MEDICINAL. irHrc.iCt.uRli-. OoM* Hoar IBroachltK wt- .... tion, and nuSe\«a conn.. . m :, '' noli. Too Genuine Dr. HuU'aJg. I Cough Sirup ''"J "B IMhc imwpew. and beam oarg in-Ri-lff'1 Tr:i'l.-M:irk- fjw.ugj A T.iilff Hr.nl in u I trclr, a ym IStrip Cnutlon-LabcL, ami UlOjS l- iint!.- ..tnr. ¦-.if J-hn 1!'. .'( .r :. C. M.-i/.t « <¦».. Sole Ual h n Chew I.nn-'fV I'Iiil-.-';'he crenjToIiBCCO A UdSw:-3wcc 1OCW.-S0W by au Druggists. BUILDING MATERIAL, &c. PERRY, SMOOT&ßft Steam Flooring &PIaniü g Mill Manufacturers of x m >B and WINDOW FBAMFS, MOLDINGS, &c. Dca!ct3 In LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, NAILS, LIME, CALCINED plaster am: CE.MKN'j NO. u."> Nor.ru UNION ST., AI. K X A N DKIA, VJBQl Lumber delivered in the city free. SSTAEIiisSCED 1S22. JOSIAH ED. SIOOT, DEAXRB IN Life life Laths, D KAILS, LIME, CEMENT. CALCINED PLASTER, &c., &c.. &c MANITFACTIIKM: OF FLOORING, DOORS, SASH. BLINDS, PEA MES MOULDINGS, MANTELS. BRACKETS AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD WORK. office aud yard No. 21 north Union si. Factory Kos. 13 aud IS north Loo nt.. Alexandria, Va. BSr'No chargefor delivery in city. isn2S Jolm T.Creigliton&Son, Wnori R SALE A IS* 1) 11 F. TAIL 1) K A LKJ18 IN HAKIHFAltE t.VB .UTIiBBY, NO. SS KING, COENER OF ROYAL STREET Have on hand a very largo .and '.veil assorted stock of goods in t heir lino. Country merchants are invited to call and ex¬ amine boforo purchasing. Satisfactiongnarantood. Call and sec. fapl2 1 "TES ?. ('AltLIN Li sons:. NO. 63 KING STREET I.EXANDRIA VIRGINIA. WhoU sale and tail Dealers in HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, .iaildors' Hardware, Locks, Hinges, Screws. DjorBo'ts, LRtchca, 4c, Saddlery, Hardware* Bridle Bits, Buckle?. Rings, Hames, &c, «Sx." Whoolwrights' Hani war-:. .'.;.!es. Rims. Unbs' Spokes, Sawed Follows, Tire Iron, &c., Pocket1 Tu: o. Carving, and Butcher Kiiivoa, &c. Guns PI to A fill and complete stock of first* c go away in store and sold at lowest cash _anglS pUBE, REFRESHING AND HEALTHY. Virginia Norton Seedling Claret, pts. and i|t3. " Rose of Virginia " " " Extra "" Sautcruo " " Sherry "' " .10 cases of the above purest Sr. uruer Wines in store and for salo by je9 * nEo. McBurney a- son. I i'st RECEIVED by s. s. Nessiaorc from Liv- fJ erpool, Eng., to Baltimore. 15 crates STAND¬ ARD C. and 21 crates HENRY BURGESS WHITE GRANITE SETS. If yon are in need of a first-class article iu either of these wares you should not fail to give us a calL We do not sc'l "seconds" (second quality) and "thirds" (third «jualityj at retail. V.'e guarantee every picco of ware from our house to bo the best of its kind, fehl E. J. MILLER. S'>N & CO. HARDWARE FOR THE SEASON at SS King, corner of Royal street, Alexandria, Virginia, .'ust received a supply of geauino ENGLISH WALDRON GRAIN and crass SCYTHES; American Grain and Grass Scythes,Bush Scythes, Snaths, Hay Rakes, Scythe Stone.', Hilles. Hay and Manure Forks, which were purchased of ßril hands and will be sold, wholesale and retail, at a small advance at 88 King, corner of Eoy.i! St.,by ruvio J. T. CREIGHTON i SON. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Statement U. S. Branch', June 30,1885. Assets.$5,918,563 13 Liabilities..-. 3,303,092 17 Surplus. 2.<il4.t»70 »(> Total losses paid in tho U. S..'>f>,(>7(>,7.>9 55 For policies in this excellent comnanv apply to PHILIP B. HOOE, Agent, dccir» No. 2 Prince street. A NEW LINE OF BREAKFAST WAKE :.¦ he opened to-day of an entirely new :uid lovely pattern which will l>o suro to* he popular and which you can match at any tii.ie ami purchase in as small a quantity as yen desire. Wo would be glad to havo you examine these goods before purchasing, as wo are making every effort 10 please and take great care in offering the newest goods on the market. ruhS ' E..L MILLER, SON A; CO. CJUMMER GOODS: iO SUMMER (iOODS: t all and examine our new line of REFRIGE¬ RATORS and COOLERS before purchasing. Sole agents for the "RIDGWA V" REFRIG ERATORS and "PHILADELPHIA" COOLERS. These aro the most perfect goods of the kind on the niprkct, and wo invite inspection and comparison of prirc>. ap!3 E. J. MILLER, SON & C<). APPLE PA RE RS and CORERS, Preserving Kettles of ali kinds. Fruit Presses, Family Scales, Meat Choppers, Carpet Sw;oners, Cloti.es Wringers and many other goods to lighten the work of the housekeeper, to which wo invite their attention, for tho cost is such as to bring them within tho reach of all. .IAb. F. TALLIN & SONS. aug20 Alexandria, Va. MILK PANS.1 carload (C.OOOl TERRA COT¬ TA MILK PANS just received from factory These pans are .king the place of tin pans. Tho glaze is perfectly indestractib.o, freo from metals of all kinds and is graran.eed Lorn crazing. As low priced as the common stono ]iau and much nicer. feb!5_E. J. MILLER.SON* (X). HONEY DROP, RED CROSS and QUEEN AN¬ IS E CANNED CORN for sale by »P*_J. C. MILBURN. 1MIE COMBINATION CRAVAT can he found at - sep5 A MOS B. SLAYMAKER'S. PUBLISHED DAILY AND TRI-WEEKLY Bl EDGAR SN O WHEN, At the Gazette Buildinq, 310 and 312 Prince st. DAILY. TRI-WEEKLY. One year. .$g 00 One year.$4 00 Six months. 3 00 Six months. 2 00 One month:.. 50 | Three months. 1 00 Cinfract advertisers trill not be allowed to exceed their space, unless the excels is paid for at transient ratesr and under no circumstances will they be allowed to advertise o'.r.er than their legitimate business in the space contracted for. AU transient advertisements must be paid for in ad¬ vance. Rcsolutionsin memoriam, of thanks, tributes of respect, resolutions adopted by societies or persons, unless of public concern, will only be printed in this paper as adnrtiscments. Marriage anrf death notices must be paid for in ad¬ vance. P, u leaving the city can have tlie Gazette mailed to them, postpaid, for fifty cents a month, and the address changed as ojten as desired. The Gazette office is connected with the Telephone Ex- change. Advertisements, orders for the paper, news or a;.y information or business can be sent by Tel- phore. AU communications should be addressed to "Gazette," Alexandria, Va. [Entered at the Postoffice at Alexandria, Virginia, as second-class matter.] Common Errors..Ignorant folk, wonder- mongers and even scientific observers have disseminated many erroneous and exagger¬ ated notions which are not readily eradi¬ cated. We are still told, foe instance, oi the Norwegian, maelstrom, a frightful whirling chasm in the sea capable of sucking down the largest ships, though in reality this fear- fa! .'whirlpool-' is simply a run of the tide through ii sloping channel, is rarely danger¬ ous, ;:i><i then chiellyon account of the rocks on which it may draw vessels. Sir John Kersch el gave bis indorsement to tho state¬ ment that stars may be seen in tho daytime from the bottom of a well, but this has been prow- to be an error by