CLASSROOM INTERACTION IN ENGLISH SPEAKING ...eprints.ums.ac.id/62342/2/NASKAH PUBLIKASI.pdfThe type of this research is descriptive qualitative research especially naturalistic study

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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for Getting Bachelor Degree of Education

in Department of English



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This research aims to describe the types of classroom interaction, the roles of

classroom interaction, and the dominant type of classroom interaction in speaking class at

Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative

research especially naturalistic study. The methods of collecting data in this research are

observation, recording, and document. The observation conducted in teaching learning

process in classroom and the writer noted it as the document. The writer used theory by

Mozkowitz (1971, 1976) about Foreign Language Interaction Analysis System. The result

of this research showed that there were three types of classroom interaction in speaking

class at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang, such as: teacher-student interaction (TS),

student-teacher interaction (ST), and student-student interaction (SS). There were several

roles of classroom interaction in speaking class, based on the types of interaction. The

roles of teacher-student for giving information, praising, giving explanation, request,

displaying question, translation in L1, correct mistakes, repeating words, giving

instruction and laughter. The roles of student-teacher interaction were student initiated,

students’ response, and asking for students’ confusion. The roles of student-student

interaction include work in pairs and group. The dominant type of classroom interaction

in speaking class at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang was teacher-student interaction.

The writer concluded that the dominant type of classroom interaction in speaking class at

Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang was teacher-student interaction.

Key words: classroom interaction in speaking class, roles of classroom interaction,

dominant type of classroom interaction


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tipe-tipe interaksi di kelas, peran

interaksi di kelas, dan tipe yang dominan di dalam kelas berbicara di English One Course

Surakarta. Tipe penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif khususnya menggunakan

pendekatan naturalistik. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode observasi,

merekam dan dokumen. Observasi di lakukan pada saat proses belajar mengajar di kelas,

dan penulis mencatatnya sebagai dokumen. Peneliti menggunakan teori dari Moskowitz

(1971, 1976) tentang sistem Analisis Interaksi bahasa Asing. Hasil penelitian ini

menunjukkan di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang ada 3 tipe interaksi kelas, yaitu

interaksi guru-siswa, interaksi siswa-guru dan interaksi siswa-siswa. Dalam interaksi

kelas ada beberapa peranan berdasarkan tipe interaksi. Peran interaksi guru-siswa adalah

memberi informasi, memuji, menjelaskan, meminta, menanyakan pertanyaan,

menerjemahkan ke bahasa utama, mengkoreksi kesalahan, mengulang kata, memberi

intruksi dan tersenyum. Peran interaksi siswa-guru adalah berinisiasi, merespon dan

bingung. Peran interaksi siswa-siswa adalah ikut serta, berinteraksi dan bersosialisasi.

Tipe dominan di kelas berbicara di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang adalah interaksi

guru-siswa. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa interaksi guru-siswa adalah tipe dominan di

interaksi kelas.

Kata kunci: Interaksi kelas di kelas speaking, peran interaksi kelas, tipe dominan

interaksi kelas.

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In modern era, English becomes more important day by day. English is

one of the international languages that is used in the world. Interaction is one of

modal to communicate with foreigners. According to Wagner (1994: pp8),

interaction as “reciprocal events that require at least two objects and two actions,

interactions occurs when these objects and events naturally influence one

another”. Therefore, interactions do not occur only from one side; there must be a

mutual influence through giving and receiving messages in order to achieve

communication. Interaction is important for people, especially for students.

Students have much interaction as example in class; they can express their idea.

Celce-Murcia stated (1987) that classroom interaction is an activity of

interaction between student – teacher and student – student. Interaction in the

classroom is an essential part of teaching learning process. Interaction or human

interaction has been defined as a process whereby two or more people engaged in

reciprocal actions. This action may be verbal or nonverbal. Classroom interaction

can happen in class activity such as speaking class. Speaking is "the process of

building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols,

in a variety of contexts" (Chaney, 1998, p. 13).

From those definitions about speaking the researcher thinks that speaking

is important for teacher and students. Speaking is modal to speak with each other.

