i 1?V A i .A . --1 I J 1 -- J 'OOI t 1 H 1 Mi: Kltbllibd J air 8 1856. U 4. VOL. XVIII. 0. 3529. HOxXOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7. IS93. PKICE 5 CENTS. 1 c Pacific CoMWtial Mertiser (Dcncral dcrmtsanruis. mral rcrtlscmcntu. Utisincss vfaij. ON, rms. chas. w. muller, Vocal Teacher. HAWAIIAN' 13 PCBUSUF ice r i. KR OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO i- - ea Estate Agency NO. 519 FORT STREET. To Let. in C C3 "a o Hardware, Builders and General. alwas-- 3 up (o the times In quality, styles ami prK-oa- . Plantation Supplies, a full assortment to suit the various demand . Steel Plows, made expressly for Island work with oxtm jmru. Cultivator's Cane Knives. Agricultural Implements, H003, Shovel, Forks, Mattocks, etc., oio Blacksmiths' O o o CO CO Carpenters', o Screw Plates. Taps o Paints! and Asbestos Hair Felt and Felt Mixture. Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals. SEWIMG MACHINES, Wilcox X Gibbs, and Remington. I V jsfjyifi flilo n lU:,l'lv and etlkicncy surpassed as.siiy uii5 ,,v nono Geiu J faerchantlise, o0! 1! j i ps cs CO Q o 2. there is anything you politely treated. No 327S-tf-- d 1843; SEMI-CENTENNI- AI. 5 Per Cent, Debenture Policy ISSUED BY F.very JUornn Zix-'- P SamUyB, BY Ti HAWAIIAN OAZM1'" COM TAN Y, Cojocbbcial Adtektiseh Daily Pacm 03 FA.GR3) Per year, " " Permon ' ' 1 er yea JtLft11- -' i uiuu Per ye- - . 0f ieric. uauKua, or aioxico. w it. i v l1 itoe3 Hawahan Qazettk f K. ' P-ye- ar, witb"Guida" premiam.t 5 00 pr year, post aid Foreign - 6 00 Iybl IrIblro Advance. gjSf All ransient Advertiaementa muBt be prepid. II. J. Whitney, Manager. Aktiux Joiixstose, Editor. Ivl A.I, y 1 U 1 Lf IC m I ' the I anJcce I'riratecr 1 Hen. Armstrong. Viiingtov, Oct. 21. Secretary rirrfim tnflnv Tir.intir.il lv derided v,4r - I thio had no authority of law to eff a final eettlement of the cele hirl case of the privateer brig G Armstrong, on which V m. of "The Senator" I i6d to be founded, by paying to p Chester Reid. l!oaurviving if the ArmPx0 Xom mander, Residue rir-- ' aPPropn-- j br concress as a reward for tbe'ecrvico done by tlie privateer in defeating a British squadron in September, 1S14. The battle between the Oen. Armstrong and the British ships occurred in the harbor of Fayal, in the Azores, where the Armstrong was lying at anchor. On September 2C, 13 M, the vessel was attacked by her majesty's ship Plantagenet, 74 guns; the frigate Ilota, 44 guns, and the brig Carnation, IS guns. The British numbered two thousand men, while the Armstrong had only seven guns and ninety men. After a two davs' battle, BeRUireleatya " the three JrAsh ships, which were part of an expedition concentrating at Ja- maica to join Admiral Cochrane before New Orleans, and Reid's stand detained them until too late to be effective in fighting General Jackson. This detention, it is claimed, saved New Orleans and Louisiana from British conquest. In 1S15 the United States made a claim against Portugal for indem- nity in wing British vessels to fire on an American ship in one of its harbors, and President Zachary Taylor submitted the question to the arbitration of Louis Napoleon, who decided against the United States, lleid had died meanwhile, and turned over the prosecution of his claim for indemnity to his son. In 1SS2 Congress appropriated $70,000 for the benefit of the own- ers, officers, and crew of the Arm- strong, and the present claimant. Sam Chester P.eid, secured counsel fees and his father's share, amount- ing to about $40,000. Some of the claimants did not appear, and Mr. - i 11 !, Un If. 000 f -- 5 A- - '4 Tlie Mutual OF N13W Richard A. McOurdy, - Assets - Information regarding this form oi HiMB"rft.Il.rtus ofpolicies lasued by TTifc be obtained of Canadian - Australian 00U; 1. Ea!! ' metho nicJhf,. maker J torn MJ. am auy j, 32:u-- u fct; ... HtH, f Iron. TH re .ampH ; vivcrn ; cal '. i te ' . iri-- r i i'lD i Jm ' toil i uti dl.i V OTt i i i Abstract and Tillc Oo. NO. aVi M It'.ltOl ITsJT ti l". 1IONOLPLP, 11. I. K. Al . II atcii - I riM.l. iil Ct i il Brown - Vice-P- n tit ul V. K. Caatl ... t;crelary J. K. Brown, Treasurer .t ilana,;er W.f. Frear ... Auditor This Company I prepared to Hearch record and furnili attra(M4 f till lo all real property in the Kingdom. Parties placing loans on, or eontcmplat in;j the purchase ot real rstutw will tind l to their advantage to consult the ruinj.niiy in regard to title. 3?A11 orders attended to with piouipt-uesa- . Bell Telethon S2.it P.O.Box 1S5. DRS ANDERSON ' i LUNDY, Hotel St., opp.Dr.J. S.McGtcw fiXT-OA- H ADM1NISTERKD DR. R. I. MOORE DENTIST, Office: Arlington Hcns, Hotol St, Parlor 2. gX?(l&a Aduiiuistered. OyFica Hocks : 9 to 12 and 1 to 1. 327Mm C. BREWER & CO., 11 QrKKft Strust, Honolulu N. I. AGENT' Hawaiian Aric::Itnrul ou. Onotuea buyrar Co. Ilonomn Sup;ar Co. Wailnkn Sugar Co. Waihee Sujrar Co. Makee Huar Co. lltle.'ikala Ranch ('o. Kapanala Ranch. Plantera' Line San Francisco l'ackets. Chas. Brewer A Co.'h Line of Botdon Packets. Agents BoRton Boanl of Underwriters. Vranta Philadelphia Board ol Underwi i- -' Jen. . m Lrsr or OrFimts: Hon. J. O. Carter, Pronident A .Manaci Georgn H. RobertHon - Treasnrr K. F. I.i.hop .... Scrrctiiry Col. W. F. Allen - - - Auditor Chas lit . Cooke 1 H. Watevhonso Ehj. V Directors. f3-Jte'l- - ) IF YOU AM THINKING Of ha vim.; a new B;ilh Tub, I'ab-n- t Clofiet, Kitchen Sink, Hot Water Boiler, GutteiH, Conductors, Hove Pije, Water Pij r anything in IIih Tinsmith nr J'hniibiij: Line, eitlier in new vork or KMieral repairing, we would o pleaned to receive a call from vou, cither per- sonally or by telephone. EfitliiiateM furnished. All work guaranteed and jroinptly r.ttenlel to. W respectfully solicit your trade. Shop: Beretaniii street, neeond door east f Atw.nry . l')eae rinjj up Mutual Telephone 211. thos. Norr, Per Jak. Njtt. Jr. .; IIUSTAdK &' CO.. Dkai.ers in WOOD AND COAL Areo White and Black Sand which will sell at the very lowest market rW. 25" Cell Telefhoke N'o. 414. X3"Mutcai. TELSPaoHE No. 414. 3033-- 1 y WOISTGr SAT REMOVED TO HI7VCIOTJH QUA.IITICIIS AT 503 KORT STRKET. The Finest Lino of Shirts in the city. Silk, Crape, Flannel and Linen Shirts made to order. and Cotton Underwear JtOTailoring in all its branches. 5(XJ FOItT STItKKT. :i443,ly Voice buil Jing bv the old Italiiiu gihcol method a specialty. gj&T"Xo. 1 Emma street, Honolulu. 34CO-2- m W. II. BENSON, 3?IlsO TUNER Leave orders with Thomas Krouse, Arlington Hotel, King Street; Tele phones: Mutual 0C0, Mutual A)0. 046 1mtf J. H. DAVIDSON. Attorney &nd Gonnsellor-at-La- w. OlT'.ce ZT, Merchant Street. LEWEBB A COOKE, to I.KWPrt St ltckioo) limmrtt r aut ia:rr lu tuiuoer Aua frit i'dCiiui iJu;m;uj Ka.S2 Bl'ItKET, nonolala. B. W. U'CnK6fKT. J. M. A F. W. M'CHKS:?T. 124 Clay St., a. F. 40 tueen Bt, Hono. II. 7. UcCHESNEY & SONS, I Wholesale Grocers, Commission IJer- - i ch"Ilti and Importers. 40 lueen Ht., lioiielulu. I... in n it AllOmeV Ild lOUnseilOr ai LVff lerupcrary ULuce with . w . Aonioru, Merchant Street. Honolulu. 339i-l- v HONOLULU JF.GN WORKS CO., ,ia.r .ains. cooler. nn Loan ofinn And machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to chips' blacksmithintr. Job work excuted on the shortest notio. EEAVEK SAIiGON, u. j. N0LT2, mo?nirroa. ruat-clas- a Lunches with T-?- Ooffse fcjofia Water, Ginger Ale or MJIi. OtMn JFrom m. till lo i. m. ' JOHN T. WATERHOUSE. Importer and Dealer is QSMEHAL MERCHANDISE. No. 25-3- 1 Qneon Street, If cnolr.ln. VM. WAGENER Contractor and Builder. All kinds of Jobbing promptly attend ed to. Will make a specialty of Oihce and Store Fitting; second floor Honolulu Pianino Mill, Fort Street. Mtii.il Telephone g2r . ? U9-3- m H. HACKFELD & CO , General ComxuiFsion Agents Cur. Fort A c;aeei EU,, Hi'MliIa . WILLIAM C. PARKE, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW AND Ayont to uke AcUnowleAgmenta. 0?ric Mo. 13 Kaahnmanu Street, Hono- - lulu, II. I. SUN NAM SING No. lOO Nnunnn Btraet, P. O. Box 175, Bss to call the attention ot th9 pnblle their large and well selected Stock of Japanese Goods Suitable for this market, which will be sold at Lowest Prices. SING W0 & COMPANY, Ko. '43 Nuuanu Street. by DEALERS IX DRY GOODS, Ladies and Gent's Fine Goods ALSO CHILDREN'S AND LADIES' DRESSES. fESWe solicit your patronage. Sin Wo & Company No. 43 Nuuanu Street. 3460-3-m For Sale 4 T A BARGAIN. A COLUMBIA jl Solid Tire Bicycle in good condition. Address "C," this office. 344S-t- f Massasre. PRAY WOULD ANNOUNCE MRS. she will attend a limited num- ber of patients. Address at H. M. Whitney's, King Bt. ; Bell Telephone 75. 3228-t- f .a b Australian Mail Service. For San Francisco: Tho New and Fine A I Steel Steamship . - . - . i -- f i j-- ii Pii ,r v I Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will be tiae at Honolaln, from Sydney and I Auckland, on or about I I IT AIT W T" Tl i I 1 il IV i K ti, K i;t h - " AUU"I J And will leave for the above jort with Mails r.nd Passengera on or about that date. M-"- A J U1A. l AiiutviaJiu I The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship I c " r"TVT'r AT" Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will I oo due ai jionoiuni, irom can r rancisco, on or about NOVEMBER 23d, null nut uato ui-ouaH- Mails and Passengers for the above porta. " 1 rx 1 - 1 1 I to issue I mini Airnti rrinrri'"nn mr ill nrviirmn lilKULull illHrj 1(J ALL rUlAld IN THE UNITED STATES. I"1'01 ' further particulars regarding Freisht or rassase app,y to Win. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd., GENERAL AGENTS. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO V Time Table. LOCAL LINE. S. S. AUSTB rriA A rrive Honolulu leave Honolulu from S. F. forS.F. July 12 July 19 Aug.9.... Aug. lo" U ... Sept. 1 J Oct. 7 ....Oct. 14 Nov. 4 Nov. 11 THROUGH LINE. From San Fran. From Sydney for for Sydney. San Francisco. Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu. ALAMEDA Jun L'J) MARIPOSA Jnn 29 MARIPOSA Jul L'7 MONOWAI Jul 27 MONOWAIAutM ALAMEDA Aug 24 ALAMEDA Sep 2S MARIPOSA Sep 21 MARIPOSA Oct L'(j MONOWAI Oct 19 MONOWAlNov23 ALAMEDA Nov 16 S314-3- m NEW OOODS. Just arrived ox Pal mas a tino assort- ment of Matting. Camphor Trunks, Rattan Chairs and Tables, Silk Shawls and Handkerchiefs, White Chinese Linen, White and Colored Si!k in Rolla, Fine Teas, Fine Manila Cigars, Chinese and Japanese Provisions! And a general assortment of Groceries, which we will Bell at the very lowest price. 7"Fres!i Goods by every steamer from California and China. WING MOW CHAN, No. G-- l Kino Street, 3124-- q Near Maunakea. G. B. 11IPLEY, ARCHITECT ! Ok rice New Safe Deposit Ruildinjr, UosoLCir, H. I. Plans, Specifications, and Superintend- ence given for every description of Build Old Bni'i;n.rs snccessfnlly remodelled and enlarged. Designs for Interior Decorations. Miips cr Mechanical Drawing, Tracing, and Blueprinting. S7"Drawings for Book or Newspaper Illustration. CHARLES B. COOPER, H. D.f 2. Physician and Surgeon Office: Masonic Temple, corner Ala-ke- a and Hotel Streets. OfficL IIoues : 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m., 7 to 8 r. m; Sundays 9 :30 to 10 :30 A. M. Telephones : Mutual 154, Bell 9S. Rksipexce: Adjoining oflice, Mutual Telephone 490, Honolulu, H. I. 3350-t- f 2 HwiHeson Beretaniu Street. 2 Houses on Fort Street. 1 House, Alakea Street, next Pariti Club; rent $25 per month. 1 House, Beretania Street, noar Piiki 6 room?, bath, etc.; $'20 per month. 1 Hou3e, Emma Square. 1 Storo, Nuuanu Street. For Hale. Sviral dc ir-ii.l- Residi'iU'eo in liint I:4SS Io':it ioiM. liutise and Lot on Street, near Pensarola ; IaA -- k) ft. frontage ain 140 uvt dt-ep- . Also, a Valuable BU k of Brick P.uild- - lna in the heat of theCitv. U. E. BOA RDM AN, 33S2-t- f Airent. CHAS. T. GULICK J notary iuiuna for the Island of Oahu. Agent to take Acknowledgments to Contracts. Agent to O rant Marriage Licenses, Hono lulu, Uanu. Agent for the Hawaiian Islands of Pitt A ocott'8 t reight and Parcels Express. Agent for the Burlington Boute. Res! Estate Broker & General Agent, Bell Tel. .148; Mut. Tel. P.O. l'.ox415. OKKICI2: No. 3d MERCHANT St.. ITosoLCLtJ, OAnu, H. I. "FOR S.AX1K. OFFER FOR SALE AT Til WE following prices: Poha Jam in 2 lb. cans at $4 .60 jer doz. Poha Jam in 1 lb. cans at 2.50 per doz. Poha Jelly in 1 lb. cans at 3.50 ier doz. Guava Jelly in 1 lb. cans at 2.50 per doz. China Orange and Papa: a Jam. (this is a very superior article), in 2 lb. cans at $4.50 per dozen. a7" Teems Cash. KONA CANNING CO., - " lakekua, Kona, 31JK?rn .Hawaii. H.I. 1 M 1HU3 V i Pioneor Steam CANDY FACTORY snd BAKERY K. UOKN Practloal Coniectloner, Pastry Cook and Baker. Ko.71 Hotel Bt. Telephone, M. K. Grossman, D.D.S. D K NT rV X H rJ 9?, HOTEL 6TRKKT. fJCOrrict Hui'iw- -'j . u. to 4 p. m. JOBKliU K Wiiip.s, Sjiirits iiml Fppim IKrvll. hJTKKKr, Fort and Nuuanu. 3457-t- f GO TO THE EAGLE HOUSE, Nuuanu Avenue, OK TO THE ARLINGTON HOTEL Hotel Street. BATES Table Board $1 per day. Board and Loljrin? $2 " " Board and Lodging $12 per week. J""Special monthly prices. T. E. KROUSE, pROPRiETon. LEWIS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, i'ORT STREET. ArtiPtic printing at the CJ azktte Office. mT?SJ?NTH CANADIAN PACIFIC ItAILVAY. The Famous Tourist Route of tha World. Tickets iev Criiiali.'in X'iicifio Railway ur 5 Second Class and 10 First Olaas. Leas and Machinists' Tools and Dies, Twist Drills, Oils, Brushes, Glass, want, come and ask for it, you will be trouble to show goods. HoL'-tf-- 1893. Life Ins. Co. YOHK. President. $175,084,156.61. policy, or an v particulars -- .ftvVrifriz"the - - mtnir''Liie Insurance Company may S. B. HOSE, General Agent, Hawaiian Islands. Steamship Linj tlirm Vy TJnitetl Statoy lintM. ffjGF'Vor Freight and Passage and all general information, apply to Theo. H. Davies & Co. Ajrents for Hawaiian Islands. - 42,42,174.00 WALKER Airent for Hawaiian Islands. DKAI.SSi" Ail orders faithmllv attended to, and free of charge . Island orders solicited. No. 14-5- . Telephone No. 92. 50c. per Month ! STEAMSHIP SKHVIGE MONTHLY. fiTTHROUGH TICKETS issued from Honolulu to (T.nada, UNnnn Statks and Eukope; also, to Bkiskane r.nd Syunkv. FOR BRISBANE AND SYDNEY Steamers tailed each month . FOR VICTO- RIA AND VANCOUVER, B. C Steamers Bail Anjr. 1st, Aug. 31fct, Oct. 2d, Nov. 1st, Dee. 2d and Jan. I at, 1SWL o FREIGHT AND TASS. AGENTS D. McNicoll, Montreal Canada; Robt. Kerr, Winnipeg, Canada. M. M. Stern, San Francisco, Cal. ; Q. McL. Brown, Vancouver, B. O. Eoyal Iiistirance Co., OF LIVERPOOL "THE IiARGKST IN THE WOKIJX" Assets January 1st, SgyFire ridkH oti all kinds of insurable properly l:ii;n at Current ratos J. S. 3140-l- m H. E. McIISTYlU: & HSK)., l ' set asidtAis their share should be given him. Secretary Gresham can him no authority for so disposing of it, and the case will probably bo sent to congress for action. Since the time of Mr. Frelinghuysen, who distributed the award, other secre- taries of state have held that Mr. P.eid is not entitled to the money. m m .United States Policy. The threatened revolution in Guatemala makes another call on the resources of our navy which will have to be answered. Guate- mala is an insignificant place in point of population ; but the Amer- ican interests there are by no means inconsiderable, and however moderate they may be, are none the less entitled to the prompt as- surance of protection afforded by the presence of a sturdy cruiser. laPORTKKS AND Groceries, Provisions ami Feed EAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS, New Goods received bv every packet fro'a the Kastern States anil Europe. Am. tux. The Daily Advertiser is deliver- ed by carriers for 50 cents a month, Ring up Telephones 8S, Now Is the time to subscribe. Daily Advertiser T0c. per month Fresh California Produce by every ete3iner. Goods delivered to any part of the city Satisfaction guaranteed. Post OfSce Box The Daily Advertiser, f.b L r w - h v. : r ; i t

CO i. - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · For Sale 4jlT A BARGAIN. A COLUMBIA Solid Tire Bicycle in good condition. Address "C," this office. 344S-t-f Massasre. MRS

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Page 1: CO i. - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · For Sale 4jlT A BARGAIN. A COLUMBIA Solid Tire Bicycle in good condition. Address "C," this office. 344S-t-f Massasre. MRS


1?V A i .A . --1 I J 1 --J 'OOIt 1

H 1 Mi:

Kltbllibd J air 8 1856.U 4.


