CITY OF SANTA FE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Customer Relationship Management (CRM… · 2019. 5. 10. · CITY OF SANTA FE "REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS" Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

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Page 1: CITY OF SANTA FE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Customer Relationship Management (CRM… · 2019. 5. 10. · CITY OF SANTA FE "REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS" Customer Relationship Management (CRM)



Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System

RFP #‘19/43/P



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Advertisement for Proposals………………………………………..........................................1

Proposal Schedule…………………………………………………............................................2

Information to Proponents…………………………………………............................................3

Local Preference……………………………………………………...........................................4

Special Conditions…………………………………………………............................................6

Scope of Services Required………………………………………............................................8

Submittal Requirements…………………………………………….........................................11

Final Evaluation for Written Proposals and Interviews…………...........................................19


1. Exhibit A – Scope of Services – List of Functional and Technical Requirements2. Non-Disclosure and Conflict of Interest Statement3. Campaign Contribution Statement4. Sample Contract5. Minimum Wage Ordinance

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Proposals will be received by the City of Santa Fe and shall be delivered to the City of Santa Fe Purchasing Office, 200 Lincoln Ave. Room “122“ Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 until 2:00 P.M. local prevailing time, Friday, June 07 , 2019. Any proposal received after this deadline will not be considered. This proposal is for the purpose of procuring professional services for the following:

City of Santa Fe Constituent Request Management Solution

The proponent's attention is directed to the fact that all applicable Federal Laws, State Laws, Municipal Ordinances, and the rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over said item shall apply to the proposal throughout, and they will be deemed to be included in the proposal document the same as though herein written out in full.

The City of Santa Fe is an Equal Opportunity Employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation or national origin. The successful proponent will be required to conform to the Equal Opportunity Employment regulations.

Proposals may be held for sixty (60) days subject to action by the City. The City reserves the right to reject any of all proposals in part or in whole. Proposal packets are available by contacting: Jessica Chavez, City of Santa Fe, Purchasing Office, 200 Lincoln Ave. Room “122“ Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87501, (505) 955-5701.

Shirley Rodriguez, Purchasing Officer

Received by the Santa Fe New Mexican Newspaper on:May 7, 2019 To be published on: May 10, 2019

Received by the Albuquerque Journal Newspaper on: May 7, 2019 To be published on: May 10, 2019


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RFP # ‘19/43/P

Table 01: RFP Schedule of Events

Event Estimated Date Date of Advertisement May 10, 2019 Issuance May 10, 2019 Pre-Proposal Vendor Conference May 16, 2019 Deadline for Questions From Vendors May 20, 2019 Final Addendum for Questions Published May 22, 2019 Deadline for Propoosal Submissions June 07, 2019 Evaluation Period Commences June 10, 2019 Interview and Presentation June 18, 2019 Recommendation of Award to Public Works Committee June 24, 2019 Recommendatio of Award to Finance Committee July 01, 2019 Recommendation of Award to City Council July 10, 2019



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1. RECEIPT OF PROPOSALSThe City of Santa Fe (herein called "City"), invites firms to submit one electronic file and two copies of the proposal. Proposals will be received by the Purchasing Office, until 2:00p.m. local prevailing time, June 7, 2019.The packets shall be submitted and addressed to the Purchasing Office, at 200 Lincoln Ave. Room “122“ Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501. No late proposals will be accepted whether hand delivered, mailed or special delivery. Do not rely on “overnight delivery” without including some lead-time. “Overnight delivery” will be determined to be non-responsive if delivered late, no matter whose fault it was. It is recommended that extra days be included in the anticipated delivery date to ensure delivery is timely. The Purchasing Office is closed 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. The outside of the envelope should clearly indicate the following information:Proposal number: ‘19/43/PTitle of the proposal: Constituent Request Management (311/CRM)Name and address of the proponent:Any proposal received after the time and date specified shall not be considered. No proposing firm may withdraw a proposal within 60 days after the actual date of the opening thereof.

2. PREPARATION OF PROPOSALVendors shall comply with all instructions and provide all the information requested. Failure to do so may disqualify your proposal. All information shall be given in ink or typewritten. Any corrections shall be initialed in ink by the person signing the proposal.This request for proposal may be canceled or any and all proposals may be rejected in whole or in part, whenever the City of Santa Fe determines it is in the best interest of the city.

3. ADDENDA AND INTERPRETATIONSNo oral interpretation of the meaning of any section of the proposal documents will be binding. Oral communications are permitted in order to make an assessment of the need for an addendum. Any questions concerning the proposal must be addressed prior to the date set for receipt of proposal.Every request for such interpretation should be in writing addressed to, Purchasing Officer, 200 Lincoln Ave. Room “122“ Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87501 and to be given consideration must be received at least (5) days prior to the date set for the receiving of proposals.Any and all such interpretations and any supplemental instruction will be in the form of written addenda to the RFP, which if issued, will be delivered to all prospective firms not later than three days prior to the date fixed for the receipt of the proposals. Failure of any proposing firm to receive any such addenda or interpretations shall not relieve such firm


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from any obligation under their proposal as submitted. All addenda so issued shall become part of the contract documents.

The City reserves the right to not comply with these time frames if a critical addendum is required or if the proposal deadline needs to be extended due to a critical reason in the best interest of the City of Santa Fe.

4. LAWS AND REGULATIONSThe proposing firm's attention is directed to the fact that all applicable Federal Laws, StateLaws, Municipal Ordinances, and the rules and regulations of all authorities havingjurisdiction over said item shall apply to the contract throughout. They will be deemed to beincluded in the contract the same as though herein written out in full.

5. METHOD OF AWARDThe proposal is to be awarded based on qualified proposals as per the enclosed ratingsystem and at the discretion and consideration of the governing body of the City of SantaFe. The selection committee may interview the top three rated proponents; however,contracts may be awarded without such interviews. At its discretion the city reserves theright to alter the membership or size of the selection committee. The City reserves the rightto change the number of firms interviewed.The City may extend the purchase of goodsunder the Bid at the option of the City for a period of four (4) years from the date of theexecuted purchase order, subject to the agreement of the offeror.

6. COMPLIANCE WITH CITY’S MINIMUM WAGE RATE ORDINANCE (LIVINGWAGE ORDINANCE)A copy of the City of Santa Fe Ordinance No. 2003-8, passed by the Santa Fe City Councilon February 26, 2003 is attached. The proponent or bidder will be required to submit theproposal or bid such that it complies with the ordinance to the extent applicable. Therecommended Contractor will be required to comply with the ordinance to the extentapplicable, as well as any subsequent changes to the Ordinance throughout the term of thiscontract.

7. CITY LOCAL PREFERENCEA state of New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department Resident Business Certification

of eligibility must be attached. If an offer is received without a copy of the appropriate State

of New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department issued Resident Business Certificate,

the preference will not be applied.

The City shall apply the following definitions and preferences:

1) "resident business" means a business that has a valid resident business certificateissued by the taxation and revenue department pursuant to Section 13-1-22, andwhich shows that the resident business resides within the Santa Fe municipal limits.

2) When the city makes a purchase using a formal bid process, the public body shalldeem a bid submitted by a resident business to be 3% percent lower than the bidactually submitted. In addition, if the bid includes subcontractors who are also


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resident businesses, the public body shall deem a bid submitted by a resident business with resident business subcontractors to be 6% lower than the bid actually submitted. If a non-resident business hires all resident business subcontractors, the public body shall deem the bid to be 3% percent lower than the bid actually submitted.

3) When the city makes a purchase using a formal request for proposals process, notincluding contracts awarded on a point-based system, the city shall award anadditional:

(a) three percent or the total weight of all the factors used in evaluating theproposals to a resident business; and

(b) three percent or the total weight of all the factors used in evaluating theused in evaluating the proposals to a business with all residentbusiness subcontractors.

4) When the city makes a purchase using a formal request for proposals process, andthe contract is awarded based on a point-based system, the city shall awardadditional points equivalent to:

(1) three percent of the total possible points to a resident business: and

(2) three percent of the total possible points to a business with all residentbusiness subcontractors.

5) The maximum available local preference shall be 6%.

6) Competitive sealed proposals valued in excess of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00)

(1) If the bid or proposal includes to subcontractors who are also residentbusiness, the public body shall deem a bid or proposal submitted by aresident business to be six percent (6%) lower than the bid actuallysubmitted, if and only if at least fifty percent (50%) of thesubcontracted services go to subcontractors who are residentbusinesses.


