1 Bridgend County Borough Council PO Box 107 Bridgend CF31 1WB Name: Address: Postcode: :KDW DUH +RXVLQJ %HQH¿W /RFDO +RXVLQJ $OORZDQFH DQG &RXQFLO 7D[ 5HGXFWLRQ" +RXVLQJ %HQH¿W is help towards paying towards your rent if you rent your home from a housing association or do not qualify for Local Housing Allowance (we will check this for you). /RFDO +RXVLQJ $OORZDQFH LV D UDWH WKDW ZH XVH WR ZRUN RXW +RXVLQJ %HQH¿W IRU \RX ZKHQ \RX UHQW \RXU KRPH from a private landlord. &RXQFLO 7D[ 5HGXFWLRQ is help towards paying your council tax bill. +RZ WR ¿OO LQ WKLV IRUP 6R ZH FDQ ZRUN RXW \RXU EHQH¿W SURSHUO\ ZH QHHG WR NQRZ DERXW \RXU FLUFXPVWDQFHV :H QHHG WR NQRZ ZKDW \RXU LQFRPH LV DQG DQ\ VDYLQJV \RX PD\ KDYH ,I \RX KDYH D SDUWQHU ZH QHHG GHWDLOV RI WKHLU LQFRPH DQG VDYLQJV WRR :H DOVR QHHG WR NQRZ DERXW RWKHU SHRSOH ZKR OLYH ZLWK \RX DQG LI \RX UHQW \RXU KRPH how much rent you pay. Please answer all the questions by ticking either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ and giving more details when we ask. If you GR QRW DQVZHU DOO WKH TXHVWLRQV ZH ZLOO KDYH WR ZULWH WR \RX WR DVN IRU WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ ZKLFK PLJKW GHOD\ \RXU EHQH¿W ,I WKHUH LV QRW HQRXJK URRP RQ WKH IRUP IRU \RX WR ZULWH HYHU\WKLQJ WKDW \RX QHHG WR SOHDVH ZULWH LQ WKH space in section 12 at the back of this form. It will help us if you make it clear which part of the form your information is about. ,I \RX QHHG DQ\ DGYLFH DERXW FODLPLQJ EHQH¿W RU LI \RX KDYH DQ\ SUREOHPV ¿OOLQJ LQ WKH IRUP RU JLYLQJ XV SURRI SOHDVH FDOO XV RQ WKH SKRQH QXPEHU DW WKH WRS RI WKH SDJH <RX DUH DOVR ZHOFRPH WR YLVLW XV DW &LYLF 2I¿FHV $QJHO 6WUHHW %ULGJHQG IRU KHOS :H FDQ DOVR VHQG D KRXVLQJ RI¿FHU WR VHH \RX LQ \RXU KRPH Use EODFN LQN WR ¿OO LQ WKLV IRUP DQG VHQG LW EDFN WR XV DV VRRQ DV \RX FDQ (YHQ LI \RX GR QRW KDYH WKH SURRI ZH QHHG DW WKH PRPHQW VHQG WKLV IRUP EDFN WR XV ,I \RX ZDLW \RX FRXOG ORVH EHQH¿W <RX FDQ VHQG XV WKH SURRI RU LQIRUPDWLRQ ODWHU EXW SOHDVH PDNH VXUH \RX VHQG RULJLQDO GRFXPHQWV and put your name and address on everything that you send. Reference number: Date issued: / / 'DWH RI ¿UVW FRQWDFW 3OHDVH WDNH WKH WLPH WR UHDG WKHVH QRWHV RQ WKH IURQW DQG EDFN RI HDFK SDJH EHIRUH \RX ¿OO LQ WKLV IRUP U011 10/16 Phone: 01656 643396 Text Relay: 18001 (01656) 643643 Email: [email protected] Website: www.bridgend.gov.uk Claim form for Housing Benefit, Local Housing Allowance, Council Tax Reduction, free school meals and Distinctive School Uniform Grant

Claim form for Housing Benefit, Local Housing Allowance

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Phone: 01656 643643Text relay: 18001 (01656) 643643Email: Website:

Bridgend County Borough CouncilPO Box 107

BridgendCF31 1WB



is help towards paying towards your rent if you rent your home from a housing association or do not qualify for Local Housing Allowance (we will check this for you).

from a private landlord.

is help towards paying your council tax bill.

how much rent you pay. Please answer all the questions by ticking either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ and giving more details when we ask. If you

space in section 12 at the back of this form. It will help us if you make it clear which part of the form your information is about.


and put your name and address on everything that you send.

