Coconut Milk Ice Cream Recipes 100% Dairy Free and Vegan By Raphael Rettner D.C.

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Coconut Milk Ice Cream Recipes

100% Dairy Free and Vegan By Raphael Rettner D.C.

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Coconut Milk Ice Cream Recipes

By Raphael Rettner D.C. www.chirovideo.com

Version 1.00August, 2010

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About the Author

Dr. Raphael Rettner is a Palmer College of Chiropractic West graduate and has been in practice since 1982. Dr. Rettner is one of the most highly skilled and respected chiropractors in the United States. He has made numerous radio and T.V. appearances, is the author of Vegetarian Cooking for People with Allergies and has produced several DVDs including: End P.M.S Now!, The Ultimate Diet, and Twelve Causes of an Unstable Spine. He has studied both force and non-force techniques such as Advanced Biostructural Correction, Applied Kinesiology, Biophysics, Gonstead, S.O.T. and over a dozen others. With a combination of creative thinking and an insatiable quest for knowledge, Dr. Rettner has developed several new and exciting chiropractic techniques. Since 1994 he has taught these in his Applied Trigger Points seminar to chiropractors all across the United States, Australia, Canada and England.

You can reach Raphael at [email protected]

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Table of Contents...........................................................................................................Introduction: 6

...............................................Chapter 1: Basic Coconut Milk Ice Cream Recipe: 7

.............................................................................Chapter 2: Avocado Ice Cream 8

.......................................................................Chapter 3: Black Rice Ice Cream: 10

.................................................................Chapter 4: Black Sesame Ice Cream: 11

....................................................................Chapter 5: Butter Pecan Ice Cream: 13

.............................................................Chapter 6: Carob Cinnamon Ice Cream: 14

........................................Chapter 7: Cinnamon, Ginger, Nasturtium Ice Cream: 15

.......................................................................Chapter 8: Chai Spice Ice Cream 16

..............................................................................Chapter 9: Fennel Ice Cream 17

.....................................................Chapter 10: Goji Berry Cinnamon Ice Cream: 18

......................................................................Chapter 11: Green Tea Ice Cream 19

......................................................................................Chapter 12: Kesari Kulfi: 20

.......................................................................Chapter 13: Lavender Ice Cream: 21

..................................................Chapter 14: Lavender-Lemon Balm Ice Cream: 22

................................................................Chapter 15: Licorice Spice Ice Cream: 23

.............................................Chapter 16: Meyer Lemon and Ginger Ice Cream: 24

......................Chapter 17: Moroccan Preserved Lemon and Ginger Ice Cream: 25

........................................................................Chapter 18: Pistachio Ice Cream: 26

...................................................................Chapter 19: Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream 27

......................................................................Chapter 20: Red Bean Ice Cream: 28

.................................................................Chapter 21: Rooibos Chai Ice Cream: 30

.................................................................Chapter 22: Thai Iced Tea Ice Cream: 31

.......................................Chapter 23: Toasted Coconut and Almond Ice Cream: 33

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.....................................................................Chapter 24: Fesenjoon Ice Cream: 34

..........................................Chapter 25: Coconut Ginger Macadamia Ice Cream 35

...................................................Chapter 26: Sweet Potato Coconut Ice Cream 36

...........................................Chapter 27: Beet, Carrot, Fennel Ginger Ice Cream 37

.........................................................Chapter 28: Mango Sticky Rice Ice Cream 38

.....................................................Chapter 29: Pomegranate Rosewater Sorbet: 40

.........................................................Chapter 30: Tamarind Chutney Ice Cream: 41

........................................................................................................Bibliography: 43

...........................................................................................................Resources: 44

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At the beginnning of the summer of 2010 I made the best investment of my life. I bought a “Cuisinart Automatic Yogurt-Ice Cream & Sorbet Maker” for $50 at Bed Bath and Beyond. It has given me hours of fun, making delicious ice cream recipes and trying out new ones. Since I am lactose intolerant and don’t use sugar either, all the following recipes are dairy and sugar free. I use only organic coconut milk and agave. The recipes are vegan as well, substituting lecithin for eggs. If you like ice cream, you’ll love these mind blowingly delicious recipes. Enjoy.

