CLASS XII - content.kopykitab.com · Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi CLASS XII Paper 1 3 Hours 100 Marks Units Periods Marks 1. Introduction 11 6 2. Consumer Equilibrium

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Page 1: CLASS XII - content.kopykitab.com · Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi CLASS XII Paper 1 3 Hours 100 Marks Units Periods Marks 1. Introduction 11 6 2. Consumer Equilibrium
Page 2: CLASS XII - content.kopykitab.com · Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi CLASS XII Paper 1 3 Hours 100 Marks Units Periods Marks 1. Introduction 11 6 2. Consumer Equilibrium

Book Code : 9575

ISBN : 978-93-82883-07-4

Price : ` 395.00


Page 3: CLASS XII - content.kopykitab.com · Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi CLASS XII Paper 1 3 Hours 100 Marks Units Periods Marks 1. Introduction 11 6 2. Consumer Equilibrium

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Page 4: CLASS XII - content.kopykitab.com · Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi CLASS XII Paper 1 3 Hours 100 Marks Units Periods Marks 1. Introduction 11 6 2. Consumer Equilibrium

Dr. Anupam AgrawalM. A., Ph. D. (Economics)

Mrs. Sharad AgrawalM. A.( English)Economics &




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Page 6: CLASS XII - content.kopykitab.com · Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi CLASS XII Paper 1 3 Hours 100 Marks Units Periods Marks 1. Introduction 11 6 2. Consumer Equilibrium

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), DelhiCentral Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi


Paper 1 3 Hours 100 Marks

Units Periods Marks

1. Introduction 11 6

2. Consumer Equilibrium and Demand 34 16

3. Producer Behaviour and Supply 34 16


31 12

110 50

5. National Income and Related Aggregates 32 15

6. Money and Banking 18 8

7. Determination of Income and Employment 27 12

8. Government Budget and the Economy 17 8

9. Balance of Payments 16 7

110 50

Meaning of Micro Economics and Macro Economics.

What is an Economy ? Central Problems of an Economy : what, how and for whom to produce; Concepts of production possibility frontier and opportunity Cost.

32 Periods

Consumer’s Equilibrium—Meaning of Utility, Marginal Utility, Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility, Conditions of Consumer's Equilibrium using Marginal Utility Analysis.

Indifference curve analysis of consumer's equilibrium–the consumer's budget (budget set and budget line), preferences of the consumer (indifference curve, indifference map) and conditions of consumer's equilibrium.

Demand, Market Demand, Determinants of Demand, Demand Schedule, Demand Curve, Movement along and Shifts in the Demand Curve, Price Elasticity of Demand—Factors affecting Price Elasticity of Demand, Measurement of Price Elasticity of Demand—(a) Percentage-change Method and (b) Geometric Method (Linear Demand Curve), Relationship between Price Elasticity of Demand and Total Expenditure.




The Question Paper will Include Value Based Question/Questions to the Extent of 5 Marks.

PART A : INTRODUCTORY MICRO ECONOMICSUnit 1 : Introduction 11 Periods

Unit 2 : Consumer’s Equilibrium and Demand

Forms of Market and Price Determination Under Perfect

Competition with Simple Applications


Page 7: CLASS XII - content.kopykitab.com · Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi CLASS XII Paper 1 3 Hours 100 Marks Units Periods Marks 1. Introduction 11 6 2. Consumer Equilibrium

Unit 3 : Producer Behaviour and Supply 34 Periods

Unit 4 : Forms of Market and Price Determination Under Perfect Competition with

Simple Applications 31 Periods


Unit 5 : National Income and Related Aggregates 32 Periods

Unit 6 : Money and Banking 18 Periods

Production Function : Total Product, Average Product and Marginal Product.

Returns to a Factor.

Cost and Revenue : Short run Costs—Total Cost, Total Fixed Cost, Total Variable

Cost, Average Fixed Cost, Average Variable Cost and Marginal Cost—Meaning and

their Relationship.

Revenue—Total, Average and Marginal Revenue.