tests from a shaft nearly half a mile deep. Mr. John Murdoch bus recently shown that tho Eskimos do not, as text books of physiology affirm, doze through their long winter nights, keeping up their bodily heat by enormous meals of raw blubber and lamp oil, but thai their winter life is uctive, their food mostly cooked and their consumption of oil not excessive. A still widely accepted be¬ lief is that the hair snake is a wonderful transformation of a horse's hair when kept in wator, though these odd creatures (known Dnco as Gordius 'aquations) really grow from eggs, and in early stages inhabit the bodies <.! insects. A very old idea, without foundation in fact, is tlrat crocodiles shed mournful tears, while storiss of toads im¬ prisoned in solid rock are numerous and supported by much evidence, but have probably resulted from imperfect observa¬ tion. Account of the germiuatiou of grain from the mummy pits of Egypt have arisen from deception practiced by the Arabs in placing fresh s-eeds with the belongings of the mummies. Though now known to be incorrect, the inference that the moon in¬ fluences tho weather is a very natural one to untrained observers, and is far less ab¬ surd than a thousand vagaries that gain cre¬ dence, such as tho dropping of live reptiles from the clouds, the ejection of live snakes and other creatures from the human stom¬ ach, the localization of water by a forked stick, tho extinguishment of fire by sun¬ shine, etc..Arkansaw Traveller. The Great Chinese Wall..Tho Great Wall of China is in fine conditiou where I examined it, thought ruinous in parts. It is from 85 to 30 feel high, 15 to 20 feet thick, and revetted outside and in with cut granite masonry laid in regular courses, with an ex¬ cellent mortar of lime and sand. It is sur¬ mounted by a parapet or battlement of gray burned l.-riek IS or 20 inches thick, covered wit!-, moss and pierced with crenelated openings for the defenders, whether archers oi matchlockmen, to fire through. The rear or inner revetment wall is also furnish- ed with a lo?;er parapet but is not crene- lated. The top is paved with a double lay¬ er of brick about a foot square. Tho in¬ side of the wall is made of earth and looeo stone, well rammed in. Every 200 or 300 yards there is a Hanking turret 35 or -10 feet liigb, projecting heyond and overlooking the faceol tho wall in both directions, and I aoh turret is a stone staircase leading down between the walls to a door opening upon the ground in the rear. Tho most as- tonisbing thing about it is, however, that it climbs straight up the steepest and most rugged mountain sides, courses iloug their summits, descends into gorges and ravines, and, rising again, skirts the face ot almost iuoccessible crags, crossos rivers, valleys, and plai is in endless succession from one end of the empire to the other.from the seashore on the gulf of Pe-Chee-Lse to the desert wastes of Turkestan. No spot is left unguarded or uncovered, and no matter bow tierce and active were the wild tribes- roes who assailed it, or bow innumerable their armies, it is evident that it could, if well defended, defy the world up ;o the day of gunpowder and artillery. Indeed, it is almost impossible to conceive of its capture except through treachery or gross neglect on the part of those whose duty it should be to defend it [| is iatd out- in total defiance of the rules oi military engineering, and yet the walls are so sol'd and inaccessible, and the gates so well arranged and defended, that it would puzzle a modern army with a first-class 6iege train to get through it, if any effort what¬ ever were made for its defenso..Gen. Wil- son's Book on China. Recent Storm off the Grand Banks. The schooner Geraldioe, at CanBO, X. 8., from tho Grand Banks, besides having her decks swept, lost fourteen dories and every thing movable. One man named Nicholas Ash lost bis life. He belonged in C/'arbo- neau, X. P. The Geraldine reports great loss of life among the hand line fishermen on the Urand Banks by the recent fierce gales. Capt. Jamieson, of the Geraldine. states that the most violent and destructive of the storms occurred on the 3d instant aud caused great havoc. Early in the morning there was no indication of an approaching storm, and at six o'clock all the dories, six¬ teen in number, set out for their brawls. Then thero was only a light breeze from the south southeast. Two hours later the ba- rometcr showed signs of the approach of dirty weather, and guns were at once fired as a signal for the fishermen to return on board t he vessel. AU the boats but one j.jccepded in reaching the schooner. In that one was Nicholas Ash. Though only a short distance away when the signals were fired, he had not time enough to re tum bpfore the storm descended and swamped his boat, and he was lost. As the < Geraldine tore along before the slorm many other fishing veaseis passed her all adrift and showing signs of having suffered from the gale. Many flag3 were at half mast for the loss of me;;, and the number of the victims of the gale must have been terribly large, After the weather hp'J r. ^derated the Carrie C. Miles, of Proviucetowu, Mass.. was spo ken, leakir u badly. A lßige number of do- rie3 were seen bottom upward, and Captain Jamieson Btates that the loss of life is enor- mous. He says he bar. been going to sea for twenty years, and this was the most se- vere storm of his experience. An OHensivc Kreuth is most distressing, not oni) to the per.-on afllicted if he have any pride, bur lb those with whom he comes hi coo tact. It is a delicate matter to speak of, but it has part¬ ed not ouly friends but lovers. Bad nrc-ath and catarrh are inseparable. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures the worst cases, as thousands can testify. mediöTnäl.- HMMCHE DK. C. W. EENSON'S CELERY AND CHAMO- MILE PILLS are prepared expressly to cure Headaches and Nervous diseases, and will euro any caso of either Sick, Nervous or Dyspeptic Headache, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Paralysie or Indigestion, no matter how obstinate or long-Etiinding the case may be Price 50 cents a box, postage free to auy address. Sold by all druggists. Bensox Chemical Company, 521 North Howard street, Baltimore, Md. Dr. BENSON'S SKIN CURE FOR ALL SKIN DISEASES. &ug20 eoly EXCURSIONS. NORFOLK, FORT MONLOE, VIRGINIA BEACH. OCEAN VIEW, PINEY POINT and CORNFIELD HARBOR. Palace steamer GEORGE LEARY, SATURDAY, Sept. 17, G p, in., from Princo st. wharf. Returning, leavo Norfolk and 'Western Railroad Company's wharf (only 50 feet from Virginia Beach Railroad depot) upon arrival of the train from the Beach, and from the Boston wharf at .1:30 p. m. Sunday, arriving in Alexandria at] 6:30 a. m. Monday. To Norfolk and return, $2.50; to Fort Monroe and return, $2.50; to Virginia Beach and return, including dinner at Beach, $3 25 to Ocean View and return, including dinner at hotel, $3.25; to Fort Monroo and return, including breakfast and dinner at Hygoia Hotel, $3.50. For other information apply to PHILIP I!. HOOE, jy!5 tf Agent, Prince street wharf. CLOTHING, etc. CHESTNUT! STRAIGHT fiOODS! AN ABSOLUTE FACT! Over $35,000 Worth Clothing, Boob, Shoes, Hats and Gents' Furnishings. NOTE THE FOLLOWING PRICES (iSO MEN'S SUITS AT. $2 55 290 " " . 