Mi mmamaam aKH HHMMI GRANT «tt BAIDWII. Pr*prl«tors. TERMS—Two Dollar* a, Yi»«r SIXTY-THIRD YEAR. 8ATURDAY MORN WQ, FEBRUARY 10,1872. M*MP.I-:I: « SK THE REPUBLICAN. Clinton Oouitj r"l"IU.JVHFI> » \ l't;t MTtHMl HI KA N T <V H A I . n W I N . T « r w i SZ.OOmar A a a a ADVKHTIHINti i i s J U m a c ^ WAI.R. 1872. W wliJJi E t l| 1872. rt\F l t * » « <>K rtSff m H MAKKH A *<}I AK*. >r»iT 1 sr r w 1 m .1 m « m 1 y 1 »yi«w, ~ .1 .«•, l Jilt SXsW MMJS3J»; »AJ» i*7(i0 | ;. Squares. i„vi ?.or> 2.50, 4.*» e.«e 10.00 is.no ( FUR EHfttiMII Til i. tnaicsT ASSOBTMBXT or ' Square* :.» 4 squares » Square*. ».»» 1-4 Column a.**' a.e» 4*0 &S0 t*»{14.n» 18 0» 4*0 .V<W 6.00 lJ.Wl'l&m'ja.W 5.S* 6J» TJ» MM 33J0 2SL00 «.*» »W'l9.«»:9BJ«!28J0jSJW T*» 1».<* 12.W WOO 3&MJ3S.W 44*0 ».*» ttJen is*»j i»JBJ3o^oj«sj»;«e!oe I Column. ;ism;is.wi».w,au»'mso;m*»j sim Special Kotlce^soUa, S p n cewtTextraT (*ps*- UU itoticcs. leaned. It per rent, extra. Business Soetes^eoMsLtaaswrawra*, M easts v n Une. i Msvtom. lewded/ia news type. IS eeam 1-3 Cora ms I I Column Br*-. 'of the obwr* « M for eaeh sutweqaefat week. Advertteementa alternatinge.o.w. 25 percent, addiaoaal. Adv*ra*e*n<mts e. o. w. as per cent. Bnlnasa Cards, 5 ltaes or tea*, l i p w u a m n ; aaaa sonwa lia«. #!.•*. a y m e n t required oa transient ad- 4 week*. anJ»; each addtttoaal aniiaal <tf particularly lftowaea of Marriages aad Deaths, Inserted *me; Obituary l»©tiree,»>»elutlons of Societies, death notice., 1* cents a ontered discontinued bc- Sxatton of contract, will be cSarged ac- I t t t t i b w waie, AS adveitmrmeata aaaitariy. . ». n r r . ATTOKJOT A COUSaKLG* AT LAW, , CUatoa Coaaty,B. T. jtTTomxmr ASD COUMMKMJA** AT LAW, A< Pun* i o n , a. r. . •iiiaaiTi. ATTOMXMT AMO COUMSMMM, XOTAMT * vmlie. Ho.MWall*treet, XewTock. B*. SVC HOUOBOrATfJlC FHTSICIAN, • c o a t J . B. I i m o r i Beeldwaee. Corner W O T A R Y FCBUC. atewawa**malaenwnm*a*« ATTOBXtT AM* COVMMMMm AT LAW, AMU MOTAMT PUBLIC. r.«.T. PKYSICIAJT Bo. *• SL. BTtTRCrKOir. are). rzATTarnvmau, s. r. ATTOMXBT8 ASD COVXSMLOMS AT LAW. OoVw,— north side of the Park, rLAXXumeH. a. i. a. • . BKCKWmo, r>.r. nonix. I> S.T.B E N •OWAIUB. T I S T. LHlaton Bloek.OverQ.V.Edwards*Co'i PLATTSBCBGH R.T. Store jrund«mm,>i. CJ&OKE COSFECnOSMRT, la evary rariety. Aad Dealer 1B BBOMLBT BOTS, Praprimon. The beat of aoeoouBodattoaa raralabed so th. public on reaooable Terata. Call and try . » daUjr Staa* Uaa, Jroaa MUtttmi, ta> f j j BattSarirla, Vith «*eS? caaasdajb H A V I N G AST> HAIR DRESSING SALOON. FRANK HOAG, - - - lYoymter. TTITUEKILL'S HOTEL, rLATTSNL'BGB, 5 . Y . T. m. iHCanns. M. ».. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, rutTTSBrKOH.il. Y "Home- >proTed fiwm*. t o a n ; w h o m a y desire them at his hand. orn< s._S-> M»rearet St., over K. O. Barber M »oni. lU8iu«>c«.—So. 6, Uak street, a few step, from the Post Office. Is prepared to prescribe and dispense upathic Bemedlea," in their most o. r. mix»T*s DENTAL ROOMS, OYEK CADY & CD'S DBl'G STORE. i->a^iit or VAJM)AjiKTA!rp BBIDCC srar-rrs, PLATTShinan, x. r. MTKOUS OX1DB UAS ADMlMbTEBED W^HES DKSiKED. LAPOINTK Si FO&KEY, FASHIONABLE BARBERS, And operators in every branch of the N T 0 S 8 O B I A L L I N E . i'utiealar aifteati«B Rtsan u> ivery dasrriaw ti"j» ut HAIR WORK. U»«iie»- and Children's Hair Cut in the latest stjie. *'o. 68 Margaret St.. orer Drowa's Boot and shoe fetore, J' t A »ui»«.) rLATTSBCBGH, 5 . Y. K B. This Shop is closed on Sundays. LAW orrics. •pHE undersigned beg leave to inform the •I put>Uc ttiitt, their law and collection bnsl- aesa win be aaraafler ooadaeted under the it rtn name of PALMES, WEED * UOLCOMB. »-tfcms win he prosecuted,and causes argaed . . a: 1 the Courtsof this State, and of the Cnlted i'artii-ular attention will be giren to Pro- •->• liiiH* in Bankruptcy, to the drawing of wills. »nd K> s u r r i v i i n - b u s i n e s s . >>m.-.- Nurtuii siiiu<-k. East side of the Kiver, f. .it,i,. 1 rgh, Si.Y. •*MITHM. WEED. PETEB ». PALMEB, -•>. WkIt.Hr UOLCUMB. ruutb'irgh. 5. Y.. May 1.1U70. (ilSlbKHLXSU HOUSE, K. AVE RILL. - - - Pnnviate*. T.'.:« well known hotel ha. l>#m iniwtiaaid i*te j.r..prlrt«(r. D. >». U»l<x>mb, and will 1 !• u*i a s heretofure. a s a flrst-elass '•! ! b- U . It :t !,^:».^ refanushiut in many «»f I t s aoart- I ttf-n!*. ai.a i... (>ain« will !-• "pared to make it a plt-aiai.t h .1^1 t., »f>r> at. Carriages to] .u<l frum tti>- |M-put an<l fttraatbuat '»~«*-g I t,r the eorirryan. '••it pa«srt>|j>-rs. His Stable I a,->'umm«>lat:<>i» ^r« aiuplr. ait.i he suite its m ', tUnxe Uf public pat mam-r Piattsburgb, S . Y. K^j.t i.i*s. / 'LINTON COI'NTY j SAVINGS BANK, j i v ••aroBATtb Mil 5, laMt. Olti.» ,i. Norton*. Block, (E»»t end Of the Bridge), I'LATThBlB<iH. N. V. BBfwaiu k>c«iic4 aai fftti l«ilj ..and .. .- . Holi a«sera«ad.;aa< ufday Bvwaiag -"---• - k«niaac rtaat. r u l i l i . tL. FIRH KVKR B^OUIfOX IX TO THIS COCSTT. Bank open 'titly fr»m 10 t o 12o'clock A.B ffom i l o t o eia«h. r. M . lawaAaya aad <ta) a .aerated. > aad. fur naatrtaa; dapart "•MtjrO»w tvwstag from 7 t o * i4«*eMak> orri<IEBa^-JC^A«niaa c. Ptaat. Pass* ki.haiw43attiHi.Iat Vk-^pannawnt; r.»tt. ad VVro-President. TittsTrts. jUawaal.a C. Plaat *tsr Ckatotayth.'' »• M •»!"». ,ttrill. MUM A t.-ltew I- H*«m. ftaaUA U. w ,i m a a>Ml. Itswlat UfKtst. J ^ k a M u^ri. Wilnsm n. s fauarr. ealt th#i LL «a«f» 9umt The snbaeribers have now theiratora one «4 tkw taamwA aAdtaaal plete assortmeat ofrtffeatkM has < Jf/A*A, ALASKA MIXK, 4ST»AKUAX 8MAL, ROYAL KKMUMW. filBKriAJT 9QV'***h< MVSSiAX mud atMMAS rircm. iai XTtVttmSDA E V < . F . X l ^ h . O ^ J ^ TAJLMAJ, ofUteaJMStamhatal. AfBttMaJkaf ASTRAKHAN AND SEAL SAOOCa LAP mwlaUy^rrSdtocS" •«..;t ! 4 TO 'BUT WARE r VOODEM WAAK, SfXTMB PLATE WAKE. BITCHES rvEXunme eooos, cisTEKx mm. roBCE nrnra. ALE PUMPS. GAS. WATKB FIFE af all kteda, SHIELDS ft mum. Particular attention la eaOad tetkalr aaaafi •tent of COOKING 8TOVE8, of which they haw* a «ne varlatjr. t a n an agenU for the celebrated Coaktaw Store HOMJ rBlEND.maBametnred by IwUwA Waj«aa,Ap Co..Tioy,W. T. It isfcaywadai<uitl. mm awjfc. Stove ever lntrodaed L» this market. CaU and see it before porcbaains elaawhere. rurvBixG. GAS, IBOX AHD Executed Promptly. comes wc Parties out of town wanting wwrk dean Bnd itgreatly to their adraatas«to Btra i • call. MABSRAL'S HLOTK, BKIDOK MBBBV. WU M. >.-Caah paid for Wool. gbMpfwHa.TaHT Deer Skins. Bags, aweawsr, and aU kinds • Peddlers' Barter. Platttbarch. Jan. 8.1SM. POETRY. irmu. tefm»»,a>m)te,a»BMc! sw%< ywars and aleat te tB* »j • BlgBi ikBli -1»B»1 ••*••*» 1VHT ( f l B W wWgf wMwOwBr! H4. ttrOliMtt alk. horn i _-4nW*)*W ia»^Bfawiy "*MB»HBl"^«™M^BBjpaj Iwamwh? •rtPB*- rTo*. aw^MtlTAwawrd. ^mmi*m*mi laMI m in i •"ii.l"T Keew«*'|ia»d 3BB DRAUEESin DRUGS MEDICINES. SOU ItAKBBS Sff AXEEWA..Of MAGIC COUGH REMEDY, Z PKBOVS <X>MCK>IJMX> I ajaS awaaSy etnw I leolda. SOLE A6EMTS W F1W8 CKUBItAm CCM For ConHwnytlbn. ey>aU4Bw«lBi be fwtaaM a* the J^ADttS* njimstiniG IMD FAKCT STORE. AX ELEGAST COLLECTION OP Bead and Wool Erabroidcry, IIF1TBI Of every deacriptloa. and aU things leqaislte for Ladlaa* wwrk. COVrrMrTrONEBY AMD TOT*, With a great many thhafa an* a* ha fat «taa> where. T Opposite the Post-OwM rLATT0MtfM*M.i*. Jaawaty 1, Mis. r. PIANO TUNING! W ILL attend ta an whether la* ha | JSmSmS** **^ : *W^ ^wW^KKKIi tr»mtttw»tmtmmm»fmtm>0m\ !!!u! "'A !;,-'•'«'*-. .ABwfMl rafOsmemHr. BBBwamsawmaJtraaas Of tJMB aaw aawry *•» Oft lOl^ELLANfiOtlS. A STKAireSAjm IftNUJYiB BT BSLsVA n S V O s . tmg.sW^loak.Bic 1km km Tktmantmmut (*>•»- •afelBfMl WBHOH WAS TBTJE miRKSB. lAWaj ttri, wtth the golden hair UM Moe-ratned ibreoeat), gwt BBBsiag M he* ayas. aa ra, a UHmg pictaTr, ftaBird hi viati aad iBlagtng apnjrsvr alaat gftmaaa IBflt He»- of Ldaa Bagiima oa wbew he went away to Ha bad tMtnd it already, in a certain tent* —iBSOftV as BMB BMJ BBd tfWaSOIw-trOTa fat UatrhA •hMaaaneofawoaiaB't latw; far LaVa* iMwi UB1, Bwi LtBaa-feoart m B got* BsMM IS ltBHl isto UM boose, of tsar* aptm her oa barHp. l a s t r *»• asBTaWIwi to bcr- "i* w « ha wSttbT ya«r or two at the ntft Br mas at Sal is wtelwaatari ta not i lantfawia- WB! "Whld^wBtiolwlaamiaMhisramjImr iittlag wBs vUes to i that I obMsa ha ato- ll WB* iwaBr « • of s i •Jit ak .