Rhet 101 Portfolio Section 02 The American University in Cairo Mohamed Mohamed Summer Session 2012

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Rhet 101 Portfolio

Section 02

The American University in Cairo

Mohamed Mohamed

Summer Session 2012

Mohamed 2

Table of Contents

Cover Letter 3

Free writing 5

Collage 16

Analysis 1 (D1) 19

Analysis 1 (D2) 20

Analysis 1 (FD) 23

Analysis 2 (D1) 29

Analysis 2 (D2) 32

Analysis 2 (FD) 35

Analysis 3 (D1) 39

Analysis 3 (D2) 41

Analysis 3 (FD) 44

Revised Analysis 2 47

Comments “NOTES” 52

Mohamed 3

19 July 2012

The following portfolio contains the content of my Rhetoric 101 class from the summer

session 2012 at the American University in Cairo, Egypt.

I have decided to organize my work in a way that organizes my work into sections like

the free writes first then the collage then the analysis with the three drafts and the revised

analysis is the last paper of this section then finally the comments I had taken in the class from

my instructor.

I ordered the portfolio in this way in order to be organized as I said before like sections.

The whole free writes that I did during the semester are together then an assignment named

Collage which is about the most likely parts in some of the free writings because to give an idea

about my free writes to the reader by giving the priority to some parts than others then the most

important part in the class portfolio because the grades depend on it which is the analysis then

the revised draft that I had chosen to develop among my all drafts of analysis. Also, I ordered it

in this way to show the progress in my free writing and the analysis drafts in order to know in

which parts I was bad and I had developed them as a process.

This course helped me so much in changing my way of writing, thinking, and analyzing.

My instructor taught me that writing is a process, and I consider this statement in order not to be

frustrated when the first drafts is bad or a final one is bad. Now I know that the first draft in any

paper is “First Shitty Draft” that could be a perfect one by the end of the process. Writing is like

discovering things that you do not think about them a lot like the feeling of others even they are

plants or animals. Although I was thinking about the grade that I will receive by the end of the

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course, I consider the development now more that the grade because the grades is an honor thing,

but the development is a long life goal to me.

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Name: Mohamed Mohamed

SID: 900112607


Every one of us expresses his/her thoughts by doing something like playing music, drawing, or practicing any kind of sports. Also, writing, in my opinion, is one of these ways of expressing the way we feel or think especially the free writing because what comes in my mind is written by my hand. These are my first ideas in my free writing notebook.

I was asking to take your new car and this will make the trip easy for us


Look! You know that I taught you to be responsible in different situations


And you also know that I trust you


I was thinking to save the transportation fees and use it in another beneficial thing


But you do not want this car for only saving the transportation fees


I will consider that you want it for that reason but it is a silly one


Do not forget to get it back with a full tank and clean and after this trip I need high grades


It is beneficial to practice sports and it keeps me fit


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I would be a famous football player nowadays


Although I play football twice a week, my level in this king of sports is not good as the old day


I wish I could back by time and fix this silly mistake


People do not leave us alone


They pick or cut us for their purposes like using us as a gift to achieve some body’s heart or just for smelling us


But what makes me happy is to make people smile although they do something that annoys me


What a beautiful thing to be a flower


The political situation in Egypt is not stable


People who will elect in the final round of the presidential elections will choose between two bad choices

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I believe that these two candidates are not present me and my thoughts


Egypt will be one of the leading countries in the world in the next two decades even the current situation is not showing that


Writing is one of many ways that expresses what I feel or think but the most important thing in writing is that it develops by time and that’s what makes be happy of myself, so I hope to improve this important skill in the future.

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Every one of the two candidates is mentioning that he is the winner in the elections, but, in my opinion, Mursi is the winner because when I saw his conference yesterday he seems to be confident by himself and he knows well that he is the winner.

I am not agree that people go out in the streets and celebrate because the final results of the elections are not published yet and it may be predictions only, so people should wait until June 21st to know the final results.

The rules issued by the SCAF are published to limit Morsi’s power as the president of Egypt because if Shafiq win, these rules will not be issued because Shafiq will not show their corruption.

When I am asking myself why the SCAF prevent the Parliament from doing its work, may be the SCAF do not want the Parliament with the majority of the Islamic to be an opposite political trend to their man who is Shafiq. Also, the SCAF do not want to be punished by the elected president in the new Egypt for many wrong things that had been done by them like doing the elections without a parliament and a constitution and here comes the question why they did not do these elections one and a half year ago?

The supporters for Shafiq should believe and realize that Moursi is elected by the majority and he might be the president of Egypt when the final results are published, so they should respect that and know that people who vote for Moursi did that because they want to continue the revolution requests and they should get rid of Islamophopia.