Don’t worry about putting on weight using coconut milk. Researchers have discovered the health giving benefits of coconut oil. The chain of molecules that make up the fat of coconut oil are known as medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). They are rapidly absorbed in the intestinal tract and are transported directly to the liver. There they enter the mitochondria (the energy factories of the cell) and are rapidly converted to energy. The healthy fat in coconut oil helps to satisfy hunger quickly and curb sweet cravings, keeping hunger at bay. MCTs raise the body’s metabolism leading to weight loss. They also improve thyroid function, increase energy and mental clarity and improve emotional stability.1

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Chapter 1: Basic Coconut Milk Ice Cream Recipe:


2 cans Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream (from Amazon.com) 1 can Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia1 T vanilla2 T lecithin1/4 tsp. Premier Pink Sea Salt Directions:

Place the freezer bowl of the ice cream maker in the freezer for a day before using. If you shake it and do not hear liquid moving, the cooling liquid is frozen. Put all the ingredients in the blender. Blend a few seconds until smooth. Assemble your ice cream maker. Pour the contents into the ice cream maker and let it run for 20 minutes. Then scoop out the ice cream and put it in a container and freeze. Before you do that, you might want to try some of the soft ice cream. It’s sooo good.

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Chapter 2: Avocado Ice Cream


3 cups avocado puree from about 3 ripe large avocados

1/2 cup lime juice2 cups Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream1 cup Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia2 T lecithin1/4 tsp. pink saltLime zest for garnish

Directions:1. Peel and pit 3 ripe large avocados and process

in a food processor until smooth. Measure out 3 cups for the ice cream. Reserve any extra for another use.

2. After making avocado puree, add water, agave and lime juice to the blender with 3 cups of the puree; pulse until well combined.

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Refrigerate the mixture. Garnish with lime zest, if desired.

3. Blend the ingredients for a few seconds and then pour the contents into the ice cream maker. Process the mixture in the ice cream maker for 20 minutes. Transfer to container and freeze.

4. Alternative Directions: Substitute 1 1/2 cups of water for the coconut milk.

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Chapter 3: Black Rice Ice Cream:

Rice ice cream, more than one hundred years old, is Italian. Gelato di riso is still served in gelato parlors in Italy.


1/2 cup cooked black rice2 cups Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream1 cup Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia1 T vanilla2 T lecithin1/4 tsp. pink salt 1/4 cup rose water 1tsp. cardomom


Blend 1/2 cup cooked black rice with the basic ingredients for a few seconds and then pour the contents into the ice cream maker. Process the mixture in the ice cream maker for 20 minutes. Transfer to container and freeze.

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Chapter 4: Black Sesame Ice Cream:

Ingredients:1/2 cup black sesame seeds toasted and ground 2 cups Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream1 cup Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic1-2 tsp. cinnamon1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia1 T vanilla2 T lecithin1/4 tsp. pink salt

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Blend the ingredients for a few seconds and then pour the contents into the ice cream maker. Process the mixture in the ice cream maker for 20 minutes. Transfer to container and freeze.

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Chapter 5: Butter Pecan Ice Cream:


1 1/2 cups water2 cups Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream1 cup Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic1/2 cup pecans1/2 cup macademia nuts1 T butter or ghee 1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia1 T vanilla2 T lecithin1/4 tsp. pink salt

Directions: Blend the ingredients for a few seconds and then pour the contents into the ice cream maker. Process the mixture in the ice cream maker for 20 minutes. Transfer to container and freeze.

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Chapter 6: Carob Cinnamon Ice Cream:


5 T Carob Powder2 tsp. cinnamon2 cups Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream1 cup Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia1 T vanilla2 T lecithin1/4 tsp. pink salt


Blend the ingredients for a few seconds and then pour the contents into the ice cream maker. Process the mixture in the ice cream maker for 20 minutes. Transfer to container and freeze.

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Chapter 7: Cinnamon, Ginger, Nasturtium Ice Cream:


2 1/4 tsp. cinnamon2 1/2 tsp. ginger root freshly juiced2 1/2 tsp. nasturtium flowers and stems juiced2 cups Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream1 cup Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia2 T lecithin1/4 tsp. pink salt


Blend the ingredients for a few seconds and then pour the contents into the ice cream maker. Process the mixture in the ice cream maker for 20 minutes. Transfer to container and freeze.

