Close Quarters Marksmanship/Battle (CQM/CQB) August 2006

Close Quarters Marksmanship (ANA 3-06.2 - 2006)

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Page 1: Close Quarters Marksmanship (ANA 3-06.2 - 2006)

Close Quarters Marksmanship/Battle (CQM/CQB)

August 2006

Page 2: Close Quarters Marksmanship (ANA 3-06.2 - 2006)



First Order 


The operation process manual 3‐06.2 is considering the basis for organization and lessons learned from the operations to manage collective and individual C2 system    

To fulfill the tasks from kandak level HQs up to crop level. To be reachable for commanders, instructors and the ones who develop doctrine.     

The  commanders  from  all  the  units  and  Training  centers    are  responsible  for implementation of this document. 

 This  document  is  for  immediate  implementation  for  all  the  units  and  ANATC schools upon receipt. This manual  is provided by ANATC and evaluated by GS G3 deputy of strategy and policy and military affairs.    

There  is no need of bringing any changes without consulting any one.  In case of need send your ideas and comments formally through G3 to GS.  


                                                               Chief of GS 

                                                                 G Besmillah Mohammadi 



Page 3: Close Quarters Marksmanship (ANA 3-06.2 - 2006)


Subject Page

Basic Program Implementation 3

Close Quarters Marksmanship 3

Fundamentals of Close Quarters Marksmanship (CQM) 4Firing Stance and Ready Position 4

Movement 5

Aiming Techniques 5

Shot Placement 6

Trigger Manipulation 7

Preliminary Instruction 7

Reflexive Shooting 8

Target Discrimination 9

Range Example Layout 11

Close Quarters Battle (CQB) 12

Principles of CQB 12

Fundamentals of CQB 13

Initial Actions to Clear a Room/Building 13

Composition of Clearing Team 14

Breaching 14

Actions outside point of entry 18

Actions upon entering Room/Building 18


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“An effective unit marksmanship program reflects the priority, emphasis, and interest of commanders and trainers.”

1. BASIC PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION Knowledgeable instructors or cadre are the key to marksmanship performance. All commanders must be aware of maintaining expertise in marksmanship instruction/training.

a. Instructor-Trainer Selection. Institutional and unit instructor-trainers are selected and assigned from the most highly qualified soldiers. These soldiers must have an impressive background in rifle marksmanship; be proficient in applying these fundamentals; know the importance of marksmanship training; and have a competent and professional attitude. The commander must ensure that selected instructor-trainers can effectively train other soldiers. Local instructor-trainer training courses and marksmanship certification programs must be established to ensure that instructor-trainer skills are developed.

b. Cadre-Trainer. Cadre-trainer refers to a marksmanship instructor-trainer that has more experience and expertise than the firer does. He trains soldiers in the effective use of the rifle by maintaining strict discipline on the firing line, insisting on compliance with range procedures and program objectives, and enforcing safety regulations. A good instructor-trainer must understand the training phases and techniques for developing marksmanship skills, and he must possess the following qualifications.

(1) Knowledge. The main qualifications for an effective instructor-trainer are thorough knowledge of the rifle, proficiency in firing, and a thorough understanding of this pamphlet and supporting manuals.

(2) Patience. The instructor-trainer must relate to the soldier calmly, persistently, and patiently.

(3) Understanding. The instructor-trainer can enhance success and understanding by emphasizing close observance of rules and instructions.

(4) Consideration. Most soldiers enjoy firing regardless of their performance and begin with great enthusiasm. The instructor-trainer can enhance this enthusiasm by being considerate of his soldiers’ feelings and by encouraging firing abilities throughout training, which can also make teaching a rewarding experience.

(5) Respect. An experienced cadre is assigned the duties of instructor-trainer, which classifies him as a technical expert and authority. A good instructor-trainer is alert for mistakes and patiently makes needed corrections.

(6) Encouragement. The instructor-trainer can encourage his soldiers by convincing them to achieve good firing performance through practice. His job is to impart knowledge and to assist the soldier so he can gain the practical experience needed to become a good firer.

