CoE Folder E 20080722 Folder 2008 E web.pdf · 2010-10-15 · Professor Dr. Wolf Rauch. We would like to welcome you, the reader of our infor-mation brochure, and would be happy to

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Page 1: CoE Folder E 20080722 Folder 2008 E web.pdf · 2010-10-15 · Professor Dr. Wolf Rauch. We would like to welcome you, the reader of our infor-mation brochure, and would be happy to
Page 2: CoE Folder E 20080722 Folder 2008 E web.pdf · 2010-10-15 · Professor Dr. Wolf Rauch. We would like to welcome you, the reader of our infor-mation brochure, and would be happy to


Dr. Stefan PalanMember of the Board

(Alumni Relations)

MMag. Silke HöserleMember of the Board


Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Circle of Excellence (CoE) was founded in 2001

with the aim to increase the national and international

competitiveness of the alumni of the fi ve universities

in Graz.

Due to the disappearance of spatial distance in every-

day business and the necessity of intensifi ed team work,

greater demands are made on young academics – in

addition to supreme professional qualifi cations ,

social skills are more and more required.

A business meeting in Vienna in the morning, a

telephone conference with a business partner

overseas on Frankfurt airport at noon and a

fi nal presentation for a client in Moscow in the


MMag. Patrick ZirngastChairman of the Board

(External Relations)

Young people who meet these expectations have to be

fi ltered out of the uniform pool of graduates.

The CoE is formed by outstanding students, companies

and university professors. Every year, these three ele-

ments create a unique group, united by the values of

the CoE.

The CoE has been registered as an association since

November 2006. It has 114 members, 22 of which form

the class of 2008. The patronage which changes each

year is held this year by the dean of the business faculty

Professor Dr. Wolf Rauch.

We would like to welcome you, the reader of our infor-

mation brochure, and would be happy to attract your

interest as a future supporter of the CoE.


Page 3: CoE Folder E 20080722 Folder 2008 E web.pdf · 2010-10-15 · Professor Dr. Wolf Rauch. We would like to welcome you, the reader of our infor-mation brochure, and would be happy to

Founding Idea

Since then, the CoE has been acting as an initiative for

the support of high potentials at the universities in

Graz. Each year up to 25 students are selected. They

are characterized by outstanding achievements in the

fi elds of excellent academic performance, international

experience, and extra-curricular activities.

Our target group consists of students from all the uni-

versities in Graz who share an interest in business and

the economy. Curiosity and being open – in addition

to an exceptional CV – are decisive criteria for joining

the CoE. Members of the CoE are characterized by their

initiative, by innovative minds, and by an ability to work

in teams.

The CoE tries to counter the anonymity at large uni-

versities by diverse activities. In the context of the CoE,

numerous networks emerge and the interdisciplinary

dialogue is fostered.

CoE as an additional qualifi cation

The CoE off ers an opportunity to its members to test the

skills and abilities they acquired in their studies, such as

sense of a responsibility and team-oriented working,

for example in the organization of events. The mem-

bers gain additional knowledge and create networks

within and outside of the CoE which will last beyond

their student days. Thanks to our partner companies,

students gain an insight into leading businesses and

thus broaden their horizons.

CoE as a brand

Since its foundation, the CoE has established itself as a

brand. Membership in the CoE is a sign of extraordinary

academic performance and many HR managers regard

it as an extra qualifi cation that makes a diff erence.

At a chance encounter in 2001, three students

from Graz realised that they had never met in

spite of similar (university) careers: Outstand-

ing university performance, stays abroad, and

various internships. Astonished about this lack

of networking, they decided to support the up-

and-coming academics. In 2002, the fi rst group

of the Circle of Excellence was constituted.

3The fi rst class of 2002

Page 4: CoE Folder E 20080722 Folder 2008 E web.pdf · 2010-10-15 · Professor Dr. Wolf Rauch. We would like to welcome you, the reader of our infor-mation brochure, and would be happy to

4The target group are students at universities in

Graz, one to two years before their graduation

(Master or PhD) with a grade average not exceeding B.

In addition to these formal criteria the factors described

below are essential for admission to the CoE.

The selection is carried out by the board of the CoE,

supported by independent HR consultants, University

professors and representatives of our business part-

ners. After a pre-selection process of the written appli-

cations, about 30 applicants are invited to a personal


The fi nal decision is made unanimously. The found-

ers and members from previous years supervise the

objective and continuous interpretation of the strict

criteria of admission as an advisory board. They are fur-

thermore responsible for an effi cient organization and

implementation of the selection process.


