L2 Reading Comprehension Prof. (Mg.) Luis G. Vera V. Class: 4

Class 4 ER and IR

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7/28/2019 Class 4 ER and IR

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L2 Reading ComprehensionProf. (Mg.) Luis G. Vera V.

Class: 4

7/28/2019 Class 4 ER and IR

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Extensive and Intensive Reading

Extensive Reading Teachers encourage students to choose for themselveswhat they read for pleasure and for general languageimprovement

Intensive Reading Teacher-chosen and directed. Designed to enablestudents to develop specific receptive skills, such asreading for gist (or general understanding, skimming)and reading for specific information (scanning),reading for detailed comprehension or for inference(what’s behind the words) and attitude

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Extensive ReadingCarried out with a program which includes appropriatematerials, guidance , tasks, and facilities, such as

permanent or portable libraries of books

Extensive readingmaterial

Materials learners can understandReadily accessible for learners

Special written material for extensive readingor “Language learning literature”(Day & Bamford, 1998)

Graded readers (simplified texts)

Fiction / nonfiction simplification of establishedworks of literature

Learners can read this material with ease andconfidence

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Sample paragraphs of graded readers

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To conduct successful extensive reading activities teachers ought to:

Setting up a library Implement a collection of suitable graded readersLabel books according to level and genreDesign a “library -like” system of matyerial distribution

The role of theteacher in ERprograms

Encourage, promote and motivate students to readOrganize reading programs (how many books teachersexpect learners to read in a span of time)Inform learners about the genre (crime,romantic, science fiction, etc)

Organize the appropriate tasks and activities for ER

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Extensive reading tasks

Students should not be reading the same book at once

Encouraging students to report back on their reading in a number of ways

Keep a weekly reading diary or learning journal

Write short book reviews for the class notice boards

At the end of a month, semester or year, readers can vote on the most popularbook in the library

Fill in reading-record charts where readers record title, publishers, level, startand end dates and comments on overall rating

Keep a reading notebook where they record facts and opinions about the books

Oral interviews about what learners are reading

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Comment sheets

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Intensive ReadingThe Role of the Teacher in IR

OrganizerInform learners about the reading purposeClarify instructionsSet the reading time (for example, 4 minutes)


Teachers should restrain for interrupting the readingObserve the progress individually and colectivellyGive them extra time if necessaryOrganize feedbackDetect cmprehension problemsBe supportive

PrompterPrompt students to notice language features within theTextDirect learners to certain features of test construction

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Intensive Reading and Vocabulary