Monday, July 22, 2019 City of Guelph Council Agenda  Page 1 of 6  City Council Meeting Agenda Monday, July 22, 2019 – 4:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Guelph City Hall, 1 Carden Street Please turn off or place on non-audible all electronic devices during the meeting. Please note that an electronic version of this agenda is available on guelph.ca/agendas. Guelph City Council and Committee of the Whole meetings are streamed live on guelph.ca/live. Authority to move into closed meeting That the Council of the City of Guelph now hold a meeting that is closed to the public, pursuant to the Municipal Act, to consider: Confirmation of Minutes of the closed meetings of Council held June 10, 12 and 24, 2019. IDE-2019-78 Dolime Update Section 239 (2)(e) and (f) of the Municipal Act relating to litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board; and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. IDE-2019-81 Baker District Redevelopment – Proposed Development Management Agreement and Proposed Development Site Section 239 (2)(c) of the Municipal Act relating to a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board. CS-2019-71 Strategy to Address Provincial Legislative Changes Section 239 (2)(b), (c) and (d) of the Municipal Act relating to personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; and labour relations or employee negotiations.

City Council Meeting Agenda - City of Guelph · Monday, July 22, 2019 City of Guelph Council Agenda Page 1 of 6 City Council Meeting Agenda Monday, July 22, 2019 – 4:00 p.m. Council

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    Monday, July 22, 2019 City of Guelph Council Agenda    Page 1 of 6  

    City Council Meeting Agenda

    Monday, July 22, 2019 – 4:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Guelph City Hall, 1 Carden Street 

    Please turn off or place on non-audible all electronic devices during the meeting. Please note that an electronic version of this agenda is available on guelph.ca/agendas. Guelph City Council and Committee of the Whole meetings are streamed live on guelph.ca/live. Authority to move into closed meeting That the Council of the City of Guelph now hold a meeting that is closed to the public, pursuant to the Municipal Act, to consider: Confirmation of Minutes of the closed meetings of Council held June 10, 12 and 24, 2019. IDE-2019-78 Dolime Update

    Section 239 (2)(e) and (f) of the Municipal Act relating to litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board; and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.

    IDE-2019-81 Baker District Redevelopment – Proposed

    Development Management Agreement and Proposed Development Site Section 239 (2)(c) of the Municipal Act relating to a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board.

    CS-2019-71 Strategy to Address Provincial Legislative Changes

    Section 239 (2)(b), (c) and (d) of the Municipal Act relating to personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; and labour relations or employee negotiations.


    Monday, July 22, 2019 City of Guelph Council Agenda    Page 2 of 6  

    Open Meeting – 6:30 p.m. O Canada Silent Reflection First Nations Acknowledgement Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof Presentations:

    1. Medal Presentation to Chloe Massey Canada Games, held in February 2019 in Red Deer, Alberta Bronze Medal in two Categories: Team Free and Team Technical Artistic Swimming, 10 person team, 16-18 year olds

    Confirmation of Minutes: (Councillor O’Rourke) That the minutes of the open Council Meetings held June 10, 12, 24, and July 8, 2019, and the open Committee of the Whole Meeting held July 2, 2019, be confirmed as recorded and without being read. Committee of the Whole Consent Report: The following resolutions have been prepared to facilitate Council’s consideration of various matters and are suggested for consideration. If Council wishes to address a specific report in isolation of the Committee of the Whole Consent Report, please identify the item. It will be extracted and dealt with separately as part of the Items for Discussion. CS-2019-61 2018-2022 Council Composition and Employment

    Status Review Recommendation:

    1. That a Council Composition and Employment Status Review be conducted by a third party subject matter expert during the 2018-2022 term of Council with the intent that any proposed changes to be subsequently approved by Council take effect for the 2022-2026 term of office.

    2. That the costs associated with the Council Composition and Employment Status Review, as outlined within report CS-2019-61, dated July 2, 2019, be referred to the 2020 budget process.



    Monday, July 22, 2019 City of Guelph Council Agenda    Page 3 of 6  

    CS-2019-68 2020 Council and Committee Meeting Schedule Recommendation:

    That the 2020 Council and Committee Meeting Schedule, included as Attachment-1 to Report CS-2019-68, titled 2020 Council and Committee Meeting Schedule, dated July 2, 2019, be approved, as amended.

    IDE-2019-68 Sign By-law Variance - 100 Gordon Street Recommendation:

    That the request for a variance from Table 1, Row 6 of Sign By-law Number (1996)-15245, as amended, to permit a building sign with an area of 2.29m2 to be located on the first storey of a building face fronting an adjacent property at a distance of 2.82m from the property line of 100 Gordon Street, be approved.

    IDE-2019-69 Sign By-law Variances - 43 Arthur Street South Recommendation:

    1. That the request for a variance from Table 1, Row 4 of Sign By-law Number (1996)-15245, as amended, to permit an illuminated building sign with an area of 12.48m2 to be located on the first storey of a building face, fronting an adjacent property at 43 Arthur Street South, be approved.

    2. That the request for a variance from Table 1, Row 4 of Sign By-law Number (1996)-15245, as amended, to permit an illuminated building sign with an area of 3.77m2 to be located above the first storey of a building face, fronting the road allowance at 43 Arthur Street South, be approved.

    3. That the request for a variance from Table 1, Row 4 of Sign By-law Number (1996)-15245, as amended, to permit a non-illuminated building sign with an area of 2.66m2 to be located 1.32m above the ground at 43 Arthur Street South, be approved.

    IDE-2019-16   On-Street Parking Policy Review Recommendation:

    1. That following Traffic Investigation Policies dated June 16, 2003, be rescinded: Parking and Stopping Restrictions at School Crossings Policy 019; On-street Parking Changes (Convenience Request) Policy 020; On-street Parking Changes (Safety Request) Policy 021; Parking Restrictions at Kiss ‘N Ride Zones Policy 022; Parking on Multi-lane Highways (marked four or more lanes) Policy 023; Parking Restrictions in New Subdivisions Policy 024; Overnight Parking Prohibitions Policy 025; Stopping Restrictions at School Bus Loading Zones Policy 026; Parking and Stopping Restrictions at School Crossings Policy 027;


    Monday, July 22, 2019 City of Guelph Council Agenda    Page 4 of 6  

    Public Loading Zones Policy 028;

    2. That the attached On-Street Parking Policies be adopted by Council and be in effect as of August 1st, 2019.

    IDE-2019-70 Private Well and Septic System Decommissioning

    Grant Recommendation:

    1. That Council approves the Private Well and Septic Decommissioning Grant Program Terms and Conditions included as part of Attachment 1 to the report.

    2. That Council delegates authority to the Deputy CAO of Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise to approve, execute and amend related documents, including agreements, if any, required to implement and optimize the Private Well and Septic System Decommissioning Grant Program, subject to approved Council funding and the satisfaction of the Deputy CAO of Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise and the City Solicitor.

    3. That staff be directed to report back to the Committee of the Whole as part of the Water Services Annual Report on program participation achieved through the Private Well and Septic System Decommissioning Grant Program.

    CS-2019-69 Vacant and Excess Land Subclass Review

    Recommendation: That the commercial and industrial vacant and excess land subclass discounts be phased out over two years beginning in 2020; reducing the discount from 30 per cent to 15 per cent in 2020 and fully eliminating the discount in 2021.

    CS-2019-21 2019 First Tri-annual Capital Variance Report Recommendation:

    1. That the report CS-2019-21, titled 2019 First Tri-annual Capital Variance Report and dated July 2, 2019, be received.

    2. That $1,100,000 be transferred from capital account WT0013 Burke Treatment to WT0041 Membro Well Facility Upgrades for the new works required as per the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks change in the Water Street Wellfield permit to take water (PTTW).


    Monday, July 22, 2019 City of Guelph Council Agenda    Page 5 of 6  

    Council Consent Agenda: The following resolutions have been prepared to facilitate Council’s consideration of various matters and are suggested for consideration. If Council wishes to address a specific report in isolation of the Consent Agenda, please identify the item. It will be extracted and dealt with separately as part of the Items for Discussion. IDE-2019-80 Service Agreement with Our Energy Guelph Recommendation: That Council approve the proposed service agreement with Our Energy

    Guelph. CS-2019-76 Strategy to Address Provincial Legislative Changes Recommendation:

    1. That a 2020 budget reduction strategy to address the taxation and user fee affordability impacts resulting from provincial legislative changes and the desire to invest in delivering Council’s Strategic Plan, be approved.

    2. That staff be directed to identify budget reduction options focused on: a. services not identified as a priority through Council’s Strategic Plan b. services that score above average satisfaction through the Customer

    Satisfaction Survey c. services that are not a legislated requirement or are delivering at

    service levels above legislated levels.

    3. That staff be directed to provide correspondence to the City’s local boards and shared services requesting a budget reduction strategy be implemented with options for Council to consider as part of 2020 budget approval.

    Items for Discussion: The following items have been extracted from the Committee of the Whole Consent Report and the Council Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. These items have been extracted either at the request of a member of Council or because they include a presentation and/or delegations. IDE-2019-84 Baker District Redevelopment – Progress Update and Financial Impacts

    Presentation: Helen Loftin, General Manager, Business Development and Enterprise Duncan Bates, Consultant, Diamond Schmitt Architects Tara Baker, General Manager, Finance/City Treasurer


    Monday, July 22, 2019 City of Guelph Council Agenda    Page 6 of 6  

    Recommendation: 1. That the Baker District Steering Committee be directed to work with the

    Guelph Public Library Board and Windmill Development Group to provide an alternative new main library design option that:

    a. is not more than $34 million excluding the cost of land and site preparation; and

    b. aligns space consistent to the Council-endorsed Guelph Public Library business case as referenced in IDE-2018-22 Baker District Redevelopment Status Update; and

    c. gives priority to spaces that do not compete with other city-owned facilities and services.

