Page Six QATflmrJ. MOTOfTAlN NEWS Friday. May 12. ISflft. Supervisors Hold Quarterly Session Supervisors at their quarterly meeting at Delhi Monday corniced with requests of sditel districts in nine towns and authorized the county treasurer to pay $36,953.43 in unpaid sdiool taxes to the dis- tricts. AU but $4,867.51 of this figure represents taxes of 1937-38 unpaid by the New Yoric, Ontario & Western Raikoad Co. The resolution offered by Ralf^ Wheelodc of Hancodk and unani- mously passed made it possible for the sdiool districts to receive state aid on the basis of the amounts due. Provided the U. S. District court grants a reduction of the railroad's taxes, the dis^icts agree to reimburse the county to the extent of the difference between the amount of the reduction and the sum just paid. Little but routine buMi^ss occu- pied the time oi the solons, but it was 8 o'clock before they ad- journed imtil August 14. Quarterly bills totaling $18,- 637.70 were audited. This total is smaller than usual, according to William J. Stone, clerk of the board of supervisors from Bovina. Most interesting bill audited was one for $6.50 incurred by the coun- ty derk for "lawyer's red tape." No one was sure just w ^ t it was, but someone remarked that it "seemed reasonable enough" and it went throu^ without question. "nie severity of the past winter caused $15,000 appropriated last December for snow removal from state highways to become exhaust- ed and on motion of Mr. Lipp an additional $2,500 was appropriated for the purpose from the county road fund. Clarri HlJVirJO OP SELLING TMFV FOR SALE FOR SALE—Lavatory and toilet bowl, as good as new. John N. Smith, Halcottville, N. Y. ml2p FOR SALE—Hoosier kitchen cab- inet, good condition. Charles Griffin, Shandaken, N. Y. ml2c FOR SALE—At my farm. Grade A milk, 6c per quart. Consumer must furnish bottles. Phone 22-F-12. R W. Dickman. ml9p FOR SALE — Universal milking machine, 2 double units, prac- tically new. R. L. M(jntosh, Roxbury, N. Y. ml2p BEDROOM SUITE and other fur- niture for sale dieap. Mrs. Weinstock, Wagner Avenue, Fleischmanns, N. Y. ml2c FOR SALE—220-acre farm; 30 head of cattle; good equipment; house accommodates twenty boarders. Aaron Finch, Denver, N. Y. ml2c FOR SALE—May 13,1939,1 p. m., E. S. T., all schoolhouse equip- ment, District No. 22, Huckle- berry Hill. ^E. A. Pangman, trustee. ml2p LOCAL AND PERSONAL All diauffeurs' one-year licenses wiU expire on the 31st of May. Miss Ruth Maries of Belleayre spent the weekend with her cousin. Miss Grace Maries. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith of Ridgefield, Conn., were weekend guests at the home of Miss Huldah Allison. Cleveland Ballard, who has been spending the winter at New Symma, FUu, returned to his home on Tuesday. Mrs. Ethel Thomson and daugh- ter, Louise, returned h(»ne on Sat- urday after spending the winter in Florida. FOR SALE—Ivory dresser with mirror; post hole digger; window food box, and other household items. E. M. Frey, Shandaken, N. Y. ml2p FOR SALE FOR SALE — Seasoned hemlock lumber. Jerome Rickard, Arena, N. Y. mSltf FOR SALE—Used electric refrig- erator. Roxbury Electric Shop, Roxbury, N. Y. jl5tf FOR SALE—Plant setter, very reasonable. Inquire of Edward Mead or Frank Winter. ml2p FOR SALE — Holstein bull, 17 months old; also seed potatoes. A. Charlan, Fleischmanns, N. Y. FOR SALE — Refrigerator, pur- chased in 1935, Model D-60 Westinghouse. Morris J. San- ford. ml2p FOR SALE—May 16th, R. L Red and White Minorca chicks, $6.00 per hundred. Mrs. Leon San- ford. ArkviUe. ml2p FOR SALE—Farm, 76 acres, fully equipped. Mrs. Mary McEwan, phone 41525, Loudenville, N. Y. ml2c ^ FOR SALE—^Rich milk and cream, milk 6 cents, cream 50c per qt., bring own container. Avery Ryer, Dunraven, N. Y.