Designing the future: emerging models of leadership Diane Heritage, Regional Associate for Succession Planning and Models and Partnerships East Riding 25 November 2010

Coalition Policy on Education

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Designing the future: emerging models of leadership Diane Heritage, Regional Associate for Succession Planning and Models and Partnerships East Riding 25 November 2010. Coalition Policy on Education . Hands off Let the system sort itself out De-centralise - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Designing the future:emerging models ofleadershipDiane Heritage, Regional Associate for Succession Planning and Models and Partnerships

East Riding 25 November 2010

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Coalition Policy on Education

Hands offLet the system sort itself outDe-centralisePut power into the hands of the consumerBig society...............................

“teachers and leaders are hindered by over-prescription, complicated inspection systems and bureaucratic procedures...”

“.....new approach based on trust, responsibility and freedom (which) requires a fundamental change in the relationship between schools and the Government, Ofsted and Local Authorities.”Nick Gibb 23/9/10

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“This government’s determination is to give school leaders more power not only to drive improvement in their own schools, but across the education system...”

"We know that the best way of improving schools is by getting the professionals who have already done a brilliant job to spread their wings..."

Rt Hon Michael Gove MP 3

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‘Creating a self improving system’ David Hargreaves identifies four building blocks of a self improving system:

– clusters of schools– a local solutions approach – co-construction – system leaders

These building blocks, in combination with current and potential future models of leadership could generate improvement of the system from within.


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He argues that......

‘Increased decentralisation provides an opportunity for a new vision of school improvement that capitalises on the gains made in school leadership and in partnerships between schools. It would usher in a new era in which the school system becomes the major agent of its own improvement and does so at a rate and to a depth that has hitherto been no more than an aspiration.’

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System Leaders .....

One of school leaders’ new roles is increasingly to work with other schools and other school leaders, collaborating and developing relationships of interdependence and trust. System leaders, as they are being called, care about and work for the success of other schools as well as their own. Crucially they are willing to shoulder system leadership roles because they believe that in order to change the larger system you have to engage with it in a meaningful way.

(OECD, 2008: 9)


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Executive Headteacher

Head of School

National Leader of Education

Local Leader of Education

Locality ManagerExtended Services ManagerDCS


Professional Partner

Consultant Head

Trust Chief ExecutivePrincipal from Academy Chain

Lead Headteacher

National College Regional Associate

Leadership Partner School Headteacher

National Support Schools

Principal of Inclusive Learning Centre

Head of Community LearningMentor for new HT

Partnership FacilitatorLeadership Succession Consultants

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“In the savannah, when the watering hole begins to run

dry, the animals start to look at one another rather differently”

Professor Ben Levin


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What is stimulating new models?Models and partnerships are developing in response to a number of stimuli:

The drive to raise standards Meeting the learning and well being needs of every student and member of staff The need to ensure sustainability of leadership of schools in all sectors The drive for ‘efficiencies’ in the current economic climate Securing effective governance of schools The 0-19 agenda as well as 14-19 developments Support and sustainability of small rural community primary schools The particular needs of faith schools Better cross agency delivery and the promotion of community cohesion Locality issues and challenges Capital Programmes

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Heads have always been older but never in these unique numbers…

In 1997 only 40% of heads were 50 years or older and only 13% were 55 or over

1977 1987 1997 200750+ 43.2 42.1 40.3 6455+ 19.4 21.2 12.8 33

DCSF sourced data

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Impact on Standards – National College research

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Partnerships require local strategic support, a framework forpartnership working and the development of skills required

forleading partnerships, forming partnerships and running


Partnerships don’t want to be stifled by their local authority but do

welcome intelligent support, trust and engagement.

Achieving More Together , Robert Hill, 2009

Achieving More Together

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Enablers / Barriers– Local Authorities – knowledge, willingness and ‘shared solution finding approaches’ or

insecure / lacking in capacity. Done to us rather than with us.

– Governors willing to recognise the need for new models and ‘able’ to explore the options or not

– HTs who have the capacity to embrace new ways of working and recognise the potential benefits to children & young people or not (collective responsibility v hoarding)

– Positive motivations well directed and supported by information, advice & guidance or negative, inward looking (chemistry & knowing where to look)

– High expectations that collaboration has benefits and potential impact on ‘standards’ or not worth the trouble / cynicism

– Individuals & organisations who make things happen – even in adversity or individuals or organisation that feel threatened

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School Business ManagementA quiet revolution - Geoff Southworth

90% of maintained secondary schools and30% of maintained primary schools have access to a School Business Manager. Most are part of the leadership teams.

Research suggests that where SBM support is available HTs cut their workload by 31% and reinvest 7% of the budget

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Developing a School Business Manager - investing to save?

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Investing to Save

The College intends to make up to around 200 grants available of up to £20,000 – with the aim of every local authority having at least one SBM Partnership. The College will part fund the Partnership’s contribution to the project, by supporting the group of schools (at least 75% primary) increased cost related to the appointment of an SBD or SBM for one year only.