    2. That the Baker District Steering Committee be directed to investigate alternative shared-use parking options for both the public and library parking requirements on the proposed Baker District Redevelopment Site.

    Special Resolutions By-laws  Resolution to adopt the By-laws (Councillor Piper). Mayor’s Announcements  Please provide any announcements, to the Mayor in writing, by 12 noon on the day of the Council meeting. Notice of Motion Adjournment


  • June 10, 2019 Guelph City Council Meeting Page 1

    Minutes of Guelph City Council Held in the Council Chambers, Guelph City Hall on

    June 10, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. Attendance

    Council: Mayor C. Guthrie

    Councillor P. Allt Councillor R. Goller

    Councillor C. Billings Councillor J. Hofland Councillor C. Downer Councillor M. MacKinnon

    Councillor D. Gibson Councillor D. O’Rourke Councillor J. Gordon Councillor L. Piper

    Absent: Councillor B. Bell Councillor M. Salisbury

    Staff: Ms. D. Tremblay, Acting Clerk

    Ms. D. Black, Council and Committee Coordinator

    Call to Order (6:00 p.m.)

    Mayor Guthrie called the meeting to order.

    Authority to Resolve into a Closed Meeting of Council

    1. Moved by Councillor Hofland Seconded by Councillor Goller

    That the Council of the City of Guelph now hold a meeting that is closed to the public, pursuant to Section 239 (2) (c) and (k) of the Municipal Act with respect

    to a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality; and a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any

    negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Allt, Billings, Downer, Gibson, Goller, Gordon, Hofland, MacKinnon, O’Rourke and Piper (11)

    Voting Against: (0) Carried

    Closed Meeting (6:02 p.m.)

    Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof

    There were no disclosures.

  • June 10, 2019 Guelph City Council Meeting Page 2

    The following matters were considered: PS-2019-11 Animal Control Services and Pound Services

    Rise and recess from Closed Meeting (6:27 p.m.) Council recessed.


    Council: Mayor C. Guthrie Councillor R. Goller Councillor P. Allt Councillor J. Hofland

    Councillor B. Bell Councillor M. MacKinnon Councillor C. Billings Councillor D. O’Rourke Councillor C. Downer Councillor L. Piper

    Councillor D. Gibson Councillor M. Salisbury Councillor J. Gordon

    Staff: Mr. S. Stewart, Acting Chief Administrative Officer Ms. C. Clack, Acting Chief Administrative Officer, Public Services

    Mr. T. Salter, General Manager, Planning and Building Services Mr. D. DeGroot, Senior Urban Designer

    Mr. M. Witmer, Senior Development Planner Ms. A. Watts, Development Planner I Mr. B. Bond, Senior By-law Administrator, Planning and Building Services

    Ms. D. Tremblay, Acting Clerk Ms. D. Black, Council and Committee Coordinator

    Open Meeting (6:30 p.m.)

    Mayor Guthrie called the meeting to order.

    Closed Meeting Summary Mayor Guthrie spoke regarding the matters addressed in closed and identified the


    PS-2019-11 Animal Control Services and Pound Services Staff were given direction on this matter.

    Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof

    There were no disclosures.

    Presentations Guelph Predators U19AA Ringette Team 2018-2019

    Mayor Guthrie presented the Guelph Predators U19AA Ringette Team of 2018-2019

    with medals for being gold medal winners in their Provincial and National division.

  • June 10, 2019 Guelph City Council Meeting Page 3

    Harm Reduction Housing – Concept Information Adrienne Crowder, Wellington Guelph Drug Strategy Manager, provided details of the

    proposed concept.

    Cathryn Haight, Peer Workers, Guelph Community Health Centre, provided details of her experience and explained how the program would benefit those in need.

    Karen Lomax, Outreach Prevention Coordinator, ARCH, provided input from those that would benefit from the program.

    1. Moved by Councillor Goller

    Seconded by Councillor Hofland

    That staff be directed to work with the Wellington Guelph Drug Strategy group

    and report back to Council on the request presented at City Council on June 10, 2019.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Allt, Bell, Billings, Downer, Gibson, Goller, Gordon, Hofland, MacKinnon, O’Rourke and Piper (12)

    Voting Against: (0) Carried

    Urban Design Awards Decision

    David DeGroot, Senior Urban Planner, provided information regarding the Urban Design Awards program and its timelines.

    Council Consent Agenda

    The following items were extracted:

    CON-2019-53 Request for an Extension of Draft Plan Approval 55 and 75 Cityview Drive North File: 23T-12501

    Balance of Council Consent Items

    2. Moved by Councillor Piper Seconded by Councillor Downer

    That balance of the June 10, 2019 Consent Agenda as identified below, be adopted:

    PS-2019-12 Fixed Gear Brewing Company – By the Glass

    Manufacturer’s Limited Liquor Sales Licence


    That Council support Fixed Gear Brewing Company’s application to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for a By the Glass - Manufacturer’s Limited Liquor Sales Licence for their brewery located at 355 Elmira Road, Unit #135 as

    set out in Report PS-2019-12 dated, June 10, 2019.

  • June 10, 2019 Guelph City Council Meeting Page 4

    IDE-2019-64 Ministry of Transportation Connecting Links Program 2019-2020 – York Road Reconstruction from Ontario Street to Stevenson Street

    1. That Council authorize staff to submit an application to the Ministry of

    Transportation with respect to the Connecting Link Program for the reconstruction of York Road from Ontario Street to Stevenson Street.

    2. That Council authorize staff to confirm to the Ministry of Transportation the following:

    i. The submitted Application meets the requirements of MTO’s Connecting

    Links Program as described in the Program Guide;

    ii. A comprehensive Asset Management Plan including connecting links has been completed and publically posted;

    iii. The municipality will comply with the conditions that apply to designated connecting links under the Highway Traffic Act to ensure the safe and efficient movement of provincial traffic; and

    iv. The Application is complete and factually accurate.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Allt, Bell, Billings, Downer, Gibson, Goller, Gordon, Hofland, MacKinnon, O’Rourke and Piper (12) Voting Against: (0)


    Items for Discussion

    CON-2019-53 Request for an Extension of Draft Plan Approval 55 and 75 Cityview Drive North File: 23T-12501

    Councillor Allt requested clarity regarding clauses 2 and 3 of the recommendations.

    3. Moved by Councillor Billings Seconded by Councillor Piper

    1. That in accordance with Section 51(33) of the Planning Act, the application by GSP Group on behalf of Debrob Investments Limited/Fusion Homes for an

    extension to Draft Plan Approved Subdivision 23T-12501, municipally known as 55 and 75 Cityview Drive North be approved with a five (5) year lapsing date to July 12, 2024, subject to the draft plan conditions approved by City Council on

    June 13, 2016 contained in ATT-4 of Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Services Report 2019-53, dated June 10, 2019.

    2. That in accordance with Section 51(45) of the Planning Act, administrative and

    technical revisions have been made to draft plan conditions approved by City

    Council on June 13, 2016 to update standard wording and new service area names and staff titles, update By-law numbers and allow transition to the City’s

    assumption model.

  • June 10, 2019 Guelph City Council Meeting Page 5

    3. That in accordance with Section 51(47) of the Planning Act, City Council has determined that no public notice is required as changes to the draft plan conditions are administrative and technical in nature and are therefore

    considered to be minor.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Allt, Bell, Billings, Downer, Gibson, Goller, Gordon, Hofland, MacKinnon, O’Rourke and Piper (12)

    Voting Against: (0) Carried

    Planning Public Meeting Mayor Guthrie announced that in accordance with The Planning Act, Council is now in a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public of various planning matters. The

    Mayor asked if there were any delegations in attendance with respect to the planning matters listed on the agenda.

    IDE-2019-57 Statutory Public Meeting Report 78 and 82 Eastview Road Proposed By-law

    Amendment File: OZS19-004, Ward 2

    Michael Witmer, Senior Development Planner, advised the applicant is requesting to rezone the property to the standard R.3A, Residential Townhouse Zone along with associated Wetland (WL) and Conservation Land (P.1) to permit 57 cluster townhouse

    units and to recognize natural heritage features. He provided information regarding the surrounding properties and addressed the natural heritage system. He noted the

    applicant is not requesting any specialized, site-specific zoning provisions. Robert Russell, Robert Russell Planning Consultants Inc., on behalf of the applicant,

    provided details regarding the application. He addressed concerns raised by delegates about the natural heritage, the roadway, traffic, parking and privacy. He advised he

    will speak to his client regarding the feasibility of obtaining Net Zero status. Jeff Lerch, a neighbourhood resident, voiced opposition to the proposal due to the

    removal of trees, lack of privacy, risk of a higher crime rate, overflow parking issues, emergency services access, site lines, noise and light pollution, grading, groundwater

    issues, wetlands destruction and inadequate setbacks. He requested a deer study and believes monitoring of the property should occur for at least a year to protect the trees and natural heritage. He also suggested the plan configuration needs to change.

    The Mayor left the Chair and Councillor Allt assumed the Chair. (8:25 p.m.)

    Rubina Heddokheel raised concerns about the roadway within the complex due to a lack of privacy, safety, parking and snow removal.

    Jeremy O’Connor, a neighbourhood resident, believes there are too many units being

    proposed for the property, the road standards are inadequate and water hookup exemptions are necessary so he does not want the current proposal approved. He also

    noted the lack of sidewalks, loss of trees, inadequate grading, and impacts on the adjacent properties. He would also like to see confirmation of the wetlands boundary.

