Key Club Buzz July 2012: Issue 2/Monthly Cloverdale High School, 509 N Cloverdale Blvd. Cloverdale, CA 95425 (707) 894-1900 Division 32/Region 15/CNH

Cloverdale Key Club July 2012 Newsletter

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Find out what the club has been doing this past month and get a sneak preview of what's coming in August.

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Page 1: Cloverdale Key Club July 2012 Newsletter

Key Club Buzz July 2012: Issue 2/Monthly

Cloverdale High School, 509 N Cloverdale Blvd. Cloverdale, CA 95425 (707) 894-1900 Division 32/Region 15/CNH

Page 2: Cloverdale Key Club July 2012 Newsletter

What’s The Buzz?

Car Wash/ Yard sale

Relay for Life

Food Bank & Food Pantry

Meetings, Meetings, Meetings

International Convention

Beach Clean-Up Day & DCM

Miscellaneous, Credits & More

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“Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go.” ~Mother Teresa

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Car wash/ Yard sale

Workin’ at the Car wash!

=D Getting those

hard to reach


We held the car wash/yard sale for just three hours on the afternoon of Sunday, July 22nd. During that pretty short time, we pulled in $599! Fifteen members were involved, and we all melted in the 104 degree heat! Despite that, we’re really glad we did this project, because now, some of our members have “Key Club Bucks” they can use to help them go to the Regional Training Conference and Fall Rally once school starts.

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Water Break

Books, books and more books!





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Relay for Life

Dinner time!

Luminaria bags

Sue and Rick thrown in jail

Our members worked very hard to prepare for and participate in the Relay for Life that was held on July 14th & 15th. Before the event, by standing out in front of Ray’s, and going through the crowds at Friday Night Live, we collected $1,300! Then, at Relay for Life, we managed the “jail”, sold “Bracelets for Bravery”, got paid to walk the tracks for others and put together the Sunday morning breakfast. By the time it was over, the total amount of money that our CHS team fundraised for the cause was $2,600. Key Club was directly responsible for about $2,000 of that amount!

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Start your engines!

Our friendly

neighborhood cop

Bracelets 4 Bravery

19 of our members participated in the Cloverdale Relay for Life event. We put in 160 hours of service doing everything from fundraising, to walking the track, to helping set up the luminaria display, to racing to a photo-finish second place for the Kiwanis in the car race, to manning the jail, and even being some of the last ones to leave on Sunday morning, because we helped with take-down!

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Helpers are needed EVERY Friday in August between 1 and 3 p.m. Members will do everything from helping to bag up groceries, to handing out supplies from the cold storage room, to helping people sort through the fresh produce, to translating when there are language barriers, to helping people carry supplies to their cars, stocking shelves, etc. Some members have already signed up to help work, but others are welcome and encouraged to just show up on any of these dates:

August 3rd – Dennis Liindelof, Brenda Ramirez, Brenda N. Ramirez

August 10th – Crysta Jojola, Austin Toninato August 17th – Anna Aguilar, Vanessa Solano,

Jacob Torres August 24th – Perla Anguiano, Kim Bernal,

Esperanza Gonzalez, Nancy Martinez August 31st – Maggie Duran, Jessie Marshall,

Viviana Martinez

The Cloverdale Food Pantry is located on the corner of 2nd St. and Commercial. Typically, on a Friday, food is distributed to an average of about 70 families. With the downtrend in the economy, and more and more people being laid-off from their jobs, the Food Pantry fills a very important role in our community. We’re helping local families and children who are in need, when we support the Food Pantry!

Food Bank and the Food Pantry

Cloverdale Food Pantry

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Sorting things out

Flyers for food Cruising to deliver flyers

Everybody say cheese!

A truckload of

food coming in

Food for our pantry

On Tuesday and Wednesday, July 24th & 25th we went into the community in cars driven by our Kiwanis. We put out flyers on doorsteps about our food drive, and then the next night, we picked up the food people had left out for us. We distributed 1300 flyers the first night. We were able to stock the shelves of the Cloverdale Food Pantry so that next month, when the Kiwanis operate it, there will now be enough food to give to those in need. !2 members spent a total of 34 hours on this project.

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Chilling after 2

hours discussing

our presidents’


Kiwanis Board meeting



Our presidents

conducting the Board


Meetings, Meetings, Meetings

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In the grand tradition we started last year, the Cloverdale Key Club

Board would like to honor both the current and upcoming Kiwanis

Board by sponsoring a joint Board-2-Board picnic. This will be a great

way for us to get to know each other better. We will be a leadership

team for both of our clubs, and together we can help each other.

We also hope to take some time to discuss a few of our most

important events for the year, and present small tokens of

appreciation, because we love our Kiwanis a lot! We wouldn’t be

here without them! This picnic will be held on the 8th of August at the

City Park at 6:30 p.m. We hope all Board members from both clubs

can make it. Save the date!

