DOVER, MOERIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1875. NO. 51 EEA rDiToiusT'""" 11 ' , to onMom.Str.BtnearUlaokw.il. It u.i. or SUDSCIUPTIOK , lNvini««.v IK AnvxNcr, ,. ,' ' . 82.00 , months, - liiverpo)! and Qiioenstdwn, ll,,Wlo"lni. r "'»«»» hl l' li H: |,V.«X, C AllB > NATIONAL, nuol H"' 1 Orou* Western. 1 ,....,, ilimi Uaval Jiauk of Ireland Kusliiflss Girds. itTA.UENNiyrTrM. i>, H OMCEOJPTi. T H I O I'UY.SICIAN & SUHGEON, Cor. Elackwell & WarrenSts., (Oppotito Doicr Bank,) EOVEit, N. 3., uu of Women nud Children, and of Lho Ejo nud Far »pod»ltlun. Iffli-n lionn: 7 to 9 A.M., 1 tu8and 7 to 3 P. M. 1H-3O|)(1 "Blate Roofing PHYSICIAN aad SUHGHON, BOVBR, N. J. ol Counsellor at Law AND JUSTKU IN CHANOHUt, ROCKAAVAY.N.J. j. J. VREELAND, Carpenter and Builder, Jobbing promptly oltonded lo. tap on JLACKKKU" HI., noil to tl.no Hj!s«y'» lutnbor mill. Cunlueli taken, andmaterial funilalieil. DOVER. N. J. I, B.JOLLEY, Proprietor. Counsellor at Law, AND JIASTEB IN OHANOEBI, " ' lillUoltilioNftliDiialUnlouIlauk Ilnililinff li,w.m,Bi., '. DOVEH, N. J: UKNIllllOllll A QJMITII, JTIOralKYD £• COONSEIAOHS AT LAW, Coi. Illscbirall andBmaol Bta. DOVER.N. J. WOODl'ORT HOUSE, 'lioAIAS MUGHT, Proprietor, WOODPORT, MORRIS Co., N. J. , - (HIS woll-Unoivn pmnwty lins ronntljr iMHin X oxtomtlvdy Itnjirovpit and moiUrnlzci). for lio nccaiummliitloii of tliiwo noukiillt a rclirod minor resilience Hituitod al tlio licsd ol ilio H:i)&tcnnirit In omi-of tha moat dcfllni- «iilti»i«f Inlind ruiirt tn lio found wUuhi o samo Alt nrco of Now York. Iu tho nildit i 1 tlio ilnuHt inojutolii scenery nr Northern Now •orioy, will) oxiollunt limiting undflshuiK. and uno driven, it in not mriHwned bynny other in 'lipluPDllly. S MRCi loavu Dovir, ulKht itiiloa <lUlmit, on tlio armal of tlieDul. luck. A Wcit, II, It, tnllis from Now Turk InHID morning, For pftrtloulori, ndurtniaa nbovo. 2J-lf nlim*m AMHUI*U>1V, ATTO11N.13Y Counsellor at Law, Dovrcu, N. J. rjm^-rOEI ,LCOII<1 door of tlio National Union MI n A. (iii.i.KV, \j, orumil Furnishing Undertaker UCUMED AUCTI0S13EU AND COSIHIS- HIOSliK 01' DUEDS, Carriages and Sleighe, fCTCir DcM<rl|illuu. ll andBpraon 8t«, IJdVBK, altunllon imM U, ropairilm r\«VEIl LAUUItATORV. Ai'lfi oml AnaUma of all dcBcriptioiiB or "BUS AND 311N E l l A I-S CAHEETJLLY HADE. J»lnltl,aeWwil1bofnrnUh«donappIle»Uon. L. o. uiEiiwmTn, Dojnr SIorrl« C.iinly Jl. J. Allen Palmer .&Son, AND . Idiilders. D07BE, N. X . lobbing promptly attended to. *• J. rALMEK, Architect. PIANOS, Organs and Melodeons Repaired anc) Tuned I*""'!' 11 *. Iu any part nr Morrln Omuty. s Ad- W. H. WniQHT, Dotor.N.J ATTORNEY AT LAW, n;i<r.a. : ONBUCiWEUilsriiEET, JOHN DBUMlIJia'S SHAVING AND, HAIR CUTTING SALOON, SU SSEX STREET, ""'•"MhDSIANSIqsiIOUOEaudDopot,) _ BOVBB.N. J. Tonbo.lbraidaof •sign and Domestic Sogari __AUVAY3 ONKAND. aO-tf °E0. A. PRESCOTT, W »PENTER and BUILDER, T *m!nNACL,H IIAll,, DOTEH, N. 1. ' " " " • H a u a material furnlatad. ISnadSPEOIFICATIONS 'iff"?'""'' ""'""ll laiuuforalHrork. ""I H,? K W Khen IUI to'apuil7.l1 tuiiH* ot tlio Enalsiai. ana all rarl J. IJAIVKENCE, SURVEYOK. nrvcj's, Levels and Grades niado for PnMic and Pi-lvnto Iiupi-orcmcnl Omen: SUSSEX STrtEET, [Neui tlioCaiminrldgc] 8y IIOVUI1, N. J, J. III. BASSETT, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, KCCKiUrAV, N. J. I.I, OltDKlW l'llOlllTLY ATi'KNDIil) TO. TL. CURTIS^ Manufacturer of Segars and . UKALKU IS IMl'OBTED rU'EM, TOBACCO t.inl CIOAIIS, O])[io»ito MANSION UOUfiB, MOItltlSTOWN. O.B.G-AG-E, USTICE OF THE PEACE, Ofllt'e on Sussex Street, Ilio buililiiig runiinrljr occupied aa in oflku by llainy McKtrlftii, iliHt llour, DOVER, N. J. CailccIIoiiH Rttomicd tn wltli (llli^tinco. AUa,' Agent for tlic beat Ufu and Firu Irmui 2amiiuiioa. . 11-1 y. L. W. THURBER, Ol'EUISIENDKST OF I'UIILIO SCHOOLS OP MOHltlfl COUNTV. ifllco oror OEO. lUGIIAUDtl&Co.'a UXOIIE, DOVEE, K. J. RA C. COOPER, Masoa and Builder. Contracts tnVoif for alt linda of M«on Work id Jobbing. 'LIME, PLASTER AND CEMENT, FuralabGd nt abort nollco, limn »nd»r "Tho Irou Kra OfH«," Dolor, I.J. "•*• cranlor, Lehigh & Bituminous GOAL, I.A.KTIJ PIiASTBH, PHOSPHATE nnil BONE DUST, LIJIK, CEMENT, CALCINED1'I.ABTEn, FinE CLAY, HUE1IUICK, 'BU'EBTOSE, WOOD, N0BTH HIVI5R IMtICK, rua STONES, cuimreo, CELLAR BTEW OOriNO, BILLS, LINTELS, oto., ote, at tbo- LOWEST MAEKET PRICES. Otia] of all lizoH tonalantly on hand, mid tiutivuroil tu nuypurl or tlio city or vicinity. Yarda on Bliciiwoll streol, btlow JJcrfMi St, 3IHco onBlackwcll utroui, noxt to Qago & S1BC,V'H Liimbor Yard, DOVEK, Si, J. Ordori way bo o3drcnoa ilirongb tiioPo*! )flico Lock Boi 28, rr loft at A. Bocmer'a Dfllce Blackwoll itrcot, near Snasoi. AI,rUIU» BEEUER. J. D. FALMEII. 11.1). PALMElt, S. B. OSMUN. Dentist, :|1OI1U1STO»'K, N. J., Iu I'loiimtlttrfarMumiCounty ol Poi.o,,,'. I'.ilrlit illilgr. tiultl rilllns nSlicciulty. (liiIilNltroin. Ort.lc (It*, Au., Ai'., ko. *«• Mansion Hcrase.- 00 YARDS EnOM D. L.ftW. TAWBOPB, N. Wni. ItllOWN, Proii'r. Hitolloni .troo,nml«Hin« rorlramlont o: urinaoclit lioui-uorB, also a livery anil lioanlini Mftotlaolifatotliolioiwn. l'assuu ~ nd rrom lludil'a IAICU ami l<ako. uauonnlilu cliargca. MOrXKIl & UA0KOPF?S BAR and BILLIARD ROOMS, ((XIUKElt OV BVHVL iXD CASAt, (ITU,.* DOVEK, N. J. "nil kinds or FOIIKIQN ami DOMESTIC LIQUORS and SEGARS lao WACHES11DTH. ADAM &CO.'a aolo- toa'L,8or.AtE9,UI.Sl!UALWArailS,»to. loliHtnntly ou Imiiil. HOLLER'S OPEBA HOUSE, upaeWti Hall t'i Iwlot fur all Jdiuk or ontor- ilimonla. ' «-V A. Beemer, IU5AL E3TATK AGENT, Bluclra-oll St., iiciu- Sussex, Dover, N. J. HOUSES AND LOTS FOB SALE. rot domipUona nf Propcrtl unilpKlleillar enillilroattlinolllL't. ' • CONOIXY & (iUAIU, SLATE and METAL ROOFERS, 05 SOUTH Mil AVEHUE, NEW YOIUi. CONOLU'S PATENT riuB pitoop HOOPS. nnott roiairedanrlpiilatoil. n»lvankoa Inm Cornltoa, (Wen, tailor. »uaT»ulil«tora. ™.CONOM.T. aEimoc <ic "LIVE AND L.ET IJVB," IS T i l l 1101*10 OS "THE CANDY MAN," SUSSEX-STREET, DOVEn, N.J, »l,otecr.oo»ataiitl>onl,,na Ilio .bolcial IC ll*tluil Of 00NPE0TIONEBIES, SAMUEL TEEWAETHA, M. &I. Searing CARPENTERS, andBUILDERS DOVER.N.J. rlamana3neclHt»ll«iarorboiklinta,Contratl taknn and matcrialx furnlabcd^ Jobbing in General, DccomboraUl 1S70. , l-JT. MRS. A. BEEMER In now ready witti nil tlio iinw HIJ-ICH for FALL of 1875. Fashionable Millinery AND IT'n.iioy Goodn. THE Latest Styles & Newest Designs KBJUILY DPVO3ITI! NATIOKAL UN1UK 11AN1J YELLOW PINE LUMBER BEEMER & PALMER, LORD & TAYLOR, 255 Iu 201GBAND St. nnil BROADWAY cur. 2011, SI. litlnu nindu largo ini]>r<>voiiioiitK nnd acMI- II, to Ihoir tfllnhlialii-ioiil, Invlto Urn ntton- ii ol puniliaKora tu tliolr IMMENSE CTOCK 3KNKUAL DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, Y0DTHS' Eeady-Mada Olotbing, CARPETS, Fiii'iiltui'o nnd Bedding. io nliolo 1,1 "Well h.vins bicn marked nt ei- mitily lot, iirloca, thuy aro enaulod to uncrat IJIX'IUICD UAIIOA1NS Clia Ilroa. Iuilirovod Patent It. R. PaartoURor lorator (lho lurgoat In tho Unltcil Htalc) will iltoCUBloroorg to oauli flour. Gooda nnil aaln- t Hont frco lo nil iiarttf <>r Ilio uounl^'- LORD & TAYLOR, In QOt (1IUND Kt. oiid MIOADWAY coi' I-lOw KQtli 81., NEWYORK. INSURANCE A SPECIALTY. 'E. &G. H. Ross &Breese, OESEUAI. HUB iXD L1FB Insurance Agents, Illue, Old lion Hunk Uiilldlnn;, Morristown, N. J. £UW1K11O!IH, QKO.II.rtuKK, STWHCH DllKHJiB, A. J OOE, Collector, DOVEB, N. J. CLOTHIHH HAIL. J. W. BABBITT, PKAOTICAL TAILOll. TVTAN V vuarn In Ilio cbtliinrr buslimmi in JXJL JfOllHISTOWrV, 1MB built up a larco ami irurciaiiiBirado aud now ksails tlio city In MB iiao with Ilio lurgeit itoro, InrjfUBt ntock, ' ortinon itnl low prieoB, lien's nil Wool Double mill Twlit Sliilsonly - - S10.OU Good Heavy Snl(. -. - <>•><> WoiUliij I'linlJ - l.OO » " extra 1.50 jood WorUlus Vant* Double cxtl-'a ----- - - - $1.75 CHILDREN'S SUITS ASPECIALTY FEO1T S2 TO $9. A larso auorluoot of FIM CLOTIIIKa for , SIUN, VOOniS' anoBOVS. 07EII 2,000 PAIB OP PANT8. Don't fall to call anil sou Ilio IlAltnAItls and AMoiuidtcd at llu lowprli'ia fur cood clotij. COMPANIES Ameriofln Mutual Ins. 0o.( ot Kawark H.J., AssetBover $1,100,000 HoToiianta' Mutual Ins. 0o,, of Newark N. J., 'te&ab over 600,000 riremen'i Mutual Ins." Oo-, of Newark, N. J., AJIQIB GVOI 600,000 fermanlp. Mutual Ins. 0o., of Newark N.J., OApitAl, 200,000 Etna Inennnoc Osmpnny, of Hartford, Oaun., Aasets,' 5,000,000 ]oiitinenul Insurance Oouipauy, of Ken York, Qiipiul, 1,000,000 Muuml Benefit Life Ins. Oo./ of ilewnrk. N.J., ABSfts. 20,000,000 A NEW WOOD and CO.VL YARD IN DOVEK. Tlio SUbamlber has ononod a uew yard to he a,to of COAL aid WOOD. »n BLACKWELL STREET, iexltoQAOE i HAI.IEV'8 Lombor Yanla Conalanlty on bun! all lilnda of . GOAL! i.Eiimii, aonAiiros AND BIIDUIHOOB COAL, DELIVIltBO TO ANY PAHT OI' DUVEll OR VIOJNPTI. W OOI>, JIU m»oa md low, tor Mlo at tlio yird or delivored. Lime,. Plaster, Cement, FEED and GRAIN of all kinds. An experience of Iwolto roart in tbo bniinesa. warroiilaT I tblnk aiwrfoct bnowlcdRO of It, anil ull who favor mnWith Ihclr patronage, ma, elv iTi»n fall SclnliU. bune.l'dealini," 'LO» 'ItlOKa and promptnraa in flllnc ordora. OOM fn J. J. Vreiland'a Carpenter Shop. DoTer, Augnit Utb, 1875. irit,!-,. W. S. & E. P. DcCAMP, NEGOTIATORS i PROSPECTOR! For Iron Oros and Mintral Fiopsrty, POWERVILT-.E, N. J P. O. at BOONTON, N. J. alDiOuir. En. P. Bi WANTED, FOB CASH, RAOS, PAPER, 0LDBO0KSTOCK LEAD, COPPER, BRASS, i-o. AT MICHAEL -WELSn'S,, BLACK1TEU, St., DOVIn, H. OraadrcubymalL Sllf Itoiiiictti, Huts. Flowers, Fcnt- ern. ltlbbonii: Laces—real uud imltutlou—Necktie* and iJoun, Coll a is, Lace uiKi Lilian !O(B. Crai>e§. Mourning ilonut-tii A flue nmortmoiit vt hignons, Switches, Braids, &c. Also, » vcrj kipo varltly of ZEPHYR GOODS. iiulics' Ooixls. M I L and WINTER. WinTLOCK & LEWIS, DKY GOODS, CHESTER MARBLE WORKS, Monuments, Tombstones, &c, MJDE TO OHDEII IN EVERY STYLE, 1 TOE nnilonlsnnl uejn l'«o. to unoanea 1' . the imbllo tlmt Ua » now prt«poi-eil lo man irauturoaml will boopctnulaully oil liaud til TOMUSTONKS, MANTLKS, & Ccmt tiirv pln.u enclosed of Oraniln nud Mar- io VtMtK. * Kwsi-y Juli »v.irrautcd to titoa com plulo Batlafiiutmu. I'ricoM liiDdorato. J. S. HIIiDEURANT, OITOSITE CimsTEH IIDUHE, 10.iv CHESTER. N. J, "PEOPLE'S STORE." ;ONE PRICE ONLY., •T\OMEBriC DEl'AHTMENT: lECTinn, HinnTiNn, ptiJ^iw cisiKO, TIL-KINO, XKHW, HI.*HB¥TO, gUlLTi SliilfBl !EI COJUl AND HTITCllEl); PKIXTB, OINOU.VUa, TABNV, COTTON ASH WOIIBTED, OiRl'ET1 L1V1E3' ouNTa'Yiiuriii'AHPcmiDui.y'sus W. S. UAIilllTl ; SfOBIinOWM. «• '• EAULY OPJ3NING OF j GOODS CENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE, or.f> I3HOA1") STJiEET, »E\VAltK( N. J. FRAZEE & CONNET, MARVIN DODD .fc Co., ON13 PRICIS CASH HOUS12. E ABLV OFENISO OPCHOICE COLOltED BLA.CIC nnd FULL UODIININO DHEK3' O0OD8, indndins BI.A0K SII.ICS o r best lireiidi; UAMEL3 nAin, FABKIOS, CASn- MEIIES, HEItrNOS ona OnOICE NOVELTIES. Also, OLOTHB, HiANNELS, HOUSE- KEEPINQIHJESS nnd COTTONS, HOSIEHY, GLOVES, PvVNDY GOODS nud NOTIONS, * together trllh onr nacqaftloa wtaorlmouL or cliotco JIEIUNO UNDEUWEAH for everybody, of tbo Amcrlcau Hoiiorr CO.'B, andNorfolk and tictr Bninewlck ramufaotuto al IX>TTEST rmctJ. 000,000 Suwannec Yellow Pine Lumber, jcurcd very ndva maro uow pro))«rud to 3SLL0W I'INE FLOOUIN'O, YELLOW MNL STEP itANK, YELLOW 1TNE CEILINO, it priuuH wbloli raako it U> t!tu luturcit or nil "rclitHon toRiTO m a unll. laving uiirlvalod fudlltl^ for .iv.vitiKnml iBHlnKi ivo axe aMo tu Ruaranlcu ilrj-wnHnml a^llty. AllordwBiirumptly ilu|lvm»l »n c a n rrou ut clnrgc, Tho follunhig mt'i vomluuuv "uliand. 1x3—4i 8 inch limiting No. land 3. 1-4 x12 fiu-li Htoj. plank No. 1 mid 2. 1-21121U iiiul BU>|> (ilituk NIL1. ami 3. x 13 nil " " " " " Inuli ceiling. UILIICVI Crime & Webster, Fuot or Ikiduutit.,Nowurl., and Avoany, haul Noivark. 43-au Tl.t And alimart ilia nznroriklcs Larlt mid laaviH, as lliny rfw, <>immk all tlio i»)Ci..» of thu flow'ra. WliQl'u tliu xtiadowti tfdftly gliili) UII Ilio iiurgiu of ihu tld'n, Junt ouo tluntlng stem linn drifiud, niul i Groceries, Orockcry, Glass Ware. Wood & Willow Ware HARDWARE, Iron and Steel, Gii8 I'ipo and Fittings, FURNITURE, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, &c, &c, L'owdev, Pusi) and Mliiiu? Mulcrlals constantly on hand, Cor. Dlackwoll and Morris Slrods, CITY COAL YARB. M. SIQLER, Lehigh, Scranton, & Bituminous GOAL, . lolUcrou In all parta ot tlio Oily nnd vidnlty nt lho LOWEST 1U11KET fltlOED, In qiiantllica tosuit pnrolia«cra. CARBO1VITB. 'orljiniiliifrtn upon crntcii. Barna nitU flarao and froo Iroiu HIIIOUO sod imlpliar. JIncU oluaper tlian Counol Coal. Alio FIRE WOOD. Jn tho rirort \t\iM broast, > Inucli <<r [lain u' [i.Tiuiuu breufctj tlicir Tlit wiltoin,(iKli wild (jul Al tlio km^d of tlio rliL-r, shako Imck t lit If l '.l tra i nlonr Fi.ru tl I'ac-li fortt. i AnU lioi tf lean, il Inko tins lilyft.rlior ) p i ; Tl.cn willi ImiKlitur xlio unllinuiunit beauty on lior Irtaftt. iiut, ntaul 1'urallltH priiln It IIBH uluirly droop'il, and tiled Ere lho urinioui. liclit Mod In lLo w ,, Omy durliiig, whoii I atraj'd To your druumy uliollor'tl gladn. And Htuoil liatoniiijj wltllo tlio ITUU-I-B vihie- \m'ii low of love and runt, Wan it cruel that Iloo .Htrtlt'li'd an oufiorliand, inddren- t ono lily, fmr and Bloudur, to liur bruml - Wliure tho licavliKjuBH uttarc, And tha tcui]if*t of duepair,- I tlicaoliiDBiif tlumn wounda Iwon In mrnu- liood'u Mttor ilrlfr-, Kill'dni.vlIljrwlion;:Uay, FIIIIBIIIB simlt'imiiia on my way, Tliicngti tliai ono uwout fljiiiR tc-maii of my life, without a Buantt of aoliUfug on ttio low ,ra\oatmyfout; For your nlilupar, "It in lie at," Finila an oclio in lay Lrcait, And I kaow In brighter smiHliino xiu all all moat. COLORADO. BOMETII1NO AllOUr THE CEKTEKKUL BTATH —FABSaKO—STOOK-aitOWINO—HATOlUIi ADVANTiGEil—COLOBADO AS A HE ALT C AXD J'LEAfURE itUflOltT—AMIWO THE MINES—OOIO) AND BILVBR lUNlMO HIGHI HDNDHED rKET DUET —HATIDMOHET AND I'LUNTY Or IT—UDXLION I'ltODOOT— men STRIKES, ECT., ran*. Ooutml, Nov. 8, 1875. Although tliu.coluuius of tho i»ublio press liavn clirmiiclod much in regard to Colorado's roaouicen, advaatagos' and natural nttrnctlons, yot, Tin' the snocdy admission into tlio Union, somo- tuing further from tho oomiugCepton- nial Stato may not bo dovoid of interest to Eastern raiders. Colorado contains an area of 100,000 square* miles, and ranks noxt after '1'OKHS nnd California in size. This eastern third ii taken up by tbo great plainB tbot riso grftduully from tlio' Missouri Hivor vest far a distunco of COO milos to the base of tho Rooky •Motmtiiips, M'lioro tlio/ hova an eleva- tion of about one milo aboyo SQU IOTQI. Tha contral third of the territory is oo- capied hj tho Itookjr Uountnia zni its spun and foot-hills, nnd tha gri Bjatom of parks. Tho main range here Attains an oltitndo of from 12,000 to 14,610 foot-above ecu lBvel, extending far above "limber lino" and every spe- cies of vegetation. At intervals through this mountainous region, for a diatanco of 100 miles from east to west, and for 400 milos north nnd south, tire located the rich nnd oxlitmatlcsa belts of gold mid silver lonios, ns well us ottousiro do- posits of eopnor, iron, salt, gypsumand otlmi" vnlnnulo mmornla'Hint will here- after bo cxtonaivoly milled. Tlio gold veiua avo usually found at elevations of from 7,000 to 10,000 foot, and tho silror leposita at from tlosi olovni^oiis to tho luinmit of lho raaiu range. Tba wes- tern third of Colorado is composed of mountains, parks and valleys, watorod by tho Gmnd Oajorado und its tributa- ries, and comprises much oxecllont farm- ing nnil grazing, ns wall ns mineral land. This portion of Colorado, located ou tho weitern or Pacific "slope," ia st lost bo- Ing eettlcl un, and is rogardod as one of tlio best portions of tlio country. Aloug tho eiwtcrn base of tho moun- tnius nud on the plains ivlioro, watorod >y the Plutto ana Arkansas, and their C!()If>rinlo linn t^cliUitl hor jiupulutiou | Uu,l wcultli slucu the mlvciit u{ tlio mil-' •JIIIH, iiHi yciirs afjD. In 1H70, thn us- u a l vnluntion wn»8]C,778,a'»B. Tlio rLunt valuution n<m »]ipn>nuh(»i S7B,- OOU.OUO, aud thopdputntioii 150,000. Tliifl docs not include misira, which uru not tnXL'd, iniJ on wliicli no definite val- uation can be placed, many of them be- ing held nt Uiilliona. Tho clituolo ini-onaidcrcd tba nucst nnd most linnlLh-giyiog in America, ami HID clear, dry, bracing atinoajihcro roii- dera it tlio most huiieJiciul for uoubump- Lives nnd nitthumtica'thnt tho world nf- fords. In addition to tlio winy of inva- which theso ndvnntagwi iitlrnct, tho o_...id and bbnutiful moiuitnin sccEcry ond uool androfruBhiiiB uir of mnnmor, draw countless thousands uf tourintH and ilcnsuro-BGokcra every Benson. Tlio wa- .oring-iilares of Idaho and Colorado Sjiriiigs, witli tlioir lionllh-givinK modi- cul springs, art) Bleiulily growing in pop- ularity as iilensure und health resorts, md with other points among these moun- itiua will ono day rival tho"Saratogas _jnl Kowports of tho East. Ho well ro- wnrded^ro the cflorts of tlioipo/tsuian "i this vast oxpnuHo of plain nnd moan- iint and among thoad lovoly pai-ks, tlmt many an impiriity Niniral from the JtfttiM and from Canada, nnd evnn far- jff England, often pflBHcs a season with ho rod ond among tlieso localities. But further details nro unneccssory, i Culorodo's miniiiK wcnltli, uusur- ,..»ssecl fertility, salnbrity of climato and tnntchlosa mnntituin Boonuij oro already sufficiently known to need no further notation here. Buffice it to Bay, tlmt no jther region offora tho attractions to tho ourint or tho immigrant thut aro nfloril- id in this young and growing Stntu of .ho West, where taxes aro law, und ad- 'ui'comout suro nud often rupid. Eilu- jntinnnl nud roHgimiK facilities ura equal ;o thoBo of tho older Statea, and every own of ouo or two thousand inhnbi- ;nnU can bonst of sovornl eburches nud Jia boat building iu tlio placo for a boliool, Xotwithstandiug tlio scattered settle- ments, tliero are 2B9 public BCIIOOIB with .9,809 pupils enrolled, aud 817 tonohora, •lioso Balnries nro fur nbovo those of lastorn States. There is also a Stnto AgrtcnUurnl Collogo now building, nnil numerous privnto Bomiuaries and acado- nies in session during tbo greater part if tho your. ThoBa who nro willing to worlc, ean ilwuys find uuiploymcut of some kind. .Hi!chanic9 roeaiving from S3 to S5 por dny, iniuors from 82 50 to S3 50, lnbor- ers and farm-handa from $25 to $15 per month nnd board, and house servants nnd domestics from 820 to SSI) por month. Colorado lias ovor 700 miles of rail- way within her borders, and is connect- ed with tbo East by three through linos. Tho Knnsas-raoillc, thocentral uud ihort Hue, is tbo favorite among thu raveling nnd biminoHa public, and is ora- phaticnllv ttio Colorado Jino for travel -Euator West. Tlio liotch at DonYcr, Contral nnd tho wntering-plncas are uu- BUrjiassod anywhoro at tho East. COMMON and FROMT BRICK, FIItE IJltlCK uud 01-AV, DRAIN TILE, OVEN TILE, Masons' Material, &c. Bergen Street, near R. R. BUILDING LOTS FORSALE ou lho retul Iwillng from DOVKU to MOUKT IIOPK, By M. Sigler, AT LOW THICKS. AS GOOD AS THE BEST CHEAP ASTHE CHEAPEST. HAHKTESS IVD E0ESE and OABKUGE EQinFMEHTS, Noror knoiTii lo bo olicup before as now nl A. TAYLOR'S BLAOZWELL St., (TWO noona CIST OFTOKMANBIOS \MVAV, D O V E R , 2ST. J. ;o'.—V and well sekcttd jiock »r HARNESS, SADDLES, TVHIPS, BLANKETS, HOBSE CLOTHING, inmliuH, Horac fur rued cud ^ in »ud Col In i for tlnoRlit nurpmcH, Halters, Cbamoli Skius, BpoiiEanil KVEi.VfUIKQ In tbo BUHINEBa. a bad » iTwiTfaaTat m laid kt lowcit flgnros. - October 31st, 1871. the Plt and umcrom trihutnrioa. dti f , me of ili d i th most productive fanning lands in the 1 world. Artificial irrigation, by* means nf irrigating ditches, is necessary, hut tho exponso is trifling, and tha results mnch suror and moro remunerative than where tbe nntuml rninfalls is depended upon. 'Xhcro aronleo numberless pro- ductive ranches scattered amoug tbo mountains. The crops aro aftou pro- digious in quantity, and n never-failing, high-priced canb market is afforded among tho mountain mines and in tbo largo trading towns. Ono rancbnmn, who started without capita], lias olearoJ $55,000 during tho past ten years on 100 norcs of lawl, and another cleared 617, 000 from nsingle crop of potatoes from a mountain ranch near Central. Many others liavo dono nearly aa well, nnd all who engage in tbo business aro suro to prosper und often to acquire wealth rap- idly. Much voiy valuable hlooaod stock is being imported into the territory, and many farms can boost of $2D,000 or $511,000 invested in this way. Largo quantities of choice farming lands aro yot unappropriated. Colorado is thoatoalt-growers pi disc, tbo great plains furnishing nn un- surpassed rnugo for millions of slock. This lins proved ouo of tbe most invit- ing avocations that can bo followoil, on account of tbo enormous profits and tho ease with whiuli the calling can bo con- ducted. Tlio annual increase of rattle is Bovonly-flvo por cent., nndof sboop Bometbing ovor eighty. Tlio former al- ready uumhor a half millinn, nnd tho sheep something liko two mil lions, tha annual wool crop axcoeditig 3,000,000 pounds. Stock of all kinds is being stcndily improved by crossing with iui- portetTbroeds. Tho expense attending stock-growing, which, is conducted sepa- rate nnd ftpart from farminr "'" small, and that chiefly for hor feed or ibolUr is rcnuirod in winter, tlio cattle bring thon allowed to roamnl will over tho unfenced plnias on which ing, is very icrders. Ho A. mining stock-board lms recently been organized nt DcuTcr after tho ittylc jf those |of Now York and Sou Pntncis- :o, and proiniaos to bo of sorao benefit in niding to develop mlnca in tliia re- gion. Ho far, stock investmonUaro Btnnll and made by Oolormlo people. The fall elections aro over. Tlio Sop- tembor olootion for a territorial lejjiala- turo nnd county officorH rosultod slight- ly in favor of tho Uemoorats, while that of tlio 25th ult., for tlolcgatos to the convention to f-ntno a Stnto Constitu- tion, was earned by tho Republicans by a forgo wajority. Denver, the capital and metropolis, has a population of 20,000,* n vnluntion annual trnao of §20,000,000, and is fur-' nishod with pas, street railways, water- works, flvo daily nowBpapors, nnd all tbo Intost improvements, and ia the beat- built and roost nttrnctive city west of St. Louis, Six railways contro hero, uuil it tho point of entry nnd departure nearly nil tfnvol to and from tho territory. The fivo public schools, urtKiUa »L nuuat of 8200,000, furnish — commodations for 2,500 pupils. Up among tbo mountains, nt nuclovn- Lion of 8.80D footnbovo BOH loyal, rtud tcpdgctl in betwoou high granite lulls, is Central, that exports som'e 82.000.000 during tho present year. This, or ratb- eritasuueib, Black Hnwlt, is tlio ter- linns of tho Colorado Central Railway, snnecthig with Denver forty milos dis- ..mt via Olcnr Greek oauou. This road forndistrtiieo pf twonty-ono miloa ns- condB at tho rato of nearly ouo hun- dred foot per mile, and nlong Its route issoinoof tho Rrnndoat sctnory in tho world. Tbo mines nt Central aro work- ed moro extensively and to n greater depth than clsGwhoro in Colorado. Here inftBpaco of n little ovor one Bqunre milo, ia tho richest cold diatriet in tho world, containing thousands ot lodes, which nowitliBtauding former fmlurcH nnil suspcnsioiis liavo yielded 825,000,000 during the put fifteen years; nnd now thnt deep lniniiig is prov- a success and tlio mining intoreats undergoing a goucral revival, tho product is steadily nnd rapidly iucraaa- ing. In 1874, 120,000 tons of oro wore mined hero, yiolingfrom 85 to 8125 per ton, and producing altogether $1,708,- 000. Tliia yenr tbo yield will bo nearly twonty por cent, groator than Hint of tnuii^ thesu monutiiiiiH, and worn ui( wloro feu- miut'i'M undproapculora yi'l cuuie. Now that care, ocouoiny mi. illprovniliii milling it foiuul t< fT^r inuronud mirer cliauces for lalioi id cjijiitul tlian any othercalling. Tin cent conrmlerutiun of milling proper L-s, and tlio lidh yield of "pay' the deeper workings of tho mines, ivo put n new faco on opemtioni iiiilra) anil DlHcwhoro, nnd havo ou- mraged nil to go iuand win orut aat try thair fortune. These rofiiilla IUW tlmt iluop mining ia a BUCCOBH and nt tliCHO veins ere continuous and .OVA an depth is attained. Tho Grcg- ry, Wttma, lOtusas, lliirrougbs, Leavitt, iiiinull und other budies, all workod lo upths of from 600 to 800 feot, are ox- iplcs of thin kind. Tho companies io owned UicMJ mines and in aouic ises still own them, from causes nor- if ed abciTo generally failed to inukc iem i:ay. Tlioy havo recently boen jrliod by practical liiinora, lesiilonts of olorado, who have in some cases pur- aandinotliorulcnsod tlio projicr Uatfowof tlieao had much capi- I to begin operation, aud their BUD- mis piovos that, ilio wnnlth is here. Many who llnd difficulty iu obtainicg o uecesHuriori of lift) or xaiuiug uiu- iinery ono day, and themsolves pos- KsorH of fortuuos tho next, from some ;h diwcovDry or a lucky "utriko" in u Itherto Ajipnrcutly barren mine. There •e many nitancosof this kiiul, ns with o Pelican, Colorado Ceutrul, Oiilifor- i, and among tlio uow taliurido camps- iw and fabulously rich districts ni-o aatantly being discovered, and work turned in many old ones with tlto lost gratifying results. Tho Wntur- in and Monmouth properties, ou tlio msas, embracing together 600 feet of rilory, havo ouo of tho largest nnd jhcBt hodios of oro in tho lower work- iK, at depths of from 400 to 010 feet, iat bos ever been soon in tho country. 110 profits at present are at tho rate of .00,000 a yetir, but will bo modi groat- heroaftor, now that tho mines arc ba- ig properly oponod. Tho Ophir-Bur- iiigh!i, worked to n depth of 600 feet, LVO £100,000 profit List year. Tlio ub-Tail, tilut lias yielded nearly 83,- JO.OOO.is now workod by ovor 100 men, ieliling 00tons Df valuahlo oro daily. 'hia lodo is mined by means of a tun- si 1,200 fcut loug, which outs tho vein 0 foot bolow tlio point of discovery id original workiuga on tho hill-sido IOVO. The Orcgory has produced a Jl larger sum, nud h now paying well, cores of other loilos areworked m tlio imo district, although on a smaller tele. Wheu opened, as they soon will 3, any ouo nt tlio above nnmei lodes 111 producD a Iinlf niillionjinnualJy Tiio Ooorsetown mlvcr mines produo- 1 S2,3C2,000 in 1874, 0,480 tana of <iro ling mined with tho enormous Phes p Pelican lodo, ovor which a gigantio iwsuit in pending. From ono locality the Dives, 500,000 has been obtained a fsiugio weok. Tho Terrible mine to a profit of $88,000 last.year, and io Uiskil and Colorado Central each oarly a.i much for sovoral yearn in imo- HBiDii. Many other lodos aro paying, .ndsomcl}'. The same happy rosultu are attomling my of tlio mining von tn res in Park >unty. at Gui-ibou, nndwest of tlio ugQ iu auinmit Cuuuty and tho Sou inn country. Tho Inttcr, locnted in utithwcstcril Colonido, ntnong .thd lot- lost mountains of lho continent, Es limed to bo tlio most extensive and idlest silver belt in tha country. • Hero 3 also tha rich gold mines of tho Sum- .t Monutains, ono mine and mill, tlio ittlo Annio, turning out 81,000 per Tho moat wonderful recent discover- G3 nro tho now tolluride minoa of Sun- nne, Gold Hill, Jamestown and Sugar joaf in Boulder County, whioh carry imall veins ot mineral 1 that yield from imidreils up to a hundred thousand dol- nrs por ton—although a.ton of the kt- ;or variety lias norcr been found, still mt iVfow pounds of tha richer classes of ire need bo mined in a day to make a nndaomo income. Tlio American lode mid for ita puroliaso money daring tbo rat month's operations, and is now )ld for §400,000. Threo poor prospec- t s recently found a lode at Gold Hill, •om wliieh they obtained a ton of oro i two weeks th.it Bold for 38,000. Last nontb, au idler about tho town of Boiil- ler, by tho "rich strikes" of othora jn- lucod p grocer toorodit him for a pick nd shovel nnd provisions for two weeks, [Q went among tho mountains and 3iind a lodo that proved so rich,that ho las sinco sold it for $10,000. Lost week, iwo men found a lodo ot Jamestown with vein ono foot wide, largely composed : oraworth 810 n pound of wbioh icy alrondy havo n ton mined. TLia considered tha "bigfrost thing yet." But tbo tclluriilo lodes, whoso value DtiBists in the gold and Bilver^liey con- lin, are usunlly less profitable and safe vestments than tho broad'And uniform >ld loilen of Cenlrnl or the silver ledg- _. of other localities, which, if they do iot display narich mineral, produce a junrtrcd-fold more oEit. Mining is et it. ita infancy in Colorado. TVhon beso graat truo flssurc veins aro work- ed todepths of 1,500 and 2,000 feet, tlio iroe riah returns will bo obtained as in ivnda or Mexico. nnt year, which exceeded any pro' At Black Hawlc aro locntod thoy thrV°. novor falling to appear in good condition iu tin spring. Piom April to Juno, tho "Round TJps" ooouv in each county. At them tbe ftock-inrn and their liortters nuBotublo and drive tbe cnttlo into ona vast bard, when tbo work of cutting out or separating each unm's stock begins, when tho samo are bmmlcd and returned totheir accustom- ed summer's raogo of rasturttRP. Tbii work uatally occupies two months, an is a tlmo of no littlo igtorcst and a: citemont to all concerned. Tbe numbc _ of cattle at these "Bound Upa" varies nt from 10,000 to 80,000. Somo of tlicso stock-men own twenty or thirty tbou< sand hend. (joiorndu beof hits no sujio- rior, and ovor 40,000 beeves will boship- ned cast this aeison, bosido dressed ticof sent' in relrigerator cars nnd tbo Iiome supply. Tho wheat y!o]d is .twenty-fivo nnd often forty to sixty bushels to tho acio, or doulilo tlmt of Illinois, and Oolurndo flour surpasses all other brands. Oats, barloy and vegetables do equally wall, potntoos yielding from 150 to 400 bnah- cli por nara TorritoriBl and county faira i annually, nro well conducted, aud inalio very oreditnblo displays of farming pro- dnoU( stock, miuei-ab kr. Tlioso nni other orgam'zaikns do much to.ftirthor tlio interest! of tbo farmer and atock- raiscr,. the E. nnd O. Smoltiug works, which urnout32,000,000 in gold end nilvor annually, tho lnttor coming oliiofly from Uouldor, Park and Clear Creek counlics. Tba business iioilimi of Central, de- stroyed by firo in 1874, noa boon sub- stantially robuilt of brick and atone. Central has a hundred thousnml dollar hotel, an olegnnt theatre, nnd, inclu- ding Block Hawlt, eCO.OOO invested in school buildings mid u still larger .mount in ohurckoa. Tho mines uro Colorado's chief aourcn of weoltli nud fnmo, ami thero aro moro of thorn thaniu tho on tirowestern conn try besides.' Of course they havo uot all been proved valuable yet, but thous- ands of them bava boon mado to pay, nnd other thousands will bo inndo to yield haiiilsoino rovenucs aa BOOH US de- veloped to any great degree. The yield of gbiii and silver in 1874 wns §5,- a02,COO, coin value, nnd that for tho present year can hardly fall abort of S3,- 000,000, coining licit in amount after tlio product of Nevada aud California, Colorado has over 20,000 n^naro miles of coal-bennug lands looatod ebiefly and along tho foot bills and on tho tidjit- oout plains. AUhougli yot mined ou a limited scale, they produced coal to the value of $1,0.00,000 last year. Deposits of tho htghly-prizpd anthrnoito uro claimed to bo found iu various localities, Tlio ill HiioacBS of many miulug opera- tions of former years arose from igncr- ance, inosperienco, imperfect modes ol treating ores, cxtrovngnneo in manage- mout aud liigli urico of labor and sup- plica. From tlfcso eatiHcs inuny valiu- bio properties were abandoned or al- lowed lo bo sold out, which under re- cent operations liavo returned furtum annually. Tho difficulties itarrnti nbovo liavo generally disappeared undoi tlio skill, ciTO nnd ocunomy now dis- played, and siuco labor and supplies coBt but ono-hnlf what they oneo did, n vast difference is discovered in tlio prof- its of mining. "Under tho present excel- lent syBtems'ot smeltinc, roasting aniT amalgamating and chlorodizing now ir use bete, ores can bo treated for $30 am §35 per ton, when moro tlian tioubl that prico was onco osuctcd. The aetui cost of treiitiug a ton of oro by tlio ltu two methods is claimed to rungo froi. S7 to S20, according to tho nature n tha mineral. At tho Central gold mines quartz cm now bo mined ana milled 1: stamp-mill process at n cost of SG -to { per ton, whoro doublo thnt cipcnso wi mice found necessary. This permits the profitable bundling of much of tl grndo oro of which nil mines aro chicll or largely composed. Kainborlcs3 fortunes have been woi 'uiiiluifiil Escniio or nn Artist's Model. M. d'Orcot gives sotao ourioaa and _jrctoforo unknown details respecting a famous model wlio poeed for the Atalau- ofPradier and tlio young girl in Go- mo's "Cock-Fight," now iu tho gall- sy of Lnxombourg. ' Sho was alsotho loraonngo from whom Honri Murger row his MUBCHO. She was a thorough riginnl, and though abo arrived in Par- a JOUUR and illiterate joasnnt, she managed to cdticato herself, ovon going D fur as to study Latin. Wliilo pos- ig for tho Ataluuta, sho coaaed ouo day a come nt tho accustomed hour, so Pra- ior went in search for bor, nnd found er, as ho thought, lying doad. An at- ick of brain foyer had struck her down, .id iuftfewdays till was ovor to nil ap loamnoo, But this seaming death was july tho rigidity of an intense attack of catalepsy, and poor Muactto knowall imt was pnssing Around her. After tho ir&t eliock was over, Fmdicr concluded lint ho would Inko a cast from* thi p Tbo modeling of tho hands ani ootgavo tlio poor pntiont no nncivsi less, but il; wns far otherwise-when il ras a quoa^ion of tatiujj a cast from tbo .lead and chest Even if caro Imd been lakcu to keep tbo mouth ami nostrils tree, which iu thecase of au artist mod- ilingacorpso wits'.oitromely improbahlo, ,ha weight of the ]>lastor on her chosl would infallibly sufibcjito her. So groal was poor Musette's fright that the very 3XCOSS of her torror triumphed over the lolhargj*,iind ennWod hor to-break its [otters. Totho mnazemont of tho ar- tist, tlio supposed corpso bounded from tho bod, nnd seizing arnasaoftho hnlf- iqnid plaster, sho dashed it full in I'm- licr'a race. Tho violent exertion did jor Rood. Aprofuse perspiration en- sued, uud Mu set to was saved. Bat thi sculptor vainly tried to win her fnvo igain. Sbonovor forgave " him fo: icarly being tho iimoceut cnaso of he* [oath by suffocation, ovon though lti did ncUmlly save her lifo. Sho refuse sverto E«t foot i a liis studio again, m _?rndicr wns forced to eugttgo nnotlii model to complete his Atnianta. One poHaing through Arkansas donsu BO3 hnli ns many revolvers ashewiml havo noticed two or throe years ago, in't particularly bccauno everybody tiding to be rent good, but more beciuia thoy lmvo found out thnt n good ahol gun is more tobo depended upon. Supposing she did walk threc-fourll of a milo in tho rain, noil hpr now stni ed stockings., nnd nearly ruin hor dross, •wlintwos tlintin coaipuriaon to thojof of being tho first ono to toll Mrs. Jonc that the Smith's couldn't board at th Revere- thb vfiutcr, n3 old Smith ha failed. Tlie r'tindUIon ut OH ill n ('IIISMK UT Lahui - CI-H In Jjit'IiinJ. We arc ieuiiijdodt fioia time tu tiuu!, if tho fact that wagi!3 lmvo largely iu- »iwtii1 in Enfiluiid, mid lliw in uucloiiU- dly trno in nuarly every brunch of in- unlry ; but fioiiiothing mure ttinu high .•iiyoa in iiuceswary to uiakfiitsatisfnctory ihango iu the condition of tho working losses. Thoy uro ignorant to tho lnst legrce, nnd nddictod to all the low vices " lit aro natural outgrowth of ignoninco, tlmt in many aisos the very receipt of ligh wages only aflords a more abuu- Ir.ut meuus for indulging tbo most de- coding inBtincLi. What could bomoro &id uud humilin- [life than thu condition of things do- icnbod by Hub-ltrnpcctor Brewer, aa a- itiug iu tho workshop of the "Blnck loan try" of Enginad ? Writing liis half-yearly report lo tho [erne Mecretury; nlr. lirener, tha bub- nej>ector of fnctoricn, uays :—"Tlio root •f all ovil in thn HI uric Country appears bo drunkenness, noinattor whothortho inkor he puddlur, culliur, clmiuor nail uaker. Tho outcry against tho colliers nd puddkrs' wives working is voiy icut; uot, porhaps, somuch from their llux into tho trade, but from tbo fact iot they work uight nnd day, and toil tdslftvo; mid for what? Not for tho irice that straightforward master* would Ive, but for miy prica ouy crafty Itnavo 1 it master chouses to oiler. These poo- 0 work, nnd do not stuml out for 'tom- iy' or 'beer 1 tin long as thoy can get imBtliitit,' to mtittty tlifir liolf-KtnrviDg imilics, whilst tho ought-to-ho bread- riuncr is lnxuriatiug ia sumo public- .ouso nt his ease, in 'tiaiuiug hia wiu- iot,' for Bomo future running, on beef Icaka and tho best ot good fare. Day day I am rnura aud moro convinced int this woman's labor is tho bauo of ib pluue. Nor dolconiinotliiai'cmark 1 tho nail und chain trade alone. It ns only tho other day tiiut a young wo- iau, iLiidresaingme, said: 'Isay, master, wish you would to abo my mun do a ittlo moro work andmo less I 1 married swell, I did.' On.my icnuiry what IO meant by a swell, she replied: 'Why, rhau I married himin tho jp.orniug Iiu lad a smart gold watch and chain, nuda imart dickey ; but when we came to go ' bed at night, I'mblessed if had e'er a .iirt o n ; nnd ovpr sinco I've had to ccpliiin by working in tbe brickyard, nd not only keep him, bat find him mou- iy to drink.' Nor is this state of things mllnod to the Black Country. I went io day ovor to Bromsfriove, nnd in con- irsation with a nailor, to whom I roached myusual sermon onwomen'B bor, and tlio growing custom of idle, . lazy youug lads Jookiug out for skilled iuilustrious wives, in order to obtain 'an lasy life,' he said: 'That is truo 1 Tlioro s my wife's brother, who got a decent jirl into troublo nud tbeu wouldn't marry her, though wo all did what we *?uld toporsnnda him; for ho said ho oroa't agoing to marryftlassos couldn't r ork; and ho Bhould look out for a liler ami has found one.' Tho ovil of is is, that in marrying a girl that can •ork they both marry young, but lithcr lias anything put by, end they list run into debt for the little furni" uro aud tools thoy require. Things go in smoothly for a short time, perhaps, nd tho skillful wifo keeps not only tho louse going, andher lord audmaster ia Irinlc, bat, in addition, pays off tho ' ibt. But tho day of reckoning aotnea in io Bhapo of one baby, and then another, ion BielincBB, nnd other troubles, and ic occo skillful wifo is now a haggard lutidy woman, no longer nblo to earn lucb. Btaryation w iu tho house, and fhero then; iatho legitimate bread-win- ler ? If he hns over attemptedtowork, ia enreor of idlonooga has cansod his iand tolose its craft, or &oourse of ImuktmnesB has BD dobiliated liim that o can no longer stand tho fatigco and icat. Nor is this the whole of tlio mis- ihicf. Whilst tho mother toils and slaves, tlio children aro left uncarod for, to wander shoeless and ia rags, till they aro oldenough to blow the bellows for their father at a misoreblo pittince per week—to bo kicked nnd cuffed, lutro illlby, indeeont, rind blasphemous lan- guage, and are thon scat into tho ehop irnidst men degraded by drink aud gam- >lingt in time to follow tha aamo courto. Take, again, tlio instanco of n collier's ivifu iu tha Blaok Country, who works ut ilium-making about tea hours a day, for Is. though, if she bad taken her workto m honest mastor, Bho might have bad L2i. ' Out of this, before she can take my Lcrsoif, sho has, probably, to pay ,B, Cd. for a child hired to nurse h»r iftby, whilst slio works; 2s. a weekfor r Jmezes (i. e,, firing for hgr nail- ikiog), and Is. for thehire of her stall leaving her half-n-crowa for hor Babsia- tanco. It is truo, this may not bo the ttamo in evory case ; but; in far too many It is. My experience is. that tho chief mcounigers of such labor as this aro tho middlomen,' tho 'foggcrs,' and the •drunkardB.' Intelligent ohain-makors uggest that all females oommencc work iot earlier than eight A. M., and do not work later than sevoa p, u. ; that otory ooupier or owner of^a chain-shop should io served with a copy of the rules of tha .ratio, which it shoufd bo compulsory by atr to IIAVO hung up in tha Buop J thnt ;bo factory act holidays bo applied to ;haia «hops. Tho 'middlemen' aro a great cuise to tho trade, for to such tho ioor drunkard flics who cannot carry on Tom week's ond to wook's ond, to re- :eiva the wages of a few hours' labor, and, of course, at reduced prices. The woman with a drunken husband is much in tbe same plight. Lots of thoco mid- lL'emen' koep public-houses and 'tommy' .ihops, andcarry on a system of 'track. 1 Tans, if a workman would decline to spend hie money at his employer's bouse, "ie gets no mora work, and cannot, thoro- Joro, rofuse. Drink thoy must hnvo, and drink they will have, whethor tboy starve their familas or not. The sani- tary condition of tbe shops is ofton bad. Women certainly, work ofton iu an ad- vanced state of pregnancy ; bat thon, in the chain shops most of it is handiwork and no olivor. Not many days eineaa talc -was related to me, by an ironmaster, of what happened iu a brickyard, near Bilstou, n short time back. lbs mana- ger noted a Rirl, carrying olay, looking exceedingly ill. Thinking sho hadbeon drinking over night, ho exclaimed: 'Why,, Clara, you don't look up to mnch this morning ?' 'No moro would you,* WMI lho retort, 'it you had had a child daring tho night.' On another occasion ho callftd ia at, Mrs. Coolie' school, closo to which was achain shop. After tho visit to tho school I called in at this chain shop, atid found a tall, lanky boy 'blowing.' I said, 'I supposed he wna was 13 V This bo indignantly denied. To my question if ho went to school, I got tho reply thnt 'his mother said Lo was not togo.' 'Where is your father?' 'In Jaill' 'What for V 'For de- serting mother'nnd us.' The following in tho truth of tbo story :—Her husband, an anchor smith, could cam £3 a week. For eight montli9 he had not given her a penny. Sho hnd a large family, which sbo supported ns best she could. Tho poor woman, nt last getting wearied out, throw liersoU on tho pnrisb, who prnsc catcd her husbatid, and tlio justices Bunt tbe man to jail, though ho offered to pay all expenses.' THE VOTE'S Hocaunou*.—The Pope's hoiiRohold consists of 537 pcrtnnn, tho chief of whom nro CardinalJAntntielli, tho umjor-donio, tho mnstcrof tlio cham- ber, lho Brand almoner, tho BOcreUry, tbo steward, tho governor, Gen. Kanz- Icr and uvo chamberlains. There ore twenty persona employed in the secre- tary's office, fifteen in the administra- tion of tho pnlnco, nnd Bight in tho so- crot printing honso. Tho Pope lias oae groom of tbo chamber and six body ser- vants. "The apcstolio chamber ia com- posed of a president, twenty-three ecu- rieni, tliroo acn-onta and three orderlies. Cardinnl Anlouolli find Gen. Eunzler Imvoa suite of forty-eight persona, whilo (bo Swiss Guard and tho Pontiflcial gen- dannerio number 200,