CriteriaInternational experience at universities

or companies (e.g. internships)

Extraordinary commitement at the uni-

versity and in challenging extracurricular ac-


Motivation, determination and the abil-

ity to give and receive feedback.

Self-confi dent demeanor, which is main-

ly characterized by curiosity and an open-

minded personality.

Class of 2008

Page 5: CoE Folder E 20080722 Folder 2008 E web.pdf · 2010-10-15 · Professor Dr. Wolf Rauch. We would like to welcome you, the reader of our infor-mation brochure, and would be happy to


The CoE is carried by three pillars:

• Networking

• Individual coaching and team activities

• Contact to partner companies


The CoE is a platform of communication platform be-

tween the members of the current year and the alumni

and serves as an interface to companies. The network

helps to solve problems – be they questions of profes-

sional advice, fi rsthand reports from industries or for-

eign countries, or with fi nding an expert contact for a

given issue.

Individual coaching and team activities

The second pillar consists of social skills. Not only are

we looking for outstanding students – they also get our

full support. Every year there are job application train-

ings, individual career coachings and a team building

seminar to prepare our participants for an optimal start

into a professional career.

Contact to partner companies

The third pillar is formed by our business contacts. We

are convinced that recruiting in a small setting makes

it easier to address the right people. We always strive

to fi nd the optimal format to fulfi ll the expectations of

our partners: outdoor activities, projects, or any other

type of collaboration. There are no limits to your imagi-


This wide defi nition leaves room for diversity, identity

and personality of each class of the CoE. Self control is

one of our main principles – the group organizes and

determines the scope of all team activities. Our events

are characterized by originality and thus stand in

marked contrast to the tedium of everyday life on cam-

pus. Exclusivity is guaranteed by a very strict selection



Page 6: CoE Folder E 20080722 Folder 2008 E web.pdf · 2010-10-15 · Professor Dr. Wolf Rauch. We would like to welcome you, the reader of our infor-mation brochure, and would be happy to

6As a sponsor you take part in all marketing activities of

the CoE – this includes the appearance of your logo on

our website and in all print publications.

This sponsorship off ers you a platform to increase the

popularity of your company within the target group

of young executives. Supporting the CoE helps to pro-

mote the positive image of your company in public.

Sponsorship program

You accompany the CoE members for two


You organize an exclusive workshop according to

your wishes and preferences.

You provide the CoE with interesting guests and take

part in our events.

You off er internships in your company to our


You give our students detailed insight into your


You provide a mentor or a permanent contact


SponsorshipAs a sponsor you support the CoE for two semesters.

Active participation also from your side will lead to in-

tensive contacts and you will further our members fi -

nancially and intellectually.

Your advantage

As a sponsor you have direct contact to highly talented

students from all universities in Graz, which is an exclu-

sive opportunity our sponsors enjoy. Make use of our

“brain-pool” to answer selective, topical questions con-

cerning your company. You have the chance to discuss

current issues with our members and may profi t from

state-of-the-art-knowledge. You get to know our par-

ticipants fi rsthand and the members of the CoE have

the possibility to get an in-depth insight into your com-

pany and business culture. Furthermore, you can win

our students to take part in cooperations for workshops,

projects and competitions and lay the foundation for a

long-term relationship.

Use the chance to get to know potential co-workers

and experience their skills intensively before you hire.

The strict selection process guaran-

tees quality at the highest level.

The concept of the CoE leaves room for your individual

preferences and ideas! Design your presence in the CoE

according to your taste to eff ectively realize your goals.


The sponsorship costs € 2.000 and includes all the

points listed above. We are happy to arrange a custom-

ized package for you.

If required, we also provide the infrastructure, like semi-

nar rooms or trainers.

Page 7: CoE Folder E 20080722 Folder 2008 E web.pdf · 2010-10-15 · Professor Dr. Wolf Rauch. We would like to welcome you, the reader of our infor-mation brochure, and would be happy to



main partners 2008






(business dinner & workshop)

(business dinner & workshop)

(business dinner & workshop)

(fi nancial support)

(company presentation & workshop)

(business dinner & workshop)

(wine tasting & company presentation)



junior partner


(business dinner)

(company presentation)

(sponsoring outdoor-event)(dinner & company presentation)

(sponsoring outdoor-event)

(workshop) (workshop) (workshop & presentation) (workshop)

(workshop) (workshop) (workshop)

Page 8: CoE Folder E 20080722 Folder 2008 E web.pdf · 2010-10-15 · Professor Dr. Wolf Rauch. We would like to welcome you, the reader of our infor-mation brochure, and would be happy to