- ml9c FOR SALE—7-room house in Ark- viUe, all improvements, new heater, newly decorated inside and out. Garage, % acre. Will sell very reeisonable. Clara Storey, ArkviUe, N. Y. je2p FOR SALE — 1 acre plot in Fleischmanns, known as the Terrace HaU lot, suitable for cottaees or hotel, no reasonable offer refused. Inquire G. Speen- bur^, Fleischmanns, N. Y. m26p FOR SALE OR RENT—Bakery, fuUy equipped, ready for busi- ness. Uving rooms upstairs. WeU located in Margaret^e. ^Inquire of Charles MuUer, Fleischmanns, N. Y. m26c Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Soderlind and Arthur Soderlind Jr. were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Miriam Murdock at Arena. The Daughters of Union Veter- ans wiU hold their regular meet- ing at their rooms in the Firemen's haU, Friday evening, May 12, at 8 o'dock. Mrs. CecU Graham, Mrs. Audrey Wainwright and Scrubby ComeU of New York dty were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WUbur Bouton. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bussy en- tertained the members of the Pinochle dub at their home in Arena on Tuesday evening. Prizes were received by Mrs. D. W. Davidson, Arthur Bussy and Her- man Veit. Open Gardens for Benefit Village Library For the benefit of the Mar- garetviUe library several have agreed to open their gardens to the public. Dr. and Mrs. Hol- conab's garden is in fts g^ory at the present time with early ^ring flowers, also a magnolia in fuU bloom. The pubUc is invited this Saturday ciftemoon from 2:30 to 5 o'dock to this garden and to that at Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bussy. If other gardens are to at this time, notice wiU be given. The admission is five cents. Refreshments wiU be available at Dr. Hdccmib's garden. FOR SALE—One 6-hole Sterling range, warming doset, water front, in good shape; one 3-hole oU burner, in good shape, vidth oven. Mrs. P. O. Hess, Mar- garetviUe. ml2p FOR SALE OR RENT—160-acre farm of the late James H. Stahl, plowing done, ready for spring crops, good buUdings, <running water at house and barn. Mrs. Jennie Stahl, KeUy Comers, N. Y. ml2p FOR SALE—^Very reasonable, 6- room cottage; one acre^ ground; ideaUy situated for summer or aU year occupancy; 2% mUes from MargaretviUe on East Branch Delaware river. Apply Sarah G. I. Norton, Margaret- viUe. ml9p FOR SALE — Nine-room house, with bath, heater and electrid- ty, large garage, garden, ideal for a gas station and tourist home, located on main highway in KeUy Comers, N. Y. Dairy- men's League certificates ac- cepted as cash. Terms., A real bargain for a quick buyer. Irving J. Quires, MargaretviUe, N. Y., {^one 8-F-4. ml2p FOR SALE — Have bought con- tents of large storage ware- house, and have a large su^ly of good second-hand fumtiure and housdiold goods. Every- thing must be sold regardless of price, as I must have the room. Twenty 3-piece Uving room suites from $10 to $25; eight studio coudies from $5 to $10; Uving room diairs from $2 to $5; diina dosets from $3 to $8; buffets from $2 to $5; dressers frwn $3 to $10; aU kinds of chairs, tables, kitchen furniture, bed springs, plain and inner spring mattresses, diiffo- robes, wardrobes, floor lanq>s. end tables, cribs, pots, peuis, silver pictures, rugs from $2 to $10, and many other items; also new beds, springs and mat- tresses. Open every day and evening. B. Steinhardt, Fleisdi- manns, phone 115. ml3c FOR SALE—Large kitchen cabi- net, $10; piano, nice tone, $10; diina doset, dining room table, 5 chairs, $7. Haynes, MERCANTILE YOUR HEART belongs to Mother! Remember her with a box fiUed with chocolates from Harris'! 