3 24 30S " '' . 4 20 190 " " . 510 89 " ". 6 25 78 " ". 7 49 58 " " . 9 24 300 " " . 10 00 G8 " " . 4 58 49 " " . 13 50 200 " " . 15 00 G9 " " . 18 50 39 " " . 2100 22 " . 25 00 21 " " . 27 50 1,000 CHILDREN'S SUITS, ranging from $1 to $0 25. 690 BOYS' SUITS, ranging in prico from $2 25 to $18. BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT. Men's, Boys', Children's, Misses' and Ladies' Shoes at prices so low as to astonish all. Men's and Boys' Fino Calf, Kip and Split Boots at extremely low figures. Wc invite the public to inspect our stock and take note of our prices aud styles. Tho salo con¬ tinues until our stock is reduced satisfactorily. Wo would request all who desiro to take ad- vantigo of this opportunity to como as soon as possible while our stock is complete. Established 1850, NEW Nos. 108 «fc 110 HIN« STREET, ALEXANDBIA, VIRGINIA. JJEINEKEN'S VIRGINIA WINES. Norton's Seedling Claret. Rose of Virginia " Extra Virginia " Virginia " Mill Park Sautcrno " All theso Wines are absolutely pure. Forsaleby my21 GEO. McBURNEY & SON. j^LOUR! FLOUR! PILLSBERRY'S BEST MINNESOTA PATENT. JONES'S HUNGARIAN BAKER'S CRYSTAL TENNEY'S OUR NEW SOUTH CHOICE FAMILY. Tho above are the finest brands of Flour made ap20_GEO. McBURNEY. THURBEE'S SHREDDED OATS.A fresh lot just received. je9_GEO. McBURNEY & SON. PHILLIPS'S DIGESTIBLE COCOA, highly re commended for invalids and children, for salo by_ [jy22] J. C. MILBUBN. PATENT FLY FANS, two kinds, for sale at.ex¬ tra low prices at 88 King, corner Royal st.,by -Jj^ .LT. CREIGHTON & SON. GOOD GUNPOWDER, OOLONG, JAPAN and Extra Mixed Teas, for sale at 50c. per lb. by jan20 J. C. MILBUBN. pHEESE CLOTHS, Striped Lawns and Fine \J Ginghams, for dresses, from 5 to 10c, at _myl3_AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S. BORAX SOAP, white, just received and for salo at 5c per cake by jo7_ J. C. MILBUBN. INDIA GAUZE, Gossamer and Balbriggan Shirts, long and short sleeves, just received at my 12_AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S. SUITINGS! SUITINGS!.Good, pretty and cheap Suits made to orderand fit guaranteed by mh24_AMOS B. 3LAYMAKEB. PULVERIZED SALT, in boxes, suitable for ta¬ ble and dairy, received to-day by ap28 J. C. MILBUBN. CHOICE FLORIDA ORANGES and FANCY MESSINA LEMONS just received by mhl4 J. C. MILBUBN. GOLD MINING THE GOLD MINING COMPANY, .LOCATION.MUSIC MOUNTAINS, MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA. (INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF WEST VIRGINIA.) CAPITAL STOCK,.- 8625,000. NUMBER OF SHARES, 625,000, OF SI EACH. FULL RAID AND NON-ASSESSABLE. OFFICERS. a>ii£F<"roits. Uou. M. C. IiUTLES. Senator WILLIAM MAHONE. WILLIAM GRINSTE D, M. 1). Hon. JOHN' B.SHIPMAN. President, Hon. W. P. CANADAy, Washington, D. C. Secretary, WILLIAM s. ODELL, Washington, D. C. Vice President, J. Q. BARTON, Hon. CLARKE P. CBANDALL. Mare Island Navy Yard, Ca). Hon. W. p. CANADAy. Treasurer, Hon. JOHN B. SHIPMAN, JONATHAN Q. BARTON, U. S. N. Washington, D. C. BENJAMIN W. BROWNE. General Manager, chas. W. CUNNINGHAM, WILLIAM s. ODELL. Haekhorry, Arizona, c The capital stock of this company is $025.000, divided into 020,000 shares of $1 each. The company is incorporated under the laws of West Virginia, and the stock is non-assessable, and carries with it no personal liability to the holder. The Gold Mining Company (location, Music Mountains, A. T,) is as sound a mining enterprise as was ever placed on the market, and its possibilities have never been exceeded. Every share should double in value within a year, and they may quadruple, as they are based on property that would ordinarily have been capitalized ten (10) times as great on account of its known richness and promise. The shares are made small so that any one can invest. Subscriptions for five shares are as welcome as those for hundreds. Every dollar of earnings will go to Ihc stockholders in dividends, as there is nothing else that they can be used for. A Wisewell mill, capacity 20 tons per day, with powerful machinery, has been purchased and will be on the ground ready for erection at the mine within the next thirty days. The solid basis upon which the company is founded and the practical proofs of the richness of the mine have already secured the confidence of the public, and the stock has steadily advanced in selling value. Within the last few days bona fide sales have been made at par. There is no better stock on the market for a permanent investment. For full information in regard to this Mine apply to the SECRETARY, Room 40 Le Droit Building, Washington, D. C. auß!8 _BRICKS._ ARLINGTON BRICK MACHINE "CO. Oflico No. 77 Corcoran Building, Washington. Hon. CHAS. M. 8HELLY, President. Yards Canal Lock at Alexandria. FINE TEMPERED CLAY BRICKS for sale at the yard or delivored in tho city; also on railroad cars and vessels for country and river trade at lowest market prices. These Bricks aro very STBONG and DURABLE, being mado by power¬ ful machinery and subjected to enormous pres¬ sure. Wo especially recommend them for uso in largo structures, railroad tunnels, government bnildings, hospitals and evory place whero strength is required and dampness excluded. jel6 3m_ CONFECTIONERS. DELICACIES AT BRESGLE'S. BISQUE CREAM, RASPBERRY CREAM STRAWBERRY CREAM, ORANGE CREAM, VANILLA CREAM, LEMON CREAM. All flavors of Cream and Water Ices. HENRY BRESGLF, 531 KING ST., Has now opened his ICE CREAM SALOONS: refitted and arranged thoroughly for the accom¬ modation of all his customers. His Ladies' Ice Cream Par'jis on tho second floor. His newly furnished saloon for gentlemen. Special room fitted up for colored customers who are fond of tho best Ice Cream in town. Ho has maintained his good name for pure goods for thirty years and still supplies tho best and cheapest goods in his line. Ice Cream Soda, Pies for dessert or lunch, and Puro Candies are specialties in which ho has nov- or bcon excelled. Cakes of all kinds of the best material cheaper than they can bo made at home. Ho cators of tbo host for families, parties, balls, fairs and entertainments. myti HENRY W1LDT. JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF AMERICAN WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, CLOCKS, &c. Sole agent for tho celebrated DIAMOND SPEC¬ TACLES and EYE GLASSES. rcb.27_No. 10 N.Royalat., Alcxr.rulria. Va. HOMAS'S LIQUID BLUE. IN PAPER BOTTLES, entirely free from acids, ard guaranteed pure. The