Pacific CoMWtial Mertiser (Dcncral dcrmtsanruis. mral rcrtlscmcntu. Utisincss vfaij.ON,

rms. chas. w. muller,Vocal Teacher.




ea Estate AgencyNO. 519 FORT STREET.

To Let.




Hardware, Builders and General.alwas-- 3 up (o the times In quality, styles ami prK-oa- .

Plantation Supplies,a full assortment to suit the various demand .

Steel Plows,made expressly for Island work with oxtm jmru.

Cultivator's Cane Knives.

Agricultural Implements,H003, Shovel, Forks, Mattocks, etc., oio


O oo CO

CO Carpenters',

o Screw Plates. Taps

o Paints! and

Asbestos Hair Felt and Felt Mixture.Blake's Steam Pumps,

Weston's Centrifugals.SEWIMG MACHINES, Wilcox X Gibbs, and Remington.

I V jsfjyifi flilo n lU:,l'lv and etlkicncy surpassedas.siiy uii5 ,,v nono

Geiu J faerchantlise, o0! 1!


i pscs



o2. there is anything you

politely treated. No327S-tf-- d


5 Per Cent, Debenture PolicyISSUED BY

F.very JUornn Zix-'- P SamUyB,



Cojocbbcial AdtektisehDaily Pacm03 FA.GR3)

Per year, " "Permon ' '1 er yea JtLft11- -' i uiuuPer ye--

.0f ieric. uauKua, or aioxico. w

it. i v l1 itoe3 Hawahan Qazettkf K. '

P-ye- ar, witb"Guida" premiam.t 5 00pr year, post aid Foreign - 6 00

Iybl IrIblro Advance.

gjSf All ransient AdvertiaementamuBt be prepid.

II. J. Whitney, Manager.Aktiux Joiixstose, Editor.

Ivl A.I, y 1 U 1 Lf IC m

I' the I anJcce I'riratecr1

Hen. Armstrong.Viiingtov, Oct. 21. Secretary

rirrfim tnflnv Tir.intir.il lv deridedv,4r - I

thio had no authority of law toeff a final eettlement of the celehirl case of the privateer brigG Armstrong, on which V m.

of "The Senator" I

i6d to be founded, by paying top Chester Reid. l!oaurviving

if the ArmPx0 Xom mander,Residue rir-- ' aPPropn-- j

br concress as a reward fortbe'ecrvico done by tlie privateer indefeating a British squadron inSeptember, 1S14.

The battle between the Oen.Armstrong and the British shipsoccurred in the harbor of Fayal, inthe Azores, where the Armstrongwas lying at anchor. On September2C, 13 M, the vessel was attacked byher majesty's ship Plantagenet, 74guns; the frigate Ilota, 44 guns,and the brig Carnation, ISguns. The British numberedtwo thousand men, while theArmstrong had only seven gunsand ninety men. After a two davs'battle, BeRUireleatya " the threeJrAsh ships, which were part ofan expedition concentrating at Ja-maica to join Admiral Cochranebefore New Orleans, and Reid'sstand detained them until too lateto be effective in fighting GeneralJackson. This detention, it isclaimed, saved New Orleans andLouisiana from British conquest.

In 1S15 the United States madea claim against Portugal for indem-nity in wing British vessels tofire on an American ship in one ofits harbors, and President ZacharyTaylor submitted the question tothe arbitration of Louis Napoleon,who decided against the UnitedStates, lleid had died meanwhile,and turned over the prosecution ofhis claim for indemnity to his son.In 1SS2 Congress appropriated$70,000 for the benefit of the own-

ers, officers, and crew of the Arm-

strong, and the present claimant.Sam Chester P.eid, secured counselfees and his father's share, amount-

ing to about $40,000. Some of theclaimants did not appear, and Mr.

- i 11 !, Un If. 000





Tlie MutualOF N13W

Richard A. McOurdy, -

Assets -Information regarding this form oi

HiMB"rft.Il.rtus ofpolicies lasued by TTifcbe obtained of

Canadian - Australian

00U;1. Ea!!

' methonicJhf,.maker

J torn MJ.am auy j,32:u-- u

fct; ...



TH re.ampH ;

vivcrn; cal '.

i te '

. iri--

r i



Jm' toil



V OTt i



Abstract and Tillc Oo.

NO. aVi M It'.ltOl ITsJT ti l".


K. Al . II atcii - I riM.l. iilCt i il Brown - Vice-P- n tit ulV. K. Caatl ... t;crelary

J. K. Brown, Treasurer .t ilana,;erW.f. Frear ... Auditor

This Company I prepared to Hearchrecord and furnili attra(M4 f till loall real property in the Kingdom.

Parties placing loans on, or eontcmplatin;j the purchase ot real rstutw will tind lto their advantage to consult the ruinj.niiyin regard to title.

3?A11 orders attended to with piouipt-uesa- .

Bell Telethon S2.it P.O.Box 1S5.




Hotel St., opp.Dr.J. S.McGtcw




Office: Arlington Hcns, Hotol St, Parlor 2.

gX?(l&a Aduiiuistered.

OyFica Hocks : 9 to 12 and 1 to 1.


C. BREWER & CO., 11QrKKft Strust, Honolulu N. I.

AGENT'Hawaiian Aric::Itnrul ou.

Onotuea buyrar Co.Ilonomn Sup;ar Co.

Wailnkn Sugar Co.Waihee Sujrar Co.

Makee Huar Co.lltle.'ikala Ranch ('o.

Kapanala Ranch.Plantera' Line San Francisco l'ackets.Chas. Brewer A Co.'h Line of Botdon

Packets.Agents BoRton Boanl of Underwriters.

Vranta Philadelphia Board ol Underwi i- -'

Jen. .m

Lrsr or OrFimts:Hon. J. O. Carter, Pronident A .ManaciGeorgn H. RobertHon - TreasnrrK. F. I.i.hop .... ScrrctiiryCol. W. F. Allen - - - AuditorChas lit . Cooke 1

H. Watevhonso Ehj. V Directors.f3-Jte'l- - )


Of ha vim.; a new B;ilh Tub, I'ab-n- t

Clofiet, Kitchen Sink, Hot Water Boiler,GutteiH, Conductors, Hove Pije, WaterPij r anything in IIih Tinsmith nrJ'hniibiij: Line, eitlier in new vork orKMieral repairing, we would o pleanedto receive a call from vou, cither per-sonally or by telephone. EfitliiiateMfurnished. All work guaranteed andjroinptly r.ttenlel to. W respectfullysolicit your trade. Shop: Beretaniiistreet, neeond door east f Atw.nry .

l')eae rinjj up Mutual Telephone 211.thos. Norr,

Per Jak. Njtt. Jr. .;


Dkai.ers in

WOOD AND COALAreo White and Black Sand which

will sell at the very lowest market rW.25" Cell Telefhoke N'o. 414.

X3"Mutcai. TELSPaoHE No. 414.3033-- 1 y



The Finest Lino of Shirtsin the city.

Silk, Crape, Flannel and LinenShirts made to order.

and Cotton UnderwearJtOTailoring in all its branches.

5(XJ FOItT STItKKT.:i443,ly

Voice buil Jing bv the old Italiiiu gihcolmethod a specialty.

gj&T"Xo. 1 Emma street, Honolulu.34CO-2- m


Leave orders with Thomas Krouse,Arlington Hotel, King Street; Telephones: Mutual 0C0, Mutual A)0.

046 1mtf


Attorney &nd Gonnsellor-at-La- w.

OlT'.ce ZT, Merchant Street.


to I.KWPrt St ltckioo)

limmrtt r aut ia:rr lu tuiuoerAua frit i'dCiiui iJu;m;uj

Ka.S2 Bl'ItKET, nonolala.

B. W. U'CnK6fKT. J. M. A F. W. M'CHKS:?T.124 Clay St., a. F. 40 tueen Bt, Hono.


I Wholesale Grocers, Commission IJer- -

i ch"Ilti and Importers.

40 lueen Ht., lioiielulu.

I... in n itAllOmeV Ild lOUnseilOr ai LVff

lerupcrary ULuce with . w . Aonioru,Merchant Street. Honolulu.

339i-l- v


,ia.r .ains. cooler.nn Loan ofinnAnd machinery of every description madeto order. Particular attention paid tochips' blacksmithintr. Job work excutedon the shortest notio.


u. j. N0LT2, mo?nirroa.ruat-clas- a Lunches with T-?- Ooffse

fcjofia Water, Ginger Ale or MJIi.

OtMn JFrom m. till lo i. m.


Importer and Dealer is

QSMEHAL MERCHANDISE.No. 25-3-1 Qneon Street, If cnolr.ln.

VM. WAGENERContractor and Builder.All kinds of Jobbing promptly attend

ed to. Will make a specialty of Oihceand Store Fitting; second floor HonoluluPianino Mill, Fort Street.

Mtii.il Telephone g2r . ? U9-3- m


General ComxuiFsion Agents

Cur. Fort A c;aeei EU,, Hi'MliIa .



Ayont to uke AcUnowleAgmenta.0?ric Mo. 13 Kaahnmanu Street, Hono--

lulu, II. I.


No. lOO Nnunnn Btraet,P. O. Box 175,

Bss to call the attention ot th9 pnblletheir large and well selected

Stock of Japanese GoodsSuitable for this market, which will

be sold at Lowest Prices.

SING W0 & COMPANY,Ko. '43 Nuuanu Street. by


DRY GOODS,Ladies and Gent's Fine Goods



fESWe solicit your patronage.

Sin Wo & CompanyNo. 43 Nuuanu Street.


For Sale4 T A BARGAIN. A COLUMBIAjl Solid Tire Bicycle in good condition.

Address "C," this office.344S-t- f


PRAY WOULD ANNOUNCEMRS. she will attend a limited num-ber of patients. Address at H. M.Whitney's, King Bt. ; Bell Telephone 75.

3228-t- f

.a b

Australian Mail Service.

For San Francisco:Tho New and Fine A I Steel Steamship

. - . - .i --f i j-- ii Pii ,r v

I Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe tiae at Honolaln, from Sydney and

I Auckland, on or aboutII IT AIT W T" Tl i I 1il IV i K ti, K i;t h- " AUU"IJ And will leave for the above jort with

Mails r.nd Passengera on or about thatdate.

M-"- A J U1A. l AiiutviaJiuI The New and Fine Al Steel SteamshipI c " r"TVT'r AT"

Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willI oo due ai jionoiuni, irom can r rancisco,

on or about

NOVEMBER 23d,null nut uato ui-ouaH-

Mails and Passengers for the above porta." 1

rx 1 - 1 1 I

to issue I

mini Airnti rrinrri'"nn mr ill nrviirmnlilKULull illHrj 1(J ALL rUlAld


I"1'01 ' further particulars regardingFreisht or rassase app,y to

Win. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd.,GENERAL AGENTS.



Time Table.LOCAL LINE.

S. S. AUSTB rriAA rrive Honolulu leave Honolulu

from S. F. forS.F.July 12 July 19Aug.9.... Aug. lo"

U ... Sept. 1 JOct. 7 ....Oct. 14Nov. 4 Nov. 11

THROUGH LINE.From San Fran. From Sydney for

for Sydney. San Francisco.Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.ALAMEDA Jun L'J) MARIPOSA Jnn 29MARIPOSA Jul L'7 MONOWAI Jul 27MONOWAIAutM ALAMEDA Aug 24ALAMEDA Sep 2S MARIPOSA Sep 21MARIPOSA Oct L'(j MONOWAI Oct 19MONOWAlNov23 ALAMEDA Nov 16

S314-3- m


Just arrived ox Pal mas a tino assort-ment of

Matting. Camphor Trunks,Rattan Chairs and Tables,Silk Shawls and Handkerchiefs,White Chinese Linen,White and Colored Si!k in Rolla,Fine Teas, Fine Manila Cigars,

Chinese and Japanese Provisions!

And a general assortment of Groceries,which we will Bell at the very lowestprice.

7"Fres!i Goods by every steamerfrom California and China.

WING MOW CHAN,No. G-- l Kino Street,

3124-- q Near Maunakea.

G. B. 11IPLEY,


Okrice New Safe Deposit Ruildinjr,UosoLCir, H. I.

Plans, Specifications, and Superintend-ence given for every description of Build

Old Bni'i;n.rs snccessfnlly remodelledand enlarged.

Designs for Interior Decorations.Miips cr Mechanical Drawing, Tracing,

and Blueprinting.S7"Drawings for Book or Newspaper



Physician and SurgeonOffice: Masonic Temple, corner Ala-ke- a

and Hotel Streets.OfficL IIoues : 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4

p. m., 7 to 8 r. m ; Sundays 9 :30 to 10 :30A. M.

Telephones : Mutual 154, Bell 9S.Rksipexce: Adjoining oflice, MutualTelephone 490, Honolulu, H. I.

3350-t- f

2 HwiHeson Beretaniu Street.2 Houses on Fort Street.1 House, Alakea Street, next Pariti

Club; rent $25 per month.1 House, Beretania Street, noar Piiki

6 room?, bath, etc.; $'20 per month.1 Hou3e, Emma Square.1 Storo, Nuuanu Street.

For Hale.

Sviral dc ir-ii.l- Residi'iU'eo in liintI:4SS Io':it ioiM.liutise and Lot on Street,

near Pensarola ; IaA -- k) ft. frontage ain140 uvt dt-ep- .

Also, a Valuable BU k of Brick P.uild- -

lna in the heat of theCitv.U. E. BOA RDM AN,

33S2-t- f Airent.


notary iuiunafor the Island of Oahu.

Agent to take Acknowledgments toContracts.

Agent to O rant Marriage Licenses, Honolulu, Uanu.

Agent for the Hawaiian Islands of Pitt Aocott'8 t reight and Parcels Express.

Agent for the Burlington Boute.Res! Estate Broker & General Agent,Bell Tel. .148; Mut. Tel. P.O. l'.ox415.

OKKICI2: No. 3d MERCHANT St..ITosoLCLtJ, OAnu, H. I.


OFFER FOR SALE AT TilWEfollowing prices:

Poha Jam in 2 lb. cans at $4 .60 jer doz.Poha Jam in 1 lb. cans at 2.50 per doz.Poha Jelly in 1 lb. cans at 3.50 ier doz.Guava Jelly in 1 lb. cans at 2.50 per doz.

China Orange and Papa: a Jam. (thisis a very superior article), in 2 lb. cansat $4.50 per dozen.

a7" Teems Cash.KONA CANNING CO.,

-"lakekua, Kona,

31JK?rn .Hawaii. H.I.1

M 1HU3 V



K. UOKN Practloal Coniectloner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

Ko.71 Hotel Bt. Telephone,

M. K. Grossman, D.D.S.

D K NT rV X H rJ


fJCOrrict Hui'iw- -'j . u. to 4 p. m.


Wiiip.s, Sjiirits iiml Fppim

IKrvll. hJTKKKr,Fort and Nuuanu.

3457-t- f


Nuuanu Avenue,


Hotel Street.


Table Board $1 per day.Board and Loljrin? $2 " "Board and Lodging $12 per week.

J""Special monthly prices.T. E. KROUSE, pROPRiETon.


Wholesale and Retail Grocers,


ArtiPtic printing at the CJ azktteOffice.

mT?SJ?NTH CANADIAN PACIFIC ItAILVAY.The Famous Tourist Route of tha World.

Tickets iev Criiiali.'in X'iicifio Railway ur5 Second Class and 10 First Olaas.


and Machinists' Toolsand Dies, Twist Drills,

Oils, Brushes, Glass,

want, come and ask for it, you will betrouble to show goods.



Life Ins. Co.YOHK.


$175,084,156.61.policy, or an v particulars --.ftvVrifriz"the

-- mtnir''Liie Insurance Company may

S. B. HOSE,General Agent, Hawaiian Islands.

Steamship Linj

tlirm Vy TJnitetl Statoy lintM.

ffjGF'Vor Freight and Passage and allgeneral information, apply to

Theo. H. Davies & Co.Ajrents for Hawaiian Islands.

- 42,42,174.00

WALKERAirent for Hawaiian Islands.


Ail orders faithmllv attended to, andfree of charge . Island orders solicited.No. 14-5- . Telephone No. 92.

50c. per Month !

STEAMSHIP SKHVIGE MONTHLY.fiTTHROUGH TICKETS issued from Honolulu to (T.nada, UNnnn Statks

and Eukope; also, to Bkiskane r.nd Syunkv.FOR BRISBANE AND SYDNEY Steamers tailed each month . FOR VICTO-

RIA AND VANCOUVER, B. C Steamers Bail Anjr. 1st, Aug.31fct, Oct. 2d, Nov. 1st, Dee. 2d and Jan. I at, 1SWL


D. McNicoll, Montreal Canada;Robt. Kerr, Winnipeg, Canada.M. M. Stern, San Francisco, Cal. ;Q. McL. Brown, Vancouver, B. O.

Eoyal Iiistirance Co.,OF LIVERPOOL


Assets January 1st,

SgyFire ridkH oti all kinds of insurable properly l:ii;n at Current ratos

J. S.3140-l-m

H. E. McIISTYlU: & HSK).,

l ' set asidtAis their share should begiven him.

Secretary Gresham can him noauthority for so disposing of it, andthe case will probably bo sent tocongress for action. Since thetime of Mr. Frelinghuysen, whodistributed the award, other secre-

taries of state have held that Mr.P.eid is not entitled to the money.

m m

.United States Policy.The threatened revolution in

Guatemala makes another call on

the resources of our navy whichwill have to be answered. Guate-mala is an insignificant place inpoint of population ; but the Amer-

ican interests there are by nomeans inconsiderable, and howevermoderate they may be, are nonethe less entitled to the prompt as-

surance of protection afforded bythe presence of a sturdy cruiser.


Groceries, Provisions ami Feed


New Goods received bv every packet fro'a the Kastern States anil Europe.Am. tux.

The Daily Advertiser is deliver-ed by carriers for 50 cents a month,Ring up Telephones 8S, Now Isthe time to subscribe.

