GOVERNMENT OF NATIONAL CAPIT,AL TERRITORY OFoDELHI DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION, ACTcI BRANCH OLD SECRETARIAT, DELHI-l10054 No. F.DE.1S/Act-I/08/1SS/20 13/5{;0 ('-551Q, CIRCULAR Subject: - Guidelines for admission of EWS/DG Category at Entrv Level Classes in Private Unaided Recognized Schools of Delhi for the session 2016-17. 1. For Private Unaided Schools (Non-Minority) Recognized under Delhi School Education Act •. Rules, 1973. In continuation of this Directorate's Circular dated 08-12-2015, Directorate of Education is facilitating admissions of EWS/DG category in Private .Unaided Schools recognized under Delhi School Education Act & Rules; 1973 at the Entry Level Classes (Nursery/Pre-schcol, KG/Pre-Primary and Class-I) for academic session 2016-17 from 01/01/2016 by making ONLINE SYSTEM.The list of such schools is available on the departmental website under head EWS/DG ADMIS.SIONS 2016-1.7-+ List of schools recognized under DSEAR,1973, who will be a part of these online admissions. . . Admissions of EWS· (annual income less than one lakh rUPees)/DG category (SC/ST/OBC Non-creamy layer/Physically Challenged/ Orphan and Transqender) shall be made through Computerized Lottery System "in the said schools against 25% seats reserved for them under the provisions of Right to -Educetion Act, 2009. All the Users/Applicants should visit Directorate of Education website www.edudel.nic.in and click the button EWS/DG· ADMISSIONS 2016-11 for detailed information and instructions. Please read the instructions carefully before filling in the complete Registration Form/Appllcation Form. Th~ online application shall be accepted till 22-01-2016 (Friday). 2. For Private Unaided Schools Recognized by thls Directorate under Ri!lht to Education (RTE) Act, 2009 and Private Schools regulated by Local Authoritjes. a) The schools up to Elementary Level recognized by Directorate of Education under RTEAct, 2009, schools up to Primary Level recognized by Local Authorities and schools up to Primary Level recognized by this Directorate -under RTE Act, 2009· now regulated by Local Authorities are not the part of this Online Admission Process for Academic Year 2016-17. These schools shall conductadrrusstons of EWS/DG category seats manually as being done-In previous years as per schedule given (\J _~ below:- ~ Contd.P/2. ::.-----

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No. F.DE.1S/Act-I/08/1SS/20 13/5{;0 ('-551Q,


Subject: - Guidelines for admission of EWS/DG Category at EntrvLevel Classes in Private Unaided Recognized Schools of Delhi forthe session 2016-17.

1. For Private Unaided Schools (Non-Minority) Recognized underDelhi School Education Act •. Rules, 1973.

In continuation of this Directorate's Circular dated 08-12-2015,Directorate of Education is facilitating admissions of EWS/DG category in Private

.Unaided Schools recognized under Delhi School Education Act & Rules; 1973 atthe Entry Level Classes (Nursery/Pre-schcol, KG/Pre-Primary and Class-I) foracademic session 2016-17 from 01/01/2016 by making ONLINE SYSTEM.Thelist of such schools is available on the departmental website under headEWS/DG ADMIS.SIONS 2016-1.7-+ List of schools recognized underDSEAR,1973, who will be a part of these online admissions.. .

Admissions of EWS· (annual income less than one lakh rUPees)/DGcategory (SC/ST/OBC Non-creamy layer/Physically Challenged/ Orphan andTransqender) shall be made through Computerized Lottery System "in the saidschools against 25% seats reserved for them under the provisions of Right to-Educetion Act, 2009.

All the Users/Applicants should visit Directorate of Education websitewww.edudel.nic.in and click the button EWS/DG· ADMISSIONS 2016-11 fordetailed information and instructions. Please read the instructions carefullybefore filling in the complete Registration Form/Appllcation Form.

Th~ online application shall be accepted till 22-01-2016 (Friday).

2. For Private Unaided Schools Recognized by thls Directorate underRi!lht to Education (RTE) Act, 2009 and Private Schools regulatedby Local Authoritjes.

a) The schools up to Elementary Level recognized by Directorate ofEducation under RTEAct, 2009, schools up to Primary Level recognizedby Local Authorities and schools up to Primary Level recognized by thisDirectorate -under RTE Act, 2009· now regulated by Local Authoritiesare not the part of this Online Admission Process for Academic Year2016-17. These schools shall conductadrrusstons of EWS/DG categoryseats manually as being done-In previous years as per schedule given

(\J _~below:-~ Contd.P/2.


, .


Admission Schedule:-

Commencement of admission pro-cess. 01/01/2016(Fridqy}. . .


Commencement of availability of 01/01/2016 (Friday)application for admission.


Last .date of submission of appllcatlon 22/01/20,16(Friday)form in schools.The date for displaying the first list of 15/02/20 16(Monday)se;~cted candidates (including waiting ,list.The date for displaying the second list 29/02/20 16(Monday)of candidates (if any) including waitinglist.

'Closure of admission nrocess. 31/03/2016(Thursdav1

b) 25% seats shall be filled .wlth the children belonging to EWS/DGcatecory as defined in the provisions of RTE Act, 2009 in the manneras prescribed in this DireCtorate's Notification dated 07-01-2011 andother orders / instructions issued in this regard form time to time.

c) Admissions of the children belonging to. Economically Weaker Section &Disadvantaged Group Category shall be made by the private unaided-recoqnlzed schools on the following .neiqhbourhood criteria.

(i) Admission shall first be offered to eligible studentsbelonging to E,W5 and Disadvantaged' Group residing within1 KM of the specific school.

(ii) In case the vacancies remain unfill-ed, students res.ofncwithin 3 KM of the school shall be admitted.

(iii) If there are still vacancies, then the admission shall beoffered to other' students residing .wlth!n 6 KM of theinstitution.

(iv) Students residing beyond 6 KM shall be admitted only incase vacancies -remaio unfilled even after considering allthe students within 6 KMarea.

(Copv of the ctrcuter No:15 (110)/DE/Act/2011/7563-74 dated 13/.02/2012 issuedin this regard in pursuance to Hon'ble High Court's Order dated 31/01/2012in wpc636/2012 & 40/2012 enclosed-as Annexure-I)

**However,·Scho_ols shall accept forms from all applicants under EWS& Disadvantaged Group irrespective of. distance of residence fromschool, and then segregate them stab-wise- as mentioned above for


_ draw of lots.. . '

<> ••

::::::-:----- Contd. P/ 3.