As example when teacher and student speak in classroom it can be interaction. In

this time the researcher sees that interaction between student and teacher in class

just says “yes” or “no”. Teacher and student do not talk too much, usually the

student feel shy to ask to the teacher or worried, especially the student in

Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang. The writer found phenomena classroom

interaction in English speaking class at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang, most

of students’ have difficulties to speak English because they do not have enough

skill to speak English fluently. From this the student cannot develop their

interaction in classroom when teaching learning process. The purpose of this

research is analysis of classroom interaction among teacher – students, students –

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teacher, and student – student in speaking class at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1


The writer elaborates some of pervious studies in this research. A study by

Kasim (2004) observed about classroom interaction in the English department

speaking class at State University of Malang. Kasim found four patterns of

classroom interaction, namely (1) teacher-class interaction (T – C), (2) teacher-

group interaction (T – G), (3) teacher-student interaction (T – S), (4) student-

student interaction (S – S). Lei (2009) had a research entitled Communicative

Teacher Talk in the English Classroom in the School of Foreign Languages

Hangzhou Normal University China. The result of her research is replicate

conversation; the lesson would cease to be a lesson and become a conversation,

which does not have any underlying pedagogical theory. Another study is

conducted by Mustapha (2010) entitled Understanding Classroom Interaction: A

Case Study of International Students’ Classroom Participation at one of the

colleges in Malaysia. From his observations, it was found that quite large

percentage of students (51,7%) accounted for the majority of interactions in the

classes. More than 50% of the observed interaction involved (a) instances in

which instructors directly called on specific students to attempt to give their views

or answer, (b) cases in which students responded to the comments or questions of

other students and (c) situation in which students give short responses. Another

study by Pujiastuti (2013) is entitled Classroom Interaction: An Analysis of

Teacher Talk and Student Talk in English for Young Learners (EYL). The result

of her research found that some categories of teacher talk, beginning from the

highest percentage to the lowest one: giving directions, lecturing, asking

questions, using or accepting ideas of students, praising, critizing and accepting

feelings. Another study by Nisa (2013) is entitled Classroom Interaction Analysis

in Indonesia EFL Speaking Class. The result of her research was found that all

categories both in teacher talk and student talk as mentioned in FLINT system had

been applied by the subjects. Rahman (2014) had a research entitled Learning

English through Interaction in an EFL Classroom. The result of his research

found that through interaction that means through repetition and recast learners A

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& B learnt English and noticed their errors. It helped them to correct their English

and repetition helped both in learning and noticing errors. Mbaga (2015) had a

research entitled Classroom Interaction: A Key to Effective Teaching and

Learning in Secondary Schools in Tanzania. A Case of Arusha City. The result of

his research clearly revealed unsatisfactory interaction in the classrooms due to

primarily lack of teachers’ creativity and language incompetency.

Based on previous study above, there is similarity between of the research by

the writer with those previous studies, is that both of them focus on speaking class

and classroom interaction. However, this research has differences from those

previous studies. The previous studies research they were : to describe the types of

classroom interaction in speaking class, to describe the roles of classroom

interaction in speaking class, and to describe the dominant type of classroom

interaction in English speaking class at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang.


In this research the researcher uses the descriptive qualitative research.

Bogdan and Taylor (1978) stated that the qualitative research is a research which

yields the descriptive data in the form of written or oral words from observing

people and behavior. In the other words, a descriptive qualitative research is a

type of research which does not include any calculation or enumeration.

Therefore, the data concerned appear in words rather than in numbers.

The writer wants to observe and describe classroom interaction in

speaking class at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang. The researcher observes in

the class and recorded the classroom interaction in English class. The researcher

interviewed Mr. K as English teacher at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang to get

the information and document analysis.

In this research the writer observed the classroom interaction between

students and teacher in teaching learning process in speaking class at Madrasah

Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang. The researcher just recorded and got a field note from the

observation. The researcher recorded the interaction between teacher and student

in teaching learning process in speaking class. The writer recorded the process of

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classroom interaction by camera phone. The researcher gets four classes of four

recording in this study. The researcher collected text and image of the research

such as photos, videos, and field notes.


This part explains the result of the research as the answer of the problem

statement. In this step, the writer observed classroom interaction in speaking class

when the teacher teaching learning process. The writer found three types of

classroom interaction; they are teacher-student (T-S), student-teacher (S-T) and

student-student (S-S).

3.1 Types of Classroom Interaction in Speaking Class

In teaching learning process the teacher used classroom interaction to

students because interaction is important in teaching learning process; it can help

the teacher to develop potential students and for students it can help student

understand more about the material. In this study the writer focused on classroom

interaction at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang. In this step the writer observed

classroom interaction in speaking class in the teacher teaching learning process.

The writer found three types of classroom interaction; they are teacher-student (T-

S), student-teacher (S-T) and student-student (S-S).

