Civil Defense Idaho Caves

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  • 8/8/2019 Civil Defense Idaho Caves


    HitchhikeA Student Guide to Cheap Travel


    Explore the Civil

    Defense Caves

    Take a Gambleand See Vegas

    Europe on aBudget

  • 8/8/2019 Civil Defense Idaho Caves


    Over 4200 locations in 80 countries

    Visit to make reservations today.

    Go ahead. . .sleep in this morning.

  • 8/8/2019 Civil Defense Idaho Caves


    Inside Hitchhike





    Explore the CavesEnhance your cave experience by reading up on

    inormation about the Civil Deense and Darby Wind Caves bothwithin an hours drive! Learn the history, what to bring, how to getthere, and what to do!

    Going to Jackson?Spend a memorable day in Jackson withthis helpul itinerary about what places to hit while there. Spendlittle money by only traveling less than two hours to this un-lleddestination!



    Viva Las Vegas!Easy to nd, hard to leave, visit Las Vegas! Readabout what Las Vegas has to oer and how there is no known dayand time.

    Save Money in Salt Lake CityOnly our hours rom Rexburg, SaltLake oers plenty o aordable activities or colleges students, romvisiting historical sites, to shopping at outlet malls.

    22 Traveling SafelyTo ensure that your road trip goes smoothly,remember to take the necessary saety precautions beore you go.


    10 Just for the Day

    18 Road Trip

    28 Student Travel

    2 From the Editor

    30 YourTrip: Worst TravelExperience

  • 8/8/2019 Civil Defense Idaho Caves


    Travel in


  • 8/8/2019 Civil Defense Idaho Caves


    From the Editor HitchhikeA Student Guide to Cheap Travel

    Hastily taking pens from our small notebooks,we began brainstorming about possible ideas or a magazine centered

    on travel. Stories raced through our minds like the destination trains o

    Europe, ranging rom simple day hikes to extravagant tours o France,

    Russia, and Italy; but something was missing. Our initial excitement

    began to waver as we attempted to pinpoint the hole in our thinking.

    Suddenly, our Editor in Chie raised her head and revealed her vision

    or our magazine: to bring the excitement and intensity o travel to

    one o the poorest groups o people in Americacollege students.

    Her statement became the watch cry o the magazine sta.Hitchhike

    represents our dedication to oer thrilling experiences without shattering

    the tight budget o college students.

    We have come a long way since then, but this rst issue o our

    magazine represents every aspect o our initial vision. Each section

    resonates with potential, refecting in some small way the common

    perception o young college students: excited, motivated, unconquerable,

    and determined. Ranging rom day trips to weeklong getaways, our

    articles oer a place to let the strengths and stresses o college lie pour

    out into the world.

    For many, this idealized view o higher education may seem too

    remote to directly apply. To you, we atHitchhike oer hope; ideals ade

    when they are not used, so participate in the art o travel and you will

    wake the explorer within, awake the explorer and witness the creation

    o ideals. We are able to say that because o our collective experience we

    know the potential that awaits those willing to put orth eort in hopes

    o discovery. Thus,Hitchhike revolves around discovery, and discovery

    revolves around an inherent human need.

    EDITOR IN CHIEFJade Swartzberg


    Anona SobczakRyan HaggeTaryn TaylorJackie Pruitt

    CONTRIBUTORSDaniel Borup

    Chelsea HaightSharolnn Peterson

    Ashley SkitonEmily Poteet

    Amber MeyersBrian Collins

    Byron HeathRobert Brown

    Amberlee GreenRachel Hagge

    Leanna HowardAmanda IsbellMary Jo Lutz

    Samantha GoodrichAllison Vedomske

    Karina StrattonStacey Cashmore


    Getty ImagesVarious other contributors

    [email protected]

  • 8/8/2019 Civil Defense Idaho Caves




  • 8/8/2019 Civil Defense Idaho Caves


    Tackling the Darby Wind Caves andthe Rexburg Civil Defense Caves

    As World War I was raging across Europe,a crew o men endured 22 months in theAntarctic when their ship was destroyedby ice. O course, they knew what they

    were getting intoan ad posted or the expeditionread, Men Wanted: For hazardous journey. Smallwages, bitter cold, long months o complete darkness,constant danger.

    Living in Rexburg, Idaho, many BYU-Idaho studentscan identiy with this description o what these

    explorers were expected to deal with. For 8-12 months,we navigate the rozen tundra o campus strugglingwith loads o homework, bad roommates, and low-paying jobs. Luckily, the stranded Antarctic crew hadthe explorer Ernest Shackleton to lead a remarkablejourney to rescue them, but we can only push on tograduation.

    We all need a little break rom the scholarly slog ocampus. We all need a little adventure, which can behard to come by in a small town, and the desire toescape the mundane and discover the extraordinary

    brings out the explorer in all o us. As a student, youmay not have the money to nance an expedition tothe ends o the earth, but you can take your own icyjourney to the center o the earth not ar away romlittle Rexburg. Join the ranks o student spelunkers andvisit the oten heard o yet little-known Civil Deenseand Darby Wind Caves.


  • 8/8/2019 Civil Defense Idaho Caves


    A ready-made fallout shelterThe Civil Deense Caves have a unique history which

    ties into national security. The Civil Deense Caveswere named during the general atmosphere o the ColdWar. David Monteyne, a cold war historian says, From1945 to the early 1960s, there was a textual explosiono apocalyptic nuclear disasternarratives by journalists, novelists, andlmmakers.

    This ear o attacks and invasion arosemainly because o the Cold War, the riseo Communism, and the Cuban MissileCrisis. Americas ear, especially onuclear attack, prompted national saetyprograms, the building o home allout

    shelters, and the idea o using caves as natural homelandsecurity sites. These large, ready-made undergroundcaverns seemed like time and money-saving nuclear alloutshelters to Civil Deense specialists.

    In the year 1940, the President o the NationalSpeological Society (NSS), Bill Stephenson, wrote a letterto the Advisory Committee o the Council on NationalDeense explaining what the value o caves might be to theUnited States:

    1. Their use as storage places or strategic materials,especially gasoline.

    2. Their use as air-raid and permanent shelters orevacuated civilian population.

    3. Their possible use as actories or highly specialized

    or important military implements.4. Their use as possible prisons in case o actual war.5. The location o caves may possess a military value

    where heavy equipment is to be operated in acavernous region.

    These recommendations never becamea national reality due to the inconvenientlocations o large caves and high costso implementing any o the programssuggested, but some caves in Idaho weretemporarily considered as shelters.

    Columnist Pat Murphy writes, Justnorth o Shoshone on Highway 75, a

    sign points to a civil deense shelter in Mammoth Cave Theres where people wouldve retreated had missilesstruck Idaho, assuming they had time to nd the caves andhide.

    Rexburg, Idaho may not be considered a prime target ora nuclear attack, and the largest caves in the area certainlyarent easy to nd, but clearly locals were aware o thepossibility o nding shelter in the caves and named themaccordingly. The Civil Deense Caves near Rexburg may bethe most well-known deense caves in the U.S. Today, iyou google Civil Deense Caves, the rst pages that popup are about the caves by Rexburg and how to get there.