  • June 10, 2019 Guelph City Council Meeting Page 6

    The Mayor resumed the Chair. (8:32 p.m) Mark Hedden, a Ward 1 resident, raised concerns about the tree management plan and

    requested a longer stewardship agreement be put in place. He also expressed concern about the effects on bees.

    Amulet Smithson, a neighbourhood resident, addressed concerns about the loss of wildlife habitat, the road width and the minimal visual access. She requested that the

    plan be altered to increase space between units and adjust the road location.

    Christine Philips, a neighbourhood resident, raised concerns about the potential tree loss - particularly the large willow tree. She also addressed safety issues due to a potential increase in crime, the lack of a sidewalk, the location of the road and low

    visibility. She also spoke about noise, traffic and parking issues.

    Naomi Ridout, a neighbourhood resident, spoke about safety concerns, particularly for children and believes an increase in petty crime will occur. She believes there are inadequate water resources to maintain care of new trees or provide fire protection

    Councillor Salisbury arrived at the meeting (9:01 p.m.)

    Discussion ensued and issues raised for staff to consider included: addressing visual barriers, tree removal and planting, visitor parking spaces, sidewalks, lighting

    pollution, trail connectivity, fencing, accessibility and walkability, wetland boundaries, and whether a deer study would be required.

    Staff were encouraged to work to ensure the Community Energy Initiative and applicable Official Plan sections are being met and the developer strives to meet Net

    Zero carbon goals.

    Council encouraged staff to assist with meetings between the neighbourhood and the developer.

    4. Moved by Councillor Allt Seconded by Councillor Gibson

    That Report IDE-2019-57 regarding a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment

    application (File: OZS19-004) by Robert Russell Planning Consultants Inc., on behalf of the owners 2613598 Ontario Inc. and 2589618 Ontario Inc. to permit the development of 57 cluster townhouses on the properties municipally known

    as 78 and 82 Eastview Road and legally described as Part of Lot 2, Concession 5, Division C, Former Township of Guelph from Infrastructure, Development and

    Enterprise dated June 10, 2019, be received. Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Allt, Bell, Billings, Downer, Gibson,

    Goller, Gordon, Hofland, MacKinnon, O’Rourke and Piper (12) Voting Against: (0)


  • June 10, 2019 Guelph City Council Meeting Page 7

    Items for Discussion IDE-2019-02 Procedure to Request Temporary Suspension of

    Enforcement of Driveway Regulations: Draft Framework Presentation

    The following people delegated on this matter: Tatjana Gavrilov

    Linda Davis, McElderry Residents’ Community Group

    Councillor Salisbury arrived at the meeting. (9:04 p.m.) 5. Moved by Councillor MacKinnon

    Seconded by Councillor Goller

    That the provisions identified in the September 10, 2018 motion of Council, related to driveway width enforcement, continue until the review of Section 4.13

    of By-law (1995)-14864 is completed as part of the comprehensive Zoning By-law review, and that no further action on an interim procedure for requested suspension of enforcement of driveway regulations be pursued at this time.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Billings, Gibson, Goller, MacKinnon,

    O’Rourke and Salisbury (7) Voting Against: Councillors Allt, Bell, Downer, Gordon, Hofland and Piper (6)


    Planning Public Meeting Mayor Guthrie announced that in accordance with The Planning Act, Council is now in a

    public meeting for the purpose of informing the public of various planning matters again. The Mayor asked if there were any delegations in attendance with respect to the planning matters listed on the agenda.

    IDE-2019-56 Statutory Public Meeting Report

    51-53 College Avenue West Proposed By-law Amendment File: OZS19-003, Ward 5

    Abby Watts, Development Planner I, explained the applicant is requesting to change the existing Residential Single Detached Zoning to a Specialized Residential Semi-

    Detached/Duplex Zone. She noted that no new development will occur and the purpose is to allow the applicant to apply for a consent to sever so separate ownership of each side of the semi-detached building could occur. She also advised of existing

    non-complying items as listed within the report.

  • June 10, 2019 Guelph City Council Meeting Page 8

    6. Moved by Councillor MacKinnon Seconded by Councillor Billings

    That Report IDE-2019-56 regarding a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application (File: OZS19-003) by AJ Lakatos Planning Consultant on behalf of

    the owner, Fabpiovesan Holdings Inc. to recognize the existing semi-detached dwelling on the property municipally known as 51-53 College Avenue West, and legally described as Part of Lot 8, Registered Plan 283, City of Guelph, from

    Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise dated June 10, 2019, be received.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Allt, Bell, Billings, Downer, Gibson, Goller, Gordon, Hofland, MacKinnon, O’Rourke, Piper, Salisbury (13) Voting Against: (0)



    7. Moved by Councillor Goller Seconded by Councillor Gibson

    That By-laws Numbered (2019) - 20411 to (2019) - 20413, inclusive, are hereby passed.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Allt, Bell, Billings, Downer, Gibson, Goller, MacKinnon, O’Rourke, Piper, Salisbury (11)

    Voting Against: Councillors Gordon and Hofland (0) Carried

    Mayor’s Announcements The Mayor acknowledged staff efforts regarding the Raptor basketball viewing at Market Square held June 7th and the attempts made for the viewing again on June 10th.

    Adjournment (10:30 p.m.)

    8. Moved by Councillor Gibson Seconded by Councillor Goller

    That the meeting be adjourned.


    Minutes to be confirmed on July 22, 2019.


    Mayor Guthrie


    Donna Tremblay - Acting Clerk

  • June 12, 2019 Special City Council Meeting Page 1

    Minutes of Guelph City Council Held in the Council Chambers, Guelph City Hall on

    June 12, 2019 at 4:06 p.m. Attendance

    Council: Mayor C. Guthrie Councillor J. Gordon Councillor P. Allt Councillor J. Hofland

    Councillor B. Bell Councillor MacKinnon Councillor C. Billings

    Absent: Councillor C. Downer Councillor D. O’Rourke Councillor D. Gibson Councillor L. Piper

    Councillor R. Goller Councillor M. Salisbury Staff: Ms. C. Clack, Acting CAO/Deputy CAO Public Services

    Mr. T. Lee, Acting CAO/Deputy CAO Corporate Services Mr. S. O’Brien, General Manager, City Clerk’s Office/City Clerk

    Special Council – Leadership, Communications and Team Building Training

    Call to Order (4:06 p.m.)

    Mayor Guthrie called the meeting to order.

    Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof

    There were no disclosures.

    Authority to Move into Closed Meeting 1. Moved by Councillor Allt

    Seconded by Councillor Hofland

    That the Council of the City of Guelph now hold a meeting that is closed to the public, pursuant to Section 239 (3.1) of the Municipal Act for the purpose of educating or training the members.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Allt, Bell, Billings, Gordon, Hofland and

    MacKinnon (7) Voting Against: (0)


  • June 12, 2019 Guelph City Council Meeting Page 2

    Closed Meeting (4:19 p.m.) Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof

    There were no disclosures.

    The following matter was considered:

    Leadership, Communications and Team Building Training

    Rise and recess from Closed Meeting (6:28 p.m.)

    Council recessed.

    Open Meeting (6:29 p.m.) Attendance

    Council: Mayor C. Guthrie Councillor R. Goller

    Councillor B. Bell Councillor J. Hofland Councillor C. Billings Councillor MacKinnon

    Councillor C. Downer Councillor D. O’Rourke

    Councillor J. Gordon Councillor L. Piper

    Absent: Councillor P. Allt Councillor D. Gibson Councillor M. Salisbury

    Staff: Mr. S. O’Brien, General Manager, City Clerk’s Office/City Clerk

    Closed Meeting Summary Mayor Guthrie spoke regarding the matters addressed in closed and identified the following:

    Leadership, Communications and Team Building Training

    Mayor Guthrie advised that council received information and participated in a training session.

    Adjournment (6:33 p.m.)

    9. Moved by Councillor Goller Seconded by Councillor O’Rourke

    That the meeting be adjourned.


  • June 12, 2019 Guelph City Council Meeting Page 3

    Minutes to be confirmed on Monday, July 22, 2019.


    Mayor Guthrie


    Stephen O’Brien-City Clerk

  • June 24, 2019 Guelph City Council Meeting Page 1

    Minutes of Guelph City Council Held in the Council Chambers, Guelph City Hall on

    June 24, 2019 at 6:03 p.m. Attendance

    Council: Mayor C. Guthrie Councillor D. Gibson

    Councillor P. Allt Councillor R. Goller

    Councillor B. Bell Councillor J. Gordon Councillor C. Billings Councillor J. Hofland

    Councillor C. Downer Councillor M. MacKinnon

    Absent: Councillor D. O’Rourke

    Councillor L. Piper Councillor M. Salisbury

    Staff: Mr. S. Stewart, Acting CAO/Deputy CAO, Infrastructure, Development and

    Enterprise Services

    Ms. C. Clack, Acting CAO/Deputy CAO, Public Services Mr. T. Lee, Acting CAO/Deputy, CAO Corporate Services

    Mr. S. O’Brien, General Manager, City Clerk’s Office/City Clerk Ms. L. Cline, Council and Committee Coordinator

    Call to Order (6:03 p.m.)

    Mayor Guthrie called the meeting to order.

    Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof Councillor Goller disclosed a pecuniary interest regarding the public appointment to

    The Elliot Community Board of Trustees as his father is a resident of The Elliott Community.

