Code Ldrshp Standards

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  • 8/7/2019 Code Ldrshp Standards


    Employment is Voluntary CLS Page1 08.09.10



    The c ontrac tor doe s not use force d lab or whethe r in the form of prison lab or, indentured lab or, bo nde d lab or

    or othe rwise. The c ont rac to r is responsible for pa yme nt of em p loyment eligibility fees of foreign w orkers,

    inc luding rec ruitment fees.


    Forced Laboris any wo rk or servic e obt ained under the threa t of p ena lty or for which t he p ersonc onc erned ha s not o ffered himself or herself volunta rily. This includ es p rison a nd b ond ed lab or.

    Threat o f penalty includesc rimina l sanc tion a s we ll as va rious forms of c oe rc ion suc h a s physica l threa ts. Bonded labor is a form o f inde nture in which a loan o r deb t o f the w orker, or their fam ily, is rep aid by

    direc t labo r over an a greed upo n or indete rminate p eriod of time; the w orker be ing una ble to leave

    until the de bt is rep a id .

    Emp loyment e ligibility fees are those fees and c osts assoc ia ted with em ployme nt, inc ludingrec ruitment a ge nc y/ plac em ent firm fees, visas, hea lth c hec ks, work pe rmit a nd wo rk reg istration fees.

    Foreign workers a re p rod uc tion line e mp loyees hired , either direc tly or throug h a third-party, em ployedby the contrac tor and who se na tionality or c ountry of origin is differentthan tha t of the c ountry in

    which the contrac tors fac ilities/ wo rksite is loca ted .

    National emp loyees are em ployee s hired , either direc tly or throug h a third-party, and em p loyed bythe c ontrac tor and who se na tionality or co untry of o rigin is the sameas that o f the country in which the

    contractors facilities/worksite is located.


    1. As the e mp loyer, the c ont rac to r is responsible for the em ployment relationship w ith its em ployee s.Co ntrac tor sha ll c om p ly with the higher of the ap plicab le c ountry law or these Co de Lea de rship

    Sta nda rds.

    2. PRISON LABORThe cont rac tor must not use p rison labor or subc ont rac t wo rk to prisons. This includes p roc urement of

    any ma terials, good s or services used to ma nufac ture prod uc ts.

    3. INDENTURED OR BONDED LABORa. The c ontrac tor must not p artic ipa te in any system of rec ruitment or emp loyment p rac tice tha t

    indentures or bond s an emp loyee to the workplac e.

    b. Retention of Documentsi. Emp loyees sha ll not b e required to lod ge dep osits o r the ir origina l identity pa pers (suc h as trave l

    or residenc y pe rmits) with their em ployer.

    ii. Safekee ping of Doc uments. At the em ployee s req uest, the c ontrac tor ma y provide for thesa fekeep ing o f identity doc uments. The c ontrac tor must provide imme d ia te a cc ess to these

    do c ume nts and return them up on the em p loyee s req uest w ith no restric tions. The d ep osit o f

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    ide ntity do c uments for safekeep ing and the return of tho se d oc uments must b e do c umented and

    signed by the emp loyee a nd the c ontrac tor.

    c . Non-deduc tion from Wag es Emp loym ent Eligib ility Fees. The c ontrac tor ma y not ded uct fromwages (by w ay of g a rnishme nts, lev ies, deposits, gua rantee m onies or othe rwise) c osts or fees

    assoc iated with emp loyment eligibility, inc luding req uired visas, hea lth c hec ks, emp loyment

    reg istrat ion, wo rk permit or rec ruitment a ge ncy/p lac em ent firm fees. SeeComp ensation and

    Bene fits Co de Lea dership Sta ndard.

    d. Training Agreem ent GuidelinesIn the limited c irc umstanc es be low, the contrac tor may require emp loyees who unde rgo externa lly

    p rovided training to ente r into a n ag reement to reimb urse the c ontrac tor for that tra ining in the

    event the emp loyee voluntarily lea ves emp loyment p rior to the e nd of the ag reeme nt, provided :

    i. The ag reement is limited to the ma nag em ent tea m. Such ag reem ents ma y not be e ntered intowith p roduc tion line em ployee s or supervisors;

    ii. The a greem ent is voluntary; the e mp loyee s em p loyment w ill co ntinue w ithout a dve rse e ffect ifthe em ployee de c lines to und ergo the tra ining in que stion;

    iii. The costs are directly related to actual training costs as requested by the external trainingcompany;

    iv.Costsa re a greed upo n in writing prior to the training ta king p lac e; and v. The ag reement is permitted under c ountry law.

    4. FREEDOM OF MOVEMENTa. The contrac tor must a llow e mp loyees to move free ly within their de signa ted wo rk areas during wo rk

    hours, includ ing be ing allowe d a c cess to d rinking wa ter and to ilet fac ilities. Emp loyee s must bea llow ed to lea ve the fac ility during m ea l period s or after work hours.

    b. Those c ont rac tors with do rmito ries for emp loyees must com munica te sec urity prac tice s, includ ingc urfew p olic ies, to applicable emp loyee s. Curfews must be reasona ble and allow emp loyees

    suffic ient time to relax and p articipa te in persona l ac tivities during no n-wo rking ho urs. Where curfew s

    exist, they should app ly equa lly to bo th na tional em ployee s and foreign w orkers.

    5. SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR FOREIGN WORKERSIn add ition to a ll the req uirem ents ab ove , whe re a contrac tor has hired foreign w orkers the c ontrac tor

    sha ll:

    a. Foreign Worker Policy. Have a w ritten po lic y reg arding its treatme nt of foreign wo rkers. The p olicyshould, at a minimum , inc lude the req uirem ents of fa ir trea tment, pa yment of emp loyment e ligibility

    fees, pa yment of t ranspo rtat ion c osts, rep at riat ion and any req uirem ents under c ountry law. The

    c ontrac tor must e ffec tively c om munica te its foreign wo rker polic y to its foreign wo rker emp loyees so

    tha t they a re aware o f their rights und er the po lic y. And the c on trac to r sha ll train its sta ff responsible

    for imp leme nting a nd enfo rc ing its foreign worker policy rega rd ing the ir roles and responsibilities.

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    b. Fair Trea tment. Trea t suc h em ployee s fairly and provide the sam e te rms and c ond itions ofem p loyme nt as nationa l em p loyee s inc luding co mp ensation, holidays and leaves of ab senc e and

    any e mp loyer provided housing exce p t whe re c ountry law requires different b ene fits (for exam ple

    with respec t to pa yment of soc ial sec urity bene fits).

    As a recom mend g ood p rac tice , co ntrac tor is enc ouraged to emp loy or makeava ilab le an on-site c oordina tor who speaks the language of both the foreign

    worker and the employe r.

    c . Ensure a ll job relate d a nd safe ty training is c ond uc ted in the language of the emp loyee.d. Payment o f Emp loym ent Eligib ility Fees

    i. Excep t a s p rovided be low, direc tly pay all leg ally allow ed em ployme nt eligibility fees assoc iate dwith emp loyment (either by the send ing or rec eiving c ountry), inc luding rec ruitme nt or plac em ent

    ag enc y fees as a c ost of doing b usiness. Suc h fees ma y not be d ed uc ted from wa ge s by wa y ofga rnishme nts, levies, de posits, guarantee mo nies or o therwise. SeeCom pe nsation and Bene fits

    Cod e Lea dership Standa rd .

    ii. Where it is not p ossib le to d irec tly pa y ag enc y and othe r em ployme nt eligibility fees in adva nce,or if any of the ab ove fee s a re lega lly req uired to b e p aid b y the foreign wo rker, the c ontrac tor

    sha ll fully reimburse the em ployee for those fee s upo n rec eipt o f do c umentat ion o f the fee s pa id .

    Suc h fee s should be reimbursed within o ne month o f the em ployee s arriva l within the host c ountry

    unless the c ontrac tor has a va lid and verifiab le rea son not to reimburse the expense.

    e. Paym ent of Transportation Costs. In ad dition to the e mp loyment e ligibility/ rec ruitment fees notedabo ve, where the c ontrac tor has hired foreign w orkers from ano ther co untry, the c ontrac tor shall be

    responsible for in-bo und a irfa re/ transportat ion costs. Rela ted inbound transportat ion costs a re no t

    req uired to b e p a id for foreign w orkers alrea dy w ithin the co untry with valid wo rking d oc uments.

    f. Hiring Agencies. The c ontrac tor must use leg ally a pp roved/ reg istered hiring age nc ies inac c ordanc e with country law (where app lica ble).

    g. Repatriationi. In add ition to any legal req uirem ents of the host country and country of origin reg a rding

    rep at riation of foreign w orkers, at the c om p letion o f the e mp loyment relationship, or earlier upo n

    terminat ion of emp loyment, the c ontrac tor shall provide return air or land transpo rt tickets to anyforeign w orker hired or rec ruited by the c ontrac tor from ano ther country. The c ontrac tor shall

    com ply with this req uirem ent irrespe c tive of the te rms of the e mp loyee s em ployme nt c ontrac t.

    ii. The req uirem ent to p ay for rep at riation d oe s not a pp ly where the emp loyee:(1) Is terminate d for illeg a l conduc t;

    (2) Ob ta ins othe r leg al emp loyment w ithin the c ountry; or

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    (3) Voluntary terminates his or her emp loyme nt p rior to the c onc lusion of the term o f the

    emp loyment c ontrac t.

    (4) The c ont rac to r must still pay for rep a tria tion, howeve r, if the e mp loyee terminates the

    emp loyment p rior to co nclusion of the e mp loyment c ontrac t be c ause:

    The c ontrac tor brea c hes a ma terial term o f the emp loyment c ontrac t, or The e mp loyee is subjec t to harassment o r ab use t hat is not timely rem ed ied upo n

    complaint (see Non-d isc riminatory Trea tme ntand Harassme nt a nd Ab use is Not Tolera ted

    Cod e Lea de rship Standa rds).