greatest quantity for tho least money of any pure uoods on tho market. Don't fail to try it. mhö JÖEO.McBjrjR^^^SON. TINNERS' BOLDER, Sheet Zinc, Bar Lead and Tin, Sheet Brass, Copper and Iron Rivets, full stock always at JAS. F. CARLIN & SONS', ang'20 Alexandria, Va. STEAMERS. DAILY LINE JO NORFOLK AND FORT MONROE. STEAMERS "GEORGE LEARY" AND "EXCELSIOR." On and after Monday, July 14, 1837, the "LEARY" will leave Princo street wharf on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS at G:00 p. m., and the "EXCELSIOR" on MON¬ DAYS, WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS from the same wharf at the same hour. Returning, LEAVE NORFOLK EVERY DAY, except Mondays, at 4 p. m. Exclusive connection with Boston and Provi¬ dence steamers. Connect also with Old Dominion steamers for New York, steamers Ariel and Old Point at Fortress Monroo for Richmond and land¬ ings on James river, and with all other mil and steamboat lines at Norfolk and Fort Monroe For other information apply to PHILIP B. HOOE. mayl.3-tf_Agt. Princo Street Wharf. NLAND AND SEABOARD COASTING COMPANY., GREATLY REDUCED RATES. FOB FORTRESS MONROE AND NORFOLK DIRECT (NO STOPS.) Tho steamer LADY OF THE LAKE will leave her wharf EVERY MONDAY. WEDNES¬ DAY and SATURDAY at '1 o'clock p. m. Fare, firft-class, $1.50; round trip, $2.50. FOR RIVER LANDINGS. Tho steamer JOHN W. THOMP30N will leave her wharf EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 8 a. m., for all river landings as far down as Kinsalc, Monday's Point and Lodge Landing, in Ycocomico river : retumiug Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings. Faro, first-class, 50c; second-class, 25c. FOR NEW YORK. STEAMERS E. C. KNIGHT AND JOHN GIBSON EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, and roturnicg leavo New York, from pier 41, East rivor, every SA1 UEDAY. Tho steamers of this company make connec¬ tions at Norfolk for all points East; at'New York with all points West and Northwest, and at Alexandria with Virginia Midland Railway and Washington and Ohio Railroad. Through rates given and freight handled carefully and promptly For further information apply to F. A. REED & CO., Agent. Jauno7'5 wharf J. W. THOMPSON, President. 1416 F atreet, sep'^7-tf _Washington, D. C. pLYDE'S STEAM LINE WEXKLY TO PHILADELPHIA. Appointed sailing days from AleiU' rl EV- ERY TUESDAY and from Philadolpb: EVERY SATURDAY. This lino connects at Alexandria witü tho Vir- ginia Midland and Washington and Ohio railroads, and at Philadelphia with Clyde's regular Steam¬ ships. Freight forwarded with promptness and care, free of commissions, No charge for transfer in Philadelphia. Quick time. Frequent departures. Through rates and through bills of lading given. Insurance at the lowest rates. Agents F. A. REED & CO., Alexandria. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Philadelphia. JOHNSON & CO., Wash. & Goorgt'n. jan8-tf SOAP. Vat:' 1 of Laundry .Soap awarded n ßrst class medal at the) New Orleans Exposition. Guarnn- !' ..! ~ -!::i< !y pn're, and for general household purposes is tho very best PROFESSIONAL. h w- nk>vr,v & ca' surveyors and engineers, Alexandria. Va., and ICQ3 F stre :. Washington; D. C. Accuracy und promptness guaranteed. [ee2 lm AMES R. OATON. J ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AI LAW, Office, No. -1 soutb Fairfax streut. Practices in Alexandria city and county and adjoining counties and in the fedora! courts. je25 3m BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Hciioo! Books for tiie Million, NEW AND RE OND HAND, AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Wholesale and Retail). üIlfrLtB»«£lMKTEUCK AT FRENCH'S, .?17 and -11!» King street, Alexandria, Va . We arc no v. receiving the largest, most varied and cheapest stock of {looks, new and second¬ hand, tor t tie public schools of Virginia; ever offer¬ ed in the Htal >. tn school requisites everything is to lio found.School Bags love: thirty different styles), Book traps, 1'. >ok Carriers and a thousand Mill one oth< r thin; .. sop2 QEO. E. FRENCH. L ^ooksi -/la' and Stationer, .r> 3 King street, Alexandria, Va Next h> Opn-a Ilonsc.) A little ^tore, but full of new goods. Blank Books from tsmallest op. 50,000 Envolopes booght low and will lie sold low. SCHOOL AN'!) MISCELLANEOUS books. Come and see what I have got for a start even if you do not wish to buy. Orders from the country solicited. angl2 3m HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. iniiiTiii? iXiVUUjillUB All" D.IIjIlIU! Stcuernugv] A SEcissc, I'roprictor*. Are. now ready to supply the public with FINE SALT WATER OYSTERS, served in every style ae.d in tho best manne--. NEW STEAMING APPARATUS has been put up. Tho Bar, as usual, is stocked with the BEST WINES, LIQUORS, &c. aug3 THE ALEXANDRIA Real Estate Investment. Trnst anil Title Office.No. A south Fairfax at. Telephone No. 2. President, PARK AG new. Vice Pf< Jidont, JAMES R. CATON. Scct'y. and Treasurer, M. B. HARLOW. iiavh for sale A large list of city and country property, consist¬ ing of FARMS, MILL PROPERTY, DWELLING houses, vacant lots, &c. All persons desiring to buy or sell real estate, or to negotiate loans upon real estate security, will find it to their advantage to give us a call. In all investments made by us upon real estate security we guarantee tho most careful examina¬ tion into the questions of title and sullin'oncy of security. jo!25 jSÄUM'S new jersey joy KILLS MOSQUITOES. Don't take my word for it.try it. Price 25 cts. I or sale by auglG_J. D. H. LUNT. ' 1HOICF. FLOUR. \J BAKER'S CRYSTAL, tenney'S NEW south. family and ROLLER EXTRA, For salo by ap'j.j j. C MILBURN CJHEEP DIP, Sage, Ground Sage, Diamond Ö Dyes, Fitchc's Pocket Scales, Hood's Sarsapa- riiia, Warner's Kidney and Liver Cure, Brown's Iron Bitters, Völinä Cordial, Pratt's Astral Oil, and Sweet Majoram.a largo supply just received, deel e. S. LEADBEATER & BE< >. .- W MACKEREL. FANCY SOS. 1 AND 2 MACKEREL iust received ; whito aud fat. sc,,5 geo. McBurney & son. I UST RECEIVED.Another lot of TAYLOR'S <j IMPROVED PATENT BUSTLES, self-fold¬ ing, and for comfort and durability cannot bo sur¬ passed. Latest style. eep5 amos B. SLAYMAKER. E-: WELED KETTLES <.:' u.l -:/ -. Apple and Peach Parcrs, Imtorprisc and ot' <ir Meat Cut¬ ters tor ialc cheap at 326 King,corner of Royalst. J. T. CREIGHTON & SON. G, f.N'S, PISTOLS, SHELLS, PRIMERS, &c., of r all kinds at 323 King street, wholesale and "Spa J. T. CREIGHTON & SON, ji oNDON PURPLE. Just received a fresh supplv at jeG W. F. CREIGHTON <fc CP'S. FINE PRESERVES-Cross & Blackwell's Pre¬ served Damsons, Plums, Currants, Strawber¬ ries, Peaches, ADricots and Cherriw just received byj_[sepl] J. C. MILBURN. / tORN KNIVES and HOOKS, best quality, just Kj received at 328 King street, corner of Royal; wholesale and retail. ,...., scpB J. T. CREIGHTON & SON.

