19,23,24,33,35,36,55,58,58P, S8Te,6o, 76,77,80.90,99, 100,200 CLASS I SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS No_ 1139, Rev_ I ATA Code 25-60 PART I PART 1I PART JII The following airplanes which The following airplanes which The lollowing airplanes which are equipped with are eqUipped with are equipped with ColI InsiComtro nicati ons Collins/Communications CollinS/Communications Components CorpOration Components Corporation ComponenlsCorporation CIF! CIR10 (TR70-09) emergency CIA' 0 (TR70-1?) emel'9eocy 11 (TR70-13) localor trans millers localor transmitters and any locator transmitters and any PART I airplanes which may PART I Of PART II airplanes have installed a CIR 10 which may have installed a (TR 70·17) emergency Iocalor CIR11 (TR7Q-13) emergency transmitter in place ollhe locator transmt1er in place 01 CIAlO (TR70-09) emergency the CIAl 0 (TR70-Q9) or CIR 10 localor transmitter (TR70- t 7) emergency localor transmiller B19 Spor1150 M8-526 through MB-617 and MB-G18 and MB-626lt1rough MB-619 through MB-€i25 MB-905 M-1379 through M-1484. M-1485. M-1490 and M-1495 M-2097 throu9h M-2273 C23 Sundowner 180 M-1486 through M-1489 and through M-2096 M·1491 through M-1494 MC·2. MC-1 06 through MC-182rtlfOUgh MC·l84. MC-622 through MC-728 A24R. B24R and C24R MC·1 B1. MC-18S through MC-186.MC-190. MC·192 Sierra 200 MC-tB? MC-189. Me·19t. and MC-195 through Me -62 t MC-1 93 and MC· t 94 SUBJECT: SYNOPSIS OF CHANGE: EFFECTIVITY: R900. Kit No. 101-3039-1 S EQUIPMENTIFURNISHINGS INSPECTION AND/OR REPLACEMENT OF COLLINS/COMMUNICATIONS COMPONENTS EMERGENCY LOCATOR TRAHSMITTERS AHDr'OR BATTERY PACKS Added Kit No 10'-3039·1 S to PART III of the MATERIAL section and I ACCOMPLISHMENT INSTRUCTIONS for 23. 24. 76 and 77 sertes airptanes only Compliance with these Instruclions ilOd can<:ills BEEGHCRAFT Service Insiructions No. '048 for all aifl)lanes lisled below 1 of 6 C L A S S I o OJ M N " M a:, J. Beech Aircraft Corporation Issues service Information for the benefit of owners and fixed base operators In the form of three classes of Service Instructions CLASS I (Red Border) are changes. Inspections. and modifications that could affect safety The faclory considers compliance mandatory CLASS II (Green Border) covers changes. modlftcatlons. Improvements or Inspeclions the faclory feels will benefit the owner and allhough highly recommended. they are not conSidered mandatory compliance. unless speCified at Ihe lime of Issuance Class I and II are mailed to (a) BEECHCRAFT Aero 01 AViation Centers and International Dlstrtbutors and Dealers (b) Owners of record on the FAA Registration list and Ihe BEECHCRAFT International Owner Notification Service List (c) Those haVing a publications subscnptlon CLASS III (No Border) covers changes which are optional. maintenance aids producl Improvement kits and miscellaneous service Information Compliance IS at the owner or operator s prerogative Copies of Class III are dlstnbuted per a and c above Information on Owner Nollf,cat,on Service or Subscrtpllons can be obtained through any BEECHCRAFT Aero or AViation Center. International D,slnbutor and Dealer. or the Factory As Service Instructions are Issued. temporary notallon In the Index should be made until the Index IS revised Warranty will be allowed only when speCifically defined ,n Ihe Service Instructions and ,n accordance With Beech Warranty PoliCy Mt'",bf'1 01 GAMA Gpn,..ol A... ,ollon AHOI,ol'OIl