    The c ontrac tor is enc ouraged to provide return airfare prior to the c onc lusion ofthe em ployment contrac t in response to spec ial c ircumstanc es such as serious

    illness or other fam ily em ergenc y.

    h. Foreign Worker Contrac ts of Emp loym entIn ad d ition to the gene ral req uirem ents reg arding c ontrac ts of em p loyme nt (see Regular

    Employment is Provided Cod e Lea de rship Standa rd), when em ploying fo reign wo rkers:

    i. The te rms outlined in the em ployee s written e mp loyme nt c ontrac t must be fully explained prior tode pa rture from their hom e c ountry. The explana tion should b e c lear and in terms the em ployee

    wo uld understa nd . This includes cond itions of em ployment and rea sons for te rmina tion.

    ii. The e mp loyment c ontrac t should b e w ritten suc h tha t it is lega lly enforc ea ble in the rec eivingco untry and written in the e mp loyee s lang uag e.

    iii. The em ployee should rec eive a c op y of the e mp loyment c ontrac t p rior to leaving the c ountry oforigin.

    i. Illeg al Workers. The contrac tor may not use fo reign w orkers who are not leg ally authorized to w orkwithin the rec eiving c ountry. Any illega l foreign w orkers knowingly hired by c ontrac tor or hired due

    to inade qua te hiring p rac tic es are entitled to rep atriation in ac c orda nce with paragraph 4g a bo ve.

    j. Hiring of Foreign Workers within the Receiving Country . The c ont rac to r must ensure tha t anyforeign w orker hired who is a lrea dy within the Rec eiving Count ry is lega lly authorized to w ork. The

    c ontrac tor is respo nsib le for any c osts assoc iated with c hang ing the em ployme nt visa or other

    em ployment authoriza tion doc ume nta tion. The cont rac to r a lso assume s the responsibility for

    rep atriation in ac co rda nce w ith paragraph 4g abo ve.

    Except w here spec ifica lly ide ntified as a rec om me nde d p rac tice , this Code Lea dership Sta ndard sets minimum

    sta nda rds c ontrac tors must c om ply with any ap plic ab le higher leg al req uireme nt and are enc ouraged to c ontinue to

    de velop their own p rac tices which p rovide g rea ter protec tion for their em ployees.


    ILO Convention No. 29, Concerning Forced Labor (1930) ILO Convention No. 105, Abolition of Forced Labor Convention (1999). ILO Convention No. 181, Private Employment Agencies Convention (1997)

  • 8/7/2019 Code Ldrshp Standards


    Age CLS Page1 04.06.10



    Contracto rs employees are a t least a ge 16 or over the a ge for comp letion of c omp ulsory ed uca tion,

    wh iche ver is highe r. Emp loyees und er 18 a re not emp loyed in haza rdous c ond itions.


    Night work. In the a bsenc e o f co untry law d efinition, unless justified by extraord inary circ umstanc es(see definition in Working Hours are Not Exce ssive Co de Lea dership Sta nd ard), nigh t w ork is any w ork

    c arried out, in whole o r in pa rt, betw een the ho urs of 10:00 pm in the evening and 5:00 am in the


    Underage em ployee is an em ployee who se a ge is be low either the m inimum leg al wo rking a geestablished by c ountry law or the m inimum a ge req uired by this Standard.


    1. As the e mp loyer, the c ont rac to r is responsible for the em ployment relationship w ith its em ployee s.Contrac tor shall c om p ly with the higher of the ap plicab le c ounty law o r these Co de Lea de rship

    Sta nd a rds.

    2. MINIMUM AGE REQUIREMENTa. Highe r minimum ag e stand a rds may be established by Nike a nd/ or its affilia tes within c ertain

    industries or countries, whic h will be c om munica ted to the c ontrac tors conc erned.

    b. The c ontrac tor shall put in plac e a nd m ainta in ad eq uate huma n resource system s and p rac tices toverify that an ap plica nt meets the minimum age req uirem ent. Such system s and prac tices include a

    written hiring po lic y, tra ining o f hiring personne l, and req uiring proof o f ag e do cumentat ion a t time

    of h ire.

    3. PROOF OF AGECont rac tors must req uire p roo f of ag e a t time o f hire, which m ay inc lude b irth c ertific at e, family book,

    persona l reg istration (ID) ca rd , d rivers lic ense and vo ting reg istration c ard. Co p ies of these doc ume nts

    must be kept on file throug h out the term of emp loyment.

    a. Contrac tor should ta ke rea sona ble m ea sures to ensure tha t suc h proof o f ag e d oc uments areac c urate and c omp lete. In those c ases where proof of age do c uments are unreliab le or

    unava ilab le, the c ontrac tor must find o ther ways to ve rify the emp loyee s age . Examp les inc lude a n

    offic ial stamp ed c op y of a sc hool c ertific ate or affida vit from loc al g overnment rep resentative.

    b. Bec ause proof of a ge do c uments c an be ea sily forged or altered , an a uditor ma y req uirec ontrac tors to utilize the servic es of a go vernment-ce rtified m ed ica l doc tor to ac cura tely verify an

    em p loyee s ag e throug h a physic a l exam ination. Doc umentat ion of exam results must be a ttached

    to at least one other proof of age d oc ument listed a bo ve.

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    4. REMEDYING UNDERAGE EMPLOYMENT a. The c ontrac tor shall estab lish, doc ument, maintain, and e ffec tively co mm unica te to its em ployee s

    and o ther interested pa rties po lic ies and p roc ed ures for rem ed iat ion of unde rag e em ployee s found

    to be wo rking in situa tions which are p rohibited by c ountry law or this Stand ard.

    b. Amo ng o ther suc h po lic ies and p roc ed ures, whe n a c ontrac tor is found to have e mp loyees who a reunde r the minimum age standa rd, c onsistent with the ove rall best interests of the em ployee andwithin the requirem ents of the law s of the m anufa c turing c ountry, the c ontrac tor will be required to

    take the follow ing a c tions:

    i. Remo ve the unde rag e em ployee from the workplac e.ii. Provide a de qua te, financ ial and other supp ort to e nab le such und erag e e mp loyee to attend

    and rem ain in sc hoo l or a vo ca tional training prog ram until ag e 16 or the m inimum lega l working

    ag e, whic heve r is higher.

    iii. If the unde rag e em ployee is ab le to provide d oc umenta tion that he o r she is enrolled a ndatte nd ing schoo l c lasses or vocationa l training program , the c ontrac tor must continue to p ay the

    unde rage em ployee the b ase w ag e until the time he o r she e ither finishes sc hoo l/training or

    rea c hes age 16 or the minimum lega l working ag e, whiche ver is higher.

    iv. When the underage emp loyee rea che s ag e 16 or lega l minimum wo rking ag e, whichever ishigher, he or she must be g iven the oppo rtunity to b e re-em ployed by the c ontrac tor.

    v. If the unde rag e e mp loyee voluntarily c hooses not to pa rtic ipa te in a scho ol ed uca tion o rvoc ationa l training prog ram , he or she w ill forfeit the right to receive c ontinued financ ia l

    com pe nsat ion from the c ontrac tor. This dec ision must be d oc umented .

    c . The c ontrac tor and aud itor may a gree up on a n ad ditional or different p rog ram of reme diationapp rop riat e to the situat ion a nd the b est interests of the e mp loyee.

    5. PROTECTING YOUNG WORKERS FROM HAZARDOUS CONDITIONSa. The c ontrac tor shall not expose e mp loyees unde r the ag e o f 18 to ha za rdo us c ond itions, which a re

    situat ions in o r outside o f the w orkplac e that a re likely to jeopa rdize t he e mp loyee s hea lth, safe ty or


    b. The c ont rac tor is to ha ve a p roc ess to ident ify wo rk assignm ents tha t ma y be hazardous. Examplesinclude wo rking with or nea r hazardo us chem ica ls, working w ith d ang erous ma chinery, night wo rk or

    as otherwise ide ntified by country law .

    Except w here spec ifica lly ide ntified as a rec om me nde d p rac tice , this Code Lea dership Sta ndard sets minimum

    sta nda rds c ontrac tors must c om ply with any ap plic ab le higher leg al req uireme nt and are enc ouraged to c ontinue to

    de velop their own p rac tices which p rovide g rea ter protec tion for their em ployees.


    ILO Convention No. 138, Minimum Age Convention (1973) ILO C onvent ion No. 182, Elimina tion o f the Worst Forms of Child Lab our Co nven tion (1999)

  • 8/7/2019 Code Ldrshp Standards


    Non-discrimination CLS Page1 07.27.10



    Contrac tors em ployee s a re no t subjec t to disc riminat ion in em ployme nt, inc luding hiring, comp ensa tion,

    promotion or discipline, on the basis of gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, pregnancy,

    ma rital sta tus, nationa lity, po litica l op inion , trad e union a ffilia tion, soc ial or ethnic o rigin or other sta tus

    protecte d b y c ountry law .


    Blacklisting is c rea ting, ma inta ining, using a nd / or co mm unica ting lists of e mp loyees or po tentialem p loyee s for the purpose of de nying em ployme nt or othe r pe nalty based on lega lly prote c ted sta tus

    or non-job related c riteria.


    1. As the e mp loyer, the c ont rac to r is responsible for the em ployment relationship w ith its em ployee s.Co ntrac tor sha ll c om p ly with the higher of the ap plicab le c ountry law or these Co de Lea de rship

    Sta nda rds.

    2. NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICYa. The c ontrac tor must ha ve a written p olic y aga inst d isc riminat ion.b. The no nd isc rimination p olicy should, at a minimum, inc lude :

    i. A state ment p rohibiting d isc rimination in emp loyment c onsistent w ith the a bo ve Stand ard a nd theap plic ab le laws of the m anufac turing c ountry;

    ii. Metho d (s) for voic ing internal g rievanc e(s)/c om plaints reg arding disc rimination [Refe r to theGrieva nc e p rov isions in the Free dom of Assoc iation and C ollec tive Barga ining C od e Lea dership

    Sta ndard]; and

    iii. A state ment that no em ployee will be p unished or reta lia ted ag ainst for rep orting in goo d fa ithdisc riminat ory trea tment o r behavior.

    c . Communication. The c ontrac tor must e ffec tively c om munica te its non-disc rimination p olic y toem p loyees so tha t em ployee s are a wa re o f their right to be free from disc riminat ion. Effect ive

    c omm unic ation includes:

    New hire orientation training; Supe rvisor/m anag em ent tra ining; Posting of the p olic y on em ployee notifica tion board(s) or othe r loca tions whe re they c an

    be ea sily rea d b y emp loyee s.

    Even where not required by country law, the c ontrac tor is enc ouraged toprovide reasonable ac co mmo dation to disabled emp loyees, including

    fac ilitating ac c ess to bathroom s and other fac tory fac ilities.

    d. Sta ff Training . The c ont rac to r sha ll train its sta ff responsible for imp leme nting a nd en forcing the non-d isc rimination policy reg ard ing the ir roles and responsibilities.