29c to 49c lb. ml2c RADIO SERVICE by the CatskUl Radio Service, guaranteed re- pairs on aU m ^ e s of radios. CatskiU Radio Service, Fleisch- manns, N. Y. ml2c FOR SALE or Exchange—12 good young farm horses, several service bulls and dry heifers; .one 2-horse cauliflower plant set- ter in good condition, $60. W. D. Ceas, BloomvUle, N. Y. ml2c 'TO MOTHER WITH LOVE" . . . "Harris Spedal" Hose, lovely 4- thread chiffons that are prac- tical yet very sheer-looking. Choice of six flattering shades. 59c pair; 3 prs. $1.69. ml2c SPECIAL at Etts' Market—Home- made Sausage, 20c per lb; also spedal prices on beef, pork, lamb and veal. Our veal is bought of the Ibcal farmers and is not imported. ml2p Highmount, N. Y. ml2p FOR SALE — Rhode Island Red and White Minorca eggs for hatdiing. Order ahead if pos- sible. By setting or hundred. Mrs. Leon Sanford, ArkviUe, N. Y. ml9p FOR SALE—DeLaval Jr. Separa- tor, 225 lb. capadty, $29.50; used Westinghouse electric range, in good working order, $24.50. M. H. Sanford & Son, Arena. ml2c FOR SALE—New Hampshire Reds baJ[)y chicks, 10c eadi. Hanson White Leghorn baby chicks, same price. Howard Atkin, ArkvUle, N. Y. ml2p FOR SALE —Chevrolet PuUford Tractor in good running condi- tion, very reasonable; one new six-can electric milk cooler at a big discount. E. Finch & Son, Denver, N. Y. ml9c FOR RENT—Furnished five-room bungeilow by the week or season. Located on good trout stream. Plenty of Ishade. Also have rooms at ArkviUe, and farm near Arena. Wotdd seU farm. Olney Smith, Dunraven. ml2p FOR SALE—Potatoes, fine Maine Green Mountain seed, $1.50 bu.; $2.50, 100 lbs.; also good local seconds, 19c pk., 75c bu. CUff HiU (Nussek Farm) ClovesviUe, N. Y. P. O. address, ArkvUle, N. Y. ml2p FOR SALE—Good heavy farm horses, $90 and up; eleven hoe Crown grain driU in fine sh^)e, cheap; two-row com planter with fertilizer attachment. E. Finch & Son, Denver, N. Y. ml9c LUMBER—^White pine in aU sizes and lengths in •rough or wiU dress. Also quantity of miU wood, hardwood 75 cents cord, pine 50c at milL L. A. Rowland, Corbett, N. Y. MUl at Terry Clove. jy2^ FOR SALE—A large buUding lot on upper Main street, ideal for a gas station; you buy the lot and a major gas company wiU erect the gas station and fur- nish everything to go with it. Buyer to operate the station. Irving J. Squires, phone 8-F-4, MargaretvUle, N. Y, ml2p MOTHER'S DAY FLOWERS at the Harris "5 and 10." We are more than pleased with the won- derful showing we have to offer in carnations, roses and African violets. ml2c ICE—^Regular daUy deUvery in MargaretviUe and vicinity, also Shandaken and vicinity. Rowe's Ice Service, Big Indian. Phones: Home, Pine HiU 2056; Margaret- viUe 119, or Phoenida 31-F-2. a28tf MISCELLANEOUS GENERAL TRUCKING — Two trucks to serve you. Phone 21-F-ll. Ralph Delameter A Son, MargaretvUle, N. Y. ml2p NOW OPEN — Strauss Garage. MargaretviUe, N. Y. Storage, repairs, greasing, washing, guar- anteed radiator flushing, reason- able rates. fl7tf NOW IS THE TIME for that new roof and other repairs. Let me give you an estimate on old or new construction. LeRtqr Haggerty, BuUder, Margaret- vUle, N. Y. ml2c WE PAY 30c per 100 lbs. for old iron of any km4. Highest prices for aU scrap metals. We buy old cars and wrecks.^. Affron Auto Wrecking, phone lO-F-12, or residence 104. mlOtf MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds, watches, jewelry, etc. Cash for old gold. Roberts Loan Brokers. 