CLOTHIHH HAIL. · \j, orumil Furnishing Undertaker UCUMED AUCTI0S13EU AND COSIHIS-HIOSliK 01' DUEDS, Carriages and Sleighe, fCTCir DcM

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Page 1: CLOTHIHH HAIL. · \j, orumil Furnishing Undertaker UCUMED AUCTI0S13EU AND COSIHIS-HIOSliK 01' DUEDS, Carriages and Sleighe, fCTCir DcM



rDiToiusT'""" 1 1 ' ,to onMom.Str.BtnearUlaokw.il.

I t u . i . or SUDSCIUPTIOK ,

lNvini««.v IK AnvxNcr,

,. , ' ' . 82.00

, months, -

liiverpo)! and Qiioenstdwn,


|,V.«X, C ™ A l l B >N A T I O N A L ,

nuol H"'1 Orou* W e s t e r n .1 ,....,, ilimi Uaval Jiauk of Ireland

Kusliiflss Girds.


Cor. Elackwell & Warren Sts.,(Oppotito Doicr Bank,)

EOVEit, N. 3.,

u u of Women nud Children, and of LhoEjo nud Far »pod»ltlun.

Iffli-n l i o n n : 7 to 9 A.M., 1 tu 8and 7 to 3 P. M.1H-3O|)(1

"Blate Roofing


B O V B R , N. J .


Counsellor at LawAND



Carpenter and Builder,

Jobbing promptly oltonded lo.

tap on JLACKKKU" HI., noi l to t l .no

Hj!s«y'» lutnbor mill.

Cunlueli taken, and material funilalieil.

DOVER. N. J.I, B.JOLLEY, Proprietor.

Counsellor at Law,

AND JIASTEB IN OHANOEBI, " 'lillUoltilioNftliDiialUnlouIlauk Ilnililinff

li,w.m,Bi., '. DOVEH, N. J:



Coi. Illscbirall and Bmaol Bta.



WOODPORT, MORRIS Co., N. J., - (HIS woll-Unoivn pmnwty lins ronntljr iMHinX oxtomtlvdy Itnjirovpit and moiUrnlzci). forlio nccaiummliitloii of tliiwo noukiillt a rclirod

minor resilience Hituitod al tlio licsd olilio H :i)&tcnnirit In omi-of tha moat dcfllni-«i i l t i»i«f Inlind ru i i r t tn lio found wUuhio samo Alt nrco of Now York. Iu tho nildit

i1 tlio ilnuHt inojutolii scenery nr Northern Now•orioy, will) oxiollunt limiting undflshuiK. anduno driven, it in not mriHwned bynny other in'lipluPDllly.

S MRCi loavu Dovir, ulKht itiiloa <lUlmit, on tlioa rmal of tlieDul. luck. A Wcit, II, It, tn l l i sfrom Now Turk In HID morning, For pftrtloulori,ndurtniaa nbovo. • 2J-lf

n l im*m AMHUI*U>1V,


Counsellor at Law,Dovrcu, N. J.

rjm -rOEI ,LCOII<1 door of tlio National UnionM I

n A. (iii.i.KV,

\j, orumil

Furnishing Undertaker



Carriages and Sleighe,fCTCir DcM<rl|illuu.

ll and Bpraon 8t«, I J d V B K ,

altunllon imM U, ropairilm


Ai'lfi oml AnaUma of all dcBcriptioiiB or


J»lnltl,aeWwil1bofnrnUh«donappIle»Uon.L. o. uiEiiwmTn,

Dojnr SIorrl« C.iinly Jl. J.

Allen Palmer .& Son,

AND .Idiilders.

D07BE, N. X .

lobbing promptly attended to.

*• J. rALMEK, Architect.1«

PIANOS,Organs and Melodeons

Repaired anc) TunedI*""'!'11*. Iu any part nr Morrln Omuty. s Ad-

W. H. WniQHT,



n;i<r.a.: ONBUCiWEUilsriiEET,






_ BOVBB.N. J .Tonbo.lbraidaof

•sign and Domestic Sogari_ _ A U V A Y 3 ON KAND. aO-tf


T*m!nNACL,H IIAll,, DOTEH, N. 1.

' " " " • H a u a material furnlatad.


'iff"?'""'' ""'""ll laiuuforalHrork.""I H , ? K W Khen IUI to'apuil7.l1t u i i H * ot tlio Enalsiai. ana all rarl

J . l « I J A I V K E N C E ,

SURVEYOK.nrvcj's, Levels and Grades

niado for PnMic and Pi-lvnto Iiupi-orcmcnl


[Neui t l ioCaiminrldgc]

8y IIOVUI1, N. J ,


Civil Engineer and Surveyor,

K C C K i U r A V , N . J .

I.I, OltDKlW l'llOlllTLY ATi'KNDIil) TO.

T L . CURTISManufacturer of Segars and .



O])[io»ito MANSION UOUfiB,



USTICE OF THE PEACE,Ofllt'e on Sussex Street,

Ilio buililiiig runiinrljr occupied aa in oflku byllainy McKtrlftii, iliHt llour,

DOVER, N. J.CailccIIoiiH Rttomicd tn wltli (llli^tinco.AUa,' Agent for tlic beat Ufu and Firu Irmui

2amiiuiioa. . 11-1 y.



ifllco oror OEO. lUGIIAUDtl&Co.'a UXOIIE,


RA C. COOPER,Masoa and Builder.

Contracts tnVoif for alt linda of M«on Workid Jobbing.

'LIME, PLASTER AND CEMENT,FuralabGd nt abort nollco,

limn »nd»r "Tho Irou Kra OfH«," Dolor,I.J. " •*•

cranlor, Lehigh & Bituminous







rua STONES, cuimreo, CELLAR BTEW

OOriNO, BILLS, LINTELS, oto., ote,

at tbo-


Otia] of all lizoH tonalantly on hand, mid

tiutivuroil tu nuy purl or tlio city or vicinity.

Yarda on Bliciiwoll streol, btlow JJcrfMi St,

3IHco on Blackwcll utroui, noxt to Qago &

S1BC,V'H Liimbor Yard,

D O V E K , Si, J.

Ordori way bo o3drcnoa ilirongb tiioPo*!)flico Lock Boi 28, rr loft at A. Bocmer'a Dfllce

Blackwoll itrcot, near Snasoi.



Dentist,:|1OI1U1STO»'K, N. J . ,

Iu I'loiimtlttr far MumiCounty ol Poi.o,,,'.I'.ilrlit illilgr.

tiultl rilllns n Slicciulty.(liiIilNltroin. Ort.lc (It*, Au., Ai'., ko. *«•

Mansion Hcrase.-

00 YARDS EnOM D. L. ft W.

T A W B O P B , N .

Wni. ItllOWN, Proii'r.

Hitolloni . troo,nml«Hin« ro r l r amlon t o:urinaoclit lioui-uorB, also a livery anil lioanlini

Mftotlaolifatotliolioiwn. l'assuu ~nd rrom lludil'a IAICU ami l<ako.uauonnlilu cliargca.



DOVEK, N. J ."nil kinds or FOIIKIQN ami DOMESTIC

LIQUORS and SEGARSlao WACHES11DTH. ADAM & CO.'a aolo-toa'L,8or.AtE9,UI.Sl!UALWArailS,»to.

loliHtnntly ou Imiiil.

HOLLER'S OPEBA HOUSE,upaeWti Hall t'i Iw lot fur all Jdiuk or ontor-ilimonla. ' «-V

A. Beemer,

IU5AL E 3 T A T K A G E N T ,

Bluclra-oll St., iiciu- Sussex, Dover, N. J.


FOB SALE.r o t domipUona nf Propcrtl unilpKlleillar

enillilroattlinolllL't. ' •




nnott roiairedanrlpiilatoil. n»lvankoa InmCornltoa, (Wen , tailor. »uaT»ulil«tora.

™.CONOM.T. aEimoc <ic —

"LIVE AND L.ET IJVB,"IS Till 1101*10 OS


DOVEn, N.J,»l ,o tecr .oo»ata i i t l>onl , ,na Ilio .bolcial IC

ll*tluil Of

0 0 N P E 0 T I O N E B I E S ,


M. & I. SearingCARPENTERS,



taknn and matcrialx furnlabcd^

Jobbing in General,

DccomboraUl 1S70. , l-JT.

MRS. A. BEEMERIn now ready witti nil tlio iinw HIJ-ICH for

FALL of 1875.Fashionable Millinery


IT'n.iioy Goodn.


Latest Styles & Newest Designs





cur. 2011, SI.l i t lnu nindu largo ini]>r<>voiiioiitK nnd acMI-II, to Ihoir tfllnhlialii-ioiil, Invlto Urn ntton-ii ol puniliaKora tu tliolr IMMENSE CTOCK



Y0DTHS' Eeady-Mada Olotbing,


Fiii'iiltui'o nnd Bedding.io nliolo 1,1 "Well h.vins bicn marked nt ei-mitily lot, iirloca, thuy aro enaulod to uncrat


Clia Ilroa. Iuilirovod Patent It. R. PaartoURorlorator (lho lurgoat In tho Unltcil Htalc) williltoCUBloroorg to oauli flour. Gooda nnil aaln-

t Hont frco lo nil iiarttf <>r Ilio uounl^'-


I-lOw KQtli 81., NEW YORK.


'E. &G. H. Ross & Breese,OESEUAI. HUB iXD L1FB

Insurance Agents,Illue, Old lion Hunk Uiilldlnn;,

Morristown, N. J.£UW1K11O!IH, QKO.II.rtuKK, S T W H C H DllKHJiB,

A. J OOE, Collector,




TV TAN V vuarn In Ilio cbtliinrr buslimmi inJXJL JfOllHISTOWrV, 1MB built up a larcoami irurciaiiiBirado aud now ksails tlio city InMB iiao with Ilio lurgeit itoro, InrjfUBt ntock,

' ortinon itnl low prieoB,

lien's nil Wool Double mill

Twli t Sliilsonly - - S10.OU

Good Heavy Snl(. - . - <>•><>

WoiUliij I'linlJ - l.OO

» " extra 1.50

jood WorUlus Vant* Doublecxtl-'a - - - - - - - - $1.75


FEO1T S2 TO $9.

A larso auorluoot of F IM CLOTIIIKa for, SIUN, VOOniS' anoBOVS.

0 7 E I I 2,000 PAIB OP PANT8.

Don't fall to call anil sou Ilio IlAltnAItls andAMoiuidtcd at llu low prli'ia fur cood clotij.


Ameriofln Mutual Ins. 0o.( ot KawarkH.J., AssetBover $1,100,000

HoToiianta' Mutual Ins. 0o,, of NewarkN. J., 'te&ab over 600,000

riremen'i Mutual Ins." Oo-, of Newark,N. J., AJIQIB GVOI 600,000

fermanlp. Mutual Ins. 0o., of NewarkN.J., OApitAl, 200,000

Etna Inennnoc Osmpnny, of Hartford,Oaun., Aasets,' 5,000,000

]oiitinenul Insurance Oouipauy, of KenYork, Qiipiul, 1,000,000

Muuml Benefit Life Ins. Oo./ of ilewnrk.N.J., ABSfts. • 20,000,000



IN DOVEK.Tlio SUbamlber has ononod a uew yard to

he a,to of COAL aid WOOD. »n

BLACKWELL STREET,iexl to QAOE i HAI.IEV'8 Lombor Yanla

Conalanlty on b u n ! all lilnda of

. GOAL!i.Eiimii, aonAiiros AND BIIDUIHOOB



W OOI>,JIU m»oa md low, tor Mlo at tlio yird or


Lime,. Plaster, Cement,

FEED and GRAIN of all kinds.

An experience of Iwolto roart in tbo bniinesa.warroiilaT I tblnk a iwrfoct bnowlcdRO of It, anilull who favor mn With Ihclr patronage, ma,

elv iTi»n fall SclnliU. bune.l'dealini," 'LO»'ItlOKa and promptnraa in flllnc ordora.OOM fn J . J . Vreiland'a Carpenter Shop.

DoTer, Augnit U t b , 1875.irit,!-,.

W. S. & E. P. DcCAMP,


For Iron Oros and Mintral Fiopsrty,


P. O. at BOONTON, N. J .

alDiOuir. En. P. Bi




OraadrcubymalL Sllf

Itoiiiictti, Huts. Flowers, Fcnt-ern. ltlbbonii: Laces—realuud imltutlou—Necktie*

and iJoun, Coll a is,Lace uiKi Lilian

!O(B. Crai>e§. Mourning ilonut-tii

A flue nmortmoiit vthignons, Switches, Braids, &c.

Also, » vcrj k i p o varltly of


iiulics' Ooixls.





Monuments, Tombstones, &c,


1TOE nnilonlsnnl uejn l ' « o . to unoanea 1'. the imbllo tlmt Ua » now prt«poi-eil lo man

irauturoaml will boopctnulaully oil liaud til

TOMUSTONKS, MANTLKS, &Ccmt tiirv pln.u enclosed of Oraniln nud Mar-

io VtMtK. * Kwsi-y Juli »v.irrautcd to titoa complulo Batlafiiutmu. I'ricoM liiDdorato.


10.iv CHESTER. N. J,



lECTinn, HinnTiNn, ptiJ^iw cisiKO, TIL-KINO,

XKHW, HI.*HB¥TO, gUlLTi — SliilfBl



L1V1E3' ouNTa'Yiiuriii'AHPcmiDui.y'sus

W . S. UAIi l l lTl

; SfOBIinOWM. «• ' •




or.f> I3HOA1") STJiEET,

»E\VAltK( N. J.






O0OD8, indndins BI .A0K SII.ICS o r best

lireiidi; UAMEL3 n A i n , FABKIOS, CASn-






together trllh onr nacqaftloa wtaorlmouL orcliotco JIEIUNO UNDEUWEAH for everybody,of tbo Amcrlcau Hoiiorr CO.'B, and Norfolk andtictr Bninewlck ramufaotuto al IX>TTEST rmctJ.


Suwannec Yellow Pine Lumber,

jcurcd very ndvam aro uow pro))«rud to




it priuuH wbloli raako it U> t!tu luturcit or nil"rclitHon toRiTO m a unll.

laving uiirlvalod fudl l t l^ for .iv.vitiK nmliBHlnKi ivo axe aMo tu Ruaranlcu ilrj-wnH nml

a^llty. AllordwBiirumptly ilu|lvm»l »n c a nrrou ut clnrgc, Tho follunhig mt'i vomluuuv


1x3—4i 8 inch limiting No. l a n d 3.

1-4 x 12 fiu-li Htoj. plank No. 1 mid 2.1-21121U iiiul BU>|> (ilituk NIL 1. ami 3.x 13 n i l " " " " "Inuli ceiling.

UILIICVI C r i m e & W e b s t e r ,Fuot or Ikiduu tit., Nowurl., and

Avoany, haul Noivark. 43-au


And alimart ilia nznroriklcsLarlt mid laaviH, as lliny rfw,

<> immk all tlio i»)Ci..» of thu flow'ra.

WliQl'u tliu xtiadowti tfdftly gliili)

UII Ilio iiurgiu of ihu tld'n,

Junt ouo tluntlng stem linn drifiud, niul i



Glass Ware.

Wood & Willow Ware


Iron and Steel,

Gii8 I'ipo and Fittings,



L'owdev, Pusi) and Mliiiu?

Mulcrlals constantly on


Cor. Dlackwoll and Morris Slrods,


Lehigh, Scranton, & Bituminous

GOAL, .lolUcrou In all parta ot tlio Oily nnd vidnltynt lho LOWEST 1U11KET fltlOED, In

qiiantllica to suit pnrolia«cra.


'orljiniiliifrtn upon crntcii. Barna nitU flaraoand froo Iroiu HIIIOUO sod imlpliar. JIncU

oluaper tlian Counol Coal. Alio


J n tho rirort \t\iM broast,> Inucli <<r [lain u ' [i.Tiuiuu breufctj tlicir

Tlit wiltoin,(iKli wild (jul

Al tlio km^d of tlio rliL-r,

shako Imck t lit If l '.l tra

i nlonr

Fi.ru tl

I'ac-li fortt. i

AnU lioi

tf lean,

il Inko tins lily ft.r lior

) p i ;Tl.cn willi ImiKlitur xlio unllinuiun it

beauty on lior Irtaftt.iiut, ntaul 1'urallltH priilnIt IIBH uluirly droop'il, and tiled

Ere lho urinioui. liclit U» Mod In lLo w

,, O my durliiig, whoii I atraj'dTo your druumy uliollor'tl gladn.

And Htuoil liatoniiijj wltllo tlio ITUU-I-B vihie-\m'ii low of love and runt,

Wan it cruel that Iloo.Htrtlt'li'd an oufiorliand, inddren-

t ono lily, fmr and Bloudur, to liur bruml -Wliure tho licavliKjuBH uttarc,And tha tcui]if*t of duepair,-

I tlicaoliiDBiif tlumn wounda Iwon In mrnu-liood'u Mttor ilrlfr-,

Kill'dni.vlIljrwlion;:Uay,FIIIIBIIIB simlt'imiiia on my way,

Tliicngti tliai ono uwout fljiiiR tc-maii of mylife,

without a Buantt of aoliUfug on ttio low,ra\oatmyfout;

For your nlilupar, "It in lie at,"Finila an oclio in lay Lrcait,

And I kaow In brighter smiHliino xiu all all moat.



men STRIKES, ECT., ran*.Ooutml, Nov. 8, 1875.

Although tliu.coluuius of tho i»ubliopress liavn clirmiiclod much in regard toColorado's roaouicen, advaatagos' andnatural nttrnctlons, yot, Tin' t h esnocdy admission into tlio Union, somo-tuing further from tho oomiugCepton-nial Stato may not bo dovoid of interestto Eastern raiders. Colorado containsan area of 100,000 square* miles, andranks noxt after '1'OKHS nnd California insize. This eastern third ii taken up bytbo great plainB tbot riso grftduully fromtlio' Missouri Hivor vest far a distuncoof COO milos to the base of tho Rooky•Motmtiiips, M'lioro tlio/ hova an eleva-tion of about one milo aboyo SQU IOTQI.Tha contral third of the territory is oo-capied hj tho Itookjr Uountnia zniits spun and foot-hills, nnd tha griBjatom of parks. Tho main range hereAttains an oltitndo of from 12,000 to14,610 foot-above ecu lBvel, extendingfar above "limber lino" and every spe-cies of vegetation. At intervals throughthis mountainous region, for a diatancoof 100 miles from east to west, and for400 milos north nnd south, tire locatedthe rich nnd oxlitmatlcsa belts of goldmid silver lonios, ns well us ottousiro do-posits of eopnor, iron, salt, gypsum andotlmi" vnlnnulo mmornla'Hint will here-after bo cxtonaivoly milled. Tlio goldveiua avo usually found at elevations offrom 7,000 to 10,000 foot, and tho silrorleposita at from tlosi olovni^oiis to tholuinmit of lho raaiu range. Tba wes-tern third of Colorado is composed ofmountains, parks and valleys, watorodby tho Gmnd Oajorado und its tributa-ries, and comprises much oxecllont farm-ing nnil grazing, ns wall ns mineral land.This portion of Colorado, located ou thoweitern or Pacific "slope," ia st lost bo-Ing eettlcl un, and is rogardod as one oftlio best portions of tlio country.

Aloug tho eiwtcrn base of tho moun-tnius nud on the plains ivlioro, watorod>y the Plutto ana Arkansas, and their

C!()If>rinlo linn t^cliUitl hor jiupulutiou |Uu,l wcultli slucu the mlvciit u{ tlio mil- '

•JIIIH, iiHi yciirs afjD. In 1H70, thn us-u a l vnluntion wn»8]C,778,a'»B. TliorLunt valuution n<m »]ipn>nuh(»i S7B,-

OOU.OUO, aud tho pdputntioii 150,000.Tliifl docs not include misira, which urunot tnXL'd, iniJ on wliicli no definite val-uation can be placed, many of them be-ing held nt Uiilliona.

