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City Charter Review Commission

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As engaged citizen leaders I thought you might be interested in this proposed process for the City of Gresham Charter Review Committee. You might eveb decide to attend their committee review sessions and put yolur oar in the water!

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  • 1. Recommendations for Review Process
    Submitted by Richard Strathern
    Gresham Citizen at Large
    Gresham City Charter Review Commission

2. Contents
Gresham City Charter Committee 2011
Key Facts
Council Directives
Four Types of Local Government Options
Research and Public Policy
The Role of the Charter Commission
Citizen and Stakeholder Engagement
No Form is Perfect
Discussions on Form
Background Material
Hamiltonian Model / Strong Executive
Recommended Charter Review Process
3. Key Facts
Gresham City Charter Committee 2011
Current City Charter was adopted May 2, 1978
Charter may be amended, repealed, or replaced
60 % of citizens must pass a ballot measure to approve any changes
The current charter has been revised nine times
The City Council appoints the charter review committee
4. Council Directives
Gresham City Charter Committee 2011
Goals :
Identified City Council concerns and city needs to be addressed by the charter committee resulting inrecommendations to City Council for its action
Hold open forum for suggestions from Council members both current and past.
Insure that staff has authored a research summary for committee members on alternative forms of city government outlining strength, weaknesses and opportunities of change
This information should be shared with general public soliciting their input and recommendations
5. Four Type of Local Government Options
Gresham City Charter Committee 2011
1. Mayor - Council (Strong Mayor)
2. Council - Manager (Weak Mayor)
3. Council - Manager ( Traditional)
4. Council - Manager(Hybrid)
6. Research and Public Policy
Gresham City Charter Committee 2011
Key Question:
Will a specific form of government by itself address community needs, issues, and concerns?
The Charter Committee should start with a discussion on Form of Government.
The expressed intent of this discussion is to seek consensus and address the needs, concerns and issues of City Council and the citizen community.
7. The Role of a Charter Commission
Gresham City Charter Committee 2011
(1) the need to identify and respond to the changing environment and
(2) the utility of using the Form of Government discussion as a starting point to address Council/Citizen needs
Over time, communities change. Issues change. Needs change. As a consequence, our charter needs to be revised, depending upon the kind of issues that surface in your voting community. It is the committees job to gather the ideas and information from people in our community, and put a charter together and to present it to the citizen for a vote.
Kenneth Verburg Michigan State University
8. Citizen and Stakeholder Engagement
Gresham City Charter Committee 2011
Within current financial constraints, the committee should seek the opinions and input from Gresham residents and community stakeholders.
Outreach activity should include a wide range of citizens, community organizations, businesses, not-for-profit organizations, religious, organized labor, past and current government leaders, including special public services announcements and appeals from current Mayor andformer Mayors to encourage citizen and stakeholder input
9. No Form is Perfect
Gresham City Charter Committee 2011
Arguably, issues of abuse andpersonnel influences of private resources for private gain can and do occur in all forms of government.
The selection of a government structure in of itself does not enhance or reduce or create a barrier to prevent individual or machine based influenced, citizen abuse or inappropriate use of private resources to advance the interests of private people
Researcher Curtis Wood, University of Kansas (2010) indicates that the best protection against violation of public trust is a strong involved community.
10. Discussion on Form
Gresham City Charter Committee 2011
Research studies see a definite relationship between form of government and voter turnout in city elections and citizen engagement. Why is this?
It may be helpful to focus on two questions, as opposed to deciding upon a governmental type as a single exercise:
What type of city do you envision
What type of defects or corrections are you addressing, the Form of Government discussion inevitable flow from these critical questions.
11. Examples of Citizen Objectives
Gresham City Charter Committee 2011
Curb abuse of public funds and resources
Create a more effective city that responds to the priorities of the citizenry
Plan for a city to attract jobs and other opportunities that current and potential citizens and stakeholders can take full advantage
Create opportunities for older as well as younger Gresham citizens
12. Background Material for Charter Committee
Gresham City Charter Committee 2011
International City/County Management Association (ICMA) Model City Charter and statistical survey of 3,864 cities, 2006. It compares Mayor -Council with Council Manager:
Main Features
% of cities using this form by population
Mayoral Powers
Council Powers
Arguments For
Argument Against
13. Background Material Continued
Gresham City Charter Committee 2011
Current Mayoral Models in Municipalities
Appointment Powers Chart:
Form of Government
Mayor - Council
Council Manager
Town Meeting
Population size
Metro Status (Central, Suburban, Independent)
14. Background Material Continued
Gresham City Charter Committee 2011
Beyond Stereotypes: Socio-economic Characteristics of Modern Council-Manager Cities
This is a (5) part series of articles by Kevin Carter, Management Fellow (January 31, 2011) ICMA Article
Part (1) Structure, Brief History
Part (2) Previous Academic Work
Part (3) Overview of Theory, Socio-economicCharacteristics of Communities by Impact of demographics on Form of Government
Part (4) Questions of Research
Part (5) Final Findings
15. A Hamiltonian Model of Municipal Power in Action
Gresham City Charter Committee 2011
Strong Argument for Mayor-Council:
A Primer on Governance
Unplanned City? Yes and No.
Sources of Change in City Government
Looking Below the Radar The Underside of City Governance
Storm Clouds: Reasons for Citizen Concern About Local Governance
Postscript: Three Suggestions for Improving Governance
16. Strong Executive
Gresham City Charter Committee 2011
Dr. Richard Murray, University of Houston, is the author of A Hamiltonian Model of Municipal Power in Action. (See Blog)
He quotes Federalist Paper # 70:
Energy in the executive is a leading character in the definition of good government A feeble executive implies a feeble execution of the government. A feeble execution is but another phase for a bad execution; and a government ill executed, whatever it may be in theory, must be in practice, a bad governmentThe ingredients which constitute energy in the executive are unity; duration; an adequate provision for its support; and competent powers (Alexander Hamilton)
17. Recommended City Charter Review Process 2011/2012
Gresham City Charter Committee 2011
Line by Line Review
Names and Boundaries Powers
Form of Government
City Council
Powers/Duties of Officers
Vacancies in Office
Public Improvements
Misc Provisions
Ordinances Power, Initiatives, Referendumand Recall
Based on history in city archives review rational for pass changes to City Charter
Review current best practices in city governance
Perform a SWOT analysis of current Charter based on citizen, stakeholders and past and present City Councilors and Mayor(s)
Perform Decision Analysis and draft recommendations for presentation to City Council
Council approves final proposal forcitizen approval