117 Main St., Oneonta, N. Y. Open evenings. Licensed and bonded under ordinance of the dty of Oneonta. o7tf WANTED LOGS WANTED — Maple, birch, oak, cherry, bass wood. Chair Factory, ArkviUe. ml8c MOTHER'S DAY, MAY 14—The tempting Uttle things (flowers, perfumes, hankies), now at the Harris "5 and 10," that car your message of love, wiU thj Mother—a word that means the world to you! ml2c FOR A LOVELY MOTHER choose carnations or roses at the Harris "5 and 10." Uke the bouquets her beaux sent! You'U make her heart beat faster, when these bewitching blossoms remind her of her conquests of long ago. ml2c DAHLIA ROOTS for sale. New large varieties. Blooms 7 to 10 inches, 25c and 50c; also minia- ture dahUas, blooms 3 to 4 inches, 25c and 50c. What colors? WiU mail them. SmaU- est order $2. Walter Ostrander, next to Weird's, Kingston. ml2c FOR SALE — Just in time for spring housedeaning, a brand new floor model only Universal electric sweeper with electric U ^ t on. Regular $69.96 value; sale price $39.50. D. L. certifi- cates accepted. Irving J. Squires, ~ - " itvme, N. phone 8-F-4, Margare Y. ml2p FOR THE BEST Mother in the world—^Yours! Greeting Cards at the Harris "5 and 10" cost so Uttle—^Mean so much! Choose a lovely card (it needn't cost more than a nickle) and maU it to Mother as an expression of your love. We've a big selec- tion for everybody's Mother. ml2c BIG HORSE and Cattle Auction at Austin's Stables, Walton, N. Y., Tuesday, May 16. Second- hand woiic horses of aU kinds. Horse auction at 11 a. m. 1 p. m., 150 cows and heifers of aU kinds. One to two carloads of work horses received every Sat- urday for private sale. W. H. Austin. ml2c FARM FOR SALE — 1 mUe up MUlbrook from Arena, 100 acres, exceUent bam, concrete floor in cow stable, room for 29 c o ^ , up-to-date farmhouse, electrid- ty, modem plumbing, easily ar- ranged for 2 famUies, new 200- capadty hen hMise, 2 other hen houses, granary, ice house, ex- ceUent running water. Sacrifice to settle estate EUzabeth Reynolds, Ar»ia. N. Y. ml9c HORSES AND CATTLE — We have on hand about 50 head of good woric horses, induded in this lot are weU-matdied pairs of low down Iowa chunks, bal- ance native horses. 150 Dairy Cattle. We carry a fuU line of McCormidc-Deering and New Idea farm madiinery. Hamess and Hardware. FarmaU Trac-. tors. If you are looking for iiorses, cattle, harness, farm madiinery or a tractor, we have just what you want on hand. Come visit our stables cm phcme Andes 36. Gladstone Andes, N. Y. ml2c WANTED—Woman or girl to help in the kitchen. MargaretviUe Restaurant. ml2c WANTED — Girl or midde-aged woman for general housewart: by June 1st. Must like diUdren. Box 164, ArkvUle, N. Y. ml3c WANTED — Man to work my garden on share b a ^ . I'U sui^tly plowing and seed costs, man to do the planting and labor. Charles Affron, MargaretviUe, Telei^one 104. ml2p FOR RENT FOR RENT—Restaurant adjoin- Pakatakan golf cour^ Aiic- [e. Immediate possession. Ap- ply Miss Etta B ^ o m , ArkviUe, N. Y. m5tf FOR RENT —5-room apartment, newly decorated; also 4-rocnn apartment. Inquire of Mrs. S. A. KeUy. m26c FOR SALE RICHQUALTTY CHICKS — Leg- horns and Reds from high pro- ducing parents, 12c and 16c. It pays to buy good chicks. Can supply any quantity. Mrs. Geo. Leyden, MargaretviUe. m3tf FOR SALE — Have completed tearing down a boarding house £md everything is on my prem- ises ready for sale. AU kinds of good second-hand lumber, doon. windows complete with frames, cormgated metal roofing, sky Ught, bath tubs, toUets, wash baisins, eveiything complete with fixtures, water pipes. E>rery- thing must be sold re^ of price. B. Steinhardt, maims, N. Y., {dione 115. ml3c Wtim h t Httkti'f lay wcdd'. ftMi» ;n«hjHiM fariphlyill pnrfiti f1 rTM^fcwjw lor Hvr wptakal day—28o to VJ^iMakBromdidOmmmi mmmsiMim