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Name: Mohamed Mohamed

SID: 900112607


I read an article from “ www.thetelegraph.co.uk” and the name of the article is “Muslim Brotherhood claims victory in Egyptian presidential elections” and it talks about the different reactions of the Egyptian people about what happening when the elections end, it shows what the campaigns of the two candidates did after the first results has been shown on the television.

"The campaign of Dr Mohammed Mursi announced... his victory as president of the Arab Republic of Egypt according to the results reported by its representatives and counting records from all polling stations," the organisation said in a statement, adding Mr Morsi had won 52 percent of the vote.

But a Shafiq campaign official said their figures showed Shafiq, who served as prime minister to deposed dictator Hosni Mubarak, leading in the count.

"We reject it completely," Mahmud Barakeh, said of the Brotherhood's claim. "We are astonished by this bizarre behaviour which amounts to a hijacking of the election results."

Every one of the two candidates is mentioning that he is the winner in the elections, but people think that Mursi is the winner because the reactions after seeing Moursi talks in his conference yesterday he seems to be confident by himself and he knows well that he is the winner.

Supporters screamed with excitement, some wiping tears from their eyes. Several hundred held a victory rally in Cairo's iconic Tahrir Square after the announcement.

People go out in the streets and celebrate because the final results of the elections are not published yet and it may be predictions only, so people should wait until June 21st to know the final results.

“The jubilation at Mr Morsi's headquarters was overshadowed however by a looming showdown between the Brotherhood and the ruling military, which issued a new constitutional document shortly after polls closed on Sunday.

The document issued by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces grants the body legislative powers after a top court on Thursday ordered the dissolution of the Islamist-dominated parliament.

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The document also gives SCAF veto power over the text of a new permanent constitution, and states that no new parliamentary vote will be held until after a permanent constitution is approved.

The declaration appeared to put the military on a collision course with the Brotherhood, which called the constitutional declaration "null and unconstitutional."

The document was issued after a Thursday ruling from the constitutional court, which found a third of the parliament's members had been elected illegally, effectively ordering the dissolution of the body.

The declaration confirmed the military was retaking the legislative power it handed the body in January after its election.”

The rules issued by the SCAF are published to limit Morsi’s power as the president of Egypt because if Shafiq win, these rules will not be issued because Shafiq will not show their corruption. Many people in the streets are feeling angry because of these rules, so they go down to Tahrir Square and saying No for the issued rules.

“The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces shall exercise the powers referred to under the first clause of article 56 (on legislative power)... until the election of a new People's Assembly," the document reads.

The writing of the new constitution will be carried out by a "constitutional commission representing all segments of the society" that will have three months to complete its work, the document says.

It also grants SCAF a veto right over any article of a draft constitution it considers "contrary to the supreme interests of the country."

But the declaration leaves it unclear whether that panel will be able to continue its work, and gives SCAF the right to form a new panel if the current body "is prevented from doing its work."

When people ask themselves why the SCAF prevent the Parliament from doing its work, may be the SCAF do not want the Parliament with the majority of the Islamic to be an opposite political trend to their man who is Shafiq. Also, the SCAF do not want to be punished by the elected president in the new Egypt for many wrong things that had been done by them like doing the elections without a parliament and a constitution and here comes the question why they did not do these elections one and a half year ago?

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“It also stipulates that SCAF "as currently constituted, has the power to decide on all matters related to the armed forces."

The Muslim Brotherhood and revolutionary youth movements denounced the declaration as a "coup" and the Freedom and Justice Party said it rejected any bid by the military to retake legislative power.

The new political uncertainty comes after an electoral race that polarised the nation, dividing those who fear a return to the old regime under Shafiq from others who want to keep religion out of politics.

The new president will inherit a struggling economy, deteriorating security and the challenge of uniting a nation divided by the 18-day uprising that toppled Mubarak in February 2011.”

The supporters for Shafiq should believe and realize that Moursi is elected by the majority and he might be the president of Egypt when the final results are published, so they should respect that and know that people who vote for Moursi did that because they want to continue the revolution requests and they should get rid of Islamophopia.

I hope that the Egyptians respect the democratic operation done, nowadays, in Egypt, because it is one of the request that the protestors called from 25th of January till now, so people should change their mentality in protesting and calling for their right in a peaceful way and this will be helpful for the next president in order to do his work even he is Moursi or Shafiq. People should help the next president to take his whole power that he should have that the SCAF has limited it by the issued rules and to help him to develop our country.

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Mohamed Mohamed


Instructor: Gibson

Assignment 1

27 June 2012

Rushing Towards Victory

An article from “The Telegraph” titled “Muslim Brotherhood claims victory in Egyptian

presidential elections” discusses the different reactions of the Egyptian people about what

happening when the elections end and what the campaigns of the two candidates did after the

first results has been shown on the television until publishing the final results and knowing who

is the president of Egypt.