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    3. NON-DISCRIMINATORY EMPLOYMENTPRACTICESa. Emp loyment d ec isions shall be m ad e o n the ba sis of emp loyment relate d c riteria. For examp le: the

    employees qualifications, skills, ability, productivity and overall job performance.

    b. Blacklistingba sed on p olitica l affiliat ion, trade union stat us or any o ther leg ally protec ted sta tus ornon-emp loyment related c riteria is spe c ific ally prohibited .

    c . The c ontrac tor must com ply with the laws of the ma nufac turing co untry reg arding em ployme nt ofdesignate d c ate go ries of em ployee s. Examp les c ould inc lude law s req uiring p referential or spe c ial

    trea tment of the physic ally impa ired , veterans and p rote c ted minorities.

    Even where not required by country law , the c ontrac tor is enc ouraged to p rovidereasonable accommodation to disabled employees, including facilitating access to

    ba throom s and o ther fac tory fac ilities.

    d. Equal Pay for Equa l Work. Wome n a nd men shall rec eive e qua l pay for work of eq ual value, eq ualeva luation of the qua lity of the ir wo rk and eq ua l oppo rtunities to fill op en p ositions.

    e. Favoritism and Bribes. Ma nag em ent p ersonne l must not rec eive g ifts, pa yments or other favorsfrom em ployee s or prospec tive em p loyee s in return for job s or spec ial trea tment.

    4. WOMENS RIGHTSa. Safe work. The c ontrac tor shall provide ap propriate and rea sonab le ac co mmo da tions for wo men

    em p loyee s in conne c tion with pregnanc y, c hildb irth and nursing. The Co ntrac tor must co mp ly with

    any wo rking hour limits or othe r work restric tions for pregnant em ployee s req uired by co untry law and

    take other rea sona ble m ea sures to p rotec t p reg nant wo men from hazardous wo rk inc lud ing

    restric ted wo rk hours as rec om mende d by a licensed physician.

    b. Pregnancy testing. Preg nanc y tests will not be a cond ition o f em ployme nt, nor shall they bede ma nde d of em ployees. Voluntary preg nanc y tests ma y be provide d, b ut only at the req uest of

    the emp loyee, and e ac h such request must be d oc umented .

    c . Contraception. Emp loyees will not be forc ed or pressured by the c ontrac tor to use c ontrac ep tion.d. Maternity Leave. Wom en em ployees are entitled to m aternity lea ve in ac c orda nce with the

    req uirem ents of c ountry law or Nikes Comp ensation and Benefits Cod e Lea dership Standa rd, which

    ever is higher.

    Except w here spec ifica lly ide ntified as a rec om me nde d p rac tice , this Code Lea dership Sta ndard sets minimum

    sta nda rds c ontrac tors must c om ply with any ap plic ab le higher leg al req uireme nt and are enc ouraged to c ontinue to

    de velop their own p rac tices which p rovide g rea ter protec tion for their em ployees.


    ILO C onve ntion No. 100, Convention C onc erning Equa l Rem uneration for Me n a nd Women Workers for Work of Equa lVa lue (1951)

    ILO C onvent ion No. 111, Disc rimination (Emp loyment and Oc c upa tion) Co nvention (1958).

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    Freedom of Association CLS Page1 03.15.10



    To the e xtent p ermitted by the law s of the m anufac turing c ountry, the c ontrac tor rec og nizes and respe c ts

    the right of emp loyees to freed om of a ssoc iation and c ollec tive b arga ining. This includes the right to fo rm

    and join trad e unions and othe r worker organizations of the ir own choo sing w ithout ha rassment, interference

    or retaliation.


    Barga in in good faith is to reg ularly mee t and d isc uss with a w illingness to rea c h an a greeme nt. Blacklisting is c rea ting, ma intaining, using and / or com munica ting lists of emp loyee s or po tential

    emp loyees for the purpo se o f denying e mp loyment o r other pena lty ba sed on lega lly protec ted

    sta tus or non-job rela ted c riteria.

    Refe renc es to union or trad e union throug h out this Code Lea dership Standa rd a lso a pp ly to othe rwo rker organiza tions as ma y be a pp lic ab le.


    1. As the e mp loyer, the c ont rac to r is responsible for the em ployment relationship w ith its em ployee s.Co ntrac tor sha ll c om p ly with the higher of the ap plicab le c ountry law or these Co de Lea de rship

    Sta nda rds.

    2. RIGHT TO FREELY ASSOCIATEa. In c ountries whe re c ountry law rec og nizes em p loyee s rights to form and join trad e unions and othe r

    wo rker orga nizat ions of their ow n c hoo sing w ithout interferenc e a nd to b a rga in c ollec tively,

    c ontrac tor sha ll comp ly with c ountry law a nd the requirem ents of this Code Lea de rship Standa rd.

    These rights cont inue through the c ourse of e mp loyme nt, inc luding eve ntual termination of


    b. Emp loyee s have the right to join or not to join trad e unions or othe r worker orga niza tions of the ir ow nchoosing.

    c . Where c ountry law substantially restric ts free dom of a ssoc iation, the con trac to r sha ll fac ilitatea lternative mea ns to individually and collec tively enga ge with its em ployee s and fo r em p loyees to

    express the ir g rievanc es and p rotec t the ir rights reg a rd ing working c ond itions and terms of

    em p loyme nt. At a m inimum, this means having a n effec tive g rieva nce p roc ess (see p a ragrap h 6


    In add ition, to the extent pe rmitted b y law, the co ntrac tor is enc ouragedto support the e stablishment o f worker c ommittees freely chosen b y its


    d. Union Dues. The c ont rac to r sha ll not d ed uc t union me mb ership dues, fees, fines, or othe rassessme nts from em p loyees wa ge s w ithout the express and written c onsent o f the individua l

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    em p loyee, unless othe rwise spe c ified in a free ly neg otiated and va lid c ollec tive ba rga ining

    ag reem ent or when required by law

    e. Union representa tives shou ld ha ve a cc ess to their me mb ers und er co nd itions esta b lished by countrylaw or mutual agreement b etwe en the co ntrac tor and the union.

    The c ontrac tor is enc ouraged as a good p ractic e to allow reasonable time offwith pay for employee union representatives to c arry out their duties, such asgrievanc e hand ling and representing mem bers, and provide such fac ilities as

    ma y be reasonably required to ena ble the representatives to func tion effec tively.

    The fac ilities and time-o ff which may b e ap propriate will vary dep end ing upon

    the numb er of represented employees, number of worker representatives,

    provisions in the c ollec tive ag reement, etc.

    3. NON-INTERFERENCEa. Emp loyees have the right to elec t lead ers and rep resenta tives of the ir unions and to c ond uc t

    ac tivities without c ontrac tor interference , which inc ludes ac ts tha t establish o r promote the

    dom ination, financ ing o r c ontrol of a trad e union by em ployers.

    b. Co nsisten t w ith co untry law, in ca ses where a single union rep resents em p loyees, the c ont rac to r sha llnot atte mp t to influenc e o r interfere in emp loyees ability to form o ther organizations that rep resent

    em p loyee s. The c ontrac tor will not interfere with the right to freedom of a ssoc iation by favo ring one

    union over anothe r.

    4. HARASSMENTAND RETALIATION PROHIBITEDa. The c ontrac tor must not threa ten o r use violence o r the p resenc e o f po lic e o r milita ry to intimida te

    em p loyees or to prevent, disrupt o r b rea k up any a c tivities that c onstitute a lawful and pe ac eful

    exerc ise o f the righ t of freed om of a ssoc iation, inc luding union m ee tings, orga nizing ac tivities,

    assem blies and law ful strikes.

    b. No em ployee o r p rospec tive em ployee sha ll be sub jec t to d ismissa l, d isc rimination, ha rassme nt,intimidation or retaliation for reason of membership in a union or worker association or participation

    in law ful trad e union or othe r freedo m of a ssoc iation a c tivities, inc luding exerc ising the right to form a


    c . Blacklisting. The use o f b lac klists to c ont ravene the right to free ly assoc iate , for instanc e, bla cklistsba sed on union m em bership o r pa rtic ipat ion in lawful union a c tivity, is spe c ific ally prohibited .

    d. The c ont rac to r sha ll com p ly w ith all releva nt p rovisions where country law p rovides spec ialprotec tion to em ployee s or worker rep resenta tives eng age d in a p artic ular union a c tivity (such as

    union fo rma tion) or to w orker rep resenta tives with a pa rticula r sta tus (suc h as union found ing

    me mb ers or current un ion office holders).

    e. The c ontrac tor sha ll not imp ose a ny sanc tion on e mp loyees organizing or having p a rticipa ted in alaw ful strike.

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    f. Emp loyees who have be en found to ha ve b een unjustly dismissed , dem oted or who ha ve o therwisesuffered a loss of rights and p rivilege s a t work due to a n ac t of union d isc rimination sha ll, sub jec t to

    the req uirem ents of c ountry law , be entitled to resto ra tion of a ll the righ ts and p rivilege s lost,

    including reinsta tem ent to the same or similar job at the sam e w age and seniority, if the em ployee so


    g. Emp loyee s and t heir union representat ives sha ll be a b le to raise issues to m ana ge me nt c oncerningc omp lianc e w ith a c ollec tive b argaining a greement w ithout reta liation.

    5. COLLECTIVE BARGAININGa. The c ontrac tor shall rec og nize the right of o rga nized em ployee s to e nga ge free ly in co llec tive


    b. The c ontrac tor shall barga in in go od faith.c . The c ontrac tor shall honor, in goo d faith, the terms of a ny signe d collec tive b arga ining a greem ent

    for the d uration of that ag reem ent.

    d. Where c ountry law spe c ifies a certain union(s) as the exclusive ba rga ining ag ent, the contrac tor willnot b e required to eng ag e in c ollec tive ba rga ining w ith other emp loyee g roup s or orga niza tions on

    ma tters c overed b y a va lid c ollec tive a greement.

    As a recom mended good practice, where a c ollective bargaining ag reeme ntexists, the c ontrac tor is enc ouraged to make c opies of the agreem ent ava ilable

    to all employees covered by the a greement.