Clarri - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1939-05... · Page Six QATflmrJ. MOTOfTAlN NEWS Friday. May 12 ISflft. . Supervisors Hold Quarterly Session

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Page 1: Clarri - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1939-05... · Page Six QATflmrJ. MOTOfTAlN NEWS Friday. May 12 ISflft. . Supervisors Hold Quarterly Session

Page Six QATflmrJ. MOTOfTAlN NEWS Friday. May 12. ISflft.

Supervisors Hold Quarterly Session

Supervisors at their quarterly meeting at Delhi Monday corniced with requests of sditel districts in nine towns and authorized the county treasurer to pay $36,953.43 in unpaid sdiool taxes to the dis-tricts. AU but $4,867.51 of this figure represents taxes of 1937-38 unpaid by the New Yoric, Ontario & Western Raikoad Co.

The resolution offered by Ralf^ Wheelodc of Hancodk and unani-mously passed made it possible for the sdiool districts to receive state aid on the basis of the amounts due. Provided the U. S. District court grants a reduction of the railroad's taxes, the dis^icts agree to reimburse the county to the extent of the difference between the amount of the reduction and the sum just paid.

Little but routine buMi^ss occu-pied the time oi the solons, but it was 8 o'clock before they ad-journed imtil August 14.

Quarterly bills totaling $18,-637.70 were audited. This total is smaller than usual, according to William J. Stone, clerk of the board of supervisors from Bovina. Most interesting bill audited was one for $6.50 incurred by the coun-ty derk for "lawyer's red tape." No one was sure just w ^ t it was, but someone remarked that it "seemed reasonable enough" and it went throu^ without question.

"nie severity of the past winter caused $15,000 appropriated last December for snow removal from state highways to become exhaust-ed and on motion of Mr. Lipp an additional $2,500 was appropriated for the purpose from the county road fund.

Clarri H l J V i r J O O P S E L L I N G T M F V

FOR SALE FOR SALE—Lavatory and toilet

bowl, as good as new. John N. Smith, Halcottville, N. Y. ml2p

FOR SALE—Hoosier kitchen cab-inet, good condition. Charles Griffin, Shandaken, N. Y. ml2c

FOR SALE—At my farm. Grade A milk, 6c per quart. Consumer must furnish bottles. Phone 22-F-12. R W. Dickman. ml9p

FOR SALE — Universal milking machine, 2 double units, prac-tically new. R. L. M(jntosh, Roxbury, N. Y. ml2p

BEDROOM SUITE and other fur-niture for sale dieap. Mrs. Weinstock, Wagner Avenue, Fleischmanns, N. Y. ml2c

FOR SALE—220-acre farm; 30 head of cattle; good equipment; house accommodates twenty boarders. Aaron Finch, Denver, N. Y. ml2c

FOR SALE—May 13,1939,1 p. m., E. S. T., all schoolhouse equip-ment, District No. 22, Huckle-berry Hill. ^E. A. Pangman, trustee. ml2p

LOCAL AND PERSONAL All diauffeurs' one-year licenses

wiU expire on the 31st of May.

Miss Ruth Maries of Belleayre spent the weekend with her cousin. Miss Grace Maries.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith of Ridgefield, Conn., were weekend guests at the home of Miss Huldah Allison.

Cleveland Ballard, who has been spending the winter at New Symma, FUu, returned to his home on Tuesday.

Mrs. Ethel Thomson and daugh-ter, Louise, returned h(»ne on Sat-urday after spending the winter in Florida.

FOR SALE—Ivory dresser with mirror; post hole digger; window food box, and other household items. E. M. Frey, Shandaken, N. Y. ml2p

FOR SALE FOR SALE — Seasoned hemlock

lumber. Jerome Rickard, Arena, N. Y. mSltf

FOR SALE—Used electric refrig-erator. Roxbury Electric Shop, Roxbury, N. Y. jl5tf

FOR SALE—Plant setter, very reasonable. Inquire of Edward Mead or Frank Winter. ml2p

FOR SALE — Holstein bull, 17 months old; also seed potatoes. A. Charlan, Fleischmanns, N. Y.