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Chapter 8: Chai Spice Ice Cream

Ingredients:1 3/4 tsp. ground cardamom3/4 tsp. ground cloves1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon1/2 tsp. ginger juice or powder 2 cups Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream1 cup Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic1/4 cup rosewater1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia1 T vanilla2 T lecithin1/4 tsp. pink salt

optional: fennel, licorice, all spice


Blend the ingredients for a few seconds and then pour the contents into the ice cream maker. Process the mixture in the ice cream maker for 20 minutes. Transfer to container and freeze.

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Chapter 9: Fennel Ice Cream


1&1/4 cups fresh fennel, juiced 2 cups Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream 1 cup Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic 1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia 1 T vanilla 2 T lecithin 1/4 tsp. pink salt 1 tsp. cardomom


Juice fresh fennel until you get 1&1/4 cups of juice. Add the juice to a blender. Blend all the remaining ingredients with the fennel juice for a few seconds and then pour the contents into the ice cream maker. Process the mixture in the ice cream maker for 20 minutes. Transfer to container and freeze.

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Chapter 10: Goji Berry Cinnamon Ice Cream:


1 cup Goji berries. soaked 1 tsp. cinnamon2 cups Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream1 cup Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia1 T vanilla2 T lecithin1/4 tsp. pink salt


Blend the ingredients for a few seconds and then pour the contents into the ice cream maker. Process the mixture in the ice cream maker for 20 minutes. Transfer to container and freeze.

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Chapter 11: Green Tea Ice Cream


2 cans Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream1 can Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia4 T dried matcha green tea powder1 T vanilla extract2 T lecithin1/4 tsp. pink salt


Pour 1 can of classic coconut milk into a small saucepan. Add the Green tea powder. Warm on medium low heat until the coconut milk just begins to boil. Cover and remove from the heat. Steep for 15 minutes.

Whisk in 2 cans Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream and the coconut sugar or agave. Cover and chill in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. After it’s cooled down, add the remainder of the basic ingredients and blend for a few seconds. Then pour the contents into the ice cream maker. process the mixture in the ice cream maker for 20 minutes. Transfer to container and freeze.

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Chapter 12: Kesari Kulfi:Indian Ice Cream with Saffron and Pistachios:

Kulfi (Indian Ice Cream) Recipe

Ingredients:2 cups Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream1 cup Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia1/4 cup rosewater1 T vanilla2 T lecithin1/4 tsp. pink salt 1/8 teaspoon ground green cardamom seeds1/2 teaspoon crushed saffron threads 1/8 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg 1 cup unsalted shelled pistachios, finely ground 1/2 cup pistachios, coarsely chopped

Directions:Finely grind 1 cup pistachios in a food processor. Grind the saffron with a mortar and pestle. Bring 1 cup of light coconut milk and ground pistachio mixture to boil in heavy large saucepan. Remove from the heat, add the saffron and simmer for 15 minutes. Chill the saffron/coconut mixture in the freezer for 15 minutes.

Blend the remaining ingredients. Process mixture in the ice cream maker for 20 minutes. Transfer to container and freeze. Garnish with 1/2 cup chopped pistachios and serve.

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Chapter 13: Lavender Ice Cream:


2 cups Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream1 cup Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia1 T dried culinary “Provence” lavender buds1 T vanilla extract2 T lecithin1/4 tsp. pink salt


Bring 1 cup of light coconut milk to a boil. Add the lavender. Let it steep for 15 minutes. Then put it in the freezer to cool it down. Add the remainder of the basic ingredients and blend for a few seconds and then pour the contents into the ice cream maker. Process the mixture in the ice cream maker for 20 minutes. Transfer to container and freeze.

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Chapter 14: Lavender-Lemon Balm Ice Cream:

Ingredients:2 cans Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream 1 can Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic 1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia 1 T dried culinary “Provence” lavender buds 2 tablespoons fresh lemon balm, chopped 1 T vanilla extract 2 T lecithin 1/4 pink salt


Pour 1 can of classic coconut milk into a small saucepan. Add the lavendar and lemon balm. Warm on medium low heat until the coconut milk just begins to boil. Cover and remove from the heat. Steep for 15 minutes. Whisk in 2 cans Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream and the coconut sugar or agave. Cover and chill in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. After it’s cooled down, add the remainder of the basic ingredients and blend for a few seconds. Then pour the contents into the ice cream maker. process the mixture in the ice cream maker for 20 minutes. Transfer to container and freeze.