2. CLOSE QUARTERS MARKSMANSHIP TRAINING Close Quarters marksmanship training provides the individual soldier with the ability to quickly and effectively engage targets at ranges less than 25 meters. A soldier’s ability to successfully identify, discriminate, and engage targets during Close Quarters Battle (CQB) is essential for soldier survival and mission accomplishment. Although normally associated with urban operations, CQM techniques are also used


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during operations in restrictive terrain such as clearing a trench line, the final assault across an objective during an attack or raid, or when fighting in dense vegetation or during periods of limited visibility. Close Quarters marksmanship instruction consists of four components: Phase I, reflexive firing training (blank fire day and night); Phase II, target discrimination; Phase III, marksmanship qualification (day and night live fire); and Phase IV, automatic firing familiarization. 3. CONDUCT OF CLOSE QUARTERS MARKSMANSHIP TRAINING Close Quarters marksmanship requires individual infantrymen to be trained to standard in reflexive firing, target discrimination, and on all necessary basic rifle marksmanship (BRM) fundamentals prior to semi-annual qualification. An explanation of the base level proficiency requirements is provided with each course of fire. As a minimum, infantrymen should be qualified on their individual weapon within the previous six months. 4. FUNDAMENTALS OF CLOSE QUARTERS MARKSMANSHIP During CQB, there is little or no margin for error. Too slow a shot at the enemy, too fast a shot at a noncombatant, or inaccurate shots can all be disastrous for the soldier. There are four fundamentals: proper weapon ready positions and firing stance, aiming technique, aim point, and trigger manipulation constitute the act of reflexive shooting. This method of shooting is the only way for the clearing team members to consistently succeed without excessive casualties. Mastery of these fundamentals is key to the soldier’s ability to survive and accomplish his mission in close quarters. All CQM- and CQB related training should begin with a review of the principles of safe weapon handling— assume the weapon is always loaded and never point the weapon at anything you do not intend to destroy.

a. Firing Stance and Ready Positions. Regardless of the ready position used, soldiers must always assume the correct firing stance to ensure stability and accuracy when engaging targets. The two weapon ready positions are the low ready and high ready.

(1) Firing Stance. The feet are kept approximately shoulder-width apart. Toes are pointed straight to the front (direction of movement). The firing side foot is slightly staggered to the rear of the non-firing side foot. Knees are slightly bent and the upper body is leaned slightly forward. Shoulders are square and pulled back, not rolled over or slouched. The head is up and both eyes are open. When engaging targets, the gunner holds the weapon with the butt of the weapon firmly against his shoulder and the firing side elbow close against the body

(2) High Ready Position. The butt of the weapon is held under the armpit, with the barrel pointed slightly up so that the top of the front sight post is just below the line of sight but still within the gunner’s peripheral vision. The non-firing hand grasps the hand guards toward the front sling swivel; the trigger finger is outside of the trigger well. To engage a target from the high ready, the gunner pushes the weapon forward as if to bayonet the target and brings the butt stock firmly against the shoulder as it slides up the body. This technique is best suited for the lineup outside of a building, room, or bunker entrance.

(3) Low Ready Position. The butt of the weapon is placed firmly in the pocket of the shoulder with the barrel pointed down at a 45-degree angle. The non-firing hand grasps the hand guards toward the front sling swivel, the trigger finger is outside of the trigger well. To engage a target from the low ready, the gunner brings


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the weapon up until the proper sight picture is achieved. This technique is best suited for movement inside of buildings.

Low Ready High Ready

(4) Movement Techniques. Soldiers must practice moving with their weapons up until they no longer look at the ground but concentrate on their sectors of responsibility. Soldiers must avoid stumbling over their own feet. The low ready method is the best method to use when moving or turning. To execute a left turn the soldier places his firing foot forward, shifts all his weight to the firing foot, and pivots, bringing the non-firing foot forward to complete the turn. To turn to the right the firing foot is to the rear, the weight is evenly distributed between the feet, and the body pivots on both feet. To turn to the rear, the firing foot is forward, the weight is placed on the firing foot and the body pivots.

(5) Kneeling Position. Although short-range engagements generally take place from the standing position, a soldier may be required to engage targets from the kneeling position. The kneeling position is generally used when correcting a weapons malfunction.

b. Aiming Techniques. Four aiming techniques are used during CQB. Each has advantages and disadvantages and the soldier must understand when, how, and where to use each technique.