(d) 25% admissions to children belonging to Economically Weaker Section& Disadvantaged Group category at entry level classes i.e. pre-school,pre-primary and Class- I, wherever fresh admissions are made, -shall begranted by the Private Unaided Recognized Schools of Delhi. They shall. .ensure the admissions of 250/0 cnudren belonging to EWS/DGCategory at all entry level classes on the existing strength ofstudents in respect of entry level classes at any given point oftime. (Copy of the circular No.2393-2004 dated 04/06/2012 issued in pursuanceof Delhi High Court's. Order dated 24-05-2012 in WPC 8434/2011 enclosed asAnnexure~II)

(e) Any person residing in Delhi, having the residence proof of Delhi andrequisite Income. Certificate (less than one lakh rupees annually)- issuedby the Competent Authority of Delhi or BPljAAY (ration card)/FoodSecurity Card holder are eligibie. for applying in these Private' UnaidedRecognized Schools for admission of their ward under EconomicallyWeaker Section Category. The condition of rmntmum residency period of03 years in Delhi for applying to admission under Economically WeakerSection & Disadvantaged Group Category has been waived off. (Copy ofCircular NO.OE-15/Sct-I/WPC No.3168/13/2013/11734-11738 dated 14/11/2013issued in pursuance of Hon'ble High Court 'of Delhi Order dated 07/10/2013 inWPC No.3168/2013 enclosed as Annexure-III).

(f) Schedule Caste, Schedule Tritie~ Other Backward Class Non- CreamyLayer, Children With Special Needs and suffering 'from the Disabilities asdefined in' the Persons With Disabilities Act, 1996, Orphans andTransgender shall be considered as Disadvantaged Group Category as

. defined in Section 2 (d) of the RTEAct-2009_(Income Certificate is notrequired to claim the benefit ·of DGCategory) (Copy of notification~nd instructions in rio 'Orphan' & and notification in rio Transgender areenclosed as Annexure-IV & V)

(g) The age limit for the children to be admitted at the entry level classesas on 31/03/2016 is as under:

For Nursery/Pre-School:-For KG/Pre-Primary:-For Class I: -

Between 3-4 years.Between 4-5 years.Between 5-6 years.

(Relaxation of one year in Upper Age limit for Children with SpecialNeeds/Disabled Children Category is given..Further the upper age limit forthe children with mentally challenged can be further rei-axed by thePrincipal/HoS subject to the submission of the requisite documents.) (The


rder dated 18/12/20~5 is enclosed as Annexure VI).

~ r Contd ••P/4



(hl The Directorate of Education has devised .a Common RegistrationForm for admission under EWS & Disadvantaged Category and the sameis uploaded in the scroll on the official website of Directorate of Educationi.e. www.edudel.nic,in for the benefit of such schools as well as theapplicants. (Copy of the same is enclosed as Annexure-VII). All such schoolsare"directedto use the said format only by downloadingthe said form'or using a printed version of the application form. Parents may. get theCommon Registration Form from the schools or may download the samefrom the above mentionedwebsite. Every-school shall ensure that theRegistration forms in -the.prescribed proforma are made availablefree of cost" to all applicants under EWS & Disadvantaged .GroupCategory without any barrier/hindrance.

(i) The school shall acknowledge the application for admission againstfree seats through a proper receipt and shall assign each application aregistration number. The Registration-Slip (Annexure-VIII) shall alsoindicate the date (s) of display of list of eligible candidate's for draw,date(s) of draw, date(s) of display of list of successful candidatesincluding waiting list and test date of admission.

(j) In case, the application of any child is found not to bein order andis rejected, the reasons for its rejection shall be recorded andcommunicated to the parents.

(k) Observers for draw of lots of EWS &. Disadvantaged GroupCategory: .:.Directorate of Education will provide observers for draw oflots of EW5 & Disadvantaged Group category only Ilke previous years. Theinstructions issued in thJs regard vide Circular No. F.DE./15/Act-1(2013(6621-28 dated 22-01-2013 shall be followed strictly. (Copy of thecircular enclosed as Annexure-IX),

- (I) After completion of admission process, each school shall sendinforrnaticn/detalls regarding the number of filled and vacant 'seats under'EWS & DG category at Entry Level Classes to the Chairman of the DistrictAdmission Monitoring' Committee/Deputy Director of Education of districtconcerned by 1600 hours on 07-04-2016. Simultaneously, the detailsshall also be provided on the on 'line module available on this Directorate's'website: www.edude1.nic.in. All DDEs of the districts shall compile thesaid data (Number of filled and vacant seats of EWS(DG Category) zone-wise and forward ·the same ~o Act-I Branch on 13.04.2016 for taking

~cessarY action. Contd.P/S


(m)The admission to such. vacant seats of E~S/DG Category is anongoing process which may continue throughout the academic year "andthe District Admission Monitoring ~ommittee has been empowered to get-filled such vacancies and can take steps as per the directions contained insub-clause (d) of this Directorate's notificationNo.15(172)/DE/Act/2010/59 dated 07/01/2011 and Rule 13 of Delhi Right toEducation Rules, 2011. ("""'f"'tl~&-'i()

All the above directions are issued for strict compliance bv :allconcerned.


. 5.7.8.

Non compliance of the order shall be viewed seriously.

0'", '),.'1 \1"\1,81' .(PADMII'II 5INGLA.) ,


Managements/H.O.S of Private Unaided Recognized SchoolsAll DDEs (Districts),

NO.F.DE.1S/Act-l/08/1SS/2013/5S:0 1,-S '>Ie,Copy to:-


Pro .Secretarv to Chief Minister, Delhi.Pro Secretary to Dy. Chief Minister/Minister of Education, Delhi

"OSD to Chief Secretary, GNCTof Delhi.ProSecretary (Education), GNCTof DeihLDirector (Education), SMCD,NMCD& EMCD.Director (Education), New Delhi Municipal Council.Chief Executive Officer, Delhi Cantonment Board.,1\11 Special/Addl. Directors/RDEs/JDEs/DDEs/ADEs, Dte".ofEducation,'GNCT of Delhi.All Branch In-Charges, Directorate of Education, GNCT ofDeihl,OS (IT) with the requestto upload it on the Departmental Website.

Guard file. t~, \.1 , , ,yJ~ ~\""')')t>~\\~\




Dated: J3. (12.._,).012..No.F.B (I IOYOFJACTf201II7f> 63 _74


Attention of all recognized unaided private schools is invited to notification No.IS(172)10ElACTI201117290·1304.dnted issued under Section 35 and 38 ofthe Right of Children to Free and CcmpulsoryBdccetion Act, 2lr09 (RTE Act) read withsub-rule 3 of Rule 10 of Delhi Ri.ght of Children to Free and Compulsory Educationrules. 2011. In this regard Hce'ble High CoW;.tof Delhi in its judgment-dated 31.01.2012in WP (C) No .. 636tl0J2 ti~ed "Fwention of Public Scheets vIs Gevt. or Ncr ofDelhi" and WP (C) No. 40nOll·,titled "Federaficu of Public Sehcol VIs Director(Education)" bas laid down the following neighbourhood criteria to be followed by therecognized unaided private schools' for admitting children from economically weakersection~and"disad"1mtaged.group,

1. Admission shall first be offered 10 eligible students belonging toEWS anddlsndvantaged group residing witlriu t km, of the specific school.