3.1.1 Teacher - Student Interaction

Teacher student interaction is process of interaction between teacher and

student when the teacher gives lesson to student in teaching learning process.

Teacher student interaction is important because from the interaction the teacher

more easily to communicate with students and make teaching learning process in

classroom going easily. Interaction between the teacher and student has benefits to

the teacher because the teacher knows about the weakness and the quality of the

students in classroom.

The writer of this research only focuses on classroom interaction at

Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang. In this part the researcher found teacher

student interaction in speaking class at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang. The

writer found teacher students interaction when the teacher start to teach in XII IPS

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1 about conditional sentence topic and the teacher wanted to give an example

about conditional sentence, then the teacher asked students about their future. The

teacher asked student whose name is Reza about his future life and Reza answered

he wanted to be a police. The teacher wrote three types of conditional topic on the

white board and described one by one to student. The teacher explained student

that the second question is similar to Reza’s answer.

(1) Teacher: “Reza cita-cita kamu apa? Kamu ingin menjadi apa?”

Reza : “Polisi Pak”

(Observation on August 2nd


(2) Teacher: “Oke police, bagus. Today we are learning about conditional

sentence. I believe in the past class yaa di kelas kemarin kita

pernah pelajari what is conditional sentence, apa sih

conditional sentence itu? Ada yang masih ingat? Pengandaian

sesuatu atau impian”

Student: “Pengharapan”

(Observation on August 2nd


(3) Teacher: “Yaa atau pengharapan. Oke there are… you remember? There

are three types ada tiga tipe (the teacher writes about the topic).

And then describe one by one, jadi ketika saya tanya, “what do

you want to be?” and he said “I want to be a police”, and then

second question saya tanyakan kepada siapa tadi?

Student: “Reza”

(Observation on August 2nd


3.1.2 Teacher Student Interaction

Student teacher interaction is interaction between student and teacher in

teaching learning process. Student teacher interaction has advantages to students

because it makes student active in class and understand more about the lesson that

teacher explain. But, the researcher found some student teacher interaction in

Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang because some of the students are passive in

teaching learning process in English class. When the teacher taught about second

types of conditional sentence, the teacher gave student exercise about conditional

sentence and read loudly the exercise to students. When the teacher read loudly

the exercise, the students asked the teacher to repeat again what the teacher read

because the student didn’t know how to write the sentence correctly.

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(1) Student: “Hah tulisannya gimana Pak?”

Teacher: “If English test”

(Observation on August 2nd


(2) Student: “Hah apa pak? If...?”

Teacher: “If English test”

(Observation on August 2nd


The other student teacher interaction when the teacher gave exercises to

students when teaching about conditional sentence topic, the teacher read loud

exercise to student and student ask to the teacher to continue what the teacher read

because student cannot write English faster. The teacher repeats again to read

assignment to student.

(3) Student: “You you apa? I apa Pak?”

Teacher: “I … complete period on sentence”

(Observation on August 2nd


(4) Student: “You will be?”

Teacher: “You will be sick. Sudah? Kurang , cukup?”

(Observation on August 2nd


3.1.3 Student-Student Interaction

Student-student interaction is student communication in classroom with

other students in group in teaching learning process. Student-student interaction

can also develop their social as the students communicate well in the classroom

and can make student more confident.

The writer found student-student interaction in a group at Madrasah Aliyah

Negeri 1 Batang at X2 grade. When the students show a drama in classroom with

a title Malin Kundang with the other actor, there are five people who become

actor of the drama including the teacher as narrator. Here is the dialogue of Malin

Kundang drama:

Narrator : “Long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West

Sumatera, lived a woman and her son, Malin Kundang.

Malin Kundang's father had passed away when he was a

baby, and he had to live hard with his mother.Malin

Kundang was a healthy, dilligent, and strong child. He

usually went to the sea to catch fish, and brought it to his

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mother, or sold it in the town. One day, when Malin

Kundang was sailing as usual, he saw a merchant's ship

which was being raided by a small band of pirates. With

his brave and power, Malin Kundang defeated the pirates.

The merchant was so happy and asked Malin Kundang to

sail with him. Malin Kundang agreed”

Malin : “Mother, I want to go sailingoverseas…..”

Mother : “No, Malin, mom will not let you”

Malin : “Mother, if I stay here, I will always be a poor man. I

want to be a successful person,”

(Observation on August 7th


3.2 The Roles of Classroom Interaction

Role of classroom interaction is effective for students and teacher; it can

improve the teacher in teaching learning activity and for the students it can

improve how to interact with teacher in classroom. The researcher found the roles

of classroom interaction in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang; they are the role of

teacher – student interaction, the role of student – teacher interaction and student-

student interaction.