Tho clituolo in i-onaidcrcd tba nucstnnd most linnlLh-giyiog in America, amiHID clear, dry, bracing atinoajihcro roii-dera it tlio most huiieJiciul for uoubump-Lives nnd nitthumtica'thnt tho world nf-fords. In addition to tlio winy of inva-

which theso ndvnntagwi iitlrnct, thoo_...id and bbnutiful moiuitnin sccEcryond uool and rofruBhiiiB uir of mnnmor,draw countless thousands uf tourintH andilcnsuro-BGokcra every Benson. Tlio wa-

.oring-iilares of Idaho and ColoradoSjiriiigs, witli tlioir lionllh-givinK modi-cul springs, art) Bleiulily growing in pop-ularity as iilensure und health resorts,md with other points among these moun-itiua will ono day rival tho"Saratogas

_jnl Kowports of tho East. Ho well ro-wnrded^ro the cflorts of tlioipo/tsuian"i this vast oxpnuHo of plain nnd moan-

iint and among thoad lovoly pai-ks, tlmtmany an impiriity Niniral from theJtfttiM and from Canada, nnd evnn far-jff England, often pflBHcs a season withho rod ond among tlieso localities.

But further details nro unneccssory,i Culorodo's miniiiK wcnltli, uusur-

,..»ssecl fertility, salnbrity of climato andtnntchlosa mnntituin Boonuij oro alreadysufficiently known to need no furthernotation here. Buffice it to Bay, tlmt nojther region offora tho attractions to thoourint or tho immigrant thut aro nfloril-id in this young and growing Stntu of.ho West, where taxes aro law, und ad-'ui'comout suro nud often rupid. Eilu-jntinnnl nud roHgimiK facilities ura equal;o thoBo of tho older Statea, and everyown of ouo or two thousand inhnbi-;nnU can bonst of sovornl eburches nudJia boat building iu tlio placo for aboliool,

Xotwithstandiug tlio scattered settle-ments, tliero are 2B9 public BCIIOOIB with.9,809 pupils enrolled, aud 817 tonohora,•lioso Balnries nro fur nbovo those oflastorn States. There is also a Stnto

AgrtcnUurnl Collogo now building, nnilnumerous privnto Bomiuaries and acado-nies in session during tbo greater partif tho your.

ThoBa who nro willing to worlc, eanilwuys find uuiploymcut of some kind.

.Hi!chanic9 roeaiving from S3 to S5 pordny, iniuors from 82 50 to S3 50, lnbor-ers and farm-handa from $25 to $15 permonth nnd board, and house servantsnnd domestics from 820 to SSI) pormonth.

Colorado lias ovor 700 miles of rail-way within her borders, and is connect-ed with tbo East by three through linos.Tho Knnsas-raoillc, tho central uudihort Hue, is tbo favorite among thuraveling nnd biminoHa public, and is ora-

phaticnllv ttio Colorado Jino for travel-Euator West. Tlio liotch at DonYcr,Contral nnd tho wntering-plncas are uu-BUrjiassod anywhoro at tho East.


FIItE IJltlCK uud 01-AV,


Masons' Material, &c.

Bergen Street, near R. R.


ou lho retul Iwillng from






Noror knoiTii lo bo &« olicup before as now nl



D O V E R , 2ST. J.;o'.——

V and well sekc t td jiock »r



HOBSE CLOTHING,inmliuH, Horacfur rued cud

^ in »ud Col In ifor tlnoRlit nurpmcH, Halters, Cbamoli Skius,BpoiiEu» anil KVEi.VfUIKQ In tbo BUHINEBa.

a bad » iTwiTfaaTatm laid kt lowcit flgnros. -

October 31st, 1871.

the P l t andumcrom trihutnrioa.

d t i f,me of ilid i thmost productive fanning lands in the1

world. Artificial irrigation, by* meansnf irrigating ditches, is necessary, huttho exponso is trifling, and tha resultsmnch suror and moro remunerative thanwhere tbe nntuml rninfalls is dependedupon. 'Xhcro aro nleo numberless pro-ductive ranches scattered amoug tbomountains. The crops aro aftou pro-digious in quantity, and n never-failing,high-priced canb market is affordedamong tho mountain mines and in tbolargo trading towns. Ono rancbnmn,who started without capita], lias olearoJ$55,000 during tho past ten years on 100norcs of lawl, and another cleared 617, •000 from n single crop of potatoes froma mountain ranch near Central. Manyothers liavo dono nearly aa well, nnd allwho engage in tbo business aro suro toprosper und often to acquire wealth rap-idly. Much voiy valuable hlooaod stockis being imported into the territory, andmany farms can boost of $2D,000 or$511,000 invested in this way. Largoquantities of choice farming lands aroyot unappropriated.

Colorado is tho atoalt-growers pidisc, tbo great plains furnishing nn un-surpassed rnugo for millions of slock.This lins proved ouo of tbe most invit-ing avocations that can bo followoil, onaccount of tbo enormous profits and thoease with whiuli the calling can bo con-ducted. Tlio annual increase of rattleis Bovonly-flvo por cent., nnd of sboopBometbing ovor eighty. Tlio former al-ready uumhor a half millinn, nnd thosheep something liko two mil lions, thaannual wool crop axcoeditig 3,000,000pounds. Stock of all kinds is beingstcndily improved by crossing with iui-portetTbroeds. Tho expense attendingstock-growing, which, is conducted sepa-rate nnd ftpart from farminr "'"

small, and that chiefly for horfeed or ibolUr is rcnuirod in winter,tlio cattle bring thon allowed to roam nlwill over tho unfenced plnias on which

ing, is veryicrders. Ho

A. mining stock-board lms recentlybeen organized nt DcuTcr after tho ittylcjf those |of Now York and Sou Pntncis-:o, and proiniaos to bo of sorao benefitin niding to develop mlnca in tliia re-gion. Ho far, stock investmonU aroBtnnll and made by Oolormlo people.

The fall elections aro over. Tlio Sop-tembor olootion for a territorial lejjiala-turo nnd county officorH rosultod slight-ly in favor of tho Uemoorats, whilethat of tlio 25th ult., for tlolcgatos to theconvention to f-ntno a Stnto Constitu-tion, was earned by tho Republicans bya forgo wajority.

Denver, the capital and metropolis,has a population of 20,000,* n vnluntionannual trnao of §20,000,000, and is fur-'nishod with pas, street railways, water-works, flvo daily nowBpapors, nnd alltbo Intost improvements, and ia the beat-built and roost nttrnctive city west of St.Louis, Six railways contro hero, uuil it

tho point of entry nnd departurenearly nil tfnvol to and from tho

territory. The fivo public schools,urtKiUa »L n uuat of 8200,000, furnish —commodations for 2,500 pupils.

Up among tbo mountains, nt nuclovn-Lion of 8.80D footnbovo BOH loyal, rtudtcpdgctl in betwoou high granite lulls,is Central, that exports som'e 82.000.000during tho present year. This, or ratb-eritasuueib, Black Hnwlt, is tlio ter-

linns of tho Colorado Central Railway,snnecthig with Denver forty milos dis-

..mt via Olcnr Greek oauou. This roadforndistrtiieo pf twonty-ono miloa ns-condB at tho rato of nearly ouo hun-dred foot per mile, and nlong Its routeissoinoof tho Rrnndoat sctnory in thoworld. Tbo mines nt Central aro work-ed moro extensively and to n greaterdepth than clsGwhoro in Colorado.Here in ft Bpaco of n little ovor oneBqunre milo, ia tho richest cold diatrietin tho world, containing thousands otlodes, which nowitliBtauding formerfmlurcH nnil suspcnsioiis liavo yielded825,000,000 during the pu t fifteenyears; nnd now thnt deep lniniiig is prov-

a success and tlio mining intoreatsundergoing a goucral revival, tho

product is steadily nnd rapidly iucraaa-ing. In 1874, 120,000 tons of oro woremined hero, yiolingfrom 85 to 8125 perton, and producing altogether $1,708,-000. Tliia yenr tbo yield will bo nearlytwonty por cent, groator than Hint of

tnuii^ thesu monutiiiiiH, and worn ui(wloro feu- miut'i'M und proapculora yi'lcuuie. Now that care, ocouoiny mi.illprovniliii milling it i» foiuul t<

fT r inuronud mirer cliauces for lalioiid cjijiitul tlian any othercalling. Tincent conrmlerutiun of milling properL-s, and tlio lidh yield of "pay'the deeper workings of tho mines,

ivo put n new faco on opemtioniiiiilra) anil DlHcwhoro, nnd havo ou-mraged nil to go iu and win orutaat try thair fortune. These rofiiillaIUW tlmt iluop mining ia a BUCCOBH andnt tliCHO veins ere continuous and

.OVA an depth is attained. Tho Grcg-ry, Wttma, lOtusas, lliirrougbs, Leavitt,iiiinull und other budies, all workod loupths of from 600 to 800 feot, are ox-iplcs of thin kind. Tho companiesio owned UicMJ mines and in aouic

ises still own them, from causes nor-if ed abciTo generally failed to inukciem i:ay. Tlioy havo recently boenjrliod by practical liiinora, lesiilonts of

olorado, who have in some cases pur-aandinotliorulcnsod tlio projicrUatfowof tlieao had much capi-

I to begin operation, aud their BUD-mis piovos that, ilio wnnlth is here.Many who llnd difficulty iu obtainicgo uecesHuriori of lift) or xaiuiug uiu-iinery ono day, and themsolves pos-KsorH of fortuuos tho next, from some;h diwcovDry or a lucky "utriko" in uItherto Ajipnrcutly barren mine. There•e many nitancosof this kiiul, ns witho Pelican, Colorado Ceutrul, Oiilifor-i, and among tlio uow taliurido camps-iw and fabulously rich districts ni-oaatantly being discovered, and work

turned in many old ones with tltolost gratifying results. Tho Wntur-in and Monmouth properties, ou tliomsas, embracing together 600 feet ofrilory, havo ouo of tho largest nnd

jhcBt hodios of oro in tho lower work-iK, at depths of from 400 to 010 feet,iat bos ever been soon in tho country.

110 profits at present are at tho rate of.00,000 a yetir, but will bo modi groat-heroaftor, now that tho mines arc ba-

ig properly oponod. Tho Ophir-Bur-iiigh!i, worked to n depth of 600 feet,LVO £100,000 profit List year. Tlioub-Tail, tilut lias yielded nearly 83,-JO.OOO.is now workod by ovor 100 men,ieliling 00 tons Df valuahlo oro daily.'hia lodo is mined by means of a tun-si 1,200 fcut loug, which outs tho vein

0 foot bolow tlio point of discoveryid original workiuga on tho hill-sidoIOVO. The Orcgory has produced aJl larger sum, nud h now paying well,cores of other loilos are worked m tlioimo district, although on a smallertele. Wheu opened, as they soon will3, any ouo nt tlio above nnmei lodes111 producD a Iinlf niillionjinnualJyTiio Ooorsetown mlvcr mines produo-1 S2,3C2,000 in 1874, 0,480 tana of <iroling mined with tho enormous Phesp Pelican lodo, ovor which a gigantioiwsuit in pending. From ono locality

the Dives, 500,000 has been obtaineda fsiugio weok. Tho Terrible mine

to a profit of $88,000 last.year, andio Uiskil and Colorado Central eachoarly a.i much for sovoral yearn in imo-HBiDii. Many other lodos aro paying,.ndsomcl}'.The same happy rosultu are attomlingmy of tlio mining von tn res in Park>unty. at Gui-ibou, nnd west of tliougQ iu auinmit Cuuuty and tho Souinn country. Tho Inttcr, locnted in

utithwcstcril Colonido, ntnong .thd lot-lost mountains of lho continent, Es

limed to bo tlio most extensive andidlest silver belt in tha country. • Hero3 also tha rich gold mines of tho Sum-.t Monutains, ono mine and mill, tlioittlo Annio, turning out 81,000 per

Tho moat wonderful recent discover-G3 nro tho now tolluride minoa of Sun-nne, Gold Hill, Jamestown and Sugar

joaf in Boulder County, whioh carryimall veins ot mineral 1 that yield fromimidreils up to a hundred thousand dol-nrs por ton—although a.ton of the kt-;or variety lias norcr been found, stillmt iVfow pounds of tha richer classes ofire need bo mined in a day to make anndaomo income. Tlio American lodemid for ita puroliaso money daring tborat month's operations, and is now)ld for §400,000. Threo poor prospec-t s recently found a lode at Gold Hill,•om wliieh they obtained a ton of oroi two weeks th.it Bold for 38,000. Lastnontb, au idler about tho town of Boiil-ler, by tho "rich strikes" of othora jn-lucod p grocer to orodit him for a picknd shovel nnd provisions for two weeks,[Q went among tho mountains and3iind a lodo that proved so rich,that holas sinco sold it for $10,000. Lost week,iwo men found a lodo ot Jamestown with

vein ono foot wide, largely composed: ora worth 810 n pound of wbiohicy alrondy havo n ton mined. TLiaconsidered tha "bigfrost thing yet."But tbo tclluriilo lodes, whoso value

DtiBists in the gold and Bilver^liey con-lin, are usunlly less profitable and safevestments than tho broad'And uniform>ld loilen of Cenlrnl or the silver ledg-

_. of other localities, which, if they doiot display na rich mineral, produce ajunrtrcd-fold more oE it. Mining iset it. ita infancy in Colorado. TVhonbeso graat truo flssurc veins aro work-

ed to depths of 1,500 and 2,000 feet, tlioiroe riah returns will bo obtained as inivnda or Mexico.

nnt year, which exceeded any pro'At Black Hawlc aro locntod

thoy thrV°. novor falling to appear ingood condition iu tin spring. PiomApril to Juno, tho "Round TJps" ooouvin each county. At them tbe ftock-inrnand their liortters nuBotublo and drivetbe cnttlo into ona vast bard, when tbowork of cutting out or separating eachunm's stock begins, when tho samo arebmmlcd and returned to their accustom-ed summer's raogo of rasturttRP. Tbiiwork uatally occupies two months, anis a tlmo of no littlo igtorcst and a:citemont to all concerned. Tbe numbc _of cattle at these "Bound Upa" variesnt from 10,000 to 80,000. Somo of tlicsostock-men own twenty or thirty tbou<sand hend. (joiorndu beof hits no sujio-rior, and ovor 40,000 beeves will bo ship-ned cast this aeison, bosido dressedticof sent' in relrigerator cars nnd tboIiome supply.

Tho wheat y!o]d is .twenty-fivo nndoften forty to sixty bushels to tho acio,or doulilo tlmt of Illinois, and Oolurndoflour surpasses all other brands. Oats,barloy and vegetables do equally wall,potntoos yielding from 150 to 400 bnah-cli por nara

TorritoriBl and county faira iannually, nro well conducted, aud inaliovery oreditnblo displays of farming pro-dnoU( stock, miuei-ab kr. Tlioso nniother orgam'zaikns do much to.ftirthortlio interest! of tbo farmer and atock-raiscr,.

the E. nnd O. Smoltiug works, whichurnout32,000,000 in gold end nilvor

annually, tho lnttor coming oliiofly fromUouldor, Park and Clear Creek counlics.Tba business iioilimi of Central, de-stroyed by firo in 1874, noa boon sub-stantially robuilt of brick and atone.Central has a hundred thousnml dollarhotel, an olegnnt theatre, nnd, inclu-ding Block Hawlt, eCO.OOO invested inschool buildings mid u still larger.mount in ohurckoa.

Tho mines uro Colorado's chief aourcnof weoltli nud fnmo, ami thero aro moroof thorn thaniu tho on tiro western conn trybesides.' Of course they havo uot allbeen proved valuable yet, but thous-ands of them bava boon mado to pay,nnd other thousands will bo inndo toyield haiiilsoino rovenucs aa BOOH US de-veloped to any great degree. Theyield of gbiii and silver in 1874 wns §5,-a02,COO, coin value, nnd that for thopresent year can hardly fall abort of S3,-000,000, coining licit in amount aftertlio product of Nevada aud California,Colorado has over 20,000 n^naro milesof coal-bennug lands looatod ebieflyand along tho foot bills and on tho tidjit-oout plains. AUhougli yot mined ou alimited scale, they produced coal to thevalue of $1,0.00,000 last year. Depositsof tho htghly-prizpd anthrnoito uroclaimed to bo found iu various localities,

Tlio ill HiioacBS of many miulug opera-tions of former years arose from igncr-ance, inosperienco, imperfect modes oltreating ores, cxtrovngnneo in manage-mout aud liigli urico of labor and sup-plica. From tlfcso eatiHcs inuny valiu-bio properties were abandoned or al-lowed lo bo sold out, which under re-cent operations liavo returned furtumannually. Tho difficulties itarrntinbovo liavo generally disappeared undoitlio skill, ciTO nnd ocunomy now dis-played, and siuco labor and suppliescoBt but ono-hnlf what they oneo did, nvast difference is discovered in tlio prof-its of mining. "Under tho present excel-lent syBtems'ot smeltinc, roasting aniTamalgamating and chlorodizing now iruse bete, ores can bo treated for $30 am§35 per ton, when moro tlian tioublthat prico was onco osuctcd. The aetuicost of treiitiug a ton of oro by tlio ltutwo methods is claimed to rungo froi.S7 to S20, according to tho nature ntha mineral. At tho Central gold minesquartz cm now bo mined ana milled 1:stamp-mill process at n cost of SG -to {per ton, whoro doublo thnt cipcnso wimice found necessary. This permitsthe profitable bundling of much of tlgrndo oro of which nil mines aro chicllor largely composed.

Kainborlcs3 fortunes have been woi

'uiiiluifiil Escniio or nn Artist's Model.M. d'Orcot gives sotao ourioaa and

_jrctoforo unknown details respecting afamous model wlio poeed for the Atalau-

ofPradier and tlio young girl in Go-mo's "Cock-Fight," now iu tho gall-

sy of Lnxombourg. ' Sho was also tholoraonngo from whom Honri Murgerrow his MUBCHO. She was a thoroughriginnl, and though abo arrived in Par-

„ a JOUUR and illiterate joasnnt, shemanaged to cdticato herself, ovon going

D fur as to study Latin. Wliilo pos-ig for tho Ataluuta, sho coaaed ouo daya come nt tho accustomed hour, so Pra-ior went in search for bor, nnd founder, as ho thought, lying doad. An at-ick of brain foyer had struck her down,.id iu ft few days till was ovor to nil aploamnoo, But this seaming death was

july tho rigidity of an intense attack ofcatalepsy, and poor Muactto know allimt was pnssing Around her. After thoir&t eliock was over, Fmdicr concludedlint ho would Inko a cast from* thi

p Tbo modeling of tho hands aniootgavo tlio poor pntiont no nncivsiless, but il; wns far otherwise-when ilras a quoa^ion of tatiujj a cast from tbo

.lead and chest Even if caro Imd beenlakcu to keep tbo mouth ami nostrilstree, which iu the case of au artist mod-ilingacorpso wits'.oitromely improbahlo,,ha weight of the ]>lastor on her choslwould infallibly sufibcjito her. So groalwas poor Musette's fright that the very3XCOSS of her torror triumphed over thelolhargj*,iind ennWod hor to-break its[otters. To tho mnazemont of tho ar-tist, tlio supposed corpso bounded fromtho bod, nnd seizing arnasaoftho hnlf-iqnid plaster, sho dashed it full in I'm-licr'a race. Tho violent exertion did

jor Rood. A profuse perspiration en-sued, uud Mu set to was saved. Bat thisculptor vainly tried to win her fnvoigain. Sbo novor forgave " him fo:icarly being tho iimoceut cnaso of he*[oath by suffocation, ovon though lti

did ncUmlly save her lifo. Sho refusesverto E«t foot i a liis studio again, m_?rndicr wns forced to eugttgo nnotliimodel to complete his Atnianta.

One poHaing through Arkansas donsuBO3 hnli ns many revolvers ashewimlhavo noticed two or throe years ago,

in't particularly bccauno everybodytiding to be rent good, but more beciuiathoy lmvo found out thnt n good aholgun is more to bo depended upon.

Supposing she did walk threc-fourllof a milo in tho rain, noil hpr now stnied stockings., nnd nearly ruin hor dross,•wlintwos tlintin coaipuriaon to thojofof being tho first ono to toll Mrs. Joncthat the Smith's couldn't board at thRevere- thb vfiutcr, n3 old Smith hafailed.

Tlie r'tindUIon ut O H ill n ('IIISMK UT Lahui -CI-H In Jjit'IiinJ.

We arc ieuiiijdodt fioia time tu tiuu!,if tho fact that wagi!3 lmvo largely iu-»iwtii1 in Enfiluiid, mid lliw in uucloiiU-dly trno in nuarly every brunch of in-unlry ; but fioiiiothing mure ttinu high

.•iiyoa in iiuceswary to uiakfiitsatisfnctoryihango iu the condition of tho workinglosses. Thoy uro ignorant to tho lnstlegrce, nnd nddictod to all the low vices" lit aro natural outgrowth of ignoninco,

tlmt in many aisos the very receipt ofligh wages only aflords a more abuu-Ir.ut meuus for indulging tbo most de-coding inBtincLi.

What could bo moro &id uud humilin-[life than thu condition of things do-

icnbod by Hub-ltrnpcctor Brewer, aa a-itiug iu tho workshop of the "Blnckloan try" of Enginad ?Writing liis half-yearly report lo tho

[erne Mecretury; nlr. lirener, tha bub-nej>ector of fnctoricn, uays :—"Tlio root•f all ovil in thn HI uric Country appears

bo drunkenness, noinattor whothorthoinkor he puddlur, culliur, clmiuor nail

uaker. Tho outcry against tho colliersnd puddkrs ' wives working is voiyicut; uot, porhaps, so much from theirllux into tho trade, but from tbo factiot they work uight nnd day, and toiltdslftvo; mid for what? Not for tho

irice that straightforward master* wouldIve, but for miy prica ouy crafty Itnavo1 it master chouses to oiler. These poo-

0 work, nnd do not stuml out for 'tom-iy' or 'beer1 tin long as thoy can getimBtliitit,' to mtittty tlifir liolf-KtnrviDgimilics, whilst tho ought-to-ho bread-riuncr is lnxuriatiug ia sumo public-.ouso nt his ease, in 'tiaiuiug hia wiu-iot,' for Bomo future running, on beefIcaka and tho best ot good fare. Day

day I am rnura aud moro convincedint this woman's labor is tho bauo ofib pluue. Nor dolconiinotliiai'cmark1 tho nail und chain trade alone. I tns only tho other day tiiut a young wo-iau, iLiidresaingme, said: 'Isay, master,wish you would to abo my mun do a

ittlo moro work and mo less I 1 marriedswell, I did.' On.my icnuiry what

IO meant by a swell, she replied: 'Why,rhau I married him in tho jp.orniug Iiulad a smart gold watch and chain, nud aimart dickey ; but when we came to go

' bed at night, I'm blessed if had e'er a.iirt on ; nnd ovpr sinco I've had toccpliiin by working in tbe brickyard,nd not only keep him, bat find him mou-iy to drink.' Nor is this state of things

mllnod to the Black Country. I wentio day ovor to Bromsfriove, nnd in con-irsation with a nailor, to whom Iroached my usual sermon on women'Bbor, and tlio growing custom of idle, .

lazy youug lads Jookiug out for skillediuilustrious wives, in order to obtain 'anlasy life,' he said: 'That is truo 1 Tlioros my wife's brother, who got a decent

jirl into troublo nud tbeu wouldn'tmarry her, though wo all did what we*?uld to porsnnda him ; for ho said ho

oroa't agoing to marry ft lassos couldn'trork; and ho Bhould look out for aliler ami has found one.' Tho ovil ofis is, that in marrying a girl that can

•ork they both marry young, butlithcr lias anything put by, end theylist run into debt for the little furni"

uro aud tools thoy require. Things goin smoothly for a short time, perhaps,nd tho skillful wifo keeps not only tholouse going, and her lord aud master iaIrinlc, bat, in addition, pays off tho' ibt. But tho day of reckoning aotnea inio Bhapo of one baby, and then another,ion BielincBB, nnd other troubles, andic occo skillful wifo is now a haggard

lutidy woman, no longer nblo to earnlucb. Btaryation w iu tho house, andfhero then; ia tho legitimate bread-win-ler ? If he hns over attempted to work,ia enreor of idlonooga has cansod hisiand to lose its craft, or & oourse ofImuktmnesB has BD dobiliated liim thato can no longer stand tho fatigco andicat. Nor is this the whole of tlio mis-ihicf. Whilst tho mother toils and

slaves, tlio children aro left uncarod for,to wander shoeless and ia rags, till theyaro old enough to blow the bellows for •their father at a misoreblo pittince perweek—to bo kicked nnd cuffed, lutroilllby, indeeont, rind blasphemous lan-guage, and are thon scat into tho ehopirnidst men degraded by drink aud gam->lingt in time to follow tha aamo courto.

Take, again, tlio instanco of n collier'sivifu iu tha Blaok Country, who works utilium-making about tea hours a day, forIs. though, if she bad taken her work tom honest mastor, Bho might have badL2i. ' Out of this, before she can takemy Lcrsoif, sho has, probably, to pay,B, Cd. for a child hired to nurse h»riftby, whilst slio works; 2s. a week for

r Jmezes (i. e,, firing for hgr nail-ikiog), and Is. for the hire of her stall

leaving her half-n-crowa for hor Babsia-tanco. It is truo, this may not bo thettamo in evory case ; but; in far too manyIt is. My experience is. that tho chiefmcounigers of such labor as this aro thomiddlomen,' tho 'foggcrs,' and the•drunkardB.' Intelligent ohain-makorsuggest that all females oommencc workiot earlier than eight A. M., and do not

work later than sevoa p, u. ; that otoryooupier or owner of a chain-shop shouldio served with a copy of the rules of tha.ratio, which it shoufd bo compulsory byatr to IIAVO hung up in tha Buop J thnt;bo factory act holidays bo applied to;haia «hops. Tho 'middlemen' aro agreat cuise to tho trade, for to such thoioor drunkard flics who cannot carry onTom week's ond to wook's ond, to re-:eiva the wages of a few hours' labor,and, of course, at reduced prices. Thewoman with a drunken husband is muchin tbe same plight. Lots of thoco mid-lL'emen' koep public-houses and 'tommy'.ihops, and carry on a system of 'track.1

Tans, if a workman would decline tospend hie money at his employer's bouse,"ie gets no mora work, and cannot, thoro-Joro, rofuse. Drink thoy must hnvo, anddrink they will have, whethor tboystarve their familas or not. The sani-tary condition of tbe shops is ofton bad.Women certainly, work ofton iu an ad-vanced state of pregnancy ; bat thon, inthe chain shops most of it is handiworkand no olivor. Not many days einea atalc -was related to me, by an ironmaster,of what happened iu a brickyard, nearBilstou, n short time back. l b s mana-ger noted a Rirl, carrying olay, lookingexceedingly ill. Thinking sho had beondrinking over night, ho exclaimed:'Why,, Clara, you don't look up to mnchthis morning ?' 'No moro would you,*WMI lho retort, 'it you had had a childdaring tho night.' On another occasionho callftd ia at, Mrs. Coolie' school, closoto which was a chain shop. After thovisit to tho school I called in at thischain shop, atid found a tall, lanky boy'blowing.' I said, 'I supposed he wnawas 13 V This bo indignantly denied.To my question if ho went to school, Igot tho reply thnt 'his mother saidLo was not to go.' 'Where is yourfather?' 'In Jaill' 'What for V 'For de-serting mother'nnd us.' The followingin tho truth of tbo story :—Her husband,an anchor smith, could cam £3 a week.For eight montli9 he had not given her apenny. Sho hnd a large family, which sbosupported ns best she could. Tho poorwoman, nt last getting wearied out,throw liersoU on tho pnrisb, who prnsccatcd her husbatid, and tlio justices Bunttbe man to jail, though ho offered to payall expenses.'

THE VOTE'S Hocaunou*.—The Pope'shoiiRohold consists of 537 pcrtnnn, thochief of whom nro CardinalJAntntielli,tho umjor-donio, tho mnstcrof tlio cham-ber, lho Brand almoner, tho BOcreUry,tbo steward, tho governor, Gen. Kanz-Icr and uvo chamberlains. There oretwenty persona employed in the secre-tary's office, fifteen in the administra-tion of tho pnlnco, nnd Bight in tho so-crot printing honso. Tho Pope lias oaegroom of tbo chamber and six body ser-vants. "The apcstolio chamber ia com-posed of a president, twenty-three ecu-rieni, tliroo acn-onta and three orderlies.Cardinnl Anlouolli find Gen. EunzlerImvoa suite of forty-eight persona, whilo(bo Swiss Guard and tho Pontiflcial gen-dannerio number 200,

Page 2: CLOTHIHH HAIL. · \j, orumil Furnishing Undertaker UCUMED AUCTI0S13EU AND COSIHIS-HIOSliK 01' DUEDS, Carriages and Sleighe, fCTCir DcM

THE _IRON ERA.,MM. 11. ilH.T, LdiLvr »i4 I'nj.V '

ay, Dec. rftli. l^'i't. :


Sv^- n ; ^ ; ' ^ ? ' i L ' : : i ' ' ; " : ' ; ' j : TlKSOAi'. Jan. 4th, IS7C,j

C O S T ^JOB PRINTING ! H A E D W A R E ! G E a GREEN&soN.>: o



li near Sussex, DOVER, N. X,Ai-V.-.iii Al.il.I'. iiAVK i. J

1 2 5

•'i-V '•'-•,';'•'• -• iv. ir , :;';."- :Li" tU


New Top Buggy. Phaeton,LIGHT LCSISESS WAGON, ritli top.

W.WOS t a l i ;.r [• ll.ic; • ill, it,-..


tv. o. noxoum'E.JI.lSSftl.N IIMCSE liLOCK.

LT .<:Ur,B <i

ii iauJ i B A I L I T T S Wi.il',


LETTEl: lOllti. LAME.-!.<;. u ' . l i . T . P . i ;- ;-- • •,•-»• *-:•-*"."•-• FOR

HOUSE AXD LOT,l i t C<-ir*r'. Uill», ID uid T o m 1 Liplfr, ^t-u iLt rta-1 liaijing from C b n t t i

d I i d c H iiOAaiLAcfUaj, ttt-reurlt.i.

tl^rji a i i e fccim on d*» of ule brWIUJAJJ II. MCHOL«,

.r, O.:,Ur PSiL, 167;. " 51-5*"

Dover Savings Institution.

»!. 1of Df pen5.

of Ik r,_,,iunin; In ijT

.TEE, N. J., Ifcci-ial*r l i t , 1£75LIJEILITIE*.

L<j Ja

ri"EE t'OI-"n:E.-(— frutn 1

• 7 CEXT.-i A CASE.:- a CI:NT3 A PAI'EI:. }er rr.srx PKIS 7 I.H.S. !

uts to Si.Ml iwr ll». *

-f GliOCEUICSnni] I'HO

The Iron Era



HS^f|Krg^^K::FALL and WINTER.Liuikkl-CUrk. 11. U.d-.l^.i.ii. iir. In<.-»«.• IMcrcsltk t« J incur Tcrtu, I - ' j .

' •——a. .lttv •.

lit C'larU I^isin I-->

» E. Clark, l i . la- <tI1|!on'!Vtt j T 0 A L L W 1 1 ° H A S T T r j liV* T H E 1 ! E S 1

" t « r ' : t h | ' GOODS AT THE LOIVRW 1'ilCE-S, 0 0 TO

.Ii-jll. r,? S,r^ti.r O. S. I'.-rrr, tin-, \-iy , j , ' . ' , " 1 "^J',*:'-. :.J?.'_* .J*5^;. ,"fe,--jr ;;-'•. i'.! ';*.- '•

li';i i-. l:iv..« ".fr, :.:. • :c.:il< :.t S'.-'uPtiun. j J^,;' i"r i«/" ^'Et'fJ'.t.i^J-Tj I J . . ^ } .t.'rt'i'n •

l»!c ii^tiliiti'jii* f'.r failing J.TUI»O-.L--, and j ' ' —' •+-••+ •w-ln.-t il,e Hat.:: Sn -riHtendeDt will Y O U HAVE N O E X C U S Eat .,:..••* .!,v..-itif-.i*f= llio.*.. MliiL-li have not | , , m !r , I : i t , _ „ f , r ,.jff!ri.l!r w i t L I n ,_y.-l Mirr.niii.. .1, ™ . Unit t l « [.'-.p!', way [ k i . . ,* .'-, IJT,".- L ^ U i , , . ? U i u » . j . / rj.*-

it Iliiir iii-.J-'V K*L.i';*it-V. i»«i'.«,:i1:;.t*ti>Js'.i*lt«H*»rt, i

u<,:,.iv .....1 *"iii<-y. tL« Br...-.i -v.v.i-j J:^:^^'.,!;;1;;',;^.::;;^; £ ! £ " " , £ '

is t t iin-i;il»»rili(f in ]; i i i l . . 'Ml ' . iu sit t l i r j ,,„„",!,, j,,al'1V.^np <..;Y-vi »C*r t» : ;w, 1«» j

TIM-.V I I « M fluilv^iiw-'tiDK" ' " t!it! ' ;H I [V;^ ' ; t ' »M/ l . ' i l ;^^ I ' ' > ' i i ^ i r - ' r ^ ' - ' ' ^ .** '^^f j

i^ltfA^h£in^1i""^r ' RUPTURE" ;

< Anifrom Jnin; In , ijTS 10

• tec. Ut . Ib75, ' 119,9!) TlAIUOBUI f'( lA-tvjfiti rt-

t i i i f l Itma Jouo 1«U'j, \-i L>.t*. l i t , lb'.i, 1 ,37C M

' DOVEH, N". 3\, 0x1


I'lTStT A Ton.-i.in/xn>, Atty'*.[orcii Circuit Court. Ch»l< * 1'. <i»j>t iu.1Thomi* J. HalM'T v*. ClurJi • E. C!»« indJi.tui P. *:.»rt. Fi. f». ilt. l.uii. i t . I ' ! . Iudebt. Jic.ur.islU> to Uctolx-r Term, 1B7S.

ScifiHWti! A S K I I H , Atiy-i^unit firotlit Conrt. Millbiii C. H1itlr>ck

$77 W* 22 j ind Jaruti, D. Ltwii T I . J'lhn H. d i r k ludj . Cbirl- » K. Ctit l ; All*-. Fi. f». de. l - « . . t .

1 ler l a c u t , lUjloniablv lo Octutor Term,*I5,9M K 1^5.

21,0M COl'J,X3 SC

177,017 22

IA iLs CAPITAL .STOCK t-f !>.•Lici: tn the Lisli-.'t Li'IJ<r. £ile ti . I • > (,'cl'xk 1*. U. TOIMS CASH.

DA^TD TOUKG.I>OT(T, Dt«Eil« Si, 1573.

Morris ConiiBfiii Pita*. Ale-lander WiKliton TK,fiiulte E-Clutaod Juhn a. Cart- Fi. fa.ile. Nia. u . itr. On Docket^JtiJgmcnt.Hi-tiTpmtflt* loOctol>tr TtrtHi 1 75,

E.M. WHITE, Atfr.MorriiCirenitC^nrt. IlidiinlOw.rKCvs. Jolrn

S. CUrk ».i'l Jolia U. Chris. Fi. fa. (U-. tx)n.et. itr. In c«c. ltttnniible to OctoUrTina.lrt.1 . _ , _ A i t .v

Tn&Mts ixaw.