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(2) If a non-resident business hires resident business subcontractors, thepublic body shall deem the bid or proposal to be three percent (3%) lowerthan the bid actually submitted, if and only at least fifty percent (50%) ofthe subcontracted services go to subcontractors who are residentbusinesses."


Any proponent, offeror, or contractor who is aggrieved in connection with a procurementmay protest to the Purchasing Officer. The protest must be in writing and submitted withinfifteen (15) days and requirements regarding protest and resolution of protests are availablefrom the Purchasing Office upon request.


1. GENERALWhen the City's Purchasing Officer issues a purchase order document in response to thevendor's bid, a binding contract is created.

2. ASSIGNMENTNeither the order, nor any interest therein, nor claim under, shall be assigned or transferredby the vendor, except as expressly authorized in writing by the City Purchasing Officer'sOffice. No such consent shall relieve the vendor from its obligations and liabilities under thisorder.

3. VARIATION IN SCOPE OF WORKNo increase in the scope of work of services or equipment after award will be accepted,unless means were provided for within the contract documents. Decreases in the scope ofwork of services or equipment can be made upon request by the city or if such variationhas been caused by documented conditions beyond the vendor's control, and then only tothe extent, as specified elsewhere in the contract documents.

4. DISCOUNTSAny applicable discounts should be included in computing the bid submitted. Every effortwill be made to process payments within 30 days of satisfactory receipt of goods orservices. The City Purchasing Officer shall be the final determination of satisfactory receiptof goods or services.

5. TAXESThe price shall include all taxes applicable. The city is exempt from gross receipts tax ontangible personal property. A tax-exempt certificate will be issued upon written request.



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(A) The vendor's invoice shall be submitted in duplicate and shall contain the followinginformation: invoice number and date, description of the supplies or services,quantities, unit prices and extended totals. Separate invoices shall be submitted foreach and every complete order.


7. METHOD OF PAYMENTEvery effort will be made to process payments within 30 days of receipt of a detailedinvoice and proof of delivery and acceptance of the products hereby contracted or asotherwise specified in the compensation portion of the contract documents.

8. DEFAULTThe City reserves the right to cancel all or any part of this order without cost to the City ifthe vendor fails to meet the provisions for this order, and except as otherwise providedherein, to hold the vendor liable for any excess cost occasioned by the city due to thevendor's default. The vendor shall not be liable for any excess cost if failure to perform theorder arises out of causes beyond the control and with the fault or negligence of the Vendorand these causes have been made known to the City of Santa Fe in written form within fiveworking days of the vendor becoming aware of a cause which may create any delay; suchcauses include, but are not limited to, acts of God or the public enemy, acts of the State orof the Federal Government, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freightembargoes, unusually severe weather and defaults of sub-contractors due to any of theabove unless the city shall determine that the suppliers or services to be furnished by thesub-contractor are obtainable from other sources in sufficient time to permit the vendor tomeet the required delivery schedule. The rights and remedies of the city are not limited tothose provided for in this paragraph and are in addition to any other rights provided for bylaw.

9. NON-DISCRIMINATIONBy signing this City of Santa Fe bid or proposal, the vendor agrees to comply with thePresidents Executive Order No. 11246 as amended.

10. NON-COLLUSIONIn signing this bid or proposal, the vendor certifies they have not, either directly or indirectly,entered into action in restraint of full competition in connection with this bid or proposalsubmittal to the City of Santa Fe.


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1.0 RFP Introduction and Background

1.1 Introduction

This Request for Proposals (RFP) is intended to solicit proposals from proposers capable of satisfying The City of Santa Fe’s needs for software and professional services to implement a Constituent Request Management Software System. Proposers’ responses will be evaluated and ranked based on the criteria described in this RFP. If a system is available that meets the City’s needs, the City may then enter into contract discussions with the selected proposer. In addition to soliciting written responses, this document provides information to assist proposers in preparing their responses and facilitates the subsequent evaluation and comparison process. In that regard, this RFP:

• Provides information essential to soliciting meaningful recommendations and realisticcommitments from the proposers;

• Specifies the desired format and content of proposals in response to this RFP;• Outlines the City’s evaluation and selection procedures;• Establishes a schedule for the preparation and submission of proposals in response to this

RFP; and,• Establishes a performance standard for the selected proposer.

This RFP and the selected proposal in response to this RFP will be incorporated into the contract resulting from this solicitation; provided, however, that the contract may contain terms different from or in addition to this RFP and the successful proposal. For purposes of this RFP, the term “vendor,” “offeror,” and “proposer” are considered to have the same meaning.

1.2 About the City of Santa Fe

The City of Santa Fe’s purpose is to be the top tier community in New Mexico for living, working, and recreating. Santa Fe is the largest metropolitan area in the county of Santa Fe and was established in the early 1600s; it is one of the nation’s oldest communities. The City has a diverse population of approximately 82,000. Santa Fe's economy is based largely on tourism and state government. Visitors are attracted year-round by the beautiful high desert climate and related outdoor activities plus cultural activities of the City and area. The City delivers a wide array of services through twelve (12) departments which are both operational and supportive in nature. The majority of services offered by the City of Santa Fe are delivered by City employees, while some are delivered by partners. The City departments are grouped into one of three categories: public safety, core services, and quality of life programs. Public safety consists of services such as fire protection, law enforcement, and adjudication, without which unsafe conditions might emerge within the City. The core services the City of Santa Fe provides include: water, waste water, and solid waste; infrastructure; and community services such as senior and youth services. Quality of life services and programs include those things that help to make Santa Fe a better place to live, and help us reach for the future: economic and community development, parks and recreation, libraries, and public transportation. In all services, the City of Santa Fe employees try to promote a customer first orientation.

The workforce of the City of Santa Fe includes 1,635 employees (including elected officials). Of these, 1,315 are full time employees and 320 are part time or temporary employees. 94 percent


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of employees are non-exempt and 6 percent are exempt. There are three main bargaining units in the City of Santa Fe: the Police Officer’s Association, the International Association of Fire Fighters, and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME). In general, employees with management roles are not covered by a bargaining unit. The City of Santa Fe has 87,907 Capitalized Assets; the accumulated cost with depreciation (as of 6/30/2014) is $1,475,119,281.94. These assets include 5,938 open space acres, 100 parks, the municipal water shed and its two dams, a water treatment plan, the Buckman Direct Diversion plant, a wastewater treatment plant, a golf course, four aquatics centers and three recreation centers, five senior centers, three libraries, a municipal airport, the Santa Fe Community Convention Center, nine fire stations, a police station and two substations, and seven main government campuses (including City Hall). In addition, assets include all of the vehicles, heavy machinery, and specialized equipment needed to perform the variety of tasks assigned to the City, and throughout its many functions.

The City’s legacy Constituent Request Management (CRM) system is a customized solution developed by our web content management system contractors in 2012. It is currently accessible via our website; it is not formatted in a responsive design; we do not have a CRM mobile application. The solution allows a constituent to create a user profile, submit a request and track its progress as it is being resolved. In addition, the system allows a constituent to add additional comments and add attachments e.g. photos and documents to their request. The system uses a variety of unique forms, listed by request type, for a constituent to submit their request. The system allows staff to create forms and add as many fields as needed by request type. Staff is also able to enter requests directly into the system on behalf of the constituent or the respective elected official. There are currently 110 active internal staff users that access the administrative side of the system according to their user permissions. Staff uses the system to review, re-assign, update, change status, upload photos and documents, and close requests. The system sends email notifications to the constituent and default assigned staff person when a request has changed status, been re-assigned, a new comment has been added and when the request is closed. Staff is able to generate analytical reports by date range and request type. The system also allows staff to search the database by request ID, first/last name, email address, request type, and address.

The City’s GIS system is built on ESRI standards using ArcGIS technology.

1.3 Project Objectives

The City of Santa Fe is planning to replace its current CRM software system that supports all public request submission and management along with request management by all city departments. In doing so, the City seeks to address several challenges in the current environment, including but not limited to:

• There are limited automated workflow processes and approvals implemented at the City• There is a lack of mobile system access and data capture functionality for the public and

for staff working in the field• Several business processes rely on disparate systems and manual processes• Opportunities for increasing transparency into City operations through the City website

exist• There is a lack of a central location for a city wide frequently asked questions listing that

is interactive and provides links to city code, policies and procedures, and to the CRMsystem.


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The primary objective is to procure, implement and maintain a solution that mitigates the challenges listed above, allow for streamlined collection and processing of constituent request information, and to facilitate standardization and timely access to information.