"The campaign of Dr Mohammed Mursi announced... his victory as president of the Arab

Republic of Egypt according to the results reported by its representatives and counting records

from all polling stations," the organisation said in a statement, adding Mr Morsi had won 52

percent of the vote.

But a Shafiq campaign official said their figures showed Shafiq, who served as prime

minister to deposed dictator Hosni Mubarak, leading in the count.

"We reject it completely," Mahmud Barakeh, said of the Brotherhood's claim. "We are

astonished by this bizarre behaviour which amounts to a hijacking of the election results."

Mohamed 24

Each one of the two candidates is mentioning that he is the winner in the elections. But

there are many reasons which convince people and let them think that Mursi is the winner. Many

people voted for Mursi because they want to save the revolution and apply its requests,

consequently, they do not want to let a person from the last regime to be their president because

Shafiq is the last hope for Mubarak and his friends. Also, many people voted for Mursi because

they miss the Islamic life by following Islam.

Supporters screamed with excitement, some wiping tears from their eyes. Several

hundred held a victory rally in Cairo's iconic Tahrir Square after the announcement.

People who support Mursi should not go out in the streets and celebrate because the final

results of the elections are not published yet and it may be predictions only. The results were

taking place at June 21th but it postponed to June 23th, so people should wait until June 23st to

know the final results. Here comes the question why the postponed the results? May be it is

because they afraid of gathering people at Tahrir square in Fridays. May be it is that they want

people to be busy at their work in the beginning of the week as they cannot participate in any

kind of strikes.

“The jubilation at Mr Morsi's headquarters was overshadowed however by a looming

showdown between the Brotherhood and the ruling military, which issued a new constitutional

document shortly after polls closed on Sunday.

The document issued by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces grants the body

legislative powers after a top court on Thursday ordered the dissolution of the Islamist-

dominated parliament.

Mohamed 25

The document also gives SCAF veto power over the text of a new permanent

constitution, and states that no new parliamentary vote will be held until after a permanent

constitution is approved.

The document was issued after a Thursday ruling from the constitutional court, which

found a third of the parliament's members had been elected illegally, effectively ordering the

dissolution of the body.

The declaration confirmed the military was retaking the legislative power it handed the

body in January after its election.”

The rules issued by the SCAF are published to limit Morsi’s power as the president of

Egypt because if Shafiq win, these rules will not be issued because Shafiq will not show their

corruption. When people ask themselves why the SCAF prevent the Parliament from doing its

work, may be the SCAF do not want the Parliament with the majority of the Islamic to be an

opposite political trend to their man who is Shafiq. Also, the SCAF do not want to be punished

by the elected president in the new Egypt for many wrong things that had been done by them like

doing the elections without a parliament and a constitution and here comes the question why they

did not do these elections one and a half year ago? Many people in the streets are feeling angry

because of these mysterious things done by the SCAF, so they go down to Tahrir Square and

saying No for the issued rules and calling the SCAF to leave the power for the elected president

and do their own work separately.

Mohamed 26

The Muslim Brotherhood and revolutionary youth movements denounced the declaration

as a "coup" and the Freedom and Justice Party said it rejected any bid by the military to retake

legislative power.

The new political uncertainty comes after an electoral race that polarised the nation,

dividing those who fear a return to the old regime under Shafiq from others who want to keep

religion out of politics.

"The new president will inherit a struggling economy, deteriorating security and the

challenge of uniting a nation divided by the 18-day uprising that toppled Mubarak in February


The supporters for Shafiq should believe and realize that Moursi is elected by the

majority and he might be the president of Egypt when the final results are published, so they

should respect that and know that people who vote for Moursi did that because they want to

continue the revolution requests and they should get rid of Islamophopia.

I hope that the Egyptians respect the democratic operation done, nowadays, in Egypt,

because it is one of the requests that the protestors called from 25th of January till now, so people

should change their mentality about democracy because many people think that democracy is

just protesting and saying No for every rule they do not like. They should know that democracy

means that anyone can call for his/her rights but this call stops when it harms anyone else. For

example, two friends can move their hands in any direction except touching the other one's face.

Also, in protesting, many people destroy buildings and name that it is democracy. Democracy

means calling for rights in a peaceful way and this will be helpful for the Egyptians and it will be

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helpful for the next president even he is Moursi or Shafiq to develop the country. Also people

should help the next president to take his whole power that he should have that the SCAF has

limited it by the issued rules and to help him to develop our country. How to improve our

country is a good question that will be answered by time because the Egyptian will take time to

know how to live with freedom and social justice.


Mohamed 28

Work Cited

"Muslim Brotherhood claims victory in Egyptian presidential elections”.

(The Telegraph). 18 June 2012.

Mohamed 29

Mohamed Mohamed


Instructor: Gibson

Assignment 2

1 July 2012


There are good and bad things that I do in my life, and I did not ask myself why I do this

and that, but I think that now I should ask this question and find an answer for it by analyzing

myself and analyzing these things.

