MOBILITY PLAN City of Corinth 2010 Comprehensive Plan Contents Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 3-1 Issues Affecting Corinth ......................................................................................................... 3-2 Regional Initiatives............................................................................................................. 3-2 Community Issues .............................................................................................................. 3-9 Thoroughfare Planning ........................................................................................................ 3-14 Functional Street Classifications ...................................................................................... 3-14 Context-Sensitive Design ................................................................................................. 3-19 Transit Oriented Development ........................................................................................ 3-21 Mobility Plan ........................................................................................................................ 3-26 Increased Vehicular Circulation ....................................................................................... 3-26 Quality Roadway Design Standards ................................................................................. 3-29 Pedestrian Walkability ..................................................................................................... 3-31 Trail System...................................................................................................................... 3-33 Greenway Corridors ......................................................................................................... 3-37 Transit .............................................................................................................................. 3-39 Mobility Plan Administration ............................................................................................... 3-41 Plan Amendment Process ................................................................................................ 3-41 Funding Thoroughfare System Improvements ................................................................ 3-43 Summary of Recommendations .......................................................................................... 3-44 Plates Plate 3-1. Mobility Plan........................................................................................................ 3-24

CNT 3 mobility 06.01 - Corinth, TexasMOBILITY PLAN 3-5C City of Corinth 2010 Comprehensive Plan F.M. 2499 is a second major arterial which is planned for construction through Corinth

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Page 1: CNT 3 mobility 06.01 - Corinth, TexasMOBILITY PLAN 3-5C City of Corinth 2010 Comprehensive Plan F.M. 2499 is a second major arterial which is planned for construction through Corinth


CCity of Corinth

2010 Comprehensive Plan


Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 3-1

Issues Affecting Corinth ......................................................................................................... 3-2

Regional Initiatives............................................................................................................. 3-2

Community Issues.............................................................................................................. 3-9

Thoroughfare Planning ........................................................................................................ 3-14

Functional Street Classifications ...................................................................................... 3-14

Context-Sensitive Design ................................................................................................. 3-19

Transit Oriented Development ........................................................................................ 3-21

Mobility Plan........................................................................................................................ 3-26

Increased Vehicular Circulation ....................................................................................... 3-26

Quality Roadway Design Standards ................................................................................. 3-29

Pedestrian Walkability ..................................................................................................... 3-31

Trail System...................................................................................................................... 3-33

Greenway Corridors......................................................................................................... 3-37

Transit .............................................................................................................................. 3-39

Mobility Plan Administration............................................................................................... 3-41

Plan Amendment Process................................................................................................ 3-41

Funding Thoroughfare System Improvements ................................................................ 3-43

Summary of Recommendations .......................................................................................... 3-44


Plate 3-1. Mobility Plan........................................................................................................ 3-24

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City of Corinth

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IntroductionThe thoroughfare system forms one of the most visible and permanent elements of a

community. It establishes the framework for community growth and development and,

along with the Future Land Use Plan, forms a long-range statement of public policy. As the

alignment and right-of-way of major transportation facilities are established and adjacent

property developed, it is difficult to facilitate system changes without significant financial

impacts. However, by incorporating programmed land uses and densities of the Future Land

Use Plan, strategies can be developed that maximize the land use/transportation


The changing social and economic climate dictates that an integrated network of

transportation systems should be considered in order to support and sustain long-term

growth. This includes the incorporation of a variety of considerations which extend beyond

vehicular mobility and circulation. Such considerations include bike and pedestrian trails,

pedestrian walkability, and the growing importance of transit opportunities.

Several key principles were recognized in the preparation of Plan recommendations and

should continue to serve the City in future transportation-related decisions and they include:

Improve vehicular circulation

Develop quality thoroughfares

Ensure pedestrian design

Incorporate bike and pedestrian trails

Explore transit opportunities

This chapter will therefore begin with an overview and brief discussion of several issues

which will directly impact mobility within Corinth. A brief discussion of thoroughfare

planning, with specific emphasis on roadway types, cross sections, and context-sensitive

design will follow. The chapter will conclude with the new Mobility Plan and a discussion of

the new recommended components of the Plan.

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Issues Affecting CorinthThis Mobility Plan is aimed at addressing the dynamic and changing needs that have

occurred in Corinth since the 2004 Master Plan Update. Before examining specific mobility

recommendations, several key regional and local initiatives must first be discussed. A brief

examination of several regional issues which will directly impact mobility in Corinth will be

addressed. These issues are pertinent to future planning considerations and stand to have

substantial impacts upon Corinth. Some projects, such as construction of light rail and

expansion of Interstate 35-E, can create physical barriers through the City and, if not

planned for appropriately, can negatively impact the City. Therefore, mobility

recommendations will seek to understand and incorporate the following regional initiatives

and will seek to utilize these projects as an asset for Corinth.

Regional Initiatives

Regional transportation initiatives which have the possibility to substantially affect

transportation within Corinth include; the Lake Lewisville Toll Bridge, the widening of

Interstate 35-E, the development and widening of F.M. 2181 and F.M. 2499, and the

positioning of commuter rail through Corinth by the Denton County Transportation

Authority (DCTA).

Lake Lewisville Toll Bridge

The North Texas Tollway Authority, in conjunction with the

Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and Denton

County, has recently constructed the Lewisville Lake Toll

Bridge project connecting Interstate 35-E with the Dallas

North Tollway, and beyond, via Eldorado Parkway, Garza

Lane and Swisher Road. This arterial provides much needed

regional connectivity for Lake Lewisville communities.

The 13.8 mile corridor was constructed as a 4/6-lane

facility, at a cost of around $220 million, and began

operation in the fall of 2009. The 1.7 mile toll bridge, which

features a tied arch spanning 360 feet at its center and is

flanked by lighted columns, was constructed at a cost of

nearly $122 million. The toll bridge itself accommodates

four lanes of travel.

Figure 3-1. Toll Bridge Construction

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This project has implications for Corinth due to the connection of the toll bridge with

Swisher Road and Interstate 35-E in the extreme southern portions of Corinth. Corinth’s

geographical location positions the City in an area where water is a physical buffer to the

east and to the south. This physical barrier limits regional arterial possibilities. The Lewisville

Toll Bridge essentially creates a major west to east regional arterial, connecting Corinth to

Lakewood Village, Little Elm, and Frisco. A project of this scale can be expected to

substantially increase traffic volumes along F.M. 2181 and therefore is significant to all

future transportation and mobility planning considerations.

Figure 3-2. Lake Lewisville Toll Bridge

Source: NTTA

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F.M. 2181/F.M. 2499

Review of both the City of Corinth thoroughfare plan as well as the regional thoroughfare

plan provided by the North Central Texas Council of Governments, reveals two specific and

major roadways which are considered major arterials or regional arterials. The first of which

is F.M. 2181, Swisher Road. This roadway is specifically important due to its connection to

the Lake Lewisville Toll Bridge, discussed previously. F.M. 2181 is a continuation of the Toll

Bridge past Interstate 35-E eventually connecting to Interstate 35-E in Denton. Current plans

indicate the expansion of F.M. 2181 from two lanes to a six lane divided roadway from

Interstate 35-E in Corinth to Lillian Miller in Denton. The project has thus far received $23.4

million in funding from the North Central Texas Council of Governments Strategic Program

Initiative and the approximate date for completion of this project is May 2012.1

1 Denton County Precinct 1 Task Force Report, December 3, 2009.

Figure 3-3. F.M. 2499 Phase 4 and 5


Source: TxDO

Project Location:

FM 2499 Section 5

From: FM2181

To: IH 35-E

Project Location:

FM 2499 Section 4

From: FM 407

To: FM2181

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F.M. 2499 is a second major arterial which is planned for construction through Corinth.

