CLD102 Fundamentals of Leadership

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  • Fundamentals of Leadership

    Everyone can be great because everyone can serve- Martin Luther

    King Jr.

    CLD 102

  • Unleashing your Leadership Potentials

    Trait theory

    Behavioral theory






  • Three Lessons as Fundamentals



    BEING Vs. Having


    See the Future

    Engage and Develop Others

    Reinvent continuously

    Value Results and Relationships

    Embody the value

  • See the Future

    - Vision

    - Transformative

    - Timeless

  • Engage and Develop Others

    get to know and be genuinely interested in affairs of others.

    Listen truly listen . and make time for others

  • Reinvent Continuously

    Tradition versus creativity (the story of the Cat)

    Avoid the status quo. It has always been like this

    Take positive risks. Dare! Live out of your shell.

  • Be bold almost do not care (facebook, google, ms, apple - people who dared and avoided the statusquo. It is not business as usual).

    Contexts change readapt

  • Value Results and Relationships

    - Distance and relation unmask the leader

    - Cult of Personalities

  • Embody the Value

    True leadership has nothing to do with ones level in the organization. There many individuals who do not hold leadership positions and yet they are providing leadership all the time just as there are many others who hold leadership positions and they are not showing any leadership at all.

  • Leadership is more about what others dont see than they do see

    Like the Iceberg 20% above water and 80% under water.

    20% = Skills (doing)

    80% = Character

  • Skills (doing)

    Character (Being)

  • Integrity

    Creates and maintains trust

    The person is in touch with reality

    Result oriented task/action

  • Embraces negative realities problems as opportunities

    Pursues growth and

    Achieves Transcendence and meaning in life

  • Being and having

    The old clich some are born great, some achieve greatness while others have greatness thrust upon them

    Another clich all men are born equal with unequal opportunity to become unequal