Clothing, Boob, Shoes, - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85025007/1887-09-14/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · PERRY,SMOOT&ßft SteamFlooring&PIani ... Haveon hand a very largo.and

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irHrc.iCt.uRli-. OoM* HoarIBroachltK wt- ....

tion, and nuSe\«a conn.. .m:, ''

noli. Too Genuine Dr. HuU'aJg.I Cough Sirup ''"J "BIMhc imwpew. and beam oargin-Ri-lff'1 Tr:i'l.-M:irk- fjw.ugjA T.iilff Hr.nl in u I trclr, a ym

IStrip Cnutlon-LabcL, ami UlOjSl- iint!.- ..tnr. ¦-.if J-hn 1!'..'( .r :. C. M.-i/.t « <¦».. Sole

Ual h n

Chew I.nn-'fV I'Iiil-.-';'he crenjToIiBCCO AUdSw:-3wcc 1OCW.-S0W by au Druggists.


PERRY,SMOOT&ßftSteam Flooring&PIaniüg Mill

Manufacturers of

x m >B and WINDOW FBAMFS, MOLDINGS, &c.Dca!ct3 In



Lumber delivered in the city free.







office aud yard No. 21 north Union si. FactoryKos. 13 aud IS north Loo nt.. Alexandria, Va.

BSr'No chargefor delivery in city. isn2S

Jolm T.Creigliton&Son,Wnori R SALE A IS* 1) 11 F. TAIL 1) K A LKJ18 IN


Have on hand a very largo .and '.veil assortedstock of goods in t heir lino.Country merchants are invited to call and ex¬

amine boforo purchasing.Satisfactiongnarantood. Call and sec. fapl21 "TES ?. ('AltLIN Li sons:.


.iaildors' Hardware, Locks, Hinges, Screws.DjorBo'ts, LRtchca, 4c, Saddlery, Hardware*Bridle Bits, Buckle?. Rings, Hames, &c, «Sx."Whoolwrights' Hani war-:. .'.;.!es. Rims. Unbs'Spokes, Sawed Follows, Tire Iron, &c., Pocket1Tu: o. Carving, and Butcher Kiiivoa, &c. GunsPI to A fill and complete stock of first*c go away in store and sold at lowest cash


Virginia Norton Seedling Claret, pts. and i|t3." Rose of Virginia " "

" Extra " "

Sautcruo "

" Sherry "'"

.10 cases of the above purest Sr. uruer Wines instore and for salo byje9


nEo. McBurney a- son.I i'st RECEIVED by s. s. Nessiaorc from Liv-

fJ erpool, Eng., to Baltimore. 15 crates STAND¬ARD C. and 21 crates HENRY BURGESSWHITE GRANITE SETS. If yon are in need ofa first-class article iu either of these wares youshould not fail to give us a calL We do not sc'l"seconds" (second quality) and "thirds" (third«jualityj at retail. V.'e guarantee every piccoof ware from our house to bo the best of its kind,

fehl E. J. MILLER. S'>N & CO.

HARDWARE FOR THE SEASON at SS King,corner of Royal street, Alexandria, Virginia,

.'ust received a supply of geauino ENGLISHWALDRON GRAIN and crass SCYTHES;American Grain and Grass Scythes,Bush Scythes,Snaths, Hay Rakes, Scythe Stone.', Hilles. Hayand Manure Forks, which were purchased of ßrilhands and will be sold, wholesale and retail, at asmall advance at 88 King, corner of Eoy.i! St.,byruvio J. T. CREIGHTON i SON.


Statement U. S. Branch', June 30,1885.Assets.$5,918,563 13

Liabilities..-. 3,303,092 17Surplus. 2.<il4.t»70 »(>

Total losses paid in tho U. S..'>f>,(>7(>,7.>9 55For policies in this excellent comnanv apply to

PHILIP B. HOOE, Agent,dccir» No. 2 Prince street.

A NEW LINE OF BREAKFAST WAKE :.¦ heopened to-day of an entirely new :uid lovely

pattern which will l>o suro to* he popular andwhich you can match at any tii.ie ami purchasein as small a quantity as yen desire. Wo wouldbe glad to havo you examine these goods beforepurchasing, as wo are making every effort 10

please and take great care in offering the newestgoods on the market.ruhS



t all and examine our new line of REFRIGE¬RATORS and COOLERS before purchasing. Soleagents for the "RIDGWA V" REFRIG ERATORSand "PHILADELPHIA" COOLERS. These arothe most perfect goods of the kind on the niprkct,and wo invite inspection and comparison of prirc>.ap!3 E. J. MILLER, SON & C<).

APPLE PARERS and CORERS, PreservingKettles of ali kinds. Fruit Presses, Family

Scales, Meat Choppers, Carpet Sw;oners, Cloti.esWringers and many other goods to lighten thework of the housekeeper, to which wo invite theirattention, for tho cost is such as to bring themwithin tho reach of all.

.IAb. F. TALLIN & SONS.aug20 Alexandria, Va.

MILK PANS.1 carload (C.OOOl TERRA COT¬TA MILK PANS just received from factory

These pans are .king the place of tin pans. Thoglaze is perfectly indestractib.o, freo from metalsof all kinds and is graran.eed Lorn crazing. Aslow priced as the common stono ]iau and muchnicer.feb!5_E. J. MILLER.SON* (X).





At the Gazette Buildinq, 310 and 312 Prince st.