Although only a small portion of this roadway is within the City limits, this project has the

opportunity to substantially affect transportation patterns, particularly in the western areas

of the City. This roadway will serve as a major north to south regional arterial and will help

alleviate traffic congestion on Post Oak Drive, particularly the intersection of Post Oak and

Interstate 35-E. Reviewing the regional future thoroughfare map provided by NCTCOG

indicates that F.M. 2499 is much more than simply an arterial in Corinth. This roadway will

eventually connect with Long Prairie Road/International Parkway bridging Corinth to

Highland Village and Flower Mound further connecting to Highway 121 at DFW airport.

Section 5 is specifically slated to construct a 6 lane divided roadway from Interstate 35-E in

Denton to F.M. 2181 in Corinth at an estimated cost of $23.3 million. There is currently no

date of completion for Stage 5, however utility relocation is expected to begin in 2011.2

Stage 4, currently in progress, is the construction of a bridge which will connect Corinth to

Flower Mound and Highland Village.

Due to the relative proximity to Lake Lewisville, Corinth and the Lake Cities have limited

arterial capabilities and connections. It is for this reason that the two major arterials, F.M.

2181 and F.M. 2499, serve as important focal points for design, traffic management, and

land use.

Interstate 35-E

Interstate 35-E serves as the major transportation venue through Corinth and therefore has

major land use and transportation implications for the city. Recent expansion of Interstate

35-E was completed in 2005 which widened the interstate to 6 lanes from Lake Lewisville to

just south of Corinth Parkway. Future expansion and widening plans are currently in place

which drastically change the current capacity of the interstate and such plans will also

dramatically change the current landscape and visual relationship that the interstate plays

with the City. Future expansion plans for the Interstate, provided by TxDOT, show eventual

design to include four managed HOV lanes, eight freeway lanes, and four frontage lanes.


2 Denton County Precinct 1 Task Force Report, December 3, 2009.

Figure 3-5. At-Grade Intersection (F.M. 2181)Figure 3-4. Current Post Oak Intersection

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A new component of Interstate 35-E freeway design is the incorporation of “X” style freeway

ramps rather than more traditional diamond style freeway ramps. X style designs essentially

allow for better utilization of land along the frontage roads, creating better and easier

accessibility to properties along the interstate. With increased accessibility come

opportunities for development and growth. Modernizing the access ramps through Corinth

will create opportunities for development and allow for better utilization of land along

Interstate 35-E.

Expansion plans also reflect at grade intersections for Corinth Parkway, Dobbs Road and

Post Oak Drive; these intersections currently go over Interstate 35-E. As with the

intersection of Swisher Road and Interstate 35-E, the freeway will be elevated over these

intersections throughout the City increasing the aerial view for motorists passing through

Corinth. Visual perception, therefore, will become an increasingly important consideration in

regards to roadway standards and roadway design, as will be discussed later in this chapter.

Figure 3-6. Future Meadows Oak intersection at Interstate 35-E


Source: TxDO
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Regional Rail

Due to the rapid growth of Denton County over the past few decades, and a forecast for

continued growth in the near future, Denton County Transportation Authority (DCTA) began

construction of the A-Train rail line in March 2009. The project consists of 21 miles of

regional rail, five rail stations, a bicycle/pedestrian trail, and a regional rail operations and

maintenance facility. The project is intended to provide rail service between Denton and

Carrollton and provide a transfer point for easy connection to the Dallas Area Rapid Transit

(DART) Green Line at Trinity Mills Station in Carrollton creating accessibility to locations

throughout the metroplex via rail.

The rail analysis process began with the Alternatives Analysis (AA) study in 2004 where it

was determined that rail would be one of the best possible solutions to improve accessibility

in the area, create alternate modes of transportation, and ultimately help mitigate growing

traffic congestion along Interstate 35-E. This process also determined the exact location of

the 21 mile route and the best possible locations for future rail stations. The process

determined that five rail stations

would be built; Hebron Station in

Lewisville, Lewisville Lake Station

in Highland Village and Medpark

Station and Downtown Station in


Funding for the project consists of

80 percent from the Regional Toll

Revenue Funding Initiative with

the remaining 20 percent coming

from the cities of Lewisville,

Denton and Highland Village.

Member cities approved a one-half

percent sales tax increase on

September 13, 2003 which

ultimately funds DCTA

transportation initiatives as well as

the future A-Train commuter rail.

At the time of the election, Corinth

was faced with certain budgetary

issues and concerns. Due to the

state sales tax cap of 8.25 percent,

Figure 3-7. DCTA A-Train and Stations

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if DCTA membership was approved, reduced sales tax funding for economic development,

streets, and safety would have been considered.

No station is planned for Corinth during the initial phases of construction; however, NCTCOG

Mobility 2030 indicates the eventual inclusion of a transit stop within the City. Therefore,

decisions regarding whether or not rail is desired within Corinth must be examined and

decisions regarding what role the station will play within the City must be made. Proactive

planning can help initiate discussion as well as mitigate associated costs of development and

implementation if residents decide in the future that transit and rail is appropriate for

Corinth. For this reason, transit will be discussed in more detail throughout this section,

specifically the impact and role it can play in general mobility.

Figure 3-8. A-Train Regional Connectionto Downtown Dallas/Fort Worth

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Community Issues

During the community input process, there were several issues which were identified by the

CPAC in relation to transportation and mobility in Corinth and included:

The need for better vehicular circulation between neighborhoods, core community

assets, retail centers, and other special districts that may be created in the future,

such as a City Center.

Ensure quality roadway design standards along roadways, in particular F.M. 2181

and F.M. 2499 which give a quality visual perception for both residents and visitors.

Concern for the visibility of property along Interstate 35-E after elevated

intersections are constructed (as previously discussed under the Interstate 35-E

Section). Ensure quality design standards at intersections.

Incorporation of pedestrian standards and pedestrian design along roadways in

order to encourage and create walkable neighborhoods and districts within the City.

Create additional options for other modes of transportation and work to

incorporate the Non-Motorized System Master Plan.

Continue to pursue relationship ties with DCTA in regards to any long term future

rail transit possibilities.

Key Roadway Improvements

Several key roadway improvements have been either recently completed or are in the

planning stages in Corinth in order to address growth, community access, and circulation.

Recent major roadway improvements or projects in design are shown in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1. Key Roadway Improvements

Project Segment* Details

Church Street IH-35E to Post Oak Dr. Expansion from 2 to 3 lanes (From 18 to 37 feet)

F.M. 2181 IH-35E to West City Limits Expansion from 2 lanes to 6 lane divided thoroughfare

F.M. 2499 S.W. Portion of Corinth. Creation of 6 lane divided thoroughfare

Post Oak F.M. 2181 to Lake Sharon Dr. 2 to 4 lane divided thoroughfare

Post Oak Robinson Rd to IH-35E 2 to 4 lane divided thoroughfare w/landscaping

Corinth Parkway IH-35E to Dobbs Rd 2 to 4 lane divided thoroughfare w/landscaping

*Only within Corinth City Limits, project may be on a larger scale.

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Additional Planning Efforts

The City of Corinth has also recently implemented various additional planning tools which,

although not directly related to transportation, have the opportunity to affect the

appearance of roadways within the City and are important to remember while considering

transportation and mobility.

