CLUNES COMMUNITY NEWS November 2011 Published monthly by the Clunes Tourist and Development Association Inc. PO Box 69 Clunes, Victoria 3370. [email protected] Cost: Free We hope you have all noticed that there is a major event happening in Clunes on 19 November. What is that you may ask – the 151 st Clunes Show – another wonderful day for all to enjoy. Show schedules have now been distributed around town but take note there are some changes. Closing dates for entries have altered in some sections. Please read the schedule carefully for all conditions. All details are available on our website www.show.clunes.org Pavilion entry closing dates are: Flowers and Plants - Tuesday 15 November All other Homecraft sections - Tuesday 8 November This includes: Short Stories, Poetry and Handwriting sections There are changes to the photography sections: Apart from additional classes it is important to note the maximum size of acceptable exhibits (A4 – 21cm x 29.7cm) and how the photographs are to be mounted. Please refer to either the schedule or website for full details. The Homecrafts Committee welcomes the sponsorship of both the Clunes Writers Group (Short Story sections) and Clunes Words in Winter (Poetry sections). Unfortunately the details of prizes in the schedule are incorrect and the committee apoligises for these errors (printing deadlines do cause problems). The generosity of these two groups is appreciated and prize money of $20 for 1 st , $10 for 2 nd , and $5 for 3 rd in Open classes; plus $10 for 1 st , $5 for 2 nd and $2.50 for 3 rd in student classes is worth vying for. Thank you again to these two wonderful groups. Any queries regarding the Homecrafts sections should be directed to: Michell Leishman 53 453 446 Jenny Mason 53 453 293 Jo Bedwell 53 453 864 The Clunes Show has had a long standing tradition in Clunes and the surrounding District. The Society has a hard working, enthusiastic and progressive committee to ensure the Clunes Show will be around for a long time to come, hopefully another 151 shows. It is one of the longest running Agricultural Shows in Victoria. Established in 1859 the Clunes Agricultural Society has had some difficult times in the past but today it produces one of the best one-day country shows in Victoria. The show has grown and includes traditional favourites along with exciting events for children and a range of activities for adults. As with all volunteer organisations there is always the need for more volunteers to help out whether it be just on Showday or join as a Member of the Society. The Society is particularly interested in volunteers who will be willing to help in an executive role. Everyone enjoys the Clunes Show and we would like to think that it continues to thrive, but it doesn’t just happen without a lot work from the volunteers. If you are interested in becoming a Volunteer for the Clunes Show please don’t hesitate to contact either the President – 5343 4216 or the Secretary – 5345 3042. • submitted by Norah Campbell and Barb Adams CLUNES SHOW - SATURDAY 19 NOVEMBER LATEST FLOOD RECOVERY NEWS PAGE 6

CLUNES COMMUNITY NEWS November 2011 · November 2011 Published monthly by the Clunes Tourist and Development Association Inc. PO Box 69 Clunes, Victoria 3370. [email protected]

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Page 1: CLUNES COMMUNITY NEWS November 2011 · November 2011 Published monthly by the Clunes Tourist and Development Association Inc. PO Box 69 Clunes, Victoria 3370. clunesnewsletter@iinet.net


Published monthly by the Clunes Tourist and Development Association Inc. PO Box 69 Clunes, Victoria 3370. [email protected] Cost: Free

We hope you have all noticed that there is a major event happening in Clunes on 19 November. What is that you may ask – the 151st Clunes Show – another wonderful day for all to enjoy.

Show schedules have now been distributed around town but take note there are some changes.

Closing dates for entries have altered in some sections. Please read the schedule carefully for all conditions. All details are available on our website www.show.clunes.org

Pavilion entry closing dates are:

Flowers and Plants - Tuesday 15 November

All other Homecraft sections - Tuesday 8 November

This includes: Short Stories, Poetry and Handwriting sections

There are changes to the photography sections: Apart from additional classes it is important to note the maximum size of acceptable exhibits (A4 – 21cm x 29.7cm) and how the photographs are to be mounted. Please refer to either the schedule or website for full details.