CLASS I SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS - Beech Aero Club · King Air C90 W-548throughW-Gl0 LJ.611 through U-818 u-819ttwough W-901 King Air ego LW-l throl4l LW-79 LW-8Q through lW·316 lW-317through

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Page 1: CLASS I SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS - Beech Aero Club · King Air C90 W-548throughW-Gl0 LJ.611 through U-818 u-819ttwough W-901 King Air ego LW-l throl4l LW-79 LW-8Q through lW·316 lW-317through

19,23,24,33,35,36,55,58,58P,S8Te,6o, 76,77,80.90,99, 100,200


SERVICE INSTRUCTIONSNo_ 1139, Rev_ I •ATA Code 25-60


The following airplanes which The following airplanes which The lollowing airplanes whichare equipped with are eqUipped with are equipped withColIInsiComtronications Collins/Communications CollinS/CommunicationsComponents CorpOration Components Corporation ComponenlsCorporation CIF!CIR10 (TR70-09) emergency CIA' 0 (TR70-1?) emel'9eocy 11 (TR70-13) e~rgencylocalor transmillers localor transmitters and any locator transmitters and any

PART I airplanes which may PART I Of PART II airplaneshave installed a CIR 10 which may have installed a(TR70·17) emergency Iocalor CIR11 (TR7Q-13) emergencytransmitter in place ollhe locator transmt1er in place 01CIAlO (TR70-09) emergency the CIAl 0 (TR70-Q9) or CIR 10localor transmitter (TR70- t 7) emergency localor


B19 Spor1150 M8-526 through MB-617 and MB-G18 and MB-626lt1roughMB-619 through MB-€i25 MB-905

M-1379 through M-1484. M-1485. M-1490 and M-1495 M-2097 throu9h M-2273C23 Sundowner 180 M-1486 through M-1489 and through M-2096

M·1491 through M-1494

MC·2. MC-1 06 through MC-182rtlfOUgh MC·l84. MC-622 through MC-728A24R. B24R and C24R MC·1 B1. MC-18S through MC-186.MC-190. MC·192Sierra 200 MC-tB? MC-189. Me·19t. and MC-195 through Me-62 t

MC-1 93 and MC· t 94





Kit No. 101-3039-1 S


Added Kit No 10'-3039·1 S to PART III of the MATERIAL section and IACCOMPLISHMENT INSTRUCTIONS for 23. 24. 76 and 77 sertes airptanes only

Compliance with these SeN~ Instruclions su~es ilOd can<:ills BEEGHCRAFTService Insiructions No. '048 for all aifl)lanes lisled below

1 of 6 •





Beech Aircraft Corporation Issues service Information for the benefit of ownersand fixed base operators In the form of three classes of Service InstructionsCLASS I (Red Border) are changes. Inspections. and modifications that couldaffect safety The faclory considers compliance mandatory CLASS II (GreenBorder) covers changes. modlftcatlons. Improvements or Inspeclions the facloryfeels will benefit the owner and allhough highly recommended. they are notconSidered mandatory compliance. unless speCified at Ihe lime of IssuanceClass I and II are mailed to

(a) BEECHCRAFT Aero 01 AViation Centers and InternationalDlstrtbutors and Dealers

(b) Owners of record on the FAA Registration list and Ihe

BEECHCRAFT International Owner Notification Service List(c) Those haVing a publications subscnptlon

CLASS III (No Border) covers changes which are optional. maintenance aidsproducl Improvement kits and miscellaneous service Information Compliance ISat the owner or operator s prerogative Copies of Class III are dlstnbuted per aand c above Information on Owner Nollf,cat,on Service or Subscrtpllons can beobtained through any BEECHCRAFT Aero or AViation Center. InternationalD,slnbutor and Dealer. or the Factory As Service Instructions are Issued.temporary notallon In the Index should be made until the Index IS revisedWarranty will be allowed only when speCifically defined ,n Ihe Service Instructionsand ,n accordance With Beech Warranty PoliCy