DAILY. TRI-WEEKLY.One year..$g 00 Oneyear.$4 00Six months. 3 00 Six months. 2 00One month:.. 50 | Three months. 1 00Cinfract advertisers trill not be allowed to exceed theirspace, unless the excels is paid for at transient ratesrand under no circumstances will they be allowed toadvertise o'.r.er than their legitimate business in thespace contracted for.

AU transient advertisements must be paid for in ad¬vance.

Rcsolutionsin memoriam, ofthanks, tributes of respect,resolutions adopted by societies or persons, unless ofpublic concern, will only be printed in this paper as

adnrtiscments.Marriage anrf death notices must be paid for in ad¬

vance.P, u leaving the city can have tlie Gazette mailed

to them, postpaid, for fifty cents a month, and theaddress changed as ojten as desired.

The Gazette office is connected with the Telephone Ex-change. Advertisements, orders for the paper, news

or a;.y information or business can be sent by Tel-phore.

AU communications should be addressed to "Gazette,"Alexandria, Va.

[Entered at the Postoffice at Alexandria, Virginia, assecond-class matter.]

Common Errors..Ignorant folk, wonder-mongers and even scientific observers havedisseminated many erroneous and exagger¬ated notions which are not readily eradi¬cated. We are still told, foe instance, oi theNorwegian, maelstrom, a frightful whirlingchasm in the sea capable of sucking downthe largest ships, though in reality this fear-fa! .'whirlpool-' is simply a run of the tidethrough ii sloping channel, is rarely danger¬ous, ;:i><i then chiellyon account of the rockson which it may draw vessels. Sir JohnKersch el gave bis indorsement to tho state¬ment that stars may be seen in tho daytimefrom the bottom of a well, but this has beenprow- to be an error by tests from a shaftnearly half a mile deep.Mr. John Murdoch bus recently shown

that tho Eskimos do not, as text books ofphysiology affirm, doze through their longwinter nights, keeping up their bodily heatby enormous meals of raw blubber and lampoil, but thai their winter life is uctive, theirfood mostly cooked and their consumption ofoil not excessive. A still widely accepted be¬lief is that the hair snake is a wonderfultransformation of a horse's hair when keptin wator, though these odd creatures (known

Dnco as Gordius'aquations) really growfrom eggs, and in early stages inhabit thebodies <.! insects. A very old idea, withoutfoundation in fact, is tlrat crocodiles shedmournful tears, while storiss of toads im¬prisoned in solid rock are numerous andsupported by much evidence, but haveprobably resulted from imperfect observa¬tion.Account of the germiuatiou of grain

from the mummy pits of Egypt have arisenfrom deception practiced by the Arabs inplacing fresh s-eeds with the belongings ofthe mummies. Though now known to beincorrect, the inference that the moon in¬fluences tho weather is a very natural oneto untrained observers, and is far less ab¬surd than a thousand vagaries that gain cre¬

dence, such as tho dropping of live reptilesfrom the clouds, the ejection of live snakesand other creatures from the human stom¬ach, the localization of water by a forkedstick, tho extinguishment of fire by sun¬shine, etc..Arkansaw Traveller.

The Great Chinese Wall..Tho GreatWall of China is in fine conditiou where Iexamined it, thought ruinous in parts. It isfrom 85 to 30 feel high, 15 to 20 feet thick,and revetted outside and in with cut granitemasonry laid in regular courses, with an ex¬

cellent mortar of lime and sand. It is sur¬mounted by a parapet or battlement of grayburned l.-riek IS or 20 inches thick, coveredwit!-, moss and pierced with crenelatedopenings for the defenders, whether archersoi matchlockmen, to fire through. Therear or inner revetment wall is also furnish-ed with a lo?;er parapet but is not crene-lated. The top is paved with a double lay¬er of brick about a foot square. Tho in¬side of the wall is made of earth and looeostone, well rammed in. Every 200 or 300yards there is a Hanking turret 35 or -10 feetliigb, projecting heyond and overlookingthe faceol tho wall in both directions, and

I aoh turret is a stone staircase leadingdown between the walls to a door openingupon the ground in the rear. Tho most as-

tonisbing thing about it is, however, that itclimbs straight up the steepest and mostrugged mountain sides, courses iloug theirsummits, descends into gorges and ravines,and, rising again, skirts the face ot almostiuoccessible crags, crossos rivers, valleys,and plai is in endless succession from one

end of the empire to the other.from theseashore on the gulf of Pe-Chee-Lse to thedesert wastes of Turkestan. No spot is leftunguarded or uncovered, and no matterbow tierce and active were the wild tribes-roes who assailed it, or bow innumerabletheir armies, it is evident that itcould, if well defended, defy the worldup ;o the day of gunpowder andartillery. Indeed, it is almost impossible toconceive of its capture except throughtreachery or gross neglect on the part ofthose whose duty it should be to defend it[| is iatd out- in total defiance of the rules oimilitary engineering, and yet the walls areso sol'd and inaccessible, and the gates sowell arranged and defended, that it wouldpuzzle a modern army with a first-class 6iegetrain to get through it, if any effort what¬ever were made for its defenso..Gen. Wil-son's Book on China.

Recent Storm off the Grand Banks.The schooner Geraldioe, at CanBO, X. 8.,from tho Grand Banks, besides having herdecks swept, lost fourteen dories and everything movable. One man named NicholasAsh lost bis life. He belonged in C/'arbo-neau, X. P. The Geraldine reports greatloss of life among the hand line fishermenon the Urand Banks by the recent fiercegales. Capt. Jamieson, of the Geraldine.states that the most violent and destructiveof the storms occurred on the 3d instant audcaused great havoc. Early in the morningthere was no indication of an approachingstorm, and at six o'clock all the dories, six¬teen in number, set out for their brawls.Then thero was only a light breeze from thesouth southeast. Two hours later the ba-rometcr showed signs of the approach ofdirty weather, and guns were at once firedas a signal for the fishermen to return onboard t he vessel. AU the boats but one

j.jccepded in reaching the schooner. Inthat one was Nicholas Ash. Though onlya short distance away when the signalswere fired, he had not time enough to retum bpfore the storm descended and

swamped his boat, and he was lost. As the< Geraldine tore along before the slorm manyother fishing veaseis passed her all adrift andshowing signs of having suffered from thegale. Many flag3 were at half mast for theloss of me;;, and the number of the victimsof the gale must have been terribly large,After the weather hp'J r. ^derated the CarrieC. Miles, of Proviucetowu, Mass.. was spoken, leakir u badly. A lßige number of do-rie3 were seen bottom upward, and CaptainJamieson Btates that the loss of life is enor-mous. He says he bar. been going to seafor twenty years, and this was the most se-vere storm of his experience.

An OHensivc Kreuthis most distressing, not oni) to the per.-onafllicted if he have any pride, bur lb thosewith whom he comes hi coo tact. It is adelicate matter to speak of, but it has part¬ed not ouly friends but lovers. Bad nrc-athand catarrh are inseparable. Dr. Sage'sCatarrh Remedy cures the worst cases, asthousands can testify.