The City of Santa Fe is looking for a comprehensive Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) solution that will provide responses to frequently asked questions (FAQs) for all city programs, track constituent requests and/or complaints with the ability to capture, route and manage all forms of requests and/or complaints both internal and external entries, via multiple service channels. A solution that will assist our staff and the public become more efficient, effective and increase customer satisfaction and engagement.

CRM solution shall include:

See the attached Exhibit A


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2.0 Minimum Qualifications

In order for proposals to be evaluated and considered for award, proposals must be deemed responsive. To be deemed responsive, the submitted proposal documents shall conform in all material respects to the requirements stated by the RFP, and, proposers shall document and validate the capability to fully perform all requirements defined by the RFP. Factors to be considered include, and may not be limited to: experience, integrity, reliability, capacity and other factors required to provide the services defined by the RFP. Vendors shall provide a copy of their 2019 business registration.

2.1 Incurred Expenses

There is no express or implied obligation for the City to reimburse responding firms for any expenses incurred in preparing Proposals in response to this Request for Proposal and the City will not reimburse responding firms for these expenses, nor will the City pay any subsequent costs associated with the provision of any additional information or presentation, or to procure a contract for these services. The City will also not be responsible for any costs associated with preparing and/or participating in any systems demonstrations requested of the Proposer’s product.

2.2 Pre-Proposal Vendor Conference

A Pre-Proposal Vendor Conference will be held on May 16, 2019, 2:00 pm Mountain Time. The Pre-Proposal Vendor Conference will be hosted via teleconference. The City will not be hosting an in-person option for the Pre-Proposal Vendor Conference.

Vendors that are interested in participating in the Pre-Proposal Vendor Conference shall contact the City in writing using the information contained in Table 02 (Point of Contact) to request the teleconference information. Due to conference bridge restrictions, vendors are limited to one (1) conference participant dial-in per company.

The format of the Pre-Proposal Vendor Conference will be an overview presentation of the RFP, its contents, the RFP Schedule of Events, and additional topics. Following the presentation, vendors will be able to ask questions related to the RFP or the overall process. The City will attempt to answer all questions at that time, but answers provided shall not be binding. Following the Pre-Proposal Vendor Conference, the City will issue an addendum with all material questions asked and their respective answers.

Participation in the Pre-Proposal Vendor Conference is not mandatory.

2.3 Questions and Inquiries

It shall be the responsibility of the Proposer to inquire about any portion of the RFP that is not fully understood and susceptible to more than one interpretation. Written inquiries are required. All questions concerning the RFP must reference the page number, section heading, and paragraph, if applicable. Questions may be submitted via email and Proposers shall insert “City of Santa Fe Constituent Request Management (311/CRM) RFP Question” in the subject line. Oral


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communications will not be accepted. The following table provides the primary contact and the acknowledgement contact information. With any communications, both the primary and acknowledgement point of contact should be included.

Table 02: Point of Contact Point of Contact

Primary AcknowledgementKristine Mihelcic City of Santa Fe [email protected]

Shirley Rodriguez City of Santa Fe [email protected]

Jessica Chaves City of Santa Fe [email protected]

Questions and inquiries related to this RFP, including questions and inquiries related to technical issues are to be submitted in writing via email and directed to the Point of Contact using the contact information above.

In accordance with the RFP Schedule of Events all questions must be received in writing no later than May 20, 2019 at 4:30 pm Mountain Time. Questions and answers will be issued in accordance with Section 1.15, Amendments and Addenda.

Proposers shall not contact City staff with any questions or inquiries. Unauthorized contact with any personnel of the City may be cause for rejection of the Proposer’s response. The decision to reject a Proposal is solely that of the City.

2.4 Clarification and Discussion of Proposals

The City may request clarifications and conduct discussions with any Proposer who submits a Proposal. Proposers must be available for a system demonstration to City staff on dates specified in Table 01 if selected for system demonstrations. Failure of a vendor to respond to such a request for additional information, clarification, or system demonstrations may result in rejection of the vendor’s proposal.

2.5 Amendments and Addenda

All clarifications and RFP revisions will be documented in an addendum and publicly published to the City’s website. The City will attempt to publicly publish periodic addenda on a timely basis between the RFP publishing date and the date of the final addendum on May 22, 2019.

Only questions and answers documented in an addendum shall be binding. Each addendum issued will contain an acknowledgement form which shall be signed and returned with proposers’ responses. The City reserves the right to revise the RFP prior to the deadline for proposal submissions on June 07, 2019. Revisions shall be documented in an addendum and publicly published to the City website.

2.6 Implementation Project Plan


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As part of the Project Scope, the Contractor(s) must develop and provide the City with a detailed Implementation Project Plan that, at a minimum, will include the components listed below.

Section #1 - Project Objectives: This section of the Implementation Project Plan should include overall Project objectives.

Section #2 - Project Deliverables and Milestones: This section of the Implementation Project Plan should include a list of deliverables and milestones of the Project, and with each deliverable or milestone, this section should describe exactly how and what will be provided to meet the needs of the City.

Section #3 - Project Schedule (Project Management Software): This section of the Implementation Project Plan should identify the dates associated with deliverables and milestones described in Section #2 of the Project Plan. Proposers shall provide a sample Project Schedule as part of responses in a separate tab labeled Sample Documentation.

Section #4 - Project Management Processes:

a. Resource Management: This section of the Implementation Project Plan shoulddescribe City resources, Contractor resources, and the overall Project teamstructure, including an organizational chart. Roles identified for the Contractor, itssubcontractors, and the City should also include a detailed description of theresponsibilities related to the identified role as well as the communicationprocess for each party.

b. Scope Management: This section of the Implementation Project Plan shoulddescribe the approach the Contractor will use in order to manage Project Scopeand the process used to request changes to Project Scope. It is the City’s desireto use the proposed enterprise software system(s) “as is” and, as such, anychanges must be reviewed and approved by the City’s Implementation ProjectTeam.

c. Schedule Management: This section of the Implementation Project Plan shoulddescribe the approach the Contractor will use in order to manage the Projectschedule and the process used to submit requested changes to the schedule.The Contractor must ensure that the Project schedule is kept current and reportany missed milestones to the City. The Contractor must track all deliverables andmilestones as described in section #2 Project Deliveralbes and Milestones.The Contractor must track the burn rate of hours.

d. Risk Management: This section of the Implementation Project Plan shoulddescribe the approach the Contractor will use to document existing Project risks,provide recommendations for mitigating the risk, and how this will becommunicated to the City Implementation Team.

e. Quality Management: This section of the Implementation Project Plan shoulddescribe the approach the Selected Vendor will use to assure that all writtendeliverables have received appropriate reviews for quality before being submittedto the City.


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f. Communication Management: This section of the Implementation Project Planshould describe the approach the Selected Vendor will use to provide a detailedcommunication plan that includes discussion of key implementation metrics thatwill be used to track progress; types of communication methods (i.e., memo,email, one-on-one meetings, Project team meetings, stakeholder groupmeetings, online web progress reporting tools, etc.) that the Vendor will use;frequency of these communications; and key Vendor points-of-contact withoverall responsibility for ensuring these communications are provided asscheduled. The City also expects that the Selected Vendor will make keypersonnel and staff available for certain meetings either on-site or viateleconference or web-conference that may be required should major issuesarise during the implementation that significantly impact the schedule, or budget,of the CD system.

g. Business Process Change Management: This section of the ImplementationProject Plan should describe the approach the Selected Vendor will use toprovide a plan which should include a list of the business processes the SelectedVendor recommends changing and a detailed description and flowchart outliningthe changes, the anticipated benefits to the City of these changes, and how theVendor proposes to manage this change process.

h. Organizational Change Management: This section of the ImplementationProject Plan should describe the process, tools and techniques the SelectedVendor will use to manage the people-side of change.

Section #5 - Data Conversion Approach: As part of the Implementation Project Plan, the Selected Vendor will develop and provide a detailed Data Conversion Plan that describes how files will be converted to the proposed system (e.g., through software conversion aids/utility programs or special programs that must be written, the actual conversion procedures, etc.). The City would like to convert all existing requests with the status of New, In Progress, On Hold, and Reopened. The City would also like to convert the last two (2) years of requests with the status of Closed/Resolved. The City would like to understand how the Selected Vendor will approach developing the data conversion plan, and what processes will be undertaken by the Selected Vendor’s Project team to convert existing data as well as to interface with identified source systems. A conversion schedule should identify planned conversion steps, estimated hours, and what resources will be required (by City or Selected Vendor) for all pertinent legacy data. Data conversion shall occur when migrating to the new application. The Selected Vendor is expected to assist the City in the conversion of both electronic and manual data to the new system. It is expected that the City will be responsible for data extraction from current systems and data scrubbing and that the Selected Vendor shall be responsible for overall data conversion coordination, definition of file layouts, and data import and validation into the new system(s). The Selected Vendor should plan to have converted data ready for the User Acceptance, Testing phase of the Project in a format that is acceptable by the City.