«*•!..«aa«t «f < CrowleJ old Mr.lVckbaas, ItlMaaiubi. ItaaawMdlo Basry'a ajaturaal Bade, wboae sfcJa bad isorolytac tamed yeBoor trJth tba rtdoeUoo of aweb snkt.and wboaabaart ww harder than the asaabwof which bia ntaaaioa traa built ^rTaphjw, yoafra a fool! Kofsf^ at two fcrtaoanl and twast, r s » tha " B ^ U n c k B a h A the iaUia»wwrt«at »W r gbtl Swoaamt MfJaatkfcar tse iraa» old switlasian -There, tbera.dotit talk aooiaaent ta ate. rreno Tba BjwUar of the ftaa- BMt of airwr aad eat of the rare red A t e ! aha sad ad wish tha i [; ^^P'.^r^"* i of the. liss ^e wast the taat i that aha h s j mtfi attter hi T o a e a s t gat s o s w a i kam ate," aha, niaWBBO ; BMa)a T » -Wawfll Jaat look ia yov Uhar< ihaariad.laaawlaM s i tha w asaJd hare it is aftesfhsr. rWawiilaaer awdaiawdos««rtbei [thai isasi "Deal be Is s •Tsti "Sot to IwB r," fwt la aaother. awl wo COB jaat aa aat.'* has he coBtisaas, Toa*toa»talnaadi Si w« waat a aaa of tea. Tot ta the »fr»»L aatthaatoked,aad' the arte*** SaWBaEaajjaa Baere flatea oa the table, aloag with tha f raenaad to whOe tt thara was as* wj -»— -f AM ^i^am —. J ^ a > . . -- « ana 01 aap aaoway, aaa araaaaaj aer aaa. baanaBmarasddiasw*oaab abetABtodoeo. Aa ahe took the tea eaaaMcr froa the pan- try ahayaTM eaafht ahjfat of a bottle labeoed arsenic. Her haaaasd had sarThaanii it oa taepr«TloaadaY,lsordwtodeftiortbentt wbkh were %'BsajlEt troabhaoBH, bat yet be had ssaf ss^nldbs of B. Bafawaaachaacenfiwn«i;airftb«ati BwsjBHy. Opaahn the betay aho aat a taw f^aiaaiato the tiaj nt aleaf wtth the tea, of which aha (are saod swsaan, ia order to deatnij the taata of Ha anush AwwaMaaatobswrtherob^en wen an> •iBftBgUWir swl •IwAtayl •of tea sVe>siBa.- llllllii i M a a a l r f Bat 7 ""^"ir^aTPjWIi™^ Wriaw™e™TPr w f w 3^™*,'^ B Br™» a|aBBaltaaw»ia^ mr i," tlwagbt the faUbiot aer wfll be Swad aad aaswd.*' asoaeby one the rob- [ajefc. the AU with i BBBB fay the tor- t aad started to- ; iai ere be % third,-yoa haw I yon Bare Bt HBI.BwSy AvS, mmslkn rrfi H£e«Ks^i«aia^!ir'<a»«- V2kt*wi>!p. , y dKUf *amB%*«a| —*«ahpi»^*»-. 4, »'1».»'*^*.. t,-.*Slt ,, «' tfehet to of tha world. It trath of thebUnd la, UMtfHhe* aho aerre who only watt." add hata worhed to earn atoney Iai! if ahe alight aho bare bora to bear a woosoa in the strife. Aha! it to ao hard to ait aaa aad count the aeoaadwbieb asset ekaae era tha criti* of oMrfaweawaa aaoa the leaden horizon of Pre. So Henry Dabaayne west to Loadoa, aad to beer the eaawration "Abr Henry tried to apeak cawbetty.trot without signal aaeecas. "And 8s«ire lncoMahy's son is getting prmy ataeaUsw ia that ewarter," wont oa John: "and old Babtrt Bayajood died ont is India last winter, and Wl Lily a dean thirty thousand pounds-' "THdhe? I am glad of that *" So Lily was an heiress, after aO. Would it not base been better—but Dahaajme reso- hvlely checked the half fcrated conjectare in bh mind. He bad put his hand to the plough—it was too tote to look back now. Tot be wondered if Arthur IngoMsby would Talus, as he had done, the priceless treasure of LilUs* lore. He told himself that be was glad things had bappened aa they had; bat he knew. eptte of it all, that be would bare felt better IfLily bad pined afterblm.Just a little! All woeaen are alike,andaUaitn pshaw! there was no use ia trooMiag bis bmht furtber about the nutter. Uncle Peckhaai atet bint on the threshold witbattouhiedlonk "Have you beard the ranter, Dalautyne? No! WeJI,ofcoaraeitcaaberxithtoM:buta tumor! The boose of Baterbrookand Ester- brook ta too well eotahikhed to be shaken by a ntere fell hi French stocks." "What do yoaaBade tof he asked,scarce euuipfeJawdinc bto uncle's saoaniag ia the al>straetion of his mind. "Why, people are whispering about that the Esterbrooks bare feUed." And before the ana west down en "Change. Uiewhuwer hacaaas a tiiiatprt roice—the runtor was true. EaterbmokaadEsterbrook had failed, and Dabaayne was engaged to a penniless bride, Henry Dahnayae, though a weak and twe- Oatuig8iaa,waanjoaeoBBdreL Heasarried 8arah Estarbrook, and Uses with her now hi a Gower street luaglagbaase, dasy growing ajore and asore weary of btottfe,while hi bto l>earthedmraa»estnesweetaiBtom^ofIiltos Rayasottd.BowaseAheraaaa'a wife. He had brokea bis {dtajbt, gieea aptae taajdemataaslraiaM^ od bto whole future, to asarry ai an4behadasiaamlUMTlmam«aBWaH! How tha Rosnaaa L««".i i A- Uanything was wanted to gire «s an •'••••, M« . of Roman umgniacence. we wouid tarn •i'-r | S'««(i • . eyre from puoik: o*onuta"rit«. d>Bi.'rs..»e-l I *»<*<•. s and grand fwoc*t*ion«. we WOU;J k.-- j ho««> Besry hto One glance, one smile from I (hey sot worth all these hollow *H*ra,"eBid Undo Balph, toanag a card »W»BW»WBWS. b r«efn«yoaaainTitatlon to Lady Bran^sar^ tonight. YouVmeet an*to r*aak) there that are worth the know- tag r Heary TMsswaa besitated; it was Om wiwabasaaaai set aside stead ~bat,aBar all, B wosbt only he one day* demy. Bweaald write aaweU upon the next night! 80 Heary Tlnlmayao went to Lady BrncVs, ssiar the wiag of bto aade, the wealthy " W e i r quoth Uncle Peckham, when the wan otar, aad they were once tbefra that shone aad rabtoa beaeaththe of tho Bsarbte aaantel in tharfch Bsass dsthMt raoaa; «how do yon *Very watt, ah>r «Ve*y well!" aarcastically mimicked Mr. Fwekbam. M fto yoa know that berbtberto worth s aeatter of s suBtos T" -Oahe.ss'r nabe,sirr Henry!" roared the old gentle- aaan; nhettete you're afeol. Why, there are a aeon of tho woaawAwA yotaMt asan in Ihay whole of it, If aeed ha-fbr the smiles aadghnces Man Baterbrosk roacfassfed to yoa thia way atobt.'' •She was rery asulto.ab-,'' said Henry, with Ismwrofsamsxledlook; M bat " "Fwltte! And | n y what would you bate, afclTBBwayse? Do yon waat a woman to tely*wee«aadoat > iBsoasany words, that abarasmyoa,belbrayoucaataBxabintr* Heary colored like a girl. It was impos- eaatotoheqaitonnwaaible to Um charms ol tanaaatery, the awn •specially as Unde Faa^amwasnirtorulaarilyone who "but> tesad hto phrasts," as the ejaswasoa goes. "Tea, say hoy," wast oa the stockbroker, tapping the table emphatically with bis fin- gereaoB; "ate does like you! And Tm not tha ash; aarsoa who has noticed it" M s\aft,nscte,abetosoplainr "What of that? AD women can't be Yen osae,eadttepreUiestof'emb»ve* abatt aad eroas^oaea under their pink and white abma aad BUT exteriors. Beauty ia only skin-deepr Heary thoaaht of pretty LilUs, with a tasiMoftaadwiicnlliLiion. MnwEiterbrook, wtth «R her f^Mes charmi, could never hop* toriralher! Yet, as the week* went by, bto thoughts Bad Ideas bsaaaaMv chanced. The yeaow lustre of the gold-worshipping •rmnapfiare i s which he Ihed tarmed to wrap him roand the am aaje-gjiUrT ofsociety; ideas giaiaally asawotad the old dogmas and asi- oms of hto youthful nuth. Andoneerening, carried away by tho wtoebery and enchant- asentoftbehonr, he proposed to Sarah Es- day. tared ia upon him the TouYe the luckiest dog going, Dalmayne," dram oae. •I only wtoh I wan in your staesT echoed a second; and Henry,dataled by thebruuan- eyofbtoatoaaaato, bwaawad that he was re- awcvaaaardlag to Buy*aar rumor, be waa gomf toanrry oae of the richest ghto lu tsslBB! Aa4Ua«UPecaAamtoaktohim. W-i <o*'«js»«»*-' "SJr** TbaintmOtden hi sat The awful CburcbOrs the front row ot the pit M Istfato|asnha cars the real actors, or what they of them," toys poor Tom of Umcrteic was extreme. •'Imsing tha of Cyeaheame," be Omriek,btoBUBager, a I attribute it to my •rrliaslallj asaiag Mr. Churchill in the pit, with great trath, it ren- deriag aw confused asd aaatiadful of mr business." Garrick I pressed by Um gloomy to mad dheiaatBt as Mm critic* 'My bra to GasrahaVha writea to Cobnan. «hh haisg afcfc of MUekmrd of the pit. Is hto early days there had bees each thmgsaa -pit orders.'* "Besbrew the ssrsaamrtahla waa from the froat row of the pit that LaaOt, oeatedbytliesideorbtodeariy-tored applauded the Irst aad biased the of bto own farce, "Mr. H — , " aa little play, aUHng awuuy from as Weakness of constitution, and yet much that to witty asd coasicaL Haalitt grtatiypreame^theiA to dm bctxea. Not ahwpiy because the nWtrt»nam of hto demo- cratica»UrnenUu^do«edmbmtascern of the visitor to the boxes, aa wtSBpad ap ia themsel.es, fortified against saBnsdosa, weaned Bom all superstitious belief in dra- matic iOusions, taking aa littto toaanm ia all thatuintorestis^dtoiaKlaBedtodm then* cravats or their muscles, "except when some gesticuhuion of Mr. Keaa,oraame ex- pressioa of an author two basdtsd yeamoid. violated ttedeosrum of mshioaable iadrAVr- esce." These were good reason* for his ob- jection to the boxes. But te preferred tha pit, ia truth, because be could there see and bear so rery much better. "We saw Mr. Keen's Sir Giles Orerreaek on Friday night from the boxes," be writes in 1819, "aad a n not surprised at the incredulity aa to thia great actor's powers entertained by those persons who hare only seen him from that elevated sphere. We do not hesitate to say that those who have only seen him at that distance have not seen him at aU. The ex- pression of his face to quite lost, aad only the harsh and grating tones ot bis voice produce their full esect on the ear. The same re- curring sounds, by dint of repetition, fasten on die attention, while the varieties aad user modulations are lost ia their ptmasa over the pit. AU you discover is an abstraction ofhis defects both of person, voice and manner. He appears to be a little man in a great pas- sion," etc.—AU The Year Bound. JEXKY Lorn AJCD THE HooeiEB.—This great Songstress gave a concert at Madison, lad. The largest building in the town bar- ing been prepared for her reception, an auc- tion of tb* tickem took place in the ball oa Ui* momlng of her arrival. The capacity of the building was fully tested by tho anxious Madieonitcs. '•Coming through the Bye" was given first. This was followed by "Home, Sweet Home"; and who can describe the marvellous effect of that song, aa rendered by Jenny LindT The famous "Bird Song" waa then the popular air of the country, and U wm tfveu M tto cascading pfcee on the evening in question. The tost line of tha anag ran thus: "1 know not, I know not why I am singing,** and Jenny gave it with all her power. At thai moment a genuine. Hoosier, indigenous to the soil, rose up l n t b « auditorium, and thus delivered Umsetf: "•You don't know why you are singing, e| t y Gosh! I know, if yen dont! You're sing in* to the tune of five doTara a bead, and Ira ck- oa dad'a bogs will have to suser for my ticket P get the statues in beam and mar»<S*. wT>.. h outnumbered the living m inhabitant*. •>, namerous that one haudred thonssn.l h**« beenreco-med and stthembeHiah Halv snl would descend Into tb* lower *pb*re of ma- terial life—those things which attest !u«nrv sad taste toonamnta^dieaam.anmptB.vis livmjt sad rich furniture. The art <* 'i»mg metals and catting precious stones «ur-pa»» ed anything known at the present day In the decoration of hweam. hi anrial *r, teTtalnajonte, in cookery, the Ramans were twaurkable. The mosaics, signet rings, c* asaos, bracelets, brooaes.cbaina, vases, rourh - as, asaquetfag table*, lamps, chariots, color- ed glam, gUdlug, BsirroTs. iaattiwmes,eoamet- ies, perfumes, hair dyes, silk robes, potteries. all attest grant elegance aad beauty. The faMnofthaga root and Dalian brovue were aa expenslie aa the sideboards of "pantsli walnut, so much admired in toe great e\M bhlou at Ijowdon. Wood and ivory were carved as exquisitely as in Japan or fhma Mirrors were atade of polished silver. <»la.«« cutters could imitate the colors of preciou* stones so weB that the Portland race, taken ftom the tomb of Alexander Severn*, was long considered a* a genuine sardonyx: brass could be hardened so as to cut stone The palace of Nero glittered with e«M. aad Jewels. lVfomea and flowers were showered from ivory ceilings. The balls af inag wtth doth aad gold. with jewels. Hto beds were silver. aad hto Uble* of gold. Tiberius gave a mil- 1km of matetcm for a picture for bis bedroom. dtoh of PneaiHus weighed five pounds silver. The eapa of Draaua were of gold. Tunics with tteagatns of various ! »*•-• H. •I ••• !••*• 'i PauHna wore Jewels when she at tdOO/na Ditoking fromWuUTduXbroua- Corhvth.ttstamfrwm >thaaa what evw,mahort,wwssweiousor4narioM Tha laxartas of the belief, aadoa the walk paintings, ex- in WBAX MABBS A hLsJL—It to curioos to sidtaraasrdto B smn. If one enjoys of life, aad to ready to by hia aB, he to called a first-rate But this 1 ofami tbereal sd auavity. oso*a self agree- drrnaistanc, to if a man pos- sesses nothing Basra Baas this, be is only a happy ornament in aha world. The quality of |iiiaaaa»nmtiii| man should cultivate; yet this to sat the thine which aukes a smn. It certainly add* to bis popu- larity, to his success ia the enterprise that the todnence aad amiitanre of the ;boAtodmn«*dartpliMhittt for se- triab, aad build him ap again with hope Tho aieaaant things of Ufa—those which a n popadariy called the beat the calm ex ; than do never aaa ke men, but the inaiieuwj, the tomafto Uto .iato. If a mas bee passed the add die age of life, with ao marks of struggle and trial written upon hto features—no wrinkle* of care and sorrow upon his brow—you aisy well be- lieve that he has not yet graduated iu the se- vere school which constitutes a man. Real manhood ia heroic; it experience in its passage through the world from the cradle to the grave, good and evil, here trouble and there Joy, here rudenea* and there smooth ness, one working with the oth.tr, atid all. the good aad the evil, blended iu the character and accepted with stoicism and jielienoc. Thia beautiful, uncomplaiuins acceptance of the good and evil of life, forms the greatt-i part of the education a.-bich makes a man in- deed a man, in d'utim-lion from a u animal. which have no such education—in distmc lion, too, form the coaumotiplace Lu man be- ing, who gruaabtoa at UM smallest failures, aad cringes under adversity without dignity orsTanUaers. A Toccatas STOBT BV DOB PLATTV-A traatad hto eatin cJwcs* k> » slasgh *u. Then w n Jaat Bwty-oae of cherubs asd a *U-bor*e ahdeh. Oa the way lataw thay wan by s Bach of mrnrmts amiaaa. Cool aad i s that hoar of fears*) trial, the •'saAgF***** A SMABT BUY.