    Authority to Resolve into a Closed Meeting of Council 1. Moved by Councillor Downer

    Seconded by Councillor MacKinnon

    That the Council of the City of Guelph now hold a meeting that is closed to the

    public, pursuant to Section 239 (2) (b) of the Municipal Act with respect to personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Allt, Bell, Billings, Downer, Gibson,

    Goller, Gordon, Hofland and MacKinnon (10) Voting Against: (0)


  • June 24, 2019 Guelph City Council Meeting Page 2

    2. Moved by Councillor Downer Seconded by Councillor MacKinnon

    That the Council of the City of Guelph now hold a meeting that is closed to the public, pursuant to Section 239 (2) (b) of the Municipal Act with respect to

    personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Allt, Bell, Billings, Downer, Gibson, Gordon, Hofland and MacKinnon (9)

    Voting Against: (0) Carried

    Closed Meeting (6:04 p.m.)

    Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof

    Councillor Goller disclosed a pecuniary interest regarding the public appointment to The Elliot Community Board of Trustees as his father is a resident of The Elliott Community.

    The following matters were considered:

    Confirmation of Minutes of the closed meetings of Council held March 18, March 25, April 23, May 13 and June 4, 2019

    and the closed meeting of Committee of the Whole held May 6, 2019.

    CS-2019-65 June 2019 Public Appointments to the Community Wellbeing

    Grant Allocation Panel

    June 2019 Public Appointment to The Elliott Community

    Board of Trustees

    Rise and recess from Closed Meeting (6:06 p.m.)

    Council recessed.


    Council: Mayor C. Guthrie Councillor J. Gordon

    Councillor P. Allt Councillor J. Hofland

    Councillor B. Bell Councillor M. MacKinnon Councillor C. Billings Councillor D. O’Rourke

    Councillor C. Downer Councillor L. Piper Councillor D. Gibson Councillor M. Salisbury Councillor R. Goller

    Staff: Mr. S. Stewart, Acting CAO/Deputy CAO, Infrastructure, Development and

    Enterprise Services Ms. C. Clack, Acting CAO/Deputy CAO, Public Services

  • June 24, 2019 Guelph City Council Meeting Page 3

    Mr. T. Lee, Acting CAO/Deputy, CAO Corporate Services Ms. K. Dedman, General Manager, Engineering and Transportation Services/City Engineer

    Mr. T. Salter, General Manager, Planning and Building Services Ms. B. Swartzentruber, Executive Director, Strategy, Innovation and

    Intergovernmental Services Ms. H. Flaherty, General Manager, Parks and Recreation Ms. C. Kennedy, Manager, Policy and Intergovernmental Relations

    Mr. L. Jefferson, Manager, Open Space Planning Mr. D. Mast, Associate Solicitor

    Mr. S. O’Brien, General Manager, City Clerk’s Office/City Clerk Ms. L. Cline, Council and Committee Coordinator

    Open Meeting (6:33 p.m.)

    Mayor Guthrie called the meeting to order.

    Closed Meeting Summary Mayor Guthrie spoke regarding the matters addressed in closed and identified the


    Minutes Closed Meetings of Council held March 18, March 25, April 23, May 13 and June 4, 2019 and Closed Meetings of Committee of the Whole held May 6, 2019

    These minutes were adopted by Council.

    CS-2019.65 June 2019 Public Appointments to the Community Wellbeing Grant Allocation Panel

    The Mayor advised that information was received and Council will report on this matter later in the meeting.

    June 2019 Public Appointment to The Elliott Community Board of Trustees

    The Mayor advised that information was received and Council will report on this matter later in the meeting.

    Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof

    Councillor Goller disclosed a pecuniary interest regarding the public appointment to The Elliot Community Board of Trustees as his father is a resident of The Elliott Community.

    Staff Recognitions:

    Smart Cities Challenge Award The Mayor provided remarks regarding the $10 million prize awarded to the City of

    Guelph, in partnership with the County of Wellington, for the Smart Cities Challenge and recognized the following City and County staff for their efforts:

    Scott Stewart Barb Swartzentruber

  • June 24, 2019 Guelph City Council Meeting Page 4

    Cathy Kennedy Jana Burns Alex Chapman

    Crystal Ellis Jessie Finkelberg

    Marina Grassi Kelly Guthrie Michelle Lowther

    Barb Maly Tyson McMann

    Jenna Morris Leah Parolin Jennifer Smith

    Tara Sprigg Alison Springate

    Das Soligo Gina van den Berg Cam Walsh

    Doug Waram


    Smart Cities Update Scott Stewart, Acting CAO/Deputy CAO, Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise

    Services, provided introductory remarks on the Smart Cities Challenge update. Barb Swartzentruber, Executive Director, Strategy, Innovation and Intergovernmental

    Services, outlined the Smart Cities office and governance structure that will support the implementation of the Our Food Future project.

    Cathy Kennedy, Manager, Policy and Intergovernmental Relations, outlined the approach and next steps in formalizing the implementation plan for the project. She

    also recognized the project delivery partners who have been involved in the initiative.

    Impact of Provincial Legislative Changes to the City of Guelph Scott Stewart, Acting CAO/Deputy CAO, Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Services, provided a high-level overview of the impacts of provincial legislative

    changes to the City of Guelph.

    Tara Baker, General Manager, Finance/City Treasurer, provided further details regarding the implications of Bill 108 and provincial budget announcements on the City.

    Confirmation of Minutes

    3. Moved by Councillor Gordon

    Seconded by Councillor Goller

    That the minutes of the open Council Meetings held May 13, 16, 23, 27, 28 and

    June 4, 2019, and the open Committee of the Whole meetings held June 4, 2019, be confirmed as recorded and without being read.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Allt, Bell, Billings, Downer, Gibson, Goller, Gordon, Hofland, MacKinnon, O’Rourke, Piper and Salisbury (13)

    Voting Against: (0) Carried

  • June 24, 2019 Guelph City Council Meeting Page 5

    Committee of the Whole Consent Report 4. Moved by Councillor Allt

    Seconded by Councillor Hofland

    That the June 24, 2019 Committee of the Whole Consent Report as identified below, be adopted:

    CAO-2019-09 Internal Audit Work Plan Update – 2019

    That report CAO-2019-09 Internal Audit Work Plan Update – 2019, dated June 4, 2019 be received.

    CAO-2019-10 Status of Outstanding Management Action Plans – Q1 2019

    That report CAO–2019–10 Status of Outstanding Management Action Plans-Q1 2019, dated June 4, 2019 be received.

    CAO-2019-11 Project Management Process Audit Report

    That report CAO-2019-11 Project Management Process Audit Report, dated June 4, 2019 be received.

    CS-2019-19 2018 Unconsolidated Financial Statements

    That report CS-2019-19 titled, 2018 Unconsolidated Financial Statements and dated June 4, 2019 be received for information.

    CS-2019-20 2018 Consolidated Financial Statements and External Audit

    Findings Report

    That report CS-2019-20 titled, 2018 Consolidated Financial Statements and

    External Audit Findings Report, dated June 4, 2019, be approved. CS-2019-31 2019 Debenture Issue

    1. That capital projects identified in Table 1 of report CS-2019-31 dated June 4,

    2019 be approved for debt financing in the amounts as listed.

    2. That the City Treasurer be authorized to proceed with the marketing through the

    City’s fiscal agent, of a debenture issue in the principal aggregate amount of $33,074,500 for a term on exceeding twenty years.

    3. That the 2019 debt servicing costs estimated at $417 thousand be approved to

    be funded from the City’s applicable capital reserve funds in accordance with

    Table 2 in report CS-2019-31.

    CS-2019-18 First Quarter 2019 Operating Variance Report

    That report CS-2019-18 First Quarter 2019 Operating Variance Report dated

    June 4, 2019 be received for information.

  • June 24, 2019 Guelph City Council Meeting Page 6

    PS-2019-09 Paramedic Services Response Time Performance Plan for 2020

    1. That Report PS-2019-09 “Paramedic Services Response Time Performance Plan for 2020” be received.

    2. That the Response Time Performance Plan for 2020 be set as recommended by

    staff in Report PS-2019-09.

    PS-2019-10 Business Licence Fees 2019

    1. That staff be directed to prepare the necessary amendments to Business Licence

    Bylaw (2009)-18855, to incorporate the 2019 fees as identified in Public

    Services Report PS-2019-10 dated June 4, 2019.

    2. That staff be directed to review the payday loan business and bring forward possible amendments to Business Licence Bylaw (2009)-18855 for Council’s consideration.

    PS-2019-07 Agreements with Guelph Community Sports and Soccer


    1. That staff be directed to terminate the Municipal Capital Facility Agreement and

    Lease between the City of Guelph and Guelph Community Sports dated September 11, 2006.

    2. That the loan outstanding to Royal Bank of Canada, owed by Guelph Community

    Sports, and guaranteed by the City of Guelph, in the amount of approximately

    $255,000, be paid in full upon termination of the agreement referenced in recommendation #1 (plus related charged including, if applicable, accrued

    interest, termination fees, and outstanding arrears) and funded from the Tax Rate Operating Contingency Reserve.

    3. That the City, through the Parks and Recreation Department, shall assume full operational control of the dome facility on June 30, 2019.

    4. That the dome facility operations for the 2019-2020 indoor season be

    incorporated in the Parks and Recreation Department and any net operating variance be subject to the City’s ongoing financial processes governed by the City’s Budget Monitoring Policy and Year-End Surplus Allocation Policy.