The Homecrafts Committee welcomes the sponsorship of both the Clunes Writers Group (Short Story sections) and Clunes Words in Winter (Poetry sections). Unfortunately the details of prizes in the schedule are incorrect and the committee apoligises for these errors (printing deadlines do cause problems).

The generosity of these two groups is appreciated and prize money of $20 for 1st, $10 for 2nd, and $5 for 3rd in Open classes; plus $10 for 1st, $5 for 2nd and $2.50 for 3rd in student classes is worth vying for. Thank you again to these two wonderful groups.

Any queries regarding the Homecrafts sections should be directed to:

Michell Leishman 53 453 446 Jenny Mason 53 453 293

Jo Bedwell 53 453 864

The Clunes Show has had a long standing tradition in Clunes and the surrounding District. The Society has a hard working, enthusiastic and progressive committee to ensure the Clunes Show will be around for a long time to come, hopefully another 151 shows. It is one of the longest running Agricultural Shows in Victoria.

Established in 1859 the Clunes Agricultural Society has had some difficult times in the past but today it produces one of the best one-day country shows in Victoria. The show has grown and includes traditional favourites along with exciting events for children and a range of activities for adults.

As with all volunteer organisations there is always the need for more volunteers to help out whether it be just on Showday or join as a Member of the Society.

The Society is particularly interested in volunteers who will be willing to help in an executive role.

Everyone enjoys the Clunes Show and we would like to think that it continues to thrive, but it doesn’t just happen without a lot work from the volunteers.

If you are interested in becoming a Volunteer for the Clunes Show please don’t hesitate to contact either the President – 5343 4216 or the Secretary – 5345 3042.

• submitted by Norah Campbell and Barb Adams



Page 2: CLUNES COMMUNITY NEWS November 2011 · November 2011 Published monthly by the Clunes Tourist and Development Association Inc. PO Box 69 Clunes, Victoria 3370. clunesnewsletter@iinet.net


With funding secured for the development of the Clunes Community and Interpretive Centre Hepburn Shire Council and the community’s attention now turns to how the project will be implemented.

A Community Information Session was held in mid-October which provided residents with the opportunity to ask questions, talk through the key stages of the project and to hear from John Alkemade, the architect who has developed the design for the facility so far. John provided some valuable information about how the design has evolved to its current form and the parameters within which he developed the design. Some of the key aspects he discussed were:

• That the floor plan prepared in a previous design, had been agreed to by the key stakeholders including the Museum and Library, and it was important to retain this as much as possible.

• The legislative requirement to provide disability access throughout the building and the challenges of meeting this due to the way the site slopes up towards the Town Hall.

• Making sure construction costs would be reasonable. A key aspect of achieving this has been keeping the design of the building both internally and externally very simple.

• Being respectful of the heritage streetscape (including the vista to the Town Hall) and finding a way to capture the mining history of the town as part of the building. The timber poppet head and the structure and external materials proposed for the meeting room towards the back of the building have been a key part of this.

• Making sure that the building has a good relationship to Collins Place.

Copies of the plans for the building are on display in the window of the Clunes Museum and the Clunes Library. A4 copies of the plans are also available for community members to collect from the Museum or the Library.

The project is expected to take approximately two years to implement with the key steps including:

1. Signing the funding agreement with the Federal Government

2. Obtaining a planning permit

3. Completing the detailed design of the facility and documenting this for construction

4. Arranging for the safe pack up and storage of the Museum collection

5. Construction of the facility

6. Relocation of the Library to the facility

7. Planning for the operation of the facility including putting in place paid and volunteer staffing arrangements, developing an initial program of events, exhibitions and activities, developing systems and processes and identifying the furniture and equipment needed in the building.