Ordinance Number 99-06-17-22: Landscape Ordinance

The landscape ordinance, which was enacted in June 1999, also has an influence upon the

aesthetic quality and appearance of roadways within Corinth. These regulations were

applied to all non-residential uses and created stipulations

regulating the amount of landscape setbacks, number of

trees per 500 square feet of landscape area and number of

shrubs per 500 square feet of landscape area if parking

abuts the landscape buffer. Such landscape requirements

are especially beneficial along F.M. 2181 due to the location

of primarily retail uses. In terms of roadways, these design

standards do not apply. Such landscape requirements work

to create appealing roadways when also used in medians of

roadways and in R.O.W which is occupied by the City.

Ordinance Number 04-09-02-14: Sign Regulation

Signage, with little or no regulation, can clutter the visual

perception of roadways which has an impact on how

residents and visitors perceive Corinth. This is especially

important in Corinth due to Interstate 35-E and the

traditional use of pole signs along the Interstate, reflected

in the picture to the left. The City, in September 2004,

passed a sign ordinance which regulates the size, setback,

height, number of signs, and general visual appearance of

signs. This step, along with landscape and tree preservation

requirements, will help to increase the aesthetic quality of

roadways and thoroughfares within Corinth.

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Non-Motorized System Master Plan

The City of Corinth has taken an aggressive approach to the creation and implementation of

a system of pedestrian and bicyclist trails throughout the City. Currently, the City contains

1.69 miles of “soft trails”(unpaved) and 5.74 miles of “hard trails” (paved)and it is

anticipated that nearly seven miles of additional “soft trails” will be added to the current

trail plan within the near future. As identified by the CPAC, circulation is one of the major

concerns for Corinth. When considering mobility and transportation options, it is important

to refer to the Non-Motorized System Master Plan as a component of mobility and

accessibility. Keeping this in mind, future transportation improvements should work to

implement various components of the trail plan, where possible. For example, where bike

lanes or pedestrian lanes are adjacent to a roadway, pedestrians and bicyclists should be

taken into consideration through the incorporation of a multi-use lane or sidewalk separate

from vehicular traffic flows. A focus on the master trail plan in relation to thoroughfare

planning will therefore accomplish the goal of continuing to expand trails throughout the

City while also providing for increased circulation between neighborhoods and areas of the


Figure 3-9. Non-Motorized System Master Plan

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2009 Projected Level of Service

Level of service (LOS) is a way of evaluating levels of roadway congestion using a rating scale

of A through F with A reflecting roadways with little or no congestion and F reflecting

roadways with severe congestion. Level of service estimates for 2009 are included in Figure

3-10 below and are reflective of the Mobility 2030-2009 Amendment. Interstate 35-E

generally has a service level A, B or C. Exceptions include intersections at Post Oak Drive,

Corinth Parkway and Swisher Road, where service levels D and E are depicted.

Examining level of service along F.M. 2181 reveals severe traffic congestion with a level of

service rating F depicted between Interstate 35-E and Post Oak Road. Additional areas of

roadway congestion in Corinth include Post Oak Road between Lake Sharon and Church

Street, Corinth Street between Interstate 35-E and Meadows Oak and Shady Shores Road

just east of Interstate 35-E—all locations reflect a service rating F. The newly constructed

Lake Lewisville Toll Bridge is noteworthy due to its regional influence upon Corinth. 2009

projections reflect service levels A, B or C across the bridge.


Figure 3-10. NCTCOG 2009 LOS Estimates

Source: NCTCO

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2030 Projected Level of Service

Information obtained from NCTCOG projects roadway level of service for Corinth and the

surrounding area in 2030. Interstate 35-E generally contains higher levels of congestion

reflected by service levels D and E through the City. Expected roadway updates to F.M. 2181

and Lake Sharon/Meadows Oak Drive may improve level of service ratings—generally levels

D and E along F.M. 2181 and Levels A, B and C along Lake Sharon/Meadows Oak Drive are

depicted. The Lake Lewisville Toll Bridge service level is expected to decrease dramatically to

service level F by 2030 reflecting the expected increase in population and congestion.

Additionally, F.M. 2499 is included as a service level A, B or C north of F.M. 2181 and service

level F south of F.M. 2181. It is important to note that these projections include planned or

projected roadway improvements are not reflective of current roadway capacities. If future

projects are not built in Corinth, including the reconfiguration of Interstate 35-E, congestion

and service levels will generally be much worse than depicted below.

Figure 3-11. NCTCOG 2030 LOS Projections (Mobility 2030)

C2010 Comprehensive Plan

Source: NCTCOG

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2010 Comprehensive Plan

Major Arterial






Collector Min









Major Arterial






Collector Min









Completeaccesscontrol,little local traffic




No through traffic,unrestricted access
















Thoroughfare PlanningCorinth’s existing Thoroughfare Plan is built upon traditional thoroughfare planning

concepts which focus on functionality and are designed primarily to accomodate vehicular

traffic. In order to address the community’s goals of providing multi-modal options to

residents, it will be important to incorporate concepts of context-sensitive design (CSD)

which consider the automobile as one element, among other users of the thoroughfare. To

that end, the potential long-term implementation of regional rail through the City offers

opportunity for transit oriented development (TOD) that encourages pedestrian orientation

among multi-modal urban design concepts.

Functional Street Classifications

A functional street classification recognizes that streets are part of a system having diverse

origins and destinations. A typical trip involves the following stages: primary movement,

transition, collection/distribution, access and termination. Functional classifications also

describe and reflect a set of characteristics common to all roadways within each class.

Functions range from providing mobility for through traffic and major traffic flows, to

providing access to specific properties. Characteristics unique to each classification include

the degree of continuity, general capacity, and traffic control characteristics. Figure 3-12 and

Figure 3-13 illustrate the relative roles of each classification to achieve its intended function.

In short, the functional classification of streets provides for the circulation of traffic in a

hierarchy of movement from one classification to the next. Functional classes can be

subdivided further into major and minor designations to further detail their role in the

community. For each classification, there is typically a recommended set of operational and

design criteria.

Figure 3-12. Relationship between Access and Movement Figure 3-13. Functional Street Classification System

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Corinth’s Thoroughfare Plan recognizes three general classes of roadways which include

Major Thoroughfare, Thoroughfare, and Collector. These were classifications developed

under the 2004 Master Plan Update.

Major Thoroughfare: These thoroughfares are able to provide a high degree of

mobility, service relatively high traffic volumes, have higher operational speeds, and

will service a significant portion of through travel and cross city trips. Generally, the

two major thoroughfares in Corinth, F.M. 2181 and F.M. 2499, are also considered

to be regional arterials and are included in both the Denton County Master

Thoroughfare Plan as well as the regional arterial plan by the NCTCOG. Typically,

right-of-way for such roads would be between 120 to 180 feet.

Thoroughfare: Thoroughfares are streets which also provide a higher degree of

mobility and also are designed to accommodate increased traffic flow. Such roads

serve as cross city connectors but are not necessarily regional arterials. For this

reason, some designated thoroughfares may be more appropriate for the

incorporation of bike or pedestrian trails into the design especially in areas with

close proximity to residential areas which may create a greater demand for safety

and aesthetics rather than speed. Specified right-of-way for thoroughfares in

Corinth are 84 feet and examples include Post Oak, Lake Sharon/Meadows Oak, and


Collectors: serve as connections between thoroughfares and local/residential

streets and serve to collect and distribute traffic to the thoroughfare network.