The good thing that I do in my life is that taking care about others. Lets explain better

what this means. Why I am care about others even they do not care about me? Why I love to help

them in their bad times? Why I feel happy after helping them even I do not know them? The

answer is probably will that I just want to do what I feel. For example, yesterday I was driving

my car, and I found a police man who was standing in the hot weather to organizing the traffic. I

did something was very strange to me but I felt it. I went to the nearest super market, and I

bought a Pepsi can and a bottle of water, and I went back to him and gave him these things, he

thanked me for giving him these things. I went home happy because I drew the smile in

someone's face. This feeling is keeping feel proud of me because I think that god creates us to

help each other not to do bad thing for the people around us.

The first bad thing that I do in my life is that I insist on making people around me follow

my opinion and not listening to them. Why I want people to listen to me? May be because I think

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that they are wrong and I am right, or may be because I think that I have a strong character. But I

am wondering if I were in the other one place that is forced to do what I am saying, and (s) he

may be sad, but (s) he will do this thing for the sake of me. I think that I should listen carefully to

others and respect their opinions because I am not perfect, so maybe I will be wrong once. In

order not to take the responsibility for any wrong thing may be happens because of me, I should

listen to people and respect their point of view because I believe in this statement "Treat people

in the way you like to be treated". For example, my brother and me are always fighting because

he do not listen to me and he just want to do what he wants. But I think that he has the right to do

what he wants because it is his life not mine, of course I have one and I will not be happy if

anyone forces me to do what (s) he wants in my own life, so I think that I should change this way

of communication.

The second bad thing that I do in my life is fast predictions. But I think this bad thing is a

double edged sword that can be useful sometimes. I think that maybe these fast predictions can

be right in some situations. For example, one of my friends did a bad thing with me, which is

telling someone who I do not like one of my secrets, so I was asking myself why he did that.

Why I trust him? But I got no answer, so I decided not to talk with him again and of course not

telling him anything about my life because I am not trust him anymore. But the wrong thing I did

is that I did not listen to him, and other friends told me that you predict and maybe it is not the

truth. Here came the question into my mind, what if what they said is right? So I decided to meet

him and asking him why he did this to me. But what happened? My predictions were right and

he was lying to me, and he said that I did things that I did not do. Maybe fast predictions are

wrong habit, but it may be useful sometimes.

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Each one of us has something in his/her life that (s) he did not ask him/her self why (s) he

do that and this, so people should analyze their lives from time to time to know the changes that

they gain from the people around them, and people should try to use these thing in a useful way

not in a destructive way.

Mohamed 32

Mohamed Mohamed


Instructor: Gibson

Assignment 2

1 July 2012


There are good and bad things that I do in my life, and I did not ask myself why I do this

and that, but I think that now I should ask this question and find an answer for it by analyzing

myself and analyzing these things.

The good thing that I do in my life is that taking care about others. Lets explain better

what this means. Why I am care about others even they do not care about me? Why I love to help

them in their bad times? Why I feel happy after helping them even I do not know them? The

answer is probably will that I just want to do what I feel. For example, yesterday I was driving

my car, and I found a police man who was standing in the hot weather to organizing the traffic. I

did something was very strange to me but I felt it. I went to the nearest super market, and I

bought a Pepsi can and a bottle of water, and I went back to him and gave him these things, he

thanked me for giving him these things. I went home happy because I drew the smile in

someone's face. This feeling is keeping feel proud of me because I think that god creates us to

help each other not to do bad thing for the people around us.

The first bad thing that I do in my life is that I insist on making people around me follow

my opinion and not listening to them. Why I want people to listen to me? May be because I think

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that they are wrong and I am right, or may be because I think that I have a strong character. But I

am wondering if I were in the other one place that is forced to do what I am saying, and (s) he

may be sad, but (s) he will do this thing for the sake of me. I think that I should listen carefully to

others and respect their opinions because I am not perfect, so maybe I will be wrong once. In

order not to take the responsibility for any wrong thing may be happens because of me, I should

listen to people and respect their point of view because I believe in this statement "Treat people

in the way you like to be treated". For example, my brother and me are always fighting because

he do not listen to me and he just want to do what he wants. But I think that he has the right to do

what he wants because it is his life not mine, of course I have one and I will not be happy if

anyone forces me to do what (s) he wants in my own life, so I think that I should change this way

of communication.

The second bad thing that I do in my life is fast predictions. But I think this bad thing is a

double edged sword that can be useful sometimes. I think that maybe these fast predictions can

be right in some situations. For example, one of my friends did a bad thing with me, which is

telling someone who I do not like one of my secrets, so I was asking myself why he did that.