    Theres where people

    wouldve retreated had

    missiles struck Idaho,

    assuming they had time to

    nd the caves and hide.

  • 8/8/2019 Civil Defense Idaho Caves


    Wind, ice in Fossil MountainThe Darby Wind Caves share a national heritage butalso oer stunning personal narratives. The Wind Caveand connecting Ice Cave are ensconced in Fossil Mountain,named or the millions o ossils in it rom the PaleozoicAge. The mountain is in the Jedediah Smith Wildernesso Caribou-Targhee National Forest, and the area issurrounded by clis with wateralls and boulders. The twocaves worm their way through the Darby Formation, athick layer o 350 million year-old dolomite.

    The caves, the ormation, and the small town o Darby,Idaho get their name rom an early settler. According tothe Genealogical Society o Teton County, [Darby] wasan early settlement and Post Oce on the bench Itwas named or Jim Darby, who settled on then namedGoodellow Creek in 1882. The creek and the town sooncame to be called Darby.

    Although the Wind Cave at the end o the DarbyCanyon hike usually isnt dangerous or a prepared visitor,rumor holds it that in the 1950s, our girls rom a nearbyLDS camp and one o their adult leaders were struck bylightning in the cave, where they had gathered to seekreuge rom a summer storm.

    Farther in the mountain than the Darby Canyon Wind

    Cave is the lesser-known Darby Ice Cave. This ice caveoccurs rom the water collected in it being rozen by coldair passing through the cavern.

    This reezing eect usually lasts or about seven monthsand then the ice melts slowly during the remainder o theyear. Because the lava rock which encases the ice actsas an insulator, the temperature o the Ice Cave is rarelywarmer than 35 degrees.

    The trip rom the Wind Cave into the Ice Cave startswith a 40 oot rappel, so this second stage o the caves isonly or those with ice-climbing experience. Teton CountySearch and Rescue Coordinator Doug Meyer explains,Once you enter Ice Cave and pull your ropes, yourecommitted to go through and out Wind.

    Due to runo in the spring, the ice in the bottom cavecan get plugged so climbers cant get through the cave, andon August 26, 2007, a group o cavers got stuck inside ashat between the two caves.

    Meyer continues, The trapped pair spent the night

    chipping away at an ice wall that prevented them rompassing though. SAR hacked rom the opposite side, andeventually the cavers were reed.

    Confused about whatequipment to bring?

    Although the climbers who got stuck in the ice

    cave couldnt anticipate the exact obstacles

    Mother Nature threw at them, at least they had

    the equipment to help acilitate their rescue. The

    National Speleological Society recommends

    bringing the ollowing:

    Three independent light

    sources per person

    Spare batteries and parts

    or each light source

    A helmet with a chin strapthat meets UIAA standards

    Proper clothing and gloves

    Knee pads

    A space blanket or large

    trash bag

    Food and water

    A pack


  • 8/8/2019 Civil Defense Idaho Caves


    Caves are considered a valuable and precious nationalresource. When knowing where to go, how to getthere, what equipment to bring, and a strong sense opreparation are added to the mix, discovery potential issolidied.

    Although the caves are a place to explore and haveun, the motto o the National Speleological Societyshould always be ollowed: Take nothing but pictures,leave nothing but careully placed ootprints, kill nothingbut time.

    Time, yes time seems to dominate the lie o collegestudents, but imagine i or a moment they could slaytimes incessant beat. To reeze the world in moment oinspiring bliss has been the dream o poets and artists orcenturies. Now that dream is oered to anyone willing toplunge beneath the earth.

    Perhaps it is the potential discovery; perhaps it is thehistory, geology, or even the thrill o absolute darknesswhich allows a single moment in time to become anunading resolution.

    Regardless o what or how, caving oers a taste owhat it means to be immortal. Go caving and nd a wayto kill time; kill time and tap into the wonders o humanimagination.

    They say opposites attract, and the

    opposing orces o wind and ice

    have denately come together to

    orm a marvel o nature.



    Heading to the caves?Weve got directions!


    1. Start at the Wal-Mart parking lot in Rexburg, Idaho

    2. Travel North on the Wal-Mart Road (2nd East), keep

    going straight on this road past the Highway 20 exit.

    3. Travel sixteen and a hal miles rom the exit on Salem


    4. Travel past the Sand Dunes on this highway towards

    Kilgore, Idaho.

    5. Turn onto the dir t road that is indicated by a tall whitesign that says that the Caves are fve miles away.

    6. Ater about three miles there is a ork in the road take

    the let ork.

    7. The road ends in an open area that serves as parking.

    The cave can be ound just north o the parking area.


    1. Located in the Darby Canyon, 20 minutes rom Driggs.

    2. From Highway 33, the turno is just south o the Spud

    Theater and may be easy to miss. (Look or sign

    indicating Darby Canyon, visible rom the highway.)

    3. To reach the trailhead, continue driving down the road

    past the Girls Camp.

    4. In order to reach the caves you will need to hike since

    they are only accesible by oot.

    5. The hike hike is approximately 3.5 miles either way and

    can be done in about two hours.

    A taste of spelunkingCaves oer some extraordinarily unique geographical

    eatures. Both the Civil Deense and Darby WindCaves are considered lava tube caves. Lava tubes are

    ormed when molten lava fows steadily in a connedchannel. When the source o the lava stops fowing, thelava within the channel eventually fows out. This leavesbehind a tube with a relatively fat foor. However, thewalls and ceilings are oten strung with lava ormationsknown as stalagmites, stalactites, columns, soda straws,and helictites. All o these structures are visuallystunning yet very ragile.

    BYU-I student Heather Wilson says, On the walls youcan see ice crystals orming like snowfakes. It looksbeautiul.

    They say opposites attract, and the opposing orceso wind and ice have denitely come together to orm a

    marvel o nature.

    Kill nothing but time

  • 8/8/2019 Civil Defense Idaho Caves


    Need directions?

    Weve got those.

  • 8/8/2019 Civil Defense Idaho Caves

    12/35HITCHHIKE DECEMBER 200710

    Just for the Day

    Jackson, Wyoming: the name carries

    an image o remote splendor, but

    couple Jackson with a ew riends and

    a ree day and it becomes a getaway,

    vacation, and adventure.

    Jackson, Wyoming, is about one and a hal hours romRexburg, so your trip should start at about 11:00 a.m. Onyour drive up, you can play games like twenty questionsor the license plate game. The license plate game willprobably work well because people come to Jackson tovacation rom all over the country, especially during thewinter.

    Once you get to Jackson, you and your riends can have

    lunch at Bubbas BBQ restaurant. At Bubbas, you canhave lunch or about $7 each, and you can choose rompulled pork, ribs, brisket, chicken sandwiches, burgers, ora salad bar. Be sure to ask or some baby sauce, Bubbasspecial sweet barbeque sauce that is homemade and oneo a kind.

