AUICK First 2006 Workshop 1 City Report of Surabaya Henny Dwi Ferita Staff, Investigation and Evaluation Environmental Impact Control Environmental Management Agency Surabaya City, Indonesia 1. City in Brief Historical Background of Surabaya On May 13, 1293 the courageous and heroic Raden Wijaya, the founder of Majapahit Kingdom, successfully destroyed and drove out the Tsar-Tsar Army, the troops of Mongolian Emperor, from Majapahit territory. The Tsar-Tsar Army left Majapahit through the estuary of Kalimas river in Ujung Galuh, a village in the northern part of North Surabaya. The ancient inscriptions of Majapahit Kingdom revealed that “Surabaya” came from the name of village in a river bank for crossing. In this place, according to a legend, a battle between Sura, the name of a big fish, and “buaya” (pronounced as “boyo” in Javanese dialect), the crocodile, to seize the territorial domination which ended up to their death. Obviously, an estimation that Kali Mas was not only the origin of the Tanjung Perak Port but Surabaya has aroused. Surabaya. The City of Heroes The 17 Agustus 1945 proclamation echoed, and it inflamed the courage of Surabaya’s youth to fight colonizer, therefore the Surabaya Inferno had the nation instigate to face colonialism. On Tuesday, the 13 rd September 1945, The Resident of Soedirman proclaimed the Goverment of Indonesia in East Java, and it was answered by flag raising actions in all over Surabaya. Dutch aircraft distributed pamphlets announcing that the Allied Forces/Dutch was going to land in Surabaya, it made the Dutchmen arrogantly raise the Dutch flag in Orange Hotel on the 19 th September 1945. The incident made Surabaya youth angry, therefore the bloody incident happened by the killing of Mr. Ploegman. Masses ripped apart the “blue” part of the “red-white-blue” flag and made the “red and white” flag fly glorious in the sky. On the 25 th October 1945 the British Army berthed in Surabaya. There were 6000 army personnel from the 49 th Brigade let by Brig. General A.W.W Mallaby, they were the experienced troops from the second world war, and consisted of the Gurkha and Nepal from North India. The following days, the 26 th and 27 th October 1945 some British aircrafts distributed pamphlets instructing civilians of Surabaya and East Java to surrender their weapons. On the 28 th October 1945 incidents occurred in all over the city. On the 30 th and 31 st October 1945 the British army left the Internatio Building. Brig. General Mallaby was found dead, his car was blown up in flame. On the 9 th November 1945 an ultimatum signed by May. General E.S.Masergh, Commander of the Allied Forces Division in East Java, requested the civilian to surrender their weapon at no condition before 06.00 P.M. If the civilian didn’t follow this instruction until 06.00 A.M. on the 10 November 1945, the Army, Marine and Airborne were going to take action.

City Report of Surabaya

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Page 1: City Report of Surabaya

AUICK First 2006 Workshop


City Report of Surabaya Henny Dwi Ferita Staff, Investigation and Evaluation Environmental Impact Control Environmental Management Agency Surabaya City, Indonesia 1. City in Brief Historical Background of Surabaya

On May 13, 1293 the courageous and heroic Raden Wijaya, the founder of Majapahit Kingdom, successfully destroyed and drove out the Tsar-Tsar Army, the troops of Mongolian Emperor, from Majapahit territory. The Tsar-Tsar Army left Majapahit through the estuary of Kalimas river in Ujung Galuh, a village in the northern part of North Surabaya. The ancient inscriptions of Majapahit Kingdom revealed that “Surabaya” came from the name of village in a river bank for crossing. In this place, according to a legend, a battle between Sura, the name of a big fish, and “buaya” (pronounced as “boyo” in Javanese dialect), the crocodile, to seize the territorial domination which ended up to their death. Obviously, an estimation that Kali Mas was not only the origin of the Tanjung Perak Port but Surabaya has aroused. Surabaya. The City of Heroes

The 17 Agustus 1945 proclamation echoed, and it inflamed the courage of Surabaya’s youth to fight colonizer, therefore the Surabaya Inferno had the nation instigate to face colonialism.

On Tuesday, the 13rd

September 1945, The Resident of Soedirman proclaimed the Goverment of Indonesia in East Java, and it was answered by flag raising actions in all over Surabaya. Dutch aircraft distributed pamphlets announcing that the Allied Forces/Dutch was going to land in Surabaya, it made the Dutchmen arrogantly raise the Dutch flag in Orange Hotel on the 19

th September 1945. The incident made Surabaya youth angry, therefore the

bloody incident happened by the killing of Mr. Ploegman. Masses ripped apart the “blue” part of the “red-white-blue” flag and made the “red and white” flag fly glorious in the sky.

On the 25th

October 1945 the British Army berthed in Surabaya. There were 6000 army personnel from the 49

th Brigade let by Brig. General A.W.W Mallaby, they were the

experienced troops from the second world war, and consisted of the Gurkha and Nepal from North India. The following days, the 26

th and 27

th October 1945 some British aircrafts

distributed pamphlets instructing civilians of Surabaya and East Java to surrender their weapons. On the 28

th October 1945 incidents occurred in all over the city.

On the 30th

and 31st

October 1945 the British army left the Internatio Building. Brig. General Mallaby was found dead, his car was blown up in flame. On the 9

th November 1945

an ultimatum signed by May. General E.S.Masergh, Commander of the Allied Forces Division in East Java, requested the civilian to surrender their weapon at no condition before 06.00 P.M. If the civilian didn’t follow this instruction until 06.00 A.M. on the 10 November 1945, the Army, Marine and Airborne were going to take action.