—Johnny Bogers—t •eery- body here knows him—is only five year* old, and COWinienced attending school this wiatrr. •totoasfnUofnitocniefasbecanbe. aud a few dr ,ys ago hto teacher, having exhau. *ed every power of moral suasion to make b un behs te with proper decorum, wrote a no te to t? M principal,something like thefoUowing: * Mr. Metcsif—the baarer awarnwa a aevere P» inishmenL'' The teacher gave the note to Johnny anJ t old him to carry it to Mr. Metcalf. Johnny evidently smelt a mice—it asemed to bun that anmethltig was wrong, and be concluded be would not go to the Principal's room- Meeting a little Norwegian boy in the ball, he wvcfgbd ban into dettvetog the note and want off to piny himarlt The principal read the now presented by the "bearer'* by givutg bum sil it called for. Tha iaaeaant N'orweg- iaa lad departed a aadderrf not a wiser boy. Maaal—Goad little boy* should not deliver notes for amart aula boys take Johnny Ku- it*. S.—This to not the Job any ttugera that wmhtiraedatUmitake,ieavtoga wits with children, etc. ljn T.ar< «. * s«e«n."i % 'n-'« twr r »>f«, n' friwa t h e *';r»- sweeuxi pt'W.i-i'.! *^>- oat ••)''», %«<1 ' »*° " r"vt>l\it«»»ar» •* I .Ti'er-M * •'• was a* ;h.» t.«n». »n ! -i the mnwliv." '».-.i- eour*.e«-»ti,'r «.'.rr•*»!»»** tW" l.l.r ! T !a !'.« •» ' h"T>««" \oth.i i .-••••. 1 \f «•!• wi'h 'h* «,«..i..n ">a>i :5MM* '»•• wr-ff. V(*n\ I'!i. r nam* ws« ^ *r Ki-ir»-k « I t w *h» m. .re 'n«ere«te.l a 'lient tie.-ao«- had re<»eiitlr \wvn-* s,'w-ia>t>*e.t •. *•-•<« V'tk »'th a reia'ie. „f th»- r. ,.« - 1 » .»m n «w»e. a pn»m«iiig ». ring p»<->*er «'•• m fa«t m.r»'»*ins h » r»p»sta<...n a« a »»••• • «' «,,»' art>«f. »nd * U».n .J*ffr --f 'In , tufm-i n' < '%•' >l Ui* m••** »<!m.re.| «A.-r« '.-•• i ».».i: %.« V44 • 'n.«' fc» ik» •»•••• ""•* ' th>* «*tne ••'• I •»•••!•» <•,.» ..f the tw-> :»?;•>« w-»e»- •»».- »<*!•*» y.ani i.ld. »i •! h»r »i»t»r sev-n!t It*e Ttiet were »er> !•»••;» f.-r f>erw.o« •>• «tf-'l *" ' wrre .ihU^iiij;;* .- •mm >!.w»*.»» -*I»t-1 • • • j . *-t *e- •..•n.-.-»; V\ »•!. i,£'..T. *' •<Hi. «e« many itid »n»»iv a time." »i.» an*wrred. -in tin* »^t\ r«».ni He «»n.« n*e.« to bold me t»i hi. lap I rewtnner !» '«' •' well as if it was Um yesterday . be wti % lovely rnati.*ie««r^e Wa«*i't«c»on And here ahe contiuued. jenn? t» *n-l .»pentri»; « wide cupboard, "be tl »e.t to keep hs« 'things These blae-aml whit«« rhiney ••aps and «as sen be used to dnnk out of. and here's the very bowl be u>^d to tnakAhis wine sstigar-e {Bto; and tbey used »•• pass it rwuud fr»m oneolllcer U-siio'li-!- «!ie!i theyM e.«ni» •• see him; and tbev helped tbetosehw. seen a good desl nt companv.tiettcral Wash ington did." "Did ywu e*er *>• Ma^>r Andre ?" I asked "Oh, yea—more ti fiftv times. He »a« a beautiful ama. He kissed me twice. 1 aa* a little girt then. I saw lam the very m»»r« mg they took him on to the top nf the hill t> hang him. The day bef<*»» in the morning. I took him some handsoav ripe aearhes H. thanked me so kind, and hn4e one of -u, aad put it into his aaouth and tasted »f •.• hat aomthaw he didat «eeju to have no ap petite.' I asked bow (Scleral Wsahutxt-in oeeroe*! to feel on the oerassnsi "Oh, he must have feH dsrad/ui' M- walked backards and for aids all the m-.n, mg m this very room; and I've beam 1" <• Blaovelt say that be bad never sewn htm (e-i ao bad afore. He kept looatog at bis watch every now and then, and was ousuwy unti! the time bad come and Major Andef »« hung. I leen Major Andre myself whin !»•• was aswinin* in tbe air: and I seen luni when be was dug up and uwk i » t i : **• <i'l you, Polly, bM>. didnt yoi ?" Advertiain^ for S.-*i*-«l Pr<>(~-%aU. A chap issued a U-xp \>-ar intitatluii. *t>" eent the foNowing h<*:>v t the psprr* *•* publication :— rt» <»»MKA' l'-ii-. The undersiglied. S^-img the t»e.«d ..l ».*oe one to tind fault with, atfd £Ttitubie a' »lt«-k business matter. £-> *r>iig. aad U-ui^ : •ru-J. with no uite t.. Ii«te him ; sod. wher< »• Los- ing arrived at thepr<prr age, |,e •. tl.-:.-:..r<- det«rmiite.i t.. "c>-tu>- uu: Seal'-J projm.aL'" will tw n-ve.iwi S.IJ!.. - o'd'H-k r. u. of ll« :i-T >,i Ihriiilirt, i*Cl A(>pllCallt< BiUs'. J-.--.-i \y-*U* 1 •'- equitaleiit ui < niri., She must j*••>»»-<•'» disposition, aiiii wl.< turn the ..t"i-r H..»» kiSMii^. M i e t u a y ii>.'. ih.-%v Vor wear i>ii|f ii« - S'or fre«tu«-u; >«•>».• ; i.: X<jr go roin..J l~-^».i i po*e»>. Nor t'-i-l -.r i>j["i r.r-' N.* taik - •..-!. 1 jtu - • Nur sirep »i.»-:i I 4111 'J Nur tra<le oil n<\ • I t a l i a t o l o r nV,««-r <*- • Xor borrow m-.i whiir 1 >k-r;i N-.r buiii .t i««-ii..'._' .- *- such time?, '. • uiai.>- n.-* :• .>h': rnjst lie .rve ,:i -t. 1 '.••:. chiil-. and tuoA'- »..•!»«;.•• - r . oa t!.«- :.>-rvom - •'• v.. nli«-:. her " M •"•mr •• a • • few tr:edd:. r.t... i «'l^.'.. .-• not ta.e »<ii»i.iA_— ..i L.s •.*«:• J hint nil.' u j>» ;•• « .».. .••u? p.*-*--, A:.J aboi«* A. -!.•• t.i .»• : •*. 1 si..:.'? J.'.T «{• 4. ' for l..-> "j- 1 I..-. : >he lil'.^t «i.t to he 'Ii"!*.::^! BJltU-e. But when 1.- she will be t-\;.. Side, and giN" ! A ia.lv po-rt^i tioi.%. 5»>Mt«.'.«- ««. : •..•!••- > mn;v',L : i ; *.-• '.."i »!•- s.'-x; *• the utid«-r»i|;i.-•'., ».ri .'.»-. -•• . * -.'J A!l pror>"**:» sn.jst lie a"-*!.;-*; aaUslaclfr'. e».-lt-iK* ..( •:,- *' aSoant to .vjij-.r. A ..mb^tef .1 u . ' WSacii hi- L.a» U->:. i. .-.'.> u.«i ai. 1 i'l.. '.U> .- u. ;l. .-.-Ai r 1.1 •I- 'v>i-.i 1 t : I- 1- Mas, O'LEAST EXCCLPATSSI*.—The May or of CUcago has received tho> abBowiag cont- wsaniraiton: "San Francisco, Dec. ST, 1«7I. —Mr. Modm. b was aw that aat Mrs. *yiAmt} a ban. on Ire aad mr old smn gava anfUOBwttlastsVsHayosv a* aad awn Boa. A*Iruaoa>lBMta inaa I thoagfat; tehada*enaMlfUss4kBwaidlmnbaao tha mat of htoa I tott this to d e a r hum. Laary osfb^awtthaswBpsBd s a aorry that, hat I sws't «sn 1 , asd by* 1 wft af waa partta aa*. but m» I TUe lKut.e 1 . Bull use!... .-. 1 r- in use f jt :*.',•»• !.ru • - and tliu i>t-.u^b i» n. a» with f<jur hofsr-i »t.: CUUIUIOU pi'l-l^li 1 ' ' i to Some eiteia .:. i . „ ^. ©enturj. U'it i.^-.r-r . .t< • ciated. ai.J .!>:,• t r '- r » year* ago l!nJ...'v 1. TIMPJ a.it h. • * . -• single plough 2- The) rair';» T*.^ U tod. th« a -ik ! t i i. wi.ii. on .ittbt »i..i -•• •fbrii he sultk.<-i.l « • »• i U One man •: > •« t< d o u b l e pi"••. 1 ;t , a> :'..•• 'l.m- abreasL 4- The botU'tn ••'. tl.r Iu;i..» i» o u t sosns»i> truddeu as :ti the s.i.gie j ™ . , a» the !ujtu» bone only «aia* tn f »rr> src. n j fWrvw The annual saviu^ silo lev by u»ai^dMutae- pktws un a farm o f * • ' arres of arabi. Ui»J Ms men and taeite horses wu^al be t» quired to work sut'h a lann. wtth *n ^u«;«r plows, where three meu and uu;r u*-<-- w o u i d WOrk It With the doufcW pk.««. The English truant fanner cawuiate. '. - MVtug Oil JIM acre* ol atahk laud a* uihir. c *r.:. ': '.!.<- - ; ^ £SH*1 i* t : m i , ..t r.. . *- t.«^>c» r. r «•- ''-r. ' Ik ' *:«• .1 --,' - * Ik X it%rf. iaterr.t on tihr ut j l u . i . . Aa.wal aei'taaai 1 sa vaiar. .. Ol kJW.lK Bnnaal value of fbuj for > b- _. saving. «-' v '- * tKsanja. nkalallsu to amwd upon sb. iaaJ Inaalsnii Mrbywar. sayafourf at tbe jSs^AWrtwt a*» j^S&«t%i^*^swiafeStt^^si^^ 'Mj^ki^^^is^^^^sf^^ JsSk&Str^J;