Collectors also serve to provide direct service to neighborhoods, commercial

developments, and other local areas and their design involves site specific

considerations. Collectors accommodate smaller volumes of traffic over shorter

distances and may border or traverse neighborhood boundaries. Collector streets

should be discontinuous to discourage cut-through traffic through neighborhoods.

Specified right-of-way for collector streets in Corinth is 60 feet. Examples of

collector class facilities include; Oakmont, Meadowview, and Parkridge.

Typically, collector class facilities are divided into “Major” (Class III) and “Minor” (Class IV)

Collector. Major collectors are four-lane undivided roadways located within 64-68 feet of

right-of-way. Minor collector roadways are undivided roads with two to four-lanes in 60 feet

of right-of-way. Figure 3-14 and Figure 3-15 illustrate the cross-section of major and minor

collector streets.

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As a component of this 2010 Comprehensive Plan, it is recommended that the 2004

roadway classifications listed above be changed to major arterial, minor arterial, and

collector. These cross-sections will maintain original R.O.W provisions but are updated in

order to ensure compatibility with a regional thoroughfare system (See Figure 3-14, Figure

3-15, Figure 3-16 and Figure 3-17).

Figure 3-14. Major Arterial

Figure 3-16. Major Collector

Figure 3-15. Minor Arterial

Figure 3-17. Minor Collector

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Table 3-2 describes the most important characteristics of the various functional street

classes. The arterial and collector classifications have been divided to include major and

minor subclasses. These planning guidelines are utilized, in developing areas, to form a basic

framework for the thoroughfare system.

Also included in Table 3-2 is information on the typical level-of-service each roadway class is

intended to provide. Level-of-service refers to a measure of capacity that a section of

roadway or intersection can accommodate during peak traffic conditions. It is defined in

terms of delay with six categories ranging from "A" through "F" being assigned to reflect the

relationship between the design capacity and the traffic demand upon a particular segment.

As demand approaches capacity, the level of service decreases. Level of service “C” is

typically recommended for design purposes.

While the above described conditions are ideal, it may not be practical or even possible to

modify existing streets in already developed areas to conform to the desired design

standards for all the street functional classifications. In cases where neighborhood areas are

bisected by major roadways, alternative cross-sections may be applied to ensure that

neighborhood integrity is preserved while providing traffic access.

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Table 3-2. Functional Street Classification




























































Traffic Movement; long

distance travel.4

-5 None 1 mile45,000 to




Supplements capacity

of arterial street system

and provides high

speed mobility.



Moderate distance inter-

community, intra-metro

area, traffic movement.

Serves long trip lengths.

Restricted – some

movements may

be prohibited;

number and

spacing of



1/4 mile36,000 to




“Backbone” of the

street system.



Mobility function is

primary; access function is

secondary. Serves

moderate trip lengths.




May be limited to

major generators;

number and

spacing of



1/8 mile20,000 to







Provides route and

spacing continuity with

major arterials.



Primary – collect /

distribute traffic between

local streets and arterial

system. Secondary – land

access; inter-neighborhood

traffic movement.

12,000 to








Primary – internal to one

neighborhood; serves short

trip lengths. Secondary –

land access.



Safety controls;



1,000 to






Local Land access.





Safety control


300 feet

200 to








Through traffic should

be discouraged.

(1) Spacing determination should also include consideration of (travel within the area or corridor based upon) ultimate anticipated development.

(2) Denser spacing needed for commercial and high-density residential districts.

(3) Spacing and intersection design should be in accordance with state and local thoroughfare standards.

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Context-Sensitive Design

Context-Sensitive Design (CSD) is the practice of developing

transportation projects that serve all users and meet the needs of the

neighborhoods through which they pass. It is a collaborative process

that involves all stakeholders in developing street designs that fit into

the character of surrounding neighborhoods while maintaining safety

and mobility. The key is that elements of the street should

complement the context of the surroundings or adjacent

development to generate a “roadway experience.” For instance, a

roadway may need to be designed as a six-lane boulevard as it travels

through a commercial area, but may need to be altered to a minor

street configuration as it travels through a town center or mixed use


CSD Principles

The process of designing CSD roadways is similar to the process of

designing traditional thoroughfares in that automobile traffic is

considered with traffic counts, traffic demand, and level of service

information-gathering efforts. However, the difference is that

automobile traffic is only one element considered, among numerous

others, in the design of CSD roadways. The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) has

recently released a publication entitled “An ITE Recommended Practice: Context-sensitive

Solutions in Designing Major Urban Thoroughfares for Walkable Communities.” This

publication outlines various principles that should be considered during the design process

to arrive at a solution for a context-sensitive roadway project. These principles are as


The project satisfies the purpose and needs as agreed to by a full range of

stakeholders. This agreement is forged in the earliest phase of the project and

amended as warranted as the project develops.

The project is a safe facility for both the user and the community.

The project is in harmony with the community, and it preserves environmental,

scenic, aesthetic, historic and natural resource values of the area; in other words,

exhibits context-sensitive design.

The project exceeds the expectations of both designers and stakeholders and

achieves a level of excellence in people’s minds.

3 Outlined on page 9 of An ITE Recommended Practice: Context-sensitive Solutions in Designing Major UrbanThoroughfares for Walkable Communities (2006).

Beyond functional purposes of

permitting people to get from one place

to another and to gain access to

property, streets – most assuredly the

best streets – can and should help to do

other things: bring people together,

help build community, cause people to

act and interact, to achieve together

what they might not alone. As such,

streets should encourage socialization

and participation of people in the

community…The best streets create

and leave strong, lasting, positive

impressions; they catch the eyes and

the imagination.

Jacobs, Allan B. – Great Streets, page 312

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alk Buffer



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The project involves efficient and effective use of the resources (time, budget, and

community) of all involved parties.

The project is designed and built with minimal disruption to the community.

The project is seen as having added lasting value to the community.

CSD initiates discussion between traffic engineers, the City, and residents which ultimately

leads to roadway design which considers multiple transportation modes and roadway

character. This process gives opportunities for the incorporation of pedestrian walkability,

within certain designated areas, and the incorporation of multi-purpose pathways where

appropriate. Additionally, CSD coupled with a streetscape planning initiative could turn

major roadway projects into gateway corridors. More on these topics will be discussed to


TxDOT has begun to incorporate CSD concepts into its newer projects. The City should

explore the possibilities of CSD solutions on any of its joint projects with TxDOT (i.e., F.M.

2181 and F.M. 2499).




ParkingRoadway Median Roadway





Roadway Median Roadway Buffer




r Parking

e 3-18. Roadway Elements

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Transit Oriented Development

Transit oriented development (TOD) is a concept that has

evolved out of a need to balance residential

communities, retail divisions and employment locations

by integrating the transition between locations via the

most efficient and accessible means. TOD has been

defined as a set of urban design and land use

characteristics conducive to generating non-automotive

trip making4. In addition to reducing vehicular

dependence, TOD creates a sustainable environment

through mixed land uses and pedestrian orientation.

The Urban Land Institute (ULI) has identified ten key

principles that must be addressed in order to create a

successful and sustaining development and include:

Establishment of a common vision,

Development of public/private partnerships,

Incorporating development around a transit station,

Provide flexibility in parking; employ shared parking components,

Build a “place”, not a “project”; create a sense of place,

Understand market factors for appropriate retail development; not transit driven,

Establish a mix of land uses,

Incorporate buses to station routes,

Establish varying prove points for living, and

Engage corporate attention.