Daily Advertiser T0c. per month

Fresh California Produce by every ete3iner.Goods delivered to any part of the citySatisfaction guaranteed. Post OfSce Box

The Daily Advertiser, f.bLrw

- hv. :


i t

Page 2: CO i. - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · For Sale 4jlT A BARGAIN. A COLUMBIA Solid Tire Bicycle in good condition. Address "C," this office. 344S-t-f Massasre. MRS


THE ADVERTISER CALENDAR. HAMAKUA XOTI-.S- .thv f ivor will bo dulv a:ireciak-d- Ken. dfcccrtisrmrtiU.307a

U'l ore I'jiig tho produc.'r.-- ? of theNoTfmbr, 1803. south will find increasing patron-- a'

in there island3. The !h:el: VERYw. ra.'fr. hj.Hj.! M.o.vnaau A VAST PEOJECT.with which th new steamship lines.,7-- Nat.




xo.13 Some people have the11 N v. If..

"TjT!78 9 j l.J

13 j 15 j 17

21 il j 24

3 Constant Line of Schooners-Amp- le Opportunity for All.14 19 1Not. 2J

ia carrying out it3 original enter-prise under unforeseen difficulties,is commendable and has receivedmuch praise and general endorse-ment here.

11 Moon. itest Importations23

faculty of selling others anarticle of inferior quality andconvincing them that it is the

-- 1 j 21

2.7 1 2S

- ...Owlx- ,- lo our constantly incrf.i-.in- c tiimvM anil tho at .lmand of an at- -i ii 1 30 Lut (jn'rt'r. preciatirv community, we have concluJet to otTer an opirtunitv to all irtiea

IIosoiiAA, November Aianr:t: party and ball was

given Inst Wednesday night inhonor of Mrs. and Mr. Copp, ofMakawao, who, together with Mrs.H. B. Hardy and G. S. Hardy, aresoon leaving by the first Claudinebound down coast for Maui. Itwas altogether an enjoyable even-

ing, and came to a close late inthe night, when the dillVrent par-ties left for their homes, well satis-fied with their evening music andd.ineing partners.

Joseph Weston, of Los Angelos,Cab, is staying at the Honokaatelephone office ; he is at present

THE DAILY best. Fence wire is one of thothings people may be fooledon easier than anything else,

having CApiUI. Our Line oI Schooners tuv b scn dUln,; over the "Par' filledto their utmost carrying capacity with c!ear,.ool and invigorating

Fredericksburg Exjort Lager BeerPACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER to quote Abraham Lincoln:

AT THE "ANCHOI, SALOON.""You can fool some people all

Mr. Tjieo. II. Davie has rnfit to write a communication to thedaily Bulletin in which he ispleased to state in his usual styleand manner of self-contain- ed brag,that he has addressed a letter tothe editor of the Advertiser whichha3 not been published. Perhaps

the time; you can fool all the To acvoLiinodate our Vast Fleet ot Schooners we l.Vt built a tine nr Kel'rieratorregardless of cost.people some of the time. But


Series,Six Pages. isrci-ioii-"you can t fool all of the people

all of the time." A few years Is the only jiLuv whcie a coo! gla-- n of Kroderii nTg r.,.r n draught can hehad in Honolulu. Mop forward trent lemon. nos the ,,.ago, before we were in busiIi Joat and fr not;

Lot all the ends than alm'it at bThy Onnntrr'i, tliy flort'i, anl Troth'.

ness, a Honolulu firm import-ed a lot of cheap wire on "A VISION OF UEAU'.Y

recruiting and taking in the Ha-waiian scenery and Hamakuasights.

The Claudine took to their Ma-

kawao home Mr. and Mrs. Copp,the latter having had prolongedvisit of some months to Hamakua,and the judge on ten days' leave.

The Waialeale arrived at Kukui-hael- e

this morning where she isloading sugar ; she will also loadeujar at Honokaa. She has not yet

iov forever' and a pure and nat.ii ..nmnlnvmnis ;iDiagonalsTUESDAY NOVKMBKK 7, 103. charms nil beholders. Iridic will find n C.KU1NK a ('nij.

lornia discovery, a toilet article iortne unprovmpnt nul iri- -

servation of the complexion, refreshing. ncenblc andcertified by tlio highest cientitic and medical luthorit v is

It sf.kms probable, from thelatest aJ vices received, that thoproposed compromise on the repeal and Tweed ! being absolutely free from injurious; substances.

put up an ntpearanee at Honokaao- -

of the Sherman silver bill will bea a a a

landing.Mr. W. II. Holmes of Hilo wascarried. Tho first clause relate3 to NOTE PROM WELL luNOWN SOCIETY LADY.on a few days' visit to his brother

M. Holmes: he left for Hilothe date when the purchase of nil are always to le foiim! at Over shall cea3e either January or this same week.

Mr. I)avie3 is right; perhaps themails have miscarried, and per-hai- -

Mr. Davies is wrong, as heusually is. We can assure Mr.Davies of this much : that had headdressed any letter to the editorof this journal, under the form heclaim?, it would have been pub-

lished, whether for or against an-

nexation. Mr. Davies is certainlyenough of a commercial man toknow that no communicationsgo unless addressed to the headof the department he is at-

tempting to do business with.The communication in question,received by Mr. II. M. Whitney,was submitted to the editor of thisjournal, who, knowing somewhat ofMr. Davies' crankiness in politics,agreed with the editor of the Ha-

waiian- Gazette that Mr. Davies'letter was of a personal nature. Inhis own mind the editor of the Ad-

vertiser, knowing Mr. Davies andhis little political foibles of old,reserved the opinion that if hoadmitted the seemingly privateletter in question, Mr. Davies

For the past few nights we haveJulj', 1301, or January, 1S95. Thesecond clause provides for the re had some very light showers tor an

hour or so, just enough to settle ourtirement of all United States notesdust. L. B. Kerr's

Honolulu, C,1, lv:.letr .Sirs: itelnowlrd with thank the rrript : a

of Ctmcllinr. The ailvantayes in this clirna'c ofthe use of a soothing, harmless, preparation for the $)in iknown to most ladies; Lut fortunately man; of the ariclensold for that jiurjiosc jtroduce unjtleasnnt results. Canel-lin- e

is eerlainlt a most eletjant and agreeable additi n (e

the toilet, and my own ohsrrvation and the high sciellfictestimony as to if merit satisfy mc that its jioputariy i

under ten dollars. The amount so With regret we read of CaptainMcDowell's failure in floating thewrecked Miowera. We hope Cap

retired to be converted into notesof larger denomination, so that theamount in circulation shall remain tain Metcalfe may have more luck

than hi3 predecessor had. icell deserved. Very truly yours,MrsN Hamakua mill nas erecieu a

1 i T r 1 1 STOKE,the same as now. It is estimatedthat this change will bring intocirculation a large amount of silver

special order. It was sold toconsumers ami in n fewmonths discarded owing to itsworthless character. That wasan instance of fooling ''someof the people some of thetime." The people who boughtthat lot of wire don't wantany more of the quality sothey come to us knowing thatwhen ours was ordered, it wasto be of the best material usedin fence wire, the only condi-tions named in the order werethat it was to bo the best, andwe got it, and we're selling itrapidly. We have never had acomplaint from anyone buyingour wire, and we never will.It is the sort to be used in aclimate like this. In connec-tion with wire and fencing, weask you to cut out the follow-ing paragraph and paste it inyour hat.

To construct a mile offencing by the old method,placing your posts S feet apart,you pay for posts and staplesS10S.G0. In addition to this,you pay freight and for diggingpost holes. In the locked fence,the posts, stays and wrashersfor the same length of fencing,but for a much more service-able article, you pay $SS.3S.

The Hawaiian Hardware Co.,

307Fort Street, Honolulu.

o- -pumping piani in ivaiopa, wuere avery large spring is to be seen Itis very near the sea, in fact, on thenot less than one hundred thouvery level, lying lower than the Camelliiie Powder and Pbid

PRICE 50 CENTS.overhanging elms. hen it is low

Band dollars. This will be follow-ing the practice of England, wheresilver and gold are the only circu- -

Honolulu.57 Qaeen Streettide, a full stream of fresh water isnoted running a few feet directlyinto the sea.Atini? TWdmm nnnpr tivpnti'.fivn FOIi KALI--: BY

The Illustrated Tourists1 Guidedollars, the emallest note3 beingthe five pound issues of the bankEngland.

HO L LISTER & CO., DRUGGISTSFort Street, Honolulu

That popular work, "Thb Tourists glT'These Goods are of theGOIDB TllKOCQH THB UaWAIIAM ISL

would within twenty-fou- r hourssuch is his love for newspapernotoriety deliberately jump theback of Mr. Whitney. ShouldMr. Davies at any time haveany communication which hedesires published in the Adver

ANDS," is meeting with a steady sale best English and Frenchbsth at home and abroad. ToariatB andothers visiting these islands should bein possession of a copy of it. It is a per make and comprise the new

HAWAIIAN SOU !feet mine of information relating to tnescenes and attractions to be met withhere. Copies in w rappers can be had at est styles and patterns, willtiser ho can always be assured ofthe publication otlice, 46 Merchant

be sold in quantities to suitstreet, and at the News lalors. Price50 cents


3518Auction Safes.


Ono Hundred Pounds Worth Two Hundred - ir"Y Othe.KY JA9. F. MUKOAN.


its receiving attention by address-ing the editor of the Advertiser.On the other hand, any communi-cation he has for the Gazette willdoubtless receive a polite attention,as in tho present case, if addressedto tho editor of that journal. Be-

fore Mr. Davies makes another at-

tack on the Advertiser, for poli-

tical purposes, he should read theheadlines of each paper as care-

fully as ho doub-- - - 1 ;

own billheads0

Auction Sale of Stallion ! M. W. McCliesney & SonsFinal Sale

Minister Willis has arrived atHonolulu and is domiciled at theUnited States legation next theHawaiian hotel. In conversationwith an Advertiser reporter lastevening the new minister empha-tically declared any rumors re-

garding his mission or instructionshere were positively unfoundedand that nothing authentic wouldbe known until he communicatedoflicially with the Provisional gov-

ernment. He stated he would pre-

sent his credentials this morningat 11 o'clock, but nothing further.He declined to state at what timeho would make official communi-cations with the Provisional govern-ment and also declined to make anyintimation as to whether it wouldbe done or not before the Australialeft next Saturday. AVhen askedas to whether the arrival of Ad-

miral Irwin had any political sig-

nificance. Minister Willis smiled

H. F. TOHMAN,3301-l- y

Oil Saturday, Nov. 18tliAT 12 O'CT-CC-K Aw,

Goods Business! THE -:- - LATEST -:- - NOYELTIESpersonal Matter Only. At my Salesroom, I will sell at PubMcauction, by order of temporary

administrator of the Estate ofV. Opfergelt, deceased,

A PX)Cok Daily Advertiser: In AT THE FAMOUS STOltK OK

StallionThe -:- - Throuchbred-C- OMMENCING

Next Monday, Oct. 2 Jeweler! EHLERS & CO.,- Ct

mT t; y's bulletin appeared a com-Monda?jati- on

from Mr T IL navieSfmunljus.essed to me as editor of theat.ihAZETTE, which seems to call for

Vin explanation.


509 and 5 . . . Fort StrCet.Ladies' and Children's Jackets and rnp;TIrish Point, Antique and Madras Curtains. -ni ?n t i j ii. r n w

Our entire Stock willdisposed of

Some six months ago, I roceivedSire, the Celebrated Kentucky Stallion"Billy Thornhill", dam "Viola."

SFurther particulars of

Jas. E- - SLoriaii,REGARDLESS OF COST vneniiio wiui inngesirom $o.oua pair upwards.Smyrna Kus in all sizes from $2 upwards.

Manufacturer and ImporterAUCTIONEER.3529-t- d

Knotted Swiss, Silkalino and Dimity in great variety.Cashmere Sublimes at 20 cents a yard; ono of the hand-

somest wash material this season, entirely now and for thoprice has no equal.

White Lawn in plain, striped and checked.Dressmaking Under the Management of Mrn. Kenner

Values totally unknown to the purchas-ing public of this town will greet you.

We are in Earnest !

Wo are Sincere !

gjST'Come in to see us and bring yourpocketbook along.



. md said he was again forced to de

after MinisterTls.Probablnts hiscredentials today an understandingwill be had when an officialconsultation will be held, probablybefore next Friday, at which timethe policy and terms of negotiationswith this government will be form-

ally opened by the United Statesminister. It is certain, however,that whatever is done will be car-

ried out in the usual course estab-

lished between recognized govern-

ment?, and upon no other lines.

fine Watches Temule of Fashion

from Mr. Davies a communicationfor publication, which would havebeen inserted in the Gazette, had itnot previously appeared in theBulletin, rendering further publica-tion unnecessary.

I wrote to Mr. Davies, then inEngland, explaining why it wasnot inserted in the Gazette, as itwas our rule not to reprint commu-nications, which had already ap-peared in another paper.

To this private note. I received,by tho same vessel on which he ar-rived, a reply which I took to be aprivate letter, not intended for pub-lication, as my note was to him.

The publication of it under thecircumstances and in tho mannerit was done appears to show Mr.Davies entirely ignorant of theamenities and courtesies of edi-torial life.

Yours truly,II. M. Whitney,

Editor Hawaiian Gazette.

Oa Thursday, November Uth, 1S93


I will sell at Public Auction, at the pre-mises Kinc Street, (opposite E.

li. Thomas' Yard)

Ono Merry-tfo-roun- cl

g0&? lm mediate delivery.Tvrms Cash.


Clias. J. Fisliel.3497-- tf

The Hawaiian Safe Deposit Corner I'ort and Hotel Streets.-- o-

AND DIAMONDS, SPECIAL SALEOFInvestment Company.Jas. E. jVTorgan,

33: Ct AUCTIONEER.Has superior facilities for buying

and selling

CLOCKS,STOCKS -:- -For Thanksgiving, X



LACEH in (ho Nwt 3DHiun, VEILINGS,IIANDKKRCIIIEFS, and ft ITinn Iln ol

Ladies' Waists and Blouses !

Will be sold at a great sacrifice. All the above Goods mustbe sold to make room for

150-Cas-es of Xmas and Holiday Goods-- 1 50

whicli have arrived by the Transit.


OXeave crJers early to securelartre birds.

The steamer Arawa, which theCanadian-Pacif- ic line has char-

tered to run in place of the Mio-

wera, so unfortunately wrecked atthe entranco of this harbor, is afine steel-scre- w ship of oOSO tons.She is --110 feet in length, and car-

ries four masts. She was built inISSi, and has all modern improve-ments both for lighting and store-ag- e.

The company states she isprovided for three classes of pas-

sengers, and that they have char-

tered the new vessel under the be-

lief that the trade being openedbetween the Colonies, Hawaii andBritish Columbia will justify theventure within the next year and a

half. The proposition made tobring frozen meats from the Colo-

nies north by the new steamer willcertainly meet the approval of Ho-

nolulu consumers. Heretofore we

have had only the benefit of occa-

sional shipments of mutton fromthe South; if, to these, can beadded frozen meats of a betterquality, even if not at a lessprice than now paid, a large tradecan certainly be soon worked up inHawaii, What Hawaii needs mostat present is a market of exchangeand import. If our southern neigh-

bors can aid us at this point,through their enterprising steam-

ship lines to the northern coast,

99 Fort St.

and is in a position to handle largeblocks of stocks paying cash

for same, or wilt Eellupon commission.

Kwa Plantation Stoclc

Can be disposed of by U3 in large orsmall lots at fair prices.

SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES of varioussizes for the safe keeping of all sortsof valuables rented at reasonablerates.

Silverware and Valuable Articles

taken on storage for a long or shortperiod.

Henry Davis & Co.,

005 FOliT STREET.3."24-2- m

The United States is About Headyto Begin Proceedings.

Philadelphia, Oct. 2o. It is re-

ported that James M. Beck, exami-ner in the famous sugar trust case,is ready to file in the United Statescircuit court the papers in the pro-ceedings brought by the UnitedStates to declare the trust invalid.The proceedings are grounded onthe purchase of four Philadelphiarefineries and the increase of thecapital of tho American Sugarcompany by $25,000,000,with whichto secure refineries. The defend-ants in the case include all theprominent sugar men in the country.The examiner makes no recom-mendations, but merely recites thefacts in the case. Among the wit-nesses examined were John E.Searles Jr., E. C. Knight Jr., andmany others prominent in the sugartrust. The most important evidencewas that of John E. Searles Jr.,who made the contract on behalfof the trust. The report is to betaken up in court in November.

s. EHELICH,Corner Fort and Hotel Strootg. Honolulu. H.

The Daily AdvertiserHONOLULU, H. II.

Ghr. HerskinJ & J. McMeekin,



IJei-otani:- i St., Mutual Tel. til't.

Apply for particulars to

50 CENTS PER MONTHP. 0. Box 342.


3514-- 1 f 408 Fort Street, Honolulu.

Keep jour friends abroad postedon Hawaiian affairs by mailingthem copies of the Hawaiian Ga-zette and Daily Advertiser.

Lessons given on Piano for beginnersand practical plavers.

All kinds of artistic printing atthe Gazette Office.

tTiming orderattended to.

wiil be promptly3514-- 1 m Delivered by Oarisf.


Page 3: CO i. - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · For Sale 4jlT A BARGAIN. A COLUMBIA Solid Tire Bicycle in good condition. Address "C," this office. 344S-t-f Massasre. MRS


31.11,1;. SPECIAL BUSINESS ITZ.OCA J, AND GT XTT.f wi sLvr.fi a! afrtbf? dtr.tsSAILWAY & LAND COS r S N. :i 1

I' or ri I' r i :iN -- it.r,'.i;r, I ',

a a:i! ::,

Ho iiir-if-- in :!; ..-,- . 3r-. I

.. r-.-- ;r. N Tu:u..ti:. j

. U lVrk!:i. II W Ar. i

!: V Ih.tr 1. V M r. A (

:i li I Ii. i ir- - it Jl l,afTIME TABLE.FHOZ4 tL AF7KK JUKE 1,

CASTLE & COOKEThe l oiuicr Noble Arrested withOpium in Ilia Possession. leave for Maui tbi afternoon on a pro

Mr, i i; wn and 1.: ,!.b-- r, M I.:iur. C iv :

Mm K W Fbr MM. oThe Hawaiian 'Ia.ilit;: is ro..dy

for the .outgoing mail today.