Clinton Oouitj W wliJJi E tl| POETRY.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031979/1872-02-10/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · Clinton Oouitj r"l"IU.JVHFI> » \ l't;t MTtHMl HI KA N T

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Page 1: Clinton Oouitj W wliJJi E tl| POETRY.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031979/1872-02-10/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · Clinton Oouitj r"l"IU.JVHFI> » \ l't;t MTtHMl HI KA N T

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mmamaam a K H H H M M I G R A N T «tt B A I D W I I . Pr*pr l« tors . T E R M S — T w o Dol lar* a, Yi»«r


THE REPUBLICAN. Clinton Oouitj r"l"IU.JVHFI> » \ l't;t M T t H M l HI

KA N T <V H A I . n W I N.

T « r w i SZ.OOmar A a a a

A D V K H T I H I N t i

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Special Kotlce^soUa, S p n cewtTex traT (*ps*-UU itoticcs. leaned. It per rent, extra. Business Soetes^eoMsLtaaswrawra*, M easts v n Une.

i Msvtom. lewded/ia news type. IS eeam

1-3 Cora ms

I I Column

Br*-. ' o f t h e obwr* « M for e a e h sutweqaefat w e e k .

Advertteementa a l t e r n a t i n g e . o . w . 25 percent , a d d i a o a a l . Adv*ra*e*n<mts e . o . w . as per c e n t .

B n l n a s a Cards, 5 l t a e s or tea*, l i p w u a m n ; aaaa sonwa l ia« . #!.•*.

a y m e n t required o a trans ient ad-

4 week*. anJ»; each addtttoaal aniiaal <tf particularly

lftowaea of Marriages aad Deaths, Inserted *me; Obituary l»©tiree,»>»elutlons of Societies,

death notice., 1* cents a

ontered discontinued bc-Sxatton of contract, will be cSarged ac-I t t t t i b w waie, AS adveitmrmeata aaaitariy.

• . ». n r r . ATTOKJOT A COUSaKLG* AT LAW,

, CUatoa Coaaty,B. T.

jtTTomxmr ASD COUMMKMJA** AT LAW, A< Pun* i o n , a. r .


* vmlie. Ho.MWall*treet, XewTock.


• c o a t J . B. I i m o r i Beeldwaee. Corner

W O T A R Y F C B U C . atewawa**malaenwnm*a*«




Bo. * • S L .

BTtTRCrKOir. are).

rzATTarnvmau, s. r.

ATTOMXBT8 ASD COVXSMLOMS AT LAW. OoVw,— north side of the Park,

rLAXXumeH. a. i . a. • . BKCKWmo, r>.r. nonix.

I> S.T .B


T I S T . LHlaton Bloek.OverQ.V.Edwards*Co'i


<» j r u n d « m m , > i . CJ&OKE COSFECnOSMRT, la evary rariety. Aad Dealer 1B

BBOMLBT BOTS, Praprimon. The beat of aoeoouBodattoaa raralabed so

th . public on reaooable Terata. Call and try . » daUjr Staa* Uaa, Jroaa MUtttmi, ta> f j j BattSarirla, Vith « * e S ?


• H A V I N G AST>



T. m. iHCanns. M . » . . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON,

rutTTSBrKOH. i l . Y "Home->proTed

fiwm*. t o a n ; w h o m a y des ire t h e m a t h i s h a n d . o r n < s._S-> M»rearet St. , o v e r K. O. Barber

M » o n i . l U 8 i u « > c « . — S o . 6, Uak s t r e e t , a f e w s t e p , from the Pos t Office.

Is prepared to prescribe a n d d i s p e n s e upath ic B e m e d l e a , " in the ir mos t

o. r. mix»T*s D E N T A L R O O M S ,

OYEK CADY & CD'S D B l ' G STORE. i->a^iit or VAJM)AjiKTA!rp BBIDCC srar-rrs,




FASHIONABLE BARBERS, A n d operators in every branch of t h e N

T 0 S 8 O B I A L L I N E .

i ' u t i e a l a r aifteati«B Rtsan u> i v e r y dasrriaw ti"j» ut

H A I R W O R K . U»«iie»- a n d Children's Hair Cut in t h e latest

s t j i e . *'o. 68 Margaret St.. orer Drowa's Boot and

shoe fetore, J' t A » u i » « . ) rLATTSBCBGH, 5 . Y.

K B. This Shop is closed on Sundays.

L A W o r r i c s . • p H E u n d e r s i g n e d b e g l e a v e t o in form t h e •I put>Uc ttiitt, the ir l aw a n d co l l ec t ion bns l -

a e s a w i n be aaraaf l er o o a d a e t e d u n d e r t h e it rtn n a m e of

P A L M E S , W E E D * UOLCOMB. »-tfcms w i n he p r o s e c u t e d , a n d c a u s e s a r g a e d

. . a: 1 t h e Courtso f t h i s S t a t e , a n d of t h e Cnl ted i'artii-ular a t t e n t i o n w i l l b e g i r e n t o Pro-

•->• liiiH* i n B a n k r u p t c y , t o t h e d r a w i n g o f w i l l s . »nd K> surr iv i in - b u s i n e s s .

>>m.-.- Nurtuii siiiu<-k. East s i d e o f t h e Kiver , f. . i t , i , . 1 r g h , S i . Y .

•*MITHM. W E E D . PETEB ». PALMEB, -•>. W k I t . H r UOLCUMB.

r u u t b ' i r g h . 5 . Y.. May 1.1U70.


K. A V E R I L L . - - - P n n v i a t e * . T.'.:« w e l l k n o w n h o t e l h a . l>#m in iwt iaa id

i*te j.r..prlrt«(r. D. >». U»l<x>mb, and wi l l • 1 !• u*i a s heretofure. a s a flrst-elass

'•! ! b -U .

It :t !,^:».^ refanushiut in m a n y «»f Its aoar t - I ttf-n!*. a i .a i... (>ain« will !-• "pared to m a k e i t a plt-aiai.t h .1^1 t., »f>r> at. Carriages t o ] .u<l frum tti>- |M-put an<l fttraatbuat ' » ~ « * - g I t,r the eorirryan. '••it pa«srt>|j>-rs. H i s Stable I a,->'umm«>lat:<>i» ^r« aiuplr. ait.i h e suite i t s m ', tUnxe Uf pub l i c p a t m a m - r

P i a t t s b u r g b , S . Y. K^j.t i . i * s . / 'LINTON COI'NTY j

S A V I N G S B A N K , j i v ••aroBATtb Mil 5, laMt.

Olti.» ,i. Norton*. Block, (E»»t end Of the Bridge),

I'LATThBlB<iH. N. V.

BBfwaiu k>c«iic4 a a i fftti l « i l j ..and

. . .- . Holi a«sera«ad.;aa< ufday Bvwaiag

-"---• - k « n i a a c r taat . r u l i l i . tL.

F I R H K V K R B ^ O U I f O X


Bank o p e n 't i t ly fr»m 10 to 12o 'c lock A.B f fom i l o t o e ia«h . r. M . lawaAaya a a d <ta) a . a e r a t e d . > a a d . fur n a a t r t a a ; dapart "•MtjrO»w t v w s t a g from 7 t o * i4«*eMak>

o r r i < I E B a ^ - J C ^ A « n i a a c . Ptaat. Pass* k i . h a i w 4 3 a t t i H i . I a t V k - ^ p a n n a w n t ; r.»tt. ad VVro-President.

T i t t s T r t s . jUawaa l .a C. Plaat

*tsr Ckatotayth.'' » • M • » ! " » . ,ttri l l . M U M A t.-ltew I- H*«m. ftaaUA U. w ,i m a a>Ml. I t s w l a t U f K t s t . J ^ k a M u^ri. W i l n s m n. s f a u a r r .

ea l t t h # i

LL « a « f » 9umt

The snbaeribers h a v e n o w theiratora one «4 tkw taamwA aAdtaaal

plete assortmeat o f r t f f e a t k M has <



filBKriAJT 9QV'***h< MVSSiAX mud atMMAS rircm.

i a i


EV<.F .Xl^h .O^J^ TAJLMAJ,

ofUteaJMStamhatal. AfBttMaJkaf



m w l a U y ^ r r S d t o c S "

• « . . ; t !





cisTEKx m m . roBCE nrnra.