NCSL/Mckinseys 2008

[email protected] or telephone 0115 872 2550SBM

Regional Advocate Morag Somerville [email protected]

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A ‘Typical ’ Local AuthorityYouth





Health services





Community & VA

Academies and free schools

ECM Clusters

Through Schools



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What are the differentmodels of leadership?NB. In all instances, this should be underpinned by a clear vision of how the chosen model will make a positive impact on the educational experience for pupils; it is this vision which will determine the resulting structure.

Single schoolsThis is the standard model with one school, one Headteacher and one governing body but shared headship is increasing as a new model of leadershipCollaborationsThis is a formal Partnership model using thecollaborative regulations to establish a strategic group across the Partnership.FederationsThis is where two or more schools are governed collectively under a single governing body.

Mixed Federations andCollaborationsThis is where groups of schools apply both sets of regulations according to their local circumstances.

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What are the differentmodels of leadership?

PartnershipsIn this model, groups of schools establish formal andinformal agreements to work together outside the statutory framework.

TrustsThis is a strategic model encompassing one or more schools with partners (educational and non-educational) to deliver improved outcomes.

AcademiesThese schools are expected to have innovative leadership structures to help them tackle underachievement. The new academiesare expected to work with other schools to help raise standards.

Free SchoolsThese schools will be independent of Local Authority Control and may besponsored by parents, community groups and others.

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What are the differentmodels of leadership?

Chains of SchoolsThese may be Academies or other providing bodies where successful schools support others to develop the same systems. They are already in existence and may be expanded in the future.

These new models necessitate consideration of internal models of leadership such as

Executive Headship

consultant leadership

co-leadership structures

job share and other approaches to leadership

planning for succession

Local authority initiativesThis is where local authorities work with schools todevelop partnership working across the LA area. Dioceses also have a significant role in supporting the development of models of leadership for faith schools and others to work together.

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Ingleton Primary – Job Share

Mon Tues Wed Wed Thur Fri

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In September 2002, 7 schools in the Yewlands catchment area of North Sheffield…

Each with a leader and leadership team decide to collaborate informally to deliver a shared learning


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… Putting children at the centre of all we do

we appointed shared curriculum Directors for music, MFL and sport…

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We identified and developed further shared

systems and work streams including community


Curriculum Directors Leadership and Governance


Learning & Teaching

Business Management

Community Engagement

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Over 7 years we have developed a federation within a collaboration impacting on the outcomes for our


Shared CPD

Clear ‘Brand’ Identity

Family Leadership RolesSafeguarding

Curriculum Directors

Executive Head of two schools – forming a federation

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Our focus on staff development has built

leadership succession for the family, but also provides a coherent learning journey for our

children 0-19+

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Joint 6th form confederation

Head of School (Dep head) Head of School

(Dep head)

Chief Exec STPC

Collaboration with executive HT

Fair Oak and Hagley Park Schools

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Full 3 to 19 provision

St Matthew Academy

Community allianceSingle leadership team

Shared system for inclusion

Innovative Curriculum single budgetSingle GB

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Short Heath Hard Federation

Leadership team

Mixed community and VA foundation model

Assistant Hd Ex Head.wmv

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Dunstable College

Trust partners plus associates

Trust partners


Harlington Area Schools Trust

Associate VA school

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The 21st Century Model?

Health services

Community groups

Youth services




Hard FederationCEO

Campus Management

Nurseries inc SureStart


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What makes a group of schools a chain?

• Able leaders in their own right

• Expert proponents and guardians of teaching and learning model

• Deployment of a critical mass of leadership direction and energy to get a school moving

Deploying key leaders across the chainThis applies not just to heads and senior leaders but curriculum, special needs and support staff as well

R Hill Consulting

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What makes a group of schools a chain?

Model understood and applied consistently

Shared NQT & CPD sessions

Deployment of ASTs

Cross-chain lesson


Sharing and comparing of


Monitoring and


A system for training leaders and other staff in applying the teaching and learning model:

R Hill Consulting

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“The future is


here: it is

just not

yet distributed

very well”William Gibson

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On-going work Introductory booklet plus booklets on ‘Partnerships and Collaboration’ and ‘Federation’ already published. These and other resources are going online. Exploring Models of Leadership Toolkit (downloadable and available to purchase for £10) Case Studies as a resource covering all models Commissioning research:-

Use of excellent leaders Non-QTS leaders Executive Headteachers Leadership in all-through schools

Models of Leadership website www.nationalcollege.org.uk/modelsofleadership Email and telephone support from experts in the field Regional event 30 November Royal Hotel, York Regional Associate [email protected]

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Next StepsTo find out more about models and partnerships you can:

> Go to the Models and Partnerships websitewww.nationalcollege.org.uk/modelsandpartnerships

> Download the Exploring Models of Leadership Toolkitwww.nationalcollege.org.uk/publications

> Contact the Models and Partnerships consulting [email protected] / Telephone 01158 722169

> Attend a models and partnerships eventwww.nationalcollege.org.uk/modelsofleadership/events

Look out for our information resources

1 Introduction to Models of Leadership (available now)

2 Sharing a single headship *2 Collaborations & Partnerships (available now)3 Federations (available now)4 Trusts *5 Academies and ‘Free Schools’ *6 All through schools *7 Executive Heads *8 School Business Manager *9 Chains of schools *10 Local Authorities *11 Faith Schools *

* Presently being written

The new resources will be downloadable from the

National College website