A number of issues and ideas were raised by members of the community during the information session. These were captured and will be included in a key planning document for the project which will record all of the ideas and issues raised by the community, and make sure that they are considered during the relevant parts of the project.

A Community Engagement Plan is currently being developed which will identify how all stakeholders will be involved and kept informed about the project. The Project Reference Group will be actively involved in preparing the Community Engagement Plan. Once the Plan is complete, Hepburn Shire Council will provide information about how you can be involved and keep up to date about how the project is progressing.

For further information about the Clunes Community and Interpretive Centre project, please contact Kathleen Brannigan, General Manager Community Services, Hepburn Shire Council on 5345 8399.


THANK YOU FROM SPIKE JONESPride of Australia AwardI would sincerely like to thank everyone for their congratulations on my being awarded the Pride of Australia Award. Also thanks to the MacFarlane and Gibson family for their decorations.

Page 3: CLUNES COMMUNITY NEWS November 2011 · November 2011 Published monthly by the Clunes Tourist and Development Association Inc. PO Box 69 Clunes, Victoria 3370. clunesnewsletter@iinet.net


G’day everyone, firstly the Crime round up….

This last couple of months have been relatively quiet in the crime area; there were two reported thefts in the area, one from a business premise in Clunes and the other the theft of a shipping container from a weekender block in Fairview Estate. The theft of the container has obviously involved some sort of flat bed truck.

There was also an older model caravan stolen from a weekender type property in the Dunach area, if you have one of these type properties as a neighbour I would ask that you keep an eye out for any suspicious activities and report the same. Any information in relation to the above incidents would be appreciated.

Also in the past couple of months there have been a series of motor vehicle collisions. Two involving motor cycles, one at Dunach and one in Victoria Street, Clunes. With the upcoming warmer weather I fully understand that those of you that are lucky enough to have motor cycles in the shed will want to get them out and ride. Please take a moment to check the bikes over, ie tyres, brakes, lights, chains etc just to be on the safe side. Enjoy your bikes and take care on the roads or in the bush as the case may be.

I have been a bit disappointed to see an increase in burnout marks on the roads around the area. I have received

information in relation to one particular ‘hoon’ driver in the area and he has been charged on summons with the relevant offences and fronts court in early November. Like I have said before I am more than happy to receive ‘anonymous’ information in relation to these idiots on our roads.

Again the Highway Patrol boys and girls will be in the area from now until New Year, sitting off hotels in relation to Christmas Parties and the like. Local police will also be part of the operation and I will have no hesitation in charging those who disregard the drink driving laws, the operation will run between now and Christmas. Several drivers have already been charged with drink driving after leaving hotels in our local area since the start of the operation. So the message is don’t drink and drive, look after yourselves and look out for your mates.

It’s good to see the works progressing ahead on the footy oval and the community centre. I am planning to run a blue light disco in early December, either at the community centre (if it’s up and running) or at the town hall. The disco will be open to all the Clunes kids up to about 16 ish years of age. I will get more info out when I can lock in a date. Best of luck to all the kids about to sit school exams, especially the Year 12’s..

Until next newsletter, stay safe….

As I always say I am YOUR local copper and can be contacted on station number 5345 3211, mobile number 0427 683 940, fax number 5345 3794 or email at [email protected] If you need police attendance for an emergency situation ALWAYS ring 000.

CLUNES’ GOLD RESURGENCEThe first meeting of the Goldfields Central Prospecting Branch held on 19 October at the National Hotel was a runaway success.

New members came from Ballarat, Ballan, Geelong, Maryborough, Amhurst and of course, Clunes. Tony Mills, of the Prospecting & Miners Association of Victoria was at the meeting to offer the Association’s support.

The evening was fairly informal with many amusing stories of chasing gold told.

A field trip is being organised for November. If you would like to join in and go gold prospecting with a great bunch of people please phone Darren on 5345 3375.