    5. That staff be directed to prepare a report to Council in Q2 2020 to consider

    options for the future of the dome facility, including a facility assessment, capital plan, operating model, and recommendations for future use.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Allt, Bell, Billings, Downer, Gibson, Goller, Gordon, Hofland, MacKinnon, O’Rourke, Piper and Salisbury (13)

    Voting Against: (0) Carried

  • June 24, 2019 Guelph City Council Meeting Page 7

    Items for Discussion PS-2019-08 Leash Free Program Policy

    Colleen Clack, Acting CAO/Deputy CAO, Public Services, provided opening remarks

    regarding the updated leash free program policy. The following delegates spoke regarding this item:

    Eileen Gross Michael Grand

    Helen Prinold Tina Widowski Christi Cooper

    The following delegates were not present:

    Tanya Gevaert Beverley Fretz

    5. Moved by Councillor O’Rourke Seconded by Councillor Hofland

    1. That Council approve the implementation plan outlined in the Leash Free Study

    for the construction of leash free facilities at Bristol Street Park and Peter Misersky Park in 2019 and Lee Street Park in 2020 included as ATT-2 to the report PS-2019-08.

    2. That Council direct staff to seek further leash free policy input as part of the

    community engagement of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan update so future leash free decisions can be evaluated with consideration for overall community priorities for outdoor recreation space.

    3. That Council approve the revised Leash Free Program Policy, as attached to the

    staff memo “Council requested update to the Leash Free Program Policy”, with an effective date of July 1, 2019.

    Council recessed at 9:25 p.m. and reconvened at 9:32 p.m.

    Amendment 6. Moved by Councillor Piper

    Seconded by Councillor Salisbury

    That point number 12 in section 2.0 of the revised Leash Free Program Policy be amended to read: “Children younger than 6 years of age must not enter a fenced leash free area.

    Users under the age of 17 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times in a fenced leash free area.”

  • June 24, 2019 Guelph City Council Meeting Page 8

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Allt, Bell, Billings, Downer, Gordon, O’Rourke, Piper and Salisbury (9) Voting Against: Councillors Gibson, Goller, Hofland and MacKinnon (4)


    Main Motion as Amended

    7. Moved by Councillor O’Rourke Seconded by Councillor Hofland

    1. That Council approve the implementation plan outlined in the Leash Free Study

    for the construction of leash free facilities at Bristol Street Park and Peter

    Misersky Park in 2019 and Lee Street Park in 2020 included as ATT-2 to the report PS-2019-08.

    2. That Council direct staff to seek further leash free policy input as part of the

    community engagement of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan update so

    future leash free decisions can be evaluated with consideration for overall community priorities for outdoor recreation space.

    3. That Council approve the revised and amended Leash Free Program Policy, as

    attached to the staff memo “Council requested update to the Leash Free

    Program Policy”, with an effective date of July 1, 2019.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Allt, Bell, Billings, Downer, Gibson, Goller, Gordon, Hofland, MacKinnon, O’Rourke, Piper and Salisbury (13) Voting Against: (0)


    CS-2019-66 June 2019 Public Appointments to the Community Wellbeing Grant Allocation Panel

    8. Moved by Councillor Downer Seconded by Councillor Gibson

    1. That Kuusta Laird Barry, Molly Gallant, Molly Kriksic, Morris Twist, Sally Wismer,

    and Aida Valois be reappointed to the Wellbeing Grant Application Panel for a term ending June, 2021.

    2. That Shannon McIntyre and Hannah Senitt be appointed to the Wellbeing Grant Application Panel for a term ending June, 2020.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Allt, Bell, Billings, Downer, Gibson, Goller, Gordon, Hofland, MacKinnon, O’Rourke, Piper and Salisbury (13)

    Voting Against: (0) Carried

  • June 24, 2019 Guelph City Council Meeting Page 9

    June 2019 Public Appointment to The Elliott Community Board of Trustees 9. Moved by Councillor Piper

    Seconded by Councillor O’Rourke

    That Dale Whiteside be appointed to The Elliott Community Board of Trustees for a three year term commencing September 2019.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Allt, Bell, Billings, Downer, Gibson, Gordon, Hofland, MacKinnon, O’Rourke, Piper and Salisbury (12)

    Voting Against: (0) Carried

    UNHCR’s Stand #WithRefugees Campaign

    10. Moved by Councillor Allt Seconded by Councillor Piper

    That the City of Guelph support the UNCHR’s Stand #WithRefugees Campaign.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Allt, Bell, Billings, Downer, Gibson, Goller, Gordon, Hofland, MacKinnon, O’Rourke, Piper and Salisbury (13) Voting Against: (0)



    11. Moved by Councillor Hofland Seconded by Councillor Allt

    That By-laws Numbered (2019)-20414 to (2019)-20416, inclusive, are hereby passed.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Allt, Bell, Billings, Downer, Gibson, Goller, Gordon, Hofland, MacKinnon, O’Rourke, Piper and Salisbury (13)

    Voting Against: (0) Carried

    Mayor’s Announcements Councillor Goller announced that on Wednesday, July 10, he and Councillor Gordon are hosting a Ward 2 Picnic from 5-7 p.m. at the North End Harvest Market at Waverley

    Drive School.

    Adjournment (10:14 p.m.)

    12. Moved by Councillor Bell Seconded by Councillor Gibson

    That the meeting be adjourned. Carried

  • June 24, 2019 Guelph City Council Meeting Page 10

    Minutes to be confirmed on Monday, July 22, 2019.


    Mayor Guthrie


    Stephen O’Brien - City Clerk

  • July 8, 2019 Guelph City Council Meeting Page 1

    Minutes of Guelph City Council Held in the Council Chambers, Guelph City Hall on

    July 8, 2019 at 6:32 p.m. Attendance

    Council: Mayor C. Guthrie Councillor J. Gordon

    Councillor B. Bell Councillor J. Hofland

    Councillor C. Billings Councillor M. MacKinnon Councillor C. Downer Councillor D. O’Rourke

    Councillor R. Goller Councillor L. Piper Absent: Councillor P. Allt

    Councillor D. Gibson Councillor M. Salisbury

    Staff: Mr. S. Stewart, Acting CAO/Deputy CAO, Infrastructure, Development and

    Enterprise Services

    Mr. T. Salter, General Manager, Planning and Building Services Mr. C. DeVriendt, Manager, Development Planning

    Ms. M. Aldunate, Manager, Policy Planning and Urban Design Ms. L. Sulatycki, Senior Development Planner Ms. K. Nasswetter, Senior Development Planner

    Ms. L. Lefler, Environmental Planner Mr. C. Lorenz, Environmental Planner

    Mr. D. McMahon, Manager, Legislative Services/Deputy City Clerk Ms. L. Cline, Council and Committee Coordinator

    Call to Order (6:32 p.m.)

    Mayor Guthrie called the meeting to order.

    Councillor Piper arrived at 6:34 p.m. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof

    There were no disclosures.

    Council Consent Agenda IDE-2019-34 Decision Report 19-59 Lowes Road West Draft Plan of Vacant

    Land Condominium and Zoning By-law Amendment File:

    23CDM-17504 and ZC1615 Ward 6

    1. Moved by Councillor MacKinnon Seconded by Councillor Billings

  • July 8, 2019 Guelph City Council Meeting Page 2

    1. That the application from Reid’s Heritage Homes on behalf of Parry Schnick and Catriona Forbes for a Zoning By-law Amendment (ZC1615) to change the zoning from the current “Residential Single Detached” (R.1B) Zone to a

    “Specialized Single Detached” (R.1D-52) Zone to permit the development of 36 single detached dwellings on the properties municipally known as 19-59 Lowes

    Road West and legally described as All of Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, Registered Plan 508 and Part of Lots 15 and 16, Registered Plan 467, Geographic Township of Puslinch, City of Guelph, be approved in accordance with Attachment-3 of the

    Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Report 2019-34 dated July 8, 2019.

    2. That the application from Reid’s Heritage Homes on behalf of Parry Schnick and Catriona Forbes for approval of a proposed Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium (23CDM-17504) consisting of 36 single detached dwelling units,

    as shown in Attachment-9, applying to the properties municipally known as 19-59 Lowes Road West and legally described as All of Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6,

    Registered Plan 508 and Part of Lots 15 and 16, Registered Plan 467, Geographic Township of Puslinch, City of Guelph, be approved for a period of five (5) years in accordance with conditions noted in Attachment-3 of the

    Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Report 2019-34 dated July 8, 2019.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Bell, Billings, Downer, Goller, Gordon, Hofland, MacKinnon, O’Rourke and Piper (10) Voting Against: (0)


    Planning Public Meeting

    Mayor Guthrie announced that in accordance with The Planning Act, Council is now in a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public of various planning matters. The Mayor asked if there were any delegations in attendance with respect to the

    planning matters listed on the agenda.

    IDE-2019-63 Statutory Public Meeting Report 7 and 9 Omar Street and 19 Alma Street North Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment File: OZS19-005 Ward 3

    Lindsay Sulatycki, Senior Development Planner, advised that the applicant has

    submitted an application for a zoning by-law amendment to permit the development of two new single detached residential dwellings and the redevelopment of two existing single detached residential dwellings on the subject lands. She provided a brief history

    of the property, outlined the current official plan designation and provided details regarding the specialized zoning regulations that are being requested through the

    application. Nancy Shoemaker, Black, Shoemaker, Robinson & Donaldson Limited, on behalf of the

    owner, provided a summary of the proposed development. She outlined the various plans and studies that have been prepared in support of the application and described

    how the proposal meets the Provincial Policy Statement, Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, and the City of Guelph Official Plan.

  • July 8, 2019 Guelph City Council Meeting Page 3

    Richard Wayne Barber, neighbouring property owner, expressed concerns with the 0.6 metre setback to 15 Omar Street, the future intent of the vacant lot to the rear of 15 Omar Street and the condition of the house at 9 Omar Street.