Mt'",bf'1 01 GAMA

Gpn,..ol A ... ,ollonMonvlo(II)'t"'~ AHOI,ol'OIl

Page 2: CLASS I SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS - Beech Aero Club · King Air C90 W-548throughW-Gl0 LJ.611 through U-818 u-819ttwough W-901 King Air ego LW-l throl4l LW-79 LW-8Q through lW·316 lW-317through

service Instructions No. 1139. Rev. I


BonanzaG33 CD-1271 throughCO-l304

Bonanza F33A CE·J61 throtJgh CE-469 CE-470 through CE-828 CE-829 through CE·905

Bonanza F33C CJ-31 through CJ-39 CJ-40 tlroogh CJ·149 CJ-150 lhrough CJ·l55

Bonanza V358 0-9306and D-9308 through D·9550 through D-l0' 96 0-101971tlrough 0-10:>460-9549

BonanzaA36 E~~ through E-484 E-485lhrough E·l406 E-1407 through E·l686

Bonanza A36TC EA·l and EA·2 EA-3lhrough EA-8Q

Baron 95-855 and 95-855A TC·1418 through TC·1615 TC-1S1Sthrougtl TC-2198 TC-2199lhrough TC-2320

E55andE55A TE-850 through TE-947 TE-948 through TE-' 149 TE-1150throughTE-1177

Baron 58 and S8A lH-l88 and TH-l90 through TH-394 through"fH.993 lli-994lhrough TH·1132TH·393

Pressurized Baron SSP and TJ-3lttroogh TJ-l90 TJ.191 throLlgh TJ-2715aPA

Baron saTe and 58TCA TK-1 through Tl<-88 TK-89through TK-121

P-l66. P·183 through P-l85. P-24S and P-247 through P-496lhrough P-537Duke A60 and B60 P-lS7 throogh P·244 and P-495


Ductless 76 ME-l through ME-l01 ME-l02 throogh ME-339

Skippern WA·1 lhrough WA·21 WA·22 (~oogh WA-112

Queen Air 6S-B80 LO-45O through LD-473 lD-474 through LO-51l

King Air C90 W-548through W-Gl0 LJ.611 through U-818 u-819 ttwough W-901

King Air ego LW-l throl4l LW-79 LW-8Q through lW·316 lW-317 through LW-333

KlngAir F90 LA-2 ttYough LA-39

898 Airliner U-149 through U-151 U-152 thTOU\7' U-164

King Air A100 8-103 and 8-106lhrough 8-179 thrClJgh 8-2478-178

King Air Bl00 BE-llhrough BE-GO BE-61 Ihrougtl BE·90

Super K"ll'lg Air 200 88-2 BB-3 through 88-453 68-454 through BB-659

Super King Air 200C Bl-1 Bl-2lhrough Bl-B

Super King Air 2ClOT BT-l through BT4 BT-S ttlroogh BT·15


2 of 6

An airplanes must have an operable emergency locator Iransmitter prior ro October 15,1980 as specified in FAA Airworthiness Directive 79·18·05. Amendment 39-3708 orsubseQuent

On PART f airplanes the existing CIR10 (TR70·09) emergency locator transmitler mustbe replaoed with a CIR11 (TR70-13) emergency Ioc8tor transmitter 8S spec::ifled in these

Page 3: CLASS I SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS - Beech Aero Club · King Air C90 W-548throughW-Gl0 LJ.611 through U-818 u-819ttwough W-901 King Air ego LW-l throl4l LW-79 LW-8Q through lW·316 lW-317through





service Instructions No. 1139, ReY.1 •

Service Instructions and Kit No 101-3039-1 S There is nO replacement battery packavailable for the ClRl0 (TR70-o9) emergency locator transmitter

On PART II airplanes the elCisling CIR10 (TR70-17) emergency loca1or Iransmillef mustbe inspecfed and a new alkaline battery pack and modification kit inslalled as speciliedin Rockweli-Coilins CIR-1Q-30, -31. -32. -33. ·34 Emergency localor Transmilter SystemSel'./ice Buletin No ,