(1) Slow Aimed Fire. This technique is the slowest but most accurate. It consists of taking a steady position, properly aligning the sight picture, and squeezing off rounds. This technique should only be used to engage targets in excess of 25 meters when good cover and concealment is available or when the need for accuracy overrides the need for speed.

(2) Rapid Aimed Fire. This technique utilizes an imperfect sight picture. When using this technique the soldier focuses on the target and raises his weapon until the front sight post assembly obscures the target. Elevation is less critical than windage when using this technique. This aiming technique is extremely effective on targets from 0 to 15 meters and at a rapid rate of fire.

(3) Aimed Quick Kill. The aimed quick kill technique is the quickest and most accurate method of engaging targets up to 12 meters. Experienced soldiers may use the technique at greater ranges, as they become familiar with it. When using


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this technique, the soldier aims over the rear sight and places the top 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch of the front sight post assembly on the target.

(4) Instinctive Fire. This is the least accurate technique and should only be used in emergencies. It relies on instinct, experience, and muscle memory. The firer concentrates on the target and points the weapon in the general direction of the target. While gripping the hand guards with the non-firing hand he extends the index finger to the front, automatically aiming the weapon on a line towards the target.

c. Aim Point. Short-range engagements fall into two categories based on the mission and hostile threat. Most short-range engagements will be decided by who hits his target with the first round first. During this type of engagement it is more important to knock the enemy soldier down as quickly as possible than it is to kill him immediately. During this type of engagement soldiers must aim at the “lethal zone” (center mass) of the target as in regular rifle marksmanship. Although shots to the center of the target may prove to be eventually fatal, they may not immediately incapacitate the enemy. During CQB a shot that does not immediately incapacitate the enemy may be no better than a clean miss. Because of this, and the possible presence of military equipment or protective vests, soldiers must be able to not only engage soldiers in the “lethal zone” but also to engage them with “incapacitating” shots.

(1) Lethal Shot Placement. The lethal zone of the target is center mass between the waist and the chest. Shots in this area maximize the shock of the round. Due to the nature of CQB, soldiers must continue to engage targets until they go down.

Lethal Zone

(2) Incapacitating Shot Placement. The only shot placement that guarantees

immediate and total incapacitation is one roughly centered in the face, below the middle of the forehead and the upper lip, and from the eyes in. Shots to the side of the head should be centered between the crown of the skull and the middle of the ear opening, from the center of the cheekbones to the middle of the back of the head.


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Incapacitation zone aim points

d. Trigger Manipulation. Short-range combat engagements are usually quick, violent, and deadly. Due to the reduced reaction time, imperfect sight picture, and requirement to effectively place rounds into threat targets, soldiers must fire multiple rounds during each engagement to survive. Multiple shots may be fired either through the use of a controlled pair or automatic weapons fire.

(1) Controlled Pair. A controlled pair is two rounds fired in rapid succession. The soldier fires the first round and allows the weapon to move in its natural arc without fighting the recoil. The firer rapidly brings the weapon back on target and fires a second round. Soldiers must practice the “controlled pair” until it becomes instinctive. Controlled pairs should be fired at single targets until they go down. When multiple targets are present the soldier must fire a controlled pair at each target, and then reengage any targets left standing. Rapid, aimed, semiautomatic fire is the most accurate method of engaging targets during CQB.

(2) Automatic Fire. Automatic weapons fire may be necessary to maximize violence of action or gain fire superiority when gaining a foothold in a room, building, or trench. When properly trained, soldiers should be able to fire six rounds (two three-round bursts) in the same time it takes to fire a controlled pair. The accuracy of engaging targets can be equal to that of semiautomatic fire at 10 meters with practice. The key to firing a weapon on automatic is to squeeze the trigger, not jerk it.

(a) For the majority of soldiers, fully automatic fire is rarely effective and can lead to unnecessary noncombatant casualties or fratricide. Not only is fully automatic fire inaccurate and difficult to control, but also rapidly empties ammunition magazines. A soldier who finds himself out of ammunition with an armed, uninjured enemy soldier during CQB will become a casualty unless a fellow soldier intervenes.

(b) Controlled three-round bursts are better than automatic fire but they are only slightly faster and not as accurate or effective as rapid, aimed, semiautomatic fire.

(3) Failure Drill. To make sure a target is completely neutralized, soldiers should be trained to execute the failure drill. A controlled pair is fired at the lethal zone of the target, then a single shot to the incapacitating zone. This type of target engagement is particularly useful when engaging targets wearing body armor.