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Hello everyone! As you may have heard a few of us were privileged to attend ICON, What is ICON? Well its stands for International Convention, and I had the honor of attending it this year. Now I can rant on and on about the fun time I had, but I want you to really know what the big hullabaloo is. Not only do you get the chance to learn about amazing service projects, ways to better communicate in your club, new ideas for fundraising, but, you even get to meet new people from other districts around-the-world.

I am really excited about some new ideas I am now able to bring back to our club! For example, I learned all about how to create birthing mats for the ELIMINATE Project. We’ve got plans to get the plastic bags donated form Ray’s food Place and then we’re going to have a “mat-making party” on the Friday night of Key Club Week, at Dennis’ house! At ICON, we learned a lot about the ELIMINATE Project and great ways to contribute, fundraiser-wise, in helping to eliminate neo-natal-tetanus from the world.

Another hands-on project I want our club to do is making and selling rings, (out of regular shirt buttons). We’re going to try to make a bunch of these, and then sell them for the Pennies for Patients cause! Look for us to start working on these, probably fairly soon!

My experience during convention was amazing. Not only did I meet new people, but I also got to meet some of the new International Board members. During one of the sessions, called caucus, every district was put in a room where they listened to, and thought about, who to vote for, for the next International Board. This session was quite long but at the end of it we voted for the new Board members. Bet you thought ICON was all fun and games, huh?

There was also a session called House of Delegates, this session required two representatives from each club and asked them to sit through discussions on new amendments, and then vote on them. These two sessions were what you can say were the most IMPORTANT part of convention because critical issues were voted on and passed.

When time came to say good-bye, we all left having met cool people, and advisors who, by the way, are some of the best. Also a BIG thank you to our Cloverdale Kiwanis for helping get some of us Cloverdale kids to ICON. And of course, we’ve got to recognize our club advisors, Mrs. Sue Cummins and Mr. Greg Carter. They worked tirelessly to help us fundraiser. And Mr. and Mrs. Carter helped chaperone us while we were back there! I was happy to have been able to attend International Convention this year and get to meet the rest of the CALI-NEV-HA district, which by the way is awesome! Hopefully, I didn’t bore any of you, but if you decide to go next year, (which is in Washington D.C.), definitely fundraise as much as possible, early on in the year, so you can be able to go. ~ Anna Aguilar

International Convention

Next year…………

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Beach Clean-Up Day & DCM

We took 9 members to the Beach Clean-Up Day and DCM in Fort Bragg. We couldn’t have asked for more beautiful weather! It was a great day for all who went!

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Transitions can be difficult, but when you have great people to help you through it, everything falls into place effortlessly. As a Builders Clubber I’d always known that I wanted to be involved in Key Club, but I could have never anticipated becoming a member of the Executive Board so quickly. In Builders Club I served as newsletter editor one year and scrapbook editor during my 8th grade year. This year I was roped into-I mean, uh, carefully selected, to be an Executive Assistant. Initially, I wasn’t planning on becoming an officer, but I think that by doing so the adjustment to Key Club “life” will go more smoothly. I think that in Builders Club you have a little more wiggle room and can slack off a bit more, but in Key Club you really have to want to be there, because everything is so much more involved. When I first became a Key Clubber I was a bit nervous, which is to be expected. But, I eventually realized that there was nothing to be afraid of, after all I was surrounded by awesome people who weren’t there to intimidate me, but welcome me with open arms and accept me into the next level of my Kiwanis Family journey. I now know that my time in Key Club will be an amazing adventure that will help me grow and develop in ways I ordinarily wouldn’t have available to me. ~ Maggie Duran Incoming Freshman Key Clubber

Aguilar, Anna Vice-President [email protected] Boehm, Constantina Newsletter Editor [email protected] Carter, Claire Treasurer [email protected] Carter, Willy Webmaster [email protected] Gonzalez, Isidro Vice-President [email protected] Jojola, Crysta Co-President [email protected] Lindelof, Dennis Co-President [email protected] Martinez, Nancy Scrapbook Editor [email protected] Sanchez, Yarazette Vice-President [email protected] Solano, Vannessa Secretary [email protected] Torres, Jacob Lt. Governor [email protected] Carter, Greg Kiwanis Advisor [email protected] Cummins, Sue Faculty Advisor [email protected]

Hope you all enjoy our new magazine format. ^^’ I tried something new with it, making opposite page graphics match each other, so that when you have the “magazine” open to two pages, they look like they go together! Anyway, I hope you guys have a good last month of your summer, and that you join in our remaining activities before school starts again!

~ Constantina Boehm

Miscellaneous, Credits & More……

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International Convention