Jas. F. Morgan will sell a merrv- -IV.v";ii t: ri. fessional visit. ."" 9-- It. LIFiJ AND 1I1CI:

The ex-honora- noble, ex-me-

WISEThe teloRrarh department of the

Southern Pacific Company's main officein San Francicseo lias boon completelyfitted oat ihmnjc tin pat month with"Caliraph" typewriters f..r tho ut ofall receiving ojeratcrs. "The Caliraph"was selected after thorough investigationbv the officials of the corupanT. who

Wm Rowland Jr. K N IV:-- . I.i.-.:- t lvr-:.r,-v- i

y. K Vfn'ht. V. rT. ( I: Ilf'jn).Mr Ferk:n. 1! iri;n. l.iut K : f.lliin, JK Mirfirc, M ! M iy Morirnn. R i:.m:: j.' r-t

ri . ar:'I - - ( "f j i - in '.

go-rou- nd at auction on Wednesday j ber of the ex-queen- 's just Jvccetvcti, a new stovK INSURANCEof Storm Sert in bh.ok, blue aud"Jn 1 C. B. Maile was arrested last evencream. Soa water will not injure or

entiers are war.tfHi lor prison AGENTSWHARF AND VTA VE. fade tbe-- e oods.Kuan Gl'NN.

supplies for the year commencinging at G :C0 o'clock, as he was com-

ing through the gate of the PacificMail wharf, and taken to the police

were determined tohave for this importDecember 1st. ant department the very best typewriterin the market. The order was tilled byThe stallion "McGintv" will be Chas. L". Naylcr, who is supplying .1L i

Arrival of the P. M. S. ChinaFrom the Orient.

M. V. McChesney's Sons,A-ent- i Honolulu Soap Works Co.

StIC-t- f.



Insurance Co.

Ar.u.4 :355:10

station, charged with opium smug'glicg. He was bailed out by JKaikainahaole.

"Caujrraphs to station agents


r.ir.5::05 . 50i :22

sold at public auction on November1Mb, by Jas. F. Morgan. Lifeand telegraph operators thronphor.t hi."

territory. The operators who wonthe "Mackay pold medal" in the tele- -Shortly after the arrival of the American Enameled Bat- -erapLic typewriter speed content in Now

A Young Hawaiian returned yes-terday by the S. S. China after afour vcars stav at Yokohama.

for Sale at theton-Ho- le ButtonsI X L. lork, March 25, lb L both u?ed "ThoChina, Maile and his servant went

nn Vino Til find crton rnma nflf ortaln

T K A I N HTO ewa Mnr.

B I)A.V. J f.

Leave Ilonol il l . . .S A 1 :45Leave Pearl City.:r.Q 2:30Arrive E-v- a Mill. . .:o7 2:57

T J ITONOI t r.t'.c b

A.M. A.M.Leave Ew M "!..0:21 10:43Leave Pearl City..6:.V 11:15Arrive Honolulu..":) 11.55

A Saturdays only.P. Daily.C Sundavs excepted.I) Saturdays excepted .

Diamond Head, Nov. 0, 10 r.M.Weather, hazy ; wind, light north.

The P. M. H. S. China. CaptainWard, was sighted thirty railes oii"at 2:0.5 yertorday afternoon, andarrived in port at " o'clock, fromHongkong, via Yokohama, with !

Calijraph," and as any machine thatcomes off victor in such a revere tet,where all the other Crst-clas- s machinesPnrsur Minton, of the P. M. S. S.

r.P.M.3:434:154 :55

5 :426:10 were competing, is acknowledged toChina, has the thanks of this paper

for late Yokohama papers and otherG :4 5 "stand at the head," it must certainlv

For Bargain a iu New andSecond hand Furniture, Liwii Mow-ers, Wicker Chairs, Oarvien Hose,etc., call at the I. X. I- -, corner ofNuuanu and Kins f tret-U- .

be the lest tvpewriter for all kinds ofi.avor.Jpractical work. S. F. Chronicle, MavIS, 1SW.

each carrying a bird cage withcanaries in them. An order hadbeen given to search every one wholeft the wharf, and as soon as Kireached the gate he was takenin hand by Custom House OfficerLuahiwa. Two tin3 of thedrug were found in the insidepocket of his coat, and he was im-mediately taken into custody.

As soon as Maile saw that Ki

The China will leave at 10 o'clockthis morning. The Hawaiian baadwill play in honor of AdmiralSkerrett.

XJ If you want to sell outyour Fitrnituke In iu entirety, callat the I. X. L.

Hie Caligraph SavescoKinris si A I r. sf.uvic.k

labor, economizes time, pro

or po'vton,

--A.lli:iino --:ssiiraxii't3COMPANY Of LONDON,

--Etna Fire Insurance Co.

of irvirji' ouw.MILS. E. TUJLXKU

Has removed her

DRKSSMAKLW K00MSlo Hotv'l at, Opp. the Y. Lf. a A. Hall

Where she is prepared tod- - DrerfmaUInRin all the latent The new methodof fiirni-tittin- g emj'oyed (the me!holnow uned by all tho leading dressmakerin San Frncico).

UrAU work neatly nrul promptlyfinihhed. Prices as reasonable an any inthe city. 3234-t- i


European cabin passengers and 10SChinese steerage for Honolulu, and'V. European ealoon and 00 Chinesesteerago passengers for San Fran-cisco. Hhe left Hongkong on Octo-ber 17th. Purser Minton reportedthat the China wa3 detained atYokohama for one day on accountof bad weather, and did not leaveuntil October 2Sth at 4 :J0 v. m.She brought IG 1 ton3 of cargo forthis port, and has 1 157 tons ofmerchandise for San Francisco.The China leaves at 10 o'clock thismorning.

Captain John Metcalfe was seen

Bedroom Sets, Wardrobes,Ice Boxes, Stoves, Hanging Lamps, duces perfect manuscript, se

On Saturda, November 2Sth,James F. Morgan will sell thethoroughbred stallion "McOinty"at auction. had got into trouble he commenced Rug3, Bureaus, Chiffoniers, Steamer

and Veranda Chairs, Bed lounges,to hdget around, and at lastwill leave for and arrive from

fci.in Franci-ico- , on the following dates, tillthe clote of 1S03.

cures exactness of expression,does away with writer's crampand repays the investment athousand fold.

took refuge in ilicrht. He ran Sofas, Baby Cribs, Clothes Basket,Sewing Machines, Whatnots, Meat

Among the through passengerson the S?S. China is B. C. Howard,the agent of the P. M. S. S. Co. atYokohama.

back towards the ship, withthe probable intention of throw- - Safes, Trunks, etc., sold at the lowest

Cash Prices at the I. X. corner ofin tne contraband stunito the sen, but the officers were Nuuanu and King streets.

too quick for him, and grabbedyesterday at the cflice of Messrs.Theo. If. Davies tpc Co. The paci

The Woman's Board will hold ameeting in the parlors of the Cen-tral Union church at 2 :C0 o'clock

I.tAVr. Hosolclcroa Hak Feascisco.

Australia Nov. 11Alameda.... Nov. 16Miowera, for Van-

couver Dec. 2Oceanic Dec. 4Australia Dec. 9Maripoia Dc. 11Warrirnoo, for Van-

couver Jan. 1

City Peking. ..Jan. 2Australia.... Jan.O

him before he could accomplish

DCS AT HONOLCLTFm. Sah Feancibco.ilonowai Nov. 2 1

Warrmioo.f rum Van-couver Nov. 23

China Nov. 27Australia Dec 2Alameda.. Dec. 21iliowera, from Van

Couver Dec. 23Oceanic .. Dec26Australia.... Deo. 30War rimoo.frotn Van-

couver Jan. 23

thisxafternoon.fications for making pontoons withwhich Metcalfe will attempt to getthe S. S. Miowera oil' were ready- -

yesterday, and tenders were aimAVilliam Laa has been appointed

luna of the government lands inNuuanu valley in place of StephenVon Berg, removed.

&S3T The Bon Ton Dressmak-ing Parlors are now at corner ofFort and Beretanla streets, ojen tothose of Honolulu ami vicinity wish-ing stylish suits aud costumes, as wellalso as comfortable and neat gowns.

The public are now enabled to havetheir war-rob- es fitted out as well andwith the same style a3 can be ob-

tained in San Francisco. 3267

received, but the captain said noaction was taken yet. When asked

l"irt- - lass Market in every resjHvt ; bjfides carrying a full line f M t,

we make a f penalty if

lriklnt Hnilcni;i, twho were the bidders, Metcalfe reTk), Han and Moon.

his design. When searched hispockets were found t b brtterlined than Ki's, and four tins werecaptured.

Both men were immediitelytaken to the police station. Mailewas found to have $50 in silverin his pockets. The opium waslabeled "No. 1, Hongkong." Short-ly after Kaikainahaole, a fishmarket friend of Maile's, cameto his rescue, and went on his bondfor $1000, but Ki still languishesin jail. The case will come up thismorning for trial in the districtcourt.

plied : "Can't say that." lie saidthat the 10,2S0-lb- . (5 tons) anchorhad been placed yesterday on the


Dr. E. Hutchinson will leave forWailuku, Maui, today by the Clau-dine. He will make a professionaltour of that island.

roau a co

ros "

Etarboard bow, and that there is

O S3


S- ? Prompt returns made on WESTBU00K a GAULS,

3437-- 1 ni tf PuorittKnut.only one anchor left on the bow.The government drilling machinep.m. p m. a.m.e.n Goods sold on commission at the

I. X. Li..4 8.10; 9. 0


A locket with a diamond settingwas found in Hackfeld Ar Co.'soffice last evening. It was given toone of the clerks for safe keeping.

i I I ! f

was taken out yesterday to drillhole3 into which giant-powd- er car

T. W. Hobron, Agent

PANTHEONIarh and Shaving Parlors

X. "W. Roach, Proprietor.

6.21 4 SI6.21 5.20

5.:i 5.:ij

K.20 fi.17

Stamps.3.20 9.10,11.46 III o C. 7,f J ... 8i . In.I tridges will bo inserted and ex3.5.) 9..TI), 0. CI ?." wVfbnr...l 9

4.40 .6i)i 1. 0 . 8: 5.2(li .4 305 It)6..V

rl li Hawaiian Hardware Com- -7.11.40 fi. '.ploded". 1 e?eje ea 3 t0 blow out a Thehole deep enough to va


--it ;linn....;i 8.41

5.10 1 .40!c. o ll. io;

i i2.10; C" the difference in WMNTKH A Vi:? SHEETSHorse Found. Sc.I r .1. i ' trj i. i ... . ""Cf . . . Your Friends Abroad.

....The steamer China will leave for rmillion and l i.. mauve Stamps :price ana quaiitr m luenivf.v; - "ee . i... i iu 1..: i fwire and other grades this mornNew moon on the 8tb, t 2h, 2uin. a. m.

Tims Whistle hlova at lh. Um. tin. P.M.ONE BAY HORSE,

and one Coat. 0ner canliiiwi ur phi fiuii m'w i u vjuveiument. Pleape sfattf prico for ea(Ifof San Francisco thisfeoTIlrrg?"!.:,"

--.Lava (samft hv nnnlvincr at S. j2?"Having ttecinvd the services ofHonolulu t!m, which Is the same aa 12b. Cm. Da.

of Ureecwlch time.variety: aluo Ac. htamj)cd KnveloiAny Hawaiian Stamps, old ami noJ II ' r--t -

O). sj ciyfarsto. on Kin?Kubey &:

street and payiug for thiaadvertisefiVlttrrppnr issues, both cancellel and unused boujdl '

for cash. Write particulars a to priciu Hlatter, Chiropodist3528-2- 1 tMeteoroloKlcat Keconl.andquantiiy to A. IIROMADA,

P.attery Street,3454 tf Sun Francisco, Cut.3502-3-m

rUBLIHf.D --1 I

ui mo nvt;-io- u ancaor, so as to pre-vent its moving when the steam-winch- es

begin to haul on it. Theniie-driv- er was to be taken out yes-terday to drive steel-pointe- d 12xl2 posts on the starboard side,but the idea was abandoned."When are you going to makeyour grand move to float the Mio-wera ? " was asked of Captain Met-calfe yesterday. " Don't know atpresent ; depends on circum-stances," was the immediate reply.

The steamer Iwalani will leavefor Makaweli, Waimea and Keka-ha this afternoon.



The P. M. S. S. C came intoport yesterday fly AdmiralIrwin's flag at the -

... i ;st. Theflag was lowered soon an., arrivingin port.

The regular monthly social ofthe Central Union church will begiven next Friday evening insteadof Thursday, as previously

To L(5t. 4;SA-0i;iT-T HOTEL

you are busy and cannot find timeto write your correspondence abroadon Hawaiian affairs, send a copy ofthis morning's weekly HawaiianGazette (twelve pages), and acopy of today's Advertiser (sixpages). These papers cover thenews field throughout the islandsand are recognized as the foremostpublications issued here. Copies,in wrappers ready for mailing, atthe office, No. 4G Merchant street,or of the newsdealers.


DK. M. GOTOHas arrived in Honolulu from Molokaiand will remain here for two weeksonly.

-- 9T"Residence : opposite side of theReformatory School.

3.123 tf





1 S i 5I" I I I

D 2 T3 H

0.00 78 3 a j 30.11 S 4 8 NE E X- -5

0.C0 7(1 4 NE jC--C

0.18 CI 4 NE C

0 04 ft NE 1

0 01 C7 4 SM 504 CO 6 KK 3

is in known as the "Old Coiner."situate corner of Queen and Nuu

8in. Jl 30.00 29.9S; 7i f lMon J.i :JtH:w t: 7o 8Tne :n'rw 2-- ') 15 75 81

Wed Ji;ti tl :w.l.i tf'J foThu 2 0H : m 71 8Frl. 3' I) 21 H 71 81

Bt. 4 17 30 7 71 )

.Tap. Morse returned from ' Wai- -

"7 drnirr to find no fji'h Irr haventhan tlir lS'unn Sovci', and inny veilodd with the jutct:

'In a !nor sare or rcijucMi-- d bower,Nor nymph nor Faunus hauulol.'

Roiu:nT i.ouis stj:vj:nsox.uP. C. Advrrtintr, )rf. 7, lv.!.

Admiral Skerrelt and his staff,accompanied by Captains Barkerand Nelson, called on MinisterWillis at Snow cottage yesterday

anu Streets. The premises have beenrepainted and repairs made to mako thebuilding most desirable lor any mercan-tile business. Possession given immedi-telv- .

Erujuire of tho undersigned.II. J. NOLTE.

:i5()2- -l m


T. A.

rpHE GERMAN B ARK GALVESTONA. is expected on or about November

15, 1S93 from Hongkong. For freight orpassage, api-l- to

WING WO CHAN & CO.,3."05 1 Agents, Nuuanu Street.


Simpson,N AG ER.3-- 1 v

An execution sale in favor of J.Kid well against P. G. Camarinoswill take place on December Gth.The property consists of a piece ofland in Manoa.

For Lease.

The New Religion.Pastor-elec- t Kekipi was not or-

dained last Sunday, a3 expected.There were largo congregationsboth morning and evening. A col-

lection amounting to about tendollars being taken at the morningservice. Twenty-seve- n natives havesigned the roll, signifying their in-

tention of becoming members ofthe new faith.


1 M .S !S China. Ward, from Hongkong,via Yokohama.

Stmr C 11 Bishop, Le Claire, fromNotice

?ROI THE RESIDENCE O? E. II1 I , A 1 1.v laiiiu t;iovci vus iti iijo JL F. Wolter, a brown Kangaroo. The THOSE DESIRABLE PRE-mise- s

opposite tho Makiki re-

serve, recently occupied by Mr.rewarded bvfinder will be suitablyDEIMKICKKS.

hotel last evening to hear tho com-plimentary concert tendered by theHawaiian National band to UnitedStates Minister Willis.

returning pame toE. II F . WOLTER,

S.r.2S-l- w Punchbowl.Monday, Nov. i.llairhmJ, for Ka- -Ja:no4 M:kc


will not be responsiblefor any accident incurred nt ;aid placeand also warns people wgairif-- t mutilatingany of above) property.



Stmr J A Cummins. Neiion, for Koo- -

Election of Officers.Proprietor.

Charles Creigbton. The grounds arespacious, anI well shaded with Ornamen-tal and Fruit Trees ; only a minute's walkto Tramways. The Buildings will he putin thorough repair to suit tho wishes of agood tenant. For further particulars,apply to BRUCE CART WRIGHT,

Trustee for Mrs. Mary H. Ievey.335S--tf

For Lease or Sale.

,ftn- -

Stmr Mokolii, McGregor, for Molokaiand Lanai. .

tjtmr C U Bishop, Le Claire, for3495- - :mMeetiujr Notice.

anae last Saturday, where he wentto repair the old landing at thatplace.

The steamer W. G. Hall is duethis afternoon from windward ports.

The Japanese steamer AikokuMaru arrived in Japan from thisport on October 22 last.

The Hawaiian bark K. P. llithetcame off the marine railway yes-terday, and was moved up to theold custom house wharf.

The new pile driver was given atrial at 11 o'clock yesterday morn-ing at the P. M. S. S. Co.'s wharf.The ISOO-poun- d hammer was rais-ed tc the top of the derrick anddropped, and the scow's nose onlydipped a few inches. The trialwas considered satisfactory.

The Hawaiian steel bark HelenBrewer was to leave New York forthis port on or about November 1st.

The steamer Iwalani takes 150tons of coal to Waimea, Kauai,this afternoon.

The steamer Waialeale will leavetomorrow for Haruakua.

The steamer C. . Pishop left atS o'clock yesterday morning withseveral pieces of machinery forWaianae. After landing them, shereturned, arriving in port at 7 :'J0o'clock last night.





I'ui'iiiHlitjcl ltooirlHrpiIE ANNUAL MEETING OFI Stockholders of F.. O. Hall & Ron,

Limited, will be held at 2 p. :.t. THURS-DAY, November 9th, at their office.

3329-3- t E. O. WlHTi;, Secretary. AT KATKS llAKiilNM

The postoffice windows will openat ( o'clock this morning to accom-modate outgoing mail matter. Theregistered mail will close at 7 andthe regular mail at S o'clock.

Miss Waioli Kakina, daughter ofJ. Kakina, deputy sheriff and agentcf the board of health, of H.inalei,Kauai, wa3 married to WilliamWarner last Thursday, Nov. 2.

Dr. W. E. Taylor, a retired medi-cal inspector of the United Statesnavy arrived yesterday by the S.S.China. He is a brother-in-la- w ofof Ad miral Irwin and is travelingfor the benefit of his health.


V M S S China, Ward, for San Francisco,at 10 a m.

Am schr Aloha, Dabel.for San Francisco.Stmr Kaala. Guhan, for circuit of Oahu,

at 9 a in.Stmr Iwalani, Freeman, for Makaweh,

Waimea and Kekaha, nt 5 p ni.Stmr Mikahala. Chanev. for Nawiliwili,

Hanamautu, Koloa and Fleele. at b p in.Stmr Claudine, Davis, for Maui, at 5 p m.

FRO NI : t . n oMmat

RKSIDUNCK ON LUNA LI LObireet, at present occupied by E.W. Holdsworth.coutdining doiibleparlors, 4 bedrooms, dressing an

S 1 . O TOJ'ER WEEK.Meeting Notice.