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After several attempts between 09.00 PM and 10.00 PM. The Central Goverment in Jakarta made requests to the Head of British Army to withdraw their ultimatum but to no result, Governor Soeryo made an explicit statement: “Better die than being colonized”. On the 10

th November 1945 there were horrifying battles in all over the city between the civilians of

Surabaya and the Allied Forces personnel, and the casualties were everywhere; during 18 days Surabaya was like hell. By the demolition of the civilian army camp in Gunungsari on the 28

th November 1945, the city of Surabaya fell under the hands of the Allied Forces for

some time. To commemorate the heroic fights of the Surabaya youth when they struggled bravely until the last blood for sovereignty and aspiration of the Indonesia Nation, the Hero Monument was built. It was officially opened for public by the President of the Republic of Indonesia on the 10

th November 1962.

Surabaya, The City of Budipamarinda

Being called as the City of heroes, Surabaya is also known as the city of Budipamarinda. It stands for Industries Commerce, Maritime, Education, Garrison, and Tourism. City of Industry Surabaya is know as the center of industries such as shipping, electronics, home appliances, cosmetics, traditional herbs, handicrafts, ceramics, and flour.

Since the 19th

century Surabaya has been the city of industry with many factories. During the last two decades many kinds of industry grew and developed quickly to increase the economic development of Surabaya.

Nowa ays Surabaya and its surrounding cities have become centers of industry. One of the biggest centers of industry is Rungkut Industrial Eatate; it is managed by PT. SIER. A plant tour may be arranged for those who are interested to know more about the variety of factories in the area.

The center of industry Ngagel, was built since Dutch Colony. In Ngagel there are some factories such as cigareete and glass. In Tanjung Perak one may find the Bogasari flour mills, shipping pier. Tandes and its surrounding areas also become the center of the developing industry in Surabaya. City of Commerce

Since a long time ago, Surabaya has been know as the city of commerce. It is the center of the biggest trades in the Eastern Region of Indonesia. Most of items which come from and go into the Eastern Region of Indonesia are through Surabaya. For that purpose, many centers of trades were built and located in all over the places in Surabaya. The biggest centers of trades, among others are: Tunjungan Plaza I,II,III and IV Surabaya. Surabaya Plaza, Jembatan Merah Plaza, Mall Surabaya (THR), Carrefour, Supermall Pakuwon Indah, City Work, Pakuwon Trade Centre, Galaxy Mall, Manggga Dua Mall, Pasar Turi, Pasar Atom, Pasar Blauran and Pasar Kapasan. City of Maritime Surabaya is called the city of maritime because it is supported by the Tanjung Perak Port, which is located in a protected and strategic area. The administrative area of Tanjung Perak port covers 760 hectares. In this area one may find loading and unloading activities for goods coming from the Indonesia cities and abroad. In this maritime area, there is PT. PAL, the biggest shipping factory/industry in Indonesia, dealing with the production, repair and

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maintenance of ships. City of Education As the second largest city in Indonesia, Surabaya has its own thinking about the future development on how to produce manpower which can cope with the need of the development in abroad. For this purpose, the state and the private run Higher Education Institutions grow quickly. There are more than 70 Higher Education Institutions in Surabaya, to know some are : ITS, UNESA, UBAYA, Univ. Widya Mandala, UPN and University of Airlangga. The lattest is the oldest university in Surabaya. City of Culture

In terms of culture, Surabaya is a complex city, some ethnic groups live in Surabaya, and this is the result of : 1. The geographic location: near the seashore 2. Commerce: it has a huge port 3. Fast development in the commercial secto: particularly in the eastern region of Indonesia.

Therefore, these factors make the cultureof Surabaya influenced by the culture of the

visitors and immigrants from Makassar, Java, Madura, Kalimantan and other islands in Indonesia, as well as those from Arab countries, Persian Gulf, India, China. They meet, grow and build the variety of Surabaya culture as many as the number of integration betwen their own origins. Some of the specifics, one may look into are the linguistics, wedding dresses, dancing outfits, and traditional ceremonies.

Many ethnic groups live there. The majority is Javanese and Maduranese. The Javanese is friendly; they like to stay calm and soft as they want to build harmony and comfort with their neighborhood. Their attitude to stay calm is as impressive as their love to make peace and to preserve stability. If outside threat jeopardized their harmony and comfort, the Javanese wouldn’t reluctant to use power.

The Maduranese is open and straight forward people. Their pride is the most important values for them. No one intends to ruin their reputation. Between them, customs and traditions are playing an important rule to follow.

The dissolving values between the two ethnic groups make the Surabaya people show open mind, display democratic attitude, and enjoy solidarity. City of Tourism

Starting from the fact that Surabaya is a big city, it has many visitors from cities outside of Surabaya. To manage these activities Surabaya needs a large amount of money. However, in Surabaya there are no natural resources for people do business with. Therefore, not only the Services Sector may be developed by manpower but also the means of communications and transportations may be continuously improved by the city goverment using their strategic innovations in these aspects of tourism. Some examples of the strategic innovation in tourism are; Natural tourism, Fauna and flora Tours (Zoo); Tours to religioussites, historical buildings, cultural inheritances, and recreational areas; and amusement centers as well as markets.

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Curreent Status Geography

The city of Surabaya is located between 7 12’ and 7 12’ south latitudes and 12 36’ and 112 54’ east longitudes. The area is lowland at 3 to 6 m above sea level, except the southern area is 25 to 30 meter above the sea level. The city limits are: • North : Madura Strait • East : Madura Strait • South : Sidoarjo Regency • West : Gresik Regency

The area occupies 326.36 square kilometers, it is divided into 31 sub districts and 163 villages.

Climate and Weather

• The daily average temperatures are between 22.4 degree C and 34.4 degree C • The average humidity is 71.5 % with a maximum of 95 % and a minimum of

48 %. • The rainfall is around 8.5 mm. The rainfall more than 200 mm occurs in

February, March, April, November, and December. The highest rainfall of 289.1 mm occurs in November and the lowest of 8.5 mm in September. The yearly average rainfall is 141.1 mm.