G A S .

WATKB F I F E a f a l l k t e d a ,

SHIELDS ft mum. Particular attention la eaOad tetkalr aaaafi

•tent of


of which they haw* a «ne varlatjr. t a n an agenU for the celebrated Coaktaw Store HOMJ rBlEND.maBametnred by IwUwA Waj«aa,Ap Co..Tioy,W. T. It is fcaywadai <uitl. mm awjfc. Stove ever lntrodaed L» this market. CaU and see it before porcbaains elaawhere.

rurvBixG. GAS,



E x e c u t e d Prompt ly . comes wc

Parties out of town wanting wwrk dean Bnd itgreatly to their adraatas«to Btra i • c a l l .



M. >.-Caah paid for Wool. gbMpfwHa.TaHT Deer Skins. Bags, aweawsr, and aU kinds • Peddlers' Barter.

Platttbarch. Jan. 8.1SM.

P O E T R Y .

i r m u .



ywars and aleat te tB* »j • BlgBi




1VHT ( f l B W wWgf wMwOwBr!

H4. ttrOliMtt alk. horn i _-4nW*)*W ia»^Bfawiy "*MB»HBl"^«™M^BBjpaj



rTo* .




m i n i

• " i i . l " T


3 B B






I ajaS awaaSy etnw I leolda.


F1W8 CKUBItAm CCM F o r C o n H w n y t l b n .

ey>aU4Bw«lBi be fwtaaM a* the




Bead and Wool Erabroidcry,

I I F 1 T B I Of every deacriptloa. and aU things leqaislte

for Ladlaa* wwrk.


With a great many thhafa an* a* ha fat «taa> where. T

Opposite the Post-OwM rLATT0MtfM*M.i*.

Jaawaty 1, Mis. r.


WILL attend ta an whether la* ha |

JSmSmS** **^:*W^ wW^KKKIi tr»mtttw»tmtmmm»fmtm>0m\

!!!u! "'A !;,-'•'«'*-.

.ABwfMl rafOsmemHr.


Of tJMB aaw aawry *•»

O f t



tmg.sW^loak.Bic 1km km





l A W a j ttri, wtth the golden hair UM Moe-ratned ibreoeat), gwt BBBsiag M he* ayas. aa

ra, a UHmg pictaTr, ftaBird hi viati aad iBlagtng apnjrsvr

alaat gftmaaa IBflt He»-of Ldaa Bagiima oa wbew he went away to

Ha bad tMtnd it already, in a certain tent* —iBSOftV a s BMB BMJ BBd tfWaSOIw-trOTa

fat UatrhA •hMaaaneofawoaiaB't latw; far LaVa* iMwi UB1, Bwi LtBaa-feoart m B got* BsMM IS ltBHl

isto UM boose, of tsar* aptm her

oa barHp. l a s t r *»• asBTaWIwi to bcr-

"i* w « ha wSttbT • ya«r or two at the n t f t

Br mas at Sal is wtelwaatari ta

not i

l a n t f a w i a -


"Whld^wBtiolwlaamiaMhisramjImr iittlag wBs vUes to i that I obMsa ha ato­

l l WB* iwaBr «•

of s i

•Jit ak

. « * • ! . . « a a « t «f <

CrowleJ old Mr.lVckbaas, ItlMaaiubi. ItaaawMdlo Basry'a ajaturaal Bade, wboae sfcJa bad

isorolytac tamed yeBoor trJth tba rtdoeUoo of aweb snkt.and wboaabaart ww harder than the asaabwof which bia ntaaaioa traa built ^rTaphjw, yoafra a fool! Kofs f^ at two

fcrtaoanl and t wast, r s » tha " B ^ U n c k B a h A the iaUia»wwrt«at »W

r gbtl Swoaamt MfJaatkfcar

tse iraa» old switlasian -There, tbera.dotit talk aooiaaent ta ate. r r e n o

Tba BjwUar of the ftaa-BMt of airwr aad eat

of the rare red

Ate! aha sad

ad wish tha i

[; ^P'.^r^"*

i of the. l i s s

^ e wast the taat

i that aha h s j mtfi attter hi

T o a e a s t gat s o s w a i kam ate," aha, n i a W B B O ; B M a ) a T »

-Wawfll Jaat look ia yov


ihaariad.laaawlaM s i tha w asaJd hare it is aftesfhsr. rWawiilaaer awdaiawdos««rtbei


i s a s i

"Deal be Is s •Tsti

"Sot to

I w B

r," fwt la aaother. awl wo COB jaat aa aat.'* has he coBtisaas,

T o a * t o a » t a l n a a d i S i w« waat a aaa of tea. T o t

ta the


aatthaatoked,aad' the

a r t e * * * SaWBaEaajjaa Baere flatea oa the table,

aloag with tha f raenaad to whOe tt thara was as* wj - » — -f AM ^i^am — . J ^ a > . . - - « ana 01 aap aaoway, aaa araaaaaj aer aaa. baanaBmarasddiasw*oaab abetABtodoeo.

Aa ahe took the tea eaaaMcr froa the pan­try ahayaTM eaafht ahjfat of a bottle labeoed arsenic. Her haaaasd had sarThaanii it oa taepr«TloaadaY,lsordwtodeftiortbentt wbkh were %'BsajlEt troabhaoBH, bat yet be had ssaf ss^nldbs of B.

Bafawaaachaacenfiwn«i;airftb«ati BwsjBHy. Opaahn the betay aho aat a taw f^aiaaiato the t iaj nt aleaf wtth the tea, of which aha (are saod swsaan, ia order to deatnij the taata of Ha anush

AwwaMaaatobswrtherob^en wen an> •iBftBgUWir



•of tea

sVe>siBa. -

l l l l l l i i i M a a a l r f Bat7

""^"ir^aTPjWIi™^ Wriaw™e™TPrwfw3^™*,'^BBr™»



i," tlwagbt the faUbiot aer wfll be Swad aad aaswd.*' asoaeby one the rob-


the AU with

i BBBB fay the tor-

t aad started to-; iai ere be

% third,-yoa haw I yon Bare

Bt HBI.BwSy AvS,

mmslkn rrfi

H£e«Ks i«aia !ir'<a»«- V2kt*wi>!p.,y dKUf *amB%*«a|

—* «ahpi»^*»-.

4, »'1».»'*^*..t,-.*Slt , ,«'


to of tha world. It trath of thebUnd

la, UMtfHhe* aho aerre who only watt." add hata worhed to earn atoney Iai! if ahe alight aho bare bora to bear a woosoa in the strife.

Aha! it to ao hard to ait aaa aad count the aeoaadwbieb asset ekaae era tha criti* of oMrfaweawaa aaoa the leaden horizon of Pre.

So Henry Dabaayne west to Loadoa, aad to beer the eaawration

"Abr Henry tried to apeak cawbetty.trot without signal aaeecas.

"And 8s«ire lncoMahy's son is getting prmy ataeaUsw ia that ewarter," wont oa John: "and old Babtrt Bayajood died ont is India last winter, and Wl Lily a dean thirty thousand pounds-'

"THdhe? I am glad of that *" So Lily was an heiress, after aO. Would it

not base been better—but Dahaajme reso-hvlely checked the half fcrated conjectare in bh mind. He bad put his hand to the plough—it was too tote to look back now. Tot be wondered if Arthur IngoMsby would Talus, as he had done, the priceless treasure of LilUs* lore.

He told himself that be was glad things had bappened aa they had; bat he knew. eptte of it all, that be would bare felt better IfLily bad pined afterblm.Just a little! All woeaen are alike,andaUaitn pshaw! there was no use ia trooMiag bis bmht furtber about the nutter.

Uncle Peckhaai atet bint on the threshold witbattouhiedlonk

"Have you beard the ranter, Dalautyne? No! WeJI,ofcoaraeitcaaberxithtoM:buta tumor! The boose of Baterbrookand Ester-brook ta too well eotahikhed to be shaken by a ntere fell hi French stocks."

"What do yoaaBade tof he asked,scarce euuipfeJawdinc bto uncle's saoaniag ia the al>straetion of his mind.

"Why, people are whispering about that the Esterbrooks bare feUed."

And before the ana west down en "Change. Uiewhuwer hacaaas a tiiiatprt roice—the runtor was true. EaterbmokaadEsterbrook had failed, and Dabaayne was engaged to a penniless bride,

Henry Dahnayae, though a weak and twe-Oatuig8iaa,waanjoaeoBBdreL Heasarried 8arah Estarbrook, and Uses with her now hi a Gower street luaglagbaase, dasy growing ajore and asore weary of bto ttfe, while hi bto l>earthedmraa»estnesweetaiBtom^ofIiltos Rayasottd.BowaseAheraaaa'a wife.

He had brokea bis {dtajbt, gieea aptae taajdemataaslraiaM^ od bto whole future, to asarry ai an4behadasiaamlUMTlmam«aBWaH!

How tha Rosnaaa L««".i i A-

Uanything was wanted to gire «s an •'••••, M« . of Roman umgniacence. we wouid tarn •i'-r | S'««(i • . eyre from puoik: o*onuta"rit«. d>Bi.'rs..»e-l I *»<*<•. s

and grand fwoc*t*ion«. we WOU;J k.-- j ho««>

Besry hto

One glance, one smile from I (hey sot worth all these hollow

*H*ra,"eBid Undo Balph, toanag a card »W»BW»WBWS. br«efn«yoaaainTitatlon

to Lady B r a n ^ s a r ^ tonight. YouVmeet an*to r*aak) there that are worth the know-tag r

Heary TMsswaa besitated; it was Om wiwabasaaaai set aside s t e a d

~bat,aBar all, B wosbt only he one day* demy. Bweaald write aaweU upon the next night!