    6. EFFECTIVE GRIEVANCE PROCESSThe c ontrac tor shall estab lish a n e ffect ive grieva nc e p roc ess that ena bles em ployee s to add ress their

    c onc erns reg arding w orking c ond itions and terms and c ond itions of em ployme nt. The spe c ific

    grieva nc e p roc ess will vary from fac tory to fa c tory depe nding upo n its size, loca l law s, culture, etc . But

    in gene ral, an e ffec tive grieva nc e p roc ess includes:

    a . A written grieva nce polic y and imp lem enting proc ed ures. The polic y should include.i. Multiple c hanne ls for em ployee s to raise c onc erns and p rovide input to m anag em ent. For

    example: grievance/suggestion boxes; supervisors/team leaders; HR department/counselors;

    trad e union/ wo rker rep resenta tives; o pe n d oo r polic y; c om pany hotlines ; third -pa rties, worker

    com mittees, me etings be twe en ma nag em ent and w orkers rep resenta tives, etc ; and

    ii. The a b ility to ra ise c oncerns c onfident ially (or anonymo usly), sub jec t to the req uirem ents ofc ountry law , if the em ployee so de sires without fea r of reta lia tion.

    b. Effec tive c omm unic ation of the grieva nce po licy to e mp loyees so that e mp loyees are a wa re o f thegrieva nc e proc ess and their right to raise c onc erns.

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    c . Tra ining of sta ff responsible for respond ing to grievanc es rega rd ing the policy a nd the ir roles andresponsibilities; and

    d. A me ans to d oc ume nt and trac k grievanc es to e nsure the re is a timely response b ac k to theemployee.

    The c ontrac tor is also enco urag ed , as good prac tices, to: Ide ntify and de velop plans to respo nd to broade r/ system ic issues raised by em ployee s

    throug h the g rievanc e p roc ess;

    Involve w orker rep resenta tives and em ployee pa rticipa tion in the resolution of g rieva nc es,where ap propriate;

    Prov ide a p rocess for ap pea l (espec ially in cases of d isc ipline o r termina tion); and Post d eta ils of w orker representa tives p rom inently in the wo rkplace.

    7. TRAININGAs pa rt of the contrac tors em ployee training p rac tices (see Imp lementa tion Cod e Lea dership

    Sta ndard), all em p loyee s should rec eive training on the rights related to this standa rd , ac knowled ging

    that these right s ma y vary by loc at ion.

    Except w here spec ifica lly ide ntified as a rec om me nde d p rac tice , this Code Lea dership Sta ndard sets minimum

    sta nda rds c ontrac tors must c om ply with any ap plic ab le higher leg al req uireme nt and are enc ouraged to c ontinue tode velop their own p rac tices which p rovide g rea ter protec tion for their em ployees.


    ILO Conve ntion No. 87, Freedo m of A ssoc iation a nd Protec tion o f the Right to Orga nize Con vention (1948) ILO Conve ntion No. 98, Right to Orga nize and Collective Barga ining Conve ntion (1949) ILO C onvent ion No . 135. Workers Rep resenta tives Conve ntion (1971) Universa l Dec laration of Huma n Rights (1948)(Articles 20(1) a nd (2) and 23(4)).

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    Contrac tors Emp loyees are timely pa id at least the minimum w ag e required by c ountry law a nd p rovide d

    lega lly ma ndat ed be nefits, inc luding holidays and leaves, and statuto ry seve ranc e w hen em ployme nt end s.

    There a re no d isc iplina ry de duc tions from pay.


    1. As the e mp loyer, the c ont rac to r is responsible for the em ployment relationship w ith its em ployee s.Co ntrac tor sha ll c om p ly with the higher of the ap plicab le c ountry law or these Co de Lea de rship

    Sta nda rds.

    2. GENERAL COMPENSATION PRACTICESa. Co ntrac tor ac knowled ge s that w age s are essential to mee ting emp loyees b asic needs, including

    som e disc retiona ry inco me .

    b. At a minimum, em ployees shall rec eive the ap plic ab le leg al minimum wa ge .c . Wages and othe r bene fits shall be pa id on a reg ular and timely ba sis. Such c om pe nsation shall be

    prop erly cha rac terized and rep orted to ap p rop riate gove rnmenta l autho rities as wa ge s in

    acc orda nce with the req uirem ents of country law . For exam ple, payment for hours wo rked ma y not

    be misc haracte rized as an allowa nce or other form o f pa yment for the p urpo se o f avoiding the

    pa yment of lega lly req uired taxes or making req uired de duc tions.

    d. Comp ensation shall be p aid b y direc t de po sit, in cash or chec k form, in a m anne r convenient toemployees.

    As rec omm ended g ood p rac tice s: When an em ployee rec eives wag es in the form of a c ash pa yme nt, the

    contractor should require the employee to sign a document acknowledging

    rec eipt of wage s.

    Contrac tors should p rovide ac cess and / or information on safe formal savingsac c ounts and ba sic financia l servic es to emp loyees.

    e. If it is found that an em ployee has not be en p rop erly pa id his or her earned wa ge s, inc ludingerroneous ac c ounting o f ba se a nd / or overtime w ag es, the c ontrac tor will be responsible for the

    ba c k pa yment o f those wag es from the t ime o f misc alc ulation or for a p eriod of a t lea st one yea r.

    Country law ma y estab lish long er period s of ba ck paym ent ob liga tion.

    3. DEDUCTIONSa. Ded uc tions from wa ge s sha ll not b e ma de for disc ip linary p urposes, nor shall any d ed uc tions not

    provided for by the law of the m anufa c turing c ountry be pe rmitted without the exp ress written

    permission o f the em ployee c onc erned. Performance o r be hav ioral issues should b e d ea lt with by

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    other performa nce ma nag eme nt method s, whic h ma y include c ounseling, wa rnings and / or

    ong oing training.

    b. This policy d oe s not p reve nt c on trac tor from restric ting o r eliminating d isc retionary bonuses based onfactory or individual performance.

    c . Emp loyees shall not be required to p ay fo r tools to p erform their job func tions. As allow ed by c ountrylaw, em ployee s found responsible fo r loss or da ma ge of c ontrac tors too ls or prope rty ma y be heldfinanc ially responsible.

    d. Employment Eligibility Fees. The c ont rac to r sha ll not d ed uc t from wa ge s c osts, fees or leviesassoc iated with e mp loyment eligibility, suc h a s any req uired visas, hea lth c hec ks, emp loyment

    reg istration, o r wo rk permit fee s.

    e. Union Dues. The c ont rac to r sha ll no t ded uc t union me mb ership dues, fees, fines or othe rassessme nts from em p loyees wa ge s w ithout the express and written c onsent o f the individua l

    em p loyee, unless othe rwise spe c ified in a va lid collec tive ba rga ining a greem ent.

    f. The c ontrac tor must ma intain written do c umentat ion of the em ployee s voluntary ag reement toallow a ny ded uctions that are not mand ated by law b ut provided a s an op tion for the emp loyee

    suc h as add itiona l bene fits, insuranc e a nd savings p rog rams.

    g. Ded uc tions not required by law o r ag reed to by the em ployee for the em ployee s be nefit shall notresult in the em ployee rec eiving less than the applic ab le lega l minimum w ag e.

    4. RETIREMENT/ SEVERANCE FUNDSa. The c ont rac to r must fully fund / pay into a ll lega lly req uired soc ial sec urity, unemp loyment, ret irem ent

    or severanc e funds (som etimes referred to a s provident fund s ) and ma inta in ade qua te financ ial

    rec ords of the p ayme nt into a nd/ or maintenance of such funds.

    b. Co ntrac tor shall have in plac e a p roc ed ure for de termining all stat utory severanc e and o thersep a ration b ene fits (termination paym ents) to which the em ployee is entitled unde r c ountry law a nd,

    upo n terminat ion of em ployme nt, shall fully pa y to the e mp loyee such termination p aym ents.

    5. PIECE RATE AND QUOTASReg ardless of quota ta rge ts or piece rate a greem ents, the co ntrac tor must ensure eac h em ployee

    rec eives at lea st the lega l minimum w age for hours wo rked a nd is paid o vertime ac c ording to the

    req uirem ents of c ountry law.

    6. PROBATIONARY AND TRAINING WAGESa. The c ontrac tor shall not p ay a proba tiona ry wa ge that is be low the lega l minimum w ag e.b. Payme nt of training w ag es or pa rtic ipa tion in an a pp rentic eship program m ust b e in ac c orda nce

    with c ountry law and the requirem ents of Nikes Reg ular Emp loyment is p rov idedCode Leadership

    Standa rd .

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    7. PAY DOCUMENTATIONa. Emp loyees shall be provided with written a nd und erstanda ble informa tion ab out their em ployme nt

    terms and c ond itions, including wa ge s and b ene fits, be fore entering emp loyment.

    b. Pay slips. The c ontrac tor must provide eve ry emp loyee with a printed paym ent rec ord in the loc a llang uag e for the w hole pa y period ea c h time the y are pa id. The p ayme nt rec ord must include a t

    least the follow ing informa tion:

    Pay pe riod and wag e p ayment da tes; All reg ula r and ove rtime ho urs wo rked; Co mp ensation rates for hours of w ork; Tota ls for reg ular and overtime c om pe nsat ion; All add itional co mp ensa tion such as ind ividua l/tea m b onuses; and All ded uc tions for insuranc e and/ or othe r lega lly mand ate d d ed uc tions.

    The Contractor is enc ouraged to show o n the pay record the receipt of anyad ditional benefits such as transportation or food allowa nce s.

    c . Emp loyees should rec eive training so the y understand the pa yment format. As a reco mme nded good practice, c ontrac tor should p rovide and / or inform

    emp loyees of safe savings ac counts/ financ ial produc ts where p ossible, as well as

    provide o r link emp loyees to financ ial literacy training.

    8. HOLIDAY AND LEAVE POLICIES AND PROCEDURESa. The c ontrac tor must ha ve c learly written po licies and proc ed ures reg a rding lega lly req uired holidays,

    sic k lea ve, annua l lea ve, ma ternity lea ve, eme rge nc y family lea ve a nd othe r lea ves as req uired by

    c ountry law. The c ontrac tor must effec tively comm unic ate its leave p olic y to em ployee s. The

    c ont rac tor sha ll train its sta ff responsible for imp lementing its leave p olicy regarding their roles and


    b . Contrac tor shall provide all leg ally req uired holida ys and leaves and, to the e xtent no t inco nsistentwith co untry law , com ply with the spec ific a dditional req uirem ents be low:

    i. Sick Leave Emp loyee s sha ll be p rovided sick lea ve in ac c orda nc e w ith the req uirem ents ofc ountry law

    As a recom mende d g ood practice, even if not required by c ountry law, employee sshould be provided time o ff to reco ver from sickness or injury as required b y a

    government certified m ed ica l doc tor. When in dispute, the contrac tor c ould require

    a sec ond op inion from a n alternate qua lified me dic al provider at the contrac tors


    ii. Annual Leave. In c ountries whe re no a nnual lea ve is ma ndate d b y law, co ntrac tors arereq uired to p rovide a nnual lea ve a s pa rt of a n em ployee s co mp ensation and be nefits.