Morris Cojntj. t..xle Ss£Tir «J J ( jL l l i t , I l W # ^ i i , Kctejv.n, r ^ n F . O n m , 1 Ttt ulc in UUalf of ill* ilxw parliti ttxuili i

iriLowst Ii.trii!(ciJ;n*Ld Jiiati B. Ixwi*. (.1' »'3joiinjedI to tiku pltwat tlif 3I*ti.i.jn J!oiistItLe l>,.cr 8»TiDe» iDiUtnticn, ind I W a \li"^-ia Mcrmiwni.I.. J., anj&^ar.Tmiaftribcmf.UiBffitTcnllriwbnj MONDAY, DECEMBER Glli,j duh «cb dtp.ru in J uy tbit tbe above state. | A. D. 1H75, bc-tMten the Ltmri of 12 M. i

e but or Liti: ti tree

HUDSON PEER,ju 'uf- «>»««fS^s i]!Ol!Ki:Tr. 0It.UI,' IT. K. LiuiTEsitt::.', i


l.lialli lviccs, all.'.f wliirli v.vn-

l l f ! (I

Toljatcoiiist, >'cws Dealer,STATIOKED «, J COXTECIIOXEB,

»,:l.,irc:,,,,|,™,l,,f | XATlmu>aO'l<ii[]iili .!f. .ril , . ' i

« |,r?yi..l W , arnil il i » ^ r >; 1

"••Jii.v." il-r.l hnl'-'.f T : . ^ * of a l l •

D O V B B , KT. ff,

&f tliis Iliad, I n /JLI baj to


W.MJIiEK fe'EGCIi, Tre»,n

NEIJrJB.fiAGE,Jasiiccuf I be I'ti

Tin- Kic/i,<«] iTi»rfc in'tbc Qnstfci'iiliniiMiilllulioiJ x-vura ' Jillvllli,, Ir7I.

n^'^iiu^miiiSSfaiilSu^ RHEUMATISM. ;pcctfuljr •/,;.'.•:! Hi


it I tiial Harutii-I ha*l'ir. Fi. ts. «le U/n. it U-r. In

I t l i l l t t iVi l - ' J

Daily and Weekly Papers,

t i n ' . / ' • «« t « ei*iJii.t-l Un-m f j |, r J111 . ,ij r,,i f,r i.yv f ' - r i ln - rc-inliuj,' 'if ll;<; , V ' ; * | I 1 . I n - 1

" . . I I . . . . •. - - - . ' .. • - l . _ W • ^.. ' . . . . •Ti-itJirnf-t.t.ViJlialiv :;n iuiiiiatk-i; to ilia.; <•»!>»(.'.nt rd.-l uiu>aII [ifn.i l M [,;i..»ti'.«..('at-Wif-h to I"; in'a likf- u.uuiiiT hni.jtcl- i " ' l


:1^'l'J''; ,"' ""." "*- r

i-.l to lln- r..-.i'liriB «'f ihe I'mttst'iLl vcr-: *r!It»'rr^"'f ^ i f l V ^ a / j ' ^ l i r ' i ^ B t l l i t ' J


: DuM.iV Libl'; Itt.lH that ti,h i.

id. j

SEVERE COLDlain liiuited rif-ccssitiwBD<1 liotioraMo way.

niii)i c i ; l | / v l : Cu«3 l m l . mi , , l in • to l i ; , l,tu s i a u n l W <>ti«f Dr. J! . ; i™'. V>«UU« I>OJ,II

Hirnp. I t i. j , u M t UK<:iibkkuJ itvuetit ILcl i . l ti-mwlk. l imi i i for L'raelii, <JoU», Hn>».ct.iii. »i.<till»ffMti',tji<J|th<.'TI,fr.»torLm,'-,

Tlio .Vfcw V'jrk .Vun u y i tha t Will i / io ii,itiu»T!^,it'jCf.ijiami,l:urj, l>.iiiK <A• r e r ;I I . Tu«- ,1 , »III. it KUI.ix«<) I'. I * o ciWJ liMlinB. lu t i re , II c tm' . i I»il |« 1* o[ p i

] l i ' J J t t t o T f l b f t U U U t K i l l ' d U "' "



Chewicg and Smoking Tobacco,l'rj^». Bt-gtn H'.ldtrt, I'outliti, Ac.


UtU'.Urt K

C. S. Hd^'JivMr. :;•/.(.-,


Mr. V.'.lai


vv, uB«r~s; j ~

H l / .

line and 12.'Jd sirc-t-t r*« Tut*Iuy after-,jigryij, 2.JJ Ue was tuLt.ii tu tlic pluoe j

Win]eiTof"'Luai(iw ttrtot jail, uad bue j I-.L*tteni r e in U ill in ^ Iliiclaiuiei]ar two others, witli vLom Lio .lined.— | in Hit* J*otit Office a t Dover, N. .1 ,AfU-r jittMtitl KTcnl houre in ttic lioU-1,Twc-ed arid Lii fricudi wore drirtn atraj,il is wil llfit Xwttdi» Irtquenllj j*cr-uiitt&l to f{fj out, and that Ijf; Jint* withJJW family iti l:i« "wa JJOUM; two or tltreetiiutjt s Mi-(;k. His i'ri»au board and tliularum Hint ore *1KIWB him b j liiw ktcj>cfflctrtl liim twenlj-fivo a-JLirfa Jar.

Cardinal MeCIoslij- JUIKIC] in N««r

tlujj!. He iltciiucil n formal reception.Hi liflu crcrrwlit/o Irfcn rtwivej wilb

Ho fcars that tbb I'DJ>« it Atroug aud viy-cfjus, mid hui clisngu] ljut little nincehe taw litfl II Ti.-dr ago. Tin; Cardinal


ivk, iliilllollixr, 1'a.•I tlitalrtTfj I'iitnusj- "aJ. 'c "hit U!III:H lilt.

A. J;EK1IEU, V. 31.

j g rtuvlo Lin iln-t ui<iKoraucc I15 a'.'sifitiIUOM JL St. I'alnck'ii Cailiwlral ou

^ utBan-

<h*, at vbicb titae the Calbtdral viacrowdbd to itt titmont cai/acitj. Htrr.i*Io ati ur^ut »p(M-nl for foniJ* wit!)wltith to fiuiili tie new Calhc-Jral, whichvox reijjot J«l to hj 2 Iil*;rul colk-ctiuu,

Cbi*f Jimticfl ViaiUs Lan writtcjt n jjri-MU: klUx, a j t r t of nhicii hua hw;nj'-iWisiinJ, iu whitb he not uu\j dctliiieiVJ Itavt bis name untul in connection

ih id

1b- Unit«l Hlnlt-ft cat, lionoralily l>ecfitoca ca Dili date for t t e I'rwideDt-'j1, Jitu r n that tbc office camo to Ltm cove redWill ll/jDOr UUJ Wht-J lit* RCI!'.-I.tu] it Mi

thief 'Juir was uot to lanVb it ii hlcjiping

itV pariir, »D'l if jxwtfiiblc make bin imuiu

Oi^jnlic betels Mtio IOIJO thn orderofilicUsy. XJie Vahca lintel iu KanKmueiseo i« in f>41 b l u t Oria ittill Iwt«T i« projected in Ht Ix/uis. (Jettf.'irt: mill UJC'7 will liava a Mill laout in Chicago, ( ire, Jt will never illUi '.tt tbcM cities beat 2few Y«irk nniI'!iilaili;1ptita. In lest tlmn it ytar t>\iA tltr-ie treiceDd^ii* lioHlolriai will lirnruiiripio ifOndon, built willi Aonwo monc/, OD tliu Araoricau jiluu, to btMcTiaj v] on tfjo Awtncnn Kyktninf nmnu lionht -will hunt up niter tho Aran fanlimu.

Slate IiVinn,

"Jnclt" JuctBoo, » colored niait, 6'yean of ugi:, tiinl on Knmlav ut tlio rt«i-iltaee ofllio IIuu. AU11. Bmilli, ulSea-camn*, nml ft in hinted Hint lie in thoJa*t blaro in Hew Jen*/. "Jack" iofu<*1 to uncc-iit liifi HUrty in 1821), nbuthe laic AIM?1 Hmitli la&nuraitlid hi»lavcn, and Iinfi lived on tlio c-sUte CTU:itiutc. lfc Hiirvivcd LIM late mantcr nimyean, imd, in nccorilatica willi 51Hmith'n will, ho niw interred in tho fanil/ lot

The two young firls raeully arrcstci

List of LetterB remaining iu thePost Office at Port Orara, NewJersey, uncalled for.

{Jjx'KJffifcii Dd, 1"IIS.

Jfttuo i!nrnt,T. 1;. Clark,Hiflisi.1 Finu,J I I J J H Ji. Ucorfc,IV13. JfiRl.tiuJ,Win. f l a m y ,J!i« Auniu KiTiuM M . H. Kii ' j-ln,C l i M

Nsnui m t i II. Oirld,

IMwtnl ltcgan,MliwIUUItlltTuoWMn. Ann Hearf,!ffiirj Thotnw-2

, Ut*. JonnThomai,T l W b

« f>Miia

TliomuWortb,4Jcur#e Wtllitmf,

o( the al/,re tetter, u y " til-e date i,t llifi lint.


in 1'atonon fc y orrc

counterfeit ui l:y, wer« on Saturday cativictcil und BCU!

to the State Primm tot fbroo years.I'liej aro aged rcwpcitivfel 1 15 and ]

Jndfid Bctiilder hnn fceniciics.l a r<orBraucli rctlilctit to tlio Htato I'riwin f(one yenr for scllitiy nun without 1

TIICTO lira uei'ca cx-Oovcrnora of NeJcniuy nt prtDcut living iu lltoHtauiHainan, Price, JitveV, fJlileu, Parker,Ward, llnuOotph.

C'horlcH O'Connor, tho ctnlneut KiYork lawyer, lin« bneii lyinjf for HOI._

* fcroiiily frfck at his rctidenci..jisbltiffton. OnrJinal MeClua

kuj Jim jinfd lnm daily vinits *inco Fri-duy, nnd j/rajors woro ofli'ri-d /«r himnu HUIKIST m mofit of HIQ Catholic

• (Jlinrcliea of tlio City.

Tlm «t*niner SnntiyaiJp. munintftween Troy and New York, wan oilllirongh witli tUoico, Iu tho IladioD,Wcdtiumlny, nml tank. A boat capsized

- and cloven porsounwero drowned.

Mre. Jano Snulhcrlatirt o/Pic ton, Kara' Savtia, turn* nj> in Dominion t

l>or» IUI J'JO yearn old.

Tfic cold flenp 4Imt bo^an on ATontlaynight IIA> cloB4(I tho Krio Onnnl, thoIlndson Ittvcr from PonghkcjuJo to AN

Hoiiry WIIBOD'B only now dicJ iu 1800.Hln odojitod dniifiutor Evn iaa bttslitgirl ton jcurs old and ia now nt BoIiDoliniloilindnlo, Sfass.

iuitirii:p.Won'. .JII , l . lKO!.-- .U HJO M._E. I ' tnoot t

Kmlyim,1 AiV.rij1"!J.Sv• J 1 r'VnU*S!i'^ JciJiile

KAUGH-IUUTON-Ncivr.mi^r 2Jl!i, Iffi, _.ttiottMifcucfiofMr. I*. O'.Sif.l, l . y l k v . O . F .Api(irt J»nie» Kauuti of J'alurioii.eini I,

Lim.K—J.lCjL'IN'H— :,"(jrtfuli(T Mill, 1N75, bythe liar. ]'.. ]]. flrtijory, Arrt.iUI.I Liillu BH 'JJiii it, 1. ln\\\[u%, Ixjilt of Jiiirdtuirn.

WAKIi-VASinESIJINE-At tJiu r a n o i u g c L .Ittntllii;, .Vurtintjt-r Hlli, lirJC, I*jr Jlov. J . li.

riTTiKtji ; i :-hYo:;-; ; i jvti t i t*f i3iii, iftTtliuimia i.fccf-. and I,; tin, »wiw, J(,l,t. . . .J'ittiiiKcr uid Mint. Anna S(»ry Lynn, Ijiilh if

mi Jan

H K W l i r r - . U Ildchuwnv, nmm!.cr 2*1, lt.7.*!.Km in L., wire of Hamit'ijaiorrilt.inU ilm 'Itr of Jtinijili II. ami Klrina Ik-tcli, Age.

Notice of Application.- \ rOTICE li l,r.nljj- until thx\ nppikftilnn n1.1 U tnarlu tn llio u t i l l>i'lnbtNro or Xt..JLTBOJ tu CIUHRU the uimoof tlie Jr.ltcy ]MiningCottitiirij. 51-T—

Dov*r, K.J., l>cc. h t , 1S73.

Notice of Application."VTOTICK Ii h i rcby g !u n H u t apnl in l ion wiltI N bc tuaf r (0 |f,i>ncil I ^ f i i . i t J r c ol llioKlatonl.Ncn J . r i t y for an act 1o c b j I lT r i ioWi of Ilu M t l m i i t K l l

LOST--$10 Reward!DN HATUIIDAY KVESISn, Nor. Hili, 1875.

an JUukmll fit., or m thn ro»d leading loMinn IM1, i I'tJCltirr Jl()OK emli lalnf *I8ina 101110 IHIIU clunue. 'Ilia IIoiler Kill roedr*llio shore niritrJ in J tliu linci-ro ttmnti of tlie

COSdltovn si tu. CoSS,7"r at Si. J«l™:

SAYE MONEYlijr M:l,ili,>u 11.70 fur AUJ | 1 MaRStillO 111,1 TUBWEEKLY TIIMUSI' (r,rf,, ,„!„ ui

r i l l n l l l J b S B l l. s i i l nTIIIUUSE li,,BuUr i>

" I I I . J . W. CUI.L1MI.

OVPlCr. and IlEflliJErc!', i|ir«.lto the '


) C. AIAOIE, J r . ,


Oar, Blaokwoll and Suaaoi Sts,,-n,,, D O V E E , N. .1.

• V ; • • & ; • ; • . . • • • :



Sussex St., Dover, X. J .



TXTtil iric] KnHfjii-tDmcij, JjiiliffK' andIf Cliiim, HETH iif JE.VKIJtV , | ] rt,,w J cK tod at (ynj»ft]oreli].T itduccd |.nc«a.

CliiUrru'i toil Jl l iv ' t ' Car Itlngi iu Kroil Till-<.-tj. Gold and p h t e j Ktodi ind Nlfcro 1101-touB, at rtdurcd fifinfe*. Kilvtr l.injc* Kid'"LimMcir, I.uLUr mnj HiLlxm CL»in» fur lidici

ud g tn t i . Alici i cliuiue itlcctiuu of

SILVER PLATED GOODS.All nttrdcKigm. No uid itock. Cdli|['riEinsCMfrOlia, CAKKIJAHKfcTS,


Tt-» I'oti, Wailt-n, Hponn lit.ldcri, LJoNlcti,IlriiiLinj; Cil|)«, Y>ne>., CatllklU, l'io Knlw-i,Ntpkin liltiHi, fimokliiK tain, Knlvci. FurVi,*f)>o'>D>,ciiirjrfiii>1 Knirc» aud Fnrkn. \ c . M-rny« nn liaml n llnp •inortiiiftiit of HI'F.LTACLES, KYE OI*AKSJH, nnd GOLU PKSa.





CLOTHING.0VFJ.C0AT.4 from - - - Id to |2Cl'EA JACKKTHfrom - - tt lo O.G(SU1TH. - - -' tr totlt

TH'S OVEBCOATfl from - - (3 (o VYOUTH'S WITH •' - - *5lollCBoviSult?, n larff quantity. Tram (3.60 (o it

dents' Furnishing Goods:OriwtiH oiid HiilrU fnmi 33 to TO cctils tncti.

AudaucQCthl Block of i


way UtowXcw York pricci, At*o


Diagonals, Worstola, Vostiugs, Acmill l>f tlio yard and cnt prali i . Clothinc undoft order tn t to LM.II itjlo ind under ray nirn

ipsrtfilun. Don't forgut tbo )il»co,

WM. SIMON,SUSSEX St., near Illucktvclt

Notice !

vrl t ]TC tV.'n "sri'l J B ™r"l'.<: r«%vl i i> i •" a i d rii / "no t ij or'l;- :il)il fur tli D »n ic .



Lost!I'OPKLT ItOOK, eonlalnlDg'vtiliiitilo

ix^'fH, tnd littwten Iwnutj ami tlilrly—_.r« in iiiinicy. A nolu fur nno linmlreO anil

flflj ilolkm to ttie order of ailU-rtllmid wLicli••• l>ccn paid mj.l nf tin mo lo tlm (JuJjr. A

il reward will I* Kffftn tar tU rat iro. Ca.flwWreti I.AV11) KntYKElt, I r m l i , N. J .

or WM. A , HTIilKEU, Dover. Ci-lw


al iom I t \ C H B * cir I.AVT1vllliJUItKattaelKd. A ^ J y t o


il,!i_- y-vtmbcr Ttnn, 1875.Sc/f.ntrtra «. OJHIH, A U J ' I .

Smr J(.r«>*T Hainme Conrt—Jlorriii Conuiy—J> »i . A. liuelli-7 M. I»acrl L. JJ»J tnd fitio-

Nu'.jiia-Jta t S^nu, Att>*».

BYviitai(.i rll,*t«'-iit*vf KtutwlitritiofHrri

i l Vuiiix ViQtlu't: i t tk- 3Iainioti IIuu to Huttl,

MOM>AY. i U 3d\hv of JANUAIlT ntst,A. I). UTtJ, bc-lifi-i-n tlic L«afi *.f 11 M. »n.l 5' ).*•;. I'. M., tlm i> to t i t , at '1 o'il'>tt iu fh<

iTtX'rVkt S'IIU'MM dtf«iJiuVi"Viii awall tL'j*-.- c r t r io tracti or lot! of hnd IIK

il rlglilf, tug iun atuXmicbriitrj, iLtrtdnaDithertxju l)tiiiK or *pw-rtiininfc', blinate In tbiTtiwiiihlpofUonnt Ulire (rormertr lloiimry,ia tbc toaut r of Hfiirii, and Ktat« uf Ke* J t r -W;J", Lonutled • ad deicribeO a* folloir*;

Otic tract (if Iind tni-iiit n tb« "OiboroMini," doKrib«d in a dewl from Coraoliai 8 .I>ickenua ami wifti tu I*wii A. llucklcr, OaledNoTfemlwr iOil, WO, and rewnlodlD*

_ cwji A. ,il Kiylur and lancl h. Day,

dated Dtcembtr Stli, lbO4. atid rcconktl ID bwAA fi, \?/,\ alio dt'icribod ID % AntA ficm u l tJohn Uifxorn u t ) irife to u i d Lewi* A. Duck-It j , dmlcd Marcb 3t«t, 13C2, *uil reconled 1Lbook A C, p. iW, 4tid vtilcli aald tract of UnicbQtaim twtotf-tigbt tiinoly-oiit liundredtliiacre*, slid bcgioi in I tbWt L'sikoy'i Hue f t i tuf the hun«c, and m m theDcc(l) north wrentytbtQti d(-^rtci fnrly-fivK minutes we it forty-lwrrlnfim tu a trLitu oik ruarkc-d on tlio udothence (2) north fortj degrtta wcit fire cLaii

.'clock, 1'. SI.JESSE H




All ..f t t c tifcit-itt str 'e and paU.Tn.4 salco i t lo rt-Jm-u .lock.

\vm. ir. u-.r fLnrcb, and 277 Cau

S Y k

1 1 DBIEISOffS.Wti Invite vonr atteiiti-'iti t ) an Inspwli'jn o) |

Miritock. OUlt GOODS and I'MCE-i apf^k

Tor t l i tawlvif. Wo bny our EOWIH dirtci fmtn

tLc lowettt tniTLfets and f *y for Iheia in CAHII,

ami Into ukcu uuii.tual i<ain« tbi* scaann to

«blcct a troll BHorled Klwli of



Fol1 <)[» "I U

page S, i c . ; aludeccribedla »deulfrom JoliuDtlMjfti au<t wife to Mid Lcwii A. Enelder,

thence (2) north fortjtiKiiijtib-litlit,l.. to *klil; i l n o p) l


rtti waplo


it firerked

i b dtlied un tin.

dt^-reoiiitTfonr- - . -— »— r — — - « . . . . ' —-^ —- ^ » n " " * "

Ibirty cititaUe eait MivenieeuebiinmitT-fonrlinlu t o a hlckorj, coruc-r to John WilU'lujd jtbenco H) sutttli t ight dcgrtei tliirtr iniuutttKti.t l i i cbalui MrtnlT-oiic Hnki; llieucc (5}noatli tiL'btj-hii degree! thlriy minntc-i, H I IGfiuuu ilmiui Iu llitt uiiiiiiio of tilt roi i l ; iaeuce[Cj nut lii niactMn dtL-rtcg tliirtj roloutci weione cliaio twlnty-Uvciiuki In ibomiJiIlo of tluininnuJta*?niuTc\,*iui LoViloifll't mlncr; tLiuca (8) MJiitb Circnty-fiTc digrtei caat()

iBlm to tlt t i

i nljflT djihcc or ttcgJn

i l l heltvun ctiBlm to tlio jihcc ortaluing twtnt j - t i jh t nilicly-

gJnnino huu cdtbi

'llie ullitr t a c t a r land adjolm tlicctcrilxd "OaUrn Jliiio" lot, and trai __„fTt-dtotbc laid luracl L. l n y and tiimucl

Katlur, I . ; dcrod Trtim Kthon Caikcy datol15tli, ISCt, Jo iKwk 7, S, p. ffia, ind i i>o tlio roid i i t t r Joint Vmu Djkc'n and

Ixeliioliiff at John Van Dyku'ii comer In u i dread-now m a c U D Djkd'i—and nwi t ivnca- ' J O B tlio line cfltobcrt CaaVcy (1) north tivo

grooi ircRl twonly-llTC ctiaina ility-four liukia lilckory treo In Wtilfo'i line; now John

-uWiliiinM-tlitwQ (8) north «.)ghlj.|lir«o de<(,-rememt eleven clialni tblrtctn liokito in-Athi-r corner uoft of (.aid MclVllli«m«, in lluo ofJuhn Wult, formerly I'cter Hilmon ; t be nee (3)loittli nil dcprcp* «ait twenty-tltroo tltunaIbii-tj-firo links to John \tuW* corner, on tlia~- - ' "nimcrh I'cltr Haltnon ; tlicuco (4) loutli

ti-.two itncrcca n u t IWOITO clulna to theiltiK, LimtftiDing twinly-ioliiiiidrnlthsaoroi.ktbodjitti' rlfilii, tillo and In-

Drtila other tracts of Undty.fl'

AlHU, ill lllD<ltcrcsl iti all thatIn tlio TovruRliin or Jcfferioa, Morrli CoanlXenr Jrripy, and in tho Towmlilp of l iynm, —Ibo County of Sunaci, Kttr Jcmcr, nnil arcdo.ctlbcd in a deed from Charka UcVarlan anilwilb to i t ld liraol L. Day and Haranol Hiylor,StmcK Contty Clcrba Office in book H 0, S i&c, 8ahl Intorcil bcintf an equal nudM<loiilialf part i s mid lait named lott.

JEBHKHOPF3UX, Sheriff,Batbd October 31it, 1B7S. . il-Cw


WL iiavc rcHolvad to icduco the priced ofall goaU in onrllao from thli date. Our

atock ol CUOK1NU and l'Al.LOll STOVES U at)i tic have concluded to reniico it wilbII at LOW PJ1ICUK, nud a« <. further

reward to oar cnntoaicra wn ha TO BITS need aPltlZE fi>r cacli *loro TI\1 ned from one to tendollars <to.iTcri.-d witli eicli t loro. Among theleading p.ittorua ol J'arlor HV/ien will lie lound


Triumph, La Belle, Coral,





Also, IOLX xai:»?fl far ' .

BURKE'S Hot Air Range,



SHACKLETON'S Steam Heater.TYobaTomnloliMtliicwJtlinotAJrFiiniiccindUlcam a ipi-cial study, and, Itaco not filledl any initancu to giro eutiro'satlikcUun.

i» XJ TTZVC:B I ra- cfri ill Itr branclici. ItOOFINQ,

I1EPAIIUNO ind JOBUINQ NEATPlenty nt rcfurouccH g l«n for any of tho alioroorlt in t l i l ici traud ihronghont tbe county,

ALIiGN fc M0NINGTON,aa-i/ D O V E R , N- J .



T " oi"'v\lWHAMS ^JfEH^enr' writtt^" I In llnrmaniim, ANN KMZA h w t i | » M., , j e wotld. AH NO UTIIUIt WOMAN C.IibuKECIlETK, UVriTCltlLii md CKIMKSitie liorrible ituti-in of l'oljK»nty. fruin tli« vi-bf^nniu". Ktsrlf 1U> iilnilretiom licanlitin- work. Il U thn lest idling Lt»k pulillithi'ID.iXO more nieu iud women C-JII IHVU t-mpliv.

icat aud make (mm » to 110 diilr. Alllivc-n 'fnlt are writing for illustrated circular* withLAItOE TKHMrt. Htnt fr . t . Uonnt itclay, butiddrti.DUOTlS>,OILMANACo.,!Uitford,Ut,



Office nt CHASH'S


A L L W O R K W A R R A N T E D .17-2m


REAL ESTATE!Tlio saliserllicr, Ailtninietntir of tlia Pftlat

of Dariil II. Emmotis, (kc'il, will sell at I'aMicHalonn (lie lato imnliwaorsalJdtccasnl , utarCIIt-STEH,-N.J,.on

SATURDAY, Dec. IStli,1875,klt™o'tloctr. SI., tlic

SAW MILL PE0PEETY,conlalnlng 10 acred, upon which Is a mill In

Cl order and in ciocik-iit water power. Alto,bilf-iatercil of tho deceased in a t n u t o

as ACRES,... Uto roiWonno of tlio d s u w d , odjoluln

landi of John W< Tigor atij uthen. UJMII thii•—-icrty ID a

DODBLE HOUSE, BABN,*nd ether nothnildingi, (,'ood nrriDB otdoor, (food fruit. Ac. Tart I us clOHlrliiR t o : . .Hie property will call upon tho nnduninnod,one mlla noulli of Chcaler, on tlio rosdlcadincto Pt-apact. Conilltiom tnado Lnuwu on d

f M ' ° y N A T H A N E M M O N S ,40-Cw ADMINISTRATOR.


F n A N K COX roincelfnlk in ToUnion nnd artcr

MONDAY, October °4tli, 1875,


wy*o fonnil locak-d In tho btilliKncuf JOHNIlODEItlill, nest lo Ills oon- ilioc stora DU


Willi 111* rumuTal ho Las resolved to tiinko




la tliclr seflnoiiB. A !arno Block or meal In atall tlraoB kupt on lmml, j inl jtarlicK ilciiriii); toparclMW) iv qtuut i ty a t mm, can <1.> no nlrcdneed raton.

17-iy FEANK COX.

WANTED^. _talmlS slioolipaper, 15onTolope»,Boldent>on,(Miii Imldar, pencil, natcnt yard meaauro, aiid apioco (jfJdTolrr. Ulnglo pttckago witli elceantirizo, poftpafd, US CIM. Circular Tree. lilllDE

i Co., 7G9 llroadwnj, Now York. <3-4w

H. P. SANDERSONfB now ready again fnr Iho Fall nml Win

I'ladu witli a hrt't-ly liicreanud itock or


k Hnrfaa, U to a. nittwj-ftpoljtH, 7-8.n1J.ibi, 9 | to IUI. Itlm*. 7-tt lo 2| , Hhafts liiil't

..illiciTt-, rolM. WtckYiikcii. Bnek IHinnuraHlufpU Runnon. C m U t o Itowa; olxo Truck.Lif;ht and Hoary Y> hccln, at wliut I factory ratoa,

AJio, all klndu of "• •


lUvlncIifld a long ciporienco In tlioCarriagoIluslncss enables mo lo Ins \ cc™>—>»"i 1-1-.of any arliclo connected with t]—. , favorlos mo with tliclrnrilctB majrtlrnnonnir famishing thctn uliu an arliclu

b; ubliiinlat'auT O*" I I ? JC '





l i t lNTS, MOfiTJN'H, A-p.

WrliiVL-lbt-1»4 ai.«,rlnif nl i.r


In tw foinul in 11,^ .Slul.>.

300D HORSE BLANKET for $2,

AND.AXV rilKT UP TO lir,.




iiuf-ltiiii-rv. i i HOT out :•! the



XortliiTii >'ew .Ter.scj".

Ai'count Hook Hradinss,

Dull Tlrkcfs,

Biinli .Notict's,

ilomls mid Cou]inns,

BOOKS,Dill Kciiils


iBUILDERS' HARDWARE,I.OL::S. K T H . ~rn::ns. ni.vr. IKUIAX.

' !.IMirAI'£ OI'B. «IAIS5,ic.

Mechanics' and Farmer's Tools.

U-U: t> , fllO\XLS. l'ICKii. ASia, TAIILEA^D POCKEr Cl'ttX!!!'.


IIOIK- SL-xi and Nail*, Carriage D^l?, i c .



I Hay, Straw and Feed Cutters,






IIluiiU l i e n ami Ki'fn l'itlcfl.


S. II. BEERY,Blackweli St., near Morris,

DOVER, N- .T-DdTcr. Aa^a.t 30th, 1S75.





Tliu bilks anil gcQlhmrii v.-jll ] i l ^ s e b.miiiil Iliul I;. J . IIOIinilTH"


"llio TO? bent ill the worlit," ailvcrj in pnlielinnil eraecful In Hhajw ; alio I10UF.RT31


l ' O C K E T C U T L E H Y

SCISSORS a n d H A Z O K S .





Stove and Tin Ware Store,



1UIE RtibBCTibrr tat.cn pliiasnro in Inrnnnlniftho d t k c u . or Ki:;<-atimna and unrrotlud-

• connlry, that hu linn cittaliiljiliud a iil tin nnru is tali Hi. lira cnt at tlio nlmvn M-.tier tho BiipurvtHimi ut Mr. J . HJIITH. veilnwn Dt an ex|>orionced *,«vo dealer ana tin-

mllh. The Rtnclc (.f gotiU t-'itii-itilini,'«r I UatcHt nml most improvid


X i p»^"» Ve, a?oV.! i,b,t • is,,;; °,»' •*»*»',"», »•» » ' , n a-«*'i™;•raonBy cnuiiBli to cover tho Braonnt Yonr P'*** »«w« ««d cJitmt*. Call and «to onr Ooodniiatronsec is reBiicetfully ndicltml. * w-'furo inirclianfug cliiwliero.

n. p. SASDEIWOS. JOS. J, C0R"\\TN.Op|K)9ifO D»TJOS. J, C0m\TN.

Saecesuiiria, N. J., Oct. Slit, 1B75. 45-S

Kills of Fare







P R O G R A M M E S ,

Monoj* liei'oipts in Books, Pnssng*

Tickofs nn Curtis, rrices CniTcnt

CiruuliUK, Policies., Fire niul

Life IDS., Restaurant





ami everjUiiug imnginalilo in tbc JOB

PRINTING lino. Give m n call, exam-

our prtcca nnd Aee our specimens.

STKEET,littly f*rtjpi(J 1>y ] | . r . Watttr*, I nliall l e|Ii i s . J tn Bee til mv olJ frit nil 3 t t my nowijiiiriire, wljtrc with inerci«il room mul fadl-ill... I ara Wticr al.lo to nwt t l idr wuitst.

OYSTER-Sin all slylts, e n l Lj- tlio (jnitt nr mnnL

rARTIES, HALLS, etc. supplied.*ME.\I,S at all lion re. £\tw<n Tur [.arlits at

'Jlie Uot btawls c.f«lffav«0n LaritL

SEASON, 1 8 7 5 !

Headquarters of Morris Countton


X past natroiiafie, would rnspt'ctnillj call llnntiuntlr.il or tbo cltlacmi o[ fcovirnnd viuiuil1toouooftho


PLANTSlo bo fitunil In tlio State. I liaro on lmmlnil flBBorlnieiit of riaiil«, Viopy mi,l ^lirub

iK'rjmiiaiilefiirthii Climafc, wliicli l a m pro.- w a l to fumbh on abort iluticf, mid a! Hi

iv juices n« can bo fouml.I'ortiGBwiililiiR to iiimliiuo aro rcijnosted to.flmliii' my mock.ncronoiKEs SUPLli AVE. Cor. 1'finHY ST

Mori'islftivn, S. J . ,OJIICM luHat TcaKtoro, corosr Wurro.. ™

5 t S J itrMt<!' Dol!lfr*.*HI WMITO JiraSp'



Hardware, Iron and Steel,




MORBISTOWN, N. J-A c o m t c n : STOCK (if - .

i Ware, and"Hoiiscliceping Goods.

TAINTS, OILS/GLASS,»l,.l l lannhcltmn' Arttclt, BcUcnlir.

Lime, Cement, Plaster,

MiirrijiluiTi], Sopt 23a, 1674.

f JJioe, it.,1 aU

o a n . T o o n H B : i ,


nilOOKSIDE, K. J.fuca to f

ng bnitiiiun,' wnutilbli

iwclfnllj- liifunii lliog , k H j c liblio tlint IIII ltm ]inrcLatcfHEW and II<\NDS0ME HEARSE,EOtliernith hot-mn, nml all tlio iipccuBarr

tinlpmtnl^for ilio BIICICBHIUI earryioff(it) of tlio buiincsd.

lET.U, CASKETS, COFFINS,[IltODn.S, ICE ItOXF-S, niMluvcrTtliliiRper-h I In Iho Inilu. I >l,all n.akJll , „ , l ,i».

Rivfl m.v pmmiiil nltcnllnn In nil cnarawllul ami itiil cnilcnvor lo meet all

T.|nteincnli In He k ' l l maimor, al Ho ln».



BILLIARD ROOM,nttuclicd to tliellcsinvraut, with

TIV0 EREGAKT TABLES,aloys kept in good order."

. GEO. A. IlLANCIUKD.Apri Dili, 1375. 17-lf


T \ r . E 5 9 GOODS,

\ILKS, CAHlmmEK, KAIN Km SANS, BF.nOBS,cm, ropusH, MEIIISOH, vi:i,Yi.-rs, cniVT u 'una,rcLLUHTH, OiiAKISOfl, RUAWU, PA IS LEY AND

DROCIIE; HI.VCLE ASD SOUDLR BUXEET BlIAS .AXD Domanc, BEST o o u s n co i rrcoooiH, OLDVFJI, nojicnr, LUCES.





and al. Li ml* of FANCy LAI* R O B E S .JIOltSE KLANKET8, Clark's Benulno 110Ii.SECUlU'tSO JIACIIII--EH, Cli])riue Bliura andCotnltf, 4 c , *ud *U goods purlilning (o i],0' Ifi] BOSS.





DOVEB, N. J.xaimraCTUBrua or


TANKS anaOBE BUCKETS,constantly on Land.

nEPAIItIKO PROMPTLY A1TESDED TO.Iteftr to Morris County Mnclilno & iron Cn.


Cor. Blackweli & Sussex Sts.





Wonltl aiiiiounco to llio Lnilicn thai tUoy liavojiml opened n SlTEltU BTOUK of

DRESS GOODScomprising thd latest styles In


Mohairs, Cashmeres, Alpacas,


T U B DUULBVAItn S K I R T catirol}- mand clcgnul. All kinds or


OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENTis, as usual, eoiiiiirdienslva and well assorted.', Tlio lliiust fjrailL's or





l'AKCX C1H0CEME3 ot nil klntls.

BOOTS and SHOESbrstlnler nir, l» tiiu.nillr larco ami «ol

lelrclta. Jlnuubqieti irll] Hud uur

CROCKERY & EARTHEN WAREtlio best in this section.it.toa»itllO

All at prices that «r



~J '

Aiminsler, Velrct, Drnsiels, 3-|,ly, I i l c ,« l n

ottaBo, \V.ol, Dntcli, It , , . „ „ , n ™ , , Ca re t s .U n d n m . , Oil ClotLi. t>f E » c l u \ mid Amor.

»nmannrjct» r e i Slat,, ling,, D r i r o t , , Sliadalollatds, SliaJo Piilares, l i r e D C ( I O r , , , , , , ^[assorts, Curtain Materials, Ac.lYo mate and lay Carrot, «ut and lay Oil

a»tli, nn toand liaus, Shades, and B , , , , . n t c 0

•liu tvork well douo.

W S. J3AI3BXTT,HOnitl.iTOtVS, K. J,


M. 4 1 . SEARING.A.


S l S f A CLU1S knem «liat llio; all «anl.

Constantly on liaml tbo best assortment of

Watches, Clocks and Jewelry.NOD designs or SOLID SILVER mil SILVERPLATED M J U ; inlUblo Tor ireddlns preunts.

FOEKS ASD SPOONS.Articles for table use at greatly rodneeil prices.


FAIBCHILB GOLD PEN,nsarpaaseil for fluency end gomira] cxeelltDEspecial attention ii given to tbo


EEPAmiNG A SPEOIAXTT,nnd oil natch ropairln? narranlcd.