The year 2000 Cencus revealed that males were 1.288, 118 and female were 1,311.678, the total population was 2,599, 796. On 2005 year the total population was 2.736.048.


Economic development of Surabaya during the periode 2002-2004 showed positive growth. In 2002 as much as 3.80 %, 2003 as much as 4.22 % and 2004 as much as 5.45 %.

The growth of economic sector is dominated by thirdiary sector (54,37 %) followed by secondary sector (45.44 %) and the last primary sector (0,19 %). Trade, Hotel and restaurant contributed 34.76 % thirdiary sector. Then followed by transport and communication sector (8.98 %), Bankinf and financial institution (6,17 %) and services sector contributed 4.46 %.

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No Sector 2002 2003 2004

Primary Sector -2.26 -5.09 -0.14 Agriculture -2.24 -5.23 -0.21


Mining and excavatory -2.85 -0.42 -2.08 Secondary Sector 1.18 2.67 3.66 Industry, Cultivatory 0.53 1.77 2.51 Electricity, Gas, and drinking water 6.42 9.39 7.50


Construction 2.10 3.97 6.51 Tertiary Sector 6.11 5.55 6.90 Trade, Hotel, and Restaurant 6.47 6.38 7.45 Transportation and Communication 7.46 5.98 6.20 Finance, Leasing and Enterprice 5.37 2.44 7.99


Services 2.03 2.99 3.04 PDRB 3.81 4.23 5.45

5. Investment

The acceleration of economic growth for in the last three period mostly supported by investment flows that come to Surabaya cumulatively since 2002 up to 2004 foreign and domestic investment of Surabaya tended to increase as much as 2.23 % for domestic investment project, and foreign investment increase as much as 32.55 %. Mean while domestic capital investment as much as 3.70 % and foreign capital investment increase to 7.21 %.

The development of investment was supported by better effort of serving investment permit or licencee. During the last three years the service of issuing investment permit has been optimalized. To complete the permit procedur can be stimulated from 10 days to 7 days.

Domestic Capital Investment Foreign Capital Investment Year

Project amount Investasi value (Billion Rp)

Project amount Investasi value (Billion Rp)

2002 404 15.150 298 2.789 2003 408 15.506 352 2.968 2004 413 15.710 395 2.990

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2. Urban Development

2.1. Change in Area and Population Year Population

Area (km

2 ) Total Births Deaths In-

migration Out-

migration 1971 290.64 1.522.212 - - - 1980 290.64 1.885.520 - - - 1990 2.191.998 27.998 8.190 70.390 71.867 1995 2.325.619 34.783 8.993 57.676 55.015 2000 2.443.558 32.948 9.413 53.373 40.294 2005 326.37 2.614.850 43.678 12.041 32.386 15.994 2010 2.776.798 36.344 13.016 17.592 5.234 2015 2.943.418 39.509 15.794 10.069 1.648 2020 3.110.038 42.949 19.166 5.763 519 2025 3.276.658 46.690 23.258 3.298 163

Sources: Statistic Centre Board of Surabaya City Registry of Inhabitants and Civil Registration Department of Surabaya City

2.2. Change in Surface Geometry

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3. Government Structure 3.1. Relationship with the central government and the other government organs. Since the legalization of law number 32 in 2004 about local government, regional autonomy exists, and the central government is not the superior of Governor and also the Governor is not the superior of Mayor. So it is not commando line anymore but coordinator line. Besides, departments of central government also have the character of coordinator with Governor and Mayor, while central government (President and Vice-President) with central departments and ministers, and secretariat of cabinet has the character of commando line. 3.2. City Government System 3.2.1. Role of Mayor (elected) and Administrator/ Commissioner (Bureaucracy) Based on Local Regulation number 12 in 2005 about organization of Regional Secretariat of Surabaya City that the position of Local Secretary is assistant element of head of Local Government that under and holding responsible to the Local Head and led by a secretary. Local Secretary has duty and obligation to help Local Head in compiling a policy and coordinating Local Department and Local Technical Institute. In doing the aimed duty so the Local Secretary has functions: o Coordination of the Regional Regulation policy arrangement o Coordination of duty execution on Regional Department and Regional Technical

Institute o Capacity Building of organization, government administration, finance, infrastructure

and equipments of local government. o Capacity Building of Government Official o Execution of government administration o The execution of other duties which are given by Local Head according to his duty and

function. Structure of Organization of Regional Secretariat consists of:

1. Assistant I: Government Administration Sector • Government Division • Law Division • Organization Division • Cooperation Division

2. Assistant II: Development Administration Sector • Development of Program Division • Young and Sport Division • Study of Urban Development Division

3. Assistant III: Public Administration Sector • Public Division • Equipment Division • Public Relation and Protocol Division 3.2.2. Rule of City Assembly and Executive Office The formation of Surabaya city follows the rule of the law in 1950 number 16 about Region Formation of Big City in the province of East Java / Middle Java / West Java and Jogjakarta. Household issues of other obligations for big city are public issues; public government; agrarian irrigation, streets, buildings; Agriculture, Fishery and Co-operation; zoological, craft problem, domestic trade and industry; Labor; Social; Distribution; Information; Education, Instruction and Culture; Health; Company. The Department formation according to Local Regulation number 40 in 2005, while

