Coastal Waters Research Synergy Framework Coastal Altimetry Nadim Dayoub, Paolo Cipollini, Helen Snaith This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement no 687289

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Page 1: Coastal Altimetry - Co-ReSyFco-resyf.eu/.../07/...RA-Lecture_Coastal-Altimetry.pdf · Coastal Altimetry Standard altimetry does not quite go all the way to the coast! Traditionally,

Coastal Waters Research Synergy Framework

Coastal Altimetry Nadim Dayoub, Paolo Cipollini, Helen Snaith

This project has received

funding from the European

Union’s Horizon 2020 Research

and Innovation Programme under

grant agreement no 687289

Page 2: Coastal Altimetry - Co-ReSyFco-resyf.eu/.../07/...RA-Lecture_Coastal-Altimetry.pdf · Coastal Altimetry Standard altimetry does not quite go all the way to the coast! Traditionally,

One of the research applications that will be demonstrated concerns coastal altimetry

So we need to introduce you to satellite altimetry first, then motivate its extension to the coastal zone, and explain some of the processing that support the application

In detail, today’s objectives are:

examine the need for satellite altimetry

introduce the technique

introduce coastal altimetry

make sure you’re familiar with the main processing steps that are needed to produce good data

show how the data can be used for and sea level research, in a hands-on demonstration

2Aim of this lecture

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Let’s start from a very simple question:


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Coastal Waters Research Synergy Framework

Is the sea really flat?

No, there are ‘bumps’ and ‘troughs’ due

to ocean circulation

And the mean sea level is not constant

but it varies with time.

Picture: funasagran.co.uk

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the signature of oceanic currents

the signature of extreme events,

such as storm surges

the long-term variations in sea level

due to melting of glaciers and ice

sheets and to thermal expansion

5What sea level tells us

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Oceanic Currents

NEMO Ocean model output

Andrew Coward, NOC


At large scales (100+ km) the sea has bumps and

troughs of 10s of cm and there is geostrophy –

balance between pressure gradient and Coriolis

force – so large scale currents are on the sea level

slope as shown below


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Surge due to Hurricane Katrina,29 August 2005

Extreme Events - surges 7

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8Long-term Sea Level change

Credit: J. Balog/Extreme ice Survey

Melting of Columbia Glacier, Alaska.

2009 2015

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Sea Level Information is essential

… to coastal managers, marine operators,

oceanographers, climate scientists:• rates of sea level rise

• amplitude/phase of periodic variations• statistics of extreme events

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Fact: Sea Level is


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Tide gauges at the coast and on islands

good for local rates

but sparse, affected by land movement

(gives relative sea level)

Satellite altimetry

truly global!

measures absolute sea level

data along the track of the satellite can be

interpolated to give 2-D maps

11How do we measure sea


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Altimetry: Basic Principles

The altimeter is a radar at

vertical incidence

The signal returning to the

satellite is from quasi-specular


Measure distance between

satellite and sea (range)

Determine position of satellite

(precise orbit)

Hence determine height of

sea surface:

Height = Orbit - Range

To look for currents

oceanographers require

height relative to geoid

(for mean sea level variations

we don’t need the geoid)

Sea Surface


Reference ellipsoid



Ocean dynamic surface topography (DT)

= Orbit - Range - Geoid





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It’s done by measuring the time T that the radar pulse takes for the two-way trip

range = c . T / 2

c speed of light in vacuum

BUT we want altimetry to be very accurate ~ 1 cm from ~1000 km

so we need to CORRECT for all possible ‘delays’ to the pulse

(it’s not in vacuum! there’s the atmosphere in between)

13Measuring Range


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Instrumental corrections

distance antenna/Center of Gravity; internal path


Ionospheric correction

compensates for delay due to free electrons in the


made with models, or derived by dual-frequency

altimeter ranges

Dry tropospheric correction

compensates for delay due to air molecules

made with atmospheric pressure models

14Range corrections - 1

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Wet Tropospheric correction

compensates for delay due to water vapour. Tricky! (WT varies fast in space and time!)

can be done with a WT model (ECMWF for instance)

better: from a microwave radiometer (MWR) co-located on the altimeter satellite. But falls apart in the coastal zone when land enters MWR footprint

best: combination of MWR, models, WT observations at GNSS coastal stations (“GPD+” correction by University of Porto)

Sea State Bias

depends on sea state - compensates for wave skewness and stronger returns from troughs than crests

empirical models are used

15Range corrections - 2

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The measured height also contains the signal due to TIDES and to ATMOSPHERIC FORCING on the

surface of the ocean (pressure and wind)

for some applications these signals are left in – for

instance if interested in the total water level in a

storm surge

for other applications there are removed, using

tidal and atmospheric models – for instance to

study long-term sea level variations.

16Geophysical corrections

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Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA):

SSHA= ALT – ( Robs + corrections ) – MSS

SSHA= ALT – Robs – Δiono–Δdry–Δwet–Δssb– hocean – hload – hearth – hpole– hatm– MSS

Dynamic Topography (DT): replace MSS with the geoid in the

above equation.

Total Water Level Envelope (TWLE): keep the ocean, pole

tides and atmospheric forcing effects

TWLE= ALT – Robs – Δiono–Δdry–Δwet–Δssb – hload – hearth – MSS


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1-D (along-track) measurement18

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Example: Sea Surface Height along the ground track of a satellite altimeter


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Coastal Altimetry

Standard altimetry does not quite go all the way to the coast!

Traditionally, data in the coastal zone are flagged as bad and left unused

(coastal zone: as a rule of thumb 0-50 km from coastline, but in practice, any place where standard altimetry gets into trouble as radar waveforms are non-standard and/or corrections become inaccurate)

20+ years of data in the coastal stripcan be recovered!


In recent years a vibrant community of researchers has started to

believe that most of those coastal data can be recovered and that coastal altimetry can be a legitimate component of

coastal observing systems!


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NOC’s coastal altimetry

processor (ALES) Adaptive Leading-Edge

Subwaveform algorithm (ALES)

(Passaro et al., 2014)

Yields more precise SSH and

SWH in the coastal zone:

Validated for SSH for Envisat,

Jason-1/-2, AltiKa (Passaro et al

2014, 2015a, 2015b, 2016,

Passaro and Quartly 2015)

Validated for SWH for Envisat,

Jason-1/2 (Passaro et al 2015)


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Geographical region

lon/lat box

Time domain

start/end time of the requested data

Distance limits

Distance in km from the coastline

Range and Geophysical Corrections

mainly for experience users (Default options available)

We get up-to-date corrections from the RADS archive


Current Selections Status 22

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23Choice of the Geo Box

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Current Outcome

A structure of arrays (netCDF format)

Time, lat, lon

Orbit, Range, MSS, Geoid


Error Fields

All used corrections


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25Coastal Processor Work Flow

Time span Lon/lat box Distance limits



J2 SGDR files

RADS files






outputs for

user to


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We will show how to derive along-track profiles of SSHA, TWLE and SWH for a couple of Jason-2

tracks crossing the Portuguese coast

For the reprocessing we will use updated

corrections and the ALES retracking algorithm that

normally yields reliable estimates up to 2-3 km from

the coast

These data support applications on coastal

dynamics, sea level rise, monitoring of the wave

field, etc…

26Specific application

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Nadim Dayoub, NOC Southampton ([email protected])

Paolo Cipollini, NOC Southampton

([email protected])

27Contact us