Transit oriented development has proven to be very successful in the short time frame since

its inception in the Dallas area. Variations in style of TOD development along DART’s light rail

transit lines have strengthened the benefits that can be achieved with this type

development. Similar style development is in planning by Irving and Carrollton along the TRE

and Southern Pacific rail lines as well as along the new DART Green and Orange Lines.

The current A-Train Plans by the Denton County Transit Authority which extend through

Corinth create an opportunity for future TOD development within the City. If such

development is desired within Corinth, early decisions must be made which facilitate

4 Calthorpe, P. The Next American Metropolis: Ecology, Community, and the American Dream, PrincetonArchitectural Press, New York, 1993.

Figure 3-19. Plano Transit Village

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relationships between the City, residents, and development interests. Many incentives and

regulatory approaches are often utilized in order to attract Transit Oriented Developments

because such developments often serve as prime locations for development. Cities often

utilize the creation of a TIRZ (Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones), Neighborhood

Empowerment Zones, 380 Incentives, as well as the mitigation of regulatory controls (i.e.,

density allowances, zero lot line, parking requirements, etc.).

Transit oriented developments have differing levels of density

and therefore are adaptable within a specific context. Some

examples of TOD, such as Mockingbird Station in Dallas, are

examples of dense development surrounding a transit station.

On the other hand, suburban communities throughout the

United States have adapted the concept to best suit their specific

needs. Examples include Plano Transit Village in Plano, as well as

numerous examples from Arlington, VA in suburban Washington


Finally, TOD best utilizes land surrounding a transit station. Often

times, commuter rail stations are surrounded by vast expanses

of surface parking which is only used by commuters during the

day and lays vacant and underutilized at night. Although a

certain degree of parking is an essential component of suburban

commuter rail due to general lack of density, too much parking

can lead to financial shortfalls by underutilizing developable land.

Capitalization of land values around transit stations creates

opportunity for development which enhances vibrancy around

stations making transit a community advantage not only due to

increased mobility, but through tax revenue generated by

property values and sales taxes. It is therefore recommended

that development be utilized around transit stops and that

surface parking be minimized.

The location of North Central Texas College to the potential TOD location also creates

opportunities for decreased parking within the TOD area itself. Shared parking agreements

may be utilized which allow for shared parking or shared structured parking between the

college and retail destinations in order to ensure that surface parking may be limited.

Examining activities occurring in and around the TOD may help in these efforts. For

example, certain establishments may be daytime destinations while others may be primarily

nighttime destinations (after-work). Parking may be shared to accommodate both needs

without compromising the financial benefits of development.

ure 3-20.p: Commuter Surface Parking Lotttom: Utilization of transit stop to create a senseplace.

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Plate 3-1. Mobility Plan

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Mobility PlanDiscussed thus far are regional and local issues which are currently impacting mobility or

which have the possibility to impact mobility in the future. Several concepts, such as

functional street classifications, context-sensitive design, and transit oriented development

have been introduced in order to help with the following discussion. Below is a specific and

more detailed analysis of issues identified by the CPAC.

Increased Vehicular Circulation

One of the key mobility issues identified by the members of the CPAC during the issue

identification process was the need for increased circulation in Corinth. Figure 3-21 is the

2030 Metropolitan Transportation Plan prepared by the North Central Texas Council of

Governments. Information within this map is important to note due to the dramatic

projected deterioration of vehicular mobility within Corinth by the year 2030. Currently,

Corinth is considered an area with light congestion. The only area of severe congestion is

found in Dallas County, north of Interstate 635 and between Interstate 35-E and the Dallas

North Tollway. Future projections, however, reveal that new areas of severe congestion will

develop by the year 2030. The current severe congestion area expands to encompass much

of North Dallas and Plano. The second major area of severe congestion is southeast Denton

County, including Corinth. This creates a strong incentive to begin planning for projected

Figure 3-21. NCTCOG Mobility 2030 System Performance Levels of Congestion


Source: NCTCO
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increases in traffic congestion and working immediately to implement plans and ideas which

may help to mitigate congestion or which create alternative modes of transportation to

increase general mobility within Corinth.

Vehicular traffic circulation can be influenced by a number of different

issues ranging from roadway design, a functional street classification

system, a functional non-mobility plan, and transit. Generally speaking,

transit and non-motorized opportunities allow for the removal of some

automobile traffic from roadways helping the overall traffic flow.

Considering vehicular circulation ironically means considering other

mobility options.

Circulation contains a number of key issues but the basic premise behind

circulation is the ability of individuals to move from one point to another

point within their neighborhood or community. Several key issues arise in

relation to increased vehicular circulation and will be discussed below.

Roadway Classifications

As provided by Objective 1.1, it is recommended that the thoroughfare

system in Corinth be updated to provide for a safe and convenient flow of

traffic through the City. Currently, the City uses a system which divides

roadways into three categories; Major Thoroughfare, Thoroughfare, and

Collector. Traditionally, most cities use the classifications of Freeway,

Major Arterial, Minor Arterial, and Collector to describe street

classifications (Table 3-2). Due to Corinth being a part of a greater

metropolitan planning area, adjusting the current classification system would be beneficial

towards regional cooperation and cohesion.

Current Mobility Deficiencies

Currently, the City has a Transportation Plan which reflects future expansion goals. When

completed and built to capacity, the system in place will serve to meet the transportation

needs of the City for the foreseeable future. The recommended change, in regards to

roadway capacity, is for Post Oak between Lake Sharon and Robinson Road. This roadway

was previously classified as a collector roadway with the north and south sections being

classified as thoroughfares. The new Mobility Plan recommends this section of Post Oak be

in accordance with its north and south sections as a unified minor arterial classification.

Regional Circulation

Put forth in Objective 1.5 is the necessity to ensure that the transportation system within

Corinth is adequately connected to regional transportation goals and improvements. The

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following are regional transportation issues which have an impact upon circulation within

the City and require conjunctive planning considerations by the City.

Lake Lewisville Toll Bridge

As previously discussed in more detail, several major projects stand to have major mobility

implications for the City of Corinth. The first of which is the completion of the Lake Lewisville

Toll Bridge. The implications of the toll bridge for Corinth are immense, considering the fact

that an entirely new east-west regional connection through the City is being created. This

will essentially connect Corinth to the rapidly growing areas of Collin County and will

increase through-traffic in the City.

Interstate 35-E

Also in regards to regional circulation improvements, Interstate 35-E will be expanded to

include eight lanes of traffic and four HOV lanes. This will expand the capabilities of the

interstate as far as a regional connector and will help to alleviate some of the projected

transportation congestion issues. Also important with this project is new design features

which will help to mitigate the dividing factor that a large highway can often create. At-

grade intersections will help connect the east and west sections of Corinth as well as create

visual opportunities for landscape and architectural design features which promote Corinth

to visitors along Interstate 35-E. Design features will be discussed under the Roadway Design


F.M. 2181/F.M. 2499

Additionally, F.M. 2181 and F.M. 2499 are scheduled to be expanded within the very near

future. F.M. 2181, in particular, is currently a retail destination within the City. This roadway

connects to the Lake Lewisville Toll Bridge and will eventually serve as a major regional

arterial. Expansion of the roadway at current standards will help alleviate long term

congestion in this corridor. F.M. 2499 will also play a significant role in helping improve

mobility within the city. F.M. 2499 will create a new north-south arterial which will run very

near to the western borders of Corinth. F.M. 2499 will also create a major arterial which will

eventually connect Corinth with Flower Mound and DFW Airport in Grapevine.