Producer's Equilibrium—Meaning and its Conditions in terms of Marginal

Revenue—Marginal Cost, Supply, Market Supply, Determinants of Supply, Supply

Schedule, Supply Curve, Movements along and Shifts in Supply Curve, Price

Elasticity of Supply, Measurement of Price Elasticity of Supply—(a) Percentage-

change Method and (b) Geometric Method.

Perfect Competition—Features, Determination of Market Equilibrium and Effects of

Shifts in Demand and Supply.

Other Market Forms—Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly—their

Meaning and Features. Simple Applications of tools of Demand and supply : Price

ceiling price floor. Simple Applications of tools of Demand and supply : Price ceiling

price floor.

Some basic Concepts : Consumption Goods, Capital Goods, Final Goods, Inter-

mediate Goods; Stocks and Flows, Gross Investment and Depreciation.

Circular Flow of Income, Methods of Calculating National Income—Value Added or

Product Method, Expenditure Method, Income Method.

Aggregates related to National Income :

Gross National Product (GNP), Net National Product (NNP), Gross and Net

Domestic Product (GDP and NDP)—At Market Price, At Factor Cost, National

Disposable Income (Gross and Net), Private Income, Personal Income and Personal

Disposable Income, Real and Nominal GDP.

GDP and Welfare.

Money—its Meaning and Functions.

Supply of Money—Currency held by the Public and Net Demand Deposits held by

Commercial Banks.

Money Creation by the Commercial Banking System.

Central Bank and its Functions (Example of the Reserve Bank of India).

Page 8: CLASS XII - content.kopykitab.com · Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi CLASS XII Paper 1 3 Hours 100 Marks Units Periods Marks 1. Introduction 11 6 2. Consumer Equilibrium

Unit 7 : Determination of Income and Employment 27 Periods

Unit 8 : Government Budget and the Economy 17 Periods

Unit 9 : Balance of Payments 16 Periods

BSEB, JAC and Other State Boards



Aggregate Demand and its Components.

Propensity to Consume and Propensity to Save (Average and Marginal).

Short-run Equilibrium Output, Investment Multiplier and its Mechanism.

Meaning of Full Employment and Involuntary Unemployment.

Problems of Excess Demand and Deficient Demand, Measures to Correct them— Change in Government Spending, Availability of Credit.

Government Budget—Meaning, Objectives and Components.

Classification of Receipts—Revenue Receipts and Capital Receipts; Classification of Expenditure—Revenue Expenditure and Capital Expenditure.

Measures of Government Deficit—Revenue Deficit, Fiscal Deficit, Primary Deficit : their Meaning.

Fiscal Policy and its Role (Non-evaluative Topic).

Balance of Payments Account—Meaning and Components, Balance of Payments Deficit—Meaning.

Foreign Exchange Rate—Meaning of Fixed and Flexible Rates and Managed Floating.

Determination of Exchange Rate in a Free Market.

Paper 1 3 Hours 100 Marks

Units Periods Marks

I. Introduction 10 4

II. Consumer Behaviour and Demand 25 13

III. Producer Behaviour and Supply 37 23

IV. Forms of Market and Price Determination 20 10

V. Simple Applications of Tools of Demand and Supply Curves 12 —

104 50

I. National Income and Related Aggregates—Basic Concepts

and Measurements 30 15

II. Determination of Income and Employment 25 12

III. Money and Banking 18 8

IV. Government Budget and the Economy 17 8

V. Balance of Payments 14 7

104 50

Page 9: CLASS XII - content.kopykitab.com · Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi CLASS XII Paper 1 3 Hours 100 Marks Units Periods Marks 1. Introduction 11 6 2. Consumer Equilibrium


Unit I : Introduction 10 Periods

Unit II : Consumer Behaviour and Demand 25 Periods

Unit III : Producer Behaviour and Supply 37 Periods

Unit IV : Forms of Market and Price Determination 20 Periods

Unit V : Simple Applications of Tools of Demand and Supply Curves 12 Periods


Unit I : National Income and Related Aggregates—Basic Concepts

and Measurements 30 Periods

Unit II : Determination of Income and Employment 25 Periods

What is micro economics ?