Proposers may provide a sample Data Conversion Approach Plan as part of responses in a separate tab labeled Sample Documentation. A sample is not required.

Section #6 – System Backups: As part of the Project Scope, the Contractor will develop and provide a detaied data backup plan that describes the process how files will be backed up,


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which files will be backed up, how files are archived, the file format and how files will be provide to the City. It is understood that the data is owned by the City and the Contractor will proved said data in a file format that is acceptable by the City.

Section #7 – Training: As part of the Project Scope, the Contractor will develop, provide, and manage a detailed plan for training. This Training Plan must include the information described below.

a. The role and responsibility of the software and/or any sub-contractors in thedesign and implementation of the training plan (e.g., development of customizedtraining materials, delivering training to City end users).

b. The role and responsibility of the City staff in the design and implementation ofthe training plan.

c. Overview of proposed training plan/strategy, including options for on-site or off-site training services, for the core project team, end users, and technologypersonnel.

d. Proposed training schedule for City personnel of various user and interactionlevels.

e. Descriptions of classes/courses proposed in the training plan. (The Vendorshould specify the unit of measure for its training, e.g., units, classes, days, etc.,and define the hours associated with these units of measure.) The Vendor mustbe very clear about exactly what training courses are included in the cost of theproposal and what training materials will be provided.

f. The knowledge transfer strategy proposed by the software and/or implementationVendor to prepare City staff to maintain the system after it is placed intoproduction.

g. Detailed description of system documentation and resources that will be includedas part of the implementation by the Vendor including, but not limited to, detailedsystem user manuals, “Quick Reference” guides, online support, help desksupport, user group community resources, and others as available.

It is the City’s intention that the Contractor will coordinate the training of City personnel in the use of its application and that satisfactory implementation of an approved training plan will be a key component of this project’s deliverables. Documentation, including training manuals and agendas, will be provided by the Proposer before each training session with City staff.

Proposers may provide a sample a Training Plan as part of responses in a separate tab labeled Sample Documentation. A sample is not required.

Section #8 - Bi-Weekly Status Reports: This section of the Implementation Project Plan should describe the approach the Contractor will use to provide bi-weekly status reports throughout the course of the Project. This section should include an example of the bi-weekly status report and identify the expected delivery mechanism that will be used to provide the report to the City.

Proposers may provide a Sample Implementation Project Plan as part of responses in a separate tab labeled Sample Documentation.


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2.7 System Interface Plan

As part of the Project Scope, the selected vendor will develop and provide a detailed System Interface Plan that contains the proposed strategy for interfacing with EnerGov and Munis Work Orders. This plan shall also include details on the full interfacing capabilities and fuctions for future intergration with other existing and potential new City legacy software systems.

Proposers may provide a sample System Interface Plan as part of responses in a separate tab labeled Sample Documentation. A sample is not required.

2.8 Software Configuration Plan

As part of the Project Scope, the Selected Vendor will develop and provide a detailed Software Configuration Plan that includes anticipated configuration and their impact to the overall Project schedule, budget, and final success. This Software Configuration Plan should describe the process that the City and the Vendor will engage in for accepting the software configurations. It is the City’s intension that the slected vendor will use a document editing tracking system such as Microsoft Word Track Changes when developing the configuration plan.

Proposers may provide a sample Software Configuration Plan as part of responses in a separate tab labeled Sample Documentation. A sample is not required.

2.9 Testing and Quality Assurance Plan

As part of the Project Scope, the selected vendor will develop and provide a Testing and Quality Assurance Plan that describes all phases of testing: unit, system, interface, integration, regression, parallel, and user acceptance testing. It is the City’s expectation that the Testing and Quality Assurance Plan govern all phases of the project and that the vendor will also provide assistance during each testing phase involving City users. The vendor will develop the initial User Acceptance Testing (UAT) plan, provide templates and guidance for developing test scripts, and will provide onsite support during UAT. The vendor will also provide a plan for stress testing of the system that will occur during or after UAT.

Proposers may provide a sample Testing and Quality Assurance Plan as part of responses in a separate tab labeled Sample Documentation. A sample is not required.

2.10 Pre- and Post-Implementation Level of Support

As part of the Project Scope, the Selected Vendor will develop and provide a Pre- and Post-implementation Mainenance and Support Plan that describes the approach to software maintenance and support during the implementation and after the implementation. Proposers should describe what level of support is available under the proposed fee structure. If varying levels of support are available, this section of the Proposer’s response should clarify these potential services and highlight the level of support that has been proposed.

The following support and issue resolution information contained in Table 07 are suggestions and are provided for planning purposes only. The table contains information on the support issue resolution standards that the City wishes the Vendor to provide following implementation.


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Table 07: Support and Issue Resolution Standards No. Support and Issue Resolution Standards


The vendor, at a minimum has the ability to adhere to the following standards for issue resolution:

• Severity Level 1, system is down. Attention required immediately,maximum of 30 minute response time.

• Severity Level 2, major functionality of the system is impacted orparts of the system are down. Maximum of 1 hour response time.

• Severity Level 3, non-mission critical processes are impacted.Maximum of 8 hour response time.

2 Outage times should be based on a 24x7 basis instead of working hours.

3 Severity levels for support will be defined by the City.

4 The vendor will provide support during standard City business hours.

5 The vendor will provide web-based support, with a searchable database of common problems, to assist end users in researching error messages.

6 The vendor will adhere to the City’s security policies, including but not limited to, vendors requesting access to the application and/or network prior to troubleshooting.


The vendor will proactively notify the City System Administrator regarding which releases of third-party software (JAVA virtual machine, Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Safari, etc.) are known to create problems with the current version of the vendor software.

8 The Vendor will proactively notify and work with the City System Administrator to develop a plan on how updates and upgrades will be released and implemented to include traingin as necessary.

Vendors should describe what level of support is available under the proposed fee structure. If varying levels of support are available, this section of the vendor’s response should clarify these potential services and highlight the level of support that has been proposed.

Proposers may provide a sample Pre- and Post-Implementation Plan as part of responses in a separate tab labeled Sample Documentation. A sample is not required.

2.11 Post Implementation Updates, Upgrades, and an Ongoing Training Ciriculim

As part of the Project Scope, the slected vendor will develop and provide a detailed plan that describes how and when software updates and upgrades will be implemented. This plan shall describe the: process that the City and the selected vendor will engate in to ensure the updates and upgrade are successful, cost, if any, system down time, resource needs and availability. The plan shall also include a detailed list of new system capabilities and features. The plan shall also include a detailed process that the City and the selected vendor will engage in and provide an ongoing training cariculim in an effort to train users to use the full potential of the new


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software capabilities and features. The vendor shall also conduct a mimimum of of two (2) system evaluations and upgrades per year.

Proposers may provide sample System Documentation as part of responses in a separate tab labeled Sample Documentation. A Sample is not required.

2.12 System Documentation

As part of the Project Scope, the selected vendor will develop and provide documentation that describes the features and functions of the proposed application software. The documentation shall be provided for both users and the technical personnel who will administer and maintain the system. It is desirable that differing levels of documentation (user documentation and technical documentation) exist. The selected vendor shall provide documentation in web-based and PDF forms for each application module.

Proposers may provide sample System Documentation as part of responses in a separate tab labeled Sample Documentation. A Sample is not required.


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3.1 Evaluation Process

The City’s Evaluation Committee will initially review and evaluate each proposal received to determine the proposer’s ability to meet the requirements of the City. The evaluation criteria described in Section 3.2 will be the basis for evaluation.

The Evaluation Committee will determine the vendors best suited to meet the needs of the City based on the scoring of the evaluation criteria. These vendors will form the Vendor Short List.

The City, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to have system demonstrations with those proposers on the Vendor Short List, or any other vendor. Scripted demonstrations will be conducted at City offices. Time limitations and demonstration requirements will be provided with the notification. Each Evaluation Committee member will score the demonstration.

A Pre-Demonstration Vendor Teleconference will take place for those vendors that have been short-listed. The demonstration schedule and script will be provided in advance of the Pre-Demonstration Vendor Conference and vendors will have an opportunity to review the format of the demonstrations and ask questions related to procedure and specific demonstration scenarios. This meeting will be conducted via teleconference.