    2. Moved by Councillor Hofland

    Seconded by Councillor Goller

    That Report IDE-2019-63 regarding proposed Zoning By-law Amendment

    application submitted by Black, Shoemaker, Robinson and Donaldson Limited on behalf of the owner, Knight Lumber Limited to permit the development of two

    new single detached residential dwellings and the redevelopment of the two existing single detached residential dwellings on lands municipally known as 7 and 9 Omar Street and 19 Alma Street North, and legally described as Lots 62,

    64, 65 and Part Lot 63, Registered Plan 258, City of Guelph from Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise dated July 8, 2019, be received.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Bell, Billings, Downer, Goller, Gordon, Hofland, MacKinnon, O’Rourke and Piper (10)

    Voting Against: (0) Carried

    IDE-2019-66 Statutory Public Meeting Report 361 Whitelaw Road

    Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments File:

    OZS18-003, Ward 4

    Katie Nasswetter, Senior Development Planner, provided information on the revised applications for official plan and zoning by-law amendments to permit a residential development containing up to 700 units. She outlined the site context and surrounding

    land uses, the current and proposed official plan and zoning designations, and the specialized regulations that are being requested. She summarized the revisions made

    to the application, including a reduction in the total number of units, the location and configuration of the proposed apartment buildings, and access to the site.

    Hugh Handy, GSP Group Inc., on behalf of the owner, provided details regarding the site context, provided an overview of the development strategy and characteristics,

    and summarized the modifications to the applications from the original submission.

    Gerry Johnston, area resident, expressed concerns related to blocking out sunlight, increased traffic and parking problems, a reduction in wildlife, construction noise, and a loss of privacy.

    Kathy Johnston, area resident, expressed concerns related to building height,

    environmental impacts, loss of nature and health impacts. Tom Ryan, area resident, expressed concerns related to insufficient parking for the

    proposed development.

    Paul McNamara, area resident, expressed concerns related to density, parking, intensification, congestion and additional infrastructure costs.

  • July 8, 2019 Guelph City Council Meeting Page 4

    Hugh Whiteley raised concerns related to the speed and volume of traffic that will be generated by the proposed development. He recommended that traffic calming measures be implemented as part of the application.

    Dean Chan, area resident, expressed concerns related to traffic, parking, speed of

    vehicles and safety issues along Whitelaw Road. 3. Moved by Councillor MacKinnon

    Seconded by Councillor Goller

    That Report IDE-2019-66, regarding a proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment application (File: OZS18-005) by GSP Group on behalf of the owners: Armel Corporation, to permit a mixed density residential development

    and a neighbourhood park on the lands municipally known as 361 Whitelaw Road and legally described as Part of the NE Half of Lot 5, Concession 1, Division

    ‘B’ (Geographic Township of Guelph), City of Guelph, from Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise dated July 8, 2019, be received.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Bell, Billings, Downer, Goller, Gordon, Hofland, MacKinnon, O’Rourke and Piper (10)

    Voting Against: (0) Carried

    Council recessed at 9:14 p.m. and reconvened at 9:22 p.m.

    Items for Discussion

    IDE-2019-72 Environmental Advisory Committee and River Systems Advisory Committee Review

    Melissa Aldunate, Manager, Policy Planning and Urban Design, provided opening remarks regarding the Environmental Advisory Committee and River Systems Advisory

    Committee Review. The following delegate spoke regarding this item:

    Hugh Whiteley

    4. Moved by Councillor MacKinnon Seconded by Councillor Goller

    1. That a Natural Heritage Advisory Committee be established for the City of Guelph in accordance with report IDE-2019-72.

    2. That the existing Environmental Advisory Committee and the River Systems

    Advisory Committee be disbanded as of December 31, 2019 and members

    thanked for their contributions to the City of Guelph.

    3. That staff be directed to develop terms of reference for the City of Guelph Natural Heritage Advisory Committee for consideration by City Council in Q4 2019.

  • July 8, 2019 Guelph City Council Meeting Page 5

    Amendment 5. Moved by Councillor Bell

    Seconded by Councillor Piper

    1. That a Natural Heritage Advisory Committee be established for the City of Guelph in accordance with report IDE-2019-72.

    2. That the existing Environmental Advisory Committee be disbanded as of December 31, 2019 and members thanked for their contributions to the City of


    3. That staff be directed to develop terms of reference for the City of Guelph

    Natural Heritage Advisory Committee and amended terms of reference for the River Systems Advisory Committee for consideration by City Council in

    Q4 2019. Voting in Favour: Councillors Bell, Gordon and Piper (3)

    Voting Against: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Billings, Downer, Goller, Hofland, Mackinnon and O’Rourke (7)

    Defeated Main Motion

    It was requested that the clauses be voted on separately.

    6. Moved by Councillor MacKinnon

    Seconded by Councillor Goller

    1. That a Natural Heritage Advisory Committee be established for the City of

    Guelph in accordance with report IDE-2019-72. Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Bell, Billings, Downer, Goller, Gordon,

    Hofland, MacKinnon and O’Rourke (9) Voting Against: Councillor Piper (1)


    7. Moved by Councillor MacKinnon Seconded by Councillor Goller

    2. That the existing Environmental Advisory Committee and the River Systems Advisory Committee be disbanded as of December 31, 2019 and members

    thanked for their contributions to the City of Guelph. Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Billings, Downer, Goller, Hofland,

    MacKinnon, O’Rourke and Piper (8) Voting Against: Councillors Bell and Gordon (2)


  • July 8, 2019 Guelph City Council Meeting Page 6

    8. Moved by Councillor MacKinnon Seconded by Councillor Goller

    3. That staff be directed to develop terms of reference for the City of Guelph Natural Heritage Advisory Committee for consideration by City Council in Q4

    2019. Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Bell, Billings, Downer, Goller, Gordon,

    Hofland, MacKinnon, O’Rourke and Piper (10) Voting Against: (0)


    By-laws 9. Moved by Councillor MacKinnon

    Seconded by Councillor O’Rourke

    That By-laws Numbered (2019)-20417 to (2019)-20419, inclusive, are hereby passed.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Bell, Billings, Downer, Goller, Gordon, Hofland, MacKinnon, O’Rourke and Piper (10)

    Voting Against: (0) Carried

    Mayor’s Announcements

    Councillor Goller announced that on Wednesday, July 10, he and Councillor Gordon are hosting a Ward 2 Picnic from 5 to 7 p.m. at Waverley Drive School in support of the

    North End Harvest Market.

    Adjournment (10:22 p.m.)

    10. Moved by Councillor Hofland

    Seconded by Councillor Gordon

    That the meeting be adjourned. Carried

    Minutes to be confirmed on Monday, July 22, 2019.


    Mayor Guthrie


    Dylan McMahon - Deputy Clerk

  • Page 1

    Minutes of Committee of the Whole Meeting Held in the Council Chambers, Guelph City Hall on

    Tuesday, June 2, 2019 at 2:01 p.m.


    Council: Mayor Guthrie Councillor J. Gordon

    Councillor B. Bell Councillor J. Hofland

    Councillor C. Billings Councillor M. MacKinnon Councillor C. Downer Councillor D. O’Rourke

    Councillor D. Gibson Councillor L. Piper Councillor R. Goller Councillor M. Salisbury

    Absent: Councillor P. Allt

    Staff: Mr. S. Stewart, Acting Chief Administrative Officer/Deputy CAO Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Ms. K. Dedman, Acting Deputy CAO Infrastructure Development and

    Enterprise/General Manager, Engineering and Transportation Services Transportation, Engineering

    Mr. T. Lee, Acting Chief Administrative Officer/Deputy CAO Corporate Services Mr. J. Laur, Chief Building Official

    Mr. S. Anderson, Supervisor, Traffic Engineering Ms. M. Grassi, Strategic Business Advisor

    Ms. K. Pletch, Human Resource Manager, Talent Organizational Development Mr. B. Bond, Zoning Inspector III, Senior By-Law Administrator

    Ms. J. Juste, Program Manager, Sustainable Development Mr. S. O’Brien, General Manager, City Clerk’s Office/City Clerk

    Ms. D. Tremblay, Council and Committee Coordinator Call to Order (2:01 p.m.)

    Mayor Guthrie called the meeting to order.

    Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof

    There were no disclosures.

    Staff Recognitions

    Councillor O’Rourke introduced and presented the following staff recognitions.

    Peter Busatto, retired General Manager, Environmental Services was recognized for

    receiving the Canadian Public Relations Society – Hamilton - Public Relations Champion of the Year Award.

    William Bond, Zoning Inspector III and Nicholas Rosenberg, Program Manager, Building Permits were recognized for receiving the Association of Municipal Managers,

    Clerks and Treasurers - Executive Diploma in Municipal Management.

  • Tuesday, July 2, 2019 Committee of the Whole Page 2

    Peter Rider, Source Water Risk Management Official, Kristin Pressey, Source Water Protn Program Coordinator, Kealy Dedman, General Manager, Engineering and

    Transportation Services, Dave Belanger, Program Manager, Water Supply, Emily Stahl, Manager Technical Services Water Services, Scott Cousins and Wayne Galliher,

    Divisional Manager, Water Services were recognized for receiving the American Water Works Association - Exemplary Source Water Protection Award

    Councillor Goller arrived at 2:03 p.m.

    Consent Agenda – Governance Mayor Guthrie resumed the Chair.

    The following items were extracted:

    CS-2019-61 2018-2022 Council Composition and Employment Status Review

    CS-2019-68 2020 Council and Committee Meeting Schedule Councillor Piper arrived at 2:12 p.m.