8Class of 2008

Page 9: CoE Folder E 20080722 Folder 2008 E web.pdf · 2010-10-15 · Professor Dr. Wolf Rauch. We would like to welcome you, the reader of our infor-mation brochure, and would be happy to


Page 10: CoE Folder E 20080722 Folder 2008 E web.pdf · 2010-10-15 · Professor Dr. Wolf Rauch. We would like to welcome you, the reader of our infor-mation brochure, and would be happy to


May 2008

- Workshop, Company Pre-sentation & Business Din-ner with BOSTON CONSULTING


Time TableDecember 2007

Application for th


up-coming class

Invitation for int


January 2008


Selection Process for the new class

Februar 2008Kick-Offfor the class CoE081st Peer Group(never do too much during


March 2008

- Team Training (2 days)

- Concentric Circles

- 1st Business-Etiquette-Seminar (1/2 day)

-Workshop, Company Pre-sentation & Business Dinner


April 2008

- Fun-weekend (Skiing @ Planeralm, Stmk.)

- Start of Personal Coachings with Norbert Rainer (CoE02)

- 2nd Peer Group

- CV-Training, organized by Career Center Uni Graz

(1/2 day)

- Fireside Chat with Alex Krauser (CoE02), Leder &

Schuh AG, Graz

- Fotoshooting

Page 11: CoE Folder E 20080722 Folder 2008 E web.pdf · 2010-10-15 · Professor Dr. Wolf Rauch. We would like to welcome you, the reader of our infor-mation brochure, and would be happy to


- Workshop, Company Pre-

sentation with GOOGLE- Outdoor-Event- Wine Tasting withaccenture

October 2008

- Peer Group

- Workshop, Company Pre-sentation & Business Dinner with CAPITAL BANK - GRAWE


- Concentric Circles

November 2008

- Recruiting Day

- Follow-Up Workshop with BOOZ & COMPANY

December 2008

- Fireside Chat with Thomas Badegruber (CoE02), Crystal-

sol OÜ, Tallinn, Estland

- Graduation Ceremony CoE08

June 2008- Workshop, Company Pre-

sentation & Business Dinner with MCKINSEY & COMPANY

- 3rd Peer Group (pre-preps for Sommerevent)

- 2nd Business-Etiquette-Seminar (1/2 day)

Juli - September 2008


- Fireside Chat with Prof. Wagenhofer / Prof.

Nieman (Center for Accounting Research)

- Fireside Chat with Andreas Jaufer (Founder), Avenue Capital, London

Page 12: CoE Folder E 20080722 Folder 2008 E web.pdf · 2010-10-15 · Professor Dr. Wolf Rauch. We would like to welcome you, the reader of our infor-mation brochure, and would be happy to

12AlumniThe CoE was an excellent opportunity to form friend-

ships and gain business contacts. It aff orded me the

possibility to attempt the regatta of the fi nal univer-

sity semesters with a heterogeneous crew and to sail

towards the adventure of the fi rst job together.

Mag. Silvia Wiesner, Brand Manager,

Unilever Deutschland, Hamburg

The Circle of Excellence not only helped me develop my per-

sonality in a group environment with highly motivated and

qualifi ed colleagues, but supported, strengthened, and in the

end furthered my personal goal to grow into a leadership posi-


MMag. Johann Raunig Bakk., Head of Siemens Brazi,

Siemens s.r.l., Bucharest

For me the Circle was simply fun and a clear enrichment

of my life. This because I got a very good picture of the

consulting industry, because I met interesting and nice

people with whom I’m still in contact, and because I

learnt a lot from the leadership training.

Dr. Angelika Sodian, International HRM,

Magna Steyr China, Shanghai

As one of the founders of the CoE, I’m delighted that since

2002 each year an impressive group of students has assem-

bled to strengthen the CoE. Even after a few years in Vienna

I feel personally connected to the CoE in Graz and am still

cultivating friendships and business relationships stemming

from various classes of the CoE.

Dr. Thomas Badegruber, CEO & CFO,

Crystalsol UÜ, Tallinn

Page 13: CoE Folder E 20080722 Folder 2008 E web.pdf · 2010-10-15 · Professor Dr. Wolf Rauch. We would like to welcome you, the reader of our infor-mation brochure, and would be happy to


My admission to the CoE was the starting signal for an ex-

citing and immensely rewarding year in a great group, from

which I profi ted in numerous ways and which served to

strengthen my ambitions.