Reference number:

Date issued: / /

U011 10/16

Phone: 01656 643396

Text Relay: 18001 (01656) 643643

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.bridgend.gov.uk

Claim form for Housing Benefit, Local Housing Allowance, Council Tax Reduction,

free school meals and Distinctive School Uniform Grant

Housing Benefit Claim 24pp English Final:Layout 1 01/11/2016 13:03 Page 1







/ / / / a








/ / / / a








/ / / / a








/ / / / a


are receiving income-related Employment and Support Allowance.

In section 11 we ask you to tell us about any services you receive that are included as part of your rent


in sections and 14

At the start of some sections is a list of items that you can provide as proof to support the information you give us. These must be you have one month to get them to us. The one month starts from the day we receive your form. We will try to send your documents back to you within two working days of receiving them. If you do not want to post them to

be receiving one of the following.

Income SupportIncome-based Jobseeker’s AllowanceIncome-related Employment and Support Allowance

Uniform Grants from Years 11, parents or guardians must

Universal Credit

Housing Benefit Claim 24pp English Final:Layout 1 01/11/2016 13:03 Page 2




No Yes

Postcode: Postcode:

Do you own your home or pay a mortgage for the house you live in? No Yes


you jointly own your home with.

Have you or your partner moved into your home in the last 12 months? No Please tell us about this below.

When did you move into your current / / / / address? If you have not moved in

(Normally you will not receive

What was your or your partner’s last address? If your partner lived at

give us this address too.

Did you own the property? No Yes No Yes

Did you rent the property? No Yes No Yes

No Yes No Yes





No Yes



/ / / / a



No Yes

someone who has entered into a formal agreement (known as a civil partnership) with a same-sex partner so they have the same legal status as a married couple.)

First names

Last name

Previous name or any other name you are known by

Date of birth / / Age / / Age

National Insurance number

Daytime phone number

Email address

or income-related Employment and Support Allowance?

No Yes No Yes




/ / / / a



No Yes




No Yes



/ / / / a



No Yes

Please confirm in which language you would prefer us to contact you? Welsh English

Housing Benefit Claim 24pp English Final:Layout 1 01/11/2016 13:03 Page 3


£ £

D Yes


No Yes

No Yes




W Yes





We need to see proof of your and your partner’s identity. You must show at least two of the items listed below to prove both your identity and your partner’s identity. One of these items must show your National Insurance

address are on the front of this form.Have you given us this information before? Yes No

Driving licencePassport (it must be current and valid)

Bank statements (that you have received in the last four weeks)

Medical cardDivorce or annulment papersUK residence permit

P60 (your yearly tax statement if you are working)Wage slips from your current employerA letter from the Department for Work and PensionsNational Insurance card (RD3)

A State Pension or Working Tax Credit letterA bank statement (if you are self-employed and paying class 2 National Insurance contributions by direct debit)

the Isle of Man in the last two years? No Please tell us about this here.Please send us your immigration papers if you or your partner:

We need to see these to work out whether or not you or your partner are entitled to claim public funds.

Which document are you using to

Which other document are you providing

What is your nationality?

What date did you last arrive in the UK? / / / /

Are you seeking asylum in the UK? No Yes No Yes



/ / / /




/ / / /


A State Pension or Tax Credit letter

Housing Benefit Claim 24pp English Final:Layout 1 01/11/2016 13:03 Page 4


Do you get Disability Living Allowance or No Yes No Yes Personal Independence Payment?

How much for mobility? £ £

Do you get Attendance Allowance? No Yes No Yes

Do you get Constant Attendance Allowance or No Yes No Yes Personal Independence Payment?

are waiting to hear about the outcome? No Yes No Yes

Are you registered blind? No Yes No Yes

Have you been registered blind in the last 28 weeks? No Yes No Yes

Are you in hospital at the moment? No Yes No Yes

When did you go in? / / / /

When do you expect to come out? / / / /

Have you been too ill to work for more than 28 weeks? No Yes No Yes

Do you get Mobility Supplement paid with your War Disablement Pension? No Yes No Yes

an invalid carriage or any other vehicle? No Yes No Yes

Does anyone receive Carer’s Allowance for looking after you? No Yes No Yes

What is their address?

Have you claimed Carer’s Allowance but have been Yes No Yes

Postcode: Postcode:



/ / / /




/ / / /


If ‘Yes’, how much for care/living?