The New EmpireHot-Air, Ons & Hnsc-buni-

iiig Cooking Stove.THE BEST DAEIKO STOVE IN THE W0IIL11• Also, a Largo Assortment or o t le r Styled •

or CouViug HtoTca, llaiiBt-^ PnrlorStoves, Ac ,

FOR SUMMER & WINTER USEAUo, a cliotco slock of

Hai'dwnrc, Cutlery,-Ola*, Wooilou, Co|i]ier, 1'laln atid Japanned


Oil Clollis, Carnots, Lamps, ra lnta ana Oils,rd CsRes, FeaiW,i, l>mlfa Aalral Oil (lionIdulni . ) Also, •'. ' '


Hoofing, PlnmWiig and JoltWorkpronipllyattomlod lo,


'•'nirltaitk^a Bcnlts u i niautifiLC-t u r c i ' s p r i c e s ;

Ol.l rrnn, Comicr, Brass, Lead, Itapi nnOQnaiitNictifl taken in eu-Liinco for Bonli.

wares IT. IHIUEX ,t Co.,Kocliaivay, Jlirvli 1,1873,


•UNDERTAKERS, 'At <ho Old Slan i l a n Sussex St . ,

D 0 T E P , N. J.fliUE snbscribars, liavinp roccnlly rnrmiHl a1 o..-|»,l1,,.,,l,i1,in ilietmium il,,™ men-onod, would roanoctriilly Inrorm ILo publiclift tlira «ro now lioltu prepared llaneior to

[iillil tmrlal ordera with tho utmosturoniptncs*.riie very best a ra i l la icnow bronflU to boar

tho preservation o t tbo diail, u id ollior Im-orenirnli in Ibe buslnisa will be toand in onrsscsjlon anil practically tested wilb tbo mostllsfaclory results.

fOlf). BUTCRX J . 8e*nnin.




SUSSEX St., DOVER, If. J.Tlic BKitacrlbcr liai opjjncd l o a t i wlicroln ftl

pcrsom ileniroug of diipoalDg of tlitir hooatind lots, or my rral citato of irliatovcr cbivrnJ-r, miy giro dcaariptluna ot tlluir property.

.Oil vlicra tlioao doniroilB of pnrcliailuc mnyImlalijtorproportlMforBolD. •

Several proportlei havo clrcmly been plocrdi my l.audi for ailo, dciirlptinQB of irblch nil!ipoarn«tweult . ID-tf


M/vittunofouronlrjrortbe Court of OliinceiTr KBIT leney. ntudo on Iks i l t j of Urn dilo liorc^f

nw llierrin pniiUns, •wberoln EHwbetb A.H h l i piillttourr, *tid Jon ero darcnitut, yo«

in licroby commanilnl la »ppt»r»oJ iiletul, rttmur1 »D.ircr to Uio letltinuem mliUni, on orl»roroolelitocatli day or J«nairy unit, or In default

not tneii iimreo will be mule m»latt jou*» DIDUtnrcllnrihdltliiakfHiiilUbla uidja i t . -Tie MliI i»Utim li mod icUnil jon lor • d t t e tn•nui theUiinqi nfnmtrlmnnr. . • . . _ ' .

WTLLIAK T. lETOItT, • -Eollclior of fctllluner, Dorer. V. J-

Kufcrabur Jitli, i m , - GO-4*.

Page 3: CLOTHIHH HAIL. · \j, orumil Furnishing Undertaker UCUMED AUCTI0S13EU AND COSIHIS-HIOSliK 01' DUEDS, Carriages and Sleighe, fCTCir DcM

IRON ERA.Jlr. David Tuiflii-


, Vi-ill MIA. M - i " " " 1 * tol'"""-ll""1"' r,,i!,iir.ii>ri-»,2-""''-M ; BD«IO»

i ; i | J ' " ' - i ' i r ' »•: Mm.*""!""11 ' ^ l " 1 ' " .

gagSE."l.liu A. il.; »o*«r Ex-iutiHlonu Moll, 7.30 A.IGA.H.j Jllimliamptonrough Mall, 2-M P. M.;P .M. ; Euitoii Accoui-


A. M. 1*. M.G.5D 8.GGC.G7 4.157.03 1.110TO? 4.40

itfo 7.11 4.&0iwtlonMfl 0-05

iVirtOram 7.1_»

ChesterllortonIrauiaHncenmmniMcCaii "

7.11 .17.2G S.US

feekly Statement of Iron Orews SCALES, VIA

M \ E H. B- T O P E N K 8 " - ^ " 1 4 ' M B

jiV r m w . « EHWHO Tiimmiuv

081 183.B13 01

] 258 00

ONAND AFTERJAN. 1st, 1876,

THK IRON ERA,FI (.nicrdc-llnnid to mil.icril.ori i t Ilielr r




All »B* i t i


Tlit ikoiins ] a I1U o l 1 t ' t 0 lK)l t l1 n l m c t ! l °lil'lHlt.

A KUO.1 imrsB beloiisinir io Mr. Win. I t . Junen

ili.il :<*ti -nlnj'tk< Sir. Hlller is holding uslru nicotines BI

9Un5lirfKkUiHo.Jail Uctncr Untla aliot a innil ting In Morrin-

t,,wtl WtilllMilll.V.ThsflHtleunrtlmMiulBrttiu'cutwl (ir tlio

csnal MI Tui-iJay.licviul meolltiffs aro in ywztvitU Ibo Jliiun*

(MI M. K. Church.The Moruied Church of Uooutun realized

wrlinoliyiiroceiit fair. *Tors l:iiid«'Min linlliiuy jint'jiit go, lo ll.irria,

lheJi'il(jkT,ttllKBOI»treol.fnJaimarv tlmt Ibo IIION KIIA adopts tlia pay

UVrofirol to Irani lhat Mr. Wm. II. Muu IBii»a)ii VL.,V ill i t MB Immo on arnnt "treat.

Attoniiyninicrel Yaniiatla In. convalescingfrom » rccL'iit aiiucli (itiiilormlllont fever.

Tit Newark Cu«Ti'r«uei> wilt cquvtuio on theHtli of Mareli, Iiulcad ill May, as stalou" last

Tl« rieiiant Grove co.nBKg.iUon will RIY*HOT, )lr. Hunter B duuallou t i n t Wednesdaytnab | .

TIH: I", If- C. A. prayer moo I In R to-morrowafltruoo:i nill lo couducleil by Air, AlLrldgo£, Mill.

Hie mm or fij,500 has boon a»BO»ned uponIk Newark M. E. Gwifurcncfi for missionary^t\*Au fur 1070. • . •

Dr. J. H, Forrovr of Flandurs will erect a rosl-iltororurhiiniioir tho coming BC&IOII on a lotiKeail; puri'liBBcri,

AJlurriBcnuil lioatmnn got drunk, fell faceduvnratd in four inohcB nf wftlnr at l'm-t Dels-»ui'i mil na» ilnwntiO. -

GIKHI little bays nud gtrlH nro flocking lu ilicSunJs)- rklioul. Btrait[jQ huw they romewber(rein one Clirttliimu lo Another.

iNuiyaliuu nna cltmed UII LaiO Ili'jmIut ftliinliy. Un Monday nltjlit Hit- HIjiri c! l!w Inko wta frozen over.

Tk Jimlli Mountain and Don ton Xtu'ilrobdnil] aik tla n«jt Lcglntdturo fur aotliurlty tuitniAhto with (ho N.J . Midland. "

WuliaTcrouelviiij ilibi wook OBIIB from Bro.ViiircnflhojDncyuuD find Bro. Ouril.ItioDnllctiu. JSotb aro always Volcanic.Tui'ko [xnonabavutbUB far profit and enu-

union al (bo oxlra mooting! In tbe StanhoperrcstrUrittu Chnrch, Hov. J. J , Crane, paator.

Hie Knrili Jersey Iron Company aro to ion-I*ml o|wrii[ona UT llio Winter at tlio " ~Miiir,Cni'itor,bnt Drill boo'ptho pumpi worl-nig.

Kr. Frcl Juukinti, or Unlotivillo, li • been"fiKolaiorpuiUt of tliu Cbonfof Prtsbyler*l«n Cliurch, vlcu Dr. SFallifoi), removed else**btrc.

Thct.Liirronce, ESIJ., or Uauiliurg, fiitborvMr. Mail lanrencc ur Ibliplst-c, baa booitinted a member or tbo SUtti UoulugfcalDoBid.

Ur.Htlnekcn, wJille piiMlnscvcr Meudbamnigbt, draw a roroKur nnd

tramp vita lijd domondedtli money,

WiftliT Frccmao, vHh ttio aihUtancw of aPMwui rontrlbution by ITr. Tliopdoro Ayore,C"etholrami>a in tho work bon»o a- • ThanksAll* dinner.

»ooier»tiaioiiB thief tho-oilier ulubt BlobImmQrargoHoylaofrort OramsovuD oblctt-mi, tatiio of wbicli wero prizs tpwli a i tlia rc-KBtSIMoFslr. :•-'._ ' - , ' '

h Centennial Knpprr, for. tbe boned t ' orft«tosw IVoibjluUtt Ohnreh, will takoiwoniitfl resldonoo or M F . I H M SdtoOoM,Tucs^r.Uct.lita. ' "

TlicrcvlTU USAUHS I" llio Mine nill Tretby-"rtan Oinrcb, Heir, J'lorco nQgors, iiastor, atil!«ulfnnti( and has mul tod In abaut 100 ac-

work Blill goca on in tho n o c t yh d lian reitiltsd la nc»r)y a lion-

About tliroe rourthH uf Hie

«M. AnSl v . CutUr and hdy y j n t i o Wish-"Eion oa Tbursdoj, for tUo CongrtMional

™ - Tlicyaro i>loasantly. locaiod .on CunltolMintLoftmiiyctauoldfrlond.

Mr- Julius LOWIB, of Kow toric, lias icosfJ•w * ore room, ou H B » . I Btrwt, tonnoly occu-JI]W l>y liurjiby, lho batbor, aud IIBB opened*™ • uloci Blaek or faniy goods. 'ff« Itwn that lfr. j i J3. Seh«a» ia about

JJJJmnwdMAlB fraw« (inildlns lioiic-bu-" ^ " S to plus Ly Mr. A. ltdwI-oD tbo prop" ' r a«t to lii. iioro on SUBUCS Blraot.

Apelllioul, drcaUllnff among llio Molbn-JJ Clinrchea c f ' i l , 9 K i m r k Conforence,«?"B for the rcdact'on cf tbo nnmbor or lTo-" H Elilon.'DiBtrlota froni flre to Ihrop. '

* • Jolm 0 . llaso thli wcok purcliaaod orJ-TrulMi ibo old U. E; Church lot and edl-i C | " " ^ P of Bancx and McFartau itnieli.

K*epaw, ff0 ucdorilaiid, was *I,8P3.

Itif'a?™4"* 0I1 *»tHPiIijr Uat i brakoman otIS-TIM • * • * w W w » B d Draco, Hcldaiii-

J M batmen tbo a r i ' u f t i ^ l i U arm BC

^ "iiilioa t b a t ; , n u ) a | n uon w £ .iopcBwry,

. ? ? n l » l l l « » of;il,a Melliodlat-EiilsM

S u h c i aloain lLl11 v w i n l ty IIIIW fc i° l

Monlla/ a * « " * " » • HI-OIIOB" on tbc flril

gqicartrlilgB from a ro-

""cyman JoariiB from Jitiw Moiieo

^ ] j , IVUIJjon, for-pitinUff, havo been

md robbed lilm of 131,Tho rol l era cf cipcd.

L 1 ] >

irjiL'iiKc, Ml rmn'i tin) uuir lm.tJin;; uul W'BI,uitu luiliy bruiMd t lunt |!IL- fiwi'.1 Jio ciIniiflMiii iLiiimu {.'ousi'i'vniury j>!£t no^/

Int. Jullf IN ui'rLiii:!/ (li.'iurviiii; DIIIK; lliai,^nfoll ul.u IJ.IB:, BIOIIB linsstx bliuot n.r tlio'pjctiifk- lliut uU-jrod tliuln to uiliuii'j.

Mr.Wni. Miiinu. tin ttutiux mitct eliiiliii-r,»rts In hii-tlit, ft'tniurcaiupaltfiiwitli uu as-iUuii.,,1 (,r n-'udv-niulu ulDlhlii);, nail u sitn.li'KouJ, fur L>intuiu "ruik tint eiu not bc bcut.(Hi Ilia ncu E-drcrtiscmcnt, nnd tlu-u call on

I'l.e Dnlloltu ia?-ii tbo nt-w nllk factory ntuoiilcin will bn c.jtorttion in a fuw u t t jg. 'xliu

boiior lioiiae is coni|ilolcj, Uio I nil or put laaud tlio plfrfji in |dacc. Tlm building la tu bo

caltd by ntuaiu. Bilk Iiai already bci<no*(;n.

Kre. ll, K. Hnrd ii lajlug in Uor nouk ofliol-id4y toys and caufoolinncry, winch we aro miroKid Uu welcome uown In all tbocxpoctaut II tlio

about town, 'Xha dUplayla moro beauti-ful and moro cuuipruhtimlTc, if poiilblo tbanc\or before

Mr.H. OhiriMun, urtUcDooultnBullutln, is acandidate fur ttio uftteo of Reading Clerk or Ihenext UOUBO of Aanomiily. Wo know cf none

'Uo wnuld nil tliD poiltiou bettor, or wbom wowould moro gladly KDC occunying It than Ilrolli-rOarriiou.TliennniofOrani.niiuco A Co., and WhIU

lock A LOWK invo uncaRcd togottior in thobutcber IIU IIIL'HO at Port Oram, under tho firmnnmoofOrain, LowiaACo,, nuil fur bettor fticil*ilffa liavtt crtctod new Mlau^litcr IIUHHUB usarthat plnit1.

Kxtremo Winter wcntlier ant in tills ton tonIwo flava prior to lliu Cnlomlar lime. Dnrlni;lho nfjjht ul Monday tbo tboriniinioler wont

ii tu ivllliln Iwo dt-'grceu uf znvo, and eu

grooM nbovo.

rnh'tLSfllioii or Ibo SutcaBii ima H. li.Church will BIVU Uiuir imulot, Itov. O. II. Wiu-allB, a Donation Vidl mi Wtdiiinday nftenioonand oTuufnii, Ouo. 8(h. If Ibo above day pruvca

f, tlio vialt will bo given the find fair da j .All aro invited.

lllliH I>aruula, a iiiasoii, baa a bill or t'MHjaiuBlDfliilol Diuwand Ima iirncnivil an ai-iaclitiicnt un tlio jircperty of tliu railroad man-il I u al llailisnn, couniiitiiis of 123 acrcH, ad-olning Drew R«>nitir,ry, which la ulrdadyiiiorl-j"fiuil for »TO,«JO.

Janice i;anHo.v, tLo lalKiriirwlioau HLUIIWSSbmhou In au ncciiliml nt tliu lialiur in I no, bislad a, plccu two lucbus Hquaiu idnovud and HIDLpcrluro Irqianticd by Drs.Coudict and Oum-uiiiKi. At latu«t acc«:iuln ho nan doing ••

noil an could bo uipcalud.

a will bo coon by rowtrd offoroil olHonlieroi. Tlioii. Coearovulast H.ilnrJay lost n[H)t!kot

book bctnrccii this place and Mino Hill, contain-ing nbont US. Tliii Bitm coniiiniias tho bardtat'L'd earnings nfn ilOBorvlnf itotklnir woniaii,and w« liniH! thu flndur nill prnmplly re 11 ore It

ibor.Die mumburB of Fnilontloil Hook and Lad-

der Coni]ian,v aro coHditlng a lilirar.v fur tliolrroom ><t Ihu ouginp tiouen, and au>'tlmiii nill bn thankfully received and

publicly ccUiiowlodfed. Mr. Hjilinim LhiO-tlcy1inBalru.itly promttcil tliu Imyn iritU I'HCl« flf VIlllllllIK.

A Kuutluiunn rtini Boon Ion, ivhnio nnmo nolid nol luurn, \rM In toirn one day last tverfc,-lth a new cilcfttrlu tun I or that lio lta.1 InvoiitciililL'b Kocini'il tn jilisnn nil wlio naw it. Fo

running cburiiln^ maitblnoH, HUM'IUK mnciiluoE•rllii'K micblnurj, it IH said In he i

cheap mid ft<iod \nwar.

UT ppiloral rfDldcnco fur llt-v. W. A. Jt.Flomiug, tMilnrorSt. Barnard'* Cliurch ur Kl.TIopo, ia bi'iiiR on-okd nu tbo raid betweentint ].huo iiMjlJni;li«wft.,v, It will bo a vary Qiilniciuro, Clotbie in Hlylo, ami ufll roit batnocu

13.000 ami HtlAn. )lr. H- IL Mo t lm, of Jio.-kt-ty, has the building contract,Mr. Wm. A. Kuhonuk, tlio operator at HacV-LUtuwn, who kludly furuLbtia u> wltli tvockly

roportaof Ihe oro pissing tho llaokstUt.. Tell from an ouelno Uii Saturday and

rcculvud qnilo acvoro bruiiun aliout thofaco audiliewhore. Wo aro fflnd to loarn, lioworor,:hat tlioy woro not of* ucrloui nature.

ItoY.tJuIiuti, Snoin, an old preacher of ihoNewark Conference, nlioio dualh vie noted Iutwcok.iiruuchudin tlio Nowlou circuit thlrtj-BOTOU ytiarH ago. lie wai born al Cheapi'"near ChatlinmVnnd hla fa llio r, Matthias 6walo,wlio recently died at tbo URO uf 99 yean, nas

ne or tho vartloU Uothndlitu iu Now Jersey.Theodoro Van ZaniJt, a Now Yurk haulier,

w»a"run mat by tliu Tbroueh Slail down ony nrlernoon, at llio Si rriMtriwn Hlatton,

and inttaiitly killed. IIo attitinptoj lo Rnt Antha oars wbib tliu Inln irai In motion, hint liblooting aud fell unrtur the BII^IH, which namedotor blBubegt, uaHfiig bii body couiplnldy in


TUu tcstimor-j in tho cuo of Iho QloudonIron Comimny *B. Conrad Popiioubcuson'ami tlio AtidovLT Iron Cornjuiiiy, ronpoct-Icg tho division Una bolimcu tho Allen audTeabo jno'iiurtlei, \x now bolug lakcu bufon'~ i. T. Luport, MuHtcr in Ciianctry. It hm

n goin^ on, at Intiu-valx, fir a number ofmonths.

Hr. B.1T. Ualtox, tliu Ibulnwuy builJar,now cn^acoil iu oitctiuff throonowcoiUgGn iitio Donrfllc Camp Ground, ono fur. Urn.Youngi of Uolvidui'o, another Tor Me. John P.Carr5;ofNeivark,aud Ihatlllnl rorKunieo A.JlcLtml, a ttnelicr in ono of tlio KewsrkBcbools. Tucaoinako toncuttngca Ur. Mattelias erected ou tlio grounds tlili BOHBOH. -

Humiltnn, engineer of tbo locouioli'on tuo llfliorni* OIIIID Hallruad, and fonudrly a

.-U-kiiowd paulncov on tho M. & E. Division,died at ills homo lu liouliaivaj' uu Balnrday[atI. JIu wan a vroll cslconiiid oitLion, Bnd tojMierally liked In bia provision tliat a «pco!iltrain nai run fnin lluhutiun uu Tuoiday thi t

i-iils rriL'Udi might attend tha funorul scrvlc

The ltailruad llovlvulials, who IIHTO met wllbmch aueceu nt l'oi t Morris anil HaukotUtonriivo boon jtivllul ipanai.BUt lho revival in tli

M. E . 01111*0)1 iu tbi* piafip) an{| will iw hero onHunday, Ibo l'Jtli, nnd will condnct wonnflcrnoou and ovening (ITVICCJ. l l io band:onflil|M flf llvnrB. Day, King, Keunan, Oi.rBul.WriKht.fiaiigrurdjQHmuH and LalJ

Mr. Wm. Harris, .nt lifu nia( Jotfulry plorJttsuci Bticet, bai au asBorltacnt of gquda ault-itlo for Ilolidey jiroatnU wlilcli are wurtliyllio ImrM-nlfon Of all- ty bis new adrorttiw n t it will bn icen' tlmt ho IMB (irery tilingbla line, and to our thinking po flujr stork ofii!vur waro nn nnyirlioro ho fonntl-rcorupr!a> It duos ttio latest uorolilou iud iiowcst

gllB.Mr. II. S. Lo Van, Snpcrintondont and Ti'cns*

urcr of tlio Lchlgh Valley Iran Co., ami thoumamrt l io IrfVaa property at Ogdon Mine,liad four or bis ribi brnUn by being lluriunrbU imgoaat Itoltcrtoirn, Pa., on Jtou-day. Mr-1"> Van ia about 70 yt»rs of ago. ItBQnorally btfcmnotl atnona irou men, and al:mil 1>e pained t» bxir (if tlio niUfortuno tlmt

IN lii'hl in liio I'liBh.vti.-riiUi Cbnri 'b a tIlniinlmi, on Tljiirwlay, <J!li inM. T1KMIIH.»11IJIISlo hrt tliMiiHHt-d o r e : 1'irm, "What aro tli.)

- Tbo Morris County Ttncliure Annual !U,.U-tnlo (till COUFCIID iu Iho pulilia ichool buildingat Morrlntcwi], oa Wodneiday marnltig, Sec.lEtli, and contluuo till F;ljay aftcrnoou foliov-luff. Tlwrs«f))al>v boa njMiiu? of DiittrictSchuul TruBtooi in tbo Bchnol buHdinR (9 tjjiil)l»oo to-day. Ualli or tbdo mcatiotis «lll L>o orgroat imporlftnco as inaltorj concoraloff tho

j Contouial will bo Okzimm],

Jlorriu Couuty Lodge, I. O, of O, y,, ruoultal Port Oraiu on Wtilnvaday, Deo. l tb r Aa (lijaUtltOBuuual mealing far tba el cull on of offi-cers, a good roprcHfntntion from tbo lodgos I"expcclid. ]lor. W. C. Dlikoileo, of Ilockawaynill deliver a tcpipcrancp lecture in Ibo OToutnp,and' thu Rockawaj QIaa Clnb will fnrniiliniuaic for Ilie occablon. Tbe general jmblloiijmltod to attend. AdmlBsiouf^c.

Bptjcinl, ou tho p , Ii. X W. ro»J, was Ituriudrbillfpiburg on Him dor, aud ft epwia) (rain,nhlcb wau well allod with ui» frjeuil*, rrau runfixta Iluhakcn to attend lljo urviciti. Iftpycimc from Ucriutoa BIBO OU B, traiu wijk-h UOQ'nDCtcd at WasLiugtou ivitb Ibo ouo wo IIOTOmcnllousfl. Tho deceased wai an old biiglucoiun tlia road, aoi* wo» ereall; respeclud by faileampauipni. A fuff ffionlbMigoho mot withSB injury by bis onfincruiinjoff effan uiubank-IDCiit, rroW P10 i*?^a'l nf trhicb birocorcrftl-

Ttio mwvaltuf peboo) lav, now in full furcein tbo Stato of Now Jure a/, rcqalriia pjronleuardiauH who bava cblljrou under pigand over flvo yiars of nst, a ml or Itinir aTIIIOU, to Bond tliclr children at lait twolropeeks in eacli yoar. Ttioin wlio don't camply(ritbthou rorjairomonls nltl bo compotlcd toray tijDoortWforfJclJ offence. Tlio proioatBaiiool yoar commencod Luguvt fflr 1XT3, andWill cnil Bcptenpljor I, JB70. A reader, shoquoati m t> publish the foroRolag, mlunb»t would bs tlia rcenll nfihlp lnw irenforcodDorer, wliara tha sobool bouso in far from bolueafloqmto totboBceommoaitioa cfalltho obil-dron. HTo wo nx° ff° CAW

if VMm nd lhn,> tlir. d u i n l i lnrmlK'niliiput.d to.v.r.l lliu pnh-nr." Kcc.iiinl, "Uuwfui i lli.- J:iil.iyliip ];i'itiiotul)iiit::al iiml nivivnl IJIIITL^I in I I J I M H K L - U . "

It In jli.t ..I IMIII in a ;• • i. ' 1! •.•i,-;n:i '-I t!:«,

ula'ii'K ol inntraiico »!i:ill bu idgulsr ly ««r,ij,'n(jdI thum bv tim in- . r ty^ ' . iH. Tho iv. ir .bwrit tenII Mm fi-cd (.1 niRiiv ptiljcii!* t l m t t h o I H B I , IT

1-1I Iii.Hiilll-II:II[ ID M-.irKtnt l [ i i ' U'jnijiany1;; ID.11 -li^Kt.1 |u>to.:i |y In ninLiiin imjuinit

Mr. l!.•!, «r li

au tllu>(.,i> .tU in -Ot. E.vel

liolil nieully. Uudtir Mr.iioue/H ublu dirocliun wo duiiht not tbat tliuy111 ruaob Ihu bl^linit atuiidurd uf rollyiouu ex-

cdkmcc and b<i fruitful in tliu couvcraiun ofraaoy.

Tlio Douitiun to bo gfrun by tha C lies I orIHunde of HOT. J. II. Ilunyun I" tlint gentlcmBiinill tako pi ico in thu buuw lunuurly uucuplud)} Ur. Ward, m*r tho Acaduui;, ou Thursday)*cniog, Gtli Init.,iDBti>a<] ofBlh. Mr. JlwiyouM BII oarneit worker in the aaiuu or hta Mm lor,ind the |ioud be ban reuantly accuinpliilicd AtAbettor should warmly comuiond him to tbopcoplo at lliat placo, and wo 01 nnet lo lioir thatliiH donation will he a pruQtnbln ono to him,Mr. Hudson P&cr, of Ituckanay, has pnrubau-

cd or Ur. Wm. Uorriaun tbc budnom or tbottavB and tobacco (lore, corner of

Hnssei and lilnckwctl itracts, and witU onlaqjodfacilities will licruaftcr toniluct Ihu geunral

BIHCSB of IIOFF dealer, iol.occpiiiat au;1 con-tloncr. Wo doubt nut ha will Kiicuood, aud

KO chevrfully commend Mm tu alljof Mr. alurri.•eu's old cunWiiuorii. Mr. Jlonlson, no aro glad

> karn, duos not unect to loavo town, but wilt?tnaln litre und on^Beo liiHomo other builncsa.Over on lliu N. J SIfdiand Hnilrotd bomo Cvo

or nix uf tho luto(;r»l»li oporaturii, who soli ttck-wi'tlas manipiilnto tho wirc»,bavo bticutil for aliort comiugB in their accountH.jiloiitiui], limYovur, tlial ilia ono t t Og-

aontbiirp, outwitted Ibo no wlio wcio aftur bimlho nfttno imrposc. Ho askod and WBB

granted euvorat Lour*1 tlmo to go out and cot-•ct liia sccountu, wlilrli In did anil decamiiod

irllli sdveral Iiundruil ilollsre. Tivo or tbo ar-rested opcrnton have ulnco proved ilioir Inuo-

tCUCP.Wo havo Lccu aliowu by Mr. Joku W. Dicker-

in, an oxqiiinit" oTigiuvuil portrait ot "KlHhopiuipnou" -uf llu M. E. (llinrub. II ban jnat^on iiubliElK.il by Ihe aia.budlbt Iiook Con-

cern. AaaliUdicuBlt ii uniiirpniuod j "Van-not boeiaggotatcd," in lliu biiKuago or llov.8. D, lluonoy. Ur. V, te lolenyoiil fur Morrl*

iu the people or Poror with it.X. copj nitty alsiJ bo m>un and or J era loft at (boilont or 8- H. llrecHO. It ts [inbliihud at tliolnw iuhicri|)tinii price off 1.00 or $100 for ' ar-lEata prooTH,"

Sir. Itidmid SlionhlRlil, coriicnluroinl con--li-nctor of Qcnnnn Vu Hoy, ban about coni[ilototllilu repairs to thu "old eluno Tort" 11 ear InsliiuBcnl lcdiilonco and lias mado 5 loally finelooking dnellluR of it, nu additional iutorcBtlwiii{t ihrunu uroimil it from tho fact tbat Unnuuu jinrt or tlio nlmulimi liana L-uutonnlal lile-tory. I t fl«» built In 1771 by P, II. Wolsa, »flcrvhieb it vau [mrchaxed by Mr. HlionnljjUt.Thu waMv nf tlm old liiilliiiiif; have been luftitaudiue ami aro UM KDDJ to-ilay na tlicj woroIlio yu*r they wuru hiiill.-iiannor.

A Bevarj nttident oi-cumd to lho Donfroifclit train at t^ouili Orongc ou fiiliiriiiI'vemu^ hint Iu llio lucldnn of fire uarit off ntroBtk1. Thorn nviu two brakemu1 ou tli

tor lho train,ono i,f wliam'juinpoj; butLho ulhur, n, man by lho uamu or Wm.l'ote», tieHitatL-d loo louK mid went duwn 11Ilia cam. Ho wad In the third car, and thfourth 0110 rolling ui".n him, ho W«P IIUTUII,urmind tupiuuait luilw.'tin l lu Iwo, and It vnTour hour* liofciru bU Imdj waa niciiwrcil. IIlived nt Ilrouklyu iThoroiu luavoa u wifo audiwo children.

tiouio of lho Inisinosj man hcreibouts wouldrailicr apwigoon nconnlry funco than pay 1uowrtpflpfir aijytlijjta f^r a(|vorIirflng, which li10 truo that i t ia enoiifli to njakir a prlntoicrauk himieir oa tbo bead VT!|1I tho " ibootlng-itlck" or drown his "dovir lu tho ink keg.9omo "Luitlnoa" man will walk through th«mud a nholo day with an old paint pot in tbulrlianda, daubing npou overy board tlioy >"CO To SqlTiiS M\ Vo]?H lAita," »soft dollar would add several more -||put lliom In ilatcni »bapo iu any rospoclnblenowypaper in tlio country.

Tho store flf KaunurlgM anil C i r tk i , of Gor-lan Valloy, was onturod by burfrtur* on Sundaylight aud t small amontilofgoodi takon, Tin

ihiovcB filtered a. front irindow by removingtlio iron bars (sorowod on Ibo oulslde), bruko apane of glies out and imruitonluji i t . 'Tlmystole two suits of mona' clothing, two umior-ahlrts, about Uo dullais lhat bad boon left iitho till and other article*, lho toolu usod lucffuuliuft tin entraneo woro tba i>ropor!y of Mr.Ilkili.ini HIiunlilBlit, a Mi-pmiL-i- living near by,from whom they woro "borrowed" fir tlio uccanion nud loft ou the proailHCB. No due to tliIbiofor Iheivee.—lian nor.

Tim following nro Ihn qnatulluna nf Ameri-can pig in tho Kow Yoi-lc marVctlait wook: Thodemnjid KPB ICBB than for several previous

iranptudpf TOO ionK of Nn. 1aud No. -2 fuumiry, Tlioniss fioi), at (2) »nd (22par ton mnocttvoly, TIIB Allpiitown JtoDingMill Company mado a ealo last ivuck or SOOO

as of No. 1 foundry at a prlco considerablyiJcr oar quotatiotiu, although, en three, fu

and flvo mon tli a tlmo. Wo huar of small *aof inforior lobt at Tory low flgiirBB. Gtiiranda of Irou nppcar.lo bo firm, but Ilitro in

eomidorablo ncakiicas In Uio liiforior brandu,nn tho financial UCOCRBIIIUS of

inakorB," Wo quDlo No. 1 fonndry al *21; No.2 foundry, 123; and forge, (10 tu *21.

Iu accordance with tha expressedaf UiB PnnbTtcry of llorrla and Oiostri mootlugB liavo huon hold tlili wcuh

Iho I'rDBbylciian Cliurch of Ihia pluco,Tho viBiltn£ cbrgymau lliat bavu aHaistcd Dr.

ill |h<> work aro Itov. Mosara. Mil ~0r»ngo, Frenoli of llgrrlstovrn, and Couliran of IUoiidham. Tliey flret mot nl tha horns of Ur.Solomon Diiltymplo on Tile mint mnrnlns,iud hold ojtm isrviuui hi tha churchm TaoHday, Woauomlay aud Tliundaj ovon-[nge, and ou \Yedncsday nfternoon, at each orrhlolia deep roligioui Intercut was 1'bo tlngll)^ ut tht> hymns of Uoody and tfankoy

ncro iraorij the fuitorei uf tfaoso Iu lures Hut;icctlnS8.

Mra. Samuel T/owarlhs, whom tlio "Candy,llaij''(}3lesiipou Rioiio of tho heal wives iitha world, wont tq Ifow Vork tbc other day tibay a Bnial) bill of ifoodi, Vuf c rjJP aoroBB a Orenhoro eoo.|i tyoro soiling w vory cboap tlial »bopurohaaod *5,00Q wor'tlj of io;«, conroc " "and other tl)f I)E« for tba Ifoliilay {rado—cuonglito gladdoii tlto lic«r( nf PVP0 flil|d lit MgrriiCounty, Tlm itocfc IJOJ irrfvod anil filled tfjoiloro (0 overgowluB vitU ?ooil», iTbioli tin"Daiijy JIsu"s»yi"iroi'ob.ujilitel)eainiidnmBhs told cheap. Krpry Ima^lnahlo toy fu mistones la fonud horn, logo III or wllb all kluda QfcandicB and nuts, aud a Urge supply of Bp|e

Also tba eelpbrxlod coujdrops, U B t l i i V l l ' ° "Cnmlr Mpn" hlmaoihieblliaivorld can't bolt.Mrj. Caltiarhm McOarlliy, ono of our aged

.4<ly foijdont9t and Iho well lolorud wHOT. I'.'jieflajlhy, dUd at tho pastoral real-

if hrr son, on Momjsy cyouingr last, andwas followed by a largo cdtioouna of fjicnijj jaher last roatlug placo, in tlio now St, Mary1*

r.onTlrar^day. Iloragowaa 80 yean ,ycjirliUfaD nff" a l l ( I mother, and a kiudi;frlotid, .her IOBI jirijl pp iffsnjj foil by the man'endeared In bar, and In tbji fiTtftf aj]]iciloilto»,3fri MoC«rtUy'aQdlil8 tgoi father b,ayo[i,opyWpMU?prthewhotoeomrnnnily. A t " -fun?ral Befflpjiil, wjjtch wero vcrv InjpreiBly

iomHaBBvrMflstobritj) fij J|«r. ?* 'ilty or I'aloriou, wltl) J ^ n ; ljii|llij Wl]

McConker AS ECICODS. Borao flfteon oj iixfoptof tha clorpy wcra nrciout, nnd tbo mmlo wa*furniahed by a choir from Nowaxk.

Bomo thicuToarBago tbc cltkennofBoonton:oDtr|llo pad raquaunoa totniuhips raised sim ofinqncy and ippofotPd a committoo to

•elo'ct a iita and crept n njonqineuj fo |)io Bol-or Old r«anannflck who full (0 tjio war for

tbo. Union, T»f)vo ilepigni hayo iluecbean ma^o, »»<! t|i»" l»onoy a[ [utorca

[, Tha Bulletin n y s ; Th.contract lina Dually bcon fflvun to J[r, Dirla tierect 1. monnmout S3 rcol 111 lidsht, nrith 8 footbaso. I t will bo comuoao«d of Qalncpy granite,(inrao matcriil B« tho county monotnatit n(Murrlstown,) infl will bo Imndiomely oarvodand pcljilied. On Iho cap will bo two Bbloldion the iliol beneath a anitablo Inacriptlon ; ontho iub-bi»o llio mpttQ "Honor to tho Bravo,'pod on tho b»flo jn targa let tar* tlio o-oitjsI'Kmicili) 3B7O-" » «JU WBl,ettllrcly com-plotei), jHtlndjtjg fmjmliiljori, fauccB, grading,

/ ;lian M,QW, 1Q I<P f^U'-M Mttl* ^'DdurlnjT Jans of llio tomitst Pentotntja] year BUIin to bn dcdicatBd on tbe PourIIj of July, 1*70.It will therefore bo knoirn as tbo CoutcimloJ

nonl, Tho liilo lalostcd Is on Hainslroct,oppjuito Coruolia strcot, In Ibis placo.

Tbnt It mayl/okafitlnonfrrfuralllimuloeoirtho Committoo hayo iriioly iut apart B> anm' jy OB a po'rpotual fund,, lho InUrcat ou

• ._ ,_,._•—_i._-[igiiTciyforlhatnaipoBO,

IUJ-.I i, !f t

TUu Iw-d |tt>u'lt:..Uug <1(»W11 l|,, jm .-.i-lnyibjftofd.u Al'-'ii Mln.1 tr<iz.'. uti uu Monday:i)jbt, uinl iir. Win. Tliumaa, tlie liimn, went tuIliutv lliL-in uu '1'ucBJa'-, win,; IIUUK1 cimhl uu ailcuc of ahucl iron. 11 in mi|>pu«od thnt one ufliu owls muHt havu ilro|)[)ed down Iho Bhaftmil ludh'od in (be wuud work, fur it was BOOHJlorward diKovered tu bo on Oro aud burningapldly. 8u grf*t nas HID draft touiluK u(irum tlia miuG thnt whtor throivn u& tbc flame*

wai daubed upward lu tbo ulr. Thu mon who

at lho foot of tins lull. After avhlle thn top oftbi ahafl caved in, and Ihu mon getting a at roamm rrom auotlier ahuft, oslinguiBhcd tho firs.