ABC OPEN WORKSHOP 8th, 15th & 22nd November - Clunes Neighborhood House

Marc Eiden, ABC Open Producer, Ballarat will be holding 3 Free ABC Open Workshops and in preparation would like to make a blog video about Clunes and the community. He is looking to interview 5 locals who are willing to share their story about something extraordinary that has happened to them in Clunes. If you think this could be you please contact Marc direct on Tel: 53201062

Page 4: CLUNES COMMUNITY NEWS November 2011 · November 2011 Published monthly by the Clunes Tourist and Development Association Inc. PO Box 69 Clunes, Victoria 3370. clunesnewsletter@iinet.net


"Cuts with Bridget" Kids: Pre School $8 Primary School $10 - Secondary $14

Page 5: CLUNES COMMUNITY NEWS November 2011 · November 2011 Published monthly by the Clunes Tourist and Development Association Inc. PO Box 69 Clunes, Victoria 3370. clunesnewsletter@iinet.net

LEST WE FORGET Remembrance Day

11 a.m. Friday 11 November 2011

Place a single flower in remembrance of those who died in war.

The Clunes RSL Sub-Branch will conduct a commemorative service at the Cenotaph, cnr. Fraser and Service Streets, Clunes commencing at approx. 10 to 11 a.m. so that a MINUTE’s SILENCE can be observed AT 11 a.m.

At the conclusion of this service all present will be invited to place a single flower on the Cenotaph as an act of personal remembrance.

Poppies are on sale at present.

All proceeds from the RSL Poppy Appeal go towards the Welfare work of the RSL in providing assistance for War Veterans and Dependants, Veterans and Widows Homes, Care of the Aged, Family Welfare, Vocational Guidance, and Hospital Visiting.

Thank you for Helping.

- submitted by Betty Duncan RSL Sub-branch Secretary


Local Bendigo Bank and Community Bank branches in the Ballarat/Wimmera region have partnered with Bendigo and Adelaide Bank’s philanthropic arm, the Community Enterprise Foundation to assist locals to rebuild or restore their town to its former state.

The Bank has engaged with many flood-affected communities across the state to support projects communities believe are the highest priority.

Bendigo Bank Regional Manager Ballarat/Wimmera, Simon Cornwell said he is pleased the Bank could partner community groups such as the Clunes Pre School Centre to get back on their feet.

“It’s been a pretty tough road for the community since January this year and recovering from a natural disaster can be a long process,’’ Mr Cornwell said.

‘’However, the funding raised to support community groups in flood stricken areas goes to show how great Australians are at helping their mates when they need it most.’’

Chairman Graeme Mitchell of the Creswick & District Community Bank

Branch of the Bendigo Bank, said being able to offer assistance to the Clunes Pre School Centre in their recovery from this natural disaster has been a humbling experience.

“Many families have lost everything and businesses have really suffered. I’d like to thank everyone who donated, their contribution really means a lot to the community,’’ Mr Mitchell said.

Other community groups and organisations in the Ballarat/Wimmera region have also received relief funding.

Donations to the Victorian Food Appeal can still be made at any Bendigo Bank branch or online at www.bendigobank.com.au/foundation. Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.

- submitted by Les Vercoe Branch Manager Creswick & District Community Bank

• Photo shows Branch Manager Les Vercoe presenting the cheque to Clunes pre school president Debi McAuliffe and Teacher Nicole Klicki


Page 6: CLUNES COMMUNITY NEWS November 2011 · November 2011 Published monthly by the Clunes Tourist and Development Association Inc. PO Box 69 Clunes, Victoria 3370. clunesnewsletter@iinet.net



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Page 7: CLUNES COMMUNITY NEWS November 2011 · November 2011 Published monthly by the Clunes Tourist and Development Association Inc. PO Box 69 Clunes, Victoria 3370. clunesnewsletter@iinet.net


With Neil Newitt standing down as president to take up his role as our local councillor, I have been elected to the important position as president. I look forward to continuing the good work to maintain the relationship between business and the community of Clunes. We all thank Neil for his tireless work.