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Technical Institute of Area according to Local Regulation number 15 in 2005 and set of police of guardian district public service based on Local Regulation number 16 in 2005. 3.2.3. Administrative Organizational Chart In accordance to Law number 32 in 2004 about Local Government that Local Government is executive which are Local Head and Local Peripheral and also Council (legislative). The Local Peripheral is Local Secretary, Secretary of Council, Local Department and Local Technical Institute, District and Sub District. Surabaya has 31 districts based on Regional Regulation number 2 in 2006 about district organization; meanwhile Surabaya has 163 Sub Districts (Organizational chart attach). 3.3. Financial Resources and Allocation to different sectors in 2006. For 2006, Acceptance of defrayal comes from Local Authentic Income (PAD) either from local tax, local retribution, local profit, other acceptances and counter balance fund, other legal incomes and acceptance of defrayal in the amount of 1.949.244.891.393. From the amount of it, expenditure of 34 programs in Surabaya City is not according to sector equal to 1.219.383.281.266, while the other for public administration expenditure 674.144.897.388, unexpected expenditure 28.284.912.807, aid expenditure 13.575.232.000, the rest for expenditure of defrayal 13.856.567.932. The 34 programs are:

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1. The Improvement Program of Supervision and Performance


2. The Arrangement Program of Institution and Execution 47.445.879.3463. The Execution Program of Community Pacification and Public

Orderliness 20.597.467.105

4. The Planning and Controlling Program of Development 21.542.991.7105. The Improvement Program of Resident Mobility and

Inhabitance Service 13.948.500.995

6. The Quality Improvement Program of Licensing Service 5.048.628.6767. The Utilization Program of Apparatus Sources


8. The Improvement Program of Legislative Performance 24.861.831.9459. The Capacity Improvement Program of Local Finance 89.403.229.65310. The Quality Improvement Program of Public Information


11. The Development and Improvement Program of Facilities/Government and Local Government’s building


12. The Arrangement Program of Space 4.154.696.49013. The Management Program of Bridge and Road 227.865.672.39714. The Management Program of Urban Utility 65.401.617.68415. The Development Program of Transportation 17.068.635.08016. The Exploiting Program of Information Technology (IT) 4.589.908.93817. The Development Program of Co-operation, UMKM,

Investment. 5.158.416.368

18. The Development Program of Oceanic, Fishery, and Agriculture 6.549.283.87719. The Service Program of Labour Sector 1.180.801.99020. The Tackling Program of Poverty 31.480.926.12921. The Tackling Program of Social Problem 7.822.137.48022. The Utilization and System Program of PKL 3.508.687.58023. The Maintenance and Controlling Program of Environment The Program of Green Air-Gap and Urban Gardening 23.138.584.05225. The Program of Flood Controlling and Coast Security 91.404.252.18826. The Management Program of Urban Hygiene 113.599.660.59727. The Tackling and Prevention Program of Fire 21.564.546.18028. The Program of Settlement and Housing 38.660.533.872.29. The Execution Program of Education 155.995.696.99330. The Improvement Program of Youth and Sport Building 24.897.974.35531. The Handling Program of Health and Planned-Family Sector 78.463.231.34132. The Facilitation Program of Multi-Culture Stabilization 9.309.914.09233. The Improvement Program of Culture and Tourism 6.494.210.24734. The Quality Improvement Program of Life and Women’s Role,

and also Prosperity and Child Protection

Total 1.218.882.781.266

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4. Urban Planning and Environmental Protection 4.1. Administrative Organizations and Duties for Urban Planning and Environmental

Protection. In accordance to Local Regulation number 15 in 2005 about organization of Local Technical Institute that Environmental Management Agency of Surabaya City has duty to do regional authority in controlling environment and aid duty which is given by Government and / or Province Government and to conduct the aimed duty based on Mayor’s Regulation number 62 in 2005 about environmental controlling committee’s duty and function description, which are:

The Division of Administration: a. Execution of coordination compilation of program plan, budget and reporting of committee. b. Execution of organization building and administration c. Management of official administration d. Management execution of letters, documentation, committee’s household, office’s

equipment, archive and library. e. Execution of community and protocol relationship f. Controlling and supervising execution of administration g. Execution of other duties which are given by Head of Committee according to his duty and

function. The Division of Environmental Impact Controlling: a. Program Plan and technical clue arrangement in the sector of controlling environmental

impact; b. Program Plan and technical clue execution in the sector of controlling environmental

impact; c. Cooperation and coordination execution with institute and other in the sector of controlling

environmental impact; d. Controlling and Supervising execution in the sector of controlling environmental impact; e. Reporting and evaluating execution of duty f. Execution of other duties which are given by Head of Committee according to his duty and

function. The Division of Quality Improvement and Recovery of Environment: a. Program Plan and technical clue arrangement in the sector of Quality Improvement and

Recovery of Environment; b. Program Plan and technical clue execution in the sector of Quality Improvement and

Recovery of Environment; c. Cooperation and coordination execution with institute and other in the sector of Quality

Improvement and Recovery of Environment; d. Controlling and Supervising execution in the sector of Quality Improvement and Recovery

of Environment; e. Reporting and evaluating execution of duty f. Execution of other duties which are given by Head of Committee according to his duty and

function. The Division of Management Impact Environmental: a. Program Plan and technical clue arrangement in the sector of Environmental Impact

Tackling; b. Program Plan and technical clue execution in the sector of Environmental Impact Tackling;

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c. Cooperation and coordination execution with institute and other in the sector of Environmental Impact Tackling;

d. Controlling and Supervising execution in the sector of Environmental Impact Tackling; e. Reporting and evaluating execution of duty f. Execution of other duties which are given by Head of Committee according to his duty and

function. While according to Mayor of Surabaya’s Decision number 188/93/436.1.2/2006 about the activity of environmental controlling committee in Surabaya City, are: The Division of Administration: a. Execution of coordination compilation of program plan, budget and reporting of committee. b. Execution of organization capacity building and administration c. Management of official administration d. Management execution of letters, documentation, committee’s household, office’s

equipment, archive and library. e. Routine Maintenance of Building and Office’s Equipments / Tools f. Execution of community and protocol relationship g. Execution of Licensing Administration h. Execution of Law aid and solution of law dispute The Division of Environmental Impact Controlling: a. Taking the sample of air, soil, and water b. Permission giving of taking underground water, disposal of waste water, disturbance and