Lake Sharon/Meadows Oak/Dobbs Road

Reflected in the City’s current thoroughfare plan is the desire for the creation of a new

east/west minor arterial within the City. The chosen location for this is the Lake Sharon,

Meadows Oak and Dobbs Road corridor. This section runs directly through the middle of

Corinth and a new intersection with Interstate 35-E is planned during the construction of the

Interstate. The creation of this minor arterial would also create another connecting roadway

between areas on the east and west sides of the interstate and would serve one of the

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possible city center locations. The implementation of this roadway is encouraged for

increased circulation within the City.

Quality Roadway Design Standards

Another issue related to mobility, as expressed by the CPAC, is the

incorporation of quality design standards for city streets in order

to create positive visual perceptions of Corinth for residents as

well as visitors. Questions such as what type and how much

roadway design or landscaping is desired should be addressed.

When considering design standards, several issues must be

discussed. First, as previously mentioned and described in

Objective 2.1, design standards must be in conformance with the

functional street classification system. Secondly, roadway design

standards should take into consideration the desired functionality

of roadways, traffic volumes, as well as adjacent land use. Context-

sensitive Design techniques, introduced earlier, should be

explored in order to ensure conforming standards which take into

consideration roadway character as well as traffic volumes.

Further, roadway design standards should strive to incorporate

other components such as consistent landscaping, quality business

signage, entranceway features, and quality light fixtures. Corinth

has already taken steps towards this goal through the creation of

ordinance number 04-09-02-14 regulating the design of signs

along F.M. 2181 and Interstate 35-E. In addition, ordinance

number 99-06-17-22 places landscape requirements on businesses

within the city. It is recommended that such landscape

requirements also be explored for City right-of-way and uses

adjacent to residential areas.

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Interstate 35-E

A major transportation corridor in Corinth is Interstate 35-E. CPAC members expressed

concern over the visibility of property along the interstate and a desire to create a more

positive visual perception of Corinth for traffic along the interstate. Corinth currently has the

opportunity to work with TxDOT to ensure quality design along the interstate during future

construction, especially along intersections such as Post Oak Road, Meadows Oak Drive, and

Corinth Parkway. Gateway opportunities, landscaping, and incorporation of artistic design

are encouraged at such intersections.

F.M. 2181/Swisher Road

F.M. 2181, or Swisher Road, is one of the primary arterials through Corinth. It is expected

that traffic will only increase due to the completion of the Lake Lewisville Toll Bridge and the

projected widening of the roadway from two lanes to six lanes. Concentrations of retail uses

exist along Swisher Road, especially near the Interstate 35-E intersection. Roadway design

features in this area should focus on improving traffic flow as well as ensuring safe

pedestrian options. Access management is an important design tool that can be used to

both visually enhance the roadway and promote opportunities for walkability in areas with

high retail or commercial uses. Shared access driveways and cross access driveways limit the

number of commercial entrances and cause adjoining businesses to utilize one combined

driveway (Figure 3-22). This creates more available land for landscaping which enhances the

visual perception of commercial areas by buffering roadways from parking areas.

Figure 3-22. Shared Access Driveway

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Pedestrian Walkability

According to the Victoria Transport Policy Institute, “walking can be considered the most

basic form of transport, for the following reasons:

It is universal. Virtually everybody walks, and virtually all trips include walking links.

It is very affordable. Economically and socially disadvantaged people tend to rely

heavily on walking for transport.

It provides connections between other modes of transport. Automobile, transit and

air travel trips all depend on walking.

It provides additional benefits, including exercise and enjoyment.”5

The first major issue in addressing walkability is the necessity for

pathways. In order for individuals to be able to walk from one

location to another there must be the provision of pathways along

streets, especially thoroughfares and major thoroughfares.

Although this may seem common, there are often times where

roadways do not incorporate safe pedestrian options. These types

of roadways are uninviting for pedestrians who may not visually

perceive a safe walkway to reach their destination.

The second issue related to walkability is connectivity. Planning

efforts should strive to ensure that sidewalks and pathways are

not “connections to nowhere” but rather extend to different areas

of the City and different land uses. Connections should strive to

connect residential neighborhoods to schools ensuring safe

pathways for children. Pathways should also connect

neighborhoods to nearby parks or recreational facilities.

Furthermore, connectivity should also focus beyond residential

areas to include retail centers, especially where large

concentrations of retail or services are present. The desire in such

locations should be to create a sense of walkability between

different retail uses encouraging patrons to walk between stores

in order to accomplish the individuals’ shopping needs.

Finally, the last major issue related to walkability is the perceived

safety of the pedestrian. Safety is often the deciding factor in why

some individuals choose to drive to nearby locations rather than

5 Litman, Alexander. “Economic Value of Walkability,” Victoria Transport Policy Institute. July 2009.

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walk. Automobile dominated development patterns have tended to give greater focus to the

automobile rather than the pedestrian. As discussed under quality design standards, access

management along major thoroughfares with high retail and commercial concentrations

reduces the number of areas where pedestrians must cross flows of traffic. Such standards

both visually enhance the roadway while at the same time create a sense of safety for

pedestrians. In addition to access management, various traffic calming techniques,

landscape design standards, and pedestrian crosswalks can help create a sense of safety

thereby encouraging walkability within the community. Below are images depicting safe and

clearly identified pedestrian design (left) as well as images with a lack of safe or clearly

designated design (right).

Pedestrian Crossing

Access Control

Pedestrian Walkways

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Trail System

An essential component of mobility is considering the impact that bike trails, hike trails, or

multi-modal pathways can have on increasing connectivity, especially between various

neighborhoods. Many cities incorporate bike trails into the mobility plan due to a desire to

create alternative modes of transportation beyond the automobile. Multi-modal pathways

are seen as opportunities for residents to walk or bike between neighborhoods and public

spaces as well as a means of improving the general quality of life

within a community.

The City of Corinth has taken proactive measures through the

creation of a Non-Motorized System Master Plan which has

provided numerous provisions for pedestrian and bike trails

throughout the City. Therefore, all transportation improvements

should refer to the Plan and should seek to incorporate and

implement suggested pathways wherever possible.

The current trail system is an incorporation of both soft and hard

surface trails. The system includes trails and pathways along

roadways as well as trails through parks and open space

locations. In regards to implementation of the Non-Motorized

System Master Plan, there are several options which may be


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Figure 3-23 examines three feasible options for the inclusion of pathways and trails into the

mobility system. The first image depicts an example of separate bike and pedestrian

pathways. This is an important consideration in areas with higher levels of pedestrian and

bicycle traffic. Separation protects pedestrians from collision and injury. This example is

often difficult to implement due to the required right-of-way; however it is appropriate for

areas where right-of-way acquisition is possible.

The second image depicts a multi-modal

trail which incorporates both modes of

transportation. Such a provision requires

a greater trail width in order to safely

accommodate both pedestrians and

bicyclists. It is often a more feasible

option due to the light nature of

pedestrian and bicycle traffic in North

Texas. It is also a more economical option

due to the reduced amount of right-of-

way needed for acquisition. An area of

landscaping is recommended between

the multiuse pathway and vehicular traffic

lanes for safety measures.