2. in case the vacancies remain unfilled._studenTSresiding within 3 km. oftbe schoolshall be admitted. .

3, If there are still vacancies, then the admission Shall be offered tp' other studentsresiding within 6 km of tho institution. .

4. Students residing beyond 6 km. shall be admitted only ip'cnse,vucaiicics remainunfilled even after considering all the students within 6 km area. >

The above directions of Hon'blc High Court of Delhi are to be strictly complied byall private un-aided schools with effect from the date of aforesaid order ofHon'ble HighCourt

This issues with the approval- of competent authority,

Any complaint regarding non-compliance of the order would be viewed seriously.Hindi version of this circular shaH follow shortly.

(p.L:ml Tarn)Asstr. DireCIQr or Education (Act)



No.F.1S(llO)lDElAcrnOll1 7$6 a - 7'1

Copy to:

Dated: f3-(J..l..-.2tJ/l-

I. Pro Secretary to1he tfon1.bleChie!Minister. Delhi2. Secretary to Minister of Education, GNCTD3. Spl. Secretary (Education), DOG-Delhi4. Addl. Director-(ActfAdmn./Cord.), DOE, Delhi5. P.S. toDirect6r(Educaiion)i DOS, Delhi6. All Regional Directors ofEdilCati01l,. DOE, Delhi7. All DepUty Directors of.Districts,DO'E, Delhi8. EO, I 'DEOs of1ti:spective Z9n~. DOE, Delhi9. All Supdis. ofAc;.t Branch; not. ,Delhi10. O.S.a.T:)\\'ith the-directionto upload this-notification en the official website.II. Managers and Heads-of all un;lided recognized Schools ofGNCTDJ 2. Guard File .

~'(p. Lata Tara)

Asstt. Director or Education (Ad)

c\ Page 1 0



1, whereas, th,e'l-r.on·bJe,~HuhCourt of (;i,clhlv1deo(d~.t;~~~.

ordered iJSfoUow$!.. ,,":,,-~.,

"(aJ fliose $cltootswhkh Off!imparting P'e.S4lo~i

ciliJdren be:I.CJ!lgi(rg to EWS and dl~-(!(/"anto{]ed 9rt.:lVp.5·.ar;, ,,~

(b) raose schools whicll do-not hcv.e prf!<sthoaJ IJ~:'

provide 25?6 reservation to chfldren bt:!ongfnrJ (0 ~~le"e:hildiM ill doni Will

nlO~cd group.$ (j( Olot


(e) I'floSp$Choo/s, wlJlch have pte-SdlOC/ cDut::oti'0A'

.andd~~l will/love {O con/orMCO25%. rescrVlJiion o~

,dmUSion- in p~pl'tmoiy&iJmi.nions tJfl: uuue."

2. Now, there/ore, in-ccntjnuaucn 01order no, F.DE1A.-

ordered thaI. art ull;llded recOHNil:c:dschools elv/! fht'-lllfof

$(hool/p(e-ptimilry/~las.s·t-i.o the Zonal Officer i)y fillirlgat,--U.~

rnen by 08~~June, 2012., Non'Stibmissh:m of (IHIUlfonnllioll:~:;;':'

be liable rOJ actton under the relevant provisions of biw.' ,A,fI-

rcsn "d i I2m' at pre-,i .-~~n(i~edwith .Ul\scruer~ hV .;JF1'f $uch.sl'::f\oor snan/;~''!~h~I.mdectakinugiVen rc

B,!h rcrre. 2012 on, theiri:'_ .•..

'-by (es-peC:live (l$llmarnt'!..1r'J1I"'k j(esh Qdml.ss/Qfl

.Zonal Officer in respect of'vacilncy POSilJ,CO a!l.<iioSot am(e:~'

. , ..~'

notice board and their website. surtner, the said underta-"fn

and pa$SwQrd of tly'· respective scrccu aHer



lorREtroR.JEO~CATIONj!:.....f '-

Man<lg~mcnt or-An Unaided RccoC!Jiscd Schoolsthrough,.Oisn!ct DOgs

Copy to:-1. h.:5ecrctilrv. to Lu, GNCTD2. Pt.Secretary·.lO Cbief.-Minijter.-GNCTO

"",,·/Ierlllrlel.nic.infupload 2011 812912012\




.. ' r·-





~A.t¥:ntiQ!l.of all recognized 1,yJ.w..(i~.d private schools is ·in.y,ite~ to this Directorate'sng:ij~~ji.Qn· NQ. HiC172~)l.D.,ElAcVlO'I;~/c$9' 'oJi.ted, :Q7lQJ.{2~)]('f -issued ',i"p exercise. of powersconferred bysecilon :; (.1ref the 'Delh'j School Education Act ]"Q7j (18 of 1-91-3)read with rule 43of Delhi School Education Rules 1973 and under the provisions of the Right of Children to Freeand Compulsory Education Act. 2009. In this regard Hon'ble High Court of Delhi in itsjudgement dated 07dO.2013 in WP (C) No. 3168/20q, titled Himangi Vs Govr. of NCT ofE)el!,iii)l.~,~s)n!,te!f'.tI:le1ll~illi!·Qf"QJjuw~·(~)'b ..kAAiWp~9fi!,,@n;,d.efli!irig - "Child belongingtQ Weilker.-S~~U:on~' cnfy'ro mean" a".cfiildl',who$e'parenrs"'bave. IP!al in,nuaf income of less.than.one lakh rupees from all sources. Th~ minimum residency period on years-in Delhi for applying[0 admission under EWS/DG categcncs has been quashed.

The above directions of Hon'ble- High.ccurt-of Delhi -are to be strij:t!.:y,complied with by.all ptivate unaided scho-ols.

This issues with the prior approval of Competent Authority.

The detailed judgement dated 07.10.2013 in the above said case is available under the,gi.ven_link.


-th.e.M~ma:gcmen r o(~;lI una'j d:eif r:eeogjiized pri-vatc.S:c'hoo Is.. .

NO.DE-15/Act-I/WPC NO.3168/13/2013/ I \T\Y _ ',it

I, P,S.to Prin~SeCietary, (Education). Directorare'cf'Educetion.

2. P.S. to Director (Education). Directorate of Education.

3.. All RDEslDD~ pirectowe of Education.

~ 0.,$~H~:r-n.vm:l~!k~qM:~~49:{{p~I:O~a;:Q.ri)6;:if~P4-itment$.~f)_~~d,n.Fr:lJh.lic'tD,in;UI!lr$'_5,. Guard' fite. ~:

(I'.LA.TA TARA)"S$~nuiEcr6lROF'EDUeATION'(Acr I)




No.r.15(172)IDElActl201 01 ~ 9,( b -4 0


Dated: the I¥J 2012

No. F.15(-172)/DElActi201 O· In exercise-of the-powers-conferred by sub-section (J) of section J of

the Delhi School Education Act, 1973 (18 cf 1973) read with rule 43 of the Delhi School Education

Ruless, 1973 and under the provisions of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act.