electricity c. Management and exploitation controlling of underground water d. Legalization and building of analysis document about environmental impact of

environmental processing efforts and environmental monitoring efforts e. Monitoring and evaluating the execution of environmental processing plans and

environmental monitoring plans f. The impact supervising and building of activities / efforts The Division of Quality Improvement and Recovery of Environment: a. Counseling of environment b. Anniversary of environmental day c. Execution of Kalpataru and Good Environmental Governance d. Socialization of household and industry’s waste water treatment plant making e. Coordination of environmental quality improvement and recovery f. Monitoring of air quality The Department of Environmental Impact Management: a. Program execution of company performance level b. Solution of society reporting about environmental damage and pollution c. Arrangement of database and environmental status d. Investigational execution of activities that cause environmental damage and pollution e. Waste inspection of hazardous and toxic The Department of Technical Executor Unit of Environmental Laboratory Committee:

Management and Technical Executor Unit Operational of the Committee

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4.2. Environment in Urban Policy Making Space Order arrangement concerns about environmental aspect such as Detail Plan of Urban Space Order (RDTRK) of East Coast of Surabaya (Pamurbaya) review, which is in the previous time, the space order is allocated for constructed area, but after it is reviewed, half of its function is returned as conservation area, and also with Plan of Region Space Area (RTRW) 2013 review which also concerns about environmental aspect considering support energy and capacity of Surabaya environment are very limited and environmental implication that may occur in planning the urban development. In mechanism of licensing process in Surabaya City, environmental protection element goes into the study of environmental eligibility in Analysis on Environmental Impact / Environmental Management Effort – Environmental Monitoring Effort document before get in touch with the next licensing. Every activities / efforts in Surabaya City must complete the zoning requirements / area allocation that must be fulfilled either greening, garbage of park, or drainase and soon to arrange Analysis on Environmental Impact (Amdal) / Environmental Management Effort (UKL) and Environmental Monitoring Effort (UPL), etc. After zoning requirements release, it is continued by arrange Analysis on Environmental Impact (Amdal) / Environmental Management Effort (UKL) and Environmental Monitoring Effort (UPL) in Environmental Management Agency of Surabaya City. To get the document agreement, it is needed socialization to community and assessment conference of Analysis on Environmental Impact (Amdal) / Environmental Management Effort - Environmental Monitoring Effort (UKL-UPL) document by involving related institution, elite figures, research institute, NGO, where on this stage tested whether studies on the document has fulfilled the method of administration, technique, social and environment. After released by Analysis on Environmental Impact (Amdal) / Environmental Management Effort - Environmental Monitoring Effort (UKL-UPL) recommendation, hereinafter the responsible man of effort finishes building license in Settlement and Urban Order Department. The following licenses such as trouble license in Environmental Controlling Committee and tourism operational license in Tourism Department, health’s in Health Department, trade and industries’ in Trade and Industry Department.

4.3. Current Status and Challenges of Environmental Administration 4.3.1. Current Status o Condition of Water Quality

The water stream in Surabaya City comes from Surabaya River which flows from Mlirip Dam (Mojokerto sub-province), to Sidoarjo, to Gresik until Jagir Wonokromo Dam (Surabaya City), after that it is separated into two, one flows to the North until Harbor is Mas River and one to the East empty into Strait of Madura is Wonokromo River.

The three branches of Brantas River, according to fact and rule in field, have different functions. The main function of Surabaya River is to provide water for raw material of drinking water for Surabaya City community. Besides it is also to provide water for production process of variant industry. The main function of Mas River and Wonokromo River are for urban drainage, and the flowing water on it can be used for activities of Fishery, animals’ husbandry, plant irrigation, and water tourism.

Nowadays, the condition of Surabaya River, Mas River and Wonokromo River, by monitoring which is done by Environmental Controlling Committee, generally doesn’t fulfilled the Standard Quality of Government Regulation Number 82/2001 or Regional Regulation of Surabaya City Number 2/2004 about Water Quality Processing and Water Pollution Controlling. Yet Environmental Management Agency always tries to fix the river quality condition in Surabaya City.

Ground water quality in Surabaya can be seen from well water condition. Well water

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condition must require the clean water requirements that are specified by the Minister of Health based on Indonesian Minister of Health’s Regulation Number 416/MENKES/PER/IX/1990 about requirements and supervision of water quality. The area around industries, the inhabitant’s well condition needs to get attention and also with the inhabitant’s well condition around rivers. Early condition from the exist data, the inhabitant’s well around industries still exceed the requirements of clean water. While the inhabitant’s well around rivers, in average, fulfill the requirements of clean water.

o Condition of Mas River Mas River flows to the North through the middle of Surabaya City and ends in

Ujung-Perak (Strait of Madura). The length of Mas River is estimated about 12 kilometers. Like river’s function in general, Mas River is also used as accomplishment of variant daily needs of Surabaya City Community. The functions of Mas River, in this time, are:

a. Urban drainage in effort to control flood, b. Irrigation water supplier for rice field in East Surabaya through Kalibokor, the

irrigation can be change into drainage according to urban development, c. Ground water surfaces regulator around river d. By the support of Gubeng Dam, it is acted to prevent farther water sea instrution. Mas River condition that visible at the moment, is very contradictive. Where some of

demarcations of Mas River have been arranged beautifully, even, it is made as recreation place / tourism, such as achievement garden, submarine monument, and forest behind the public square of Delta. Yet, in other side of scenery that visible alongside of Mas River’s stream is dirty area, as consequence of wild houses / shacks by outsider community, loiterer and beggar (Gepeng) and scavenger. In front of Siola, Brantas Hotel and Novotel Hotel are used by traders to place their stalls as we seen in Keputran Market.

Not many locations alongside of Mas River’s stream are made as garbage disposal side, as visible alongside of river in front of WETA Hotel and Garnisun.