The IOIB tvaii not kuuwti i t Ut t t t accounts, Ifbe nliolc nil alt It ia duitrojta Is quite conaid-)rablc,but ir,asla belluved.ouly tbe lop par! Inturned, jt can Boon ba rtpairod. Ha itloppnge

of tho w n'k in tho mino had uaeu oceouloDcd.OuUouiUy inomliiB Mr. 3*».1\ Kelloy n M

drlrlug along tho ruuJ with tlm homo or Mr. A.Wightun, iud whin near tbo ruuiuW-o t>r ltob-

irow him bclwuen llio *baflK, whi'la a &tovu In10 wagon Ml with a. }m<a u-axli. Tho buruo,Lttally kind, wan Btartltd by sueh an uu-

iiitual occurroiiiM) uud ran away, draggiui,' Mr.Kully, whnse eoit had b0001 no fast lu a booli,over tbo fruzmi ground for uoinc dlatnuce, anOsotcruly Injiiriog him in tho foot, thigh, andback or tho liuad. Doing uuuLlo lo tr-.M helaid dowubv the ulduor Ibo niud, whorv ho wuv

id by Ma], Ilnlny, &ud brought tu lown.Tliolinrito wero Hulisuqucntly cai'tnrcd lit fore

inch damage wai dour. Many who hamikou a uetv iuluretl 111 Mr. Iiully by ruAmm of

goudactin.iinrlalo vlllhc WIIT/ tuluururbl*Injuries, and glad to kuow they woro not ur aL-noua nntuiu. Dr. Ciiauibru altnuduJ him,ml he la luijiruvlny.

MEN OH AM,Thaiik>t;iviiii:rislU'd .Ucndhom and \U foi-

[vllioi pro iivor. Timae who (.xpreastd llii-lrhinkfiilltiuuK iu eating mure tuikuy tliau Iheir

digestive orgam cmtld digcjit, liavo recovuredfrom tlitBttllafkofwiariutBHof liru/'and alltilings bavo Buttled ikiwi into tho old rula, and

lift along Iu tbo UDUII inanntr.ivi) Frotfbyicrian and tho JlfllunltBt

Pri'Mbj turian church, ThQUurinouwasprnaehcdIjyltur. Sir. )IIIUI1UR, [laator ol tUeobnn;U. ItitiB a Horiuou boflttlug Ibo oeeaaion nnd in II110 iipoko (if llm many cauaca which we Imd forIhaukluliKHB, onunioritliig r^tuy of them,inioug lho genoral Uk'nujiuja fi-r which woihouiil huttiankfal wia that of onr uxeinptionfrail) war, thai wlillo other nallonu around ualiad K<ui euuvulaud with Toruign ami ulrll wannrahaTsbconBiiariidllHiavRgDa; aud tu provothat il wuB uul Ueaiixo it w«i impuBalble, thatno had lint litou deluged 111 bloud aud our

lauaa no hid beun ]iri)teclcd from theaogrunt CVIIK by a kind pnirideuce. Ho mioho ntllm impending difficulty willi Ijpalu, aud howcattily ihoHo who Iiohl lliu rclim uf (jovuruinontmijflil Inralvu uu (tiiu wliqlaijatfiKi) Ittn great

ml EtriitfKle. And In BnoakiDg or ouiJ bh'HiiingB, afior rorenng tu tlio fruitful.jl thu UQ»IOII sud many liko uauHun fufulncbB, bo epolio uf tbo revival of tin

p»tt Wlolar at DriwUhlo saying that It wn111J bbould be (hu ramo of groat npQclnl tlntuk-

fuliium, and Ih OUR It many nould Biy that tinimproMiuiifl tuado woro noL lasting, (hit thicnuvorfiiuns wero not gcnuluo, yot whan com

id wllh ulber HU ulturls. l i tlioy upon aidorand imiro i-itnliackil gen ID, the com-

pai'iion was favorable.

Thu miiHlcni couveutluu orwiiluuwe spoko hfurnmr aj\\c\t will commenco un Dtcombor

11th and (Hjntluup untl) |ho 17tb. o» tli# •roulntTnbichdny tho oroirnlnR effort will ho madin tbe giving or a "Grand Concert," which wi

havo no doubt will amply repay all whu may[loud. Tho L-IIIzouB of Houdhara will bo happy

to extend tbulr liuinatailtioB to nil who mayittend tl)o onnvmiKun, Au4 to tbo cltienB or

Mendham vo aay eneoungo the movotnont, andto rosldoptB or t'lhor |ilaco», come and on Joy

Ihia raro opporlnnlty of » flimu*lt»l feast.

Ou aundsr uvenlng last Itev. I. W, Corfi-vti<>, of tho lit l'lushylerlanOLurob, preaohed

to a wry appreciative audience a acrrnon upontho mind of lho lato Vico Prcniu>nt Henry Wil-ion; thuy said that bin appUcatlou was1 pretty•harp, but lhat ia the kind or preaching which

in impicBHinu upon tho minilH of thopuoplo.

niple of llondham utlll cling to ilj[>f (firing DniMt km Visits io tli ellIch in fact nro a vory nlco tlilnjt, ttfTord-

Inj tha baslifnl iniidons an opportunity ofB BhoKorod njioti them a fnlr Biipjily1, whicli Ihoy very naturally accept ai

part of tho regular tutertnlnmeul; and tliogood jwoplo nf the Uotbi>dist church of tbiiplaco in uhodicncu to tni t custom will give theirpastor, J]ov. J . tf, litya, a pollution yislt onWednesday aflernoou and ovoujnjj, Pc0> B11't


The Career of a 8igamiekMatt hi) w E. Van Oitrnud. an»tivo and Toi

iDi- roaidcut of Vomnn. In nur iicinhborlnCounty of Snaaoi-whore many or his relative•UII Iivo andnro much wnniictnd-ii hi priuonin SprinRdoM, Ohio, on a chnrgo of bigamy.Ha v,ei Ornt marrimt in 18CS to Min Ellarcnny, iliiifliter ur u wtallliT f,u-nicr livingbclweeu WarwUk and Flotilla. He lived withher aboul tbrco yenra, iJiiring trhiuh lima slitbore him two children. Hnauolal umbarraa.-men 11 fnrceJ him to quit thisscclinn, and helook hia family to Cannlj. There lio cuntiunodto run LchlnJ, financially, anil hie nifu. wllhher two children, rotniiicd io Itir I101110 of herpireuli iii Warwick.

The next hoarder Y»ii Oatnmi wai that hehad married a Mini Tucker or l/iokport, Niag-ara county. Ho lived with her a abort ti)

lar frlenda learning that abo wai yOitrand's tmtituA wlfu, tbo flrt.t ono being stulalive, and th(s fact l c com Ing «oon known 1tho hutbami, IID lu«t no t lino in catting ont 1thatucighhurhood. The noil heard of hiiwas that he bid neon ncntoncftd to the peni-tentiary iu CalumbuR, Qlilu, far forging a oolooc a turner In that Si alp. 4flqr Inp j o i n 'scrvico ho waa pardoned ont by tbo Oovcruor,tbo pitr[)on helng grar.icd hi August, 1871.

tiovr ]io is again If, tronblo, liarjng marriedtwo moro WITCH, ma(iiii8 ( o u r l1 *)!• T''« B'orjgciox lhat tflcrlilsrelonie from Iho pcnllonUsrybo bocamo acquainted will) 0 eharmintT .vonnjfgirl in Jlolavturo, Ohio, llio dnughtcr of aprominent clergyman of that plau>. Tlm ;rjualnlanco soon ripened Into jiitluiacy, andt|<a 4Hi of Qcloiicr Hiey wciti msrried. Ho thenwaul untW tho noiuQ of Jtyerson. lfit» llmu ayear'afterward Van Outrnpii. al|np llycrsuii,becamo aoqnalnleJ with a beautiful trti 40coni-pllahcd young wl.loir of Sprlneuold, O)'i|n, whopoaacasod a good fortune. Van Oglrand, aban-doning hla pretty liKIo wife at DoUwaro, wontlo. Springfield slid captured tho fucclnntlnfwidow, making her his fourth wife. Thotnarriiso ceremony waa' porfonncd on the 28Ih 0Sontcmhsr lajt, Tbe fact having l^ked outhat Vau Oitraud IIAI] \jecn JflAiried before, Inpacked np Ids duda aud wi'Ut 10 Wiudior,Canada. A Springfield oflluur IIOJOJCLI biioror to Dotrolt and arrested dim. Ho In nowIn klj }n Snringuold awaitlog trial nn a chare'QfVtciqr. H '» Mil? tlW* too deception hepractised on thp ypnuff yidop nl H)jL(ng|ioldb,»» fQ proyod ppua her 'njlnd thai ilic libccoino h/ipulcBiIy insane.

A QueerA uubicribur lo llio EUA lu tteiivur, Uolarado,

under date of Nov. lGth, aaods ui tho followingincldout that recently occurred lu that city:

Tho latoat way for a jury to re nil or a TO nil elhappened in this city a fow diys *;u, lufJjPFBflo of W'alLer and ais. TB. Walker. This(rasafaso to |ol t,*\i]oi\ will siada by IVm. 8.Walker, to his yjfu, !J.9ry R'alkur, T|ic . .afler bring ont all uljil)l,'w»ii unable to agree4l)d was dUtniiscd. Af bpo tlmo the Jory stood(aswiBr.ipQitoil>ri"VCa tn ouo fur breakingthe qili, Mil] (|ip iflin W|j!» fjpl>m,pj tiru)k|ue

wilU'H'C a* I1I4 reaini)! for«od"|i|g thaiho had bcon to * inodiu>» w|t| | fll" Counsel foithe <lufomo, and Mr. Valkur'i ajurll had up-p*ar*d lo him and aald that the will in con tea Iraa his last will and Uitlment, and tin wantedt sustained." Tiio gonllomitn furllioimid not far a moment think of giviug hii

voice In uppoaltian to Mr. Walkcr'aiplril. Th*lru|li of thiB you pan ascertain b,y jnnuiring (lyjptjcr} of V. % Tan DerTeor, or IJiTld W- Par:tor, Ppij;, IJKJI) o( iruuu formerly're»|ded In

Tbo afitlr at Bu It aril la win moro serious thanfirst roportod. E*q. Sandford Vastblndor, whiwas aliot by biB brothor Olar, has uiud. Blaidold Eolvldoro now contain 1 vitliln ilfl priionwills four murJcrcn.


I'liu Hiik.T Jline, located Lw-t WWJII tho Iticlmrdil ML. i'luavutll ililtltirt, un n brautli uf tliii

Ml. Hopu aiintrat Jtiilruod, became or theijualiiy uf ill lira, thu aliiindauix; In "liiuli it In

lio nullity nitli uhii'li It ininn an inlniuic valun in

ilNuir tlmt phici-tf It pri>;i)inc;itly niiiun- tlio

.wil by tliu Allunloiwi Irnu U(ini|miy, and inorked undur Uio dirL-utiuii t.r tht-ii Ku|itriii-nduil, Jlr. Jan. U. Lewi*, or IM« placo. TheeatiDii ut tlio inlno i* low cuiujwrud withlliL'td lu this section, and the um lion at qnlli.-dujitb from tUo Burfoco. Mr. Lewis Le/an'vobjiiiig thia niiuo loino cloven yearn agi<,riurtu which time but ono small p run pee tim;

•baft had boon auuk. Blnco then it h tbuuglitthat At h>aHl a quarter of a million uf tunn uf

havo hucn taken from this rrojiorty, anding tho iiiGout panic, while other mlncj iu

bii locality havo had thulr forcus conniderablyuppad illogotbcr from the

iffucta ul tko pauiu, It is tu-d«y wnrttd with aich groatur force Uiau ovor bofuro. Tho

Dickoraim miuo, oko opera toil by Mr. LawUor (ho samo oumpauy, HIIUWB a limllaruronl. Iu fact, Ilia Allentowa Iron Cumnatiy.ro working withau onersy thai, ooiiniduringUc grtnl dopa'gilon in tho iron trade, in

Vablo. Tlmy havo all tliolr (uiuucca, ttvcinbcr, still in HUM, rud are now making

ihom 1,100 ton* ur iron per wcrk. They hateaw on Imml Homo 28,000 tonu uf pig iron, cov-'lug tho mir.'nco ul nf*ni nurci 'if gruuuJ.

from lliu coiuniiiiieenient of dm jianli! untilluunary IIIBI Iml, IKI rcdualiou or men waHmad': i t ibfH mine. At that tuna tlio working

> incruaBwl by lb» addition of ie»oiity-i, and although it IIRB linco bcou found7 to diuchtrgo ttrenty*Ara inuc, yet

Iho futca is tftill gftoltr by fifty lima Woreilo. Nn oro 1M stocked ou tho bnult, butI j t- tl direct to Alluutawn, whtro tho

Cunii'mnv vmo all nr ft In ihclr 01*11 furnaces.At prcicitt llio vnrliing lorco hero is 130 men.

On thiB property two VQIUB nro worked, aothat it might properly bu torniud ttio Baker

inuB. Duo Is lurmod thu Ml. PicaBnut vein,lUthublhur lliu lUuharda ml us vein. The

Mt. Pleasant vein In thu ono upon wbluli lhoibo, Alton, Ml. Hop* and oilier no led UIIIIL-Hlocated, and U ono of tho most pruliflc, axi ns one uf tho rl elicit in KurlliPrn Howacy. Thu Ilioliardo mlno win is pnculiar tn

Iliut It IB ' not found farther oust than lliomilliards mine, wliieh ailjoinu Ihia properly,

ii 11 pokitively knuvru tu:lker west than theDakar mlu«, aithotigh uomo auppuao that tho~ :ksou Hill mlno, n-veiol uiilcH went, Is located

ndrcd feet dinlant from tlio Ut. Pic ana litn. Bomo tluo ilnoe Itr. Lewix, iu ordor toca Ibo Tnln no.t if p^ I l . l o , procured a

Diamuud drill, and located it about 400 feetuortli or the Ml. I'loaaant mine, wlioro tho veinwould nntnrally pata if at all, but aithaufrh hodrilled hundreds 6ffuot deep, sunk a ahari, and

from II drilled huudreiU of fcot more Indifferent directions, no voin could bo found,iud lilu ]irui>pocltiig labon woro only rowarded

by a raw valueless sti'Inga of oro.

(list notice (ho floiithei-ll, or Itkhanlxvein. TLin ii wutktd fur a diiitauco ur

or tho IUchards mino pro^r ty , ami u[ ou it,ro Ilirno Bhuris, twoorwhieb am In ueo.

Tho vein U generally aimut ttvcko feet In.vidth, allhuuKli II iu somo pkcos widoua tuwonty-thice fuel, Tho jirlucljiai working shirt1 otu* hundred iud live foot doop, perpondicn-arly, and from tlm bottom nf tliii I hero 11 aillilo ur BOO feet to tho bottom of tha mine.And this reminds un i'F a ijunlugloal curiosity

bo BL'DU hero. Tito uuoaud abaft webt ofIs lu 75 foot deep, and one would naturallyppnno that Ilia docpor. nhivft, boluc BO iiunr,mid or courno drain It ol wnler. Hut sueh lat tho case, tho unused Blurt boinff filled with>tor to within twenty-feet of tho ton. Thia in

accounted for from tho fact that tho ground con-taina largo banks of clay which iccmlmporvluUB

ter, and t l ^ i In wot or dry scnBpnp t1!0

mt af trator in Mm miuo uovor vsrlos, andtbi pnmpB aro kept working at a uniformupced. Tho nre IB ralaod from tlilu ihatt by aboliltugcugtuoof Ufly-borao power, located ina building close by, whioh rocolros the atcimthat rum in plnei leadinjr from the buildingcontalnlns thp hq||ori, wblqli niiitoi'na firingduty for tliu ouglnoor; io that bo has only uattend to tbe work or lioiiting, which. !« can'itnntly going on and koona him pretty bnsy.

ThiB holallng gear 11 double, and whon workingoroli being drawn froiu ouo abaft wbilo

tbe hucUol ja lowered In ftnothon Also by an

ih sban 0110 bucket !a boinflllcd whilo tha othor In drawn rp . At pres-ent tho oro IB dumped on tha dosk by tha(haft, hrukon by hand, aud then tram-ferreil n t l i but littlo troublo to the rallrnadcarBthat aro run on tho nnllcli atoiifinide. Thocontract wlilch tho men tako lor fllliiig am"dollTxriug U ii(it'<!iiniplctt> till tlia ore is placudIn tlm i i r . Tlio poppet beads over tlicco shaft!liavo purposely bocn built vory high, wllh tinlutontion of creolhtg a brauker at llio to? bywhich tbo oro wilfbo hrokon and Ihcu panodthrough chutci Into Ilia earn below. Thiaunderstand will Ijo done nhon a fuvorahloopportunity occurs.

For getting tlio walorout qf 11)ii vuliitcen-lnoh plunger pqmp, with BOVDII foot•>troko| Is workluff In thia ibaft at tlm rate or' strokes per tuniuto. Ilctidcs thta li a

.11 four-lnck pi auger pump, whicli pumpsa aprliig water for tbo nsca of tho ntlghbur-

hood, and a* tha tank which contaii1 elevation abovo tho lull era, clean water IBmod iu pipes from hero fur me In tho sameOn tho Ml. riensnnt vein tho work ii dam

principally Uiroaghono ahaf |, tha progrcBiofwhich li»i dovolopcdaoiirloaltyoMron nilulug,in thn dlBphccnont or tlm voin. I t roquiroddRbtuon montliB of hard work, with night andday EhlrtB of eight hours each to link tliletbnrt to a doptb of 125 hot, 00 fcot ofwhlch

through a hod of quick aand. Thishaft continued through oro till it had mac li oilanejitbofaCO font, whom n, floor of solid

encountered. But tlicy kept on sinkingURII tho kU(ik Tor silly tts?l fnrlhcv, limn

dro\e a cross cut thrnugli tho foot vail for 10feet, and caino upon a vein of oro again,feet wide, where lho work IB now progroisi

Tu rnablo our rcader*not accuslora-cd to irau mining lu underatondthis uliijcutar ilioiilicement, wa givoIbo Diipcmled illagram, which,though nut ur proportion, willour mcuuliic clear,

In thii malt) Nhalt nfllioinlna fulu llipy havo aim Btpfloor ur rock ii) lho laqo |na

Tlioy lion' wputthrough tho rockfor forty foot, andare

I ? Ithe proei \yall,

Tlio Ml, riujantit voiu' In six feu* w|do and1 o)icncd fur a lungth pi 3jO foul, Uio oro li

raiaed hero by a Tudd and Itafftiriy tlmiliUvlltitc;luo, of tlility'borso'pntrer. is tbo ttmo

—fgu ns ihpi>tlicri nuil mpplU'4 wltli stetmJu Ilic name vny. This imgim lua lioon In H»inbuulelj,'lttywrn, and Itiadiptnbility for Uiopurpouo provbtl. Tlio water la tnltea out trlth1 tHciity-iuuh llrt [lump, with BDVBII U1 trolt t , pumping iho it»Ur tli rough au etgb-eon-lucb column, at tba rateor Hi airolei

minute, and a dUeliargo of about CM gallof wator por ntinutti. Thus II will he tern tliatwllli Ihrnu two pumps of PUCII nan^ual dimiilonn, tho quautlly or waiotr pnmpeil JJ SDmoiiB, and euahloi one to readily ballovo thoMntumtni that moro walar » anuually takenfroui this mlno than ouy other In the Mate,AaniPitur )|JP water iu this mine Ia m a r l haorraoo, tha company prjinqpo ]tofr\f? )qi;g (ibuilil dema l i a t wljl jiravent it gqlriff tp thp

my Ui-u rrximrk tli.t >11 thu htemn liIUII C6 it perfurms id orljiual Tuuctiuured lu go Id tho wiliau*l as *oon is poiai-kiitl HUH uny fill lire ri-Hialaiico in obviatud.«: itniupiiig tuKh,oii lus ted in n building

adji>iiiiiig thu ooilcr \nm*e, A hifli-I'i'i-'k..uu, of luu-lmrwi imnrr, wiib twenty-< ttlimlLT ami llinm full Ml rub', ii In 1

Tlic- llv wbe.-l wt-i;;li* tt-n tonu mid iri tlji 'tit in iliamuti-r- Thn

L ( t

•u ln

Klurimiof rodi) I. Thn r.

llu0 1t'.lu

n i lt i c


mft'ii i

NU,,-nil. 111(1 IT,",llm Mt. i]l<:a»ii)

'ihijnifii^udtln•\i Blmfl art nm.io or uak timber 16urc. »y Ihe action of Iheio rods

. tliey bulh draw llm Tfnti r &nd nuati j( EItlm bul> Hum iliiwu llio btiiefit aif Iho rudu fs ubliiued, and also lh<

water iu (lie (iraKing pniupi. to aaimtln fore-iifftho water tli rough tho pi ungsr, aDdici]nently asafitlttg tha engine.

Thy 10 rods, Bad niaoh of Iho iron and woodfork about bore, aro about thu hoaTiost ofIholr kind in the Htato, ao that whilo the

lunehluoryiB lulit upon tbo pUlnoit prinoliiletl It Ik »ll built wltli a vlcn uf ttbuiniag Ihe•cali'Ht atiionnt uf power, end avoidinsint rcpulra. Iu fact thf rfl era many foat

in tho machinery tuul koie that would proveol value in many branchoe of basincu other

mining. Al! llio wood and Iron workuacd, cEucpliiif; 'ho heavy ca litifjit, his Iconmado aud put up by Iho men employed here,

lid uvtucccoiiiti'loraMouliilltn forging indcar-tuiUiiut{. Josiali Ciirtm, fir., is Ilia UOHI of

;bo mlno ; John Morris, Tiabornun ; WilliamCurtln, drpoufur, and Win. Haucucli, Ulack-imitli. Tiiu two former bare beon wllb Mr.

Ltmla ivcr a I nee ho bu^ao work at tbii plica,id all am mon who thoroiifflily understand

;huir dulica.

Of lbs gtnond clue of worLmon here muchgoud can nlno lie said. Hut vury fow of themwork for day's wages, so tlmt Hi* groat body of' Jiu UIT. contractors Inn toad of haiiDK

fcml cantraciuio only, Ur.IiOivii Kl»ch « W y

tlio advantage of tbo eumpatiy, fur caeli nun,knowing that ho In receiving tu a yroilurxlent than he othortvlsu would tbs proAt ofill labor, vnrhi with grciler oncrgy, aud oi^io

benefit it Itimeulf beuuBli hit employers alio.N< nrly all tho mon »re imrricd, huvo houses ofLhaironrn, and tliulr halilts In R on oral are sogood (hat uu (ruublu is e i . r 1'X])LT1UIC«1 wllhthom.

All tho drilling In this mine ii done by hand,it bolug thought that alcam drills aro no| atallapnticaMolu a inino or tbii chancier. Otantliondar IB usotl Inrsoly inblnHlli)g. Tboquality

Is Haiti lo be SB good as any io IheState, rum very ovon, and will produce fromniity to Blxty-Qv'o per cent, uf Iron 111 tho fur-nace. Ai ninny a? 4,a00tou3arcri) bare lxcutakou from tbls mtuo in a nmcio month, but;lm amount taken just now nor mouth li about1,600 tons. Til" yield ilila year will b* aboutthlrty-iixthouaindtons.

lloaldoa ihe machlnaryliniltlingR no tod »1wo find here an ofllcu, a houno for tho itool luoin, oils, e t c , bUckiniitU ahop, carpenterihup, mitl heated changing boasoi along tach

vein, whore lho men have warm pliceii tochange nn<l dry tlielt- olotliiag. Iu short, tli[irqiarty in amply supplied with every facility(or carrying .m tho great huainm • tono, theirhola forming a locality uf great iutoreit tothose lu tli« Iron mlnlnp budnoiu, and a placofthuro OTUII tlia unlnitinlcd may gpoud au bnurortwofiltli pleasuro, and obtain cnnxtdonhlAkiifiwIiHl^uof the (treat iuduatry wblcb glfos' npeluu nnd life lo all tbe uiuincii of tills

:nalile Iht'Dl lo mnko a p ; prdi'|iary pp'ain,The lolloe \\f\uw IB lQpi|od bulwpoi! (bo |w»

rclim, anil oantalus ttfo ucats pf iwo boilerslauh. each uent divided by an clglilecuvail. Tho ntrangonjenli for tho in[1 ply of

water nru bimjilo jot are apparontly sxcollcntfor HID work. A unique liltla pump In a roomnear by pumpa tho wator rrom the cisternthrqugh al (fa|ep |Q (IJB. bfl[lorB, wl||lo » Jpt ofaloain. wbieb lu pasBed U|rqu,gl| \lm chjUratatiii tho plilll off thD water lU.er?, Tba ciatarnconstantly holds, a iqjiply or narui wator.

ijtilt to 1H4 llio hoilun twnlTohtmrn, 1'IITOtwosprow T«1«P by n|ilch (I|O watnr cai

he shut oil frpni pno set or both «Pt» fif thihaitera, «|cam TSITOI on tlio lop by windcituorono or both aols of tjio hDilgracnu bo

irown off, and gnagoB that Indleato the depthwater In thoboliora. Tho return flnohollcraothirty-rourfool lonjby fod>f*ot in dlam«-

lor, and hove Blitwn-lneh fluti. The heatcoca directly undtr tba bailors and tlion pastescUFfre]y through them and back by (bo returnBttpa. The nf.olo pqifcf Qf H)P hollcra fu 175liurio, and frprn Ifl to (y pound* of aloain lafnrrjeil, -Tbo foal finod li chcslupf, whjch liln-DUgltt to th.o uuilfjr lionso fay t|io awlidlQ,Iho railroad. Them « o two fltwa, wbleh Uadfrom oaoh sot or boilers lo tbo ehunn*y, andaportaroa on each 1U0 of lho house by Ibomenai of which tljo boiler flucim»y be cleapad.

t | jn

ul Id ( •k laiit cvoniiii; uuil iwirtuii tin[N<1L-]IUIIJUIIL'U Hull, lliu in on I llltinj17 fur n time, tltcrenmanf HID timi

iiuuorud relics of tbo punt and under the steeplelbs ulil lilicrly bt-ll ijiuku forth on t l m

uu lth or July, 17T0, declaring liberty tuall. Our iliwiVicitlVcsidunllay whilo lliumi-

U pmt-ljy amlous to viowill thai was loftlim* Others doro wort by lUan 3'uur uurros~ulent will oulnfiM l.ini, I Iliureforu rerraiuui further praiso than to siy that tbe pro*

cesaiun acting BB escort wits tho flu out tbi tIIIJB city haB over Inown. TliouaonJi of oargallant bomo guardu were hi lluo.

Moody and g&ofcay aro utill at work, tliobuilding wbich ia lho old I'utma. It. It, CD.

depot, l;it)i and Market 8U., has butuBltod U)i nltli uluven thousand tlm I re, itcrowded Bvory ul({btaiitl tliouiauOa aro turncJaway. It ban been found iiMi-KHary to IHHUOiiukols tbat Ihoio who need tku moctitigsmoil

luldublain adniittanco and derive lho btuoillof which they oro HO much iti need.

I t Is wonderful what a jwwet Mr. Moody haator Illcso vattaudience*,pDrfcot allunco roigm

during tlio wbolu tor vico, except during thoipcakiliR and aingiUK. Thu Uttur IH perfectly

jllBliirul, It noumla mo re lltio a. profoasiont!choir than a misu ol COO vaicog Boloctcd atrandom as it woro. Thmo meetings hayo al-

•tttty dono a volt omomil of good and it is tliomho uf all ordor laving citizens Ibat theyioy continue.

Our Navy Yard Is about boine removal to aiQritBUitablo place at Leiguo Inland about 7illos further down tbo river. And of course

lucre la mcro or loxiBtuD" which having iccn-mlatad duriug llifso many yeiro, It it deemedIvianhlo to dispoho of. Among tho collcclicn

la a lot of cannon Italia which wore mado toneforty or fifty years IRO when Ihoy mndo goodrcu. A friend of ouri cumining Iho iut liad ailcco of Iron in MB hand wltli which ho wmi&imiKirinfc tho eliot to 100 how sort it was;iftor Htrlklng noveral bluws on ono nhel belaainfurmod by n marine that " tha t waa a

alii.ll.>> It wan dL-ilghtrut t.i BOO tha w»y iurbicli our friend diftp[icJ the |iioco of iron andiiun*£od to got nwny from Ihoru at a pace

raster than a walk.

no uld H-iucli coluiiihiailBtrbich had beenburied ami usod far puatii, have boen

roBiirrccted sudlhruwn on t i n market, BO withIhiHBiipply of 1,200 to 1,600 toil of prlmo old' lalilonoU irou our friondv iro liappy.

I am afraid lhat I have already taken up toomch of your viluoblo limo and sjiaet}, 10 ntk

pardon and that of your readers, and

PORT MORRIS.Uo was drcEBCil lu a. Rray overcoat, boliod

Bhlrl and collar nud xloro clothea as ho cumresTlng «p ttio <;antward hound track Justihoad i>r Vo. 18. Talk nbout tunglufoot I IT.mil It worus tlinn any mco young man I OTO:IUW. Ho went un a 'load run, his lirad swayihcnd aii'I thon bix foot would tanglo anil In

would go ovor In the ditch, pick himself upagain, adjust his runulUR £onr, Uuglo a p l uiud rail across tho main track. IIo Lrieii ti

climb on tbo train as It was roped In a t thioud and with 11 drunken .man's luck ho

Biitceedod. When tbo train stoppuil bo Rot offagain, gotdown tliomain track nwaje and downho fell again- I fallowed him slowly down |h,Qvnril and Just as it train \rn coming lu sightInawliim full ou the Foitwanl bound tuck.Buforo he pot up I had a bold of him. Ho naa young follow with fair hair, light comploiiun,JiiEtbGRinnlnff tn cultlvato a moustache, I twanWodnciOcyafteraooti.'Ho looked Mtbcughhu had .tho oninooly ns vo\l as taugletoot."Wbcro aro yon going, young man?" said I .

[in answer w»u Ilko thai big sign yon uaw outhat bl j treo—IHOBI of ua bear it ovory day hutit would not do to print i t In a nowapuicr. Iswitched him oft* on tha canal Btdtngi and horan and tauglcd and Toll, anil everybody ho mitioutcd,iicy[ I t in HO rnro to scu adninltiman at l'cit Morris now-a-tlays. I wai at tbaC6tt cod of tlio ^anl whm bc got thcrocapturcil him again/ I tslkod nice lo him,wanted him to come In and rest a while nnd boociablc, &o, Hu gave mo an Invilatlon to gorhoro tho thcrmuniutor 11 over go It beluir son

I told tbo gniillfinan I <]{d nol caro to po tlioiright away and intlniatoiJ Hut if ho tan aroundIOOBO tlistwayniuoliloiiaorlio might liavo tohavo a Coroner's Jory aud a funeral.

To iliorleu Ihe story, he Bald ho llvud atDoDiiiun. We shut him up in tlio car renaircr'udianly for n conplo or hours and ho utartod 01liis way to Booutou. If lie gets thoro nllvo I:ommend hint to tho kindly euro, of tho Y, U.0. A. or. that town. Ho Ia young, tlero aropojalLiHtlcs or good in him, and It ip ivtrying lo lave him from the warm dim arhicli be invited ins. I would ailvise yciungICH (aud old OIIDB) who think it unn r t t ogc t

drnuU and main fools of thcniBelvos to keepfni' away from tho railroad'as possible untilthry cunio to Ihvir sonsca.. And now soaicboily hag been good enough toBay that I know who (ho young man was hutwill not toll, bocauso I want to uvo himiliugracu. Tint bo ia "ono of Watt ItlifU'ljtiu," RB Homo MLs are pleased tu turmtut new converts hero, Uudor tbocircnoiBlancI doom it bnt Justice to any that I never sa<Ijio young nun liofora to my knoivloilfe ; andthat hf iB not "ono of Wat. Day's Christiamnor ovur was. Though ir I Imd known him Iwould have withhold Ms uauio all llio same.

I havo a creed of my uwii mid a part of It Is" I bill eve the man who profeiaca lo lio 1chrlstidu (no mailer what church lio belong]to] aud gets drunk is a liar and the Iruth IH notlu him,"

On Holiday cyetilBK (hero Kan scarcely aof ico pi) tha'catia), au Tutidiy morning tlioybad twenty-ono muleshltehed to on Icebreakermffconldnol got from Slanhopo here. Thatvlll paHB for cold wcalher.

'flip railroad rovlvatiHls propogo t" havo aRruml liniD ftl I'lillllpsbiirir ncsttJundBy. Tht-ypropose to go on Saturday night ami nlay until>Ioudny morning.

Oi]rtnoetings hero ara about vrotiml «p. Iin pail to got tlm not rcxim of them anil let youIlium QUO tif IIICUP llaya l u * inuoh gnod hasboon dune,

Tkf ficbool wcothig laxt Monday ovcjjulldil in appoinling a committee oflhr

aoieol ft alto, fur IVo now IOIIUDI boueo andreport next Monday evening, to which lime Ibomeeting siljoprued,

The Susses Rogiiter Maji tko-rtason theSussex Cuin|y Koard of FruuhulJeru gives novtfor not conHnniDg tbo nomination ofJTr. Copiia that the Stato Hoard »f Education Inaullodthoui by not nominating their man | I wuinluiir tho rejection ot Ur . Saxlcr was cotslduroi;an insult by tho Board of Education ?

I am glad thn littlo.opIaodoMcarrtd, liotyeTpr.bccspHO jl may drnff tho nltcnilon (if the pcotp|o tfl Hip panso pf cflppatjai \p \»h|cli, or allthings, tljoy jay t\\b jpait attontiou, I t . J,

'. - J| | O :

QuvcratramplBcaugbHu Suaicx CouulyMnif he fa commltha j« (bo Coituty J«ll for

rrow nr« to n tic en days ana nmlo to work dally outwo ratluui of tircaJ *oJ ono of jnlatwa.ii ihensKcn twenty-four liouia In wUpJt to IMVDtbe eotmly, and If canplit asRlu after that llan thifloiili (a reppated fpr 4 lougir term. At Neirart thiHrfi \\m i tramn Is c«u8M be 1» Vptail nt«bl «nino|lAea toie*Te(noci|yucfor«ton-clock llio nn•lay. If lie return* baUccuitntltcft (o (be OuautjranllnntUrr Rl li»tJ l*liof for thirty lo ninety ,l.>-iAt IlDhwaj'tltBnieiiai'enamieiiatiitalit tbat ihoywllIbegivtuatiroakfiutofonfl'Mand urcadon Uiofollowing morning and then bo require! (o doliourt' work on mo poor-twni. If (boy agree lo theooniltttooa Uity MO locks j u|> «V*r nleW In Ibo

anil oionrlitl tn itie tttm In tlmcrnluK by tlie pnlloa. At lialnllald ths tntnL

~ Jally tnlo a afreet-iwtei>luc; Bin p.Tlier lultof thtie tneaauros il that ID tho dtiiwbero Uiij bareItcen enforccil Uio'nuinbtr cl B]plleanla for KHlglDga, lie., h u been reduced froi4QtoC0perc«Dt.