5. PRELIMINARY MARKSMANSHIP INSTRUCTION As with all other forms of marksmanship training, PMI must be conducted to establish a firm foundation on which to build. Soldiers must be taught, and must understand, the fundamentals of CQM described in paragraph 4. Blank fire drills are conducted to ensure a complete and through understanding of the fundamentals as well as to provide the trainers with valuable feedback as to the level of proficiency of each soldier. It is important during this training to emphasize basic force protection


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issues such as muzzle awareness and selector switch manipulation. Soldiers must be drilled on these areas to ensure that future training and performance during combat situations is done in the safest manner possible. The risk of fratricide or noncombatant casualties is greatest during CQB. Preliminary marksmanship instruction should include, at a minimum, the following tasks.

a. Weapon Ready Positions and Firing Stance. Ensure that each soldier understands and can properly carry his weapon.

b. Moving with a Weapon. Ensure that the soldier can move at a walk, run, and turn left, right, and to the rear as well as move from the standing to kneeling position and the kneeling back to the standing position.

c. Weapons Malfunction Drills. Ensure soldiers instinctively drop to the kneeling position, clear a malfunction, and continue to engage targets. This drill can be performed by issuing each soldier a magazine loaded with six to eight rounds of blank ammunition with one expended blank round.

d. Target Engagement Drills. These drills teach soldiers to move from the ready position to the firing stance, emphasizing speed and precision movements. Soldiers must be observed to ensure that the finger is outside the trigger well and that the selector switch remains on the “safe” position until the weapon is raised to the firing position. This is a force protection issue and must be drilled until all soldiers can perform to standard.

6. PHASE I, REFLEXIVE FIRE TRAINING Reflexive fire training provides the fundamental skills required to conduct short-range marksmanship. It involves the practical application of all four of the fundamentals of CQM. All soldiers must receive a go on the task Conduct Reflexive Firing, before proceeding with training. Reflexive firing should be conducted as refresher training as often as possible to insure that soldier’s skills are always at the highest possible level. This perishable skill must be constantly reinforced.

a. Reflexive Firing Targets. Targets can be locally purchased or manufactured by the unit (bowling pin targets). E-type silhouettes may be painted as shown.

b. Range Setup. The range must be at least 25 meters in length with identification

marks at the 5-, 10-, 15-, and 25-meter distances. Each lane should be marked in a way that prevents cross firing between lanes. A lane safety-coach is assigned to each lane to observe and evaluate the soldier’s performance as well as ensure the safe conduct of firing. The tower or line safety gives all firing cues.


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c. Conduct of Training. Each soldier will conduct a dry-fire exercise and a blank fire exercise prior to conducting the live-fire exercise. The dry-fire and blank-fire exercises will give the soldier the repetition needed to successfully engage targets quickly and accurately. Soldiers start at the 25-meter line at the low ready facing the targets. The soldier is then told the engagement position (for examples, facing left, turn right) and, once in position, is given the cue to fire. The soldier must, on cue, assume the proper firing position and stance, place the selector lever on semi, use the correct aiming technique for the target’s distance, and engage the target. After engaging the target the soldier will continue to cover the target to reinforce firing until the threat is eliminated. Rounds fired after the time standard will be scored as a miss. The number of rounds fired after the time standard will be subtracted from the total number of hits the soldier has scored. The soldier will be evaluated on a “GO/NO GO” basis based on the standards in the training and evaluation outline (T&EO) and scoring table. Soldiers must complete blank fire iteration before being allowed to live fire.

(1) Each soldier will identify and engage the proper targets at ranges from 5 to 25 meters from the stationary position, while turning and walking. Soldiers must score a GO on the familiarization firing tables before attempting to qualify.

NOTE: All rounds must impact on the E-type silhouette. Hits are defined as being in

the lethal zone (bowling pin).

Familiarization Table StationaryFamiliarization Table Stationary

Familiarization Table MovingFamiliarization Table Moving

7. PHASE II, TARGET DISCRIMINATION TRAINING Target discrimination is the act of distinguishing between threat and non-threat targets during CQB. During CQB, there is little or no margin for error. A shot at a noncombatant or friendly soldier, or slow inaccurate shots can all be disastrous. Target discrimination is an inescapable responsibility and must be stressed in all situations regardless of mission. It is essential that this training be aimed at instilling fire control and discipline in individual soldiers. The first priority is always the safety of the Infantryman.