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    iii. Maternity Leave. Even if not required by c ountry law, woma n em ployee s a re entitled tounp a id ma ternity leave. Except in the case of extraord inary business c irc umsta nc es suc h as

    retrenchm ent, they shall be entitled to return to their em ployme nt on the same or equivalent

    terms and cond itions tha t ap plied to t hem p rior to ta king lea ve a nd shall not b e subjec t to

    any d isc rimina tion or loss of sen iority.

    iv. Menstrual leave . No p hysic al exam s ma y be c ond uc ted to ve rify eligibility for menstrua llea ve if it is a be nefit ma nda ted by c ountry law .

    9. FACTORY CLOSURE AND RETRENCHMENTIn the event of a fa c ility closure or other co rporat e restructuring which w ill result in the retrenc hme nt or

    termination o f emp loyee s, a t a minimum , the co ntrac tor shall:

    a . Notice. Give emp loyees, em ployee rep resenta tives whe re app lic ab le, and the releva ntgovernmental authorities as much advance notice and relevant information regarding the

    red unda nc ies/ retrenchm ent as is po ssib le unde r the c ircumstanc es.

    i. Relevant information includes the rationale or criteria for the closure or retrenchment, thenumbe r and c ate go ries of emp loyees likely to be affec ted and the p eriod over whic h theterminat ions are intend ed to b e c a rried out.

    ii. At a minimum , the contrac tor shall provide suc h notice , or pay in lieu of notice (for exam ple,paying 30 da ys wa ge s instea d of p roviding 30 da ys notice ), and information as is req uired

    under c ountry law.

    b . Seve ranc ei. Fully pay all seve ranc e, soc ial sec urity and othe r sep aration b ene fits to which em ployee s

    be ing retrenc hed are entitled under c ountry law .

    ii. Release of c laims. Contrac tor shall not require tha t em ployee s sign a ny de c laration o f goodhea lth, wa ivers or relea ses of o the r rights as a cond ition o f rec eiving leg a lly entitled

    seve ranc e p ay o r othe r benefits. The c ontrac tor may co nd ition rec eipt o f disc retiona ry or

    ad ditiona l severance and be nefits on a n a c know led gme nt and / or release o f claims.

    c . Collective Bargaining Agreement. In the e vent affec ted emp loyees are rep resented by a trad eunion or worker orga nizat ion, the c ontrac tor shall fully com ply with a ll ap plica ble no tice, c onsulta tion,

    pa yment o f severanc e, outplacem ent or other be nefits p rovided for in the c urrent c ollec tive

    ba rga ining a greement or otherwise a greed to be twee n the co ntrac tor and such trade union or

    em p loyee rep resenta tives.

    The c ontrac tor is enc ouraged to c oop erate with indepe ndent third- pa rties to verifyc omp lianc e with loc al law and any ad ditional agreements rega rding

    severanc e/ outplac eme nt benefits.

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    In the event of closure o r retrenchm ent, in ad dition to what is required by country law orc ollective b argaining ag reem ent, the c ontrac tor is enco uraged to provide either direc tly

    or in coordination with gove rnmental, non-governmental o rga nizations (NGOs) or other

    third pa rties:

    Consultation. The op po rtunity for emp loyees and em ployee rep resenta tives, whe reap plica ble, to meet a nd c onsult on m ea sures to b e ta ken to avert or to m inimize the

    red unda nc ies/ retrenchment and measures to mitiga te the a dve rse effec ts of

    retrenc hment on the emp loyees.

    Transfer. The o pp ortunity to transfer to othe r owned fac ilities within the country at ac omp arable wag e, if ava ilab le.

    Appeal process. A proc ess whe reb y emp loyees a re p rovide d a n op po rtunity to rep ly,c hallenge o r ma ke ap pe a ls during the retrenchment p roc ess.

    Outplac ement/ retraining assistanc e. This ma y include setting up job ba nks orotherwise helping employees find re-employment opportunities at nearby similar industries

    or within the c om munity; setting up a proc ess by which e mp loyee s are informed of

    po tential job op enings; and p lac ing p aid a ds in loc al med ia ca lling o n po tential

    em p loyers to suppo rt e ffecte d em ployee s by giving them priority in new hirings.

    Add itional financ ial support inc luding ad ditional seve rance, pa id time o ff to seek othe rem p loyme nt oppo rtunities, financ ia l assistanc e for retraining, ec onomic supp ort for co -

    op erative mic ro-enterprise projec ts and / or financ ial literac y training.

    Medicalbenefits in a dd ition to wha t is lega lly req uired , spe c ifica lly inc luding ad ditionalassistance for pregnant workers and workers with significant medical conditions

    c om me nsurate with their c ond ition.

    Assistanc e in ob taining g overnment benefits. This ma y inc lude educating e mp loyees oftheir rights and coo rd ina ting w ith ap prop riate loca l go vernment ag enc ies. For examp le,

    hav ing go vernment a ge nc ies, ap prop riat e NGO s, etc , hold sessions at the fa c tory or at a

    nea r by convenient loc a tion to p rovide information a nd assist wo rkers in filling out fo rms to

    ob ta in go vernmenta l assistanc e a nd a c c ess to g ove rnment training prog rams.

    Except w here spec ifica lly ide ntified as a rec om me nde d p rac tice , this Code Lea dership Sta ndard sets minimum

    sta nda rds c ontrac tors must c om ply with any ap plic ab le higher leg al req uireme nt and are enc ouraged to c ontinue to

    de velop their own p rac tices which p rovide g rea ter protec tion for their em ployees.


    ILO Co nven tion No. 158, Termina tion o f Emp loyme nt Co nven tion (1982).

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    Harassment & Abuse are not Tolerated CLS Page1 03.10.10



    Contrac tors em ployee s a re trea ted with respe c t and d ignity. The Co ntrac tor doe s not eng ag e in or tolerate

    physica l, sexua l, psycho logic a l or verba l harassme nt o r abuse.


    Physical ab use includ es use o r threa t of p hysica l d isc ipline (c orpo ra l punishme nt). Psyc holog ica l and verba l ab use includes sc rea ming, threa tening, or use o f demeaning w ords

    tow ard e mp loyees and use o f words or ac tions tha t att empt to d iminish em ployee self-esteem.

    Sexua l harassment or abuse includes:o Unwelco me sexual com ments, including c omm ents ab out a pe rson s bo dy,

    appea ranc e, or sexual ac tivity, and advances or propo sitions of a sexual nature.

    o Unwelco me physic al c ond uct inc luding a ssault, imp ed ing or bloc king move ment orphysica l interference .

    o Offering p referential wo rk assignments or trea tment in ac tua l or imp lied excha nge for asexual relationship.

    o Sub jec ting em p loyees to p rejudic ia l trea tment in reta liation for refused sexual ad vanc es.REQUIREMENTS

    1. As the e mp loyer, the c ont rac to r is responsible for the em ployment relationship w ith its em ployee s.Co ntrac tor sha ll c om p ly with the higher of the ap plicab le c ountry law or these Co de Lea de rship

    Sta nda rds.

    2. HARASSMENTAND ABUSE POLICYa. The c ontrac tor must have a written p olic y ag ainst ha rassment a nd ab use.b. The Harassme nt and Ab use p olicy should , a t a m inimum , includ e:

    i. A state ment p rohibiting ha rassme nt and abuse c onsistent w ith the a bo ve Standa rd a nd t heap plic ab le laws of the m anufac turing c ountry;

    ii. Metho d (s) for voic ing internal g rievanc e(s)/c om p laints reg arding ha rassment a nd ab usive b eha vior[Refe r to the Grieva nc e p rovisions in the Free dom of Assoc ia tion and Co llec tive Barga ining C od e

    Lea dership Stand ard];

    iii. A state ment that offensive b eha vior ma y lea d to disc ipline up to and inc luding termination ofem ployme nt or prosec ution b y leg al a uthorities; and

    iv. A state ment that no em ployee will be p unished or reta lia ted ag ainst for rep orting in goo d fa ithharassment o r ab usive trea tme nt o r beha vior.

    3. Communication. The c ontrac tor must effec tively c om munica te its harassment a nd ab use p olic y toem ployee s so tha t em ployee s are awa re o f their right to b e free from harassment and a buse. Effect ive

    communication include:

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    Harassment & Abuse are not Tolerated CLS Page2 03.10.10


    New hire orientation training; Supe rvisor/m anag em ent tra ining; Posting of the p olic y on em ployee notific at ion b oa rd (s) or othe r loca tions whe re they c an b e

    ea sily rea d by e mp loyees.

    d. Sta ff Training . The c ont rac to r sha ll train its sta ff responsible for imp leme nting a nd en forcing theha rassme nt a nd abuse p olicy rega rd ing the ir roles and responsibilities.

    4. SECURITY PERSONNELOn-site sec urity pe rsonne l, whe ther they a re full-time c ontrac tor em p loyees or sub-c ontrac ted

    em ployee s of a n outside servic e p rovide r, must c ond uc t routine a nd e me rge nc y ac tivities in suc h a wa y

    as to ensure the highest levels of sa fety a nd sec urity, while a lso p rote c ting the dignity of the em ployee .

    This includes following the req uirem ent s below .

    a . Written Polic y. Contrac tor must ha ve a written sec urity p olic y tha t includes req uirem ents forapp ea ranc e, pe rsona l cond uc t, responsib ility and knowledge of loc al laws. Sec urity pe rsonne l must

    be t ra ined on the ir roles and responsibilities.

    b. Use o f Forc e. Sec urity personnel must c ond uc t the ir da ily dut ies with c ourtesy and respec t for allem p loyee s and visitors. No force should b e used in routine job pe rformanc e e xc ep t in situations

    when self-defe nse is absolutely necessary (i.e., there is c lear and p resent danger to them selves or

    other emp loyees). The use of force in these limited c irc umsta nc es shou ld be p rop ortiona l to the

    situation and within the b ound aries of c ountry law .

    c . Crisis Management.When a c risis situation invo lving v iolenc e o r pote ntial violence a ga instpersonnel or property is identified, security personnel must immediately notify the contractors

    ma nag em ent. Suc h c rises situat ions must be doc umente d .

    d. Use o f Wea pons. The c arrying o f we apons of a ny kind is not rec om me nded unless post(s) arereq uired to b e a rme d for the protec tion o f emp loyees and prop erty in c ountries whe re violenc e is

    freq uent . In suc h cases, the c ont rac tor or sec urity service p rovider must have a system in plac e tha t

    provide s training for the p rop er handling a nd ma intenanc e o f such w ea po ns. No p ersona l wea po ns

    a re to b e b roug ht to the c ontrac tors fac ilities at a ny time .

    e. Emp loye e Sea rches. If employee searches are necessary to guard against theft or illegal activities,the c ontrac tor must first c onsult with the loc al labor bureau o r othe r ap prop riat e g ove rnme nt

    age nc y reg arding standa rds for c ond uc ting suc h sea rches. Emp loyee sea rc hes, which inc lude pa t-

    do wns a nd o pe ning ha nd b ags, etc ., must be a pplied eq ually to a ll emp loyees reg ardless of

    position. All em ployee sea rc hes must be c ond uc ted in the op en a nd a ny physic al sea rches (i.e., pat

    dow ns) must be pe rformed by sec urity pe rsonne l who a re o f the sam e g end er as the em ployee and

    with respe c t for the individua l.

    f. Dormitories.Dormitory sec urity p ersonnel m ust e nsure tha t sec urity servic es are a va ilab le on-site fo rthe p rotec tion of emp loyees and the sep aration of me n and wo men. If a c urfew e xists, it must be

    rea sona ble a nd em ployee s must be informed of the roles of sec urity in enforc ing the c urfew.