The CTDA is working on a new notice board to be installed in Clunes, plans for the Christmas Carols in December, a $2,000 radio advertising campaign to attract people to Clunes shops from outside Clunes, new welcome signs at the entrances to Clunes, data bases for accommodation and eating out guides while giving our support to the Clunes Community and Interpretive Centre.

It was pleasing for the CTDA to receive confirmation from the Mayor and councillors of the Hepburn Shire Council expressing their full support for the Clunes Community and Interpretive


Tan’s Circuit ClassTan’s circuit Class is a high energy, low impact workout that is workout that is suitable for all ages and fitness levels.

When: Tuesday Nights 6.00pm

Where: Clunes Health Centre

Cost: $5.00

For further info contact Tan on 0400926729


Clunes Waterway Group is in charge of the maintenance of the creek banks, between the bridges and the area from the ford to the football oval.  North Central Catchment will be spraying suckers and weeds, where clearing of the creek has occurred. This work should commence sometime in early November.

The committee will be spraying the weeds in the area between the bridges. With all the planting we have done along the creek, the future is looking great.

Clunes Waterways Reserve Management Group Inc.

QUILT DONATIONLast Wednesday I was the lucky recipient of a beautiful homemade quilt. This was a donation by Patchwork Pallas, a Maryborough Queensland woman who wanted to do something for a flood affected family. United Way forwarded the quilt on to me. I am still camping on an airbed in the lounge but look forward in the next week or two to the floor being finished and displaying the quilt on a brand new bed.

-submitted by Jane Clark

•Jane Clark (middle) receives the quilt from Pam McKee and Liz Bowden of United Way Ballarat. Photo: Christine Rowe.

CLUNES ART EXHIBITIONOver 100 people attended the Clunes Local Art Group exhibition opening, held in The Weavery in August. A Words in Winter event, the evening was hosted most entertainingly by Tim Hayes. Kate Edwards, the originator of CLAG six years ago, gave a brief history of the group. There were 42 exhibits, which included oil paintings, embroidery, sculpture and ceramics. Many works were sold. The winner of the Kate Edwards Inaugural Award was Marlene Tozer for her oil painting 'Memories of Carnarvon', and second prize went to Christine Rowe for her illustrated photograph 'Happy Boy'.

The Art Group would like to thank Wesley for the use of the Weavery and Paul and Jane Lesock, from Mt Beckworth Wines, for their donation of wine. We also extend a big thankyou to all who participated and came along to make the evening so enjoyable and successful

Each month we have new displays in the Clunes Library windows, and we welcome anyone who is interested in joining our group. Contact: Liz Paszko 53453807 or Marlene Tozer 53453093. - submitted by Christine Rowe

Page 8: CLUNES COMMUNITY NEWS November 2011 · November 2011 Published monthly by the Clunes Tourist and Development Association Inc. PO Box 69 Clunes, Victoria 3370. clunesnewsletter@iinet.net

Free Event FRIDAY, NOVEMBER  18, 5.30-7.00PM

We welcome John Charalambous, Central Victorian author of “Silent Parts” and “Furies” to launch his latest novel “Two


Booktown Bookshop open 7 days 10 am – 4pm

Proudly Community - Book Donations Welcome


CLUNES COMMUNITY NEWSLETTERProduced by the Clunes Tourist and Development Association Inc.

Printed by the Clunes Primary School.


Submissions (including photographs) welcome, preferably sent electronically to the email address below. Priority will be given to news items and are subject to available space. Name of group or individual will be printed with all items submitted.

News items, notice of meeting, results - up to 3 lines will be listed free-of-charge for Clunes social and sporting clubs on the COMMUNITY GROUPS page (space permitting).

Display ads are available to community groups at half commercial rates.