Demonstrations will be assigned a portion of the overall Technical Capability score. The City may elect, at its sole option, not to conduct discussions or demonstrations with respondents. Demonstrations will involve a scripted demonstration and potentially a separate room for questions and answers.

Vendors who are invited to participate in demonstrations are advised that the provided scripts must be strictly adhered to while presenting. Optional modules or functionality must not be presented if they fall outside the scope of requested functionality or that functionality which has been proposed by the vendor.

The City may request additional information or clarification of proposals and hereby reserves the right to select the particular response to this RFP that it believes will best serve its business and operational requirements, considering the evaluation criteria set forth below.

3.2 Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation criteria in the following table are intended to be the basis by which each proposal will be evaluated, measured, and ranked. The City hereby reserves the right to evaluate, at its sole discretion, the extent to which each proposal received compares to the stated criteria. The recommendation of the Evaluation Committee shall be based on the evaluations using the criteria through all stages of the evaluation process (e.g., review of written proposals, vendor demonstrations, reference checks, etc.)


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Table 08: Evaluation Criteria Criteria Description Maximum Score


This criterion considers the ability of the proposed software to meet the City’s functionality needs. This includes the ability to meet the Functional Requirements (Attachment B) for the functional areas that are proposed and the ability for the proposed software to integrate with the City’s system environment.



This criterion considers the ability of the proposed software to align with the City’s preferred technical specifications and interface requirements (Attachment B). This criterion will also consider the level of integration among proposed system modules.



This criterion considers the Proposer’s understanding of the scope of work (Section 2.0) and the quality and clarity of the Proposer’s written methodology and description of the proposed approach to accomplish the work. This criterion also considers the Proposer’s approach to training and support.



This criterion considers the Proposer’s experience in providing the services solicited by this RFP as set forth in the Proposer’s response and as learned from references



This criterion considers the price of the software license, services, and ongoing maintenance solicited by this RFP. Proposers will be evaluated on their pricing scheme as well as on their price in comparison to the other proposers. Please complete the enclosed form Attachment B.


*Final scoring for these criteria may be adjusted for Short Listed Vendors based on the resultsof the demonstrations, reference calls, site visits, or supplemental information requests.

The City intends to review cost proposals prior to the demonstrations to ensure the Short-List Vendors are within the City’s budget planning.

3.3 Best and Final Offer/Request for Clarification

A Best-and-Final-Offer process may be initiated if it is determined to be in the best interest of the City. Such process may be initiated following the publishing of the Vendor Short List or at any other evaluation process step. Additional processes of scope and cost clarification may be employed as part of the evaluation process.

3.4 Notice of Intent Award

After the completion of contract negotiations, the City may issue a written Notice of Intent to Award and send copies to all proposers. The scores and placement of other proposers will not be part of the Notice of Intent to Award.


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Successful proposers named in the Notice of Intent to Award are advised not to begin work or enter into subcontracts relating to the project until both the successful proposer and the City sign the contract.

3.5 Negotiations and Contract Execution

The City reserves the right to negotiate the final terms and conditions of the contract to be executed. In the event the City and the vendor are unable to agree upon all contract provisions, the City reserves the right to cease negotiations, and to move on to select another vendor, or to reject all Proposals.

3.6 Contracting Ethics

1. It is a breach of ethical standards for any person to offer, give, or agree to give any Cityemployee or Committees, Commissions, and Council person, or by City Policy, for anyCity employee, or Committees, Commissions, and Council person to solicit, demand,accept, or agree to accept from another person or agency, a gratuity or an offer ofemployment whenever a reasonable prudent person would conclude that suchconsideration was motivated by an individual, group, or corporate desire to obtainspecial, preferential, or more favorable treatment than is normally accorded the generalpublic.

2. The Vendor shall not assign any interest in this contract and shall not transfer anyinterest in the same without the prior written consent of the City.

3. The Vendor shall not accept any private client or project that may place it in ethicalconflict during its representation of the City.

3.7 No Obligation, Right of Rejection, and Multiple Award

The inquiry made through this RFP implies no obligation on the part of the City of Santa Fe.

The City reserves the right to reject any proposal, in whole or in part. Proposals received from debarred or suspended vendors will be rejected. The City may reject any proposal that is not responsive to all of the material and substantial terms, conditions, and performance requirements of this RFP.

The City further reserves the right to award all, part, or none of the components/functional areas included in this RFP or a Proposer’s proposal. In addition, the City reserves the right to make one or more awards to competing Proposers for subsets of functionality as a result of this RFP.

The City reserves the right to reject any proposal determined to be nonresponsive. The City also reserves the right to refrain from making an award if it determines it to be in its best interest.


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At its discretion, the City reserves the right to alter the membership and size of the committee.

Scores of the evaluation committee members will be totaled to determine the top-rated firms.

If interviews are conducted for the top-rated solution provider, those scores totaled from the evaluation committee members from the interview evaluations will determine the final top-rated solution provider, unless other tangible extenuating circumstances are documented.

Unless noted elsewhere in this RFP, the same evaluation form will be used to separate the interview scores.


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RFP - CRMExhibit A - Scope of Services - List of Functional and Technical Requirements

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Indicator Definition

S (Supported)

Feature/Function is available in a current software release available to the City and will be implemented in accordance with agreed upon configuration planning with the City.

F (Future)Feature/Function will be available in a future software release available to the City by June 1, 2019 at which point it will be implemented in accordance with agreed upon configuration planning with the City.

C (Custom)

Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this feature could be provided with custom modifications. All related customization costs should be indicated in Attachment B – Cost Worksheet.

I (Integration)

Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this feature could be provided with integration with a third-party system. This system should be specified.

N (Not Supported) Feature/Function cannot be provided.

Req # Description of Requirement CriticalityVendor Response

(S, F, C, I, N) Comments

CM.1The system has the ability to provide a constituent request management module that can be integrated with all Tyler EnerGov and Tyler Munis systems (per CM.210)


CM.2 The system has the ability to support a business workflow that utilizes a central call center/dispatch or multiple call centers. Critical

CM.3 The system has the ability to support service requests via phone contact. Critical

CM.4 The system has the ability to support a centralized constituent profile. Critical

CM.5 The system has the ability to create resident profile accounts that service requests may be associated with. Critical

CM.6 The system has the ability to present a single view of each constituent, quickly and effectively, to each participating business application and/or operation. Critical

CM.7 The system has the ability to allow duplicate accounts to automatically merge into a single account. Critical

CM.8 The system has the ability to integrate and share data with departments. Critical

When providing responses to this list of Functioanl and Technical requirements, proposers shall use the response indicators contained in the table below.

Requirements / Capabilities Response Indicators

Constituent Request Management

General Requirements

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Req # Description of Requirement CriticalityVendor Response

(S, F, C, I, N) Comments

Constituent Request Management

CM.9 The system has the ability to allow resident interactions with no resident data collected from individual residents to preserve anonymity. Critical


The system has the ability to record resident contact information where interaction channels require specific resident information for the effective utilization of communication channel (e.g., email address, cell phone for text messages).


CM.11The system has the ability to protect from public access an individual's personal information as requested, including but not limited to: their name, address, phone number, email and family information.


CM.12The system has the ability to restrict the fields on the constituent profile that are viewable by a particular role (i.e., limiting detailed profile information for only departments that will manage a service request).


CM.13The system has the ability to flag particular resident types given interactions with the central call center or dispatch and future integration with City information systems.


CM.14The system has the ability to employ database information to develop, customize and maintain multiple resident-profiles for different resident types and prior interactions with the City.


CM.15The system has the ability to develop, customize and maintain multiple resident-profile templates for different resident types (e.g., resident, visitor, business owner, etc.).


CM.16The system has the ability to support quick entry of data via word completion capabilities, with override available, when entering data in system (i.e., predictive text).


CM.17 The system has the ability to restrict options on certain fields to items within a drop-down menu (i.e., address, etc.). Critical

CM.18The system has the ability to support quick entry of data via sentence completion capabilities (i.e., this feature entails completing field-level data entry based on recognition by the system of key words).


CM.19The system has the ability to provide the ability to issue multiple service requests per a single contact (e.g., one caller calls in for a pot hole, stray dog, and abandoned car).


CM.20The system has the ability to provide a Mass Modify tool accessible by a system administrator to make specific or global edits to data (e.g. reassign all incidents from one resource to another resource).


CM.21 The system has the ability to establish at least 9 different priority codes. Desired

CM.22 The system has the ability to allow priority codes to be defined and named by a system administrator. Critical

CM.23The system has the ability to provide the ability to change the priority of an existing service request or line item on a service request (i.e., standard to emergency).