Why I trust him? But I got no answer, so I decided not to talk with him again and of course not

telling him anything about my life because I am not trust him anymore. But the wrong thing I did

is that I did not listen to him, and other friends told me that you predict and maybe it is not the

truth. Here came the question into my mind, what if what they said is right? So I decided to meet

him and asking him why he did this to me. But what happened? My predictions were right and

he was lying to me, and he said that I did things that I did not do. Maybe fast predictions are

wrong habit, but it may be useful sometimes.

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Each one of us has something in his/her life that (s) he did not ask him/her self why (s) he

do that and this, so people should analyze their lives from time to time to know the changes that

they gain from the people around them, and people should try to use these thing in a useful way

not in a destructive way.

Mohamed 35

Mohamed Mohamed


Instructor: Gibson

Assignment 2

3 July 2012

Discovering Myself

There are good and bad things that I do in my life, and I did not ask myself why I do this

and that, but I think that now I should ask this question and find an answer for it by analyzing

myself and analyzing these things.

The good thing that I do in my life is that taking care about others. Lets explain better

what this means. I think that before the revolution, most of the youngsters were living without

hope and ambition. They know that the situation of our country is bad, and no one was caring

about others. The corruption in many fields was increased, the rate of unemployment increased,

and the rate of crime like stealing or killing increased. But after the revolution came out, I

decided to be an effective member in the community even if my effect is a very small one

compared with others. Here I ask myself many questions like why I am caring about others even

they do not care about me. Why I love to help them in their bad times? Why I feel happy after

helping them even I do not know them? The answer is probably will be that I just want to do

what I feel. For example, yesterday I was driving my car, and I found a police man who was

standing in the hot weather to organizing the traffic. I did something was very strange to me but I

felt it. I went to the nearest super market, and I bought a Pepsi can and a bottle of water, and I

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went back to him and gave him these things, he thanked me a lot for doing such a thing and

giving him these things. I went home happy because I drew the smile in someone's face. But why

I did that. May be because I like to drink a cold Pepsi can in the hot weather and there are people

who want too but they cannot leave their positions to do what they feel, or may be because I felt

that this police man wants to drink something but he is afraid of his boss because he does not

want to be punished, so I helped him to do what he feels, may be also if I were him, I would be

happy if anyone does the same with me, feels about me, or cares about me. Helping people and

caring about them is a beautiful thing that people should consider because I think that god creates

us to help each other not to do bad thing for the other people.

The first bad thing that I do in my life is that I insist on making people around me follow

my opinion and not listening to them. Why I want people to listen to me? May be because I think

that they are wrong and I am right, may be because I feel that I am a wise person who knows

what to do, or may be because I think that I have a strong character. But I am wondering if I

were in the other one place that is forced to do what I am saying, and (s) he may be sad, but (s)

he will do this thing for the sake of me. I think that I should listen carefully to others and respect

their opinions because I am not perfect, so maybe I will be wrong once. In order not to take the

responsibility for any wrong thing may happen because of me, I should listen to people and

respect their point of view because I believe in this statement "Treat people in the way you like

to be treated". For example, my brother and me are always fighting because he does not listen to

me and he just wants to do what he wants. But I think that he has the right to do what he wants

because it is his life not mine, of course I have one and I will not be happy if anyone forces me to

do what (s) he wants in my own life, so I think that I should change this way of communication. I

learned from my mistakes since I was a child, since putting my hands in fire to know what the

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feeling is, so I learned that it hurts, and I did not do it again. I think that each one of us should

learn from his mistakes. It is life experience, and one should learn from his/her mistakes to know

what the best thing to do in the next time.

The second bad thing that I do in my life is analyzing many situations. But I think that

this analysis is a double edged sword that can be useful sometimes. I think that when I figure out

something in a specific situation, it can be right or wrong. For example, one of my friends did a

bad thing with me, which is telling someone who I do not like one of my secrets, so I was asking

myself why he did that. But firstly and most importantly how I know that he did such a thing to

me. Believe or not, I know from his way of talking. He is my friend for 11 years, so I know how

he is talking when he is angry, happy, or sad. But the smart thing that I knew that he is talking

with me with the thoughts and words of someone else who do not like me. He is the one who I

go to tell him what I feel and wait for his help by opinion or action. But when he did not

response quickly like every time then talking with me with different opinion from his, I knew

that there is something wrong happened. The one who wants to hurts me every time is a girl who

I think that she loves me but I do not. She has the right to love me but I should do what I feel. It

is not fair to hurts or planning to hurt someone who you love and he does not. She should know

that love is a feeling and no one will forced to feel it with a specific one. Here I asked myself a

question Why I trust him again? But I got no answer, so I decided not to talk with him again and

of course not telling him anything about my life because I am not trust him anymore. But the

wrong thing I did is that I did not listen to him, and other friends told me that you just analyzing

and maybe it is not the truth. Here came the question into my mind, what if what they said is

right? So I decided to meet him and asking him why he did this to me. But what happened? My

analysis was right and he was lying to me, and he said that I did things that I did not do. And he

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was not confident about what he was saying. I think he felt that he is guilty but he did not want to

admit. May be because there are people who feel that saying "Sorry" will be against them and

their pride does not allow them to say sorry. But the lesson I learned here is that even analysis

may be wrong, but it may be useful sometimes. Also, it helps me to know the real faces of many

people and not to trust anyone easily.