A T THE ANNUAL MEETING OFJ. the Onomea Sugar Company heldthi3 day, the following named personswere elected to serve as the Officers ofthe Company for the ensuing year, viz. :

J. R. Atheitc i, Esq PresidentJ. O. Carter, Esq Vice-Preside- nt

Geo. II. Robertson, Esq. . .TreasurerGeo P. Castle, Esq AuditorE. F. Bishop, I mi Secretary

The above named alrio act under theBy-La- of the Company as its Board ofDirectors.

E. F. BISHOP,Secretary, Onomea Suar Co.

Honolulu, October 23, 1893.3523-- 1 m


bath room?, dining room, pantry armkitchen. U rounds 300x105 feet, well laidout ; servants' rogins , stable and chickenhouse in rear of main building.

It. I. LILLIE,2422-f- ! with Theo. II . Davies A. Co

ADJOURNED ANNUAL irThiri house in now underTMIB thomeeting of fie Stockholders of tho managementof H.KIemtne atid has been

throughly renovated.II. KLEMME,

Proprietor.154 -- ., Ht., P.ell Tel. UK1. 3503-- 1 in

He.il Estate lor Sale.llonokaa Suar Company will be held attho office cf F. A. Schaefer & Co. onTHURSDAY, the 0th inst., at 10 a.m.r II. KRNJES.

I Secretary,f Honolulu, Nov. G, 1S33. 3529-:i- t


Thr cnlinnncr Alnh.i. C.Tiit. Iv.

Of the 110 Chinese steerage pas-sengers by the S.S. China for thisport. 103 were landed at the quar-antine station last night and theremaining two will be sent on toSan Francisco, as the" did not pre-sent proper return permits.

Meeting Notice.Man CJiong Ilestaurant



7 VALUABLE PIECESof improved Property, locat-ed in different parts of thethe city of Honolulu ; all bar-gains. Apply for full parti

VESSELS I!i l01iT.(Tbia list dooe not inclade coatera.)


II S FS Philadelphia, Parker. Ca!!ao.O S d Adams, Nelson, from Lahaina.


CASS Miowera. Stott, Sydney.Ger bk J C PHuRer. Wolters. P.remen..m schr Transit, Jorpensen. San Fran.Am ach Robert Lowers, Goodman, P't T'd.Am schr Aloha. Dalx l. San Fran.Nor bk Peaconsfield, liistiamen. NewcastleHaw bk li P llithet, Morrison. San Fran.Am brgt W G Irwin. Williams. San Fran.Am vacht Toln.i. Tolna, San Francisco.Am Ik Matilda, Swen-o- n. Nanainio. 15 C.AmschCS Holmes. Johnson, PtTowns'd.Am bkt Klikitat. Cutler, Port Towns-end- .

Am Ik S O Allen. Thompson, S F .

P M S S China, Ward. China.




To Let.

Dabel, leaves today with 1350bags of sugar for San Francisco.

New York, Oct. 24. The Ameri-can clipper ship Keaper and theAmerican bark Western P.ellesailed from Astoria, Oregon. June20th, to race down to the Pacificcoast and around the Horn to thisport for a wager of f1000. Thelleapp- - arrived today an easy win-ner. 'She stopped, too, at PitcairnIsland for a day. She found thenatives enjoying good health, andsupplied them with a batch of

rpiIE ADJOURNED ANNUALI meeting of the Stockholders of the

Pacific Sugar Mill will be held at theoffice of F. A. Schaefer & Co. on THURS-DAY, the 9th inst., at 11 a. m.

II. KKNJES,Secretary.

Honolulu. Nov. 6. l-- . 3523-3- t

Annual Meeting.

The Best 2)-Ce-nt .Meal in Town !

jtSrFowl in season on Tuesday, Fri-day and Sunday; Broiled Chicken everySunday Morning.

TICKETS FOR 21 MEALS fl.50!AfcGTTryit! 351 7-- tf

A NEWLY FINISHEDCottage, furnished or unfurnished

--VTOTICK Is IIEliEBY GIVEN THATIN the copartnership heretofore car-ried on in Honolulu undr thefirm name of Wenner cc Co. asJewelers by the undersigned, hasthis da' bfen dissolved by mutual consent. A. Wenner assumes all outstand-ing liabilities of the firm and il; collectand receipt for all debts due them.


Honolulu, October 21, is: '3..olTLw

at Pa'.ama, near King Street andcIopo to the tramcars. Applv to

C. F. PETERSON,Over Bishop & Co.'s Bank.

3441-t- f


roKEiuN vessels extecteh.VeaaeU. Where from. Pne.

Am schr Anna S F (Kah) . .Nov 20Am bfc Martha Davis.. Hoston . . Dec. 2)-..- 0

Ger bk Nautilus" Liverpool. Dec 20-3- 0

Fr sh Villata lptl . . . .J an 5-- 1 4

Am brpt Lurline S F ( Hilo). . . Nov 10IT 8 S Charleston F.razil NovAm bgt J D Sprecktlf S F(Kah) Nov 12Y M S S China S F Nov 27O & O S S Oceanic S F . Dc 2S

i Harkfeld tsld Sent 2o.. L'noo! DtC 25-3- 1

Waihee Company will please Notice to the Puhlic.Partnership Notice.Removing Fixtures.Captain Arthur McDowell and a




WILLIAMAttorney at Law a"d Xohrv Public

l V

1 Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu.

3524 1504-- 1 m

take notice that the annual meeting willbe held at the cilice of C. Brewer it Co.,Queen street on MONDAY, November13th, at 10 o'clock a. m.

J. O. CARTER.Secretary, Waihee Sugar Co.

Honolulu, November 4, 189.3.728-- 1 w

number of men are still enqaged inHEREWITH NOTIFY THE PUB-li- cI that on the lfct of November, tiiere

will be a reduction in fares to onedialf.v iiTitni; iu..mv 10Schr Haleakala OriCE I HEREBY GIVEN THATringing ashore the remainder of N.N. S. W Oct 2!

.N. S. W Nov IS tiie iiienibers of the firm ci Chong being 2J- cents from corner of I'ort andQueen Streets to the terminus of thythe gear with which he made

the unsuccessful effort two weeks Found.IF YOD ARE THIXKLViStreet Car line on Nuuanu Valley. Thopublic will be supplied with tickets fromthe drivers of the bu-.-e- s. Thero willbe a buss every half hour in the, first

lie Arrives On the China FromYokohama Yesterday.

Admiral Irwin, who has been incommand of the Asiatic Station forsome time, arrived with his familyyesterday on the S.S. China, to re-

lieve Admiral Skerrett. He receivedhis orders only a very few days be-

fore his steamer sailed and had littletime for any preparation for hisjourney, lie went on board thePhiladelphia immediately after hisarrival and stayed there until thismorning. He is accompanied byLieutenants Adams and Parmenter,with their wives. The admiral willprobably be quartered at the Ha-waiian hotel during his stay here.

But Few Knew.The arrival at this port of Rear-Admir- al

Irwin, by the S. S. Chinayesterday, wa3 a surprise to alleven to the United States navalmen here. But few knew of hiscoming, and when Lieut. Adams, ofthe admiral's staff, sang out tonaval men at the P. M. S. S. wharfas the steamer was nearing, "Wehave come to stay here," the newswas received with great enthusiasm.

Am bkt V rentierl?r bk Dake Arjrvle ..II M S S Alameda11 M S S M mo.vaiAm bk AlbertAm bk Ald.-- n Pes.--e. .

Am bk C D Pryant...Am bkt IrnijrardAm bk Enoch T.!iot .

Cer bk GalvestonAm bkt PlanterAm bkt Discovery . . .

A vi btt Amelia . .

Am chr Alice CookeHaw sh John Ena

.Colonies Nov lt

. S F Nov 23.S F Nov 10S F Nov H

.S F Nov 21S F Nov 20Ft Gamble.. Nov 14

Honskcnjr. Nov 7--

S F . - Nov I'JS F Nov 23Ft Flake! v.. Dec 15

.Ft Ii!akelv..Pec 25N S W....'Nov 15-2- 5

I GOLD PIN. OWNER MAYV have same by leaving proper des

Hniiir Wai, rice planters andmillers of Waiiua, Kapaa, in theisland cf Kaiiii, .re the following:Alama. Yuen Lan. Yuen Ynn,Yuen lb-n- , 1 1 ot Lai, Ah Kwai, An Con-cheo- k,

Hoi I'ttni a:i I Yun Tow. Anda'so, that the friid Ah Kwai. who hasbeen the s !e manar r.f the said firmfor Kewril sears last past continues assuch nunar. And further, that thesaid At: Concheok has no autho ity topledge or ?eli anv of the propartv of theeaidtlrm. CHONG HUNG WAI.

Dared Kajaa, Kauai, October 7, 1S3.350.V3w

ago to float the Miowera. lie saysthat a large portion yet remainson board, and it will be severaldays before he will have his mate-rials on shore. He estimates thedamage done to his gear by beingcut adrift from the steamer's sideto be about $3000.

week of November and after that oneevery twenty minutes to meet the

of the public. The faresfrom the Street Car terminus to my ter-minus, further up the valley will con-tinue the same art before.

cription at tins ofuce and in event ofproof of property: and paying for thisadvertisement. 3448-t- f

Notice.32'0-t- f F. SMITH.Haw sh Hawaiian Ie-.- S W . Nov l'J-2- 3

Nov 20-3- 0Ger sh Terisichore N SC ASS Warrirnoo Vancouver ..Nov 23Am bkt W II Pimond.S F ( Kah). . .Nov 21

Koine-mad- e Cake.vassen emits.

Of having a new Bath Tub, PatentCloset, Kitchen Sini, Hot Water Boiler,Gutters, Coi.ductors, Stove Pipe, WaterPipe or anything in the Tinsmith orPlumbing Line, either in new work orgeneral repairing, we would be pleasedto receive a call from vou, either per-sonally or by telephone. Estimatesfurnished. All work guaranteed andpromptly attended to. We respectfullysolicit your trade. Shop: Beretaninstreet, second d-- r e.v-- t of Armory.Please ring up Mutual Telephone 244

THOS. NO IT,Per Jas. Nott, Jr. 3153-- q

MIE UNDERSIGNED HEREBYcertifies that owing to the pressure in For Sale.AtRIVALS.

Annual Meetings.The following annual meetings

will take place on Thursday, No-

vember 9th :

E. O. Halkv-- Sons, at their office;llonokaa and Pacific Mill sugarcompanies, at the office of F. A.Schaefer ct Co.

other branches of business, have this dayentrusted the entire management ofFrom Hongkong and Yokohama, per

For Honolulu:BUSINESS,

ntrallv locat- -GOOD PAVIVG

.veil es'ablished an I c;i.'UM-- '!.hS ANDI M S S China, rov Ad

I A K K K iFi r partiru'aM, itniuije i tdavonass-- - t.i t.i - ! orier at 1 l'jKear-Admir- al Jno Irwin. TJ S N. Lieut A-

dam. U S N, F'nsTn Parmenter, 1 S N. Mrs

liqti r trade to Mr. S. Khnnraof this city, i

who has fall power of attorney to act rI

m in th Fame trade. K. OGURA. i

Honolulu, AngUFt. y. XH'Xi. 31ol-3- m

(i. E. PGA Ri 'MAN,35 15-- 1 in 510 Foit Street.

Cen-tiiii- a tree., Kell 'lelephone lii'.35 19-- 1 wParmenter. Mrs Aaams. .Mrs irwin. .hiss

Irwin, Mr Jno Irwin Jr, Or W F.Taylor,




Page 4: CO i. - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · For Sale 4jlT A BARGAIN. A COLUMBIA Solid Tire Bicycle in good condition. Address "C," this office. 344S-t-f Massasre. MRS

rACI1 CQMMJaKCIAJL A1VJ3KT1JBH, iVOVEMBJSU 7,--BYAUTHOEITY r :i;;vD:n.j iini-i- ; to .vwi t th ,'.w--- t r

bid. .i5 wiai in tins cae.i.L li'I utiun made by the Conri

v.ris ... Ir.w. Anirell on Limitations. Cr:ifral Cttiirriicrmntta.Hood's CuresJ. A. KING,Minister of the Interior.

: c. :.ov. 'j, 15An acknowledgment

being the refusal to grant the fourthinstruction asked by plaictiT. andgrant a new trial.

The plaintiff also excepted to theverdict as contrary to the weight ofevidence. It appears that pfaintiff

Into iivr f.; rr !; iiromse ru3y be inferred from

the jury might well have been askedfor and given that the part pay-ment by liolte to llackfeld V Co. didnot take the note out of the statute.The Court ia the case at barcharged the jary that "if they be-lieved that while the note was soheld by llackfeld A: Co., they received payment of a certain "sumupn it under the assignment which.

il i?.c- - cl part payment of a con BrasL--XHtri,ci v. nam nx year?." etc. Partpayment ii .nly prima facie evidence

Tenders Wanted.Tenders will be received at the Ai'or-ney-Gcnera- !'a

Office till 1J oYIock noonon TUESDAY, the IS:!, day of Novem-e- r,

1S03, for furnishing iho OahuPrison lor onoyear beginning on Friday,the 1st tUy of December, 1803, with the

a copy o: a letter addivs.-o- dto defendant datedthe K.i- - ebruary 0th.a:.d may lo rebutted by other evila the Supreme


Court of

Island?.BtQuiIitjcf Spoons ind Forks4ir;(i iy tlie circumstances

tiLd-- r '.vt;ich it is made. Cases citedSec. I'iU. Thein Note to AnelJ

C'.-:;r- t cacnot iuulvin Nickel silver and warrants!

ml weight of ii;ver;feet .' r..i u

a promise from

a-- s ueiween the parties, that is tosay,Tai Lung and llackfeld A; Co.,wasin full payment of it, then thatw&s an extinguishment of the claim.But if you find that it was merely apayment on account and that such

li'.n r:;.?ro fact of.ScPTEMcrR Term, 1J.

rojuesticg payment cf thjnote, and stated tLat he received areply m course of maiis in whichdefendant said ho had not then themoney to pay, but would settle it bvand by. This letter was net pro-duced. Defendant denied receivingthe letter and answering it. Wehnd no presumption from the factthat a letter w.-?-s ;

lat- -t . -- ,v,"'c --Mwu.um,XE.fpart payment as an

It mu?t be left tov. Jordan, 27, 3Ie.,

.rfofytiw.of law.WLi: i'icture AndMirrcr Kraminf,L. Acl'j vs. Tai Lux Art oood and Artits Matfriiendorsements of payments were

rnuo by tho authority of Tai Lncrr.

louowing 8ap;i3 at such times and ineach quantities as may be required.

Tne Marshal or such other officer ashe may designate, will make the requisi-tions, and all supplies will be subject tohis inspection and approval.

Th amounts eet opposite certainitems m the schedule are the approxi-mate requirements per month, but allthe supplies are to be furnished as re-quired by the Marshal.

The contractor will bo required to fur--

I;xon,ii Uraphlte iVrcil.that is to sav if llackfeld .y Co. ijiV TL-:-- '

Wo wiJl nor: ccL?idcr tLo cicptioctaken to JLo grant infj of the defendants rouuest for infraction,payments on account cn plaintiff'rioto taudu by l3fecdant's assicnee

credited these amounts upon theBEro2E JCID, c. j.. l;cei:to.v and note by the authority or with theconsent of Tai Lact:. then tLat is

rouAdorn jnent !

answered or acswucd in any partic-ular way.

As to other verbal promises aidby plaintiff and others to have beengiven by defendant these were de-nied by defendant, and this was leftto the jury. It was for them to de-cide and not for th Court. We over- -

evidence of a new premise and will HomoZZr: C. Jl. Cardj vithont defendant's authority are not

evidence of a Lew j remise" on theI part of defendant ar.d v. ill not take

date from tho date of the navmnnthe latter payment beiccr as I read itiLere the triu'. Ju!;e aMoxt d and ;ave a

request for instruction in writing ari.liiuxlif'.e.l it by an addition thereto. tJjeaddition beinir taken down by u Meno-irraph- er

and thereafter Iran -- :r; bed anlXoal's KnamelIViade Over Anew

July lGth, 1SSG, the suit having beenbrought on the 2ith June, 18i2. Ifyou lind from the evidence thatllackfeld A: Co. did receive a smallportion of the note as fall satisfae- -

ruie tnts ground of exception.C. W Ashford for plaintiff; 1 d.

the note cut of the operation of thestatute cf limitations."

Tho ftreit weight of authority suvtains this proposition. JUol r'.hJ.n-- 1

11. I. 81. The head note is, "Adeed of assignment made by a debtorfor tho payment of certain debts nnd

Chronic llczCzcho Cured -- Voakxaaicu ior defendant.Honolulu, November 2, ISO;) Lurt3 Mado Strong nnd Well.

i.iel. the statute (( hai. haws cfl'X'). wai complied with.I'art payment on a note made lv an

under an by themaker of all ho property to realize nr- -

maa suitable bond for the faithful per-formance of his contract.

All tenders must be distinctly marked" Tenders for Supplies Oahu Prison."The Attorney-Genera- l does not bind

himself to accept the lowest or any bid.WM. O. SMITH,

Attorney-Genera- l.

Attorney-General'- s Office,Nov. 7, 1S0.1.

Cdti he used ioroodt'n,VUW,r:rtht nor .iletalwar of every description. HeadyIor use. Can be applied by anyone.

Noal's Carriage PaintnFor yfiri I rxa I sick headaches every day. and

In the Supreai Court of the Ha

tjen for the note, then yen must limlfor tho defendant. lfthowever, youlind that they did not do so, butthese credits which wero made uponthe nct9 wero by the authority of TaiLung, then that is evidence for you

1 also i:aJ Tery wfali Iunj;. Since I haret ern Ui.ir.2 Hood's Sarsirarillo, I har

rntirt It cored cf headaches, and rcyare spoils aiid wc!L I'rienJs o'teasmywaiian Islam since intrinhioed bv tho undert.jVneHl houxvyearn ago, have Invoine a n.-- .

for the payment of Li debts gener-ally, and partial payments made bytho assignee to a creditor, is cot 6uf-iicie- nt

eviderjeo of a no? premise toavoid the statute of limita

miv in ini! niArket. A fnhHow Well YouVo Looking. Mij!y

on and te amorj' hi creditorsrata, ii not a payment lrorn whicha new promise or tlie oneinal debtorcould be inferred to take the note outof the statute of limitations.

Mere acceptance of a pro rata dividend onan assignment for the benefit of credi-tors does not imply an agreement torelinquish the residue of the debt.

The deed of assignment did not contain an

jJt at hand.to consider whether or not thero ha3 I Ica :::cra it U cuo ta Hood's Sarsaparll'a. I03 s null la stature never weighed overbeen a new promise." September Teem, 1S93. Ready Mixed PaintsliA) rounds heforo taVI.-i- s Hood's Sarsax

tions.3 Iho fcts of this case arevery similar to those of tbo ono atbar. They were even moro favor- -

as it proper to leave to tho jury rt::a. and at tlio timo I he;an taUJr.g !t I fcalmo question whether the remain. SCHEDULE.