    CS-2019-61 2018-2022 Council Composition and Employment Status


    1. Moved by Councillor Salisbury Seconded by Councillor Goller

    1. That a Council Composition and Employment Status Review be conducted by a third party subject matter expert during the 2018-2022 term of Council with the

    intent that any proposed changes to be subsequently approved by Council take effect for the 2022-2026 term of office.

    2. That the costs associated with the Council Composition and Employment Status Review, as outlined within report CS-2019-61, dated July 2, 2019, be referred to

    the 2020 budget process.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors, Bell, Billings, Downer, Hofland, Gibson,

    Goller, Gordon, MacKinnon, O’Rourke, Piper and Salisbury (12) Voting Against: (0)

    Carried CS-2019-68 2020 Council and Committee Meeting Schedule


    2. Moved by Councillor Billings

    Seconded by Councillor Piper

    That the 2020 Council and Committee Meeting Schedule, included as

    Attachment-1 to Report CS-2019-68, titled 2020 Council and Committee

  • Tuesday, July 2, 2019 Committee of the Whole Page 3

    Meeting Schedule, dated July 2, 2019, be approved with the following amendment:

    July 27, 2020 Council meetings moved to July 20, 2019. Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Allt, Bell, Billings, Downer, Hofland, Gibson, Goller, Gordon, MacKinnon, O’Rourke, Piper and Salisbury (12) Voting Against: (0)


    Main Motion as Amended 3. Moved by Councillor Billings

    Seconded by Councillor Piper

    That the 2020 Council and Committee Meeting Schedule, included as Attachment-1 to Report CS-2019-68, titled 2020 Council and Committee Meeting Schedule, dated July 2, 2019, be approved, as amended.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Bell, Billings, Downer, Hofland, Gibson,

    Goller, Gordon, MacKinnon, O’Rourke, Piper and Salisbury (12) Voting Against: (0)


    Consent Agenda – Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Councillor Gibson assumed the Chair

    The following items were extracted:

    IDE-2019-69 Sign By-law Variances - 43 Arthur Street South

    Councillor Gibson presented the balance of the July 2, 2019 Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Consent Agenda.

    4. Moved by Councillor Piper

    Seconded by Councillor Hofland

    That the balance of the July 2, 2019 Consent Agenda – Infrastructure,

    Development and Enterprise as identified below, be adopted: IDE-2019-68 Sign By-law Variance - 100 Gordon Street

    That the request for a variance from Table 1, Row 6 of Sign By-law Number

    (1996)-15245, as amended, to permit a building sign with an area of 2.29m2 to be located on the first storey of a building face fronting an adjacent property at a distance of 2.82m from the property line of 100 Gordon Street, be approved.

    IDE-2019-16 On-Street Parking Policy Review

    1. That following Traffic Investigation Policies dated June 16, 2003, be rescinded:

  • Tuesday, July 2, 2019 Committee of the Whole Page 4

    Parking and Stopping Restrictions at School Crossings Policy 019; On-street Parking Changes (Convenience Request) Policy 020; On-street Parking Changes (Safety Request) Policy 021;

    Parking Restrictions at Kiss ‘N Ride Zones Policy 022; Parking on Multi-lane Highways (marked four or more lanes) Policy 023;

    Parking Restrictions in New Subdivisions Policy 024; Overnight Parking Prohibitions Policy 025; Stopping Restrictions at School Bus Loading Zones Policy 026;

    Parking and Stopping Restrictions at School Crossings Policy 027; Public Loading Zones Policy 028;

    2. That the On-Street Parking Policies as ATT 1 to Report IDE-2019-16 On Street

    Parking Policy Review dated July 2, 2019, be adopted by Council and be in effect

    as of August 1st, 2019.

    IDE-2019-70 Private Well and Septic System Decommissioning Grant

    1. That Council approves the Private Well and Septic Decommissioning Grant

    Program Terms and Conditions included as part of Attachment 1 to report IDE-2019-70 Private Well and Septic System Decommissioning Grant dated July 2,


    2. That Council delegates authority to the Deputy CAO of Infrastructure,

    Development and Enterprise to approve, execute and amend related documents, including agreements, if any, required to implement and optimize the Private

    Well and Septic System Decommissioning Grant Program, subject to approved Council funding and the satisfaction of the Deputy CAO of Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise and the City Solicitor;

    3. That staff be directed to report back to the Committee of a Whole as part of the

    Water Services Annual Report on program participation achieved through the Private Well and Septic System Decommissioning Grant Program.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Bell, Billings, Downer, Hofland, Gibson, Goller, Gordon, MacKinnon, O’Rourke, Piper and Salisbury (12)

    Voting Against: (0) Carried

    IDE-2019-69 Sign By-law Variances - 43 Arthur Street South

    5. Moved by Councillor Downer Seconded by Councillor Hofland

    1. That the request for a variance from Table 1, Row 4 of Sign By-law Number (1996)-15245, as amended, to permit an illuminated building sign with an area of 16.03m2 to be located on the third storey of a building face, fronting an

    adjacent property at 43 Arthur Street South, be approved.

    2. That the request for a variance from Table 1, Row 4 of Sign By-law Number (1996)-15245, as amended, to permit an illuminated building sign with an area

    of 12.48m2 to be located on the first storey of a building face, fronting an adjacent property at 43 Arthur Street South, be approved.

  • Tuesday, July 2, 2019 Committee of the Whole Page 5

    3. That the request for a variance from Table 1, Row 4 of Sign By-law Number

    (1996)-15245, as amended, to permit an illuminated building sign with an area

    of 3.77m2 to be located above the first storey of a building face, fronting the road allowance at 43 Arthur Street South, be approved.

    4. That the request for a variance from Table 1, Row 4 of Sign By-law Number

    (1996)-15245, as amended, to permit a non-illuminated building sign with an

    area of 2.66m2 to be located 1.32m above the ground at 43 Arthur Street South, be approved.


    6. Moved by Councillor Downer Seconded by Councillor Hofland

    That “illuminated” be removed from clause 2 as follows:

    2. That the request for a variance from Table 1, Row 4 of Sign By-law Number (1996)-15245, as amended, to permit an illuminated building sign with an area

    of 12.48m2 to be located on the first storey of a building face, fronting an adjacent property at 43 Arthur Street South, be approved.

    Point of Order

    Mayor Guthrie raised on a point of order regarding the necessity of “illumination” in recommendation 2. The Chair asked that staff clarify and staff advised that it was not required given their correspondence and communication with the sign vendor.

    Amendment to the Amendment

    7. Moved by Councillor Bell

    Seconded by Councillor O’Rourke

    That “non-illuminated” be added to recommendations 1 and 2 as follows:

    1. That the request for a variance from Table 1, Row 4 of Sign By-law Number

    (1996)-15245, as amended, to permit a non-illuminated building sign with an area of 16.03m2 to be located on the third storey of a building face, fronting an adjacent property at 43 Arthur Street South, be approved.

    2. That the request for a variance from Table 1, Row 4 of Sign By-law Number

    (1996)-15245, as amended, to permit a non-illuminated building sign with an area of 12.48m2 to be located on the first storey of a building face, fronting an adjacent property at 43 Arthur Street South, be approved.

    Point of Privilege

    Councillor Downer raised a point of privilege regarding comments made by Mayor Guthrie of “nit picking”. The Mayor apologized and the comments were retracted. The

    Chair ruled that the apology was acceptable.

  • Tuesday, July 2, 2019 Committee of the Whole Page 6

    It was requested that the clauses be voted on separately.

    8. Moved by Councillor Bell Seconded by Councillor O’Rourke

    1. That the request for a variance from Table 1, Row 4 of Sign By-law Number

    (1996)-15245, as amended, to permit an non-illuminated building sign with an

    area of 16.03m2 to be located on the third storey of a building face, fronting an adjacent property at 43 Arthur Street South, be approved.

    Voting in Favour: Councillors Bell, Billings, Downer, Hofland, Goller, Gordon, MacKinnon, O’Rourke and Piper (9)

    Voting Against: Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Gibson and Salisbury (3) Carried

    Point of Order Mayor Guthrie raised on a point of order regarding clarity in which recommendations

    were being voted on. The Chair sought advice of the Clerk who advised that, as there had been a request to separate the votes for the two amended clauses, the vote was

    with respect to the amendment to recommendation 1 and that the following vote would be on the amendment to recommendation 2 which would then be followed by a vote on all four recommendations as amended.

    9. Moved by Councillor Bell

    Seconded by Councillor O’Rourke

    2. That the request for a variance from Table 1, Row 4 of Sign By-law Number

    (1996)-15245, as amended, to permit a non-illuminated building sign with an area of 12.48m2 to be located on the first storey of a building face, fronting an

    adjacent property at 43 Arthur Street South, be approved.

    Voting in Favour: Councillors Billings, Hofland, Gordon, MacKinnon, O’Rourke (5)

    Voting Against: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Bell, Downer, Gibson, Goller, Piper and Salisbury (7)


    Main Motion as Amended It was requested that the clauses be voted on separately.