Central Problems of an Economy, Production Possibility Curve and Opportunity Cost.

Consumer’s Equilibrium—Meaning and Attainment of Equilibrium through Utility Approach : One and Two Commodity Cases.

Demand : Market Demand, Determinants of Demand, Demand Schedule, Demand Curve, Movement along and Shifts in Demand Curve, Price Elasticity of Demand, Measurement of Price Elasticity of Demand—Percentage, Total Expenditure and Geometric Methods.

Production Function : Returns of a Factor and Returns to Scale.Supply : Market Supply, Determinants of Supply, Supply Schedule, Supply Curve Movement along and Shifts in Supply Curve, Price Elasticity of Supply, Measurement of Price Elasticity of Supply—Percentage and Geometric Method.Cost and Revenue : Concepts of Costs, Short Run Costs Curves—Fixed and Variable Costs, Total, Average and Marginal Costs. Concepts of Revenue—Total, Average and Marginal Revenue and their Relationship. Producer’s Equilibrium with the help of MC and MR.

Forms of Market—Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition—their Meaning and Features.

Price Determination under Perfect Competition—Equilibrium Price, Effects of Shifts in Demand and Supply.

The teacher can be given the flexibility to choose the issues : rationing, floors and ceilings and Food Availability Decline (FAD). Theory (the teachers may also choose alternative examples that are simple and easy to understand).

Macro Economics : Meaning.Circular Flow of Income, Concepts of GDP, GNP, NDP, NNP (at Market Price and

Factor Cost), National Disposable Income (Gross and Net); Private Income, Personal

Income and Personal Disposable Income, Measurement of National Income—Value

Added Method, Income Method and Expenditure Method.

Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply and their Components.

Propensity to Consume and Propensity to Save (Average and Marginal).

Meaning of Involuntary Unemployment and Full Employment.

Page 10: CLASS XII - content.kopykitab.com · Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi CLASS XII Paper 1 3 Hours 100 Marks Units Periods Marks 1. Introduction 11 6 2. Consumer Equilibrium

Determination of Income and Employment : Two Sector Model.

Concept of Investment Multiplier and its Working.

Problems of Excess and Deficient Demand.

Measures to Correct Excess and Deficient Demand—Availability of Credit, Change

in Government Spending.

Money—Meaning, Evolution and Functions.

Central Bank—Meaning and Functions.

Commercial Banks—Meaning and Functions.

Recent Significant Reforms and Issues in Indian Banking System : Privatisation and


Government Budget—Meaning and its Components.

Objectives of Government Budget.

Classification of Receipts—Revenue and Capital; Classification of Expenditure—

Revenue and Capital, Plan and Non-plan and Developmental and Non-

developmental. Balanced Budget, Surplus Budget and Deficit Budget; Meaning and

Implications. Revenue Deficit, Fiscal Deficit and Primary Deficit; Meaning and

Implications; Measures to Contain Different Deficits.

Downsizing the Role of Government : Meaning and Implications.

Foreign Exchange Rate—Meaning (Fixed and Flexible), Merits and Demerits;

Determination through Demand and Supply.

Balance of Payments Account—Meaning and Components.

A brief analysis about recent exchange rate issues.

Unit III : Money and Banking 18 Periods

Unit IV : Government Budget and the Economy 17 Periods

Unit V : Balance of Payments 14 Periods

Page 11: CLASS XII - content.kopykitab.com · Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi CLASS XII Paper 1 3 Hours 100 Marks Units Periods Marks 1. Introduction 11 6 2. Consumer Equilibrium

Economics U P Board Textbooks Class12th

Publisher : Sbpd Publications ISBN : 9789382883074Author : Dr. AnupamAgrawal, Mrs. SharadAgrawal

Type the URL : http://www.kopykitab.com/product/4147

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