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a. Target Discrimination Targets. Target discrimination is best taught using two

or more E-type silhouettes with bowling pins painted on each side of the silhouette (such as brown side and green side). The instructor calls out a color for the shooter to identify on the command “READY, UP” or at the “whistle blast.” The shooter quickly scans all targets for the color and engages using a controlled pair. This is the standard that all Infantrymen train to. It will effectively train Infantrymen to accomplish missions under the expected ROE.

(1) Alternative methods include using multiple E-type silhouettes with different painted shapes (squares, triangles, and circles). The instructor calls out a shape for the firers to identify. On the command “READY, UP,” or at a whistle blast, the shooters quickly scan all three targets searching for the shape and engage using the controlled pair technique. This is repeated until one shape is mastered. Subsequently, a sequence of shapes is announced, and the firers engage accordingly.

(2) Another variation is to paint a series of 3-inch circles on the E-type silhouettes. The instructors call out which circle to engage (for example, top left) and firers react accordingly. Marksmanship is emphasized using this technique.

(3) Another technique for training is to use pop-up targets (electrical or pull targets).

(4) A good technique for teaching soldiers target discrimination is to have them focus on the target’s hands. If a target is a threat, the first and most obvious indicator is a weapon in the target’s hands. The soldier must mentally take a “flash picture” of the entire target because an armed target could possibly be a fellow soldier or other friendly, which is why soldiers train on uniforms (green or brown silhouettes). This level of target discrimination should not be trained until soldiers are thoroughly proficient in basic CQM and CQB tasks.

b. Range Setup. The range must be at least 25 meters in length and each lane should be at least 5 meters wide. Each lane should have target holders and should be marked in a way that prevents cross firing between lanes. A coach/safety is assigned to each lane to observe and control the soldier’s performance. The tower, lane safety, or senior instructor gives all firing commands.

c. Conduct of Training. Each soldier must complete a dry-fire exercise and a blank-fire exercise before moving on to the live-fire portion. Regardless of the type of target used, the following method will be used to conduct training. The soldier will begin all engagements facing away from the target, which requires the soldier to identify and discriminate, and reinforces skills used during reflexive firing training. The soldier will be given a target description and, on the command “READY,” begins to scan for the target. On cue (“Up,” voice command, or whistle blast), the soldier will turn toward and engage the target.


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2 Stor


2 Stor


2 Stor


Squad Shoot Hous

Squad Shoot Hous

Squad Shoot Hous

Squad Shoot Hous

Squad Shoot Hous

Squad Shoot Hous Villag Villag Villag


Lane Shotgu


Sample Range Layout

25M Individual shoot lanes Left and right shoot lane

Practice CQM Lanes

Squad shoot house Lane

Range Layout Example

Village lane with 2 story


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A large portion of combat in built-up areas takes place at very close quarters, often between small groups of combatants within the confines of a single room. Because

of this, individual combat actions can flare up quickly and be over in a matter of seconds. Success or failure is often determined by life or death decisions made and

actions taken almost instinctively by individual soldiers and small teams as they encounter different situations in each new room. One of the complexities often is the

intermixing of enemy with civilians in the same building, often in the same rooms. Employing close quarters combat techniques is often the most effective means of achieving victory while minimizing friendly losses, avoiding unnecessary civilian

casualties, and conserving ammunition and demolitions for subsequent operations.