I'ui, per lb (10,000 lbs more or less rrmonth).Fresh Meat, per lb.Hard Bread Medium, nor lb.

m-'i- u iuu planum ior me assignor strictly pure ; awarded Gold Medal.Use the best.

uer cu iue ueot wa3 releasee.ru:i down to 85 pound, tut now I wcl-- a

1 1 1 ' i-- My friends thought I wou'.d be dmdlon ic, hut I cm perfect!' well. I amIIa.waii.vx

agreement that the receipt by the cred-itor of his proportion of the proceedsof the debtor's property .should be in

uv.:, inter me sale of the propertyUen-oc-h vs. The

OoVERXlfEXT.iy llackfeld A: Co.? We finduui iwioro payment of the dividend unable to express ray thanks for tho goodit laid down in well accentod an

Hood's Sarsaparilla DOOiv MATS !ee,iKuaieu to me assignee the note

in suit as one of the claims providedfor by the assignment. The Court in

thority that, in general, the accept-ance of a less sum of money than isactually duo is net a satisfaction of tas docs me." ?dss. C. II. Cai:d. 1C13 AdelJaa

tread, fresh, 1 lb loaves, per loaf.Salmon, (redj fG to 7 bbls per month)per bb!.Tea, per lb.


1REAR, JJ.street, Oakland. CaiiTcrnia.a well considered decision hold thnf COCOANUT D00K MATi?,tho debt and will not extinguish it,

though it was agreed by tho creditorthe assignee for the benefit of credi Hood's PI1I3 furo all I.lvcr Ills. ElMoua.Eess, Jaundice, Indigestion. Si.--k neadacha.tors is not an agent of the assignor,

iuii satisfaction ot the debt arid thecreditor made no promise to that ed'ect :Held, it was erroneous to instruct thejury that if they lind that the siccept-tanc- e

of a smaller sum by the creditorwas in full satisfaction for the note,they might find for the defendant. Thecharge xhould have been that there w asno evidence of a release or of anyagreement for a release ot the claim bythe plaintiff.

A collateral benefit such as the promptpayment of proceeds of a debtor's prop-erty to his creditors would be a validconsideration to support an agreementfor the relinquishment of the residue

to operate as sucn, as there is no sin! medium and double frame, as-sorted sizes, beat quality, low price.one an independent contractor, re 1IUBKON, Si KWMAN & CO.,The evidence sustaining tin verdict, theCourt refuse to set it aside. 33i(? WlTOLKSALK AOKNTHsponsiuie to tho creditors for the

ouee, per lb (Kona in bean).I Jeans, per lb (red).Potatoes, per lb.Onions, per lot.

J Jljcr, No. 1, per bag of hn)

consideration for the relinquishment.This ruio is considered so harsh andso violative of good faith that courtsare disposed to take out of the ruleall those cases where thero was any

Ho j nmocks,proper performance of his trustIn Campbell r. i:,thlicin, 130 Ma'Satt it was said that "the ground Woven Cotton in assorted color.n WMOPIMO.V OF THE COURT 11 V JUDD, C. J.now consideration or whprn fboron wiucn a part paymentis held to take a case nnfcr.f tha cfn.

Haddocks Koyal Semi Porcelain Ware.Ico Chests and KefrfueratorH.The verdict of the iurv in thia ensnwa3 any collateral benefit received having been for defendant, tboby the creditor. "Courts have de

ot tne lebt if such agreement hadbeen made.

OMXION' OF THE C'Ot'ItT EY Ji ni. V...1.Til 10 KAVOIMTKparted from it on slisrht distinctions." plaintiff excepted to it and moved

for a new trial on the ground that it

Bar Soap, (brown) per lb.Sugar, No. 2, per lb.Milk, per quart.Straw Hats, (small) j.er thy. (3 doz per

month).Blue Denim, mr yard.Brown Denim, per yard.Canvas, No. lec yard.Blanks

Kellogg vs. Kichards. 1-- 1 Wend.. llb- - 4 TT 1ST TI!Japanese Fancy Goods Storwas contrary to law and the evident.Drooks vs. White. 2 Met.. 2S.1. The action was in assumnsit forTho rule nnd tho reason were t I . - a... I f 1 V . I f S 1' .AHOTEL ItEET.purely technical, and often fostered "Vi;. ft)N Iti:LTIN(i-t- he UtS1551.29 with interest, for expensesincurred and outlavs made bv nlain- -

tute, is that such payment is a volun-tary admission by the debtor that thodebt is then due, which raises a newpromise by implication to pav c ortho balance. To have this eliect itmust be such an ackuowlegment asreasonably leads lo the inferencethat tho debtor intended to renew hispromise of payment." "In the caseat bar tho plaintiff executed a mort-gage in which he gave to tho mort-gagee a power to sell the estate and

Irkct. A consignment n( It III.in bail faith." (Next lr.r be Cream PKKFKOTI- --to tbe 1'ul.u-- e

Parlors.) .... I ..ri.. i .tiff residing in Bremen, Germany, as" The history of judicial decisions an agent of the Board of Immifrn- -

This is an nclion of assumpsit lorecover the balance duo on - promis-sory note payable on demand madeby Tai Lnng Co. in favor of L. Ahlofor S7W.20, dated the LM April, 1SS.-J-


It appears that on the 11th Jnno,1885, the defendant then bein afitorekoeper in Kohala, Hawaii, undertho name of Tai Limp? Sc Co., madean assignment of all his property toKimo Take and C. Uolto to realizeupon and distribute amon his credi

upon tho subject has hhown a con ion of the Hawaiian Government in of ni:w uoois(VuVidiiinila'Mrs. .!. p. 1

Jverosene OjI, per :a, r, ( ;14.S ,H.rmonth.

Galvanized Iron BucLetH, pr d.,z, 13and 14 inches.

stant effort to escape from its absur-dity nnd injustice." ILirnn- - vs. Mndfdru 1 by S.eudoavoringjosr-- y eTCffoVrf0m theUraham, 20 Onio, 100. .v n . i. Silk and Silk Crape

Lace Leather and Belt Lacing !

Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.

New Goodsto appropriate, tho proceeds in Mia 11i 111 I 1. I?c hi me lakinrr ot an tno uoienaant s

or the Azores Islands. Tho accountshows an expenditure of $4622 79during 18S9 and 1S90 by plaintiff inthis behalf and a credit of $3000 ontho 26th February, 1S90, which tho

for ladies drcssrs.rued aspayment of the mortgage debl Xt?this cannot VTA,", ""iij constaujt! e,""va --.uibority to the morgagee to

goods from his sloro to be pold fortho benefit of his creditors. Thi3 inmaketors pro rata. The assignees sold tho

Yard Brooms (rattan) ir doz.Lime, per bbl, 1 to 2 bbla er month.Cement, r bbl, 1 to J ),,U per

mcntli.Shoes, (Drogans), :: do pairs (small),

ler month, per pair.California Wheat I lav, lartrn I

sured tho creditors that tho debtor'sMIIv ..1 rMI.lv

CUAPi: FOR LAWKS DKKKSKS!r.oautifullv Embroidered Handkerchiefs,property would promptly bo applied JiM to lmtiJ.

property nnd paid divideaifcord, d"T.r to thocreditors in 1880 or- - oJ of 15 per cent,on .uyllth ami tho linal onoof a water , r per cent. on tbo ICth J nly. OnX1P" I these dates II. llackfeld &. Co. were

to their debts and they received 22.

evidence shows was paid by the Plantors' Labor and Supply Company.The action is for the residue with in-

terest. Tho item contested by de-fendant at tho trial was the salaryand travelling expenses of ono P. A.

JSashes, treat fa, Shawls, M tillers,. Opera Hoods, Card Cases,per cent. From ther.o facts tbo jury

Embroidered and I land-painte- d Parasols, Pacific Hardware Co.LVdes, J '., Lt.might well find that this collateralbenefit wa3 a 6uQiient considerationand so an agreement to accept in fullconld be supported. This was amuch moro substantial consideration

iJias, who went from Honolulu to Maion.

Oats, (good white oat-i- ) per tunSole Leather, ir lb.

ST23-.- ';tdoira via Bremen and his return fure hlMlTKl).

owners of tho note in question, bydelivery and indorsement in blankL. Ahlo, waiving1 notice, protest nnddemand, and this linu indorsed onthe note "Liec'd 1st dividend of estatoof T. L. & Co. Feb. 11, '80 -- S 145.52;

3 GoodsRainbow Crapamounting in all to $2955.93. It wasclaimed by defendant that Dias wasthan some that wero held good by JUL :nd 404 Fort Street.

a rev; promiso on behalf of tho mort-gagor to pay the debt, so as to avoidtho statute of limitations."

In liosroe t.irile, 7 Gray, 271; 'W-thir-

ts. 1 tonne, id. 387, and Jinbinson vs.Thomns, 13 Gray, IJSl, it was held thattho insertion of a debt in a scheduleof creditors, filed and sworn to by adebtor under proceedings in insolvency is not such an acknowledgmentas will take tho debt out of the sta-tnt- o

of limitations. The payment ofa dividend by an assignee under in-

solvent laws will not take the residueof the debt out of the statute of limi-tations as against the debtor." Intho second of these cases Chief Jus-tice Shaw said: "To have this etTect(of a new promise) it is manifest that

tho ancient authorities, as in Fin not employed by the Government, Ladies' Silk .Stoekin;s,nel's case, 5 Coke, 117, whero thegift of a horse or the like is stated to C. Brewer & Company

A larjje assortment of Neckties,Very handhome Screen,

Cushions, Etc., Etc.

Cotton Crape,

Mil. WILLIAM LA A, lias been Ibisday appointed Luna of tbe GovernmentIand3 in Nauanu Valley, with antli-orit- y

to eject all trespassers withoutwritten permit from tho Interior Office.And also with authority to take up andimpound all estrays on the Governmentlands and pub.ic highways from Juddstreet to the Tali of Nuuanu, viceStephen von Herg removed.

J. A. KING,Minister of the Interior.

July 10, '8G 72.70." Tho note alsobears the statement written acrossits face "Settled Julv 17, S0. by L.Ahlo. II. II. & Co. ly"E. Suhr;" andit thereby became again tho xroportyof the plaintiff. The sum claimed intho declaration amounted, with in-

terest to 7th June, 1892, whenthe declaratiou was sworn to,to $929.89. Tho statute of limita-tions was pleaded and it had runagainst tho notes at the date of suit

but was sent by Hackfeld & Co.It will be seen that the payment of

$3000 on this account more than dis-charged the outlays for the personalexpenses of the plaintiff Henoch anddischarged part of the claim madeon account of the employment ofDias. The charge for the salary andexpenses of Dia3 went to the juryunder instructions which were notexcepted to. Tho sending of Mr.Dias was five months before the ap

Albums with Pietnrc--s of Japanese Olioi- - for SalScenery, Costumes, etc, etc.

Travel ixig Baskets,

he good consideration though offar less value than tho debt released,and as stated in Sibner vs. Tripp, 15M. fc V., 37, that if a piece of paperor a stick of sealing wax is substitut-ed the bargain may be carried out. Wofind in 18 Am. & Eng. Encyc. ofLaw, p. 232, that it was held inArnold vs. Bailey, 24 S. Car., 493,that tho acceptance in writing of theterms of an assignment for thobenefit of creditors, accompaniedby a receipt of a portion of

E.T KKttNT AHUIVM.Hthe payment must bo made by thedebtor, or by his order, or by anagent fully authorized for the pur-pose. It is an act of his mind, from

Porcelain Ware, Merchandise as FollowsEtc.Etc. Etc.,(six years from the dato of the noto pointment of the plaintiff, and tho

Court charge! the jury that if theyInterior Office, Nov. 0, 1S93.352l)3t

being April lbbU), unless the lastpayment made, lGth July, 1S8G, took found that Mr. Dias was not em

the proceeds of the assignedthe note out of tho statute, lnejuryestate, is a sufficient consideration tofound a verdict for the defendant. KosciidaiG Cement,support tho agreement to receipt in

W.full, and neither the acceptance norThe plaintiff's bill of exceptions

raises as tho first point, that thotrial Judge of the Circuit Court,

ployed by the Government they wouldnot be justified in charging defend-ant with his salary previous to plain-tiff's own appointment. Subsequentto plaintiff's appointment, if theyshould find that Mr. Dias was anecessary agent or adjunct to Mr.Henoch's carrying out the enterprise

tho receipt need be under seal

Auction Sale of Awa. Licenses.There will be sold at Tublic Auction

on THURSDAY, the 7th day of Decem-

ber, 1893, the following Awa Licensesfor the term of One Year from January1st, 189L


First Circuit, in giving the sesond But in this case, as we find by ainstruction to the jury asked for by reference to it in Jaflray vs. Steed-ma- n

(So. Car.), 11 S. E., 032, thethe plaintiff having modified it, didnot observe tho terms of the statute

which tho implied promise to paythe residue of tho debt arises. Weare 'of opinion that a payment by anassignee in insolvency is not a pay-ment by the insolvent or his order,within the meaning of this rule. Theassignee is bound by law to pay thedividend which has been declared,ho is the debtor to that amount. Theoriginal debtor cannot delay or pre-vent such payment if he would. Itis not a personal or voluntary act oftho insolvent."

This reasoning is applicable to thecase at bar, the only difference beingthat here the assignee takes his au-thority from the deed of assignment.

It is held in Great Britain that apayment of dividends by an officialassignee does not take claims out ofthe statute. Unties vs. Edxards, GEng.L. &, Eq., 520. Eccrclt ts. Hobatson, 1Ellis & Ellis, 15.

assignment provided that every accepting creditor shall receive the snm NEW GOODS

Received by Oceanic.

Manila and bisal Cordape,Oars, all sizes,

Pick Handles,Canal Barrows,

Nests of Trunks,

Felting,Lamp Chimneys,Ash and Oak Plank,Piaster,

governing such cases, to wit, Sec. 5,Chan. 56. Laws of 1892. The chanro

on behaii of. the uovernment, theymight allow a reasonable salary forhim for this period, and his travelingexpenses to and fro. To hold tho

apportioned to him in full satisfacEwa and Waianae 1

Koolaupoko 1

MAUI.In the case before us we do not

asked for was :

"If the jury believe from the evidence that defendant, or any one on

Government liable for Dias' salary CH-AJP-E SHIRTSfind any evidence of a release by H. and expenses the jury must hnd

his behalf and with his sanction made either that Dias wa3 employed byHackfeld & Co. The deecLahaina a payment on account of said noto ment does not contain any agreement

CRAPE SHIRTS with stiff bosom.Any sizes from 14 to IS,

Crape 8uit.Crape PrvjiunaH,

Wailaku 2 within six that tho receipt of his proportion byyears prior to dune zi,limitationsMakawao 1 1892, then the statute of the creditor shall ba in satisfaction of

the debt or operate as a discharge ofhas not vet run aerainst it." Ihe

the Government or that he wa9 em-ployed by Henoch under his own em-ployment for the purpose of carry-ing out the contract, and that suchemployment was necessary. But if,from all the evidence, the jury shouldbe satisfied that this arrangement,(the sending of Mr. Dias) was entire

Gent's Billc IlanlcerohiofH, Blacksmiths' Coal Ithe residue. 2 or is there any evidenceEtc., Etc., Etc.,

( (I'M II IK .AH D )that H. Hackfeld & Co. made anysuch promise. "An acceptance aloneof the terms of an assignment for Crapes, New Patterns

Court allowed this instruction andgavo it, adding " That is to say,tbat it is evidence that there hasbeen a new promise that thestatute does not run." This secondrequest for instruction is marked"Allowed,, in the marein and the

liana. 1

Molokai 1


Kan 1

Hamakua 1


Cases Turpentine,ly between Mr. Henoch and Mr.benefit of creditors is not equivalent EXTRA CHOICEGlade, or of Hackfeld Co., theycould not hold the defendant liable.

e have found one case where it isheld that the payment of a dividendby a trustee, under a deed to trusteesin trust for the benefit of creditors,was treated as the act of the makersby their agent and as evidence of anew promise. Baryer vs. Durrin, 22Barb., 09. But this case is disap-proved in Pickett vs. King, 31 Barb.,193, whero tho Court hold that anassignee i3 not an agent authorized

Van Fired Japan TeaCarriages,

Express Wagons,Mule Carttf,

to a release." Jaffray vs. Steedman,supra. It is held in Sanborn & War-ner vs. Norton & Dentz, 59 Tex., 3US,that a eeneral assignment with no

addition made by the Court was de- - After hearing the arguments of coun-sel and carefully reviewing the eviWaimea 1 livered orally and taken down by tho FOR FAMILY USE.

Ktenotrranher and transcribed. The provision for a release by those ac dence on both sides, we find sufficientevidence to sustain the verdict. The Fold at vry reasonable prices for thestatute referred to directs the Court Ox Carts !cepting its benefits doe3 not bar the

accepting creditor from collecting the credibility and weight of the testi trade as well as retail.

ITOHAN,to renew a debt, or take it out of the balance due. mony was within the province of thestatute of limitations, as against tho Acceptance of a dividend Dy a Hand Carts.jury. e overrule tne exception.

Pick-- tt vs. King was creditor who does not sign the deed ir . jl. Match for plaintill; .Neu Importer of Japanese Goodsmann of counsel for defendant.of assignment which contained an SSA11 of which are offered to tbeaffirmed by tho Court of appeals 34

N. Y., 175. In llooscvelt vs. Marl; G Honolulu, November 2, 1893.agreement for delay does not pre- - trade at lowest market quotation.elude him from the right to begin anaction on the note. Bank of Bellow'sFalls vs. Demin?, 17 Vt., 367. We

The Licenses for Oahu will be sold onthe above named day at 12 o'clock noon,at the front entrance of Aliiolani Hale.

Those for the islands of Maui, Hawaiiand Kauai, will be sold in their respec-

tive Districts on the above date, at suchhour and place as shall be designated by

' the several sheriffs or their deputies.Should it for some good reason be foundnecessary to change the day of sale, duenotice will be given by posters in thesaid Districts.

Upset price Lahaina and Wailuku$300 for each License and for all theother Districts above named $100 for eachLicense.