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Chapter 15: Licorice Spice Ice Cream:


3 bags of Licorice Spice Tea2 cups Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream1 cup Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia1 T vanilla2 T lecithin1/4 tsp. pink salt


Pour 1 can of classic coconut milk into a small saucepan. Add 3 bags of Licorice Spice Tea. Warm on medium low heat until the coconut milk just begins to boil. Cover and remove from the heat. Steep for 15 minutes. Whisk in 2 cans Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream and the coconut sugar or agave. Cover and chill in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. After it’s cooled down, add the remainder of the basic ingredients and blend for a few seconds. Then pour the contents into the ice cream maker. process the mixture in the ice cream maker for 20 minutes. Transfer to container and freeze.

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Chapter 16: Meyer Lemon and Ginger Ice Cream:


1 cup freshly juiced Meyer lemon2 tsp. organic Meyer lemon zest2 inches of ginger root freshly juiced2 cups Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream1 cup Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia1 T vanilla2 T lecithin1/4 tsp. pink salt


Blend the ingredients for a few seconds and then pour the contents into the ice cream maker. Process the mixture in the ice cream maker for 20 minutes. Transfer to container and freeze.

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Chapter 17: Moroccan Preserved Lemon and Ginger Ice Cream:


1/2 preserved lemon (1T) pulp and seeds removed and chopped into tiny pieces2 tsp. freshly juiced ginger root2 cups Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream1 cup Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia1 T vanilla2 T lecithin1/4 tsp. pink salt


Blend the ingredients for a few seconds and then pour the contents into the ice cream maker. Process the mixture in the ice cream maker for 20 minutes. Transfer to container and freeze.

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Chapter 18: Pistachio Ice Cream:


1 cup unsalted shelled pistachios 1/2 teaspoon almond extract3/4 cup unsalted shelled pistachios, toasted, coarsely

chopped2 cups Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream1 cup Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia1 T vanilla2 T lecithin1/4 tsp. pink salt

Directions:Finely grind 1 cup pistachios in a food processor. Bring 1 cup of light coconut milk and ground pistachio mixture to boil in heavy large saucepan. Remove from heat. Mix in almond extract.

Blend the remaining ingredients. Process mixture in the ice cream maker for 19 minutes. Stir in 3/4 cup chopped pistachios and process for 1 more minute. Transfer to container and freeze.

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Chapter 19: Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream


I. 2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice or2.1 tsp. allspice

1 tsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. cloves 1 tsp. nutmeg 3/4 tsp. ginger 1 1/2 cups (1 can) Trader Joe’s organic pumpkin or 3. 1 can 365 organic pumpkin pie mix (spices already added) 2 cups Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream1 cup Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia1 T vanilla2 T lecithin1/4 tsp. pink salt


Blend the ingredients for a few seconds and then pour the contents into the ice cream maker. Process the mixture in the ice cream maker for 20 minutes. Transfer to container and freeze.

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Chapter 20: Red Bean Ice Cream:


1 cup cooked whole red beans (aka adzuki beans) 1 T coconut oil 1/4 cup rosewater 2 cups Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream 1 cup Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic 1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia 1 T vanilla 2 T lecithin 1/4 tsp. pink salt

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Adzuki beans are referred to as red beans in Asian cooking and are called that in Asian markets as well. It’s a mistake to substitute kidney beans for adzuki beans. Soak 3/4 cup of dried adzuki beans in water overnight in a refrigerator. After soaking, put the beans in a crockpot and cover with two inches of water. Cook the beans on low for 6 hours or until the beans are soft. Check the beans from time to time, to see if there’s enough water in the crockpot. Add more water when necessary. Drain the beans. Stir in 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. Then add the liquid ingredients to the blender and blend for a few seconds. Last, add the cooked red beans and blend again for a few more seconds.

Pour the contents into the ice cream maker. Process the mixture in the ice cream maker for 20 minutes. Transfer to container and freeze.

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Chapter 21: Rooibos Chai Ice Cream:Ingredients:3 bags of Rooibos Chai Tea2 cans Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream 1 can Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic 1/4 cup rosewater 1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia 1 T vanilla 2 tsp. cinnamon 2 T lecithin 1/4 tsp. pink salt


Pour 1 can of classic coconut milk into a small saucepan. Add 3 bags of Rooibos Tea. Warm on medium low heat until the coconut milk just begins to boil. Cover and remove from the heat. Steep for 15 minutes. Whisk in 2 cans Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream and the coconut sugar or agave. Cover and chill in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. After it’s cooled down, add the remainder of the basic ingredients and blend for a few seconds. Then pour the contents into the ice cream maker. process the mixture in the ice cream maker for 20 minutes. Transfer to container and freeze.