All material to reach the CTDA by the 22nd day of the month.

Note: articles, photographs and ads not to exceed 2Meg in size.

Hardcopy items can be left at the Clunes Newsagency, Fraser St.


Business card size (90mmx55mm horizontal only) $25

Quarter page (vertical) $40

Half page (horizontal) $80

Full page (vertical) $160

All ads to be supplied ready made as Pdf or Jpeg files

Discounts apply to CTDA members and for multiple month adverts. All advertising to be paid in advance of publication. Ads and payment can be made through Jane Lesock at Mt Beckworth Wines, Fraser St.

Edited by Jane Lesock.

Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the CTDA, it’s individual members, or it’s associates.

Email address:[email protected]

Clunes RSL SUNDAY LUNCHA Sausage Sizzle and Devonshire Tea is held at the Clunes RSL, 30 Fraser Street, on the second Sunday of each

month from 9.30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

This is a fundraiser for the Clunes RSL run by the Womens Auxiliary.

Page 9: CLUNES COMMUNITY NEWS November 2011 · November 2011 Published monthly by the Clunes Tourist and Development Association Inc. PO Box 69 Clunes, Victoria 3370. clunesnewsletter@iinet.net

The Clunes Film & Amateur Theatre Society Inc & Creative Clunes IncBy arrangement with Rick Raftos Management



Jack HibberdDirected by Graeme Johnstone

Friday 9 & Saturday 10 December 2011 at 7.00pmClunes Town Hall

Tickets $45.00 (Concession $39.00)Price includes 3 course meal & Sherry/Canapes upon arrival

Seats are limited and tickets are only available at The Booktown Bookshop, 54 Fraser St, Clunes. Open 10.00 am to 4.00 pm 7 days/week. No ticket sales on performance nights

This advertisement has been sponsored by The Widow Twankey’s Confectionery Emporium & Café.



Sometime on Saturday 22 October or early Sunday 23 the Public Toilets in Collins Place were severely vandalised with graffiti.

These toilets are used on a regular basis by both locals and many visitors who stop here because of the cleanliness of the facilities.

The community of Clunes is very proud of these amenities and to see such senseless vandalism is such a disappointment.

The matter is being investigated by police so those responsible can be caught before any more senseless acts are committed.

Athol Chaffey - Clunes Police Station

PARTERRE GARDENThe Parterre is opposite the Town Hall, and is an extension of Collins Place and gardens.Parterre comes from the French par terre (pronounced par – tair) meaning “on the ground”. In the gardening context it is a level space in a garden occupied by flower beds and pathways. Otherwise it is the pit in a theatre.

Our Parterre is being re-established to a new design, as the previous gardens suffered badly during recent droughts and floods and were also high maintenance. New plant selection and overall design will make it lower maintenance and able to withstand our extreme weather conditions.Seating and “weeping” fruit trees will provide a pleasant place to sit with your local shopping (and thoughts) on your way home.

This month, good progress has been made following the initial clearing of the old beds. Leveling, planting, fertilising, watering and mulching of new perennials and trees, was achieved.

Again, thank you to all the willing volunteers who worked so hard on these tasks, including, once again, Wesley college students and staff. We hope you will return to Clunes in the future to sit and enjoy the fruits (and the flowers - of your labour!)Peter Murk’s input has been invaluable with his advice on suitable plant selection and overall design.Ange Day, then drew up the plan of this design, and we thank you both for using your skills for this exciting task.Mike Brown provided us with top quality Clunes-grown perennials from his Boundary Street Nursery. They have all settled in beautifully to their new home. Thank you Mike. Another COMMUNITY WORKING BEE will be held in the NEW YEAR . Date and details will be announced in the FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER and also displayed on a board in the Parterre. Any help will be appreciated and eventually celebrated with a “thank you” BBQ.The recent plantings will be flourishing by the next working session.- submitted by Alison Pithers (Friends of Queen's Park)