1009, the Lt. Governor of the National Capital Territory of Delhi IS pleased to amend the Delhi

School Education (Free Seal'; for Students belonging 10 Economically Weaker Sections and

Disadvantage Group) Order, 2011 published vide Notification No. 15 (172)IDEiActl2010l69 dated

01.01.2011 as following; namely:-

1. Short title-and commencement - (I) This order may be called the Delhi School Education (Free

Seats for students belonging to Economically Weaker

Sections and Disadvantage Group) Amendment Order,


(2) It shall. come into fbrce with immediate effect.

5. Amendment in Clauses 2 and 6· In the Delhi Schoo! Education (Free Seats for students

belonging to Economically Weaker Sections and-Disadvantage Group) Order. 2011, -

(i) In clause 2, in sub-clause (d) after the words "Child belonging to disadvantaged group"

means a child belonging 10 the Scheduled castes, the Schedule tribes, the other backward

classes not falling in the creamy layer, child with special needs and suffering from

disability !IS defined in the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection and

Full Participation) Act, 1996", thefollowing shall be added, eamcly.-

"Orphan as-deflned in The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection ()(Chil~ren) Rules,


(i!) In clause 6, after sub-clause (b) the following sub-clause (bb) shall be added, namely>

"(bb) For the admisslun of child belongi'ng to Orphan- a eerlifie:lfc issued by- the

WOmen and. Child Development Department ofGNCT of Delhi 5h:11Ibe considered",

B)" order and in the name of theLI. Ocvemor 0 e National

Capi141Te "!oly of Delhi,i,-"",""'G


,,-------------- -



N6.F.15(I72YOFJAcIl201 0/ ~ q 'f.-4 c Dared then) 10p012.

Copy to:-

I. Secretary, MHRD, GOVL of India.2.. ProSecretary to Lieutenant Governor, GNCT of Delhi.3. Pro Secretary to Chief Minister, GNCT of Delhi.4. Secretary 10 Minister of Educatlon, GNCT of Delhi.5. osu to Chief Secretary, GNCT ofDe!hi.6. Secretary {Education), GNCT of Delhi.7. Director (Educution),.GNCT ofiJc!hi.8. Director (Education). Municipal Corpor(ition'ofDelhi.9. Director (Education), New Delhi Municipal Council.10. Chief Executive Omcer, Delhi.Cantonment Board.II. Director, Directorate of lnfcrrnatlon.and Publicity. ONe of Delhi.12.Al! Add!. DircctorslRDEs/JDEslDDEs/ADEs. Dte. of Education, GNCT of Delhi.13. AllBrnuchcs lnchargcs, Ole. of'Bducalicn, GNCT of Delhi.14. OS (IT) with the request 10 place it on the website of Directorate or Education.15. Guard file.

L~(GAl\tLl PADU)


I""1-,.;, ,

,\I', I



Dated the Q'l, 10' 2014


No,F,DE,23 (42)/DE/RTE/2013-14/ 13cS-131~, In exercise of the

powers conferred by clause (d) of section 2 of the Right of Children to Free and

Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (35 of 2009) (RTE Act) the lieutenant

Governor National Capital Territory of Delhi is pleased to notify inclusion of a

"transgender" child within the meaning of "child belonging to disadvantaged

group" as defined in the said section of the RTEAct applicable to ali schools

situated within the Nation'alCapital Territory of Delhi.

By Order and in the name of Lt. Governor of National CapitalTerritory of Delhi,


(Dr, Madhu Rani Teotia)(IAS)Additional Secretary (Education)

Copy to:-


ProSecretary to Hon'ble t.t, Governor, Delhi,OSD to Chief Secretary, Govt. of NCT of Delhi.Secretary, MHRD,Govt. of India.Principal Secretary', Education, Govt. of NeT of Delhi.Director (Education), Govt. of NCT of Delhi/MunicipalCorporations of Delhi (East/North/South)/New Deihi MunicipalCouncil/Chief Executive officer, Delhi Cantonment Board.Director, Directorate of Information and Publicity, Govt. of NeTof Delhi.All Add!. Directors/RDs/JDs/DDEs/ADEs of Directorate ofEducation, Govt. of NeT of Delhi.All Branch In charges, Directorate of Education, Govt. of NeT ofDelhi.OS (IT) with the request to place it on the website of theDepartment.Guard file .:






(Dr. Madhu Rani Teotia)(IAS)Additional Secretary (Education)


,,!;j'~:j:'~f!'?!I(.~~\I'L,r;,6p.IT>~p~~I'[qR!FOFDEL~I,,011. ,R E, s: f :0: R' l~1 E, "e. 'F ~!D',Q ()' A T II'0' '"

l6A;C.Ti:""·I,i'B'R~Ngli+),,Q',ui:)'S'&C'ir'lh 0 E 61'1 I,M'


nateo.. I~ 1,>-\~QlJ'

.,.'Dire'ddr.ate::6f ;ECfu-catiofr,'GNtt -7Q~ -"Iejhi vitle' its· order .dated 11t.,~11;~:iO:07 ;cn'i'd.in

:J:f¢~or~~rr~~~wtth'th~''P.rp~jsjJ'l.n.s;'of,_~,e,~ii~n'1'eA·1),<o,fD$SAR., '1'9:il.31l)e"rrtinirnum';ag~'tim)t.fprftq~\~~iQ~~.!Jp:rEt~~c~¥l;,lpr.~p(i!!;i~I:x{a.r:ia,class -I ~at~:,::pres~rjbedas' DB years. 04 yeatsi~U\l1:..0.5-1X.e1i~~:~:g.~.GtlY'~ly'~~;.qr:f..3V.M.cm::.b:-dfitJl~-~~ear~inwhich .admjssJQnts~being sought.

_ :Q,~Yl·i1'5:e,.~timffefedt~j;Jtn:Qfl't,Y}j$ ~!J~~H>:~J:li~t~tfixdhe~p.pef\~ge l.iq{if~f'q~: ad.rpi,~_s.l.GJ!1(1igi5r&~l~x~lh~lli$l~:~::~~t-qnder;~-' . ,lA'i "Oppe~a!ie'llmitJor"a(fmissron in entty'.level cla-sses will be.a·s urfder:.;:,

1Ue~s;'tl}aitjQ41Y..e_a~.:!!sJ.igni 3J-- .Macch of the .year in which thei'admiss.ior:(iis;;:sou!:!'ht.~b'e'ss7EthaJJ,,!051~~y'ears,~as'~0ii3~.March .of the 'lear in whichthe§a-a'fnls:Slor1~?i::sQ'b(Hm ,. ,"

,I -G.la_s~. I' <Ptiv.sic<il Mehtal:] F,:of f1i;~ 1:".Il~~~'$::4.Q'a'~,~h~~a.f~::as,on)~,1'$1:Lii's:S 'than ·5 ye'ars as on 3l$"1 March QfI _§:6AqQli. '):M~,r.fh-pf~'~.y"~'aiWh'~Nch!jn~-~~_e..,y',e.__ar in wtii~h th.e ~~mis~Jon .~s