Housing Benefit Claim 24pp English Final:Layout 1 01/11/2016 13:03 Page 5

N Yes No Yes Yes

1 Yes No Yes Yes


Yes No Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes No Yes Yes

No Yes No Yes Yes


/ / / / /


Please tell us about this below.

This can be your

If you do not want to receive free school meals please tick here.

please tick here (comprehensive schools only).

Do any of these children get Disability Living Allowance or No Yes Who? Personal Independence Payment?

Are any of these children registered blind? No Yes Who?

Have any of these children been registered blind in the last 28 weeks? No Yes Who?

Do you or your partner make payments for childcare? No Yes Please tell us about this below.

please give full details for a three-month period and send us receipts.

What is the name and address of

playscheme or after-school club?

What is their registration or reference number? This will be on your contract.

What is the name of the child or children being cared for?

How much do you spend each week on childcare?

No Yes

/ // // // // /



Housing Benefit Claim 24pp English Final:Layout 1 01/11/2016 13:03 Page 6


No Please tell us about this below.

details in

First names

Last name

Date of birth / / / / / /

income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance? No Yes No Yes No Yes

Do they normally work for more than 16 hours or more a week? No Yes No Yes No Yes

What are their earnings tax and National Insurance are taken off?

and Support Allowance or other pension? No Yes No Yes No Yes

How much are they receiving?

Do they get interest on their savings? No Yes No Yes No Yes

Are they: a student or a student nurse? in full-time education or an apprentice? on youth training? in hospital? in prison or a place of detention? a care worker?

No Yes No Yes No Yes

(We may contact you for more details.)

mental illness or a form of dementia? No Yes No Yes No Yes

Are any of the people you have mentioned above married to each other or living together as if they were married or living together as civil partners? No Yes

Tell us their names. is the partner of










/ / / / / /








/ / / /

A Yes

Universal Credit?

Housing Benefit Claim 24pp English Final:Layout 1 01/11/2016 13:03 Page 7







/ / £/ / £

Do you give them meals? No Yes

Is a charge for heating included in the rent? No Yes

Are you or your partner a student? No

as proof of your income.

Details of any student loans you have taken out during the current academic year.

Are you a student? No Yes No Yes

Are you studying full-time / part-time? Full time Part time Full time Part time

What course are you following

When does the current academic year start? / / / /

When does the current academic year end? / / / /

How many years does the course cover?

What is your current year of study? 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd

Do you receive a student grant? No Yes No Yes

Are you receiving a student loan during this academic year? No Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Do you have a scholarship? No Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

Housing Benefit Claim 24pp English Final:Layout 1 01/11/2016 13:03 Page 8


Do you pay into a private pension scheme? No Please tell us about this below.

How much do you pay?

every four weeks or every month)?

Pay or Statutory Paternity Pay? No Please tell us about this below.

Paternity Pay. We may contact your employer to check the details you give us. Please send us one of the following items.

are paid every four weeks or every month. We will only accept printed payslips.

A letter from your employer on headed paper (with your company logo at the top of the letter) giving details of your expected earnings if you have just started a new job. You will need to send payslips when you receive them

section 10.

Are you working for an employer? No Yes No Yes

If ‘Yes’ who do you work for?

What is the company’s address?

Company phone number

What is your payroll number (this will be on your payslip)?

How many hours do you normally work each week?

every four weeks or every month)?

When did you start this job? / / / /

to tell us about it in section 10.

How much are you paid?

When will your next pay rise be? / / / /

tips or commission? No Yes No Yes

Postcode: Postcode:

/ £/ / £







Housing Benefit Claim 24pp English Final:Layout 1 01/11/2016 13:03 Page 9

National Insurance number

A Date of birth / /

Job title


National Insurance number

A Date of birth / /

Job title



Direct bank transfer

Tax code


Direct bank transfer

Tax code


/ / / /

Yes No Yes or Statutory Paternity Pay?

When did it start? / / / /

Do you have more than one job? No Yes No Yes

second employer?

How many hours do you normally work each week?

every four weeks or every month)?

When did you start this job? / / / /

How much are you paid (each week or month)?

What kind of work do you do?

What is your business called?

What is your business address?

When did your business start? / / / /

How much do you earn each week?

How many hours do you normally work each week?

Do you have a business partner? No Yes No Yes

Do you have a government business allowance? No Yes No Yes

Is this the only work you do? No Yes No Yes (If ‘No’ please tell us about this in section 12.)









Are you or your partner self-employed? No Please tell us about this below.We need to see the following original documents as proof of your income.