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    g. Train ing . All sec urity p ersonne l must b e tra ined on the contrac tors written sec urity p olic y a ndha rassment & ab use p olic y. All job-related tra ining m ust be d oc umented .

    5. DOCUMENTRETENTIONContrac tor must ma intain and m ake ava ilab le all doc umentation reg a rding a llega tions of harassment

    and ab use up on reque st to Nike o r de signate d a uditors.

    Except w here spec ifica lly ide ntified as a rec om me nde d p rac tice , this Code Lea dership Sta ndard sets minimum

    sta nda rds c ontrac tors must c om ply with any ap plic ab le higher leg al req uireme nt and are enc ouraged to c ontinue to

    de velop their own p rac tices which p rovide g rea ter protec tion for their em ployees.

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    Working Hours are not Excessive CLS Page1 07.29.10



    Contrac tors em p loyee s do not w ork in excess of 60 hours per wee k, or the regular and ove rtime hours

    allowed by the law s of the ma nufac turing c ountry, whichever is less. Any overtime hours are c onsensual a nd

    c om pe nsate d at a p rem ium rate . Emp loyees are a llow ed at least 24 consec utive ho urs rest in every seven

    da y period.


    Extraordinary Circumstancesa re situat ions outside t he c ontrol of the c ontrac tor typica lly unde rstoo das Force Ma jeure. This includes ac ts of na ture (suc h as fire, floo d , ea rthq uake or othe r na tural

    d isaste r), hostilities or c ivil unrest, and interrupt ion o r failure of e ssentia l utilities suc h a s elec tric ity.

    Extraordina ry business c irc umstanc e is a type of extraordinary circ umstanc e a nd is a narrowexc ep tion for unforeseen c irc umstanc es outside the ord inary course o f business, suc h as the

    unanticipa ted failure o f a Nike designa ted vend or to supp ly essential ma teria ls or other

    c irc umstanc e as agreed upon with Nike or Nike Affiliate. It do es not include b rea kdown in

    ma c hinery, fa ilure to p rop erly plan, business issues rela ted to p rod uc ing p rod uc t for othe r buyers or

    othe r c irc umstanc es caused by or within the co ntrol of the contrac tor.

    Hourly employees are e mp loyees, suc h as prod uc tion line wo rkers, which a re required by c ountrylaw to b e com pe nsa ted o n an hourly basis (non-exemp t emp loyees). Hourly em p loyees do not

    include ma nage ment sta ff or othe rs pa id on a sa laried basis as a llowed b y co untry law.

    Overtime is wo rk performed in ad d ition to reg ular wo rking hours as defined by c ountry law.REQUIREMENTS

    1. As the e mp loyer, the c ont rac to r is responsible for the em ployment relationship w ith its em ployee s.Co ntrac tor sha ll c om p ly with the higher of the ap plicab le c ountry law or these Co de Lea de rship

    Sta nda rds.

    2. REGULAR WORKING HOURSa. Time keep ing system. Contracto r must ma intain an a de qua te time-keep ing system that a c curately

    rec ords hourly em ployees d a ily wo rk hours in a time ly ma nner. A timely ma nner is defined as no

    mo re tha n 15 minutes, be fore or afte r the shift. The time -kee p ing system should b e used for

    rec ording b oth start and stop times. Both regular and ove rtime hours must be recorded on the sam e

    time do c ument and in the same system . Wage s of hourly emp loyees should b e c alculated ba sed

    on a ll hours wo rked tracked by the time keep ing system .

    b. To e nsure ac c urac y, reliab ility and transpa renc y, ordinarily time keep ing systems shou ld b emec hanic al or elec tronic. A non-mec hanic al or elec tronic b ased system (e.g., hand -written time

    c ards) must be a pp roved by Nike o r Nike A ffiliate .

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    3. OVERTIME/ LIMITS ON HOURS OF WORKa. Contrac tor must com ply with the requirem ents of country law rega rd ing d aily, we ekly and annua l

    limits on hours of w ork and the wo rking of o vertime hours.

    b. Premium Rate. Ove rtime must be p aid a t a minimum premium rate eq ualing the highe r of thereq uirem ents of c ountry law or 125% of the em p loyee s base ho urly ra te.

    c . Tota l wo rk hours includ ing overtime must no t, unless justified by extraord inary circum sta nc es (seebelow ), exceed 60 hours per we ek or the limits und er country law, whicheve r is less.

    d. Loc al Overtime Permits. If c ountry law a llow s contrac tor to ap ply for pe rmission for emp loyees towo rk ad ditional hours be yond those regularly pe rmitted , contrac tor ma y ap ply for and utilize such

    permit, provided:

    i. The p ermit is ob ta ined in ac c orda nc e w ith the req uirem ents of c ountry law , issued at theMunicipa l leve l or highe r;

    ii. A c op y is po sted in the work plac e;iii. Ad d itiona l overtime hours wo rked are vo luntary; andiv. Exc ep t in e xtraordinary c irc umstanc es (see below), tota l hours wo rked d o no t exce ed 60

    hours pe r we ek.

    e. Extraordinary c irc umstanc esi. In the limited situation of extrao rd ina ry c ircumstanc es, and whe re p ermitted by country law ,

    tota l hours of work ma y exceed 60 hours pe r we ek, provided:

    (a.) Contrac tor imm ed iately notifies and ob ta ins prior written a pp rova l from Nike o r NikeAffiliate;

    (b.) Co ntrac tor takes rea sona ble step s to m inimize the need for additional overtime , and anyad ditional ove rtime w orked is limited to wha t is nec essary to m ee t the extrao rdinary

    c ircum stanc e and ;

    (c.) Any additional overtime hours worked is voluntary.ii. Nike o r Nike Affilia te w ill review req uests for ad d itiona l overtime und er cla ims of extraord inary

    c ircumstances o n a case-by-ca se ba sis and de termine the level and dura tion of ad ditional

    ove rtime p ermitted unde r this exce pt ion, if any.

    iii. The a pprova l of a req uest for ad ditional hours due to e xtrao rd ina ry c irc umstanc es will bedoc ume nted by Nike or Nike Affiliate using the atta ched Extrao rdina ry Circ umstanc esRep orting Form, a c op y of which must be reta ined b y the co ntrac tor.

    4. DAYS OFF (Day of Rest)a. Contrac tor must c om ply with the req uirem ents of c ountry law and reg ulations reg a rd ing brea ks and

    days of rest.

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    b. Exc ep t in extraordinary circ umstanc es (see ab ove ) or pursuant to the switching polic y (seebelow ), em p loyee s sha ll be a llow ed a t least 24 c onsec utive hours rest (day of rest) in every seve n

    day period.

    As a rec ommended good prac tice, wheneve r possible, the da y of rest shouldbe sched uled on the sam e da y of the week so that the em ployee c an plan for

    that day of rest.

    c . Switching po licy i. Fac tories ma y switch the day of rest p rovide d :

    It is in a c c ordanc e w ith c ountry law; Emp loyees a re p rov ided a t least 24 hours p rior notic e; Any applica b le trad e union o r wo rkers rep resenta tives a re c onsulted; The switched day does not result in emp loyees wo rking more than 60 hours in a w eek

    (or local legal requirements if lower).

    ii. If the d ay of rest is c hange d with less than 24 hours notice, the d ay wo rked must be p a id a tthe ove rtime ra te and must b e vo lunta ry.

    iii. Country spec ific Switching Polic ies ma y be imp lemente d p roviding a dd itiona lreq uirem ents and p rotec tions to emp loyee s.

    5. OVERTIME HOURS ARE CONSENSUALa. Contrac tor must c om p ly with the requirem ents of c ountry law regard ing the vo lunta riness of

    overtime hours.

    b. Where mandatory ove rtime is permitted und er country law, emp loyees must c onsent to beingreq uired to w ork ove rtime b y be ing notified of this req uirem ent a t time o f hire.

    c . If ma ndatory overtime will be required , emp loyees should b e g iven a t least 24 hours advanc enotice w henever possible.

    d. Any ad d itiona l ove rtime hours wo rked und er a loc a l ove rtime permit, in the c ase of extraordinary circ umstanc es or switched hours with less than 24 hours notice must b e


    As a recommended p ractice, contrac tor is enc ourage d to first attempt tomeet its need for add itional hours by requesting voluntary overtime.

    Except w here spec ifica lly ide ntified as a rec om me nde d p rac tice , this Code Lea dership Sta ndard sets minimum

    sta nda rds c ontrac tors must c om ply with any ap plic ab le higher leg al req uireme nt and are enc ouraged to c ontinue to

    de velop their own p rac tices which p rovide g rea ter protec tion for their em ployees.

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    Extraordinary CircumstancesRep orting Form


    Fac tory Detail:

    (Loc a tion; Sourc ing/ BU; Number of emp loyee s; Current Ra ting)

    Desc ription of extrao rdinary c irc umstanc es ; justifica tion for ad ditional hours:

    Duration/ extent of ap proved a dd itional hours (Including numbe r of imp ac ted emp loyees):

    Reasons/cause of the extraordina ry circumstanc es; measures to m itigate ; steps to limit future


    Approval by:

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    Regular Employment CLS Page1 03.15.10



    Work is pe rformed on the ba sis of a rec og nized em ployme nt relationship e stablished throug h c ountry law

    and prac tice. The Contrac tor does not use any form of home wo rking a rrange ment for the produc tion of

    Nike brand ed or Nike Affiliate p rod uc t.