    You can walk o lunch around downtown Jackson andvisit the local stores and Visitors Center. While you areat the Visitors Center, you can purchase tickets or theNational Elk Reuge Sleigh Rides, a popular attractionduring the winter months. The National Elk Reuge was

    ounded to support the local elk population during thewinter when ood is scarce.

    The Wyoming scenery is amazing, and the sleigh ridesgo right through large groups o elk and other wildlie,so you can see the animals up close and in their naturalenvironmentnot behind ences. You may see eagles,coyotes, oxes, badgers, swans, and ducks. Tickets are$16 per person, and you dont have to make reservations,unless you have a group o more than 20.

    Ater your sleigh ride, you will probably be ready ordinner; the Mangy Moose oers a wonderul atmosphereto bask in while you warm up. The old-time Westernantiques which dot the restaurant make you eel like youare back in the good ol days. The Mangy Moose oerssteak, prime rib, resh sh, chicken, and pasta.

    Once your ood has settled, you are ready or themost exciting part o your trip, so head to the Snow KingCenter to watch the Jackson Moose play semi-proessionalhockey. You can purchase tickets at the door or $8.Games start at 7 p.m., with plenty o entertainment beoreand during the game. You can also join the locals in themoose chant as you cheer the Moose to a victory. Dontorget your camera to document the sleigh ride, meal, andgame with your riends because this will be a trip you willnot want to orget.

    Chelsea Haigh

    Sleigh bells ring in Jackson

  • 8/8/2019 Civil Defense Idaho Caves


    Barbeque is more than a

    meal, its a way of life!

  • 8/8/2019 Civil Defense Idaho Caves


    Just for the Day



    s youre planning your next Idaho day trip,consider traveling just over three hours to South-Central Idaho, where youll nd the world-

    amous City o Rocks. The drive to the City, asit is known, is nothing more than verdant pastures withBlack Angus cows surrounded by miles o brush. Thenseemingly rom nowhere giant monoliths, dating back tothe pre-Cambrian era, cover the ace o the earth.

    Part o the Citys rock ormations are 25 million yearsold. Those rocks are made o ne, shining granite. Otherormations at the City o Rocks are 100 times older thanthat. The oldest rocks are made o coarse, crystal granitewith dark stripes covering them. These rock ormations arethe destination o hundreds o visitors each year seeking toboth climb and observe the rock.

    But this sight hasnt gained its ame recently. In act, it

    was known as the Humboldt turn-o or people travelingwest on the Oregon Trail. The Twin Sisters, two monolithsthat stand next to each other and look alike, althoughthey are 100 times dierent in age, stood as a landmarkor travelers. I they turned north at the Twin Sisters,they would continue on the Oregon Trail. I they turnedsouth at the Twin Sisters, they would nd their way ontothe Caliornia Trail. Signatures o westward travelers stillmark the rocks, an interesting reminder o our Americanheritage.

    Today, the City o Rocks has over 500 climbs with awide variety o experience levels. Trails take casual hikers

    and bicyclists through aspen trees and small creeks, andGeocachers nd plenty o secret spots or their treasurehunting.

    With all its history and beauty, its no wonder why somany people nd themselves traveling back to the City oRocks time and time again. It makes a perect place or aday trip. Like the requent City o Rocks visitors say, Evena bad day at the City is better than a good day anywhereelse.

    Emily Poteet

    City o Rocks,

    so lets roll

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    15/35HITCHHIKE DECEMBER 2007 1

    Discover the falls: A trip to remember

    BYU-Idaho students dont have to go ar to see

    some o the most beautiul scenery in the world.One such place is Mesa Falls. Many people,especially BYU-Idaho students, are unaware o the

    beauty that lays just a little north oRexburg.

    The Mesa Falls are a pair o themost beautiul, undisturbed waterallsin the west. Water plummeting114 eet into a raging white waterriver makes Mesa Falls a singular,spectacular experience. Only an hoursdrive rom Rexburg, Mesa Falls makesa perect day trip or riends, amily, or even a romantic datewith that special someone.

    Heading north on highway 20 travelers will turn right onthe Mesa Falls Scenic Loop in Ashton, also known as 28 mileroad. The loop takes you through armland, open meadows,the stunning Targhee National Forest, and straight to MesaFalls.

    The rst attraction you will see is the Lower FallsGrandview Overlook and Campground. Travelers stop here tosee a gorgeous view o the lower alls rom atop a hill lookingover the alls. Here you will nd places to rest, historicalinormation about the alls, and an excellent view. This is

    a great place to stop and eat i you brought lunch. I youre

    lucky you might get to see kayakers going over the alls, sodont orget to bring your binoculars or a closer look. About1/4 o a mile down the road there is a turno to the let that

    leads to the upper Mesa Falls;this is the main attraction. Hereyou will nd Big Falls Inn, whichcontains a git shop and museumwhere you will see exhibits on thehistory, geology, ecosystem, andplants and animals o the area.

    A walking path will take youclose enough to the alls to eel

    the mist a perect place or picture taking. There is a $3parking ee, but youll nd the experience well worth it. Fromhere you can ollow a trail to get a closer look at the lowerMesa Falls. The trail is only a mile and easy enough or eventhe most inexperienced hikers.

    Ater viewing the alls and the magnicent wildliesurrounding the area, make sure you take a stop in Ashtonor a bite to eat. The Frostop Drive-In has great old-ashionedhamburgers, onion rings, and root beer, all brought to yourcar. From the alls to the ood, this is a day trip youll be sureto take again and again.

    Daniel E. Borup

    Water plummeting 114 eet

    into a raging white river,

    makes Mesa Falls a singular,

    spectacular experience.

    Just for the Day

  • 8/8/2019 Civil Defense Idaho Caves


    Just for the Day



    arly in the morning (around 4 a.m. early), myroommate, Lindsey, and I were surprised to heara light tapping on our window. Squinting one eye

    open, I cracked the blinds. Two o our riends, TeJayand Ross, with hot chocolate and donuts in tow, wanted usto go to Yellowstone National Park with them. Showeringseemed ruitless, contemplating the upcoming eggish geysersmell. Within teen minutes we were ully awake, bundled,and loaded in the car.

    The drive to Yellowstone rom Rexburg, Idaho few byin the company o great riends. It also helped that that webrought the books and stories required or my upcomingEnglish classes, using the stories or an interpretative groupreading. Ross also spent time explaining why a normalperson only needs three hours o sleep. Ironically, its easyto imagine what we were all doing during this riveting

    discussing (Zzzzz...). Autumn proved to be a perect time tomake the trip, with bearable temperatures and little snow.

    We soon ended our sonnets, stories, and sleeping at theentrance o Yellowstone, where $25 later the park becameour playground. Encircling Yellowstone are paved roadsallowing visitors to easily access the most scenic adventures.Luckily or us, these riends had careully planned the day.They packed a picnic lunch which not only saved money,but also created a near camping experience.