MILE PILLS are prepared expressly to cureHeadaches and Nervous diseases, and will euro

any caso of either Sick, Nervous or DyspepticHeadache, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Sleeplessness,Paralysie or Indigestion, no matter how obstinateor long-Etiinding the case may be Price 50 centsa box, postage free to auy address. Sold by alldruggists. Bensox Chemical Company, 521North Howard street, Baltimore, Md.





Palace steamer GEORGE LEARY, SATURDAY,Sept. 17, G p, in., from Princo st. wharf.

Returning, leavo Norfolk and 'Western RailroadCompany's wharf (only 50 feet from VirginiaBeach Railroad depot) upon arrival of the trainfrom the Beach, and from the Boston wharf at.1:30 p. m. Sunday, arriving in Alexandria at]6:30 a. m. Monday.To Norfolk and return, $2.50; to Fort Monroe

and return, $2.50; to Virginia Beach and return,including dinner at Beach, $3 25 to Ocean Viewand return, including dinner at hotel, $3.25; toFort Monroo and return, including breakfast anddinner at Hygoia Hotel, $3.50.For other information apply to

PHILIP I!. HOOE,jy!5 tf Agent, Prince street wharf.



Over $35,000 Worth

Clothing, Boob, Shoes,Hats and Gents' Furnishings.


. 3 2430S " ''

. 4 20190 " "

. 51089 " ". 6 2578 " ". 7 4958 " "

. 9 24300 " "

. 10 00G8 " "

. 4 5849 " "

. 13 50200 " "

. 15 00G9 " "

. 18 5039 " "

. 210022 "

. 25 0021 " "

. 27 501,000 CHILDREN'S SUITS, ranging from $1

to $0 25.690 BOYS' SUITS, ranging in prico from $2 25

to $18.

BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT.Men's, Boys', Children's, Misses' and Ladies'

Shoes at prices so low as to astonish all.Men's and Boys' Fino Calf, Kip and Split Boots

at extremely low figures.Wc invite the public to inspect our stock and

take note of our prices aud styles. Tho salo con¬tinues until our stock is reduced satisfactorily.Wo would request all who desiro to take ad-

vantigo of this opportunity to como as soon as

possible while our stock is complete.

Established 1850,NEW Nos. 108 «fc 110 HIN« STREET,



Norton's Seedling Claret.Rose of Virginia "

Extra Virginia "

Virginia "

Mill Park Sautcrno "

All theso Wines are absolutely pure. Forsalebymy21 GEO. McBURNEY & SON.



CHOICE FAMILY.Tho above are the finest brands of Flour madeap20_GEO. McBURNEY.

THURBEE'S SHREDDED OATS.A fresh lotjust received.je9_GEO. McBURNEY & SON.

PHILLIPS'S DIGESTIBLE COCOA, highly recommended for invalids and children, for salo

by_ [jy22] J. C. MILBUBN.

PATENT FLY FANS, two kinds, for sale at.ex¬tra low prices at 88 King, corner Royal st.,by


GOOD GUNPOWDER, OOLONG, JAPAN andExtra Mixed Teas, for sale at 50c. per lb. by

jan20 J. C. MILBUBN.

pHEESE CLOTHS, Striped Lawns and Fine\J Ginghams, for dresses, from 5 to 10c, at


BORAX SOAP, white, just received and for saloat 5c per cake by

jo7_ J. C. MILBUBN.

INDIA GAUZE, Gossamer and BalbrigganShirts, long and short sleeves, just received atmy12_AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S.

SUITINGS! SUITINGS!.Good, pretty andcheap Suits made to orderand fit guaranteed bymh24_AMOS B. 3LAYMAKEB.

PULVERIZED SALT, in boxes, suitable for ta¬ble and dairy, received to-day by

ap28 J. C. MILBUBN.


mhl4 J. C. MILBUBN.





OFFICERS. a>ii£F<"roits.


President, Hon. W. P. CANADAy,Washington, D. C.

Secretary, WILLIAM s. ODELL,Washington, D. C.

Vice President, J. Q. BARTON, Hon. CLARKE P. CBANDALL.Mare Island Navy Yard, Ca). Hon. W. p. CANADAy.


General Manager, chas. W. CUNNINGHAM, WILLIAM s. ODELL.Haekhorry, Arizona,


The capital stock of this company is $025.000, divided into 020,000shares of $1 each.The company is incorporated under the laws of West Virginia, and

the stock is non-assessable, and carries with it no personal liability to

the holder.The Gold Mining Company (location, Music Mountains, A. T,) is as

sound a mining enterprise as was ever placed on the market, and its

possibilities have never been exceeded. Every share should double invalue within a year, and they may quadruple, as they are based on

property that would ordinarily have been capitalized ten (10) times as

great on account of its known richness and promise.The shares are made small so that any one can invest. Subscriptions

for five shares are as welcome as those for hundreds.

Every dollar of earnings will go to Ihc stockholders in dividends, as

there is nothing else that they can be used for.A Wisewell mill, capacity 20 tons per day, with powerful machinery,

has been purchased and will be on the ground ready for erection at themine within the next thirty days.

The solid basis upon which the company is founded and the practicalproofs of the richness of the mine have already secured the confidenceof the public, and the stock has steadily advanced in selling value.Within the last few days bona fide sales have been made at par.

There is no better stock on the market for a permanent investment.

For full information in regard to this Mine apply to the

SECRETARY, Room 40 Le Droit Building,Washington, D. C.



Oflico No. 77 Corcoran Building, Washington.Hon. CHAS. M. 8HELLY, President.Yards Canal Lock at Alexandria.

FINE TEMPERED CLAY BRICKS for sale atthe yard or delivored in tho city; also on railroadcars and vessels for country and river trade atlowest market prices. These Bricks aro verySTBONG and DURABLE, being mado by power¬ful machinery and subjected to enormous pres¬sure. Wo especially recommend them for uso inlargo structures, railroad tunnels, governmentbnildings, hospitals and evory place wherostrength is required and dampness excluded.jel6 3m_



All flavors of Cream and Water Ices.HENRY BRESGLF, 531 KING ST.,

Has now opened hisICE CREAM SALOONS:

refitted and arranged thoroughly for the accom¬

modation of all his customers. His Ladies' IceCream Par'jis on tho second floor. His newlyfurnished saloon for gentlemen. Special roomfitted up for colored customers who are fond oftho best Ice Cream in town. Ho has maintainedhis good name for pure goods for thirty years andstill supplies tho best and cheapest goods in hisline.

Ice Cream Soda, Pies for dessert or lunch, andPuro Candies are specialties in which ho has nov-

or bcon excelled. Cakes of all kinds of the bestmaterial cheaper than they can bo made at home.Ho cators of tbo host for families, parties, balls,fairs and entertainments. myti



Sole agent for tho celebrated DIAMOND SPEC¬TACLES and EYE GLASSES.rcb.27_No. 10 N.Royalat., Alcxr.rulria. Va.


entirely free from acids, ard guaranteed pure. Thegreatest quantity for tho least money of any pureuoods on tho market. Don't fail to try it.mhö JÖEO.McBjrjR^^^SON.