,:g~j}1i~,~.Q.n,~$~§QU.9ht'. "'.§.ojJght~ wbi_~h-can be _f9r;tper ,relax~(j~9n.ltb.y th:e; P:i:ipQjp.~I/HP~ subject. to.:th.e~!,:s:q~r:rtjs~s'ton;'G'f1,1ht?~r!9qq i~Jle'~d,o,c\Jl:r:fent~J


~~mi~H;5ti':".is~~Y91J!i _ ~,:s6Qg,ht';'~hi~.hcan .ce '"fuqhe,'" relaxed'tprltV",oy''ttie' !?ri(iciIJCWHOSi' s'ubject"to' the',·~gg,~!~sjo,n"ofihe.requlstte-documents. -

. " "'-


] ~EQr@l"a:r-S1-;jfr, "~~_SS~;:ti:JaJj',7~:y-ea(~.}as::;q6j~~'~.Leas ;tha-n' 'l -yeera .as' orr ,j'·hit. Match' of.'M'~frqH9f.t~!3:-yeafifFwhj't:h:"tn·e: '~th':"e'ye~t' 'in' I)vliicfi the aarriissibr'i 'is(a'd1fiissio~n"'l~l:Qq!1nt.i '!;;Qugnf; wl)iCh caf,. lie ~fi.Jrther:'relaxed

~onIY.by the PrincipaOHOS, subject to the___,Subrnis_s,ior:l or-the requisite-documents;

. : J::.O'M~r\tfle i§lea(1~b'f:lh'e. S'eiibolQ~~;aii'e~d to 'h4ote':;naHhe·Yelaxationin~upper;iig~JlniJflq'f})tld~~r}:Y;jlorq,~nt~1d_t~_billti.~s;~b~tl'Q_e~lIowed a-s a rule and .tha,t rejection of

;Mlea-RPu~-:t~,?nli~Cf)F~:~,ml,f~i~~~~6'q}~ZEe~~~~~_.'On\(~Jj.d?)rb:U~~~~gd:,,~~pe~~tn9 o,~deJ's,~aIJ'1b.:eii.PJ~'fi§~d.Qy~ll:re.'Pr.IIJCip·.?Ir:o:M~e'S:Cbo'~I:_'Th'€'~p.ar~btsJw'acJ,bfihe child'1snall have the "rigHt-

" .


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. "

Annexure V11

-Common Application Form for thc Admission underEconomically Weaker-8ection (EWS) & DisadvantagedGroup Category IDG) (under RTE Act 2009) for thc Session 2016-17)


Registration Number.


1. Name of the School:(With address)

2. Class: NurserylPre-School D KG/Pre-Primary D Class'! D3. Name of the Child:

4. Category under which Applied: (a) Economically Weaker Section (EWS) D(Please Tick whichever is applicable) (b) Disadvantaged Group (DG) D

-,5. Category if Disadvantaged Group (DG):

(Please Tick whichever is applicable)SC c:::::JST c:::::JOBC(Non Creamy Layer) 0Orphan ~Transgender c::::::JChild With Special Needs/Disabled L:=JChild With Special Needs/ Disabled. (Mentally Chalienged)D

6. Gender:r


Day DOFemale D Transgender D

·DOyearDO7. Date of Birth": Month'

8. Age as on 31.03.2016 (In weirds):

9. Mother's Name:

10. Father's Name:

11. Guardian's Name (If applicable):

12. Profession of Parents/Guardian:(a) Mother

(b) Father

(c) Guardian:

13..Present Residential Address**:

14. Mobile No. of the Parents/Guardian. _

15. Email address. if any: _

16. Aadbar No. of the Child. If any:

17. Audhar No. of the Mother. i r any:

18. Aadhar No. of the Father. ifany:

19. Aadhar No. of the Guardian. ifany:I _

20. Total AnnualIncome of both the parents from all sources: _

21. Proof of Income for E.W.5. Only **'" c------:-::----::-----:---------(Income Certificate not required for Disadvantaged Group Category)

22. Income Certificate No.(if issued)/Receipt No.(ifapplied but not issued) : _

23. Income Certificate Date (iris5ued)/ Date or Receipt (itapplied but not issued):

24. Proof of Disadvantaged Group *"'*"' _

25. Disadvantaged Group Certificate No. (if issued)/ Receipt No (if applied but 1101 issued)

26. Disadvantaged Croup Certificate Date (if issued)! Date of Receipt (if applied but notissued): _

Declaration bv the Parents/Guardian

:-:-__ -c--:--=-cccc-_-: __ -,(Namc[Mother! Father/Guard i anol_· _-: _(Name of the Child) hereby declare that the information given above is true and correct to thebest of my knowledge and belief I have read and understood all thc provisions of thenotification in this regard. In case any information is found false or incorrect on verification.the admission of my ward may be cancelled and I will be liable for the action to be takenagainst me as per law.

Dated> Signature of the Parents/Guardian

Submit any one of thc following llOCUII1ClltSas proof:"Proof of Date of Birth:-(I) Birth certificate under the Birth. Death and Marriage Certificate Act. 1969.(2) Hospital/Auxiliary urse and Midwife.(ANM) register record.(3) Anganwadi Record.(4) Declaration of age of the child by the parents or guardian.




··proofor Present Residential Address;-(1) Ration card in the name of Parents having name of the Child in Ration card.(2) Domicile certificate of child or hislher parents ..

. (3) Voter I card of any of the parents.(4) Electricity Bill/MTNL telephone bill/Water bill.(5) Unique Identity Card (Aadhar) of Mother/Father/Child issued by Govt. of India.(6) Passportin the name of any of the parents or child.

···Proof of EconomicallyWeaker Section (E\VS) ;-(1) Income. certificate issued by a Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar.(2) BPL Ration Card (Yellow coloured)(3) AAY Ration Card (pink coloured)(4) Food Security card. issued by Food & supply Dept.(GNCT of Delhi).

····ProofofOG:-.(1) Caste Certificate issued by Revenue Dept. GNCT Delhi (DC Office) in respect of

SC/ST/OBC (Non Creamy Layer) ofChildfParents.(2) Medical Certificate issued by Govt. Hospital in respect of child with Special

NeedslDisabled ..(3) Documentary evidence for Orphan.(4) Documentaryevidence for Transgender .





q~~,,,. VII

mr 2016-17 ~ ~ ~ ~ -fl ~ <f'it OI!!T~~ JJ)1Jfi (311'{1I~~. 2009) ~ 3RI1fcr wm ~ ~~ iH'lI'1 3I1~G'1 tBI

RlC;:UIC"lU cpr ~ : .t'i'T qi\ mol=<I:I'T: ....,....+..Q./,..\\. =-:d "";"--"'1./..1'. ~ =,.,. 1 .,~" """'" ".,., .. 'P."" """"'" "_,,


3. -"'t "" 'WI , :.......•...........................................................................