• places In LTorrli County |ho tramp l« r e•- > • ; With oupaarrfl«,WfliuH anil

lie cooitfifDH |a[o a jKi|lta iUTtiMii

Bslaware Lodgo Ko, 63, A. l\ & A., FhllHrjsburff, aro about to build a fou'edifice, lo ho used for stored and Lodgo


Un. LDITOIC-TIIU paut m-elt Iiinccif rcjoiuiii'r anil orgriuf In un, cu ucll UM

loflllAiiicri(.'uui'; vi mtmm lliu hmxutimootho Lent men nlii liua tvur Imd the huuuruvk-ldiny powur ut unr sent ^f ([ovcrnroeul ; blUHH will IKI Ml !•; all. Hi* funoiul ciirtefjif.niul i n r o a d liutiid x.i (heir HUV I<I lii,

final r.-HlInK fUcti m earth, ami tml-.th-t-i..!H- l«»iirIuS rail. Ihv gallant H.-ii.ind ll<>Kt

N ' l l riui l tra

ialn n

%An Act'on for Ubel.1 nro in tho full tldti of glory at IBBI. l iar-

Ing noted with envy Iho largo libel nulls tbativerecdiilly bccti brought i^ainst tbo Now

York Tiine«, Grapliic, Ucrgon Domooral andIhcrjiapcrH, which liovo waftad their natno

and fnma all orer tliu country, wo havo Oftenidorud why BUCII n thins norcr occurred lo

tho luox En* to give it a wider ropulaUon andmore oxtonded circulation. Wo knew no eouldnot always coin in no thm In tlis«rnl soctirityand ileliKklful nccliiBbn kouealk an ovor-waou-Ing cloud, which all our efforts horotufuro have

Hpliretl:. But from tho following letl.rIt wduhl Kcom Hint wo aro about lo Itroalcthrough tho cloud lhat has belittled our great-ness, and come bofttro lho world ns dQfend&ntii

libal Biiit, and befuro many IBHUCI we con-fidently oipcct lhatour already largo tlrcuk-' of 1,100 co[>ioi will awcl! to twioo that

ilior, ail paid cash In ailvaneo after first otJanuary, acaordlug to tho now system wo havoadopted. Hero is tlio letter:

Law and Collection Oluee of J, J . Ciitlor, [MOUIIIBTQWN, N. J,, Doc. lBi, 1670. . 1

BEKI. II, VOOT. DEAU Bin:—I bavo rccolTtdInat ructions to mm in en co a suit against you atnnca for tlio not very tritlal libel that aiiponrsJnyourpapor,thoInoHi:nA,ofNov«mbor27tu,1875, from Wm. J . lluun. Bui I thought It nomore thin right to irrito you buforo ilolnir so,I think you nn reduction will 100 that it Is no" i h t matter to aceuno anynerioh or murder,

id cironlato it Uoailciit Ibrouelioul theoommuuity, and a chargo whicli no man. bo Lohigh or low, can rent undar without Tlndles-tfoil, cvon if it ilooi ploasa tho nononaloneniies uf tho accrued, lint IIIOBQ are mittors

'yours, aud exclmlroly so.I Blinll delay prncecaingd n tew days.

Yean, Ac . JAH. J . dUTLER.Wo expect to pr.ocuru thn BCrvicos of Homo 0

Ihe most distinguished legal himluarirs, andfill kocp our readers posted aa llio case pro-TCBBCH, by furnbliliig lho urlOentj, vtnni

LT LirciiATiir.

FLANDERS.Tu wbom It may concern In gcnoi-al and

liirso tbievcu in particular, bc it Inown, thatthoTowudiipnf nrutint OUvo has a "VicilantKoclety" iu a perfect stato of orgnnlzition.Arlltlo II of lho constitution lays "Tbo objectif tliln sac[oly ahull tic, by aumliial aBiocIslfon,

to enable tha members thereof to UHO VIRJid eyalcniatle exortinus, as woll ait to Be cure

tho ibiovea, BB to ruga In tha lioncr of thaibors which may bo utolon. Tbo orgtiwan effoctod eliloen years ogo and duriug

Ihotluioofits ejtlsionco.I am infonaed thatn Bteaiiug has boon scarco In this vicinity,

TUo sixteenth annual meollog was hold on tbi13tb,ult.,atthclicuso of J. H. Dcflord, In theabeonco or tho Prueidout, Vica President Wolf

Uetl tlio meeting to ordor, Tlw roilcalled, iniuutoK, conitlitullon and hy-hwi roadby N. I I . Drake, Hcot'y, Tlio Troasuror, N.EJ linon, mada a report which ihows tho finan-3OB in good shapo. Tho dnos of niember 1 wortpaid,and tlio folloitlngcfficers eleclcil for tha

iBUlug year: Proilduit, Lowia UUIBO ; Vico•oBiuouls, D. IT. Wolf, Wm, K. Miller, Jolm

Smith, A. II. Baiiuon; »ccrotaryt N, II. Drabs;Treniurer, N, Bslraon ; rursacni, Johu Sniith,Jacob Waclt, J. R. Hinff, N. II, Drake, Wm. It.Miller, W.\ K. Millor, Ira B, Btovens, Wm.Tbarp, Dr. J. S. Farrow, John D. Build, JacobMillor. Tlie next annual nicotine; willduring tlio full moon In November, 1B70.

A Dangerous Place-An I'mpravemenNeeded.

Ilnw loiiff, UT. Kdil»r, oh, how IOHR, havotli«tran.|inWwiiimMiillyloeiidiir-!lhat"yiWli-iiiKKiiir.'-tLeiireciijico j'jut went of thu rail-rondciuauinir on UUcLwdl alrtct? 'Tia »ai<""thrre in a time whrn u'lilnrcnco conteii to bo 1rirtuc." If tlmt time has unt yet arrived wilhregard lu Unit niiNarc jiluro iu otto of onr ill•itBhr-irr-tt <»f tlii« city, ran yon, with any pnnils- |u ihu tfuiL', 11s tho datf? Wi tli outw'rinK thu fart ".vlicn. igiioreDco Is Win* 'Unily tu bc ivi^V wo tliiuU thin ]mlR-nt aminp-»iilA;riiig jii'ojilo liavo a rijflit to call fotime." LVLT siueo Dover via c^llud by tbi

dicniflcd appellation of "dly" bavu they waittidmd liiukcd fur lho "Citv l'athurs" to Impruvi:bat place. Hut il still remain! aB a relic ofbo jinnl, and iu a worse condition even thun

Toreitcama under tbeir con Iro I—fur t in)n led a fow In a da of grarel, ratiiuc the roni arl of Us width uuty, tbua actually waking itirtic thau it waa boforc—whilo other oud k n

nee dud improvements buTO boon attonili;d In.For manyytara thia bai boon anuns».u placetlio Biuht, and should havo rccelv d iininc-

diato atloiitioo from tho Council aftc/ lho cilylachiuory waa 111 working ordor. During theligmif our first "Falhcri," however, when the

:ity was lu Its infancy, Ikero might bo bunu-Jjiriely in pardoulne Uio neglect, llut whon

lho "biuad-guagu" administration ct.nio Intoiowor tho [IUOMIB looked for "rBform." But,las, it.cawo not thon. Tliolr Ideas of improve-

mt-ats appeared more "expandlnff." Theypasucd by and overlooked anch email and, tithem, comparalitely trifling pUcoi, and woniut iu tho country, undertaking wider Sold* ofifiuioaiuicHB— such as moving buildfugF andcttlng funces uack, kngthoniug brUfios, baul-uBbuudrcilsuf luuscf Htono fences to nil Inheir widonod domain, which still remain* In

tbo unfinished uonait Ion I boy loft i t - a monu-ment, as it woro, to tlioir folly.

Lcothtr.clianuu in "tbo powers that be," andisB wlio were flrit lu coutrol WLTO cleratcd tollioiltr a iccoad tlmo, Nearly three yuara Lavoeg Eln|iscd, without anythlutf bcluu; duuo to iii«ke

lliia dHDgcmua iiliccoveu safe, to aiy no 111 Ing aboutr»uce, mdnow'.thaliirvcBtli i>ait, and tboicr auded," fur aiicli work (his yotr, and

;hr.t "inim trap" uiuat remain In ill cipuaail con-II Hull tliraunh auolbet winter. iVUii a prompt-

>ur"CltyFathon"wouiado well fo Imitate,tha uual comptUT reeponded and "cibleil" that

ipofloil brink, wbluli. ID print of danger, hasupirlionwlth the liroclplue illudcd to. It

IB BII very well, however, and though It does not- ~ IUCU to the arcultcctuBl been I y of thu streets,

ItiuBUUiUntUJ and B*fci Ilko rudJi's tiaocltig—niB.Jfnot butdaoua." Ujlwlij- tbat narrowlurrMiHsUiualcItsoIougin its cxpoaedcon-

litiansocmstotBaniyBtcry. i r i t la claimed ibatuoorei]ockls private property, docs not the cbar-Br rrovlde for tUo POTCIIBBD of private rropartyrlien uecosatry fur tho iiubltr welfare? But i( wokvobecu correctly informwl.tua owner hw wadoff«rs wnicb would dcprlro the City Councilor thaticuse.Ccrhaiis tlioy have not hoi rrltktioo lufiickiit ti

alUfy then of ita dingerom couilltlon. True,UcrabaibooiibutoaD manklllud by iraiklDgboro lu tbo dark, aod tLouyh il baa IMCII aald beMintoilcaled, yet, wo think, even acting ou 'Ueory of "locking llio Btabla after Uio faorao la

itoicn.-'ltwasaautuclent warnlns for iheiu to

a Uioeo who furuialicd i>oor Bfjnolda wltb•ilcating beronijo. If utlior proo/la tear

they hare it in tlio etneef tbo team wblcli wen!hero Winter before Ian!, It occured at night afterfresh fall or snow, there being no track, and tbi

bond la tbo road dcculvid them, an I they were »Iprcclpitalod to tlio bo 1 Loin, tbo Hied ciimlilnu, cuiplying tbc occuionis In tbo anour bauka, wlillo thn

itookanothcr.Juuiiiod oniho canal, and n n< Ictt to ibo lock. Fortunately no one tfna kill-

Ml, or seriously injured, dial wo know of, but It corlalnly w»s anoUicr warning 10 which tboau bayingics« mauuri lu chaigo tlioutd givo Lootl,Could nol ibat improvementt*l>o aceomiillalied Iho

amlnti winter, and ihusfurolih work for ihoBe whoro needy T We haro heard of mon offoring 10 work

for ilielr board. Now, If ihls could bo uudorttkenDfur* Ho from ten iloeii. It mlgbi bo accomplleboililn Wintrr, end a double object secured, vU-aIUCII uwilpil Impruvuinini, ind means of auilinineeirulihed la our wonby I*borcra. Burpoao youiak» dm BitdH call on, If iioililuu raoro can lie done,

leiiliorobearatUugpbicedatouK that precipice bc-'41 uibtr and. murQ HorlouB accldfluta ucoiir to iLiny irho IHBH Ibal way. . THAVFXEH.

SUCOASUNNA.A iiomtion will 1» given Bor. Ur , Stsddard

it tho rarsonago Snecammna on "Wcdacsclay,Doc. 15th nnd ICtti, On tho ivflorwoq and

ing ^ thoao ^ t « * altouhl lho weatherprove Btorniy, tlio equation will tabo place onIho first r»ir Snj after.

Tho donation of Mr. AVIUMIS will bo held OH[•st Woduoaday af lornoou and ovonlnR.

Hie third annml monllns of j fomi Co,LodEC.LO. o r o . T.r will bfl held with PortOram Lodge, No. 138, at Fort Oram, on Wed-

"ty, Doc 811i, oumtnciiclrig st ID oWockA. M, Tho Bov«ral Lodcas Intoroaloa aroquosled lo sand as largo dolagitiona as poiaitloand not fail to bo re pro 10 ut od by any mcamaa nmcliuf tho future goudariho Oidur in tincounty dopand*on Ihisntcating.

Out' ntighUor rornrroJ lo In my arliula cT laswool.', as being (rietitoned by a dog, 111 iut ikingit for a burglar, took it as & personal uattciIn whioh ho Is In error, as In was tilvn. aridBiill regarded aa a juke, *

Ur. AVilliatn Voorheen Iiai roturuod fromNewark and baa taken the shop of Mr. T. L.Talmcr, where ho h prepared (0 da all kladi'biactmmltblng and Jo RDOII work at prices tocorrespond wllh tba time*. • GUSTO.

• Cruelty to Animals.porER, Nocoinbor 33lli, M78,

M11. EniToit;—IJIII Silurilftj'uftonioon m lwas paaalng up Prospect street, I wilneuod .diXErtPOful and crpol Mono, A brutv, in tho

llio of a man, ullcrioft a volley ofoiihi, waiitnerclfully beating a team of liMf-fcd lionet

bocauao thoj- woro not ab]o lo drag a heavyinadofsloni-Bup tlioltlll, Oau not mch cra-il ty be jirovantcd ? PIOSBO uotleo this In your

P^pcr. ONK wtto wrrHcsiEr[In answer lo tlio |>entloman'a inquiry wo

would ssy ho oan himfwlf ocqairo tho aulliorilyto brlug such nlTenjors to punishment bv join-ing tho Morris County 8.1 ' . 0 .A . -Eu . ] "

Thrown from n\j wagon to, tlie gronutl onriiankBBlvlrtft ovoulqe, Injuring my back amiildo lovorcly, to that I eould scareuly uaviaround tho nest morning, I tpiilied Vongbt'iCaipphor Cre*ni lot . Thu result was mostwonderful | pain and Bweliltig diHappoared lufow Uouti, Br. i, E. SirEcre,

DoTer.UooomberUl, 1375. Bentist.Depot at Vouglit't drug stare and rt Cl Cort-

lanilt street, Now York. Ouly 25 and CO tcntipur bottle. Your itiershant h u l l .

— •» »~«i .

A iliatreening cough can.na lho Mondi of Ihuiffcrer aluiait aa much pain as the sntTervr

_Jmtilf. Dr. WIstw'g Hjliiaw or Wild CUerrgpoeJily euros conelu, ooldi, ioquenfla, nor-lliroit, hcx I t \Till a]irajB ttlievo Comaniption.nna in many;wolUltu»lod CBUOB It liieffectod a perfect euro, GacU.B,nd$imiottlo,largo bolllea much the cheaper.

lho noit morning mid takou charge uf by theuttuoriiioB. Ii is nuppaaod lit; at ten i pled totmube in tlio bare, and falling *slcop tbc lirafrom hU pipo aot iro to tbc barn,

The Ulster County Eiuroai on the Now J«r-;y llidland, wa» thronn from ibo track on

fridsy cieht, by o \>\g rock falling against tboengine, tho othor lido of OgduiiBburg. Tho

is «oro knocked from tinder it. Tho ox-i car was alto thrown train tbo track. A

daisy ofsii hours roaulted.—lkgistor.Delia Dswaou, m. young woman uf WaflUing-

ni, hid the dead body uf nn infant in acmeends along tlm railroid track, mhtTQ it was

fuunJb.v a pally of hnnlurs on tbo 10th nit.-•Kicr'ijurv thalinvuitigitci] thacuioron-] a vi-rdict that HIL- child IIKI bucn either

BUfTueatetlor emuilicrod \>? the inhuman moth'bt foro being thus dinp'JitJ ut.

Iu speaking ur tho blowing out or the Hack-tBlovrn funiBco the ' l u e t t o lays • 'i'ho [CUSOUA

"ecently gBTt: uj> (tie lease, and wore uuahlo torofliably ruu il, owing t~> the great ilcprt-aaijui the Iron market. The furuaui.- workod on-

.iroly nati»faotory, and DO doubt arrangement aill B(Min ha miule tu oommeDct o|tcratlooBudor muro favorable auepicct.Tha highett number of trauipi Hevidoro hai

ut had in a Binclt-' "Izht is eight. Lucky Ilol-ditlore. Won't tome of Ihu army of two thotiB-

nd that visit Dover auuu&lly pay thoir res-cti to ltolridorc uud ease nu up ft little TTlio New Jurwy Zinc Company wlioiio ininvH

ro in BUIBCI, makou application to theLegiiialuro to incruc HB capital Block toSSOO.OQO.

lly a new a r raugeaiout , Xtelvidoro [.uoploIITO GO ceulG ou cii iuralon t ickets , over tho D .

&. V.', It . I I . t o Ncnark and Haw Yoik BQII

Bomo uubnuuu scon nd roll lu Now too havercout lyb i .cn cngayod in uraashi i ) ; t h e ir ln-oi*a or tho Pre iby t«rlau and Cathol ic churehoB.

Tho Trustees liove recently contracted fortbo heating apparatus in the new JlackettB-iirn school building, at a coat of 13,900.Jacob Ddfln of SfsusfloM towmhlp, Warrenoui.ty turm up with a tarnfn thaL weighs 13,

lbs, ami is 27} inches in clreuafi r Jnce.Two brick hoiMd owned by Louis Olulek.in

?hllif»hurB, wero gutttd by Aro nu tho lBlh,o flro duinrtmout; uo imuranco.A aorli'B of religious moetings are bolng hold

In tho Hackettstown p«flbylcrian Clinrcli withtry enuuuraKiu},' rutulls,

Notice is given that iho LcgUlataro Trill aeslu0 bored this win tor by that cvcElaaling Uui-

louotcong csnnty bill.

Bishop Corrigan confirmed about 75 person1 tho Catholic Cliurch at Haiku tt*Umu oaund&y, Nov. Slst.

BASE* BALLNewark, V. 3., Nov. Uib, IBIS.

-. Blltor: AnartlclepubllaheilinyaurlHuooflast week not only does great Injnatlce ta tba under.tgned,but ateato lho gsnllenien comrHiing UIBudicl»frO<imniUUi)0ftlioAmiUurJ)MeDUiri*y-racfNiw Juraoy. Your informant must citherave been wrongly Informed, or else ho ia guilty ot

yrois luhrcprcBODUtlon. Tobe brief tlio beta a n19 follows: During tLo mouth or October MiShn>i>u, uf Jer»ojr City, BucrcUrj- of tlnjAmocUtloinottflod tbc dlffurint cluba tbrougbont tho atat«lhat tbe Judiciary Committee would convene at tn<

lean Home, in Trenton, on Nov. Tin, at 3 r . M.to decide wblcb club laying claim ta the champion

p v u entitled to IU When the day ami houiWed tbe ouly detonate, that -appeared at ttii

placo designated wai Mr. Earrlaoa of the Union*,with the acore books' containing all tlio gamca ofIhoicason. In order to ifhro the elnbt anotbchsnce.thefcereUsy tstlodsrawUng UbdLbU

•cnilrJeinudiDnnouae, Memirk, on TburBOoy,IBtb. ^bli mcetlDE' ma odTcrtlacd inrk, KBW rortanJ1 ctbo* parwra, b«ald<

written notice belne Bent lo the roBpectlro club*the Socrttary.' When the hour of meeting

rivotl a number of clnbi waro not renreaeutsd,by mutual agreement tlio meeting was adjourned•ever.! bourn. Finally, at 4 o'clock, tbo PrcaidtntofthoSUtaiBioclatlon, Mr. Jamei Bboa, ot thaUonticelloclnboflersoyOlty, called th . me«Umto order. Hr. J. y. Caut of- tha lUndolphs:lio>onii eliiinnan, and tbo biulnesi proceeded.rive clulii UilongluH to tho Association werorepre>a«ntctl. In order to givo two prominent cluba a•how whose delegates did not appear, tha officialrecord cf the OlVraplcB audStar Clubs, •• publish-ed ln tho New York Cllipcr, wai used lu their"ib.

1 MDunttUm, after InvealbiBUoo; awariled thewUlp penuaat to tbe Ucloiit, without a dUsontf ngvoice, they liavlnc won Iheinoat leglUmata tf»me*>

Tlie Unions wore reprcBenled by Ur. Frank Tmember of tliu Judiciiry Committee. A single

vote, ana not ftro u yousuto In yoar article of hutwc*k, Conctruing the meeting ot but a'ntuyour •Utatnent la also fnoornei. It being a TOLadrertlMd mt«ting, each club In tbesUto receMnsa wrlttoa notice from tha Secretary. In regard to theJudge AdTocsto, you a n again In error. Jlr. David•leraou WBB icgularly elected to that poilUon byhooODientlonboldln Jersey dly , laat tfftag foiicaann. HeliMmwr i«alennl and bia apiwirc^,t«TCnrmeetInirtnitt«ii1 tn the dat l» btlonetnco tbo poaltlon. Hilton Soars la not, nor never bai

been Judge Advocate. The Unlona havB ch»Ucae*dtho Olympic Club a number of times for a. gune, bl

tagotagimowlththtmalDM but aatnineTbo rcpon that the Union dab haa disbanded Isfalse on«, as tbclr repeated challcnites to differentdubs during tho whole suaon will Usury. I

ibllsblng Uio above Acls, yon will oblige, -

Your- n**i>ocLfuUy, , JOB. A. HTOLL.rboOlfuiplcB orPatcnou.nu nnacraload,are mak.B «mavo to bivo a. State Convention called tomill tho dccUon or this body.






Newspapers and Periodicals,






Gilbert's Pure Confectionery.




7-lf DOVER, N. J.


FOR THE LADIES,'TUa UJy who cannot find a chaprau to suit her,

LLIn winter, mast Lo hard to plena, • Thus far,crcara-colored and seal-colored fella are tba pro-

illlug atylo. OoU aud slircr hrsida.Bni orna.mouta Tor icopInB uji tho Iikta, are worn to aomiextent: still, tinsel trimmitigi ran nowr bptomt

:trcmcly fashionable, tor tho tcaaon they give thacarer a b liar re appearance, roathors aro moro In

use than uaiial,always in*tdiing Uiocolor of Uiobat'and birds aro greatly In vofino. We aao tha liomel;

idlbebright-pluuied Weal India!blnl matlinii aide by sldo on tho samoliat. A very

itty conceit waa a nu t , composed of acrlapmosa,- .n. i , „ , f0 n n j , n r w ujfjinu^ w b j I e t n | j

raaporcbodontbscdss of tUe nest, u Ifberlittlosnoswltba, luodooi.locking tile

'that bad settled an tbc mni - t au bad whlcl

icldln ber beak. At tho opera; as well as 1faablontbl* tboitrca, ODD cootd eaallt Imagined themajority . or Uio fair orioa had Juat arrived from

iplcal olimop and Ibit Uo feathered Inltauta. loth lo MO Ultra depart, liad aoatlcd dowiheir Jutland hldilen iliemsaliea away under tho

goaiamer Irlmmlngi, determined to make, theitheir permanent abode,

Prominent among Uio new itjlca !i a, nu1«Da hat,of gray felt, wiLli *wido gilloon binding. TLo out-aide trlinmlUB coniUli of an lnpUn »nd oitrlcUfeatbor, (ntnrtwlliBd, Thar* !• m doep buni otIlk around the crown, laid on ln French foldi.c»si-«0o trimming of (fwyillk and. flue Obantilly

lace in tbe bwk. Tlie face trimming u a duaterbriillaut bummlDg.blrila.. TLor» li also a lluntpt-ilnrluinuctofllglit-bliioTtWof, wliLft aaft crownif cream-colored nnatuanc* broad*, *n aigr«ttiif velvet loops, and a cluster of croam-colurcd>luo featbon. The baadcaii la or blue velvet, wllb

a trtplcal blnl on tba loft side. ' •

Tlia Kowark AJTcrtl« r COIIB Ilelrlduro tindullest town {nth*Btoto,


AI rump, uimo unknown, Bccnrodpoi-mhto loOgc Iu IbB baru of a Mr. Oirriion at DoU-waro VttorGB»,Wea'noidajnIsUtor last w«k.Bborlly after retiring to bod Mr. OIITIBOD

koDod by a brlRliL llgl)t, and on lookingof bin bedroom nEatlQW dincoTeied liii barn WBB

ire. Ho immiHllatoV IbouRht of tlio transndlttstoncd to tbe UUTUIEH building to wbio* irfoaslblo, but it n » ioo late. Tho flameshad mailo inch hosdit*? that na linman beingcoald got UBar it. Kama of (lio nelRbbcrs eamuto tbo nBHUueo of Slr.OamaDn, bnt notlifnj;could uo lavcJ. Mr. Qwrliion'K IOBI U liEit on-t i n crop of oati and wheat, tbreo valoablicova, & TBluablo hono, a buggy »oJ a largo lotof farming utensils. TLa charred rum aim of<lio unfortunate tramn wero found in, Uio rain a




ASILtNE SYES-A11 colors atVououi'a Drue Store.

BAKINO SODA end CREAM TAIITAR-Puroat Vouonr'a Drag Btoro.

PASTILG SOiT-lIottled and whlto' at Yocatrt's Drug Sloro.IHAltOIS SKISS-Tery hindnome .> at YOUOUT'B Drug Store.IOD LIVEll OIL-Caiwoil k Bamrdi, MOIIOTB,' Wilbors, ffyoths, at VOCOIIT'B Drugstore.

/"lOLdATE'S TOILET 60AP-Fnll lino1 ' at VOL-OHT'B Drag Store./1LOTIIE BRDSI1E8, HAIR BRUSHES and\J I"alnt DrnnboB, at Vonour'a Drnn; Btoro.T\YE STUFFS—A fine aisortmontU KtYocaar'a Drug Sloro,

BAHK8 and ItOOTS-Tho UrgeBtaawrtnicnt tbls side of Newark, at

VOUOHT'S Drug Store.ALSOUININQ HATEniiLS and Brnihoi

at Vocairr's DmE Store.K'

LINSEED OIL—Direct from Cmgbisri,• at Ycuaire'aDrup; slore.

M A C U I N B OIL-By gallon or barrel,a( VoDOUT'a Drug Btoro,

•VTEATa FOOT OIL-A Ko. I,Vi al Yoroirr'a Drag Store.

)0TA3H-Ik«t, aoloctod, *t Y n

SP0NO£^~Fino bath and carriage,at Vouonr'i Drug Store.

SNUFF-Mnccftboj, Roffo, and Bcotdi Snuff,at Vouom'i Drop; Stow.

fllUUTU BIlUiiUlid-Ati endlciB Tariotr,X >>t YouoOT'tlDrng more.

rltTB, Bbonldcr braces, Ac.nt Vaunirr'Bj Drag Stnro.

rpn:itYonairr'a DrDg Store.

•iHVWL-Tor Coach and Fnrnltnro.- at TCUOUT'B Drug Sloro. • '

,'iSE MATEUIALaat YocoaT'aDmB Store.

INDOW GLA83-A11 eizet,it VoDairr'nDntg Btoro.

HORTICULTURE!tho nndcralBmil, beg Icavo ta Inform tbo

, public of Dover and Tlcinity. that I am now-eparcd to oiecalo all orders, such as to layout

GARDEKS, PABKS, ETC.To do ROCK, RUSTIC, and all oilier hind or

'baslagoncraliydoaobr Jcbbiue; Gardeners.


noar tbo rcaidenco of Major Iliclianls,



Assignee's Notice!^rOTICEIaliGrobyclien to tbo croditors of

_ \ Wlllam Lctcfier that ill claims BgatnatUm citato or mid William Letcber aUall baprcHimW tu tlio subscriber dal v nroron by oathor affirmation, or or before tlio first day ofDocumbGrnost,t>cliig llio citondod tlioo grantedby ordor of tboOrpbaus' Court, or tbo Connlyof Morris, or bo torcver barred from any uh,-dcml rrom said estate And noUceii furtbarriven tbat a lUt of claims will bo fileu with thaSurrogate of tlio County t\t l lorm buforo tbaJanuary Turm of tlio Orpbsna' Court, to bolinldon In nod for Eaiii Dnnuty, wben *icrptior-

tlicreiu,Dover, K. J., Lock Dax 20.


ADJOTJBNEE SHERIFF'S SA1EIIn Chancery orKow Jer»c»~Fi. f». For sale of

mortgaged prcmiies. nborom Samuel Van-d o f f Comiilalnaut and Nancy Ilomino

UouryI D . Or

!uSof%arln; 1875."

jnil HonrV nomliio, borbuiband, and Arch-ibald D. Oreeii, John 0. Orcun, tud Aaron 1'.Amlergpn, aro Ihifcudanta. Itoturnablo toto


Tbo Mlo ia brbair of tbaaboto partica itsndiadjourned to tako placo at tbe lUnilon HuusoHotel, fn Morrlitown, N. J., ou

MONDAY, DHCKMBIUt SOtli,A. D. 1B75, bolweou tbo hour* fef 12 II . and fi

WMw ' ' JESSK HOFFMAN, SlierilT.

Page 4: CLOTHIHH HAIL. · \j, orumil Furnishing Undertaker UCUMED AUCTI0S13EU AND COSIHIS-HIOSliK 01' DUEDS, Carriages and Sleighe, fCTCir DcM

DOVER BANK.1 I N ' J - . ' l . i • • ; . :1V.i' ! : V H i ? " - l A l K ^ i 1 . ' . ' I V , 1

Suucxii fu >n-inV lt;mk mid

f u MIL-"( uioii Man 1* ill Uuit-i."

Capital,-$100,000.ATTKM-mN CIVEX Tj 7 HI: i'i"F:*:iiw:

S-,1.-. ' :.-- L . A'. Al—A^-l-i-f-.f !(I . r i l - ' Li!,- fa. I-.L.t <.[!.,i :••:.,7-...1 K-•-..:. : _: liiii . . / J n l ^ . i .M. Jl. I'll Kri i^ 'N - - • I•SAlI:l:N l L ' I i




--'. • i.'. l;.*.-i.irill :-... I ' . i . r . N. J. U-tl j

Murri* lounl j Surroi-ale"i« OGlce. :

•ill. Ih- linittr . . ' lli-fili V. }!. S.*irijJJ. tb:l ',• l- -.c V.. Nan,.-. .Walii'.itrai'T. «f Jso.i.-t .-. i.-ir. .W.i. S=.T..,iI/. , , ; i r I., i-mil .

J 0 »-- i' 'r^ . ^ ' ; " fV il x'.-T b»7b^irVo-<^i^ t'iTa t j

Miners7Saving Hank ^JIDNAL UNION BANKOF oovEii, v J- ; 0 F novEi:, XEW J;-:B.SET,rn.i.io».ta-.«r--<'"

.;.'™o ,r:,;',r,'-Wjr:-;:,-.it»: Capi ia l , - S 2 0 0 .

^THE 0 L D E S T STAKD IN DOVEB] Valuable Property for RenU

i BEEMER-S MARKET, : 1"™'^^"*"" ' '" 1 ' ' ' ; ; ' ' 'I ! STICKLE HOl'SE,! r i

M. n. : ii f:r.^-«'"i J " J I * I U N I T .

I . I:. r i u T i i;M'•::-', '•• •-. iv.i-iii-i.-*-tf M11-..V M1-I.L

Dover Savings Institution,


o y r i c E i ; s :

J ( j r T > I H N « T . . . . . r r t . i d i - u t .J A M 1 > U . U . U I S . . . . Y i ' ; i - I * f t - * i J * n i .W A i ' . i i l - N S K ' J t ' i : . - • - T r t i t Q i i T .

T K U e T E E ! * :

! ivrLiT'iir. Lt-n-jfur. lu'fiu-<J[ tbi- uiu'-t jislt-!lie i-lic, iu the r-nniy «,f Mon' ' ' "

31 AX A UL US:


io I HKSfiY SI.FAI.V.S. l'it*i.M»i.

JAY. S. IliEAT, IVllitr.

I n i B E C T O l L S . iBEEr, POKK, VEAL.

HlTlSOS HtlACl! A(.BKI1T 11. Ii,i L.AAL W. S i .


os, CtiLuuuua JIKACU,!

in, JOHN \V. JACKSIJN,J S , THOMAS AsDtiisus,IELH BtEiitn.

u t I fSlltc, fuf

iu- joilRicg t>; a.ul if fti Ld

_.tn)fariL»rII>*JCV \i bv uuut>c«*i»irT >; a;*d if m / cichtlJ atyltct loexltiUt hiior hcrdcLi, del

JJUIISIC notice being circc at tforeulJ, enchtredil'jr>hill tx-fonterdcbarred of bi

*"*" " " * " " ^ K ' E . WlLLLS,X! .. .A trut cop* irum iLc tntauU-a ; 4S-1&W


| I I Cksnci rv of New,


e iwv-Fi . f». For

tr»lfir uf Ikt».-ri i

A. t::ylJ

[J. Jar-iiM-, Ji- . A. ( i^hlf ,

liViiarii MtjiLir.i, I'.. S. Ncrn.»n,

I:..!H.M I1. Una, (,r,:i-<: l'.tr«ju,


C H E S T E R , 3NT. 0".


T .TTTVrTt »<! l-t t£2 S H I N G r L B S .A dill nuwtaiuil ••! lln' f.JI..»-in« -• IXOfllilXG, CKII.1XO. SlblXO anil

MII.WiXS, lfl nml 21 iurli I'EXCK IUIJ.S. ILAT ami SCjl'AISE l'ICKEIBCKIU.V'i iiml lifJIiriXd IJATII, MOULDINGS imJ C1S1NUS.


\tV iiKn fiirtiM, DOORS, SASH anil liLINUS. Our pried arc very low M »n

,,,•11 f.ir r:.\SII ,.nly. sli.l «l v.rv SMALL I'HOI'ITS.



CLOTHINGIn f-.tort- :unl in ooiirw; uf munufaclure. The quantity of Clothing \rc wW

is ii mystery t*i High I'rice ClotluurH.



$1 001 251 50

ALL WOOL PAXTS, - - - - - - ii 00


Splendid Suits $10, $12, $15, $18 and $20.

Overcoats!MrtV, i;..Ttr atirthiuj,'ciUon-il in

M. L. FELL & CO.,The People's Clothiers,



Tins liiWKt ami finiiBt CTOCK OP PIECE GOODS to Im hml utCEO, FEDEU'S, the ccliiliruted Tailui-.

irjoti «].»«.• an ],.)in.«l Kiimtid ami a no-,.1 IU K" t" CEO. KKIIIill'ri int:il.iii<liiiiGtil.

K ><m mould Bra llic 1».»l and dieajieit HEADY-MADE CLOTniNH, f,,r Moil,

VoitlliK, Uiij-B ami Cliililriin, i;u tn (IEO. FliDKH'H iioxl door to tlio Pobt Offlec.

A f-'wj'l wilccticin mid full liuu of G E N T S ' F U K K I S H I N 0 G O O D S ut

\uxy luir prices at O E O . FEDEIVS , Dovor, N . J .

flOOII N'KW.S FOB I'OOIl PEOPLE uf Dover mul viciuilj. II juii winli lulwip

yuiirnclveii ami cliildrea fri'c from c«lil, liny your

FALL and WIHIEE 07SE00ATS and FULL SUITS,f.,r Trry little mnoty. of OEO. FEDEl t ,

'''-'! Al.ov.- (In. Niirloii,,! Uiiii.n Ilium, Oov.ir, -N. J.



D O V E R , N . J .







POIIT OHAXI, N. J<1 all dm lirlnclpnl Jlnoi o'f «(o8lnilijpii

rom »ii» Ylir* loUmmxil il MW!»{

Aim DllAPm ON OIlEATJimTAIN,*<« < •••I I# t •

Jlorrls County Surroguie'H OHIcc.

NOVEMBEH lltli,"l87C.

Iu llio^a^lcr or^Unry E. Wm.llmll, Adininb-

Hitrroyaf*'.! OrJir'lo I.imi Crc'l11or«^Ct**^

CiN api»!k»tinn of llicol,(ive-nninpit Ailmiiiis-' tratrix, it in orJcrtil hy tiipfJurniKnto tliat

Mid Adiulnuinlrii Kiw pnhlla nntlco to lliucreditun «f tlie islalu of inil doco<lwit lolrluyIn their ilu lit n, JtutAlulu am] claiign agnlngt Hiefffllriti! lUiflf r i&tlit VJ 111 In ntjiG iTiouDifl ftt/ni (liludate, hf nctlini; up a eopjr or llila ordur, within'twenty d«y> htrcsflcr, in aro at tho wont pub-lic place* In tho Coutity of JInms fur twoinuut].»1.iia»)«owliliin ilio R&ltl t*cutydayal>v flilvurlniug tho name in HID IJIOM EIIA. onouf Ilio iiuwii>a|Miri of Uiii Blato. for tlio iituo

millet) to l>c unnocanurj); ana If nny crciiitorNliill rirpWl to eililbi t U* ur lior <lobL Joman J-nilrlalw wilhm the Mid period of Onion tlii

ulilis nuiico 1,CIDK Rirtn m oforcnalJ. HIICIImhtcir ahall liafururer dohirred of hii or herLtluti tWreforBfniuit tlia laiil AdmlnUtrati\x.

K.E.WnJI,T8,SurroB»ln.A troo copy from tlio minute*. 19-10






LiTcrpool, Qucenstowu, Glas-EtoiV, Londonderry, London,

jBriitol or Cardiff.•ForTIGSKTaaiul Particular! apply to

E. LINDSLEY & SON,' D O V E I ! , N . J .

: 6: ,


f.r.ilia:.j,.t*u..-ii ifUr tin-il-i—ii i* uii.lt.

l\h. Il.ii73. Mf

GAOEd'HALSEYilwk-ri in






i!rd tin.' iU--tllli?lj(jI:

EUM VSU D. H1LSEV, hdllclioi

iJunit 1 tu ' .itt plict at tbe Sirnsi'io U.ii.tt.!, m il.jm«(owi,, X. J., en


H. isTS. ixttwtLii tlio honn of 1' M. amI.-ck !'. II.I« JDi=K ifOFFSIAS^filicrif


Uovcr, S. J

Orders for Sawing and Planing

promj.!] y eucntcil.