On PART III airplanes the existing CIR11 (TA70-13) emergency locator transmitter mustbe inspected and a new a1ka~ne battery pack and modifica1ion kit installed as specifiedin Rockwell-Collins CIR-11-2 Emergency Locator Transmitter System Service BulletinNo 1

Beech Aircraft Corporation considers this to be a mandalory modification and it shouldbe accomplished 86 soon as possible after receipt of these Service Instructions, but nolater- than October 15. 1980 as specified in FAA Airworthiness Directive 79-18-05.Amendment 39-3708 or subseauent

FAA Approved • DOA CE·2

The following information is for planning purposes only


Estimated man-hours to replace the emergency l~tor transmi!ler 2 hoursSUggested number of met1 1 man


Estimated man-hours to remove. inSpect. inSUllllhe modification kit and alkaline balterypack and reinstall the emergency locator transmitter 25 hoursSuggested number of men 1 man

The following parts required for this modification may be ordered through BEECHCRAFTAEWO or Aviation Centan; IIf'ld Inlernational Distributors and Dealers



CIR11 (TR7D-13) Emergenev Locator 1Transmitter

101-3039-1 S Emergency Locator 1 1 if emergency , for 23.Transmitter Instal- locator trans- 24.76 andlatien Ki1 mitter is n series

replaced only

647-1002-002 Alkaline BatlefY 1 if emergencyPack locator trans-

mitter is notreplaced

647-1003-002 Baltery Pack Modi- 1 if emergencyfication Kit localOr trans-

mitter is notreplaced



Page 4: CLASS I SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS - Beech Aero Club · King Air C90 W-548throughW-Gl0 LJ.611 through U-818 u-819ttwough W-901 King Air ego LW-l throl4l LW-79 LW-8Q through lW·316 lW-317through

Service instructions No. 1139, Rev. I



647-1002-001 Alkaline Battery 1 1 if emergency 1Pack locator trans-

mit1er isreplaced

647-1003·001 Batlery Pack Modi- 1 if emergencyfieation Kil Iocalor !rans-

mitter is notreplaced

The value of the parts required to incorparale these 5efvice Instructions on one airplaneis to be advised Prices. when istlUed. will be subjeCt '0 change wilt10ut notice





4 of II




Warranty credit for parts and labo. to !tIa axten! noted (lnder MATERIAl andMANPOWER wi. be allowed on alt airplanes which were wilhin warranty on February 26.1979 and all airplanes which were delivered after that dale


If installation of Kit No 101-3039-1 S is required, warranty credit winnot be slowed 10 install the optional remote reset capability

All PIN BPSO and PIN BP60-7 bal1eries which were purchased and delivered ()l"1 or afterFebruary 26, 1978 are within the batlery warranty and will be replaoed at no charge

All warranty f'8imtxJrsemenis are handled through franchised BEECHCRAFT Aero orAviation centers and International Distributors and Dealers. Owners .-.d operalorsshould arrange with these outlets to perform the work and have them submit thestandard Beset! Aircraft Corporation warranty claim lorm through BEECHCRAFT Partsand Equipment Marl<eting Whclesalers or Intemallonal Distributors


The 'Negl'lt and balance change ~S1 be determined by weighing the parts removed andthe parts added and multiplying the net weigh' increase by rhe components' center ofgravily. The components' center 01 gravity can be determined by measuring from aknown fuselage station 10 the dimensional cenler of the emergency locatorlransminer.lbattery pack The product win be the nel Moment increase The owner oroperator is responsible to maintain compliance with FAR 23 25fCAR 3 74

FAA Airworthiness DIrective 79-05-02, Amendment 39-3422 or subsequent.FAA Airworthiness Directive 79-18-05. Amendment 39-3708 or subsequent,BEECHCRAFT Service Instructions No 1048 or subsequent reVISion,EQUIPMENT/FURNISHINGS· REMOVAL OF LITHIUM SULFUR DIOXIDE BATTERIES."Rockwel-Collins CIR-10-30. -31. -32, -33. ·34 Emergency Locator Tral1Sl'f'litter SystemService Bulletin No 1."Rockwell-Collins CtR-11-2 Emergency Locator Transmitler System Service Bullelin No1