Mag. Walter Lackner, Syndications & Structured Finance,

Hypo Group Alpe Adria, Vienna

The circle off ers very personal insights into exciting compa-

nies and through the varied activities it becomes possible to

form enduring friendships with outstanding people.

DI MMag. Dr. Christian Grabner, Controlling,

Knapp Logistik Automation GmbH, Hart/Graz

The CoE is the ideal platform to switch from academia into the busi-

ness world. By conveying central skills, it makes its members fi t for

the economic environment of our time. – And the most important

point: You meet exciting people and have great fun!

Dr. Ferdinand Wenzl MBA, Head of Risk Controlling Strategic

Banking Book Positions, Volksbank AG, Vienna

The CoE was and is one of the most extraordinary communities of talented people. They not only

share similar interests in the area of business, but also in their spare time: spending some jovial

time with each other. This can turn out to be a quite valuable experience, especially once one learns

what experiences and skills others bring to the table. One example was the recommendation by

a fellow member of the CoE that led to my current position. All in all I can say that the CoE has en-

riched Graz as a place to study, and that it has been of tremendous benefi t for myself.

MMag. Michael Ussar Bakk., COO, Wienerwald Österreich, Vienna

Page 14: CoE Folder E 20080722 Folder 2008 E web.pdf · 2010-10-15 · Professor Dr. Wolf Rauch. We would like to welcome you, the reader of our infor-mation brochure, and would be happy to

14Facts & FiguresDiplomasDistribution of Disciplines

Top 5 Industries Manufacturing


Financial Services ex aequo

Higher Education

Consumer Goods







Outdoor Weekend

(current class)

Page 15: CoE Folder E 20080722 Folder 2008 E web.pdf · 2010-10-15 · Professor Dr. Wolf Rauch. We would like to welcome you, the reader of our infor-mation brochure, and would be happy to


Accenture GmbH (Wien)www.accenture.comManagement Consulting

Alba tooling & engineering GmbH (Forstau)www.alba.co.atAutomotive

AVL List GmbH (Graz)www.avl.atPowertrain Engineering

Boston Consulting Group (Wien)www.bcg.atStrategic Management Consulting

Booz & Company (Wien)www.booz.atStrategic Management Consulting

Capital Bank – GRAWE Gruppe AG (Graz)www.capitalbank.atPrivate & Investment Banking

Detecon Schweiz AG (Zürich)www.detecon.chStrategic Management Consulting

Ernst & Young StB- und WP- G.m.b.H. (Wien)www.ernstyoung.atTax Advisory and Auditing

Google Ireland Ldt (Dublin)www.google.comOnline Advertising

Bankhaus Krentschker & Co. AG (Graz)www.krentschker.atFinancial Services

McKinsey & Company (Wien)www.mckinsey.atStrategic Management Consulting

mobilkom austria AG (Wien)www.mobilkom.atTelecommunications

Planaibahnen GmbH (Schladming)www.planai.atCablecar Operator

Radkersburger Metallwarenfabrik (Radkersburg)www.radkersburger.atManufacturing

Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG (Wien)www.rzb.atFinancial Services

Roland Berger Strategy Consultants (Wien)www.rolandberger.atStrategic Management-Consulting

Saubermacher Dienstleistungs AG (Graz)www.saubermacher.atDisposal Management

Schladminger Bier GmbH (Schladming)www.schladminger.atBrewery

SynGroup Management Consulting GmbH (Wien)www.syn-group.comManagement Consulting

Universität Graz (Graz)www.uni-graz.atUniversity

Universität Graz Career Center (Graz)www.uni-graz.at/careercenterCareer Center

Page 16: CoE Folder E 20080722 Folder 2008 E web.pdf · 2010-10-15 · Professor Dr. Wolf Rauch. We would like to welcome you, the reader of our infor-mation brochure, and would be happy to


ImprintPublisher: Circle of Excellence Studentenförderungsverein

Universitätsstraße 15/F2

8010 Graz

Content: MMag. Patrick Zirngast, MMag. Oliver Schinnerl, Dr. Stefan Palan

Layout: MMag. Patrick Zirngast

Pictures: Archive

Circle of Excellence Studentenförderungsverein


MMag. Patrick Zirngast

tel +43-316-380-3505

mail [email protected]

Dr. Stefan Palan

tel +43-316-380-7306

mail [email protected]

MMag. Silke Höserle

tel +43-316-380-6445

mail [email protected]


Circle of Excellence Studentenfoerderungsverein

Universitaetsstraße 15/F2, 8010 Graz

web www.coe-graz.at

mail [email protected]