1. CLOSE QUARTERS COMBAT Close quarters combat techniques do not replace battle drills. They are techniques to be used when the tactical situation calls for room-by-room clearing of a relatively intact building in which enemy and civilians may be intermixed. These techniques involve increased risk in order to clear a building methodically, rather than using overwhelming firepower to neutralize all its inhabitants. Certain close quarters combat techniques, such as methods of movement, firing stances, weapon positioning, and reflexive shooting, are useful for all combat in confined areas. Other techniques, such as entering a room without first neutralizing known enemy occupants, are appropriate in only some tactical situations. Generally, if a room or building is occupied by an alerted enemy force that is determined to resist, and if most or all civilians are clear, overwhelming firepower should be employed to avoid friendly casualties. In such a situation, supporting fires, demolitions, and fragmentation grenades should be used to neutralize a space before friendly troops enter. In some combat situations, however, the use of heavy supporting fires and demolitions would cause unacceptable collateral damage. In other situations, enemy are so intermixed with civilians that ANA forces cannot in good conscience use all their available supporting fires, and room-by-room clearing may be necessary. At such times, close quarters combat techniques are most appropriate. 2. PRINCIPLES OF CLOSE QUARTERS COMBAT As in all other military operations, battles that occur at close quarters, such as within a room or hallway, must be planned and executed with care. Units must train, practice, and rehearse close quarters combat techniques until each fire team and squad operates smoothly as a team. Each member of the unit must understand the principles of close quarters combat and the part his actions play in their successful execution. The principles of close quarters combat are surprise, speed, and controlled violent action.

a. Surprise is the key to a successful assault at close quarters. The fire team or squad clearing the room must achieve surprise, if only for seconds, by deceiving, distracting, or startling the enemy. Sometimes stun or flash grenades may be used to achieve surprise. These are more effective against a non-alert, poorly trained enemy than against alert, well-trained enemy.


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b. Speed provides a measure of security to the clearing unit. Speed lets soldiers use the first few vital seconds provided by surprise to their maximum advantage. In close quarters combat, speed does not mean haste. It can best be described as “careful hurry.”

c. Controlled violent action eliminates or neutralizes the enemy while giving him the least chance of inflicting friendly casualties. Controlled violent action is not limited to the application of firepower only. It also involves a soldier mind-set of complete domination.

Each of the principles of close quarters combat has a synergistic relationship to the others. Controlled violence coupled with speed increases surprise. Hence, successful surprise allows increased speed. 3. FUNDAMENTALS OF CLOSE QUARTERS COMBAT The ten fundamentals of close quarters combat address actions soldiers take while moving along confined corridors to the room to be cleared, while preparing to enter the room, during room entry and target engagement, and after contact. Team members must—

a. Move tactically and silently while securing the corridors to the room to be cleared. Carry only the minimum amount of equipment. Rucksacks and loose items carried by soldiers tire them and slow their pace, and cause noise.

b. Arrive undetected at the entry to the room in the correct order of entrance, prepared to enter on a single command.

c. Enter quickly and dominate the room. Move immediately to positions that allow complete control of the room and provide unobstructed fields of fire.

d. Eliminate all enemy within the room by the use of fast, accurate, and discriminating fires.

e. Gain and maintain immediate control of the situation and all personnel in the room.

f. Confirm whether enemy casualties are wounded or dead. Disarm and segregate the wounded. Search all enemy casualties.

g. Immediately perform a cursory search of the room. Determine if a detailed search is required.

h. Evacuate all wounded and any friendly dead. i. Mark the room as cleared, using a simple, clearly identifiable marking in

accordance with the unit SOP. j. Maintain security at all times and be prepared to react to more enemy contact at

any moment. Do not neglect rear security.

4. INITIAL ACTIONS TO CLEAR A BUILDING a. The unit isolates the building using direct or indirect fires before the lead

element moves to the breach point. The unit— (1) Covers mounted avenues of approach with anti armor weapons. (2) Covers dismounted avenues of approach with automatic weapons.

b. The unit suppresses enemy fires and neutralizes suspected and likely enemy positions as the breach and clearing teams move into position. The unit obscures the movement of the breach and clearing teams to the building by using smoke.

c. Breach and clearing teams secure a foothold in the building. Teams move along covered and concealed routes and enter at the highest possible level of the


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building. The unit shifts fires to other floors or buildings as the clearing teams enter. If possible, clearing teams clear hallways and rooms from the top of the building down.

5. COMPOSITION OF THE CLEARING TEAM Close quarters combat clearing techniques are designed to be executed by a four-man team. Because of the confined spaces typical of building- and room-clearing operations, units larger than squads quickly become unwieldy. When shortages of personnel demand it, two- and three-man teams can conduct room-clearing operations, but four-man teams are optimum. Using fewer personnel greatly increases the combat strain and the risks to the participants.



a. An integral part of close quarters combat is the ability to gain access quickly to the room to be cleared. Breaching techniques vary widely based on the type of construction encountered and the types of munitions available to the breaching force. Techniques range from simple mechanical breaching to complex, specialized demolitions.

b. Demolitions are often needed to defeat barriers that are more elaborate or to produce a desired effect to aid the initial entry.

c. Mechanical breaching is not addressed here, but it is an assumed capability within all units. Whether or not to take the time to defeat weak barriers, such as doors or windows, by means of crowbars, saws, sledgehammers, or axes is a decision that must be made based on the conditions of METT-TC. Mechanical breaching should always be planned as a backup to an explosive breach.