    Short-term contrac t. In the ab senc e o f country law de finition, short-term c ontrac ts are those o f 1 yeardurat ion o r less.

    Tem po rary worker is a p rod uc tion line wo rker who wo rks on the c ontrac tors p remises, but who isprovide d a nd p aid b y a third-pa rty, such a s a temp orary emp loyment a gency.

    Widespread viola tions a re tho se tha t a re pe rvasive within the fac tory and / or rep resent a system icfailure tha t has adversely a ffec ted a large p ortion o f emp loyees.


    1. As the e mp loyer, the c ont rac to r is responsible for the em ployment relationship w ith its em ployee s.Co ntrac tor sha ll c om p ly with the higher of the ap plicab le c ountry law or these Co de Lea de rship

    Sta nda rds.

    2. REGISTRATIONThe c ontrac tor shall co mp ly with the req uirem ents of c ountry law reg arding reg istration o f em ployee s.

    3. CONTRACTS OF EMPLOYMENTa. The c ontrac tor shall comp ly with the req uirem ents of c ountry law reg arding use o f contrac ts of

    emp loyment, including any requireme nt that e mp loyees have a written em ployment c ontrac t, as

    we ll as the terms, durat ion a nd / or renewa l of such em ployme nt c ontrac ts.

    b. The c ontrac tor must fully expla in the terms outlined in the em ployee s em ployme nt c ontrac t, if any,which should be written in the em ployee s languag e.

    c . Where e mp loyment c ontrac ts are used , employees should be given a co py o f the em ploymentc ontrac t in the emp loyee s lang uag e b efore entering em ployment.

    4. USE OF TEMPORARY WORKERS AND SHORT-TERM CONTRACTSa. The cont rac to r shou ld no t a void its ob liga tions und er labor or soc ial sec urity law s a rising from t he

    reg ula r emp loyment relationship through the excessive useof temp orary (lab or only c ontrac ting) or

    use o f short o r fixed -term c ont rac ts.

    b. Use o f tem po ra ry em ployee s, where lega lly permitted , to p erform p rod uc tion w ork should to theextent possible on ly be used to m ee t sea sona l work or pea k sea son p rod uc tion o r to fill short-term

    va canc ies or sta ffing ne ed s of less tha n one yea r.

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    c . Examples of p ossible excessive use o f tem porary prod uc tion w orkers or short-term c ont rac ts include:i. Wide sprea d use of tem porary wo rkers for mo re tha n one yea r to me et a n ongoing em ployme nt


    ii. Wide sprea d renewa l of short-term c ontrac ts whe re suc h p rac tic e de nies em ployee s fullentitlem ent to seve ranc e p ay, soc ia l sec urity tenure, etc .; and

    iii. Where more tha n 15% of p rod uc tion line w orkers a re temp orary workers or on short-term cont rac t.d. Emp loyment law s and prac tices in this area a re c om plex and vary signific antly from c ountry-to-

    c ountry. Ap plic at ion o f this Standard w ill be d etermined o n a c ountry-by-co untry ba sis.

    5. APPRENTICE PROGRAMSa. As a g ene ral rule, pa yment o f t raining w age s or pa rticipa tion in ap prenticeship program s is not

    a llowed whe re such p rog ram s result in the paym ent of w age s or provision o f em ployee benefits less

    than tha t p rovided to regular emp loyees.

    b. As an e xcep tion, such prog ram s ma y be a pp roved o n a c ase-by-ca se b asis whe re the p rog ram is:i. Provided for and in c omp lianc e with country law ;ii. Designed for the b enefit of the trainees by impa rting job skills or lea d ing to regular emp loyment;iii. The trainee s pa rticipa tion in the prog ram is limited in duration (ge nerally no mo re than 6 m onths);iv. Tra inees a re c om pe nsate d for produc tion of any finished prod uc t at the lega l minimum w age , or

    higher; and

    v. The p rog ram is not used for the purpo se o f avoiding the c ontrac tors ob liga tions under lab or orsoc ial sec urity law s a rising from the e mp loyme nt relationship.

    6. HOMEWORKING ARRANGEMENTS PROHIBITEDa. To ensure c om pliance w ith the Co de of Co nduc t and these Cod e Lea dership Stand a rds, the

    c ontrac tor sha ll not use a ny form o f home wo rking a rrange ment for the p rod uc tion of Nike brand ed

    or Nike Affiliate p rod uc t. This me ans tha t em p loyee s sha ll not p erform Nike b rand ed or Nike Affiliate

    prod uc tion work outside of the regular work plac e.

    b. Where hom e w orking a rrangem ents a re in p lac e fo r other Buyers (non-Nike o r non-Nike Affiliateproduc tion), the c ontrac tor must p ut in p lac e a nd be ab le to de monstrate the system b y which it is

    ensured tha t Nike brand ed and Nike Affiliat e p rod uc tion is not d elibe rate ly or inad vertently home


    Except w here spec ifica lly ide ntified as a rec om me nde d p rac tice , this Code Lea dership Sta ndard sets minimum

    sta nda rds c ontrac tors must c om ply with any ap plic ab le higher leg al req uireme nt and are enc ouraged to c ontinue to

    de velop their own p rac tices which p rovide g rea ter protec tion for their em ployees.

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    Implementation CLS Page1 07.27.10



    As a c ond ition of d oing b usiness with Nike, the c ontrac tor shall imp lement and integ ra te this Cod e a nd

    accompanying Cod e Lea dership Standards, and app lic ab le laws into its business p rac tice s and sub mit to

    verifica tion and m onito ring. The c ont rac to r sha ll post this Co de, in the lang ua ge (s) of its em ployee s, in a ll

    ma jor wo rkspa c es; train em ployee s on the ir rights and ob liga tions as defined b y this Code a nd app licable

    country law; and ensure the c om plianc e of a ny sub-c ontrac tors p rod uc ing Nike brand ed or Nike affiliate



    Doc ument or doc umentationis p rinted , written or elec tronica lly sto red informa tion. It inc ludes, but isnot limited to, rec ords, rep orts, notices, co mp laints, co mp uter files, pe rsonnel files, pa yroll and

    timekeep ing rec ords, em a ils and othe r c orrespond enc e.


    1. As the e mp loyer, the c ont rac to r is responsible for the em ployment relationship w ith its em ployee s.Co ntrac tor sha ll c om p ly with the higher of the ap plicab le c ountry law or these Co de Lea de rship

    Sta nda rds.

    2. APPLICABILITY OF CODE AND CODE LEADERSHIP STANDARDSa . The Nike and Nike Affiliat e C od es of C ond uc t (Code ) and Code Lea de rship Standards (CLSs) apply

    to all co ntrac t m anufa c turers, inc luding sub -contrac tors, making Nike o r Nike A ffiliat e prod uc t.

    b . All app lic ab le p rovisions of c ountry law reg arding wo rkers and the wo rkplac e as well as Nikes Hea lthand Sa fety Co de and Environm ent standa rds and CLSs ap ply to all ind ividua ls lawfully on c ontrac tors


    c .

    To the e xtent the Code and/ or CLSs set highe r lab or standards than w hat is req uired by c ountry law,suc h sta ndards app ly to a ll p rod uc tion line w orkers within any bu ild ing in which Nike or Nike Affiliate

    prod uc t is be ing ma de . This includes prod uc tion line w orkers em p loyed throug h a third pa rty or som e

    other employment/contractual relationship.

    d . Licensee a nd Ag ents. Lice nsee s and Ag ents sha ll ensure c om plianc e w ith the Cod e, CLSs andap plica ble requirem ents of c ountry law in co nnec tion with the manufac ture o f Nike or Nike Affilia te

    brand ed prod uc t, and c om ply with the othe r req uirem ents set forth in the c urrent Lic ensee and

    Agent Manual/policy.

    3. INTEGRATION OF STANDARDS INTO CONTRACTORS BUSINESS PRACTICESa . Contrac tor shall ado p t and ad here to rules and c ond itions of em ployme nt that respe c t its em ployee s

    and , at a minimum , sa feguard t heir rights unde r country and international lab or and soc ial sec urity

    laws and regulations.

    b . Policies and proc edures.Co ntrac tor sha ll have in place written p olic ies and prac tices and ma intainprop er and acc urate rec ords go verning a ll aspe c ts of em ploym ent from rec ruiting, hiring, disc ipline,

    throug h to retrenchment a nd terminat ion proc esses.

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    Implementation CLS Page2 07.27.10


    As a reco mme nded good practice, co ntrac tor is encouraged to implement a regularreview proce ss of policies, proc edures and their implem entation and a mend when


    c . Co ntrac to r sha ll assign responsibility for administration o f huma n resources to a c learly de fined andad eq uate ly qua lified sta ff memb er(s).

    d . Please refer to the app lic ab le CLSs for further clarifica tion of requirem ents and rec om mende d go odpractices for policies and procedure regarding hiring, non-discrimination, grievance systems,

    com pe nsation, harassment a nd ab use, hours of w ork, etc .

    4. MONITORING AND REMEDIATIONa . Contractor shall submit to and cooperate with audits, either by Nike, Nike Affiliates or designated

    third -pa rty a uditors, to ve rify c om p lianc e w ith the Code Stand ards, CLS Req uirem ents and app licable

    country law with or without prior notice.

    b . Sub mission to verifica tion a nd mo nitoring includes:i. Granting p hysica l ac cess of a uditors to c ontrac tors ma nufac turing premises and premises

    whe re p ertinent d oc uments a re loc ate d. If need ed for dete rmining the ac tua l status of wo rking

    c ond itions on the p rem ises, this ma y inc lude a rea s of the workp lac e usua lly restric ted from

    visitors for safety or intellectual property reasons.

    ii. Fac ilita ting unrestricted ac c ess to c ontrac tors em ployee s for purposes of c onfidentialverifica tion interview s. Contrac tors sha ll not c oa c h e mp loyees with respe c t to p otential

    auditor que stions or interfere w ith or reta liate aga inst e mp loyees in c onnec tion w ith a ud its; and

    iii. Ma king a va ilab le doc umentation req uired to b e ma inta ined by the CLSs or otherwise nee de dto de monstrate c omp lianc e with the Cod e or app lic ab le c ountry law .

    c . Document Retentioni. The c ontrac tor is req uired to m aintain all do c umenta tion need ed to d emo nstrate

    c om plianc e with the Code and ap plic ab le laws and spe c ific ally req uired to ma intain

    those d oc uments identified in the CLSs. Suc h do c umenta tion must be ma intained on

    c ontrac tors premises and orga nized so as to be rea d ily identifiab le and ea sily ac c essib le

    by Nike or Nike s designa ted a ud itors.

    ii. Doc uments a re to be reta ined for at least 12 mo nths or as req uired by co untry law, whicheve r period of time is long er.

    d . Transparenc y. Contrac tor is to b e fully transpa rent (ope n a nd honest) reg a rding its impleme nta tionof and c omp lianc e w ith the Cod e a nd C LSs. Docume ntation must be ma intained in an

    original/ una ltered c ond ition. Information and d oc ument s are not to be falsified or misrep resente d.