Your business’s bank statements for the last three months and the original letter from the Department for Work and Pensions that gives details of any government business allowance.

the business income you receive.

advice. The number is on the front of this form.

Housing Benefit Claim 24pp English Final:Layout 1 01/11/2016 13:03 Page 10






Name National Insurance number

Address Date of birth / /

Job title

Signature Payroll number

employee or send it to the address above.

Name National Insurance number

Address Date of birth / /

Job title

Signature Payroll number

employee or send it to the address above.

Every week

Every two weeks Please give details of last three pay periods. Cash

Every four weeks Please give details of last two pay periods. Cheque

Every month Please give details of last two pay periods. Direct bank transfer

Normal hours worked each week Tax code

Every week

Every two weeks Please give details of last three pay periods. Cash

Every four weeks Please give details of last two pay periods. Cheque

Every month Please give details of last two pay periods. Direct bank transfer

Normal hours worked each week Tax code


No Yes




Phone: 01656 643396

Phone: 01656 643396

Housing Benefit Claim 24pp English Final:Layout 1 01/11/2016 13:03 Page 11

r Yes


1. £ £ £ £ £ £2. £ £ £ £ £ £3. £ £ £ £ £ £

£ £ £ £ £ £5. £ £ £ £ £ £

1. £ £ £ £ £ £2. £ £ £ £ £ £3. £ £ £ £ £ £

£ £ £ £ £ £5. £ £ £ £ £ £



Pay (before tax and National Insurance) so far for the current year from / / to / /

Pay Tax NI Pension Net pay

Are these normal earnings? No Yes If ‘No’ please explain here:

Employer’s name and address

Phone number Employer’s authorisation stamp

The information I have given is true and complete.

Your signature

Position in your Date / / company

Pay (before tax and National Insurance) so far for the current year from / / to / /

Pay Tax NI Pension Net pay

Are these normal earnings? No Yes If ‘No’ please explain here

Employer’s name and address

Phone number Employer’s authorisation stamp

The information I have given is true and complete.

Your signature

Position in your Date / / company

Housing Benefit Claim 24pp English Final:Layout 1 01/11/2016 13:03 Page 12


claimed for? No Please tell us about this below.

up-to-date payment slip or a bank statement showing the payment being made into your account. Please do not send it through the post.

Contribution-based Jobseeker‘s Allowance £ £

Contribution-based Employment £ £ and Support Allowance

Child Tax Credit £ £

Working Tax Credit £ £

Pension Credit (Savings Credits) £ £

State Retirement Pension £ £

Universal Credit £ £

Have you or your partner chosen to delay receiving your State Retirement Pension? No Yes We will write to you about this.

partner get or have applied for. This includes things like:Severe Disablement Allowance Carer’s AllowanceMaternity Allowance Fostering Allowance Widow’s Pension Bereavement Allowance Widowed Mother’s AllowanceWar Widow’s Pension and War Disablement Pension Widowed Parent’s Allowance

£ £

£ £

£ £

£ £

£ £

£ £

Yes No Yes

Tax NI Pension Net pay


Date / / c


Tax NI Pension Net pay


Date / / c

Housing Benefit Claim 24pp English Final:Layout 1 01/11/2016 13:03 Page 13


No Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes


£ £

£ £

£ £

£ £

£ £

£ £

Do you or your partner receive any of the types of income listed below? No Please tell us about this below.

receive for your children from an ex-partner.

boxes. Please write ‘ ’ if something does not apply to you or your partner.

Do you or your partner pay towards a son or daughter going to university or college? No We will write to you about this.

service pension do you get?

When was your last increase? / / / /

Who pays you this pension?

How much private or other pension do you get?

When was your last increase? / / / /

Who pays you this pension?

Are you over 60 and have you chosen to receive your works pension at a future date? No Yes No Yes

Pension Protection Fund Home income planMortgage-protection policy Councillor allowancesIncome from property or land you own Income from a trust fundMaintenance for yourself Loan-protection policy Charitable or voluntary payments such Payments instead of coal

Any other income Please say where this income comes from and how often you get it.

£ £

£ £

Housing Benefit Claim 24pp English Final:Layout 1 01/11/2016 13:03 Page 14













trusts and any property or land that you or your partner own. Please tick ‘No’ if something does not apply to

months. We cannot accept balance slips showing the current amount.

the current balance and details of any transactions you have made in the last two months.

prove that you own them.