4. ~ JtrnIf 3lTir<R flImr 'f1lT t , (;;It"'1'&;it f'mR~) ., .,'" 3l1f'fq;-"",,, ~ qof Ncl"i~~) c:::::J'" ~ ~(.;l\.uft) c:::::J

5. . qof 'lfu ~ ~ (,,'tuft.) , (;;It ~ ;it f.rnR ~)

'"i'lf«" "f1fu c:::::J_"'i'lf«" W!-"f1fu c:::::J3R! ~ qof MR <lMT 'R<R) c:::::J3l'l1'4 c:::::J~ c:::::J~ '" ,••• "'" , <mit "'" / f'mo<r "'" c:::::J~ 31"'."'"' <mit ""'/f.'wffi "'" MH~'""'" "f.'wffi) c:::::J

6. fWr,

7. f.r.'! . '!11; <I'l . .

8. 31.03.2016 em- 3ll':! : ' .(m<i\ if)

9. l'fl'OT q;r ~ : . .

10. f1RuqJf ;nor : .


12. l'JTffi-ftrffi/~ cpr dlqfllil :«») 'lffiT ....•.....................................................................................................................................................................("') fun . .('1).~ .

'13. ~ ~"[fffi"": .

14. 'lffiT-fun/~ "" ~ 'f"R' .15. {-..ffi '!<!T.~ t <IT , ........................................................•..................................................................... " .16. """ "" 3!l'lR m.m. ~ t <IT , .17. 'lffiT "" 3!l'lR m.m. ~ t <IT , . .18. fun "" 3!l'lR m.m. ~ t <IT, . .19.' ~ "" 3!l'lR m.m. ~ ~ <IT, . .20 ~ .mil <l 'lffiT-fun <t\ '!l"! ~ 311<1,............... . .

21. 311<1"" If'lTU[""'" ~'''''l8'' <I; 1m! ". , . .(oflrn "'1,0 'f'f <I; 1m! 311<1<I; If'lTU[<t\ 311,,",," 1 'l1ff t I)

22 311<1If'lTU[ "" <t\ m.m (~ "Irl\ ~ '1llT til) /3!1<IG'l/'lT'I<fi <t\ m.m (~ ~ til.~ ;;rrl\ 'l1ff ~ '1llT til) , .

23. 311<1If'lTU[ 'Bl <t\ f<rfl'I (~ ;;rrl\ ~ '1llT til); 3!1<IG'l/'lT'I<fi <t\ f<rfl'I (>1ft ~ til.~ ;;rrl\ 'l1ff ~ '1llT til) , .

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26. <if<m "'1,0 If'lTU['Bl <t\ f<rfl'I (~~ ;;rrl\ ~ '1llT til); 3!1<IG'l/'lT'I<fi <t\ f<rfl'I (~ ~ til.~ ;;rrl\ 'l1ff ~ '1llT til) . ..•................................... . .

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• "f"! M <PT wnur ,-(1) "f"!, '1"l '<'i ~ wnur t!'5[ 3lfuf.'rw!, 1969 oj> ~ "f"! wnur t!'5[ I(2) =/~OIWjj 1>loIR flIclql,,,, (~) ,Iti"" ~ I(3) ,""H""" ~ I(4) '!Till- ffilT m ~ [[RT ~ qj') 3lT1j "" m.un t!'5[ I

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"" 3Fl~" "ITftl .. ,"j~""R-"ITftl / 3R! ~ crt (oiR fip<f) i1m) wnur t!'5[ I(2) fcr>'lq 31"'" "''' I mit / ~ ~ qj') ~ oj> ~ """"ll = [[RT "fT0 ftRlrflRl>",,,m1l

If'!TUT t!'5[ I(3) 3Rm ~ oj> ~ Gfdl~",l If'!TUTI(4) ~ oj> ~ Gfdl~",l If'!TUTI


Annexure - VIII

Registration Slip (To be issued to Parents)

Application of (Name of the Child) Sial Dlo

_________ Received on (date).

Registration Number: A Weeker SectionB Disadvantaged group

a) Date of draw of lots (if required) :

b) Date of Display of eligible candidate for DrawlLottery : _

c) Date & Display of successful candidate alongwith 1st waiting list:

d) Dates for admission of successful candidates: From. To _

e) Date for display of II nd waiting list: From, To _

f) Last date of Admission:

Signature of Head of the Schooll Admission Incharge



No. F.OEi15/Acl-1J20131 G6 :!/,~8 Dated :.tl/0112013


Instructions for HOS of uJlil)Q.e..d..Jecognized schools & QBSERVERS£Q.Qointed bi DAMe for _eactL.!,tl!£!GG.9__LgCQ9oiZed school to oversee t,heQrQ£.ess of admission including "Draw of L9~"~,~"JorAdmissions at the Entr~Level for the Year 2013 - 14

1. As per Clause 4 (e) of the Notification dated 07/01/2011 issued by theDirectorate, "the concerned Deputy Director (Education) shall nominatean officer not below the rank of Vice grinapet, who will work as anobserver, during the process of eamiseion. The entire oroceeatno ofdraw of lots shalf be video-graphed and c%va shall be submitted to .Dy. Director or Eaucntion along with list"of successful candidates on thesame day or latest by next day of the draw."

2. It is the duty of the Head of the unaided recognized School to abide bythe provisions of Gazette Nolificatlon_No. 15 (I72) DE/ACT{2010/ 69 dated07.01.2Q11 issued by the Directorate of Education, in regard to 'Delhi SchoolEducation (Free Seat for Students Belonging to Economically Weaker Sectionsand Disadvantaged Group) Order 20.11': and subsequent Orders issued fromtime to trrne. Observer shall also keep in mind the directions I clarificationscontained in tile following orders / Circulars(copy enclosed)-

1 NOhficalicn coree 71.20112 Cifcular regardilg distance criteria dated 11 2 123. Order regarding AdmISsIOn guidelines fllr sessIOn 2013- 14 dated 13 12 124 Circular dated 11 1 2013

3. School only shall be responsible for any dispute or litigation matterarising out of non-compliance of directions of the Directorate containedin the above-rnentloned Orders/Notifications with reqard to admissionprocess.

4. It shall be the sole responstbility of the Head of the school of unaidedrecognized schools tc categorize applications received for each entrylevel class strictly as. per the Distance Criteria. and strictly followinstructions issued vide Circular No. F. 15( 11) DE /ACT /2011/7563-74dated 13/02/2012 and hold Draw of Lots accordingly, if required.Observer will have no role in judging as to whether the distance basedcategorization is correct" or not. It shall be the duly of the Observer toensure that no sub-division of these categories and/or clubbing ofthese categorIes has been done by the school. In this regard Hcn'bleHigh Court of Delhi in its judgment dared 31.01.2012 in WP (c ) No.636/2012 titled ~ Federation of Public Schools vIs Govt. Of NCT ofDelhi" and WP (c ) No. 40/2012 titled" Federation of Public School vIsDirector (Education)" has laid down the following neighbourhood

criteria to the followed by the recoqnized unaided private schools foradmitting Children from economically weaker section anddisadvantaged group.