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Chapter 22: Thai Iced Tea Ice Cream:


I. 1T Chinese star anise, ground 1T orange blossom water 1 pinch clove powder 1 pinch cinnamon 3 bags of jasmine tea 1/4 cup rose water

II. 2 cups Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream 1 cup Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia1 T vanilla2 T lecithin1/4 tsp. pink salt

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Directions: Pour 1 1/4 cups of light coconut milk into a small saucepan. Add 3 bags of Jasmine Tea. Warm on medium low heat until the coconut milk just begins to boil. Cover and remove from the heat. Steep for 15 minutes. Whisk in 2 cups Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream and the coconut sugar or agave. Cover and chill in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. After it’s cooled down, add the remainder of the basic ingredients and blend for a few seconds and then pour the contents into the ice cream maker. Process the mixture in the ice cream maker for 20 minutes. Transfer to container and freeze.

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Chapter 23: Toasted Coconut and Almond Ice Cream:


1/2 cup chopped toasted almonds1/2 cup toasted coconut flakes2 cups Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream 1 cup Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic 1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia 1 T vanilla 2 T lecithin 1/4 tsp. pink salt


Preheat the oven to 350°F (175C). Spread the coconut and almonds on a baking sheet and bake for 5 to 8 minutes, stirring it frequently so it toasts evenly. Remove it from the oven when it's nice and fragrant and golden brown.

Blend all the ingredients except the almonds and coconut flakes. Pour the contents into the the ice cream maker. Process the mixture for 24 minutes. Add the nuts to the the ice cream maker 1 minute before finishing.Transfer to container and freeze.

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Chapter 24: Fesenjoon Ice Cream:2 cups Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream 1 cup Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic 1 cup of walnuts, lightly toasted and coarsely ground 1/4 cup pomegranate syrup 1 T lime juice 1/4 cup rose water 3/4-1 tsp. cardamom 1/2 tsp. cinnamon 1/4 tsp. nutmeg 1/4 tsp. saffron 1 T vanilla 2 T lecithin 1/4 tsp. Premier Pink Sea Salt

Directions:Preheat the oven to 250°F. Spread the walnuts on a baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes. Remove them from the oven when they’re nice and fragrant and golden brown. Next, coarsely grind the walnuts in a food processor. Set the walnuts aside.

Blend all the ingredients except the walnuts. Pour the contents into the ice cream maker. Process the mixture for 24 minutes. Add the nuts to the the ice cream maker 1 minute before finishing.Transfer to container and freeze.

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Chapter 25: Coconut Ginger Macadamia Ice Cream

Ingredients:2 cups Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream 1 cup Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic 1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia 1 T vanilla 2 T lecithin 1/4 tsp. pink salt 2 tsp. freshly juiced ginger root 2/3 cup macadamia (pieces)


Blend all the ingredients except for the macademia nuts for a few seconds and then pour the contents into the ice cream maker. Process the mixture in the ice cream maker for 24 minutes. Then add the macademia nuts to the ice cream maker for 1 minute. Transfer to container and freeze.

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Chapter 26: Sweet Potato Coconut Ice Cream


1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon1/2 tsp. ground allspice1/4 tsp. ground ginger15 oz. sweet potato (mashed) (1 cup cooked) 2 cups Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream 1 cup Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic 1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia 1 T vanilla 2 1/2 T lecithin 1/4 tsp. pink salt


Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Cover the sweet potato with coconut oil. Roast the sweet potato in the middle section of the oven for 45 minutes, til a knife goes through it easily. Mash until smooth.Blend the ingredients for a few seconds and then pour the contents into the ice cream maker. Process the mixture in the ice cream maker for 35 minutes. Transfer to container and freeze.