7. BREACH POINT Clearing team members must approach the breach point quickly, quietly, and in standard order. This approach preserves the element of surprise and allows for quick entry and domination of the room.

a. The order of movement to the breach point is determined by the method of breach and the intended actions at the breach point. The members of the fire team are assigned numbers 1 through 4, with the team leader always designated number 3. If one member of the clearing team is armed with the RPK rather than an AK-47 rifle, he should be designated number 4. A soldier carrying an SVD should not be on the clearing team.

b. The standard order of movement through the breach is 1,2,3,4 unless the team leader changes the order based on the tactical situation. The clearing team must always be alert. Team members provide security at the breach point and to the rear, laterally down corridors, and upward if near stairs or landings. The two basic


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techniques for moving down hallways are shown in Figure #1. Hallway intersections are dangerous and should be approached with cautiously as shown in Figures #2 and #3.

(1) The serpentine technique is used in narrow hallways. The number 1 man provides security to the front. His sector of fire includes any enemy soldiers who appear at the far end of the hall or from any doorways near the end. The number 2 and number 3 men cover the left and right sides of the number 1 man. Their sectors of fire include any soldiers who appear suddenly from nearby doorways on either side of the hall. They cover the number 1 man’s flanks. The number 4 man, normally carrying the RPK, provides rear protection against any enemy soldiers suddenly appearing behind the clearing team. (2) The rolling-T technique is used in wide hallways. The number 1 and number 2 men move abreast, covering the opposite side of the hallway from the one, they are walking on. The number 3 man covers the far end-of the hallway from a position behind the number 1 and number 2 men, firing between them. Once again, the number 4 man provides rear security.

Figure #1, Hallway clearing techniques


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Figure #2, T-shaped hallway intersections clearing positions.


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Figure #3, Hallway intersection clearing positions and sectors of fire.

8. INDIVIDUAL MOVEMENT AND WEAPONS CONTROL As in all combat situations, the clearing team must move tactically and safely. Individuals who are part of a clearing team must move in a standard manner, using practiced techniques known to all.

a. When moving, team members hold their weapons with the muzzle pointed in the direction of travel. They keep the butt of the rifle in the pocket of their shoulder, with the muzzle slightly down to allow for unobstructed vision. Soldiers keep both eyes open and swing the muzzle with their head so that the rifle is always aimed where the soldier is looking.

b. Team members avoid “flagging,” or leading, with the weapon when working around windows, doors, comers, or areas where obstacles must be negotiated. Flagging the weapon gives advance warning to anyone looking in the soldier’s direction, making it easier for an enemy to grab the weapon. Soldiers must keep their weapons under control at all times.

c. Team members should keep weapons safe (selector switch on SAFE and index finger outside of trigger guard) until a hostile target is identified and engaged. After a team member clears his sector of all targets, he returns his weapon to the SAFE position.


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d. If a soldier has a malfunction with his weapon during close quarters combat, he should immediately drop to one knee and conduct immediate action to reduce the malfunction. Once the weapon is operational, there is no need to return to the standing position to engage targets unless the soldier must move to another firing position. Valuable time is saved by resuming target engagement from the kneeling position. When other members of the team see a soldier drop to one knee, they know immediately that he has a malfunction and that they should engage targets in his sector.

9. ACTIONS OUTSIDE THE POINT OF ENTRY Actions outside the point of entry must be quick and well rehearsed. The doorway or breach point is a dangerous position. The clearing team is focused on entry and could be surprised by an enemy appearing unexpectedly in the corridor.

a. Clearing team members’ positions relative to the door are important, as are their weapons’ carry positions. Team members stand as close to the entry point as possible, staying in a crouched position. They hold their weapons in either the high-carry or the low-carry position. They ensure the muzzle is not pointed at another team member.

b. All team members must signal one another that they are prepared before the team enters the room. The last man taps or squeezes the arm of the man in front of him, and each one passes this signal along. Team members avoid the use of a verbal signal, which may alert the enemy and destroy the element of surprise.

c. All individual equipment that is carried must be selected carefully and prepared properly to ensure that it is quiet and not cumbersome. Essential items only should be carried during close quarters combat. All team members should wear protective vests and helmets. Additional protective equipment, such as gloves, kneepads, or goggles, may be worn, depending on the situation and the unit’s level of training.