CALL FOR LAPTOPSSince the introduction of WiFi in the Clunes Library, there has been high demand for the limited number of available computers, particularly from school students. If you have a working laptop computer with web browsing you no longer need, please consider donating it to the Clunes Library so more people can access this free service. Ph: 53453359

Page 10: CLUNES COMMUNITY NEWS November 2011 · November 2011 Published monthly by the Clunes Tourist and Development Association Inc. PO Box 69 Clunes, Victoria 3370. clunesnewsletter@iinet.net

All Nations Masonic Lodge Every first Tuesday except January. New members most welcome. Contact Secretary: Grant Gamble at [email protected] or 5345 3080, 75 Worsley Road, Clunes, 3370. Bingo Every Tuesday evening 8pm at Clunes Senior Citizens Hall, 25 Fraser St. Everybody welcome.

Booktown Bookshop Cnr Service & Fraser Streets, open 7 days 10am-4pm. Phone Pam on 5373 8001 (shop) or 5345 4022 (home). We particularly need afternoon volunteers, and little as 3 hrs once a month on a regular basis is a help, but more is better! If you are interested, please stop into the shop or phone Pam.

Clunes & District Preschool 109 Fraser Street Clunes Ph: 5345 3228.

Clunes & District Young Farmers Meetings every 2nd Tuesday of the month at the National Hotel, 8pm. A friendly social environment for anyone between the ages of 18 to 30. Contact either Ben or Lisa on 5345 3750.Clunes Angling Club All welcome. Meet on the 1st Monday of the month 7.30pm, old SMB building behind Fraz garage.Clunes Art Group The meetings for the next two months will be, Saturday 5th November at 11am, and in December will be on the Saturday 3rd. Meetings are held at Janes Cafe in Fraser Street. NEW MEMBERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. Contact Marlene 53453093 or Liz 53453807. Clunes Badminton Club Inc For further information phone: Billie Drife 5343 4233 Our competition runs at the Clunes Sporting Complex, 7:30pm. All levels and ages from Secondary School to Veterans most welcome. Clunes Bowling Club Enquiries Vick Dunn 5345 3300. Clunes Book Club Enquiries Roma ph: 5345 4037. Book club meets 7.30pm on the 2nd Thursday of the month at the Clunes Library Clunes Chess Club 4pm each Friday at Clunes Library.Clunes Community Garden Alliance St. Enquiries John Paine ph: 5345 3968 Key available at Valley of Gold Service Station. Clunes Country Women’s Association contact CWA President Margaret Pettigrew 5345 4040. Meetings on the 4th Thursday of each month, 7.30pm at Clunes Neighbourhood House, 6 Service St.Clunes Field & Game Enquiries ph: 5345 3571. Clunes Field & Game Branch again held a successful monthly 75 target event with competitors travelling from Deniliquin to enjoy the challenging valley set up.Results: AA Grade: S Sammut 71, L Woolley 61, A Post 58A Grade: M Collins 70, P Kennedy 68, D Skrokov 68B Grade: A Gledhill 73, B Wentworth 71, D Smeaton 67C Grade: G Hutton 65, G Collins 64, C Katsaros 63Veterans: W Bidgood 67, J Johns 66, W Coad 65Ladies: O Shirley 39 Under 18: C Sammut 66, Z Ansell 63, J O'Connor 62 Under 15: L Sammut 68, L Woolley 57Clunes Football & Netball Club All welcome.Clunes Garden Club Meeting Monday 5 December will be a Christmas Celebration Dinner at the Senior Citizens' Rooms 6.00pm for a 6.30 start. Please bring a salad or dessert, and drinks of your choice. Partners welcome. Further information: Jill Taig  53453059Clunes Golf Club Inc ph: 5345 3499. Contact Kevin Steart