1. Admission shall first be offered to eligible studentsbelonging to EWS and Dlsacvantaqed Group residing within1 km. of the specific school.

2. In case the' vacancies remain unfilled, students residingwithin 3 km. of the school soan be admitted.

3. If there are still vacancies, the!") the admission shall beoffered to other students residing within 6 km. of theinstitution.

4. Students residing beyond 6 km. shall be admitted only incase vacancies remain unfilled even after considering allthe students within 6 km. area.

5, In case of unaided minority schools who have been allotted land atconcesstonat rates by Govt. agencies, the t-Ion'ble Delhi High Court vide theirinterim order dated 30.05.2007 in WP ( C) no.3156/2002 directed suchschools to give 10%+5% EWS admission and also devised the distancecriteria for giving admission to EWS therefore the admission in such unaidedminority schools shall be done strictly as per distance formula devised by theHan'ble High Court Delhi which is as under ..

(i). Admission shiJII be first offered to eligible students from propersections restdlnq within 3 kttometers of the institution.

(ii) In case vacancies remain unfilled, students residing within 6kilometer of the institutions shall be admitted.

(Iii). Students residing beyond 6 kilometers shall be offeredadmission only in case the vacancies remain unfilled even afterconsidering all students within 6 kilometers area.



6. It shall be the duty of the Observer to ensure that no sub-division ofthese categories and/or ctubbing at these categories has been done bythe school.

7. The Heads of Schools shall inform by way of a notice toparenrs/querdians of eligible students about the specified date andtime on which the draw of lots is fixed far; to be held in the presenceof the OBSERVER.

8. The OBSERVERof the DAMCis authorized to scrutinize any relevant recordsof the school related to the admrsstcn and has the right to take copies of anyrelevant documents Including details of children as per requirement, dulySigned by the Head of the assigned RecognizedOn-aided Public SchooL

9. The issue of minimum age 01 admission has been again clarified vide circulardated 11.1.2013. Till the time the government decides to put a uniformupper age limit (which is under consideration), the concerned school shall befully responsible for the decision school has taken in respect of upper agelimit. The observer will have no responsibility in this regard.

10.If the OBSERVERfinds that the school is ignoring any of the provisions of theNotification dated 07.01.2011 and Order Dated 13-12-2012 of the Directorateof Education and/or is involved in any unfair practice, an appropriate reportspecifying the violations is to be furnished in writing to the DAMeChairperson.

Enclosures: as above

(f": --.;; I,X'}OI.


To1. HOS of all recognized unaided schools .

. 2. Observers for Admission Process.

No. F.DE/15/Act-1120131 66)j-' 8 Oaled:,,'1'-./01/2013

Copy to-.

p,s, to Secretary (Education), Ole. or Educaticn, Old Sectt.P.S. to Director (Education) Dte. 01 Education. Old SecU.All ROES/DOEs. Ole. 01 Education.P.A. to Add!. DE (Act-i). Ole. or Education. Old Sectt.OB. (IT), with the request 10 up-load on the oecarunent's website.Guard file,

"'r\!'~\\"~Y\". (P.lATA TARA)




No.IS (I72)IDF.lAetI2010f6or Dated:~the __ 2011


No.IS (l72)IDF.lAct/20101 In exercise of the powers conferred bysub-section (I) of section 3 of the Delhi School Education Ad, 1973 (18 of1973) read with rule 43 of the Ddhi School Education Rules, 1973 and underthe provisions of the Right or Children to Free and Cnmpulscry EducatiooAct, 2009 and in supersession of Order- No.FIDFJISIACTf2006l424 dated25.1.2007 or any other order issued in this regard, except as respects things doneor omined to be done before such supersession. the U. Governor of the NationalCapital Territory of Delhi, hereby makes the following order, namely:-

1. Short Title lind Commencement - (l) This Order may be called theDeihl School Education (Free seats for Students belonging toEconouifcally Weaker Sections and Disadvantage Group) Order,2011.(2)This order shall come into force with immediate effect.

2. Definitions - In this order, unless the context otherwise requires>

(a) "Act" means the Delhi School Education Act, 1973 (18 of 1973)

(b) "Class" includes the entry level class such as pre-school orfirs! class as the case may be.

(c) "Child belonging to weaker section" means II child whose parentshave total annual income of less than one lakh rupees from allsources and 'who have been staying in Delhi for the last three years.

(d) "Child ~Ionging to disadvantaged group" means a child belongingto the Scheduled castes, the Schedule tribes, the Other Backwardclasses not falling in the creamy layer, child with special needs andsuffering from disability as defined in the Persons with Disabilities(Equal Opportunities, Protection and Full Participation) Act, 1996.

Comd ..21..

___________________ ~'o'"-

: 2:

(e) "DAMe' means District Admission Monitoring Committee set upWIder paragraph 7 of this order, in each district. '

(f) "RTE Act" means the Right of Children to Free and CompulsoryEducation Act, 2009.

(g) "Scheel" means a school as defined under section 2(n) (iii) und (iv) ofRTE Act-2009.

3. Free scats for students belonging to weaker section and dlsadvantagedgroup:

(a) All Schools shall admit children in class one to the extent of at leasttwenty-five per cent of the strength of that class, children belongingto weaker sections and disadvantaged groups in neighborhood andprovide free and compulsory elementary" education til! its

. completion: Provided that where such school imparts pre-schooleducation, the provisions sball apply for admission to such pre-school education.

(b) No separate or exclusive class or shift shall be arranged forimparting education 10 the students admined against free seersmentioned in sub-paragraph (a)

(c) No tuition fee or any other charges or fee or fund shall be chargedfrom the student admitted against the free seat.

4. Manner of admission agaiIU! tree seats - (a) The School shall displaythe total number of seats, the free seats available at entry level, the dateof submission of applications (or admissions against free seats in entrylevel, the date(s) of display of list of eligible candidates for draw, datc(s)of draw, date(s) of display of list of successful candidates, date{s) ofdisplay of waiting list, date(s) of deposition of fees, last date of admissionas per prescribed proforma (Aunexure-l enclosed) on the notice boardin the school and shall also notify the same to the concerned Dy. Directorof Education by the IOlb January 2011 and thereafter by 3111

December of the year proceeding the academic year for which suchadmissions are being made.

(b) Total number of seals at the entry level i.e. nursery or 1st Class as thecase may be shall not be less than the total number of seats in anyother class of the school.

Contd ...3/ ..

: 3:

(c) No registration fee, including charges of prospecrus, shall be chargedfrom the parents/children applying against free seat. The School shallprovide Common Admission Form (Annexure-If enclosed) free ofcost to parents/children 1\3prescribed by the Directorate cf'Education.The application form would be available on the web-site of the DOE(www.edudel.nlc.in). Parents may download the form and submit tothe school concerned.

