CLinical exam for pharmacist

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  • Clinical pharmacology

    Surat Tanprawate, MD, MSc (Lond.), FRCP(T) Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine

    Faculty of Medicine, Chiangmai University

  • Physical examination : the method you should know

    Medical data record

  • Recommended book and video

  • The clinical data approach and recording

    Identification data: age, sex, address, career

    Chief complaint

    Present illeness

    Past history+Family history+History of drug use and drug allergy

    Physical examination

  • The clinical data approach and recording

    Problem lists


    Provisional diagnosis

    Differential diagnosis

    Final diagnosis

    Progression note -> S.O.A.P format (inpatient)

    F/U -> clinical f/u, score test, lab f/u

  • Chief complaint

    Chief complaint comprises of

    = Onset + duration + symptoms or group of symptoms (syndrome)

    First step of clinical thinking is symptomatology ()

  • Chief complaint : symptomatology -1

    General: Weight, appetite, fever, sleep, mood.

    Eyes: Blindness, discharge, conjunctivitis, proptosis, ptosis.

    Ears: Deafness, discharge(otorhea), pain, tinitus, fullness, dizziness.

    Nose: Blockage, discharge(rhinorhea), postnasal drip, bleeding(epistaxis), headache, cheek swelling.

  • Chief complaint : symptomatology -2

    Gastrointestinal systems: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, heartburn, dysphagia, jaundice, mass, hematemesis, melena., diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, mass, hematochezia, bowel habit change.

    Cardiovascular system: Exercise intolerance, nocturnal dyspnea, chest pain, tightness, palpitation, syncope, cough, edema.

    Respiratory system: Cough, sputum, hemoptysis, breathlessness, hoarseness, stridor, wheezing, chest pain.

  • Chief complaint : symptomatology -3

    Nervous system:

    cortical : alteration of consciousness, seizure

    cranial nerve: diplopia, visual loss, dysphagia, deafness

    motor system: weakness, abnormal movement, ataxia

    sensory system: numbness, pain, headache

    autonomic dysfunction: syncope, bowel and bladder dysfunction

  • Surat Tanprawate, Chiangmai 2015.

    Dont do physical examination as a blind men.

  • A resident physician in the Granada Relocation Center, examining a patient's throat.Parker, Tom, Photographer (NARA record: 4682167) - U.S. National Archives and Records AdministrationScope and content: The full caption for this photograph reads: Granada Relocation Center, Amache, Colorado. Doctor Gerald A. Duffy, resident physician, examining the throat of one of the first arrivals.

  • Physical examination


    General or screening physical examination

    Focused or specific physical examination

    exam in the detail that guided by the history or screening exam

  • Physical examination tools

  • Physical examination manuvers

    Inspection () Palpation () Percussion () Auscultation ()


    Inspection () Palpation () Motion () Measure ()

  • Vital sign Temperature (T), respiratory rate(RR), pulse rate or

    heart rate (HR or PR), blood pressure (BP)

    Vital signs are objective guideposts that provide data to determine a persons state of health. Vital signs include temperature, pulse, respiration (collectively called TPR), and blood pressure (BP). Another indicator of a patients health status is pulse oximetry.

  • Temperature

  • Temp

  • From Bonewit-West K: Clinical procedures for medical assistants, ed 8, St Louis, 2011, Saunders.

  • Pulse

  • Pulse-what to check Pulse rate

    tachycardia (>100)

    bradycardia (

  • Respiration Pulse rate

    tachycardia (>100)

    bradycardia (

  • Pulse oximetry

  • First look ! Look healthy , unwell or illness

    Mental status ,speech

    Expression and emotion

    Build, posture and gait

    Nutrition (obesity, cachexia, edema)

    Skin color(anemia, jaundice, cyanosis) and lesions


  • General and screening examination






    Skin + hair + nail

    Neurological examination

  • HEENT - Head

    Head: Lesion at scalp and face, aloplegia(hair loss), hydrocephalus

  • HEENT - Eyes sclerae

    conjunctivaeicteric sclerae

    normal pale red conjunctivae in conjunctivitis

  • HEENT - Ears External structure: pinna

    External auditory meatus

    Tympanic membrane

  • HEENT - Head and Neck Face and sinus

    Lymph nodes : palpation of cervical lymph node (lymphadenopathy?)

    Thyroid : palpate to thyroid gland (look for thyroid enlargement (goitre)

    Trachea: midline?

  • simple goitre in iodine deficiency diffuse toxic goitre in Graves disease

  • Throat Oropharynx

  • Lungs and thorax exam Inspection/observation

    general comfort and breathing pattern

    use of accessory muscle for breathing

    color of patient (esp. around the lips, nail beds)

    position of the patient (tri-pod position?)

    chest deformity: barrel chest

  • Emphysimatous pt. in tri-pod


  • Percussion

  • Auscultation Breath sound

    Abnormal breath sound

    branchial breath sound





  • Heart and cardiovascular system

    Jugular vein, carotid artery

    Heart: size, PMI

    Heart sound: S1 S2, murmur

    Rate (tachycardia, bradycardia)

    Rhythm: regular or irregular

  • Abdomen Inspection

    contour (distension/scaphoid), symmetry, scar, dilated vessels, pulsation (aneurysm), visible peristalsis (bowel obstruction)


    bowel sound (3-10/mins), normal or active bowel sound, bruit

  • Abdomen and GI tract

    Palpation: Tenderness, rebound tenderness, guarding, rigidity(peritonitis), mass, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, kidney, full bladder(urinary retention)

    Percussion: Loss of liver dullness (pneumoperitonium), Fluid thrill/ shifting dullness (ascites)

  • obese abdomen hepatomegaly

    ascites enlarge gall bladder

    umbilical hernia umbilical hernia with Valsava maneuver

  • Shifting dullness

  • Fluid thrill

  • Abdomen and GI tract ANUS ( PER RECTAL EXAMINATION = PR)





    - PARASITE etc.

  • Thrombosed external hemorrhoid

    Prolapse internal hemorrhoid

  • Extremities and musculoskeletal system

    Limbs: colour, deformity, range of motion

    Joint: swelling, fluid, colour

    spine : alignment, deformity

  • Neurological assessment Consciousness - wakefulness, orientation to time, place, person

    Cranial nerve

    CN 1: smell

    CN 2: visual acuity, visual fields, pupillary response

    CN 3, 4, 6: extraocular movement

    CN 5: sensory of face, motor of jaw

    CN 7: muscle of facial expression

    CN 8: hearing

    CN 9, 10: gag reflex , swallow

    CN 11: sternocleidomastoid, trapezius

    CN 12: tongue movement

  • Neurological assessment Motor system: muscle strength, abnormal movement

    Reflexes: muscle stretch reflex (DTR), pathologic reflex (Babinskis sign)

    Coordination : finger-to-nose test, heel to chin, diadochokinesis, gait ataxia

    Rombergs test

    Sensation: pinprick, light touch, joint position sense

  • Neurological assessment: see the video

  • Thank you for your kind attention