3.2.1 The Roles of Teacher-Student Interaction

The role of teacher – student interaction is one of important part in

classroom interaction and the roles teacher to student can developing in teaching

learning process. In this part, the writer depends on FLINT (Foreign Language

Interaction) model from Moskowitz (1971, 1976). FLINT model has 26 categories

of teacher talk. Based on FLINT model the writer found some categories in the

classroom interaction in speaking classroom at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang,

there are: giving information, praising, giving explanation, request, displaying

question, translation in L1, correct mistakes, repeating words, giving instruction

and laughter.

The meaning of the roles of teacher-student interaction is how the teacher

explains about material with briefly to make student understand and also give

examples about the material when teaching learning process. When the teacher

taught about three types of conditional sentence and give student question, then

the teacher choose student whose name is Reza to answer the question. Then, the

teacher gave explanation type one of conditional sentence.

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Teacher: “Yaa atau pengharapan. Oke there are… you remember? There

are three types ada tiga tipe (the teacher writes about the

topic). And then describe one by one, jadi ketika saya tanya,

“what do you want to be?” and he said “I want to be a

police”, and then second question saya tanyakan kepada

siapa tadi?

Student: “Reza”

(Observation on August 2nd


Table 1. The Roles of Teacher – Student Interaction

No. Task

1. Giving Explanation

2. Translate in L1

3. Correct Mistakes

4. Giving Instruction

5. Display Question

6. Request

7. Replay words

8. Giving Information

9. Praising

3.2.2 The Roles of Student - Teacher Interaction

The role of student-teacher interaction is important in interaction

classroom; when students ask the teacher and teacher answered, it will be

classroom interaction. Categories of students’ talk include students’ response

(specific), students initiated, silence, and confusion (Moskowitz, 1971 as cited in

Brown, 2001:170). In this research the writer found three of them; students’

response, student silence, and student confusion.

When the teacher taught in class XII IPS 1 about conditional sentence, the

teacher explained about second type of conditional sentence to student. Then the

teacher gave exercise to student, the teacher read sentence and students wrote

what they heard. When the teacher read loudly the sentence, some of students

asked to the teacher to repeat what the teacher said because the student could not

write the sentence correctly in English.

Teacher: “Oke you gone, you just spelling, di eja saja b-u-r-n-t”

Student: “B-u-r, apa?”

(Observation on August 2nd


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When the teacher asked students about something when teaching learning

process in classroom, students did not respond or students cannot answer and

silent. In this part the writer found student silence, when the teacher taught in

class XII IPS 1 about conditional sentence, the teacher explained second type of

conditional sentence and ask student to make sentence. The teacher asks students

to continue the sentence, some of students can answer, and teacher want to other

example. Then the teacher asked students to make other sentences of conditional

sentence but the student could not answer and just silent.

Teacher: “I would explore the world, saya akan menjelajah atau keliling

dunia. Yaa nice, very nice. Ayo lainnya, if I could fly…?”

Student: (silent)

(Observation on August 2nd


3.2.3 The Roles of Student - Student Interaction

Henry (1992) stated that the content of interaction is analyzed according to

five dimensions; they are participation, interaction, social, cognitive, and meta-

cognitive. The writer found student-student interactions in Madrasah Aliyah

Negeri 1 Batang, and one of them is drama. The title of drama is Malin Kundang.

From five dimensions above, the writer found two dimensions; they are

participations and interaction.

The participation in drama is the people who have a role in drama and also

are called as actors. The participants of the drama are the students of Madrasah

Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang class X2. Drama Malin Kundang needs five participants

and one of them is the narrator. The narrator in this drama is the teacher.

Cast : Faris as Malin Kundang

Diah as Malin’s Mother

Lida as Malin’s Wife

Adit as People

(Observation on August 7th


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In drama, interactions are important. Aactors and narrator have a good

communication so the drama will be successful. The drama was performed at the

speaking class and it is one of the activities between students-students interaction.

Narrator : “Long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West

Sumatera, lived a woman and her son, Malin Kundang.

Malin Kundang's father had passed away when he was a

baby, and he had to live hard with his mother.Malin

Kundang was a healthy, dilligent, and strong child. He

usually went to the sea to catch fish, and brought it to his

mother, or sold it in the town. One day, when Malin

Kundang was sailing as usual, he saw a merchant's ship

which was being raided by a small band of pirates. With

his brave and power, Malin Kundang defeated the pirates.