FOR SALE — Refrigerator, pur-chased in 1935, Model D-60 Westinghouse. Morris J. San-ford. ml2p

FOR SALE—May 16th, R. L Red and White Minorca chicks, $6.00 per hundred. Mrs. Leon San-ford. ArkviUe. ml2p

FOR SALE—Farm, 76 acres, fully equipped. Mrs. Mary McEwan, phone 41525, Loudenville, N. Y. ml2c ^

FOR SALE—^Rich milk and cream, milk 6 cents, cream 50c per qt., bring own container. Avery Ryer, Dunraven, N. Y.- ml9c

FOR SALE—7-room house in Ark-viUe, all improvements, new heater, newly decorated inside and out. Garage, % acre. Will sell very reeisonable. Clara Storey, ArkviUe, N. Y. je2p

FOR SALE — 1 acre plot in Fleischmanns, known as the Terrace HaU lot, suitable for cottaees or hotel, no reasonable offer refused. Inquire G. Speen-bur^, Fleischmanns, N. Y. m26p

FOR SALE OR RENT—Bakery, fuUy equipped, ready for busi-ness. Uving rooms upstairs. WeU located in Margaret^e. ^Inquire of Charles MuUer, Fleischmanns, N. Y. m26c

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Soderlind and Arthur Soderlind Jr. were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Miriam Murdock at Arena.

The Daughters of Union Veter-ans wiU hold their regular meet-ing at their rooms in the Firemen's haU, Friday evening, May 12, at 8 o'dock.

Mrs. CecU Graham, Mrs. Audrey Wainwright and Scrubby ComeU of New York dty were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WUbur Bouton.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bussy en-tertained the members of the Pinochle dub at their home in Arena on Tuesday evening. Prizes were received by Mrs. D. W. Davidson, Arthur Bussy and Her-man Veit.

Open Gardens for Benefit Village Library

For the benefit of the Mar-garetviUe library several have agreed to open their gardens to the public. Dr. and Mrs. Hol-conab's garden is in fts g^ory at the present time with early ^ring flowers, also a magnolia in fuU bloom. The pubUc is invited this Saturday ciftemoon from 2:30 to 5 o'dock to this garden and to that at Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bussy. If other gardens are to

at this time, notice wiU be given. The admission is five cents. Refreshments wiU be available at Dr. Hdccmib's garden.

FOR SALE—One 6-hole Sterling range, warming doset, water front, in good shape; one 3-hole oU burner, in good shape, vidth oven. Mrs. P. O. Hess, Mar-garetviUe. ml2p

FOR SALE OR RENT—160-acre farm of the late James H. Stahl, plowing done, ready for spring crops, good buUdings, <running water at house and barn. Mrs. Jennie Stahl, KeUy Comers, N. Y. ml2p

FOR SALE—^Very reasonable, 6-room cottage; one acre ground; ideaUy situated for summer or aU year occupancy; 2% mUes from MargaretviUe on East Branch Delaware river. Apply Sarah G. I. Norton, Margaret-viUe. ml9p

FOR SALE — Nine-room house, with bath, heater and electrid-ty, large garage, garden, ideal for a gas station and tourist home, located on main highway in KeUy Comers, N. Y. Dairy-men's League certificates ac-cepted as cash. Terms., A real bargain for a quick buyer. Irving J. Quires, MargaretviUe, N. Y., {^one 8-F-4. ml2p

FOR SALE — Have bought con-tents of large storage ware-house, and have a large su^ly of good second-hand fumtiure and housdiold goods. Every-thing must be sold regardless of price, as I must have the room. Twenty 3-piece Uving room suites from $10 to $25; eight studio coudies from $5 to $10; Uving room diairs from $2 to $5; diina dosets from $3 to $8; buffets from $2 to $5; dressers frwn $3 to $10; aU kinds of chairs, tables, kitchen furniture, bed springs, plain and inner spring mattresses, diiffo-robes, wardrobes, floor lanq>s. end tables, cribs, pots, peuis, silver pictures, rugs from $2 to $10, and many other items; also new beds, springs and mat-tresses. Open every day and evening. B. Steinhardt, Fleisdi-manns, phone 115. ml3c

FOR SALE—Large kitchen cabi-net, $10; piano, nice tone, $10; diina doset, dining room table, 5 chairs, $7. Haynes,

MERCANTILE YOUR HEART belongs to Mother!