20G Fort Ft., ne.r Custom House.5-t- f

National Iron Works

John. Ch., 292, Chancellor Kent usesthis strong languago "It ia goingunreasonably far to construe pay-ments by assignees or trustees who

A Sunday evening newspaper O. Browor & Co., (L'd.)

to write in the margin of requestsfor instructions, "given" or "re-fused," according as the Court shallapprove or disapprove of them. Italso prescribes that it is competentfor the Court to modify an instruc-tion and to give in its modified form,"but in such manner that it shalldistinctly appear what instructionwas given and what refused, inwhole or in part. All written re-

quests for instructions shall bo filedin the cause, and shall bo part of therecord therein ; and tho Court shallin no case orally qualify, modify orexplain tho same to the jury." Sec. 2of the Act requires the Court to re-

duce its charere to writing and read

has been started in San Franciscoare obliged to hold on authority that 351 4--3 m Queen Street.are not parties to the contract, or from the bare acceptance of the divi-dend by Hackfeld & Co.cannot be im

by R. A. Coleman under the titleof the Record. This is a new de-

parture in journalism on this coast TBE BWAAIIAN GUIDE BOOKplied a relinquishment of the residue. QUKEX STKICKT,Between Alakea and Richard Streets.The trial Judge, however, left it to

under any personal obligation topay or contribute, as meaningmore than they plainly import, cr ascarrying with them sufficient evidenco of a renewed personal promiseof the original debtor to pay. Suchspecial trusts were not created for

tbo jury to nnd whether the acceptand a venturesome one, for veryfew people have time to read pa-pers on Sunday afternoon, the bigmorning papers being sufficient

ance by Hackfeld & Co. of a smallpart cf the debt was in full satisfac rpiIE UNDERSIGNED ARE PRE- -

X pared to make all kinds of Iron,tion for tbe note, which was errone 1892. 1892.it to tho jury. Sec. 3 is as follows: any such purpose; acd it is pervert unto the day for the average man.Since the journal has been started,ous. It may be cogently asked what brass, bronze, Zinc and Lead Castings;

also a general Repair Hhon for Steaming the intention of tho parties, and"In cases whero an omciai steno Engines, Rice Mills, Corn Mills, Waterhowever, it will soon form a circledifference it would make with the re-sult, if the jury found that the notowas not discharged by Hackfeld a: Co.. Wheels, Wind Mills, etc.: Machines for IBof readers for itself, and certainly

it deserves one, for the editor has. ...

Terms A deposit of twenty-fiv- e percent, is required on the fall of the ham-mer, and forfeit of said dejosit, shouldthe fall amount of license money not lepaid within ten days from tbe date of

sala.J. A. KING,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, November 3, I $03.

3527-- 3t 1 504-- 5 t

is plainly repugnant to the reasonand equity of the trust, to make theordinary execution of tho trust theground of a constructive new assump-tion of the debt by tho debtor."

if it was barred by tho statute oflimitations. The difficulty is this:thero were two defences, of the stat-ute of limitations and of a release.

the cleaning of CoflVe, Castor Oil Deans,Ramie, Sissal, Pineapple Eeaves andother fibrous plants; also, Machines forPaper Mock, Machines for extractingStart-- from Maniock, Arrow Root, etc.

.IAII orders promptly attended to.

given it an attractive ures3 anahas shown in the first number anability to serve the public with livenews. Ex.

In. Tic', f ft r. Kir.fr, tide supra, theCourt say, "The only promise madeby the defendant was made in

The verdict was a general one. Now ifthe jury considered that a release wasduly proven, under the instruction

m 11 TOURISTS' UUIDETo Let. White, Eitman & Co.

342-t- f

grapher is x?resent and taking notesof tho trial proceeding?, it shall notbo necessary for the Court to reduceits charge to writing, but suchcharge may bo orally giveu andnoted by such stenographer." Thenfollows directions in regard to tran-scribing these notes, certifying andtiling them, etc. This last quotedsection must be read together withthe last clause of Sec. 5 and the twomean together that the Court shallnot orally qualify, modify or explainthe charge to the jury unless thewhole charge shall be taken down atthe time by the stenographer andthereafter transcribed and filed. Theobject ot these provisions is to se-

cure in writing as a part of the rec-ord of the case the exact words ofthe Court in giving the law to thejury so that it would not be depen-dent on mere memory for its repro-duction. Wo consider that the sta- -

ana iy ins assignment ami noperson is therein authorised tomake any new promise fcr him.It would be highly unjust to allowan assignee, under such construc-tion, to continue and revive a debtof his assignor indefinitely andagainst his will and without hisknowledge." This view is also held

Through the Hawaiian IslandsWanted.

9KALKD rrKX)KIJSWill be received at theoffieeof theMinis-te- r

of the Interior till 12 o'clock noon onWEDNESDAY, November 22nd, 1 803,

for tbe erection cf a jiil at Honokaa,Hamakua, Hawaii.

Plans and specifications at the office

or the Superintendent of Tublic Works,

leaving them free to so find, thiswould be final and they might nothave considered the other defense, orwhether a new promise to pay thedebt was made by Tai Lung after thepayment of the dividend.

It is true that the jury may havofound against the defendants uponall the points; a special verdict wouldhave made this clear; but as theinstruction respecting the releasemay have misled the jury and di-

verted their attention from theother points, we are obliged to sus-tain the exception on this point,

LARGE STONEHouse opposi'o Kawai- -

THEDwelling CSP-Publis- hed by Uieahao Seminary. The House 13 in TO RENT OR LEASE, A

neat Cottasre of not lss than fourv..

in Parson vs. Clark. 59 Mich. 119,and in Mnricnthal vs. Mosler, 16Ohio St. 506. We heartily adopt it.The facts and circumstances of thepayment in question not being dis-puted, and they not showing a newpromise by Tai Lung, a direction to

Hawaiian gazette foelishinq co,

also at office ot J . . --uoanauu,Deputy Sheriff of Hamakua.

All tenders must be endorsed "Tenderfor Hoiokaa Jail."

The Minister of the Interior does not

good repair with Eeven comfortable Bed-rooms, Bathroom, Patent Closet, Laun-dr- v

Tubs and fine Iarce cellar. Applv toWILLIAM O. SMITH.

Honolulu , Nov. 1, 1503. 352tf

rooms withm the boundaries otBeretania, Punchbowl and Fort Streets.Rent must le moderate. Address "J,J.," tin's office, etatins rent. d.0 Alttrohnnt Ut.,

Page 5: CO i. - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · For Sale 4jlT A BARGAIN. A COLUMBIA Solid Tire Bicycle in good condition. Address "C," this office. 344S-t-f Massasre. MRS


Latest News It era tt From Our 1 r QrM LJ UII).lust Received by Last Steamer55ha G LI

lowerOne of the Louf-.e- e Brothers Sur-pass- cs

Himself."If I had known that an Aivkk-ti-ki- :

man wa listening to my heg.story the other da-- , 1 would havetold the whole truth about it,'' saidone of the Lougee brothers vester--

A $tooo Bet For and A 2 in ftRestoration Made Yesterday.Captain Cluney and Johnny How-

ler have been talking fur some timeabout making a bet on the politicalsituation. Matters came to a headyesterday, and $.300 a side was putup, Bowler betting that the ex- -



Aui; !r:il J. Irwin, who leavesYokohama by the China tomorrow,lovvercd his ihg on the Lincastr-- r

this afWnoorj, and pal u tea werefired from both American men-of-w- ar

in harbor. The men of bothships also gave hearty cheers nsth admiral was rowed to the Chinaby officers of the Lancanter andMarion, with Captain Gridly of

KID GLOVES ! J. T. Waferliouseday, the one who told the Californiahog story to Captain Hice, ' but the queen would be put back cn the

before another vear.truth is that people have had the throneMos.juei, hitmti in FM, Tan, Drats an! Grays! JfO. 10 StOl'CThev met at D.B.Smith's vestc-r- -

" I inherit some tendency to Dys-pepsia from my mother. I sufferedtwo years ia this way : consulted anuraber of doctors. Th-- y did rue

no good. I then usedRelieved In your August Flower

and it was just twodays when I felt great relief. I socmgot so that I could sleep and eat, andI felt that I was well. That wasthre years ago, and I am still first-clas- s.

I arn neverTwo Days. without a bottle, and

if I feel constipatedthe least particle a dose or two ofAugust Flower does the work. Thebeauty of the medicine is, that youcan stop the use ofit without any bad


audacity V) say that I sometimesexaggerate matters, so I stick close-ly to the truth and never give any-one a chance to doubt me anv more.But I'll tell you about a hog I hadthat, although a trifle inweight, was reallv a better lard

day afternoon and the money wasput up. Bowler had brought 1000with him and offerred to betCluney the whole of it. The cap-tain immediately signified his will-ingness to cover the money, butBowler backed down and would notbet over 1.300. Cluney said after

.ne Marion, as cox. During hisstay in the east, Admiral Irwinna3 made a host of friend?, whoseheartiest wishes he carries withhim on leaving Japan. The otherevening the admiral was entertain-ed by his many friends at a farewell banquet at the Grand hotel, at producer than Grover It was in the


la Wliite and Colored Dimity. Dotted and FiguredSwisses, Muslins and Percales, we are displaying one of theehoieost lines ever shown in Honolulu.



wnicn nis nealtti was enthusiast!- - .Spring of that we first found



Ladies' and Children's Cloaksand .Inckets,

Cli ill i imi'ii li n:i iii's.

wards that he a have covered itall if lieM had to mortgage hisclothes to do it."


vauy tiruuic. ine Japan fiazette.Oct. 27.

The three torpedo boat?, of SCOtons each, now under constructionin Kngland, have been named.Shirane, Tatsuta and Akashi.

out what a producer he was. Oremorning, that was a trifle warmerthan usual, and showed that sum-mer was corning, this hog came upto the house door, and stood therewith a look in his eyes that said as

enecisonine svstem.Constipation While I was sick I

fe 1 1 everything- itseemed to me a man could feel. Iwas of all men most miserable. I cansay, in conclusion, that I believeAugust Flower will cure anyone of

indigestion, if takenIn WitltlxB From'.'l Itu-ho- to l'--J IhoIihn.

The damage dono by the recent plainly as word "I have got toofor comfort, and

A MoFt Ileasant Dance GivenLast Evening.

The on3 of St. George crave aUOOU3 in lokushima-ke- n was as I mucn Jam in m LifoofMiserywith judgment. A.

M. Weed, 220 Belle-foutaiu- e

St., Indianapolis. Ind." d

We are still oirering the best value in the city in Ladies'Children's and Men's

Fast Black Hose and Socks!

Silk, Shetland anJ Wool Shawls



ladies' and ciuldkkn's

follows: Houses destroyed or car-- 1 want you to get it out." lieried away, 1S1 ; embankments looked so intelligent that we hadn'tburst in 191 places, the total the heart to kill him, and I triedlength of the damaged parts being to think of some way to relieveCOCO yards ; bridges carried away, him without his death. At last I238; bridges damaged. 51 : death, hit it. -- o-

1- o- - 7 " 7 7 lT,,J : in i tired. 10.

danco last evening at their hall onFort street, over Wich man's store.About fifty couples were presentand a very enjoyable time was hadby the participants.

The hall was very prettily decor-ated with flags. Over the dais atthe front of the room were Englishand American flags intertwined,and on a large banner in the otherend the words "Sons of St. George"

EGrAlNr & G-ITN-N,

' 1 - -

Fr.oor. is Oita. So far as areknown, the number of deaths bythe floods in thi3 prefecture is over."00, while 134 head of cattle werekilled. About 21?,0 houses were

111 the Air

i got a large stomacn pump anastarted in to work on that hog. Jtmay seem large, but C000 poundsof refined lard were taken out inless than three hours.' When wegot through nothing but a skele-ton covered with skin was left, butwith careful nursing he recovered,

. Hals and lioimcls!Fort Street Brewer Bloc!destroyed or carried away, 10,232 appeared.lllOre Wern niilimprrrrwl nnil 310 Refreshments were served in the

rear room. Dancing was kept upuntil a late hour and all went home And also at the Music Empor-

ium of the Hawaiian News Co.In the past month, we have

vowing that if another was given,

cho of arable and building land and has been pet ever since. Everyand ealt beds also suffered from Tnn- - ?n(! fal1, ncnY' aml some"the floods. times during the hot summer

. ,," . months, that animal comes up to1 he following telegram is said toTp,1" the house to have the operation re-na- ve

been privately received To--in riii44tmT peated. 1 he quantityt 1 rh1, ,Z VT : ,1 7Ce" 'ained '3 gradually increasing, andU.i''a" Ae?,'b' jst I left home this time, I

they would everyono come againlhere was some talk of having made many improvements andanother dar.ee of the same kind in


Dress Goods in great variety,

Kainbow and Embroidered("rape,

Feathers anil Flowers

Now Curtain Materials,Silk aud Volvot Ribbons,

Leather and Silver Belts.

the near future. THIS SVCJS IS RKSERVEDadditions, both as to varietyand quality of stock and gene-ral arrangement of thedepartment.

Our latest importations inIJ ,S.l . were

got a fifty-wor- d telegram (collect)"Tobin bronze," made so well- -

i rovisional Government, on the FOR THE ANNOUNCEMENT OKknown by the cup defender Vigilant, is the invention of Passed the Piano lino consists of tho

that 4338 pounds of lard had beendrawn the day before. We expectto pass the 5000 pound mark nextepring."

This story was too much evenAssistant Engineer Tobin, of the CsT eWcelebrated make of '"Everett" (xoods !navy. He has received many con of Boston and "Schillier" ofgratulations on tho success of thefor the barnacles on tho wharf. i i J it. . . a i (ri i linunnn o i t i i t i FORThev all. with one accord, dronned new compound as a slieatlnng lor y.l .""r""1". .V."1banco of tone and perfection' ii I ll ilev and eieninf for vus&uia in suit water, anu n, is saiuon the pi 1ST. S. SACHSthat the naw department will ot action and considered by all

plea that the money had been col-lected by tho ex-que- en from aforeign country for the fund of herrestoration."

Marriages in Tokio city in Sept-ember numbered 501, while di-vorces during tho same periodwere 199 or 39 per cent, of mar-riages. In Yotsuya-ku- , there were12 divorces to S marriage?, whilein Shitaya there were 9 divorces to41 marriages.

On the 14th, 17 boats with 17

water, sank out of eight. Ricemake experiments to determine its connoisseurs of the music artadaptability for naval vessels. as superior instruments in of the -

every respect. Three of these

said nothing. Iut . the lookthat he gave Lougee, showedthat ho gave up all claim to beingthe champion of the water front,a position he has proudly held for

Novelties in RuchliitfChiffon Handkerchiefs and




Pianos just "to hand by last P0PTTT ATisteamer; also cabinet OrgansICcio Uitrtiscmciit3.

Marshal's Sale.


Street - - Honolulu.year3. lie lieayed a deep sign and for parlor, church or schools;

men from Suyo-mur- a, in Asa-gu- n ; I went up to Nolte's and drowned his 520 Fortevery instrument fully warb boats with 14 men, from r ujiya-- 1 sorrows in the flowing coffee bowl. ranted for five years. The

installment plan for the saleLougee went and expressed hisglee in the same way but itwasn't coffee. 1y vntTUE of a witiT of or i ianos anu Urgans maugu- -

y Kxecution, issued cut of tho .Sun-- rnfnd r no flvn vonvo n cm. Unaonrt, on the P.lst day of October. . 2!re me

A. D. 1S113. against J. Kiilwell defend Honolulu

ma-mur- a ; and 21 boats with 81men, from Kishigiwa-mur- a inYoshishiki-gun- , were lost sight of;and have left no trace whateverbehind them.

Captain Ingles who returnedhome a few days ago, is to be thelast of foreign advisers to the navaldepartment. The naval depart-ment consider that tho navy will

many a home in Honolulu can Cyclcrybear testimony. We shall con

ant, in f:ivor of I'.G.Cdmarinos, plaintifT,for the sum of $1459.21, I havelevied upon ami shall expose forsale at the 1'olice Station, in the Districtof Honolulu, Island of Oahu, at 12 o'clockof WEDNESDAY, tho Oth day of

tinue same and increase ourfacilities in this branch as thetrade demands. THE AWIORV, liKiiEiAiMA ST.,

TZie Wreck, of the Miowera.It is an ill wind that blows no-

body any good. The wreck of theMiowera gives the San Franciscosteam line to Australia anotherchance for life. A steamer capableof steaming fourteen knots an hourfor a voyage of seven thousandmiles is not picked up in the Colo-nies every day. It will hardly bepossible to replace the Miowera for

December, A. D. 1S93, to the highestbidder, all the rij;htr title and interest of Just landed a new line ofnow be able to get on without any

assistance from a foreign expert. said J. Kidwell delendant,that certain piece or parcel

in and to piano Stools in various style?,S of oahui Prices from $1.75 up; also HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., Wootla & Broml lrpil"mited at Manoa, in the islan

beiii the land more particularly describCHINA.

The forts which the Chinese au- - ed in lioyal Patent No. 454G, unless saidjudgment, interest, costs and mythorities have been building at the some time, and meanwhile the new

genuine maue American uuit-ar- s,

elegant tone and wellfinished S7.50; cheap Germanmake as low as $4.

Special Order Departmentfor Sheet Music and Music

LADIES AND UKSTH'southern part of Chong-shan- , Chin- - expenses be previous! v raul.E. G. HITCHCOCK,

Marshal.Honolulu, November 0, 1S9;.

3529-- 5 tw

Canadian-Australia- n line is vir-tually out of the field. If cur con-gress were an observing body itwould see in the present catastrophe

AND ob PrintersBook Cushion Tire Safeties and Tandem

an opportunity to retain and en1 ft T ilarge our Australian trade, it is O YOU FEEDDworth retaining and cultivating

Books if you will hand usyour orders and same cannotbe filled from our large assort-ment in stock, we will bookit in our "special orders'which go forward to tho pub

it is tne only loreign commerce THE BABY!

kiacg, Kiangsu, are now completed.A Chinese paper states that a

wealthy famil' in the western su-

burbs of the city of Nanking pos-sess a son having four hands andtwenty fingers, every one of themperfect and useful.

The Chinese emissary sent byTonkin authorities to negotiatewith the brigands who are nowholding M. Couyer and M. Iloty toransom, has returned and reportsthat they now demand $100,000 fortho former gentleman and $70,000

BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS ANDthis country has which shows a By tl ie day or tiour. Hiding k'OHonHniven day or evening.large gold balance in our favor.

Steamers from the colonies often The Skin need.s foo J. If the Com- -. ipiex:on is sallow, rongn, waiy, jianpiy, lishers every mail; in this way

we will save you much trou- -bring to this port large amounts of it is because it is not tea withLOLA 3I0XTEZ C11E3IE ble as wellthe yellow metal with which to

lhiuidato the indebtedness to our as money, as we 1QEHTS FOR THS CELEBRATEDThe Skin rood and Tissue Builder,merchants of their antipodean cus make no charge fot postage.It is our aim to keep in stockposit ivelv the onlv safe and keliabi.k ar

tomers. This verv desirable state ticle for the Complexion. Absolutelyharmless, opens the pores, increases the American Rambler Safetieseverything connected with the

music trade; parties out ofof ail airs was virtually forced uponus by tho enterprise of our cousins natural and necessary secretions of the JVLercliant St., Honolulu.skin. Kesteres the ilesh to firm healthy

ptato of youth. Prevents wrinkles.across the Pacific. Despairing of town will find it to their ad-vantage to deal with us and

for the latter, besides 50 pieces ofsilk and 12 gold watches.

The unfortunate steamer SanAntonio, which after salving theburnt-ou- t Don Juan was caughtsmuggling $100,000 worth of silvercoin into the Philippines, and was

meeting with anything like recip CJood for barns, chapped lips and hands.not send their orders abroad.rocal treatment here, they have re .h&l ot lasts three months.