    10. Moved by Councillor Downer

    Seconded by Councillor Hofland 1. That the request for a variance from Table 1, Row 4 of Sign By-law Number

    (1996)-15245, as amended, to permit an non-illuminated building sign with an area of 16.03m2 to be located on the third storey of a building face, fronting an

    adjacent property at 43 Arthur Street South, be approved. Voting in Favour: Councillors Bell, Goller, MacKinnon, O’Rourke, and Salisbury (5)

  • Tuesday, July 2, 2019 Committee of the Whole Page 7

    Voting Against: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Billings, Downer, Hofland, Gibson, Gordon and Piper (7)


    Point of Order

    Mayor Guthrie raised on a point of order seeking clarification of the carried and defeated votes. The Chair provided clarification that the vote on the amendment to

    recommendation 1 was carried, the vote on the main motion to recommendation 1, as amended, was defeated. The Clerk clarified that recommendation 1 would not come

    forward for Council’s approval at the end of the month. 11. Moved by Councillor Downer

    Seconded by Councillor Hofland

    2. That the request for a variance from Table 1, Row 4 of Sign By-law Number (1996)-15245, as amended, to permit an illuminated building sign with an area of 12.48m2 to be located on the first storey of a building face, fronting an

    adjacent property at 43 Arthur Street South, be approved.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Bell, Billings, Downer, Gibson, Goller, MacKinnon, O’Rourke, Piper and Salisbury (10) Voting Against: Councillors Hofland and Gordon (2)


    12. Moved by Councillor Downer Seconded by Councillor Hofland

    3. That the request for a variance from Table 1, Row 4 of Sign By-law Number (1996)-15245, as amended, to permit an illuminated building sign with an area

    of 3.77m2 to be located above the first storey of a building face, fronting the road allowance at 43 Arthur Street South, be approved.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Bell, Billings, Downer, Gibson, MacKinnon, O’Rourke, Piper and Salisbury (9)

    Voting Against: Councillors Gordon, Goller and Hofland (3) Carried

    13. Moved by Councillor Downer

    Seconded by Councillor Hofland

    4. That the request for a variance from Table 1, Row 4 of Sign By-law Number

    (1996)-15245, as amended, to permit a non-illuminated building sign with an area of 2.66m2 to be located 1.32m above the ground at 43 Arthur Street South, be approved.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Bell, Billings, Downer, Hofland, Gibson,

    Goller, Gordon, MacKinnon, O’Rourke, Piper and Salisbury (12) Voting Against: (0)


  • Tuesday, July 2, 2019 Committee of the Whole Page 8

    Point of Privilege Councillor Piper raised on a point of privilege relating to comments that Council should

    make themselves aware of the contents of the staff report and come forward to Council with a different opinion and that staff should assist Council with wording on the

    recommendation. Councillor Piper advised that she believed that these comments were inappropriate as it does not provide clear direction to staff. The Chair provided clarification of his comments, advised that he was encouraging members to ensure

    they were aware of a resource chart that was included in the report and ruled that they were in order.

    Point of Order

    Councillor Downer raised on a point of order stating that any member of council could bring a motion relating to recommendation 1 to the Council meeting at the end of the

    month. The Chair confirmed and ruled that would be in order.

    Items for Discussion – Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise

    IDE-2019-73 Setting the Course: A Continuous Improvement and Employee Engagement Service Area Initiative

    Marina Grassi, Strategic Business Advisor and Kerry Pletch, Human Resource Manager, Talent Organizational Development summarized the setting the course: a continuous

    improvement and employee engagement service area initiative. 14. Moved by Councillor Piper

    Seconded by Councillor MacKinnon

    That Report IDE-2019-73 “Setting the Course: A Continuous Improvement and Employee Engagement Service Area Initiative” dated July 2, 2019 be received.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors, Bell, Billings, Downer, Hofland, Gibson, Goller, Gordon, MacKinnon, O’Rourke, Piper and Salisbury (12)

    Voting Against: (0) Carried

    IDE-2019-71 Downey Road Transportation Improvement Plan – Implementation Update

    Steve Anderson, Supervisor, Traffic Engineering provided an update on the

    implementation of the Downey Road Transportation Improvement Plan.

    15. Moved by Councillor MacKinnon

    Seconded by Mayor Guthrie

    1. That staff be directed to develop plans by the end of Q4 2019 for the removal of curb bump-outs from Downey Road and realign the on-street parking and

    bicycle lanes to account for these removals.

    2. That staff be directed to implement Phase 2 of the recommendations proposed in the 2017 Downey Road Transportation Improvement Plan (COW-IDE-2016.5),

  • Tuesday, July 2, 2019 Committee of the Whole Page 9

    with the exception of the installation of speed cushions which shall not be undertaken at this time.

    3. That staff be directed to continue monitoring the traffic operations along Downey Road including intersection operations at Niska Road following the road


    Point of Order

    Mayor Guthrie requested to remove his second from the motion. The Chair

    sought advice from the Clerk. The Clerk advised that it may be more appropriate for the mover to withdraw the motion.

    The Motion was withdrawn.

    Deferral Motion 16. Moved by Councillor Bell

    Seconded by Councillor Billings

    1. That the decision with respect to Staff Report IDE-2019-71 titled “Downey Road

    Transportation Improvement Plan – Implementation Update” dated July 2, 2019, be deferred until the Niska Bridge opens and radar is installed; and

    2. That staff continue to monitor.

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Bell, Billings, Downer, Gibson, MacKinnon, O’Rourke, Piper and Salisbury (9)

    Voting Against: Councillors Goller, Gordon and Hofland (3)

    17. Moved by Councillor O’Rourke

    Seconded by Councillor MacKinnon

    That staff be directed to consult with the community regarding future traffic

    measures on Downey Road including, but not limited to, potentially removing curb outs.

    Point of Order

    Councillor Goller raised on a point of order regarding whether the motion was in order as it related to the deferral motion. The Chair sought advice from the Clerk and ruled

    that the motion was not in order. Committee recessed at 5:14 p.m. and reconvened at 5:23p.m.

    Councillors Gibson and Salisbury left the meeting at 5:14 p.m.

    Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Chair and Staff


    Consent Agenda –Corporate Services

  • Tuesday, July 2, 2019 Committee of the Whole Page 10

    Councillor MacKinnon assumed the Chair 18. Moved by Mayor Guthrie

    Seconded by Councillor Billings

    That the July 2, 2019 Consent Agenda –Corporate Services as identified below, be adopted:

    CS-2019-69 Vacant and Excess Land Subclass Review

    That the commercial and industrial vacant and excess land subclass discounts be

    phased out over two years beginning in 2020; reducing the discount from 30 per cent to 15 per cent in 2020 and fully eliminating the discount in 2021.

    CS-2019-21 2019 First Tri-annual Capital Variance Report

    1. That the report CS-2019-21, titled 2019 First Tri-annual Capital Variance Report and dated July 2, 2019, be received.

    2. That $1,100,000 be transferred from capital account WT0013 Burke Treatment

    to WT0041 Membro Well Facility Upgrades for the new works required as per the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks change in the Water Street Wellfield permit to take water (PTTW).

    Voting in Favour: Mayor Guthrie, Councillors Bell, Billings, Downer, Hofland, Goller,

    Gordon, MacKinnon, O’Rourke, and Piper (10) Voting Against: (0)

    Carried Councillors Gibson and Salisbury arrived at 5:23

    Adjournment (5:24 p.m.)

    19. Moved by Mayor Guthrie Seconded by Councillor Billings

    That the meeting be adjourned. Carried

    Minutes to be confirmed on Monday, July 22, 2019.


    Mayor Guthrie


    Stephen O’Brien - City Clerk

  • Page 1 of 4



    To City Council

    Service Area Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Services

    Date Monday, July 22, 2019

    Subject Service Agreement with Our Energy Guelph

    Report Number IDE-2019-80


    That Council approve the proposed service agreement with Our Energy Guelph.

    Executive Summary

    Purpose of Report

    This report follows up from the Council resolution passed in response to IDE-2019-47 Community Energy Initiative Update: Pathway to Net Zero Carbon.

    Key Findings

    Our Energy Guelph (OEG) has established its Board of Directors, has been

    incorporated as a not-for-profit enterprise in Ontario, and has established a one-year budget. The proposed service agreement sets out the City’s expectations that OEG shall fulfill in exchange for the funding that Council approved on May 27, 2019.

    Financial Implications

    Refer to report CS-2019-56 Dividend Allocation Policy.


    During the Council meeting of May 27, 2019, the following motion was passed unanimously:

    1. That staff pursue a service agreement with Our Energy Guelph (OEG) to act asthe City’s Community Energy Initiative (CEI) delivery partner.

    2. That the service agreement between OEG and the City of Guelph come back toCouncil for approval.

    3. That the Service Agreement include the following conditions prior to execution of

    the agreement:

    a. That the OEG board be established;

    b. That letters of incorporation be approved and in effect;c. That a one-year budget breakdown be established; andd. That funding for years 3 through 5 be approved after a two-year follow up

    report demonstrating that the year two goals have been achieved.

  • Page 2 of 4

    4. Consistent with the level of urgency around climate change mitigationsexpressed by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), that staff bedirected to include in the service agreement with Our Energy Guelph an

    obligation to report against the “45% reduction by 2030” timeline that the IPCCrecommends, in addition to the net zero by 2050.

    In accordance with clause 1, a service agreement has been drafted based on key points outlined in Attachment 1 – Internal Memo: Suggested content for Our Energy Guelph Service Agreement. The City of Guelph Department of Legal, Realty

    and Court Services used this content as a basis for developing a formal legal agreement.

    In accordance with clause 2, please see Attachment 2 – Service Agreement between the City of Guelph and Our Energy Guelph.

    In accordance with clause 3a, the OEG Board of Directors has been established and

    held its inaugural meeting on July 10, 2019, with the following membership:

    Name Organization

    Kirby Calvert (Co-Chair) Department of Geography, University of

    Guelph; Community Energy Knowledge Action Partnership

    Jonathan Knowles (Co-Chair) Tradeforce Tech

    Helen Loftin City of Guelph

    Brandon Raco Sustainability Office, University of Guelph

    Mark Colvin (Treasurer) eMerge Guelph

    Kristen Tilley Guelph Chamber of Commerce

    Anne Toner Fung Innovation Guelph

    Sara Ganowski Alectra Utilities

    Indigo Kim/Ceana Fan (sh