Stoves. Stoves,THE OLD STAND,

UNION HAL BUILDING,Blicbwt-UJjtrtot, Dover,

Hot Air Furnaces,Of (Im l ikat and moat iinjirurt-J iljkn, to

anning jjulilic and nriT»tc imililiu 'B. A largfl• ihuirtniuiit of ntovcn, clicai) for c»»li,



_ itnpan1

, ^K-mrnable tn October *NKIUilUOUItiKMITil,

BY vinuo of tbt alwvi, ilali-U writ at fli-rl fwltiIn iuj-L»!jdi!liihilUij>w fur nils it I'll til i i*

Vunl.it »t tbt Mansion Uuuas, Uutd in MurrUl.>'. J., cmMONDAY, Ilic EOth day or DECF.ilUEIl n u t ,A. i). 1B75, Ut tn tD (ho hours of 12 M. an<l Go'clock P. II., that ii to nay, i t 'I o'clock fit lliuafk-niooii (ifsal'l Jay, all tfnt tup( or jiarci'l urland am) pruniittoi, tltnatt, Ijint ami behiL' intlin tuwusliip or Clientcr, in tho Comity af Mor-ris and Htftto or Nnvr Jirtoy, bouuJud mid <Ju--• " ' - • ' -,» tulliwt: Ik); I n n I lit; At n imlul iu Uic

. laii'li of IluUrt IlciifUnuu, formerlymarked liv a p e t , MII] jioint being two cliaiim

nil twtnty-fivi! liuki on a cour*o ttnrth Uuuiylino tli-grdCi nnd lliirtr lolimtus caul from &Miltc (,»k treti ncarn yellow bin*, l.otb «[nnrl-

injj near lite edge of tuu old saw mill pond, tliowliitf oak Leiuij a liiio trtc iu tlic last ur timingcuurso rjf ihiB tract; running from tlience (1)

''finnci uiirtli fixty dt'Krccg WCB! atventyclialns and ntufcty-iitri-a links to a point

- 1 ImLkof tliolJlockJiivtrftiidfor

tho WiI, Hliich lieu to Ihu imrlhwcBt; tlicitcc (2)

_._lb thirty dtyrct* BUII ilrtttin .uiiuutci wentfiiurtccii cLaluii and BUTt-Dlv-atven links dtoriKtic division line hotncL-ii 'riiant ami UiVntailtractiandon »n t-riu'liial lino of ilio "Ureal" >ra]i Ui6i<;t Tract1' to a. »ttko iu agtono licap

nrthu cdgL of the strumJI land, nsld Ktatnit; al»o a comer bciwten the Coltman and







dwio iu (liu bent rommr anil at tlio nbonot Ice. UiflicitpricoH paiil for old Irou.

ippr-r Icivl and powtcr ttken in uxcliatigouodi

December 21lb,IB70.



Wines and Liquors,fur family medical uie. All warranted

jjcniiliLO and perfectly pure.

Martell's and Hennessy's










Wholesale Orders

NEW BRICK BUILDINO ,•itb uut> uf tbu nivor Krhlfio

DOYEB, N. J.23. L. D. BCinVABZ,


A. JOY FOREVER."And tbo proplo of tho imrtlidru part of tliiCuunty willfliwltlmtit will ]«y thum to pur|n»*o unli.tnntbl furniture, of tho UOKUBItsipia, of

P. C. YA.WGE11,


Parlor, Dining-Room- A N D -




-.it In rail lo lio con iu'cnl tli&t to go TnrlLcrfur furiiltiiro miuM bT to Am worBC

PICTURE rRAIilESoMllkimli a specially.


in alllta bnnchoi prnpprly and clifJiplf iiunc;.Tho createit care and attcmtlon trill, nn'licrtto-foro, bo giTcn to

UNDERTAKING.Dodlcs iircacrrctl wilh ur without Ice. and nil

thu material* nflljiiljrtiinuHS furnlihcd at llm

tnpprf.innit<iliilio9.at[*raclorily and townnbly Ictrnnl tlioiu wbo roiioito aucli aorvlcvi.

. . i1. c.YAwnen.

Hurt i trt o <3> eititat flny eliaios Mid alitjr-MVDn llulti to a

)j| at I a«h atnup Living tno Btirotilt dead attlif lopatid atwut flftCLi) feet lii(]h. Maid avhulnuip hvlait out clialn and twenty links fromthe tculro Una of the Chester Hall road and totlmnorlhueitt tlioreof; tlicnco U)tiottli fortythree dif-rcM ami tlilrtv nitnulcg cait elevenclialns iild thirty links ID a utako alanding tottin vail and near a tliirn bonilin the crcik ;tlicuce (G) cruasiiiK thu railroau aud up the hill

ouli t o i l yelt thlrty-titakti (Undine

i "ot tha roaO

ins from " Htrvkci'i" comer tuvrardx NUL'-uitii I'lainn-oaid Make bulnu tliirly-oim

. H in a Kculherlydirection rrmna largo*birch tree itaiuliug in tlio In at mcjitconrio i tlionco (C) alotitf tbo uortliwcitt ijilo oftltcahoru munticntd roml cron"ue« tho brook and paniug turooik trco mcntmnetl in tho iMciuniiig of tlili

riiilian, ou a co norlli iwcuurcpn and thirty niinnlemnsttbirty-lwo chairaud icvcuty-nino llnki to tho placo of begiimufti containlDg ono hundred unil ulxly cu_

tMlsb t tipndrodllii tVw, mpr« pr 1CM,fron) wl]ftlj \t \o )# (ipdHOlcd »Dd oiccptciTajurcul or traot of ten acrei apportioned by wilof Horton to Joab Colcman, aud tlcieribcdaacomimsiDK tlic iwamp l indto tlioamouutof Un acres, strict retaiuro. iltnate bctwttlio river and tbo t l d f

r l f t i d i n a i t

Qtaiuro. lUnatcbctwMmextern bouotlary of IhoJullt lino fforn tbo moatftiidinaitKit ino frcnn tb

eonicrol tlio I'lainfleld lo tbo river,nfj and reserving all that land »m

ud to the Cbonier IUIIruad Co,litrctofuro conveyed, wblcb in included in tinaboro dvicrtptiaii.

JESSE HOFPUAN.Hbcria:Dated Oct. Utli, 1B7S.

SlIISRIFF'S SALE!In Chancery of Sow Jcrscy-FI. fa. For nalo ol

mor<cnj;pd iiromlitoi. Wbcrein Andrew Uayin coiniilalniiiit, and Andrew L.Hoali, GeorgeAllcr and Kntlicrlr.b Allot), ElxinezorH.Deain,Joha L»ao, Amanda Apgar, Eiiicutrii of tbomlato of aoorge An hie, Jr., dee'rf, ami Aus-tin Cral^, Administrator or tho ciitato ofiloici Craip, dee'd, tro defuudamt. lloturn-ablo to October Term, 187C.

- F0HD D. tJlIITII, Solicitor,'

BY virtue of tlio ahovo stated writ of llorifsciRH In my hancia, I ihall cxpoio for iilo

at Public Vcndue at tbo Maution llomo Hotel,in MorriitowD, N. J.,on

MONDAY, tlia SOth day of DECK1IBE11 next,A. D.1B7JJ, between tho hours or 12 M. anil 5o'clock I*. U,, that ii to Bar, at a o'clock In tlioortornrwn of mid diy, all tint certain tract orpircul of iMid nnd iircmlacs, tituato, lying andUltiR ID tlio taw nibipnf Chcitor, in I bo Cot) 'of MorriB and SUto of Now Jcraoy, butted . . . .htiundcil nil rollout: Ileginnlng at a birchbuaL ilsnjln««ti aUmo rock en tbo cast «IUoor tuu Ahroaslink Hirer, tha aam b lcorner io IIUIIH formerly nivuoil by NIciioTnivmtacm, Esq., dea'd, and from tbenoo ronsbva lino or Ho name (1) north nl*ty-*«vo Aigroand tbirty mbintci cait fourteen chainsclgbty-ono linti to a lioap of itonoa for ancr; tlicnco (2) suntil titenty-seTon

d tbirty tntmiloi cunt i r t y l i t

ainsfor a

dcr; t l in ( ) y e T n d i i r u ind tbirty tntmiloi cunt iorty tlisini to t. atiko

in tho lino of Pelcr Wortman'a land and likinieo a corner to Unda of I'olcr Miller j tbcix..by said Millcr'a lino (11) inulti niily-ono degreenand thirty mfnnlui west twenty-two clialua (nilulncty>roar lint i to tlic etaraii of,• lilckorj- tree;thonca [4) north firty-rour decrees end fortyflva mlnutou neat twenty-two clialtis and tbirtyfivo links to Ilio middlo at Ihu nfuroaoid ri-t lienoo running up ibo » m e tbe lovoral eou. _ .tlurtofto tho plato of hoginnlng, contahtliigone ha ml rod acres of land.

JESSli HOFFJIiVS, BherilT.Duted October lOLli, IS JO,

SHERIFF'S SALE!UnrfiH Common Flcai—John W. H. Cumuilni

VK. Felix A. Southard. Ti. fa. <1o bon. ot lor.Ou docketed judgment, llcturnahlo to Octo<hwrTcnn, A. 1). 1B7S.

Wa. T. LEPOIIT, Attomrj.TJT-'Tii-tuo of Ibo abovo stated writ of fieriJj tachn in my bmn]u, I shall cinoao far saleat Public YcnilBQ at Ilia Mansion itnllao Uolul,in MatTiatowD, K. J., on

3IONDAY, HID 20UI Joy of DBCEUUKlt next,A. D. 1875, holwoen tlic hours of 12 M. nml 5o'clock I1. MM that is to aa.v, at 3 o'dotk ia iliolflermxii) of BB.II<]»)-,*!1 tbaio«ortain trnctiorlarcck of land end prcmirJi-ii liurclmftcr tiar-iicuhrlr doicribcJ, I,viuS nud Iw.fng in thotowiiililp or Koihnry, In tLo Cuuntjr of Morrii

Tlio Pimt Trnut Ii Mtuatcd nloul hair acast of tlio Great 1'ond in tlio township ofltutlinry, County ofllorrit and EaatcrnDWUIonof Iho tftato of Now Jiawy, bupinning at a laraorock nilh D Hliarp tnlut toVanl tbo uortli lyiiYnon tho went sldo of tho tvtvap called tho MinuBivanip, bdiiu tlio Uigctit rook In riow at tbatplace, anil In Iho beginning corner of ft tract ofthirty acres aud Ibirty-nlno Ltmdrodtbiof anHero returned to Htmnol Cohh and All rain inllycraoti, and recoructl t t Perth Atnboy—Inbuuk S 10, page 910; thonco (1) aouth forly-E*u

ILTO returned to Htmnol Cohh and All rain inllycraoti, and recoructl t t Perth Atnboy—In't tlll St

rt -rllllt^ I l i h ja> 11. • _ _ • _ a

HIXB j (1) iVnth iiTirry-flTo doe'roca OnAlinvAynilnutci cant ninelocn chains andflny links;{A) unrlli forty doRrooi o u t thtrty-slx cbaltii;{i) untilh eiRliiy-two dogrocl and Ivrunty min-utes woit eighteen chalna; (S) nortli twentynlno iIcRrtc* anil forty nunulua oant olfthtooucliaiim and tinylinki Ui tho jilaca ofucKit-nidR.containing forfy-ciBlit acrci ana tireniy-eiiflilhundroutha of an aero, strict mvasuro.

Tlio BocondLot bcsinnlnr at a lar,,wilh a (hum point towards liio nortli, lylnp; ontlio woit »klu or tlio outlet of tho MI no Swampami being iholarceat rock ID riow at that placo -tlictiRo running (I) cast tnoutr chaini; {2;•oiith ttronty-funr il agrees west thirteen chaini

. . . . J « a t clcbtoon chain* aod fifty-Q^hnkB Utlia nlaco nt bnginnicg. cnntalDiag thirty acresnnd tblrty-uiud linudredlbi, strict mcasuro.Heine tlio Hamo loli of land conveyed to tLrBald I'liillp llcrry hy Hllaii Dell Iiy two icmniiI1DC(1» of couToyaucc, .tbo on a bcariDir dataMarch Uth, IKia, racudd In Morris Bountrreturd or o>cd« In book SUt, poso 371 nnd 375,the other dated Oeloborflth, lffifl, recorded intho camo racordE of deeds in boot W , paue110 and 417, Ac. l^f

Also, tboimiuolWtneniooiiTorcd to tboBtlilFdiiA-Bouthorland by dood from Albert F.Hlanbturonch and wile, rtatod Mijl th. l t tK,and rocirdud In tun Iilorrii County record ofilcodn, in book H 0, pino 657, Ac. ' AIio con-v.<r«il to P«llr A. RnniriurlatKl by ilfcnl frnmTlmotby Soutbardhriloed twarinR (late HayDlh, IH39, nnd rt-conlcd in tlio HorrU CountyClerk's Offico In book H fi, IUCO 053, Ac. aud asdcicrltic.l In naid merit •no from Tuljt A.Hnutliard to Iuao B. Corwin, date a All unit lntiwt, and recorded in tho MorrUCounly a-corJ>f tnortgagcn, ia lx>ok 1,2 pagon 2C1, Ac.

resSE HOFFMAN, Sheriff,

Dated Octolmr 10th, 1B75.

JAY S. TliHAT, Trt

r, Fel.. 17,1-T3.



Merchant Tailor,MOItHISTOM.\. S. J.,

T S now in rMeii.t t.t tiio Jatt-st aii'l mod *(>•JL prouii VitA, Kl-VI.i:*>, st il<:!iii<au-il bvMr. J. U. Wwi, Union M»-r., ait<l Mr. Wm.'ili-tJLTi.M, 737 JJfoaJ*,it, N. V. Tin; eiyk- or

OVIiKCOATH•at hap, end tliu Suituiit. IN thin gurintii t

_n tlw waim »-jil vtrv much iciKilniiu.! in tlu-»kirt, (,'lviiifj(it what W M lurcn:iiy Untied the


SrNKSS SUITS:iit niostlj xiiifjlf bnwtc.l, Mimll mil milui) i ( .tc-,i,il liutt.ni t:,,iu UR- to,., ami ml

/ IUH ll»u last MtKiD. A "iml.bv" mrk- of(,ripnili.<ini:ii's cijiitunif is the tbri-c-i'tinrmril tut-a»av, viry iniiL'h in To^na DIG tircHt-nt «I'«RUII.Tbu" mat trial fur ltimitiCB* Kiiilw »iil b" modu

i^^lly in BTiinl] chft'kH and pl^iil*, fit tjio'lo^l[•aiyriB; nlsutltc "Knuvl ' i ikc" i^tdriiK.

PANTS.A v«ry full line vt ilm ntntiiyl^H ofctculs wilt

ho fuuml in my n\im- all ttines, Huitabli> fur

FALL AXD WINTER,whicli t nm prrpartd to make ii[> In ilic- mostr'AHUIUNAIlLl-: BTVUM ami at ilu, itrv

rromCOctutH Va'ta 4 r r«nl!•nd'ri.-Tnio-.V'.rtlionc who wiili tn fiavu tlii!ir garment* tun donp nt home. KlilrU unit lirawcm, Cardij;siiJackvU, HuBiMmden, Collu* and CnfTit, Nccli-tits and Humcrv, very ulnap. MIIU'XK 31.VDE™0 OKDKII, and warranted tn fi1.

T1IK CUTTING DEI'ANTSIKST la mulcr mypcrsnnal charge, sud all nrdontentrunted torn;cam trill bu [•niniptly und paiinrocKirUy lilkd.

I1. II. H O F f M A N .10-tf. MI'.ItCKANT TAJLOB.


E: LINDSLEY & SOFTS.* \ T r £ a r a p k ,J I ! .o iuionu nur imtniiiB tinW HK.lj.tim Hyetom mloplrd liv UB hi Jim

Jir/han bw.-n IhoruitjfhlvtcntcilntiJ litg pruvt-iO B H . \ fiavto now ciiable.l lo


tlian cvfir before, fur tlio rcuson tbat no di> not

IOHQ tlio interest upon our money by trtititini* ii

oat, or tho principal by c untrue ting bud debts

It nould l>o Inipoiaililo to cnunicralo out

ontiro »loc^, hut will briefly nay It comprises




DRY GOODS,a full mid tlcxniil ngiortment.


of nil ];[nili< ntulor-tlio bt-BI,


of tbo bent <;uslltios or IIION' mi.! RTF.VA,, Ji

eluding JJtcliaiilctr Ti>ola.




• r t l iolatrxt and lintul-.oinrHt (It-sign



BOOTS and. S H O E S

Lime, Cement and Fertilizers.


Sporting Powtler null Filling lVcklc.

CUT PAPER PATTEHNBof Traiik Lcstio's ladles' Janrual.

Call ami bo convinced tliat it pay* you to buyfor casli instead ofcrcdit, .


BOOT and SHOE STORET.. tin.- Ian,-.? fine «t/irj TWO OUOIU AUOVr

HI.SOLU i.TA>*J), (lately oi-CBpinJ In- J. W.Tbompson; ilirl MIU- dwr Irom Mr.irurd, Him ACo.1. cwlbiwp Ktiire.Vlu-rc lit will be plcasi-J t isi* ill bis uM ruatotiR-c? and rainy nt* oni-B.



uf tilJisip all uyr osti m- it . aii.t-tliTi-Pi^. t l l ,

that iii'.-(,f ttji'b,,!. All tiL.1* ..(

Tin- LL-h^ i matii t rri.-c- psiJ ' " fa.h, I"1

•t the markit. Cas turners Mipili '1"'; waff"1

A c J l s i l l *atiilv all that wb

nl; of tljcb^t.

<• U-t-ji

Freeman Wood,

Custom Work and JobbingPROMl'TLY ATTENDED TO.

Geo. W. DRAKE.


I n-ill mill Ilia iKilania of mj 11EA1IY



Gents' Furnishing Goods

it cimaitlcralilo ttws Iliau COST. Iu fact n

n-nRonablb offer rtfuHcd ax I intniil pving u

lliat part or tbo limtntis ami l.tcii H'>1.:1T I





DOVER. >r. J.

joining KlllTI.«i;K A LKIVIS. ]:i 3m


»'1j«iuia? '-Ul l-'tcl. Tin- w!,.>'::li.iiMittS 1t*.cnil* I"1" t . imut^l and mmTattil. Al'|to * K. A. STICKLE,

«-tr .^'.'I1^!

GEO. RICHARDS & 00,,vir-Li^ALi: AMI i i n m utAi-na is


i Lvyally LHtliniz- •! t^'ful >-r li.t fill ' *iii

i h ^ cnniaiiits-ilit 1 t-.st u 111 • T-yi

LOXHON mill UVf:Rl'001.»nilOLOliE, Capilul 8JO.000,00O-

LAXCASIiriiE ot JIASCnESTEB,(,'anibii eiu,ooo,ooa




Cnliital SW.OfJj.ooO.


A Valuable Property for Sale I

TH E .nlixcrlber W I I K tlrairam (,r rcmnvlncrrum Dover, (ifftm Tor Halo liid .


TOWN OF DOVEB,nrattontlaMonttn

200 ELIGIBLE 1TOILDINQ LOTSniliiilrect.OTOHBJ•n^rra.lol, Tin,iniprovo.monl. aro a i n . COTfiaK i,, »l,|c], 1 „„„lire, with barna &nil oilier oulttuililiii^H.

Tlili 11 ono 6f tlio Annit inTcHn 'ntH Toraapltal nfnr olTnri>il in till, iculioo Tho croiinil• liiBli »i"l Jrv, with Buo,l nt trr , aiij tho

wll/tem'unled'aii'Cirfrapcih'in'nioU.t lunr jsun. For tcnui, oto. ajiply to

CHAS, M. IDNI3,WT. imrr. ATENiir,

» • » DOVE11, S.I.

•IMTIE. DKllOltrjlT PATTP.nKS r.ir Hi,1YX indaammor Kill In ruidr fur ik£on .ml , f» , F,U.,, MataU Kill., fi

au ion i i . w.a.BAimiOT.

Miners' Oil Company,1S2 i 1!1 MAIDES LAKE SEW VOnK,

Tho imnlnPKii formerly carrimt oa IIIIIIIT tlilamo of 1'. W. JIEiD will LcroaftcTbt UIIO.II .Ibo


Lubricnling and

Oils for Miners' Use.BPJ'JHI COMI"D MAO Y,


Tlioni OIU aro Cripoclally inlnptcd lo Mlnin

.'lialp.iUiivi"Ni>.tt% Fool,^anl"Loli.', Colun

fiani]ik'H fnniiKlird en iinnlicatliin, nnd Roodlimiidluiu-iiiii'iirJcr. Ili.Hlil,aiulilviiIjiiiu

V.W.MEADE, Treasurer.«. 1'. CHA1O, Agent.




j>I. Iloagland, Proiirietor,


Chill and Dry Smiil Itolls.nml nil kinds of" .


Engines, Pumping Machines,ALL SIZES OF



Hoisting Apparatusof all klmlH a Kpeciality, ami

FilrtiUlicd nt Shortcut NoMfc.

urncd and Grooved to Order.

GAS P I P E S4 ND nswitiss oar A XD FITTED



1VHIOM.WCV, or SOUL OIUllUDiO."How cillicr sex may fasclnalo anil train

•laitl.r. TlniulnipliMnc'iilalntoiiinnioiitallin poBW.Ji, rrco, lit mail, r»r 3.' cl^i., IOROIIKU-ilb a nurnuKD bUlilo.KF;y|itlari Cravli'.Drcaiua,

Illola Ui KadTtBT WL-dJIiiK-Klghl Hlilrl, Ac. Arinoer Iitmk. Adilrcm

Inr T. muAKM & Co., ruto. , riilln., Ta.

UajiiUl S5.000.000.

HOME, - . " 000,000.

STAR, Jerscj- Cilr, " 60(1,000-


8TANI1AUD, Trenton, " 300,000-

TEOPLE'S, SomtB. " 30D.O00.

innxiA, " •• 500,000.

IIUXmoLT, " " 200,000.



Choice lots in Dover,f.ir gal.-rlnap, ami


Freeman Wood,llra/if the IVact- Wi.l 1'olld 3InKtBlratt



Restaurant and Eating House,


DOVBK, »T. ».

IN'unler Ii. n i iot tbo want, ofi ' iy 'H'-ii'a-ii11

trail... 1 bav« loancil ciilnrgi.il liiiatli-rn nos1

Iu my !R|(- |il.ii-o uf IIHHIIIPSS,atiilaii> hotu ' rgbl .to ni'i-Diiiiiioilatc iny ciiKt^uii-iH,


OYSTERS in every style.SEQA118 of tho treat Ijraniln

SODA tinil MINERAL Wi.lrni-lTS olallknil.lnlbtir

ICEI Hliall eiiKafie eiteiiBkoly tho iironent MiSo)

in Hie Itu L'reain bnaineKi, ari«l nliall ^ .., B tall tiinen all excellent qualitv uf ereaiu Df oilltiivnrB.


anpi'H*<l will, cronm, fralts,nnls, eonr0ct;oneran<l other luimleH. diva mo & rail.

20-lf T. BOLU'HO.





! rnosPiLviE,: BONE DUST, GUANO,

• »T



'Mower and Reaper.

HARDWA-BE. [|V» A comjilislt stuck for CASH " t • Y

J E . Lindsley &Son's>


? IITXTXO' TI n n n v A H w J



jjj HABDVABE, |lj



TIIE CHEAPEST.o imua-uimcBl anil tlio Best,


Ml HrA'rU IlOQFlNa in ill tha vaJui1J! notions or itjlcs nnd crlors ITIJIC], C y

iciiKnod or required and irlilclt llo(iU«B M]a toin oioitiently .inalidod to proilimo,

ThB'tart quiiir or Hi>ia « I J iionwa Bnnr work warranted to nnnlnco fi" HiCfYoo

AU.EN, I'ALMEB * SQ}j10 If . * Dover, n , ' j .









CltoCKKItY, Tlni Wooden uni- Willow* Ware.

Groceries and Provisions

•y GrwcTies, Caniif'l OIWMI), T>liuil Fruit»

" ' ' ' t l i i i i j j ' l i i "he* oVwerj" liiw?.


Iron, Btr el mid 3lininK MaleriaU of all kintltoader oil" rnfiv Hit-am tmi Gas l'iiw auu'iliiiKS, I '11 ' 'mlfl, ]tuil>Vrn' l lanl«aro,I ) lack-raithg and CaiitcuteiV 'i'o"li, b tpam P u t if l l k l i a


nOVEK, N. J.






U (ho Tnnl« uf

iti:nni;it & I'AI.>II:I:,





T ] y E CAS ronviBco yon tt^t ?<.ii can „„,.

I»K your Votiu n n l Bhoos it Sco. IV. Jjrak'Ji^Ima]} Ut »Um] simoSioro. Our now niotkiiWw in nml wnM n c v c r munj comijlt'lo In everyft'f|iocl tljnii nt urcHtut. Even- ncdrnlilo itvl«r laille»% Ijcnis', midscB1, youtlfs and clillilrcn'r.llntton UM amlConfrrtis (Initerfl mid Shoes

lio ho j'oiily «t o l ' w . nllAKK'!* Chcim'Bmltuiii Shoo Store. CUSTOM AVOllK nvd Jubliina' iptlyntlumleaio. Ouo dour from Mullonl

k Co. B LlutUing Store.





NO piUlllonal diareo Tor oitracllng »l1L.lioff tec Ii ar» lneurteil. Vo aro am rank-

bcaiil'l"! Dutu of tct-IU lor


ALL WOIJK WAUItAiVTED.oror, Scptcmbor 2.11b, 18TS.




B L A C K W E L L ST-,


. . . . „ , i l l Mi ftfcnJ, „ „ ! Iho g n m l ™l,llo to^lumulin. >tnubeconvitici-il Hiat lio liaa tlia""uatnuarU-Mii tliiasection,anil isnlmD.lantlj»1.1» »]lh Uli Increuul hdl l t ln lo meet Ibolr

'a and BatUry tliulr lamca.

AT ALL HOUES,preparc^to order, promptly and clieaply.

OYST.EBS•rved In cvury B i j ] C ) HUu Bull] by Hie liumirci

or t l i anund . Tbo cliolcciit bnaHa of


""aj alnava lm foand at my place, ai well at

a Ktipplj of

I11AL WAIEns, CONFEcriOXOlY, do.-I'srtleB, B.lla FcHtlrali, etc., annulled wllb"Wcr., 6'rarn, Coiitotlojiery >iul o>licr Sill-

KS1-ECIAL NOTICE IjUvInc .^n a[,|K.intt'il SOLE

DAPS ICE OREAM,•na Imrlnl micd w liamlaomn patlara «m a'nv.Uo entrance ror UOtea, I ihall mako theall ol ICE CIIEASI '» «pM,l|y tlio comlns°.iann, ami til] guarantee pcraonal comrortHilfreedom from aimnj-aaCo torn; SDcala.


House, Sign and Ornamental



nc mm n n b i H atdiVH^feb, still* m ilio

Con. HI-ACKKELL AXD SviKa. Srarerv •


OCTOBER 7th, 1575.

lir nult.:r (T William II. Lawbtrt A.lmi,,

mlwr «r JV":,r Iftiyle, dfeU t t i m S ' ,

QNtlijiliciition of thoaii.pve tmttuxl Ailmji,.

LTcdilorn nT UIQ fbtatu or aaul iff""(iin" ',''ii in tl i f ir cltrbtn, uuiauu(U and ok inn

apiiiint the kiwip, untk-r oath, witbiii imtiiouthn fmiii tlitri i!»li?, Iiy Botfiuj; up t ci.i .' IiliiiorJur, within twenty day* hurt-after, iiifiu'of tlio ninrfl juit lie t.lauiu in tho county nf Mor-ns fur t»o liunitbR, nud also Kilhin the uhitHcutr IIBTB l*r idvurliui]^ ibo h«tno ID tlir!Inu.v ta.i one of {ho newupflptiB of thin KillJ.tr the »auin upscu or tioiu (fbu Hnrrofnio jod"..'

iratircmlilurnliall De^wt lo «xlii£i7LS*^rliLTaobt,,(k'UiBtid a n a clann within tUo t t i ijx.riwl«rniiio muni h i , pnbllc nutloo being given

J.'Larrt-d ol liin or I I I T «ctlou t l t r t f o r *L-a,u«itlio A Etl A (I m t n I fi i TaLt cr .

E . K . WILLIS, B U r r c 8 a t 0 .A t r j c tfiiiy tmni t he minutes. ifl-lOtr

"iWP and TUCK"(cuno«o.)

The Great American Tea Co.


Dcantiral Oil Cbroiuofl,ofdifferontiizes prt-s e n t t J topurclnBcm uf 1, 2, 8, 4 or B i w u t i J , ( jTea, in clulx uf 130 and upwards. T i e t'otii.iiunvliaa now rcaily for Oelircit tt inltniliJClirouio, entitled " N I P AND T U C K " a now I tineajwimilj jiieturo, BIIOWJUK a lively •kirnitnL bu-iwefii b i b r anrf his pel JOR fur l l l 8 poiaeubnii>fa dull. I I IH »a full or rowing fan that t,,,iLscriptHin ran tell tlin atory HU wollaBtl.or-iiiijdo litlo of tlii) artlht. T b e Imttte In juntKip and Tuok, n i J nmat Ui scan to bo aimrc-ciattil, fk'iid fur circular of jiricog, tcrtng AcT H E GIIEAT AMEKICAN THA COSIl'ASy '

31 ami aj VESEV St., N, V1-. c. uox 3,043. E0-4n-


Short cut

to Wealth. sriS/^iar^67AI7 order. P. O. Box 63CK. HILTON1 A Co16i'h'ortLSI.,Kon Yuth. BMw '


'""^t^o^^^a-f,6-''"''SOLD BY AIL DEUGGISTS,



Cougtis, Colds, Hoarseness,Ami All Tliroat DIBCDBCB,




Fur e*lo by Druggists generally, and , ,

E0-4w JOIIHBTON, IIOLMWIT A Co., Plill., V».

A V J i j i N llOMO9mounted,BizoOiU.Jur

(1 or 120 for (3 ; Tor holiday presents.

50-iw NATIOKAL C11HOMO Co,, Hilla., P*.

KntorCB' Dnisnm for »U Coinplainti of Hounga, tha thro it, and tho hraochlal tnben, \»'IUIU'H Honey of lloruliOQiia noil Tar." Couglmind coltlfl vsniah as Ifbr magic ondcr iti sooili-up, hPHliug operation. tioKl by Ml UraRRUtE.

l'ilio'fl Toothacha Drops euro in ono minute.6O4

AGENTS WMTED S,r(,"i..SKOIIIDR book over pubilElod. Bend fur circularsand our orira ttrnw to AOEMTB,

NATIONAL rnjlUSUINQ Co., Hilla., Yi.

N E W B O O K f o r ( h e 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 .r \ \ m WEHTEtlN BOBDEIl ONE nUHDUEP\J YEAIIfJ Aao. A Graphic Iitutorj of tlioHeroic Epwh of American Harder Ufa. IIBthrilhnc conflicto of Itod ana White foes. Ei-Jiliuf- Advonturoe, Captivities, Foraja, Seoul«,IHouopr. women and bo;a. Indian w«r-pjl)n.Cnmp lifo and BnortB. A book for Old andYoung. Not » Jail P«RO. No competition.Enornions BHIOB, Ascnti nantod e-Tarjwhon*.Clrcolan free. -Aildrca*, J. O. iloCUltDV ACo., 2G H. Seventh St., I'lilUdolpbla, Fa.


REMACY&Co.SIA l i th BT. and flth ATE. NEW YORK. CYMA Tlio larger imiwrtem and retailor* in CVMA AmoricaorDollB.TofflandFaacjfGoodi CVJ(A Buftatile for tlia Uollilnj traUo. Weoo- UVMA cupj tho ifliclo block through from CVMA 14lb io 19th street, nA f w l 7 years CVMA hnvo made Holiday floods it specialty. CtMA jJ3-Calnl(ipues nnu lilnmiuatei] centen- CV}[A tilal cards rwnt frco tu toy addnsa. CVMA Order attended to nitti special cars. CVMAC* MACK JIAUY MACY MAUV







Alarco HDO orntLTEB.uincLEs, laiuble tor 'BiiMi, nt ClOBcBV llcurcs.

Hlorlinjf Hirer Napkin IUngg from $1.50 n.i,and FmiiT KNIVU IS low m tl.25.•EvBrjr tiescriiition orBilvcr-pIatml WPM, folks,

kqkes, ipoons, castore. IrankoU, and manyfancy articles, i t rcr/ lilW PIUCE3. Triiilc-[ilnlcd gimritntcod.

Aluo, rruncli am] Atnoricsn Clocks, Sronzi r,pcclaclcR, ^5c-OlaeBGR. Operu-QlaesoH Ac,

Ac- nl lenrart possible prices. ' . 'Braiillsn robhla SpM.aelDH only 53.50.An Inapecllon of our stock is soifoUod. CO-Civ

Couglii,Coldi, Uron-cliltU, Bore Tlironi,InaueniM, C r o n p ,^VIiooplRg Oongli," o a n e n r u , M v i r

)tnplalnt tpalni(ir

r..,'Bldc, UlcmllnR attbo I'«»8«, nnd e»uryatToctloiioftlieTlinintLungs anO Chest, nro

— fipcfidily and penutn*

ntlv•ennd by tho «BO of Dr. Wstarfi Balmiii-f Wild Cliorry, v/hlch doc* not dry np & conclin] lcaro tbo cause behind, as is tlio m o witliioat TemetJics, bnt looseCB I . cloautcs HIDinga mil allayt Irritation, thus romoTinfi HID

CONSUMPflON'CAN BE CUREDjy a timolr rojort )o this nt»ntlnra romot!?. nfa Jiroved by hundreds of testimoniali It IIBJrorvived. Knno conaino IIUIOBI slcuad " IIJUTTH" on tha wrapper. CO cla. aud II a but-ties Inrco bottles niucli*tbo cheaper BET)ITIT. FO WLE A SON8, Proprietors, lJoston, l l i u .Bold bj- dialuri generally. h-ly

DTERTBINa i Cheap: Good Sratonisiir.L. All pmons nlio coulctnplBtomtkinR coii-iciB wilh nenrgnaparg for tho in sort! on uf

__ rerlisomonti, ihonld BOBJ JO n n u to Qou.1'. Kowell A Co., 41 park llow, Kew York, fortheir PAIU'IILKT-UOOK (ninotTiBTentli cJI-tion), coutninine Ittls ofoTor 2,000 oowipspanind CBtlmntcB, nhowiuR ths coit. AdrerllifnoiiUtabDDforleadltif; papers in many SUtoit n ireineiiaonB raauoflon from pnblisler*'•ales. QETMiaooir. 4-ly

t 5 in l a s pot. d»y. AgontB wanted. AtJJasMB of worWng people of both loioa, yooiiR(Ud old, inalto nioro monoj at work for m, i";hoir OWB lonUtet, durinj their spara momcnti)r >ll tUo time than at any thine clio. Wo oft*coplojmont that will pay handiomoly for eicrjIOUT s work. Full parwealars, tonns, 4 c . >oi»r » . Send us roar addreis %t Qnco. Don't

doliy. Now Is tho time. Don't look forworVor baslneti clsowter*, on til you fcavo leamnlwhat we ofltar. Q. 8TIHBON 4 Co., rortlmJ,Maine. ' i-ij


NEW YORK and CHINA TEA Co.his loog anil ircll cBtabltuhed hoaso is vo\r

, lulling excellent Teas of the

Rclcctcd bv tliclr own aRnnh , In Clitna mifanan, AT TJIICES TO BlJlT T H E TIME: o r r l 5 E 3 aro Steam Hoailed froab Dally. J M>nd Coffees U I t h C i l P k s o

inlera urn imnctnill* attnodcd lo. » •UOSKS * to . . Proprtetors, 77, W, II, BlId Vmcy St., oppoiilo Waibluglon M&rkct.

afna 15 shcnti . . .io liotdor, iwnei;ioeoofjowolrv.


paper, inmiTolopci.eolJon pon,ndl, patent yard mesinro, anil a

t, 18 cts. Circular ftco. HBII>traj, How York. . •*&-**

XOQUE of KEV nnoKi on I

rAflliEN S l . , ^ T o r i ? 1 ? " 1 1 : WMw'