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Req # Description of Requirement CriticalityVendor Response

(S, F, C, I, N) Comments

Constituent Request Management

CM.24 The system has the ability to create any of the service request types owned by a user’s group from the field. Critical

CM.25The system has the ability to integrate with City's ESRI GIS software resources, such as database engine, mapping engine, web services, and allow for the use of GIS tools in system actions.


CM.26The system has the ability to use the City's existing ESRI GIS data and related tables to improve the accuracy and validity of data entered into the system. Critical

CM.27 The system has the ability to provide GIS location validation against the City's existing ESRI GIS data. Critical

CM.28The system has the ability to pinpoint location of an interaction on a map, by address matching to a street centerline or a parcel base and then fine tuning the location using map features.


CM.29The system has the ability to query from the mapping screen itself using a simple drawing tool or by pre-selected query of a GIS layer based on its attribute information.


CM.30 The system has the ability to perform basic map viewing functions including display dynamic map data in the display window. Critical

CM.31The system has the ability to use GIS mapping to assist service requests in identifying related calls, by displaying related calls or events on a map coded by user defined criteria.


CM.32 The system has the ability to locate, link and/or attach GIS maps / overlays or images to a service request as prescribed by the user. Critical

CM.33The system has the ability to directly connect calls, services requests, and work orders to assets, which are stored in GIS (e.g., street centerlines, poles, and intersections).



The system has the ability for employees to search by Request ID, FirstName, LastName, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress, Address, RequestType, and by DateRange. The system shall provide the search results quickly. They system has the ability to return to the initial list of search results after viewing the details of a submitted service request.


CM.35 The system should have the ability to allow system administrator to create defualt respones to specific data entry fields e.g. city, and state. Critical

CM.36 The systems has the ability to use the GIS addressing as a drop down. CriticalCM.37 The system has the ability to auto tab to the next field during data entry. Critical

CM.38 The system has the ability to all the system administrator to configure the header, footer, subject line, and body of email notifications. Critical

CM.39 The system has the ability to allow a resident users and or city personnel to reset their password using the lates industry security standards. Critical

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Req # Description of Requirement CriticalityVendor Response

(S, F, C, I, N) Comments

Constituent Request Management

CM.40The system has the ability to use Microsoft Active Directory for single sign on capability and functionality for all internal networked computers (work stations).


CM.41 User ID making change; CriticalCM.42 Department/Division of user making the change; CriticalCM.43 Date of change; CriticalCM.44 Time of change; CriticalCM.45 Data prior to change; and CriticalCM.46 Filed changed from. Critical

CM.47 The system has the ability to provide a web-based resident self-service portal. Critical

CM.48The system has the ability to allow actions made in the web-based resident self-service portal to take affect in real time in the CRM database. Critical

CM.49 The system has the ability to allow residents to create a profile account with user ID and password on an opt-in basis. Critical

CM.50 The system has the ability to allow a resident to maintain profile account information via the web-based self-service portal. Critical

CM.51 The system has the ability to allow a resident to initiate a service request through the web-based self-service portal. Critical

CM.52 The system has the ability to allow a resident to upload documents as attachments when initiating a service request. Critical

CM.53The system has the ability to allow the configuration of required fields in the web-based resident self-service portal based on the service request type selected.


CM.54 The system has the ability to allow a resident to view the status of a submitted service request through the web-based self-service portal. Critical

CM.55 The system has the ability to allow the constituent to add comments into a submitted service request through the web-based self-service portal. Critical

CM.56The system has the ability to provide a "wizard" function to assist residents in using the web-based self-service portal (i.e., a step by step screen process). Desired

CM.57 The system has the ability to allow the web-based self-service portal to be operable up to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Critical

CM.58 The system has the ability to allow the web-based self-service portal to be accessed from the City website. Critical

CM.59 The system has the ability to allow the web-based self-service portal to be configured with a similar look and feel as the City website. Critical

Web Portal

The system has the ability to capture all changes in data fields in service requests including the following information:

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Req # Description of Requirement CriticalityVendor Response

(S, F, C, I, N) Comments

Constituent Request Management

CM.60 English; and CriticalCM.61 Spanish. Critical

CM.62 The system has the ability to integrate with popular social network sites or 311 oriented sites, like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. Critical

CM.63 The system has the ability to intergrate with Microsoft Outlook email. Critical


The mobile app has the ability to access to the full CRM system functionality to allow constituents to create and manage their user profile, submit a service request and veiw a list of their submitted requests using a mobile device (Smart Phone and Tablet).


CM.65 The mobile app has the ability to allow resident interactions with no resident data collected from individual residents to preserve anonymity. Critical

CM.66 The mobile app has the ability to restrict options on certain fields to items within a drop-down menu (i.e., address, etc.). Critical

CM.67The mobile app has the ability to support quick entry of data via sentence completion capabilities (i.e., this feature entails completing field-level data entry based on recognition by the system of key words).


CM.68The mobile app has the ability to provide the ability to issue multiple service requests per a single contact (e.g., one caller calls in for a pot hole, stray dog, and abandoned car).


CM.69The mobile app has the ability to integrate with City's ESRI GIS software resources, such as database engine, mapping engine, web services, and allow for the use of GIS tools in system actions.


CM.70The mobile app has the ability to use the City's existing ESRI GIS data and related tables to improve the accuracy and validity of data entered into the system.


CM.71 The mobile app has the ability to provide GIS location validation against the City's existing ESRI GIS data. Critical

CM.72The mobile app has the ability to pinpoint location of an interaction on a map, by address matching to a street centerline or a parcel base and then fine tuning the location using map features.



The mobile app has the ability for employees to search by Request ID, FirstName, LastName, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress, Address, RequestType, and by DateRange. The system shall provide the search results quickly. They system has the ability to return to the initial list of search results after viewing the details of a submitted service request.


CM.74 The mobile app has the ability to use the GIS addressing as a drop down. Critical

The system has the ability to provide for multiple languages in the web-based self-service portal including but not limited to:

Mobile App Requirements

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Req # Description of Requirement CriticalityVendor Response

(S, F, C, I, N) Comments

Constituent Request Management

CM.75 The mobile app has the ability to auto tab to the next field during data entry. Critical


The mobile app has the ability to capture the GPS coordinates from a photograph take from a mobile device (Smart Phone and Tablet) while creating a service request with the mobile app and pinpoint the location using the City's GIS system.


CM.77 The mobile app has the ability to allow the constituent to add comments into a submitted service request. Critical

CM.78 The mobile app has the ability to allow constituentes to "Follow" an existing open request. Critical

CM.79 The mobile app has the ability to show all open requests near their current location in a map or list view. Critical

CM.80 The mobile app has the ability to provide access to service request activity information. Critical

CM.81 The mobile app has the ability to provide full access to the back end of the CRM by employees working in the field. Critical

CM.82 The mobile app has the ability to present a single view of each constituent, quickly and effectively, to each assigned department/division/section. Critical

CM.83The mobile app has the ability to change the priority of an existing service request or line item on a service request (i.e., standard to emergency). Critical

CM.84The mobile app has the ability to change the status (using all available statuses) of an existing service request or line item on a service request (i.e., from assigned to in progress, on hold, closed, or reopened).


CM.85 The mobile app has the ability to allow field employees to create any of the service request types. Critical

CM.86The mobile app has the ability to allow employees to filter service requests assigned specifically to them and allow this view to be saved on both their desktop and mobile device (Smart Phone and Tablet).


CM.87 The mobile app has the ability to allow field employees to enter updates to service requests and additional information to the submitting constituent. Critical

CM.88 Directory Assistance; CriticalCM.89 Information Request; CriticalCM.90 Response Request; CriticalCM.91 Service Request; CriticalCM.92 Customer Satisfaction; Critical

Request CreationThe system has the ability to develop, customize, and maintain up to 99 different interaction templates for different request types; including but not restricted to:

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Req # Description of Requirement CriticalityVendor Response

(S, F, C, I, N) Comments

Constituent Request Management

CM.93 Issue Resolution; CriticalCM.94 Emergency Transfer; and CriticalCM.95 Other, user-defined. Critical


The system has the ability to allow admin users to create service request templates for particular interaction types for specific City business process e.g. Street Sweeping service request for the Public Works Department/Streets Division.


