Class - 08 · 2021. 3. 16. · 3. Antagonist (Noun) Trick: Anti Meaning: A person who is strongly against somebody/ something (प्रततपक्षी)Synonyms: Adversary,

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Page 1: Class - 08 · 2021. 3. 16. · 3. Antagonist (Noun) Trick: Anti Meaning: A person who is strongly against somebody/ something (प्रततपक्षी)Synonyms: Adversary,
Page 2: Class - 08 · 2021. 3. 16. · 3. Antagonist (Noun) Trick: Anti Meaning: A person who is strongly against somebody/ something (प्रततपक्षी)Synonyms: Adversary,

Class - 08

Page 3: Class - 08 · 2021. 3. 16. · 3. Antagonist (Noun) Trick: Anti Meaning: A person who is strongly against somebody/ something (प्रततपक्षी)Synonyms: Adversary,

1. Espionage (Noun)

Trick: Spy + Engage

Meaning: Act of finding out secret informationabout another country or org (जासूसी)

Synonyms: Observation, Eavesdropping, Surveillance

Antonyms: Malfunctioning, Insignificant

Sentence: Many people were arrested under theEspionage Act.

Page 4: Class - 08 · 2021. 3. 16. · 3. Antagonist (Noun) Trick: Anti Meaning: A person who is strongly against somebody/ something (प्रततपक्षी)Synonyms: Adversary,

2. Verisimilitude (Noun)

Trick: Ver + Tude

Meaning: the appearance or quality of seeingto be true. (संभाव्यता)

Synonyms: Realism, Literalism

Antonyms: Falseness, Dissimilarity

Sentence: To add verisimilitude, the stage is coveredwith sand for the desert scene.

Page 5: Class - 08 · 2021. 3. 16. · 3. Antagonist (Noun) Trick: Anti Meaning: A person who is strongly against somebody/ something (प्रततपक्षी)Synonyms: Adversary,

3. Antagonist (Noun)

Trick: Anti

Meaning: A person who is strongly againstsomebody/ something ( प्रततपक्षी )

Synonyms: Adversary, Competitor, Opposer

Antonyms: Associate, Protagonist, Supporter

Sentence: He hit upon a plan to defeat hisantagonist.

Page 6: Class - 08 · 2021. 3. 16. · 3. Antagonist (Noun) Trick: Anti Meaning: A person who is strongly against somebody/ something (प्रततपक्षी)Synonyms: Adversary,

4. Thrall (Noun)

Trick: Thar Thar (Kapna)

Meaning: The state of being in someone’spower (ग़ुलाम)

Synonyms: Servitude, Slavery

Antonyms: Mastery

Sentence: The country’s economy is in thrallto the big companies.

Page 7: Class - 08 · 2021. 3. 16. · 3. Antagonist (Noun) Trick: Anti Meaning: A person who is strongly against somebody/ something (प्रततपक्षी)Synonyms: Adversary,

5. Fissure (Noun)

Trick: Fisal gaya kyoki road mai crack hai

Meaning: A long narrow depression in a surface

Synonyms: Crack, Cleft

Antonyms: Closure, Solid

Sentence: Ahead lay a arge fissure in the ice, three feet across

Page 8: Class - 08 · 2021. 3. 16. · 3. Antagonist (Noun) Trick: Anti Meaning: A person who is strongly against somebody/ something (प्रततपक्षी)Synonyms: Adversary,

6. Ominous

Trick: Maruti OMNI

Meaning: Giving the worrying impression thatsomething bad is going to happen (अमंगल)

Synonyms: Threatening, Menacing

Antonyms: Auspicious, Bright

Sentence: Those black cloud look a bit ominous.

Page 9: Class - 08 · 2021. 3. 16. · 3. Antagonist (Noun) Trick: Anti Meaning: A person who is strongly against somebody/ something (प्रततपक्षी)Synonyms: Adversary,

7. Daunting (Adj.)

Trick: DON + Acting

Meaning: Seeming difficult to deal with/Intimidating (कठिन)

Synonyms: Dismay, Subdue, Dishearten

Antonyms: Assist, Support, Calm

Sentence: The prospect of meeting with Principalis quite daunting

Page 10: Class - 08 · 2021. 3. 16. · 3. Antagonist (Noun) Trick: Anti Meaning: A person who is strongly against somebody/ something (प्रततपक्षी)Synonyms: Adversary,

8. Compunction (Noun)

Trick: Come Punch Me

Meaning: Feeling of deep Regret

Synonyms: Unease, Misgiving, Guilt

Antonyms: Disdain, Meanness, Happiness

Sentence: Actress kept Director and team waiting without the slightest compunction.

Page 11: Class - 08 · 2021. 3. 16. · 3. Antagonist (Noun) Trick: Anti Meaning: A person who is strongly against somebody/ something (प्रततपक्षी)Synonyms: Adversary,

9. Conciliatory (Adj.)

Trick: Console

Meaning : Intended or likely to placate or pacify(ममलाप करनेवाला)

Synonyms: Calm, Pacify, Quiet

Antonyms: Antagonist, Fight, Stubborn

Sentence: Everyone is in conciliatory moodat the start of the class.

Page 12: Class - 08 · 2021. 3. 16. · 3. Antagonist (Noun) Trick: Anti Meaning: A person who is strongly against somebody/ something (प्रततपक्षी)Synonyms: Adversary,

10. Prophylactic (Noun)

Trick : Pro (Professor) +Lactic acid (Milk)

Meaning: Intended to prevent diseases(रोगननरोधी)

Synonyms: preventive, Contraceptive

Antonyms: Irregularity, unusualness

Sentence: Vaccination and other prophylactic measures are using to prevent COVID-19.

Page 13: Class - 08 · 2021. 3. 16. · 3. Antagonist (Noun) Trick: Anti Meaning: A person who is strongly against somebody/ something (प्रततपक्षी)Synonyms: Adversary,

Home work:

1. Crosshairs = Meaning and trick

Page 14: Class - 08 · 2021. 3. 16. · 3. Antagonist (Noun) Trick: Anti Meaning: A person who is strongly against somebody/ something (प्रततपक्षी)Synonyms: Adversary,

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