This half-term we’re learning how to . . . What your child will be doing . . . How parents can help... Visits, Events and Reminders . . . Click on the images for a guide to learning in Year 6 . . . Summer 2 2016-2017

Click on the images for How parents a guide to learning · Click on the images for a guide to learning ... control of pitch, a sense of phrase and musical expression; ... Kabaddi)

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This half-term we’re

learning how to . . .

What your child will be doing . . .

How parents

can help...

Visits, Events and

Reminders . . .

Click on the images for a guide to learning

in Year 6 . . .

Summer 2 2016-2017

Year 6 Curriculum Information

As the Year 6 Teachers we have produced these pages to give parents an additional snapshot of the planned learning this half-term. The front page acts like a ‘dashboard’ to link you to other information. Please click on the images in each heading box to take you to the additional information and linking pages.

We hope you find the content useful and would welcome thoughts on any additions.

Miss Booth, 6G

Mr Potter, 6A

Do keep checking our

Facebook feeds and

the Academy website

for regular postings.

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+ English – use tense, formality and punctuation to adapt their writing for a specific effect on the reader. Speaking and listening techniques for presenting in front of a group.

Maths – Describe positions on the full coordinate grid, draw and translate simple shapes on the coordinate plane, and reflect them in the axis and calculate the area of parallelograms and triangles.

Computing – use Computer Aided Design software to design and create 3D content that accomplishes given goals. Design, write and debug interactive programs using sequence, selection, repetition and variables.

RE – identify the life stories of Malala Yousafzia; examine the link between life and religion; consider their own beliefs and express them.

Art – identify and apply the key skills associated with weaving; select and use materials appropriate to a task.

History – research and identify the achievements of the earliest civilization and the impact it has on modern life.

Music – sing songs, in unison and two parts, with clear diction, control of pitch, a sense of phrase and musical expression; play tuned and unturned instruments with control and rhythmic precision.

PE – participate in child-led games and competitions, using basic principles of attack and defense find different ways of being successful. Compete in different forms of athletics events.

French- Talk about holidays in French. Start to use adverbials of time and the simple future tense je vais + infinitive i.e. I am going to go/ to do/ to see.

We manage curricular coverage over the year to best meet external and internal requirements. Following the statutory SATs testing last term we now look forward to additional focuses on music, performance, art, computing and PE. We will also prepare for transition to Year 7 with PSHCE focuses such as resilience, self-confidence and respect.

This half-term we’re

learning how to . . .

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English – applying their skills of writing to a range of purposes and select or manipulate features for a specific effect.

Maths – Using our Topic of ‘Ancient Egypt to calculate the areas of different shapes associated with the topic. Use Sports Day to inspire the children’s use of ‘Real Maths’ by measuring distances and times for different athletics events.

Computing – using Sketchup to design buildings to meet a given brief. Using Scratch to produce interactive surveys, quizzes or games.

RE – discuss, explore and present their ideas about the life and religious beliefs of famous idols.

Art – work collaboratively developing designs; assess and evaluate the success of their product.

History – use a variety of mediums to present their research of life in Ancient Egypt.

Music – performing solo, duet and group singing performances as part of the Year 6 show and leavers service.

PE – Holding competitions across variety of different world sports (Ultimate Frisbee, Kabaddi) and practicing a variety of different track and field events.

French – Planning a summer holiday diary.

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What your child will be doing . . .

Children can extend their times tables knowledge and improve the

speed of their recall through games on:




As well as completing their weekly homework tasks, children can

revisit areas of difficulty or play games linked to their learning at:


Children can extend their language skills outside of school using

interactive software at: www.languagenut.com/uk/

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How parents

can help...

Reminders: Your child has two P.E. sessions per week (Wednesday and Thursday) – please ensure that they have the correct equipment including pumps or trainers (both if possible) for these sessions.

Planners: Please remember to sign your child’s planner at the end of each week. Planners are required in school every day.

School play: Our Year 6 performance of ‘Aladdin’ will take place on the evenings of 4th and 5th July.

Sports day: Wednesday 28th June

Whole school photo: Wednesday 16th June

Transition day: Friday 7th July

Open afternoon 17th July

Leavers’ service: Thursday 20th July

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Visits, Events and

Reminders . . .

Summer 2 2016-2017