5345 3127 or Laurie Lees 5345 3034. The course features 18 holes, sandscrapes, par 70 and all year round play. NON-MEMBERS CAN PLAY 18 HOLES FOR JUST $5 GREEN FEES. Every Wednesday is over 55’s (but younger players welcome), HIT OFF AT 11am at the Talbot Golf Club.Clunes Library Fraser Street, Clunes. August at 4pm Storytime for children – Wednesday 10.30am. Chess/UNO club – Friday afternoons 4pm. All welcome

Clunes Museum Volunteers Committee 36 Fraser Street, Clunes ph: 5345 3592. The volunteers meet on the second Thursday of the month at 10am. A warm welcome is extended to new volunteers interested in preserving the history of Clunes and making it accessible to the general public.Clunes Neighbourhood House Inc. 6 Service St Ph: 5373 8426 email: [email protected] open: 9:45-3:15 Tue-Fri. Call or email to express interest in our new courses.Clunes Playgroup - meets at the Clunes health centre 10-12pm every wednesday of the school term. A great place for mums and their preschoolers to meet and enjoy each others company. Enquires Ruth Kinnersly 53434216Clunes Pre-School 109 Fraser Street Clunes Ph: 5345 3228 email: [email protected] for 3 & 4 yr olds being taken now. 3 year olds - Tues 9-11:30am, 4 yr. olds - Tues & Thurs 9am-2:30pmExpressions of interest welcomed to conduct a separate 3 yr. old program.Clunes Probus Club Meets every second Tuesday of the month at the Clunes Town Hall at 9.45am. Visitors most welcome. For information contact Barb Webb on Ph: 5345 3865 or Barbara Fyfe Ph: 53453579. Clunes Saturday Netball Club Meetings held at the Clunes Community Centre, 3rd Thursday of the month, 7pm.Clunes Senior Citizens Club Inc Further information from the Secretary - Eileen Bradsworth on 5345 4097Come along to Bingo every Tuesday night commencing at 8pm. All welcome.Clunes Swap Shop Cnr. Bailey & Service Sts in the Clunes Canny Cottage. Enquiries Ph:5345 3853 or call in at the Cottage. Items available to be traded, or you can make a small donation. Proceeds go towards running costs.All goods are donated, household items, clothes, CDs, DVDs, toys, small items of furniture etc all welcomed. Clunes Tourist and Development Association 7.30pm Third Monday of each month at Clunes Town Hall.

Tourello Red Cross meets the 1 st Thursday of the month at 2 pm at the RSL Rooms, Fraser St .One of the oldest Red Cross Branches, you are most welcome to join this wonderful organization and support your community membership.Clunes Writers Group Meets 2nd Monday of the month at 1.30pm, at the Clunes Neighbourhood House. This is an informal, friendly group which will hopefully stimulate us all to write!Flood Coffee and Cake Group is an opportunity for those who were flooded to come together in a safe and friendly environment, enjoy a coffee and cake and gain information and support. The group runs every second Thursday at Janes @Cafe33 in Fraser Street Clunes between 4 - 5pm. If anybody would like more information they may contact Lesley Tydeman 0400466324.Goldfields Central Gold Prospecting Club. Meets 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7.00 pm at the National Hotel. All interested people are welcome. Inaugural meeting October 19th. Darren Kamp 0439 453884Lee Medlyn Home of Bottles Management Committee Meets at the Bottle Museum, 70 Bailey Street Clunes on the first Wednesday of the month at 2pm. Visitors welcome.Spanish Conversation Group: Next monthly get together at Jane @ Cafe33 on Sunday 11th september at 10.30 am. All levels of spanish welcome to practice and improve spoken language skills in an informal environment.  For information call David 0429 838 537

Yoga Every Tuesday evening 6.30pm at Clunes Senior Citizens Hall, 25 Fraser St. Everybody welcome.

COMMUNITY GROUPS NEWS & RESULTSFree listing (up to 3 lines) for Clunes social and sporting groups. Items may be edited for space reasons. Community groups can purchase