    During our visit, we began moose and bualo spottingcontests. It was during this contest that I realized a very

    ignorant concept that had long been apart o my lie. Inelementary school, I somehow contracted the erroneous actthat all bualo were extinct. Refecting, I cant quite pinpoint

    the moment which ingrained this into my thinking, but Ican narrow it to the history lessons about the white mankilling the Native Americans bualo or sport. Needlessto say, the herds o bualo that exist at Yellowstone Parkquickly dispelled the ignorance o my youth. I ound myselvery eager to nd all the bualo possible, which crownedme the winner o this game. The prize: an ice cream cone.Undoubtedly the credit or my victory can only be attributedto one source: thank goodness or the bualo.

    Our exciting drive took us to mountain streams,geysers galore, and indescribable scenery. Live musicattended our rereshing drive, as TeJay played the guitar (orwhat this recently returned Honduras missionary described

    as marina ding us). My gratitude or the bison continuedto escalate ater we dined at a local restaurant withspecialties o venison, and you guessed it, bualo burgers. Icame home with a new list o experiences to add to my lie.Despite the monotony o going to class and work day aterday, I had ound what bualo taste like. I had ound thatbualo still live. I had ound the extraordinary clockworkwithin the earth as Old Faithul heralds the sky day aterday. I wonder i it gets tired o that monotony. I hope not,because its pretty exciting to see.

    Ashley Skifton

    Shakesperian buffalo burgers:

    A new twist on Yellowstone

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    17/35HITCHHIKE DECEMBER 2007 15


    iking the Teton Mountain Range oers someo the most magnicent scenery to be oundin North America. The Tetons oer an escape,distraction, and a way to witness rst hand

    nature in its natural splendor.Depending on your time and physical limitations thereare several dierent hikes that you can go on o varyingdegrees o diculty and distance. The Monument hikeis about 6 miles round trip. At the top o this trail is amonument honoring girls that were killed in a lightningstorm when they went hiking there (youll have to go readthe monument to nd out more). Also a little arther upthe mountain you can go into the beautiul wind caves.

    When planning or this hike, remember that it is avigorous physical activity and that the weather doesntcooperate some times. Make sure that you pack plenty owater, a rain poncho, sun screen, bug repellant; i you are

    planning to hike into the wind caves, pack a warm jacketor sweater and a fashlight. I it is a hot day, there is awaterall just below the wind caves that you can stick yourhead into to cool o.

    The Table Rock hike is about 13 miles round trip.Plan this as an all day activity. Make sure you pack all othe essentials. You might want to pack some snacks anda lunch as well. Do not go on this hike i you eel you arereally out o shape; it will test your physical stamina. Besure to bring your camera because once you get on tablerock you are right next to the Tetonsphoto ops! As youhike up the mountain, watch your ooting; some rocks maybe loose and will slide. Always remember that you are in

    the wild and wildlie and natural hazards are all aroundyou. There may be bears or moose; give them their space.There will also be amazing natural wonders that are thereto be admired; show respect to these eatures so that uturehikers may have the experience o seeing them as well.

    These hikes are two o the more popular hikes in thearea. There are all sorts o other trails that you can explore,just make sure you have someone with you that knowswhere they are going. Also make sure that an outside partyknows where you are so you will not be stuck lost.

    Sharolynn Peterson

    The Tetons ofer an escape,

    distraction, and a way to

    witness rst hand nature in

    its natural splendor.

    Table top

    buffets theTeton way

    Just for the Day

  • 8/8/2019 Civil Defense Idaho Caves


    Tousands of new ways

    to experience lifein just 4.5 miles.

    Viva Las Vegas

  • 8/8/2019 Civil Defense Idaho Caves


    Locations in California, Nevada, and Arizona

    Because a burgershould be a


  • 8/8/2019 Civil Defense Idaho Caves

    20/35HITCHHIKE DECEMBER 200718

    Road Trip

    Take a gamble:Save cash in Vegas


    recently participated in a conversation with two conservative riends o mine

    who were planning a trip to Caliornia. I suggested that they should stop on

    the way and experience Las Vegas. Oh no, they responded, Wed be passing

    through at 11 oclock at night. I dont think we could nd anything open that

    late. I was, to put it mildly, astounded. So let me make one thing clear: Its never too

    late to stop in Vegas, because there is no such thing as time in Vegas.

    Just try to nd a clock in a casino. I promise it wont be there. Thats part o the

    beauty o the brightest city in the world. No matter what time you get there, youre

    always right on time or a show, a meal, or even a wedding. The only problem is, when

    youre in a city with so much to do, youre going to need some help sorting it all out.

  • 8/8/2019 Civil Defense Idaho Caves

    21/35HITCHHIKE DECEMBER 2007 19

    Road Trip

    First, well worry about the easiest part; nding LasVegas. Assuming youve ever read a map beore, youllknow your route beore youre out o the driveway. I youdont know how to read a map, you could probably stillget there i you just keep heading west. Theres a ninety

    percent chance that youll hit it anyway, because the biggestreeway in the west goes right through it. To put it simply,all you have to do is nd Interstate 15, ollow it south, andeventually youll see the bright lights o Vegas.

    Now its time to decide what to do while youre there.This is the part where you really need to add your personaltouch. Do you want to blow all your money on a helicopterto the Grand Canyon, or leak it out little by little on severalsmall attractions throughout the city? Are you more oa look-but-dont-touch person, aor do you need to be inthe thickest action? Whatever your preerence, theres aWeb site which will become your best riend while youreplanning. is the ocial Las Vegas

    tourism Web site.Since the city is basically one big tourist attraction,

    you can be sure that a lot o work went into making thisWeb site as helpul as possible. First, it has a 3D mapavailable, which is startlingly accurate and will be perector navigating rom attraction to attraction. Also, i youenter a couple o calendar dates into the website, VLVwillgive you every single event thats happening between them,rom David Coppereld to senior citizen sotball, not tomention any promotional deals that the casinos might beoering. It also oers dining inormation, weather reports,

    and un acts about the city that you can use to annoy yourpassengers. However, make sure you search around orthe best deals on hotels. Staying at the Bellagio is quite anexperience, but i you want to go cheap, you can nd dealsor as low as $20 dollars a night in the seedier sections otown.

    One dilemma youre sure to ace as a squeaky-cleanBYU-I student is how to stay righteous while youre inVegas. Trust me, it isnt a place where everyone sharesyour values. Although the city does have a thriving LDSpopulation, the Strip is still the embodiment o sin. Hereare some ways to protect yoursel: First, dont ever takeanything anyone tries to hand to you. There are a lot ogreasy men handing out semi-pornographic advertisementsor strip clubs. On the same train o thought, keep youreyes up. The ground is littered with similar advertisements,which basically makes the sidewalk look like a giant pageromMaxim.