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    For examp le, contrac tor is prohibited from ma intaining a nd show ing to a ud itors do uble b oo ks

    conta ining false or mislead ing informa tion on wa ge s or hours wo rked.

    e. Rem ed iation. Co ntrac tor sha ll exercise its best e fforts to timely address and rem ed iate any issues ofnon-co mp liance ide ntified d uring an a udit. Fa ilure to do so m ay result in sanc tions within the

    fram ew ork of the sourcing ag reement, inc luding a red uc tion in orders or po ssible d ivestment.


    UNAUTHORIZED SUB-CONTRACTING IS PROHIBITEDThe c ontrac tor may no t sub-c ontrac t out the produc tion of Nike or Nike Affiliat e p rod uc t to third-parties

    or co ntrac tor owne d fac ilities not p reviously app roved without the prior written a pprova l of Nike or Nike


    6. COMMUNICATION AND TRAININGa . The Contrac tor shall post the Code in all major wo rkspa ces, translated into the langua ge (s) of its


    b . Emp loyee orientation a nd training. Contrac tor shall provide a n orienta tion to new em ployee s at thetime of hiring, w hich inc ludes explana tions of the c ontrac tors rules, benefits, and othe r entitlements

    and human resources policies, industria l rela tions, inc luding respec t of the right to freedom of

    assoc iation, and hea lth and safe ty. Training should b e up date d on a reg ular basis, and in partic ular,

    whe n any po lic ies and proc ed ures a re revised .

    c . Workplac e rules, polic ies, and p rac tic es shall be c om munica ted to emp loyees in the lang uag e(s)spo ken by its em ployee s if d ifferent from the loca l langua ge .

    d . Supervisor training . Cont rac to r sha ll ensure tha t supervisors a re trained in ap p lic ab le country laws,Co de a nd C LS sta ndards.

    e. Training Docume ntation. Contrac tor must d oc ument such training including topic (s), da te(s) andattend ee na me(s).

    Except w here spec ifica lly ide ntified as a rec om me nde d p rac tice , this Code Lea dership Sta ndard sets minimum

    sta nda rds c ontrac tors must c om ply with any ap plic ab le higher leg al req uireme nt and are enc ouraged to c ontinue to

    de velop their own p rac tices which p rovide g rea ter protec tion for their em ployees.

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    The c ontrac tor provides a sa fe, hygienic and hea lthy wo rkplac e setting a nd takes nec essary step s to

    prevent a c c idents and injury a rising out o f, linked with o r oc c urring in the c ourse of w ork or as result o f

    the ope ra tion o f co ntrac tors fac ilities. The c ontrac tor has system s to d etec t, avo id a nd respond to

    po tential risks to the sa fety a nd hea lth o f a ll emp loyees.

    Develop and imp lem ent p roc esses and p roc ed ures to reduc e o r eliminate risk to physic a l andmenta l health and soc ial we llbe ing.


    Loc ation Manage r must ensure tha t hea lth ma nag eme nt proce dures are developed, imp leme nted

    and followed .

    HSE Representative must estab lish, mainta in and administer the hea lth manag em ent requirements.

    Manag ers and Supe rvisors must ensure tha t em ployees are trained and ad here to the hea lth

    ma nag eme nt req uireme nts.

    Emp loyees must a dhe re to the hea lth ma nag eme nt req uireme nts.


    1. RISK ASSESSMENTEac h fac ility must have a doc umented annual risk assessment performed whichincludes as a m inimum :

    a. Ide ntifying o c c upa tiona l and non-occ upa tiona l hea lth hazards for emp loyee p op ulation.b. Eva luat ing the risks assoc iated with storage tanks.c . Identifying a nd imp lementing c ontrol mea sures to reduc e the hea lth risk (e.g., vac c ination

    programs, smoking cessation program).

    2. POLICIES & PROCEDURESEac h fac ility must imp lement p roc ed ures to reduc e o r eliminate hea lthhazards, which must c ove r as a minimum , the follow ing:

    a. Clinic s (req uired for all loc a tions with more tha n 1000 em p loyee s): All hea lth ca re staff should be trained in the prac tic e o f oc c upa tiona l and eme rgenc y


    Proc ed ures for ad mission, treatment, transportation a nd d ischa rge of p a tients must b e inplace.

    Use, testing ma intena nc e a nd c a lib ra tion of med ic a l and surveillanc e instruments. Return to w ork of emp loyees who have b een absent from wo rk as a result o f infec tious or

    c ontag ious d isea ses.

    Trea tment of a ll infec tious disea ses. Infec tion Control and approp ria te e quipment on ha nd (e.g. sterile g loves, CPR barrier ma sk,

    autoclave, disposable needles, and suture kits).

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    A minimum of one private be d for ea c h 1000 emp loyees. Equip the c linic fac ility with a me c hanica l ventila tion system tha t is c apab le of ma intaining

    the tem perature betwe en 21 and 27 deg ree s Ce lsius (70 80 F) a t a ll times.

    Strict adherenc e to sanita tion standards.b. Hea lth Surveillanc e:

    A structured health surveillanc e p rog ram based on the results of the Risk Assessme nt. A system to ana lyze the results of the surveillanc e p rog rams, and p rovide guidanc e for

    co rrec tive a ction and med ica l treatme nt.

    Eva luation of the ge neral health of emp loyees a t all stage s of the emp loyment (p re-em ployme nt, b aseline te sting, p re-assignm ent , post sickness).

    A c om pe tent d oc tor, oc c upa tiona l hea lthca re p rofessiona l or c om pe tent authority mustperform the hea lth surveillanc e.

    Oc c upa tiona l hea lth da ta m ust be reviewe d for trend ide ntific ation and hea lth prom otionac tivity p lanning.

    c . Hea lth p rom otion: preventa tive mea sures must be in plac e a s a means of reduc ing the overallhea lth risk of the wo rkforce (e.g . smo king c essation, teta nus vac c inations, Hep a titis B

    vac c inations, wo me ns hea lth month ac tivities, etc .).

    d. Eac h em p loyee ha s ac c ess to the hea lth me d ica l rec ords relating to him or her pe rsona lly.3. TRAINING All em p loyee s must rec eive information and / or tra ining relating to physica l and m enta l

    hea lth a nd soc ial we llbe ing.

    Health Care Workers: must rec eive c ertified tra ining for the level of ca re fo r whic h they p rovide .

    4. DOCUMENTATIONTraining Rec ords: Each facility must maintain training rec ords for a minimum of 3 yea rs.

    Medica l Records: Each fac ility must ma intain confidential and sec ure med ica l rec ords for a minimum

    length of employment plus 30 years. Med ical rec ords shall not be d isc losed without emp loyee s written

    consent, excep t as required by law .

    Incident Records: Each fac ility must ma intain inc ident records for a minimum of 5 years.

    Other Records:

    a. Current risk a ssessment .b. Ma intenanc e a nd c alibration equipm ent for a minimum of 3 years.

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    Exce pt w here spe c ifica lly ide ntified as a rec om me nd ed p rac tice , this Co de Lea de rship Stand ard sets minimum

    stand ards contrac tors must c omp ly with any ap plicab le higher leg al req uireme nt and are enc ourage d to

    continue to d evelop their ow n prac tices which p rovide g rea ter prote ct ion for their emp loyee s.


    App licab le fed eral and loc al law s and reg ulations. Nike ESH Hand boo k, pa ge 9-6

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    The c ontrac tor provides a sa fe, hygienic and hea lthy wo rkplac e setting a nd takes nec essary step s to

    prevent a c c idents and injury a rising out o f, linked with o r oc c urring in the c ourse of w ork or as result o f

    the ope ra tion o f co ntrac tors fac ilities. The c ontrac tor has system s to d etec t, avo id a nd respond to

    po tential risks to the sa fety a nd hea lth o f a ll emp loyees.

    Develop and implement processes and procedures to minimize risks associated with sanitationin the wo rkplac e environme nt.


    Loc ation Manage r must ensure tha t the sanitation p olic y and proc ed ures are d evelope d, implemented

    and followed .

    HSE Representative must estab lish, ma intain and administer the sanitation p olic y and p roc ed ures.

    Manag ers and Supe rvisors must ensure tha t emp loyees a re trained a nd adhere to the req uirem ents of

    the sanitation po lic y and proc ed ures.

    Emp loyees must adhere to the requirem ents of the sanita tion po licy and p roc ed ures.


    Sanitation is the hygienic mea ns of p rom oting hea lth through p revention of huma n c ontac t with the

    hazards of wa stes. Hazards c an either be; physic a l, mic rob iolog ica l, b iolog ica l or chemical ag ents of

    d isea se. Wastes tha t c an c ause hea lth p rob lems a re huma n a nd anima l feces, solid wa stes, domestic

    wa stewa ter, industria l wastes, and agricultural wa stes.


    1. RISK ASSESSMENTEach fac ility must have a documented annual risk assessment to reduce or eliminaterisk assoc iated w ith sanitation performed which includes as a m inimum:

    a. Identific a tion o f ha zards assoc ia ted with sanitation.b. Eva luat ion o f risk assoc iated with ha zards.c . Identific a tion and imp lem enta tion o f co ntrol mea sures to reduc e the risk (e.g ., ventila tion,


    2. POLICIES & PROCEDURESEac h fac ility must have imp lemente d p roc ed ures to keep a ll a rea s whe reem ployee s and c ontrac tors wo rk free o f sanitation hazards. At a m inimum , they must:

    a. Keep all plac es of em ployment c lea n, dry and in a good state of repair.b. Construc t and ma intain every wo rkplac e in such a wa y as to p revent the entranc e o f rod ents,

    insec ts or o ther vermin.

    c . Provide p rotec tion from we t environm ent whe n w ork tasks result in wet c ond itions.d. Store ga rbag e and refuse in lea k proo f, non-absorbent co nta iners tha t are em ptied d a ily.e. Clea n sp ills imme d iate ly and wa ste m ust be d isposed of p rop erly (wa rning signs should b e used

    on wet floo r).

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    f. Provide a n a de qua te num