - { ,,' ,

-. ,- , ~~ ,,....'" .

. Rio~~~r Hardware' " - <

.' .

' .. I .

. ''freheme ' .

. ~ • • •

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