Each one of us has something in his/her life that (s) he did not ask him/her self why (s) he

do that and this, so people should analyze their lives from time to time to know the changes that

they gain from the people around them. People should try to use these things in a useful way not

in a destructive way. Also they should be believe and know that "What does not kill you makes

you stronger". People should consider and gain their experience from the situations in their lives,

and they should learn from their mistakes.

Mohamed 39

Mohamed Mohamed


Instructor: Gibson

Assignment 3

5 June 2012

Egypt Before and After the Revolution

The Egyptian revolution impressed the whole world because it was the first peaceful

movement strike. But why the revolution came out at this time not earlier or later. The answer

will be because of many reasons had affected the community, this revolution came out and

millions of people went to many squares and called for freedom and social justice. One of these

reasons is poverty. Poverty in Egypt has increased in the last two decades. Can you imagine that

there is a person in that earth who spends one a half pounds every day. What shocking is there

are 35 million people only in Egypt who do. The gap between the rich and the poor was widen

because of the last regime was stealing the money of the Egyptians to use it in his own benefit.

Not only poverty that increased, but also the rate of unemployment has increased too. Many

youngsters were sitting at their homes without hope and ambition. They cannot live a normal

life, and they cannot marry because of the condition they live under. The best thing in this

revolution is that many people were thinking that the youth do not love their country and they are

not loyal to their country. But the youngsters, who participated during the 18th day, proved the

opposite in the revolution. They spends their souls for the sake of Egypt because they want their

country to be a developed country. There are many people form the last regime, who consider as

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the counter-revolution, do not want the revolution to continue. The question now why the

revolution does not completed yet. May be because Mubarak’s men do not want it to complete

because it is not good for them and their master.

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Mohamed Mohamed


Instructor: Gibson

Assignment 3

8 Jung 2012

Poverty in Egypt

There are many factors that affected the Egyptian community for several years, and these

factors affected Egypt economically. Although there is a solution for each problem, Egyptians

were not enthusiastic to solve their problems. Poverty is the most crucial problem that faces the

Egyptian community that needs to be solved in an effective way.

Each county around the world faces a lot of problems that affect them economically and

socially. But for the sake of the country to be a developed one, they should eradicate these

factors. Poverty in Egypt has increased in the last two decades. Can you imagine that there is a

person in that earth who spends one and a half pound every day? What shocking is that statistics

showed that there are 35 million people only in Egypt who do! I think that the reason for the

whole thing is the last regime because it helped in widening the gap between the poor and the

rich by doing several things like rising prices. But what the benefit for them in raising the prices

of the common products that the people need like, in food, they raised the prices and decrease

the amount or the size like rice, sugar, and bread. I think the benefit may be is that the steal

people's money and they just put the money in the bank and use it for their projects or buy what

they want. For example, Mubarak's food was coming from France in a private plane and there are

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40% of the Egyptians who eats 3 times per day Fool and Tameia. Why, in Upper Egypt, the

percentage of the poor is lower than the percentage in Cairo and other cities. May be because the

prices are lower in Upper Egypt or may be because the people can find a job that satisfies their

lives. And here came another problem that leads to poverty which is unemployment. Many

youngsters could not find jobs that help them to live like any one of their ages around the world.

They were sitting at their homes without hope and ambition because they cannot live a normal

life, and they cannot marry because the conditions they live under. They were going out to sit

with their friends, who cannot find a job too, at any café shop talking about their dreams. The

last regime did not steal the lives of many people; it steals the spirit for doing a good little thing.

There are many solutions that should be done, and if I were the president of Egypt I will

make the priority for these solutions to solve the most crucial problem which is poverty. I think

that the Egyptian revolution was the first step in solving all the problems that faces the

community because freedom and social justice were just a dream that people cannot imagine that

it could become true. But in the day 25th of January, 2011, many people go out in the streets and

call for their rights peacefully and the revolution succeed, and now Egypt has an elected

president who should consider these problems, listen carefully for Egyptians, give a suitable

solution to raise our economic, and help Egypt to become one of the best countries in the world

by putting the first step. To solve a problem like poverty, the president should increase job

opportunities first by doing some decisions like if a foreign company wants to invest in Egypt,

they should employee a high percentage of their employers of Egyptians, and this percentage

should increase by the development of our economic situation. And this solution is one of many

but it can be the first effective one.

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Egyptians are one of the people of countries that work hard if they are in the right position of

their jobs. The current president and the following ones should know that Egyptians, nowadays,

know their right and how to live in a democratic country even these do not know about

democracy well, but they will not allow anyone who has authority to make them not convinced

with their lives. So To develop our country, we should develop our economic by narrowing the

gap between the rich and the poor.