Remember her with a box fiUed with chocolates from Harris'! 29c to 49c lb. ml2c

RADIO SERVICE by the CatskUl Radio Service, guaranteed re-pairs on aU m ^ e s of radios. CatskiU Radio Service, Fleisch-manns, N. Y. ml2c

FOR SALE or Exchange—12 good young farm horses, several service bulls and dry heifers;

.one 2-horse cauliflower plant set-ter in good condition, $60. W. D. Ceas, BloomvUle, N. Y. ml2c

'TO MOTHER WITH LOVE" . . . "Harris Spedal" Hose, lovely 4-thread chiffons that are prac-tical yet very sheer-looking. Choice of six flattering shades. 59c pair; 3 prs. $1.69. ml2c

SPECIAL at Etts' Market—Home-made Sausage, 20c per lb; also spedal prices on beef, pork, lamb and veal. Our veal is bought of the Ibcal farmers and is not imported. ml2p

Highmount, N. Y. ml2p FOR SALE — Rhode Island Red

and White Minorca eggs for hatdiing. Order ahead if pos-sible. By setting or hundred. Mrs. Leon Sanford, ArkviUe, N. Y. ml9p

FOR SALE—DeLaval Jr. Separa-tor, 225 lb. capadty, $29.50; used Westinghouse electric range, in good working order, $24.50. M. H. Sanford & Son, Arena. ml2c

FOR SALE—New Hampshire Reds baJ[)y chicks, 10c eadi. Hanson White Leghorn baby chicks, same price. Howard Atkin, ArkvUle, N. Y. ml2p

FOR SALE —Chevrolet PuUford Tractor in good running condi-tion, very reasonable; one new six-can electric milk cooler at a big discount. E. Finch & Son, Denver, N. Y. ml9c

FOR RENT—Furnished five-room bungeilow by the week or season. Located on good trout stream. Plenty of Ishade. Also have rooms at ArkviUe, and farm near Arena. Wotdd seU farm. Olney Smith, Dunraven. ml2p

FOR SALE—Potatoes, fine Maine Green Mountain seed, $1.50 bu.; $2.50, 100 lbs.; also good local seconds, 19c pk., 75c bu. CUff HiU (Nussek Farm) ClovesviUe, N. Y. P. O. address, ArkvUle, N. Y. ml2p

FOR SALE—Good heavy farm horses, $90 and up; eleven hoe Crown grain driU in fine sh^)e, cheap; two-row com planter with fertilizer attachment. E. Finch & Son, Denver, N. Y. ml9c

LUMBER—^White pine in aU sizes and lengths in •rough or wiU dress. Also quantity of miU wood, hardwood 75 cents cord, pine 50c at milL L. A. Rowland, Corbett, N. Y. MUl at Terry Clove. j y 2 ^

FOR SALE—A large buUding lot on upper Main street, ideal for a gas station; you buy the lot and a major gas company wiU erect the gas station and fur-nish everything to go with it. Buyer to operate the station. Irving J. Squires, phone 8-F-4, MargaretvUle, N. Y, ml2p

MOTHER'S DAY FLOWERS at the Harris "5 and 10." We are more than pleased with the won-derful showing we have to offer in carnations, roses and African violets. ml2c

ICE—^Regular daUy deUvery in MargaretviUe and vicinity, also Shandaken and vicinity. Rowe's Ice Service, Big Indian. Phones: Home, Pine HiU 2056; Margaret-viUe 119, or Phoenida 31-F-2. a28tf


trucks to serve you. Phone 21-F-ll. Ralph Delameter A Son, MargaretvUle, N. Y. ml2p

NOW OPEN — Strauss Garage. MargaretviUe, N. Y. Storage, repairs, greasing, washing, guar-anteed radiator flushing, reason-able rates. fl7tf

NOW IS THE TIME for that new roof and other repairs. Let me give you an estimate on old or n e w construction. LeRtqr Haggerty, BuUder, Margaret-vUle, N. Y. ml2c

WE PAY 30c per 100 lbs. for old iron of any km4. Highest prices for aU scrap metals. We buy old cars and wrecks.^. Affron Auto Wrecking, phone lO-F-12, or residence 104. mlOtf

MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds, watches, jewelry, etc. Cash for old gold. Roberts Loan Brokers. 117 Main St., Oneonta, N. Y. Open evenings. Licensed and bonded under ordinance of the dty of Oneonta. o7tf