The existence of disposal and heap of garbage and also river exploitation, which is not appropriate with its function, as one of causes of the river superficiality, so that Mas River can not accommodate rainwater which can cause flood.

Unplanted riverbank can also be dangerous area, because the continuously water

erosion, flood attack and torrential rains which come suddenly makes river slope become erosive area. o Condition of Waste Water Treatment Plant (IPAL)

Environmental pollution always identical with resident development in a region. The rapid development can often make new environmental problems, that finally nature exploitation and imbalance ecosystem become an impact which always accompany the existence of a community development.

Unbalancing ecosystem also happened for a long time in Surabaya as consequence of inhabitant and economic development that is signed by pollution condition which longer progressively need more serious attention either in air pollution, water or others.

One of pollution resources in Surabaya City is liquid waste, either comes from industry or domestic wastes.

Domestic wastes and industry wastes are a pollution resource that can decrease environmental quality, especially territorial water environment that in general is made as domestic liquid waste disposal media or industry waste.

Until now, domestic wastes processing mostly just about conventional technology processing by using septic tank and absorption, where the technology can just remove

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organic pollutant until 40 %, while from other domestic activities such as washing, kitchen, etc, are disposed to drainage.

Some of industry waste has used waste water treatment plant by using technique principle, some of it still using conventional through grease trap or pre-treatment so that the potential of domestic or industry liquid waste pollution is always exist, as long as the correct and efficient waste treatment plant technology is not applied yet through waste water treatment plant making (IPAL).

As it has been done in: 2002 ………………….40 companies 2003 ………………….16 companies 2004 ………………….31 companies 2005 ……………….....50 companies

o Condition of Surabaya Coastal Area

Coastal and sea area in Surabaya have properties and biodiversity that reflected on the existence of coastal area ecosystem like the existence of fauna and flora habitat such as mangrove forest. The decreasing of plants of coastal area ecosystem, such as Avicennia marina and Rhizophora mucronata, are as the result of society hewing, expansion of embankment, development of warehousing and housing. The damage and disappearance of these coastal plants will implicated the damage of coastal area ecosystem as the consequence of coastal abrasion, sea waterinstrusion, the reducing of biodiversity because of the disappearance of some exist specific species in coastal area of Surabaya City. From the result of observation, it shows that Mangrove forest in East Coast of Surabaya has thickness about 5-20 meters covers 8.7 from 28.5 kilometers of coast line length with dominant type of Avicennia marina and Rhizophora mucronata.

Considering that ecosystem balance must be concerned and kept, and based on Detail Plan of Space Order of Surabaya East Coast Area 2000-1010, the function of Surabaya East Coast must be returned as protection area of Mangrove forest until the width of 45.000 Ha, and based on Law number 5 in 1990 about Natural Resources Conservation and Its Ecosystem (statute book 1990 number 49, additional statute book number 3419), and also President’s decision number 32 in 1990 about the Management of Protection Area, which is mentioned that Mangrove forest is required has minimal distance 130 x the average of the highest and the lowest of annual increase sea water differences from decrease sea water coast line to mainland.

In Detail Plan of Space Order of Surabaya East Coast Area 2000-1010, it is mentioned that conservation area of mangrove forest is directed in alongside of coastal area with minimal thickness is 355 meters. With the exist thickness only about 5-10 meters, so it is needed to do replanting until it reaches the minimal thickness according to the law.

The other conservation areas are Demarcation Region of Wonokromo River that is specified as green lane with minimal width is 3 meters on damming river and 15 meters on isnot dyke River. Demarcation Region of Tempurejo River, Dami River, Keputih River, Wonorejo River, Medokan Ayu River, Perbatasan River with minimal demarcation region width 3 meters on is not dyke river. During 2000 until September 2005, it is counted 344.500 mangrove trees have been planted in Surabaya. o Air Quality Condition

There are Permanent Ambient Air Monitoring Stations in Surabaya City which are placed in: 1. The Yard of Prestasi Park, Ketabang Kali Street (represents Urban Center area,

Settlement area, Office area- Central Surabaya) 2. The Yard of Sub-district Office of East Perak, Selangor Street (represents Office

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area, nearby Industry area, Warehousing area- North Surabaya) 3. The Yard of Mayor’s Assistant Office in West Surabaya, Sukomannungal Streets

(represent Settlement area, Urban Periphery- West Surabaya) 4. The Yard of Gayungan District, Gayungan Street (represents Settlement

area-nearby Surabaya-Gempol Toll-South Surabaya). 5. The Yard of Convention Hall, Arif Rahman Hakim Street (represents Settlement

area, Campus area, Office area- East Surabaya) Public Data Display is placed in: 1. In front of SubMarine Monument, Gubeng Pojok Street (Central Surabaya) 2. In front of BAPPEDA of East Java Province, Pahlawan Street (North Surabaya) 3. Ring Road, Mayjend Sungkono Street (West Surabaya) 4. The crossroad of Dharmawangsa Street and Kertajaya Street (East Surabaya) 5. In front of BNI Graha Pangeran, A. Yani Street (South Surabaya)

The 5

th floor Regional Room of Air Quality Monitoring Center and The 1

st floor

Maintenance and Operation Room are placed in Mayor of Surabaya’s Office, Jimerto Street No. 25-27 Surabaya. Data of ambient air quality monitoring result based on operational equipment of ambient air quality monitoring since March 2001 until September 2005 as in Table 1.

