CMS Transforming Clinical Practices Initiative and The Southern New England Practice Transformation Network MIPS 2017 Overview 1/24/2017 and 1/27/2017 2

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CMS Transforming Clinical Practices Initiative and

The Southern New England Practice Transformation Network

MIPS 2017 Overview1/24/2017 and 1/27/2017


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Source: CMS. “The Merit-based Incentive Program.” November 2016. PowerPoint presentation

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Quality Payment Program (QPP) Tracks

Clinicians have two tracks to choose from:




The Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS)

If you decide to participate in traditional Medicare, you may earn a performance-based payment

adjustment through MIPS.

Advanced Alternative Payment Models (APMs)

If you decide to take part in an Advanced APM, you may earn a Medicare incentive payment for

participating in an innovative payment model.


Adapted from: CMS. “The Merit-based Incentive Program.” November 2016. PowerPoint presentation

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What Is MIPS?

MIPS Performance Category

Prior CMS Program

Replaces the Physician Quality Reporting System


Replaces the Value-Based Modifier

(VBM)New Category

Replaces the Medicare EHR

Incentive Program (Meaningful Use)

Transition Year Weight

60% 0% 15% 25%


Adapted from: CMS. “The Merit-based Incentive Program.” November 2016. PowerPoint presentation

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When does MIPS Start?


Source: CMS. “The Merit-based Incentive Program.” November 2016. PowerPoint presentation

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Exceed low volume threshold: Medicare Part B clinicians who billed more than $30,000 AND

provided care for more than 100 Medicare Part B patients

(Sept 1, 2015- Aug 31, 2016)

Who Is Eligible In 2017?

PhysiciansPhysician Assistants

Nurse Practitioners

Clinical Nurse Specialists

Certified Registered Nurse


Physicians include:• Doctor of medicine

• Doctor of osteopathy

• Doctor of dental surgery

• Doctor of dental medicine

• Doctor of podiatric medicine

• Doctor of optometry

• Doctor of chiropractic


Source: CMS. “The Merit-based Incentive Program.” November 2016. PowerPoint presentation

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Who Is Excluded In 2017?


Source: CMS. “The Merit-based Incentive Program.” November 2016. PowerPoint presentation

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MIPS Eligibility Decision Tree


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What Pace Should You Pick In 2017?

Don’t Participate

Do not report any data

Receive -4% payment adjustment

Test Pace

Report a minimum of 1 quality measure OR 1

improvement activity ORthe required advancing care

information measures for any time period

Receive a neutral or small payment adjustment

Partial Year

Report more than 1 quality measure AND up to 4

improvement activities ANDat least the required

advancing care information measures for 90 days

Receive a small positive payment adjustment

Full Year

Report a minimum of 6 quality measures AND up to

4 improvement activities AND at least the required

advancing care information measures for the full year

Receive a modest payment adjustment


Adapted from: CMS. “The Merit-based Incentive Program.” November 2016. PowerPoint presentation

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How should I report In 2017?

*If clinicians participate as a group, they are assessed as a group across all 4 MIPS performance categories


Source: CMS. “The Merit-based Incentive Program.” November 2016. PowerPoint presentation

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Individual Group

QCDR (Qualified Clinical Data Registry)Qualified RegistryEHRClaims

QCDR Qualified RegistryEHRAdministrative ClaimsCMS Web Interface (group of 25 or more)CAHPS for MIPS Survey

AttestationQCDRQualified RegistryEHR Vendor

AttestationQCDRQualified RegistryEHR Vendor CMS Web Interface

AttestationQCDRQualified RegistryEHR Vendor

AttestationQCDRQualified RegistryEHR Vendor

What are the data submission methods for 2017?


Source: CMS. “The Merit-based Incentive Program.” November 2016. PowerPoint presentation

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□ Determine eligibility status

□ Pick Your Pace for the 2017 Transition Year

□ Choose to report as an individual or a group

□ Review available data submission methods

□ Review the “Explore Measures” section on the QPP website for all three performance categories

□ Confirm your current EHR is certified under 2014 or 2015 standards

□ Review the 2015 Quality and Resource Use Report (QRUR) to see your practice’s cost performance

Preparing for MIPS – How should I start?


Adapted from: CMS. “The Merit-based Incentive Program.” November 2016. PowerPoint presentation

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□ CMS Quality Payment Program Website – https://qpp.cms.gov/

□ American Medical Association MACRA Assessment - https://apps.ama-assn.org/pme/#/

□ SNE PTN Payment Reform Resource Page -http://www.sneptn.org/clinicians/payment-reform

□ Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology -https://chpl.healthit.gov/#/search

□ Quality and Resource Use Reports - https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Medicare-Fee-for-Service-Payment/PhysicianFeedbackProgram/Obtain-2013-QRUR.html

Resources to prepare for MIPS


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For additional questions please reach out to [email protected]