(d) In case the number of applications for admission against the free seatsat entry level classes exceeds the number of seats available. admissionshall be made by draw of Jots in the presence of parents of theapplicants and of a nominee of Educafion Department, not below therank of Vice Principal.

(e) The School shall request the concerned District 0)'. Director(Education) for the name of nominee of the department. Thecon~ed District 0)'. Director (Education) shall nominate an officernOI below the rank of Vice Principal, who will work as an observer,during the process of admission. The entire proceeding of draw of lotsshall be video graphed and CDlDVD shall be submitted to 0)'.Director of Education along-with list of successful candidates on thesame day or latest by the next day of the draw.

(f) The School shall acknowledge the application for admission againstfree seals through a receipt and shall assign each application aregistration number. The Registration-Slip (Annnure menclosed) shall also indicate the date(s) of display of list of eligiblecandidates for draw, date(s) of draw, date(s) of display of list ofsuccessful candidates, date(s) of display of waiting list, date(s) ofdeposition of fees; last date of admission.

(g) In case, the application of any child is found not to be in order and isrejected, the reasons for its rejection shall be recorded andcommunicated to the parents.

(h) List of children admitted in the first list along with waiting list to theextent of25% of seats under economically weaker sections quota shallbe displayed on the notice board of the school on the scheduled date.

(i) The School shall display the list of children to be admitted, under Freeship and general category, commonly in alphabetic order indicating(0) against general category children.

: 4~_

G) In case the number of applications for admission a.gaiJu.tthe free seatsis below the number of seats available, admission shall be made fromthe available applications and the vacant seats shall be re-notified forinviting further eppllcatlons and also be notified to DAMe.

(k) The School shall furnish aU such details as mentioned in paras (a), (c), (f), (g),(h) and (i) regarding free-ship seats on its website and alsoon official website of Directorate or Education giving all detailsthrough the link provided by the department on the same day orbtut by next very day of the such events.

S. GeneMlI Conditions.- (a) No screening procedure i.e. interview,counseling. wrinen or oral test of any type of parents or child shall beconducted for the purpose of admission in violation of section 13 (I) ofRTEAct.-2009 otherwise the Schoo! shall be penalized as per section 1.3(2)(b)ofRTE Act·2009.

(b) Each school shall admit children from its neighborhood or extendedneighborhood area, as notified by the Directorate of Education fromtime to time.

(e) The admission against the free seats shall be regulated by the Head ofthe School as per die provisions of the Delhi School Education Act,1973 and RTE Act, 2009 and die Rules framed thereunder, subject tothe provisions of this order.

(d) The Head of school shall be responsible for compliance of these ordersfor admission and will verify the list of students and other documents,so admitted.

(e) Any Authorized officer of Directorate of Education may verify suchadmissions and may call details! records of such admissions

(f) The school shall up-load the details of admitted child on official web-site of the department as already specified above and an unique IDshall be generated for every admitted child, which shall remain thesame during the stay of the child in the school.

(g) Free-ship benefit shall continue to be extended to each student admittedunder the Free Quota, tilt he/she completes elementary education in thatparticular school.

Contd ..51..

: 5:

6. Documents required for admission on free-seat .-- (a) For the admission ofchild belonging to weaker sections - Income -Certificate issued by arevenue officer not below the rank or Tehslldar or BPL Ration Card(yellow coloured) or AAY Ration Card (Pink coloured) shah be consideredas proof of income:

Provided that the parents of the child belonging to weaker sectionshall submit a setr declaration 01 annual income on an affidavit every yearCorcontinuation 01 Iree seat in the school once admitted against tree seat.However, no student shall be expelled or debarred from the school in case ofnon-submission of above mentioned documents without the prior approval ofDirector (Education), DIe. of Education, GNCTD.

(b) -Fcr the admission of child belonging to disadvantaged group - acertificate> Issued by a revenue officer DOt below the rank o!Tebsildar or any other competent autbority, in the name of child orhislbei parents shall be cccsidered

(c) The school shall nOIconsider any other document except anyone of thefollowing documents, as proof of residence :-

(i) Ration card issued in the name of parents (mother/Catherhaving name of the child)

(ii) Domicile certificate of child or ofhislber parents.(iii) Voter I-card of any of the parents(iv) Electricity bilV MTNL telephone bill/ water bill I

Passport in the name of any ofthe parents or child

7. District Admission Monitoring Committee: (a) There shallbea DistrictAdmission Monitoring Committee (DAMC) in each district and theconcerned Dy. Director (Education), Directorate of Education, GNCTD,shall be the Chairperson of the DAMC, concerned Education Officers 1Dy.Education Officers of Directorate of Education and concerned Educationofficer of MCD I NDMC/ Delhi Cantt. Board as the case may be shall bethe member ofDAMC

(b) Any parent, aggrieved by the action of the school may file e complaintin writing to the DAMC, addressed to the concerned Dy. Director ofEducation (Chairperson).

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(c) The DAMC shall maintain the Register / database of grievances andwill take immediate appropriate action for their redressal. Theinfonnation shall also be made available on the website of theDirectorate of Education by DAMe

(d) The DAMC shall prepare cluster /zone-wise vacancy data for free-scatsand shall forward the names of children to schools where vacant seatsare available, for admission against free-scats, following the principleof neighborhood school.

(e) The DAMC may call for the details from any school under itsjurisdiction for ensuring the compliance of this order/notification.

(f) The DAMC shall establish a Help-Desk in the district office to helppatent.'! J guardians regarding admissions under free ship quota andother procedures, during office hours manned by two well-conversantofficials of the DistrictlZone. The help desk. shall be feacdoualtill theadmission process is closed.

(g) The School shall file annual return in the prescribed proforma(Annexure-IV eDdosed) 10 the DAMC of the ccncemed districtregarding details of admissions made within 10 days of the closure ofadmission

8. The schools providing. free and compulsory elementary education underRight of Children 10 Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 shall be

. reimbursed by the Government to. the extent of per-child-expenditureincurred by the State Government and Local Authorities, or the actualamount charged from the child, whichever is less, as per section 12 (2) ofRTE Act, 2009 :

Provided further that where such school is already under anyobligation to provide free education to a specified number of children, onaccount of it having received any land, building, equipment or otherfacilities, either free of cost or at a concessional rate, such school shalt notbe entitled for reimbursement \0 the extent of such obligation.

9. The school shall open separate bank account for reimbursement in II

Scheduled Bank.

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10. The Director (Education), Government of National Capital Territory ofDelhi may, if he is of opinion that in the interest of school education inDelhi, in general and in order to implement the provisions of this order inparticular, it is necessary so' to do, may issue instructions/guidelines/c\arifications from time to time.

By 'Order and in the Dame of theLt. Governor or the National

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(SURESH GUPTA)Addl. Secretary ot Education (Admn.)