CM.97 The system has the ability to define interaction information fields as mandatory or optional (e.g., service type). Critical

CM.98 The system has the ability to automatically assign a unique tracking number for each interaction. Critical

CM.99 The system has the ability to automatically assign a date and time stamp for each interaction and all subsequent updates. Critical

CM.100 Method of receiving request (i.e., call, e-mail, web portal, in person); CriticalCM.101 Requestor name; CriticalCM.102 Requestor telephone number(s); CriticalCM.103 Requestor e-mail address; CriticalCM.104 Requestor contact address; CriticalCM.105 Address related to service request, if different; CriticalCM.106 Preferred method of contact; CriticalCM.107 Zip code with the ability to validate location, City and State; CriticalCM.108 Primary language spoken by the requestor; DesiredCM.109 Fields for indicating needed follow-up activities; Critical

CM.110 Fields for information related to a interaction that the system administrator can define (e.g., related service request); Critical

CM.111 Display lists or menus containing multiple options for indicating status of interaction; Critical

CM.112Display lists or menus containing multiple options for indicating satisfaction of resident with interaction (i.e., out of a predefined range); Critical

CM.113 Employee ID that recorded the request; CriticalCM.114 Employee ID that the record is assigned to; and CriticalCM.115 Initial priority of service request. Critical

CM.116 The system has the ability to include a scripting engine where employees could step through a series of questions to obtain an intended outcome. Critical

The system has the ability to capture the following information upon receiving request, either through the central call center or web self-service, mobile app, with the

ability to configure the type of information captured based on the interaction type:

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RFP - CRMExhibit A - Scope of Services - List of Functional and Technical Requirements

Customer Resource Management Page 8 of 12

Req # Description of Requirement CriticalityVendor Response

(S, F, C, I, N) Comments

Constituent Request Management

CM.117 The system has the ability to print interactions complete with all information associated with the interactions. Critical

CM.118 The system has the ability to email or text interactions complete with all information associated with the interactions. Critical

CM.119 The system has the ability to designate or flag service requests as new service requests. Critical

CM.120 The system has the ability to allow user-defined flags to be established and linked to service request. Critical

CM.121 The system has the ability to itemize and prioritize all activities within a service request. Critical

CM.122 Enterprise-wide; CriticalCM.123 Department; CriticalCM.124 Division within Department; CriticalCM.125 Employee groups within Division; CriticalCM.126 Individual employee; and CriticalCM.127 Other, user-defined. Critical

CM.128 The system has the ability to assign multiple departments to one service request. Critical

CM.129 The system has the ability to notify multiple departments of a service request (i.e., "FYI"). Critical

CM.130The system has the ability to establish “work queues” for each department for routing of requests and to time/date stamp the "work queues." Critical

CM.131The system has the ability to provide for the assignment of interactions to the appropriate departments/divisions/units/employees subject to the business rules for the particular type of interaction.



The system has the ability to provide workflow capabilities and word recognition capabilities to automatically route the individual service request to the responsible department(s)/division(s) upon the completion of the information collection process based on user-defined business rules.


CM.133The system has the ability to allow changes to a service request type, re-route, or transfer to a different department/division, governed by user-defined business rules.


CM.134The system has the ability to record the date, time and employee ID who assigned or transferred a request to a department/division; to also be able to track original request to completion.


CM.135 The system has the ability to filter the list of employee Names by department/division when reassigning a service request. Critical

The system has the ability to establish routing groups at the following levels:

Service Request Status Tracking and Management

Service Request Routing

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Req # Description of Requirement CriticalityVendor Response

(S, F, C, I, N) Comments

Constituent Request Management

CM.136 Received; CriticalCM.137 Cancelled; CriticalCM.138 Assigned; CriticalCM.139 Work initiated; CriticalCM.140 Work on-hold or scheduled and not started; CriticalCM.141 Work completed; CriticalCM.142 Under review; CriticalCM.143 Follow-up; and CriticalCM.144 And up to 9 other, user-defined. Critical

CM.145 The system has the ability to capture the date and time of a status change. Critical

CM.146 The system has the ability to capture the user ID that made a status change. Critical

CM.147 The system has the ability to interface with other City work order and case management systems to view the status of service requests. Critical

CM.148 The system has the ability to record the employees who update or modify the service requests based on user ID. Critical

CM.149The system has the ability to allow flexible and on-demand sorting of the work queue by fields such as request type, date, priority or any other discrete data element in the service request record.


CM.150 The system has the ability to track and manage service requests by any field in the service request record. Critical

CM.151The system has the ability to reference and track multiple service requests by department/division, project/event, request type, or category/classification. Critical

CM.152 The system has the ability to dynamically refresh the service request queue display as new requests are routed and received. Critical

CM.153The system has the ability to designate or flag service requests that have surpassed a user-defined time duration in support of service level agreements. Critical


The system has the ability to link a service request number to a work order or case number assigned by an interfaced system (e.g., staff can search based on service request, work order, case number during follow-up). Critical

CM.155 The system has the ability to allow configurable views of all closed service requests by department, division, etc. Critical

CM.156 The system has the ability to allow a configurable Executive Dashboard to view the status of all service requests. Critical

The system has the ability to accommodate the follow status codes for service requests:

Service Request Escalation

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Req # Description of Requirement CriticalityVendor Response

(S, F, C, I, N) Comments

Constituent Request Management

CM.157 The system has the ability to allow thresholds to be established by service request type (i.e., in accordance with Service Level Agreements). Critical

CM.158The system has the ability to allow escalation paths to be established that route service requests to specific employees based on expired thresholds. Critical

CM.159The system has the ability to manually allow an email alert to be sent for past due service request activities to the responsible department and/or to the requesting resident.



The system has the ability to automatically send an email (and/or text message) alert for past due service request activities to the responsible department and/or to the requesting resident, assigned employee and respective supervisor.


CM.161The system has the ability to allow notes to be entered on a request that describe actions taken by the assigned resources. Notes will be free form text entry that is unlimited in length.


CM.162The system has the ability to trigger events as a result of a particular condition with the ability to turn this feature on or off (e.g., failure to complete service request).


CM.163 The system has the ability to establish completion and finalization criteria based upon the service request type. Critical

CM.164The system has the ability to recognize and document that a service request is closed when the completion and finalization criteria have been met. Critical

CM.165 The system has the ability to log a system-generated closure date and time for a service request. Critical

CM.166The system has the ability to allow a system-generated closure date and time for a service request to be modified, with appropriate security permissions. Critical

CM.167 The system has the ability for a system administrator to pre-define fields that are required to complete prior to closing a service request. Critical

CM.168 The system has the ability to identify service requests that are eligible for closure based on the status of the work order. Critical


The system has the ability to maintain a completion date at the individual activity levels required to complete a service request, that is separate from either the opening or closing date for the service request/work order (for example: to help account for necessary hand-offs to other departments/divisions).


CM.170 The system has the ability to develop a knowledge base that houses comprehensive information regarding City services. Critical

Service Request Closure

Knowledge Base

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Req # Description of Requirement CriticalityVendor Response

(S, F, C, I, N) Comments

Constituent Request Management

CM.171The system has the ability to create and manage a city wide frequenty asked questions listing that is interactive and provides links to city code, polices and procedures, and to the CRM system.


CM.172 The system has the ability to provide a flexible means to cross reference and search knowledge base information using natural language inquiry. Critical

CM.173 The system has the ability to specify optional expiration dates associated with each knowledge base document. Critical

CM.174 The system has the ability to provide a centrally located knowledge base with distributed knowledge maintenance. Critical

CM.175 The system has the ability for the knowledge base to have the ability to default response scenarios or answers to recurring customer requests or questions. Critical

CM.176 The system has the ability to integrate with City’s online directories (employees, services, and departments). Critical

CM.177 The system has built-in support version control for internally maintained knowledge base documents. Critical

CM.178 The system has the ability to allow the creation and management of standard reports/templates with pre-defined data elements. Critical

CM.179 The system has the ability to run pre-defined standard reports on a given schedule. Critical

CM.180 The system has the ability for users to run all reports on demand against the live database. Critical

CM.181 The system has the ability for users to access reports by pre-defined category. Critical

CM.182 The system has the ability to allow a user to run reports against both current data and archived data at the same time. Critical

CM.183 The system has the ability to provide built-in graphical and charting capabilities. Critical

CM.184 The system has the ability to generate ad hoc reports. Critical

CM.185 The system has the ability to draw on information from all modules and compile into custom reports and formats. Desired

CM.186 The system has the ability to allow drill-down into any system generated report. Critical

CM.187 The system has the ability to create reports that measure performance and productivity for employee measurement purposes. Critical

CM.188 The system has the ability to provide reports on volume of service requests dealt with, within specified dates or time frames. Critical

CM.189 The system has the ability to provide the reports on the number of service requests of a specific type or belonging to a particular service. Critical

CM.190 The system has the ability to quickly create customer service incidents or requests from a predefined list of recurring or common activities. Critical

Analysis and Reporting Capabilities

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RFP - CRMExhibit A - Scope of Services - List of Functional and Technical Requirements

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Req # Description of Requirement CriticalityVendor Response

(S, F, C, I, N) Comments

Constituent Request Management

CM.191 The system has the ability to quickly provide a report by request type and mapping them according to the city council districts. Critical

CM.192 The system has the ability to track and report on the number of frequently viewed FAQ and submitted requests.