Do you or your partner have any accounts? No Yes

Cash savings No Yes No Yes

Premium Bonds No Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes PEP or TOISA




r Yes

Please say where this income comes from and how often you get it.

Housing Benefit Claim 24pp English Final:Layout 1 01/11/2016 13:03 Page 15


/ /



Six months Other (please tell us)




( No






No Please tell us about them below.

Have you bought payments under an annuity No Yes No Yes (invested a lump sum which pays you a regular income)?

Do you qualify for any money from a trust? No Yes No Yes

Do you have any business interest which you have No Yes No Yes not told us about on this form?

Do you have any other kind of savings or investments? No Yes No Yes

Which bank or company is this money saved or invested in?

Do you or your partner own any other property or land other than the one you are claiming for? No This includes properties in this country and abroad. Yes Please answer these questions.

What is the full address of the property or land?

Does anyone else own this property or land with you or your partner? No Yes

Is the property or land up for sale? No Yes

Do people live in the property? No Yes

tenant and so on).





Housing Benefit Claim 24pp English Final:Layout 1 01/11/2016 13:03 Page 16


We need to see original proof of the rent you have to pay. We accept your tenancy agreement or your rent

of rent form.



/ /

/ /

First names

Last name

Company name


Phone number

When did you start renting your home?

When did you move into this address?

Yes (who used to be The Rent Service)?

Do you have a shorthold tenancy? No Yes

How long is your tenancy for? Six months 12 months Other (please tell us)

Does anyone else share the rent with you and your partner? No Yes

How much notice do you have to give to end your tenancy?

How much is your rent?

How often is your rent due? Every week Every two weeks Every four weeks Every month Other (please tell us)

What was the date of your last rent increase?

Is any part of your home used for business purposes? No Yes

Is your home part of a shared-ownership scheme (known as New Build Home Buy)? No Yes

Is your home a part of a co-ownership scheme? (A co-ownership scheme is one where the tenant is a member of the association No Yes that they rent a house from and when this ends will be entitled to a payment related to the value of the house.)

Has anyone who used to live with you died in the last 12 months? No Yes

Postcode: Postcode:

/ /



No Yes



w Yes


Housing Benefit Claim 24pp English Final:Layout 1 01/11/2016 13:03 Page 17

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes



No Yes

No Yes


No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

i No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes


Is your home: a house? a room or rooms in a house? a bungalow? a bedsit? a maisonette?

lf your house isn’t described by any

type of home you live in here.

Is your property: terraced? semi-detached? detached?

Is your property let as: fully furnished? partly furnished? not furnished?

How much of the furniture is provided by your landlord? None Some Most All

Is your landlord responsible for decorating the inside of your home? No Yes

Does your home have central heating? No Yes

Do you have a garage? No Yes

Does your home have a parking area? No Yes


Other (please tell us)


at the front? in the centre? at the back?

What is your room or bedsit number?

Are you or your partner a Foster Carer? (We will write to you about this.) No Yes

Do you or your partner need a bedroom for an overnight carer who does not live permanently at your address but stays regularly to provide care services? (We will write to you about this.) No Yes

Housing Benefit Claim 24pp English Final:Layout 1 01/11/2016 13:03 Page 18


Please tell us the number of rooms in the property.

How many of these rooms are there in your property?How many are only used by you and your family?How many of these rooms do you share with other people (including other tenants or your landlord)?

Department for Work and Pensions set for these charges.

Water rates No Yes

Council tax No Yes

Heating No Yes

Lighting No Yes

Hot water No Yes

Fuel for cooking No Yes

Window cleaning No Yes



Laundry equipment (such as a washing machine) No Yes

Laundry or bed linen that is washed for you No Yes


Emergency-alarm system No Yes

Counselling and support (which is help given

debt counselling) No Yes

Nursing and personal care (which is help

bathe or dress) No Yes

Other service (please say what it is in the box provided) No Yes

Breakfast No Yes

Lunch No Yes

Evening meal No Yes
























( No

c b


Housing Benefit Claim 24pp English Final:Layout 1 01/11/2016 13:03 Page 19

your landlord (if you don’t quality for LHA)?

l N Yes


Are you renting your home from a housing association?