The third image depicts an option for

collector roadways within Corinth. Many

cities have begun incorporating a painted

bicycle lane into roadway design where

traffic volumes permit. This is especially

popular in more urban environments or

areas near universities or mixed

concentrations of housing and

employment. This method, however, is

still applicable in Corinth and can be used

along collector roadways throughout the

City, such as Meadowview Drive or

Oakmont Drive. This is depicted on the

Mobility Plan, Plate 3-1, as a Bicycle

Corridor. This option is often attractive

due to the low economic cost of implementation.

Figure 3-23. Thoroughfare Trail Options

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Additionally, many collector roadways are

currently built to capacity and the acquisition of

further right away is not possible. A painted

bicycle lane would be ideal in such a situation.

Options to implement and preserve bicycle safety

within such areas should be examined and



The Non-Motorized System Master Plan includes

several proposed hard and soft surface trails adjacent

to roadways. The City should continue land

acquisition to complete the trails proposed. Grants

available from the Texas Parks and Wildlife

Department specifically aimed at trail construction

should be examined as funding sources in order to

complete land acquisition. Such grants totaled $5.3

million dollars in 2008.6

Additionally, two specific amendments to the Non-

Motorized System Master Plan are recommended. First,

a pedestrian and bicycle crossing which would go

underneath Interstate 35-E between Meadows Oak

Drive and Corinth Parkway, is recommended.

Secondly, a trail connection between the far

southern point of future F.M. 2499 and the

proposed trail below the Bluffs at Pinnell Point

subdivision is also recommended. This land area is

currently floodplain which may help facilitate private

funding opportunities and grants specifically aimed at

open space and wetland preservation.

Finally, a component of the new DCTA A-Train rail line

is the inclusion of a hard surface trail which will run

adjacent to the new rail line linking Corinth to

surrounding communities. This

trail segment is currently

reflected in the City’s Non-

6 Harvey, Tom. TPW Commission Approves $5.3 Million in Recreational Trails Grants. Texas Parks andWildlife Department. August 21, 2008.

Figure 3-24. Painted Bicycle Lane

Figure 3-25. Proposed Trail Amendments (In Red)

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Motorized System Master Plan. Attempts should be

made to integrate this trail segment into the broader

context of trail connectivity within Corinth, giving

residents greater mobility options.

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Greenway Corridors

Discussed in the previous section was the need to incorporate pathways and trails into the

city thoroughfare plan. The incorporation of greenway corridors into the City’s thoroughfare

plan, as well as its cross-sections, is one way of ensuring that multi-modal transportation

options are included and considered within thoroughfare design.

Currently, the Non-Motorized System Master Plan

designates several areas as “bike friendly.” These

locations are located primarily within the confinement

of certain neighborhoods or are located along collector

roadways which have lower traffic levels, such as

Meadowview Drive and Oakmont Drive. The goal of the

City should be to expand the current bicycle friendly

options beyond the confinement of the neighborhood

and allow bike and pedestrian friendly options

throughout the City. Greenway corridors can

accomplish this specific goal by creating safe non-

motorized options along roadways which may carry

larger volumes of traffic and create safe options for

residents to walk or bike to different neighborhoods, recreational facilities, land uses, and

eventually any city center or transit oriented development locations.

Greenway corridors not only serve as a means of creating additional non-motorized

mobility, but they often can serve to visually enhance roadways within a community through

landscaping and perception. Landscaping is encouraged between pathways and vehicle

lanes in order to create a feeling of safety for pedestrians and bicyclists, but also for

aesthetic quality.

The three specific areas recommended for the implementation of greenway corridors in

Corinth are Post Oak Drive between F.M. 2181 and Robinson Road, Lake Sharon/Meadow

Oaks Drive, and Corinth parkway. Both Post Oak Drive and Lake Sharon/Meadows Oak Drive

are thoroughfares which extend through primarily residential uses. Implementation of

these roadways as greenway corridors would ensure compatible roadways with existing

neighborhood character and would increase recreational opportunities for residents within

surrounding neighborhoods. Corinth Parkway is recommended to be included as a

greenway corridor due to the locations of City Hall, North Central Texas College, Corinth

Community Park, and the possible transit oriented development opportunity.

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The greenway cross-section shown in Figure 3-

26 would be appropriate for areas with

sufficient easement or right-of-way

opportunities. Opportunities for separate bike

and pedestrian lanes or a linear park with a

multiuse pathway are feasible considerations.

Figure 3-27 would be appropriate for major

arterial cross-sections through residential areas.

Multi-use pathways may be incorporated on

one or both sides and opportunities for

landscaping buffers between residential homes

and roadways are possible.

Figure 3-28 would be appropriate for collector

roadways in Corinth. Hard surface trails may be

incorporated for pedestrians and, depending on traffic

flow, bicyclists are able to utilize roadways, preferably

with the inclusion of a striped lane.

Figure 3-28. Collector Greenway Cross-Section

Figure 3-27. Minor Arterial Greenway Cross-Section

Figure 3-26. Minor Arterial Greenway Cross-Section

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Finally, as previously discussed, DCTA is in the process of constructing its A-Train commuter

rail line which will run through Corinth. Although no current plans exist which would include

a station in Corinth, planning now for long term possibilities can help increase mobility and

circulation within the City if any changes or opportunities arise in the future.

Based upon the location of the rail line, the

most probable location for a future transit stop

in Corinth would be on the east side of Corinth

Parkway and Interstate 35-E. This site location

is important for several reasons. First, the

location of North Central Texas College is a

significant feature in this area. Secondly, the

location of City Hall is an important focal point

for this section of the City. Additionally, there

are several community parks and recreational

facilities within this area of the City creating

both a local and regional draw. Finally, there is

the availability of vacant land in this general

area which would create opportunities for

development around a potential transit stop. The existence of vacant land allows for the

creation of unique development which enhances the stations capabilities while also leaving

room to mitigate the effects of denser development upon surrounding neighborhoods.

The importance of planning now for potential rail stem from the fact that rail stations

contain many opportunities, such as transit oriented development, which can be utilized. In

addition, transit is only one part of the greater plan for mobility and, therefore, needs to be

connected to the greater mobility plan recommendations. If this is done effectively, a station

can be much more than simply a “stop with in a city.” If effectively incorporated into the

greater mobility plan, it can serve to enhance the thoroughfare plan as well as the non-

motorized plan and can become a functional part of the greater city it serves.

Transit opportunities within Corinth go far beyond rail. Currently, DCTA operates Commuter

Express, CONNECT, and the UNT Shuttle in addition to the future A-Train. Commuter Express

connects Denton County with the DART North Carrollton Transit Center and, with eight stops

downtown Dallas, it serves as an important transportation option for commuters via bus.

CONNECT is a local transportation network between Denton, Lewisville and Highland Village.

Currently, CONNECT operates 286 stops within these three communities.

Figure 3-29. DCTR A-Train Concept

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The importance of transit options cannot be overstated. Transit options should be important

considerations for every community in an effort to provide mobility options for all City

residents. This applies to all socioeconomic as well as age demographics. Corinth’s

age/gender pyramid is shown in Figure 1-8 of the Chapter 1: Baseline Analysis. Currently, a

substantial portion of the population falls between the ages of 25 and 44. As this population

ages, and assuming that most of this population group remains in Corinth, inevitable

decisions regarding transportation options must be considered to serve an aging population

group which may prefer or require alternatives to driving. Thinking about decisions now

creates opportunities for proactive planning to address such issues in the future.