10. ACTIONS UPON ENTRY The entire team should enter the room as quickly and as smoothly as possible and clear the doorway immediately.

a. The door is the focal point of anyone in the room. It is known as the “fatal funnel,” because it focuses attention at the precise point where the individual team members are the most vulnerable. Moving into the room quickly reduces the chance that anyone will be hit by enemy fire directed at the doorway. The sequence of movements described below is shown in Figures #4 through #13

b. On the signal to go, the clearing team moves through the door quickly and takes up positions inside the room that allow it to completely dominate the room and eliminate the threat. Team members stop movement only after they have cleared the door and reached their designated point of domination.

(1) The first man to enter moves in as straight a line as possible toward the corner for which he is responsible. He may then turn and move deep into the far corner of the room. The size of the room, any obstacles in the room such as furniture, and by the number and location of enemy and noncombatants in the room determine the depth of his movement, see Figure #4.


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Figure #4, Path of #1 man center and corner door. (2) The second man enters and moves toward the corner in the opposite direction, following the wall, but not directly against it, see Figure #5.


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Figure #5, Path of #2 man, center door and corner

door (3) The number 3 man (team leader) buttonhooks inside the room at least 1 meter from the door, but between the number 1 man and the door (Figure #6).


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Figure #6, Path of #3 man center door and corner door.

(4) The squad leader can either use the number 4 man (normally the Automatic Rifleman) as rear security at the breach site, or he can have him enter with the remainder of the team. If he enters, the number 4 man moves in the direction of the number 2 man and buttonhooks in the same way between the number 2 man and the door, see Figure #6.

c. To make close quarters combat techniques work, each member of the team must know his sector of fire and how his sector overlaps and links with the sectors of the other team members. Team members do not move to the point of domination and then engage their targets. They engage targets as they move to their designated point. However, engagements must not slow movement to their points of domination. Team members may shoot from as short a range as 1 to 2 inches. They engage the most immediate enemy threats first. Examples of immediate threats are enemy personnel who—

(1) Are armed and prepared to return fire immediately. (2) Block movement to the position of domination. (3) Are within arm’s reach of a clearing team member. (4) Are within 3 to 5 feet of the breach point.


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d. Each clearing team member has a designated sector of fire that is unique to him initially but expands to overlap sectors of the other team members.

(1) The number 1 and number 2 men are initially concerned with the area along the wall on either side of the door or entry point. This area is in their path of movement, and it is their primary sector of fire. Their alternate sector of fire is the wall that they are moving toward, sweeping back to the far corner. (2) The number 3 and number 4 men start at the center of the wall opposite their point of entry and sweep to the left if moving toward the left, or to the right if moving toward the right. They stop short of their respective team member (either the number 1 man or the number 2 man).

e. While the team members move toward their points of domination, they engage all targets in their sector. Team members must exercise fire control and discriminate between hostile and non-combatant occupants of the room. Shooting is done without stopping, using reflexive shooting techniques. Because the soldiers are moving and shooting at the same time, they must move using careful hurry. They do not rush with total disregard for any obstacles. Figure #7 shows all four team members at their points of domination and their overlapping sectors of fire.

Figure #7, Points of domination and sectors of fire.

f. When full four-man teams are not available for room clearing, three-man and

two-man teams can be used. Figures 8 and 9 show the paths, points of domination,


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and sectors of fire for a three-man clearing team. Figures 10 and 11 show the same thing for a two-man team.

Figure #8, Points of domination and sectors of fire for a three-man team.


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Figure #9, Points of domination and sectors of fire for a three-man team.


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Figure #10, Points of domination and sectors of fire for a two-man team.


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Figure #11, Points of domination and sectors of fire for a two-man team.

“Marksmanship and training are keys to success in close quarters battle. The soldier that shoots first, hits first will

routinely be the victor in the close fight.”