Tabel 1. The Result of Ambient Air Quality in Surabaya City during the period

March 2001 – September 2005. Value ISPU March-De

c. 2001 Jan - Dec 2002

Jan - Dec 2003

Jan - Dec 2004

Jan –Sep 2005

1 - 50 Good 27 42 51 63 39 51 - 100 Average 272 312 312 299 191 101-199 Bad 7 11 2 4 8 200 - 299 Very bad 0 0 0 0 0 300 - over Dangerous 0 0 0 0 0

From ISPU March 2001-September 2005 trend, it can be concluded that: The day quantity improvement of GOOD is 2.079% per year and the total of day quantity

improvement of GOOD is 10.395% in 2005 (the data until September 2005). Besides, based on monitoring result since March 2001-September 2005, it can be

concluded that: 1. The dominant category is Average category 2. The dominant parameter is PM

10 (dust) continued by O

3 (Ozone).

4.3.2. Current Status and Challenges of Environment Administration. . o River

- Disposal Side of Domestic and Industry Wastes - Wild Building in dyke of river

o Flooding

- The irrigation function changes become drainage which is not quite supported by the changing of capacity

- The flooding has negative implication on the quality of superficial well, traffic and security, and also road construction.

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- The flooding is caused by the less fulfilling gutter capacities, shortcoming of drainage density on related area, and the area, which its elevation is under the flood water surfaces elevation exists and also the flood debit exceeds the plan debit.

- 19 districts, which are full of puddle, with wide of puddle is 1.082 Ha, height of puddle is 10-40 centimeters and time of puddle is 1-40 hours.

o Garbage

- Structure and infrastructures of garbage processing is limited. Benowo Final Disposal Site Keputih Final Disposal Site

- IPAL doesn’t function - Open Dumping System - The alkali pool embankment is reducing - The lack of Community Based Development - The distance of garbage transportation is far

- It can’t be functioned - No IPAL - Open Dumping System - The drainager is not enough

- The lack of Temporary Disposal Site quantity and difficulties in finding new site - The lack of garbage transportation vehicle (118 units, 10 units have serious damage)

and heavy equipment (19 units, 4 units have lightly damage) - 6 units mini incinerators in Bukit Barisan, Mulyosari, bendul Merisi, Demak, Srikana,

and Manukan Temporary Disposal Site. - The clean life doesn’t develop yet. - NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) syndrome phenomena - The lack of garbage recycle culture and continuation benefit of garbage.

o Green Open Space - The lack of green open space site (the ideal is 10.03 m

2 / inhabitant; this time wide of

RTH is 2.830.35 Ha or 9.813 % of wide of Surabaya - The applying of green open space is not quite optimal.

o Waste - Domestic Waste: - Equipments and infrastructures of waste processing is limited - Industry Waste: - Industries’ unawareness to have and operate Waste Water Treatment Plant (IPAL) - Hazardous and Toxic Waste (B3): - It is not completely handled yet.

o Traffic Congestion - Air Pollution especially which comes from CO, SO

2, NO

X, O

3, dust, Pb, H

2S, NH


and Hydro Carbon that comes from the smoke of motor vehicle. - Noise

o Socializing Environmental Knowledge

- The lack of community’s attention in environmental management.

o Clean Water - The quality and quantity of clean water is still not fulfilled yet. - At the moment, clean water service to community is still 67 %

o Coastal Area

- The regulation which supports management of coastal area.

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- The lack of management of coastal area unity - The overlapping of institutes which take care of coastal area.

4.4. Priority Issue and Measures

The priorities of Surabaya City Environmental Issue are: a. Garbage

Garbage as solid discard of variant human activities, actually make a problem that must be seriously handled because the heap of garbage will make pollution and source of diseases.

Garbage collecting from household or its sources until Temporary Disposal Site is managed by community such as RT/RW, young organisation, etc. garbage from house is accommodated by container bin, and it is collected by cart and then it is disposed to Temporary Disposal Site. The transportation from Temporary Disposal Site to Final Disposal Site is conducted by both the Lanscaping and Cleansing Department and Private. From 165 Final Disposal Sites which is handled by Lanscaping and Cleansing Department using container from amroll, while the rest, 38 Final Disposal Sites is handled by Private using dump truck.

There are 11 sub-district locations as the main point of community development in self garbage management. Road sweeping that is handled by Landscaping and Cleansing Department is 80.920 kilometers, while for Protocol Street and Urban Center that is executed by Private is 176.834 kilometers from street length which is 983.873 kilometers.

In the next 5 years, Landscaping and Cleansing Department is planning to improve garbage collection service until 80 %, garbage transportation service becomes 165 Final Disposal Sites, and develop 83 sub-districts self garbage management.

Garbage in Surabaya comes from settlement, industry, commercial / office, market, roads and parks area.

The strategic issue of garbage is the limitation of site in Surabaya so that Benowo Final Disposal Site must serve the whole of Surabaya City, which has wide of site just 34.26 Ha, and it is not professionally processed.

The quantity of garbage production in Surabaya City is 8700 m3/day, where the quantity

of garbage heap is 3.11/person/day = 930grams/person/day with Surabaya residents’ assumption is 2.8 million people, with details:

The garbage which comes to Final Disposal Site = 6.064 m3/day

The garbage which is burned by mini incenerator = 38 m3/day

Zero Waste Program / self garbage = 98 m3/day

Recycled garbage / Scavanger = 1.243 m3/day

Disposed at the back of the house = 495 m3/day

Disposed at any place = 362 m3/day

The garbage processing becomes the responsibility of Lanscaping and Cleansing

Department of Surabaya City. b. Industry Wastes

The lack of industries’ attention in processing their wastes either solid wastes or liquid wastes, where generally that industries area which assume operational cost of Waste Water Treatment Plant (IPAL) is very expensive and the cost is not included as production process cost, but cost of outside production and also unawareness of clean production importance.

Meanwhile, for industries which have IPAL, seldom to operate IPAL, just in certain

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times, and for industries which doesn’t have IPAL, directly dispose their wastes to river without any processing first or it is just processed by using absorption bin without obeying the IPAL technical method. In Surabaya River is often met drunken fish, in the end of the month, on Saturday / Sunday, especially at dry season, because there are a lot of Mojokerto and Gresik’s industries alongside Surabaya River, which dispose their wastes, at night, before weekend.