    Also, you might be tempted to sit down at a pokertable, or play the slots or a bit. Regardless o what pokertournaments you might have seen on ESPN, rememberthis one act: No matter what experience you have playingpoker with your roommates or watching TV, you have noidea how to really play, and you will lose all your money.My ather only recently stopped playing poker, and he lovedtaking money rom people who thought they knew whatthey were doing. As ar as slot machines go, your moneywould be better spent in a payphone calling India. Winninga couple o coins in a slot machine is a meager victoryanyway. I you want to pull a slot just to say you did it, askaround or the penny or nickel slot machines. Thats the

    smartest place to play.One last word o advice beore you pull out o the

    driveway. Dont go to Vegas i you need a break. It isntthe place to sit back and chill out. I youre going on a tripto relax, go to Hawaii on a cruise or something. Vegas isnaturally ast-paced. Keep moving; to the next attraction, tothe next re show, to throw rice at the next wedding, butkeep moving. Like I said, dont go to Vegas to relax, becausei youre not hopping in Vegas, you never really went.

    Byron Heath


    1. Elvis Presly

    2. Frank Sinatra

    3. Billy Joel

    4. Bing Crosby

    5. Tony Bennet

  • 8/8/2019 Civil Defense Idaho Caves


    Road Trip


    Road rip Playlist


    1. Salt Lake City by The Beach Boys

    2. I Lost My Sugar in Salt Lake City by Louis


    3. Ive Been Everywhere by Johnny Cash

    4. Beautiul Zion byMormon Tabernacle Choir

    5. Salt Lake City 1973 by Shawn Mullins

    I students eel that Rexburg holds no

    entertainment or them, a wide variety

    o activities are available just a short

    drive down south. O course, ater driving

    three and a hal hours and braving our and

    fve lane highways, the lights o downtown

    Salt Lake City are a welcome sight. One o the

    largest cities in the west, Salt Lake City holds avariety o events or any student.

    For the thrity vacationer, almost everything onTemple Square is ree. There are also ree historicalevents to see like the Church History Building or FamilyHistory Center next to Temple Square. While most odowntown close to Temple Square is owned by TheChurch o Jesus Christ o Latter-day Saints, there areplaces like a Catholic cathedral or Memory Lane just ashort distance away.

    But i you have someone special in your lie and needsomeplace a little more romantic than Porter Park to

    pop the question, take a romantic ride in a horse drawncarriage by Temple Square, normally around $50-90.Although Rexburg has a growing music scene, the

    place to go or big names is Salt Lake City. I went toa Michael Buble concert in July at the E Center in SaltLake, said Takara Priestley, a senior at BYU-Idaho. Itwas so un. He was so entertaining and he gave me a

    hug aterwards.Besides concerts like Michael Buble or The Fray,

    Salt Lake also houses an O Broadway theatre, withtickets rom $8-16, and Ballet West, where ticketsrange rom $17-65. In January, Tosca by GiavomoPuccini will be perormed by the Utah Opera, withstudent tickets at only $8.

    O course, there are always the big games as well.For those less interested in the arts, Utah Jazz ticketscan be purchased at prices ranging rom $10-130.

    And i you want to expand your wardrobe withoutlooking like your roommates, explore the shopping,an activity which can be done or those o anyincome. Shopping malls are all over downtown SaltLake, rom the Gateway Mall to ZCMI to Retro Rose,with accessories rom the 1950s, 60s and 70s. Outletmalls are also available around the Salt Lake area.

    I love shopping in Salt Lake City. There is such avariety o stores and things to buy. I I need anythingunique, something not everyone else is wearing, I goto Salt Lake, said Kylie Jameson, a sophomore atBYU-Idaho.

    One o the biggest reasons people travel to Salt

    A thrifty vacationers guide

    to beautiful Salt Lake City

    Lake is the allure o winter sports in thearea. This might be something worthsplurging on as a student. Salt Lake hasseveral nearby ski lodges and packageswith overnight accommodations and littickets or around $90.

    Park City, ocial venue o the 2002Winter Olympics, holds the Park CityMountain Resort. They oer activities romskiing to snowmobiling to bobsled rides.Tickets or most o days and activities arearound $100.

    One o the best ways to go skiing i youdont have this type o dough is to buydiscounted tickets. These tickets usuallyrange rom $23-105, but are sometimesless depending on availability. Check or discounted ticketsaround Salt Lake City.

    Whatever your tastes, Salt Lake City hasthe event or you.

    Amber Meyers

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    Road Trip


    he excitement o reaching the destination: this isusually what gets people out the door and on aroad trip. An essential part o an enjoyable trip isplanning. Planning or any emergency ensures

    that you are prepared, whether a problem comes up or not,and can give you peace o mind.

    Some things to keep in mind when planning a road tripin the winter months are weather, car maintenance, andsupplies.

    WeatherBe aware o the weather orecasts in your departure and

    destination areas. And when driving in snow or rain, it iscrucial to slow down. The standard driving instructorrule o thumb is to slow down by a third in the rain, andby at least hal in the snow. This may seem annoying butarriving late is better than arriving injured or not at all.

    Car MaintenanceBe sure to service your car regularly so that you can

    catch potential problems beore they create serious delaysand weak havoc on your wallet. Some important aspectsto check are oil, coolant level, windshield wiper fuid, gas,and tire air pressure.

    Checking oil is a simple process and can be done in amatter o minutes. It is a lubricant that keeps engine partsrom rubbing together and wearing out. Another importantfuid is coolant it cycles through the engine and keeps

    it rom overheating, thus allowing you to continuedriving. Make sure to top o your windshield wiperfuid this is essential any time o year, or it provides away to remove the bug remains on your windshield thus

    improving visibility. It is also important during the wintermonths in clearing o weather-related debris. Gas is abasic necessity, but it is important to make sure you havesucient amounts. Be aware o the distance and donttry to stretch one tank or too long. Who wants to bestranded on the side o the road because they thought theycould make it just one more mile? Tire air pressure hasan impact on your saety and also on gas mileage. Gas isexpensive so it is smart to do all you can to minimize cost.It is simple to check the air pressure and costs just $0.25or a ew minutes worth o air to re-infate your tires (seeyour nearby gas station).

    SuppliesSome important items to have with you on a road tripduring the cold winter months are water, ood, a blanket,and a rst aid kit. These items will become essential iyou are stranded and unable to get help or some time.Another important supply or a road trip is a detailed roadmap, with indications o great sites to visit.

    Keep these things in mind when planning your next roadtrip. Remember, planning is better than paying later. Andhave a un time hitting the road!

    Amberlee Green


    Road trip safety


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    Road Trip


    The high plains o Idaho whisked by in

    a blur o pale browns and whites. The

    picturesque scenery added a peculiar

    sense o adventure to my Christmas

    break. I had agreed to let my boyriend take me

    to a remote corner o Caliornia; he said that was

    where he grew up, but I had my doubts.

    The trip home actually roused more suspicion thananything. My boyriend was giving my roommate a ridehome as well. She lived in Oregon, but she claimed to be inthe same stake as my boyriend. There was something shyabout the way they both chuckled about their hometowns.I was on my toes, but excited nevertheless.