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Mohamed Mohamed


Instructor: Gibson

Assignment 3

10 June 2012

Poverty in Egypt

There are many factors that affected the Egyptian community for several years, and these

factors affect Egypt economically, socially, and globally. Although there is a solution for each

problem, the Egyptians were not enthusiastic for solving their problems. One of these problems

is poverty. Poverty is the most crucial problem that faces the Egyptian community that need to

be solved in an effective way.

Each country around the world faces many problems that affect them economically and

socially. But for the sake of the country to be a developed one, Egyptians should try to eradicate

these problems. Poverty in Egypt has increased in the last two decades. Can you imagine that

there is a person on earth who earns one and a half pound every day? What is shocking is that

statistics showed that there are 35 million people only in Egypt who do! I think that the reason

for the whole thing is that the last regime. Because it helped in widening the gap between the

rich and the poor by doing several things like rising prices of the common products that people

need such as rice, sugar, and bread. But what is the benefit for them? I think that the benefit is to

steal people’s money in order to make their projects and gain a lot of money to do what they

want. For example, Mubarak’s food had to come from France in a private plane and there are

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40% of the Egyptians who eats from 2-3 times a day the same meal. The percentage of the poor

in Upper Egypt is lower than in the cities like Cairo. May be because people of Upper Egypt can

find the job that satisfies their lives like being farmers and have their own land to work at. Also,

the prices are lower than in the city. Unemployment is another problem that leads to poverty and

if the governments try to solve it, it will lead to eradicate poverty in Egypt. Many youngsters

could not find jobs that help them to live like any one of their ages around the world. They were

sitting at homes without hopes and ambition because they cannot live a normal life, and they

cannot marry because of the conditions they live under. They were hanging out with their friends

and just talking about their dreams as they are impossible. For example, I know someone who is

a petroleum engineering graduate and no one will imagine that this engineer is a waiter in a

restaurant. Is this his fault that he cannot find the job he wants? I think that the last regime did

not steal the lives of many people; it stole the spirit for doing a small job for achieving the big

dream and this small job must be in the field that people graduate at.

There are many solutions that should be considered, and if I were the president of Egypt,

I will make the priority for these solutions to solve poverty. I think that the Egyptian revolution

was the first step to solve all the problems that face the community because freedom and social

justice were just dreams that are impossible to achieve. But in the day 25th of January 2011,

many people go out in the streets and call for their rights peacefully and the revolution succeeds.

Now Egypt has an elected president who should consider these problems, should listen carefully

for Egyptians, should give a suitable solution to raise the economy, and help Egypt to become

one of the best countries in the world. To solve poverty, the president should increase job

opportunities by doing some decisions like if a foreign company wants to invest in Egypt; they

should employee a high percentage of their employers of Egyptians, and this percentage should

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be increased by the development of the economic situation. This is one of many solutions that

can eradicate poverty in Egypt in an effective way.

The good thing in the Egyptians is that if they are in the right positions, they will work

hard to be the best. This advantage should be considered by the current president and the

following ones and know that Egyptians, nowadays, know their rights and will not allow anyone

to steal their freedom and now they live in a democratic country even they do not know about

democracy well. And government should be accountable and let people know the money that

spent and the money gained too in order to win the trust of people. So honesty is the best want to

keep people together and co-operate to develop their country, and people should try their best to

narrow the gap between the rich and the poor in order to eradicate poverty because this step is

the first one in developing the economy consequently developing our country.

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Mohamed Mohamed


Instructor: Gibson

Assignment 2

17 July 2012

Developing Myself

There are good and bad things that I do in my life, and I did not ask myself why I do this

and that, but I think that now I should ask this question and find an answer for it by analyzing

myself and analyzing these things.

The good thing that I do in my life is taking care about others. Lets explain better what

this means. I think that before the Egyptian revolution, most of the youngsters were living

without hope and ambition. They knew that the situation of our country is bad, and no one was

caring about others. The corruption in many fields increased, the rate of unemployment

increased, and the rate of crime like stealing or killing increased too. But after the revolution

ended, I decided to be an effective member in the community even if my effect is a very small

one compared with others. Here I ask myself many questions like why do I care about others

even they do not care about me? Why do I love to help them in their bad times? Why do I feel

happy after helping them even I do not know them? The answer simply is that I just want to do

what I feel. For example, yesterday I was driving my car, and I found a police man who was

standing in the hot weather to organizing the traffic. I did something was very strange to me but I

felt it. I went to the nearest super market, bought a Pepsi and a bottle of water, and went back to

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him and gave him these things; he thanked me a lot for doing this. I went home happy because I

drew the smile in someone's face. But why did I do that? The reason is because I like to drink a

Pepsi in the hot weather and there are people who want too but they cannot leave their positions

to do what they feel. Does it fair to stay 8 or 10 hours without drinking? The answer is No. I did

that because I felt that this police man wanted to drink something but he was afraid of his boss

because he did not want to be punished, so I helped him to do what he felt. Also I was thinking

that if I were him, I would be happy if anyone does the same with me, feels about me, or cares

about me. Why do I take care about people? Am I a good person? Does anyone have an effect on

me? From where did I learn to do that? I think that the way my parents raised me is the answer.