To anticipate the incident, we are as Environmental Management Agency and related institutes, Jasa Tirta Public Company and Police of Big City Region (POLWILTABES) are doing sudden inspection (sidak) of industries which under Surabaya region, but we have a difficulty for industries, which exist at the edge of Surabaya River, especially that come from Mojokerto and Gresik, because the stream of disposed wastes water will flow to Surabaya River so that it will pass the Surabaya region, which as raw material sources of drink water of Surabaya City inhabitant. Therefore, Environmental Impact Management Agency of East Java (Bapedal) is needed in coordination with Local Government of Mojokerto, Gresik and Sidoarjo in executing the supervision of factories wastes monitoring, which exist alongside Surabaya River.

c. Green Open Space

Surabaya City Green Open Space noted 387.37 hectare or around 1.2 % from totally Surabaya City area, details as follows: • Garden = 106.64 hectares • Sport field = 31.41 hectares • Grave = 249.29 hectares

The target 15 % of area from the whole area as Green Open Space, commitment and

efforts to keep maintain Green Open Space which has already had by Surabaya city is needed. Adding area in functional strategic locations and possible to be existed. The tendencies that can be observed, seed garden or Flora Garden in Bratang the function can be changed easily. The seed garden should be held the existing, and the management should be directed by Cleaning and Gardening Department, the consideration benefits of seed garden as Surabaya City single lung is very importance.

It is no doubt the seriousness of city government to make city foresting. On this occasions with the innovation program One Tree for One Person is expected to realize immediately.

The establish One Tree for One Person program One was done by Environment Minister, Dr. Rachmat Witoelar on Saturday, 12 November 2005, at 10 o’clock in RT 2 RW 9 Pandugo Timur Garden.

According to the Surabaya Major instruction number 11 2005, program execution through Service Birth Certificate and Permission Letter of Surabaya inhabitant it means each birth in Surabaya city is followed by planting one tree and so does every person who move to Surabaya inhabitant.

Technically this administrative program is coordinate by Registry Of Inhabitants and Civil People Department (Dispenduk & Pencatatan Sipil). The mechanism of Registy of Inhbitants and Civil Registration Department (Dispenduk & Penctatan Sipil), will appeal to everyone who apply birth certificate to participate in reforesting to provide and planting one tree in every publication of birth certificate. And all so someone who wants to apply becomes Surabaya inhabitant letter (SPMP / Surat Persetujuan Menjadi Penduduk).

The kind of trees suggested to be planted is prevention plants are Trembesi, Plamboyant, Glodokan Biasa, Dadap Merah and Mahoni, while productive plants are Mango, Jambu, Sawo Kecik, Star Fruit and Jackfruit in diameter 3 cm plants.

To increase ideal Green Open Space area, Surabaya city government try to realize

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through improvement plan of city forest in 7 areas, that is Penjaringan I 3000 m2, Prapen

Indah II (Tenggilis) 4328 m2, Kebraun 7,5 hectare, Wonorejo 1,5 hectare, Wonorejo PLN

1,5 hactare, Bukit Jerawat 1,2 hactare and 2 hactare. d. Flooding

To cope with flood, the plan to develop main drainage infrastructure is proposed in Surabaya Drainage Master Plan (SDMP). The primary change of existing condition is as follows :

Drainage conversion of Gunungsari with its water gate to increase the water surface elevation and High Level Diversion Channel.

Improvement of down stream for disposal as primary drainage of Kenjeran, Kepiting, Dami, Bokor, Wonorejo, and Rungkut river.

To procure 2 (two) unit of reservoire for low level system of Kenjeran / Kepiting river and Wonorejo / Rungkut river.

To procure mini reservoire with drainage pump to flow the water to Medokan Semampir until Wonokromo river.

To develop 1 (one) unit of new reservoire upstream from Kedurus river and 4 (four) unit of reservoire og Gunungsari drainage.

Improvement of water pump plant and the development of new water pump plant The development of local reservoire in industrial area of south west of surabaya city.

As for the management of drainage infrastructure and flood structure control namely :

Maintenance (pump, sea gate, cleaning of primary and secondary drainage), rehabilitation (reservoire, water gate, pump and sediment excavation), Quality development of infrastructure (capacity of water pump plant and primary and secondary drainage) and executing the new work (the new drainage, bridge, water pump plant, sea gate and mechanis equipment).

Flood management is under the control of Department of Drainage and Public Work.

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5. Environment Indicators

5.1. Landuse a Total surface area as of December 2004 327.37 km


Forest area Forest area in 2000 16.8286 km


Forest area in 2004 15.9958 km2

Agricultural land Agricultural land in 2000 21.2561 km


Agricultural land in 2004 15.2989 km2


Agricultural area as a % of total land area in 2004 4.67 % Arable land in 2004 129.4369 km


Sources: Forestry, Agriculture, Farm, sea, Fishery Department of Surabaya City

5.2. Waste a Municipal waste collection Latest year available Municipal waste collected 8.700 m


Population served by municipal waste collection 70 % Municipal waste collected per capita served 930 gr/people/dyas b Municipal waste treatment Latest year available Municipal waste collected 8.700 m


Municipal waste landfilled - Municipal waste incenerated 4.6 % Municipal waste recycled / scavenger 14.29 % Municipal waste composted 0.78 %

Sources: Landscaping and Cleansing Department of Surabaya City

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Air pollution from vehicle and industry

Emision from motorcycle

Firing imperata cyllindrica

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Water pollution

Illegal solid waste disposal And blooming algae


Water pollution from sludge which disposal of industry

Illegal solid waste disposal

Water pollution

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Waste water which polluting the rice field

Illegal solid waste disposal

Activites by local people in cleansing of river

Greening movement with mangrove planting

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