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Chapter 27: Beet, Carrot, Fennel Ginger Ice Cream


1 organic beet, carrot and fennel stalk juiced 1/2-2 tsp. ginger juice 2 cups Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream 1 cup Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic 1/2 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia 1 T vanilla 3 T lecithin 1/4 tsp. pink salt 1 tsp. cardamom


Juice fresh beets, carrots and fennel until you get 1 cup of juice. Add the juice to a blender. Blend all the remaining ingredients with the fennel juice for a few seconds and then pour the contents into the ice cream maker. Process the mixture in the ice cream maker for 20 minutes. Transfer to container and freeze.

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Chapter 28: Mango Sticky Rice Ice Cream

2 cups Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream2 cups rice milk1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia1 T vanilla2 T lecithin1/4 tsp. pink salt1/2 cup cooked sweet (sushi) rice 2 large ripe yellow skinned organic “Manila” mangoes (chilled whole in the refrigerator)** 1/2 cup shredded coconut


Toast 1/2 cup coconut (about 5 minutes at 350F) stirring it frequently so it toasts evenly. Remove it from the oven when it's nice and fragrant and golden brown. To prepare the sticky rice: Working in the sink, put 1/4 cup of rice into a large bowl with plenty of water; stir well by hand. When the rice has settled to the bottom, pour off most of the cloudy water, refill and repeat until the water runs fairly clear. Soak the rice in plenty of water (so the water is approximately 2 to 3 inches above the rice) for 6 to 8 hours, preferably overnight (the grains will absorb water and grow in size). When ready to cook, drain the rice well in a sieve. Set the sieve over a large deep pot of simmering water (the sieve should not touch the

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water) and steam the rice, covered with a lid, approximately 30 to 40 minutes, or until tender (check water level in the pan occasionally, adding more hot water if necessary). When the rice is translucent and somewhat tender, it's done.

Note: Peel the ripe mangoes carefullly so as not to bruise the fruit. Thinly slice it by cutting it lengthwise through the flesh to the stone; discard the stone. Slice in half as close to the pit as possible, then sliceeach half into 1/2 inch slices and put in the freezer.

Blend the ingredients except the mango and the toasted coconut for a few seconds and then pour the contents into the ice cream maker. Process the mixture in the ice cream maker for 25 minutes. For the last 5 minutes, add the mango and toasted coconut. Transfer to container and freeze.

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Chapter 29: Pomegranate Rosewater Sorbet:

Ingredients:4 cups pomegranate juice1/2 cup rose water1/2 tsp. cardamom1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia1 cup freshly juiced limes (8 limes)


Blend all the ingredients for a few seconds and then pour the contents into the ice cream maker. Process the mixture in the ice cream maker for 15 minutes. Transfer to container and freeze.

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Page 41: Coconut Milk Ice Cream Recipes e-book

Chapter 30: Tamarind Chutney Ice Cream:Chutney ingredients: 1 golf ball–sized piece dried tamarind pulp (or 4 teaspoons tamarind concentrate) 1/2 cup raisins 1 tablespoon grated peeled fresh ginger root 1 tablespoon coconut oil 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin seeds 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper 1/4 teaspoon ground fennel seeds 1/8 teaspoon ground cardamom1/4 cup water pinch of sea saltChutney Directions: If you’re using tamarind pulp, prepare it by soaking it in one cup of boiling water for at least 15 minutes, until softened. Pour into a fine sieve and mash the tamarind, pushing the pulp and liquid through the sieve into a small bowl and discarding seeds and skin. Using tamarind concentrate dissolve in 1/4 cup hot water and set aside. In a small pan, sauté the raisins and ginger in the oil for about five minutes or until the raisins puff up. Add the spice’s and sauté for one minute. Remove from the heat and stir in the water. Pour the mixture into a blender. Add the tamarind liquid and a pinch of sea salt and purée until fairly smooth. This sauce will keep for 2 to 3 weeks refrigerated.

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Page 42: Coconut Milk Ice Cream Recipes e-book

Ice Cream ingredients:2 cups Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Cream 1 cup Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Classic 1 cup of walnuts, lightly toasted and coarsely ground 1/4 cup coconut sugar or 10 drops of liquid stevia 1 Tablespoon tamarind chutney 1 tsp. rose water 1 T vanilla 2 T lecithin 1/4 tsp. Premier Pink Sea Salt


Blend all the ingredients. Pour the contents into the ice cream maker. Process the mixture for 24 minutes. Transfer to container and freeze.

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1. Calhoun, Cherie. The Coconut Diet. New York: Warner Wellness, 2005

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