In addition, transit options help reduce overall traffic congestion upon roadways, especially

during peak commuting hours. Figure 1-12 in the Baseline Analysis clearly shows that most

working residents in Corinth travel long distances to get to their place of employment. As

traffic congestion increases from light congestion to severe congestion by 2030 (Figure 3-

18), commuting workers in Corinth will be spending a greater amount of time upon

roadways. Transit helps to create options for commuters who must travel long distances and

allows individuals to plan their day according to set transit schedules rather than relying

upon the uncertainty of traffic congestion on freeways.

Figure 3-30 indicates the

national trends in the number

of transit passenger trips

showing various fluctuations in

ridership but a general increase

overall, especially since 1995.

Keeping these issues in mind,

Corinth should engage in

productive discussions

regarding what is best for the

community and which transit

options would best serve its

citizens. A strong relationship

between the residents of

Corinth, the City of Corinth and

the DCTA should be established

in order to incorporate any

future transit options which are

desired by the community.

Figure 3-30. Long Term Trends in Public Transit Ridership in the USA, 1970-2000 (millions ofunlinked passenger trips)

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Mobility Plan AdministrationIn the administration and enforcement of the

Mobility Plan, special cases and unique situations

will occasionally arise where existing physical

conditions and development constraints in

certain areas conflict with the need for widening

of designated thoroughfares to the planned

right-of-way width and roadway cross-section.

Special circumstances require a degree of

flexibility and adaptability in the administration

and implementation of the plan. Acceptable minimum design criteria and special roadway

cross-sections may have to be applied in constrained areas where existing conditions limit

the ability to meet desirable guidelines. Special roadway cross-sections should be

determined on a case-by-case basis when a unique design is necessary and subject to the

approval of City Staff, and/or the City Council. The standard roadway cross-sections should

be used as Corinth continues to expand and upgrade its roadways and whenever possible, in

existing developed areas.

Plan Amendment Process

It will be necessary to periodically consider and adopt amendments to the Mobility Plan to

reflect changing conditions and new needs for thoroughfare system improvements and

development. A systematic procedure should be followed for making plan amendments,

including a schedule for considering changes.

Typically, plan amendment requests may originate from landowners, civic groups,

neighborhood associations, developers, other governmental agencies, City staff and other

interested parties. Proposed revisions should be analyzed by City Staff, and the proposed

changes and staff recommendations should then be considered by the City Council. The City

Council should conduct a public hearing on proposed plan amendments, including advanced

notice of such hearing. The burden for proving compelling reasons for and public benefit of

any proposed changes should rest with the requesting parties. Decisions and

determinations should represent the best interests of the public.

The revised Mobility Plan, including any approved plan amendments, should be submitted

to the City Council for adoption. The amended plan becomes effective upon adoption by the

City Council. The proper administration of the Corinth Mobility Plan will require the

coordination of capital improvements, subdivision control and zoning.

“The combined effect of more compact land use, improved

transit service and improved bicycle and pedestrian conditions

would be to improve mobility by non-automobile

modes...Increased opportunities for walking and biking will

lead to improvements in public health, and exercise and

activity levels increase.”

-Urban Land Institute (Trisha Riggs, Moving Cooler, July 28, 2009).

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Coordination of Capital Improvements

Many of the roadways, which will be improved in Corinth, will involve cooperation with

TxDOT and Denton County. In many cases, this will involve some financial participation by

Corinth. Future capital improvement bond programs should be coordinated with the State's

ability to participate in any of these facilities. Corinth will likely have to assume the

responsibility for requiring or constructing at least a portion of its roadway system,

particularly collector streets, as it continues to grow. It should be recognized that the

roadway system would be built up incrementally over an extended period, lasting 25 to 50


Subdivision Control

The subdivision of land into building sites represents the first step in the development of

urban land uses and the creation of traffic generators. Reasonable rights-of-way must be set

aside at the time of subdivision platting so that adequate roadway capacity can eventually

be built as needed without adversely affecting the value, stability and long-range character

of the area being developed. Specifically, right-of-way must be dedicated in accordance

with the currently adopted Thoroughfare Plan at the time each plat is approved.

Zoning and Land Use Control

The adequacy of existing and planned roadways must be taken into consideration in all

changes of zoning and land use. When such changes occur, the land area allocated for

street use (i.e., right-of-way) should be provided commensurate with the overall use and

development intensity contemplated within the area.

Building Lines

Where widening of existing roadway rights-of-way will be needed in the future, buildings

being proposed for development today should be set back to allow for the planned widening

(i.e., the ultimate right-of-way width) to ensure that the uses will function properly with the

new roadway after the widening occurs. In some cases, it may be desirable to establish

building lines on particular properties by ordinance to ensure the orderly and uniform

development of roadway frontage. This should be an important consideration around the

City Center area.

The plan should be flexible and should be reviewed on a regular basis to incorporate

changes in local conditions. The plan is a guide that indicates roadway capacity needs in

response to planned land uses in an area and serves as a basis for subdivision requirements.

In developed sections of the City, the Mobility Plan provides guidance for upgrading and/or

protecting the integrity and character of existing thoroughfares.

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Finally, community objectives for maintaining a rural “small town” character for the City

while accommodating new development help to further determine roadway patterns,

access characteristics and the design of roadway corridors.

Funding Thoroughfare System Improvements

In addition, maintaining an efficient street network requires significant investment of local

resources. Careful planning is needed to ensure that Corinth makes the most cost-effective

investments in its street network. Funding is usually based upon general obligation bonds or

the general fund budgeting process. The City should also coordinate efforts with regional

transportation-related agencies, such as the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)

and North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) in order to maximize the

potential for shared financing. Consistent participation in NCTCOG planning efforts may also

help Corinth foster relationships that would ultimately help with funding improvements.

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Summary of RecommendationsTable 3-3 summarizes the recommendations from this Mobility chapter. In addition, a

reference to the corresponding objectives, listed under Chapter 2: Visioning, is included with

each recommendation.

Summary of Recommendations Objectives

Improve Vehicular Circulation

Update the street classifications to provide for efficient flowof traffic and regional compatibility.

Objectives5.1, 5.3

Identify areas where access and mobility deficiencies exist Objective 5.2

Ensure that the transportation system offers accessibility toneighborhoods and retail centers and minimizes thenegative effects of regional or cut through traffic

Objective 5.4

Quality Design Standards

Create quality landscaping along corridors to enhance theaesthetic quality and visual perception of the City

Objective 6.1

Provide for pedestrian walkways along roadways in order toensure pedestrian safety

Objective 6.2

Utilize context-sensitive design and traffic calmingtechniques to slow traffic in appropriate areas.

Objectives6.4, 6.5

Require shared access driveways for appropriate businessesin order to reduce the number of access points alongthoroughfares for traffic flow and pedestrian safety.

Objective 6.3

Non-Motorized Opportunities

Work to expand and implement the Non-Motorized SystemMaster Plan hard and soft surface trails into new roadwayconstruction.

Objective 7.1

Examine creating "Greenway" and "Bike Friendly" corridorsas components of the City's Thoroughfare Plan.

Objectives7.1, 7.2

Ensure that pedestrians and bicyclists have access points tonew development, especially the City Center.

Objective 7.2

Table 3-3. Mobility Recommendations

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Work with DCTA in order to create a future A-Train commuter railstop in Corinth.

Objective 8.1

Consider the creation of transit oriented development (TOD) aroundthe possible rail station if desired by the citizens.

Objective 8.2

Explore non-rail transit opportunities with DCTA such as a CommuterExpress park-and-ride or CONNECT.

Objective 8.2

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