The merchant was so happy and asked Malin Kundang to

sail with him. Malin Kundang agreed”

Malin : “Mother, I want to go sailingoverseas…..”

Mother : “No, Malin, mom will not let you”

Malin : “Mother, if I stay here, I will always be a poor man. I

want to be a successful person,”

(Observation on August 7th


Table 2. The Role of Classroom Interaction

Interaction Roles

Teacher – Student

Giving explanation

Translate in L1

Correct mistakes

Giving instruction

Display Question


Replay words

Giving information


Student – Teacher

Student response

Student silence

Student confusion

Student – Student



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Based on the research findings above, there are some aspects which

researcher discusses in the research findings. The aspects include types of

classroom interaction, the role of classroom interaction in speaking class, and the

dominant type of classroom interaction at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang.

Based on observation, there are three types of classroom interaction; they

are teacher – student interaction, learner-instructor interaction and student –

teacher interaction. The observation was supported by the theory by Michael G

Moore (1989) there are three types of classroom interaction, learner-instructor

interaction and learner-content interaction, and learner-learner interaction. Moore

makes the interactions into three types, and what makes it different from the

finding of this study are learner-content interaction and learner-learner interaction,

whereas in this study the writer found learner-content in the observation such as

internet. The writer could not find learner-learner interaction in the observation

because this class used teacher center, the teacher usually asked some questions to

the students.

The writer found the roles of teacher – student interaction at Madrasah

Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang whereas the teacher as the role model in the classroom.

The observation is supported by theory Mozkowitz (1971, 1976) known as the

FLINT (Foreign Language Interaction) model. From the theory of FLINT, the

writer found the roles of teacher – student interaction in English class at Madrasah

Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang, they are giving explanation, translate in L1, correct

mistakes, giving instruction, display question, request, replay words, giving

information, praising.

The writer found some roles of student – teacher interaction at Madrasah

Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang whereas the students as the role model and the teacher are

as facilitator in the classroom. The roles of student – teacher interaction are

student response, student silence, and student confusion. The finding is based on

theory, Moskowitz as cited Brown (2001: 170) stated that the students talk

including students’ response (specific), student initiated, silence, and confusion.

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The writer found student-student interaction at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1

Batang, whereas the students as the role model. The activities student-student

interactions are debate, drama, and discussion, the writer found the student-

student interaction in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 by drama. The finding is based

on Henry (1992) theory stating that the roles of students’ talk or student-student

interaction are participation, interaction, social, cognitive, and meta-cognitive.

The roles of student-student interaction in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang; are

participation and interaction.

To get the dominant types, the writer calculated the frequency of

classroom interaction. The writer used theory to count dominant types of

classroom interaction. This research agrees with previous study of Nisa (2013).

She makes three types of classroom interaction teacher talk (T-T), student-talk (S-

T), and silence. The writer counts the dominant types of classroom interaction by

counting the frequency of three types of interaction in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1

Batang; they are teacher-student interaction, student-teacher interaction, and

student-student interaction.

The observation did not show about the dominant type of classroom

interaction especially student’s talk as the dominant because the writer could not

find the student as the dominant types. The writer found that most of classroom

interaction in Indonesia is the teacher as role model in the classroom.

Based on the explanation above, the dominant type of classroom

interaction in speaking class at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batanag is teacher talk

or teacher-student interaction. The writer concludes that the finding is in a line

with Nisa’s finding.


The writer draws a conclusion about classroom interaction in speaking

class at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang. Based on the observation, there are

some types of classroom interaction at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang such as

teacher-student interaction and student-teacher interaction.

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The conclusion showed several roles of interaction in speaking class at

Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang; they are the roles of teacher – student

interaction (TS), student – teacher interaction (ST), and student – student

interaction (SS). There are some roles of teacher – student interaction (TS), giving

explanation, translating in L1, correcting mistakes, giving instruction, displaying

question, requesting, replaying words, giving information, and praising. The

second, student – teacher interaction (ST), they are student response, student

silence, and student confusion. The third, student – student interaction (SS), they

are participations and interaction.

In classroom interaction at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Batang, the writer

found some dominant types of interaction in English class; they are teacher -

student interaction (84%), student – teacher interaction (4%), and student –

student (12%).

From the result of the observation, the writer concludes that the dominant

types of classroom interaction in speaking class at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1

Batang is teacher – student interaction (TS), which is the teacher as a role model

and facilitator in classroom.


Bogdan and Taylor. (1978). “A research procedure that obtains descriptive data

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