My parents taught me to be kind with people because it is a good characteristic and my religion

says so, and God will be happy if I do not do anything that may hurt anyone. Helping people and

caring about them is a beautiful thing that people should consider because I think that God

creates us to help each other not to do bad thing for the other people.

The first bad thing that I do in my life is analyzing many situations. But I think this

analysis is a double edged sword that can be useful sometimes. I think that when I figure out

something in a specific situation, it can be right or wrong. For example, one of my friends did a

bad thing to me, which is telling someone who I do not like one of my secrets. I was asking

myself why he did that. Does he make the priority for this person? Does he closer from this

person than me? These questions were stacked into my mind. But the most important question is

how did I know that he did such a thing to me? Believe or not, I know from his way of talking.

He is my friend from 11 years, so I know how he talks when he is angry, happy, or sad. But I felt

unhappy when I knew that he was talking with me with the thoughts and words of the one who

do not like me. This friend is the one who I go to tell him what I feel and wait for his help by

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opinion or action. But when he did not respond quickly like every time then he was talking with

me with different opinions from his, I knew that there was something wrong happened. The one

who wants to hurt me every time is a girl who I think that she loves me but I do not. She has the

right to love me but I should do what I feel. It is not fair to hurts or planning to hurt someone

who you love and he does not. Why do I trust him again? But I got no answer, so I decided not to

talk with him again and of course not to tell him anything about my life because I do not trust

him anymore. But I did something wrong which is not listening to him and knowing his excuse

to such a thing to an eleven years friend, and other friends told me that you just analyzing and

maybe it is not the truth. Here came the question into my mind, what if what they said is right?

So I decided to meet him and asking him why he did this to me. But what happened? My

analysis was right and he was lying to me, and he said that I did things that I did not do. And he

was not confident about what he was saying. Although he felt that he is guilty, he did not want to

admit. Maybe the reason is because there are people who feel that saying "Sorry" will be against

them and their pride does not allow them to say so. But the lesson I learned here is that even

analysis may be wrong, but it may be useful sometimes. Also, it helps me to know the real faces

of many people and not to trust anyone easily.

The second bad thing that I do in my life is insisting people who close to me follow my

opinion and not listening to them. Why do I want people to listen to me and follow my opinion?

The reason is that I have been hurt from the people who close to me, and I decided not to treat

anyone kindly except the one who deserves. Why do people hurt me a lot? The reason is that

they always think that I am a kind person and I will forgive them for what they did to me. In

many situations, they were wrong and I was right. I decided to change some characteristics in my

character like being a wise person and have a stronger character than before. But the kind part of

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me is wondering if I were in the other one place that is forced to do what I am saying, and (s) he

may be sad, but (s) he will do this thing for the sake of me. I think that I should listen carefully to

others and respect their opinions because I am not perfect, so maybe I will be wrong once. In

order not to take the responsibility for any wrong thing may be happens because of me, I should

listen to people and respect their point of view if they are right because I believe in this statement

"Treat people in the way you like to be treated". For example, my brother and I are always

fighting because he do not listen to me and he just wants to do what he wants. But I think that he

has the right to do what he wants because it is his life not mines, I have one and I will not be

happy if anyone forces me to do what (s) he wants. I decided t change this way of

communication. I used to learn from my mistakes since I was a child, since putting my hands in

fire to know what the feeling is, so I learned that it hurts, and I did not do it again. Everyone

should learn from his/her mistakes to know what the best thing to do in the next time because it

is life experience.

Each one of us has something in his/her life that (s) he did not ask him/her self why (s) he

do that and this, so people should analyze their lives from time to time to know the changes that

they gain from the people around them. People should try to use these things in a useful way not

in a destructive way. Also they should be believe and know that "What hurts you makes you

stronger". People should consider and gain their experience from the situations in their lives, and

they should learn from their mistakes. I had an experience in which I was kind to all the people,

but there are many people in my live who do not deserve this way of treatment. The mistakes

that I had done in the past taught me to know how to treat people in the same way they do with

me. I have been hurt from a eleven year friend and I did not consider something like that in my

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life. People should know that being kind with them is not a weak point; because of love, you

treat people nicely and they should appreciate that and not think in a selfish way. Life experience

is the core key to fix the character of the person, and people should think to know their mistakes

in specific situations and not feeling sad for what has happened.

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