WANTED LOGS WANTED — Maple, birch,

oak, cherry, bass wood. Chair Factory, ArkviUe. ml8c

MOTHER'S DAY, MAY 14—The tempting Uttle things (flowers, perfumes, hankies), now at the Harris "5 and 10," that car your message of love, wiU thj Mother—a word that means the world to you! ml2c

FOR A LOVELY MOTHER choose carnations or roses at the Harris "5 and 10." Uke the bouquets her beaux sent! You'U make her heart beat faster, when these bewitching blossoms remind her of her conquests of long ago. ml2c

DAHLIA ROOTS for sale. New large varieties. Blooms 7 to 10 inches, 25c and 50c; also minia-ture dahUas, blooms 3 to 4 inches, 25c and 50c. What colors? WiU mail them. SmaU-est order $2. Walter Ostrander, next to Weird's, Kingston. ml2c

FOR SALE — Just in time for spring housedeaning, a brand new floor model only Universal electric sweeper with electric U ^ t on. Regular $69.96 value; sale price $39.50. D. L. certifi-cates accepted. Irving J. Squires,

~ - • " itvme, N. phone 8-F-4, Margare Y. ml2p

FOR THE BEST Mother in the world—^Yours! Greeting Cards at the Harris "5 and 10" cost so Uttle—^Mean so much! Choose a lovely card (it needn't cost more than a nickle) and maU it to Mother as an expression of your love. We've a big selec-tion for everybody's Mother. ml2c

BIG HORSE and Cattle Auction at Austin's Stables, Walton, N. Y., Tuesday, May 16. Second-hand woiic horses of aU kinds. Horse auction at 11 a. m. 1 p. m., 150 cows and heifers of aU kinds. One to two carloads of work horses received every Sat-urday for private sale. W. H. Austin. ml2c

FARM FOR SALE — 1 mUe up MUlbrook from Arena, 100 acres, exceUent bam, concrete floor in cow stable, room for 29 c o ^ , up-to-date farmhouse, electrid-ty, modem plumbing, easily ar-ranged for 2 famUies, new 200-capadty hen hMise, 2 other hen houses, granary, ice house, ex-ceUent running water. Sacrifice to settle estate EUzabeth Reynolds, Ar»ia. N. Y. ml9c

HORSES AND CATTLE — We have on hand about 50 head of good woric horses, induded in this lot are weU-matdied pairs of low down Iowa chunks, bal-ance native horses. 150 Dairy Cattle. We carry a fuU line of McCormidc-Deering and New Idea farm madiinery. Hamess and Hardware. FarmaU Trac-. tors. If you are looking for iiorses, cattle, harness, farm madiinery or a tractor, we have just what you want on hand. Come visit our stables cm phcme Andes 36. Gladstone Andes, N. Y. ml2c

WANTED—Woman or girl to help in the kitchen. MargaretviUe Restaurant. ml2c

WANTED — Girl or midde-aged woman for general housewart: by June 1st. Must like diUdren. Box 164, ArkvUle, N. Y. ml3c

WANTED — Man to work my garden on share b a ^ . I'U sui^tly plowing and seed costs, man to do the planting and labor. Charles Affron, MargaretviUe, Telei^one 104. ml2p

FOR RENT FOR RENT—Restaurant adjoin-

Pakatakan golf cour^ Aiic-[e. Immediate possession. Ap-

ply Miss Etta B ^ o m , ArkviUe, N. Y. m5tf

FOR RENT —5-room apartment, newly decorated; also 4-rocnn apartment. Inquire of Mrs. S. A. KeUy. m26c


horns and Reds from high pro-ducing parents, 12c and 16c. It pays to buy good chicks. Can supply any quantity. Mrs. Geo. Leyden, MargaretviUe. m3tf

FOR SALE — Have completed tearing down a boarding house £md everything is on my prem-ises ready for sale. AU kinds of good second-hand lumber, doon. windows complete with frames, cormgated metal roofing, sky Ught, bath tubs, toUets, wash baisins, eveiything complete with fixtures, water pipes. E>rery-thing must be sold re^ of price. B. Steinhardt, maims, N. Y., {dione 115. ml3c

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