80 Heary Tlnlmayao went to Lady BrncVs, s s iar the wiag of bto aade, the wealthy

" W e i r quoth Uncle Peckham, when the wan otar, aad they were once

tbefra that shone aad rabtoa beaeaththe

of tho Bsarbte aaantel in tharfch Bsass dsthMt raoaa; «how do yon

* Very watt, ah>r «Ve*y well!" aarcastically mimicked Mr.

Fwekbam. Mfto yoa know that berbtberto worth s aeatter of s suBtos T"

-Oahe.ss'r nabe,s irr Henry!" roared the old gentle-

aaan; nhettete you're afeol. Why, there are a aeon of tho woaawAwA yotaMt asan in

Ihay whole of it, If aeed ha-fbr the smiles aadghnces Man Baterbrosk roacfassfed to yoa thia way atobt.''

•She was rery asulto.ab-,'' said Henry, with Ismwrofsamsxledlook; Mbat "

"Fwltte! And | n y what would you bate, afclTBBwayse? Do yon waat a woman to tely*wee«aadoat>iBsoasany words, that abarasmyoa,belbrayoucaataBxabintr*

Heary colored like a girl. It was impos-eaatotoheqaitonnwaaible to Um charms ol tanaaatery, the a w n •specially as Unde Faa^amwasnirtorulaarilyone who "but> tesad hto phrasts," as the ejaswasoa goes.

"Tea, say hoy," wast oa the stockbroker, tapping the table emphatically with bis fin-gereaoB; "ate does like you! And Tm not tha ash; aarsoa who has noticed it"

Ms\aft,nscte,abetosoplainr "What of that? AD women can't be Yen

osae,eadttepreUiestof'emb»ve* abatt aad eroas^oaea under their pink and white abma aad BUT exteriors. Beauty ia only skin-deepr

Heary thoaaht of pretty LilUs, with a tasiMoftaadwiicnlliLiion. MnwEiterbrook, wtth «R her f^Mes charmi, could never hop* toriralher!

Yet, as the week* went by, bto thoughts Bad Ideas bsaaaaMv chanced.

The yeaow lustre of the gold-worshipping •rmnapfiare i s which he Ihed tarmed to wrap him roand the am aaje-gjiUrT of society; ideas giaiaally asawotad the old dogmas and asi-oms of hto youthful nuth. Andoneerening, carried away by tho wtoebery and enchant-asentoftbehonr, he proposed to Sarah Es-

day. tared ia upon him the

TouYe the luckiest dog going, Dalmayne," dram oae.

• I only wtoh I wan in your staesT echoed a second; and Henry,dataled by thebruuan-eyofbtoatoaaaato, bwaawad that he was re-

awcvaaaardlag to Buy*aar rumor, be waa gomf toanrry oae of the richest ghto lu t s s lBB! Aa4Ua«UPecaAamtoaktohim.

W-i <o*'«js»«»*-' "SJr**


hi sat

The awful CburcbOrs the front row ot the pit MIstfato|asnha cars the real actors, or what they of them," toys poor Tom of Umcrteic was extreme. •'Imsing tha of Cyeaheame," be Omriek,btoBUBager,aI

attribute it to my •rrliaslallj asaiag Mr. Churchill in the pit, with great trath, it ren-deriag aw confused asd aaatiadful of mr business." Garrick I pressed by Um gloomy

to mad dheiaatBt as Mm critic* 'My bra to GasrahaVha

writea to Cobnan. «hh haisg afcfc of MUekmrd

of the pit. I s hto early days there had bees each thmgsaa -pit orders.'* "Besbrew the ssrsaamrtahla

waa from the froat row of the pit that LaaOt, oeatedbytliesideorbtodeariy-tored applauded the Irst aad biased the of bto own farce, "Mr. H — , " aa little play, aUHng awuuy from a s Weakness of constitution, and yet much that to witty asd coasicaL Haalitt grtatiypreame^theiA to dm bctxea. Not ahwpiy because the nWtrt»nam of hto demo-cratica»UrnenUu^do«edmbmtascern of the visitor to the boxes, aa wtSBpad ap ia themsel.es, fortified against saBnsdosa, weaned Bom all superstitious belief in dra-matic iOusions, taking aa littto toaanm ia all thatuintorestis^dtoiaKlaBedtodm then* cravats or their muscles, "except when some gesticuhuion of Mr. Keaa,oraame ex-pressioa of an author two basdtsd yeamoid. violated ttedeosrum of mshioaable iadrAVr-esce." These were good reason* for his ob­jection to the boxes. But te preferred tha pit, ia truth, because be could there see and bear so rery much better. "We saw Mr. Keen's Sir Giles Orerreaek on Friday night from the boxes," be writes in 1819, "aad a n not surprised at the incredulity aa to thia great actor's powers entertained by those persons who hare only seen him from that elevated sphere. We do not hesitate to say that those who have only seen him at that distance have not seen him at aU. The ex­pression of his face to quite lost, aad only the harsh and grating tones ot bis voice produce their full esect on the ear. The same re­curring sounds, by dint of repetition, fasten on die attention, while the varieties aad user modulations are lost ia their ptmasa over the pit. AU you discover is an abstraction of his defects both of person, voice and manner. He appears to be a little man in a great pas­sion," etc.—AU The Year Bound.

JEXKY Lorn AJCD THE HooeiEB.—This great Songstress gave a concert at Madison, lad. The largest building in the town bar­ing been prepared for her reception, an auc­tion of tb* tickem took place in the ball oa Ui* momlng of her arrival. The capacity of the building was fully tested by tho anxious Madieonitcs. '•Coming through the Bye" was given first. This was followed by "Home, Sweet Home"; and who can describe the marvellous effect of that song, aa rendered by Jenny LindT The famous "Bird Song" waa then the popular air of the country, and U wm tfveu M tto cascading pfcee on the evening in question. The tost line of tha anag ran thus: "1 know not, I know not why I am singing,** and Jenny gave it with all her power. At thai moment a genuine. Hoosier, indigenous to the soil, rose up ln tb« auditorium, and thus delivered Umsetf: "•You don't know why you are singing, e | t y Gosh! I know, if yen dont! You're sing in* to the tune of five doTara a bead, and Ira ck-oa dad'a bogs will have to suser for my ticket P

get the statues in beam and mar»<S*. wT>.. h outnumbered the living m inhabitant*. •>, namerous that one haudred thonssn.l h**« beenreco-med and stthembeHiah Halv snl would descend Into tb* lower *pb*re of ma­terial life—those things which attest !u«nrv sad taste toonamnta^dieaam.anmptB.vis livmjt sad rich furniture. The art <* 'i»mg metals and catting precious stones «ur-pa»» ed anything known at the present day

In the decoration of hweam. hi anrial *r, • teTtalnajonte, in cookery, the Ramans were twaurkable. The mosaics, signet rings, c* asaos, bracelets, brooaes.cbaina, vases, rourh -as, asaquetfag table*, lamps, chariots, color­ed glam, gUdlug, BsirroTs. iaattiwmes,eoamet-ies, perfumes, hair dyes, silk robes, potteries. all attest grant elegance aad beauty. The faMnofthaga root and Dalian brovue were aa expenslie aa the sideboards of "pantsli walnut, so much admired in toe great e\M bhlou at Ijowdon. Wood and ivory were carved as exquisitely as in Japan or fhma Mirrors were atade of polished silver. <»la.«« cutters could imitate the colors of preciou* stones so weB that the Portland race, taken ftom the tomb of Alexander Severn*, was long considered a* a genuine sardonyx: brass could be hardened so as to cut stone

The palace of Nero glittered with e«M. aad Jewels. lVfomea and flowers were showered from ivory ceilings. The balls af

inag wtth doth aad gold. with jewels. Hto beds were silver.

aad hto Uble* of gold. Tiberius gave a mil-1km of matetcm for a picture for bis bedroom.

dtoh of PneaiHus weighed five pounds silver.

The eapa of Draaua were of gold. Tunics with tteagatns of various


» * • - •

H .

• I •••

; » ! • • * • ' i

PauHna wore Jewels when she at tdOO/na Ditoking

fromWuUTduXbroua-Corhvth.ttstamfrwm >thaaa what

evw,mahort,wwssweiousor4narioM Tha laxartas of the

belief, aadoa the walk paintings, ex-


WBAX MABBS A hLsJL—It to curioos to sidtaraasrdto

B smn. If one enjoys of life, aad to

ready to by hia

aB, he to called a first-rate

But this 1 o fami

tbereal sd auavity.

oso*a self agree-drrnaistanc, to if a man pos­

sesses nothing Basra Baas this, be is only a happy ornament in aha world.

The quality of |iiiaaaa»nmtiii| man should cultivate; yet this to sat the thine which aukes a smn. It certainly add* to bis popu­larity, to his success ia the enterprise that

the todnence aad amiitanre of the ;boAtodmn«*dartpliMhittt for se-

triab, aad build him ap again with hope

Tho aieaaant things of Ufa—those which a n popadariy called the beat the calm ex

; than do never aaa ke men, but the inaiieuwj, the tomafto Uto .iato.

If a mas bee passed the add die age of life, with ao marks of struggle and trial written upon hto features—no wrinkle* of care and sorrow upon his brow—you aisy well be­lieve that he has not yet graduated iu the se­vere school which constitutes a man.

Real manhood ia heroic; it experience in its passage through the world from the cradle to the grave, good and evil, here trouble and there Joy, here rudenea* and there smooth ness, one working with the oth.tr, atid all. the good aad the evil, blended iu the character and accepted with stoicism and jielienoc.