    We stopped or the night at my sisters house; she livedjust outside Boise at the time. The ollowing day, Mikan(my roommate) and Ryan (my boyriend), seemed jovialand anxious to get home because they said we would gethome in just six hours. We got on the reeway, and weresoon singing Christmas carols at the top o our lungs.Ater two hours, Mikan and Ryan began to discuss the exitthey were supposed to take. Just then, Mikans cell phone

    rang; it was her ather. Ater asking her where she was, heinormed her that she had missed the turn o an hour andhal ago. In disbelie, I simply remained quiet. This was nota good way to start a vacation.

    Ryan stopped at a local gas station and picked up amapa map, what a great concept. Ater rerouting ourtrip, he inormed us that we had just added at least threehours to our estimated time o arrival. He said we wouldhave to take a mountain highway to get back on course.He was racing along at eighty ve miles an hour on theOregon reeway (the speed limit was sixty ve). Ater onlyten minutes at that speed and just beore our mountainroute exit, we saw the fashing lights o the Oregon

    State Police in our rearview mirror. Great, I thought,another delay, maybe I should reconsider this adventure.Somehow Ryan managed to talk his way out o a ticketwith a sob story about our rustrating morning, but thatdidnt help my mood.

    The mountain route was all iced over, and we droppedrom eighty ve miles an hour to just over thirty. MaybeRyan was taking the state troopers advice a little tooseriously. Ater what seemed like an eternity, (it wasactually about our hours), we made it back to the rightroad. Mikan and Ryan were both thrilled to waltz through

    a amiliar ca where we stopped or a stretch, but I wasnot impressed. We spent the rest o the our hour trip insilence. Ryan would oten try to make small talk about thelocal geography or plant lie, but I was ar too anxious toget out o the car to pay too much attention.

    Ater meeting Mikans parents and unloading all o herstu (oh yeah, she had lled the small Honda Accord toits capacity with all o her luggage), it was becoming pitchblack. Now I knew what it meant to be in the middle onowhere. We drove on or another hour, passing a singletown which Ryan said was where he grew up. Another

    teen minutes and we were looking down into a valleywith a single aint light about a mile away. Apparently wehad made it, but the trip let a sour taste in my memory.

    I guess I cant be too hard on Ryan. Ater all, heproposed to me on that trip, and I did say yes. I supposethis trip home was a little more than I bargained or, butit taught me some valuable lessons about traveling: knowwhere youre going, obey the speed laws, instincts areusually wrong, some state troopers can be sweet-talked,and delays are unavoidable.

    Rachel Hagge

    Taking home your

    signifcant other

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    In the Spotlight

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    27/35HITCHHIKE DECEMBER 2007 25

    Are you willing to sleep in the

    stairwell of a ferry that is crossing

    the Mediterranean? What about a

    park bench just outside of the Parthenon, or

    a beach on an island just outside of Athens,Greece? Are you willing to eat ethnic foods

    bought from street vendors in countries

    where they havent had organizations like

    the FDA since the fall of communism? If youare, then you can travel Europe for two and

    a half months on only $3500.

    Youll have to make a ew sacrices. You wont be ableto take any tours, eat in any ancy restaurants, or sleep inany Hiltons, but i you are a cheap student like me whowants to really see Europe, then this is how you can do it.

    Lets get the hard acts out o the way rst. Youve gotto buy a Eurorail pass and a plane ticket. A Eurorail passguarantees you passage on most trains traveling throughthe European Union (EU). This is essential i you want to

    visit more than one country.The cost o a plane ticket is about 500 dollars, andthe Eurorail pass is almost two grand, amounting to2500 dollars. The Eurorail pass may seem like a lot omoney, but its worth it. I spent almost hal o my nightssleeping in night trains, thus saving hundreds o dollars.Additionally, the Eurorail pass comes with all sorts oreebies. It gives you a ree erry ride rom Italy to Greece(as long as you dont pay or a cabin on the overnighttrip), ree boat tours o lakes in Switzerland, discounts onbike rentals in Spain, and discounts on hostels in almostevery country.

    Experience Europe minus the expensive hotels

    Once you have transportation taken care o, the resto the trip can be as cheap as you make it. I only ate atgrocery stores and street vendors places. I probably spentan average o six or seven euros on ood a day, sometimesmore, but mostly a lot less. I splurged on crpes andgelato, but otherwise survived o o cheap day-oldbakery bread and cheese.

    Clean-ish hostels can be purchased or 10 euro a nightin many countries. In expensive cities like Munich,Germany and Bern, Switzerland, you cant nd a hostel

    or less than 15-20 euro a night.O course, i you dont want to pay money or aplace, then sleep in a train station or take a night trainto somewhere else, and then take a train back in themorning. It is kind o a hassle but it reduces your costsand increases the amount o time you are able to spendtraveling.

    When you begin to smell because you havent hada place to shower or a while, you might have to breakdown and get a hostel or the night, or take a train to abeach, swim in the ocean and rinse o in the showers. Bythe time youre done your hair is a little ratty, but you areotherwise clean.

    I traveled with two riends who were willing to be ascheap as I was. We visited dozens o ree museums andworld history sites; slept in an old monastery and anold castle (neither cost more than 5-euro-a-night); sleptshoulder to shoulder with homeless people; ate crpesin Paris, gelato in Venice, sausage with sauerkraut inAustria, and potato sandwiches in Southern Spain; andall o this so we could gain a cultural experience rom 11countries in two and a hal months as cheap students orunder $3500.

    Robert Brown

    In the Spotlight

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    Student Travel


    ou may have seen the posters and fyers oncampus every year, trying to persuade you to havethe best time o your lie on the British Literary

    Tour. Well, i youve decided to go, here are sometips to help make it a truly great experience.

    According to the trip rules, you can only take one carry-on suitcase with you. There are reasons or this restriction.1) Your luggage wont get lost en route, and 2) youre goingto be hauling your luggage up and down many stairs. Itsall in your best interest, but youre probably wonderinghow to you pack everything or a month in a carry-on.Well, let me help.

    Buy the travel sizes o everything: shampoo, toothpaste,body wash. It will ree up room youll need or the otheressentials. When you run out, buy a bigger bottle withriends and split it.

    Because you have limited space or clothes, eventuallyyoull get sick o the outts youve packed. Instead opacking several outts, take clothes that can be matchedwith everything in your suitcase. Brittany Bly, a BritishLiterary Tour veteran, suggests leaving extra clothesbehind. You can always buy new clothes i you get sick oyours.

    Weather is a huge actor in clothing decisions. Packshirts that can be layered depending on weather.Conditions can be unpredictable, and you may need to addor take o a layer at short notice. Without a doubt, take

    a sturdy rain jacket. With all that amous British rain, itslikely youll wear it every day.

    A good pair o comortable shoes is an absolute must. I

    new shoes dont t into your travel budget, you can buysome Dr. Scholls Cushy Soles to slide into your currentpair.

    Another essential item is a digital camera. Youll betaking hundreds o pictures, and the last thing youll wantis to carry around a bunch o lm. Just dont orget topack some spare batteries, or a battery charger.