PRICE 75 CENTS.jf3TAsk your druggist for it. PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTINGcently joined hands with Canada

in the establishment of the newsteam line, of which the Mioweraafterwards wrecked near Iloilo, HOW CAN YOU TOLERATE Music Department

Freckles. Pim- -floated again, and towed to Manila ag the piineer ship Tbisvas heras a derelict, is in trouble again. second vovace. The first was made

Fitted with Elliptic Bprockffi and il. A.J . corrugated air tube tire. TIipbo tirHcan be fitted to any pneumatic safety,they are practically puncture proof, donot Blip on wet roads, and are very ant.Any desired trear can be furnished viththese wheels from No. f6 to 80.

While on my Rambler wlnfd I'm eratl,And up the street, I swiftly Klule,

Tby nay discussion, prows quite heatedTo know what wheel that lunn dot ti ri le ;

And when my wheel I let them try,They exclaim with look intent

This is the wheel we'll ure!y buyIf we don't lay up a cent.

PROMPTLY AND NEATLY EXECUTED' yellow or mud Tiie Hawaiian News Co.dy 8kin, mouthWrinkles or any

AVhilo lying oil Cavite, a marine 5n twentv-tw- o days, or two or threesuburb of Manila, awaiting repairs, days lep'3 than lbe averag0 timeon September 30th, a typhoon came occupje j i,y the gteamers that comealong, tore her adrift and slammed tQ this t Xo douU the anxietv

(Limited.)form of facial disfigurement when Lav Books and IilAnkst

Lawyers Briefs,linr intn tho cruiser Don .Juan de HAWAIIAN.Mrs. Nettie Harof the commander to make a rapid

rison guarantees. T t d.

Pamphlets of any kind,Freight and Plantation Books,

Colored Poster Work,

Business and Visiting Cards,

Co.Pork Paclriiur,1.,r. j --t. consiuer your.4

passage led to his attempt to enterthe coral-boun- d harbor of Honoluluwithout waiting outside for thepilot. The wreck of his fine vesselis the result. S. F. Xews Letter.

A1I Kinds of Bicycle Repairing Done

Statistical Work,

Lithograph Colored Cards,Ball and Wedding Cards,

Ieltfirhonds printed in

7jAxHiuwv fone.Mrs. Harrison treats ladies for all de The above Company is prepaied

to buyfects of face and figure. The permaProgrammes, Billheads,

Copying Ink, Etc., Etc?., Etc.,nent removal of superfluous hair Etguaranteed. HAWAIIAN HOGS !at short notice and at reasonableprices. All work guaranteed. Work fronjthe other islands attended to and return-ed promptly.

MRS. XILTTIE IIVKIiISOTVinericiis I3ejiity Doctor. -- O-

Austria, from which she cannonedoff and hit the cruiser Don Antoniode Ulloa. Considerable damagewas done to the standing gear andminor fittings of the two warshipsand several boats wero smashedup. Comparatively little damagewas sustained by the San Antonio,as she was already so badlyweather-beaten- ; it is estimatedthat she will cost $32,000 or $33,-00-0

before going to sea again.Hongkong Telegraph.

Visited the Philadelphia.Hon. A. S. Willis, United States

minister plenipotentiary and envoy

26 Geary Street, San Francisco, Cal.In any quantity at Highest Market

Price.2Pics for Koaetin, Dressed or onfiET-F-

or sale by HOLLISTER A CO..Druggists, 10J rort M., Honolulu.

A Good Epitaph.Among examples of "pious sen-

timents missing their mark" thefollowing beats all competitorsthat I have come across. It issaid to come from a tombstone inthe northwest provinces. I do notknow whether it is new, but it isgood enough to bear repetition :

Foot. ca JjjOOKManufacturers of

Extra Leaf I - J,Criterion Saloon Guaranteed pure, and nade nnder the


Columbia Bicycle TartsOX HAND !

Alao, Lamps, Bells, Whistles, BundleCarriers, Lubricating Oil, HIuminatiaKOil, Bicycle Enamel, TrouHer Guards and

In all its Branches.inspection of the Board of Health.iETost Office Box 314; Mutual Tel.orsacked to the memory

The Rev. . 66.extraordinary to Hawaii, accompa- - Who after twenty years unremit- -

rKrt AUSTRALIAcoflicr Invoice of the celebrated


B2S Slaughter Yards and Pens, Iwilei.EST"Office, "West cor. Mannakea and Magazine, LjHW Book?,ting labor as a Missionary, Music Books,

Account and Time Books,Journals and Ledgers,

was accidently shotby his Kitmagar.

King Sta.

BOOK-BINDIN- G.BeeiLaBlank Books of any description,

Day Book3 and Cash Books,Map and Photograpn Mounting,

Albums, Old Books Re-boun- d,

gernied by United btates consul-gener- al

Ellis Mills, returned the officialvisit of Rear-Admir- al J. S. Sker-ret- t,

U. S. X., commanding the Pa-cific squadron, on board the V. S.F. S. Philadelphia at 3 o'clock yes-terday afternoon. On-2cavi- ng thecruiser the minister was accorded

Portfolios, Scrap-book- s,

Letter Copying Books,"Well done, thou good and faithful

Servant.''S. F. Xews Letter. Edge Gilding, Lettering in Gold,Also, a fresh Invoice of

cn.iForczsriiV oysters

rubber cement for mending leaky lirer..

Bicycles EnameledAnd small parts Nickle plated.

JSOrBarsains in New and Second handSafeties for Ladies, Gentlemen andBoys.

fiCall and examine them.3375-- tf

Home-mad- e enke, mayonaifiedressing and Parker hou?e rollscan be Lad made to order at 1 1G

Beretania street.

the usual salute. rom the Phila- - The Daily Advertiser is deliver Have YourFor.- -BINDING l MOROCCO. CALF, SHEEP, ROAN, RUSSIA, PERSIAN AND I OTH.delphia Minister Willis and the ed by carriers for 50 cents a month.

"d il tr-- tnt nrni- - rt ilia TT I t rTl 1 OO I OYSTER COCKTAILS1

S. S. Adams and after a brief stay th tim in snbscriha.

Music covered;Shabby Books made to look new ;

Library lettered with your name ;Hymn Book, Pocket Book,Card Case, etc. lettered.

IE3 IP IX 1F- - TT 1 1STon board came ashore.

L. II. DEE, Proprietor.Artistic printing at the GazetteOffice.Daily Advertiser 50c. per month HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY.3406 AT SHORT NOTICE FIRST-CLAS- S WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED

Page 6: CO i. - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · For Sale 4jlT A BARGAIN. A COLUMBIA Solid Tire Bicycle in good condition. Address "C," this office. 344S-t-f Massasre. MRS


SAX niAXCISCO xuws. riura! 3i)ccrttsemtnts. II : I 1 cr i i : i : -- at ..

rn i . . K A MAILK."COAL! list Received per S. S. Australia

Blacksmiths' Coal LARGE ASSORTMENT

OKIn bulk or purchaser to furnish bas at f 12.50 per ton.

Franklin E'2; Coal

Fine Woolen Goods

(From our special r. rrt -- i oii ! nt.)The firm of Wri-h- t. !!ov;r.'r V Co .

ship chandler?, ia in flnn:ici:;l trou-ble?. Unsuccessful v.ualir. ven-tures and inability to realize onordinarily solvent accounts is thocause. The creditors have extendedthe time for settlement one yearand V. K. Mighell haa been"

to act as their trustee.Feigenbauin Sc Co., the large-- :

wholesale toy houso on the coast,ha3 been attached for sums aggre-gating nearly $200,000. A lack oftraders the cause. The firm hasbeen in existence over thirty yearsand lias always been consideredeolvent.

Suit is to be brought by the un-derwriters to cnrnjif-- l Liebt-- s l!r.,tobacconist.", to disgorge about$57,000 paid for insurance. Thefirm's establishment was burnedout about two years ago, and in-

formation has come b light of afraudulent settlement.

John C. Quinn, internal revenuecollector, and his associates, whowanted to control the Wasp as ameans of furthering his guberna-torial aspirations, have lost th'-i-r

litigation to control the paper, andT. K. FJynn will remain In (Jhi- -

use or any purpose; barna clean and with-out not black utensils of a kitchen with a

inviriably the Coal used by every house-keeper Eastern .States and will 0 50 per cent,

ordinary .American or Australian softa trick in'knowing how to use it which isand after you get your hand in with it,

u?e any other. In bags at your door foryou can cet your drayman to cart it toprice will be f 13 per ton.

anthraciteFor household

crrioke, doesinch of hool; is

in tLefarther Mian theCoal. There iseasily acquiredyou will nver$15 ier ton, or ifyou in l.ulk. the

E&TTU'm Coal i.s for sale only by

C. BREWERS531-3-


Gout's Furnishing (foods& CO., L'D.QUEEN STREET.



TABLE COYEKS Merchant Tailors



Robinsoa Block, Hotel Street, between Fort and Nuuanu.

Fiirniture, Upholstery-- AT-

Tlae Clearanoe Sale !AND




x J LH


of the


Are you going to keep upwith the times and have yourHouse lit up by KK'Ctl'icity,or are you goin to keepright on in the same old rutand burn oil simply becauseyou have grown use to the un-

comfortable heat, the strongodor, to say nothing of thedanger from explosions, andbother of cleaning and filling

your lamp, ordering your oil,

etc.? "Which is the easiest, tohave a .switch at the head ofyour bed and turn on a loc.p.lamp when the baby begins to

talk politics at 1 a. m., or to

get up, fall over three chairsand pull off half the wall or-

naments feeling for the matchsafe and then be told,- - just as

the lam) ia well lighted, to" please put out the light,baby is alright now V1

In a few short months the

n awaiian



will be able to furnish all theLight and Power the City ofHonolulu wilt require, and, as

we now have some six largewiring contracts to begin on,as soon as the ustralia getsin with a big lot of assortedwire, we would call the atten-

tion of those wanting ElectricLights in their Houses at an

early date to the advisabilty of

having the wiring done soon.

As only a limited number ofgood house wire men arc tobe had, contracts for wiringwill have to be taken up in

turn in the order received.After the Australia gets in

we will have a complete line

of everything needed to wire

any buildine, including Elec-

troliers, Brackets, etc., and a

large assortment of plain andfancy Shades.

Leave your order ear-

ly and have the satisfaction ofhaving 3-o-

ur ITouse ready for

the lights when the current is

turned on from the Xew Sta-

tion now under way.




l3"Matting4layiiig a specialty. All orders attended to.




Butter-mil- k Toilet Soap !

7()ver 2,000,000 cakes sold in 1692. 27The finest Toilet Soap made.


a3i(nsrso:isr, smith & co.3507-t- f


of tho Rest Manufacture

o- -

and Furnishers.




A new and pretty line of iinow bving displayed at "Ka Mails,"all havia bceu personally selected.


There are India and Sarrah Silks,Fozsce and Crape Silks, PersianLans, Mails, Stiss Muslins, Organ-dies and many others.



lias not been neglected.


Is as complete as ever.It will be impossible to describe or

enumerate all that we have, but requestyon to step in and see for yourself.

"Ka Maile" bejrs to announce thatthe Dry Goods Department will beunder the management of Mr. W. II.Nichols, late of New York. 3471-- tf

Hawaiian StampsWANTED.

IWILL PAY CASII, FOR EITHERlargo or email quantities of used Ha-

waiian Postage Stamps, as follows :(These offers are per hundred and any

quantity will be accepted, no matter howemail, at the same rates.)1 cent, violet $ 751 cent, blue 751 cent, green 402 cent, vermilion 1 502 cent, brown . 752 cent, rose 302 cent, violet, 1891 issue 505 cent, dark blue 1 505 cent, ultramarine blue 1C06cent,jrreen 2 5010 cent, black 4 0010 cent, vermilion 5 0010 cent, brown 2 5012 cent, black 6 0012 cent, mauve 0 0015 cent, brown 5 0018 cent, red 10 0025 cent, purple 10 0050 cent, red 25 00$1, carmine 25 001 cent envelope 502 cent envelope.. 754 cent envelope 2 005 cent envelope 2 0010 cent envelope 5 00

gOSSXo torn stamps wanted at anyprice. Address :

GEO. E. WASHBURN,P. O. Box 2063. Ban Francisco, Cal.

3021 1418-t- f


Fertilizing CompanyWhile thankful to the Planters for

their generous support duringthe past year, do now

offer a few tons of

Various Grades of FertilizersStill remaining on hand, and ready for

tnmeuiate delivery :

Complete High. Grade Fertilizers,


Rotted Stable Manure and Land Plaster,Sulphate Potash and Muriate Potash,

Nitrate of Soda and Dried Blood,. Dissolved Laysen Island Guano,

Pure Raw Bone MealGround Coral Lime Stone,Etc., Etc., Etc.

Having disposed of Large Quantities ofManures and High Grade Fertilizersduring the year 1892, we are now pre-pared to receive orders lor 1893, de-livery in quantities to suit.

F""We will give tenders for anyQuantity and of any Grades desired.

Fertilizers made to order, and anyanalysis guaranteed.

CST" While making your orders foi1893, give ns a call, or send yourorders to

A. F. COOKE,Manager Hawaiian Fertilizing Co.

TnTETW goodsA Fine Assortment.

TILES FOR FL00EAnd for Decorating Purposes ;

Matttito op all Kinds,

Maitila Cigabs.

Chinese Fire Crackers, Rockets andbombs, Japanese Provision and Soy.

Hand-paint- ed Porcelain Dinner Set.

A few of those fine hand-embroider- ed


Assorted colors and patterns of CrepeSilkh&wl8. Elegant Tete-ateCu- ps

and Saucers. A fine lot of

BOATS AND ACCESS0KIESA lev of those handy Mosquito Urn

Also, an assortment of new styles of

Rattan Chair3 and. TablesAlso, a small selection of JAPANESE



No. 22 Nuuanu Stxoat.2651-- q

CH18. ER2WE2 & CO.'S

Boston Line of Packets.IMPORTERS WILL PLEA8B

ct--V take notice that the fine


Newkix, Master,

Will positively sail on OCTOBER 15th.

Cy-Fo- r further particulars apply to




O- -




74 King Street.1499




cago.M. Key Wilson Co., milliners,

have gone under; liabilities .$3000,assets $200. Fraud i3 charged.

A contemplated jail break hasbeen discovered at the county jail.John McXulty, who is under sen-tence of death, gave the plot away.

The Traftic Association has con-cluded its second year, and, byfipecial vote, it will be continuedtwo years longer.

Governor Mark ham ha.s ap-pointed Edward A. llelcher to besuperior judge vice Kugene 11.

Garber, resigned.llenjamin Cleveland, porter in

tho post-oflic- e, ha3 been detectedas the man who robbed the regis-tered mail of $700 in gold dustabout a month ago.

The law partnership of BarclayHenley and Howard MacSherryhas been dissolved on account ofMacSherry's expensive habits andfailure to account for funds.

D. A. Macdonald's planing millon Spear street, near Mission, wasburned on the evening of the 21th.Loss, $75,000.

It is now stated that the totalembezzlements of J. K. Watsonand other es of thepaper house of Blake, Moilitt &Towne, may reach $r0,00 . Atfirst it was supposed that $2000would cover everything.

J. B. Stetson has succeeded Wil-liam Steele as president and man-ager of tho North Pacific Coastnarrow gauge road.

W. C. Ilippey, who 6hot John W.Mackay, has been sentenced to paya fine of $250 for the revolver prac-tice. He will have to serve it out injail at $1 per day.

A bust of Senator Stanford inclay by Itupert Schmid, tho sculp-tor, is ncaring completion.

Frank ("King") McManus andState Senator W. J. Dunn havebeen arrested for conspiracy inbribing certain of the jurors whoacquitted M. B. Curtis. Curtis,his wife and one of tho jurors arenot to be found.

Marvelous progress is being madeon the buildings for the MidwinterFair. Governor Markham was oneof tho recent visitors to the groundsand he stated that he had no ideasuch progress had been made.

In blasting out a cliff on Twenty-firs- tstreet the explosion was pre-

mature and two men were crushedunder an immense mass of rock,wiitlo another was mortally

' wounded.Consideration of the duty on

opium is soon to come up beforethe committee on ways and meansin congress. It is rumored aboutthe custom-hous- e that an at-

tempt is to be made to raise theduty from $12 a pound to $15.This i3 ostensibly to restrain theimportation of the drug which hasso terrible an effect upon the stead-ily increasing number of peoplewho become slaves to its use. Thearguments for raising the duty, itis claimed, will be paid for bylargo sums of gold from the coffersof the opium ring at Victoria. In-

creased tariff means increased pro-fits to smugglers. Alreadv, it issaid, a "sack" of $235,000 has beensent to Washington. This is inthe hands of a lobby who are try-

ing to convince eastern congress-men that the only way to repressthe dreadful traflic is by puttingthe duty at such a figure cs to dis-courage importation.



Contents for October.Adjourned Annual Meeting-- .

A Cheap Sprayer.Calumet Field Experiments.Sugar Prospects.White's Fibre Machine.Oil for Machinery Is it Necessary ?Field Experiments with Sugarcane

on Calumet Plantation, Patterson,La.

Electricity in Clarification.Is Diffusion the Process of the future?The Silver Question.A National Irrigation Convention.The Vedalia's First Cousin.The Perfect Horse.Complete Consumption of Coal.The Vedalia Cardinal is.Cane Cutting with White Labor in (


rLr. - 5.

''ill" l''-':''--f

lScdroom Sets, Wicker Ware,Cheffoiiiers and Chairs





2T"Special orders for Wicker Ware or all kinds of Furniture to suitat low prices.

firAll orders from the other islands will receive our prompt attention andFurniture will be well packed and goods sold at San Francisco prices.

-- 0-

J. HOPP 5c CO.,3493

Steel and Iron Ilanges, Stoves and Fixtures,HOUSEKEEPING GOODS 1ND KITCHEN UTENSIL8,

AGATE WARE IN GREAT VARIETY,White, Gray anJ fiilver-platc- d.


Plumbers' Stock, Water and Soil Pipes.

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work,


CARPETS, RUGS, and MATS in the latest patterns,"6 EToiiseh-ol- d

99 Sewing: 3VacliiiiesHand Sewing Machines, all with the latest improvements.

Also on handWesterinayer's Celebrated Cottage Pianos !

Parlor Organs, Guitars and other Musical Instruments.tTTor sale by

KD.1H0FFSCHLAE6ER &TCO-- ,King Street, opposite Castle & Cooke.





On Alakea and Richards near Queen Street. Honolulu, II. I.

ABYERTI SEllis MOULDINGS,Doors, Sasli, Blinds, Screens, Frames, Etc.




gjLf Prompt attention to all orders.


Queensland. !

Shall We Grow Tobacco ? !

ThriviDg on Hemp. j

Dont's for Engineers. j Cor. Fort asd Kicg Sis. BELL 498.