Thia beautiful, uncomplaiuins acceptance of the good and evil of life, forms the greatt-i part of the education a.-bich makes a man in­deed a man, in d'utim-lion from a u animal. which have no such education—in distmc lion, too, form the coaumotiplace Lu man be­ing, who gruaabtoa at UM smallest failures, aad cringes under adversity without dignity orsTanUaers.


traatad hto eatin cJwcs* k> » slasgh *u. Then w n Jaat Bwty-oae of cherubs asd a *U-bor*e ahdeh. Oa the way lataw thay wan

by s Bach of mrnrmts amiaaa. Cool aad i s that hoar of fears*) trial, the

• 'saAgF*****

A SMABT BUY.—Johnny Bogers—t •eery-body here knows him—is only five year* old, and COWinienced attending school this wiatrr. •totoasfnUofnitocniefasbecanbe. aud a few dr ,ys ago hto teacher, having exhau. *ed every power of moral suasion to make b un behs te with proper decorum, wrote a no te to t? M principal,something like the foUowing :

* Mr. Metcsif—the baarer awarnwa a aevere P» inishmenL''

The teacher gave the note to Johnny anJ t old him to carry it to Mr. Metcalf. Johnny evidently smelt a mice—it asemed to bun that anmethltig was wrong, and be concluded be would not go to the Principal's room-Meeting a little Norwegian boy in the ball, he wvcfgbd ban into dettvetog the note and want off to piny himarlt The principal read the now presented by the "bearer'* by givutg bum sil it called for. Tha iaaeaant N'orweg-iaa lad departed a aadderrf not a wiser boy. Maaal—Goad little boy* should not deliver notes for amart aula boys take Johnny Ku-

it*. S.—This to not the Job any ttugera that wmhtiraedatUmitake,ieavtoga wits with

children, etc.

l j n T.ar< «. * s«e«n."i % 'n-'«

t w r r »>f«, n' friwa the *';r»-

s w e e u x i pt'W.i-i ' . ! * >-

o a t • • ) ' ' » , %«<1 ' »*° "

r"vt>l\it«»»ar» •* '» I .Ti'er-M * •'•

w a s a* ;h.» t.«n». »n ! -i t h e m n w l i v . " '».-.i-eour*.e«-»ti,'r «.'.rr•*»!»»** tW" • l.l.r !T !a ! ' .« •» ' h"T>««"

\ o t h . i i .-••••. 1 \f «•!• w i ' h ' h * « , « . . i . . n ">a>i :5MM* ' » • • w r - f f . V ( * n \ I'!i. r n a m * ws« ^ *r Ki-ir»-k « I t w *h» m. .re 'n«ere«te.l a 'l ient tie.-ao«-h a d re<»eiitlr \wvn-* s,'w-ia>t>*e.t •. *•-•<« V ' t k » ' t h a r e i a ' i e . „f th»- r . ,.« -1 » . »m n «w»e. a pn»m«i i i g ». ring p»<->*er « ' • • m fa«t m.r»'»*ins h » r»p»sta<...n a« a »»••• • «' «,,»' art>«f. »nd * U».n . J * f f r --f 'In , tufm-i n' < '%•' >l Ui* m••** »<!m.re.| «A.-r« '.-•• i ».».i: %.« V44 • ' n . « ' fc» ik» •»•••• ""•* ' th>* «*tne ••'• I •»•••!•»

<•,.» ..f the tw-> :»?;•>« w-»e»- •»».- »<*!•*» y . a n i i.ld. »i •! h»r »i»t»r s e v - n ! t It*e Ttiet were »er> !•»••;» f.-r f>erw.o« •>• «tf-'l *" ' wrre .ihU^iiij;;* .- •mm >!.w»*.»»

-*I»t-1 • • • j . *- t *e- •..•n.-.-»; V\ »•!. i,£'..T. *' •<Hi. «e« many itid »n»»iv a time." »i.»

an*wrred. -in tin* »^t\ r«».ni He «»n.« n*e.« to bold me t»i hi. lap I rewtnner !» ' « ' • ' well as if it was Um yesterday . be wti % lovely rnati.*ie««r^e Wa«*i't«c»on And here ahe contiuued. jenn? t» *n-l .»pentri»; « wide cupboard, "be tl»e.t to keep hs« 'things These blae-aml whit«« rhiney ••aps and «as sen be used to dnnk out of. and here's the very bowl be u> d to tnakAhis wine sstigar-e {Bto; and tbey used »•• pass it rwuud fr»m oneolllcer U-siio'li-!- «!ie!i theyM e.«ni» •• see him; and tbev helped tbetosehw. H« seen a good desl nt companv.tiettcral Wash ington did."

"Did ywu e*er *>• Ma >r Andre ?" I asked "Oh, yea—more ti fiftv times. He »a« a

beautiful ama. He kissed me twice. 1 aa* a little girt then. I saw lam the very m»»r« mg they took him on to the top nf the hill t> hang him. The day bef<*»» in the morning. I took him some handsoav ripe aearhes H. thanked me so kind, and hn4e one of -u, aad put it into his aaouth and tasted »f •.• hat aomthaw he didat «eeju to have no ap petite.'

I asked bow (Scleral Wsahutxt-in oeeroe*! to feel on the oerassnsi

"Oh, he must have feH dsrad/ui' M-walked backards and for aids all the m-.n, mg m this very room; and I've beam 1" <• Blaovelt say that be bad never sewn htm (e-i ao bad afore. He kept looatog at bis watch every now and then, and was ousuwy unti! the time bad come and Major Andef » « hung. I leen Major Andre myself whin !»•• was aswinin* in tbe air: and I seen luni when be was dug up and uwk i » t i : **• <i'l you, Polly, bM>. didnt yoi ?"

Advertiain^ for S.-*i*-«l Pr<>(~-%aU.

A chap issued a U-xp \>-ar intitatluii. *t>" eent the foNowing h<*:>v t the psprr* *•* publication :—

rt» <»»MKA' l ' - i i - .

T h e unders ig l ied . S^-img the t»e.«d ..l » .*oe o n e t o tind fault w i th , atfd £Ttitubie a' »lt«-k bus iness m a t t e r . £-> *r> i ig . a a d U-ui^ : •ru-J. w i t h n o uite t.. Ii«te h im ; s o d . wher< »• Los­i n g arrived at t h e p r < p r r age , | ,e •. tl.-:.-:..r<-det«rmiite . i t. . "c>-tu>- uu:

Seal'-J projm.aL'" will tw n-ve . iwi S.IJ! . . -o'd'H-k r. u . of l l « :i-T >,i I h r i i i l i r t , i*Cl

A(>pllCallt< BiUs'. J - . - - . - i \y-*U* • 1 •'-

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disposition, aiiii wl.< turn the ..t"i-r H..»» kiSMii^.

M i e tuay ii>.'. ih.-%v V o r wear i>ii|f ii« -S'or fre«tu«-u; >«•>».• ; i . : X<jr go roin..J l~-^».i i


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or of CUcago has received tho> abBowiag cont-wsaniraiton: "San Francisco, Dec. ST, 1«7I. —Mr. Modm. b was aw that aat Mrs. *yiAmt} a ban. on Ire aad m r old smn gava anfUOBwttlastsVsHayosv a * aad awn Boa. A*Iruaoa>lBMta inaa I thoagfat; tehada*enaMlfUss4kBwaidlmnbaao tha mat of htoa I tott this to dear hum. Laary

osfb^awtthaswBpsBd s a aorry that, hat I sws't « s n 1 ,

asd by* 1 wft af waa partta aa*. but m» I

TUe l K u t . e 1 . B u l l use! . . . . - . 1 r-in use f jt :*.',•»• !.ru • -and tliu i>t-.u^b i» n. • a» with f<jur hofsr-i »t.: CUUIUIOU pi'l-l^li 1 ' ' i t o Some e i t e i a .:. i . „ ^. ©enturj. U'it i. -.r-r . .t< • ciated. ai.J .!>:,• tr'-r » year* ago l ! n J . . . ' v

1. TIMPJ a. i t h. • * . • -• single plough

2- The) rair';» T*.^ U t o d . th« a -ik • ! t i i. w i . i i . o n .ittbt »i..i - • • •fbrii he sultk.<-i.l « • »• i

U O n e m a n • : > •« t< double pi"••.1;t , a> :'..•• 'l.m-abreasL

4- T h e botU'tn ••'. tl.r Iu ; i . . » i» o u t sosns»i> truddeu as :ti t h e s. i .gie j ™ . , a» the ! u j t u » b o n e only « a i a * tn f »rr> src. n j fWrvw

T h e a n n u a l s a v i u ^ s i l o l ev by u»ai^dMutae-pktws un a farm of * • ' arres of a r a b i . Ui»J

M s m e n a n d t a e i t e horse s wu^al be t» quired t o work sut'h a l a n n . wtth * n ^u«;«r p l o w s , w h e r e three m e u a n d uu;r u*-<- -wouid WOrk It With t h e doufcW p k . « « .

T h e E n g l i s h t r u a n t f a n n e r c a w u i a t e . '. -MVtug Oil JIM acre* ol a t a h k laud a* uihir.

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i a t e r r . t o n t i h r ut j l u . i . . Aa.wal aei'taaai1 sa vaiar. .. Ol k J W . l K B n n a a l va lue of fbuj for > b-

_. sav ing . « - ' v '- * tKsanja.

nkalallsu to amwd upon sb. iaaJ Inaalsnii Mrbywar.

sayafourf at tbe jSs^AWrtwt a * »

j^S&«t%i^*^swiafeStt^^si^^ 'Mj^ki^^^is^^^^sf^^ JsSk&Str^J;