    When it comes to packing, the most important rule is toonly pack the essentials and share with everyone aroundyou. Plan ahead with a riend and it can save you rom alot o hassle.

    While all the material things you take are important,nothing can be as important as your attitude. With a goodattitude, the trip can be the best experience o your lie anda lie-changing experience. Brittany Bly, speaking o hertime on the Tour, says I learned about mysel and who Iam. It sounds cheesy, but it really is true. I also eel like Iam a lot more cultured and a lot more willing to try newthings. I am willing to get out o my comort zone a littlebit and meet new people. It has impacted my lie in such apositive way.

    Dont let the worries o packing keep you romexperiencing the time o your lie to the ullest degree.

    Leanna Howard



    with onesuitcaseBRITISH LITERARY TOUR

  • 8/8/2019 Civil Defense Idaho Caves


    Student Travel


    You have probably seen fiers and postersaround campus advertising the variety o tours

    throughout the world that BYU-Idaho putstogether each year. The Humanities Tour is noexception to the mass o fiers. O course, these minorbits o inormation dont give advice on what to bring,where youll stay, or where the money you pay goes.Here is the exclusive.

    The $3475 that it costs to go on this tour pays or yourfight, entrance ees into museums, ood, transportation,hotels, and tickets to a play or concert. A majority o theood throughout the trip is paid or, but it is advisable tobe prepared to buy more.

    Oering a variety o art and religion classes, the touropens up the possibility or many people to come, not

    just those majoring or minoring in Humanities. Twoweeks beore the tour, you have class time on campus toprepare or sites you will visit. The more you know aboutthe cultures you will experience, the more at ease youwill be while you are there.

    Students are allowed to take one carry-on suitcase anda purse or bag. Thats right, olks. Four weeks o your liein a carry-on. Not to worry; it can be done, it has beendone. Pack light. Bring a couple pairs o jeans, a ewtops, a sweatshirt, and a light jacket. You will be carryingyour own bags around, so dont go crazy. Make sure

    you have walking shoes, because there will be a lot owalking. Hairdryers are a waste o space and time. Dontbring large items that take up a lot o space, such asheavy coats or books. Absolutely do not bring anythingyou dont want to get lost or stolen. You will be moving

    every ew days, and things tend to get let behind in therush. A good rule to pack by is not to bring it i there isany doubt.

    You will stay in a variety o places, rom hostels toconvents and standard hotels. The accommodationsvary with every city, but most places serve dinner andbreakast.

    A previous member o the tour says, The conventstended to be a bit nicer and cleaner. They also servedbetter ood, especially in Italy. Keep in mind that theexchange rate is dierent depending on the country youare in. Check the exchange rates or each country youllvisit beore you leave.

    Most importantly, make the most o the experience.Youll see a lot o things in a short amount o time. Makesure you bring a digital camera with extra batteries andmemory cards. Write in a journal or notebook so you canremember the smaller details later.

    Make sure to study up on the dierent cultures andlanguages. Ivy Hendrickson, a Tour participant in 2005,says, I was very intimidated at the beginning o the tourto converse with any locals. As the tour went on, I lovedtalking with people, and the language barrier was less oan issue. I think as long as I attempted to speak a littlebit o the language in question, it was received well andwasnt so bad.

    I you have ever wanted to travel to Europe, this isthe time to go. You can go with a group o classmatesand teachers who know where they are going and whattheyre doing. Take a chance. You wont regret it.

    Amanda Isbel

    Living with

    the locals


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    Your Trip



    I was driving a classic 92 Saturn not exactly the denition o reliability.But somehow my parents gave mepermission to drive back to school.

    As I pulled up to pick up myroommate Ann-Marie in my alreadypacked car, I saw her mom start tocry. I hoped it was because she wasgoing to miss her daughter but it was

    actually because she was worried thecar would not last the 14-hour trip.I assured her that she had nothingto worry about and somehow shebelieved me.

    One hour into our drive we hittrac right outside Baker, Caliornia,amously known or the worldslargest thermometer. I had noticedalong the way that the car wasstruggling to get up the hills butassumed it was just because o the

    Fourteen hours in a 92Saturn? Not quite.

    Ironically, my worst travelexperience was one o those once-in-a-lietime trips. In the summer o2006, I participated in BYU-IdahosBritish Literary Tour. About ve daysater signing up and paying or thetrip, I met the man that I was goingto marry. By the time we departedin May, I was unocially engaged,meaning I had the temple date set butno ring.

    The tour could have been great.We traveled to some wonderulplaces including Ireland, Scotland,Wales, and England. I got to see

    Studying in Europe andpining for home

    weight and chose not to tell my

    passenger.As we were sitting in the trac,

    thick-gray smoke started to billow outrom under the hood. On rst instinctI screamed its going to blow! threwthe car door open and started to rundown the highway. Ann-Marie waslaughing and yelled you orgot to putit in park! she then put the hazardson. Since they are yellow she thoughtshe was seeing fames and alsothought the car was on re.

    Two dierent men had to comeand douse our car with bottled waterand let us know we had a brokenradiator. Then the Caliornia HighwayPatrol ocer pushed our car to theside o the road and let us alone orseven hours on the side o Highway15 waiting or the tow-truck, whichnally drove us a total o our milesto Baker. There we stayed in theshadiest hotel ever, that even includeda vibrator or the bed.

    The next day my dad drove thethree hours to bring me another carand we drove to Idaho without anymore problems.

    Mary Jo Lutz

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    33/35HITCHHIKE DECEMBER 2007 3

    countries that I have always wantedto but because o homesickness ormy anc, it was hard to enjoy mysurroundings. My tour riend (whowas also engaged) and I would spend

    much o our days in Internet casaround Europe chatting with ourguys. That is one thing I can reallyrecommend about Dublin: they have

    great Internet caes. There seems tobe one on every corner, theyre openall night, and theyre very cheap.

    Most nights I would lie in bedplanning my wedding and longingto be home. There were at least acouple o times I checked the Internetto see how much a fight home romour current location in Europe wouldcost me. I was that desperate. Butin the end, I stuck it out. Now I havebragging rights, which is un. For

    Family disasters in themiddle of Lake Powell

    On August 13th, 2003, at 4:11 EST, Ilanded in the JFK International Airportater living and working in Geneva,Switzerland. For the rst time in twoyears, I placed my eet on Americansoil and elt at little more at ease. Iwas going home. My mind thoughto my amily and my house waitingin Snohomish, Washington. Just atrip through customs and a our-hourfight, and my mom would be waitingto pick me up at Sea-Tac InternationalAirport. Little did I know that I would wouldnt be home or another 2 days.