No Please answer the following questions. Yes

or to your agent or your agent’s partner (if you have an agent)? No Yes

Are any of your children or your partner’s children related to your landlord or landlord’s partner or to your agent or agent’s partner (it you have an agent)? No Yes

Who? What is their relationship

Has your landlord ever lived in your property? No Yes

who are your landlord? No Yes


the company who is your landlord? No Yes

Do you pay rent to a trust where either you or your partner are trustees Yes

Do you pay rent to a trust where either your ex-partner or your partner’s ex-partner is a trustee? No Yes

Do you pay rent to a trust where any member of your household (including children) is a trustee? No Yes

Have you or your partner ever owned all or owned part of the property you are renting? No Yes

Do you have to rent your home as a condition of your employment? No Yes

Are you living in a property that is maintained by a religious group (such as a church)? No Yes

We may contact you for more information about this.

Have you ever been in care (looked after by a local authority)? No Yes

Have you ever been given housing by Social Services? No Yes

Housing Benefit Claim 24pp English Final:Layout 1 01/11/2016 13:03 Page 20


partner or your landlord‘s agent.

the number above to tell us your problem and we will try to help you or put you in contact with an organisation who can help you.

Do you want us to pay: you? your landlord (if you don’t quality for LHA)? your partner? your landlord’s agent (if you don’t qualify for LHA)?

your name so you can cash the cheque.

Name the account is in

Name of bank or building society

Branch address

Sort Code

Account number

Building society roll number

Sharing information with your landlord could help us deal with your claim more quickly. We may need to ask

Can we share information about (including the progress of your claim) with your landlord or agent? No Yes

You can withdraw your permission allowing us to discuss with your landlord at any time.


- -

l N Yes

l N Yes

l N Yes

l N Yes



What is their relationship




p No

( No

p No

( No




/ / / /




/ / / /

A Yes

on 01656 643396.

on 01656 643396.

We can pay Housing Benefit straight into your or your partner’s bank, building society or other account (exceptPost Office card accounts). If you want us to pay you in this way then please fill in the section below. We payevery four weeks or monthly for the previous four weeks or month. If you do not give us your bank details, wewill pay you by cheque. If you have asked us to make the payment out to you, you will need a bank account inyour name so you can cash the cheque.

How we will pay you

Sharing Information

Housing Benefit Claim 24pp English Final:Layout 1 01/11/2016 13:03 Page 21

ethnic group

/ /


information and proof that we need. The letter we send you will include your claim form. You should send this

need. Please tick the boxes below to tell us what you are sending with this form.

Have you answered all the questions? Yes Yes

Have you signed the form? Yes Yes

proof of your identity and National Insurance number? Yes Yes

proof of your rent? Yes Yes

proof of all your income? Yes Yes

proof of all your accounts and savings? Yes Yes

proof of income for anyone else living in your home (if this applies)? Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Please use this space to tell us about anything else you think might help your claim.

Tell us the date you want to claim from. / /

Please tell us why you did not claim earlier.







Section 12

Housing Benefit Claim 24pp English Final:Layout 1 01/11/2016 13:03 Page 22


26 Dunraven PlaceTown Centre Bridgend CF31 1JD

Website: www.citizensadvice.org.uk

Talbot Street Maesteg

Website: www.citizensadvice.org.uk

25 Walter RoadSwanseaSA1 5NN

Website: www.sheltercymru.org.uk


Website: www.ageconcern.org.uk

SwanseaSA6 8WD

Website: www.thepensionservice.gov.uk

Lifelong Learning Centre


Website www.abcul.org

(Please tick the box that applies to you.)







Black or black British



Any other black background

Asian or Asian British




Any other Asian background

Chinese or other Asian ethnic group



Any other Asian ethnic background


White and Asian

White and black African

White and Caribbean

Any other mixed background

Other ethnic group

Other (Please tell us)

/ /








/ /








Age Cymru Afan NeddRiverside Walk

Port Talbot

SA13 1PH

Phone: 01639 892211

Website: www.agecymru.org.uk/afannedd

SwanseaSA6 8WD

Website: www.thepensionservice.gov.uk

Lifelong Learning Centre


Website www.abcul.org






Housing Benefit Claim 24pp English Final:Layout 1 01/11/2016 13:03 Page 23


they gave me.

Signature of the person

Relationship to the person claiming

service to you. We may check information you (or anyone else) have provided with other information we hold.

for reasons allowed or required by law.

You can check some of the information with other departments within Bridgend County Borough Council and with other councils.

may make. You may give some information to other council departments and government organisations as allowed by law.

my circumstances which might affect my claim.I declare that the information l have given on this form is correct and complete.

Your signature Date / /

Your partner’s signature Date / /

Housing Benefit Claim 24pp English Final:Layout 1 01/11/2016 13:03 Page 24