Page 5: CLASS I SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS - Beech Aero Club · King Air C90 W-548throughW-Gl0 LJ.611 through U-818 u-819ttwough W-901 King Air ego LW-l throl4l LW-79 LW-8Q through lW·316 lW-317through



Service Jnstructions NO-1139, Rev. I •

'Rockwell-eoUins Service Bulletins may be obI8ined from the CoUins AviooiGfi 5erviceCenter. 750 Soolh Douglas, EI Segundo. CA 90245

It is recommended lhal a nole 10 "See Service Instructions No 1139, Rev I" be made in •the appropriate Section:Chapter of the applicable BEECHCRAFr Shop'MaintenanceManual and Parts Catalog

These Servioe InSlructions may be accompllshed as follows


The "ElT INOP" Of "ELT NOT INSTALLED" placard which wasinstafled on the instrument ~nel by FAA Airworthiness Oirec1ive 79­05-02. Amendment 39·3422 and BEECHCRAFT Service InslfuctionsNo 1048 should be removed after compliance with these ServiceInstructions


The parts and instructions required to install a new CIR11 (TR70-13) emergency localortransmitter and 647-1002-001 alkalne battery pack in place ot the CIA10 (TR70-09)emergency locator transmitter are contained in Kit No 101-303g-l S


All parts ClOd instructions required for installation of the new emergencylocator transmitter elCcept the ClR11 (TR7Q-t3) emergency locatortransmitter and 647·'002-001 aJk.a~ne battery pack are included in KitNo 101·3039·' S


The instructions required for inspection of lhe ClA10 (TA70-17) emergency locatortransmiller and installation of a new 647-1002·002 allcaline battery pack and 647·1003­002 modifICation k~ are contained in Rockwell-Collins CIR·10-30. -31. -32, -33. -34Emergency Locator Transmitter System Service Bulletin No 1

If upon inspection by Colfins 11 is determined that a new emergency locator transmitter isreQUired, II new CIR11 (TR70-13) emergency localor transmitter will be furnIShed Installthe CIR11 (TR70-1J) emergency locator transmiller using the parts and inSlruclionscontained in Kit No '01-3039-1 S


All parts and instructions required for installation of the new emergencylocator transmitter except the CIR11 (TR7o-13) emergeocy locatortransmitter and 647·1002-001 alkaline battery pack are incJuded in KitNo 101-3039·1 S


The instructions required for inspection of the CIR11 rrR7Q-13) emergency locatortransmitter and ins1allation of a new 647-'002-001 alkaline battery pack and 647-1003­001 modification kit are contained in ~OCkweR-Coilins CIA-11·2 Emergency locatorTransmitter System Service Bulletin No 1

On 23. 24, 76 and n series airplanes only, the ClR'l (TR70-13) emergency locatorIlransmilter will rf!(1uire relocatiorl and a remote switch after installation or the 647-1003­001 modification kit The r;larts and instructions required for relocation of !he emergency~tor transmitter and addition of the remote switch are contained in Kit No 101-3039·1


Page 6: CLASS I SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS - Beech Aero Club · King Air C90 W-548throughW-Gl0 LJ.611 through U-818 u-819ttwough W-901 King Air ego LW-l throl4l LW-79 LW-8Q through lW·316 lW-317through

Servi~ Instructions No. 1139, Rev. I •RECORD COMPLIANCE:

6 of 6

Upon oornpIet1on of these Service Instructions, make an appropriate maintenance recordentry specifying the kit identification number and the kit serial number II isrecommended that the par1s lis! contained in the kif be retained for luture r~ference untilthe fisting of pans has been inoorpotated i~o the Parts Catalog