    As I stood in the customs line, I,along with everyone else watchedthe news playing rom TVs overhead.The Red Sox lost to the Yank . . .the power fickered or a moment,and shut o. It came back on secondslater, and a sound o relie came overthe crowd. The power ficked againor several seconds and shut o again.This time the power stayed oorthree days. The city o New York,paralyzed rom the ailing o the

    Stranded in the airport,learning to call it home

    I have a big amily spread out allover the country, so we dont get

    together too oten. But one summerwe planned a trip where we would allmeet at Lake Powell. We rented a boatand a wave runner and planned toenjoy our short visit there.

    Ater about an hour, however,the wave runner stopped workingin the middle o the lake! The resto the amily in the boat came andtried to tow the wave runner to thedock. Ater just a ew minutes oinexperienced boat-towing tactics,

    the wave runner fipped over, ruiningmy brothers phone, which wasinside. Another brother who washolding the keys to the rental truckthen accidentally slipped and droppedthem in the water! We spent the resto the day trying to get these problemsgured out and by the end we hadhardly had time to enjoy the boat.

    We tried to salvage the day bygoing to a pool to have some un.But on the way there we got a atspeeding ticket, only to nd out uponarrival that it was closed. We allwent back to the hotel hot, dejectedand bored. Ater wallowing in sel-pity about our amilys bad luck,we decided to get together and play

    games. We ended up having a blasttogether and that time remains aavorite amily memory. Who needsexpensive boats and entertainmentwhen you have a un amily and agood sense o humor anyway?

    Allison Vedomskeexample, on the season premiereepisode o the popular CBS showThe Amazing Race, they traveled tothe Aran Islands in Ireland and wenton the same erry that our tour hadbeen on. I got to tell all o my amily

    how Ive been there! Someday Idlike to go back and re-experience thebeauty o that land with my husband,but or now I can only look back onthat trip with not so ond memories.

    Samantha GoodrichMy friend (who was also

    engaged) and I would spend

    much of our days in Internet

    cafes around Europe

    chatting with our guys.

    Your Trip

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    Your Trip


    Niagara Falls power grid, became myholding cell.

    On the second day, a business manwho Id met on my fight back romParis approached me and asked i Idshare a cab with him to Newark Airportin New Jersey only a couple hoursaway to try and nd a fight home. Hed

    heard they had power. Tired o sittingon the airport linoleum eating airportpeanuts with water, I agreed happily.

    The Taxi driver was an Arican manwho spoke Creole, a sort o Frenchdialect. He complained all the wayto Newark; he didnt know I couldunderstand French. It gave me a happysmirk and raised my spirits during thelong drive across the state.

    I arrived in Sea-Tac airport earlySaturday morning on the 16th. Islumped down in a chair, my suitcompletely ruined, and all I wantedwas to give my mother and ather, andbrother a hug.

    When they ound me, I was asleep

    Te terrible, horrible, nogood family vacation

    Well, it was bleak rom the outset.We were taking a vacation to Denverbecause my dad was having variousjob interviews, and no one was veryexcited at the idea o moving. Evenmy parents bribing o un eventsalong the way did nothing to cheerme up. Besides that, my older sisterwasnt coming, so I was stuck

    with the younger kidsand eeling very sorryor mysel indeed asour peachy-gold FordWindstar began itsjourney rom Lincoln,Nebraska.

    Terrible turned tohorrible in the middleo the Colorado desert.Clunk, clunk, clunk! Anengine rod broke, and there

    went our vacation.We clunked our minivan to a

    Sinclair service station in the middleo nowhere, and began the long, hotwait. Not even that three oot high,green and riendly brontosaurus could

    keep us our kids happy or long. Dadwas on the phone or hours, but couldnd no mechanic in the closest townswho had the parts, time, or heart tox our poor Windstar.

    Horrible became no good as it gotdark and we got hungry. Finally, Dadgave up and called a tow-truck andthe six o us crammed into its cab ora very long and squished ride.

    The driver dropped us o at a dingymotel in a small town and we sleptthere and spent another miserable day

    o waiting and doing nothing.In the end, a kind riend rom

    Lincoln came and towed us home,thankully ending our would-bevacation. Moral: Fords make or verybad amily trips.

    Karina Stratton

    Overheating on the roadto Rexburg from California

    Ater living in Texas in the summero 2005, I had to drive the 22 hourshome to Caliornia to gather myremaining stu and move up to Idahoor school. Two days ater cominghome, my mom and I got in thecar and began the 14-hour drive toRexburg, Idaho.

    Three hours into the trip, thetemperature gauge on the car beganto go up. We soon realized that theradiator was probably broken, but

    When they found me, I was

    asleep on one of the chairs

    outside the Delta Airlines

    departures booths.

    on one o the chairs outside the DeltaAirlines departure booths. I was amess to look at, they said, and my eyeslooked like they had seen a lot. Theyhad. I gave them the hugs Id beensaving or years and we went home.

    Brian Collins

  • 8/8/2019 Civil Defense Idaho Caves


    we couldnt turn back. We needed tomake it to Salt Lake City that day sothat I could get to school on time. Sothere we were, driving through theMojave Desert (in August, mind you),going slower than the speed limit andblasting the heater to keep the engine

    temperature down, with the windowsdown or slighter cooler (95) air. Westuck to our seats, and on one o ourpit stops we had to buy eye dropsbecause the heat blowing in our aceshad evaporated any moisture theremight have been in our eyes.

    My mom was cross withrustration, and to lighten the moodI kept reminding her that once thiswas all over (i we survived) it would

    k S i

    Family scavenger hunt cemetery style

    I have antastic memories o amilyvacations; going camping and roadtrips to Caliornia and Colorado. Thislast summer, however, I spent eighthours o my lie driving all aroundConnecticut looking or cemeteries.

    Dont get me wrong, my sister willgo to cemeteries or genealogy. Thiswas not one o those times. I wasvisiting my brother in Connecticut,

    and we were both doing what wewanted to be doing absolutelynothing. Mom didnt like that idea, soearly Monday morning she requestedthat we go around and look at oldhaunted cemeteries. I think thehaunted part was supposed toreel us in, but how many horrorlms eature haunted graveyards at

    We oten couldnt nd a cemetery,so we stopped at strangers homesand ask. Imagine some strangewoman coming up to you whilemowing the lawn, asking you where acemetery was. Both Jared and I were

    equally embarrassed. When we nallyound these cemeteries, we wouldjust walk around or 10 minuteslooking at headstones. Wow, thatsa cool looking headstone. I hopemine looks like that 50 years ater Idie. Ater each thrilling moment, wewould leave again to go on anotherhunt.

    Eight hours o my lie gone, havingonly ound 4 cemeteries, we returnedto Jareds house while Mom talkedabout our adventure and Jared and I

    went back into our slump o perectnothingness.

    Amanda Isbel

    Next month in

    Hitchhike ...

    Tell us aboutyour favorite

    all-day date


    On one of our pit stops

    we had to buy eye drops

    because the heat blowing

    in our faces had evaporated

    any moisture there might

    have been in our eyes.

    with our trip taking much longerthan expected. The next day we hadour car xed, and the remaining ourhours o the trip up to Rexburg was abreeze, in more ways than one.

    Stacey Cashmore

    Your Trip