CM.193 Average elapsed time per inquiry/request/complaint; Critical CM.194 Maximum elapsed time per inquiry; Critical CM.195 Minimum elapsed time per inquiry; Critical CM.196 Percentage of inquiries closed within a specified period of time; Critical CM.197 Percentage of inquiries escalated or handed off; Critical CM.198 Total number of inquiries handled hourly; Critical CM.199 Total number of inquiries handled daily; Critical CM.200 Total number of inquiries handled weekly; Critical CM.201 Total number of inquiries handled monthly; Critical CM.202 Total number of inquiries handled yearly; Critical CM.203 Average number of inquiries handled hourly; Critical CM.204 Average number of inquiries handled daily; Critical CM.205 Average number of inquiries handled weekly; Critical CM.206 Average number of inquiries handled monthly; and Critical CM.207 Average number of inquiries handled yearly. Critical

CM.208 Percentage of service requests closed within specified parameters; and Critical

CM.209 Percentage of calls closed within specified periods of time. Critical

CM.210 The system shall employ Microsoft SQL Server (r12 or later) Desired

CM.210 The system shall provide a mechanism through which its data can be externally esposed (APIs, RESTful services) Critical

CM.211 The system shall allow custom querying capabilty via a native SQL editor Critical

CM.212 The system shall be delivered via HTML 5 or another, non-browser dependent mechanism Critical

Non-Functiional Requirements

The system has the ability to generate the following reports for the City as a whole:

The system has the ability to generate the following reports by employee or group of employees in the central call center or department:

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CSF policy is to prevent personal or organizational conflict of interest, or the appearance of such conflict of interest, in the award and administration of CSF contracts and Purchase Orders.

I, , the undersigned, hereby certify that the following statements are true and correct and that I understand and agree to be bound by commitments contained herein.

I am acting at the request of CSF as a participant in the evaluation of offers/ proposals received in response to the Request for Offers! Request for Proposals, entitled and/ or numbered. I am acting of my own accord and not acting under duress. I am not currently employed by, nor am I receiving any compensation from, nor have I been the recipient of any present or future economic opportunity, employment, gift, loan, gratuity, special discount, trip, favor, or service in connection with any offer/proposal or involved Offeror/Proposer in return for favorable consideration. I have no preconceived position on the relative merits of any of the offers/proposals nor have I established a personal preference or position on the worth or standing of any Offeror/Proposer participating in this action. CSF policy is to prevent personal or organizational conflict of interest, or the appearance of such conflict of interest, in the award and administration of CSF contracts, including, but not limited to contracts for professional services, agreements with consultants and Purchase Orders.

I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no conflict of interest exists that may diminish my capacity to perform an impartial, technically sound, objective review of this proposal(s) or otherwise result in a biased opinion or unfair competitive advantage. I agree not to disclose or otherwise divulge any information pertaining to the contents, status, or ranking of any offer/proposal to anyone other than the team leader or other evaluation team members. I understand the terms and "disclose or otherwise divulge" to include, but are not limited to, reproduction of any part or any portion of any offer/proposal, or removal of same from designated areas without prior authorization from the evaluation team leader. I agree to perform any and all evaluations of said offers/proposals in an unbiased manner, to the best of my ability, and with the best interest of CSF paramount in all decisions.

I agree to return to CSF Purchasing Department all copies of proposals, as well as any abstracts, upon completion of the evaluation.



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Pursuant to NMSA 1978, § 13-1-191.1 (2006), any person seeking to enter into a contract with any state agency or

local public body for professional services, a design and build project delivery system, or the design and

installation of measures the primary purpose of which is to conserve natural resources must file this form with

that state agency or local public body. This form must be filed even if the contract qualifies as a small purchase or a

sole source contract. The prospective contractor must disclose whether they, a family member or a representative of

the prospective contractor has made a campaign contribution to an applicable public official of the state or a local

public body during the two years prior to the date on which the contractor submits a proposal or, in the case of a sole

source or small purchase contract, the two years prior to the date the contractor signs the contract, if the aggregate

total of contributions given by the prospective contractor, a family member or a representative of the prospective

contractor to the public official exceeds two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) over the two year period.

Furthermore, the state agency or local public body shall void an executed contract or cancel a solicitation or

proposed award for a proposed contract if: 1) a prospective contractor, a family member of the prospective

contractor, or a representative of the prospective contractor gives a campaign contribution or other thing of value to

an applicable public official or the applicable public official’s employees during the pendency of the procurement

process or 2) a prospective contractor fails to submit a fully completed disclosure statement pursuant to the law.




The following definitions apply:

“Applicable public official” means a person elected to an office or a person appointed to complete a term of an

elected office, who has the authority to award or influence the award of the contract for which the prospective

contractor is submitting a competitive sealed proposal or who has the authority to negotiate a sole source or small

purchase contract that may be awarded without submission of a sealed competitive proposal.

“Campaign Contribution” means a gift, subscription, loan, advance or deposit of money or other thing of value,

including the estimated value of an in-kind contribution, that is made to or received by an applicable public official

or any person authorized to raise, collect or expend contributions on that official’s behalf for the purpose of electing

the official to either statewide or local office. “Campaign Contribution” includes the payment of a debt incurred in

an election campaign, but does not include the value of services provided without compensation or unreimbursed

travel or other personal expenses of individuals who volunteer a portion or all of their time on behalf of a candidate

or political committee, nor does it include the administrative or solicitation expenses of a political committee that

are paid by an organization that sponsors the committee.

“Family member” means spouse, father, mother, child, father-in-law, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law or son-in-


“Pendency of the procurement process” means the time period commencing with the public notice of the request

for proposals and ending with the award of the contract or the cancellation of the request for proposals.

“Person” means any corporation, partnership, individual, joint venture, association or any other private legal entity.

“Prospective contractor” means a person who is subject to the competitive sealed proposal process set forth in the

Procurement Code or is not required to submit a competitive sealed proposal because that person qualifies for a sole

source or a small purchase contract.

“Representative of a prospective contractor” means an officer or director of a corporation, a member or manager

of a limited liability corporation, a partner of a partnership or a trustee of a trust of the prospective contractor.


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Contribution Made by: __________________________________________

Relation to Prospective Contractor: __________________________________________

Name of Applicable Public Official: _________________________________________

Date Contribution(s) Made: __________________________________________


Amount(s) of Contribution(s) __________________________________________


Nature of Contribution(s) __________________________________________


Purpose of Contribution(s) __________________________________________


(Attach extra pages if necessary)

___________________________ _______________________

Signature Date


Title (position)



($250) WERE MADE to an applicable public official by me, a family member or representative.

______________________________ _______________________

Signature Date


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$11.80PER HOUR

More Information, including the Living Wage Ordinance, is available at http://www.santafenm.gov

(Click on Hot Topics/Living Wage)

Living Wage

City of Santa Fe


Santa Fe’s Living Wage• The Santa Fe Living Wage Ordinance establishes minimum hourly wages. • The March Living Wage increase corresponds to the increase in the Consumer Price

Index (CPI).• All employers required to have a business license or registration from the City of Santa

Fe (“City”) must pay at least the adjusted Living Wage to employees for all hours worked within the Santa Fe city limits.

Who is Required to Pay the Living Wage?• The City to all full-time permanent workers employed by the City;• Contractors for the City, that have a contract requiring the performance of a service but

excluding purchases of goods;• Businesses receiving assistance relating to economic development in the form of grants,

subsidies, loan guarantees or industrial revenue bonds in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) for the duration of the City grant or subsidy;

• Businesses required to have a business license or registration from the City; and• Nonprofit organizations, except for those whose primary source of funds is from Medic-

aid waivers.• For workers who customarily receive more than one hundred dollars ($100) per month in

tips or commissions, any tips or commissions received and retained by a worker shall be counted as wages and credited towards satisfaction of the Living Wage provided that, for tipped workers, all tips received by such workers are retained by the workers, except that the pooling of tips among workers shall be permitted.