TINNERS' BOLDER, Sheet Zinc, Bar Lead andTin, Sheet Brass, Copper and Iron Rivets, full

stock always atJAS. F. CARLIN & SONS',

ang'20 Alexandria, Va.




On and after Monday, July 14, 1837, the"LEARY" will leave Princo street wharf on

TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS atG:00 p. m., and the "EXCELSIOR" on MON¬DAYS, WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS from thesame wharf at the same hour.

Returning, LEAVE NORFOLK EVERY DAY,except Mondays, at 4 p. m.

Exclusive connection with Boston and Provi¬dence steamers. Connect also with Old Dominionsteamers for New York, steamers Ariel and OldPoint at Fortress Monroo for Richmond and land¬ings on James river, and with all other mil andsteamboat lines at Norfolk and Fort MonroeFor other information apply to

PHILIP B. HOOE.mayl.3-tf_Agt. Princo Street Wharf.





Tho steamer LADY OF THE LAKE willleave her wharf EVERY MONDAY. WEDNES¬DAY and SATURDAY at '1 o'clock p. m.

Fare, firft-class, $1.50; round trip, $2.50.FOR RIVER LANDINGS.

Tho steamer JOHN W. THOMP30N will leaveher wharf EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAYand FRIDAY, at 8 a. m., for all river landings as

far down as Kinsalc, Monday's Point and LodgeLanding, in Ycocomico river : retumiug Tuesday,Thursday and Saturday mornings.

Faro, first-class, 50c; second-class, 25c.



EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, and roturnicgleavo New York, from pier 41, East rivor, everySA1 UEDAY.

Tho steamers of this company make connec¬

tions at Norfolk for all points East; at'NewYork with all points West and Northwest, and atAlexandria with Virginia Midland Railway andWashington and Ohio Railroad. Through rates

given and freight handled carefully and promptlyFor further information apply to

F. A. REED & CO., Agent.Jauno7'5 wharf

J. W. THOMPSON, President.1416 F atreet,

sep'^7-tf _Washington, D. C.


PHILADELPHIA.Appointed sailing days from AleiU' rl EV-

ERY TUESDAY and from Philadolpb: EVERYSATURDAY.This lino connects at Alexandria witü tho Vir-

ginia Midland and Washington and Ohio railroads,and at Philadelphia with Clyde's regular Steam¬ships.Freight forwarded with promptness and care,

free of commissions,No charge for transfer in Philadelphia. Quick

time. Frequent departures. Through rates andthrough bills of lading given. Insurance at thelowest rates.

AgentsF. A. REED & CO., Alexandria.WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Philadelphia.JOHNSON & CO., Wash. & Goorgt'n.



Vat:'1 of Laundry .Soapawarded n ßrst class medal at the)New Orleans Exposition. Guarnn-

!' ..! ~ -!::i< !y pn're, and for generalhousehold purposes is tho very best

PROFESSIONAL.h w- nk>vr,v & ca'

surveyors and engineers,Alexandria. Va., and

ICQ3 F stre :. Washington; D. C.

Accuracy und promptness guaranteed. [ee2 lmAMES R. OATON.JATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AI LAW,

Office, No. -1 soutb Fairfax streut.

Practices in Alexandria city and county andadjoining counties and in the fedora! courts.je25 3m


Hciioo! Books for tiie Million,NEW AND RE OND HAND, AND


üIlfrLtB»«£lMKTEUCK AT FRENCH'S,.?17 and -11!» King street,

Alexandria, Va .

We arc no v. receiving the largest, most variedand cheapest stock of {looks, new and second¬hand, tor t tie public schools of Virginia; ever offer¬ed in the Htal >. tn school requisites everythingis to lio found.School Bags love: thirty differentstyles), Book traps, 1'. >ok Carriers and a thousandMill one oth< r thin; ..

sop2 QEO. E. FRENCH.

L^ooksi -/la' andStationer,.r> 3 King street, Alexandria, Va

Next h> Opn-a Ilonsc.)A little ^tore, but full of new goods. Blank

Books from tsmallest op. 50,000 Envolopesbooght low and will lie sold low.SCHOOL AN'!) MISCELLANEOUS books.

Come and see what I have got for a start even ifyou do not wish to buy.Orders from the country solicited. angl2 3mHOTELS AND RESTAURANTS.

iniiiTiii?iXiVUUjillUB All" D.IIjIlIU!

Stcuernugv] A SEcissc, I'roprictor*.Are. now ready to supply the public with

FINE SALT WATER OYSTERS,served in every style ae.d in tho best manne--.


has been put up.

Tho Bar, as usual, is stocked with the BEST


Real Estate Investment. Trnst anil TitleOffice.No. A south Fairfax at. Telephone No. 2.President, PARK AGnew.Vice Pf< Jidont, JAMES R. CATON.Scct'y. and Treasurer, M. B. HARLOW.

iiavh for saleA large list of city and country property, consist¬ing of FARMS, MILL PROPERTY, DWELLINGhouses, vacant lots, &c.

All persons desiring to buy or sell real estate,or to negotiate loans upon real estate security,will find it to their advantage to give us a call.

In all investments made by us upon real estatesecurity we guarantee tho most careful examina¬tion into the questions of title and sullin'oncy ofsecurity. jo!25

jSÄUM'S new jersey joy

KILLS MOSQUITOES.Don't take my word for it.try it. Price 25 cts.

I or sale by

auglG_J. D. H. LUNT.' 1HOICF. FLOUR.\J

BAKER'S CRYSTAL,tenney'S NEW south.family and ROLLER EXTRA,

For salo byap'j.j j. C MILBURN

CJHEEP DIP, Sage, Ground Sage, DiamondÖ Dyes, Fitchc's Pocket Scales, Hood's Sarsapa-riiia, Warner's Kidney and Liver Cure, Brown'sIron Bitters, Völinä Cordial, Pratt's Astral Oil,and Sweet Majoram.a largo supply just received,deel e. S. LEADBEATER & BE< >.


FANCY SOS. 1 AND 2 MACKERELiust received ; whito aud fat.

sc,,5 geo. McBurney & son.

I UST RECEIVED.Another lot of TAYLOR'S<j IMPROVED PATENT BUSTLES, self-fold¬ing, and for comfort and durability cannot bo sur¬

passed. Latest style.eep5 amos B. SLAYMAKER.

E-: WELED KETTLES <.:' u.l -:/ -. Apple andPeach Parcrs, Imtorprisc and ot' <ir Meat Cut¬

ters tor ialc cheap at 326 King,corner of Royalst.J. T. CREIGHTON & SON.

G, f.N'S, PISTOLS, SHELLS, PRIMERS, &c., ofr all kinds at 323 King street, wholesale and



Just received a fresh supplv atjeG W. F. CREIGHTON <fc CP'S.

FINE PRESERVES-Cross & Blackwell's Pre¬served Damsons, Plums, Currants, Strawber¬

ries, Peaches, ADricots and Cherriw just received

byj_[sepl] J. C. MILBURN.

/ tORN KNIVES and HOOKS, best quality, justKj received at 328 King street, corner of Royal;wholesale and retail. ,....,« ,